Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Threatening Political Situation is Domi
nating the Markets.
Declined -\rc fulfil In Ilnlh Mny nnd
July \Vlu-nt , n \ VII un In the
Olln-r ( Iriiliin iiuil 1'ro-
, tlNllltlN.
CHICAGO , March 25.-Uaul lnllon of long
properly continued on the Board of Trndo
today , the threatening political .situation
dominating all other Inlluonces. Covering
of short contracts near the close caused
rallies throughout , but left declines In July
wheat of ! 4fic , 140 In May corn , J/4 t > u
In oats and 245fl"c ! In provisions , the latter
in ! V7ny pork , Clique' brokers ticcepted all
the May wheat offered und held It ut (1.01.
Wheat opened' weak nnd lower on the ex
tremely hcn.vy nhlpments from Argentine ,
that 'couhtry ' contributing 2,3CO,000 bu. dur
ing the week , compared with one-tenth of
that amourit In the same week last year.
Liverpool babies showed declines In that
market averaging ftil , part of which wus
quickly recovered. From 82'JJSJ1,4c ' nt the
Btart , July roll to 82c. und held steady at
that Ilguro for some time , rallying occaslon-
a'ly ' to > c , only to bo poundeii down again.
Chlcagu receipts were 117 c.irs , ngalnst 19
u your ago. Minneapolis and IJuluth re-
pjrted 310 curs , compared with 43 $ last year.
As the session progressed the market be
came HtlH heavier. July finally tumbling to
fiV/tc. War talk undoubtedly had much Io
ilo with the decline , which wus accompanied
iliy ho.ivy llriuldutlon. Professionals covered
from ttiu down , but the offerings more than
uatlslled them. A cablegram stating that
the potnlo crop In the United Kingdom
was the smallest slncu 1MI bad llttlo or no
effect. Sales of thirty boat loads nt the
oeabourd anil the Modern Miller report al
leging serious damage to the growing plant
In California , Nebraska , Kansas und Texas
( luring the recent cold wave started a buy
ing movement near the clcse. whloh ra lied
Iirlces u full cent. May Hold between 11.03
nnd $1.01 , closing at $1.01. July opened He
lower ut 82li < fi82V > c , sold off to iUic und
closed ut S2'MfS2Vic , sellers.
Corn shared In the general weakness , but
although lower prices prevailed , there was
n Hitlllclent number of shorls willing to take
prollts io hinder full sympathy with the
weakness In wheat , 'line receipts were only
332 cars against 150 estimated , and only 123
wns thu numberof cars predicted for to
morrow' . Thu Atlantic port clearances for
the day were 713,000 bu. . about half from
Newport News. The lucovury In wncat
the end had a beneficial effect. May opened
J/fcc lower nt 2S3iTi 220 , sold nt 2V4W-SBC ,
und rallied to 2S',4c nt thu close.
-O.itt suffered n decline of ' , i < ( Ic for May
delivery , und WnVtc for July , on tnoder.ito
trading. Longs were the chief sellers. The
weakness In wheat nnd i-orn had a good
leal to do with the heaviness that prevailed.
No export business was done. Kxporls from
Atlantic cities were IV..OOO ' bu. The local
receipts wore 109 cars. May opened at from
2Viq to 23c , declined to 23c and c.oscd
worth 2.VBc.
Provisions were weak , nnd selling of pjrk
more especially was urgent for a long time.
Thu sle.idler feeling In iu grain markets
near the end of the setylon had somewhat
reassuring effect , und caused Iho recovery
of some ot the early decline. May pork
showed u loss of 2 < K'C n bbl. nt one time ,
nnd of 17Jic at the end. I/iril and ribs wi-ro
relatively less weak. Tlu > former lost for
tha day 21"ff ! > o , and Iho lutter 2V&TI , > f for
Way. with July leasing oft nt Thursday's
' " '
"icst'lmaled recclpls for tomorrow : Wheat.
170 cars ; c-orn , 123 cars ; oats , 1C3 cars ; hOjjs ,
3G.OOO head.
Lending futures ranged na follawa :
ArUciea . | Open. | HUli. I Low. I Close ! YoHt'y
May. . . 1 0.1 1 04 i on 1 04 1 01
July. . . HIM
Snpt. . .
May. . . 2SVJISV ! 2SMOM
July- , -.Hi 2UH-HI )
Sept. . ,
ilny. . . L'5
July. . . - -
Mny. . . I ) SS U 37W n ii.i l > -15 n ii2u
July. . . 1) 57M U US I ) 40 0 01i ! ) U (17H (
May. . . 5 00 n on 4 [ 15 4 071 s on
July. . . G 1)2 ) 007Hi 3 IIJU 5 O'- " 5 07M
May. . . 4 D7M 5 OU 4 P7H n no C 01) )
July. . . 805 a on a os fi 05
No. 2.
Ca n iiuotatlons were ns follows :
FLOUU Dullsteady ; winter palent , t
( trulghts , SI.'OiH.W ; sprhiK > > iH-clals , 3.iu fj.10 ;
eprlng patents. Tcyj.lO : utrnlghts , | 4.4'jtf ' 1.60 ;
takers. IJ G0 3 90.
WIIKAT No. 2 Fprlng , C0i(83i ! ; No. 3 sprlnif ,
8Si9c ; No. 2 red. J1.COV4.
COIIN No. 2 , 28Si-28'4c.
OATS No. 2. S3',4ji2to ; No. 2 white , 2914'830e ' ;
Ho. 3 white , 27H 2 c.
HYi : No. 2. 4Uc.
i KLAXSHlID-No. 1. JI.17O1.IO.
TIMOTHY SKHD rrhiie , J2.S-ff2.S7 < 4.
I'UOVIBIONH 1'ork , nie > s. per bbl. . H.43W
8.SO. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , tl.WiW4.93. llacon.
abort rlln sl.iet ( loose ) , tl.S2Ut45.10. Dry salted
vhoulderx ( liox-d ) . t4.ni4.S7H ; short clear sides
-boxed ) . t"i.X * > fi" > .40.
* WHISKY DUtlllers' llnlshed goods , per gal , ,
BUOAIlH-Cut loaf. 3.SS ; Kianulated. J3.3 .
On the Produce exchange todsy the butter
market v ns llrm ; cieamerles , isSrlSJio ; dairies ,
Cheete , quiet ut S'uS' c. Kggs , nesh ,
AIT.W YOUK ( ii\iil.\L : 3IAHKET.
{ Dno < ntloiifi for tlir Ilnx on General
Coiiiiiinilltlv * .
NHW YOUK , Marcli 2--ri.OUn-necelpts , 13 , .
SIS bbls. ; exports 30.30S bbls. ; quiet bill
( Inn ; city mill patents , to.S1iJG.tO ; city
mill clears , t3 W4T3.73 ; winter straights , t4.K
0tG * > ; Mlnnetotn patents , J3,10P3.40 ; winter put
cnts , f ! . ! > 3j5. 3 ; wlntec extras , J3.DOfll.10 ; Mlnnc
cntn bakur" , | 4.S34.C3 * ; winter low grades , $ : / >
O3.00. Use Hour. dull' t2 5JW3.2J. IJuckwhea
Hour , nominal , I1.301T1 & > .
lIUCKWHIIAT-Quli-t , 4 > .
cqilN.MI.'AL-Dull : jellovv western. 679O3Sc.
31YIJ Stendv ; No. 2 western. M c.
IIAHLIY : DUII ; feedipr , uvsc.
IIAULKY MALT-Qulet : weMern. 63tiC9c.
WHI.'AT llwc'lits. ' 71,223 bu. ; eMiorts.fil.fiefi bu
Epot ! , " : No. 2 teJ , f. o. b. niloit to nrrlvt
Optional suncrt-d another bad br-jk today , bnsci
un furtlur lliiildntlon | , eiinrnioiii. Argentliit ! ship
mentu , rumored 1'htladeliihla bank falluies niu
unsetlleil ixilltlcal situation. Opening we.ik u
ViU io derllne , It sold rff all day , pressure lie
Ing inootly In near months , vthlch clu od I'.iliPii
luwcr , aRRi'nit 'iO'tis decline In late ilrljverlrs
Kxport tiadu at all ports heavy. No. 2 icd
Jlnrch , rlwed nt $ UOi ! : May , 'J7ViWM ! c. clotei
ot ! Ko.
roilN Itecelnts. M.323 bu. : exports , C0.574 bu
Spot , vviiik ; No. 2 , S'lV" . Options v\ea\eneil b ;
further May llquhUtlon , fmall clearances and thi
drop In wheat , cloning i.Jriio lonei ; M.iy , 33V
lU'licloyed at 5-1 1 4 c.
OATH Hecelpts. 7S. 'fl bu. ; exports. f9.333 bu
Bpot , weaker ; No. 2. CO c : No. 2 white , 32c
Option" , dull nnd loner with cum , closing a
air net decline ; May iclc el at k\
FKKD-Uulet ; bran , 70ij > 3c ; middlings , sOc ; ry
feed. NUiiiKoi
HAY Dull ; shipping , 30Q33c ; good to choice
HOPS Steadier ; etatc. common to choice , IS1) )
crop. 4Cff o ; 1 % crop , 74rX'i ! 1897 crop , KOlKc
I'nrlllo const. JS95 crop , 40Co ; 1 < 38 croji.-
JK)7 ) crop , lifll'o.
s rirm ; California , 21i23 Ibs , ,
LIUTHKIl-Steady ; hemlock aole. Ilueno
Ayres. 20 < i20Uc.
WOOIQuet ; Texas , 12fl13c.
PHOVlSlONrt-lleef , nrm ; family. fl1.2S <
11.73 : beef hairs. t23.C < ) : packet. 110 S3O11.0) . Cu
jneats. dull : pickled liellle * . J3.8JViU .M : plrkle
boulders. t4.37V.tf4 50 ; pickled harn . t7 6W7.7 !
