I IT" xf x ll 'K THE OMAHA : FRIDAY , APttTL 8 , 1808. lice 4-S-03. Before Easter Offerings Ladles' Shirt Waists Some new and sensible patterns now shown. Erstcr Sunday haa now become re cognized as the correct time to throw oft the sonihre garments of winter and change to the livelier colors of spring Our now shirt waists are ready for your adornment , In silk and other fabrics. One of our new Kastur offerings Is a white pique or white uursolllco waists at $1.50 each. Caster Ties For the ladies. Bright now patterns In plain airing , bows , knotted fringe end ribbon ties , etc. String tics , light nad dark colors , stripes , plaids and polka dots , 23c each. Knotted fringe end ribbon ties In narrow and wide widths , 23c , COc , $1.00 and $1.25 each. Plain and dotted net , liberty silk and chiffon tics , tucked and lace trimmed , GOc , 7Gc , $1.00 , $1.25 a-jil $1.50 each. _ Art Needlework Free lessons iii art needlework every Wednesday and Satur day mornings. Porch pillows In all the newest designs , ready for uao , at $1.23 and $1.50cach. New designs In stamped llnsn sofa pil low covers at COc , T5c and $1.23. Muslin Underwear Such dain ties as you want. There I * not a want In dainty lingerie that Is not best met here. Prom the plainest garment to the meat elaborate ly trlmmeJ every tnsto can be sr.itl- fleJ. Easter Veils They make a use ful as well as pretty present. Veils with bordered edges , black ones , wiilte or 3s , whlt with black dots , and cream wash vel'.o ' ; vcllViga by the yard In all black , black and wtiltc , all white , brown , tan , Bray cud navy. Gloves for A magnificent faster Time showing to choose from. Every ort , every style , every shade , for men op women , boys or glrle. The very best gathering of good glovca that the world's best makers could supply. Three hints : For Women The new pearls , grays , modca , tans , browns , reds , grccmo , navy and cadet blues In Fester lace or Trefoueso clasp glove , Jeweled hooks and fancy clcsps and fancy Btltchlnga to match. For Men Tans , browns and English rids , two clasp , plquo seama For Hoys anl Girls Lace or clasp glove In tana , reds and browns. Suits- It is not necessary for us to say more than a word about them. Ladles who have already purchased thel:1 sulto from us arc loud In their pralso of the class of goods wo sell. 'Remember ' ours cost no more than the common klod sold everywhere. UmbreSlas and Parasols. ] For Easter Beautiful umbrellas in jl a ids and change able silks. Tarasola all prices from $2.00 to $12 50 each Including solid colors fancy plaids and the fancy trlmmeJ ones. Black carriage shades at $1.00 , $1.23 , ? 1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00 each. McGall's Bazar patterns and publications. Patterns , lOc to 15c if later , and the Italian charge wcro the flrat to retire , coming away together. The Kua- Blan charge was the next to leave. The German ambassador ami hh secretary then had a private conference with Judge Tay. At Its conclusion the French ambas sador and hlu secretary In turn had a con- let cnco with Mr. Day. These confcrenceo lasted for about half an liour , the tcvcral diplomatists leaving sepa- tately. Shortly afterward Judge Day loft the State department , declining to say more to In- , quIrc-M. k ftUHS.VHA ItliFOItK TII13 COM.MITTR'H. iputallH tlic co ; ml 11 l i n of ( inverunieat tit Culm. WASHINGTON . April 7. The house coni- tnlttec on foreign affairs had Mr. Que.aaa of the. Cuban Junta before them for an hour tcJay. Mr. Qucaada aald when he came out that the committee had enjoined bccrccy upon lilm. 'Mr. ' Quesada was ashed ao to the Govern ment of the republic of Cuba , which the United States la asked to recognize , and members eay he gave a full and satisfactory titatcmcnt. Ho described the territory In Vosiiesslon of the Insurgents , the government in Puerto Principe and Santiago provinces. In the former province , ho nald , there were . 230,000 people who acknowledged allegiance to the Cuban government. Four hundred .thousand dollars , ho said , had been collected In taxes. The capital of the republic , ho eaid , had been twice 'dislodged , but It was In work ing order. Ho explained the functions of ths covernment. If the United Statea should intervene without recognizing the indcpcnd- , nce of the republic , he said , It' would ! bo a virtual declaration cf wnr ngalnt't ' the In- eiifgents , as well as the Spaniards. Mr. Queaat'.tt did not finish his statement. Ho will appear before me committee again tomorrow. Mr. Qucaada denied emphatically that the Cuban republic had Issued $30,000,000 of bonds. Only $1,000,003 of thebor.28 , ho eatd , has ever teen Issued , and leas than 1100,000 o. thcoe had been sold. Mr. Que- 'saila said a declaration of war against Spain 'by tlio United States would be a declara tion against all Spanish subjects , and If rot icoupled with the recognition ot Cuba or jceoKiiltlon Df belligerent rights would In clude the Uisurgcnts , now rojsarded an sub jects ot Spain , In auch declarations , which would be against Spalti and all Its colonies. Mr. Qursada thought thli feature of the case needed careful scrutiny. ( ieneral Flaglcr of the Dtiroau of Ord nance was called to state the condition , of the fortldcatlMis and the preparations which had been going on. Ills statement n'.au wan lu the main satisfactory. Ho said that mucti Oiad been done. While the situation waa not what It should bo. ho aald matters would improvedally. . The ammunition was lr.