M THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , APRIL 81808. . 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Combination of Bearish News Makes the Wheat Market Dnll. JULY CLOSES AT A CENTS DECLINE | Dlo lngr of the Foreign. Exctinncm i on Account of the Knitter Holl- dnr I In * Iln ICITrct II pun Ihe Volume of Trade. CHICAGO , April 7. A combination of favornblo crop reports , wcnk cables nnd an absence of Important trailing made n very dull and weak market of wheat today , July Closing nt a decline of about 1 cent. The closing of the foreign exchanges until after the K.ister holidays undoubttdly had some Effect on the volume of trading done. Kvery- thlng else on the floor was weak , partly throuR'n sympathy with wheat. Corn closed ftic lower , oats K3ic ! lower and provisions 7Hc lower. A continuance of the weakness which be came so marked during yesterday's session marked the opening In wheat today , July , ( Which closed yesterday nt 8lQS3c , ranging nil the way fiom Slc to 81 < c. Nearly everything was against the prlco at t'ne etart. The Michigan crop report was per haps the most Important factor. That re port eave the , wheat condition nt Sflc , the JilgVicst April figures since 1891. Liverpool Bhowrd a decline of about > ,4d and conti nental markets wcro equally weak. The fear of damage to winter wheat by frosts , ( Which has hovered over the market for sev eral days , was effectually dissipated by the HilffVier temperatures now prevailing throughout the west. About the only ciumb of comfort the bulls wcro given \vn t > iu llguteq on the northwest receipts , which BYiowed n considerable falling oft. Mlnne- npolls and Duluth reported ll'J ' cars , against 220 lust week nnd M4 a year nno. There WJS Homo He-altered buying at the start by local BhortM and scalpers were satisfied with re cent profits , but ti'io majority of traders fwere on the sellingside. . liquidation by Blscouragcd longs was quite marked for a time and there wn some active short sellIng - Ing : 'is well. For nearly two hours the caur.se of t'no market was steadily down- iwaid , varied occasionally by small frac tional rallies as shorts came Into cover. About 11:30 : the bad crop reports from California , which had been comlns In all ftnornlng , began to nave some effect on the market. The condition there ns a result ol the cold nnd drought was said to be very prave , some reports placing t'ne crop con dition nt not over 10 per cent. The effect of those reports was somewhat nullified by heavy rnlnsi In California during the last forty-eight hours , but the decline waf etoppud and nil appearance ot steadiness Slven the market. July had previously Holil us low as SSVzC , but It rallied to S3c. anil for the rest of t'ne session kept close tc that pi Ice. Trading became exce"slvclj dull Into. In the session nnd the pit at times ( was not moio than half filled. Although nil the local markets will bo open tomor row , the closing- the continental maiket ; over t'no ICaster holdayn had a tendency tc narrow the trading hero nnd It finally tie- Kcnerated Into a more narrow sculplnf trade. Too closa was steady at 3c foi ffuly. Corn was easy , Influenced by wheat , bj the warmer weather nnd prospects of largci receipts on account of thn opening of n.iv Igntlnn. There was a good deal of commls i-lon house soiling and some profcsslona liquidation. The decline was stopped bj thn "heavy cash business. May ranged fron CO c to 29c and closed ViC lower at 29c Weakness In wheat and corn had a llki effect on oats , that market ruling lowei from the start. Unfavorable crop report ; Jiad very llttlo effect. Trading was small moderate offerings being taken very slowly Blttv ranged fiom 25c to 25'/ic and closet ftWiC lower at 2Jc. Provisions were vveik , partly with gralt nnd patrly on lower 'nog prices. There wa : n continuation of the packing house selllni ot yr.4lerd.iy , particularly of lard. Then ( was some recovery near the close on cov crlnr. May pork closed 7M.C lower at $9.82U ( May lard 7jU ! ( lower at J5.1TJ4 , and May rib , Cc lower at $5.15. Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 9 cars ; corn , 205 cars ; oats , 1G3 cars ; hogs 22.000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Artlcli H . | Opon. | High. I Low. | Closo. ! Yi-s'tl ; Wheat- Mnv. . . 1 05) ) July. . . 34Ti-S ( Sept. . . 71)7 ) 7(1 ( 704. 77) ) .Due. . . . 77 77 7UW 77) Corn May. . . SOW 29 29 Vi 20) ) July. . . ( ' . IO4-3 Sept. . . 32 dlh 314 3i ! @ > Oats MllV. . . 25M 231 July. . . 22M-2J 239 fork- May. . . 0 85 0 721 li 82 X 0 00 , J 'i'- ' 0 1)5 ) U 85 U 00 I ) 07) ) May. . . C 2 ! R 25 6 IS 5 17H 525 July. . . D ill 5 BO 0 20 026 S 32) ) SlTtltltm May. . . C 17H 6 17 0 IS S 15 6 20 July. . . 0 U7X 6 27 n 20 S 22K 6 27) ) No. 2. Cufch quotations were as follows : FLOUU HIcady ; wlnler patenls Btl-a'tlils ' , (4,2004.GO ; spring patents , SI.70K3.M 1 , 4.404.DO ; bakers , | 3.40 3.75 ; sprin fj.40 , T No. 3 spring , SlfflDSc ; No. 2 red CO11N No. 2. 29'lc. OATS-No. 2. Cic , f. o. b. ; No. t white | ! Hic : No. 1 white , SS29c. I1AIIL1JV 300I3C. FLAXsinn-No. i. i.1331.20. TIMOTHY 8KI1D I'rlme , 12.73. UMIOVISIONS 1'ork , mes , per bbl. . 19 80 { 5.83. I ird , per 100 Ibs. , } 3.13. Ilacon , f > her fibs sides ( loose ) , > 3.00i3,30. Dry salted shout tiers ( boxed ) , I.750I.S74 ! ; short clear side KboxeJ ) . J3.WTS,43. ( [ - " * WHISKY Distillers' Hntshed goods , per gal. OAHS Cut loaf , $5.C9 ; granulated , 15.13 ! 6.33. On thn Produce exchanee today the butter mar ttct was llrmj creameries. 15W21c ; dairies , us JSc. Cheese , quiet ut SttSUc. KKK' , Ireth , 9 c ILIve poultry , market dull : ducku , uJjCc ; ( chick ens , SOS'.ie ; turkeys , YOUIv ( JIOXUUAL 3IAHKKTS for the liny on. Geitcrn CuminoilltteM. NHW YOUK , April T. rLOIJH IlecelpK , 22. 193 bbls. : exports , 6,038 bbls. ; Minnesota patent ! $3.1003:13 ; Minnesota bakers , $4.23 4,43 ; vvlnte tralghts , JI.H004 63 ; winter ettras , S.63CI.IO Winter low cradea , J2.0003.00. Ilye nour , dull 175HI20. Uucknhcat Hour , nominal at 1,30 ( COHNMnAIvrirmer ; yellow western 70o UUCliWHUAT-Nomlnal at 4So. ItYi : Steady ; No. 2 western. 6S'insvic JIAHLUY-Qulet : frcdlne. 4lc. ' UAIILKY MALT-Qulet : western. G3JK c. WUKAT Itecelpts. ICO.OJO bu. : exports , 3951 bu. : tpol. firm ; Duluth No. 2 nortliern , J1.U3VJ. ' l o. b , alloat to airlvc. Options were weak nn lieavy nil day In rciponie to lower cables fn Bplrt-d crop news and free liquidation. Tno ex | iort demand that developed late In the da affected chleily the May option , which ciore S > tc net hluher. all other months closing abou the lowest and 9i01o below jentcrday ; No fcjay , 1W11.00 , closed 1.004. COIIN Ilecelpls , 11G.2M bu : exports. 