Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    . A
jotbsrs and Hotallcrs Allko Well Pleased
with Local Situation.
Gradual Improvement ( tic Order in
Qlnrcli-.Tenilencr of Viiluc * .
Uuniifncdircil Good *
Live Slack
The month of March has been cliaractcr-
Ized by a steady movement In the accus
tomed channeJn of local trade , nnd reports
from most other points bear \vltncB3 to the
( act that a similar state of n ft aim Is appar
ent In mast all sections of the country ,
especially In the west. In almost every dJ-
purlmcnt of the jobbing trade It U safe to
uaaumc , from the visible signs , that a vol
ume of business Is already In Bteiit that will
prove by comparison with recent years
( airly unprecedented.
Advices fronj representatives on the road
indicate ) a very prosperous condition of af
fairs In tributary territory. The farmers
and stock growers of the , country have
marketed grain and live stock sufllclent to
enable them to pay current obligations nnd
they tire buying quite freely of all kinds of
merchandise. What Is more , country mer
chants arc anticipating a continuance of the
present very satisfactory consuming demand
and are accordingly placing liberal orders
with local Jobbers * .
The retail trade of Omaha during the last
Blx days was fairly active. The cold wave
the middle of the week rendered the weather
a little disagreeable and reduced the num
ber of buyers on the street somewhat , and
nt the sumo tlmo reminded consumers that
.It Is still early to expect continued spring
Weather. Btlll , there was n good volume of
business transacted during the week , and
results In the main were satisfactory to all
concerned. Money ncctns to bo reasonably
easy In the- city nnd consumers arc able to
pay for what they buy.
Hank clearliiH by their heavy gains over
a year ngo merely bear out the statements
made by business men as to this very Balls-
factory volume of business doing.
Omaha , for Its Blzc , U a very good fruit
tnarket nnd large quantltlea of green 'fruits ,
amounting to a good manycarloads durlnt ?
the season , nro consumed at thl.'i point or
nro chipped out over tributary territoty to
the smaller towns. At the same time U tins
frequently .been observed that Omaha is not
un extravagant buyer. So long as the- price
remains reasonable the demand IM good , but
as soon us It goes up a few points con
sumers stop buying or 'turn their attention
to something els * . .For that reason the re
port that there have b n froa'.s In Call-
, loifela which have damaged the apricot crop
very materially , as well a the peach and
almond and some other small frultn Is a
matter of nn little IrA Wance to the wholc-
nalo fruit men of this city. A light nprlcot
crop will mean high priced anil that will
mean limited sales so far as thla city Is
concerned. It happens that the apricot Is the
llrst California fruit to arrive , in the early
Bummer and 'the handling of the crop Is a
matter of considerable Importance. It Is
poralblo also tint the cherry crop has bcn
injured to some extent. It Is too early for
Brapej lo bu hurt , but the continued dry
iwiuther on the coast In a cause 'for anxltty
almost aa ( great as the frost. So far as
peachoj are concerned , Colorado last season
supplied this market very largely nnd it
looks as If they would eventually take the
place of 'tho coast fruit entirely. The south
Is also shipping1 more peaches norlh every
year ' so that this market can get along very
woll'-wlthout California peaches.
Business nt South Omaha looked rather
small the past week In comparison with pre
vious weeks , both calllo and hogs Knowing
R falling off In Iho multer of receipts. Wllh
ehecp. however , Iho reverse was Irtic , as
there was a very largo train In the arrivals.
Cattle hnvo Bold all the week nt remuner
ative prices nnd sellers have been generally
well pleased wllh results' . The farmers
liavo netted good prices on Iho corn con-
' numed byIhe catllo fallened for market
by them and all parties appear to Uo pretty
iwell Batlsfled with results of th& * celt's
trading1. The demand for good beef cnttlo
' continues reasonably ncllvc , both local and
ehlpplng , and arrivals have met with ready
Bales on most days of the week under re-
. .view. '
The tlicep market hns been very cncour-
ucdng nnd everyone In nny way connected
-with the stock business Is taking great In
terest In the phenomenal growth of Iho
pheep market at South Omaha. It has been
a surprise to every one how rapidly the
demand for sheep has grown nt this point
until It seems that there are buyers for all
that nro likely to como In this direction.
It docs not appear to make much differ
ence , whether the receipts are large or
email , the arrivals of eachi day meet with
prompt takers just the same. If Nebraska ;
continues to feed sheep as extensively us nil \ \
prospects would lead ono to expect It would
not bo at all' surprising If Omaha should
become the great sheep market of the coun
try nnd eventually eclipse all others.
In the hog department the trade the past
week was not quite so encouraging. The
war scare has apparently rnnilo speculators
.very weak buyers of provisions and though ;
there la n. good fresh meat demand It Is
not sulllclcnt to sustain values. The result
la that vuluss have had a downward ten
dency , though it lie- drop hns not been very
J large , as may bo learned from the market
, ( LreporlH. The absence of a bullish specula
tive Interest Is plainly felt nnd the war
Bcnre Is no doubt costing the hog growers
of Nebraska plenty of money. The whole
situation seemed to favor nn advance. In
fact values were gradually working lo ina
higher level nil lhroug.h January and up
to the 20lh of February when Ihe war clouds
* became threatening. Prom that date on
the tendency has been downward nnd what
is moro the market has been lacking In
that buoyancy which la always grateful to
the seller.
IA local architect observes that Home people
appear to bo very much surprlse'd when they
find out that It will cost them , nil of 10 per
cent moro < lo put up buildings than last
year. As a mailer of fact most every ins
iwns ptedlcllng higher prices a year ago on
building material and most every well posted
properly owner ivould admit that the pros-
poct.s would seem to point In that direction.
Not only Is material higher , but some
kinds , such ) ns nrlck" . arc not overly plenti
ful at nny price. Hut thU Is not nil. 'ha
wise oinv . mho seem lo have- some InsMo !
track on forolelllng Iho fulure. say lhat
material -will be still higher another year.
The most urgent demand for residences
would seem to bo a tfreat Inducement tenet
ibulld this ) summer , bul no far Ihcro has not
.been . much done In that direction. However.
It ila still early nnd It Is not usual for
builders In this city to commence operations
until late In 'Iho summer or fall , FO that
a good deal may bo accomplished before
the close of Ihe season. The demand seems
to bo for n belter class of houses , of inhtch nro very few In Iho city nnd none to
too had nt the present lime. Even Iho old
shells iwhlch wcro put up ) In boom Union , and
which nro hardly suitable for habitation ,
hnvo been filled until It Is almost Impos
sible to Becuro a house of any kind in the
The Western Soap company of Omaha has
consolidated with Hnsklns Uros. of Sioux
Clty. untlsr the llrm name > of llaskln 13ros.
& Co. , Incorporated. William Newton will
net na secretary of < ho company nnd will
remove to Omaha nnd Inko the management
of the plant In thin city. IMr. Newton Is
rpokcn of In Sioux City as ono of the most
enterprising1 nmono the young business men
of that city. The company will manufacture
eoap In both cities and It Is understood that
the Intention Is to branch out and operate
on a much larger scale.
Ilnltlmorc Market.
.BAIVriMOnn. March X. FlJOUR ( Julet :
fcreiitern superfine. $3.701/3.10 : western extra , 13.73 :
OI.OO ; westrrn family. I4.30OI.&Jliiter wheat
patents. H.73B5.00 ; miring patent * . W.KH , .40 :
'eprlng wheat straight * , f3.00tt3.1t > ; receipts ,
| A ls. : export * , 23.C22 bbls. *
WHEAT Strong : spot and month. KGi _ . _ .
May. 9SH fSST4o ; eteamcr , No. S red , 9IHC 3o : re.
celpt& 18.231 11.1 exports , G.KS bu. ; southern
wheat , by cample , < Ktf99c ; eoulliern , on
COIIN Mrmer ; spot and month. S3ffS3Vic : Mar.
83Hft3mc ; steamer mixed , UViGX c ; receipts.
M.810 bu. ; export * . R.5T1 bu. ; southern while , Sltf
IA toe ; southern yfllow , S ! > ift8ic. !
Jl OATS QulelNo. . 2 whllo we tern. 83S3I3 ; No.
I mixed western , JOXtfUUo ; receipts , :0.1U ! bu. ;
export * , none ,
11YB Firm ; No. 3 nearby. KMc : No. 2 west-
cm , WUo bid ; receipts , 4.4S9 bu. : exports , uoue.
JIA.Y Quirt ; choice Itmnthy , S12.GOffl3.00.
OllAIN TOEIOHT3 Good < li-man4 and rnt'M
appear to bo easy ; steam to Uverpool , per bu. ,
8UJ. May ; CVirk for order * , per quarter , 5 1
March ! 3s IVMff34 W , April.
11UTTBJI Bte Jy : fancy creamery.
fancy Imitation. ITirlSa ; fancy ladle , ISc ;
ladle. 15n o : ( tore packed , lOfflJc.
EOOS-Qulet ; fre h. lOtto.
CUrUKSD-Steady : fancy New York. larpt ,
lie ; fancy New York , medium , IViUlOo ; fancy
Niw York. mall. IQUQlOHo.
Kan * Cltr Or la nad ! Provision ' * .
KANWA8 OITT. March M.V I AT-M rkot
towr ( No. 1 bud , > MA ft i Wl fl ; No. i.
KSS'c ; No. 1 red , 01094 ? ! No. t MSJ33 ; No. J ,
tMOlc ; No. I spring 16JJ7C ! No. 3 , IStflSc.
COUN-Market active , Vic higher ; No. 3 mixed ,
_ OAT3-Markot firm , but slow ; No. t wlille , 270
'flYC Market steady ; No. 2 , 43'jC.
MAY Mnrliet steady ; choice timothy ,
9.00 ; choice prairie , 7.00tt7,23.
IiUTTKU-Mnrket Heady ; tronmery ,
ilalrlec , unite.
KflOS-Markcl unchanged ! fresh , to.
UBCBtlTS-Wheat , 31,200 bu , ; corn , M.3CO bu. ;
enl , 28,000 bu.
