j 9 ; EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY ( BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , APIOB 3 , 1898 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. GRAND SPECIAL CUT PRICE SALES BEFORE EASTER AT HAYDENS To secure the trade of the many thousands in and around Omaha who will mak& their spring purchases before Easter "The Big Store" will begin Monday a week of grand cut price special sales. This page of prices contains some indications * * of the great bargains to be given. The assortments in every line are the greatest ever shown by any Transmississippi house , Our buyers more than doubled their purchases of previous years and the goods are fresh , new and fashionable , direct from the best mills and factories in the world , The showing of Easter Suits and Hats is the most magnificent ever attempted. The highest skilled tailors of this country and Europe and the world celebrated milliners of Paris are represented by direct importations of their work , showing the acme of style. Such a thering of st i elegance and high quality at such low prices is new to Omaha. * * . & ' . . ° Agents for Buttenck , . . . . T. r i i j r M i i .1 i r X Oncti Mail Orrl r c : Z At WIH PaY out-of-town customers to come hundreds of miles to buy during this week of w vpen 111111 vruers * & great value giving. * Ai $ terns have been reduced. On sale at fl ' t Samples sent if yon state exactly * Hayden Bros. OUYM Clothing Department We sell more Boys' and Children's Clothing than any three houses in Omaha To do this wo nro compelled to carry nn 1m- monso lino. This season wo ofTor you the most complete line of boys' long pant suits it was over fef your pluajtiao to solocjt fpj m. la Scotch cheviots , cassimorcs , plain and fancy worsted , wo have everything r orything good in the clothing Hue from $2.05 up to 111.50. In knee pants suits every mother knows wo carry the largest line in the west. At Ojo wo glvo you the best rough and ready suit over sold in America at that prlco. At ? 1.2o and $1.33 wo show a splen did line of pcliool nulls. At $1.50 and $1.75 you get a strictly all wool suit. At $1.95 , $2.25 and $2.50 wo show un Immense line of novelties. At $1.95 , .12.25 and up to $3.95 wo ehow the prettiest line ot SINGLE BREASTED eul ( ages 8 to 1C years ever seen In this market. Men who are open to conviction. Men who are not Influenced by every MRS. GUUNDY they charce to meet. Men who know a good thing when tticy eee It , look In our 16th street cloltitag window and behold America's finest and boot clothing. They ore the labor of tbo brain and muscle ot the best paid tailors In America. Every article marked In plain figures. Your MONEY BACK If not satisfactory. Our business Is too largo to bo built upon any other lines. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. Ansonla. nlckle. stem wind and set watches the best working- man's watch In the world reliable timekeepers , each . Ocnt'H fine Elgin or Wa''hnm ( vatchcs In sllverlno cases warran'tedO QQ timekeepers regular value $7.50 sale price . i 57O dents' gt > ld filled screw caset warranted to wear 20 years with finely Elgin or "Waltham "works a rr ulnr $15.00 watch for . I Ladles' gold filled watch .warranted . to wear 15 years beautifully en- sravcd huntlnir cases with line Elgin of Waltham works a rusular-7 $13 ( M watch for . I . i.aillcs'and Oont'9 gold Illled hunting case 'watches warranted to for wear 20 years fine Elgin or Waltham works a regular $20.00 watch Q4 Qg Ladles' and dent's gold plated hunting case watch sold every- inhere for $3.00 our prlco 2.98 BPECIAt. SILVEHWAUE SALE Kosjra Bros. 1S17 first quality R knives or forks per set of 6 pieces 1.45 Vm. Tloccrs' 12 dwt knives or forks for set of 6 pieces . 