THE OMAHA DAILY BEEf SUNDAY , MARCH 27 , 1808. A CASH CLEARANCE SALE Beginning Monday , Moroh 28 , and Continuing Thirty Days. A. MANDLLBERG , THE LEADING JIWELER Offer far Snle nt n Dlnconnt at from SO to HO I'er Cent Kvcry Article In. Ill * Well Se lected Stock. . Monday mcrntns wo commence our cash clearance sale and tor thirty days I wl11 Bcl1 II goods in my stock , Including Watches , Diamonds , Silverware , Cut Glaus , Umbrellas , Opera Glacacs , Canea , Delta , etc , at a dls' count of from 20 to GO per cent. Avail your- nelf of this opportunity , as you can purchase any article In my line at what In the actual cost to other Jewelers. I give my customers and the public this advantage oncea year ot buying bargains. If you call you will get them. Note following special prices as opace Will only permit a few : Solid Silver Nail Files , SOc , worth $1.00. Solid Silver Shoo Hooks. COc , worth $1.25. Solid Silver Thimbles , 2Gc , worth 7Ge. Solid Silver Salvo Jars , COc , worth $1.00. Solid Silver Darners , 50c , worth $1.00. Solid Silver Salt and Peppere , 7Gc , worth $1.50. Jeweled Delta , $1.00 , worth $2.00. Jeweled Chattelalncs , $2.00 , worth $4.00. Solid Stiver Hair Brushes , $2.CO , worth $4.00. Solid Silver Hand Mirrors , $5.00 , worth $10.00 , Solid Silver Tea Spoons ( set of 6) ) $3.25 , worth 15.00. Carving Sets (3 ( pieces ) , $2.50 , worth $5.00 , Four-Plcco Tea Set , beat plate , $5.00 , worth (10.00. Gold Filled Watches , Waltham movement , $8.50 , worth $15.00. Gold Killed WatcTics , ladles size , $3.00 , worth $15.00. NIcklo Watches , $2.60 , worth $ i.OO. Rogers (1847) ( ) Knives ( set ot C ) , $1.48 , worth $2.00. Rogers (1847 ) Forka ( set of 6) , $1.48 , worth $2.00. All other goods sold equally an low. He- " member this sale Is for thirty days only , call early and get the best selection. A. MANDELUEUG , Leading Jeweler. Northeast Corner Sixteenth and Farnam St , For Culm I.lhrc liny. Next Tuesday night the Sunday school of the Hanscom Park Methodist church will glvo an entertainment In the church parlors , at which an admission of G cents will bo charged , the entire proceeds to go for the relief of Cuba's starving children. Samuel Durns , 1318 Farnam , la offering o genuine "Daulton" dinner set , 100 pieces ? , lor $15.75. i _ The Weekly Dec. The Weekly Dee and New York Tribune for 90 cents a year. You can have the Weekly Dee sent back to the old home and advcrtlso the west and the exposition and have the Tribune sent to your address. Glvo your order to a carrier or leave at this office. MillinerNotice. . Mrs. I. T. Van Noy has pleasure In inti mating to her friends and the public that Bho has opened millinery parlors with an experienced milliner In charge at 216 South Eighteenth street , opposite city hall. She has a choice assortment ot the latest styles in millinery. Opening Wednesday , < Murch 30. A 3In rninccnt The finest and largest stock of pianos west of Chicago. Over 100 1VBRS & POND , VOSE , DMEKSON. STEGEU , CHICKER- ING AND FISCHER'S now shown at our now location , 1313 Farnam. \ i SCHMOLLEIt & MUELLER. , , | EXCLUSIVE PIANO DEALERS , Grand. Snored Concert ' St , 'Fhllomena's ' cathedral , on Sunday vcnlng , March 27 , 1898 , at 8 o'clock. Program : t Introductory Organ Solo . ( a ) Prayer from Lohengrin . Wagner ( b ) Les Hamcaux . Fauro Airs. Anna Crawford Davis. Chorus Kyrle . Glorza's Second Mass St. Phllomena's Oholr. Bass Solo Fear Not Ye , O Israel . . . Dudley Buck Mr. Jules Lumbard. Tenor Solo Violin Oblig.Uo , Heaven Hath Shed a. Tear . Profs. C. O. Hrownell and Hans Albert. Soprano Solo Ave Maria . Mascagnl Miss Helcno Wyman. Duet for Mandolin and Guitar . Messrs. Frank Potter nnd A. S. Hlndman. Soprano Solo Violin Obligate. Ave Ma ria . W. T. Francis Mrs. T. A. Corby nnd Mr. O. Nordwall. Violin Solo-Ave Maria. . Schubcrt-WllhelmJ Prof. Hans Albert. Vocal Trio Protect Us Through the Coming Nig1) ! . Soprano , Miss Hcleno Wyman ; alto. Miss Flora Hosiers ; tenor , Prof. C. O. Brownell. Baritone Solo Salve Mumll Dnmlna .Knrst Mr. H. V. Uurkley. Grand Chorus God of Might Wo Bins Thy Praise . . Choir nnd Audience. lAdlmsslon , GO cents. * " i II Iff Drop In Tin I'lutc rrlee . riTTSDURG , March 26. The disruption ol the tin plate combination has resulted In a slaughter o'f ' ptlccs , andi tin plates are now celling at $2.70 per 100 pounds , and large orders dors have 'been placed within the inst few dnys. This brings the price so low as to prac tically exclude the Welsh product , nnd Im ports are falling off to an alarming extent. TUB HK.VLTV MAHICUT. * INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday , March : o , 1S9S : WARRANTY DEEDS. .Western Soap company to Hasklna Tiros. & Co. . lot C , block 448 , Grand View . . . $20.000 M. B. Bohlcber amT .husband to T. B. Heed. lot 1 , btock 201 , Omaha . C.ODC John Kcrr nnd wife to W. B. Cowln , undivided * of ' ' and ' ' A w'S ne'/i c'/4 nw',4 32-15-10 . 2.400 W. B. Cowln to Margaret Kerr , same 2,400 J. O. Herrlngton nnd wife to F. F. Emerson , lot 10 , block 11 , Waterloo. . COO Hugh Nelson nnd wlfo to G. II. Payne , trustee , lot 2 , block 4 , Omaha View . 1 E. V. Courtney to C. II. Courtney , lot 3. block 2. Shlnn's ndd . : QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Albert Gordan nnd wlfo to J. C. Cobb , lot 12 , block 8 , Sulphur Springs . E DEEDS. BherlfC to Mary Bohlebcr , lot 1 , block 204 , Omaha . 6,050 Same to J , A. Davis , lot 3 , Cortlnndt place . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .Total amount of transfers' . $37,509 A' . I. Root , artistic book binder , 1C09 Howard , Burlington A Record Eight weeks ago today the Burling ton Route placed In eervlc * a new Chi. cago-Dcover train , leaving Chicago at 10 a. m. , Omaha at 11:55 p. m. and due In Denver at 1:30 : p. m. next day. Thli new train , known ai the "Den ver Special , " baa never yet failed to reach both Ornaba and Denver EX ACTLY on time. It U doubtful If any other railroad , anywhere In the world , ever made at good a showing aa thla. fbiVirt t\ft > * JlBOt PaHNaM ST * IMKffilffltCf , { OMAHA. ' tf. , MIYNOLD * . PM * * AOT. CUT A5D SLASH IMnno nnil Orfrtm l'rlcc Atrny Down. $225 Grovcdtecn Piano , Uils week $34. $10 cash and $5 per month. $275 Knickerbocker Piano , thta week $58. $10 cash and $5 per month. $300 Emcratn Piano , this week $03. $10 cash and $5 per month. $300 A. Hrcpe Piano , this week $137. $15 cash and $ S per monlU. $300 Mathinhek Piano , this week $86. $10 cash and $5 per month. $350 J. & C. Fisher Piano , thla week $72. $10 carfh and $5 per month. $300 Pease Piano , thU week $ S7. $10 coed and $5 per month. $ C5 Mason & Hamlln Organ , this week $10. $2 cash and $2 per month. $ CO Clough & Warren Organ , thta week $28. $5 cash and $3 per month. . $65 Sterling Organ , this week $38. $5 cash end $3 per month. $75 Story & Clark Organ , thla wck $19. $5 cneh and $3 per month. * $80 Fat-rand & Vatcy Organ , this week $41. $5 cash and $4 per month. $83 Klmball Organ , this week $54. $5 caeb and $5 per month. $95 Farrand & Vatey Organ , thU week $43. $5 cash and $4 per month. You can flnd nowhere else the renowned Planes such as the new scale Klmball , Knab ? , Kraalch & Bach , Hallet & Davla , Whitney , Hlflzo and many other celebrated manufactur ers on terms a little better than rent. ' A. HOSPE , , 1513 Douglas Street. U.IO.GAIUJKXKHS AU10 UNHAPPY. Threaten the City with All Sort * of I.Pirnl Trouble. The Market tiardtcers' association has de clared war on the city and now threatens to do all sorts of things by way of retaliation on account ot Its .failure to monopolize tfio preferred locations at the ealo of market place stalls yesterday. Meanwhile the non union gardeners are buying up all the best stain at prices more than double what the union woa willing to pay and It looks as though the union had the worst of It unless It can knock out the ordinance through the courts. Tue sale of the stalls was continued by City 'Engineer ' llosewater yesterday , but previous to that ho was visited by a dele gation from tUe gardeners' association , which filed a vigorous protest against his action In refusing to allow the unlcn to buy In the best stalls at Its own price and without com petitive bidding. The union men were In evi dence In the city hall corridors , where they talked ot injunctions and of having the city engineer arrested for auctioneering without