10 THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY , APRIL 8 , . 1808. ZIMBABWE ( Copyright , 189S , by If. tlMor , ' CHAPTER XII. Continued. Having passed tbo sate , Azlcl and Issachar creat down the winding passages of atone , groplnz their path by such light as fell from \ho \ narrow line of sky above thorn , tilt at length they reached the court of the sanctuary. Here the place was as silent as death , for the noise from the city with out could not pierce the towering walla of maralvo granite. "It Is the very pit of Tophet , " murmured Issachar , peering through the dense shad- owe , "tho houao of Ueelzebub , where Ills presence dwells. Whither now , Azlel ? " Tbo prince pointed to two objects that vroro visible In the starlight , and answered : "Thither , at the foot of the pillar of El. " "Ah , I remember , " said Issachar , "whore the accureod woman would have offered sacrifice , and the priests cut mo down be cause I prophesied to them of the wrath to come , and that U now ati hand. An lll-omcncd spot , Indeed , and an Ill-omened tryst with the flends for witnesses. Wall , lead on , and I pray you ho OB brief as may bs , for this place weighs down my soul , and t feel danger In It danger to the body and the spirit. " So they went forward. "Bo careful , " whis pered Azlel presently. "The pit of sacrlDco la at your feet. " "Yes. yes , " hs answered , "we wallt upon the edge of the pit. and In truth , I grow fearful , for at the threshold of such bulld- Ine'J the angel of the Lord deserts ua. " "There are none hera to fenr , " said Azlel , tut even as ho spoke , though he could not aeo It , a white face rose above the edge of tha pit , llko that of some ghost struggling from the tomb , watched them a moment with cold eyes , then disappeared again. Now they were near the greater pillar , and now from Us shadows glided a black- veiled shapf. "Bllesa , " murmured Azlel. "It Is I , " whlt'percd ' a tn > ft voice , "bul who comes with you ? " "I , tesachar , " fild the Levlte , "who would not uuffer that he of whom I am giver charge should seek such company alone Now , priestess , say your say with the prlnci yonder and let uy bo gene swiftly from thlt blood-i'talned ' place. " "You speak harsh words to me , Issachar , tiho ( Mid , gently , "yet I am most glad yoi ibavo come , for , believe me , I sought n < lovers' meeting with Prlnco Azlel. Listen both of you. You know they have consecrated crated mo high priestess of lUaaltls again ? my will , but I tell you I have already toll Prince Azlel that 1 am no longer a wor Bhlppcr of Ilaaltls. Yes. hero In her vcrj trmplo I renounce her , oven though sh ( take my life In vengeance. O ! since thej made me priestess I have been forced t ( learn all her -worship and to see slghtu tha would chill the blood to hear them , and : tell you , Prince Azlel and Issachar , that will bear no more of It. From El am tDaaltla I turnto him you worship , though alas , llttlo time Is left to me In which t < plead with him. " "Why lo llttlo time left ? " broke in Azlel "Because my death U very near me prince , for If I live , see what a fate If mine , either to remain high prlet'tess ' o : ( Baaltla and to her day by day to bow th ( knee and month by month to make oacrl- ces of what think you ? Well , of the blooe of maide and children , or , perhaps , should their "feara overcome their scruples , to b < given by the council aa a peace offering t ( Ithobal. Well , I will bear neither of thesi burden * ot blood or shame. They are to < beavy for me , bnt as aoon as you are gone I , too. shall leare this city , not In the body tut In the eplrlt. searching for peace 01 sleep. U was ( or thla reason that I sough to apeak with you in farewell , for In mj ' "weakness " I desired that you should know the truth at the cause- and manner of mj end. And now , since for me there la m escape , farewell forever , Prince Azlel , whoa I hare loved and whom I can ecarca hopi to meet again , even beyond , the grave , " am with a Httle despairing motion of ber bane he turned to go. "Stay , " said Ariel , hoarsely , "for we can not bo parted thus ; since by your own ac you can dare to leave the world , will yoi not dare fly with me ? " "Perchance , prince , " she answered with i little laugh.But \ would you dare to taki mo , andIt BO , would ilssachar here suffer it' ' No , no ; go your own path In Ufa and leave mi death It Is the easier way. " "In this matter I am master and no Issachar. " said