1.15 no-gers' Al Tea Spoons per set of C pieces 59c Rogers' Al Tublo Spoons 1.28 per set of C pieces . Mnllaca Plate Knives and Forks * on steel the best substitute for 98c ellver In the market sale price for 12 pieces Mallacca Tea Spoons Ic each 4-pleco quadruple plated Tea Bets regular value $8.00 3.98 nale price. . 6ollil Oik eight day clocks ( With alarm- 2.69 half hour strike . Enameled Iron Clocks French dials , cathedral gong , half hour strike 3.95 regular value $ fi.0i ) sale price . each First class nickel alarm clocks 55c Biggest Hat Sale of the Year. 1 This * week we stir things up In the Men's Hat Department. See our Im mense stock of headwear. Good soft hats , felt , for GOc ; worth Me. \ Good soft felt hats for 75c ; all styl-cs and colors reduced from $1.23. , Good soft or stiff hats , all styles and colors , worth $1.50 on sale , for $1.00. Soft or stiff hats for $1.50 ; worth $2.00. At ; $2 we- sell you a hat that Is actu ally worth $3.00. Extend us a visit during- this Big Sato Week. Special Sales on Carpets. Prices lower ithan over named before on the same quality of goods Oranlto Ingrains at 25o yard. Extra heavy Union Carpets at 33c. Very heavy all wool Ingrain Carpets at 50a j .Finest extra super all wool Ingrains at COc. ' - % * nngurla Wilton , the latest thing In wool Carpet at OSe , yard , Velvet Carpet at COc. Good Brussels Carpet at SOc yard. < I Special Prices on Curtains In portieres mo are showing some very choice productions. Hundreds of patterns to select from. A tapestry portlero for $1.85 ; worth $2.00. Very heavy tapestry portieres with handsome knotted fringe at $2.50 pair 'A very largo elegant portiere In Bagdad effect at $4.00 pair. Full slzo Oriental Couch Covtrs , $3.00. New line of drapery silks Just opened. The finest over shown In Omaha. Wall Paper , Paints , Brushes , Room Moulding Wo have on hand a complete Imo of Al White blanks. Wo put our regular line ot Eu and Co goods in this fulo at 4c and Get per roll. 0 Inch Borders at Hie and 2o yard. , ' 18 Inch Borders 3c and 4c yard. ' Our resulan line of So , lOc , 12Jlo gilts go at 7c , So and lOc , with 9 and 13 Inch borders. Heavy enamel finish gilts In all up-to-date colors , regular price 15c , 20c and S5o roll , eo at 12'Xsc. 15c 17V4c. fc Wa have just received a new line of the best ready mixed paints In all shades colors nt 11.00 gallon ; half gallons , S3c ; quartsCc , Wo will dole out our old sloe k for Kc gallon ; COc for half gallons ; 23c ( or quarts ( Best rauly mixed1 carriage paints , black1 and vcrmllllorv ; pints. 40c ; quarts 75e : green , yellow and wlno. pints , 3oc ; quarts C3c. i lilcycla enamels > i pints , 20c. In all up-to-date colors. I Varnish wood stains , > , pints. 15c : pints. Me. Flat Vninlsh brushes Gc , Hie , 15c , 2oc and SOc. 1 ( Flat siding- brushes nt JOc. 23c 30c , 33o and 45 % Whlto wnnli hwulK at 15a and up | Paper hangers' dry brushes , 10 Inches , at $1.13. Furniture "Much In little. " or chiffonier talk. You will . \v nt to cnconoinlzo room thtsa d v ? , and a gooJ chtCfontere , with Its many capri cious drawerd will help you out. We are now showlrtr a very large and varied line of thcso goods having just re ceived a full car from Grand Ilaplds , Mich. The above Is a cut of .1 solid oak chiffonier , It has line large drawers , slzo 33x19 , helgth 4 feet 7 Indus , well made and well finished prlco J4.75. Another similar with cablnst at > . & A third one la larger ami t'he very best of finish at JC50. Chiffoniers ultli French bevel plate mir rors ut 7.'J nnd ? 