10 TILE OMAHA DAILY IJEKt P TUESDAY , MARCH 20 , 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES \ld crllNcnicntiiforllieiic column * fnlll lie Inkon. until lit in. for Ilic ftrenlnar nnUl nnlll H p. in. ( or < ho MornlnK "nil Similar edition * . lAilvprtlnvm , by reqnenllnn a num bered check , can have nn i cr u l- ( Iremril to iinmttercil letter In cnrc of Tinlice. . Annncr mi ndilrfn ed v.yrlll lie delivered on ureRentnllon of Hie Hit-eli only. Kitten , 1 l-'Jc a wont I1rt ln erllon | tc n word thereafter. NotliltiK taken 'tor le than JSBo for the llrnt Inner- lion. Theae advertlHvmcnti mu t be run cotmectitlvelr * WAJSTCI ) SITI/ATIOJS9. BY AMERICAN wiuo\v , HOUSEKEEPER KOR nldouer , houseKi-eper or head chambermaid In hotel : BDOI ] references. Mrs. Ptilner. Wnt t Orange. N. J. A-M121 AH' WANTED , POSITION AS HOTKt , CLERK ; 12 > r . cuptrltnte. Address K 65 , Heo. BITl'ATIO.V WANTED 1IV A riRST.CI.AS8 Oermnn baker n id confectioner ; competent In any branch. bakery or hotel : reference * . Ad- drf-M I , , llee omce. A MB26 31 * nil MAI.K IIKLI * . CANVASSERS TO TAKK onnKns ; NEW LINE of work : no heavy Kjojj 'o r < rry ; fi.ary or commission. O. ' . AiUms Co. ill S3. SMh Ft. BALESMAX ron CIOARS. 1123 A MONTH AND cspinsei ; old ( Irm : oiperlence unnecessary ; In ducements to customers. C. C. Dlshop K Co. , 8t. Ixiuls. n-M AOENTS AND I1RANCII MANAGERS : SALARY and commission. Hunter Tollnrlng & Silrt Co. , Cincinnati. O. H MIM-Aprll 1C * .WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED FLORIST , who speaks German. Apply At IJ. Unii. 1S1J Vlnton St. WORK rou us AT YOUR HOME ; DA/J on evening : jfi to I2 weekly : no rnnv.isuliiB or experience rciiu'rsd ' ; full pnrtli-ulam anl vork mailed on application. Columbian Mfir. Co. , 301 N. rth St. . I'hllfid'lpnln. I'a. 1J-M12S 7 * BAILSMEN TO BELL TOILET SOAP TO dealer * ; J100 per month silary nnd expenivf ; experience unneccssuiy. Louis Ernst Co , Pt. Lou IB , Mo. R-M1.3 coon AGENTS. LADIES on GENTS. $ : .oo per day to huitlers. 43S-420 Pnxton Illk. I ) "SO 30 * XURIIER TRADE TAUGHT MEN AND women In two months ; portions KuarantfM ; tools presented : calnlneue mailed free. Moler's e-hool , Chlcnuo or Minneapolis. IJ Mli > UN 12A n\Y MADEntrvc.i : RIDERS vvanled. to sell patent folding liiwajie r.mli-r ! . ; better than Klondike ; Kpeclnl Inducements ; no rl k ; entirely HL-W ; pet In the push : c.\talusnc free.V. . I' . Chase , Des MulntK , la 11 MSTi Al VANTIiO. (1OOD MIICHANIPAI. man , rnmlllar with machinery ; Mate experience unc ! faHry expected. 1C 10 , I'.ee. 11-607 n * A. SAMSMUN TO sin.i rirAnTO UIAI- : crHi Biliary , JGO no to Ji ) < X ) per month nnd x- peiifes ; fxperlence unii ( > cefis.ir > ' : permanent pi- Bltlcn. The Do Mora. ClKar CD , Sprln 1.'lil , O. II MG.2 "J" \vouir ron us AT voi'u IIOMI : DAY ou ew-nlnc , $ i > lo $13 wreklj ; no canva in ! ; w cx- perloneu r * iuliPd : full pirtlcularw nnd woik malleil on npplkuitlon. Columbian Mfu. c > i. 331 N. Gin at. . l'lilhd lphla. I'a. 1I-MB1721"1 J10 I'KH HAY HIM.MNO IMCTI'IIHS 11ATTM.- fhlp Maine. Semi 30c for samples. Ilooni 4 , SK tlrmdwny. Co. llluffs. It MC14 WAM'KIl iB 1IKLI > . ioo amus FOR AI.I > KINDS OK WOUK ; TO 17 week. Canadian Olllce , 1522 Douglns. ' C Kl WANTED COMPETENT COOK ; NO WASH , ini ? . References required. Mrs. W. J. Connell , 623 S. 21th St. C-173 GOOD COOK WANTUD. MllS. SWS Sherman Avenue. C 137J WANTED , CURL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork work- . Call at once , 21 * ' } California st.C . C CIS IA , COMI'ITTENT COOK WANTED ; MUBT B eood laundress ; | 5.00. CIS S. 26th Ave.CMG23 C-MG23 WANTKD. ailll. . FOR GENERA ! . . HOUSE work. Mrs. D. H. Ooodrlch , 1117 1'ar ! ; ave. C MC31 SI FOlt IlEN'T IIOUSKS. CHOICK HOUSES & COTTAQE3 AT.I. OVKIV city. 13 to (73. fidelity , let lloor N. Y. Life. U 432 nouses. WAUWVCC. DHOWN BLOCK. IGTH and Douglai. D 433 LIST. M'CAQUE. 15T1I AND DODOE. D-431 HOUSES , FLATS. OARVIN BROS. , 1C13 TAR'M 11 I'u .HOUSES. J. II. BIIERWOOU. t23 N. Y. LIKK. int"-- IN ALL PARTS Ol * THR CITY. THE O. P. Dnvta Comnany , JM5 Farnam. D 437 HOUSES. I1ENEWA & CO. , 108 N 15TH ST. D-4M HOUSES , STORES. I1EMIS , PAXTON BLOCK. D 139 HEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS. CM Bee Rids. D M331 DETACHKD MODERN 12-ROOM. ALSO 9-ROOM house ; keys at 234S Cap. Ave. Tel , .73. 1) . H Itoblnon. I > MCI UOVINO HOUSEHOLD fSOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van & Storace Co. , 1311H rarnam. Tel. IfBO. D-M321 -ROOM MODERN FLAT. 111 ! SOUTH 11TH M1C9 .R. MODERN HOUSE , KOUNT55E 1'LACE : 140 J. J. Otbson , 614 First National Hank Jlldir D-470-A-3 FURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED 10- j-oom modern house with barn ; location very desirable ( on west hills ) ; will lent to rlsht partv for one or two years at $73 00. Address K 63 , llee. D M50J-20 * 8 ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIC LIOHT AND OAS barn : larxo lawn ; on pa\ed etrcet. 