Azlel , "though It IB true that should It please him , ho can warn the priest : of El. lilsten , ElUsM : Either you leavi this city with me or I 'stay In It with you ( You hear me , Issachar ? " "I hear you , " said the Levlte , "but per chance before you throw more sharp wordi at my head you will suffer me to speak ( Self-murder Is a crime , yet I honor thl ; woman , who would shed her own blcoi rather than the .blood of the Innocent I ) sacrlflco to Baal , and who refuses to be glvei In marrbge to one she'hates ; who , moreover has found strength and grace to trampl on her tlcvll worship , It so In truth she has If , therefore , ehe will come with us , and wi can escape with her , why , let her come ; enl ; wear to mo , Azlel. that you will make ni iwlfo of her until Solomon has heard thl tale and give Judgment on It. " "That I will swear for him , " exclalmei Ellssa ; "Is It not so. Azlel ? " "As you will , lady , " he answered "Issachar , you will have my word that untl then she shall be as my sister and no more. ' "I bear and I believe you , " said 'Issachar ' adding : "And the hour Is good , for I ehal not bo missed until dawn. So they turned to leave the temple , bu although they reached the chambers of Azle In safety , their hearts , which should hav Annual Solas ever 6OOO 000 BOM * FOB BILIOUS AND BEBYOU8JHBORDEK8 uch as Wind and Fain In the Ptomnch. Giddiness , fulness allot meals. Head ache , Dlz7.lnos3 , Drowsiness. Flushluca ot Hotit. Losa ot Appotlto , Costlvoness , Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills , Dis turbed Sloop. Frightful Dreams and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WIH GIVE BELIEF IH TWENTY MINUTEa Every sufferer Trill uokuowloduo thorn to bo i A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 1 BEECH AM'S PILLS , taken 03 directed - ed , will ( julckly restore Females to com- plcto health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities ot ttio eya- teat and care Sick Heudacbe. Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MINf WOMEN OR CHILDREN oham's Pills ar Without a Rival And hi ? * tb * LARGEST SALE ff M7 Patrat Me lclH0 IH the \TerM. 350. t all Drue Btores , been light etlll. were heavy with the pres age of new sorrow to com ? . Scarcely could they have been heavier , ln- lecd , had they een a white-faced woman creep from the pit of death and follow them stealthily until tboy had passed their doors , then turn and run at full speed toward the college of the prlcats of El. In the chamber of Azlel they found Metem. "I rejolco to see you back again In safety , since It Is mcTO than I thought to do , " ho said , os they entered , then added , as the black-veiled Shape of Ellsea followed them Into the room , "but who la the third ? Ah , I see , the Lady ElUsa. Docs the BaaltliJ accompany ua upon our Journey ? " "Yea , " answered Azlel shortly. "Then with her on ono side and the holy Ismchar on the other , It should not lack for blessings , since the evil must bo great from wlilL-U separately or together they are unable to defend us. UJut , lady , If 1 may ask It , havj jou bu f-rcweli to your meat hon ored father ? " "Torment mo not , " murmured Ellssa. "Indeed , I did not wish to , though you may remember that not BO long ago you threatened to sllenco mo forever. Well , doubtless your departure Is too hurried for farewells , and , fortunately , foreseeing It , I have provided tiparo mules , so that my deeds are kinder than my words. I go to see that all Is prepared. Now cat before you start ; presently I will return for you , " and ho left the chamber. When ho bad gene they gathered round the tables , on which otoocl food , but could touch llttlo , for the hearts of all three of them were tilled with Did foreboding. Soon they heard a noise aa of people talking ex citedly outside the palace gates. "It Is TUetcm with the mules , " said Azlel. "I hope so , " answered Elista. Again there was a sllunce , which , after a while- was broken by a loud knocking at the door. 11 11 Ui tbo altar etood a shrlaa containing a sym bolic efllgy ot Baaltla faahlonc-3 of gold and Ivory and wood In the shape ot a woman with u hundred breasts. Soli\3 all this , Azlel understood that they thrca had been brought here far trial and that tbo prlw.a and prlMtcsses before him were their judges. Indeed , ho remembered that the place hail hem pointed out to him ua that where thoao who bad offended against the goda were car ried' for Judgment , to bo