7.CO. , We save you money In this way- Cane beat chairs nt SOc , S5o and 9 o Large arm rockers , cane seat Jl.iw Elegant Hattan llocker J1.9J Full size White Iron lied S-.M Oak Sideboard , 3 drawer : , large cabinet , bevH plate mirror P.So Iteby Carriages , all full nlzo , stct lnhcls , all hand painted , foot brake at . . $4.50 and , j ( G.OC Je ure and see our line of Carriages. * d Room Suit * K.OO. 110.00 , 11150 and $12.5 < The Leading Dress Goods Stock Of the West During the past week we have received large quantities of the very latest weaves In Bayaderes , English crcpons. German crepons , coverte , mixed pop lins , two-toned poplins , silk warp poplins , novelty mixtures , etc. All ladles i\ho are Interested In drfss goods are Invited to a critical examination of our prices and up-to-date styles that Is , If price and style are any consideration. Gair's Queen Skirt Suppor-ter The greatest boon to ladies ever invented. No sag ging of dress skirts in the back fits perfectly. Wortl | its weight in pold to every lady wearing a shirt waist. Pins , safety Health , comj pins and hooks fort and and eyes are convenience discarded. secured. , The Supporter will bo Invisible and It Is Impossible to see why the ukK ! hangs so beautifully. $ Frco demonstration In our center alHo Monday by experts. " " " " " * ! SUPPORTER AND CATOUE3 , j Special price Monday only 23c. All mall orders promptly liueu. Sena waist measure. GRAND RIBBON SALE MONDAY. Satin Ribbons lo per yard Satin Ribbons 3c per yard Taffeta , Ribbons , nil silk. . Be per yard Taffeta Ribbons , nil silk. . 7e per yard All colors Moire Ribbons. 9c per yard Beautiful Fancy Ribbons.12Hc per yard Beautiful Fancy Ribbons. 19e per yard Beautiful Fancy Ribbons. We ptr yard Wo are the. only house In the city showing a fall-line of Pattern Ruf fling Ribbons. WE LEAD THIM ALU In Dreaa Trimmings , such ns Dress Fronts,1 Braids , JetB , Pearl Trimmings. Wo are- the leaders , for low prices and exclusive designs. Jet Trimmings. 2V c < o $1.9S per yard. Dress Fronts , 3oc to $12.(0. NOTIONS ON SALE. Patent Hump Hcok and Eyes. doz. lo All coloM Velveteen Skirt Binding , yard 2a Metal Rack Horn Comba Co 2io Linen Col'urfr ' 60 ! Sc Leather Bella , covered buckles. . So Omaha's Leading Silk Department Commences Monday a Grand April Silk Sale. Our enormous purchases of Spring Silks now most all in and ready for you to huy , and wo make the assertion that nowhere in America can yoU iind a more complete stock of fin i high class Silks as shown by us. That the Indies appreciate the udvantngo of purchasing where there are large assortments is evidenced in the fact that we arc new selling more silks than ever before in the history of our business. For Monday's Silk selling 200 pieces Sl'.ks In small neat stripes , 25c small checks and plaids , at only , . M pieces Fine Twilled changeable Lining1 Silk makes splendid 39c petticoats and recommended for wear , at only Plaid Silks , bright colors now so stylish taffeta finish and worth 7Dc Monday's prlco 49c 100 pieces of Fancy SHka of nil kinds In stripes , plaids , broc.irt\s ( sale In light and dark shades worth up to $1.EO for Monday's special 75c Taffeta Checks nnd Basket weave Plaids t'ney are new , bright nnd pretty. In red and green , orange and white , heliotrope and 98c white , and pink and green special at Taffeta Stripes new nnd nobby In navy , preen , winp , scarlet , rose , brown and black and white an excellent heavy quality and a silk 98c which will , render great service New Liberty Satins 21 Inches wide all pure silk In nil the new shades ot cerise , turquoise , corn , lavender , creum , nlle , scarlet 98c niul pink remarkable value at Unique Plaids the latest novelty for waists In cerise and goblin 1,25 crossed by half-inch satin bars , only , Newest Barre nnd Bayadere Stripes In nil dainty sYiadlngs pro I.5O nounced the handsomest of all silk creations , $1.93 and . Unequaled Black Silk Values. Hero Is where we Lead them all. Black Silk for linings 19c Monday at India Twill n ! o Plain Black Silk-In very flno quality M pieces on OQ.