SHII'MENTS-Whcat , 25,100 bu.f corn , 37,000
bu. ; cals , 7.COO bu.
Conilltlon of Trade anil Quotation * on
Staple nnd Jfancy 1'rbducc.
KGGS-Goo.1 clock , sgSttc.
nUTTnil-Common lo fair , 9llc ; sepanvlcr
creamery , 20c ; gathered creamery. 1031Ci.
VEAL-Cholcc fat , E ) to 120 Ibs. , quoted at S3
DC ; and coarse , C17c.
MVK rOULTHY Chickens , C'.507c ; old roosl-
ers , So ; young rooslers , CQCUc ; ducks , 7c.
QAME-Mallards , J3.0W3.25 ; teal. JI.2S31 BO ;
brants , J2.Wff3.00 ; Canadian geese , $ I.W4.00 ;
mixed ducks , J1.CCS1.K. -
nclEONS Live , Jlr dead pigeons not wantea.
HAY Upland , 1C ; midland , J3 ; lowland , J4.CO :
rye straw , J4.CO ; color makes iho price oh hayi
HclH bales sell the best ; only top grades bring
top prices.
CELEIIY Oood stock , large , EOc ; small , "SCOc.
ONlONS-1'er bu. . Jl.OOftUO.
lliANB Hand-plckcil navy , per bu. . $1.2:01.30.
HWHKT irOTATOiS : Kansas , 10-peck bbls. ,
J2.7. > tj3.00 ; eccd sweet potatoes , $2.00.
CAHUAOE-aood stock , per lb. , IKe.
roTATOES Home grown , WysSc ; Colorado
stock , 70c.
TOMATOES-Pcr crate , seven baskets , $4.25f
NUW IIEETS " T-er doz. bunches. 45g0e.
"id-l'er : doz. bunches. KflJOc.
' 13 1'er doz. bunches.
( JREKN ONION'S Per doz. , lc.
WATBHCIlisPer : IC-qt. cnre. J1.60.
STRAWnERRIES-1'cr 24-qt. case , $6.00.
AI'1'I..ES Winter stock , J3.0083.50 ; boxes , $1.25
01 20.
( "RANnERRIES Fancy Jersey , per bbl. , $10.
C-RAPES-Malncns. J3.OOflO.CO.
ortANOES-Cnlirornla navels. J2.7503.03 ; fancy
seedlings. J2.255J2.CO ; choice , J2.00.
LEMONS California fnncy , $2.7503.00 ; choice ,
J2.M ; fancy Messina , $3.00ti3.CO.
IIANANAS Choice , larga Mock , per bunch ,
K.oyaz.Zj ; medium sized bunches , $ l.75g2.W.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large flze , 12C13c ;
email , lie : llrnzlls , per lb. , 9Jj.lic ) : Kngllsh walfP
nuts , per lb. . fancy soft shell , lOlfUc ; Btandards ,
S39c ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polished
medium , CSJic : extra . .u,6tOQ.7U : large hickory ,
" " " "
nutT , $ | .OOO1.10 per bu. : small , $1.2361.35 perbu. ;
CDcoar.uts , per 100 , $4.00 ; peanuts , raw , 35V4c :
roasted , CQCVic.
KIGS Imported , fancy. S-crown , 14-lb. boxes ,
ice ; t-cronn , 44-lb. boxes. I3c ; 2-lb. boxes , S2O
23c per box ; California. 10-lb box , $1.00.
HONEY Choice white , I2c ; Colorado amber , 10
KRAUT Per ob ! . , $ : .M ; half bbl. , J2.Z3
MAl'LE can. eachr J2.73 ;
cal. cans , pure , per < loz. , J12.0) ; half-gal , cans ,
J0.23 ! quart cnns , J3.CO.
PATES-Hallo ce , CO to 70-lb. bDxcs , EUc ;
Salr. Cc ; Pnrd , 9-lb. boxes. 9o.
C1DEK Per half bbl. , $3 00 ; bbl. , $5.00.
DRESSED BEEr-Good native steers. 65ic-
& forcqunrters steer ? . 6Uc : iron.l hln.i , , nri
. , . .
C-ic ; good heifers. 6c heItl" '
r.P- , , nl H.nlon. . ; good forenuarlera . ' ' , .
rs , | Crcrei | g ; cooj'c'ow
' ' " , . . . , , . .
, - - - - j.w. u , . ivu , KiunvyB.
. ipcli' , ' ea"C8' w1'0' ' ' " Carcass or
sides. 9c
: en t hend nnd feet , scalded
, per set.
; 5c ; tenderloins , fresh. ISc ; tenderloins , frozen
I5o ; boneless strips , fresh , 9'&c ; boneless strlns
frozen. 9c : strip loins , fresh. 7c ; strip lo ns !
frozen , die rolls
, binelcsj 9
, c rolls
culH , 9fi ; til loin butts , l nntn. . ; ft- . , .r. spencer . .
No. 1 chucks. ' Cc : 'No. 2 chiirk > " "iu" . ' " ' " " * * :4
-fo. 1 green hides. 7c : No. I rreen
hides , Gc : No. 1 salted hides , SUe ; No. 3 green
lilted hide * . 7Hc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13 lt > , 19c'
No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . So. '
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , irQ > 76o'
green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) !
each , 15o ; dry shearings Cliort wooled early
skins ) . No. 1. each , Cc : dry Hint Kansas and Ne
braska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight
4f52 ; dry flint , Kansas ana Nebraska murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight , 85J4c ; dry
flint Colorado bulcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 45c ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , S 4c.
TALLOW , OHEASE. ETC.-Tallow , No. 1 , SO
Sic ! ; tallow , No. 2. 3c ; rough tallow , lV4c : white
grease , 2',422ic ; yellow and brown grease , IMS' '
KtinS Hear ( black or brown ) . '
, JS.OXJ'IO.OO' otter
I rrtiOO . . . _ . . _ .
AA .l l. 1t - rrtV - mt AAAA '
( timber ) , " 5cfH2.50 ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) . lOflCOc ,
wildcat , 100Uo ; badger , C040c ; sliver fox , J50.00
St. T.onln General Market ! .
ST. IJOUIS. March lO.-FLOUH-Slow and
easier ; patents. $4.70tI.SO ; stralffhls. J4.COS4.45 ;
clear. $4.00ffl4.25 : medium. J3.50Jf3.75.
WHEAT Higher , closing ItflUc above yes-
tenlay. with July nnd September up Uo and
Hay unchanged. _ Th close wqs _ flrrri. Spot ,
higher ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , 97 < 6o atkcd ;
track. 7S97Ut : March , S8 o bid : May , 9Sc
bid : July. 77TiB7Sc : September. 74ie.
CO11N Futures flrm and fractionally higher
than yesterday ; spot , higher ; No. 2 cash , 2iUe ( ;
March , 26 c : May. 26HS2C c ; July , 27 iir27T4cj
September. MTie bid.
OATS Dull , with no speculative trading ;
spot. dull , steady ; No. 3 cash. 25'4c ;
track. 2Gj2CVSc ; March , 2vUc ! : Mnv. 23&0 bid ;
July.22a _ bid ; No. 2 white , 2SJ20o. |
FDXRinD Nominal. 11,1.1.
TIMOTHY SKED-Prlme , J2.S3C5.K ! ) .
. . .
nitAN Dull ; packed , east track , 67e.
HAY Oulet. except for choice timothy ;
prairie. t7.WffS.25 : timothy , JS.OOJJ10 on./ '
nUTTDU Steady ; creamery , , 15fl9Vic ; dairy ,
KOOS-I.-iwcr at * ilo.
WHISKY tl.29.
M RT ATS Lead , nominal , J3.55. Spelter , nom
inal. JIOO.
prtOVISION1 * Pork , lower ; standard mtts ,
Jobbing. J9.27'i. I ird , lower ; prime eteam ,
J4 SO ; rtolce. J4.f5. Bacon ( boxed lots ) , rhnul-
drrii. J53THR.M : extra short clear , J5.C2Vi ; ribs ,
J3.75 : horts , J5.S74. ! Drj' salt meats' , rhouldrnt ,
J4 C2 S4 75 : extra short clear , JS.12',4 ; ribs , J5 M ;
thortf. J.V37 J.
6.000 bld . ; wheat , 11,000
bu. : corn. 49.0M bu. ; oats. IS. POO bu.
SHIPMCNTS-Flour. B.WO bu. : wheat , 14,000
bu. ; corn , 117,000 bu. ; oats , 12.000 bu.
Liverpool Market.
I.lVnnrOOU Mnrch 26. WHKAT No. 1 Onll-
fornla. dull. 7o lid ; No. 2 red western , winter ,
dull. C 7'4d. '
COUN Pi it , fteidy ; futures , rteady ; March ,
3 SVid : Mar , 3 2 * < d : July , 39l' ' _ _ .
inot'U St. Ixiuls fnncy winter. < lull. is W.
HOI'S At London , ( Pacific coast ) , dull , Ct&
E4 I" ' .
PROVISIONS Beef , flrm : extra India mej .
6Ss W ; prime mess , CS Cd. I'ork , flrm : prlm
mefi , flne nectern. 51s 3d ; prlmo mess medium
western. 4's ! > d. Hann , short cut. dull , 32i ,
llncon , dull. 30s. Fhort rlb > , dull , 30 cd ; long
clear middles. lliiht. fteady. 21s ; Inn ?
clear middles , beavv. steady. 2 < x fjj ulnrt clear
back * , steady , 2Ss Cd : clear bellle . ctcady , J2s ;
shoulderv. square , steady , 24i. Lird , prime west
ern , ilull. 2I ! 3d.
OHEESD-Amerlcan finest white and colored.
2S * .
OILS Turpenllne Folrlls , slcady , ISs. Jlotln ,
common , steady , i Cd.
Cincinnati Marlcet.
CINCINNATI. March -FIXUn-naiy ; fancy.
J4.35 T4.55 : fanrfly. J.7W4.CO. (
WMHA.T Kasler ; No. 2 red. Sic.
PORN Kasy ; No. 2 mlxe.l. 32He.
OATS Quiet ; No. S mixed , 2S'c. !
llYn-Oulet : Nn. I. lie.
