8 THE OMAHA DAILY 31EE : TWEDNESD'AT , ' APKIL 6 , 1898. SERVICE BUILDING PLANS Exposition Association is Abint Ready t3 Build Its Home , ARCHITECTS' ' DESIGN FOR HEADQUARFERS Commodious Structure Which Will He Devoted to the Vie * of the rvVorklntr Force * oil the Ground * . The architects' drawings for the Service oulldlng on the exposition grounds arc about completed and will be Issued from the office of the archltects-ln-chlef today. Dlds for the construction ot the building will bo asked at once and work on it will be pushed. The drawings for thte building show a two- Btory structure , simple and dignified In de sign. The architecture Is strictly classic end of the Ionic order. A broad porch will stately columns forms the main entrance. The building will stand on the west side ot Twentieth street , Just north of the Adminis tration arch , facing cast. The north wing of the building will be de voted to the emergency hospital. The hos pital proper will be on the main floor , with an entrance at the center of the north side , where every convenience Is afforded for re moving patients brought In by ambulance. The hospital will be provided with cvcfy modern appliance for the care of the sick and will bo In charge of a corps of physicians tinder the direction of Dr. E. W. Lee. Sleep ing apartments for the nurses and attend ants , a kitchen , etc. , will be located on the upper floor. The hospital will bo closed azalnst communication with the rest of the building , there being no openings In the wall separating It from the other parts ot the structure. The lower floor of the main portion of the building will be devoted to offices for the various departments. On this floor will be the general offices. Including the secretary and hla ofllce force , the Admissions bureau , the Concessions and Exhibits departments and the Bureau of Public Comfort. A cen tral rotunda will give light to the Interior of the building and afford a means ot reachIng - Ing the upper floor. On the upper floor will be the offices ot the Department ot Buildings and Grounds , the Department of Transportation and the Department of Publicity and Promotion. A largo part of this floor will bo devoted to quarters for the accommodation ot repre sentatives of newspapers and o'.Uer publi cations. Two large , well lighted rooms , with a wide archway between , are set aside for the exclusive use of the "literary fel- .lers. " One room , 77x25 feet , Is In the center of the west front of the building , and the other , 39x58 feet , la In the southwest corner. Doth have an abundance ot light and ventilation and both open directly from the hallway. These rooms will be fitted up with partitions extending half-way to Uio celling , and the stalls thus formed will be supplied with desks and other con veniences where the busy correspondents may prepare their copy undisturbed. Every facility will be afforded for the accommoda tion of the representatives of the press and the location of the building \ especially well adopted for their purposes. It Is almost exactly In the center ot the grounds , and U convenient ot access from all parts of the exposition , 8UFKEKS USUAL FATE OF 'PAVING. ' . Mnrndnm nt Kxiionltloii Ground * Torn tip by nitclic . The macadamizing of the walks and drives on the bluff tract Is about completed and the cutting of ditches for underground conduits , ewers , etc. , has commenced. A macadam wait Js no sooner completedt than a gang of men comes along and cuts a ditch across or along It , digging up the macadam which has just been so carefully laid , and mixing the broken etone and gravel with the earth from the ditch. Electric conduits are now being laid all over the bluff tract. These arc boxes about four inches deep and about eight inches wide. A ditch a foot wide U excavated for them and these ditches are run "across1 lots , " or directly through the center of a nicely paved walk , regardless of the consequences. As an example ot this kind of carelessntee , the broad street passIng - Ing through the Midway , an avenue fully seventy-five feet In width , had scarcely beer left by the heavy steam roller before a gang of electric men came along and excavated a ditch exactly in the middle ofvtho smooth roadway from end to end. The same thing la being done all over the middle portion ol the bluff tract , the laying of these cotulultE being absolutely necessary tojurnlsh llghte to the numerous buildings which will do ) this tract. The small sections ot the macadam let ! untouched by the conduit men will be torn up by the sewer gangs. The Midway eewei on the bluff tract extends the full length of the street on the west side ot the paved roadway. To make connection for the con cessions on the east side ot the street It will bo necessary to run a connection across the paved street. On the portion ot the blufl tract devoted to state buildings the. male newer Is In the middle of the broad centra ! avenue. The only connections that have beer made with this sewer for the- state building ! ore these for the Nebraska and Illtnoli buildings. The connections for the othei buildings will have to extend across or alom one or more of the paved roadways whlcl will have