THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : "LttESDAY , MAIIOH 20 , 1808. SEALERS DIE IN A STORH Steairsr Gomes Into 8t , Johns with QrowBcmo Cargo. FIF1Y-EIGHT KNOWN TO HAVE PERISHEI of Ttrcntj-Klvc of Them IU cuvervil "Were at Work on an Ice Floe When the j Storm Cnme Up. ST. JOHNS. N. F. , March 28. Sealln etcatncr Greenland lion Railed Into the harbi with a grewsomo cargo. Twcnty-flvo corpsi were piled upon the deck and flfty-flve mt were moaning with terrible fluttering In tl 1 olds , from the pain of frostbitten llmba at bodies. The little scaling steamer whli ealled for the bunting grounds tlireo wee ! ago returned ns an awful channel house. Tl dead bodies were In tiers on the decVa ' the Ateatner , disfigured add almost unrcco nlzablo from the effects of the tcrrlb'c auffc Ing which they tiad endured , presenting o : of the most harrlble eights human eyes cv beheld , The Greenland set sail from St. John1 N. V. , about 'March ' 1 , on I la fateful voyac It was commanded by Captain Qcori ( Harbour and carried a crew of nearly 3 hunters. The steamer proceeded northwa with the rest of the scaling fleet , but aft a. couple of da > s It diverged oa n scpara track und reached the hunting grounds n long after. All went well until Tuesday la and sea-Is were quickly encountered a several good packs were secured. On Tue day morning the hunters loft the ship aba 7 o'clock as usual , when the lookout In t crow's nest reported Ice plentiful arou them. The men were rlad In light clothlr for the slaughtering of seals Is exhaustl work. ( Scattered over the Ice field , th wandered far from the protection of t fillip , and a gale and snow ntorm shut tin out from the steamer. Long ere the stoi eubslded many of the unfortunate fello had succumbed to the terrible cold a exposure. Those who did not were terrll frostbitten and suffered excruclatl-ig pa TWO NIGHTS IX THK STORM. The long night pawed , but inornl brought no hc-lp , for the storm still raj and the ntmoiphcro was thick with sn driven before the gale. Snow contlm : nearly all day and the evening brought cessation , to the high wMd. Another nig ono which seemed to the .lelplcss , drlftl sufferers who still HveJ a thousand tin L longer than the llrst , was passed In unti agony. Some victims had already given hope and In despair lay down and died , v every hour witnessed at least two deaths that awful night on the Ice floe. Towi rooming the storm subsided and thus i ablcd the survivors to see that the Grot land was not far attay , searching for missing. The steamer bore down on i drifting field of Ice , \\lilch had by this tl separated In a number of sections , and be ; the work of picking up the tooJles of dead and the almost lifeless bodies of living. Twenty-five corpses were taken board that morning , but twenty-three n v\oro stUl missing and though the search \ continued all day , no more wore recover Thursday night the Greenland headed snore , reaching 'Day ' do VerJo yesterd proceeding thence to St. Johns with Bl'HSlly cargo. Most of the moa who i thla awful fate on the treacherous Ice fl arc married men with largo families , who thus deprived of all visible means of suppi .AMUSEMENTS. bsat evening at noyj's theater tbo 03 tonlans prcapntcd for tbo flrst tlmo l-.i I city "Tho Serenade , " R.comic opera In th acts , libretto by ( Harry D. Smith , music Victor Herbert. The work received Its f presentation at the Knickerbocker thca New York , ( March 10 ( a year ago , by the sa company. The thread of thnatory is In It : simple , but it affords an opportunity many amusing complications. There Is n < ing particularly new about it , dor U it ways consistent. Indeed a consistent co opera would bo uuch a novelty that It we have to be relegated to a class by Itself , dla ncsla of public taste reveals a Jem for three elements In a comic opera. ' n t Is a chance to laugh ; the second a vai succession of 'bright ' musical numbers ; third , plenty of dancl-ig. As a backgro for these may bo artistic scenery and sti Ing costumes. Sensible nonsense Is not essential any will do. Mr. Smith prob : with the aid ot those behind the footllgh has aggregated a number of ideas wl pass easily for Jokes. Some of them rather Imported and would profit by trail tlon , but for made-to-ordcr Jokes they a1 ago well. The lyrics -are M.61I written leave a number ot verification rules Violated. . 'All ' In all , Mr. Smith has afforded audience a chance to laugh and his co-woi A frame nvon which to string his melod Otj Mr. HorboFt'e music much might be s Tie overture Is written In a rather form utjlo and consists ot odds and ends f various parts of the opera. One thfini that which Is known aa "The Serenade , " "damned tuno" which Impclls the d through all the Imaginary misery , the eervatlim of which Is the chief amusemen the audience. As music It Is the pee number lu the whole opera and Justly serves the duke's encomium. It seem ! liavo been gleaned from the shelves o country music store by a deaf man , upc very dark night. The beat number , and ono that would credit to a grand opera , Is "Tho Angel eting by Dolores and the chorus in the onil act. Other notable numbers are -waltz song , "Cupid und