2134 So Slth St. D-M34S-A2 FOII U ; UMS. THE INFORMATION UUREAU , HID FARNAM E M418 M3 8 NICE ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. HI * SOUTI llth. E M765 DESIRABLE ROOM. M. F. ROYS , N. Y. L IJIds. 'Phone 811 , E Mill A17 * IIOOMS. USO HARNEY ST. ; MODERN. SO front. E-MI21 a * TLEASANT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS modern conveniences. 1817 Lea > emvorth st. flat 6. E M454 31 * FURNISHED ROOMS , 2041 HARNEY. E-493-1 * _ _ " IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 1919 E-M4S3 AS * _ THRE13 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping for man and wife. Itcnt taken In board , CIS N , 17th. E 412 HICELY FURNISHED ROOMS : ALL CON \enlenceg ; for gentlemen. 2J3I Farnnrn. E-43S-23 FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMS FOR keeping. In now home on car line ; boird I desired. Apply N13 No. SCth. E M578 31 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ; VIUVATE PAM lly. lill Cass. E-M377 AS TWO 'UMtGE. ' BRIC1HT ROOMS. FOR TWO or four people : prhoie ; no other roomeni o boarders ; board If desired. N. K. corner Par and Ijcavcnworth. E tQS : s * .TIIItRH FRONT ROOMS AND TWO Fl'rt nlehed rooms. 1913 Douglas. H MbSJ a * MODERN ROOMS , ll.U UP ; TRANSIENTS AC commodatcd. 511 N. 19th. -M'ilO A4 FURNISHED IIOOMS AND I1OAIID. T1IH MKRRIAM. FIRST-CL.\83 FAMILY HO tel. 23th and Dodge Sta. K-46I KLONDIKE HOTEL , 8. K. COR. 1STH AND Webster BU. ; ileam heat room' , $1.60 i > er ee and up. F MCSJ JtOOMS , WITH BOARD. 210S CHICAGO. K-H07 Ail * NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM : PRI rote family. 702 So. 29th St. F 44 ! ! S * UTOPIA. ITM DAVBNI'ORT ! TRANSIENT accommodated. F C13 Al * NICE FRONT ROOMS WITH GOOD HOARD trans'enta accommodated , 103 Capitol. F-M594 ROOM WITH HOARD , 110 ! Cats. Cats.TM4J7 31 * RENT FIRST CI VSS BOARD AND room > , goo.l location. 21 ! S. ! 3th St. F-49I- JHK ALBANY. 2101 DOUOLAS ROOMS W1TI ko nt ; tr n i BU aocoouuixUttii. f MSM AJ ri.HM ini : ) ( Continued , 1 URNISHED IIOOMS. 2111 OJIANT ST. ' r-MrMA2 I'OH Hi.VrL1M'til.M.'mr.l : > IIOOMS.P1 OR RKNT. NICE SOUTH FRONT L'.NTl'R- nlsbej roomi ; with hath ; Wlllinrll block. F. W. CarmVchnil , No. C Wlthncll blork.UC10 U-C10 A3 KOIt HK.XT STOHi : * AMI OIM'ICKS. OR RENT-IN TUB BEE BUILDING : One large corner room , JJ lloor. with \ault ana prhate ufflce , water , etc. Ono large front room , M Hoer , divided Into tno rooms br fartltlon : w&tcr , etc. One lar corner room , M floor , with aul % water , etc. One front room , dUlded by partition , Jd lljor. One comer room , nlth vault , 3d floor. Ono large room , Id floor , with partition dividing It Into one large rrxini and two smaller private roams ; water , etc. Two large eround floor roomi , fronting 171.1 St. , with vault. Se\erl krnnll rooms on Ith noor , with % ault . Alt these rooms nre heated with tenm. eleclrla IlKhtfuppllcd with nr t.cl s Jinltor fcrvlcc. Elevators run -lay nnd nil nlKht ; building strictly fireproof. Apply to huperltitcndent , R30DI 101 , Bee bulldlnc. I-15S FOR TRACKAGE , TRANSFERRING AND de u room , apply to the Aititmsn * Taylor Machinery Cki. , N. E. cor , 9ti ! and Jac < o n Ets. I S23 'OR RENT DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR filTlci. ' , Bee tiill < lln ( ? ; water , steam hcnt , electric Ilsht and Janitor Fen Ice , Apply to Sujwrln- teii'lrnt. Bee tnlld'ns. 1-197 FOR RENT THE 4- TORY BRICK r.UILDINO t 911 ! Farnam St. Vhl building has a fireproof cement ba emcnt : witcr on all noor * ; gxr , rtc. Apply nt the office uf The Bee. 1-810 TO WE PAN SUl'l'LY DESIRABLE TENANTS for 50 hou es 5 to S looms within one weoK. If you Imvo nny houxes vncant Hut t'icm with us nt once. Fidelity , 1st floor. N. Y. Llfo K-M370 IVANTED , FIIIST-OU\PS BOARD POR HlfS- bind nnd wife ; two bed rooms nnd ftltttnir room re iulred. AdillCfs L 2 , Bee. K M COJ PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 90S-910 Jont-i ; general stotago and forwarding. OM. VAN & STORAGE , 151114 FARN'M. TEL r,59 M-4St HUY. WANTED-CARRIAOE HORSE , 5 TO 6 YEARS old , weighing 1,200 to 1,300 pouniK all 12C4 Harnty. N US A-l" WANTED , A MEDIUM SIZED SAFE IN GOOD condition , cheap. AiTdiess K SO , Ben. N M59-:9 ! THIRTY FEET OAK OFFICE PARTITION. Ktnndlng , Hat nnd ioil-top dejk. Addn > i 110 Board Trade. N MC10 KOH SALi : FtlUXlTUHU. UEDROOM SUITS. FOLDING BEI1S AND ALT. ktnjii of household Koodf. to quit buslnonj ; no innsonabli' offer refused. Neb. Furniture Co , 510-12 N. 16th St. O75.AS R. R. DEMl'RAGE AUCTION SALE OF Ft'I ! nlturo. carpels nnd beildlnB nt ill ! Fnrnnm Btrect , Wcdnesildy , March ! 9 , 10 n. m. O C12 23 * I'-Oll S.AMC . IIOHb .S , WAfiOXS , IVI'C. FOR HALE. A HANDSOME CHESTNUT MARE , pacer , standard hied , S soar.