- creating dally Up to the lest few daa ir.ost of this had gccio to the navy , but now the fortifications were getting thslr share. The telegraph connections between the fortl- llcatlons would enable any port when at tacked to receive reinforcements of men tal nmmuciltlon from the nearest fortification In tde shortest possible time. The fortification ot seacoitU ports was -arranged for and was proceeding aa rapidly os pcsolhle. TKXAS joixs n.vixr. suiunuox. Iln Cuniiiinniler TlilnkH It the Hem Slilp u the Ocriin. FOIIT MONUOE. April 7. The "flying quadron" Is ready for action except for the possible addition of a dispatch boat and a hospital boat. The battleship Texas signaled Its arrival and the practical completion of the pquadron , by the usual salute to Commodore Schley of eleven guns , answered by nine suns from the Brooklyn. The Minneapolis , with the assistance of pleasant weather , 'has ' succeeded In complet ing Its painting. "The Texas , " said Captain Phillips , "Is ready for sea at an hour's notice , and ready to 0ht , and , all rumors to the contrary , I bclleva It will show Itself to bo the worthiest hi ? on the ocean. " The Improvement to the turrets ot the Texas allows Its twelve-Inch guns to bo fired once In every three minutes , instead ot as formerly , only once In every eight inhuitM. VIP : Massachusetts will finish cleaning to morrow. All the ships are practically cleared ( or action. Italian War Sill In Sluhtc.l. CAPE HENRY. Vu. . April 7. The Italian man-of-war Amerigo Vespucci ji&ascd In at S p. m. Are gaining fa > or rapidly. liuilucM men and travel Pills lers carry them lu vest pockeU , Udlci carry them In purioi , liouiek cp rt keep them lu mullein * loteu. ( Html * ncommtnii item lo frluul * . lie. UP TO THE BOILING POINT Excitement at Madrid Idnch Greater Than Heretofore Witnessd , EXTRAORDINARY CABINET COUNCIL CALLED All StiMiniKlilii Firm * lit Vnlcin-lu Oftoi 1'lltilr Vl'NMI'lM MX 'I'rlviltClM'M Illltl - > , \i > lily -fur 1,1-tlcrx of 'MADRID , April 7. 5 p. m. Ai extraordinary cabinet council has beer summoned to meet Immediately. The sea slbu has created more peaslmUtlc Imprca slons. The ministers refuse to furnish an ; explanation. The excitement In Spain has reached thi boiling point , but thcro nro no ilemonsira- tlons recorded anywhere , yet. All the steamship firms of Valencia havi offered all their vessels. OD privateers and < number of uhlp captains have called upoi the naval commander at Barcelona , asking for letteiB "of marque. Similar requests hav < been received from abroad , and especlall ] from France. The offers of money from thi provinces toward the fund to Increase tin strength of the navy are said to bo en couraglng to the government. It Is said tha Biscay alone has offered over 23,000,001 pesetas. 11 u. in. The cabinet council terminate ; at S:3 : > . No official note has been Issue , and all the ministers maintain absolute re serve , declining to give any Information United States Minister WoodforJ , In a noti sent to the council , declared that when hi sent the confidential note yesterday hehai not received a dlacJtch from President Me Klnlcy , a'.inounchit ; the postponement ot thi presentation of the message to congress am "ay that changes the aspect of affairs hi withdraws tha statements made in the pre vious note. " \V001JFOIUl IMJlll.ISHUS A I.KTTI31J ti > Some MlHHintfmiMitH by tin I'roKH : .t .Mi'drlil. MADRID , April 7. Minister Woodfon haa Issued the following ; c'tatemciit ' to thi Spanish press : The Madrid newspapers of this mornlni are tilled with t.'alemc.nta concerning th American minister r.-hlcli lire so Imiccur nte that he asks the court sv oE the pres to correct them. Ho do'a this In the Inter csU of friendship and peace. The proprieties of bl dip omatlo poiltloi forbid hli making any statement with re Karil to his iilplomjtlo action -with the Span ish Ri'Vernmcnt. Hut last September th Sptnlsh foreign onicn reculvrd written poi mission to publish the text of any ofllcl.i corretpoiulence which he should havea any tlms wl'h the Spanish Boveriimon and this permission la effective tctl.iy. Th Spanish Bovernment li : at complete llbert to publish every word hp had ever ni ! < lro"scd to the foreign otncs , by lettei memorandum cr statement. The second wrretary of thn American It ration has sailed for New York to rcsum the prnutlca of his profession. He. has re cltrned from the iHolomatlc service. The American minister's wife loft .wit her tilct' < \ for Paris Wednesday. She isf I poor health and thn excitement of the las fortnight linn compelled her to seek al scnco and ro t. The duughtcr qf tlv American mlnlste remains and .will remain with him at Me drld. Ho bus not given up his resldenci where ho expects to reside so 'onp ' an h shall remain accredited to the Spanls court. The American minister has received not ! Ins but courtssy from the people of Mrulrl , He has never hart the slightest apprehet s lon as to hla own pstvonal security , e that of bis family. He Is working fc peace , and < Jotplto all rumors to the ctr trary , he hopes friendly relations will I kept between Spain and the Unltod State anil that peacs will be soon estnbllshc In Cuba , based upon absolute Justice , wit protection for thu great American In'eresi in that Island and the m.Untennnco of tli honor of Spain. UHTTIXO A SI Mil I CAN'S ( HIT OF CL'HJ A in | il 11 ArrniiKi'iiitMilN Have Decii tu Cure fur All. WASHINGTON , April 7. The arrangf menta for the protection ot American clt zcns from violence Include both the Islam ! ot Cuba anli Porto Rico.Vbllo the ma jcrlty of our people In Cuba are at Havan there Is aUo a comparatively largo numbe congregated at Matanzas , Sagua La