I , " sung by Yv < In tha second act ; "I Envy the Bird , " i by Lopes In the third act ; "Dream Dreaming , " sung by the duke and other the third act , and "Tho Song of the i Wne. " sung by Homcro In the drat act. orchestration ot the whole work Is sucl ono would expect from a musician who epent years in the orchestra and who paint like an artist in tone color. H inlcally the opera is not strong ; the c poser's Inventive genius docs not seen run that way. Ho seems to bo best i 'writer of harmony , although a numbc Ills melodies possess a spontanlety urouses admiration. The position ot the Dostonlans aa an o company Is already established and 1 useless to go Into details regarding the \ - . of Ita members. Darnabeo and MacDot Jeslo 'Uartlett Davis and Eugene Co are known by all who have beard them , those who haven't do not deserve to be ; Frothlngham And Harry Brown are timers , walking backward toward the ting un and facing resolutely toward -Purl ! ! are the first considers tlons when buying Liquors for Family Us OLD CROW- HERMITAGE WHISKIES are Bottled In Bond under the Irr mediate Supervision of the U. Government. NOTE Thelnternal Revenue Stamp ovi theCork _ and Capsule with the nemo W. J W M. ft the cVrerueit 6ui that goes with this bottling. \U. PBALER5 5BU. IT. bent In their art. Alice Nielsen ami 1V11 Ham 1'htlp possess light , musical \olcc and nil the parts unsigned them In * a pleas Ing way. Tha chorus \3 all that such an ai icmblage ot monka , nans , brlganda an beauties ( ? ) con be expected to be , and th orchestra which Included the men regular ! employed ut the theater and about a do/e musicians belonging to the company cot trlbutcd generously to the evening's plan ure. Samuel 1 * Studlcy. the conductor , U ( nerves special mention. He U a toner ( fltri'Mgth and so thorough a musician ttu ho can't help showing It In all that he doc- The rellanco which hta assistants place c him Is a worthy compliment. "Tho Sci cnailo" Is well staged , the scenery and cot tumM admirable and the "bunlnres" < principals and chorus well planned and ci edited. The audience last evening was one of t ) latgcst ever accommodated by the locate and It was truly representative ot the cu turo and love of good music In this clt Tomorrow evening "Robin Hood , " by 1 Koenvlll ho performed and will afford tl only remaining opportunity ot hearing tl Doatonlanu this etuson. The coming of Mme. Mclba and her s perb company of vocal artldts , who * 111 pn uent Hoi'slnl' * masterpiece. "The Darbcr Seville , " at Boyd's thiuter on Wcdnesdi evening , April C , In arousing much cnthus asm In local music circles. Thla will 1 Mme. Melba'o flrjl appearance In this cl anil no doubt she will bo warmly welcome She 111 be supported by the atrongc company of artists that ever Invaded tl grcut west. Her tour la under Iho person direction of Messrs. C. A. Ullln and Wall Damrosch , which Is a sulllclcnt guiran that It will be conducted on a grand seal The sale of seats will open Wednesday Boyd's thtuter. Already there have be numerous Inquiries for seaU and the In ; cations are thai the calo will open with rush. No ono can afford to miss this sple did opportunity of hearing the great dl\a. KUMAIIA. Wefltland , New Zealand , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has had steady Increasing sale withuu , and pee ] who have purchased It speak very highly It. From our own experience It U wlthc doubt the best couih medicine over lull iltlced In New Zealand. When aay pora asks for a cough mixture and lias any dot about Ohambjrlaln'a Cough Ueme-Jy wuha that confidence that It will curu.a cough cold that wo have no hesitation In guarantc Ing It. W. J. 'Mcllroy & Go. WAR TALK SOFTEN ( Continued from First Page ) amlnntlon of the Insldo and outside of t Miilne. us soon rm such examination in be possible , ns nlso of the bottom where t vessel rests , will provu that , supposing tl the remains ( of the wiecK ) not to bo tola or pjrtlnlly altered In the process or ( trlcatlon , the cxp'oslon was undoubtci duo to some Interior cause. VIK1VS OP TIIK FOHnifJX 1MIU French Inclined to TnKi * the Simiil Slile of the ( < oittri > \ urny. MADRID. March 28. The Imparclal a the Liberal today agree In saying that 1 mediation of the Knropean powers will difficult. In view of the crisis In the far ca addlnc : "Anyway , Spain Is able herself resent Insults and repudiate unjust i mands. " The Journal approves of M. Hnnotau adoption of neutrality , "tho moral standpo of which permits him to assist In uolving I dlfflcultj. " The Liberal nlso eajs : "If United States desires to succor Cutcuo the simplest means Is to confide < mission to the Spanish Red Crocs , wh was recently helped In the Bams obj by Trance , Russia , Huncaiy , Portuf Venezuela and Argentine The Spanish I Cross la well organised In CuLa and lies I many members are ready to go .thero fr Spain ir nessscary. However , It the Unl Statcn wants war , } ol It say so fvankly i not sdckrchdrltahle or Humanitarian excuse The Diarlo quotes Minister for the Colon Srtior Morct 03 replying to a question ot ministry of marine , Admiral Bermejo , w the remark : "The storm continues , but barometer la rising. " This la regarded