- old , 1C hands high , will road to bu < ! iO' at a. 2:40 : Bolt ; perfectly re liable : reasonable price. Enquire 33 Scott St. , Council Bluffx , Iowa. P M4S3 29 FOR SALE MISCUI.IjANKOUS. H.OC AND POULTRY FENCE ; BETTER THAN wire netting. Fine sawduxl for floors. Tel 431. 901 Douglas. CJ-11S HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND renilr * , all standard makes , on hand ; , grindIng - Ing razors , sheum , clippers ; prompt service. A. L. Undelard. Q-MS7G PURE PLYMOUTH ROCJv EGGS FOR SET- tlr.ga : COc ; roosters , $1.00. 932 North 26th. 26th.Q9SS Q-9SS SEED SWEET POTATOES , $1.50 PiCR BBL. Thcoloro Williams , 57th and Military Ave. , Omaha , Neb. Q Mi6G Maj-7 * NOAH PERRY. JOBBER AND WHOLESALE dealer In sewer pipe nnd stoneware. 4177 Dodge street , Omaha Neb. Tclepiione SOO. Q M367 AS * CHICKEN. HOO AND LAWN FENCES ; ALL wiret : \ best. Wire Works , llth nnd Harncy. FOR BALK ONE or TUB BEST DAIRIES IN the city. Genuine barsnln. Inquire J. I. Kemp Feed Co. , 27th and Lcavenworth. Lcavenworth.QM5M Q-M5M FOR SALE. ABOUT 40.000 2ND HAND ST. Loun ! fire brlr-k and 3 ,000 building brick , also Imllers , engine and brick machinery. Wm J , Wcljlinru" . City Hall. "Phone 257. O 41677 FOR SALE , THE ELKQANT BAR FIXTURES of Palmer home saloon. L. C. Brown , Grand Island , Neb. Q-M7G9 AS * BLACKHEADS AND WARTS , HOW TO REmove - move , fie. Cjrus Qray , P. O. bout 94. Ren- nett. Pa. Q M134 A15 * RESTAURANT FOR SALE. "WITH FRUITS and confectioneries , at 216 No , ICUi ft Q-MIC3 31 * FOrj SALE. OLD LUMBER. 2x4. 2xG , 2x8. 2x10. GxS short boards , 1-inch , suitable for sldctvnlk. Apply to Associated Charities , 807 Howard St. Tel. 1610. Q M575 A2 * BEST & CHEAPEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN Omaha. Call or address 313 N. Y. Life. Q-M540-A2 FOR SALE. 2S HEAD FRESH COWS AND springers from eastern Iowa , nt Jcsler'o jard , 23th and Hurt stx. , Omaha. Q 14 SO * FOR SALE. LARGE NICKLK-IN-BLOT MAchine - chine ; cheap for each. Address L 4 , Bee cJHco Q 11 30 * FOR SALE. ILARGi : , LATH MILCH DURHAM cow giving 12 ats. dally , at 112S So. Sift. Q MC.29 29 * FOR S\LE. TWO-HORSE OASOLINR ENGINE ; perfect o der. Addrrsa LS , Bo ? . Q MG102I * FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH ROCK EGOri. 2"C A i-ottlnir : nunrter-mllc south of end of Albright rar line at Red Inrn. Q MK2 MASS.VfiK , BATHS , ETC. LAURA ELLISON , 119 N , 1CTH ( UPSTAIRS ) , room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , mas- sage. T M310 AW * MME. SMITH. US N. 15TII HT. , STEAM AND alcohol haths. T 110 23 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; testful and curative. 417 S. 11th. un cial rs. T MC04 A3 * MMK. AMES , MASSAGE AND BATHS. Howard nt. i T MG2) A4 IMUtSO.VAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLES. S4H-8 BEE Bldg ; physician cotxulta'.lon or health book free. U-4GO CLOTIIKS CLEANED. PRESSED AND REpaired - paired ; day or nliiht ; dress Bulls for hire Pantorlum. N. E. Cor. llth and rarnam. Tel ! M3. U-467 LADIKS. HAVE YOUR HAIR DRESSED BE. fore going Oov , ntoHn at the halrdrecsing parlors of Mine , a , Payne , 2303 Lcavenworth ft. ; tel. 1SG3 : artistic. minlcJrtng , superlluom hair and fnclal blemishes rvmoved with elec tricity ; strictly private. U-IISII All * BATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319W S. 15TH. U-133 HORSES CLIPPED FOR ONE DOLL.VR : EL > - trlo clippers. Tel. W. McCorraao & Bnunley , llth nnd Howard , U 130 QUICKEST AND BEST PRINTING FOR LEAST mcnejR. . a. Heartey , 1503 rarnam. 'Phono 2CW. U M521-A2 * K1XJNDIKERS , JOIN OUR "HALF-PAY UUUII Stake" party : fcend Ktamp for lar e in.ip and nrtlculurs. Pioneer Klondlko Transpjrtutlon Co. , room 12 , Security BuKdlns , St. Uiuls. Mo. U M'iJi ) SIOXKV TO LOAX HUAU KSTATK. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davli Co. . 1305 Famam St. M'-4M ( PER CENT CITY AND FARU LOANS. ( Jarrln Broa. , 1C13 Farnam Bt , W M471 WANTKD. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS. H. C. Peters & Co. . U. U. Nafl Bank Bldg. W 175 MONEY LOANED ON MPROVKK HEAL ES- late In Omaha , Council Bluff * A South Omaha. W. II. Thomu , 60J First Nlt'l Bank , Omaha. W-173. tlOOOMOO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first-class Improved Omaha property , or for purposes. FldclttiTnut company. W-177 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . J15 N. Y. L ; quick money at low rates for choice farm l.indi In Iowa , northern Ultsourl , eastern Nebraska. W I7J LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnara Smith & tV. , 1J20 For-m. W 4e MONEY TO IJOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brtnnan-Lov e Co. , 113 S. 16th. W 478 5IOMJY TO M > t.V I1I2JU < KSTATK. ( Contlnaed ) F.R CENT. MONEY. BEMIS. PAXTONBlk. ( ( PRIVATE MONEY. WEAI ) . 