hurled , If found guilty , down the face ot the precipice and left , a slinpeUeg mass ot broken bones , to crumble on the roadway at its foot. After a lonz and solemn pattpe , at a sign from the shadld , he who had been the hus band of the dead Qaaltls , the veil was re moved from Ellssa , who looked at Azlol and smiled eadly. "Do you know the fate that waits us ? ? " the prlncp asked lasachar In Hebrew. "I know , and I am ready , " answered the old Lovlte , "for since ray t'oul Is safe I care little what these dogs do to my body ; but , oh. my son , I weep for you , and cursed bo tbe hour when flrst you saw that woman's face. " "Spare to reproach mo In my misfortune , " murmured Ellssa. "Havo I not enough to bear. , knowing that I have- brought death ujon him I Iovo7" Oh , curse mo not , but pray that my sins may be forgiven me. " "That I will do gladly , daughter , " replica Issachar moro gently , "seeing that , nl- thouzh you seem to be the cause of them , these things can have happened only by the wli : of God , and therefore I was wrong to rovllo you. " 'Before she could answer , the shadld com manded silence , and at the sumo moment the woman Mesa stepped from behind the efflgy of the goddess. "Who are you , and what do you h'ero ? " arked the shadld , as though ho did not know her. "I am Mesa , the daughter of her wfooWOP that you should die , since for you there Is a way of escape that loads to safety a > nd great honor , and ehe who was the caune of your j aln Is the mlstrcea ot Its gate. Ellssa , holder ot Ibo spirit of Dualtls upon oirthIt It be your pleasure to name thU man husband before us all , then as the apou.se of llaaltls ho goes free , for ho whom the IJa iltln chooser cannot refuse her gift of lovo. but for EO Ictig aa oho ehall Hvo must rule with her as shadld of El. Dut If you tinrao htm not , then , as I hare eald , ho must die , and now. Speak. " "It seems that my choice Is envtll , " eald Ellssa , with a faint nllo. "Praying you to pardon mo for the deed , to save your life , IVInce Azlel , I name you my huaband. " Now , Azlel was about to answer her when the shadld broke In hurriedly. "So be It , " ho said. "Lady , we hear your choice , anil we accept It no wo mu.it , but not yet , Prlnco Azlel , can you take your wlfo and with her tuy place cod power. Your life Is safe , la- deed , for since the Daaltls , being unwed , namca you aa her mate , you have done no sin. Yet she has Binned , and doom aualta her , for agalnet the law she has chosen aa husband one who worships a strange god. and of all crimes that Is the greatest. Therefore , cltber you must take Incense and before ua all make offering to El and liaaltls upon yonder altar , thus renouncing your faith aad entering Into ours , or ehe must die , and you , your rank having passed [ com you , will be expelled the city. " Now Azlel understood the trap that had been laid for htm and saw la It the handi work of Sakon and Metem. Ellssa. having flagrantly violated the religious law , and ho being the cause of her crime , even the authority of the governor of the city could not prevent tils daughter * nd his guest from being put upon their trial. Therefore he hail arranged this farce , for so It would seem to him , whereby botb of them might escape the legal consequences of their crlmo , VJu * -.i , A "MAY HB WHOM I BLASPHEME FORGIVE ME. " "Ulso , " said Axle ] , "Metem come * ( or us. " "No , no , " cried Ellsea , "It la doom that knocks , not Metem. " Aa the words paasod her lips the door was burst open , and through it poured a mob of armed priests , at the head of whom marched the shadld. > By his side was bis daughter Meal , in whoso palo face the eycva burned angrily llkd lamps In a wind. , "Did I not tell you so ? " she cried In a shrill voice , pointing at the three. "De- hold > the liadr Baaltls and her lover , and with them that priest of a-false god who called down curse * upon our city. " "You told ua. Indeed , daughter , " answered tha ehadld ; "pardon us If we were loath to believe that such a thine could be. " Then with a cry of rage hetdded , 'Seize them and away to the dungeons. " Now Azlel drew his sword and sprang In front ot Ellesa to protect her , but before he could strike a blow It was tUruck down from behind , and hems gripped by many hands , gagged , bound and blindfolded. Then , llko a man In a dream , ha felt himself car ried away through long passages , till at length ho reached an airless place , where the gag