Lnrd. easier ; western ale-am M t33i ) H3- . nominal
rcllnnl. easy. Turk. mejs. J3.M9 73 : short ilcai
10.SOff12.iO ! : family. Ill.nOOII.U. Tallow , steidy
city , 3 IMCttSfcc ; countO' . 3Stf3iC. as to qual
o'll Cottonseed , prime crude , f. o. b. mllh
UUt'o ; prime umm r > ellow. 2Jli22i,4" : off nuni
tner > vllnw , 214(722c. Petroleum , dull. Hoklr
Bteady : strained , common to good. J1.404J1.I :
Turpentine , aulet. 3Vt 33c.
HlCi-Flrm ; fair to extra , 4'iOC'ic ; Japan
6H > '
MOU\SSES Finn : New Orleans , open kettU
SIK \ to rholre. ! C33c.
MKTAI S The local market shoned lets st
t > lllty tixlny. several departmenta easing off undi
lack of support and liberal offering ! . At th
clonetha Metal rxHinnun called pig Iron wui
ranu verv dull , with U.70 bid and ts nuked
lake rotn'cr. ' very quiet , with II1.8T1J bid nn
111 a ked , tin , easier , w-lth 114.13 bid and 114. :
iked ; speller , rteady , with ! . tild and tl. :
asked ; lead , easier , with n.7t > i bid and I3.77 <
asked. According to the rlriu fixing the seltlln
firlcn for mlmra and smeltera In tl < s weit , th
clos'ng ' quotation on leud Is H.W.
lIHTTKIl-Ilecelpls. 2.42S pkxi ; market cjulel
wetttrn creamery , IMifflDc ; factory , liOllUc.
rHKr i-Ilecelpt ) > , 1,041 pkgi. ; market qulel
fte | > leml > r. Tic : October , 7UV-ic : light > klmi
(14 < i Uo ; turt tklms. j6c ; full tklms. J03c.
lUlOrfHecelpt * . . ! pkg * . ; market qulel
tale anil Penniylvanla. 10U10 < 4c ; western , lHi ( c
outhern , 104 > JV < %
NEW ORLHANB , March1t ri' ODtTCT
t3.3H ; bacon ldcs , JO.r . llam , choice
cured , U.S089.M.
COFKBI Itlo , ordinary to fair , S UlHtc.
IllflV-Steiidy ; ordinary to good , SSIWie.
FI/JLMl-Dull ; extra fancy. tt.M04.70 ; patents ,
COHNMKAI- ! ! . C3JJ1.70.
HAY-Prlme tll.OOJJ12. < M ; cholrc. Ill.OOffllSO.
CO UNNo. . 2 sacked , ralxetl , 37Q37M ; white and
> ellow , 37H 3c.
OATS No. a sacked ,
Condition of Trnilc anil flnotntlnna an
.Slnplv nml Knnoy Produce.
rXlGS Good tock , 8c.
IlUTTnn Common to fair. 'Sfllc ; separator
creamery , SOc ; gathered creamery , 13fjl : .
VCAL Cholco fat , SI to 120 Ibs. , cjuolc.1 nt 89
9o ; largo and coarse , Mj7c.
MVIJ 1-OULTllY Chickens , BMBCc ; old reenters -
ers , So ; ducks , 7c.
OAMF MalIard % t3.OOflJ.23 ; teal , tl.23ni 59 ;
brants , t2.00 3.DO ; Canadian geese , tl.WWS.W ;
mixed ducks , Jl.JJflJ.W.
PKliONS Live , ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY Upland , JO ; midland. t3 ; lowland. tl.DO ;
ryn straw , il M ; color makes the price on buy :
light bales sell the best ; only top grades bring
top prices.
CKLHUY Good stock , large. SOc ; small , :5ff30c.
ONIONS Per bu. , tl.00 1.10.
IlKANS-Hnnd-plcked navy , per bu. , tl.23 1.3' > .
HWEET 1'OTATOES-Kansoa , 10-peck bbla ,
C'AIIIlAOn-Good stock , per Hi. , ViCT'.iC. '
POTATOES-Ilomo grown , SOOKc ; Colorado
itock , 70c. j.
TOMATOnS-Per crate , seven baskets , tf.OOQ
' * * '
STnAWnnniUnS-Per 2l-qt. c-we-t7.M.
AI'l'LKS winter stock. J3.00if3.SO ; California
Ilelletleur , l ) xes , tl.iV ) ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxei. tl.7. > ; Nebraska. IWXPS. $1.23.
CUANIinnitins-Fniicy Jersey , per bbl. , $10.
OltAPiS-MaIagas , t > .W a 00.
; fnncy
. . . . , . , . , largo stock , per bunch ,
l2.Wfo2.23 ; medium sired bunches , | 1.73Jf2.W.
maVTSlT | ! m0n'18' ' Per lbIarK ° f-ze' 123c ' !
' ' ' " * '
Tm1'1' . ' fanc ) ' ? .oft ' " ' " 1owilc'2tan'daVrds ; |
Illbcrts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polished !
. - ' ? ' , ? , < ? A cxtra larKe' 8anc : lnr ; e hickory
„ „ „
2 .l.f.y.0 ! ) V T ' ' 'i'.L" ' " " " ' ' 1.2301.33 per bu. ;
. peanuts , raw , Cjolc ;
. .
in1'V9S Im | > orf1' } fanc > ' ' rovvn. 14-lb. boxes ,
ICe ; B-crpwn , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22W
23 per box ; California. 10-lb box. tl.OO.
IIONEV Choice white , I2c ; Colorado amber , 10
KIIAUT Per bill. , t3.50 ; half bbl. . t2.23
MAPLK SYHUP-Flve-snl. can. eac ! . . t2.73 ;
? 1'- cnns' 1 > ure' "cr JQZ" " 2. " ' : half-Bal. cans
to.2j ; quart cnns , t3.50.
DATKS-Hallowee , GO to 70-lb. boxes , SHc ;
Salr. 5c ; Fnrd , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
CIDEU Pep half bbl. , t3 CO ; bbl. , t3.00.
Fltnsil 'MIJATS. '
DIinsSKD ! : _
lKirGood native steers 6Vc-
f ; ar/ ° ' 1Uar'e 8tCC" ' < = : seed Wndquartes
steers. svc
: western steers. GVic ; fancy heifers
' .B' . = : eef shanks
3c , brains , per doz. , 3.c ; sweetbrends , per lb
12' ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb , - tookldnevs'
per dw. . . 33c ; ox tall. . each , 3c ; Ivers. | er i b
sVio ; hearts , per lb. . 2 , c ; tongues , per lb l c"-
calf livers , each. 330 ; calves , whole carcass
slde 9c : calf head and feet , scalded , ner set
, So ; tenderloins , fiesh. ISc ; tenderloins , frozen
l..c ; boneless strip. , fresh , 9Uc ; bone ess sii ttw'
frozen , DC ; strln , frVshT V'ic ; Jtrlp o RH'
frozen. ' C'.ic ; rolls , boncleis , 9"c ; rolls ( spencer
ciitH. 9c : sirloin butts. UonelcW. 9c shoulder
c ods boneless. CVJo ; rump buttboneles" . vc
No. 1 chucks , rc ; No. 2 chuck" , 4c" > No i
chucks. 4c : boneless chucks. p'fatW '
. Sc ; cow " st'tc-
steer plntei. 4c ; Hank steak. 70 ; loin" . No'
13f5c ; loins. No. 2. lOlic ; loins. N , . 3. S ciort ;
Dlir1 ' $ ? f\ ' \ M " > , " > ' .l-'ovo lolni ; ahort'lon"
steer .
MUTTO.V-Fnncy lambs 9o per lb.- lambs
Sc : sheep. 7c ; market
racks , long. u < - imtni
pick- , short , lie ; loins. 9c ; saddle , , ic ; 1 \ °
Iambi less. lOc ; breasts nnd ' '
slews. 3'&c tonjue ,
eich 3r ; forjquarters. fiijc.
f-iJ'OI."C"7Urrei1 ' | KS r' ° "
- . . ; ; fer > : dressed hogs
S'ic ; tenderloin' . . 14c loln :
; . short , C c ; long Cc
ipare rlbi , uc ; ham sausage butts , 5 > .C ; Iloston
butts. 5Vic ; shoulders , rough. 3c ; shoulders
skinned , S'.c ; trimmings. 4Hc ; leaf MrS not
rendered. r , c ; hen.K cleaned. 4c ; snoiits and
ears. 3c ; neckbones. 2c ; cheek meat. 4c ; pigs'
tails. 3c ; plucks , each. Cc ; chltterllnRs , Cc ; hocks
4c ; hearts , per doz. , Kc ; stomachs , c-ich , 3c-
tongue. , each. 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brnlnV
per doz. . 15c ; pigs. feet , per doz. . COc ; llicrsi
each. 3c ; hog rinds. 3c ; blade bones , Cc. '
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7Vtoi No. green
hld . C c ; No. 1 salted hideno ; No. 2 gTeeS
KOlted hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 Ibs. ? 10c-
No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc.
SlinniPHLTSGreen salted , each. 1.1J75e'
green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins )
each , 13o ; dry shearings ( short wooied early
skins ) . No. 1. each. So ; dry ( lint Kansas and Ne.
braska butcher wool pells , per lb. , nctilal weight
45c ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3H4c ; dry
flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb , actual
weight , 43o ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool
pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3e.
TALLOW , ailKASi ; . nTC.-Tallow , No. 1. 30
5Uc : tallow , No. 2. 3c ; rough tallow , Uic ; white
grease , 2Vi5J2Jic ; yellow and brown grease , 1140
FUIIS Bear ( black or brown ) , to.03tf20.00otter
fl.r.OfS.CO ; mink. . 13 { 60c ; beaver. tl.OOQ6.00 ;
ku 3 2 BO i
St. LonlH Grncrnl Mnrketi.
ST. LOUIS. March 21. FLOUIl Slow and
cnsler ; patents , JI.70JJ4.80 ; straights , I4.30f4.43 ;
clear. J4.00O4.23 ; medium , $3.30 3.75.
WIIKAT Lower- closing strong , however , and
COIIN Futures strong In sympathy with wheat ,
but closed the same , a shade lower than yester
day. Spot , lower ; No. 2. cafh , 2 Hc ; March ,
6V4c : May , 26 > , o bid ; July , 27io bid ; Septem
ber. SS ic bid.
OATS-Fmures closed flrm. but fractions lower.