16TH & D W J10 A-1 JI05HY TO fOAl CIIATTK1.9. $ i TO $ : oOW TO I/JAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND HOIISiES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC. , at lowest rated in Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Rlunx No removal of poods ; 'strictly connilcntl.il ; you ran pay the Icon off nt any time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 506 South Kill St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MONEY LOANED 8AHRIICD PEOPLE HOLDIng - Ing peimnnent pcirltlon * . with responsible con- ccrm upon thcr ! bivn name , vvlthonr nsctirlty ; easy pajmenta. Tollnan , It 700 , N. Y U bldg. I S AplS * HtJSI.VF.SS CIIA.VGKS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J < J. Gibson , 614 First Nal'l Bank. Y 473 L1VI3 STOCK COMMISSION FIRM. SOUTH Omaha , wants man with large capital for partner - ner ; LuMness thoroughly cdt.ibllshcl ; ref-r- ences nrst-class. not 4)5. Omaha. Y &I2 3 J. I. WATT. BUILDER AND GENERAL JOB bins. 1115 Emmet Mrcel. Y MS37 A ! * FOR SALE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE More In a prosperous locality ; n tpler.dld op portunity for the right patty. For particulars wrllo to G. D. Freoj , Hugo. Colo. Y MIST W * FOR SALE. MEAT MARKET : STEVEN'S cooler. I : . Benl , SClh and Hamilton. Y-M277 29 * BETTER THAN KLONDIKE-PERSONS WITH unnll or lirge cnpltnl wishing to mal'e Inveit- mentB that promise larce leturnt should ad dress or call on L. W. Tulleys , Council Bluff ? , la. Y-M107 A'G FOR HALE. $5000 STOCK OF GENERAL MER- chaniU * located In good farming country : must be sold soon , For particulars address P. O. Box 300 , Cedar Bluff ? . Neb. Y M4SS 29 * $1.00. 500 CARDS. ENVELOPES. NOTKIIEADS or circular * neatly printed. R. O. Hearsey , UWi Farnam. 'Phone IMO Y MSM-A2 * LADV OR GENTJJIMAN CAN HAVE HALF irteir t In n well estnhll cd buslnew , tilth } tl)0 ) cash. Addre-s L 5 , Ilee. Y M627 2 ! ) $ -.000 CASH OR TRADE WILL BUY A NF.W 40-birrel roller mill , water power. V. Cladek , Dunlap , Neb. Y MGSi 31 * $ IM INVESTED ACTUALLY WARNING S3 PER cent weekly profit ? : rare rhince ; no stock or KlindlKp ' "horn" : life entorprl o ; wntrtil rap- Itnl youiFvlf. D. Sloan110 St. Paul t. . llnltl- more. Md. Y C19 29 * ron K.xcii.vxr.n. TO EXCHANGE. OMAHA SAVINGS BANK accounts for 10 to 12 roam house t.iat be moved. Addtesa Box 13. Station "A" City. 2 M329-29 * POIl SALKHE\L ESTATE. KOUNTSn PLACE BARGAINS. J2.500. $3.7M TO $ G,500. J. J. Gibson , S14 First Nat. Bank Bldir. RE480 FOLLOWING DESIRABLE PROPERTY : BtHI- nefa lot corner , COxlSO ft. , In So. Omahn , piv.vl. Business lot , C0xl30 feet , Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 3Gth St. Tract (20 ( lots ) Jdth St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RE-9G4 NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot , $30) cash , balance to suit. Address a 31 , Bee. RE Ml"3 SNAPS 43XGS FEET ON 18TH NEAR DODGE street , Eultable for 2 brick houses , price $2.700 : GCxl32 fe t with brlcl : hotise. N. E. corner 20th nnd Cumlng streets , prlco $ G,0"D. J. Frcnzcr , opp. old P. O. RE M534 MAKE Ml ! AN OFFER ON TWO LOTS IN Walnut Hill addition. Oscar Groshell. Salt Lake , Utah. .RE M7CS A9 * HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS. LANDS. LOANsT also nre Insurance , Bemls , Paxton Mlt.rt . rt n if A RE 482 FOR SALE , 'J-ROOM HOUSE , 40127. \ street. IIK M3I6 29 A NICE HOME : 8-ROOM HOUSE. DETACHED , barn , cltv water , fewer , cistern ; corner Bur- dettc nnd 2Sth Sts. , at a bargain ; also two vacant lots , all fenced. Call Mornnd. J310 Harney St RE 421 FIRST CLASS MODERN TEN ROOM HOUSE with barn ; lot 75 feet front ; location one of the bcft on West Hills ; has cost owner J1C.- 000 ; will tell for 112.040 ; U cash , balance easy no agents ; no trade. Address K r,1 ! , Tlee. iiE uiaa-y * FOR SALK. CHEAP. LOT WITH TWO COT- Ingc9 , 25th and Cumins. Inquire 42 S . .mil St. RE-M5S9 29 MUST HAVE MONEY. 1M CLEAR. SO BROKE , $100 ; ICO rlear , 65 broke , $230. Owner L 3 , Bee. RC Cog 2 ! * FOR SALE , 6-ROOM TIOHSE , FULL I/IT : South 23th St. . one block from car line. $ > 30 Oft. 3 house * on car line. 2 miles from P. O. ; full lot ! rental $12.00 per mwth. $70000. S-room house , lot C2xl20 ft. ; 973 North 2Cth Ave. , $1.00) 00. B-ronm house , full corner lot , llanccom Place , $1.750.00. 10-room house with furnace , city water , etc. , good barn. 232T Callfornli street. $ .1.000 TO. Lit 2. blnek "C. " ( Prospect 'Place ' , on Sewnrd St. , near 32.1 , $23001. ! of the best lots In Sherman Avenue Park , one block from Mh St. . for all. S300.CO. 10 acred 3U miles west of poftolllfe , $1 < MO 00. 300 acres 12 miles N. W. of Omaha. $ B.OOO 00 ' POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY. 1C01 Farnnm St. RE-M613 31 SHORTHAND AIVD TYl'EWniTERS. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typewriting. 717 N. Y. Life , offers the fol lowing advantages : Individual Instructions by experienced teachers nnd Fklllft I stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; touch syalem of typewrit ing If preferred : participation In actual work , for which stu&entx receive phy ; monthly pay ments. 