PROVISIONS I > nrd. easier nt J4.7S. Ttulk
. rte.idv at 15.10. Huron , steady at 15. W.
WHISKY Steady at tl.W.
Bl'TTF.n-Stendv : Elgin creamery , JOHc ; Ohio ,
seifte : < lalry. lW12c.
fiUOAn-r-asy : hard refining. JJ.IOOS.SJ.
rees nun at s ic.
rilEDSK Steady ; good to prime Ohio flat , 9
Grain Iteeelptu at I'rlnelpal Marketd.
CHIOAGO. Mnrch 2 . fiecelpts today : Wheat ,
19.rars ; corn. fS cars ; oats , 190 car * .
MINNEAPOLIS , March 2 . Receipts : Wheat ,
257 cars.
ST. LOUIS , March M.HccelptTieat : , 13
c r .
DULUTir , March K.-Ittcelpt | Wheat. 3
cart ,
Tletrolt Market.
TrnOlT. March M.-JWHRAT-No. J white.
i : No. I r < * l , cash and May , SSo.
COnN-No. 1 mlied. SO * .
OATS-NO , s while ,
RYK-NC , ft .
ClaelaiiMtl Lire Stoek.
ClNCINNATf. March M.-HOOS-AclUt ,
stranr. J.15fJ.f .
nATTLK-filMdy. ? Ka2 %
I SH&RP-stnngtr , S3 o 4 7J.
1 HUM Hng. M. i.0 . '
Grain Markets Are on the Up Grade for A
Portion of the Day ,
July Wheat Make * a Gnln , Slay ! Un
changed , Corn , nnil Oat * Are
Higher anil 1'rovlnloui
Are Lower.
CHICAGO , March 2C.3rnln quotations
were on the up grade during the greater part
of toJay's session. Delated shorts were
forced to cover , nnd professional traders
generally vrvro working for a rally. Pro
visions lost some ground on heavy local toll
Ing , but mndo good recoveries In sympathy
with grain. Wheat for July delivery closed
at an advance of Ts lc , ( May unchanged :
May corn UQUo and May oats Ho Jtlgher.
Pork declined 741flOc ! , lard nnd ribs Be each.
The wheat market at the opening today
gave some evidence of having entered upon n
period of convalescence from Its sickness ol
Ihe several days past. July opened UQ c
higher , land , although Ihcre" wcro plcnly ol
selling ] orders around Ihat figure , the lowest
prlco of the session was made at the open-
Ing. Liverpool reported an advance of U ®
% d , the latlcr In March wheat , notwith
standing yesterday's decline here. Injurious
weather previously reported from California
showed no appreciable Improvement , only
a slight rainfall beingreported. . I > ° cal re-
ceipts wers 153 cars , compared with only
seven last year , Und S2 cars of today a In
fipccTlon 'wcrer co nlfacl , iho balance" being
transfers from Irregular warehouses. To
day's addition made the local contract stocks
232.000 bu. , making a itotal Increase , for the
week of 932,000 bu. The visible supply stalc-
ment on Monday Is expected to show a .de-
crcaso of about 750,000 bu. Atlan'.lc porls
cleared 378,000 bu. wheat and flour. The
strength with which the market opened In
creased as the session prcgresssd. The rise
In stocks Imparted a buoyant tone to the
speculative contingent and belated shorts
were forccil to como In. May was neglected
except by I-eltcr brokers , who look all the
offerings ] around U.03V&Q1.0I , closing it at
the latter price. July from S2) c at the openIng -
Ing advanced to fcS'Hc ' , sold off to > tCVtC ,
th advanced steadily to WftQSS'/ic , clos-
( Jorn opened firm on largo exports for
the meek and In sympathy wllh wheat.
Only S3 cars were Inspected Into store. At-
lanllc exporls for the day were 507,000 ou.
A largo cash business mas done for export ,
over & 00.000 bu. today and almost 1,000,000
bu. veslorday. Dullness of trade acted
against further advance. May started steady
at 2S5402SV-0 , advanced to 2Siif2ST4c ( , closing
at 2Sir2Sc , compared -with 2SV4o yeUerday.
Trade In oats was fairly nctlve , with
plenty liquidation. I-clter was credited with
telling May freely around the opening. Cold
wave predictions and the titrencth
caused u good rally and left ft. slight gain
for the May. Receipts were 190 cars ; At
lantic clearance * only 5,000 bu. May opened
n shade higher at 2o',4&23yc. sold paring y
at ZdViffio&c. declined to 24vsC. rallying to
" " "
"provisions were extremely weak early In
the session on heavy Ucal selling on al-
legcvl apprehensions of a yellow fever out
break at the south. The general bullish sen
timent attacked the pit near the close and
brought about good rallies. iMay pork polrt
between J9.45 nnd $9.20 , closing at $9.K J >
9.37. n net low of 7)40100. ) May lard and ribs
leach lost Gc , closing at ? 4.80 and' ' & 4.02 rc-
6PESt'imaUd receipts Monday : . Wheat. 103
cars : ; corn , ISO cars ; oats , lu cars ; hogs ,
i-ciuing tuturea rangtJ as foll3w ; _
Article * . . I Op n. I m H. .lLqw.JClo e I.Yustdy
May. . . 1 04 1 01 1 03 1 04 1 04
July. . . 82U
Sept. . . 77 70
May. . . 2RM
July. . . MH 201
Sept. . . 31H 3UH
Mny. . . 24M 25M
July. . .
May. . . D 40 9 45 020 0 37 I ) 45
Jvily. . . 0 47,1 0 47K 0 Z7M U 45 OC2H
May. . . 4 05 4 (15 ( 400 4 021 4 07 X
July. . . 0 OU 6 00 4 U7K 9 00 602 >
May- 4 05 407K 4 DO 407HI C 00
July. . . 8 00 6 01) 4 05 a 00 , C 05
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUIl Dull : southern patents , 11.0033.00 ;
southern straights. J4.4034.60 ; southern clear ,
$4.3004.40 ; spring patents , J4.90 5.40 : soft pdt-
entf. JI.70S4.W ; bakers' patents , $3.403.M.
WIIBAT No. 2 tprlne , 95o ; No. 3 eprlns , 8S ®
97e : No. 2 red , J1.01. .
OOUN-No. 2 , 2So ; No. 2 yellow , 2Sc {
OATS-NO. 2 , 23V4co ; NO. a white , 20j30c ;
No. 3 white , 27HQ:8o.
No. 2. 49c.
11ARLEY No. 2 , 370 0. I
FLXXSCEV-Ko. I , J1.17S1.1W.
TIMOTHY SKHD-rrlme , J2.5J02.87H.
PROVISIONS Mess porlc. per bbl. . $3.3o9.40.
lard , per 100 Ibs. , J4.87Wfl4.90. | Short ribs , rides
( loose ) . H.75BS.05. Dry tailed shoulders ( boxed ) .
$4.754.8715 ; short clear sides ( boxtd ) , $3.K0
WHISKY Distillers' nnlihed goods , per gal. ,
$1 13'.i.
PIIOAItS Cut loaf , $5. S3 ; granulated , $5.33 ;
ttandard A ,
Arllclea. Receipt ! . Shipments ,
Flour , bbls. 20,000 47.000
Wheat , bu. . B'J.OOO 2'JO.OOO
Corn.bu. . . . 247.000 110,000
Outn.bu 846.000 2124,000
Rye , bu 10.0UO 3,000
tlarley.bu. 44.000 11.500
On the Produce exchrngo today the butter
market wn flrm ; creamenei , 13ifl8V4o ; dairies ,
lOH'Jfl&c. USES , flrm ; fresh , 9 > ic. Clitcsc , quiet ,
Quotation * for the Day an General
NEW YOIIK , March 26.-FLOUn-neccIptS ,
13,220 bbls. ; exports , 12,182 bbls. ; clly milt pal-
enls , $3.3fG.10 ; city mill clears , J3.60ft3.73 ; Min
nesota patents , $5.1095.40 ; Minnesota bakers' ,
$1.3304.50 ; winter stralrhts , $4.50J4.CO ; winter
extrav $3.70f4,10 ; winter low trades , $2.00Jf3.00.
Ilye Hour , quiet : at J2.SSiT3.25. Buckwheat flour ,
nominal at SI.3081.W.
1IUCICWHDAT Nominal at 45c.
OORNMIJAL Quiet ; yellow1 western , 69c.
nYIJ-Steady ; Xo. 2 western. S7O5Sc.
11AHLDY Dull ; feedlne , 41V4C.
IIAIILEY MALT Easy ; western , C3SC3e.
WHEAT Receipts. 13.C53 bu ; exports. C0.125 bu.
Spot , firm ; No , S red. $1.03 f. o. b. float to ar
rive. Option * opened llrmer on better cables lan
expected and after easing oft sllKhtly der
realizing nircln rallied on demand from shorts >
and strength In Wall street , clo inir flrm at rtIf *
1'to advance ; No. 2. March. $ l.X ( ) > iO1.01K , closed
at JI.01 ; May , t'SVifi53c. closed at Mo.
CORN Receipts , C9.475 bu. : exports. 50.5W bu.
Spot , steady ; No. 2. SCc. Options , quiet but
steady all day ; light offerings and sympathy
with wlJeat. closing Uo higher ; May , 31Ji033ic ! ,
closed at 33'ie.
OATS Receipts , 69,600 bu. ; exports. 7S bu.
illSpot , quiet ; No , 2. 30i afked. Option * , dull but
steady , closlnu unchanged : May closed at 23c.
PEEP Quiet ; bran , 704TS5c ; miadllncs , EOo ; B.ry
fee < l. _ . . . . .
HAY Dull ; shipping , S0833c ; good , choice , 55 ®
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice. 1893
crop. 4BCc ; ISDfi crop , 7fi9o : 1S97 crop. KOISc ;
1'aclflo coast. If95 crop , 4aCc ; 1800 crop , 8JHO-3 ;
IS1) ; rrpp. 17lfc.
HIDRS Steady ; Galveston , ICKe ; Texas , dry ,
IJc ; California , l"Urllir. !