meaning that the situation Is not so favorable to Spain aa It was. The official newspapers are .somew optimistic In their reference to the "e < tlon of the Cuban difficulty , " although tl emphasize the opinion that the rccruO ccnce of the far eastern question IB ur vorablo to Spain , "as diverting the attent of the European powers. " LQ.N'DON , March 28. The Figaro to says ; There Is more reason today than J tcrday to suppose that the oatentatloua j Icy of the United States will bo transforr Into a ready , active policy. The solo dan of war lies now In the now Cortes allow Iteclf to be drawn Into replying to the pertinences addressed to Spain. " The Rclalr saya : "In spite ot the pcssln tlo cable dispatches , we do not believe Is inevitable. " The St. James Gazette , commenting afternoon on tha report of the United Sti naval court ot Inquiry into tbo Ices of battleship ( Maine , says : "Thero can bo no doubt Spain o reparation to tbo American government , say nothing ot the most humble apolo and the most extreme consideration for feelings ot the nation which has lost a cruiser lying In peace in a presume friendly harbor. The outlook U as thri enlngl aa it could be. Spain la In the wi and It la for Spain to walk warily. " The Westminster Gazette says : "The sources ot diplomacy ought not yet bo haustcd. We trust President McKlnloy maintain his unexceptionable attitude not allow himself to be jlngocd Into wi The Olobo thinks the report "Gives S | ground for maintaining that it ' hens bl adding : "Tho ovldcnco that a'rnlne cai the explosion is meager , unconvincing not berne out by previous experiences the effects caused by mines explcdlnc ; . " conclusion , the Globe says : "Whlchi way wo look at the matter , it la hard agree with the verdict of the court of qulry. " The Temps admits President McKlnle In a moat difficult position , and strongly u the disputants to consent to mediation even arbitration , adding : "In any , c Europe Is ready to offer good office * . " ST. LOUIS KXCIIAVGU HOLDS DA President Opponed Endonrinor AdniliiUtrntlon'a Policy. ST. LOUIS , , March 28. It Is annoui this afternoon that the St. Louis Mercha exchange will not follow the lead of o boards of trade of Boston and Pblladeli In officially endorsing the course ot Pi dent McKlnlcy in the present crisis or dally assuring the executive that ita rn bers would stand by him whatever his ' mate actlcn might be. President Ot toptier Sharp refusca to put either ot t : questions to a vote , though ho tas beca quested to do so. Today ho received a c munlcatlon from the president ot the I adelphla Board of Trade , stating that body had pledged Itself to stand by the r Ident of the United States and asking hli obtain a similar pledge 'from the local change. Preceding this message came from the executive of the Beaten Boar Trade asking for an endorsement of I'reel McKlnley'o policy. Mr. Sharp replied bold , tfaat the St. Louis Merchants' exchc would defer action. "Tbo exchange does not refuse to end the president , " eald Mr. Sharp. "I do believe in endorsing a policy before I k what that policy Is. Aa to pledging selves to stand by the presided , that w bo useless. Every American will do t once the decision la arrived at. It is tlmo for a body like ours to endori policy. That is a matter that congress sh deal with. " GUM10AT AUOUT COSH'LET Princeton Will lie Ready for Trlu a Week. PHILADELPHIA , March 18 , It wa nounced today that the United States i boat Princeton , which la being built Dialogues ship yard , Camden , U raj Rearing completion and that it trill li the shipyard in about a week ( or LCI U Und navy yard to receive tt fitting * ; paratory to Its 8nal trial trip. Sine * flrat Indication of poMlble trouMe \ Spain workaua fcav * b oiafd lfht day on the war ship , ami as a result it 1 now practically ready for ea. The Princeton Is not a large craft , but t perfect In ltd api > olntmentd und admlrabl : adopted to cruising In phjllow Chinese nni South American waters , for which it is in tended. It draws but twelve fet of watc and Its other dimensions are ! One hundrei and sixty-eight feet , water line ; 204 fee over all ; thirty-six feet beam und 1,000 ton displacement. U Is fitted with 850-hors power engines and Li expected to uttaln speed of twelve knots per hour. The nc\ bcat'o armament will consist ot six 4-lnc quick-firing guns , four alx-poundera , tw one-pounders , one three-Inch brcech-loadln howitzer and ono gutllng gun. Its complc ment will bo ICO ofllccrs and men. The boa hau a steel hull with a wood skin and cor per , with which It can remain a long tlm at sea without having to be docked , UK. > .iMK TIH : .MW ACQUISITIO.V Secrclnry f.onir linen Innect niiil In \onienelntnre. . WASHINGTON , ( March 28. Secretary Lan has Isiucd an order changing the oamea < the vessels -recently purchased by the Nav department , as follows : Yachts Alicia , to bo called Hornet ; Aim ; to bo called Eagle ; Hermlnonc , to bo calk Wasp. Tags 'Edgar P. Luckenback , to bo calle Tesumseh : AV'nlter A. Luckenback. to I called Uncassl ; Wlnthrop , to be calh Osceola ; P. > H. Wise , to bo called Sioux ; I Toro , to bo called Algonquin. The torpedo boat built for tbo