Grand and other Cuban ports. The arrangement for the chro of tbo people at these latte ports have bcn nearly as complete as tbos made for the relief 'ot tbo Americana t Havana. An official of the State dopartmer said today that the arrangements for th homo-coming ot all Americans In Cuba wci now aa ample and complete es could t made In the limited time permissible undc existing conditions. Consul General Lee ha : b n clothed with ample authority to ink Easter Oifts for Baby A pretty "May Queen" bonnet in white , pink , blue , yellow and green. Or little French cap , corded or tuckoil , ; with flno Inserting or hemstitched. Cream silk crochet cap. Cream silk embroidered cap. Whtto kid bootees. Beautifully embroidered flannel shawl or skirt. Dainty whlto or tinted cashmere sacquc. All these and many more. JnHints' long sllpj of long cloth , neatly trimmed with narrow embroidery and hemstitching , at C5c and 70c each. Infants' long skirts , Gertrude wttlst , hemstitching , at HOc each. Infants' short dresses , Hlshop style , very neat , at COc each. Gold plated buttons In sets ot three with chain , for Infants' dresses , at 25c , COc and $1.00 per sot. Gold wlro safety plus , Cc and lOc each. Hosiery Easter hose for children. In plaids and stripes , plain and ribbed , from SOc to ? 1.00 pair. ( Also a medium weight b'.ack ribbed hose , just , the thing for spring wear , 25c pair. liidlcs1 tan hose , In the newest shades , In drop stitch or plata lisle , 35c am COc pair. Illack cotton hose with macn solo ? , extra good quality , 35c , 3 pair $1.00. Easter These new and Handkerchiefs dainty ones. Pretty for you. IVetty for giving. Pure linen , htv.id embroidered , scalloped and hemstitched edges , 25c each. At COc , 75c end $1.00 each. Beautiful patterns In pure linen , harU embroid ered. In scalloped , plain and hem stitched edges. any steps ho may deem necessary for tl safety of these people. This gcr.oral dlscr tlon Includes the power to charter stoame ca6 such other vefaelo as rbiy be avallab In making the trip to Klorlda. The nav vessels Fern , Mangrove end Bache- are the harbor ot Havana and will be utlllzi In the transportation of resident Amorlcsi to Key West. Arrangements tavo bei made with tdo steamship line ccutiocUt with Kingston. Jamaica , to have Its vc Eels touch at the various Cubjn porUj oth than Havana. Thcve Is no recent Information at tl State department showing the bxact numb of Americans now In Cuba , but ! ateg ( ea mates fix * lt at between 2,000 end GOC | There la no doubt In the minds of 'offlcla who have had charge ot this matter th all the American citizens In Cuba v > do mi I dealre to take advantage of the opportunl provided by the government will ba out Cuba and safely CQ their way to the Ualt States before next Monday. antAT : rxciTKiitvr : AT"ICEV WKS Xavnl Onicprti AFP Au-vloimly Wnltlr fluVoril tf > FiKht. KEY WD3T , April 7. Condltlcoo lie have undergone a decided chingo within t 1-ast twelve hours , In conecquEace of t Washington advices as to Consul Genei Lee's approacblng departure , and Ibo fli attitude of the administration , from the dl appointment and chagrin that followed y < terdayVi'pacific advice : , from Midrld , The latest news has aroused the belllcc spirit to a greater degree lLau ever. Nav I men believe that a conflict to a question I o few days only , and the long delay h ! merely Increased the ardor of the men , w are constantly In readiness for a call quarters. The enthuslnnm Is especially rrarked board the flagship New York. When t news was conveyed there thU afternoon Ca tain Sampson maintained his customa reticence , but the other ofllcenj were cc fldcat it meant hostilities unless there cbo.t be a complete surrender oh the part Spain , which Is now regarded as remote. The moot significant development la t orders just received from the Navy deja : mcnt on the plan of action. These provi ttiat In the event of a blockade ot Hava or Matanzas the first line of batllo ncan the shore would be composed of torpe boat * and tugs ; the second of cruisers , au as the Marblehoad , Detroit , Clnc'nnati a Ncftivllle , and the gunbcat Helera ; and t third of the battleship ! Indiana and lov and the flagship New Ycck. In cnso of an attack on the Americ fleet by any rir.all vessels these will engaged by the first two linca , the p > in t Ing to afford the greatest protectlcii to t tattleshlcs from the tornedo biuts of f enemy. Should the attack bu by a t > upoi' ' force such as the Vlzcaya or the Almlni Oqucndo , the first two lines wou'-I rti' leaving the attacking vessels to be ens E bv the battleships. While It Is accepted hero as n. foreqa > conclusion that this plan will be exJiit should necessity arise. It conies fiom 1 department more as a sug9ston ! than an order , and Captain Sampson has f authority to vary the plan or Ig'-ioro It will. The receipt of the suggestions , ho ever. Is taken as the best Indications ot 1 apprcUch of the long awaltcl conflict. The Mallory line steamer Conal lias rived from New York with a cargo o ! p visions and SOO cares of ammunition for I fleet , which have been in process of trai fcr throughout the day. It brought a severe ! nix-rounders which will be mount In the Mangrove. The tatter Is oxpeci from Havana tonight or tomorrow and the event ot war probably will serve os dispatch boat. SCXATOHS JXHUMJi : l.Y WAR TAI. Turn from that to Hn1oKle of t I.ii < Senator Ueornf. WASHINGTON. April 7. Some eharn v talk was Indulged In by tde senate ted , When consideration of the sundry civil ; proprlatton bill wa resumed the quest P'ndlng was the