63,102 bu. pot , vtrnk ; No. 2 corn , 3J7jc. Option * openti neak and continued so nil day , controlled b liquidation nnd the break In vilicnt , clDstng U Jict lower : May. SS'jifSl 5-lCc. closed 33Hc. OATH Uecclpts. 6SWl ) bu , ; exports , 10.4W bu. pot. dull ; No , 2 oats , 30Hc ; No. 2 white. 32',4c Options vvere quiet nnd weaker \\lth other d < partmenls , closing iio lower ; May , 2929Uc closed 2.K.o. HAY Hulls shipping , 3033c ; good to cliolcr HOl'.S-Steady : 1S95 crop , 4ff5o ; 1S98 crop. 74 So ; lb'J7 ci-up , 15 17c ; 1'HcliIc coast , 1S93 crop , ftjoc ; Ii9 i crop , U9c ; U97 crop , 17i/lSc. lIIIi.S Steady ; Ga'.veston , 15Mc : Texai dry UHc ; CaliforniaT 17 lSUc. LKATHKU Steady ; hemlock sole , Ilucno iAvres. 19VaU20V4c. \VOOl4-Qulet ; domestic lleece. l7O'c ; Texas 12ii5o. ruOVlSIONS-Bcef. steady ; family. Ill ( K > < * ll7J ! . c ' a-A > 1C3 > ' ' 9fl"W.75i beef hams. CM - niieket. J1D IjOll w. Cut meats , steady ; plcUIe , bellies. IS.UHiOW : pickled shoulJers. K K pickled hams , 17.6MJ7.73. Ijinl. llrin.'r ; wesien pteamed cloted at 5.47i ! : May. Is.CIii ; reflned rrmer. rork , steady ; nieiut. IIJJOioooshm clear. J1D 25OIJ.W : family. Hl. ufM. Ta'lo" teinly ; city. 3.72\i \ ; country. 3.72 > Hi3.75. OILS C"otton etil oil. dull ; prime crude , I3U ( COc ; prime > ellonr , 22B22'.lc. ' Petroleum , dull tiniln , steady ; ctrnlned , common to good. SI 42" . Cl.45. Turptntliic , nrm at Jl'.iGKc. lliri ; Steady : fair to extra. 4 iW > Hc ; Japm MOL \SSE3 Quiet ; Naw Orlean * open Kettle ( cod to choice. ISjWc. MKTAI.H With the exception of copper price In the metal market hn - no change. The sen rrnl situation licks Intereitlnir feature and buil ness Is canductrd on a comparatively rm-tl scale. At the close the Metal exchange callei plr Iron warrants dull nt 10. bid nnd 13 , ( nsked : rpelter tlrm with II. 21 bid and II 35 asked lead dull with } ] CHi bid and 13.70 asked Lea ) still quoted at i-i.5ij by the II nil llxInK th ettllnic prlca for miners and smellers In th jVeit IIUTTKR-Recelpts , t.271 pkg . ; market firm re lern creamery , ITOHc ; Rlglns , tto ; factorr. lpts , CM pkis ; market quIM : srg choice , 7ifiUc ; smnll choice , i Qftcj Unlit klms , IHffCHc , part sktmi , 4dCc ; full skims , Ifilc lUHlS Itpcclpts. 14,810 pkR * . ; market nrm ; iTCttern , lOc ; southern , 8 ! , ( Hoc. OMAHA 'OKXHUAI , JIAIIKBTS. * * H- Conilltlon of Trnilo nnil O.iiotntlnn on Htnplc II nil Pnncjr I'rodnoc. Block. SHc , llUTTEIl-Common v , fjl' . Jffllc ; separatT : reatnery , ! ) c ; gatliererl creamer ) ' . 15816c. VKAICholco fat. M to Is ) Ibi. , quoted at Eff Ic ; Inrito anJ coarse , 6ff7c. MV1J roULTnY-ChlCR i . 7 ai2 : old rcost- irt. ZWJJIc ; younu rooster * . C'iti7 ? ' ducl : , 7c. OAMlMilInrd * . : 5DO2.75 ! teal , $1.15111 2V. brants , Kdoviw. Canada K cse , 14 MiJC.CO ; mixed ducks. $ i.ooii.2j. 1'IOKONS Live , 11.1501. S3 ; dead pljceons not wanted. HAY Upland , X7 ; mldlantl , t : lovvHnd. IJ.W : rj-B Btrnir , Jl : color maken th price en hey ; llKht I > RM ! sell the b st ; only top grnd's bring top prices. umuNS I'er bu. , 755185C. 11EANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , ! .2fM.30. SWEET l'OTATOis-Kansas , 10-pack bills. , 13.50 : seed sweet potnloes , J2. OAllnAOIi flood stock , per lb , 1V 914C POTATOES Home grown , JOffS'jcj ' Colorado slock , 70c. TOMATOns Per crale , seven baskets , $3.50. NEW IlEETH-1'cr doz. bunches. 43 Wc. IIADIHHE8 I'er doz. bunches. 2i 30c. LirrrtlClJ-IVr doz. bunches. 303ic. . nitEDV ONMONH-1'er d.iz. . , 15c. WATEncilESS-l'or IC-qt. case. Jl.W. CUCUMUEILS-l'cr iloi. , Jl.affl.50. Flit'ITS. STIlA-vVnnnniKS-rcr 21-plnt ca e. t2.23B2.CO ; 24-qt. cnce , Jl.5005.00. AIPI'LL'S Winter stock , J3.0003&0 ; bvixc.i , J1.23 I'UANlinnmns-Fancy Jerssy , rjcr bbl , JIO. ailAl'liS Malagnd , J5.(5060 ( CO. TIIOPICAL I'llUITS. OUANOES Cflllfornln navels , J2.7IO3.00 ; fancy seedllngi. 2.2.Vif2 CO ; cbolcf. J2. LEMON'S California fancy , } 3 ; choice , J2.50 ; fancy Messina , J3.00ffl3,50. BANANAS Uiolce. laigo stock , per bunch , I2.CO iT2.2j ; medium sized bunches , $ l.5ij2.oe. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large sire , I2JZ13c ; small , lie ; Urazlls , per lb. , 6jloc ; inirll hnal - nuls , per lb. , fancy soft shell , Willc ; utandarjs. 8ft9o ; lllliort-1 , per lb , iuO ! pscans , polliilied , me dium , ( W7e ; extra large , SU'jc. largo nlckorv nut/- . Jl.ooffl.10 p r bu. ; small , Jt.23Wl.3i per bii. ; cocf-inut ? . per luO , J4 ; peanuts , raw , 6ff5''c roasted , 6ifC',4c. PIOS lmportn < l. fancy. 3-r-rown , 14-lb. boxes lOoj B-crown , 44-lb. l xe . 13O ; J-lb. buxes f" 23o per box : CallfornH , 10-lb. box , Jl. HONEY Choica while , 12c : Colorado umber , 10 Cfllc. IvIlAUT Per Mil. , J3 50 : half bbl. . J2 M MAPLE SYUUl'-Klve-gal. can , each , J.-.73 : rnl cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal. cans , J0.23 ; quart c.in , J3 50. DATES Hnllowce , CO to 70-lb. t-oxc-3 S'/c- Snlr. Co ; 1'ard. 9-lb. boxes. 9c. ' ClDLIU-I'cr half-Mil. , Jl : bbl. , J3. FIIESII MEATS. DRESSED HEEF-Oood native sleers , Cic- good forequarlcrs steers , 5 c : good hindquarters steers , 8Hc : we.tern steers , C'/c ; fancy heifer" 6c ; good he fer * . 6c ; good forequarteri heifers Sc BOod , hlndquartci-B „ / _ , heifers , . _ . , . 8cj . . good covvs _ ! co cut , 9cj Elrloln butts , boneless , Oc ; shouhler cloda , boneless , C'io ; mini ) butts , boneless , 5.c' No. 1 chucks , DC ; No. a chiuks , 4VJc : No. 3 hotel rtjle , 4c abo\e loins ; cow loin , ends 8c' ' steer loin , ends , Po. MUTTON rancy Inmbs , e per lb. ; lambs , 8c ; sheeii , "c ; market raclts , lonsr , 9c ; hotel racks , short , lie ; loins , 9c ; saddles , te" lens Oo- Inmbs legs , lOc ; breasts nnd stews , 3V rT tongues ! each. Sc ; forequnrters. 5Hc. rcndereil , C'Sc ; heart" , cleaned. 4c ; snouts nnd cars , 3c ; ncckbonea. 2c : cheek meat , 4c ; plus1 each , 3c ; IIOK rinds , 3o ; blade bones. Be. HIDIS , TAM/JW , r.Tc. NoSHEKP " ' SHEKP Pni-TS-drcen "salted. each. i ; J3o green salted uhcarlnga ( short ooled curly eklns ) each , IDc ; dry fhearlnna ( short wooled corn sklna ) . No. 1. each. Be ; dry Hint Kansas am ! Np. brafKa butcher wool pelts , per lb , actual velcht 4BJc ; dry ( lint , Kansas and Nebriska murrali , ° 11.r ts'ICr , , lb , " nctlml weight. ; jji4c ; drj n Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb , actua weight. 4ffS < dry Hint Colorado murrain woo pelts , per lb. , actual weight , S ? 4c. TALLOW. OIUJASn. nTC Tllllow , No. 1. 3o tallow. No. 2 , Slic ; rough tallow , l c ; whlK Kreane , 2V502ic ; jellow and brown grease , IVJSj ViC.KUnS KUnS Hear ( black or brown ) $3.CO@20.CO ; otter Jl.SOffg 00 ; mink , ISjJCOc ; beaver , Jl.OOftOOO skunk , 15c , I5c. 6Cc ; mufkrat , 3c , 5" . 