to be torn up. On n MUnlou to Cnllfornln. Special Commlesloner H. W. lUchardsot tartcd for California yesterday aftcrnoot to endeavor to arouse a. , little enthuelasn among the people In the northern part o that state. The southern counties of Callfor nla are working Industriously to make a flm cxhIMt of their resources , including mln crals as well as fruits , nuts , etc. , but th < northern part of the state has done nothing Mr. Richardson will attempt to change thli condition and will seek to Induce the rlcl mineral and lumber districts to make I sli owl us commensurate with their impor tan ce. Governor Lepdy Coin Inn : to Look. Governor I.erdy of Kansas has notlfle the executive department of the cxposttlo that ho will bo In Omaha today nccom panted by two members of the Kansas Ex position commission to look over the ground and make final and definite arrangement for the space to be occupied by Kansas wit its exhibit. The delegation will be take charge of by Major Clarkson and ahow about the exposition grounds and offices. A similar announcement was received b Burlington Go West via tlio Burlington Route and you reach reachHELENA HELENA , BUTTE , SPOKANE , SEATTLE and TACOMA. a whole half day ahead of the man who fnUcs any other line. Trains for Montana and. tlio Pacific Northwest leave Omaha at 4:35 : p. m. and 11:55 : p. in. J1S02 FAHNAM ST. . fUkol " - I MM ! UHMt , \ OMAHA. I. . RIYNOLO * . the executive department from Chairman J. C. Post of the Oklahoma Exposition com mission , Mr. Pott lays that Governor Darnel and himself will arrive ta Omaha In a very few days to visit the exposition grounds and offlcca and make arrangements for the Oklahoma exhibit. Fun ( In for OrpKon'w Exhibit. lAi committee of the Oregon Exposition commission Is traveling among the towns In the eastern part of the itate stirring up the people In the Interest of the exposition and raising funds for a state exhibit. The committee Is meeting with moat encourag ing CUCCC08. Reports Indicate that little dif ficulty Is being encountered In raising money and exhibits are being offered the commit tee In large numbers. Several very extensive and valuable private collections of minerals have already been turned over to the com mission and everywhere hearty co-operation la In evidence. Knimnii iMnkeH nn Apprnt. TOPEKA. Kan. , April C. ( SpecloJ Tele gram. ) The Omaha Exposition commission Issued an address to the people ot the state tonight appealing to them for contribution ? for the jiurpare of making a creditable ex hibit at Omaha. They rcclto the fact that the Missouri Pacific , 'Frisco , Santa Fe and Rock Island roads have contributed $15,000 , jnd they expect boards of trade , beards ot county commissioners , city councils and the people generally to contribute a similar sum , Intimating that the legislature at Its next session will reimburse them. More ConcoHionK Let. Tbo concession for the official program ot the exposition has ibeen let to Samuel J. Howe of this city , the executive committee having authorized Manager Reed to enter into a contract for this purpose. The program will bo issued weekly and will contain the full lift of prospective events In connection with the exposition. Manager Heed was also authorized to make a contract with Comto de St. Germalno for a temple of palmistry on the bluff 'tract. on- Colorado Kilncntor * . Grace Espy Patton , Colorado's superintend ent ot public tnxtructlon , h < is sent a circular letter to each of thu county superintendents asking them If they are willing to coi-opcrate In a plan to secure a state eJucatlonal ex hibit at the exposition. The advantages to cvccruo from euch a display are set forth briefly and the superintendents are aeked to lend their assistance In raising funds and preparing the material for such .an exhibit. Cnptnln MCTCIT Loiikn Over Or oil ml. Captain W. A. Mercer , U. S. A. , the officer who will have charge of the Indian en campment and ethnological congress In con nection with the exposition , Is In the city for the purpose ot selecting the ground for the encampment. He visited the exposition grounds in company with Major Clarkeon , and will consult with Manager Roscwater of the Publicity and Promotion department re garding the arrangments for the congress. f _ _ _ _ _ . > EiiHt ft ! ml or the LiiROOti , A line drawing showing the cast end of the lagoon has been completed by Mr. Walker , ono of the architects-in-chief. Tbo drawing shows the Imposing effect of the circular colonnades and pavllllons forming the exedra of the main court , with the towering restaur ants on the bluff tract as a background , making a very striking scene. Cuts of this drawing will be made at once by the Depart ment of Publicity and Promotion for publica tion In the newspapers. Mnt. Mr. Nat Tyler , Jr. , an officer of the United Statfri Geological survey , Is In the city for the purpose of making a large topographical map showing Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , which will form a part ot the exhibit of the survey In 'the Government building. This map , when completed , will show every difference In elevation of over twenty feet , each house , In the cities named , all the