OMAHA DAILY BEE : FltlDAY , MAHOlT 25 , 1898. [ ' FROM THE . FARTHER WEST fc . - , MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Ittmi of Intorcat from South Dakota's Mineral Regions , NEW CAPITAL COMING INTO THE REGION Dion nltli Money I/iiiiUttiK far Invent- iii < n IN Si-pk the Mill * ImpriMc- tnenln In llnen > ow Ilc- Worked. S. D. , March 21. ( Special. ) Dr , l-'ranklln Carpnnter , Reneral manafitr of the 1)edwoo < l nnd Delaware company , has re turned from Chicago , where ho went to con fer with the owners of the smelter. The doctor says that the Htncltcr will ho rebuilt in Dead wood , cither on the old fltu or nca ; It , In the eastern part of the city. The company hax had two offers to rebuild th ( plant ouUldn of Deailutxxl , one of them he- ln a bonua snfflclcnt to ahout rebuild the works. The advantages of Deadwood. how ever , nro too creat to allow of the rebuild' Ins elsewhere. The Insurance adjusters ol the thirty-one companies In which the plan rtvna Insured arc In the city adjusting th ( loss. As soon ns this matter Is settled wort on the new plant will be commenced. It wll 1'C the same method and practically th same capacity of the old works. Dr. Car renter states that the money matters In th < cast nro very stringent , ow ng to the threat died war. Securities are depressed nnd 1 Is hard to get money for Investment , cs licclallion western securities. A largi force of men la engaged In clearing nway th debris from the slto of the old works and th usual amount of proapectkig tin ! mining 1 liolng done by the company at Ilald Mountuli anl Uuby Ilasln. Sluce the failure of Kilpatrlck Brothers t ct the landowners Interested In the tunnc proposition to tap the ere bodies of Hagge Top aciothor propcaltlon hao been made b parties Interested In the future developmcn of the dldtrlct to sink n laigo working wha ! through to quartzlte. It la believed tha TOO or 800 feet will reach quartz , which In th foutijallcn of the elllclous ore formatlor The Dacy shaft Is down 430 feet and It 1 claimed that the last 150 feet were In shah uliottlng the Hmo capping to be about 28 feet thick. Krom do\elopmotM ) made thu Tar In the district It. Is clearly shown the the fovnmUcd does not differ much from tha of Hald Mountain and Huhy Ilasln. Th theory h that at one time this part of th coi'atry was covered by a capping of Hint tone , which. In most placts , has been en tlrely carried away by erralon. It Is held b niEiiy that the simc large body of ere whlc Is making the Hald . .Mountain and Uuby mines famous will be encountered In th Itagged Top district when the proper dcpt Is attained. The final organization of the Detroit at Dcuilnood Mining company was accomplish ! last week by Msisrs. Warren , Murrey , A < < lri-6 , McCullum , IJakcr and othccs. of ] > trolt , who recently purchased the P. II. Sml roup of claims In Two Bit. The compai vvlll put $25,000 Into Uie treasury for wor ing capital with which two shafts will I Mink to ( | iiartz and mining machlneo' PU chnscd. It Is expected that work will I toinmcpccd In lefra than two weeks. 'The'mlners ' In the Harrison mine. In Fllac tall gulcti , ace crosscuttlng the formation < u nro breaking down ahout fllx tons of 010 < lay , The ere Is hdlng treated at the K : < 1onnn mill at I'luma. The average \ali of the ere Itrfi0la the ton gold. Tlio-o .slioot has Increased In size , It now bell four feet thick nnd'twelie fret wide. It expected -that other ere shoots will bo o countered by the cra cuttlng , GRADING IIUGINS. Grading hag commenced on the property the Highland Chief , In Spruce ftulch , for t erection of a MTRO hoisting plain. TUP I dlcatlnns are that the group of claims eltuatcd over a Mrgo body of ore , and wl the delor nc H that Is about to be niade , t mine will become n heavy producer ! Eastern ] mrtlr have bonded a portion the Lucky Boy lode , " owried by D. Kobe nnd others , for $9,000 , $2,000 of which ha already been paid do\ui. It Is known th several rich veins of ere exist on the pro crty and oxtctid Into claims adjoining , whl will also bo bonded by the syndicate. T fraction of tbc Lucky Uoy la a key to t property. Twenty-threo thousand rhare.s of dell quent stock of the Challenge Mining coi pany were sold last week , and were pi ; chased 'for the amount ot assessment and co ; Ttils comiauy Is now In n good condltl iflnnnclall ) , and extensive development wo ulll soon bo Inaugurated on the Challcn claim In Spiuce gulch and on the Nol Grand In Two nit. The Ueadbroke Mining company has o dereil an air compressor and power drill ci the- output of the mine Is to bo Increase The mine Is a heavy producer and the con pany owrs n stamp mill which Is kept co stantly going. Work has been started again In the He cults shaft In Two Hit. Operations ha\o bei suspended for several weeks because ot : overflow of water. The shaft Is down abe ninety feet. Work now starts out with a lar Hteim pump nnd potter drills , which will p the shaft down rapidly. The new ten-ftamp mill on the St. Kir property In the Southern Hills , recently pn chased by Captain W. W. Marsh of Omali lias been completed and Is now