a license. Thcro was no Interference with the Bale , However , and soon after 10 o'clock It was taken up where It stopped the day before. In spite of the fact that fifty-three stalls had been sold the same price was paid for first choice of the remaining stalls that was paid for the first choice of the bumch yes terday morning. That was $9 and then the price dropped to $5 and ft , at which the next dozen stalls were knocked down. - As nearly as can bo gathered from the somewhat confLsed statements ot members of the gardeners' association , they propose to make a fight In the courts to test the legality of tbo ordinance by- which the rental ot stalls Is regulated. Their contention will be that the premiums paid for choice of stalls together with the rental of 10 cents a day 'make a revenue that Is considerably In ex cess of the cost of supervision and that the ordinance Is consequently Illegal. PcncockM Flew Atvny. Park Commissioner Cornish has learned a lesson which Is to the effect that peacocks do fly. Previously he had been under the Impression that the aerial locomotion of the birds was limited to a flight from the barn yard fence to the ground and consequently when ho secured a pair ot handsome birds from 'Tennessee/ ' some expense and trouble as an addition to the menagerie at Rivervlcw park ho simply had them stored In an old election booth In the park without regard no 'the ' fact that ono of tbe windows had been broken out. Ho hid scarcely turned his back before-the male bird emerged through the window and sailed majestically acroes the ravlno to the brush a couple ct blocks away. He was Immediately followed by his mate and both were lost to sight. Mr. Cornish loat no time In enlisting the services of all the small bays In the First w/ird and a email army of them have been beating the brush ever since. The male bird was 'discovered late last night , but the female Is still alt large. Mr. Cornish has secured a copy of Frank Barker's famous book on "Peacocks , " and proposes to bo an authority on the subject before he indulges in any more speculations. The Doard ot Park Commissioners has also secured a couple of buffalo and a herd of deer which will soon bo added to the at tractions of the park. The buffalo will arrive some time next week. The deer Include twelve head and are donated by Dr. George L. Miller. They will be Installed In the park In a couple of weeks. Mortality StutUtlcs. The following birth. ? and deaths were re ported at the health office during the twenty- four hours ending at noon yesterday : Births William J. HIslop , 3285 Fowler avenue , boy ; Columbus Hardy. 193G South Thirty-fifth avenue , boy ; B. E. Pickering , 3013 Leavenwoth ? ; , boy ; C. J. Smyth , Thirty- sixth an ! Webster , boy ; Antcci Moses , 1218 Chicago , girl ; W. II. Dugan , Thirty-sixth and Webster , bey. Deaths Lizzie T. Dee , 24 , 2402 South Elev. enth. cramps , St. Mary'a cemetery. City Hall Note * . City Treasurer Edwards received a letter this morning from N. W. Harris & Co. "of Chicago , who are also anxious to put in a bid on the $300,000 refunding bonds. ' A permit bos been Issued for the construc tion of the Streets of Cairo on the bluff tract at the exposition grounds. The construction covers a space 125x400 feet and the cost is estimated at $18,000. Permits have been Issued to George C. Miller for u two-story frame residence at 2208 South Eleventh street , to ccst $2,500 , and to C. H. Forater for a frame dwelling at Nineteenth and Spring streets The Board of Public Works has given the proprietors of the Cyclone street sweeper per- mlEslon to glvo an exhibition of the utility of the machine on the streets within the next ten days. A deal was closed by the board for the use ot this machine early in the spring , but It was vetoed by the city council. A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag. gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177. Alnii of AlfmUu. A new up to date map of the Klondike country has been Issued by The Bee. Printed In colors , showing all rlvera. towns , harbors , mountains , lakes and routes to tbe gold fields. For sale at The Bee office and a news stands for 10 coita. Hrotherhood of