7c ; racoon 15gPOc ( ; red fox , 25CQJ1.25 ; Brayifox , ( timber ) , 20CRIJ.W ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) . wildcat , 1025c ; bade r , CJf40o ; Ellver for , $5.0 6 > 75.00. St. I.onlx Gcneriil Market * . CT. I/UIS. April 7.-PLOun-Slow and easier nnSlVV a70 < 4 80 : lralKhts , I4.C034.45 ; clear Jl OOTC4 21 : medium. $3 CCJM.7B. \VlruAT-Irregtilar , May closlnc Uc hlghei and July nnd September fie under yesterday'i close ; spot lower ; No. 2 red. cash. In ele\ator JSc ; on track , 9899c ; April , 8Soj May. ll.COM bid ; July. 78V4o .asked : September , 74 c bid No. 2 hard , cash ( 90f91VSc. COaN-Kutures close < l nrm. though fraction ally lower than yesterday ; spot lower but nrm ' ; > - 'c July. 2XiR2Sic ! ; September , 29c. OATS ruture * dull and lower ; spot strong Nf" ' 2 ? ? , * " , ? 8Uc : ° n tract27c ! : April , 26V4o Higher at 6tU J2"o. FLAXSHKD-Nomlnal nt J1.15. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlmc. J2.903.00 , COIlNMKAL-Jl.COOl.r.5. UnAN Strong ; east track , sacked K3. t0 nrm ! pralrle' * 7-c ° 8S25 ; tlm IJUTTUn Firm ; creamery , 16@21c ; dairy , Wlx" . IGOS rirm nt E'Je. "WHISKY JI 20. COTTON TIiS TOc. . MirrALS-Lead , lower nt J3.4T14. Speller , nom liml nt SI 00. PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; ( standard me Jobbing , 1987VJ. Lird , lower ; prime steam. 11 00 choice , Jj.07'4. ' Hacon , l > oxeil shoulders , ji 37Uf Br.O : extra fhort clear. J5S7'i : ribs. JCOO ; shorts M 12'4. ' nry * nlt meats boxed shoulders , } 4.75 < f 4 S7".J ; extra short clear , } 3.5 ; ribs , f3 37V5 : shorts S 0. , UKCniPTS Flour , 4,000 1/bls. ; wheat , 4.000 bu. corn. 35,0V ) bu. ; oils , 17.000 1m. SHirMENTM Flour , 2.000 bbls ; wheat. 7,00' ' bu. ; corn , B6.0CO bu. ; oats , BOOO bu. lliilttmori' 'Mnrkctti. ' DALTIMOIin , April 7. FLOUR Quiet ; west ern superllntJ2.70IT3 30 ; western extra , MS.1J 4 DO : nfsteni family , SI 21fl4.SO : winter patents II.IMIS04 ; * eprlnp patents , J5 23-JJ-5 )0 : isprlni nlirot etrntghts. $ ' ' 0005.15 ; receipts , SS03 bbls , exports. 20.311 bbls. 'WHIJAT ' iasy ; spot nnd month. S9'09lc May , SOViOSMic : No. 2 rnOJHWJ c ; receipts 30,357 bu. ; exports. 6S.085 bu , ; pnutl ern wheat by sample. WcBJl.CO ; southern wheat , on Eraile 95' f" > e. COUN Da y ; spot , month nnd May. " 4JI3i4e | eteamer mlxpd. 33 4fl33Jc : receipts. 25t.CH bu. exports , 3y.S09 bu. : southern white corn , 3fc naked : southern jellow , 35Vic. OATS Quiet ; No , 2 white. 33I33V5c ; No. : mixed , D030'jo ; receipts , 22,170 bu. ; exports none. HYi : F'lm : No. 2 nearby , KVsffliCc ; No. : nestern , 07V4c ; receipts , 8,015 bu. ; exports , 25,71 bu. bu.HAY Firm : choice timothy. J13 WWII CO HUTTHIl Firm ; fancy creamery. 21i22c ; fancj Imitation , KiTlSc ; fancy l.tdle. 15c ; good ladle 13 Uc ; store picked , 10ffl2c ( , KOOS rirrn ; fresh , 10V4c. CMllin-Ml-Steuly : fancy New York , large. 9V RVVic : fancy New York , medium. 9'/4iJl ' j ; fancj New York , email , KuimnH City l ralu mill 1'rovlnloiii. KANSAS CITY. April 7.-WHUAT-Market K lower ; No. I hard. We ; ND. 2. b7'4 ' i50c : No , 3 , 5H SSc ; No. 1 red. Me ; No. 2. 90ij9c : No. 5 , S7PS c : No. 2 sprlntr , i OS7c ; No. 3. S2iS.1c. rOHN Market firmer ; No. 2 mixed. 2CVi02CUc OATS Mirket rnther tlow and about steady No. 2 white. 26',4 27c. ItYU Mnrket lower ; No. 2. 46c. HAY Market strong : choice timothy , H.EOf 9W ( : choice prairie. J7.iO. HUTTCU Market firm ; creamery , ICSUc dairy. 13O15C. 1-X1OS Market nrm : fresh. 8iic. RKCii ITS \\Ticat. 15.SW bu. ; corn. 11.000 bn oatH. 13.0-W bu. SHIl'MKNTS Wheat , 21.000 bu. ; corn , 27Mi bu , ; oat ? , none. Cincinnati Mnrkrt. CINCINNATI. April T.-FLOUU-Dull ; fancy 3.70fl-4 ( X ) . WHI-UT Quiet ; No. 2 red , 9 < c. OOHN-Steady : No. 2 mixed. SlHo. OATS IXill ; No. 2 mixed , 37 jCSSo. UYll-Steadv : No. 2 , 6.'c. I'ROVISIONS I.inl. casl - , J3 " 3. Bulk meats firm. 3.3 < > . lucon. tlrm. JO. WHISKY Steady. IU20 HUTTIJU Hrm nnd higher : Klsln crcarntry I2o : Ohio. taoiSc ; daln % 10S12c. HITOAU Firm : hard reflned. Jt.2S&5. > . KOOS Quiet at 8c. CHUlSiU Steady ; good to prime Ohio flat April " , WHDAT NO. 2 spit firm ; No. S ml winter. 7i8t4d ; No. 1 northixm prtnir. red. Ss Id. FU > UHr-St. Louis fancy winter , dull at 9 * Id COIIN flpot , flftn ! American niltrrt , now. Jti iVid , futures , Ptcndy ; April , : rt ; May , -3 3Hd ( luir , JsJH'i ' HOI'S At r vmlon ( Pnrinn r < m > t ) , dull nt 4M I'UOVISlONS-Hwf. nrm. extra IndU m r , iBsrdj prlnw HUM , K M. 1'crk. Ilrm ; prime ties * , tine western , Cts 3d. Ilnmn , sliort rut , < teoily at > i . llarM. steady nt K , * her nt'S , Us ; long clc.ir middles. , llcht , 2ts ! : lonx clf r nlddles. hrnvy , 29s. I inl. prime western , -lul' . ! 7a 90. Tallow , prime city , 1) ) 9d. Ornlti HerrlptK nt 1'rlin-lpnl Mnrkrtii. CIUCAOO , April 7. Receipts today ! Wheat , 131 cars ; corn , 254 cars ; oats , 224 cars. Esti mated tomorrow : Wheat , U cars ; rorn , 9)3 can ; oats. 161 cars. MINNHAI'OLIS , April 7.-necelpts : Wheat. 112 cars. ST. LOUI3 , Apr'l 7-necflpts : Wheat , 3 cars. DULUTH , April ' . -Itecelpts ! Wheat. 47 car . Toledo Market. TOLnOO. April 7-WHEAT-Dull and lower ; Vo. 2 cash , 97Hc : May , 97c. COKN-Actlvc and lower : No. 2 mixed , SOtfc. OATS Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed. ! 7c. IlYIIull and lower ; No. 2 cish , Blc. CIjOVKIlsnKlv- and lower ; prime cash nnd April , S2.1/2H. / I'corla 3InrkFt , PEOniA , April 7. COHN Market easy and ewer : No. 2. 2SMc. OATS Market Inactive and easy ; No. : white. UYB-Scnrce. nominal ; No. 2 , 60B51 ? . WHISKY High proof spirits , I1.19H. Detroit Mnrkrt. DHTnOIT , April 7.-WHnAT-No. 1 white , 814C ! No. 2 red , cash nnd May , 9JV4c. COHN-No. 2 m'xed. 31 c. OATS-NO. 2 white , 3oyc. o. 2 , 52'4c. HJIII Krnnclnui > Wlit-nt Mnrlcet , SAN ritANCIRCO. April 7. WHIJAT Knelled i Dpcembor. $1.47 % ; May. ll.KMi. TlAnLin. llxclted ; December , tl.il , ; Mr.y , 1.31U. 1'lillndrlpliln Proilncp. nilLADnLl'lHA. April 7. IlUTTHn Firm ; ancy western creamery , 22c. BOOS Firm ; fresh western , STOCKS AMI IIO.NDS. Market Still HIM Confldenee tlini I'riioo Wilt lie lleMtnreil. NHW YOUK , April " . The conviction Is tin. altered In Wall street tllit the delay In pre senting the pres'dent's message to congress adds to tlic poflbllltlci of a peaceful solutlor of the Cuban question. The market closed o shade lower today In the average price. In dividual losses were In almost nil cases conflnci ! to fractions nndthere Is a fair t-prlnkllng ol gains among leidlngstocks. . Only a small pro. lortlon of the sharp advance which entile wltli lestcrday's news that the message was to b lelayed until Monday was wiped out. The