Germa navy and recently purchased for the Uoltc States nary has been named the Somet after the famous -brig of that rame wbtc rendered such valiant service In the ear days ot the republic. In choosing designations for the tugs Ii dlan names were given , while for the yach which are to bo transformed Into torpei boats the names ot stinging Insects were a signed. Hrnft on Nu\nl lteercii. TRENTON , tN. J. , March 23. Adjuta General Stryker received word from Assls ant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt ted ; to hold ninety-five of the Now Jersey nav rcsono In readlnc s to take the monlt Montauk from Lcuguo Island navy yard Portland , 'Me. Governor Voorhees said ted ; that the order from Washington for t ! transporting of the monitor Is expected two or three days. The ninety-five men ha already been selected from the Battalion the East , comprising Jersey City aud Nc\ ark. The members of the battalion are co sldered good sailors. Last summer they h' ' considerable practice ou the Portsmouth ai ono day they had full charge of the battl ship ' .Maine off the coast of New Londc They were complimented by the chief ofllcc of the Maine. Additional ( iiiim at Jim SVN FHANCISCO , March 28. At t Presidio , on the south side of the Gold gate , a second battery of tlxteen mortars being put up. The carriages are here a everything essential to their mounting Is hand , eo that In a few days at most t Presidio fortifications will Include thlrty-ti twelve-Inch mortars In place of sixteen. T twelve-Inch rifled disappearing gun whl arrived last week ought to be In ehapo 1 testing In fourteen days \i > lAKfoeinciit on Armistice. WASHINGTON , March 28. Conccrnl tha reports ot an armistice it can be atat positively that thure will bo no agiecme on the basis of an armistice for eight mentor or any other period. in Aliixit the Oregon. LIMA , Peru ( Via Galveston ) March 28 The delay in the arrival ot the Amerlc war chip Oregon at Calloa Is the topic anxious conversation among America hero. ( iiin.vT MUSICAL , uiuicion nnA Anton Soldi Ho on mew the Victim rtnmnlne PolHonlnft. NEW YORK , March 28 Antcm L. Bel the celebrated musical director , died si denly In this city tonight from poison li probably resulting from , eating fish. 3 Seldl loft bis home shortly after dinner t ( evening , end went to the home of his bi IncJS agent , S. Bernstein. Ho had no soot arrived there than ho was taken vlolcn 111. 111.Tho family physician ot Mr. Berneteln v called. He Immediately dlagnoalsed 1 ratlonts trouble as ptomaine poleonl : Mr. Seldl ate fish , for dinner , and the pi slclan was ot the opinion that the pelf came from the flsh. About 10 o'clock Mr. Seldl became wo and two other physicians were summon In sptto of tbelr efforts the patient coiitlm to grow worse until 10:15 : o'clock when died. WOUK OX TUB II A SU HYI.L , UROUM Snovr Stupir the Rolling , but t Handing Goes On. The heavy fall of snow Sunday : delayed proceedings at the base ball pa and nothing more can bo done toward n Inc the diamond until after the snow ' melted and tbo ground has partially drl Manager O'flrlcn had expected to make two nines and play a game Saturday aft noon , but this will have to be postponed a few days. Tbo fence building is s going on and the management la figuring the lumber for the grand stand today. So Idea of the accommodations that are to provided Is Indicated by the fact that will require 60,000 feet of lumber to bi the grand stand and bleachers. Manager O'Drlen spent Sunday in Chlca but will probably return this me Ing. ' It Is hoped that he will br back a definite announcement In regard a flrst baseman for the Omaha team. Tli Baseman McKInncy lias returned fr Hastings and is ready for preliminary pr tlco. UMPIRES AVILU HAVE AX IXCCXTI l'rcnldent lfn the Power tn Hn Their Sulnrlrit. CHICAGO. March 28. Magnates of Western Base Ball association met to and adopted a schedule for the coming E son. The president was given the pete to advance the salary of any umpire In league $25 a month at his discretion. ' present salary provided for umpires Is 1 nnd It Is thought that the prospect o "raise. " will bo an Incentive to g work. The deleRitog voted to give the preslO power to line any player who , In his o ] Ion , played rowdy ball , six * days for , - llrst offense , thirty for the second , and the third transgression , to bar the often a from enpaplnB In games for the remain of the season. The guarantee for each game for a vlsll club has heretofore'been $10. to be paid case of a postponement of the game , : It was decided to cul that amount In ' when wet grounds or other unavoldc causes render play Impossible. llnniburtf to Iluce In EuKlund. BAN FRANCISCO. March 28.