streets , , the drainage and all data ot a topographical nature. tMlnneHotn'H ' 1'roHrreiin. Secretary Danforth ot the Minnesota com mission has notified the Department of Pub licity and Promotion that Minnesota Is mak ing good progress In the matter of raising funds tor an exhibit. Of the $25,000 set as the amount to be raised , $19,000 Is In hand and the outlook for raising the remainder Is said to be very good. Mr. Danforth says the people are thoroughly aroused and every thing Indicates that the state will be well represented. illlnnlM Club. A meeting of natives ot Illinois is called to meet In MajoiClarkscn's ofllce at ex position headquarters , G02 Paxton block , at 1 p. m. , Wednesday of thlo week , for the purpose of forming an organization similar to the other state clubs which have beta formed , to take part in the entertainment of visitors to the exposition. Wentcrn Union Pay * Proiniitly. Colonel J. J. Dickey , general superintend ent of the Weeterln Union Telegraph com pany , called at exposition headquarters at an early hour and turned over to Secretary Wokefleld a check for $5,000 , being full pay I ment ot the subscription of this corporation ! heretofore announced. t Foutal rnjPromptly. . tI I A check for $1,000 was received by Secre tary Wakoflcld yesterday from the headquar ters of the Postal Telegraph and Cable com pany In Chicago , being In full payment of the subscription of that company to the ex position. Note * of the Exnonltlon. William Bellamy of this city-has been ap- polned by Manager Klrkcndall as miperin- i tcndent ot the plumbing at the exposition i grounds' . The contract for the erection of the Jap anese tea garden has 'been let to Leo Bonet. The garden will Ibe on the bluff ruct Just north of the Grand Plaza , and will cost about $2,600 to construct. Work on It will bo com menced within a day or two. The Modern Generation of Men. Physically men are better today than ever before. Our college youth are , as a general thing , nwgulftcEnt specimens. The constitu tionally weak and nervous , though they may never become athletes , can greatly In crease their strength and restore tranqull- Ity to the nervous system by the efficient aid of Hostetter'e Stomach Bitters , which also removes malarial , kidney , dyspepsia aid bil ious trouble. SATISF1UU WITH HIS F.Xl'EHIEXCK. S h Old Mnn Who Felt In Tilth n Xecrex n i mill Warn Iloabbetl. An old man who was lamenting the loss of $10 hung around the Webster street depot all y day yesterday. Early In the day ho said he v.-cr.t Into a dive on Twelfth street , and while there a negrpsa tool ; his money. An oCTcer went with htm and tried to find the place where the robbery occurred , but the old man was about half drunk and did not seem to bo able to remember very clearly what had happened to him , and said that ho d'd ' not think ha could Identify the woman It ho were to see her. Ho persistently refused to glvo his name , and said that bo bad a leaiOn that \\a * worth more than $10 to him. He would not tell where ho lived , but In the afternoon he pawned a pair ot gold glasces and bought a ticket for Springfield , Neb. Ho left on the afternoon train , main taining to the lart that his experience In Omaha was a good one for a man who ex pected to travel extensively. Iltumon Him n Horned linbblt. John Slngklel of Bancroft went rabbit hunting ono day during the past winter and among other rabbits which hla dog caught was one that had thirty-five horns. Slng klel was afraid of the rabbit when he first saw It. Its horna suggested the Infernal regions and It was only after ho was sure the dcg had killed the rabbit that he dared to examine It closely. The horns are of < t very hard rubutance and are dlspcecd thickly about the headend nock of the animal. Out side of this queer freak the rabbit has t > > e appearance of any ordinary cotton tall. Sing , klel had the queer little animal stuffed and wes on hla way over to Council Bluffs , where he had a prospective buyer , when Nels Han- ivn met him and trailed for hla strange treasure. Mr. Hansen prizes ) the rabbit very bl 'ily and feels sure ( hat * It has more hi.rns * i ttun cny other rabbit ever caught. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ; urolj Boatlno Basineta Dispotod Of Without Inoid nt. EV RAL STREETS ARE ORDERED PAVED Old * Itrcrlveil YeMerilny < or Refund ing IlonilN Arc Ordered . nnd Ilonil * Will Not Be Sold for the Present. The regular city council mcctlng--w * 6 lank last night as far as the entertainment ( -the lobby was concerned. The business n the clerk's desk was purely routine and It was disposed of without Incident. The only enr business was the Intro luctlon ot resrlu- lens ordering a niirtib-r of addUI&nal street ghts. Some of thee were adopted .and thers were referred for further consldera- . lon. lon.Mrs. Mrs. A. E. Wallace was allowed $250 In set- ' lement of her claim against the shy for In- urles sustained on account ot a defective Idewalk. The bids received yeiterdiy for the pur- hafo of the $300,000 retJndliin bonds were , rdercd rejected and the bonds will not be old until the bond market recovers Crom the nflucnce of the war scare. Three bl-H were received for printing COO oplco of the annual reports for 1897. 