pro fessional bears nhowed no disposition to renew their short contracts. Neither was tli'ere nn > sign of liquidation of long holdings. The onlj buying demand was caused by some slight cover ing of shorts nnd a very limited amount ol commission house buying. The result was nr almost stagnant market. There was no development - ment of the day which awakened It from It ! lethargic condition. That tills dullness Is due t < nn attitude of walling was evident from the eudden activity when It became known jester- day that 11'e pienldent's mes age was dela > ei nnd when It VV.T supposed that the delay Indi cated piobable conceptions by the Madrid gov ernment. The public Impression In Wall sti-cei Is that the undertone of nrmness In the markel Is due to Home hidden motive , generally sup | opeil to be the expectation that Spain , wll yield to pressure froni the European powei ! mid fiom the pope and v\lll concede the demand ! of the United States. Today'H small losses li face of the generally threatening aspect of thi rltuatlon can only be explained on tre hjpothe els that a peaceful solution Is still hoped for There was a demonstration In yesterday' * lat ( bulge Hint large offerings to realize nre brough out by any sharp advance In prices , I'rofesslona traders on cither side nrp watching for the den nlte development o.f thp situation. It Is though possible the liquidation usually Incident lo i war scare Is waiting for the expected beav ; demand from the large short Interest vvhlcl undoubtedly exists In life market. This shor Interest Is waiting for an actual declnratloi of war to cover. On the other hand , thcie an tho-e who hold that notual war has nlread ] been sufficiently discounted and that the nrm ness In the market ! s > due.to . this cause. Tin situation In the money market Is felt to b > one fortified against even a severe- shock , nnnl reserves nil over the country have been great ! ; strengthened Tl-fe goll icserve both of the gov ernment nnd of the New York banks Is. large unprecedentedly bo In the case of the latter nnd Is constantly growing. A large proportloi of the payments nt the custom house ore mad In RC-1'1 and thp clearing house balancesar In great part settled In the same method. Ther Is no Immediate prospect of International ex changes turning against the United States , nm until this occurs there will be gold Import to replenish the money markets. Todas's nd vance 1n the Hank of Hngland rate did nn cDcck the engagements of gold , but served t Klilft the demand romewhat from London t Berlin. The rice In money In London resulte In a rlcp In the Berlin nnd Paris rate of ex change on London. The Imnd market was nl most wholly neglected , but prices were flnr Total sales , $ I1,050CO ) . United States new 4 advanced 1 per cent , the old 4s , registered , per cent , and th ( > Ks V\ Per Cfnt In the bid prlc today , and the 2s dccllned Vj per cent. Ther were sales of the new 4s , coupon , at 122U. advance of Vt Per cent over yesterday's ral price. Today's last price was 122. The nvenlmr Post's London Hnanclnl cable gram sajs : The market opened up on th better outlook between Spain nnd America. Th operators left early for the Canter holldan While under the circumstances Americans vvw better , they vver left alone , and of course wrl , not be traded In during the Intervening boll dn > s until Tufsday morning. Spanish < s. whlc closed last night nt 47'/4 , opened nt W4. an closed nt 48V4 .Americans , nter a reaction n midday , closed nearly nt the best. The rl - I th6 nank of England rates Is fully Justified b the ngurca of the vveeklv return. Ordinarily th nrst bank return for March chows greater re turn of cash from circulation , but tW tendenc la checked for the moment by the Raster hollda demand for cosh. The return Is the wcake ; for some years. t > talls of the gold movemer for the w-eJ-V show the sale of 124.000 In easles the shipment of 1J3.COO sovereigns to New YorJ of 50000 to South America , and of 0.000 t Canada , nnd the receipt of JC'.l.oW from Aut tralln. Following the rise in the banlc ratb dli count brokers raised deposit rates by H pe ce-nt to 2 % per cent for call money nnd 2Vi pe cent for notice money. A furtl.'er . large amour of gold Is go'ng from the bank toduy. Trad rettirns. for March show Increased Imports c 2.7V,000. ) nearly nil due to Increase receipt of foodstuffs , largely from the Unlte4 Statei decreased 800.000. Total s.ilea of stocks today , 237,300 sharon. In eluding : Chisapeake & Ohio , 3,163 ; Chicago , Uui llngfun & Quincy. 24,715 ; Loulvllle & Nnshvllli 6,793 ; Manhattan , 9.601 ; Metropolitan. 1,313 ; Mis ourl 1'aclllc , 3.3DD ; Northern I'ncltlc , 4,103 Northern 1'aclllo preferred. 0.131 ; llouc Islum ! 4.C50 ; SI. 1'aul. 23.79i ; Union Pacific. 17'ijj Union IMclHc , Denver S. riulf , 3,673 : Ain"rica Spirits , 5,471 ; Tobacco , 4,210 ; Bugar , 73IK , . FnrelRn Fluniiclnl. PARIS. April 7. Three per cenl rentes , 101 l.'c for tl.e account. Rxchange on Lon4on. K 3o for checks. Stocks opened llrm on the boun today , purchases being Induced by the reporte Intervention by the * powers In the Cuban quei tlon. Duflnesa wn quiet , owingto an Increae In the discount rale of the Ilank of Knttlan. loiter rumors of disturbances In Madrid cause a sharp decline In Spanish 4s. which wui at oomtianleit br an all-rmitiJ NrcAkneu until the lose of tlm market. LONDON. April 7. Th # 'rnark ' t for American rcurlllM nileil IrmrnUr whh bearish under- one and without decided fvaUure. The closlnit one was stead ) * nnd thorV was no demand. < pinl h < s cloteil H f r r nt hUhfr lhn yes- erday. Amorr-nn sadirf jo.the amount of 243. > OCO mere withdrawn trim. Ihe Ilank of Knulnnd oJay. Oold In quotedal lluenos Ayres today nt 1M.50 ; at Ll bon , RJIj : J\t \ Home. ID * . IinilLIN , April 7. llii lne' s on the hours * to. lay commenced more cheerfully , owing to the nMponrrnent of the itfi-entntlon of 1'rtsldent 'IcKlnlfy's ' men' ge lo eangrc * * . Inttmatlonal anl American recurltlos TUre t.tirJer , but they lofc.l eflider on the rlw In Ihe Uank , ot Hng- anJ's rate of dl < coun.t. , XCTT York .WoucjMnrki > t , NEW YOHK , April ! . MONKY ON CALt - N'omlnnily 2mf3 per cent , . I'UIMIJ MKUCANTlLi : VAt'KR-Sftt per cent. 8TKHLINO EXCIlAN/IE Market tleady. with ctual business In bankers' liUM at 14 S3 > i M 83Vi or demand snd Jl SOUWt.SO'i for sixty days ; osteil rate * , I4.OH1I.MW anil l.8ij ; commer- Inl bills. (4 M. SILVnil CKHTiriCATHS-lcgS-c. 11AU SILVBIl MHO. MEXICAN DOLLAHS 45c. aoVEIlNMENT IlONDS-Mnrket Irregular ; new 4s , reg. , 121 ; coupon , 121 * i 4i. reg. , 10S4 ! coupon. 110V4 ! 