- , on sale Monday at only OC/o Blade Grenadine Fancies worth $1.00 nnd , $1.23 49c on pale Monday nt , only . Black .Brocade Silks firm and flno and a silk that will wear RQ/- special on'Monday at to . < I , Black Taffeta Silks. PJaln Black Taffeta Bilks now one of tha most stylish of silk fab rics for ruffled skirt.s or entire dresses-just received CO pieces ofi sale Monday , good quality , at Ustter one C3c , then 75c , 85d , 90c and Jl-.OO Black Brocade Skirting Silks In now Gros Grain Bayaderes , Scroll Effects nnd many other designs 40 pieces -worth $1.50 special sale price Jllack Brocade Satins 271 Inches wide nobby styles and quality 1 OQ the height of perfection , only. . * - ' * - ' Best Block Pcau do Solo finest Imported'rich and lustrous worthO K ( | , $4.00/at only t -w X/ Out of town Customers desiring silks should buy them , by mail wo assure , you of a careful selection and prompt attention. . Wash Dress Goods. Our popular Special Drive Sales will , on Monday , be on 2 cases of new Spring styles Standard Dress Prints 3iC 1 case of fine Lappet Mulls Qr worth 2oc-at 1 case of yard wide percales > light nnd dark colors ' 50-pieces of now Dimities all fast colors nr.cl splendid styles yard 'No samples sent of any of the above as most all will bo closed out during We have now the most complete nssortment of every good Washable Dress Fabric known and are adding ne. novelties dally. The Interest shown by earlv buyers. Is positive assurance that the VARIETY In the WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT of the BIG STORE Is the GREATEST , nnd the MODERN AVAY of PRICING la ONE OP THE 1IOST SATISFACTORY ELEMENTS. Sinll orders and sample requests get the personal attention of competent helpers. Flannels and Blankets. White Flannels at 15c , 18c and 25c yard. White Silk Embroidered Flannel 59c , 05c , 75o and 83c. Licht colored Shirting Flannel at 25c yard. Outing Flannel at 3jc , 6c , 80 nnd lOo yard. Shaker Flannel at 3Je , 4c , 5c , Ojc , 8c and lOc yard. Cotton Flannel at 3jc. 4c , 5c , 80 and lOc yard. 10-4 Cotton Fleeced Blankets at 49c pair. 10-4 Twilled Blankets only 7Co pair. 11-4 Gray Blankets at 75o , $1.25 and $1.35 a pair. Bed Comforts 48o , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.0 and $1.75 a pair. Cheviot Shirtings , Wo have the largest stock of colored shirtinps stripes , checks nnd flffurod , ull grades at 6c , CJc , 8Jo , lOc , 12c } and loc yard. Headquarters in White Bed Spreads. Great variety to pick from. Fringed or plain hemmed ; white of colors. Crorpted and Marseilles ; Satin Spreads , etc. We tfnow the best spread for .T$1.00 you will flnd In. the city. Notice our KJo and 75c bed spreads on sals 'Monday. Ask to sco the $1.33 spread ; then compare them and you will al l-ways buy your spreads at Haydens.1 Cheni lie and Tapestry Table Covers. ) The Big Store carries a bis line. All sizes and qualities , wholesale or re- ' 'tnll In chenille and tapestry tab'e covers at the lowest prices. Special on Monday W-lnch mldo table padding on rale at 3c , 35c 45c yard. Undies' Furnishings. CLadles' 2-clasp or Button Gloves Ladles Fine Gloria Umbrellas- { In all the new shades at . . . . 