'For irlntlng th > entire reports the figures were : . Jmaha. Printing company , 11,094.75 ; Rces Printing company , $1OS5 ; Klopp-Bartlett ompany , $1,060. For a volume not to ex- ecd 300 pages , without Inserts , the Omaha riming company Mil $ .J. ! > 0 per page , the lees Printing company $549.50 and the Klopp-Bartlctt company $ S2 ? . The bids were eferrcd without action. The comptroller's ronort of cash In the. hands ot the city treasurer April 1 was filed 8 follows : Cash In drawer $ 3,103.71 Checks for deposit 2,535.46 Balances In banks : City Funds Commercial National bank $31.010.07 iMrst National bank 31,372.18 ilerchants' National bank 31,150.58 National Bunta of Com merce 31,034.24 Nebraska National bank. 30,981.85 Omaha National bank 30,891.85 Union National bank 30,920.73 United States National bank 31.C14.31 German Savings bank , certificates 114.CO . . . . Countzo Brot'ners , New York 1C,08US-$2G3.218.29 Balances In banks : School Funds. Merchants' National bank 6,732.16 Union National bank . . . 31,279.2541.pll.41 Police Relief Funds : German Savings bank , certificates 2,793.53 Merchants' National bank. certlllcntoB fsr > l.Cl Merchants' National bank 620.65 ' $ 3.970.71 Special Funds : Kountzo Brot'ners , New York 1,000.00 Union National bank 2,000.0 - $ 3,000.00 Total of funds on hand $318,839.53 The contract for painting the Interior ol the city hall was awarded to Rutherford & Jcr.scn on their bid ot $915. Ordinances were Introduced providing for paving Half-Howard street frdm Thirty- sixth to Thlrtytelghth street , Thirty-second avenue from Dorcas to Center and from Cen ter to Arbor , and Twenty-fourth avenue from Harncy to St. Mary's avenue. Ordinances were passed as follows. Pav ing Douglao street from Twenty-fifth avenue to Twenty-sixth avenue ; paving Twenty- sixth avenue from Farnam to > Douglas ; pav ing Tenth street from Center to Castellav and from CaTstcllar to Bancroft , and provid ing for sanitary regulation of bakeries. - - t i Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs , colds , bron chitis , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and all throat and lung diseases. .AMUSEMENTS. The special train bearing Mme. Melba and Hie members of the Damrpsch-BHIs grand opera company arrived at Webster' street station over the Missouri Pacific rallrcad yesterday afternoon at 6:15 : o'clock. T ib train woa a handsome and well appointed one throughout , consisting of five caro. The most conspicuous of these cars was the pri vate car "Melba , " occupied by the noted clngcr herself and furnished In luxurlanl style. In addition to thu there were two Pullman sleeping cars and two baggage care. The train of five cars was run tpeclal from St. Louis to this city , leaving the former city at 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning. The .same train will carry Mme. Melba and her company back to Kansas City tonight after the performance of the opera. On Saturday the Unlco Pacific will carry ihe train as a special from Kansas- City to Denver. Robert Mantell will present Monbars am A Secret Warrant" at Boyd'e theater nexi Thursday , Friday and Saturday. "A Secrei Warrant" depicts the Irelde life ot the court under the regency of the Due d' Or leans In 1720. The author has fitted the actor with a role which will equal ony of the dactlng adventurers of romance. Louis de Beaumont Is a typical dare-devil , courageous handsome and wttb a love story that thrills the romantic female heart. In such plays -Robert Mantell is himself. He has a voice and physique , a manly carriage and drese.es his characters to perfection. His love lines fascinate and his heroic action holds hla audience in owe. "All Coons Look Alike to Me" Hogan and Mme. St&sleretta Jones , the black Pattt , costars - stars ot the Black Pattl- Troubadours , wll be next week's attraction at Boyd's. Th merry troubadours begin their engagement on Sunday night , continuing Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings , with a Wednesda ; ' matinee. This happy band of ebony Thes pians has Created a veritable sensation throughout the country Their success on the Pacific coast tour has been remarkable Black Pattl , leading star of the organization Is a mail accomplished singer. She has wet triumphs in all the musical centers of the world. Ernest Hogan , the comedian ot the company. Is credited with being the funnies colored comedian alive. As a composer o rag-time ballads Hogan has no equal. His "All Coons Look Alike to Me" and the "Pas-Ma-La" are sung In every country where the English language Is known. In addition to Mme. Jones and Hogan there are a number ot other accomplished per farmers among the troubadours , who con tribute largely to the pleasure of the stage performance. Among the Innumerable tea turcs Introduced during the performance- a genuine cake walk contest , participated In by eight couples. Among the contestants In this cake walk contest are Gus Hall nnd Mat tic Phillips , who enjoy the exalted distinction ot being the champion cake walkers ot the wcrld. The sale of ccats opens Friday morn Ing at Boyd's box office. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up In tbo morning as fast as you can , " tb3 drucelst recognized a household name for "DeWltt's Little Early Risers , " and gave htm a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation , sick headache , liver and stomach ach troubles. Clicnu Cab Service Inew - York. The cab service organized and operated b ; the Pennsylvania System In connection wit ) the Twenty-third street station New York City is a model in convenience and reason also rates charged. Write H. R. DER1NG A. G. P. Agt. , 248 South Clark St. . Chicago for leaflet giving the very low rates. They will KurprUo you. A Lnrite Edition. The Weekly Bee of May 4 will be devoted largely to advertising tbo exposition. There will be over 200,000 copies of this Issue , mos ot them sent directly to formers In Iowa Illinois. Missouri , Kansas , South Dakota , Ne braaka and adjoining states. Why not be gin now and send the Weekly Bee to you entern friend * who may be Interested In the great-west and the exposition ? Only t5 cents a year. SEPAltATED MMM HIS MONEY ; P. ' < T. 'Rentier Jralln In with Compan ion * WkiNBtob Him. F. 0. Beiber , aJt ckman from Ulyeres , Vobvw a robbed Bf 11860 last nlghtrby par ies' with whom ho''btllevc ho is acquainted. . . 'he "money was taken from a trunk at his1 edging1 , on the otra r of Fourteenth nd loward streets , dutlirg his absence , i- ifenber came toilthis city several .weeks go. provided wlth.BOO ] and * certificate , ot eposlt for $2,100. T There had been * mis * indcmUndlng wlth'Jhli wife and Beaber bad eft his native tswn too. that account. A ew .dkya after hte arrival he met * Minnie tevens , woman jhe had formerly known urlng a business trip to Wyoming , He made an effort to be agreeable and 'With uch succeifl that she was soon located in a room which he had furnished at Four- eenth and Howard streets ; i There were a number of other roomers t the house , with whom Beaber and the woman became acquainted. Several drlnk- ng parties went oft successfully and last night an expedition was planned to Hill's oad house , In East Omaha. A back was engaged and tn company with C. B. Stortz and Minnie Stortz , the stockman and Minnie Stevens arrived at the place a'bout ' 9 o'clock. Beaiber felt the effects of East Omaha , efreshment and was soon In a eeml-con- clous condition. He noticed , however , that his companions were engaged In a whispered conversation and that they left shortly after ward , leaving him seated dazed by the table. ' n about half an hour he roused himself' ufflclently to wonder at their absence and legan to grow suspicious. Ho felt that ho tad been marooned In that Isolated spot ; ind thought < wlth alarm of his money In the runk , which amounted to $360. It was sev eral miles to the Sherman avenue street , ar , but Beaber made the distance In excel * ent time and arrived at his room less than an hour * after his trunk had been opened and ransacked. The matter was reported at the police sta- ion and Captain Haze arrested Stortz and Us wife a few minutes later. It was learned rom them that Minnie Stevens had taken a ate train for Wyoming and a message was ent to Intercept her. Stortz denies all mowledge of the missing money , but other comers at the house overheard a conversa- ion very damaging to him 'after the hurried return of the party. Two young men In the adjoining room say they heard Stortz pro pose that ho take $160 of the money and ; lvo the Stevens woman the remaining $200. 4oneofthe _ _ moaey has been recovered. Gooil EnotiKli to Tnkc. The finest quality of loaf sugar Ie used in .ho manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough "lemcdy and the roots used In Its preparation 5lve it a flavor similar to maple syrup , mak ing It very pleasant to take. As a medicine 'or the cure of coughs , colds , Influenza , croup and whooping cough , It Is far superior to any other. It always cures , and cures quickly. HACK TO TltE STATE COUHT. Smyth Will Auk to Ilnvd Salt AgalnM Iliinlc HcHtored. The principles In the case ot the State against the Omaha National bank secin to be rather uncertain In which court the suit belcngs. It was started in the district court and was later transferred to the federal court by the bank , where It la now pending. At torney General Siiiyth'has ' now given notice that ho will this morning'present to the court a 'motion to remand the case back to the state court. This 1s the sultvwhlch Is ilntlmately con nected with the iproceedlngai against ex- State Treasurer Hartley. lu was through the Omaha National bank that Hartley , dis posed or the $180,000 warrant foe la charged with embezzling , and , It waq by means off a check 'upon the state funds In this bank that he took up the warrant. Inasmuch as it Is alleged that the banKtnad , no right to honor the 'ch ' ck , the Institution la considered lia ble for the amount , something over $201,000. Suit Is1 brought toorecover this sum. ' TO CUIIK cuib i.r'o.Vid ' DAT Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. A ? druggists retynd the money If it falls to cur' . 