-Mai Daly , the copper kingof Montana , has 11 mltted that the sensational colt Hambi ! " for -which $00,000 is reported to have I ° paid , is soon to be seen on the English t HamburgIs now being- trained by Ii Lakeland and will bo started two or tt times In New York. Mr. Daly said : "II cornea out of the racta all right ho wli : eent to Ungland , where he will bo racei the colors of Sir Brodcrlck Cloeto , and t retired to the stud. " Sir Broderlck Cloete is the "British " t man who paid a princely sum to Mai Daly for the Imported horse Matt Dry He has a great opinion of the Hanover sti of blood , and has great expectations for progeny of Hamburg- neiwas the best of the American stallion. WnirU to Wrntle Vouiof. CHICAGO. March M. Dan McLcod w to wrestle Yousof , the Turk , for 1600 $1,000 a side , any style , best two out three falls , one fall catch-aa-catch-can i one fall Graeco-Homan , the man ffnln the quickest fall to have his choice style for the third and final fall. McL will wrestle In Chicago , New York or i other place and arrange tbo terms to i the Turk. Grlffo Wine OB mFont. . RED CLIFF , Cal. , March 28. The f between "Young Peter Jackson" of Der and Young Orlffo , the Australian champ came to an end tn the fourth round by decision being dven to Orlffo on accc of &n alleged foul on the part of Jack ; It WM ttated after the fight that "To J ckoa" WM rtaUy Jo * dan * of Baltlm bat thte to dubted fejr aaasy portla * SOUFH Lest night the ropMllcans held a rally t Franck's hall In thtnSecpnd ward , which wa well attended. Much."cnthujl95m was dls plajcd end the rcrfirfrks of the candldatt were well received , Phil Winter of It county attorney's office. Omahi , delivered tt principal address ofMno evening. He talkc republicanism from- the start and receive hearty applause. A Dumber of candidate * Including P. J. Barrqtt , spoke and wet greatlv encouraged at the showing made. Tonight a meetltif5"-w 111 most likely 1) ) held at llomhke's hall , Twentieth and Ml ; scurl avenue , for thebencnt of the eas ! elders. The arrangements for this mcetln \\cro not completed last night , eo that th speakers cannot be announced until late On V.'edneday c > enlng there will bo grand rally at I'Uonka's hall , Twenty-fourt and b streets , when all of the candldatt are expected and the address of the esenln will be delivered by James It. VanDuien. .Another big rally has been planned fc Thursday evening , when Assistant Counl Attorney Jeffries will deliver an addren The republican candidates will alsa be precut cut at this meeting and make short talk Two nicotines are on the book for Frldn night , one at Rex hall. In the Fourth war and the other at Herman Anger's place I Albright. The candidates will divide tt territory en this night , as the distance so great that they could hardly attend bol meetings. Saturday night there will bo meeting at Koutsky'e , In the Second "war The last grand rally before the battle of tl lallots will be held at Ulum's hall , Twcnt ; Ixtt and N streets , on Monday evening i ext week. AH of the candidates on the republics Icket are exerting themselves to the utmo nd are confident of success. It la pr llctod by the central committee that tl , 'iitlro ' republican councltmanlc ticket w ! > o elected. In addition to the head of tl Icket , clerk and police Judge. The cand latcs for members of the Board of Educ .Ion pro not spending a great deal of tin making a canvass , but the election of SI jaugh and King seems certain. At lea .bat Is the claim made by members of tl icntral committee. Clerk Carpenter Is making friends eve day and I'e has a host to begin with. Sin his Incumbency the records of the ofll havq been kept right up to date and that they can be foui IP CIS i < rc filed so .vlthout . delay. Another good point In 1 : 'a\or Is that he Is nlwajs to be found ; ils cfilce. This Is something that canu bo said of his predecessors. Iloliiy in Milpwnlk lliilltllnK. Residents in the 'Fourth ' ward arc cor ) lalnlng because the sidewalk ordered ser .Imt/ugci on the north side of L. street Ire Sharp to Thirty-seventh streets has not be walk has been down f laid. The present a number of jears and Is reported to bo a dilapidated condition. The council order his work done several weeks ago , but t street commissioner has not paid any atte tton to the order as yet. A walk was al rdered on the south side of L street fro Sharp to Thirty-third street and this h not been laid either. 'Tho ' stock jards co : on the ion all the property l > any owns ildo of L. street , and I It was necestary i ass nn ordinance to "procure this Improv ment. Although thirty days have claps since this ordinance * bijtame a law , there no algn of a walk yetM Nearly five inont ago -the council ordered a walk laid on t louth side of J street between Thirty-coco ind Thirty-third streu'lo , but the work .his hao not yet commenced. Collection ofc-HerMOiinl Tnxon. The city treasurer's 'ibooks show th fully 75 per Sent of Ihb 1897 personal t has already been collected. This Is a i niarUable showing nud-ip evidence that tlm are much better than , ft year ago , when this time not 40 per cent of the 1896 peraor tax had been paid. Vl All of the corporatlo and- the big mercantile ! concerns hero pi these taxes before or < jqon after they becai delinquent , while the small property hold has not been. much behind. One practice- formerly In jvoguo here r been stopped by the present treasurer a that Is the removal from the city of mi chants without first paying the tax assess against them. It used to be a common pri tlco for small dealers to open a store hi alonz In the spring anil remain until Ji after the tax became delinquent and th close up or