7uc worth $1.50 , at 03c * La.dles' Black Lisle Tnreod Ladles' Sleeveless and Short Gloves worth 2e at 15c Sleeve Vests worth 25c , at.,12V4o Ladles' Black Taffeta Gloves Ladles' Sleeveless Vests , worth at 25c and COc 33c. at 19c " "Children's Bicycle Hose double Ladles' Fine Silk Vests In as knee and heel and toe , worth sorted colors worth $1.00 , at . . COc jc. at IZ'/ic Ladles' Summer Corsets worth Ladles' Black and Tan Hose COc , at 25c gfamless at 3 pairs for 23o Ladles' Summer Corsets worth Ladles' Umbrellas worth 75c at EOc 7Jc at . . . . COc HAYDEN BROS , Suit and Cape Dept. Monday we Avill start a grand April sale on the season's newest and choicest productions. We are ready to show you the most magnif icent line of Suits , Capes , Wrap pers , Waists , Skirts and Dress Skirts ever displayed in the Trans- Mississippi teritory. The special prices for this week will be found fully one-third less than prevailing prices elsewhere. Ladles' tailor made coat suits In covert cloth In nil the new shades ot tnn , gray niul greens ; lly front ; reefer Jacket , silk lined tluoiiK'nout ; perfect fit guaranteed , worth $12.50. at $7.00. ' ' Ladles' Tailor Made Coat Suits , In clay worsted and whipcords , elaborately trimmed with braid , bloueo or reefer styles , worth $15.00 , nt $10.00. Ladles' Tailor Made Coat Suits , In canvas cloth , Imported coverts and beoadclotCis. all colors and black , ellk lined , worth $22.00 , nt . . . . . $12.GO- 300 Dress Skirts , In series and plain and llgmcil mohnlrs , black and colored novelties , In Uayadero htrlpcs. In checks and plaids , best ncrcallno lining nuJ cIvct bound , worth $5.00 , at ? - ? ' Ca/pes- Ladles' Capo of black figured mohair , silk ribbon ruch at neck , at $1.E > 9 Ladles' Silk Cap ? , with shoulder rut- firs of lace , edged with jet , lace and ribbon at neck , black or fancy lining , at . $2 Bo :00 : ladles' Capes In plain and figured Kill ; and satin , ti Inline J with l.ico and Jet , chiffon and eatln ribbon , lined with black or colored taffeta silk , deep yoke or Empire style , worth $7.98 , at.$4.93 Ladles' black Clay Worsted Capes , double Empire back , lined throughout , world $5.00 , at $2.75 Ladies' and Misses' Misses'Teiolrets Teiolrets- 150 Ifdles' Jackets to all new shades ot tan , mode and gray covert and canvas cloths , lined throughout with taffeta silk or heavy eatln , at.G.Oh ( Ladies' Jackets In Imported broadcloths and fine English worsteds , In black and colors , lined with silk , at $8.00 Children's Jackets with largo sailor collaro , trimmed with braid , at $1.59. Misses' Jacket , In plain colors and checks , braid trimmed , at $3.00' Ladles' Dressing Sacqucs In French Klannellctte. trimmed with ribbon , at 599 Ladles' French Flannellette Dressing Sacques , edges heavily embroidered with silk , at 2.9st Ladles' Silk Waist of extra heavy warp taffeta , In plain colois and change able effects , also etyllch checks and plaids , at $4.98. Ladles' Waists , In black and colored satin aad exclusive plaid ellks , at.$7.5 * Ladles' Wrappers , In light and daik percale.waist lined and trimmed with braid , at . . . . G9t Ladles' extra fine Percale and Cambric Wrappers , finished with embroidery or flat braid , separate waist Ha Ing , wldo eklrts , extra fullnces at blps , for 98 at Bros ' Low Prices Exquisite Millinery Hayden , , The most stylish gathering of all the now fashions In ladles' hcadwear. You are cure to find a tasteful and becoming Eadtcr Hat In our grand display Haydta Bros. Is the only place where you can flnd a sufficient variety to choos from. Elegantly Trimmed Hats at $2.25 , $2.50 and up to the prices of the Im ported Parisian Pattern Hats. A large lice of Trimmed Hotsexact , copies of $35.00 and $50.00 Pattern Hats , on ealo at $5.00 , $7.50 and $10.00. Children's fashionably Trimmed Hats , In leghorns and fancy