Spot , lower ; No. 2 , cash. ! 3V4c ; track , 26U 26Wc :
March , 23 } c : May , 23'i bid ; July , 22Hc ; Sep
tember , 21p hldi No. 2 white ' 29c.
HYK Steady at 4Sfl'l9c.
FLAXSKEI > Nominal at tl.14.
TIMOTHY HBKD I'rlme , n.5502.00.
. . .
IIHAN Rast track , sacked. ' 57c.
HAY Choice timothy , scarce and firm ; prairie
nnd low grndui of timothy , aulet ; prairie. i.'i.WfJ
S.f,0 ; timothy. t1.OOO10.2T .
IlUTTnn Steady : creamery , IJfflSKc ; dairy , S
Oll' .
nOOS Loner at 8Vi .
MirrALIxMd , easy nt 3.5.1 sellers. Spelter ,
nornlliHl nt * l.
rilOVISIONS Pork. lower ; standard mess , lob-
bliiK , JO.M. I.nid , lower : prime steam. tl.SO
rliolee. 4. 871,5. lloxed meats , bacon , shoulders ,
-23W1.375ii txtra short clear. t3.f2V5 : ribs , r > .7 :
! shortH , fi.Ki'CDry pnlt meats , shoulders , tt. ? W ,
fll,7" : extra short clear. t3.12'j ; libs , t3.23
shorts , t" , 374.
llircnilTSfriour , ; wheat , 11.000 bu ,
corn. 7C nro bu : onts , 31W > bn
SHIPMENT ' ! * Flour. 3.000 bbls. ; wheat. 14OiX
bu , ; corn.'OO.OOO bu , ; tuts , 17,000 bu ,
Unit I in onMarket. .
flALTIMOnn. March 21. - - FI.OI'U Quirt
western superllne , t2.70it3.10 ; western extra , J3 3'
fit.OI ; western family. Jl.COnt.CO ; winter wheal
patents , t4.73S3.OOj soring intents , t3.203.40
spring wheat straights , t > .00j'i,13 ; receipts , 6C3 :
bbl > . : cvportn. 2S49J bbU ,
WlinvT Weak : prat nnd month , WytftylC
May , 97 * 0iSc ; tecvlpts. 10,303 bu. : exports , none
bouthetn w he-it , bv pamole. ! MO93e ; youthen
wheat , on grade , M'ij97'ic ,
COIIN Kn y ; spot and month. 3 ? 5i32c ; May
3H4i33 c : sleimer mixed , 321JI32cj iccelpts
S1" hu , : exports , 107,113 bu. ; southern whlti
coin , MViflaiHc.
OATH Steady Tor white nnd easier for mixed
No.2 white , 3303 e ; No. 2 mixed , SliW3Hic ) ; re
celpts. 2I.OS2 IKJ ; exnri , li.wo lu.
HYR Kailer ; No. S nearby. 5.1'Jc ; No. 2 wc
ern. MViu ; receipts , C.CU3 bu. ; exports , none ,
HAY Dull : choice timothy. tn.SOyiS.OO.
OHAIN riinirtllTS-Opo. ! demand and ratei
appear to1 be easy ; steam to' Liverpool , per bu.
Kill , Mav ; Cork for orders , per quarter. Ss lOUd
March : 3s 4'idflls W. April. *
I1UTT13H Steady ; -fancy rrreamery , 10CT20C
fancy Imitation , 17K1o ; fancy ladle , 13c ; goo
ladle , unilc : store [ , 100 lie.
KOC1S Quiet : fresh , _ Ii > Vic.
CinBSR-Steadyr fano- New York , lirge. 9V
( ? 9Uc ; fancy New York , medium , 9U610c ; fane'
New York , small ,
KnnHRii Cltr UrHln nndl I'rovUlnnx.
. r3.-WHKAT-Marke
about Ic lower and rather dull : N'o. 1 hard
Ji i " c ; No. 2. S6o : No. 3 , MljSV : No. l rej
3C94c" ; No. 2 , M&f8c : No. 3 , S9fl90c ; No.
rprlng. S6K 7c ; No. S. S3 7SSc.
COHN Market UOVie lower nnd active ; No.
mlxe.1. 23HflH26Wc.
OATS Market nctlv * and steady ; No. 2 white
27 < MiJSc.
UYi : Markit steady ; No. I. 4Sljp.
HAY Market tlrm and unchanged.
llt'TTBH-Market nrm ; creamery , 1301SHC
i'.alry. UOlCc.
1 rrjr S-M rket nrni ; fres-i. So.
IIKC'EII'TS Wheat. 19,200 bu. ; corn , M,300 bu ,
oats. lO.Coii bu.
SHII'MKNTS-Wheat. Sf.BOO bu. ; corn , 41 , V.
bu. ; oats , 8.000' bu.
Cincinnati Mnrkrt.
CINCINNATI. March fi.-FLOUn-Eai > y
fancy. t4.3S 4.W ; family. t3.70 < ? 4.M.
WIIBXT E y ; No. 2 red. 9 c.
CORN-Flrmer ; No. I mltej. SJc.
OATS-Steady ; No. 1 mixed. 28Uc.
IlYK-Stetdy ; No. 2 , We.
I'llOVLSIONM Uird. easy at fl.U : bulk meats
ftrndy at V..10 ; bacon , steady at t.W. .
lit'TTBH-Steadv : Klgln creamery , tOKc ; Ohl <
UQItat dairy. 10fM2c.
HUOAH-Kasy : hard rellnlnv. t ( . IOC ! . 53.
JXlOS-Dull at S\o.
; CTIIEESE Steady ; BOCK ! to prime Ohio fiat ,
AIMCM. MV. It 4U { ft
i imawft 5
turps nerc quiet ! March , In 3 > i'l ' ; May , 3s * ? id ;
July , 3s M.
ri/3Ull-ai. Muls fancy wlntor. dull at Js M.
HOIH-At London ( IMclHc coast ) , dull at 40
4 If * .
1'IIOVISIONS llcef , nrm ! extra Indld mn > .
GS.1 9-1 ; prime mers , Ms 9 < 1. 1'ork , llrni ! ptlme
mess , fair w otern. 51s 3il ; prime meiw. medium
western , 4 s ! M. Hams , thort cut , rteady nt 32a.
Ilncon , firm at v rhnrt ribs , dull nt 30s td ;
Ionic cleur middles , light , steady nt 29s ; long
clear middles , heavy , steady at 2ss 6di short
clear backs , steady nt 2S Ml clear bellies ,
steady at 32s. Shoulders , sqiiiirr , steady nt 24s.
I.iM , prime western , steady at 27s. Tallow ,
prlmn city , llrni nt 20s M.
CIIKHHIJ American , white and colored , finest ,
unchanged ,
ori-P Tottonfepil , Liverpool redned , steady at
17s 3d. Turpentine spirits , steady at 5s. Roiln ,
common , steady at 4s M.
( irnln Itrrrli < n nt Prlnclpnl MnrVclH ,
CHICAGO , Mnrch 23. Ilocelptii today : V.licM ,
117 cars ; corn , 132 cars ; on IB. 219 cars. F.ttl-
mateil tomorrow : Wheat , 170 cars ; corn , IM
cars ; oats , IM cars.
MINNKAPOLIK , March 23. Hecelptsl Wheat ,
tXI cars.
DVLUTH , March 23.-llec lpti ! Wheat , 71 cars.
Tnlrilo Mnrkct.
TOLKDO. March 23. WHEAT Actlrei No. 2
cash nnd May. ! > 3'ie.
COIIN Active nnd loner ; No. 2 mixed. 2 Hc.
OATS-Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed. Me.
RYH-Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 cash. We.
CLOVIMmnni ) Lower and nctlvo ; prime cash. ,
March and April , 12.85.
IMillnili-litliln Produce
Steady ; fancy western creamery , 20c ; fancy
western prints , 21c.
1'flOH Steady ; western.
CHIJIiSK Quiet but steady ; New York fnncj
full cream , 8V4SO'/4c ' ; New York prime , 7V4Q8C.
I'eorln Mnrl * ln.
PHOniA , March 23.-COUN-Markct dull nnd
loner ; No. 2 , 28V1C.
OATS Market Inactive and lower ; No. 3
white. 27 ic.
WlUSKY-HIgh proof spirits , 51,19' ; .
Detroit Mnrkrt. ,
nr.TUOIT , March 23. WHUAT No. 1 white ,
? 2V4c : No. 2 red rash nnd May , 94Jic ,
COItN No. 2 mixed. 20ytc.
OATS No. 2 white ,
UYK-No. 2 , 51c.
Snii Frnnrloco Whrnt Mnrltct.
Rlendy : llocember , $ l.S5Vt ; Mny , J1.44 .
' IIAHIjKY Steady ; Uoccmbcr. J1.11N : M
Priori * ( lip Lou-oat SinceCnlinii
nt'onmo Prominent.