\THEIt-Plrm ; hemlock eole , 19go o.
WOOIQulet ; fleece , 1702J3 ; Texan , 12U15C.
PHOVlSIONii-lleef , flrm ; family , $11.25011.75 ;
extra rafts , JS.MiJO.OO ; beef hainn. J23 : packet , Oit meats , quiet : pickled Wlllts ,
$ : .62 < iijO.CO ; pickled shoulders , $4,37 94. .M :
plckle.1 ham . $7.Mi07.7S. Lard , weaker : western :
steamed. jri.2MI5.23 : refined , quiet. Pork , easy ;
mess. $4.C ( > < Ii9.75 ; short clear. J10.61 12.tO ; fam
ily. $11.00 ; Tallow , dull ; city. 311-lSo :
country , S'iSS iC.
On Petroleum , dull. Ros'n , steady ; strained ,
common to sood. $1.4001.45. Turpentine , quiet
ami flrm at ! 3Vjfi3Jo. Cottonseed , weak and
lower ; prlmn cnide , 19ST10'ic : prime crude f. o.
b. mllla. lSJ15Hc ; primn eummer yellow , 22c
nominal : oft summer yellow , 21 > tc : butter oil
23SI27c : prime winter yellow , ZSHISVjC.
RICE Steady ; fair to extra , 4HS < < Uc ; Japan ,
MOLASSBS-Steody ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to choice , 2Se.
ilKTAUS Pie Iron , dull ; southern. $3.75310,23 ;
northern. $ IO.WV31.00. Copper , quiet : brokers ,
$11.75. Lead , quiet ; brokers , J3.W. Tin plates ,
easy *
BUTTER Receipts. S.COT pk s. : mtrket steady ;
western creamery , 15iG'19c ! ; Elgin * , 19c ; factory ,
CHECSE Receipt * . S.S77 pkr . : market quiet ; ;
eptanVber. 'He : October , 7n7Wot light iklm ,
; part skim * . < 06c ; full skims. ItfJo.
KdOS Receipts. 10.040 rfc"- : market steady ;
state and , Pennsylvania , UQlOUa ; vreittrn , Vic ;
PHtl DEU'HIA , March . BUTTER Firm ;
prints , lo higher ; fancy western creamery , 20c ;
fancy western print * , Z2c ,
COOS Bteadjri frtsh nearby and western ,
10Vtc : fresh southern , JOo.
CHEESE Quiet but steady ; New York fsncy
full crtara , SHijSVio ; Nw York prime , 7iO ! c.
California 11 r led Prnld.
FRUrrS Apple * , quiet , other fruit * steidy ;
evaporated apples , common , 6SSc ; prime wlr *
tr y , iHOSUc ; wood dried , prime , ISftlUc ;
cholc . ( He ; fancy , IliOHlc iTun . UK
Aprlcols , Royal , 5 Jr7c ! Moor-Turk. 8'4010Hc.
Peaches , unpeeled , 58t2
TOLEDO , March S . WllDAtejlifccr and dull ;
cash nnd May , 8 Hc. . JtJlS ?
CORN Active NoT-J.mixed
and steady ; , w/
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 nnxed , 2Sc.
RYK Dull ; No. 2. c sh , COc. , \i ,
CLOVEHSEED-Stcady ; prime , tash , March
and Ajrtl , J5.S5. ' ,
Pcarln MarUctir"
PEORIA , March M.-CORN-fSiKl ; easy ; No.
2 , SS'ic. j5i
OATS-Inactlve : No. 2 white.Titt
WHISKY Hlghl proof spirits , Jl.lvH-
Humor tliat Spain llml Declared War
KlimtratCM the Market.
NEW YORK. March 16. The nulhorltnllve
slolcmcnl that the Maine board of Inquiry's re
port would be fully ns grave ns predicted brought
out a full attendance on the Stock exchnnsw to
day. TCicre wcro animated group * nbiut all the
stocks when the market oper. 1. The fcvcrlshnoss
and the fairy tale lliat Fpaln had deflated war
were circulated about the enhance nnd Knvo
momentum to the downhill movement. Fairly
large morglni were swept away iuU largo con
cessions onalues ensued on every considerable
offering. Sugar , Manhattan and Metropolitan
Street Hallway wcro hammered and slumped
about 2 points. Other stocks wcra sharply de
pressed. Gradually the market h.vdcueA on sup
port given by the grangers , nnd scaled buying of
the specialties. A quarter of an hour after the
rpenlnc the manifest Intention of largo Intercuts
to sustain the list ted traders to cover enormous
if.iort lines and prices bounded upward , the shorts
frantically bidding njinlnst each other. It secmi'd
likely that houses bavin * vast interests nt stake
had come to nn agreement over nlffht to buy. On
the bulge here London was a large seller. After
on hour'a trading prices were well above yoslcr.
day's close , lluslness Increased on thp advance
and ttinres were buoyant to the close , which Mao
generally Rt the best prices. The net Improve
ments approximate 2 points In the grangeis and
exceed 1 per cent In the leading international
favorites. The speclnltl * * gained from 1't ' to 4
points , with the maximum Improvement In Third
Avenue. Trading was on an enormous scale for n
S.iturday. ! the dealings for the short session ex
ceeding recent full day's total.
Ilia week Just ended witnessed a vigorous re
sumption of bear aggression , owing to the de-
vclopmcntB of various influential factors , which
wet > i utilized to their fullest extent by the ndvo-
calea of lower values. That th < > lr efforts \v ru
Blgtially successful can be best by n
resume of the final prices ot a week ago , the com
parison reflecting losses In the dividend-paying
stocks of from 2',4 to C points , nnd the specialties
mffcrlns to tfte extent of from 0 to 11. The lat
ter group was the objective point of attack , nnd
the extreme weakness ot these proprtlcs radiated
throughout the list , with the grnntttis ojid the
principal International stocks receiving marked
attention. The Cuban question continued the
overshadowing feature and the various phases ot
the situation ns Indicated by the , tenor of Wash
ington advices furnished the lever to alternately
advance nnd depress prices. This condition of
affairs was augmented by the outcropping of
numerous other considerations which also exerted
n marked bearing on the financial nnd commer
cial situation. The market throughout was highly
feverish and the ready response to the sllgiitret
efforts In favor ot cither account afforded som ?
nt the active Interests nn opportunity to make
frequent turns. The speculation at times bor-
dcixHt on the semi-panicky edge , owing to the
apparent approach ot a crisis In International af
fairs. The outpouring of lone stocks on thesf
occasions was striking evidence of the npathy of
Iho lending Interests , halting only In the clown-
ward plunge on the cessation of traders' ofterlnira
nnd a deposition to cover nt Inviting prices by
the shorts. The market then worked gradually
upward , but tine returnlnc level was Invariably
selected ns n nnw bnsls of operations by the
beam nnd the values speedily went to a pro
nounced lower plane. This process enlivened tbe
week's proceedings and was nccompinlej nt llmci
by wildly animated , dealings. The trading nt
other iwrfods was Intensely sluggish , but the con
traction In business was only discernible when
tha market essayed to rite. The foreigners were
regarded wlMi Interest and quotations from Ion-
don from day to day were eagerly scanned ns
evldenca of sentiment in the lending foreign
financial centers. The greit bulk.of the arbitrage
operations favored the arbitrage account , bat
evidence that speculators were disposed lo ac
cumulate holdings on various' lp\eli stimulated
Iho market. The unwieldy nature of the Bhort
Interest forced the leading active Interest * to
move prices up sharply occasionally In order to
shake oft nn undesirable following. The rank nnd
Ille of the street watched tht operator ? usually
employed by Washington Interests very shnrply ,
nnd were willing to twins from side to pidft as
they detected the source and nature of tranrao-
tlons. The leading commission houses were per
sistent sellers nnd the liquidation dampened bul
lish enthusiasm , which , genernlly speaking , wan
at a low eM > . The distress Hmoni ? the llght-
walsted bull ? , coupled with the marked exhaus
tion of lightly margined holdings nnd the frequent
calls for additional collateral by lenders , was fol
lowed by protective sales , which accelerated the
reaction. The bears tested the market frequently
anil where evidence of support "Was lacking a
stock was vigorously assailed.i.The grave ncpect
ot the European situation , whch , ! gave promise
of serious complication" ! , and the reluctance of
the substantial Interests to boMer'up the market
until matters assumed a mor cheerful aspect In
tensified the air ot depression which permeated
the Becurlty markets. News having a bearing on
financial n flairs was more plenllful ai Uie wcelt
advanced , but the preponderance of the develop
ment only served to nugm nt thn distress
ing matters. The frequent dissemination In the
street of Washington advices intlmallni ; that the
character nnd scope of the board ot Inqulry'n
statement on th' ' ' Maine disaster was only \ied
as a pretext to sway the market , the pilrlotib
in congress on Cuba and , tlio
carncst appeals for Intervention by the United
States , combined with the announcement that the
Spanish torpedo fleet hod left the Canary IslanrtR
bnrouto for Porto Rico , made theclimax of the
midweek's developments. TCiose considerations
wcro supplemented by the scml-ofllclnl statement
na to the Maine calamity , which afforded , the
bears an opportunity to maka a. demon
stration against tha market on Satur
day's opening. The subsequent dealings
showed firmness owing to the concentrated sup
port accorded the list by powerful Interests. The
unfvaorable factors enumerated outweighed
numerous healUiful Interests , consiet'ng of good
railroad statements , favorable money * outlook , en
couraging trndo ndvlees and the sold Influx ,
Which now aggregates $35 , 0,000.
The bond market suffered. In common wllh the
stock market , but the concessions were less pro
nounced and business was largely curtailed.