loco braids , at $1.00. These are trimmed wilt silk ribbons , chiffons and flowers and or * worth $2.60. ' T A complete line of Sailors and Walking Hats at 45c and $3.00. t All that Is desirable In the eeaeon's cbolcost Flowers. _ _ _ _ _ -4 China Department. For the last 10 days wo have been 100'piece underglozed Dinner Set , ( storing away seven bulk cars of crock any style , shape or decoration . ery , consisting of decomtrd , plain , you want $7.Cy white , hotel and restaurant ware , etc. Milk Crocks 3o Cups and Saucers , each 2o Full line of Tripoli Stone Filters. Wash Bowl and Pitcher , each. . 24'/&e Full line of all kinds of liar Goods- Plates 3c , 4c 5c and Bar Supplies. < I Howls 3c , Gc 7c Decorated Lamp with ehado to Decorated Cups andiSaucers , set. . COc match 89 * Decorated Plates , per set 55c Full nickel center draft Lamp and Decorated Toilet Sets $1.98 tripod $1.23 Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Dept * Tbo Greatest UarjaltiH Ever Offered , 50-pound Flour cans , decorated. . 59c STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. Largo size Foot Tubs , decorated. . 39o We have the largcat Stove depart Galvanized Wcsh Tubs 37c ment west of Chicago and can shorn Tin copper bottom Wash Boiler. . 4Cc the largest variety of Steel Ranges anil Japanud Chamber Palls 15c Cooking Stoves ever brought to Omahaj Clothes Basket ? , all willow 36c Wo have the celebrated Mason & Davlj 14-quart Cream cans 29c Range In five styles on the floor at Extra good Wash Board 9c prlcoo never before made hero or else * 17-quart rctlnned Dish Pan 15c where. Tin Water Pulls Gc Wo have the Triumph Economy I 13-Inch Tin Wash IJaaln 6c Steel Range can sell you ono ' with high shelf , low warming GARDEN TOOLS. closet and water front for $23.99- 12-tlno Hake 15c C-bolo Range , with reservoir , 20- Steel Hoe 15c Inch oven $12.91 Solid Steel Spade 43c 4-hole Cook , No. 8 , good slzo. . . . $ 7.4J Solid Steel Shovels 43c 2-burner Gasoline Stoves $1.9 $ . Pure Food Department. 2-lb. can Sugar Corn 5c New yellow Evaporated Peachw , 2-lb. can Early Blossom Peas Cc per pound . . . 2-lb. can String Deans , 5e Now Evaporated Apples , 4 pounds 2-lb. can Lima Deans 5o for . 25a Soil J packed Tomatoco , per can. . . . Sc New Muscatel Raisins , per pocnd. , 3 dozen new laid Eggs , warranted 25c Peach , Cherry , Strawberry or Table Jelly , all flavors , largo palls lOc Raspberry Jam , worth 15c per Armour's Soups , ctilcken , bullion , can , on Bale now for . 7'o etc lOo New Sugar Cured Prunes , pound Go Naval Oranges , per dozen only. . . . 9c 12 bare Laundry Soap for . Sod- Fancy Lemons , worth 15c per doz. 614C Fresh Roasted Java and Mocha 3-lb. cans Plums , Qoldeu Drop , Coffee . ' . . ID/ Egg , etc lOc Good Whole Coffee , per pound. . , . 10 * Butter and Eggs , Just received about 2,500 dozen choice , at 12 cand _ 14 strictly Fresh EggH from our Fancy Tub Butter at 1C farmer customers , which we will Fancy Choice Creamery ( In one ' have on sale Monday at three pound brlcke ) , at only 18a dozen guaranteed fresh Eggs. . 25c Best Separator Creamery at 18c and 209 Fresh Country Roll Butter at Remember we receive fresh Country 12Hc and 14c Butter every day. i ) Country Butter In tubs , very Monday's Bargains in our Big Meat Dept. No. 1 Sucar Cured Ham . brand Potted Ham or Deviled Ham , Vienna Sausage , per can. per can . 4&c Coined Beef , per can 10J Pickled Pies Feet . 4c Olalogna Sausage 61 Corned Beef . 4c Now England Cooked Ham 100 Salt Pork . Cottage Ham , boneless 80 , Pickled Trlpo . 4c 3-pound palls Lard , ICf Best Sugar Cured Picnic Hams At the Tranemlsjlsalppl HeadquiM 3-pound pal ! best Lard , auy ten Hayden Bros. . -c