sell out and move away. Ti year a stop has been put to such work a everyone Is compelled to pay peisonal tax UtcliniiKc llullillug Ilnll. There Is some talk among the mcmb exchingo of opening i ol the Live Stock new building on April 1 with a grand t and banquet. Quito a number of the me bora of the exchange are known to be favor of such a plan and It may posalbly carried through. The finishing touches now being placed on the Interior of tha ri building and the stock jards company confident that everything will be ready the opening April 1 , which wao the day when ground was broken last winter. Ow to a change In the original plans there i bo a slight delay in 'the receipt of the double doors to the south cntiunco , but tc porary doors are now In place , which T answer all purposes until the hard wood trance fixtures arrive. _ MnKlu City < ion lp. Alfred Antrim of Ashland la hero visit his eon , Walter. Henry Fisher of Prague was a buslr , visitor hero jesteiday. The Reed hotel office has been remodt and fitted up In neat shape. All of the gambling houses In the < closed yesterday until after election , Joseph , the young aon of Mr. and S J. M. Tanner , Is very low with pneumo The snow has caused a temporary t pension of grading operations all over city. city.Mrs. . J. O. JlcCament of Pasadena. C Is the guest of Mr. und Mrs. Charles Scan' . A son was born yesterday to Mr. and J Edward Ulullen , Twenty-oeventh and streets. Jacob Hauck of Omaha has purchased South Omaha Anzelger and the first p will bo Issued today. Work on the new telephone conduit ur the railroad tracks at the foot of N sli commenced yesterday. General [ Manager Kenyan of the st yards company was at , bis desk yesterday the first tlmo In a week. Quito a number ofidemocrats , headed ex-Mayor Ed Johnatoit , ! bavo promised support Darrett forjnayor. Clerk Carpenter received the poll IK from the printers yeac"rday $ and the offl ballots will bo out Iji day or two. At St. ( Martin's Episcopal church this ev Ing tRev. Irving JoausQa. the pastor , lecture on "Tho Cliurftn as a Society- Dogma. " } S Work has not commenced on the new p < office site , although tXho contractors nounced their lnteaUojVto commcnco gt Ing a week ago. , jol The Woman's auxiliary of St. ftlart "Episcopal " church writ-meet with Mrs. E Soykora , Twenty-secOad'and J streets , 'W ncsday afternoon , it ui. Horn , to Mr. andirMre. Frank Mullen Albright , a. daughterfiand to Mr. and > Charles 03. Llnvllle , Twenty-sixth and streets , a daughter , Henry Murphy writes from St. Petersbi Fla. , that his brother Tom Is gaining health rapidly and that they will go Sutherland , 'Fla. . in a day or two. Tonight the committee of tnanagomcn the Young lien's Christian association bold the final meeting of the fiscal yeai the parlors of the association , 'Last ' week ninety-coven cars of feei were shipped to the country. Of thla nun forty-seven cars went 'to Nebraska , thl eight cars to Iowa and the balance to oca states. illllk Inspector Carroll yesterday arrei J. A. Karel , a farmer , for celling milk In the city limits without a llcrase. Karel released upon ball toappear for trial t later date. About 100 men In the employ of tbeOm Water company commenced putting d > main * at the Armour plant yesterday. 1 understood that nearly ont mile of n > will be laid on the Armour tract. T n c dozen tire hydrants will Also < bo located t convenient places about th plant. ililzzlo Mitchell , colored , has been arreste for stealing a watch from Mrs. McNce , K North Twenty-third street. At the time e the theft theiMHchell woman was sollcltln aid fcr a church. , An Independent political club ban been 01 gantzed In the Third ward , with the follow Ing officers : Ed iMerice. president ; Josep "McKcrnan " , secretary ; Patrick Carr , trea : urer. The club has forty members. Hoary Whalen of the Cudahy Packing con : pany has been promoted and will move t Duluth , Minn. , where he will make his head quarters.Mr. . Whalen hag many friends her who are congratulating him on his promt tlon. tlon.The The "Ladles' " Aid society of the Klmt Atethc dist church will give a luncheon at th rraldcncp of Mrs. Ingersoll , 2010 Callfornl street , Omaha , on Friday afternoon of thl week , Instead of WcJncoday afternoon a flrst announced , A quantity of water pipe has been laid I "Highland " park and the force now emploc there 'by ' the park commissioners will com mcnco setting out trees In a day or twi Aboiit f > 00 shade trees have been purchased ti the commissioners and the first shipment ha been delivered. MOItC ll.M.VS SUKI.MMi TUP O1IIC ' . \piirrlirnnloit l Felt O rr th Klnnl IIPMiilt. CINCINNATI. March 28. Until tt weather becomes settled there can bo n reliable prediction In icgard to the flood I the Ohio. Dut for the rain , which bcgn about 2 o'clock tula morning In the Oh valley , the river hero would not hav reached sixty feet. The precipitation up I 7 o'clock this forenoon was one-half Inch. Tonight ra'n Is reported from the sin storm from Portsmouth to Parkersbur , Nevertheless the Ohio U falling at all poln : bove here. The swell that brought tl Ohio to slxtj-one feet , one Inch here th nornlng came from the Dig Miami bclo\ ho Llttlo Miami above and from the hi ! Ide torrc/nts on both banks of the rlvi urther up stream. Prom 5 to 8 o'clock this afternoon tl Ivor was stationary. Since then It hi Isen one-tenth of a foot hourly , nrul at ' . j'clock Is slxtj-ono feet and three-tenth Vhat It shall be tomorrow deponda whol in whether or not there will be addition atafall In the Ohio valley. > uc ; VM/.I : MVouic CIMIMISSIO 'liniincoy M. Dt'iivw IN ChoHfii in I I'ri'Nlilc'iil. NBW YORK , ( March 28. The Now Yor Into commission appointed by Gsvernt Hack to represent the state at the Tran ; ulhsltslppl Exposition at Omaha held 1 irst meeting In this city today. Chaunco I. Dcpew was elected chairman of the con ilsslon ; Alger JI. Wheeler of Buffalo , secrc ary , and ° Mr , Amos of Sjracuse , chalrma f the executive committee. An effort will be nmdo by the commtenlo o secure an appropriation of $25.000 froi ho state , and to that end Mr. Ainoa wl o to Albany tomorrow for the purpose < ringing the matter before the legldlatur Mr. Wheeler will also go to Albany In tl ntcrest of the commission. ( * i' I'nriiliiKii IIIIMM-IIHC. CHICAGO , CMarch 28. The net earnlni f the Milwaukee & . St. Paul fon.thn moil if February wore $789,532 , an Increase 1,272 over the same month of last yes * rc-m July 1 to February 28 the net car nga of the road ; t'cro $9,079,721 , an Incrca $ $04,420 over Cue same period of the pr ceding fiscal jcar. ICnnokn Out I'IIHN IXci ST. LOUIS , March 2S.-In a dcclsli inndcd dev > n by the United States court appeals-today the provisional conditions ho railroad pass , such ns thu "hold tereby agrees In case of uccklent not so il the company responilble , " are prn tlgally rendered njil ) and void. Mot cnu'itt * of Ocifiin.VoHhi'lN . , Mjir. A't New York Arrived Massaciuset from London. At Glasgow Sailed Assj rlan , from Ph ndclphla. At Genoa Sailed Augusta Victoria , f New York. At Philadelphia Arrived Rhynland , frc Liverpool. At Delaware Hrenk\vntei Passed uj Rhynland , for Philadelphia. A mother Is always ready to sacrifice herself - ' self for her baby. But ! nature does not often call for any nucb. sacri fice. On the contrary nature calls upon every ( mother to carefully pro tect herself and in that way to protect her baby. During the critical period when a woman is looking forward motherhood , the best protection she c : give to the tender little life which it dcpcn cut upon her own. ia to fortify herself wi the health - bringing "Favorite Prescri tion" prepared by Dr. R. V. Fierce , chl consulting physician to the Invalids' Hot nnd Surgical Institute , of Buffalo , N. \ anil sold by all dealers in medicines. All the dangers of motherhood and me of iti pains and discomforts are entire banished by the use of this rare " Prescri tion. " It pives clastic strength und tn healthful vitality to the special organs ai nerve-centres involved in mothcrhoo This healthful condition is transmitted the baby both by the improved quality the mother's secreted nourishment and 1 the child's increased constitutional vig ( It is a perfect health protector to the both. No other medicine was ever dcvis by an educated , scientific , physician for t ! express purpose of bringing health ai strength to the special feminine organs. 1 other preparation ever accomplished tl purpose so scientifically and effectually. A more particular description of its i markable properties with a full account some surprising cures of female difficult ! is given in one chapter of Dr. Pierce's gre thousand-page illustrated book , "The PC pie's Common Sense Medical Advisei which is sent free paper-bound for the tut coil of mailing ; 21 one-cent stamps ; i cloth-bound , for 31 stamps. Address t Doctor as above. wnmr OTRTBIU rjir oonovi/r DOCTOR ! 8e rle & Searlei S SPECIALISTS maran to oar * peedlly and r llT all KERVOVI , OIIRONIO JL PRIVATE dlicaiei of Men end w a < WEAK HEN SYPHILIS BBXUALtY. cured ( or lite. Hlrht Bmlutont , Lott Manhood , 1 froeela. Verlcocelt , Oonorrhea , Oleet , By lit * , Stricture. Piles , FUtula and Rec UlMri , PlabetM. Brlf ht' § DlicaM cur i Consultation Free. horn * ky new method without pain or cutti CaJloo r * ddr w with itaeip. Tre ui " jr mmtuiauiia Boston Store Drug Dept. ealth and Beauty , Youth and lore , It takes a mman ( annul FRUITCURA ( T1SADB MAKIC ) A Scientific Discovery by a Woman to Cure Women , ABIE. M. YALE , Quean of Beauty , who lias lectured in all if" of the proininont cities of the world before vast audiences , and has beim pronounced by all newspapers to be the most perfect woman in form and featurb now living , speaks to the women of the world and confesses a them that the secret of her beauty lies in perfect health and the secret of her health lies in the use of her own reme- Lies. Among them Fruitcnra her great and wonderful tonio 'or curing all female ailments and building up the system. fruitcura restores all weak organs to perfect health. It cures ; he many complaints of woman that only women know of. It restores the vitality , makes the eyes bright , the step clastic , and brings the bloom of health to the faded cheek. It renews ; he nerve tone and makes the llesh firm , hard and velvety. 