NKW YOUK , Mnrch 25. Todny's closing prli-es
worn the lowest In most cases since the Cuban
question became a dominant fnctor In the sltun
tlon. Twenty active shares averaged lower than
at any tlmo this year , nnd government new 4 ?
coupon , were donn to 11S1 bid. This was on
the assumption that hew Issues vvcri * possible I.
expetKlltures for war purposes continued lonr
Ileforo the battleship Maine was blown up they
were quoted above 128. It wns freely predlctci
that tiho Maine report would be extremely un
favorable. The market opened with quoliillotm
sllghtlv blow > esterdny's llnnl llgures. The bears
were determined to bring about n substantially
loner Jovel nnd hammered ninnv of th < < leading
stocks vigorously In nn endeavor to precliUte ; !
liquidation. The local trun.'p.'irtatli'ii phaieH am
Sugar were the1 most vuln ribj | points of nt-
tack , nml the extreme wonltness In the e spo
clnltles was soon communicated cJ3e.vheie
Numerous stop loss nrdeiM vvcru e.seiuted , und
the market for n time took on an animated np-
pearance , with lo.-1-es ranging between 1 nml 3
points dutlng the llrsl half hour's operations'
rurclm't-s for Iximlon nccount nnd nn efioit on
the part of some traders to lally , prices gave a
hlendler lone , willed was accompanied by ex
treme stagnation. As tht- day progressed th < >
mniket dipped frequent ! } , but theie wns nn ah-
ronco of feature ) In the speculation until
the final hour , when extensive HquU.itlon et In ,
which depressed the bulk of the III ; , ' . ! prit'e.l t-M-
clnltles to the lowoit tlgures ot the day. The
effort4 of the bears to depress prices * .vcre nldej
by Judiciously distributed tips tluro VM uld
bu nn attack on the list In lain trading. W.dh-
Ington ! houp i neie sellers nnd II was lnfne.l .
that they might have some Intlmitiun uf the
nature of the Maine report , The local sptclnltien
were conspicuously v\eak. Third Avenue lo"lns
U per cent. There wns n published story lhat n
scrip dividend ! of 10" " ) per cent wns In contempla
tion In onler to Increase the company's ? tcik
capitalisation sulllclently Io permit th" lawful
lf iio of ne\v bonds in piymi-nt fpi recently n
nulled lines. Melro | > oll'.a-i Street Hnllnny h l
4Vi , Manhattan 12 % nnd Consolidated fiis. 5 %
Sugar was down 3Vt , partly on feir of the prox
imity of Increased competition In tha trnde. The
stuuly decline in th'i stool tended t" 'l r i -
cfnt repoitH lhat Inside Hiippurt had b"n vviih-
ilmvvn for the time bolng. The break In North
ern Pacific preferred of 111. nccompanleil ns It
was by vvenkness In Canadian Pnclttcs , was taken
to Indicate something unfavorable ns foitbcflinlng
In regard to who rale war. New Yolk Cential
nnd the Grangers showed little ipplstanc < * tc at-
tncks. There was n further engagement for Im
port of n. moderate amount Of. gold , making the
total of the. present movement. Including that
from Australia , nearly { C3Hi,000. ( ) ) The foreign
oxettango market exhibited henvlnest today nnd
some concerslons were noticed In rates , posted
figures ; In one Instance being lowered He. This
Incident Is regarded In a menKurn a * , pruftigln ; ! , u
further Influx of gold. Quotations- railway
mortgages ; continued to sag on light offering * ,
which for the most part consisted of usually
active speculative Hens. The total transactions
were $1.100,000. Government bonds displayed extreme -
tremo weakness , the new 4s , coupon , and regis
tered , ami nld 4s , coupon , yielding 1 percent In
the bid price ; the old 4s , registered , sunVrcd to
the extent of " nnd the fo , coupon , nnd registered
lost ' , J enyh.
The Hvenlng Post's London financial cttblesram
says ; The stock markets opened Hat' today on
the London Times' cables concerning the Chine * ?
concessions to Ilufala , Improved Inter on M ,
11/inoteuux'H assurance tn the Paris Figaro that
thn relations of France with nil nations nre
cordial , nnd finally closed flat ngaln. The nervous
feeling Is Increnslng as the settlement approaches.
Americans , nfter a partial tally , closed flat.
Them was n further fall In South American
government nnd railroad stocks on forced selling- .
Them was n sharp fall In Spanish 4a , which
closed only a fraction above the lovvesti Spanish'
cxcihanga on London was demoralized end quite
Following are thn clojlng quotations of th
lending itock * on th Nnv York market today :
Total sales of stocks today , MS,0 shares. In.
eluding : Clilcago. Ilurllngton & Qubicy , 32,421 ;
Loulsvlll * ic Nashville , CUi ; Manhattan , 20.373 ;
Metropolitan , 15.0. ) ; Mlrtourl I'aclllc , . .1.C3J ; New
Jenny Central , 3,043 : New York Central , S.012 ;
Northern Paclllc , 4,1M ; Northern I'aclllc , pro-
ferretl. 18.1U ; Itock Island , 12.2tS3 ; St. Paul , 37-
( XX ) ; Union Pacific , preferred , 11,490 ; Tobacco , II , .
1KO ; People's Oas , 9.4CJ ; Sugar , 81.VJO ; " Wcutern
Union , 4,979.
Flnnnclal Noten.
OMAHA , March 15. The clearings for the dm
were ; balances , IJ,8 > 8 34. Thn clear
lnn for 1SU7 were $3S3,340. 3 , und the balances ,
tlOJ.4ai.34. The Increase tn clearings , ? ) X.1UJ.M
CHICAari. March K. CUarlnirm W. lt. f > ; inl
nnoea , ll.CX7.000 ; New York exchange , 30c dU
count ; sterling posted , 4 Kf(4.8i ( ; actual , t < .nIC !
4K\ ; sixty days , Jt Sim.SJVi. Stocks , dull a P. :
lower on war new ; Illicult. common , 21 ; lllacult
prefeneJ , T3K ; Diamond Match. 1J3H : Htraw
boanl. Ji.
NBW OlfUJANrt. March -Ji-ClearlMH , 1.2 .
813 ; New York exchange , bank par ; duumtrcla ;
tl per J1.000 dUcount. J f
BT. UOU1S. Maxoa K.-Clearlnm. U.M0.1M
j r oat ; N *
York exchange , 40c discount bid , I3o discount
NKW YOIIK , Mnrch S. Clearings. J1W.773.0S7 :
ar. , . .
HOSTO.V. March " .1. ClenrhiRK , 113,119,431 , fell.
. . . . . .
MCMPHIH. Mnrch 21. Clearinc" . $237.131 : Uil-
nr c < , M2M56 ; New York exchinRo elHr4t t
11.51 premium
PIlil.AUr.I.PIIIA. March 23. Clearings , 1,2'S ' , .
S3 > ) ; Imlnnccs. II , Oil , W.
llAl/TlMOItn. March 23. Clearing * , | I , )9Sli )
bnlnno-n , $475.49.
CINCINNATI , Mnrch S3 Now Anrk oxchnnR
Foi illmnunt ; money , Jisy IXT ccntj clv.trln j.
Fiirrluii l < 'litniicliil.
I'AHIS , March 23. Thp bourse was very un
steady today , Spanish < s beinc the barometer of
uncertainty on news from America lenardliur
Cuba. Transictlons were restricted on the ab
sence of arbitrage ? , nnd securities closi-d easltr.
llln tlntos were ea leion realizations and ru
mors tint the dividend would be only 13. Span
ish < s closed at 52'i. a net decline of ' 4 from
yesterday. Three per cents-rentes , jojf 37j4c for
tlio nccauntr ir > lu '
nCUUN. March 23.-'rin > ' , * toc1 , maiiii-aH
li-rcKUlar , today. Amerlcnn jftcurltles-sflOcftiafod
on the bourse , but closetl - ti ady. International
securltlcH were maintained ? 3u ' '
LONDON. Mirch 23. TlH market for American
pecurltle was loner today on New York selllnt.
The cloylnir tcno was dull. There was no de
mand. Spanish 4s closed a net Iocs uf
IH from jesterday's close. . .Gold U quoted at
lluonos Ayrca today at ICS.fO.
FnturcH Are A < lv < > rMfIj'Influenced by
PolHIrnl Conilltlonn.
NKW YOUK. March 21. button futures WCT' :
adversely Influenced thlKmornlns by moic wir-
llko conditions In thlt country , rumors that the
European political situation7 was again disar
ranged and an unsettled..condition of affairs In
Hio stock market hero. UiKlliili cables w ere ron-
sldercd favorably and thotnarket made.a. Btf.ldy
start , with prices , unchntfjp to 1 point hlclier.
This was Immediately followed by a sharp hreaU
under nctlvo liquidation of. lcal lomt stvff , IM
by Wall rtreet , The fact lint the poit and In
terior receipts continual llnht failed to rJiivlc
the decline. Lntc In the foiennon shorts begMn
to cov er. and by midday ths doss had been if-
ilvced fiom 2 to 3 points , with the feeling slightly
hteadler. nuslness Ml of ( materlnlly caily In
the afternoon , scalpers havlnir things pretty
much to themselves. The market closed Meadv ,
with January unchanged. Other months , 1 to 1
points lovvrr. Spot , nuWf mlddllntr , 6 1-lCc : net
receipts. 771 bales : gross , 5 , < 47 b les ; exports t )
the continent. 1,117 bales ! forwarded , : S' > Kilen ;
pplnners , 50 bales ; stock , 197OST > Inles.Vekly :
Not receipts , 3,431 biles ; Rross , 34.9J3 bales ; ex
ports to Great Britain , 11,911 balei ; to P'tance ,
r.,0 bales ; to the continent , C.U3 bales ; forvvanled ,
10,427 bales ; sales , I.ew bales ; spinners , ' 302
bales. Total today. Net receipts , 13,8'.l bales ;
exports to Great llrltaln. 10.321 tales ; ti 4'ran.- ,
33 Ixiles ; to fie continent , 1 ! > ,0 1 bales ; block. 86) , .
eS ) bales. Consolidated : Receipts , fS.KCI balei ;
< xports to Great Ililtaln , 51,013 b.iles ; to Kr.inoe.
7S1 bales ; to the .continent. 91.721 bales. Total
hlnce September 1 : Net receipts. 1,817STO Inles ;
ex | rls to Gie.U Ilrltnln , 2S10,3f bales ; to
France , " 21,917 bales ; to the continent , 2,49.XX ! )
LIVlini'OOL , March 23. COTTON Spot , quiet ;
prices unchanged ; American mlildtlm ; , 3 3-lCd
The sales of the ilay were S.ftO ) bale * , of which
.W ) bales were for opeculatlnn anil export , and In
clude. ! 7,500 bales American : receipts. 3.00 } baler.
Including 2,70' ) bales Amcrlcin. ruturc-n openoil
quiet , with a poor demand , and closed uti'iiij , ;
American middling , L M. C. . 3 ia-64T3 17-Cld bid :
March and April. 316-II ( 3 17-Cld. buyers : April
and May , 3 IC-MfTJ 17-64d , buyers ; Mnv nnd .Tuni > .
S 17-C4d , spllers ; Junn and July. 3 17-Cld , liu/i rs ;
July nnd Augiut. 3 17-r,4I3 Ill-Old , bu > ers ; Auiruft
and September. 3 17-r,4tf3 It-GM , sellers ; Hi'ptenihpr
nnd October. 317-Cld. biiyi-rs ; October and No
vember. 3 17-Cld , value ; November and December.