Elk * . Omaha lodge , No. 39 , elected the following officers at Its meeting last night : Lloyd Jones , exalted ruler ; E. P. Mullen , esteemed leading knight ; Dr. O. S. Mason , esteemed loyal knight ; L. I. Abbott , esteemed lectur ing knight ; A. H. Brlggs. tyler ; James Alnscow. trustee ; James Dewar , secretary ; A. D. Tougalln , ' treasurer ; W. B. Taylor , representative to grand lodge ; W. F. Bechcl alternate. Have you tried Mjstlo flour ? You will like It when you do. GAMBLERS' CASE ON TRIAL Strong Evidence Brought Against the Men Under Arrast. TESTIMONY AGAINSTCERTER AND HEFFNER TVItneme * Connect Them frith the Ownership nnd Management of the Gnnibllnir Room * and Their Flxtnrun. Body blows were dealt thick and fast by the state yesterday in the gambling oasea against Henry Oerter and James Heft- ner , who ore having their preliminary hear ing in police court. In fact , by the time the prosecution rested its case about noon , other gamblers in the city were eo frightened for their own safety that there was a lively scramble < o get out from under the state's vigorous lashes. The attorneys for Oerter and Heffncr were EO badly cut up by the strong finish that the state made that ono of their number gave out the statement after adjournment at 'tho ' noon hour that Cliff Cole and others , whoso preliminary hearing for setting up and maintaining gambling devices and keepIng - Ing a gambling house is sot to follow the trial now on , would waive examination rather than tussle with the state for their discharge by Juago Gordon. Assistant County Attorney Jeffries , who la conducting the prosecution , Introduced evidence which elmply shook the defendants' case to the very foundation , and all efforts of counsel for Oerter and Heffncr to break down the testimony were unavailing. The taking of testimony for the defense Is now In progress. 'Samuel ' T. Schweitzer , secretary and treas urer of the electric light company , was the state's first witness of tbe clay. Ho testified that all accounts his company carried for the lights burned In the building at 1409 Douglas street , where Oerter runs a saloon and where the defendants are charged with set ting up and maintaining gambling devices and running a gambling room , were In the name of Oerter , who regularly paid the bills. Witness eaid that after the gambling rocrn over Oerter's saloon was opened during the fcce part of March the lights for this part of the building had also been paid for by Oerter. The company's accounts with thla defendant were produced and Introduced In evidence to show the ownership of Oerter la the premises. WHAT A DETECTIVE DISCOVERED. A private detective from Chicago , brought to Omaha by The Dee to gather evidence against gambling houses and gamblers , testU fled that under cover of a man who had come to Omaha for the purpose ot opening a saloon and gambling house ho visited Oerter'a place many times while It was in operation during March and February. On nearly all ot thcso occasions he met and talked with Oertec and Heffner , cither In the gambling room at 1409 Douglas street or In the saloon below. Oerter had made the state. ment to witness repeatedly that ho was pro prietor of the place and that Heffner waa his "floor man. " Witness had seen the games running on the second floor of the building and money change hands between playero and dealers at the various tables. Players had bought chips for currency and coin and either lest or won , In the latter case cach ing In their chips and quitting the games with the money chance had permitted them to win. Witness testified that the parapher nalia , which was on exhibition In the court room , were gambling devices , which ho enumerated as faro , roulette and stud poker tables. He said that they were gambling devices , manufactured and de signed for itho purpose of carrying on games ot chance. On cross-examination Attorney Dunn at tempted to lead witness Into contradictions of his direct testimony regarding Ocrtcr'e statements to him about the ownership of the place at 140J Douglas street , but the 'dri- tectlvo could not be led Into the trap. Ho said that ho had been employed by The Dee to collect the evidence