2s , 97 : 8' . re ? . , lll'l ; coupon , 111W ; 1'ncllle C of 'W , 103. Fliiunclitlote . OMAHA , April 7. Tte clearings for the day were JDCa.DOO 12 ; balances. J173SS6 39. The clear. Inga for 1S97 were J692.32.C3 | nnd the balances $121.902.57. Increase In clearings , $276,160 47. CHICAGO , April 7. Clearings. $20.772,185 ; New York exchange. 23c discount. Stocks vvcie dul nnd easier ; Alley L , CUi ; Biscuit , 235i ; Jilsculi preferred , 78 % ; Diamond Matc.i , 132 bid. It asked ; Lake Street L. 10 % ; North Chicago , 219V4 Stravvboard , 24 : West Chicago , 90H. ST. LOUIS. April 7. Clearings , $5,1I2S97 ; bal nnces. $597.423 ; money , 5fj8 per cent ; New YorV exchange , 75c discount bid , COo discount asked. NP.W YORK , April 7. Clearings , $103,7b8S74 balances. J3.U9.779 1SOSTON. April 7.-Clearings , $14,430,258 ; bal ances , $1,076,159. MRMI'HIS. April 7. Clearings , $350,690 : bal nnces , S4S72 ; New- York exchange , telling- Jl.DO premium. HALTIMOIin. April 7.-ClearInss. $2,913.151 balances , $541,007. NUW OIILKANS , April 7. Clearings , $1.375. 41C ; exchange , bank , par ; commercial , $1 pci $1,000 discount. PHILADELPHIA , April 7. Clearings , $11 , 103.588 ; balances , $ l,7filMO. CINCINNATI , April 7. New York exchange , COc ; money , 3Vi0 per cent ; clearings , $1,999,71" ) . Hawk of KiiKlniid Stnlcniciit. IXiNDON. April 7.-CThe statement of thi Hank of nngland sitown the ; following changes , as compared with previous reports : Total re serve , decrease , 3,311,000 ; circulation , Increase 882.000 ; bullion , decrease. 2.420to ; other sc curltlcs , decrease , 3.310,000 ; other depohlts , de crcnsp , 350,000 ; public deposits , decrease , 6 , 981,000 ; notes reserve , decrease , 3,312,0i ; KOV crnment securities , decrease , 1,011 , COO. rhi proportion of the Dank of Hngland'a reserve t ( liability la 37.21 per cent , compared with M 3 per cent last week. The Uank of Unglnnd'j rati of discount was Increased to 4 | cr cent today. llnnk of France * Statement. PARIS , April 7. The weekly ctntement of th < Ilank ot France shows the following changes , n' compared with the previous account : Notes li clrculmtlon , decrenae , 74,750,000 fiancs ; treawirj nccounta current , decrease , 49,750,000 fr.mc f Role In hand , decrease , 4,400.00 * francs ; bills dls counted , decreafe , IW.850,000 francs ; silver ir hand , decrease , 72.CCO francs. Co ITee MnrkrtftJ. NF.W YORK , April 7-COFFnn-OptIon opened bnrely Bteady. with price ? 010 point ! lower under foreign selling , dlssuppolntlr. ; Kuropean news , liberal Brazilian receipts , casj spot market nnd geneial lack of support ; Inti'i In the day further depressed by short selllrf nnd favorable news from Washington. CIOBPI quiet , with April unchanged nnd other months II joints lower. Sales. 21,000 bales , Including May $5 p@5.70. Spot coffee. Illo , nominal : No. 7 in \olce. G&c. Mild , rtrm ; Cordova , SUt/l'c / ; f'Js BOO Ings Maracalbo , 300 bagn Central American Total warehouse deliveries from the Unltci Slates. 28,412 bales , Including 21,032 bales fi.irr New York ; New York stock today , 5M.4.U lules Unltetl States slock , 801.91,1 bales ; afloat fur thi United States , 353,000 tales ; total \lalblo for tin Unltetl States , 1,159.1 bales , against 63) , W. bales last year nnd 421.340 In IPS In 1S96. SANTOS. Apr I 7. COrFUtt-Oiwne-1 nteaily good average Santos , 9.100 reU ; receipts , 2,0il bags ; stock , K6.0& ) baf . IIAMUITIU1 , April 7. COFnK-Opened ViB 4 ( lower : nt 2:30 : p. m. , ' ,48 % pfg. net lower ; BJCS ! 16.0 * ) lxw > . mo i > n jANF.mo , April 7. coFrnn- SDeady ; No. 7 Hl , 8,975 rels ; exchange , C 15-lbC cleared for the United States. 13.0 * ) bags ; cleared for 1'urope , 9,000 bass ; stock. 2.19,0)0 bags. HAVIIU. April 7-COrrnC-CiOirfd % 01l lower ; sales , 10,000 bags. Wool MnrkclN. BOSTON , April 7. WpOL-rollowliiK nro tin quotations for leading dejcilptlons : Ohio and 1'ennsylvanfA ncccc . X nnd above 2WJ27c : XX and aboye. Site ; delaine , 303Ic No. 1 combing , 3Ccl No. 2 combing , 30c Michigan. Wisconsin , etc > T-X Michigan , 2lc No. 1 Michigan combing , ,2Ec : No. I Illlnol tomblnu , 2 c ; No. 2 combing , 28ff29c ; No. 2 Illl nols combing. 28Ji2Sc ; X New York. New Hnmp shire nnd A'crmont. 23S24c ; , No. 1 New York New Hampshire and i Vflrmont , 27c ; delalm Michigan. 2Sc : unwashed medium , Kentucky am Indiana quarter blood conYblng , 23c ; Kentuck ; nnd Indiana three-eighths 'blood combing , 23a Missouri quarter blcoli convblng. 22c ; Mlrsour three-eight ! b blood corr.b'nj ; , 22V4c : braid comb Ing. 2)c ; I ake unJ Ocorgla , ? 23 Texas wooli- Sprlng medium (12 nicnths ) . 16lil8c : scoured , 41fi 45c ; spring line (12 ( months ) . ISQllV ; ncoured , We Territory wools Montana fine and medium fine lC18c : scoured , 16B4St- staple , We : Utah , Wy omlng , etc Finn medium nnd nne , ugi7c ttaple. We ; scoured. 43'jl7e. Australian wools- Scoured basis , combing , superfine , 7uft72c ; comb Ing. good , C5WC c ; combing , average , C28G3c Qul > enslR d combing. C."xj. ST. LOUIS , April 7.-WOOL-n.isler : mo ilium , 15019c : light nne. IJgiRo ; heavy One , Sf 14c ; tub washed. 22f2S4f. Oil Mnrkrtii. OIL CITY. Pa. . April 7. Credit balances. 75c certificate * opened at 74fco bid for caMi an , closed at 73o bid for rash : no Bales ; shipments 91.262 tbl ( ; runs. U0.226 bbls. SAVANNAH. April 7. OILS-Splrlts turpen tine , nrm nt 2Cc. nosln. nrm. Quote : A , H C. $1.15 ; 1) . U. 11.20 : F. $1.25 ; G. $1.10 : H SI , SI ; I , K , Sl.CO : M , $ l.Co ; window glass , Sl.W water white. $1.93. CHAHLKSTON. April 7.-OILS-Turpentlne Hrni at 2i c. Honln , llrm nnd unchanged. W1LMINOTON. N. C. . April -OILS-Splrlt turpentine , steidy nt 26mfS7c. Hosln , nrm an unchanged , fiude turpentine , quiet at $1.50 Tar , firm at 80s. iliirkotn. N'BW ORLEANS. April 7. Sl'dAR Dull : opei kettle. 2i < ? c ; granulated. 4V4c : whites. 47-16" > ellow , < fHc : seconds , 2Hff3 13-lCc. Molassei dull : centrifugal. KOllc. NiW YOnK. April 7-SlfOAR-Ilaw , nrm fair refining , 35 c : centrifugal , 9 ! test , 4' c ; rennei nrm : mold A. O c : standard A. 6Hc ; confee tlonera' A , 5\io ; cut loaf , & ll-lk ( > : cruihed s ,11-150 ; pondered , 61c ; granulated , JUc ; cubi OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET lecord Breaking Rtm of Sheep and Very Few Oattlo Arrive , CATTLE PRICES HOLD BARELY STEADY l.ornl lluyora Itnvp Their Own Way with the Mtiiltcit OfTerlnK * lions Stcnily nnd Active at Wediic < iiln } ' Figaro. SOUTH OMAHA , April 7. Receipts for the days Indicated were : brought In today by each road was : C. . M. & St. P. ny. . . . . O. ft St. L. Ily. . . . . . . 3 tllssourl Pacific Hy . 3 Union Pacific System . . 13 10 41 C. & N. W. Hy . l F. , K. & M. V. U. n. . . . 11 18 3 C. . St. P. . M. & O. Ily. . . . r. 6 U. & M. II. n. U. . . . . . . . . . 