3 17-6ld , wllers ; December nnd January. 3 n-OIJ ,
sellers : January nnd Tebniaiy , 3 IT-Cld. sellers.
4 ! 3-1Cc ; low middling. CHc : middling , C 7-lCc ;
good middling , 5 13-lCc ; middling , fair , 03-lCo ;
receipts , 4,030 bales ; stock , 411. KO bale * .
BOSTON , March 23. WOOL-The fol'owlns
nre the prices for the leading descriptions :
Olilo nnd Pennsylvania fleeces , X and nlwive ,
23c ; XX , 29c ; X > C nml XX aboveMe : dolalne.
Sic ; No. 1 combine , 3Cj731c ; No. 2 combing , 30fl
3Ic. Michigan , Wliconjln. etX Michigan , 24o'
No. 1 Michigan combing , 29e ; Noy2 Michigan
rnmblnt ; . 2Sfl2Dc : X. Nw Yoik , New Hampntlre
and Vermont. 23O2tc ; Nft I New York. New
Ilampshlro nnd Vermont , 27 ? : dela.'no Michigan ,
28c. 1'nwashed medium Kentucky nnd Indiana
one-quarter blood combing , 23o : Kentucky am' '
Indiana three-eighths blood combing , 23o : Mti
sourl one-ouarter blood comblog , 22o ; Mlssour
threc-plghtl h blood comb'n ? , K\ia : braid comb-
Ing. 20e ; lakn Bnl Georgia. 22c Texas woolr-
Pprlng fine (12 months ) , IMII&c ; scoured. 41QISC
iprlng Une (12 ( months ) , ISfdSc ; scoured , 4t&COc
Territory wools Montana ( Ine medium and fine
16 I8c ; scoured , 4CO47o ; dtaple , 4 CV > o : Utah nnt
Wyoming fine medium and flne , 15@17c ; scoured
4iO46c ; staple , ( Sc. Australian , tenured bash
cotnhlnK. superfine , "Oflllc ; vomblpg good , 614
Me ; comb'nc , average , 4 > 2 < M > c ; Qufeniland comb
Ing. 63c. .
8T. LOl'13. March ZJ.r-'VVDOTy-Kasler : me
dlum. ISttlOc : light flnc. 13Kf ( ; heavy Hne , C
14c ; tub washed. 2 ! 2SUc.
IvONDON. Mnrch 24 WOpI , At two of thi
auction sales tc-lay 15.0SJ Titles of wool weri
offered. A largo supply of jrredsy merinos soli
well and were chiefly taken -by the continent *
buyers. Scoured , In small supply , wns spirited ! ;
bll for. locks nnd pieces comparatively the dear
e t. Klne cross breeds were In brisk demsnd am
eoarie showing a hardenlnn tendency. Follow
Ins are the sales In details New South Wales
C.200 bales ; Koured. t * % il < JJ4 M ; greasy , HU
UHd. Queensland. 2.MO bales : ecournl. 1 3Vi <
Oil Mid ; ereasy , KHOllda- Victoria , 1.100 bales
rcoured. Is M ; greasy , " .IO1 4Hd. youth Aus
tralla. 100 bales : BCourfJ. . ! ' ? IHdfils 3Hd. Nev
Zealand. 4.FPO balei ; so ( > u ed , 'V1Ils IHd
.grraiy , SWll'id , Cape of.tloo.l IIopo n.nd Natal
900 bales ; secured. tdfll < tjj _ fcremy , V5jj084.
Suvnr Mirkr ) .
NKW YOIIK. March SHaAn-Rnw , quiet
Talr leflnlne. 34o : rentrlfueal , tt ti t4c : r
lined , rulet : crushed , ! i > iC | , oondered , 616c
RrarnUted. 5Uc. *
open kettle. 2461 ll-Kc ; granuh > le < l. nonet wliltei
none ; yellown , 4O4 > ie : seconds. 2H91t * ltOv U
Uaiei. atronc ; cenUUugal , Millie ; otbtry. tin
Oattlo Arrivals for the Day Show a
Considerable Falling Off.
Iluj-i-rn niul Srllorn Differ n * ( n Ho-
, hilt Cntilf Arc No Lower
HOKN ( io Five
SOUTH OMAHA , March lo.-Uecclpls for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Hor's.
March 5 1.7S7 7,512 3.K2 1
March 21 Z.103 5.754 T.Wtt
Mnrch 23 i. . . 2.837 3.333 3KW ! 2 <
March 12 ZS3i ) 4.204 6,915 1
March 21 1,420 1.773 6,710 16
March 19 1.20S 3,3J3 1,701 7
March 18 2,307 4.70S WJ3
March 17 , l.SiSJ 4,79) 14.1W 3
March 1G 3,597 4,913 B.333
March 15 . , , . 3.720 6,007 3,041 SS
March 14 2.1SS 1.C20 4.bM 2
March 12 ' . . . . 2.103 4.532 79G 20
Mnrch 11 2.4S2 6,912 ! .
March 10 2,342 4,697 10.107
March 9 2.S04 6.231 6.570 47
March 8 2.939 6,009 7.8C9 3
March 7 3,209 3.176 3,684 4
The oIMclal number of cars of Block
btought In today by each roail was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hor's.
C. , M. & St. V. ny
O. & St. L. lly. . . ,
Missouri 1'aclllc Hy. . . 2
Union Pncllle System 13
C. & N. w. ny 1
F. , E. & M. T. II. U 14
s. c. & r. ny \
C. , St. ] ' . . M. .t O. . 15
it. & M. n. . u. 10
C. , n. & Q. Hy 2 3
O. , H. I. & P. , east. . 2 3
C. , It. I. & P. , west. . . . 2 2
Total receipts CG 107 13 1
Thu disposition of the day's receipts was
at follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 23 ! > 34
O. H. Hammond Co S02 1,477
Swift and Company 301 Ir,37 2H9
Cudahy Packing Co 353 1,752 C2J
H. Hecker and Deignn. . . . 150
Vansant & Co 11 ,
Lobman & Rothschilds. . . SG . . . . . . . .
Krebbs & Co 23
Livingston & Schaler 3S
Swift , from country CiO
Hammond , from K. C 307
H. Hamilton 27
L. P. Husi 53
North P. & P. Co 2.11
Planklnton , Milwaukee ( W7
C. P. & P. Co. , Neb. City . . . . 314
Other buyers 318
Leftover ro 300
Totals 1.7SS 7.D12 3,331
CATTLK Receipts today. 1.7S7 head ; yes
terday , 2,101 head ; one week KO , 2,307 head ;
'two ' weeks ago , 2.4S2 head. Kcr a Friday It
was a Jlght run and the ma 11 rat of any
day since Monday , only sixty-six loads of ail
kinds being reported In the yards. The
market us a whole Old not show much
change ns compared i.vlth yesterday nnd was
without any dlstlnglushlng feature of general
Beef Steers The offerings of fat cattle to
day were very light ana tneru vvero hardly
enough on sale to create much enthusiasm.
There was , however , a fair demand and Just
nbout steady prices were maintained on all
grades. In some cases buyers claimed that
the medium cattle con them more money
'than yesterday , but sellers generally called
It n steady market throughout. There wns
nothing very fancy on sale , but there was
one. bunch good enough to bring $ l.bO. The
market -wo * not very active , but a reason
ably early clearance mus effected.
Butchers' Stock The cow market was
decidedly 'to ' the liking of sellers. The re
ceipts were of very modest proportions while
the demand was quite active. It was Just
the combination certain to produce a good
strong market and the buyers were not long
In gathering1 In evcjythliiK offered at prices
that wera highly satisfactory to the selling
Interests. As Hhowlng what really choice
stuff -will bring 1t might bo mentioned that
one Hereford heifer , weighing over 1,70 (
pounds , brought $4.50.