in his possession against Ocrter's place , and that during the work he had made dally reports to those In authority at the office of the newspaper. After the detective was excused , Mr. Jeffries announced that 'the state would real. Attorney Dunn called as the first witness for the defense Victor Roaewater , managing editor of The Bee , who appeared with the reports the Chl.vago detective had made to his employer aboVt his progress In collectIng - Ing evidence. Mr. Dunn attempted to get these reports in evidence , but the court ruled against him. Mr. Rosewater said that the detective's first reference to Oerter'a place waa in a communication , on February 37 and that his last report was received on. March 17 , two days after the place was raided. In this communication the detective simply had stated that Oerter's place was closed. WATCHES THE PROCEEDINGS. For a short while during the afternoon ee&alon Chief of Police Gallagher was a spectator at' the trial. He entered the court room from the door leading from the cen tral Station below and leaned against the railing which cuts oft the bar from the spec tators' section. While ho was there the detective from Chicago was recalled to the stand by Attorney Dunn for further cross- examination , who asked him a number of questions , nearly everyone ot which the court overruled on objections entered by At torney Jeffries. Attorney Dunn then called the defendant Oerter to the etand. Witness was asked if on a certain date ho had a conversation with the detective during whch ho said that ho was the proprietor of the gambling room at 1409 Douglas street , a fact which the do- tcctlvo had testified to in the morning. This was the reply that Oerter made ; "I never had any such conversation with him ; the gentleman lied when ho said so. " No other questions were asked ot witness by Dunn and Jeffries dismissed him , The hearing w > is adjourned until tomorrow morn ing all 9 o'clock. There will bo an Easter sale of fancy and useful articles , and lunch from 11 o'clock till 2 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church , corner Seventeenth and Dodge street , on Fri day the 1st of April. Time l and "Tho Overland Limited" VIA UNION PACIFIC makes 16 HOURS QUICKER time to the Pacific coast than any other line. For full information call or address City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam street. Hess & Swoboda. florlstk , Jilt Farnara St 'Phono 1501. Palms , cut flowers and floral design * . Map of Alankn. 'A new an to date map of the Klondike country has been Issued by Tbe Dee. Printed In colors , showing all rivers , towns , harbora , mountains , lakes and routes to the gold fields. For eale at The Dee office and at Dews stands for 10 cents. Blank books. Have them made by 'A' . I. Root , printer and binder , 1C03 Howard. Only Train to Denver .f having BUFFET. SMOKING and LIBRARY CAR ! "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" via UNION PACIFIC. For full Information call or addreea City Ticket Office , No. ISO : Farnam Street. New Fast Train Service Betn-eea Omaha and the Rookie * on tbe 8REIT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE -TUE- COLORADO FLYER Leave * Omaha Dally ( except Suaday ) at TiOO P. M. Arrives at Dcaver , lOtao A. M. Colorado Syrlugn , 10i30 A. M. Take This Train for a QUlClTTRlP to COLORADO I * iw Pand8peclal _ _ folder living detallf. Address or call oa < * ' ! A at , 1SW rar a Its-cat , OMAHA. JOHNSON OKOBS , IIS GUILT. Accnued of Rmotary nnd Held for KB EuiMlnntlon. Walter , alias /fiwley , Johneon waa ar raigned In polls * eourt for burglary and pleaded not guilty < tt > the charge. Judge Gor don eet his preliminary hearing for next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and fixed hta bond at $1,000 , > vwhlch he Is unable to furnish. Johneon Is accused of breaking Into the homo ot Charlci ? Hendrlckson In the Blngham flats at 1711 Lcaveaworth ttrteet , oa March 23. and stealing ajuatch and an umbrella. Mrs. Hcndrlckscocalled at the city Jail , and after Identifying Jbhnson as the thief filed an Information against him , The police have recovered tha stolen property from a pawn shop , whcro Johnson la alleged