25c. The genulno has L. B. QJ on e 6h tablet. , Tbc lIuomlUK IV'oKt. i , . The tide ot emigration Is coming this way. Western towns and villages will soon become cities ; HICK prairies will bloom with crops of wheat and corn ; cattle are feeding on the thousand hills ; new industries ot every sort are In their infancy. Every step" In western progress is .noted . in The Bee , The people of the east should know these facts. Send them , the Weekly Bee for 65 .cents a year. „ Only Train to Denver having BUFFET. SMOKING ana LIBRARY" CARS. "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" Via UNION PACIFIC. For ( full Information cell or address City Ticket Office , No. fiat the Same One. Chicago Tribune : "Well , Miss Clara , " re marked the young man , breaking a pause that was becoming embarrassing , "It's the old. old story. " "Why , Mr. Hanklnsoo , " replied Miss Clara , "this iso sudden ! " "Yen , " he ealdr-nervously fingering , the newspaper over which he had been yawning while waiting for the young woman to come down stairs , "It's a little earlier this season than it U usually , perhaps , but it's the same old story the peaches In Delaware are all killed again. " Ankn n Ili-ot-lver ( or the Property. Frank J. Horbach , who has put In seine claims against the property of George X. Hicks , against which foreclosure proceed ings are pending- the federal court , has filed a. motion asking : .that the property be placed In the hand'3of ' a receiver. Hi seta out that the property Is not Ixrlng cared for properly and that It la so de preciating In value- and taxes are piling up against It to such an extent that It i\vll \ soon be Insufficient pay the claims against It. Most of the property , consist ing of houses ) and. lots , Is located In Hans- corn Place and Is valued at $22.000 , accord ing to the affidavits filed with the mo tlon. _ Home anil lltiKKy Stolen. Fred P. Rawcliffe left hla horse and buggy tied near Fifteenth and Howard streets last night , nnd they were stolen before ho returned. Mr. nawcllffe Is an Instructor on the violin and left his rooms at 554 South Thirty-turn street after supper to give a ipsson down town. At SHO : he tied his horse In front of the Sheeley block and spent an hour Inside nt his work. He remembers to have' tied the anlainl securely and Is sure It could not hava.wandered away. Tne rig was quite a valuable one. Mnrrlnne The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday byi the county judge : Name and Address. Age Paul B. DeLllle.nOmaha . j 23 Ida Kocil , St. Loula . , 22 Fred T. Fonda,1 Chicago . 28 Jessie Woods , Omaha . . . . . . 2 ( .Joseph Kasley , Omaha . ; 23 Jtaud Whltmar , Omaha . 19 James A. Hunt , South Omaha . 3.1 Krnellne Hooten. lillddlctown , In . i is James Folcy , Omaha . , 2S Catherine. Morris , Omaha . 23 4 M B M H HH Tocl re 'School ' 41u Xew Quartern. The Dodge street school la now fully in stalled in the Katz-Nevlns bulldlns ; the final necessary renovation having bcTon fully complc/cd. Eight trooms are running and tlHMe are sufficient to accommodate nil the classes of .the old Echool from the kinder garten to the High school grade , with the exception of 'ho eighth A , inhlcn has beei transferred to the CUBS school. Prlnclpa Allen' ' ban an office on the second floor of the building. _ LOCAL. IlltEVITIES. ' There will be a meeting- the Veteran Firemen' * aiBOclatlon on Wednesday 'even ing , April 6 , at 8 o'clock , at Chief Redcll's office. Suit has been begun in ( he federal court against the city of Beatrice by Chester B Meisllch to recover $8,730.25 defaulted Inter est upon paving , guttering and curbing bonds of the town , Issued in 1889 and 1899. A bicycle was stolen tail night from ( he curb In froct ot the Western Union Telo- grath company on Thirteenth street. It vai the propert ) of a messenger boy , who nai left nla wheel ungiwrded during a ib'or absence VKELLEY , STICER & CO , Haw ; Shoes and Oxfords for Spring Wear , OXFORDS AT 98C AND $1,25 We've Got In. Onr Xcw Spring Stock . . of. Ladle * ' , Mime * ' and Chll. ' dren'N Sheen and , Oxford * . All now Btylea In either kid or fancy vesting top. - . Ladles vlcl kid tan bats , new coin toe , at $2.25'cheap ot $2.75. Ladles' fine vlcl' kld tan shoes , floe silk vesting top at $3.00 , worth $3.60. Ladles' best quality vlcl kid tan bale , welt solw , at $3.60 , cheap at $4.00. Ladles' fine vlcl kid eboea. light turn or welt sole , cola too , at $3.00. Theseare. . spe cial bargains. Ladlra' best quality vlcl kid ball , beet quality silk vesting top , at $4.25 , no better shore at $5.00 eold. Ladles' fine vlcl kid Oxfords , plain or silk opplngfl , at $3.00 , worth $3.50. Ladles' best quality vlel kid Oxfords , either black or tan , at $3.25. These have the vest- ng tops and are new In design , and some- .htng different. Misses' flne kid OxforJs , either black or : an , at 98c , spring heels , sizes 11 to 2. Misses' -best vlcl kid lace shoes , silk vest- ng top , at $2.50 , worth $3.00. We have a great many special bargains n ladled * and misses' shoes and oxfords at one-half the regular price. KELLEY , STIG'ER ' & CO. Cor. Farnam and 15th St. AT TI1E HOTELS. John Schmldtkla of Barling , la. , a large stock dealer who Is In Omaha for a few days , reports that the stock farming Industries are n a very flourishing condition