Stock.iCaHle There were a few commonlsh
slock entileon sale and still fewer that
could be classed' ' ns really desirable. The
market did not * hovv nry material change
from yesterday. What there wits bold
readily and the trade , was soon over with fet
the want of more cattle to sell. Hep-
rcscnlatlvo sales :
No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
17..1511 J-l 84 8..1171 4 ro 1. , . .1070 II SO
22. . .1101 4 40 U..1240 4 30 1. , . .mo 4 o >
17. . .1011 4 00 I.1361 ! 4 4) . .1153 4 40
13. . . 921 4 00 19..1163 4 23 . . 836 371
20. . .1081 4 13 It < . .1010 .1 73 4. . . . 645 4 10
: . . . C43 4 10 4 (13 IS. . . .lli.S 450
3. . .1290 4 13 17. . .1226 4 2' ' ) L. . .1170 3 9t >
8. . .1003 4 00 . 991 4 li 1. . . . 710 371
2. . .1040 3 GO .1110 4 10 7. . . .1172 4 40
L. . 720 3 SO 20. . .1254 4 43 19. . . .1SS9 431
19. . .1126 4 % 10 , . .1237 3 40 8. . . .1373 4 10
3. . . 833 3 80 4 , . .1037 4 M 21. . . .1131 4 11
3. . .1450 4 73 12. . .1 2 4 15 L. . . 190 3 75
W. . .1330 440 11. . . SC9 4 00 1. . .1130 3 GO
69. . .1331 4 01 24. . . U4J 4 10 1. . .123' ' ) 4 JO
11.- . .1017 4 4 15 4 rj
11.1. . . .1010 4 25 7 ! ! ! l335 4 43 .UK ) 4 CO
3. . .10:0 4 13 20. , .1314 4 M i ! ! .1351 453
0. . .1017 16 , . .1336 4 70 2. . .1030 4 30
10. . . 8S ) 4 24
14..1187 S73 , .1030 3 K i. . , .10JO 3 ro
3..11DO 3 40 , . 935 Z 75 i. . . .1000 3 00
3. . . . 9(6 370 370 5. . .1194 3 M
1..1030 3 50 2..1235 3 30 1. . , .1000 3 CO
2. . . . 940 2 80 L. . . 930 3 2T. 2. . .1180 3 50
1..11CO 3 70 4.1000 330 1. . , . 910 300
.1343 375 i. . . . 1410 3 M 3. . . 910 3 10
3 W > 1. . 770 3 W . 920 373
.1140 3 40 ' ' . 773 3 4) ) 23 ! ! .lOt'J 33)
.1220 32 , ' , 5' . .1018 3 ro L. .1U20 2 ! X )
.1112 3 30 11. . .1009 3 75 in. . .1128 3 I"
.1140 3 80 42. . .1153 3 SO 22. . .10S1 3 M
. cso 3 93 2. . .130- 3 90 .14 JO 3 50
.1100 300 1. . .1180 3 75 4 ! ! .1157 3 M
.1170 8 40 S. . ,1250 3 20 2. . . Ml 2 GO
.1000 3 20 1 , . ,12Sl > 3 11.1 10. . . ! I74 3 2. )
, 9(0 2 50 * .1130 3 CO 1. . . 940 3 40
, .10 * ) .3 20 4 , ! . 967. 3 W 4. . . 927 3 C5
.122' ' ) .1 00 16. . .1101 3 00 L. , .1130 3 0
.115-1 3 23 4 , .1037 3 15 1. . JO-JO 2 ! * )
3 C3 1..UVM 3 O'i 4. . .1011 3 S3
. a * ) 3 70 2. 840 26) 2. . , . 881 3 50
.1013 03 fi. . .10.-)6 3 85 1. . , . 790 2 23
.1430 4 25 2. . . 9J3 3 60 1. . , ,1180 3 10
,11'rt 3 21 ' . .1242 8 60 11. . , .1115 3 fO
.I2JO 3 00 16' . .1105 3 CO , .100' ) 3 CO
.1028 3 21 1 , . . 60 2 21 200
. 640 2 6.1 1. . .1120 3 10 4. . ! ! ll25 3 M
3 11 1. . . SiO 3 3' ' ) 2. . , .10v ) 3 80
, 020 2 X5 17. . .10S7 371 3. . , . 953 3 23
, 800 3 CO 4 . .103i 3 40 1. . , . 910 2 fO
, 977 2 00 1. . .H80 3 M 3. . , .1070 3 CO
L. . . WO 3 33 . . 965 3 CO
1..1730 4 50 C. . . . 010 3 90 1..1000 3 f-1
10. . . . 843 4 00 7. . . . 917 4 00 2. . t31 4 15
" . . . . 957 4 00 2. . . . D31 4 11 C. . COO 3 90
r , . . . . 770 3 60 I..1150 4 15 L. . 780 4 25
L. . . 410 4 (10 12. . ! 3 90 2. . . 673 3 70
1. . . . 810 320 1. . . 700 37l ) 3. . . . 576 4 00
2. . . , M3 4 C5 1. .112) 3 75 1. . . . 910 3 25
2 , . . . C63 4 00 1. .1000 4 00 1. . . . 680 4 35
1. . . . 770 4 00cows
cows uniruns.
10. . . . 732 3 G5
1..1020 3 6.1 1..10 > SCO .1250 325
9S9 3 M 1. . CO ) 3 GO .12 ? ) 3 60
790 3 GO 1..2I80 3 30 . . " 0 3 u )
3 4 > 1..102) 3 GO 30)
. 114 6 25 2. . 550 3 50 . .1110 S 5D
.1430 3 GO 1. . U > 0 3 ( " ) . .1340 XT. .
.115' ) 3 50 . .103) 3 C.I 3..1170 3 41
1..1S30 3 63 . .13CO 340 2..2K.M 3 Si )
1..1030 3 C3 1. , 901 3 23 1..131) 351
1. . . . 760 2 75 1..15M 3 < 0 1. . 3uj
1. . . 270 660 2. . . . 205 G 54 1. . . . IM SCO
4. . . 187 6 2.1 L. . . 1(0 E M i. . . . no 6 51
1. . . . 250 S 75 L. . . 200 625 i. . . . 1:0 GCO
1. . , . 290 3 00
1..1S.10 40) 1 . . .1420 4 00 1..H21 3 f3
17..1165 ,3 , 55 1..1294 400 1..1230 3 M
1. , . . 7M 4 25 10. . . . 481 4 80 2. . . . 815 4 CO
1. . . . UO 490 1. . . . 770 4 35 ] . . . . 7tH ) 4/0
3. . , . IM ) 4 21 L. . . U ) 4 40 4. . . . S. 7 4 CO
6. . . . 1.6 43) . . . . 711 4 23 21. . . . 929 4 3i
L. . . 800 ' 4 2 < > 1. . , . 470 i 00 : a. . . . 3S9 4 < 1
4. . . . 730 4 15 8. . , . 712 4 IS 2. . . , 8 < 0 75
1. . . . < X)0 4 00 1. . . . 210 3 W 3. . . . 911 1 31
2..1355 4 6.1 1.153 4 53 3. . , . C30 t 20
14. . . . (10 4 31 2..1055 4 2) 7. . . . 48 } 4 HO
: . . , . 300 3 CO 2. . . . JO 4 40 98..1050 I 75
. . . . 1BO 3 60 1 , . , . 50) 4 00 . 2. . . . t'J ) 4 CO
3. . . . 396 4 65 1. . , , 670 4 2 > 2. . . . 653 3 7' )
& . . . .102 * 30 2..1000 SIM ) 1 , . , . 6'0 I 23 4 IS L. . . G50 4 n
HOUS-IterelpU today. 7,212 head ; yrMi > rila >
5,751 ; ona week ago , 4,70S ; two vveeka aifo , 5,84 :
compared with the extremely llrht receipt * of th
last few * Uy > , the arrlvali of today looked UTKI
It wan In fact the hcuvlrst run of any tin
tlrw * March- , - <
The demand was good , both shipping and local
ami fully e < iutl to the- offerings , but that ua
not nultlclt-nt to maintain a teady market I
tha ( ace ut reported declines at other nellln
points. The trade opened with value-it Ju t abou
to lavt-rr on all grades and U held that V.A
until tba dote.
The bett heavy and butcher weight hK col
largely at I3.70W3.76 and mixed loud * at )3C5 (
3.70. Vntcrday only about a half dozen load
sold below 13.70 , the biff Mrlng btlng at thi
ConilderlnR that It w a lower market , th
trade a rvaionably actlva and the pen ) vvei
clfared at an early hour. Kepreientatlve ial i
No. Av. Bh. Vr. No. Bh. IT.
31 131 . . . P65 MI3G5
4 . .it ,283 240 1 CS 80 3 0 * .
' ' ' ' yn 3C5 . . . 3 63
" > . . . . 226 3 65 71 . * S M 3 'I
tn J 5 tt . 2U M 3 K
.1CS 47 . 2S3 4 < 1 3 CS
243 3(5 u . 2:1 Sa.SCJ
ID 16J M . 260 JW 3 C"
7 . 271 1 | 6i a . IK
i yz * T
f.l . 110 M 1 r 79 . ! M M X 63
SI . . .Ml IS ) S M 7 > . 1 3 4) Sfi.-
C3 . U4 . . . 3 SS , . , . . , . . it ) ) ;
l.l ! . . . 3d * . 31 . 3 < M IM 3 G3
(5 . K7 . . . .t > R' . SI 1 * ) ,1 PI
4i . KM o 3 e 3it . : : , { 14 3 el
C . KO M 3 ( tt TO. , . 571 . . . .tr7U
M . TJ1 8) 370 M . 3i . . . 3 7J
CI . ? > . , . . . 3 71) C5 . W 40 3 70
A4 . 2S1 . . . 370 - 73a . J.-J . . . 370
5J . 253 1 371) SI . : M . . . 37i )
. . . . . . . . > IM 3 70 101 . SO ! . . . 37"
fit . 2.V. . . . 370 A ) . if ) . . . 3 7
75 . SfiO . . . 370 fS . ! 3 | 40 370
75 . ! ft > . . . 370 02 . , .311 . . . 370
CJ . 301 1 $ ) 3 YO 70 . KSO 7ft
64 . : < 1 . . . 370 K7..V , . . . .17"
C3 . 300 . . . S 70 f,7 . 275 . . . 3 7i
JO . tn 8) 3 7J < j fd . ZVS . . . 3 74
45 . 313 . . . 3 72V4 > . 309 . . . 375
C9 . : < 5 . . . 375 49 . JO ) . . . 371
33 . SM S ) 3 ft ) 33 . 2SS M .1 < rt
10 . MJ . . . 3 7H 17 . ! V > . . . 364
12 . 1 . . . 3 74 73 . 304 SO 367
3D . 247 . . . 3 7'i 77 . W4 . . . 3
91 . 231 40 3 674 M . ! < J . . . 3 f. . .
B.I. . . 274 10 3674 M . S77 . . 3 f,7l {
U . 247 240 3 R4 , . , , . . ! SO 3 674
71 . JR ice 3 i4 r.i . 314 ice 3774 *
6 < . ,231 . . . 3 67U f > 4 . 309 . . . 3 74
M . 2.1S . . . 3 74 Ci . r , : 40 3674
61 . 33) . . . 3674 M . , .3 > : > 160 3674
61 . 23 . . . 3674 6T . 2T.I . . . 3674
73 . : r.1 . . . 3 674 IM . 2fS 4) 3 674
M . 221 200 3 674 < > " . 212 . . . 3674
7 * . 217 40 3674 r.1 . 310 FO 3674
31 . 302 100 3674 . 111 FO 3674
M . IT. . . . . 3674 64 . Wl M 3 67H
) . 239 . . . 3674 70 . KO 40 3674
ffl . 302 40 3674 MI . 31' . SO 3674
61 . 244 . . . 3674 67 . 2'U 120 3 R7 < i
U . 291 . . . 3674 74 . 250 ICfl 3 f.74
67 . 229 . . . 3674 * l . 2SG ICO 370
3 . 300 . . . 3 M 1 , . 320 . . . 3 Cfl
7 . 1S5 . . . 360 7 . H7 . . . 360
G . 390 . . . 3 6 4. . . . 2u2 . . . 3 C'i
C . 240 . . . 3 62j ! f. . 3'8 4) 365
8 . 1")7 . . . 365 9 , . : . 327 . . . J f 5
6 . 220 . . . 3 6S 7 . 23 * . . . : l 6' .