amendment of Mr. Pet | ( Ala , ) , providing for such improvement the harbor at Mobile as would enable v vessels to obtain coal aod other suppl there. Mr. Allison. In charge ot tbo bill , mi a point of order against the amendment. This called out a bitter speech by ? Morgan , who charged tbo appropriate committee with discriminating agal proper measures , and threatened to asa In dissolving the committee. He follov with an argument itiowlng the necessity the Improvement proppsed , holding that would open to the government In time war the coal fields of tbo eoutb , atid ena It successfully to fight tbo treaeona monopoly that bad been formed to cent the coal supply ot the country In tbo evi of war. The amendment was lost. At 2 o'clock the 'bill ' bad not been co pleted and was laid aelde , the sroato dev Ing the remainder of the aftcmxm to cu gles of tbo late Senator George ot Mlsj alppl. At 4 o'clock the senate adjourned ut Monday. 9 , tie GROSVES ! GIVES FACTS Makes a V/j6if / | > ui Defcnso of National ( | . /dministration , rt * * t an < CORRECTS SOME SENSATIONAL RUM03S K * Sporch In /ifl-il / | Out liy 11 Hitler At' tuck tliiou'tici I'renlilciitt ClinrK- Him with niNliouor- MiMlvcit. WASHINGTON , April 7. The-ro was a scene of great excitement thU afternoon during the consideration ot the bill for the Toor- lzdtlcd of the army. It was caused b > Mr. Lentz , an Cdlo democrat , who made c vicious afaault ou the adtnlnistration , charg ing ttiat the delay ot the prcaldeat's mcs- wgo was hi the Interest ot stock jobbcra Iti Wall street. Mr. Lcntz's speech created a profound sen- satlon aod wo.s met with an emphatic reply from General Grcevcnor , now generally re gal de'd as the aJmlnUtratbn spokesman or the floor , Mr. Grcevcnor not only indignantly denleO that thefj was justification for the reports , but held Mr. Lentz up to scorn for alleging corrupt motlvca against the president. Mr. Lcntz disclaimed this , but tbo Irate friend ot the president gave him no mercy Ho was thoroughly aroused and laid aboul him with a veritable bludgeon , charging thai tde doinscrats were seeking political advan tage , and paying tils ceepects to John J. Me Cook and others. The debate on the army bill today devcl oped more and more opposition. Mr. Hul tried to save the bill by trying to ctrlk ( out fiomo of Its provisions , even the threi battalion formation features , but It was It the end recnmoilttcd by 160 to 61. The house adjourned until Monday. Mr. Lcntz lu the course of his rcmsckf In opposition to the army bill , declared thai Uioro would bo no war , "that the poaci party which was speculating In stocks ant bonds would prevail. " Mr. Lsntz referred to the note presentet by if 10 powers. He read from It the wcrdi about hope for pence In the pottlemcnt o : the "existing differences with Spain. " "Wo have oo differences with Spain , " hi crlr-d. "U'o have IG6 assassinated Americans which Spain must account for. " DISAPPOINTS THE PHOPLB. "Yesterday , " he said , "wo had this housi filled , the galleries overflowed and thp capItol - Itol grounds wcro covered with people , n ! expecting the president's message whlcl might lead to war. Hut flrjilly In the after > aon came word that a message bad beer received from Consul General LeeIn Ila vana , Indicating that he wanted timeam the message wus delayed on that account "Now I don't believe anybody had author' Ity for the statement from the admlnbtra tlon , or any other official , that justified th < rumor that prevailed here yesterday. A tel egram by the" Associated Press yerterda ; fcutd that all was'quiet in Hav'ina ' and tha General Lee to1 Id ! a correspondent that hi had not been requested to leave. The othci newspapers have similar dispatches. If the" ! statements arb true there was nothing t < justify the statement sent to the capita yesterday. I nay there will be no wlir. " Continuing he charged that ccngrors wa1 bolng overwhelmed by telegrams , "dlctatet bv commercial1 grted , " oir of which he de clared cmana'tei' principally from Wai sitreot and Lombard , street. "It Is the oh question of the almighty dollar , " said he "It Is the fall ol blocks the gentlemen wu control the qd ninlntrljtlon fear more thai war. They care nothing for the 266 aosus- slnatcd Americans who went down In Ha vana harbor.'bill'they care everything foi 99 cents rjlus'T.cfciit. ' "I say , myf % ilds , _ wo ewe an apology t < Judas 'Iscafloti. ' 'I say ho ought t5 D ( brought baccj'4nd'-delfled. ) If Judas lived I : this Hgo ho would not have gene to th potters' Held atld hanged hlmpclf. He woul < 'have ' been scat to the United -States yen ate In due time , such a speculator was ho. ' ( Laughter and applause en the democratli aide. ) ' Mr. Lentz proceeded to rqad from a Xev York paper statements to the effect that de lav in the message helped stock jobbers cm tHit they had advance Information. He'reac from the various stock reports to show tha stocks went UD all a'.onc the line when thi news was received that the message wouli not go to concrea vestcrdav. GR03VENOII IS IRUITATBD. Mr. Lcntz's remarks brought Mr. Grosve-no of Ohio , generally regarded as the a'lni'n Istratlon's spokesman , to his feet , with ai Indignant reply , In the- course of which hi made some startling statements whtcl caused U great sensation In the house. Hi said : The gentleman" , from Ohio ( Mr. Lcntz ) 'iiai predicated a long speech hero upon .1 state ment of facts mndo by himself. He declares claros that no mcssape came from Genera Leo yesterday ; that It was a fnko report that It was false , given out for a corrup purpose by