11 fact its use is the royal road to perfect health and beauti- : ul womanhood. It cures their complaints and nervous trou bles of any nature and revives the vitality which is lacking in all such cases. For women of all ages. A discovery by a woman to cure women. Price , 81 per bottle ; G for § 5. Our special price The Very Best the World Produces TTer. Our I'rlcc. Pi Ice. Mme. Tnlc's ITilr Tonic rMtores .Tie Inlr nml stops It tiom falling out JI OT I ,6J ' . , . 110 .C ) Mme Inle's llulr Ch.mppr Mr ; Mme. Yale's Trultcurn ( for IVmalc Wrakiiors ) 100 .01 Mme. Ynlc'a la I'rrckli. for fr .klrf > SI (0 ' . < Mine. Ynle'a Skin Tool ( mull , for wrinkles ) 1' 111 Mme. Yule's Skin Toocl ( I ircc ) 3 t/0 211 Mme Yale's Bust rood ( ini > ll. for dc\oloplns Neck , llutt Arm * ) 1 00 1.19 Mme Ynlo'a Hunt rood ( tnrse ) 300 i n Mme Yule's Complexion Jac I'owilcr , tlmv shades p n ! , white bruncttti 50 3T Mme Yale's Complexion Sonp'i \ Mme. Ynle'H Complexion Ulrarli ( fet JIclli I'ltc.ics n'iIntr Spot" ) " t ) I " 3 ; * "ic Yilf'B Complexion 4'ream { for roftciitns ami r1nln < ; the HMn ) 1 i9 .01 Mmo. i die's E > elaih drawer ( promollni ; K-o th of tlm Kjtbrown niul I.ishc * I.Ct ) . ( it Mme. Y.ile's Special I it'tn ' ( Pimple Cure ) , l.fli ) .U. Mme Yale's Special Ointment ( Illack llcail rur ; ) , . , 10) .fl Mme YnKi Ulcoil Ti nlu ( p'lrlfjlni : the Hlooil ) w ! . . . 1 CO .ft Mme. Yale's linn I Whltener ( mal.os linnds Foft , ilcllcato ami ulilte 1 OT .03 Mmo. Yale's nilxlr of Hoauty ( SUIn 'lonM iw .ri ' . for \\ater A CO 1 13 Mme Yale's Hecret ( Boftenlniater ) ' 2.fD . Mm" Ynlo's Great Scott Mme. Ynlo's flreit S-ott ( m Uj 1.00 , ri Mm" Yjlp'a Jntk ttoic l.euc < f ( Llqnlil tluuge ; 10) , t I Mm ? Ynk'n Ji\c ) ( Uote IUi.1.1 ( h'p hnH. ) 1 On .01 " Mme. Yale's Kicc Knariel , white ami pink i. . . . 1 " t * ) , C"i . Mme. Yale's Kjrbrow IVnt-Pa * > .1 > Mme. Yale's ( fcr - Cnnillpatlni ) 1 JI , J U Mmc. Yale's Mcle mvU Wort Hxtcrmlnntor ( larse ) TO ) 2 . SJ MmYale's Mole iinaVnrt i\tcrmlmtoi ( small ) 101 .01 , Mme. Yale's .I.lly iilclnVliltencr 101 v , fJ C3 Mme. Ynle'fl Bk'n nenncr 100 Mlnr. Yale's Completion Ilnl.'li , I' ' " , ' ' . ' ! 0) ' .W Mme. Yale's .Antlieptla 1 Mme Y le' niBemvp Tnljleti ( for Indlceitlbii , eto , I-UEO 5l7D l.CO , f9 Mme. Yale's D'KOitlvo Tobleti ( for Infllgestlon , etc. , sirnll Uj ) 50 .SS Mme. Yule's Complexion Tahlet' ? ( Hrc slz ) 10) .6) " Mme. Yale's Complexion Tablet * ( small size ) , , M & . Mme. Yale's rertlllzcr Tablets ( larso t\ \ ' ) 100 .CJ . ' Hmc , Yale's rertllUer Tablets ( large sire ) -to .U BEAUTY SOUVENIRS. We will present exery lady calling nt our drug dtpirtmcnt with Mine. Ynle'a two rclcntlfla Ikiuks , eutltlcil "Woman'e Wisdom" nnd "Poll , to llp.iut ) , " They runtaln ndMco frpm Mine. Vale on the subjects of Health nnd Tleauty that cannot be obtained fium nny other souico. BOSTON STORE , Drwg Dept. Omaha. Neb. So far about niDPATII'S II1STOUY OP THE WORLD-nml that was liorauso Dr. HUlpatli stuck lo uoltl facts iiiMtMil of milking a history to milt any nnrtluulnr [ ) oison. Wo know the doctor doesn't HKo nil the facts In the \\oiK-biit lie Hdn't make om > of tlic'in. Itccniiso ho didn't , bi'emisp ho ninthly wove the \\oild's history Into story , the work \ill llvo : indlll Innj ; u-iiialn what It Is odny the best history of the nations and races of mankind avallahlo to Amcrl- : an readers. Already \\o have rllstiibutHl almost six carlo.ids of the hlsfi'-i- ' . ; u'liou h ths Megeath History Club , nnrt the eliuu'f ! H are tlint within n MI.V Miort time our nUotiupiit of thu books will be exhausted anil thiMi the club must close. , Club Fee Is One Dollar. . of tills secures immediate delivery of complete set In nny Mylo. Members agieo to make fifteen munlhly p.iyiuoiils , beginning thiity days Horn du- Ivcry of books , as follows : ? 1.CO monthly for cloth binding. S-a monthly for h.ilt-Uu - < la , which \vc es- Iiccially recommund lor lt beauty and duiMblllty. . 1.50 ! lor hiiiniiHious full moroeoo. Meinbeishlp Is limited and late comeis may be disappointed. Mumbpis may resign from the club and return settlthln ten d.iys if they choose , and club fee $1111 bo refunded. Books me delivered free wheiever our \\.ijons ; 11111 , but we p.iy no fiL'ljIit or express chaises. Write for specimen pa esith llliislialioas , coloietl jilalos , lestlmoniaK and full Information , or cull at the stoie TODAY and let us show thu books lo you. Megeath Stationery Co. , Omaha , Neb. Inclosed find $1 for membership In the History Club. Send bet to address below. I ugico to pay balance in 15 monthly payments. Name A p. * ' U. MEGEATH STATIONERY GSA , of the Kansas City , ya of tlio report that hl Qulncy , III. , to fieardB- iwlth the Ilaltlinoro t § nncctlng line Is cstab- bullt by the Kansao fl However , this line . , Kansas City ft V.ha as City , 1'ltts- cat In the Omaha , Mr. StlllwHl Vnd other Kar.sai _ .U ; bavo an Inter- PrrClty & Kastern. if lcy of the Kan- bt to liulM cast A KM EN M UcslreJ to g Sj-oada in eastcnt Cnretn1Sd . NeTerrttnnn . " yi. I will ( ItdlrMod ( o any uScrrr In pl ln walrd oo ate ia i nrelope niKR prucrlptlon wltb full dlrec. ilni'of Quick , prlrtto caret i > r Ixnt Mnhixx1. Bmall Wrak Mt 01