2 . 270 . . . 3674 6 . 2T.6 . . . 370
8H1J1M' Receipts today. 3,3. ' > : head : yritcnlnv ,
7WI5t one week ago , 2'JUU : two weeks n M , 1K ! > 5 ,
Tlui market was In Kood condltl'm , Millies belli ) ;
Just about steady , and the trid" active. Mverv-
eliltiK was sold and welKhed up early In the
morning. There were a few Rood western Intnlx
which notd nt Jj.3'1. nr Ko lower than the IH > SI
price ycHttitlav , but the quality was hardly IKI
peed today. Itcpresentntlve sales :
No. Av. 1'r.
3)1 ) western yeaillngs , Utah . S'i 4 M
37J western wethers . Ill 4 40
224 lambs . ! i D 15
: : , S Mexican limit a . C I 90
2G5 Colorado Mexican InmUs . , . 'A ' \ 30
Ml Polarndo Mexican lambs . 77 R r. )
SI7 Mexican lamln . 61 490
013 Mexican lamha . , . 01 4 to
1'riulr > In1 HURH IN Slow nt IH-olliiliiHT
OHICARO , March n.-Trado In cattle today
wns fairly brIMt nt about steady quotations.
Choice cattle were very scarce , extra to choice
steels selling nt from (5.50 to (5.75 ; cliclce steers
it from f5.CS to JS.40 ; Kood nt from $1.60 to 5 ;
common to fair nt from J4.20 to K\ \ cows nnd
heifers , good to choice , nt from 11. .V ) to JS.l-Q ;
calves , ( rood to prime , nt from ID to $6.75 ; com
mon to Kocxl at from $1 to 15.90.
Trndo In IIOKI wns slow at ! t decline of nbout
to. Sales weie IniKcly at from W.H24 to J3.1C ,
the extreme range being at from 13,70 to U. Fair
to choice hogs were quoted nt fiom $3. 7',4 to
it ; common to rholre at from J3.75 to $ . ! .UJ'i ;
common to good Unlit at from 13.70 to 13.S2U.
Sheep nnd lambs were tteody and fairly ac
tive. .Shiep mid at from J3.DO to J4.75 for com-
inon to prime ; fed westerns at from $4.25 to
$1.70 ; jiMllInt , ' sheep at from J4.SO to 15.10 ; lambs
nt from $4.75 to $5. to ; spring lambs nt from
$ < ; .ro to $ ; .
llicelpts : Cattle , 3 , )0 head ; hogs , 2i,0 head ;
Hllcep , V.COO bend.
SI. l.oul * llv < - Ntoi-k.
ST. LOU1.H , MnrJ SV-OATTLIV-llecdpls.
1,31)0 head , Inchidlng SCO Texans , shipments , 7CO
head ; market steady ; fnlr to fancy nntlve ship
ping nnd export steer * , Jl.J'ifi ' J.'i. bulk of hales ,
$1.10fc5.25 ; drest-ed beef nml butchers' steers ,
$ l.20fr5.00 , bulk of sales , SIJKJI.Si ; steers under
l.CO ) Ibs. , $3.6.'i(74fi : > , bulk of vnles , $ I.U PI. J5 ;
storkers nnd feeders , $ J.rny4SO , bulk of sales ,
$ J.Wi I , " . " ; cow.s und heifers. $2.00rlr,0 ! Texas
nnd Indian steers. JJ.T.nff 1.10. bulk of salei , $1,0) )
if4.3'i ; co\\s nnd holfor.- . $2.10 3JO.
11OO9 lleeelptK. 6.SCO bend ; i ilpm-iits. l.OCO
bead ; nnrket r > 5flOo lower ; > orker * . } 3.40f3. ! > ) ,
packi-rs. $ i.Mfi3SO , butchers' . $ J.SOij3..iO.
SHIIKl * Hi-celpts. l.SOO bead ; shipment * , none ;
market htendy ; native muttons , $4.MU4.5) ; InmLs ,
LotilMvlllt * Live Sloc-lr.
LOUISVILLE , Mnrch 23. CATTLE Market
dull nnd fully 10815o Ion IT ; extra Bond oxoprt
Ptcer" , $ I.WT4,65 ; choice butcher Mcci * . Jl.Hi ?
4.30 ; fnlr tc > Rood butcher steel * , ; com
mon to medium butcher fleer * , tl,403i3.65 ; choice
belfors. J3.UOOT4.13 ; fnlr to choice bJtohi-r cim * ,
J2.)0f3.C5 ! : medium to Rood fceuVrM , ! J.i.Jff.l. , .
HOClH-lli-eelpts , 2.000 head ; top' , J1.VO ; mo-
dlunii , 3.73 < i3.1IO ; light H'.ilppers , tJ.304f3.70 ; pit ; * ,
H1IEUP AND LAM11S Market steady nnd un
changed ; KOoiI to extra shlpplntr sheep , J3.50H
3.75 : fair to peed fheep. t3.00r.1.2' > ; common to
medium , JJ.OOW-.r.O ; extra HhlppInK himbx , t4,75
Q5.00 ; fair to peed lumbs. t4.23frl.75 ; best
butchem , J4.00B4.W ; fair to R30d butcliein , 5J.M
* Niw York i.tve Htock ,
NH\V YOUIC , March 21. IlBIIVIlS-nccclptf ,
2,615 head ; demand fnlr ; Kencrnlly steady ; com
mon * ovv n fhade lower ; Mteer , * I..Vi'ii'r.12'i ' ;
bullfl , J3.K , 4.CO : cow ? , J1.WI3.1J | ; cables ijuole
mnrkot dull nnd unchnnRcd ; exporU todny.
none ; tomorrow , 1,330 cattle Hd ) 1,730 quarter * of
CALVES Uccclpts. 333 head ; steady ; \enl ,
poor to Rood , (5.00(37.25. (
SHKKI' AND LAMI1S Receipts , 3,000 bend :
nrm all nround : sheep , t4.00fts.o0 ; Iambs , Jfl.OiW
0.60 ; clipped lamb , $ .1.3fi'3.37H.
IIOCl1 Hecelptu , 1,268 head ; nominal ; quotn-
tlons , t4.10S4.40.
lOiiNt Liberty Live .Stork.
EAST LinnrtTY , Pn. . March 21.-CATTL1 :
Stendy ; prime , t1.05JT5.lS ; common , H.WU4.10 ;
bullx , HtnKi itnd cotvn , 13.0004,10 ,
HOOK Excited ; medium vvelKl.'tK n uliadc
hlBher : other grades unclmnswl : ( irlme medium ,
tl.2uS4.30i be. t yorkern. $4.15ff4.23 : Rood light
yrrkcrs , JI.ff.Wl.10 : fair llrlit yorkera , I4.000
4.05 ; pics. J3.50W3.93 ; heavy 'boss ;
Rood roiiKhii , J3.40U3.73 ; common to fair , J2.WCu'
3 ' 25.
'sHBBP Bte.idy ; choice , $4,83iQ5.00 ; common ,
fl.CWI.CO : choice lamlw. t3.85KI6,00 ; common to
Kood , J4.75Q5.75 ; venl "calves " , J6.0ni6.pO.
InillnnaiiuIlN Live Stock.
INDIANA11X5L1S , Mnrch 21. CATTLB He.
i-elpto , COO head ; shipment * , 200 hrnd : market
active ; coed to prlmo teeeis , Jl.WJS.IG ; fair
to medium cteeeri ) . J4,60ffl.bO ; ronimon to B nl
Btockern , $3,25ff4,00.
lions necelpts. 4,101) head ; rhlpincnti1 , 3,000
bend ; market active ; good to chnlcn mrdluin nnd
huavy , J3.WM)3.92'i : mixed. J3kO1.1'JO : choice
IlKhtH. J1.S5&3.90 ; cDmmon llginf , J3.SOf3.f5.
SIIIJRP llecelptu , lluht ; hhlpniunts , none ;
niaik't nctlv-p nnd lOfUSc hlRhcr ; good to choice
liinibn , J5.40iJ3.63 ; common luinbx , Jl.0i5,23 ) ;
peed to choice Bliei-p. Jl.25ig4.iiO.
KnimnH City Live Slock.
KAN3AK CITY , Mnrcb 25.CATTUHecelpl ,
l.SOO liend ; Texas fleers , $3non4.40 ; Texas cows ,
l2.OOtfJ.Xi : native steers , $32"i3SO | ; nntlve cows
nnd heifers , JI.Mf(4 ( S5 : atockera mid feeders ,
J2.7.vau 15 ; bulls , I2.43f5 25.
HOOS Receipt * . ll.COO hend : market steady
to 5o lower : bulk of sales. $3.tOf(375 : heavies ,
$3 fioW.S. , ; packers , $3.COj3.tO ; mixed , $1 55tf3.tO :
llglrts , $ J 63.70 ; Yorkers , $1.65ff3.70i pigs , $3.3
HKltP-Uwll'ti1 , 2.WO heJd : market firm ,
mbrt. $4.25il.M : ; muttons , $1 MTf 1 10.
Cliirlniutll I.lvi * StorU.
CINCINNATI. March 23. IIOQS Active and
lower nt $3.1 ! ? 3M.
OATTLi-StroiiB nt $3.R- > friR5 ,
filllirr Active und hlsher at $3.00iiJI.C > ,
LAMIH Active nnd higher nt JI.25 ( C.OO.
Stork In
Itn-ird of receipts of live flock nl the foui
principal tnaiketH for Mnrch 21 :
' fjittle. HORS. Sheep
Omaha . ' 1.787 7,012 3.W. :
rhlcaKO . . XOO. ) 22.0.W 9.0 >
Kan..H IMty . 8.5JW
Ht. I uH . i . . 1,800
Totals . Sf.S7 47,312 15,0V
Coffee S lurkc > ( ii.