Government bonds alto exhibited extreme weak
ness , "with the losses exlendlng to 4 p-ilnls In tile
The Evening Post's London financial cablegram
says : The stock markets here remained heavy
and depressed today on the eve of settlement ,
when big differences are aealn to be met. Con-
soli were flat , as also all the speculative mar
kets. There was a thorp drop of 2 points In
Spanish 4s. The Cuban situation Is still regarded
more pessimistically than the conditions In any
other quarter. Politics today even affected the
money market , where the possibility that war be
tween the United States and Spain would or-
oeloratu gold movements to the United States Is
not lost sight of. Today 15.009 of American
gold was Fold by the Bank of England , nnd over
200000 from ttie Cape was bought up for
America. There was a severe drop on the street
on the unconfirmed report that war had beer de
clared by Spain. War rlsVs at Lloyd's are still
paid to bo rising , but I cannot learn , the actual
Following are. th * closing quotations of th
leading stocks on the. New York market today ;
AtchlBpn 1 X St.P..Om i)0 ! <
ilopfd -i do pfil 145
Haltlmorofe Ohio. . IK St. P.M. AM 12S
CanadnPaclflc 70Ji So. Paclnc 1
CanadaSoutnern. . . 4SH So. Hallway 7M
Central Paclnc 10K do pfd 23Vfi
dies. A. omo 17H Texas APaolfio. . . . IJHi
Chlo.-ljrofc Alton..IS' ! Jnlon Pacific pfo. .
C..1I.&Q g8X UU
C.&K. l - ' Yabasli UH
C.C.C.&SUL "A'i do pM 14H
ilopfd 75 Wheel. & L. E Hi
D l. * Hudnon 10U ? { Wheel. A. L. E. pfd . .
Del. L. Je W 143 Adamn Ex 100
Den.&RloG 10 American Kx 120
ilopfd 42J4 JnlteU States Ex.IS
Erlonew ( ) UH WellHFarco Ex. . . . 11.1
Krlolntpfd 33 Am. Cot. Oil 10
Ft. Wavno 10)1 ) A. Cot. Oil pfd 05
fJrentNorthnrnpfd.147 Am. Spirit * O1
ilocklnir Vallov. , . . BJ Am. SnlrltB pfJ . . . OStt Am. To Dacca
LakuErlo& W. . . . . 13 < lq pM
do pfd UO People's Gas
LnkoShoro 180 Conn. < ini 111
I.ouiBvlllo&Nash. 40W Com. CaMrt Co 100
Manhiltnn L OIK Col. P. 4 Iron 1(4 !
Met. St. Hy 13UU donfd. , BO
Michigan Central..102 Gen , 'Hlactne 31
Minn. Ac St. L 2-
do 1st pfd HI , LaCledfl uan 3B' '
Mo.Pacltlc 24M
Mobiles Ohio 2U .6b i : : : : : : : : : : : :
Mo. K. & T 10 ! < NaWUnl Oil I'J
Mo.IC. & T pfd 31 ; Oreroii Jinp. Co 25
Chi.Iml. 4L 7 I'aelllftf'all 23
ilo pfd 23 Puilman' 107
N J. Central H ' : . Slhvrccrllllf.atoa. . C3
N.Y.Central 100H
N. Y. Chi. .t SU L. . 11" Siif/rtr j "
do lit pfd 03 db wci. , ; ; . 104
Uo'Jdpfd 28 . T. C.'lron. . .
Norfolk & Western 11K U. S.sLrather
No. Amcr. Co flVi ( la p 4 * *
No.Paclfic 2 U. 3. Kiiober !
dopfd C . do pfu' UJU
Ontario * W , . 13H Western ! Union. . . . _ _ A.Nav 40H RoiUliii ; iHt pfd. . , . .18
Ore. Short Line 27 Noabicestcrii 114
Plttsuurg 108 do pfd 173
Kcndmz 10 Rlo/f npdo West . 2J
Rock Island 82 utErl. 64
8. L.AS. P. U ! Stjljljfe.V 4
dolutptd. . . 67 ( ll rjL. H' '
St. Paul 88 Chlcairo-Groat W. . IM
do ptd 144 llauaUC. C. .
Ilnstton Stock Ctuotodnnc.
noSTON. March 2 . Call loans. S 4V4 per cenl ;
time loans , 400 per cent. Closing prices
for stocks , bonds and mining shsres :
A.T.3. P 10 W.Eleo V'J
American Surar. . Ill W. Elec , pfd EO
Am.Surar oM. . . . 104 llOBton L . . . . . 64IJ
Bav State Gas.- IH Gen. Elec. pfd 00
Bell relephoae. . . 230 AtchlKOnpfd 24
Boston & Albany. 21U AtchUon 4s bO'i
Uontoni Maias. . . 160 Allouoz illntni Oa 1H
C..B.4Q 8SH Atlantlo 2H
Fltchburr 88 Boston & Montam lU''V.
OenenU Klfcotrio. . 81 Iluttoi Uostcn. . . . 209
Illinois Stael 44H Calumcli HooU. . tan
Mexican Central. . 6 Centennial . 10) <
N. V.4 N.E. pfd. . 87H Franklin 11
Ola Colony. . . . . . liti ) Osceolit 37
Kuooer 1SK Culncy , , 100
UulonPaclflo 10H Tamaranic 140
WeetKim 77 \Volv.rInea lh
West End Dtd 100 Parrotv 2m
Weekly Hank Statement.
YOniC. March X.-iTh4 weekly bank
statement ihow the following ; changes : Loans ,
decrease , J7.110.KO : aurplus reserve , decreaie ' ,
Jj.7W.t ; specie. Increase. .J7.01J.700 ; legal ten-
Mi * , looreu * . Jl.BI.OOOj detX l jflfcrtis * . H-j ff
(00 ; circulation , decrease , J3.4M. The banks nqw
hold 133,851,475 In excess of the requirement of
the 25 per c nl rule.
Xevr York .Money Market ,
NEW YORK , March JS.-MONEY ON C.M.T . < - >
Market stcadjat 2 per " -cnt ; last loan , 2 per
Vn'lMG MEnCANTll.B rAPER-41iC5'l per
ctm. '
8TERMNC1 nXCHANClE Market steady , wllh
actual builncfs In bankers' bills nt J4.S3HO1
4.S3for demand and ( .SO'itJ < .Sl for sixty days ;
posted rates , J4.Sli(4.(2 < i and Jt.82H04.S4li ! com
mercial bills. J4.SO'i.
SILiVnit CnilTIPlCATES-fiJSflSGtto. i
HAU SII.VUIl-55'ic.
BONDS-State bonds quiet ; railroad bonds
ciulet ; Rovernment bonds weak ; new 4 , rep.
nnd couiwn , 118 ! 4s , rep. , 108 ; cout > on , 110 ; Is ,
C7i ! ; 5 ? , rep. and coupon , 110i ! ; Pacific Ca of
3. 103. .
Clotlne quotations on bonds were as follows !
Snn Frnnclnco 3llnliiK ( litntntloni.
BAN PUAXCISCX ) , March : . Oinclnl closlns
quotations on mining stocks today were as fol
lows :
Alui 111 .liisuco l.t !
Alpha Con 7 Kentucky Con , . , . 2
Andes 1'J .Mexican 37
Holchcr JU Occidental Coa. . . . 27.1
llcdt.t Uelcher. . . , HI Onhlr. 4.1
Hulllon II ) Overman 10
Cliullcnro Con UH I'oton 41)
Cbollar 47 Snvaze 'Jll
Con.Oai. It V.I. . . . 8ii Scorpion 5
Con. New York. . . a Sierra Nnvada. . . . 173
Crown Colin 24 Sliver Hill U
Kxcheaiipr 4 Union Con 44
liuula&Gurrie. . . , 2'J UtahCon 11
HaloJt Norcross. . Hid VollowJ.lcket "M
Julia 1 Standnnl .170
Silver bars , C5 lie ; Mexican dollars , 43',50'46c ;
drafts , eight , ISc telegraph , 17Hc.
Ncvr YorU MliiInK Quntntlani.
NKW YbUK , March 1C. The followlne arc the
clo ln.g mining quotations :
Cliollnr. 40 Ontirio ' - ' t )
Crown Point l0 ! Ontnr. 44
Con. Cal. i Vn. . . . ' W ) I'lyinoiun 11
Doadwoou 75 Quicksilver 101)
Gould&Ciirrv SI ) Oulcksilror DM. . . OJ
Halc&Nororo . . 1'JO Slcrr.lNov.lla. . . . 145
Uoinentaxu 3700 Standard lt- )
Iron Silver 34 Union Con 45
Mexican 3D Yellow Jacket . . . . C8
l.nndon Slock Utiotntlout.
I/JNDON. March 26. 4 p. m. Closing :
ConKoln. m'v. . . , Ill 5-10 N. Y. Central 10SW
Consoln. licet. 1I1H Pemmylvaiila S7l <
can. Paclnc Blj | Kendliiir HH
Eric 1211 Atchlbon 11
Erlo'lst pfd. . . 33 L..IN 4H ( <
111. Central R rand Trunk 7 4
Mexican ordinary. . Mcx. Ceu. uow4 . . OJi
SLt'util common. . .
11AU SILVEIl Quiet , 25 9-15d per ounce.
MONEY 214 per cent. The rate of discount
In the open market for nhort bills , 3 per cent ;
tlio rate of discount In the open market for thice
months' bills , 2 15-lGiU3 per cent.
IliinU of Gerinniiy Statement.
nnilLIN. March 2G. The weekly statement of
tlio Imperial Hank of Germany shows the fol
lowing chance ? , nn compared with the previous
account : Cash In hand , Increase , 940,000 moiks ;
treasurj" notes , decrease , 260,000 marks ; other
securities , Increase. 2fil,0SOOCO marks ; notes In
circulation , Increase11,450,000 marks.
Financial Xotc * .
OMAHA , March 2(5. ( The clearings for the
day wen. JS05.tCl.SS. Balances , JSO.OM.1C. The
clearlnrn for 1S97 were J5a2.2S2.79 , nnd the bal
ances JC9,309.49. Increase in clearings J213-
Kor the six days the clearings and com-
parltons are :
Day. 1S93. 1S97. Increase.
March 21 . $ M9.217.36 * 774,685.91 J 184,531.45
March 22 . 749.9S6.04 694.C07.69 83 3s.93
March 23 . 814.318.76 - 653.017.30 16I.S01.40
March 24 . 910,403.43 C70.557.49 339,84391
March 25 . 797,450.11 M9.340.C5 208,109.56
March 20 . S05.C61.S8 (92.262.79 213,279.09
Total . J5,03CSES.OS J3.S74.491. 63 J1.102.491.C5
BOSTON , March 26 Clearings , J13OC2OCS ; bal
ances , JI.63I.2CO.