the president to affect the stocl market. Everv psrt of this statement la wlf.iout qualification , absolutely false. ( Ap pl.iusc on the republican side. ) I call upon the distinguished gcntlemai from Kentuckv ( Mr. Berry ) , n member o the foreign nffalrs committee , to snj whether I tell the truth or not , when I sa ; that such a , dispatch w.is received fron General Leo and was read by him. Ther Is the answer. That U the character of'the sort of ns B.iults that nre being made on America ! honor and t'no Integrity ot the president Not only did the dispatch come yesterday but It came the day beforp. and nppealei to the piesldont- the United States fo delay. I read the telegram and there nro twcnt ; men on this floor now that rend the tele gram , bofn democrats ? and republicans. I was read to the distinguished members o the foreign committee of the senate am each nnd every ono of them without qual Itlcntlon coincided with the policy ot th president not tof send the message In Vier at that time. I nay apviln , on yesterday that a rnos urgent telegram cnmo from General Iy > Is General Lee at one of the tickers ( Laughter on the republican Hide ) . Som men can ascribe corrupt methods to othe men. How they ever became educated t the Idea that all men nro corrupt I leav to your Imagination. LENTZ DIDN'T KNOW IT. Mr. Lcntz If you knew this day befor yesterday why did you let the house on galleries fill up with people and sit here an Bay .nothing about Itwhile Wall street wn speculating uncci it ? Mr. Grosvertor Wall street was not speci latlnp on it. That fltory is aa 'falseas tli other. I say to the- gentleman that tl president Intandeil to disregard Lee's mei sign of Tuesday , and had his messap fllcnwl and scaled and ready to be tram mltted to both houses , and yesterday mon Ing when thij-fln/il protest , In the name < humanity , catar ta I havesaid. . It wa ? rca before the commltUos of the t o house , and without-A MtRKntlng > vote they advis ; the prealdent-agnlnst sending It here. Now the tentleman Is arraigning th president of the United Staten. Ho Is sen < Ing a message tp the enemy showing the here In the rnrast of till * house La a ma who will charge the president ot the Unite States with a corrupt purpose , -with a coi rupt Intention , , ulth attempting to stop th progress of the erwit march of patrlotlsn n'herp Is noyword of delay In all tr language which has been used In this coi ncctlon. ' ' ! ; I < Mll the attention of the gentleman an of the house ] to the statement he mat that thli was another stock Jobbing pe formance , so that Wall street would ru upward. I hold In my hand thn statement thi Immediately oji the publication of th statement In the city of Now York the mai ket became very weak nnd ran clear dow upon every one of the leading stocks of tl market , The gentleman la greatly .worried aboi bonds , and ho rend the name of John J. Mi Cook In ono of his raids this afternooi Who Is John J. .McCook ? Whom does 1 ; rpresont ? What Is he here for ? How do < ho and the gentleman from Ohio stand wit leference to this ? Iwill ahow you thi they nro parties in a great conspiracy , or one wittingly so , the other , I trust , Igm rantly FO. FO.WHEHE BONDS COME IN. Who U John J. McCook ? He Is the legs representative of the Cuban Junta of Ne York , behind which stands JIOO.OHOOO. moi or less , cif bonds , that can bo validated li the recognition of the Independence of Cul : by the United States , and they will bo di etroyed by a i > olicy that driven Spain out c Cuba In the. Interest ot the American pei pie. ( Applause. ) Let us take the other elde. I mas tel fomo tlmo ngo. Just before the time thi trouble brokeout. . that n party In the clt of .Now York weld short on the market t nn oxtwit that If the condition things wer In prior to the breaking out of thl. < Culm trouble had prevailed , It would itbjolutd have ruined him , nlthough hit e-stnto Is very wealthy one. I have- been told that from that day t this any proposition to provoke Spain t war , any motion that would cause war I this country , between Spain nnd the Unite Statpfl , has been promoted by thut party , be cause 'the ' moment -war U declared the shoi side of the mnrki't will put $1,000.000 Into hi pocket. A charge no moro serious than ho ha preferred has brought the head cf many man to the block. A. charge more Inftunou than th.it couHl not be borne by any nn In this * country to m.ik > It appear that th president hns used the power that con re ? has given him to operate upon the stoc markets of this country. Prove that nn you would have , a vacancy In the- pro * ! dcncy just ni quick aa you can establish I The chilrgefl have no truth. INSULT TO SPAIN. I for one have felt that It was a terrlbl assault upon the honor nnd Integrity c Spain , what we did yefterduy , for It mu < bo renumbered that thtro was put upon on band the cholco of Insult ito Spuln , Ir folently delivered by the iprrxldent. un In 11.