and bandages were removed. "Whoro am I ? " he asked. "In the dungeons ot the temple , " answered tbo priests , as they left the vault , barring the great door behind them. CHAPTER XIII. I THE SACRILEGE OP AZIEL. How long he lay In the dungeon , lost In bitter thought and tormented by fears of Ellssa. Azlel could not tell , for no light came there to mark the passage of the hours , la the tumult or his mind one terrible thought grew clear ; be and Ellssa had been taken red-handed , add must pay the price ot their sin against the religious -customs ot the city. For the Baaltls to bo found with any man who was not her husband meant death to- her end to htm , a doom from which there was little chance of es cape. To his own fate be was Indifferent , but for Ellssa and tesachar he mourned bit terly. Truly tbo Levlte and Metem had been wise when they cautioned him , for ber sake and hla own , to have nothing to do with a priceless ot Baal. Dut ho had not listened , hla heart would not let him listen , and now to the fullness ot their youtb and love the lives ot both ot them were- for feited. Worn out with eoro and vain regrets Azlel fell at length Into a heavy sleep , from which be was awakened by the opening ot the door ot his dungeon and tbo entry ot priests , grim cud silent men , who seizes and blindfolded him. Then they led htm away up many stairs and along paths so steep that from tlmo to time they paused to rest , till at length be knew , by the sound ot voices , that ha had reached some place where people were assembled. Here the bandage was re moved from his eyes and ho stepped back ward , recoiling involuntarily from the glare ot light , whereon , uttering an exclamation , those who stood near seised and held him. Presently he e w why they had done to , for he wai standing on the brink of a great precipice at the back ot and dominating the city , while far beneath him was a rocky rift along which ran the trade road to the coast. Here upon UtU dltzy epot was a wide apace ot rock , walled In upon three Ides , the precipice forming tbe fourth aide ot tbe square , la , which , teaUd upon- stones that seemed to have been set there fa semi circles to serve at Judgment chalro , were gathered the head prlMti and priestesses ot El and Baaltls , clad in their sacerdotal robes. To tbe right and left ot these were knots ot spectators , among whom he recog nized Metem and Stkon , while at bis side , but separated from him by armed priests , were Elli A htrself , wrapped la a dark veil , and luachar. Lastly , in front ot him , a Ore burned upoa * little altar , ana behind the Ludy Baaltla , " she answered , "and my rank la that of mother ot the prlcotesres of Baal. I appear to give true evidence against her , who U tody Baaltls , against the Israelltlsh stranger named Azlel , and the priest of the God ot the Jews. " "Speak on and beware what you speak , " said the shadld. Mesa bowed taer h ad and began. ' "From the time that she was anointed I have been suspicious of the Lady Baaltls. " "Why were you suspicious ? " asked the shadld. The witness let her eyes wander toward Metem , then hesitated. 'Evidently , for some reason ot her own , sad did not wish to im plicate him. "I was suspicious , " she tcswered : , "be cause of certain wordo that came from the lips of the Lady Baaltls when she had been thrown Into the holy trance before the altar of sacrifice.As is my duty , I bent over her to hear tbo message of the goda , but In olaco ot It tbero came babblings of this stranger and ot a meeting to ba held with him ono hour before moonrlso by the pillar ot El In tbe courtyard of tbe temple. There after for several nights , as was my duty , I hid myself In the pit of offerings in th courtyard and watched. Last night , at an hour before the moonrlse , the Lady Baaltls came , disguised , by tbe secret way and waited at the pillar , where presently she was joined by the Jew , Azlel , and the Levlte , who spoke with her. "What they said I could not hear , .because ( bey were too far from me , but at length they left the temple and I traced them to the chambers of the Jew , Aztel. Then , cbadld , I warned you and the priests , and you came with me and took them. Now , as mother ot the priestesses , I demand that justice bo done upon these wicked ones , according to tbo ancient custom , lest the curse ot Baaltla should fall upon < this city. " When she had finished her evidence with a cold stare of triumph aad hate at ber rival , Mesa stepped to ono side , "You have beard , " said the sbadld. ad dressing bis fellow judges. "Do you need further testimony ? " "Nay , " answered their spokesman , "for with you we took them together in the chamber ot the Prlnfo Azlel. Set out the law ot thU matter. Oh ehadld , and let jus tice be done according to the strict letter ot tbe law justice without tear or favor. " "Hearken , " said tbe shadld. "Last night this woman , the daughter of Sakon , being the Lady Baaltls only elected , met meni secretly In tbe courts of the temple , and ac. companled them , or one ot them , to tbe chamber ot Azlel , a prince ot Israel , the guest of Sakon. Whether or no ebe was about to fly with him from the city , which he should have lelt last night , we cannot tell , and It Is needless to Inquire. At least , she was with him. This , however , U sure , that they did not sin In. Ignorance ot our law , since with my own mouth I warned them botti that If tbe Lady Baaltls consorts with any man not ber husband duly named/ by her according to ber right ehe must die , and her accomplice with ber. Therefore , Azlel , tba Israelite , wo give you to death , dooming you presently to be hurled from tbe edge ot yonder precipice , "I am in your power , " said tbe prince , proudly , "end you can murder me ityou will , because , forsooth , I have offended gainst some law ot Baal , but I tell you , priest , that there are kings In Jerusalem and Egypt who will demand my blood at your hands. I havecotV.ng' more to eay , except to beceecfa you to sp re the lite of th Lady Elksa , since the fault of that meeting wa not ben , but mine. " "Prince , " ' answered tbe sbadld , gravely , "wo know your rank and we know also thai your Wood will be required at our hand * , but we who verve our cods cannot betray Ifcelr law for tbe fear of any kings. Yet , lor so says ) thla aame law , it U not needful trusting , doubtless , to accident and tb future to unravel thla web ot forced mar rlage , and to free Azlel frccu. an eccleslas tlcal rank which ho had not sought. It woi only necessary that Ellsaa should formal ! : cbooso him as. het husband , and that Azle should go through tbe rite o ( throwing i few grains ot lucerne upon an altar , and the law satisfied , they would be both fro- and safe. What he and those who workei with him had forgotten was that this , offer Ing of incense to 'Dial ' would be the mos deadly of crimes In the eyes of any Jew one , Indeed , which , were be * alone con cerned , he would die rattier than commit. When tha prince beard the decree and tl < < full terror of tbe > choice came home to hli miid ! , his blood turned cold and for a whlli bis senses were bewildered. There was BI escape for him ; either be must abjure hi faith at the price of his own eoul , or , be cause of It , the woman whom he loved now before- his eyes , must.euffer a most horrlbli and sudden death. It was hideous to thlal of. and yet bow could he do tbls sin In th. . face ot heaven and of these ministers o satan ? The moment was at baud ; a pries held out to him a bowl of tncenee , a goldei bowl , ho noticed Idly , with handles of greet stone fashioned In the likeness ot Baaltla whose servant bo was asked to declare him self. He. Azlel OT the royal house of Israel a servant ot the Baal and Baaltls , nay. ; high priest of Ibelr wcrshlp ! It was incu etrous. It might not be. But Ellssa ! Well ehe must die ; her llfo could not bo bough at such a price. "I cannot do It. " he gasped , with dr ; lips , thrusting aside the bowl. Now all looked astonished , for hla retusa had not been foreseen , and once more tbi woman Mesa appeared before the altar am said In ber cold voice : "The Jew whom the Lady Baaltla ha cboson as husband will not do homage t her gods. Therefore- mother ot tb priestesses , I demand that Ellssa , daughtc of Sakon , be pul'Uo ! death and the throm of Baaltls bo f > urg u\ot ono who has defllei It , lest the vengeance * of the goddess shouli fall upon tbls idty ! " , . The shadld nioUbued her to be silent am addreroed Ailefr , "We pray you to , Ihlnk a while , " he said "before you give oneto deatb whose sli is that , b lug tbe hrgb priestess of our wor ship , ebe has oame'd an unbeliever to 01 tbe throne of El.anil bo her husband. Ou of pity for her.'we give you time to think.1 New , Sakon , tqklng advantage ot the pause rushed forward. andihrowjng ; his arms abou Azlel'a knees , InlplofW him , In heart-brokei accents , to save h'a only