FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , MARCH 2G , 1898-TWELTE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Grand Of Special 65c Sanford Offering MILLINERY ; OPENING OPENINC SATURDAY Brussels Carpet at 39c yard. On sale TO OUR HOST OF FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS- i We ( J. L. Brandeis & Sons ) are showing xin our ICECREAM promptly at 9 o'clock and Millinery Department the prettiest and most ele- not more than 50 yards to any one customer , all in gant Millinery in Omaha. This is not our own verdict , but the verdict of eve y well dressed woman in the city , but if there is any one who has not heard' SODA new , bright this season's that we are showing the most authentic Millinery modes for Spring , which en bmce foreign ideas , New York ideas and supplemented by exclusive designs patterns. of our own , let them ask their friends and they will be surprised. To our old patrons , as well as our new ones , we extend an invitation : o bur grand Spring Opening , which takes place Saturday and Monday. 5c 39c 16th IN Douglas ftihaha. i : JLNMDEISftSOIS Novelties in Candy Easter , | Eggs in our Lunch Room. PROPRIETORS/ For tnis grand opening we are showing a To make our opening sale still more at selection of over a thousand tractive , we will place on sale on our TRIMMED HATS second floor on a large bargain " $2.50 , $3.98 , S5 and $10 violets counter velvet and and , new silkwith thousands fresh flowers foliage. of others , roses in , I0c Trimmed equally as chic and stylish as the new Shepherdess In all the new shades and every bunch and Marquise dress hats which we are displaying in our French worth 50c and $1 choice for pattern room at $ , your our opening at lOc per bunch. One bargain square with thousands of yards of straw braids for making Ic hats , all colors , worth 25c and 50c yard yard , choice Ic a yard. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN LADIES' SUITS. DRESS SKIRTS JACKETS AND WRAPPERS Lndlos' very newest styles In A.Ji fe"VP > .oo. . tam A TS-n-mp * e JIHT * > TEA roTTiwe , OBOL _ _ WRAPPERS AND GOWNS SERGE SUITS , strictly all wool , lined New Strictly All Wool Storm Serge Skirt ? , Having purchased all the Sample Wrappers and Tea Gowns from Kupfor throughout with tfood quality of silk , \ Bros. , 120 Gruono street , one of the largest and finest wrapper manufacturers in full width , nicely lined with high grade silk nml actually worth 818.00 , on sale at $10.75 New York , wo will place till the fine percnlo , lawn , dimity , wool challio and taffeta , actually worth $10.00 , on sale at cashuiero wrappers on sale Saturday. Over a thousand to select from and every STORM SERGE BLOUSE SUITS , one different. We have placed them in tlirco lots Over 1,000 Silk Skirts to select nicely made , blouse lined throughout with bill ; , Very Pine Percale Wrappers , pretty from in brocaded pros grains , figured satin actually worth $10.00 , on sa'oatj ' ehadcs , extra waibt lining , rulllo trimmed yokes , allpf them made 59c duchosbo and bayadoro stripes , all of them In tlin lutcst . style , and if bout-lit in tlio roitnlnr wiy would bp worth 81.00 worth from S9.00 to 3)12.50 ) , on tale at For our opening sale wo uro showing it large variety of all the latest styles in and Jl.'Ja , but as tliuy uro samples , they goo lisa Jo at 5Uc ciicji T . ATiTTT.Si' STTTTR in covert cloth , whipcord , fancy mixtures , " " J-'J"CJtJ KJVAJ.K3 Tlio newest styles In Lawn and FlnoPercnl o AA IK I l\t\ The New Flounced Skirt in . - , high. - " Bcrtrcs and broadcloths made iu blouse effects Wrappers , trimmed with Insertions ribbons , I aces , UUfl VI UU Spanish fects , fly front , tight lilting and English box reefer coats , at on totii.00. : . , till otibnloutTSc with very full , Dfrcumll.U8 skirts linil all of them wolth up Mill. UUU UllUU ilk -.111 grade black talTcta , trimmed with from one to six rufllos , on sale ai $12.50. SI5.00 SI9-00 $25-00 All Wool Ghallie Tea Gowns ° ° ° ° . , - , - i , $2,50 S3.98 $12SO $15 $25 nil nindo extra wlilo mid trimmed wltli velvet . ribbon silk rlh . * , " ninlcs 8ilklacoand bun and rutllus , bciuitiful Inrgo luco collnr.s.worUi $15 to 117.50 . NEW SILK CAPES . > ' Fine Tan Kersey Jackets , olopahtiy.Bilk stitched fly front , , coal 50 CHILDREN'S REEFERS , from 2 to 15 years , in all colors , made 98 back , lined throughout with heavy taffeta silk , actually worth $15.00 , $7 of good quality cloth , handsomely ombroi'dorfd , $2 on srnlo at $7.50 ' . actually worth $0.00 , on sale at $2.08 BIG SALE WONDERFUL NEW STYLES BARGAINS SPRING FOR MEN , Men's All Wool Men's All Wool Men's All Wool Men's Extra Fine All Wool Men's fine all wool Custom Men's All Wool SPRING SUITS SPRING SUITS SPRING SUITS SPRING SUITS Tailor Made Suits NOVELTY SUITS Dark and light In plain and fanft Latest styles in /Very latest styles * Light and 0 M In imported wor colors , round and cy worsteds , cas- $ sacks and frocfis ' 5n , cassimeres , w dark colors inO steds , cassimeres , simore and cheviots , light and dark Jcheviots and wor- cassimeres and I and cheviots , lined square corners , real value seven and round and square colors , real value fsteds , very hand- fancy worsteds , I with extra quality half cut , real value fourteen P somely made and extra well trimI bilk and satin , in light a und darlc slmclos , rout twelve dollars dollars ( 'trimmed , worth $15 med , worth $17 vuluo twonty-llve dollars. . CHILD'S , BOYS' AND YOUNG MEN'S Spring Suits HOYS'SUITS in Scotch plaid , dark cassimeres $ and mixtures , sl/os I ! to 1 10 , real vuliin fl.no uud } _ > , RO utfl.OO for tlio Nobby In vesti'o ChiUU-en'sSuitS JUKI junior btyles , $159 | ullli bis collais and fancy Y.t , In plain anil 1 fancy nirocts and ll lit colors for the Kiiat l.&U AtS2. Hoys all wool Spring Suits light colors ami mix ' tures , In bl . uo. Kray Boys' Stylish Ian , iNo bliiolc , clay , all wool I to 10 , never i-iiiiu > led for the money , go toUtiy ut I2.oa SUITS. In tlio latest up to- data ojirlng style , In Scotch i > lnlls , casil- inoros and worsteds , sire 4 to 8 , with big collars , or In douulo breasted style In sizes Oto 10 , go for today at 11.08. Today we open a new nnd complete line of BOYS1 CONFIRMATION SUITS In worsteds , diagonals , chevi ots-blue and black , from , ol)4& ) ( It will save you big moucy to n pct fineaiuta , , v Men's Shirts MEN'S LAUNDERED SHIRTS * with collars attached or detached all the latest patterns and colors , positively worth 7 c and Sl.OO go today at Men's Best French Lisle Men's and Boy's Cotton SOCKS SWEATERS worth twcnty-flvo cents , Today 10 G PAIR. 25 ° Worth Double. SPECIAL SPRING OPENING HAT SALE FEDORAS STIFF .HATS in amber , ash , brown , pray in black , tan and brown , and black worth up to $3. including the now Broad goat way special worth up tc . 13.00 , goat $1,98 , $1,50 , 95c $1.98 , $1.50 , 95t . The now PftUms , R. R. Shapes and ot'aers , 5flC , 75C , 98c , $1,251 $ UC THE GREAT CHALLENGE SALE UN.DENIABLY AND INDISPUTABLY THE GREATEST SACRIFICE EVER MADE. MEN'S ' LADIES' ' LADIES' OXFORD TIES Genuine Goodyear Welt Sole Black , Tan > Genuine hand turn and Goodyear welt Wine and G een made to retail for four , soles , black , tan and wine , made by Rochester houses , such E. P. Reed , as Selz Schwab five and .six dollars made by , ' Harding , Todd , Moore , Schafer , etc. & Co. , ' 'llice & Hutchins , Sidwell , De In the Basement. made to retail for four and live dollars , Windt & Co , all sizes all widths , A to at . . 1,200 pairs' ladies' black , go today $1.98. EE ttfday on our main floor at $1.98 apahv I tan and wine Oxford Ties , Ladies' Finest Hand Turn , Black made to retail for a dollar Silk VestingTop.Silk Eyelets , Kid Boys' Shoes YOUTHS' ' SHOES and a half and two dollars Vamp Shoes and Finest All Kid Shoes , made to retail at live orth up to two and a 1m all sizes , at 75c worth up to dollars , go on dollars , go today at . three dollars Bargain Square. $1.50 Ladies $3.00 Dongola Shoes $1.59 $1,50 and . Infants 50c , Ladies' $1.50 Dongola Shoes 98c 75c and $1.00 | LITTLE GENTS' ' SHOES , Fancy Soft Ladies' Five Dollar Men's dollar ) " Sole Shoes , High Cut $9.50 TENNIS SHOES ; . 89c and $1" $ on floor main Bicycle BOOTS L , - , " - " "A.iV - f. "