2S 34 13 C. , U. & Q. Ily . .1 1 C. , It. 1. & P. Ily. , west. . 2 5 Total lecclpta . 63 SI 67 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num- 3er of head Indicated : Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sncep. Omaha Packing Co . 127 914 3. II. Hammond Co . 434 481 15C Swift and Company 313 1,611 1,931 Cudahy Packing Co 3C2 770 2.741 I' . D. Armour , Chicago 47C II. IJecker nnd Dcgaii . . 19S J. L. Carey . 2t Huston & Co . 1 Krcbbs & Co . 17 Mvlngston & Schaler . . . . IS H. Hamilton . j Planklnton P. Co. , Mil . is- ) Chi. P. & P. Co. , Neb. C . 676 Otl-cr buyers . 43 . . . . Left over . CO Totals 1,600 5,461 6,1S. Receipts of stock looked rather small to day as compared with yesterday , there be inga falling oft or close to ICO cars , still we arrivals were very nearly up to the record of a week ago. The loss , as compared with yesterday , was entirely in cattle ant hogs , there being less fn.ui half as manj cattle today nnd twenty-live or thirty less cars of hogs. In the matter of sheep re- celpts. It was a record breaker. CATTLU-WIKi barely seventy loads ol cattle of all kinds in the yards the offer ings looked small , but especially so after tin largo run or yesterday. The quality of tin cattle was also rather Infetior on an aver age to yesterday's ofterlngs. A large percentage of the cattle on sal ( consisted of corn led beeves , and still thi total offerings were small , thouch none toi sm.tll for Me day. The fact of Its being t Thurrday. when there Is ordinarily llttli or no s'nlpplng demand , was against thi selling : Interests. The best that could be hali or the market was that It was barely stcadj to a little lower , nnd slow at that. Buyer : were generally calling It slow , but nbou steady. A few of Wo cattle such as wen wanted to make out the day's killing , sail early , but the tendency of the trade was t ( drag and It was late before anyming llki a clearance was effected. Butchers' stoclc sold ' -better than corn fci beeves. The offerings of cows and lielfen were not large , In fact hardly up to thi requirements of local packers and i/fio / tradi opened active and steady. Practleillj everything changed hands early in fne day Several bunches or good heifers sold up ti $4.2o , and a few head brought as high ai J4.40. Bulls , stags , etc. , sold at about Uv same prices as yesterday. Stackers and reeders were In moderati supply wIfn about the usual demand Values this week have shown very littl change on that kind of stock. Common nm medium kinds are considerably lower thai "i1 'he extreme hlpi time , but really do slrable thin cattle command way-up prices Ilepresentatlvo sales : HOOS Yesterday's break In the heir marke had the natural result of causing HMppcra t hold back suppl'cs ' to pome extent , nnd receipt today were consequently much smaller. Ktl there was about the same number as a wee ORO , or In other words , a fair average run fc this market. The aveiage quality of the offerings was cooi the receipts running largely to hess on th butcher vvelglit order. lloth packers nnd shippers were In the flel with liberal orders , nnd tt.oueh the market vva a llttlo sticky at nrst It really opened falrl active , and the lle > s were soon full of hos movlnpr toward the scales. The prices paid vver about the same-as prevailed on yesterday's mai ket , that Is , J3.70 for mixed loads and from thn up to J3 to , the top on choice butcher weight ; A larue proportion of the hogs sold early nn or. that basK but later on , after the morn urfreri orders had been filled , and after message * hn arrived nnnounclnff a lower market nt CMcni ? and Kansas City , the trade slackened upVc a time the market came almost to a standstl with about twenty loads unsold , but It did nc lonir remain In that condition. The arrival t fresh orders caused It to liven up again , nn the close was fully as coed as the opening. TnklnK the market as a whole , the IIORS FO ! about lOo hlehcr limn a week ago , but In abou the same notch as two weeks BRO. and 10o lovvt than one niontU ago. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. . Av. Sh. 1'r. 67 103 200J333 10 19 > . . . J3 2" " 35 233 129 3 6J M 224 ICO 3 C7' SO 267 SO 370 Zl J1 . . . 370' (3 240 . . . 3 70 66 29i 120 3 70 C7 2U . . . 3 70 68 2S. ) 4) s 70 M 23 120 370 r.1 205 SO 370 ft8..217 40 370 73 230 M 370 M 218 80 370 SI 2C4 M 3 70 71 230 . . . 370 63 85 ISO 370 61) 250 . . . 3 70 82 253 40 3 70 47 J59 . . . 370 4 ! 26 % . . . 370 70 233 80 370 62 26 * 40 370 09 254 230 370 C4 247 M 370 85 21 ? . . . 370 ' CS 279 89 370 CS 273 80 3 70 71 567 . . . 8 70 M 223 40 3 70 81 22" . . . 3 70 33 24J . . . 370 1 CD 242 EO 370 77 25i 120 370 73 2 120 370 f4 237 160 370 61 215 160 370 S3 303 S ) 370 Bl 274 SO 3 70 61 2ft ) 160 370 7S 2 120 370 241 200 370 6 * 27 . . . 372 . 3H3 80 3 72 > i 43 . 2 9 80 372 70 . 227 . . . 3 72Vj 64 . 253 120 S 72 53 . 289 . . . 372' * . , .273 200 3tt 75 211 160 3 72Vj M..Kl . . . 372 W 23 < 1 49 3 72V4 63 243 80 3 'i 151. . 2C8 120 3 72V4 Ml . . . 3 72 67. . . 250 . . . J 7.-U , E2 229 8) 3 7J 54 2S5 . . . 3 7Vj 61 VA . . . 372 6.1 273 4) 3 7 K S30 80 3 73 K S 120 3 7i Ju : n > 0 S 75 SIIKKl' The bltt sheep barn , which looked to arse when flrft built that prcple wondered what he yard company was thlnMnit of In providing so much mor room than was ever likely to t * < equlred. was full to overflowing this mornlnst. Considerably over flfty earlMdo were reported n the pens , which was the larKet run In the history of this market. On Mirch IT 11.144 lurid of sheep were received and that was the laiKest run up to that date , but the heep market at thli ralnt li expanding * o lapldly thit n now record s hardly made until It Is broken. The srrlvnls today con lited mo ( ly of Fort Collins lambs , of BO * ! average quality , with only a very slight fprlnUIni ; of mutton hoei nnd feeders. It vva In Met a case of lee much amb and not enough sheep. The hcep In the vnrds wei * offered early nnd sold readily at strom ; prices , both million * and feeders. With the Iambi It was n little differ ent. Onnen were slow about pffeilnir them , jQlnp nnxloui first to heir frnm cnMcrn mar kets , nnd bosMes that they were holding for irelty strong price * . Fur tint reason th * market vni slow about opening nnd It was rather iRtH icfore lm > ers and idlers got re.idy to tnll-i milness. Ilcpresenlatlvo Bales : No. Av. I'r. 70 western Iambi 71 $ i 03 167 Mcxlcnn vvcthcis 107 4 7" 150 Mexican ewes , dt 300 . ' " < 5 Mexican cwei 7i ! 