child from e horrible a futo , saying that did be refus because ot his 'rfjllgloua. scruples be woul bo a dog and a .qowgrd and the scorn ot al uonest men forever , > > slnco It wu for lov < of him tnat ene had broken the prlcstl ; law , to violate , fvtch } ° was deatb , and , al though she had-beearwanned ot her danger yet In bis wickedness and folly ho hai brought ber to this pass. But Issacba ; thrust him aside and broken la with Her ; words. "Harken not to thfc man , Azlel , " be said "who strives to work upon your weakncs to the ruin of your soul. What ! to save tbi life of tbe woman , whose fair face hai brought so much trouble upon ua all , woulc you deny your God and become the thral of Baal and Ashtareth7 Let her die , olnci die she must , and keep your own hear pure , for , be assured- should you do other wise , Jehovah , whom you renounce , wll swiftly bo avenged on you and her. At tb < beginning I warned you and you would BO listen ; now , Azlel , I warn you again , am woe , woe , woe to you should you shut you ears to my message ! " and , lifting his ban ( toward tbe skies , be began to pray aloud. Meanwhile Metem , who had baaa drawlni near , spoke In a low voice. "Prince , " be eald , "I am not chicken hearted Add there arc ro many young women In the world that ono more or Ice * can irorccly matUr ; still , although oho threat ened to murder mo three das ago , I can not bear to see this 009 come to such an end , Prlnco , do not heed the howlliigg ot that old fanatic , but remember ttwt nftor alt you are the caiwo ot thla lady's plight , and Iw a innn. Ceil you for the sake ot your own scruples , however worthy , doom n. woman to such an cod ? " and ho noJJcd toward the- precipice and shuddered. "Is there no other way ? " Azlol nskcd him hoarsely. "None , I swear It. They did aot wish to kill bcc , except that wildcat Mesa , who seeks her place , but , having put her on her trial. It you persist , they must , because this Is one of the laws that cannot bo broken for favor or for gold. PeTharm we might have round some- other p'.cn , but none ot us dreamed that you would refuse BO small i thing for the sake of \\omaa whom you swore you loved. Itcmcmber , thla offering of Incerco la but a form to which you are forced against your will you can do penance fw It after anl , when I tavo arranged for both of you to cecaio ( the city. If your God can be angry wild you for burning a pinch of dual to save a woman , who at the least has tlarcd much for you , then glvo mo Baal , for he Is less cruel. " Now Azlel looked toward him who held the bowl of Incense , when Elhsa , who all this whllo had stood silent , stepped forward and spoke. "Prince Azlel , " she said In a calm and aulot voice , "I named you husband to save vour life , but with all iny strength I pray of you , do not thU thing to save mine , which lo of little value tr.d perhaps best ended. Hcmember , Prince Azlel , that being what you are , a Jew , this net of offerlnR , however Kinnll It seems , U yet the greatest o [ sins , and ono with \\hlch you should not dare to staki your soul for the sakeot a woman , who has chanced to love you to your sorrow , Do guided , therefore , by the true wladom of Issnchar , and by my humble prayer. Make an end of your doubts and let mo die , knowing that wo io but part a while , rXnca In the gates of deatb I shall wait for you , Prlnco Azlel. " Heforo Azlel could anawcr the Slmdld , either because bis patience was outworn , or because ho wished to put him to a sharper trial , utterej a command. Thereupon four priests seized Ellssa by the wrists and tinkles , and carrying her to the- edge ot tbo precipice , thrust ber back till nhe hung over It , her long hair streaming en the wind , and her white and ghastly face turned up ward to the sky. Then they paused , waiting for the signal to let her go. The Shadld raised his wand and said : "Is It your pleasure that thla woman should die c < r live , Prlnco Azlel ? Decide swiftly , for ray arm le weak , and when the wand falls opportunity will have passed from you. " Now all eyefl were fixed upcn the wand , anl the Intense silence wai broken only by Sakon's cry ot despair. Metem wrung ha ! hands In grief , Issucliar veiled hla eyes with his robe to shut out the sight ot dread , and the priest , with the bowl of Icicenso , thrust It toward Azlel Imploringly. Vor some ircconds , three perhaps , though lo him It scorned an ago. the heart of Azlel was racked end , torn In