to have pawned It. The prlecnor has already served two terms In the penitentiary for similar offenses. Hnvc Yon Gold Fcvcrf If so you want a good map ot Alaska and the gold fields. Have you seen the beautiful map Issued by The Bee ? It le very com plete. On sale at news statute and at The office for 10 cents. Mystic flour , wholesale 1014 N. 16th St. Unniblcm In District Court. Gamblers were up before Judge Slabaugh ot the criminal section of the district court for arraignment. They all pleaded not guilty and were released on bonds. The men arraigned were F. J. Boyd , a. H. Del- trick , V. Graham , Joe Parks , Abe Graham , Leo Travis and Eugene Russell , charged with gambling , keeping gambling devices and selling lottery tickets. , Have Yon Gold Fcverf If so you want a good map of Alaska and the gold fields. Have you seen the beautiful map issued by The Bee ? It Is very com plete. On sale at news atcuds and at The office for 10 cents. Xlnniblcr Store. Located at 17th & Douglas la Woman's Ex change. The ' 98 models are beauties. Mystic flour , wholesale 1014 N. 16th St. Wife Heater Sent to Jnll. Mrs. James A. Sweeney of 3031 Plnkncy street appeared In police court against her husband , charging Jilm with assault and battery. She told Judge Gordon that during the few weeks she has been Sweeney's wife he has beaten and choked her a number of times , and even threatened to take her life with a. razor. Sweeney's defense is that his bride nroused his ire because ot her bold flirtations with other men. The court fined him $25 nnd costs , In default of which he waa taken to the county Jail. Mrs. Sweeney was formerly MlM Clara Jehrk , whose pa rents reside nt the , corner of Twentieth and Pierce streets. Landlord nnd Tenant. Charles A. Becbe. a 'dentist , find his wife , Mrs. Mary A. Becbe , who reside at 2G23 St. Mary's avenue , are charged in a complaint filed in police court by George P. Trabuo Atomizers SOc. Sent by ninil , OOc. ; . We noli EVERYTHING III. . Hie iiu-.ll- cal Vnliber. Rood * line. WltlTK l-'Ott CATALOGUE : . i Shirmanft McDonnell Drag Co OMAHA , XEH. HEN'S BEGENT $3,50 SHOES. Considering the price the quality of the leather the workmanship the fit and style , you will find the Regent shoes the cheapest in America. X X SC X X X X ALWAYS $3,50 A PAIR. Never more , never less. Equally shoes never sold for less than food S.OO , We manufacture only one S3,50A quality-the best-Regent shoes , and sell direct to the wearer in our own stores , Thus we save the middlemen's profits and you get the benefit , X X X A ) X IN ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES AND TOES. The Regent Shoe Co. Omaha Store : 205 S. 15th St. ( KARBACH BLOCK ) There Are Two Kind * of GOOD AM ) HAD. Wo pell onlyvone kind GOOD. It Is made by the B F. Goodrich Co. , and wo know It's1 Rood , because we've sold thousands of It-et of It and never had a complaint. That's a good record. We'd like to sell you thta tprlng- . Can we do it ? \ JAS.M9IKON&SONCO. , I31DDOOOB STREET. Rheumatic Liniment Composed of even Ingredients , con tain ! no poison. EudorieJ by all leading phyilclan * A cure for bruises , sprains , etc. Dr. Gronman , Dr. CoBfiuan , Dr. noienmter. Dr. Xevllle , , . Dr. ' 31 oore. I Dr. Calbraltb , Manufactured try ROBT. PRIESS , For ! by Mrr * Dllloa Drnv Co. a * K h * C9i Uth Deng with trespass. Mrs. Dcebe In also charged In & separate complaint laid by Mrs. Trnbue with assault nnd battery. They have been arrested nnd are under bonds to appear for trial. The trouble la the outcome or nn at tempt on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Becbo to collect rent due to them from the Tra- bues , who nro their tenants. It Is alleged that while Mr. Trabue WBB nway from homo Mrs. Bcebo struck and beat Mrs. Trabue , and then , with the assistance of Mr. Beebe , evicted her from the rooms she and her husband occupied , throwing the furniture of the Trabuca Into the street. Engagement and wedding rings at A. Mandelberg'B , Leading Jeweler , 16 & Farnam. NOT THIS CHARLEY There are loin of Charleyn In Omaha , but there la one that these plugger * can't work The Char ley that wo refer to Img a store on the corner of ICth ami CT.Bcapo