3 71 CO Mexican ewes C > 2 M H feeler Iambs ill D 15 479 Nebraska lambs 72 r , 20 121 we tcrn ewci 93 3 9t > 40. v.'eitein ewei SH 375 4SI vveslern lamb * 70 SOS 14 bucki 123 3 0 > 40 ? weitcrn ewr-1 SO 3 > 23 old ewes ft 4 M 2I2 Mexican limbs , " B no 2V Mexican cvvc 70 375 IIO Tort Collins I unbi M 560 r (7 ( Tort Colllni Iambi 77 R M 515 Tort Collins Iambi , (5 5 CO CHICAGO I.1VM STOCK MAUKnT. Cionil Ooiiornl Dcniniiil for Ciiido , vvltli I'rli-fM S.Kl > - . rillCAOO , April 7. There wni a Rood Kencrnl demand for cattle today and prices were steady ns a rule , bevc that had quality Felling e pe- clally well. Snle- ( were on n busls of from $3 DOte to JI n for the commonest loti of Iwef steers , up to fiom $3 to J3.IO for choice to prime chip- PUB bcevci , the Rrtnter put Felling nt Horn $1.40 to $3 lo. I-Vd western steers soil nt from Jl to J3.15 and fed Texans sold at fiom Jl 25 to JI.OO In most Instances. The stockcr and feeder trade vvnt modcinto at from Jl to JI.73. selected lotq brlnplrff ftom Jl TO to JUS Calves sold chit Ily t from Jl to $0 3'i per 100 Il * ( . Tiailc In ho s wax qulto iinlmntPd nt stead ) prices , but Wedneida > 's top llgures were not leallzed. HORI fold nt nil extreme KUIRO of from JJ.TO to $105 , chiefly nt from $3 S5 to Jl , nnd plB3 sold largely nt from S3 63 to Jl 8"i. The demand li ftlll cl telly for fat IIOKI of me- d'um nnd heavy v\eliIiti' . saliM of which aio ut a big picmulm > over light weights. . Tiadc was active in hhecp at the recent nd- vance , but lambs were slow , buyers bidding lower. Shorn shfep sold nt from JIM to Jl.(3 nnd unphorn nt ifom J4 50 to $4 1W , vcr ycommon sheep brlmjIiiB from J3 10 to SI. Yearling thcep brought Irom'SIGTi to t5 M nnd InnVM fold nt from J.to J5 70 for wooled. being nlKHit 10 Io or than justcr.lay. Slorn lunb < bronuht from $ l.r > 0 to JC and culls sold at fiom } 3 50 to Jl. Receipts : Cattle , S.500 head : hogs , 23,000 head ; 15,000 head. St. I. oil IF. ll\oSnpk. ST. LOUIS. April 7. CATTLU Ilccelpt" , 1.5CC heid ; shipments , 20) head ; market stendv for m- lives ; strong lo active for Texani ; fair lo fancy nallve shipping and export itcer , Jl 3' > WS ( i"i bulk of ulcs. JI.7005 23 ; dre scd beef nnd butchci steels , J410ST5C3 ; bulk of pnlei , J4 ! ? ti I 90 ; tteers under 1,000 Ibx. . J3 sriJ4 CO ; bulk of 6ilc , Jl 2i ( TI4 50 ; stockers nnd feeder * . J3 405J4 05 : bulk nl talc . Jl 00ffl4 TO ; oowi nnd helfpra , J200iil4.73 ! Texai and Indian stceri , JlJofilCO : bulk ol sales * . Jl.754 W cows nnd heifers. J2.30fi-3.75. HOOS Hicclpt8,200 bead , shipments. 1.201 head ; maiket fiWIOo lower ; Ynrken. J3.75ift3.S3 p.ickon , Jl 7Cff3 f3 ; butchers. J3 EOR3 90. SIIE13P Uecelpts. SHM Head ; phlpments , none maiket nt ndy to sliong ; mtlve mutton" , J12 ; ( f(4 75 ; lambs , J5 2565.73 , with springs up ti J9.00. LI viSoplc. . I n. April 7. CATTLU Mirkel dul nnd fullv 101'l3cslower | : extra Rood expirt tlepra JHXKR4B3 : cliolco butcher stPera , $1.25(71 10 ; fall to good butcher Moors , SI 7MU 23 ; rainmim t ( medium butcher steern , J3&Jr ) 73j cholfe heifer' J3 0004. 15 ! fair to choice tulcher cows , 42 SUi 3 0.1 : medium lo cnod feeder ? , Jl 0 > f 4.n HOGS Topi. J1.9-5 ; medlumR. J1 tOSI M ; Ugh slllppirs. J3.V5f3R3 ! plgi , J2.7VR3.WI. SHUni' AND LAMI1S Market sloadv nnd IIP changed : good lo cxlra shipping sheep , J3.V-T 3.7' : fair to good phcep , JJOOiTa23 : common t' ' inpillum. J2COiJ2& > : pxtr.v shipping Iambi" . J4.75' ; 50J ; fair to good Iambi. JI.23W4.7-ii bcit butchpr' J4.CO4 CO ; fair to good butchers , JJ.W04 00. IlnlTiiIn LiveStock. . nAST DUFFALO , N. Y. , April 7. CATTLE- Prlme to extra export steers , Jj,30J3.3-i ; prime tt choice Ehlpplnp. J4.90C5.15 ; fat heifers. J4.2'i 4.50 ; fair to good mixed butchers' Etock , J3.M 4.10 ; bulchers' nnd cows , J3.COQ3.-45 ; commoi cows. J2.00ff2.73. IIOQS Yorkers , good to choice , J1.17W4.IO roughs , common to choice , J4.C5JT4.S.O . ; pigs , com man to choice. J3.SOi03. 3. LAM11S Choice to extra. J3.90fl6.10 : culls tc common. J3.0iffl3.50 ) ; clipped lambs. J4,23@4.81. 8HUK1' Choice to selected wethers , J4.905 5.00 : culls to common , J3.603N.OO ; clipped sheer J3.00@4.30. InilliinuiiuUsj Live Stock. "INDIANAPOLIS. April 7. CATTLE IlecelpU 400 head ; shipments , fair ; market active ; al sold : Rood to prime steers , J490W325 ; fair ti medium steers , 51 COST4.SO ; common to good stock ers. J3 25JJ1 CO. HOGS Hecelpts. C.OOO liead : Ehlpmenls , 2,00 head : market nellvt- : Rood to choice medlun and heivy. J390 r392W : mixed , JS-EOfTSSO : ROOI to choice llghis. J3.S083 90 ; common llghls. J3.7 Sllbnr Hecelpls. 1,00 head ; Blilpmcnti. light market active ; spring lambs sold at J7.00SS.50. fCntiNnx City Live Stock Mnrkcl. KANSAS CITY. April 7. CATTLE Ilecelpts 6.000 head : market strong to IDo higher ; Texni steers , J-C3flM ! ; Texas cows. J3.33W4 CO ; natlvi Blecrs , J4 00ff5.20 ; native cows nnd helfere , Jl 5 O4 M : stockers nnd feeders , J3.103 CO ; bull" J2.73JJ4 C5. HOOS Tlrcclnli < . 12.WX ) head ; weak to 5c lower bulk of silei. J1C033.73 ; hcivlea , J3CXi3.9Q ; pnl : ers , J3.53Q3 S2V4 : mixed , J5 G3Q3.SO : lights , Ji.Sj * 3 63 ; virkers , J3 C0ft3.65 ; plsx , J3 200J 55. SHUni * Ilecelpm , 2,00) held : market firm lambs , JI5Dij7.00 ; mullons , 13 CSffl 6j. York Llvo Stock. YOltIC , April 7. IICIJVKS ItecclplF 1,100 head ; nothing doing ; cables lower ; Ilv cattle. OViOlOc : rpfrlgerator betf , 7 { S1Jc. pc lb. : exports today. 731 cattle nnd 2,080 quarter of beef : tomorrow. 410 cattle. Slinni' AND 'LAMI1S HPCelpts , 2,010 head unshorn slicip , J4.00W.10 : clipped sheep , J4.CO * 4.23 ; unshorn lamli > , J3.l fl6.23 : clipped Inmhs J3.0flff3.2.1 : sprlni ; lambs , J2 DOQ > 3.W ) , mainly n J3 00 < if.r. 00 each. HOGS Ilecclpls , 2,259 head ; vveslern rold a J4.23. , ( _ _ Cliiclniintt I.lvp Stock. CINCINNATI , April 7. noas Active , 13.104 391. 391.OATTLnSlendv. . J2./r.ir4.75. . LAJJlJS-Uull. J4.25fl5.75. Slock In SlRlit. Ilecord of recelpl * of llvo utock at the fou principal markets or April 7 : Cattle. Hon. Sheep Onraha . 1,601 5.4S2 14.33 Chicago . 8..W 28.0.11 1-.W Kansas Clly . 6.0W 7 , W 1,0) bt. Louis . . 1.9M 8,200 00 Totals . Wl < ? .CS3 31,22 C OlTtlX Kxtrciup nullnpxii Prt-vnllx , v ltl 1'rlcfK About llnchnnKcil. Nn\V YORK , April 7. Extreme dullnc.il prc vailed throughout the day In the cotton m.irket wllh prices at no lime showing particular lean Ing ono way or the other. . The closing of th Liverpool rmrket nt 1 p. m. , or Ixiforo uui opening , unlll next Tuesday morning , mid t'i conlllctln * character of the political new * caused both bulls aal bears to hold off , rcjnlllri In an extremely small business. After openlm btend > 4 with prices 1 point lower to 1 higher tl.i mm ket fagged off under n few outside si-llln orders , but later recovered Ihls loss on Imylni for the account of local operators who wern din posed to even up ncciuntH , During Ihe greitt part of the day the pit was deserled. The clos wan \ery dull at n net decline of Wl po'nl" Spot , tjulelj mldlllng , < J 13-lCc ; net rc < 'elpt , 31 Imlps ; Krras , 1,192 bales ; exports to Great lliltn.ll' I.TO9 baits ; to the conllm-nt , 1,501 Idles ; for warded , li bales ; bales. 