this terrific contest ; thtn ho glanced at the agonized face of the- doomed \\onmn , and just as the wand began to bend , his human love aad pity conquered. "May He whom I blasphemeforglvo me , " ho murmured , then added aloud , "I will do sacrifice , " and taking the Incense ho cast It Into the flames on the attar , repeating after the ShndlJ , "By this net I glvo myself to you rnd worship you , El and UaaltU , the only true Bods. " The echo of Atltt'o voice died awny am ! the fumes ot the Incense rue In a dense column In the quiet air. To hta tormented mind It seemed as though the smoke ot U took the form ot an avenging angel , hold.'ng In Its bend a sword of ( lame , wherewith to drive away his perjured soul from heaven , ns our forefathers were driven from the sates of Paradise. ( To bo contlmipj. ) How tli Kyrxlaht Tire * . People spenk of thc4r eyrs 'being tired , says tlio Ililladelphla ledger , mennlnR that tha retina cr ; eclne portion of the eye la f.itlRUcd , but such IB not the case , ns the retina hardly ever gets tired. The fatlsue In lit the Inner and other tnuPclea attached to the- eyeball , ami the tmiselo of accommo dation which surrounds the lens of tht1 eye. When n near object Is to be. looked at this muscle relnxw and allow.i tbo lens to thicken. Increasing Its refractive power. The Inner ami outer roubles are used In cov- crlnj- the eye on , the object to bo looked nt , tha inner one belnir especially used when a near object Is looked nt. It Is In tbo three muscles mentioned that the fatigue Is foil , and relle-B la fscureil temporarily bv closing tbo eyes or tnulng nt farllEt.int obj c s. The usual Indication o strain Is a redness of the rim of tbe ayclld , bstokenlng n con- nested' state of the Inner surfacenccotn - panlcil bv some pain. Some-times this weari ness Indicates tbe need of glasses rightly adapted 'to tbo person , and In other cases tbe trno. remedy Is to mnsaajrc the cyo and Its surroundliiKw as far as may be with the hand' iwet In cold water. Iliickluii'H Aruli-n Salvo. THE UEST SALVB In the world for Cuts. Bruises , Soren , Ulcers , Salt Hheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapped Hinds , Chilblains , Cccns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively ciirw Piles , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to slvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co. Co.A A .Menu Trick. Chicago Tribune : The- proprietor of the shootlnir gallery had boon Ftanillnp Jn his front door nil afternoon and watching- the crowds pourlmr Into tha establishment of his rival across the way. "Hill , " he said , calling- his assistant , "I wish you'd BMp over there and find out iwhat the attraction Is. ire's getting every thing. " Bill went over and re-turned a few minutes later In Brcat excitement. "Tbo dariucl cuss hns played a mean trick on us ! " ho said. "Hc'a U4ln' Spanish onions for targets ! " IS t Let Faces Come First , m If you use Wool Soap for but one purpose , let it be for the face rather than for wool. When wool shrinks , it means only a spoiled garment. When a soap harms the face , it means a spoiled complexion. There is a particular ingredient m Wool Soap that prevents it from shrinking wool. That quality makes it especially desirable for toilet and MV MAM * I WISH MINK bath. USED HAO bath.Other WOOLBOAP Other makers haven't our secrets. Itisnotnecessarytobuywoolenssooftennortobuyheal- ing lotions for a soap-injured skin , if you use this pure soap. is a white , swimming soap. In washing- woolens it is a ne- j cessity. In any other use it is a luxury , and it is so cheap si that it makes luxury economical. It is an absolutely pure s soap. It is the only soap so pure that it won't shrink wool. E * IT SWIMS. S "Wool Soap is an excellent article , and every woman will be benefited by _ using -HKMW M. BARKER , Treas. Nat W. O. T. U. The Ridpath History Do you realize what reading Ridpath's History of the World would do for YOU ? A half hour daily for a single year will put , you in touch with every important event since human life began. Is knowledge worth while ? Historical "information lies at the foundation ot all learning. What is is but the result of what has been. And the pleasure of it ! Ridpath's Great Universal History is as fascinating as a romance. Upon payment of ONE DOLLAR the complete ect is delivered at ccce. There are eight massive volumes , 6,500 pages , 4,000 Illustrations. Members agree to make fifteen monthly