making reg lar runs. It la equipped with jigs and cci ccntratoro and each stamp weighs S vounds nnd crushes about three and a h : tons of ore each twenty-four houw. A for of men Is engaged en the 100-foot lev ctoplng out ore and making preparations fctak deeper on the ere ledge. Three of the largo companies which pi pose to operate thU season In the Casl Creek placer district ha > o their machinery position nnl are ready to begin sink ! ehafta to bedrock. The Thompson & Hym company began sluicing Monday. This w tie a livel } camp this season and It U cs in.Med that the four big companies will ta out several hundred thousand dollars In go The Deadnood school board has sold t school lots In the eastern part of the city , Chinatown , to Captain Glcason and Joe K lar of Pine Illdgo , for $ S05 cash. These m liavo been sinking a shaft and developing ledge of ere during the winter and have go jirospccts. -Tho Snowstorm mine , owned by Tl. Maloncy , has been drained of water by t now steam pump and the work of sink ! deeper In the shaft will bo resumed aga A force of men 1s also grading a site tor a r e hoisting plant on the Baltimore a dUcIunoiid properties , which are owned itbn amo party. Seven ear loads of ere a week are bcl shipped from the Dccorah mine. In Neva eulch , to the Omaha smelters. A tunnel ti been driven through from the Alaska ml on quartzlte. The ore shoot Is medium s and averages $35 a ton gold. III3AVY INVESTMENTS. John iBarth ot Milwaukee Is Investing largo amount of money In the dovelopnu of mining property along the course of t Keystone belt , both north and south ot Kc stone. In the touthern hills. The mini operations are under the management of Jo IMattes. One of the groups of claims Is t tUUmarck , one mlle and a halt north of Kc stone. There Is a tunnel 270 feet long , wh ! crosscuts a lolld body of ere forty-three f wide at a depth of IbO feet from the surfa which produces by mill test $5 per ton po The ere la hauled by teams to a ten-sta ; anlll on ( Battle Creek , In Keystone. 1 inlno has also teen supplying a car load week of concentrates \alued at $30 a ton the 1) . & D. melter. Mr. Harth also hai ibond on the Dig Hit group of eight clal one mile south ot Kcyitone , There 1s a 2i loot shaft , with 400 feet of crosscuts drifts on the 100 and 200-foot levels. T large body of ore will yield an average of a ton free milling. These two mines , tali with the ( Holy Terror and the Keystone , v elve a largo output of gold for the season The shaft In the Golden Hill compan mine , In Two nit , 1s down 135 feet , and It thought that olxty-five feet mort will ret quartilte. The company now bat a compl working. Samuel Allcrton of Chicago Is president. nt Alirnli-cn. ABERDEEN , S. D. , March 24. ( Special. ) From advices received here Washing ton It seems quite certain that General S. H , Jumper will bo appointed postmaster ot this city. It U stated be ban the endorse ment ot Senator Kyle and the republican state organization , State Land Commissioner Lockhart and Stuto Auditor Mahcw have gone to Grout and Roberts counties for the > purpose of apprais ing certain school land which will be offered for sale some day this week. William Walsh , charged with stealing wheat from August Krugcr of Groton , waived examination and was held to the circuit coutl In bonds of $ .100. Thu Indications are good for ccraldcrablc activity along the line ot buildings an I Im provements In this city during the next few months. The News Printing company U getting material on the ground for a flue brick structure for Its own use. The Catholic Church society Is also making active prepara ttons for the erection of a largo church cdl flee early this season. There Is afco strong talk of erecting a three-otory brick bloci' ' near the Sherman housJ , and another two < story block adjoining the Ward hotel. Aside from these Improvcracals , several m'nor en terprlses are being talked ot which wll aggregate quite a largo sum when com pleteil. There Is every reason for bellevln ; that Aberdeen has entered upon a season o renewed prosperity. Hunk Itolihrr on Trial. DCADWOOD. S. D. , March 24. ( Specla Telegram. ) Putncj's appearance In cour this morning , clean sha\en , caused a sensa tlon. His attorneys , Temple and McLaugh lln , evidently meant to negative the Idea tlia the alleged Belle fourcho bank robber hai raised a beard to mask his Ideality nnd mak Identification more dllllcult. Shaven he ap peared less the desperado than before. Drowr nnJ McCoy , two witnesses from ThormopolU swore positively that Putney spent Sunday the 27th , the day before the robber > , a Brown's ranch , 240 miles from Belle Fourchc Defendant took the stand In his own dcfens and made a fair Impression. Under a never crest examination , his account of his move mcnta about the lime of tlie robbery was no entirely clear. In cloilng the ease" Tempi for the defense blttcily arraigned the ban' for demanding \lctlm and greatly woaKcno the force of Identification by pointing ou se\eral conflicts In the testimony The nu dlence was clearly with the prisoner , hi venerable father nnd vrotty young slste who sat beside him. The concluding nvgu mont and Judge's charge were gl\en tbi evening. Treating tin1'orpli ; ry Ore * . AXACONDA , Mont. , March 24. ( Special.