10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi * SUNDAY , MABCH 27 , 1898. - jf / I MO.2VZM.ir , MAJRCJT 28TH. & MBRIT and the people's goocZ judgment have MA.DB OUR JBUSINBSS A. 413SOLUT& . Customers tell us "we have traded witft you 6 or S and some 1O years. " What a glorious tribute this is to business integrity to honest methods to liberality and to fair dealing. Who \vould want stronger recommendations' ? Sterling merit has made us grow from an acorn to the sturdy oalz it is today. Steadily and constantly using every effort to CH&A.P&N TH& JPJRICBS of reliable goods. Honest advertising giving the people the best values for their money are the prime factors that have gained your confidence and to be al ways worthy of itvill be our constant aim and ambition. Nothing will be left undone to make our Spring ; Opening a succsss on a grand scale , so that it will ba looked back upon as the greatest demonstration of its kind ever witnessed in Omaha. Handsome souvenirs , the very finest of music , baautiful singing , ets , etc , will all contribute to make this a noteworthy event. Last , but by no means least , there will be displayed for your critical inspsction ths largest , grandest and choicast sanction o' furniture , c arpats , draperies , stoves , crockery , etc. , ever shown in the west. For opening weak wa place on sale a long list of tha choicest goods , a portion of which is given balow , which will posi tively make this the biggest week's business we ever had. Be sure and attend our Grand Spring Opening Sale. MUSIC IN TUB JBVJSATJVC. J3J3AI7TTJPJ7Z , SOUVENIRS TO A.LL CALLJ3RS. : ' i .l . . . , I Room Suits with fancy French pinto mirror liluhly pollslioil worth 33.50- Bprlns OpcnlnK I'rlco. . Wardrobes Antique finish large and roomy worth JH.OO- ft Prlco U Spring Opening Pictures beautifully framed pretty ubject worth Spring Opening Prlco Case piano polished antique oak 'worth I . ' O 17.DO- Spring Opening Price . * - ' Nlco design well mode worth \ 91.00 Spring Opening Prlco Medicine Cabin't very commodious " V.f ? bargain worth J2.DO . 1 f > ' ZL Prlco * * * Bprlng Opening Child's Fld'g Bed new pattern well finished worth $10.00- rt O * * > Price " Spring Opening Folding Bed with woven wlro springs sup ported by 3 rows of steel coils- worth $22.50 -j Prlco - * - Spring Opening Hair Mattresses best ticking well made worth ' $16.00- * < Bprlng Opening Prlco > Sham Holder none better made i worth i ii.oo Spring Opening Prlco Tabourettes very pretty and stylish i 1 1 worth $2.50- Spring Opening Prlco Baby Jumpers Just the thing and Inc pensive rtvorth * 3.tO- 1 Spring Opening Prlco - Iron Bed whlto enameled solid brass trimmings worth , 18.00- . O Prlca * * Spring Opening Parlor Suits -beautifully upholstered In-'tapen- try mahogany flnlih or solid oak frame , -full fprlns Bprlng Opjulng Prlco . QO worth } CO.OO- * - * rrz : i i jDraperies XOTIIIXO 1IELVS SO MUCH TO TOXK VI * YOUIt HOUSE THAT ! ( \ FEW DRAPES. WE AIIE HETTEH IMIEPAIIK'U ' THAN AXY SIXHE IN OMAHA. TO 'ASSIST YOU IX THIS LIXE. WE UUOTI3 OXLY Ll FEW I'HICES HUT OUIl STOCK COM- PHISKS A VAST L1SSORTMEXT OF WOOIVH.V.COTTO.V , SILK-AM ) I/ACE DHAPEIUES THAT WILL SUK- 1'JllSU A'XTJ PLEASE YOU. Nottingham. Lace Curtain , nnw lUaign , very pretty , good edge ; price this week Irish Point T/ico Curtain Gcnulno beauties price ithls week Tapestry Curtains Flno colorings and pat terns ; price this week . . . . Head Rests- Very pretty ; . prlco this week Dishes Heautlful 100-pIecc English Ulnner Set decorations undcrKluzed ; platters , cov ered dishes , etc. . large size , very pretty pattern , \orth $13.00 Spring Opening 8.80 Price . Tea Set flue china , beau tiful decoration worth $15.00 SpiIng Opening * r f f\ Prlco .OLf TOILKT SKT-Nlcely dec orated choice of dilfercnt colors-iworth $3.50 1.05 . Spring Opening Prlco iiA'Mi' ' AND OI.OHD-NO. 2 llochester burner per fect iburner prettily de- slKtied worth $7.50 Spring Opening Prlco . . . . . . Stoves Quick Meal ( Gasoline Stove worth $10.00 ft Spring Opening1 Prlco \Jt Cook Stove worth Prlco $14.50- .6'O Spring Opening Steel Range worth $37.CO-Oft Cifh Spring Opening Prlco * Cf t V Gasollno. Ovens worth J2.10 1.1O Spring Opening Prlco . . . . . . . Q. M. Blue Flame Oil i Stove worth $12.W Bprlng Opening Prlco Range beautifully trlm- med-worth J32.W > - Bprlng Opening Price Handsome Souvenirs To All Callers. piclc of the factories. Suo/i an outlet -as this store appeals to eve rymalz.eQ We get concessions no one else gets , sell better goods for less money and quicker t/ian any ot/iez'.sliop. Ladies' Desk ( no mirror ) mahogany finish , birdseye maple or quarter sawed oak , prettily carved , nicely arranged pigeon holes , worth regular $12.00 ; Sideboard- Chiffonier spring opening antique , bevel phvto mirror , solid oak , five prce spring opening drawers , worth price 812.00 , spring opening price Cane Seat Chair an Kitchen Table , has Extension antique oak Table , tique , well two largo flour bins , two very pretty , worth made , worth drawers , two pastry boards , 810.00 , spring 81.25 spring spring , pponinff price opening price opening price 5.9O 7So Lowest prices you'll get this year Carpets , Rugs , Etc.Lowest said it before and proved it we say it again and prove it. Ingrain Carpets Matting Beautiful pattern Just received ! worth 43c Very hoavy. good patterns , worth COc , 33c Spring Opening I'rlco , I'rlco Bprlng Upuulug Oil Clotil The latest designs Brussels Carpet Oood quality worth 50c , ' I'rlco , worth . , Bprlng Opening Nlco colorlnRS il.OO 55c Spring Opening Trice. Linoleum Very pretty Worth regular , 75c Velvet Carpet Spring Opening 1'rico } \\f.\\ \ \ \ grade quality and pattern , worth 11.40 S5o Carpet Sweeper Spring Upnulug prlco.f Iroom ! action , worth (2.50 , * 1 QO A.xminster : Carpet Spring Opening I'rtco - Itcautlful patterns , best of Roods , but slightly Hassocks Many different pat soiled , worth U.W , Sprlug Opening 1'rlcu terns , worth OOc. Spring Opening I'rlco Misfit Ingrain Carpets Monuotto and Body Hrussolls Itugs , worth J3.GO , Worth 118.50. * / ? * 30 - Spring Opening I'rlco Largo Smyrna Iluz , slightly soiled , worth $ S , . -f ) O O * * * < Brussells Carpet -J Spring Opening I'rico . . . v . - - - Misfit Eukul Hnis , oriental patterns , worth $4,50. Worth J10.00 , I'rlco ff * SO Suilns Opening Bprlng Opening Price . . week or $4.00 per month. _ On a bill of $10.00-$1.00 per . On a bill of $20.00 $1.25 per week or $3.00 per month. //7 / * C'V iPVS/l/l , / C 8" s s Sf' sstss s s ? K ? s On a bill of J200.W-J1.00 per month or J15.00 per month. Heywood Leonard. JPerpetual liaby JPalnis Carriages Cleanable not Imitations , but Wo are solo palms , ferns , grasses. for this agents etc. , that have actually Refrigerator lino. Buy grand crown , but which are treated In a manner ! now and take Needs no words to affirm its good that lasting. makes Wo them Are ever the advantage o f ness. Guranted ! not to sweat or solo agents and quote the early spring mix flavors. Perfect circulation 1 liese low prices : days and per and a big ice savor. Wo pluco on Palm worth $3.00 ; Bprlng O * ) haps Bavo a dollar Bale ono of these refrigerators , Tnlm-worth Oponlnjr Prlca $2.50 ; Spring f lar . bill Wo by EO do worth $10.50 , spring opening price OpeVilnp Prlco * ing. place Grass 'Plants ' worth $2.00 ; l on special sale Bprlntr Opening Price * carrl- . .75 number of others that a very prelty baby - . Also a great \vo have no room to quote. agoworth regular * 10 , for O Building formerly occupied by Morse Dry Goods Monday evening from 7 to 10:30 : p. m. F. M. Steinhauser's. Excellent Orchestra F. M. Stlcnhuuscr , Director. 1. March "People's Furnl- tuo & Carpet Co" . New , toy F. M. Stclnhauser. 8. Overture "Welcome" Austin 3. Polka "My Only One" . . liussct 4. IPolka " Chatterbox , , ' characteristic piece. Moses Tobanl I I i PAPvT II. 5. March-"El Capltan" . . . . Sousa 6. Waltz "Wine , Women and Song" Strauss 7. Waltz "Hot Time In Old Town" 8. Waltz "Grace & 15cauty" Gavotte Morse I TAUT , III. 9. Selection "Pleasant Eve ning" Ueycr 10. "Dear One , Far Away , " Schottlsch Casey 11. Waltz "Papa-Mama" Moses 12. Grand Selection "Brig ands" .Offenbach PART IIII. 13. Overture "National Airs" Beyer 14. March "King Cotton" . . . Sousa 15. Indian War Panco..Muller 10. Gallop-"Wlth Steam" . . . . . . . . . . .Strauss Beautiful Singing by trios and quartettes of professional eingcrs will bo hoard on different floors of our mammoth building. Handsonio Souvenirs for ail Oaiiers.