NDW YO1UC. March ZC.-Clearlnss , J107.73S-
243 ; balances , JCS42,1S7.
PHII.ADULIPHIA , March 2C. Clearings today ,
J10.20li.770 ; balances , Jl,374Ha.
CINCINNATI , March 26. New York exchange ,
DOa discount. Money , 21406 per cent. Clearlmrs.
NU\V onLCANS. March 2 . Clearings , J1.192-
WO. Now York exchange , bank , par ; commer
cial , Jl per Jl.OOO discount.
BT. LOUIS. March .
26.-Clearlncs. J3.744.715 ;
balances , J913.337 , Money , D08 per cent. New
York exchange , 40o discount bid , 25o discount
CHICAGO , Mnrch 26. Clearlnprs. J13.S31.500 ;
balances. Jl. 910,300. New York exchange , 35e dis
count. Sterling posted , J4.S204 SO ; actual , { 1.810
4.83H ; sixty days. J4.SO',404.82',4. Local stoclis
were buoyant on shorts covering and In sympa
thy with the advance In AVnll street. Prices
averaged U02 points higher , the latter In North
Chicago. Closing prices : Biscuit , 21c ; Biscuit
preferred , 7Cc ; Diamond Match , 130 % ; North
Chlcngo , 212U ; Strawboard , S3i. ;
Forelirn Financial.
VIENNA , March M. Prices were weak on the
bourse today. .
UATIOELQNA. March M. On the bDursc today
Spanish 4s were quoted at 73. TtJb closing price
yesterday was 74.
PARIS , March 2fl. Spanish 4s on the bourse
today clo d at CO'/4. against MU , the closing
price of yesterday. Three per cent rentes , 103f
25o for the account.
BKItMN. March 26. Business on the bourse
today was very dull throughout , under the In-
tluonra of western weakness and the moro seri
ous JIlopnno-Amcrlcnn aspect.
FltANKFORT , March 20. Operators on the
bourse here todny were disheartened and , prices ,
principally those of American securities , declined ,
though there wan no warlike feeling among the
( peculators.
LONDON , March 26. The market for American
securities moved downward nil day on a desire
among holders to realize. The closing tone was
weak , with all sellers. The amount of bullion
taken Into the Bank of England on balance today
was 40.000. American eagles to the , amount of
JC25.CM vero withdrawn from the Bank of tine-
land today.
Wool Market * .
BOSTON , Mnrdh 26.VOOLr The following
ore the prices for the leading descriptions ;
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleecer , X and above
2Sc ; XX , 29e ; XX nnd XX above ; 30c : delaine !
Hampshire and Vermont , 27c : dela.'ne Michigan.
28c. Unwashed medium Kentucky nnd Indian.i
one-quarter blood combing , 23c ; Kentucky and
Indiana three-eighths blood combing , 23c ; Mis
souri one-quarter blood combing. 22c ; Missouri
thrcc-elghtWi blood comb'ns. 22'-ic : braid combIng -
Ing , 20c ; lake and Georgia , 22c Texas wools
Spring fine (12 ( months ) , IMilRo ; scoured , 43T43c ;
spring fln (12 ( months ) . ISSJWc : fcoured , 48fiCOe.
Territory wools Montana fine medium nnd fine ,
IGfilEc ; scoured , 46T47c ; staple , 4SiiCOc ; Utah and
Wyoming fine medium and flne. ICffKc ; scoured ,
45041k ! ; rtaple , 4Sc. Auctrallan , scoured basis
oomblng. superfine , 70SI7Jo : combing good , C5JJ
GSc ; comb'ng ' , average , C2003c ; Queensland comb
ine. C.'c.
.ST. LOUIS , March 2fl. WOOL Easier : mo-
dlum , lyj-lOo : light flne , 1381C : ; heavy flne , t ®
14e : tub wnsheil , 22 J2Si4e.
LONDON , March IS. WOOL There was a irnod
attendance at the wool auction sales todav , The
bidding was net ho nnd the ton * of tha sale hem.
Th < following are the sale1 * In detail : New Boiith
Wales , 2.201) balci : scoured , Odffls ; greasy. B'/idP
IOH'1. Queensland. 3im balrs ; scourPd. Is /10
IsM ; irreasv , 7H71CS1. ? Victoria , 1.200 bnlon ; .
greasy , f.UQIOVid. Knitli Austrnlla , l.ftfi balot ;
greasy , Caflta SHd. West Australia , 1.300 bales ;
Ecoureil , Cfi8H < l. New Zealand. 4,700 hales ;
sof > ure < l , 7dQls4H < l : greasy , 67V4d. Gonrt Hops
nnd Natnl. l.GOO balei ; scoured , 7H'131i4Hd ;
trreasy. 611 < JOd. The offerings next week number
6S,70i ) bales , and the arrivals for the next series
aggregate 93.0X ) bales. Including 20,009 balen for-
wardeil direct. Thn Imports for Ihe we k are urw
follows ; New South Wales , lf > 2t > bales ; New
castle. l.SSD Iwlea : Mell urne. 2.704 bales : South
Australia , K3 bales : Albany. K2 bales : Capo llhof
Good Hope nnd Nalal. 2.C23 bales : 81ngapor .
1.0C7 boles ; Marseilles. 547 bales ; Batoum , 376
bales ; sundries , 178 bales ,
Ketr Yor/c IJry nee l Market.
NRW YORK. March M. The week's trading
In dry goods hns ben light. It Is generally con
ceded that the talk of war potcltjllltles has
been the choice factor In the quieting of trade.
Woolen goo < ! s suffered most severely , in men's
wear fabrics tha nil wool and higher priced
, mixed Roods 1mv hail n , very quiet week , white
trading In the cheaper grades has t > een llaht.
Tha demand for dress goods Is also without fea
ture and very Irresiilar. Cotton goods of nil
grades sro quiet. Print clothi ten very slowly. |
Prints In all grades are quiet nnd have soil
clowly durln/r the week. Olnebams continue :
active at cooj prices.
Savur ) Iarket * .
NEW ORLTlANfl , March 2 RUOAR Dull ;
open kettle , 2i/3 11-llSc ; no granulated or vvhltn
ntTere < l : yellow , 4&4 < ic : sends , 2,03 ; li-lCc.
Mnln es. dull : centrifugal , CftHc.
NEW YORK , March 2 . SUGAR Raw. quiet
and flrm ; fair refining , S'tc ; centrifugal , M test ,
4c ; reflned. steady : mold A. Kfte : ttandard A. Cc ;
conf ctlonera' A , Co ; cut loaf , ( He ; crushed. SKc ;
powdertil , S-llo ; cranuls * * , l % & ; oubu , BC-Ua
Usual Saturday Conditions Prevail at the
Local Yards.
Trnrto Without Feature" nncl I rlcc
lrucflenllr UnclianRed Hoar * a
Shade to rive Cunt * Lower
and Active.
SOUTH OMAHA , Starch SC.-Hocclpts of
the days Indicated were : ,
Cattle. HOBS. Sherp. Hor's.
Mnrch W MS C.22S 2.7M 23
March 23 1.7S7 7,612 3.352 1
March 24 . " ,103 6,751 7.503
March 23 2.M7 3,3.13 3 , ! 0 2i
March 12 2,930 4.M4 B.S15 1
March 21 1.429 1.77S 6,710 16
Mnrch 13 1.20S 3,353 1,701 7
Mnrch 18 2,307 4.70S 2.003
Mnrch 17 l.SM 4,730 H.1M 3
March 10 3.b37 4,813 6,353 . . . .
March 13 3,720 6,007 3,011 3fl
March II 2,188 1,620 4.S6 2
March 12 2.10S 4.633 7W 20
March 11 2,483 6,912 1'JG
March 10 2,342 4.C97 10.207
Match 9 2.SOI 6.251 6,576 47
March S 2,930 6,003 7.SG9 3
The ofllclnl number of cars of slock
brought In today by each road was :
Cntllc. HOES. Sheep. Hor's.
C. . M. & St. P. lly. . . 1 2 . . . .
Missouri Paclnc Hy. . . . 2
Union Pacific System. . . 17 6 1
C. & N.V. . lly 1
P. , n. .t M. V. H. 11. 7 14 3
S. P. , M. & O. Hy. . . . 7 7 . . . .
H. & M. K. H. 11 22 28 3
C. , U. & Q. lly 2
K. C. & St. J 2
O. , U. I. & 1 . Hy. , e. . 2
C. , H. I. & P. lly. , w. . . 1
Tolal receipts 41 74 12 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers Catllo. Hoss. Sheep.
Omaha Packlna Co 66 1,016
a. II. Hammond Co 2M ) 1,00.1
Swift nnd Company 217 1,210 2,057
Cudnhy 1'ackllitf Co 153 1,470
J. L. Carey 37
Liobmnii & Rothschilds , . . 10
Krebba & Co 303
L , . P. llusu 3t >
H. Hamilton 43
Planklnton , Milwaukee 570
Chicago 1 > . Co. , Neb. City. . . . 71
Oilier buyers 92
Left over 200
Tolals 913 5,653 2,420
CATTLE Hecclpls today , 93S head ; ycslcr-
day , 1.7S7 , ono week lace , 1,208 ; two 'Weeks
ace , 2.103 : receipts for Hie week , 12.0H head.
All ilolil only tiilrty-nin * fresli loads cr cnt-
lle were In Ihe yards , hardly cnotiRh lo make
a real tcssl of iho market , certainly not
enough lo Inlcreit buyers to any great cx-
Ucef Steers Whllo a largo proportion ot
nil 'the rattle here , were beef slecrs , there
were so few In that It did not cut much fig
ure. The buyers , however , wanted Ihe catlle
and Ihey tok all offerings nt Just nbout
steady prices. The market , ns usual at the
close of the week , wiis without feature of
Interest or Importance.