745 AT OMAHA BUS.COLLEGF. , IGTH & DOUGLAS isn SHORT-HAND. UP-TO-DATE , TAUGHT BY court reporters. Bojles' School , 403-5-7 , Ur-o Bid * . | 4S4 BICYCLES. FOR $1 YOU CAN GET YOUR WHEEL CLEAN , cd and adjusted. Om Blocle Co'a. phone 1GG3 , 653 Al LOST. LOST. BAY HORSE. WHITE SMALL SPOT In his forehead ; weight nbout 1,1W ) ; reward. Mick Vencel , Council Bluffs , lown.Lost Lost 532-2S IMWKUKOKEIIS. II. MAHOWIT7. LOAN 3 MONEY. IIS N. IGTH HOTELS FOR REXT. BUILDING. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL ; 30 rooms nnd lance store room ; central location. Bcmls , Paxton H1U. SCO MUSIC. PEIKKBEN'S MUSIC SCHOOL : PIANO. VIO lln , mandolin , guitar , zither ; German method. S13 Kheely block ; terms reasonable. Ki Apt * E-XI'OIITIOX FUO.VrACJES FOll REXT , GROUND ( LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Bemls , Pnxton Blk. S9 , STCXORRAI'HERS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSrriONS FOR Stenographers free. This Smith-Premier Typewriter - writer Co. Telephone. J2S4. FURXITDRE PACKED. . U. 1 8. WALKIN , 2111 CUMINQ. TEL. 1331. 451 nuicii. . LOUISVILLE BRICK CO. . B'D YRADE : tel. 40 ? 310 M25 > KMPLOY31K\T OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT BURBAU. 1411 TARNAM street. Rooms 1 and > , Tel. IKK 4 TYFEWITBIiS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RE-NT $1 00 PER MONTH , Th * Smlth-Premler Tjpewrlter Co. , 16S3 Far- mm St. : telephone , lS ( . 491 FI1TAXCIAL. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT FOR cash. lUcnard lUnfelJ , 171 LaSalle fat. . Chi. - cage , U210 A17 _ _ _ LADIES ; ( % iiirmisSnn'fl : KNOLISH PENNY- inisl Plllt ( DI tttpiM brand ) nre tlu * I < H. Safe , reliable. Take-rrio 'other. Send Ic ft amps for particular * . "Relief for Iwidlen , " In letter li > ' return mall AT. iiniRKlat" . Chlchenter Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , I a , Mention lice. * . -MC2I 20 * roir\ . TAKEN UP. O.VK OLD HAV MAREONE KYI3 blind. J. Heel , Dallilt , Neb. Fuun < T-MG21 : ! AHTICLKS OF" INCdHI'OHATIO.X. AUTICLB3 OP WINCOIIPOIIATION OP SHIPl'KHS1 UVK STOCK COM MISSION COMPANY. Articles ofl Irrcorponitltin mule nnil adopted this 24th day of Volmiry. A. . 1S ! ) $ , ! ) > and uetnccii the tindurHlRiied lu ce rporntors. 1. Nnme The name of this porpor.itlon shtll be "ShlmwrH' Live Slock Coini Companv. " 2. I'litci ; of Huslnpss The prlnctpil pli of liuHlnejH of tliS ! " corporation fhnll l ho KdiilJi O.uahn. Doirl.i < county , Nebraska. S. Nature of Husl.lcsR The business to he transacted by this corporation \ * tin * yelling of llvo "lock on commlitloti for ship pers of llvtj Ktook to the Union Stock yards nt South Omalri , nnd olsc- vvherp .n Ihe 1'nlted ' Stales of America. The buying nnd Belling of live slock and , lendln ? money , nnd the transacting of a general live stock comiiil. lrm htislnera. i. Amount of Capital Stock Thi amount of capital stock uf this rorpor.Ulon shall be llfteen thousand dollars ( $15.000. ) lit 5. The hlshest amount of Indebtedness that this t coiporntlon Bhall subject Itself to nt nny onetime shall be live thousand ( $ JCW ( ) do'Iars. C. The officer * of lhl corporation shall ht > a president , vlco president , secretary , treas urer and a board of live directors. The president shn'l ' be ex-otllclo n member of the board of directors. Said president nnd board I : of dlrertors shall be elected nnnually by t'le stockholders nt their regular an nual 1 meeting. 1t 7. The shares of thl * corporation shall be twenty-five ( $2300) ) dollars each , and ten per cent of the entire cnpltnl stock of this cor poration shall be subscribed and paid for before It Hhirli commei.eo business. 6. Any of the capital stock of this corpora tion not subscribed nnd paid for nt the time of commencing business shall be sold at not less than Its face value , as the board of directors shall deem advisable therenftct. 9. Thl.s corporation shall commence bus- ! E.SS on the llrst < lay of April , A. IX 1S3S , nnd shall terminate on the llrst day of April , A. iD. IKS. 10 The Incnrpnrators nnd stockholders of this corporation shall not be held pjrsonnlly liable for any Indebtedness of this corpora tion. 11. The ni tlcUs of Incorporation may bo amended nt any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds majority of the capital stock sold. sold.Witness Witness our hands nnd seals this 21th day of February , A. D. 1S9S. J * COLTRIN , 11. A. TEIMPLETON . H. JKCIEIl. J. FIUMANN , Moh 29-A-3-12-1D-M ( iOVRH\UK.\r NOTIONS. CI1113F QUAllTKUMASTRH'S OFFICK. Omaha. Nth. , March 2S. 1SUS. Sealed pio- posalfl , In trlplatu , will be received here un til 11 o'clock in. , central standard time , Api II 2S , 18' ' > S , nnd then 'opened for furnMi- Injr transportation , drayage. nnil for liutt- dllng stores In Department of the Mis souri , during fiscal year commoncIiiR July 1 , 1S9S. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept miy or all propoi'H or any part thereof. Information flinilshod on application. Bn- velopes containing proposals to bo marked "Proposals for transportation on Route No. , " addressed toSAIK K. JONES , Q. M. i'OSlOl'KICE M > TICE. i * _ ( Should be read JDAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at nny time. ) Foreign malls , fort the week ending March 2C , 1S93 , will -close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general postofflce as fol lows : l'AnCEI.8 POST -MAILS clos one hour carllun tliUn ciusloj time shown below. i ii Trnni-Aduiillc 'Miilla. > t * - TUKSDAT-I-A't ' C a. m. for GERMANY , DENMARK /SWEDEN / , . NORWAY ( Chrlstlanla ) nifd RUSSIA , per s. s. Trave * , via ? Brom6n ( letters for other parts of Europec via Plymouth , must ba directed ' ( per Travc" ) . WEDNESDAT-At 7 n. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. La Bourgogne * . via Havre ( let ters must be directed "per in. Bour- gognc" ) ; at 7 a. m. ( supplementary 9 a , m. ) for EUROPE , per B. s. St. Paul * , via Southampton ; at 9 n. m. ( supplemen tary 10:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Germanic * , via Queenstown ; at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct , per s. s. South- wark. via Antwerp ( letters must be di rected "per Southwnrk" ) . SATURDAY-At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , per s. B. Umbrla * , via Queenstown ; at S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Wcrkendam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Werkendnm" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NAPLES and GENOA , per s. e. Ems ( letters must * > a directed "per Ems11) ) ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Hekla ( letters must be directed "per Hckla" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. German uteameri sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for German/ , and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , eta , for other pirts of Europe. Amer ican and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thureiays. and Cunard , French and German steamers i > n Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for ail Countries lot which they are udvettUed to cany mail. After the clojlng 01 * the Supplementary Trans Atlantic Siauo named above , additional supple memory malls lira opened or. the piers of tha American. E.iellsh , French anil Qercmn steam ers , und remain open until within Tea Minute * of the hour ot tallinp ot steamer. MiilU ( or Sonlli nnil Central Amerlcn , Went Indie * , Etc. TUESDAY At 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for CENTRA ! , AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Alllanca , via Colon ( letters for Guatemala , must be directed "per Alllanca" ; ; at 1 p. m. ( supplemen tary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. . and SANTIAGO DE CUHA , per s. s. Santi ape ; nt 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for BERMUDA , per a. a. Orinoco ; at " 3 p. m. for COSTA niOA , per Bteamcj from New Orleans ; at * * 7 p. m. for NASSAU. N. P. , per s. s. Miami , from Miami. Fla. ; ot 8:30 : p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; nt 0 p. m. for POUT ANTONIO , per steamer from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 2:30 : n. m. for PORT AN TONIO , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at U n. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. s. Portia ; at 11 a. m. for SANTIAGO DE CUHA , per s. ! * . San Agustln ( letters for Venezuela and Colombia must be directed "par San Agustln" ) ; at 11 a , TO. ifor L.A PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s. Rus sian Prince ; at 1 p. m. for CUBA , per s. B. Seguranca. via Havana. THURSDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per fi. a. Ardanroro ( letters for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala roust be directed "pr Ardanrose" ) . SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA , per . s. Trinidad ; nt 9:30 : a. m. ( supple mentary 10 a. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per f . s. Madtana ( letters for Grenada , Trinidad and Tobago must be directed "per Indiana" ) ; at It ) n. m. ( sup . plementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHAGBNA. per a. s. Altai ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "pjr Altai" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m , for CAJtI'ECHE , CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s , s , Yucatan ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be dlrecteil "per Yucatan''nt ' ; ' " 7 p. m. for NASSAU. N. P. . per . n. Miami , 'from Miami. Fla. ; at 8:30 : p. m.for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; ut 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamsr from Halifax. Mails for Newfoundland , by nil to Halifax nnd thence by steamer , rlcie nt this ofllc' dally at 8:20 : p. m. Mails for Mlquelon. by rail to Itos- ton and the ice by lUamcr. clore at this oince dally at 8:30 p. in. Malls for Cuta close at this ofllce dally nt 7:00 a. m. for forwardlne by steamers sal'.lngr ( Uunair * ana 7hur la > ) from Port Tampa. Kia. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unlefs specially addressed for dl'patch by steamer , cloio'at ' this office dally at 2:10 : a m. and 2.3) ) p. m. "Registered mall closes at C.09 p. m. previous day. Truna-Pnclflo MulU. Mallt for China. Japan and Hawaii , per s. v. Btlglc ( front San Francisco ) , close here dully up to March 27 at 'JiSO p. m.ilaiU for China and .lapiu. pjr n . Victoria ( from Ta- coina ) . close here dally up to March 27 at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per s. e. Zealand- ! ! ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to March 31 at 6:30 : p. in. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , } > cr s. s. { vllowera. ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally nter March * * 18 and up to March 31 < at G20 p. m. Malls for China und Jj.pim ; ( specially addressed only ) , per s. a. Em press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to April ! ! at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia ) which arc forwarded via Europe. New Zealand , Ha- wall , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per > . e , Alamcda ( from San Francisco ) I , clo-'o here vonrofvica NOTICE. ( Continued. ) dnlty up to April " 15 nt 7:00 : n. m. , H a. in. nnil 6:30 : p. m. ( or on nrrlvnl nt New York of H. s. CNtnpntil.i with lrlll ! li irmlls for AtiRtrnlla ) . Mnllt for tlic Society litl.inds , per ship City of 1'npcltl ( from San Fran cisco ) , clo'o here dully up to April 21 at < i:3Q p. m. Trans-Paclflo malU ire forwarded to port of sail- Itift dally and th Mhedule of closing Is ar ranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted ovxrUnd transit. "Registered mall closei nt 0 p m. previous day. COUN'RUUH VAX COTT. Postmaster. r-ostolllco. Now York. X. Y. , March , 25. 1S03. IIA1LHOADS. ftURLlNOTON & MISSOURI River Railroad 'Tim Burling , ton lloutb" General OHIces. N , W. Cornir Tenth end Farnam Streets. Ticket Olltce. 1501 Famam Street. Telephone SW. Depot , Tenth and Meson Streets. Telephone 125. 125.Arrive. Arrive. Lincoln , Huntings nnd MiCook 8:33 : am 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver , Coln- ndo. Utah , California , Black Hills. Montana tin 1 1'ugct Sound 4:1J : pm 4:03 : Lincoln Ixic.il . . . , . , , , , . > 7o : > pin 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mail , , . , , . jij ; ; , , m 11 : W pm am Denver , Colorado , Utah. CHllfoinla and Puget Stiiml ' ll-is nm ll:53pm : Pally. Dally Vct > t SunAnf. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qii.ticy Railroad "The Burl- I'-S'.oii Route" - Ticket Olllce , ! &iT Farnnm Street. Telephone K * . Depoi , Tenth and Mason Eueets. Telcphonu 123. Leave. Arrive. 5:01 : pm 8:10 : nm lilcago Exprctn * 9:48 : nm 4:15 : pm tilcago ft St. Louis Ex 7:43 : pm 8:10 : nm 5:40 : pm 2:60 : pm , . . . * ! „ 12:05 : am 11:30 : pm Dally except Sunrt/iv. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH Council muffs Railroad "The Uu'llngton Route" Ticket Otncc , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 230 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 1U. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . 9:05 : am B:4Ci : pm Kpn ns City Night Ex. . * ll:00 ) : pm : M urn - Dally. CHICAOO ' & NORTHWEST- crn Hallway City Ticket Of fice , 1401 Fnrnntn Street. Tele phone' CCl. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 123 , - > -av" Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc- ctal 7:00nra : 11:53 : pm M.ssourl Valley , Sioux City. SI. Paul nnd Minneapolis 5:40 : am 10:43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7:10 : am 9:03 : pm Dennlson , Carroll. Wall Lal.e , from IJroadnny , Council RlulYa 9:00 : am S:45 : nm Eastern n.MiiCFS. DCS Molnet. Mnrrlnlltonn , Cedar Rapids , Chicago. ' 10:30 : nm 4:33 : pm Atlantic rijer , Chicago and East 4:43 : pm 1:33 : pm fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul , Minne apolis Limited 4:35 : pm 8:50 : nm Omaha-ChlcnKo " Spcclil. . 6:43 : pm S:50 : am Dolly. Dally cx-ept Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN AND Missouri Vallfy llailwaj Ocn. eral Offices , United States Nii- tlonnl Bank Building , South west Corner Twelfth and Fnr- nam Streets. Ticket O/llce / , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 5C1. Depot , Fif teenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone 143S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood and Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Caspar nnd Douglas ' ' 3CO : pm 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , Uavld City , Superior , Genevi Exeter nnd Sewnrd. . . . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk. West Point and Fremont : . . . * 7:30 : am 10:23 : nm Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont * * 7:50 : nm ' 1025 nm Fremont Local * 7iO am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. * Dally exceot Monday' . CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE- apolls & Omaha Railway- General Oincea , Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street , Telephone Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele phone 1158. Leave. Arrive. Sioux ; City Accommoda. . * 8:30 am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accommodar. * 8:30 : am 8:20 : pm BUIr. F.mereon , Sioux City. Ponca. Harllng- ton nnd Bloomneld. . . . 1:00 : pm 11:55 : nm Sioux City , Mnr.kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . * 5:53 pm 8:2) : nm Emerson Passenger . . . . . 6:10 pm S:45 : am Dally. Dully except Sunday. Sunday onlv. * This train stops at ktatlons Florence to Soath Blair. Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week da > g. South I.'lair only. SIOUX CIT7 & PACIFIC RAILroad - road Ocncral omces. United States National Hank Build ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , - _ . . . . 1401 Farnam Street. Telephonu C61. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 451 IjCuvfi. . .Arrive . Slouje City , Mankato. St. Paul. Mlnnapoll . r.:55 : pro 8:20 : am UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER. lund Route" General Ofllces N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket OITlce , 1SOJ Farnam Street. Telephone SIS. Te'cph-onTm * " fltreets- * * " * Arrlve' "Tho Overlaud Limited- ' fur Denver. Salt Lake , ThT ior ' iai : 8:5 : ° am 4 ! "n for Denver and all Colorado point * . 11:35 pm 7:00 am Fast mall train for halt Lake. Pacific coast nnd all western ' 5COpra : Norfolk , Gratia Is land and Kearney . 4:33 : pn Grand Island ExpreFs. . * 3:00 : pm. 12:20 : pm Dally. nally except Sundae CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Paclno Railroad "The Great Rock Island Hoiite" city Ticket omc . n Farnam Street. Telephone 458. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Chicago nnd St. Paul Vestlbuled Express . . 4CO : pra 1:13 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Sp es , 1'uueblo , Denver and west 1-55 pm 4:25 : pra Chlcaeo , Des Molnes & Rock Island 7:00 pra 8:15 uia Atlantic Express , for Uei Molnes and east ern points 7:20 : am ! :50 : pm Colorado Flyer 7:01 pm 9-05 am Dally r > ay | | exceot Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILRO General OClces and Ticket Oillce. Merchant * National Hank Building , 1221 Farnam Sttctt. Telephone 101. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telepbono 1458. 'mtr- Leave. Arrive. Kan a and Nebraska Llmlud SiO-.piu 12:3S : pm Kansas City and St. Loiili Express 9:30 : pm :00 : am .Nebraska Local 4:30 : prn 9:15 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD PQRT Omaha. Kansas City & East ARTHUR ern Railroad "Tho Port Arthur Route" Ticket Office , 1415 Farnam ROUTE , Street. Telephoni ) , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phuno US. Lvave. Arrive. St. I .mill Cannon Ball Exprc . liSjpm ll:30am : Qulmy Uzpreis . 5:40 : am 9:50 : pm Daily. WABASH RAILROAD-TICKET nrllci' . 141 ! Farnam Street. Tele phone 32. Depot , Tenth and Masoo Streets. Tclepooe 12S. Leave. Arrlv . St. I ulCannon D ll" Express * ' " rn am CHICAGO. MILWAUKEB & ST. Paul Hallway City Ticket Oltlce. 1VI4 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 2T4. Deput , Tenth and. Mason Streets. Tele phone 128. 128.Leave. . Arrive. Chicago Limited E * . . . . Si Pm ! f : " Omaha and Chicago fix * am 1:50 : pm Csllr. Sliirj-vllle Loral l'ollllo . MAUYVILLB. Mo. . ( March 2t ( Special. ) The rfimbllcans of Maryvllle nominated the following city ticket Saturday nlsht : For mayor , Dr. S. C McCluaky ; marshal , Sami- uel It. Arnold'collector , Frank Cooper ; po lice judge , Alvvlu S. Charles. The repub lican iildcrmanlo candidates arc ; First ward , Noah Slpes ; Second , JnniM DoVolrj Third , I'jul Ileam ; Fourth , Henry Jlarton. The democrats of Mitryvllln nominated the followlni ; candidates for aldermen , at their primal lea , which were hed ! last evening : First ward. Felix drundy ; Second. R. H. Shaffer ; Third , Sam Sslccman ; Fourth. Wil liam Hclply. , i TVttM.XO CAI.ASI1TV TO OOtl ACCOUNT. < From Lo Rlre , 'How ho enjoys His "Lawks ! myworsted. . " K ii "I hope It won't choke him ! " r "Ke p still and I'll soon knit It LIMIT OK HIS A'OICB. Phil May In Punch. Tenor ( singing ) Oh , 'appy , 'nppy , 'appy be thy dreams- Professor Stop , stop ! Why don't you sound the II ? , Tenor It don't go no 'Igher than Gl COULDN'T I1L1MK THR ST.LLKH , From Plck-Me-Up. , B f Madame I pay this time , but no t again. These last potatoes wer til I Madame of the Stall It was not so whga they left here , but who would | lent h&va evca for madomel