310 bales , nil npinnem Btcvk. 19.K38 l > ale . Total Imlay : Net rc"ppf | 7.351 balu ; cxiiorts lo Oreat llrllain. 7,192 balcn to the continent , 1.C91 baleg. Onm'illdr.ttd : Nc receipts , C3.703 bales ; exports to Oreat llrllnln 1.352 bales : to Franco. 12.213 | MCM ; to the con tlnent. 7.573 bales. Total since Huptemb/ 1 Net receipt * . 1.M8.C14 bales ; exportH lo Jrca IlrUnln , 2tCO,273 bales ; to France , 738.CW Ixilca to the continent , 2,012,4X1 balt-n. LIVBHI'OOL. Apill 7. COTTON Spot , fal demiind , prices Imnlenlng ; American mlddilnu 37-16-1. The f.ilcs nt the day were 10,0 bale * of whlo'i fyjO bales were for speculation and ex port and Included 9.2M liale American. lie ci > lpti. l.OCH ) balep. Including 7uO balii Am'rlcnr Iulurca , nuiet , with a moilernte demand nr. closed steady ; American middling. L M. C April , 32l-C4d. Kellprx ; April nnd M-iy , 321-041 sellers ; May nnd June. 3 21-Cld , bu > t > rs : Jun nnd July. 3 24-BIW3 25-e4i1 , vellers ; July nn August. 3 24-6H13 U3-6M , biiyrra ; August nn Heptember. 3 2l-6ld , buyers : Scptemlier and O.'t.i ber , 323-Cfd , pellcni : October nnd Novc'nliei 3 2.i-G4d , value ; Novemlx-r and December , 3 21-611 3 2-C4d , ( sellers ; December and January , 3J1-CI1 neltern ) January and Frbniarr. ! 22ld , sellrrn. NKW Olll.ViANS. April 7.-COTTON-FU- lurei wete steady nnd dull ; salM , ll.SOO b li ! April , J1.M Mil ; May , J5.f.iaJ.5J , June , IJ.Mt .6Ji July and Aui t , Jl.wio ( > j. 9i ffplember , Octol > cr nnd November , iJ.fnf5.70 ; December , n.7tl3.73. | Junuary , V7Vtf5 77. Hpal , stendy ) silfs , 2,0i tinles ; ordinary , t J IAo ; naml or' dlnary , 4 ISMCOj low middling , Svio ; mltldllmr , A 9-lfioj good middling , t ! 5-16c ; mlddllne , fair , B Vltc , iiomlnAl ; receipts , l , 4i bales : Mock , J14.497 bales. Xt-vv York Dry ( looiln Mnrkpt. NH\V YOnK , April 7.-The market for dry noodi li sgaln uncertain totlty. The pleasant weather hai caiued iomp slight gain , chiefly with Jobbers , but IhU li not In anysensfi i healthy Imprwvement. Orders recelrnl nro for th smallest possible nmnunls In all lliu-i of cotton goodi. In print clothi there li n wcnk and dull iiMiktt. Woolens In nil Kradca , both In men's wear nnd In dreji poodi Ilne , ate itulct nnd ilpvnhl of Interest f Ilks , llnrnn , lacrs nnd 'other Ilnei of Imported Roodi nrn iiulcl and without feature. In suplo cotton * Ihe demand for brown goods li quiet , I'llnl cloth exlrai nro obtainable at 2 per cent , the prlco psld otit ld the Fall tltlvr market. At Fall lUvor firre are no bids nt tint nr nny oilier llgure. The matket for odd goodi Is al > a ( | ulrt In nearly every crud * nnd weak. I'rlcei are without vhungc. Tllli Jir.Al.TY MAllKKT. INSTRUMBNTS pliTcca on rrconl Thursdnr , April 7 , UOS : WAKRANTY DRKOS. Xnvcr Wclahnltpl nmllfo to J. C. SohmUU , lot 3 , Mock 9 , Vnn Cnmp's ndtl $ 600 J. A. Robertson nnil wife to r. 10. llorrlnp , truatco , lots 7 nnil S , block 191 , Omnlm 8,000 A , O. IV.irson niulvin to J. O. Allen , n 30 foot lot SI nnd R 10 feet lot 2. , block 2. Alnmo 1'lnz.i 1,500 rionoer Towiisltc Co. to 1'oter Mnn. Kohl , lotn 1 to 5 , 1 ? , It ! nnil 17 , Work S. IJcnnlnston SCO 1'clcr MutiRuUl to Mary MniiRold , RAinn SCO Prank UenrdorIT lo W. C. Ueanlorff , lot 13. block 2. Avotulnlo park 4,000 'W. C. DoanlorlT to C. J. Anilernon , Katno 4,000 amount of trnnsfora JIS.SA ) COOK $0. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary. Secondary or Tertlarr BIXJOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can be treated Hi homt for mm * price undrr same guaranty. If you prefer to como here wo will contract to pay rail road fare nnd hotel bill * , and no charft U wa fall to cur * . IP YOU HAVE taken mercury. Iodide potash and tlll fwvo nchtu and pains. Mucous Patches In mouth. Sore Throat , riuipln , Copper Col. 7rcd Spots , Ulccru on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrow * falling out. It li thli Secondary We Guarantee to Cure \Va solicit the meat obstinate cairn and challenea the world for H case \ve cannot cure. This Olseaso has always tamed the kill of the laoit eminent physicians. | 500.KO ( capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolut * proof * sent sealed on application. 100 puce boolc sent free. AddreM COOK IU21IUDY CO. . 1401 Maoonlo Tcinplo , CUlcnuo , Hit COOK Health is DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE ANDBRAIN TREATMENT , THE ORIGINAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , la sold under positive Written Ouaruntco , bjr authorized agents only , to euro Wonk Memory , lizzino8B. ) WaUofulnCBS , Fits , llyetorin , Quick- nsss. Night Losses , Kvil Drf-nms , Lack of Con 11- donco , NorYOUsncas , Lassitude , nil Drains , Youth ful Errors , or Excessive UFO ot Tobacco , Opium , nr Liquor , which leads to Misery , Consumption , Imanity nnd Death. At store or by inail , SI a box ; six ( or $5 ; with tviittenjcnnrnnteo to euro or refund money. Sninjtlo pack- ago. containing fiyo days treatment , with full instructions , 5 cents. Una sample only Bold to each person. At Btoro or by mail. _ _ Label Special. Extra Strength. I 'For Impotency , Long oil Power , Lost Manhood , Sterility or nnrrennoss l jitl a box ) six for $5 , witbit-J ivrlttcn KuarnntOeSjA ' to euro In 20 days. Atetoro Mycrn Dillon DrnK Co. , S. H. Cornel Kith 11 iid Piiriimu S ( . , Uiiinlin , Xnlt , Two Weeks Treatment FREE To All TIIBV Alll'j OIn SPECIALISTS In th * treatment of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases. and ntMVBAKNBSSBS | | CN and U1SOHDBRH OP MCll Catarrh , mil Dlseaiei of th * Nose , T.ifoat , Ohtd Btomach , Liver , illood. Skin and Kldor Dls- * asi , Lost Manhood , Hydroccl * . Verlcocel * . Gonorrhea , Glcote , Syphilis. Stricture , I'llts , Fit. tula and Rectal Ulctrs Diabetes DUfhl' * Dlt- as * cured. Call on or Hddress with stamp tot Prea Boole and New Methods. Treatment by Mnll , Consultation free. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute UIU North icth S'OmUM , Carpenter's South - American > YILL APPEAR IM THE SUNDAY BEE TBMSi'HONU 1UM. H. E. PENNEY & CO. 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Drincb Offlf * . 1C38 N Si. . L'.ocsln. Neb. JAMES E BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1039. Omahu , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS t nd STOCKS BOARD OH THADB. Direct wires to Chicago snd New York. Correipondcntu Jolia A. Warrto * C * .