Uutchers' Stock As a. buyer remarked. It
mas slim picking this morning. There were
very Jew loads of tows and heifers In Ihe
yards In addition to th ° few olds and end ? .
As was tlio case with fal calllo Ihe market
did not show any material change , values
being Just nbout steady on ull kinds.
Stock C.Ulle There i\ero no fresh slack
ers or feeders In Hie yards lo spsak of , and
the market was nominally steady. The de
mand for light stockers or anything on the
calf order holds up exceedingly well. The ,
country still wants that kind of catllo nnd
Is willing lo pay gcod-prices. Half fat cat
tle , on th ? olher hand , have not sold so well
for feeders. This is due , In part nt least ,
to the fact that a good many of the unfin
ished and half fat cattle that have been
coming In arc not very desirable for feeders.
Representative sales :
DUE ! ' " 8TKEUS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
25..1092 14 35 1 , . . . COJ 3 00 4. . . . 125410
M..1210 4 05 8..1221 4 45 16..10US 4 CO
12..1208 430 15..12J7 445 3..10SO 41)
8. . . . S02 400 2. . . . US 3 CO88. . . . . 972 400
1..11CO 400 4..131S 443 19..1110 4 35
11..1411 463 1..1UO 430 7..1061 43' ' ,
1. . . . 870 375 3. . . . { § 3(5 14..1173 4 40
3. . . . 833 415 18..1207 435 40..ISM 4 CO
1. . . . 900 415 37..1133 435 l..lli,0 440
1..1510 490 16..1093 420 3. . . . 933 400
39..1127 439 a..1040 410 22..1108 425
2..1000 415 7..1025 400 12..1387 465
8..1413 465 19. . . . M4 440 2. . . . S45 3 M
17..1318 390 C..1J13 345 2. . . . 515 4 M
21..1327 4 50 40..KC9 4 40 22..12JS 4 40
7..1121 375 I..10SO 3M 11. . . . ? K > 3 75
2..1200 340 1..1150 SCO S..10M 3(5
1..1200 375 1..1100 315 1..1UO 3 ! > U
3. . . . 870 2 SO 4. . . . 812 280 1. . . . 910 33. )
2..IMS 365 1. . . . 870 385 1. . . . 910 295
1..1000 325 1. . . . 900 3 63 4..10J5 .175
5..1116 3W 1..WO 300 1..1070 3 CO
1..12SO 3 CO 1..1070 325 3. . . . STO 2 85
2..1075 325 1. . . . D'.O 325 1. . . . 84) 275
1..1700 395 1..1200 350 4. . . . 725 3 OJ
1..1060 3 CO 7..1171 3 7i > 1. . . . 910 2'30
2..1075 3 fO 2. . . , C20 4 05 1. . . . 620 3 85
11. . . . WO 370 8. . . . 671 380 2. . . . C85 380
1. . . . 450 275 1. . . . 720 400 2. . . . 675 365
1. . . . 450 325 14. . . . D 415 1. . . . 670 375
2..1115 4 00 1. . . . 880 3 CO 1. . . . 990 t S.5
2. . . . 625 3 75 . . . . 720 3 EO
1..1340 310 1..16JO 315 1. . . . 520 S 00
1. . . . 970 3 CO 1..12M 3 40 1..1320 3 35
1..1160 3 CO 1..1140 3 65 1. . . . 950 .1 00
1..1450 300 1..1420 315 2. . . . 820 375
B..123G S 35 1. . . . 910 3 65 1..1090 2 85
1. . . . MO 8 5 1..1170 3C5
1. . . . 270 E 00 1. . . . 320 4 75 1. . . . 2SO 4 75
20..1334 370 8..11SG 375 1..1450 360
6..1300 3 70 1..1320 4 20 2..1605 4 00
1. . . . NX ) 3 75
1. . . . 670 4 CO 2. . . . COO 450 16. . . . 623 495
10. . . . 820 4.10 3. . . . CCO 410 11..1001 415
16. . . . 9V ) 4 20 2. . . . 840 4 15
1IOOS llecclpts today , 0,228 heart ; yesterday
7,512 head ; ono week njo , 3,355 hern ! ; t o weeks
euro , 5,512 head. Total receipt ! * for the week , 27-
879 head.
Tlio mnrlict opened with n KOiJ shlppin ? , us
well as local demand , and a few of tlio best ,
heavy nnd butcher weUht liops that were v.nnUd
on rfilnplng orders sold'very nearly BH well as
> esteruay. In fact , $3.75 was paid for choice
heavy , which was ns hlsh us anything brought
yesterday. Tlio general market , however , opened
a shade lower and the closa wus Co lower on
mixed hogs.
With only sixty-live londH on pain Ihe Irado
was eoon over with , the Imps being all told
and welshed up at an early hour.
During the llrst half of the week the his
market showed \ erjll"l > ch.nw , ilia IKVI ttll-
Ing practically In the same notch. During the
last three days prices srdaually dropped , the
week closlnR with values lie lower than nt thp
opening. On the closing d-vv of the week hogs
Bold at the lowest point touched since Kebruury
2 , and 25I720o loner than thn high point of the
year , which was on February 21. Rvprcfcentntlvo
s.ilca :
No. Av. Sh. IT. No. Av. Eh. pr.
61 211 . . . 3C5 C5 253 ICO J3 60
ft ! 244 JO 3 CO | 16 145 . . . 360
91 2C9 40 3 CO 79 23' ' ) fO SCO
M 22S 40 3 CO ' 53 ? 9I ICO 360
< O 227 . . . 3 CO 42 230 . . . 3 CO
61 264 . . . 3 6214 (3 213 . . . 3 C21J ,
CS 284 200 3 C2'4 93 23G 160 3 C24 !
71 227 . . . 3 C214 C9 245 . . . 3 62U
CR 222 CO 3 C2 > i 71 2tt > 100 3 62'4
42 334 . . . 3 62 > ,4 CO 231 40 3 CJ',4
72 237 40 3 C5 I 73 274 . . . 3 C5
62 260 . . . 3 C5 73 240 . . . 3 CS
75 23 i . . . 3 C5 58 , . 2.U 80 3 65
79 K7 . . . 3 71 ,241 . . . 3 G3
76 243 SO 3 C.- 1 C5 278 80 3
C9 277 . . . 363 Hi 211 . . . 3V
C5 297 40 3 C5 64 2 l 80 3 C5
70 2CS 120 3 63 I 6S 8V5 40 3 Co
73 2fi.1 1JO 3 W 2.18 . . . 3 Co
CD 2.-n . . . 3 Co C9 303 W 3 C3
M 2SD M 3 C5 C9 3I . . . 3 C5
K 276 124 3 C3 C3 309 ICO 3 C3
63 2V > M 3 65 K 258 EO 365
77 271 160 3 63 'i ' 75 1M 40 365
61 S85 M 365 C2 2C1 . . . 3 Co
67 241 . . . 363 79 21)7 ) 40 3 Co
73 291 . . . 3 65 f.1 2.V 120 3 63
71 2VJ KO 3 63 CO va 40 3 65
77 239 . . . 3 C7'4 79 249 121 3 67
76 245 ICO 36714 f8 2 3 . . . 3 C7
72 235 . . . 3071,4 81 216 . . . 3 671 (
67 281 120 36714 125 301 40 3 67'i
67 258 40 370 13 314 . . . 370
rs : s < ! co 3 70 i 73 20 co s 70
75.263 . . . 3 70 I Cl 265 . . . 2 70
74 236 . . . 370 65 2-,6 . . . S 70
62 UC ICO 370 I Ii 351 ICO I 70
C2 358 ICO 3 75
4 207 . . . 3 CS C 210 . . . 3 C2U
4 225 . . . 370 1 150 . . . 375
BIII2KI' Receipt * today. 2,726 head ; yesterday.
3,352 head ; ono -week ago , 1,701 lien/1 ; two weeks
a co , 7M head ; total receipts for the week , 30,123
The day's receipts consisted of twelve cars , two
of nhJcli were corulfmed direct to a packer.
Tlie offerings were pretty well divided between
sheep and lambs. While the quality was fnlr
there was nothing njual to the l'ort Collins
lambs on sale yesterday ,
lluyera teemed to want the offerings nnd were
bidding fully steady , If not strong prices. At
the cama time the market w s a llttlo slow ,
owlni ; to the fact that sellers were a klnir pretty
* tlff prices. A bl c bunch of Mexican wethers
fold at SI.CO , while the lambs brought (4.7505,10.
Representative sales ;
Nn. Av , Pr.
CC Mexican stlecp 114 tl CO
M7 Mexican IdrnUi Cl 4 M
223 Mexican iambi 65 t 19
263 Mexican lambs CG 475
HI. I.oul * Lire Stock.
BT. LOUIS. March -CATTLi : Itecelpts. 700
head , with no Teiani ; ihlpmenln , 70) head ;
market sleady for natives ; itronc for Texan ;
fair to fancy natlv * ablpplnf and export tleeri ,
A New Hook , 1'rlce In clolti , Jl.OO. In
natter , BO cent * .
CONTENTS Professional speculation In
stocks , cotton and grain. Mcthoilo of succeii-
ful speculators described.Vliy novices
lose nnd how professionals Knln. Difference -
once between ppeculntlott nnd gambling.
S.ifo rules. QiinlKlcalloii * nnd facilities *
necessary to success. Exchange laws.
Warnings to the unwary. Who to trust
nnd who to avoid. Invaluable sujnrcsilon *
to amateurs nnd Investors , &c. , Sec. All
entertaining book by an old professional
speculators. Send for a circular tnora
fully descriptive.
A clear nnd eotiilzc In ? upon method * In
speculation. New York Evening t-'un , March tth.
Written In rnlcrtnlnlng fashion. The x-
perlcncF nnd keenness of the nutlior la undoubt
ed. New York Times , Mnrch Dili.
The ntithor Is nn cxpeileiiccd speculator , who
tolls liovv money Is inaiip nn.l lo t In Wall strict.
New Yolk Trllmne , March 9th.
The look deals wltli nn Intereitlng subject In
nn entd mining manner. N. Y. Stockholder ,
Mnrch 5th.