-mill on to the whole world that there wn danger of murder to American reprcjentr HVCH In Cuba ; or there was put on th other sld the danger Itself. Now , t'lien , 1 will say that over apalns the statement of the- Insult to Spain tha was deliberately hurled by the America people , the administration was compelled t put the chances of murder ; not that th government of Spain would tlo It , but th government was so powerless to malntal order that t'no ships of a friendly natlo nrn unsafe In IU ports nnd might bo ovei whelmed by mobs nnd murder have take place. Suppose < the message would have gone t congress , nnd suppcsn that last night th blood of fnnt distinguished nnd chlvalrou man from Virginia had soaked the soil c Cuba , what would have been the verdlc of the American people ngnlnst the admlr Istratlon ? i If there Is a man In the house so far foi getful of his dignity na an American ell Izcn , ot t'no humblest character , to Intlnint that the president has been guilty of Jiif gllng n thing like that I will not answer I Air. Sneaker , I did not suppose that In thi American congress It was necessary thn I Bhould make nn explanation in order't defend the president of the United State from nn Insinuation like fnat. I am glad the purpose of the opposltlo Is now fully and clearly disclosed. I nr delighted that because of a little change 1 the program , wholly unimportant except n It streiiRthcns the dally augmenting power of the United States a change made undo stiess of circumstances fnat would huv controlled any civilized nation I nm de lighted that the gentleman from Ohio hn given us notice that every occurrence no' ' and hereafter Is to be taken advantages e for party purposes ; nnd I am delighted the thu gentleman from Texas ( Mr. Bailey ) hn two or t'nreo times now , on each succeet Ing day , pointed out with great delight tha thtro are differences of opinion on Ilia le publican sldn of the house. FIGHTING THE ADMINISTRATION. I sugpost to the gentleman that when h opens a recruiting olllce to got voluntoJi to p.iss under 'nls banner to fight tht > nt ministration ho bad better make a contrtu for the rent of hlw quarters from day t day , as he will probably not need thei very long in the future. Now , gentlemen , let me tell you nnothc thing. This war will bo fought under t'n Innner of the republican administration c this govermnenfTor It will never be fouql : nt nil. Wemay * differ about how It ougl to be Inaugurated , and honrstly. Some t you may have nn opinion different froi mine , and I honor you for t'nat. But who the time comes the pomninnder-In-chlef c the army of the United Stati-s will con mund the column that will crush the powc of Spain , or It never will be crushed. I 'nave no more doubt that we nro goln to war than I have that wo will live unt next week. I may be mistaken. I pray t God that I may bo mistaken , nut I be Hove , Mr. Speaker , that we will go to wn oh a declaration substantially of congresi My Influence will be given for peace fc whatever It Is worth. My Influence will li give.li to avert war , but the time Is up I my humble judgment when wo can nvci It , nnd If peace filiall prevail It must com from t'ne action of another country rathe than our own. Our position Is taken and wo cannot re cede. But let the .policy of this govcrnm'cii bo such thnt when the tocsin of war sha have sounded all of the civilized world wl say , "America 13 right. " ( Great applause HASH IIALlj l I..VYUnS AT IMIACTICE Worklncr oil Hie Homo firoiuuli Which Arc Ncnrly llenily. The Omaha ball players are doing thcl practicing on the new grounds now. Th diamond WES not rolled exactly level ti first time and the contractor will be oblige to run over It with the harrow and rolle again , but In the meantime It aaswcra th purposo- for practice. The fence Is nearl completed and the workmen are laying tb foundations for the grandstand. As the Im provements progress the natural adaptablllt of the grounos U emphasized end It Is ai parent that when they are completed Omab will have the finest ball park Iti ttio west. 1'Ij.VNS FOR TUB JUXE 3ICKTIXC Fnlr ami SIKMM ! AHxnclntlon Director ArcuiKP I'rrlliiilnnvlr * . The board of directors of the Fair an Speed association last night decided upo a number of additional preliminaries to th Juno light harness meet. Among othe things , a committee was appointed to sc It the street car company will not run cai to t'ne track by May 1 to accommodate th trainers and stable followers who will be t the grounds nt that time. Secretary Solomon reported that a stab ] from South Dakota and another from Lc mars , la."sent horses to the track for trail Ing purposes last week. A stable from Knt sns City will have another string hero dm Ing t'no coming week. The track Is beln put In excellent condition for training pui poses. C. C. Pettus of New York was prescr and spoke favorably of the running me ( that Is proposed for August. He believe that a thirty days' meet can bo made sui cessful. Clinton N. Brlpgs ! and A. S. Patrick wer elected to represent the association at tli biennial congress of the American Trottln association to be held In Chicago on May CurlliiH- dull KlroHon. The first annual meeting of the Omar Curling club was held' last night to coi Pl er matters of Interest to tho's who ha\ regard for the national Scottish pastlm It was determined to havea "l f ar greons" supper , an occasion of cspocl pleasure to Soots , on some date In the nei future. A committee was appointed to lo < utter the details ot this ceremony. Tl election of ofilcers fcr the ! ensuing year r HUlted T * follows : Guy C. Barton , patro A. C. Troup , president ; P. L. Korgan , vl ipresldent ; James K. Lindsay , secretary ni treasurer ; Ile-v. Thomas Anderson , oha lain ; committee on management , Geori Anderson , J. W. Dodd , William Agne' ' Thomas Mcldrum and II. S. 'Melvln. Illur Rntry I.Ut lit MiMiiplilH. MEMPHIS , April 7.