streets nnd not In the mid dle of the blotk and the jx > stolllcc Is Just two blocks couth ot his store. Nut 'ceil. Agnc w9 Heart Curs 67c Smiths Gloria Tonic r.7c Tnrrant's Seltzer Aperient 73o Viola Cream Kc Condensed Milk 15e Malted Milk V. cSc , 75c and $3.00 Pyramid Pllo Cure 30e Brome Qulnlno lOc Mennen's Talcum Powder lie Pnlne's Celery Compound C&o Pe-ru-na „ 75c Duffy Malt Whiskey SOc Warner's Safe Cure I SOc Castorla 22c Scott's Emulsion 65c Stuarts Dyppepsla Tab'.cts 29u Hoods Sarsapurllla C4c Coc No-To-Uar Kilmer's Swamp Root 73c Lydla Plnktinms Compound COc William's Pink Pills Kc Dlrney's Catarrh Powder SSc CUT PRICE SCHAEFER DRUdOIST lOth anil Chlcneo StN. * # # * * * # . # # * * BOSTONIANS I "When they come to Omaha to live are not content with anything but ECONOMY NUT COAL $5.25 Per Ton. It has the quali ties of higher priced coals. It lights quickly. Burns clown to lit tle ash. Makes no clinker. Lasts well and is one of the best sum mer cooking coals to be found. Sold only by * * OMAHA COAL , COKE & jg LIME CO. , * g SUNDERLAND BROS. , T < * S. E. Cor. 10th and Douglas. & BASEMENT , VA Two Telephones 252-799 . ARE YOU MAKING GARDEN ? It's about that time of year and I wo can furnish you with ftll necessary I , i | „ Garden Tools and Implements , . Rakes from lie up. Hoes , I5o up. Epadei Kc. Shovels CM. Floral Sets Uc and all other ctcel pooJs in proportion. At these low prices you can rarely af ford to ralto up the yard even though you don't make ogarden. We have Gasolene Stoves from 11.73 up- ward. I John Hussie Hardware Go , 2 JOT CUMIXG ST. If you buy It of Hussle It's right. BOSTON STORE HIG SPECIAL SALE IX TUB UUL'G DUI'T . Crcmtlrr'H Colil Crciuu , regular price i5o , our price . lOo 13. C. We t' Xervo ami llrulii Treatment . . . < . . . . 75c Newton' * DaiulrulT Cure , ri-jjiilnr price 2t > e , our price . Re Eurir White Sonp , box . ltc 1711 Sonp . Fin lie Slccle , regular price * HOC , our prlcr , box . 1-to I'onri' UiiKcenteil Sonp . lOc Ooinl Ilnlb SyrliiKc . ICc Iloml'H Snmnpnrllla . O le I'nlne'a Cflur > i Compound . . . . . . U.o Mulvlna Crenm . . UBc Allen' * Pootenve . ll > o Hull' * Catnrrli Care . . . . B5c Wlllluiu'M Pink P1IU . U5o Boston Store Drug Dept. A GOOD SMOKE. We have been buying cigars with our eyes wide open ( or several years , but have never found a live-cent one that gave such eal jsatUtactlon aa The 5 Cent Jersey The most critical enKera ecem unable to find any fault with ' .hem. You will have to try a Jersey to re uze how good a cigar can bo had for PxtM Block Clear Stor * 16th and FARNAM. JACOB JASKALEK , Propr , ntmata.ns AT noriisoiiibD's HOME. Get ln o the Itmetnpnf unit Loot the Katullr L ru > r. The residence of Lee nothschlld t 2215 Farnam street , wa robbed Friday night and about $50 worth ot property carried off. Entrance waa effected through a door In the rear ot the baaement , which had been left unlocked , and tha only clue to the rob ber la that he must have been acquainted with the watch dog which Is kept In the room that was ransacked , because ho was not heard to bark during the night. A quantltr of groceries half a doxen bottle * of beer and omo clothing and gold wtMt ; and chain belonging to "tho " family coaph * man , Edgar Bcroggai were stolen. The laU tor waa deeping In his apartment In th * basement , whcro the thief confined hl optfJ lions , when the burglary waa committed j i U The Weekly Bee. 1 Th Weekly Dee and New York Trlbun for 90 cents a year. You can have thj Weekly Dec sent back to the old borne and ) advcrtlso the wcet and the exposition and have the Tribune sent to your address. ( Jive ) your order to a carrier or leave at thta omc9 < "Sorosis. " THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN. Made from the finest black kid and the swell shade ot tail. No shoo has cvor been made that lias met with such universal favor , in both Europe and America , as the "Sorosls. " The Sorosls Shoes are the extreme of etylo , the acme ot fashion the perfection of comfort and "perfectly shod are those who wear them. " They have all the good qualities of a cuotom-mado eboo costing $6.00. Price $3.50 The following Indorsement Is from Mary Dame Hall , Prca- idcnt ot the SOROSIS CLUD of Now York. My Dear Sirs I am wearing the Sorosls Shoes you to klnfl- ly- sent me. You will remember that when I talked with you about giving thla shoe the name of "SOHOSIS" I tel * you that In order to carry this name It must be the finest and best shoo made in this country. From what you said I thought It would be , and am happy to wrlto you that I am not disappointed. A more comfortable , a more beautl * ful , or us perfect shoe I have never worn or seen. " i . Youra very truly. I , ' MARY DAME HALIA OUR. LINE OF ' . _ , ' BROOKS BROS. , Itoclicstcr Make Ladies' Fine Shoss. Consists of the latest 1S9S Spring Styles , finest material and beat work manship that modern methods can pro duce. AYo'd llko an opportunity of fit ting you at theeo epeclal low prices : Ladles' fine vie ! kid. lace $1.00 Shoes , black or tan , all sizes , < CO OR Ladles' fine vlcl kid , silk vesting top. JI.W shoes , nil sizes , OS'a Q A to u qJJ.4o Ladles' flno vlcl kid , lace , silk1 vesting cjclet stays , $3.00 shoes , all sizes. AA to B SELLING GOOD SHOES HAYDEN BROS.SELLING ORDERS FILLED. H. HARDY & CO. China ! China ! ! China ! ! ! Wo call you to our store to see ns pretty , as dainty , ns hand some a collection of designs ns you would want to sot your oycs on. You will bo simply de lighted and you will 11 nil prices EO reasonable that wo know your dinner table will bo fresh ened up with u now service. Our "Economy' ' Basement is full of goods suitable for the kitchen not the common sort but re liable goods at prices you want to pay Don't forgot when you are in need of kitchen goods to como to 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street Near Corner 10th Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. COSTS YOU NOTHING ] MUCH SHODDY JEWELRY is Bold through advertisement * , SO nowadays that many persons have become skeptical anil hesitate to risk their money. YOU NEED HAVE NO PBAB ABOUT DEALING WITH US. we ore an old n"d reliable pub- HshinK house of many years' standing , and we never scndout' any article unless we are sure twill ( five satisfaction. We buyj our premiums in IMMENSE QUANTITIES , so we arc able to Klv2 youfcxCELLENT VALUE Felt YOUR HONEY. Just now , slBMS' s KSS'&ft&F& rW Wv&MtrirMt . his J,1lH.siriiI ! < represents a new and beautiful styl BRACELET. feR9M rAKstt . , T. . . . . _ . * " * niya J\a a gin u is most blc. It is of Late Design and certain to give satitfaction. Vau In appearance to a Soffd Silver Padlock Style Bracelet. Wf 1 Int tend to Increase the circulation ol our Interesting magazine tiw giving away a quantity of these handsome Bracelets , and therefore maW you the folfowlne offer i If you will send us to pay fortlf , , tnPm UlLniScbnSHriIJtl0R 10 ° Vr clmrm nK literary and household monthl * zlne , we will send the Bracelet promptly by mall , carefully packed. If yor 5 us to ecna it by registered mail , we request you to enclose eleht cent extrio . . . . . . _ _ ! iT ' _ . - .wav V ll * Ak < t . as an article like this should be registered tolnsure abYoluUTsafe del vcy Inpayl' mcnt , send stamps or money carefully wrapped. Address 1MfWT Metropolitan and Rural Home , Nv sYEovRK THE ALWAYS TO Cleveland The Front $75. $65 Nationals Racycles Victors f 10 , 50 , 900 , $75. , , . fin 900 975. f so , $00 , 1575. CHII2V COMIJIMUH , SOUDA.V 1 933 , fSO. if.-iO. SM2LI4 < NILE THUMA.V 40. $10. COLUMBUS CHIEF COLUMIIUS JUXIOH OTIIEItS i 20. SECOND 1IANL ) WHEELS , $5 to $20. WRITE US 1-OU PRICES TO THE TRADE. MIDLAND CYCLE COMPANY , H. H. HAYFORD , Manager , 410 North 10th Street , Omaha. Nob. ARE YOU SICK 7 - > v. You You can can be be cured. Restored Read This , good DB : GEE LOTP Tha most ucce sful Chines physician In America ttreeta. Oinaha , Mtb. . It .will coal you nothing to to , _ _ have ( ailed 10 euro Dr. Opo IxA' tKcdlclnts rive immtdlat biy cute < he Krortt cavea of chronto dlMatei. Or. Qee IJoy 'or hft folio wine i Rheumatism , Femaltf Weaknti * . Lost M < Catarrh. BtomaoU OVoubl * , Aslhnva. Orivcl , Fits , and tnany ot : you nothing ; to consult Dr. O t < oy. Offlgo located over Hubl aod pouflM Ptrtslj. Ofljc * hours , from o'clock a. m. 4 BCTWBKN | AMD U O'CbQfljf