TH u Atrriioirs run. co. , so and a
llrnud St. , XIMV York.
Telephone U ) ; ? ! ) . Omaha , Neb
Direct wire * to Chicago and New York.
Correspondentsi John A. Warren A Co.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch OBlce. 1C38 N SI. . Liocola. Neb.
tc. . cHiusTin. K. ; . STniKT.
President. Vice 1'rcMdcnt
Cfifislie-Slreet Commission Cos
Cniiltnl , ? r.lO ) ( . < H . Kullr 1'nlil.
Ill H on I'd of Trade llnllillilu : .
Never hns nnythlnc been EO Justly praised ni
Hit r-lion for tie ! nerves , body nnil lirnln. It
replaces the essentials of Ufa that hnvo been
exhausted by hl h llvlnp , overwork , worry ,
brain fatigue , IndlRCstlon , CXOOKSM and abuse.
It rrctiti'A guild llcsli , iniiHclo mill BtrciiRtli.
clears the brain , makes the blood pure nnd.
rich nnd causes n general feeling of health ,
strength and renewed vitality , while the Rtncr-
nllvo organs nro helped to regain tholr normnl
poncrs nnd the Miffcrcr Is quickly made I con-
fclous of direct benenu iliir-llcn Is the result
of over 20 years' experience In the treatment
of the nervous disorders of mnn nnd woman
and Is endorsed by physicians nil over th
world as u most excellent
It Is purely nn nnlmnl nnd vcRclablo cxlract ,
contains no poisonous substances , nnd Is prc
imro.l In Rucar-coaleil tablets , easy to tnlto.
lar-Hcii Is f or snlont nil drug stoics , n Ofl-ilose.
box for CO cents , enough for ono to two months'
treatment. In case of premature lost vitality ,
linr-IIrn Is n prompt , nbsoluto nnd permanent ,
spcclllc , produclnn results wltlioutn parallel In
the history of medicine. As iihpeclal offer If
ycu will wrlto lo us , remitting Jl.OO , wo will
forward a 00-doso box of our remedy nnd will
glvo your case nny special attention needed.
Wo answer all letters In plain envelope and
hold all correspondence strfctlv confidential.
Sulto'Jl.SUl'ublloSq. .
Cleveland. O.
luilit on ( tcttlng the genuine
A 60-doso box for 50 cents
For lie Ijr
Kuhn & Co. , lth nnd DouRlas ; .T. A. Fuller &
Co. , 1402 Douiflns St. , nnd araliam DniB Co. .
15th nnd rarnam ; King's Pharmacy , 27tli nn *
I oaven\\orth ; leyton'B Pharmacy , 21th nn.1
Lfavcnworth ; E. J. Hcjkoni , 8. Omaha , nnd all
oilier dniKBlBta In Ontalia , 8. Omaha , Council
Bluffs and vicinity.
J4.5005.CO ; bulk of rales , f4.70W5.25 ; dretted , beef-
and butcher steers , | 4.209T5.2 ! > ; built of sales ,
f4.30iT4.S3 ; steers under 1,000 Iln. , J3.7004.40 ; bulk
of talcH , 51.S0g4.W ; stockcrs and fceder , J3 COQ )
4.70 ; bulk of nalei , > } 3,75Q4.4.1 ; cows nnd liclfers ,
J1.7u < ff4CO : bulk of cows. I2.75tj3.SO ; Texas nnd ,
Indian steer * , $3.2504,70 ; bulk of sales , | 3.90@ >
4.M ; cowd and heifers , } 2.40i3.CO.
HOGvS ItccclplB , 3.000 liead ; tlilpmcnts , 3,400-
head ; market barely steady ; yorlrrs ; , J3.70 ®
3.W ; packcrc , $3.CT,03.S5 ; butchers. 13.8503.00.
BII1JI311 Hccelpts , 400 head ; elilpments , none ;
market steady ; native muttons , | 4.004.m ; lambs ,
Trnilc In Hog * Iw Dull nnd I'rlcc * .
Further Decline.
CHICAGO , March 26. Trade In cattle was dull '
at steady prices. The light supply was readily
taken. Extra choice steers cold at from f3.CO to
J3.7T , ! cllolco to good steers at from 14.80 to
(3.40 ; fair to medium at from 14.20 to (4.75 ; cow * ,
and liclfers at from J3.CO to Jl ; calves at from
} ! to JO.50.
Trade In hoes was dull nnd prices declined ,
nbout 2',4o to Cc. Hogs , poorest to best , sold
largely at from J3.EO to J3.W , the extreme range ,
'l/lng ' from { 3.65 to $3.85 ; iilga sold meslly ut
from J3.50 to J3.10.
.Sheep were ) steady and unchanged on light re
ceipts. Sheep told nt from > 4 to fl.75 for woolcil
and at from 13 to $3,90 for thorn , rams bringing
from J2 to Jl ; yearling Iambi brought from J4.10.
to J5 und lambs from (4.75 to J5.CO.
Itecclpts : faille , 300 head ; ihoga , 15,000 head ;
sheep , 6,000 head ,
Lnulnvllle Live Nt clr.
T.OUISVILL13. March 88.-CATTLK Market
dull nnd fully 10j)15o ) lower : extra good export
steeiv , tl.60 4,65 ; cholco butcher nicer" , | 4,104J
4.30 ; fair to good butcher steers , J3.6 > ffl.i5 ; com
mon to medium butcher steers , } 3,40@,65 ; cl.lijc * .
heifers , 13.90JT4.15 ; fair to choice butcher cows ,
J2.liOft3.C5 ; medium to good fctiU-rs , J3.63W4.15.
HOGS IlccolptH , 917 lic-.ulj tops , 13.90 ; me *
ilium * . J1.75S3.SO ; light Clippers , J3.SOff3.70 ; pigs ,
HIIUCl * AND LAMIlS-Market steady and un
changed ; pool to extra fhlpy'ng rlieep , 13.DO ® .
3.75 ; fair to good fihecp , J3.iM rfj3.25 ; common to
medium , 12.0M2.CO | ; extra thlpplng lambs , 14.75-
i5.00 ; fair to good lambs , Jl. 2531,75 ; beat
butchers , JI.OOG4.CO ; fair to good butchers , 13.WJ ?
Kniixna City Live SliicU.
KANSAS CITV , March 20. CATTLK Receipt * ,
251 hea < I ; market 10&20o Mgher en the week ;
prevailing dlfposlllon U to hoU clJol-e otlcrlnK *
In nntlclpatlcn of higher prices ; li'ghect prlca
paid for beef cattle was 15,15 , thoimh Hrlctly
fancy grades were nomlnilly worth J3.25W3.40.
IIOOS HocclptH , 4,3(0 head ; market continue *
to decline ; bulk of sales today , J3.COK3.70 : iHes ,
J3.2Ti(3,60 ( : llghtH , J3.50fj3.70 ; licavlcn. J3.COQ3.M ;
pa.cker , J3.tOQ3.73 ; mixed , J3.C383.73 ; yorkers ,
J3.C.- , 3.70.
fiHIJBl1 Ilecrlpts , fXX ) head ; millions have ad-
vnnccvl lOiilCo nnd lambs nbout 10o during tha
week ; some clipped rheep nnd Inmln nrc comlnff-
In nnd fell nbout 75o under wool grades ; mut
tons , N.200'1.60 ; lambs , I4.705J5.JO. '
Inillnnapollii LlvrStnek ,
INDIANA1 OL1S. March 28.-CATTI.E-Re-
celptu , 200 head ; shipments , fair ; marktt-ste dy ;
nil t < ol.I ; good lo prime steamers , J4,40j5.20 ; fair
to medium fleers. J4.C034.SO ; common to sooj
stnckern , I3.2ini.00.
IIOOS Receipt * , 3,000 head ; oH'pment" , 1CO
hca/l ; market Mow , lOo loner tlun yo tf-rilay ;
gwNl to choice medium nnU heavy , J3.EifT3.M ' :
mixed , I1.7MJ3.S3 : good to eholca lights , J3.60 { >
3.S3 ; common lights , M.705J3.SO.
SIiniU'-RecelptF , light : shipments , nonn ; mar
ket utea-dy ; nil old ; good to rholco Iamb1) , S5.40-
5.65 ; fair to me < 1liini lambs , Jt.COfi3.I3 ; good to
chotco sheep , { 4.2504CO ; common sheep , J2.7J5J
3.40. I
Uniil I.llierly MVP Slork.
KART I IIICHTI' . I'a. . March 2S.-CATTLE- .
steady ; prime , J5.05fi3.15 : common , J3.60a4.10i
bulls , slags nnd cows , 1200174.10.
HOGS Lower : prime medium , 14.155(4 20 ; l > eit
yorker * . J4.IOff4.15 : heavy hogs. J4.10W4 15 ; llirht
yorkers , 4,00 4.0S : plg , as to quality , 3.CO {
3.90 ; roughs. 12.M83.63.
flllUHI'-Steady ; choice , J4 85fJiVM ; common ,
J3.C094 00 : choice lamb * , I585Q6.00 ; ommon t
good , J4.75Q5.75. .
CALVUS Veal , JC.M80 50.
NPTT YiiTk Live Nlouk.
Nn\V YORK. March 28.-BiiViS-Hcc ! pt * ,
CI7 head ; no trading : exports , 1,35) head cattl *
and 1,370 quartern of beef ,
PAT.VKft-RocHpt * . 42 head ; no trading ; city
drenied veals. tl.t'O'flll.W' ' ' .
Hliuntl AND LAUIia Receipt * , 2.C7S head ;
sheep , firm : Inmbs. hlithtr : ulieep , | 4.00tT4.87H ;
IambiJ .OOfiC.CO ; cllnpeil , f5.4 .
IirxiS llwelpts , 2WC head ; nominally iteady
at JI.1CC4.40.
Sftxik In
Ttryonl of receipts of ll\o clock at the four
principal marketa for March 26 :
Cattle. Hom. Kh p.
Omaha 51. ' t.Ki 1,724
fUcsgo JM 1J.CKX ) tCO )
Kanm City J'rO 4.JW CM
St. I ul 700 I.OOT M *
ToUU .lilM