-Tho city Is fa flllliiE' ' up wlt'n turfmen , nnd the Mon gomery handicap Is the nil-absorbing top on the streets and In the hotels. Tno mo probable starters are Ornament. Ulyssc Good Times , Uuckvldere , Salvable , Ma qulsu , Perfoi mance , Belle of Mcmphl Opaque nnd possibly one or two more. A of the candidates are In the best posslb shape. Enthusiasm runs 'nigh about tl city , and fie beat meeting ever held ho will begin next Saturday. There are alrcat ten bookmakers on hand and others n coming from Now York , Chicago , 82 Francisco and other places. Oriole * llout the Tlarr . BALTIMOnn , April 7. The prelimlnai base ball season was opened here todr with a game between Princeton nnd tl Baltlmorcs. Following Is the acoro by 1 nlngs ; Princeton 000201025- Ualtlmoro 30132000- Ilaso 'nits : Princeton. C ; Baltimore , ] Krrors : Princeton , C ; Baltimore , 3. Batte le-si Princeton. Hlldebrand , Watklns ar Keefer ; Baltimore , Hughes , Nopa ar Clarke. Oxrnr nnriliii-r WliiNmnln. . COLUMBUS. O. , April 7.-Georgo Stout . Cincinnati was knocked out tonight by O car Gardner , the "Omaha Kid , " In tweli rounds. It was a 'not fight from start i finish. The knockout blow was a she right arm swing on the jaw. It was son tlmo before Stout recovered consclousnei and his condition was such that a phyalck ordered his removal to a 'iiospltal. It n 111 a. 'Feminine ' Pool llooni , CHICAGO , April 7. A pool room in tl open Board of Trido building , which patronized by women exclusively , wi raided by the police this afternoon ai twenty women who were betting on II races were taken Into custody. Many them were richly dressed and two 'nt babes In their arms. They were all r leased on ball later In the day. CARR SURPRISES A BURGLAR Engineer at tbo Garctxu Cracker Tnolory Interrupts n Robber. POOR RtVOLVER SPOILS THE KILLING rive SlinlN from n Dcfrollvo Weapon Full t Tnki > KfTfol of Value Socun-il 1 > > - the Thief. At 1 o'clock this morning Engineer George Carr , at the Garnc-au cracker factory , corner of Twelfth and Jackscu atrco'a , heard some one moving about In the oilier. Ho himself was In the bakery underneath rrgutatlng ttio fire under the OVCCM. CKT stele aoftly up- jtalrs , and was quite near to the burglar before the latter knew of his presence. The olllce M acparatcd from the factory with a series ot partitions , and the robber nprang through a narrow window Into the main room. Carr hurried out of the front door and around the building , whcro he csuio face to face wild Kic burglar , who had crawled through a window on the west. Tbo watchman raised his revolver and fired wlJe of the mark. The weapcti was In poor con dition and the effort to discharge It spoiled Ilia aim In each of the four following shots. The firing was heard at tlio police station , two blocks away , and a number or olllcura ( lurried to the ticcne. The burglar had escaped around the south front of the building and no trace was found of him. An examination of the olllce showed that the drawers of several desks had been drawn out and deposited on the floor. Sample cases had been wrecked , broken open and their contents scattered about the olllco In the Vain effort to find available booty. The safe had not been tampered with and noth ing of value was missed from the ofilco fur- Charles Hess of 311 North Thirteenth Eticet reported last night that a burglar had entered his house during his absence and taken away everythlug of value. Mr. Ito.ss lost a valuable banjo and several other articles , and a lodner missed ? 10 In money and considerable wearing apparel from a trunk , which had been broken open. .niui\T woniv OF I , not Mi'Kciiini'Saloon iinil IIIiu-k'M llouHi- and Steal a ltuu .v. Burglars and thieves an- still occupying themselves profitably with ttio rcsidr-nts of the northern jwct of the city. A success ful burglary , which has .Just come to light , waa accomplished a few nlghta ago at the r.aloon of William McKcr.na at the northeast corner of Sheunan avenue and Corby fitrcet. Little money Is usually left overnight In ( fie cash drawer , but the bartender on Kio day shift hae been In the habit of secreting a sufficient sum In some convenient p'.aco to make change with the early mcf.nlng trade. About $20 was left for this purpcae by Bartender Swift In a small reccM under the bar. During the night someone broke open a rear window with a chisel ami sot for hltwelf a feaot on the bar. Ho did con siderable damage to the stock of beer and experimented with several bottles of choicer goods on the ttielvcs. His Investigations led underneath the bar where he lo.-ated the money. Provided with this and all tfip bottled goods ho could carry ho made hh escape thiiough the window. Prom his ap parent familiarity with the saloon and tl'io biding place of the money , which \\aa con sidered a cunning one , the suspicion arose that the burglar waa some frequenter of tdo saloon and no report of the matter was made to the police. Ono day recently burglars visited the resi dence of James Black , 3520 Nurth Twcnty- cevcnth street. The family waa Vlsltliu ; friends In another portln of the- city , and the robbers were given all the tlmo neces sary to plllugc the house In a workmanlike way. A coiitslderable amount of fillverwaco waa secured from the sideboard , and other articles of value were taken. Several dollars lars had been left in a bureau drawer , which also fell a prey to the thieves. The value ot all the property stolen amounted to $80. The occurrence -was not reported at police headquarters. v James Martin of West Seward street com plained yesterday that thieves had visited his premlscu during Mcnd-iy night. He had used hl.i buggy during the day and had neglected to run It Into the barn on his re turn home. In N'le morning ho found that someone had brought a horse Into his yacd and attaching It to his buggy had driven away without arousing Uie family. Indian * ! Offer Their Servlees , DENVER , Colo. , April 7. Governor Adams today received a letter from Robert Mitchell of Cortez. saying : I have the honor to Inform you fnat 500 Navalo Indians have offered their services to defend the United States npalnst Spain. Having had experience of twenty years ns scout with the army in the west , and with all tribes. I pronounce tYiem the best scouts ot the Indian race. Movcinentfl of Ocelli * VvRNvlM , April 7. At New York Arrived Island , from Copenhagen. Sailed -Augusto Victoria , for Hamburgi ; Prlcdrlch dor Grosse , for Bre men ; Cutlc , for Liverpool. At Genoa Sailed Wcrra ? for New York. At Bremen Arrived Dresden , from Bal timore ; Truvo , from Now York. At Glasgow Arrived Anchorla , from New York. At Liverpool Arrived Wnesland , from At Queenstown Sailed Majestic , for Now At ' Philadelphia Arrived Nederland , from Antwerp. At Havre Arrived La Bourgogne , from New York. At London Sailed Mohawk , for New At ' Hamburg Arrived Pennsylvania , At Rotterdam-Sailed Amsterdam. for Now York. GONHUERSJHEUMATISM A M\V AMI powniiKi'ii IIH.MKIIV THAT CUIIKS TIIIiM.siiA.m : . Him Ar < Miiii | > 1llioil 'Mimr ' Wonderful HmultM lu Chronic CIINCN. Olorln Tonic , n specHlr for ono dNenso hn v hail n rcnmrkably severe test In many * chronic casea ot rheumatism. So pronounced hnv been the curfs that no doubt exists nil to thi ? remedy brlns nature's nntllote for the peculnr nuilndy. A resident of Harvard , Ilia. . ThontnM Cnll.ihan. nflor Mirt rlnK con tinuously for four years , was entirely ctircil nnd has been liinti-iiiucntal In making thn remedy well-known In hla town , where It has become the stiuultml cure for rheti- - mat Ism. Gloria Tonic In not a cure-nil , but t * speclllc for rheumatism only and In tnnny hundred * of oasT.i hns never been a fnlluro. No ono can nfTord to doubt the wonderful BUCCPSM of this ir at renu-dy. TentlinonlnlH nnd cxplnuutory clrculir will bo sent to thosj wio write. Olorla Tonle nccompllHlu-s those reat cures by HM peculiar nt-tlon on the blood , driving out nil poisonous adds nnd cal- cttlous deposits. For Halo by the folIowltiR druggists ; Kulm & Co. . 121 S. 13th St. . Sherman & McC\m- n ll Drill ? Co. , 1313 Dodgf St. , .Myors-nillon Drug Co. , 13JJ Farnam St. Price $1.00 per box. Prepared by John. A. Smith , 212 Bummer- Hold Church IlulldlllK , Mllwnulccp , Wls. In loralltlcH w.ieio Olorla Tonic linn never been tried , u tre-a sample p.iokaRO will ba mailed prepaid upon application to Mr. Smith. RUPTURE CURED FOR JfM S30. z o hi 0. 0.O No Dotontlon From Buainooe. We refer lo HtiNnr.rus or PATIF.NTS PILES CURED In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain. ONB TRKATMrNT Dons THE WORK. THE EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE , ( Suocosjore to THE O. E. MILLEll CO. ) 932-933 New York Life Building , Omalia , Call or write for clrcutaro DUFFY'S PURE Mil WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. r . . . MAKUFAOTUnnD BY . . . CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. f77-3 OTK Til E K A.3I K. Faclai Soap and K.vclal Cream. AMUSIiMliXTS. lS } I I'AXTON & rtUHGESS. v3 I Maunders. Tel. l 19. TOMIillT MATIXKB SATUHDAY. ROBERT B , MANTELL , and uhclvct company un.'ier DID management oCM. W. HANI.KV. Saturdny Matinee , ven-g , A SECRET WARRANT l'rljo I.owor iloor , $1.00 , " . Hill. TGc , 50o atlnfc l.owor llonr , Utc. llnl. 50 , ; , L'oc. Suiulnj Mon Jjy Tuesday Wednesday Illnek I'atll Troulmiloiirx. The VlOlglllUU iinnascrs. Tcl. 1531. 0. 1J. \ YooUwircl.Atiiusumt'iit Director. TO.VKJHT HlOO. THE WOODWAUD STOCK CO. Presenting SlIKNANDOAII. Specialties Baldwin & Daly , Smith O'Brien. Sunday "A Social lllKln\ayiiiiin. " SPUCIAl/riKH The Mldglcys , liirncy 1-ncan and Henrietta Ilyron. Cillll.I.'S COXCEUT CAIUMCX. Soutlicaxt corner ICtli nnd Davenport. Commono In ? April 4. Music by Nordlno'B Orvhestrn , Program I'nul I. . Klolst , Munlral King , In ar tistic and comical clever musical act. John Illchards anil lnullno I'arlicr , eccentric comedy Fkotcli artists , In their n w and original act , entitled "Tho Haiti-Maker. " McCarthy imcl Itelna , In their plantation sketch , entitled "Cooli- vlllc Courtship , " Introducing TuinMIng and Iluck DanclUR. Orertuio , orchestra , l-'lowcrs & dun I eon , upto-dnto songs. MI B May Dayton , In f-onK ami iliinces nnd nlso liuc ! ; dancing. Miss Myrtle Ilelna , coon medley ? . Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Performance heglna at 8:00. Matlneo Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday , IIOT12LS. HOTEL BARKER COn. 13TH AND JONE3 ST. , OMAHA. Il.VTi.S $1.50 AND 9U.OO I' Kit DAY , Klectrlc cnra direct to exposition grounds. tfRANK OAUKUK. Cn hler . . SAM I1AUMAN. Chief Clerk. THE MIIXARD" 13tli nnd Douglas Sts. , Oiuolia. CENTRALLY LOCATED. AlinillOAV AMI HimOI'KA.V I'l.AIV.- J. K. MAHICKI , Ac SOX. Don't hardly eeem credit able that the makers of this season's woolens could possi bly design something like THRKE THOUSAND different pat terns That's a good many ! They did , however , and you can see the result of their KV- FORTS in our woolens , you see a few of them in our windows. If there's a pattern made that we haven't got , wo want you to toll us. If wo missed it when ordering our Spring and Summer woolens , we'll get it INSTANTER. We'll thank you for telling us. If there's ono thing we pride ourselves on , IT'S A COM- PLKTK LIKE. If you can't find the pattern you want here you'll waste time seeking elsewhere. Take our word for it. TROUSERS , $4 to $12. SUITS , $15 to $50 SPRING OVERCOATS , $15 to $40. 209 and 211 S. 15th St - - - Karbnch Block. ' * , of "Tff