payments to complete the transaction first payment In thirty days after joining fee the cloth bound J1.60 per month ; for the halt Russia by far the more durable and attractive J3 a mouth ; for tbo sumptuous full morocco , J2.50 a montb. Members may resign within ten dayj and payments will be returned. Megeatli Stationery Co. , B Omaha , Neb. Inclosed find $1 for membership In the History Club. Send sot to add ross below. I agree to pay balance in 15 monthly payments. Address WRITE US FOR 40-PAGE BOOK OF SPECIMEN PAGES AND ILLUS TRATIONS , MAPS. CHARTS , ETC. FREE. MEGEATH STATIONERY CO , , OMAHA , Its Benficial Eff CtS are Prevents Waste it Aids Digestion Fortifies Body and Mind MARIANI ( MARIANI THE IDEAL FRENCH TONIC. REMED ? CO. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or TertUtr BLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can b * trtaud nl horn * far itnw pHc * und'r am * guaranty. It you preftr to corns h.re we will contract to pay rail * ro i ( art enJ houl bill * , and no ehixc * If w * fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken roercurr , lodld * potaih and Mill haveachel anil palm. Mucoiu Patches hi mouth. Sore threat , I'lmplri , Copper Col. sred Spots , Ulcers on any part of tb body , Hair or Eyabrowi falling out. II l thl * Secondary Wt Guarantee to Cure W * tollclt tha most ob tn ! U cut * ana challenge tht wcrlJ for a cnan we cannot cure. This dli use has always baffled the ( Kill of the not * mln nt phjralclani. J5CO.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolut * proof , tenl eealed on application. 100 puce book lent fiM , Addrc COOK IUJMEUY CO. , 1401 Mnnunlo Temple , Chicago , III. 'O 0 O' K- < . _ . _ ll u iin nu nml nil c Htomach | Trouble * nulckl/ - cit niul cured by " " " " ' ' ' ' mil 6r"TrUKJiI t I""E vry''iirop M worth Ita rclgnt In gniA when sou iifi'd It. Atlilrau. 'ruiikltu Mart , Dcpt. ] \J Mew Yurk. Patronize Home Industries I'uroliiinlnK CiooiU Madent the Pol- lotvluu ; ftebriiNku Fao.torH-si AWNIN'09 AND TKNT3. OMAHA TEXT AXO ItUIIIIKIL CO. ( Successor * Omnha Tent and Awning Co. ) Innufncturers tents. o\vnln : jobbers laillM' ml Rents' Mackintoshes , Tents for rent. 1311 urnuni St. , Omaha. OHAII.4. HRKW1XU ASSOCIATION. Carload shipments made In our own r frlt rat or cars , lllue Ribbon. Elite Export , Vienna Ixport ana Family Export delivered to all I the city. UIAH.V JIOII.K1H i J01IX U. 'I.OWIIKY ' , Prop. Dollers , Tanks and Sheet ; ron Work. Special icllltles for doing repairs , etc , Tel. 1319 . I CORNICE WORKS. } . P. MAOLK conxicnoiucs. . Innufncturcr of Oalvsnlred Iron Cornlccf , Onl- anUed Iron Skylights. Tin. Iron and Hlat * lootlnic. Agent for Klrmcnr's Steel Celling1. OS-10-12 North Eleventh street , CRACKER. PACTOniBS. AHEUICAM UIHCUIT AM ) CUK'G. CO. "Wholesale Cracker Manufacturer ) * , OMAHA , NKI ) . WOR.KS. OHOKDSACK'S TWIN CITY UVH IWOIIKS , 1521 Kitrnnm 81. nml dennlnc of Karmcnta and K03i1 of \cr y ; descrlpttpn. Cleaning ot line garments a pec 'la'ty. PI/3UR VIU.S. 8. F. filljMA.V. Flour , Meal , Feed , nrnn , 1013-15-17 North 17th itreet. Omnha. Neb. C. E. Hlack. Manner , elcyhono93. . IRON WOHKS. MAVIS * co\v < : iii < iiioJ "wonics. Iron iiiu'l llriiNM KoimiliTM. Manufacturers nml Jolliers of Machinery fltn- ral repahlriK n specialty. UOI , 1M3 ami I'M ackiou street , Onm'.ia , Neb , i wnomi.v.v M.\siin : : on. WOHKS. Manufacturers olil jirocesn rnw llnreeil oil , kct. In liollc.l . llnjod nil , old i > rod > tu ground llnreo'l ' ake > , ground nil screened llnxiw.l for 'Irns- tats. OMAHA , NMB , MATTItrS3K3. : OUAIIA IIKimiXfi CO. Manufacturers of hluh nradc Mattreisei , 1I1J Carney Rtreet. Omaha. OVKRAU. AND SHIRT FACTOKir.S. KA'r/-NKVia\.s Mfrt. Clollilnir. 1'anti. Shin * . Overalls. OMAHA. Niil. KHIRT FACTORIK3. J. II. KVAXS. .SIIIIIT COMPANY. Ixcluilve custom tlilrt tallora. 15i ! Karnnm. AND I'lCKI.KS. n.v.iiM.NvmaiMi co , Manufacture of Vlnotar , 1'lcklfn. Catnups , ruManli. rvlerv nmlVnr < erlfr lilr Hanro WAOOM8 AND For A Rooil , rulntnntUI velilMo rf any < 1 rcrln. nn , for rvpMntlntr cr ru ! < l > or tin * * on nrw cr nM tieeln the hcit nine * U iltli end Jy > a\enwoilh treeti. imilMMOXn CAIIIIMtiK CO. ChtKp. meillum nrlc'rt n1 lonv c rH B > , ny ttiluf you nnnt , rrcond luinA or new , lead- iiartfm ( or ruMmr llrct , warranted. 15th anl [ aincy , oppoilto Court House , CIOAK 1IHNB * CO. fnrttiry In th * writ , T/iai1lp f Om&ha , KHKUI Tltv. Lincoln n4 HI , ndl * our toodi , 1009 r rn n Btrttt ,