In western [ owa. Cattle ure finding the best market that has existed for several years and aa a result the price of corn Is greatly Improved. Mr. Schmldtkin says that a largo per cent of Iowa fanners have boon able to hold their corn and feed It this year , thus deriving a much grihter profit than those who had to sell when the market was poor. The two markets which Iowa cattle are sent to are Omaha and Chicago , Sioux City and Kansas City receiving no cattle from that state. Con ditions at present are very favorable for o. good grars and grain crop and there Is a feeling among farmers that prosperity has really returned. PerHonnl I'liriiKmipliH. A. Hupp of Buffalo , N. Y. , Is a Mercer guest. O. S. Hedehaw of Hamburg , la. , Is at the Mercer. J. H. Whltakor of Rochester , N. V. , Is at the Mercer. A. A. Parker of Denver , Colo. , Is a guest at the Barker. W. Comstock of Oakdalo Is registered at the Barker , F. C. Stubb of New York City can be found at the Barker. , A'lex 0. Smith of Burlington , la. , Is regis tered at the Mercer. John L. Branch , a brewer of Philadelphia , Is registered at an Omaha hotel. Horace Huron , a Kansas City traveling antis stopping at the Barker. J. D. Johnson and J. R. Brown of Burling ton , la. , arc guests at the Barker. Joseph de Bona and H. Mueller , with the Melba company , are at the Mercer. Judge William D. McHugh and M. T/Par- low left last night on a western trip. Fourteen members of the Damrosch Opera company are quirtered at the Barker. Ocorgo K. Pearson of Indianapolis , an ex- state senator of Indiana , Is In the city. Miss Mary Welles of Genoa , Neb. , Is the guest of Mrs. Albert Rose of this city. Frederick A. Foster of 2030 South Thirty- third street left yesterday for Chicago on a business trip. Clerk Hllll , ? of the federal court has re turned from St. Paul and Minneapolis , where he has been on a visit for several days. Miss Mary Wyman has returned from the Pacific coast , where she spent the wliter with relatives la San Frunclsco ana Han Diego. Thomas A. Bailey and the Mljsoi Bailey arrived in Omaha lest evening from their homo In Sioux City. They will attend the opera this evening at Boyd's. Mrs. Cul Helllg of Portland , Ore. , wife ot the manager of the Great Northwestern The atrical circuit , accompanied by her daughter , arrived here llist evening from the west. She h en route cast and will leave Omaha to day. day.W. W. W. Wadsworth of Warsaw , 111. , a brother-in-Piw of Congressman Marsh of Illi nois , arrived In the city last evening. He Is manager of a Urge woolen mill on the Mississippi river , In which Mr. Marsh has a controlling .Interest. Sllus M' Peabody of Terre Haute , Ind. , second end vice president of the Terre Haute & Vlneennes Railroad company , only ret ntly elected to that position , arrived last evening at a lodil hotel. Ho la en route to Denver , where he has a son who Is in business there. Frank D. Slocum of Grand Forks , N. D. , Is In the city. He Is one of the most extensive wheat growers In the' northwest and says that the business outlook in his section , par ticularly In hla own city , Is better than It has been for more than a year. Grand Forkfl Is rapidly recovering from the great fire that occurred there recently und indications are that within less than a year no traces of th calamity will remain , on account of the re building that Is now In progress. The farmer , the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the best thing to keep on hand. H heals quickly , and Is a well known cure tor piles. Time i * Monej , and "The Overland Limited" VIA UNION PACIFIC makes 16 HOURS QUICKRR tlmo to the Pacific coast than any other line. For full Information call or address City Ticket Office , 1.102 Farnam street. ChrlNt ) ' * Sentence. Douglas Christy , the former postmaster of Scotia , who pleaded guilty to the charge of embezzling money crder funds during his term of office , was sentenced by Judge Mun- ger of the federal court to two years' Im prisonment In the government prison at Sioux Falls and to pay a flne of $3,700 , the amount of the emlbezzlcment. The wife of the prisoner created something of a scene In the court room by her hysterical < l meaner when sentence was pronounced. She Insisted that pho would accompany her husband to prison , but will bo taken to her homo toy friends. Christy will be at once removed to Sioux Falls. The Lending Mnlt Kxtrnct. Malt-Nutrlne Is the only really great ex tract of malt offered on the market. Other so-called extracts being nothing better than atrcng black beer wild a large percentage of alcohol and a very email ono or extractive matter. Such extracts should not be given or recommended to convalescents or strength- Reeking people , since their merits ere all on the label and not In ttie bottle. Malt-Nu trlne 1s preyed by the famous Anheuser- Butch Brewing Aes'a which fact guar- aotew the purity , excellence and merit claimed for U. . Dee. m \ffain. \ The young men's suits that wo are selling from 54.50 to $7.50 , are not poor patterns or poorly cut suits or poorly made. They are new , stylish suits. They are suits that a young man may not be asham ed to wear in any company and they are full