NKW YOUK , March XKFnn-Optloni
opened Irregular with April S points lower , othei
montha uni-hangeil tn 2 prints higher ; rule.
molerat"ly active , with nn upward tendency 01
local covering nnd tame Inveitment huylni
started bv letter cable news than looked for , r
falling off In lirazllliin reeplpts. liberal ware.
house deliveries nnd a better feeling In spot
Closed steady nt 5 points net higher to S polnti
net lower : sales , 1 ! > , ! 50 h ? s , Including Apr !
nt II.S34M.OT ; May. $5. 0 , Spot roffee , lllo. riulet
No. 7. Invoice , $5.M : No 7 , jobbing , $ S,00. Mild
quleti Cordova , $ S.2'Olli.OOi nlei. ( 10 > ) bagi
Havanllla , p. t. : 100 bitcn Marucalbo , p. t. To
tal w rehou > e deliveries from the United Htntes
17,188 tmg , Inrludlng1 10,192 bags from Nev
Yorki New York stock today , 613,7V ! bags
United Hilton stock , 770.M3 bags ; nflont for Ih
United mates , 360.0UO bngi : total visible for th
United States. 1.030.M3 baRf , against 740,009 ban
last year and 471. HOI bags In IMtt.
SANTOS , March 2J. COrPIJK Slenrtr : KOO
average Hantos , 8,050 rein ; recelptu , 15.C" ) bugt
stock , CRS.Wrt lianH ,
11AMHUIH1. March JI. cnKFfcn OjK-ned nn
changed : at 2:30 : p. in. , unchanged to Upfsr nt
lil 'icr : t-alct. 15.000 lmg > .
nio nn JANRIIIO , March sv coprBC-Puii
No. 7 lllo , eav ) rels ; exchange , 8'4d ' : n-celpt
75,000 bags : cleared fur the United Htateo , 13,00
bacMj for Durope , 17,000 bac .
HAVlti : . March K. COl'I'Isn Clo J " , if ne
higher ; sales , 23,000 bag .
Oil Mnrkr < ii.
OIL PITY. March 25. r-rfdlt bnlinrm. 77c : Cft
tincates Ktnrted nt 77c bid fur rash , 7TUc bill fo
regular ; Hales. T.tXO bbl < . regular ilvllvtry nt 77
no hld or nffers ut the close ; shipments , S7.SJ
bbl > . : runs. R2 17 ! bbls.
rilAHLVJSTON , . O. . Msrch ZS OIUS-Tur
p ntlne , market dull ; nulling doing. Iloiln
firm and unchanged ,
KAVANNAII. Oa. , March Vi OILS-Bn'rlls ' r
turpentine , market opened llrm nt Vie bid
rioted linn t 2a io bid Ili ln , tlrm : fali- <
Z.OIJ bbls. Quote : A. II. O. I ) , 1 : . ll.SO : V
$1,3.1 ; O , $1.M ; H. 11.60 : I. $1 t ! K. $1.75 ! M
$1 M : N. 1. SW O. $1.M ; W W. $ t 10.
WILMINGTON. N. O. . March 25.-OIIA
Pplrlts of torpentlne , firm at ! > % < : . Koiln , qul
it il.KUl.SO. Crude turpentine , nrm at $1.M <
l.W. Tar. aleady nt Me.
Krw YorFe Dry Gaud * M rkr < t
NRW. TORK Marcii it--nry mind * nte < iul ,
and without foUurc. The demand < nr
gogd * U mc t dull. Cottons art ( tnerali *
and sale * nre llirht In nit divisions of tlie tnnrkrt.
JoMK-w penprnlly ns ert thAt the tUniiml I' ev
trcmely light locally us compare * ! with lhat ot
previous week * . In other ( .eclloM of the couiitrr ,
except n few micli ns tbc Ohln rlvsr v.illev , the
spring trade 1ms Ix-en well suslnlned with rt *
tnllcm nnd nl .i with jobbers , i\pnrt : buying it
still quite limited. Print cloths nre Mill very
wenV. r.xtrna were in M nt outoldo mnrk'-ts nt
2 Mil vcstcnlny. but ns Jet the l"nll lllver mar
ket Is dull nnd weak. A new low itivnl ' 11 *
been mnde for 3.114 Inch , 61 miiiaro , S13 , nt STi.
Illito nml l.i-ntlu-r Mnrkrl.
C1I1CAOO , Mvrch 25. The Chleaso Hhoc nnl
I enther Iteslew will fnyt The hidemnrk'etit am
dull and wenk. The imckern nre holding for the
ratie'tabllshed by recent Mies , but It recmt
Inilwmlbli * to extort bids from Pie tanners.
Pnckers' llsht native cow hlde have been ntTcro.1
nt 10ic ( without Inkers , Country hides arc plow.
Heavy country nntlve cow * bide * were sold nt
O'.Jc , rilr skins nre down to U nnd Ko for llRhl
nnd heavy.
Cnllrornln llrlril Fruit * .
ntl'IT * Mleady. Ihnpomted applis. common ,
M ? c ; prime wire tray , HMt < Kc ! Wood ilrleil ,
prime. SVtWic : choice. SiJiV ! ! fancy , vmnnic.
1'nines. 34W7 c. Apricots. Itoynl , rU 7o : M , ) P
1'nrk , S4U104c. 1'enches , unpeeled , 5(1 o ; pi-el"d ,
MANCHKSTKIt , March M.-Cloths an.l yarn *
weie quiet , with very lltttle business Oolng ,
I'rliior Lulul nil n Oolil SrrWrr.
8BATTMMnrch ! Zj.-l'rlncn lailgl of
Itixly IH to be the backer of nn expedition
to Alnska whloh Is to lenve here In May
timler the leadership or Major K. S. In-
sram , who aoeomp.inlcil Prince I.ulBl on his
nsocnt of Mount St. KllriH taut stimmi-r.
The party will conslxt of llft - > n porsonn
nml will Include n number of Italians.N lit
Kolzobtle sound ns a base , nn exhaustive
prospectltiK for pold will bo ninth * . It N
HlntPil that 1'rlncp I.ulul would occotnpany
the imrty were It not fop the vvls'i of KlitR
Humbert that he head an expedition to the
north pole.
Primary , Btcondanr or T rtl ry BLOOD
I'OIBON ptrmancntlr
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can t tr ttd at horn * for m
prlc * under > am * guaranty. If you pnfir
to eomo here wt will contract to pay rail
road fare end nottl bllli , anJ no h rf (
If w * fall to cur * .
taken ratrcurr , lodld * potash and ctlll
hnve ach * and palm , llucoua Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat , i'ltnplrt. Copper Col.
vred Spot * , Ulcers on onr part of th *
body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out , It I *
thl * Beconflnry
We Guarantee to Cure
\V * solicit the meat obitlnat * caita and
challenge the world for n cisa we cannot
curt. Thl * dlsrnia ho always baffled the
skill of the laoit eminent physicians ,
ftOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional
guaranty. Abiolut * proofs went tealcd
on nppllcatlon. 100 pnire book tent frc * .
Address COOK UKMBDY CO. . 141)1
Mtmonlo Temple , CUIcnito , III.
Two Weeks'
rilhv Aiiis OLIJ
In the treatment of all
Chronic , Nervous and Private Disease ! .
and all WBAXNBS9B9 | | E | |
Catarrh , all Dlseaiti ot the Nose , Throat , Ch * ,
Btomuch , Liver , Illood , Skin and Kidney Ol * *
at * * , Loit Manhood. Hydrocele , Verlcoc * ! * ,
Gonorrhea , OleoU , Hyphllli. Stricture , I'llu , Kl * .
tula and Iltctal Ulcers Diabetes might' * Dl * >
at * cured. Call on or uddreii with stamp foi
Frea Book and New Methodi.
Trcntinrnt l > y Mall , Cnnnultatlon free ,
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
UIH North Kth au. OMhc N K
otr , ImpoUncy , HlMplomDwa , to. , caaMd
by Abuto or ether Exroaaoa ana Indls *
crotloni. ttev quickly and turcJu
Mvmvwv IxwtVlUltlr In old or 7oane. and
fitamaafor tadr , boelnwa or mirrla a.
M'rerunt Inianltr find Coiunmntlan 1C
, lme. Their nto bom ImmcdUto Improro.
taunt and cBoota OTJItB vthcra nllothnr foil In.
Kt upon baring th * etnnlno Aju T bl ti. They
ro cared thouiandi anil wllloan TOO. VVoglrenrxu-
Itltfl vrritMn gturutca to offtct a euro KA ATft la
aohoueor rotund the rnoner. PriooUUUIAitwr
packami or lx rkam ( fall treatment ) for (2.CO. Uf
mnll , In claln wrmmwr. upon reolpt ot trie * . ( iKnfar
' " AJAX REMEDY CO. . * a *
FOP sale In Omaha , Neb. , by Ju. Koisyin , 03
N. * 10th : Kulm & Co. , nnd I UKlaH ; nntl
In Council Illiirfu by O , II. llrown , Dnigglstn.
Relieves Kldnoyl
& Bladder ;
troubles at once , i
Curee In
Krch Can-
fills bC4r > tlie
Ct lllf 42 f r oncataril
dlichariM , InQammallOBa. '
Irrltatieai or alctratloai
f unnoni membrane * .
PaUilew , and not aurla.
or i < Dt Io Uln wripMr.
t > 7 MprM , cffp H , tit
H.m. at t ctUiM , 3.)5.
ntttim MM a * NiMow
Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment
ia the orifiinnl nnd only FUEN01I ,
Bafo anil reliable cnro on the mar *
ket. 1'rise. gl.OO ; sent by mail.
Uennino eoH only by
HK ) HIIIUJII..I pllll l01 |
We nlll Mod r ou a trUl trBAtravut
of ton French ItemiMti CALTHO8
IWe. I no i ) , O. II. MrlM-MBi and K
legal gunranUM that ClLTHOSwlll
STOP DI > rkurB(4 and EulHlaut ,
C't'IlK Hpcrmatarrlica , Varieoecle ,
lx t Vicar.
It costs you nothing to try It.
Von Mohl Co. 081 II t.i..i1..ti.o.
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaliti , Neb
Direct wire * to Chlcaxo and New York.
Ccrreipondintsi John A. Warrtn A Co.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
nrancb Offlro. 1C38 N St. . L'.ocoli. Neb.
O. C. CimiSTIE. K. : . arnnET ,
President. Vk * President ,
Ctifistie-Stfeet Commission Cos
Capital , fTrfMieiMM ) . Kyllr 1'nld.
Ill Hour * ot Trade lltttldlitv.
. *
- *