of fit , fashion and wear. Notice the emphasis wo put on that word wear. It is an easy matter to sell a suit for four or live dollars that will look well and hold its shape for a week or ten days , but it is not easy to find a good and durable suit for that price. That is why we are anxious that strangers should examine - , ine these young men's suits of ours they are so much better than suits usually offered for. the same price. You can't help noticing , when you come in , that we show a big variety of these suits for young men under 20 and you can't help noticing that our pat terns are just a leetle bit nicer than you can find elsewhere. There isn't a price from ten dollars down that you won't find something worth looking at , and \ you'll ' thank us for having called your attention to the splendid lines at $7.50 and § 0.75. We have suits for three dollars but wo dent lay any piirtieu- lar stress on their quality. They're great suits for the money , that's all. Oriental Rug Sale. Since we have been in business we've had some great successes. We have always considered our special Oriental Rug SalCS the greatest , To please our friends and ourselves we , on Monday , April 4th commenced an other great Oriental Rug Sale You should avail your self of this special showing , which is in charge of Gr. T. Pushman , showing a dense importation of over GOO pieces of all sizes and makes by far the choicest and largest selection ever brought to Omaha. This special rug sale continues all this week. FOR SPECIAL DRIVE We offer a Royal Bokhara for $13.50 , $1G and $18. SHIRVAN RUGS , § 8,00 , § 12.00 and $15.00. ANTIQUE CASHMERE RUGS , Average size about 4Jx7 $20.00 and § 2576o. An extensive line large carpet sizes at exceptionally low prices. ORCHARD & WILHELM I414,4I6,4I8 CARPET CO. , Douglas SI. They Talk About Her. Everybody says she looks like a queen how could she look otherwise when she persists in wearing the r ftr AMERICAN LADY CORSET , ft that permits per- feet freedom of action why not try one yourself ? . . FOR INTEIlNAt , AND EXTERNAL USB. CUR12S AND I'UKVB.VrS Colili , CouHThn , Sore Thront. Inflncnsu , IlruiichltU , Pneumonia , Swelling of the Jolnln , Lumbago , Inflammation * . RHEUMATISM , NEURALGIA , HEAD ACHE , TOOTHACHE , ASTHMA , DIF FICULT IIREATHI.\a. Railway * ' Renily Relief IB a Sure Cure for Every I'aln , Siirulnn , UrulHeM , I'll I no In the Hack , Client or Lliiih * . It Yvim the Flmt nnd U the Only I'AIX REMEDY That Instantly stops the most excruciating pains , allaya Inflammation , and cures congegtloni ) . whether of the Lungs , Stomach , Dowels or other glands or organs , by one aip'.lcatlon. A halt to a tenrpoonful in hulf a tumbler ot water will In a few minutes cure Cramps , gpamna , Hour Stomach , Heartburn. Hfrvousnees , BleepU'Bsnefs. Sick Headache , Diarrhoea , Dysen tery , Colic. Flatulency urnl ail Internal pains. There U not a remedial agent In the world that will euro fever and ague und all other malarious , bllllous and other fevers , aided by HAPWAY'B IMI.US , so quickly as riAIMVAVH HEADY RELIEF. We a bottle sola by drug. ' Ha J way & Co. . New Vork City , K Elm St Stay "In Curl" Ye > , your hair will ttay In curl If you UEO lionTon Curling Fluid. Price this week 25c per bottle-call at our drug store and let Madame Jnckion tell you about It PllUa FIOUHES Terms spot cath. 2 0 Laxative Uromo Quinine , we sell He 2'ic Cascarets , e cell 19c 25o llromo-Seltzer , we eell 19o ZJo Allen's Footeate. we cell , 19o 2Sc Hubby I'earl Tooth Snap Ho 2Jo Carter's Liver I'llls , we cll 12o 25o Allcock's 1'orous I'lsiteru , we sell Ho 2V ) Mennen's Talcum Powder , we sell lie Wo Stuart's D > Bp psla Tablets 32o Wo Byrup of Figs 32c Me Ynle's Fdco I'owder. we tell JSo 11.00 Ccott's Kmulslon , we fell 7o 00 Wine of Cardul , we rell Clo ll'w Plerce's Favorite Prescription , we sell C o Warranted Water Hags Mo Quart bottle California Port or Sherry . . . . too Mo I.tncmler Kmelllne Halts 19c SJc Violet Water 1IW tl.04 Yale's Hoods COc Me Infant's Foods ( all klndt ) S9u 11.00 Ilccf , Iron and Wine 4'Jo 11.00 Maltlne Preparations lac WIUTB FOH CATALOUUK. SllHUMAN & JI'COWKM , DIIUU CO. , ISIS DOIKJK STHEKT. ( Middle of IHock. ) OMAHA. NED. ' KACIAI. SOAP WOODBURY'S AND facial CUCASI. f RUPTURE , CURED FOR _ m $30. z o C o No Detention From Business. We refer to HUNDREDS op PATIENTS Cunmt PILES CURED In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain. ONE TREATMENT DOES TUB WORK. THE EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE , ( Baooeoaon to THE O. E. M1I.I.E11 CO. ) 032-933 New York Life Building , Omaha. Call orvrlto ( or circulars COCOA" and CHOCOMTCS FOR UTINa DRINKINa COOKING. BAKING K f i Putty of Material ind fDRSALfUOURSrcttS " AND BY ( CUCERS EYUCYWHUIE : BUY THE GENUINE" SYRUP OF FIGS . . . MANUFACTURED BY. . . CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. Or 1 OTK TUB ? ' AM K. M OklekMtci' * fcBcllife WU M4 Brut PENNYROYAL PILLS -Jk _ - j I Md Omlj Of _ _ . _ _ \ . . .J. idUUl. UOII * Mk ! Ufutilil for nickultri gnalttk Dlt. onion * * la lt d U4 OtU B.I.1IU' iiu. inlM wlik Lin. ribU . Take no other. Rtftt dvutnut Mtttlv * llfUcV for , " ' * ! * ! ? * IL IU.UOUT.MlBH '