- ) The present year promises to demonstrate Ju : what can bi done with the ores of tt "porphyry dike , " which Is so vast that tl solution.of of the problem of mining and mllllr it , and the proof that It can be done nt profit , means the operation of a great man Btanipa and ( tie handling ot millions oftot of eco within the next few > cars. It la b' ' llo\cd that n mountain of ere running fro $1 per ton upward can bo mined and cci verted at a cost not to c\ceed Sfl cento pi ton. If this proves to be the case , vast are-i of mining country , heretofore considered nc > rofitable , will be mined In Montana. The' ' xxlil Schweitzer Is now working an ere fro he dlko at the Pauper's Dream and Columb claims. So 'ar the ore haa been handled i > G cents to $1.25 per ton. The porphjry dll mountain Is of very low values , but onormoi n quantities. Thirty thousand tons In a : iavo been put through since opbr.itlons b ; au. A DOO-foot tunnel has been run 400 fc ) elo\v tue surface to determine the extent ho dike. It Is estimated , ( hat the dike coi alns 200,000,000 tons of low-grade ore. Tl nuln dlkoits lf la 10,000 feet'long and'fro < 00 ta 1,200 feet wmcL There Is ore .enouf to run a plant a century if it can be demoi stiatcd that the cost will rot exceed the r turn. Economy- . handling will make tl norths ry dike one of the famous gold sec lions of fhocountry. . ( . Dakota ' . .Manivt * n un TACOMA , Wash. , March 21. ( Special.- ) Johnson Nlckcus , the nominee of the n tubllcans of this city for mayor , Is we no\\n In Dakota , where he formerly reside Ho wns born In the District of Columbl July 2 , 1850 , nnd Is now 47 years of age. ff came to Tacoma In 1S92 and has practlci aw In Ihls city every since that tlme M Nlckcus when a boy of 12 years of. ago ra away from homo. In 18G2 , and was a now y throughout the war , returning home : L8G5. He Ihcn commenced Iho study of la and after being admltlcd lo pracllce movi to Dakota , In which state ho remained unt tie came here , In 1S92. He served two tern in the Dakota legislature and declined a thli term , which was offered by both partlc He was afterward elected attorney gener tor the two Dakotas nnd was afterward oj pointed to a consulate , which ho was COTJ i > elled to decline on account ot 111 health. Killxoii'n I'rorrx" u Sut'Ofim. SPniNGCU. N. M. . March 23. ( Special. ) Messrs Stein and Cable of Kllzabetlitov , have gone over to the nlo Hondo , near Am zette , to begin active operations on the Ire Dike , n lar o vein of low grade ore that tin control on Gold hill. A letter received a fo dajskago by IMr. Stein from Thomas A. i : Ison , the wizard , states that his tests In r moving the magnetic Iron with his scparati was a complete success. This means th the millions ot tons ot $7 ere in the dlstrl that was considered valueless can now I mined and concentrated at a profit. Udlsc will lend his services this summer to tl owners of Ihc Iron Dike , which also Into csted Mayor Eugene Kecket of Washlngto D. C , , and a number of Now York capitalls who are closely Interested In many wa ; with Edison , and will bo the means of brln Ing abundance of capital to the Ellzabct town district this summer. Turiiuolxc Mint' 111 > ovaclu. CARSON , Nov. , March 24. ( Special. ) A turquoise mine , said to bo very rich , being opened up by George Slmmcms In t ! southernmost corner of Nevada , near tl California line. Nearly a year ago ho foui a mound on the mountain side which look like a dump. Ho found a good ma turquoise stones In this , and after a tli bonded the property , but the bond was i lotted to go by default , and for sevei months be has been working It himself. It paid that ho has broken Into a large chnmbi npparently of prehistoric workings , In whl the gangue is eight feel wide , the width the chamber. He has sold about $30,0 worth ot stones , one of which , weighing six carats , was sold to Tiffany for $4,500. Th are eald to bo of a color and hardness equ to the qualities ot the best Persl ; turquoibeo. Mexico Fruit I'ronpect. SPRINGER. N. M. . March 24. ( Special. ) M. W. Mills , one of the largest fruit gro1 era In New Mexico end who has one ot t largest orchards In the United Stati situated In tbo Red river can ) on thirty mil below here , states that from present ladle tlons bo will have the largest yield of frul both large and small , this reason that t orchard has ever produced. From orchai Uts west and northwest ot hero It Is learn that the prospects for a largo crop are c cellent. All through northern New Mexl como reports of prospects ot BU abundance fruit this > ear. The season has been c cellent so far , no frcwts or co early buddlt which U generally detrimental to tbo en Outside ot tropical fruits this territory w not bo compelled to look to other points I fruit this year , but will bo a shipper. W > online- Stuck Urower.1. CHEYENNE , Wyo. . March 24. ( Specli The annual meeting of the Wyoming St < Growers' association , which will bo held h on April D to 7 , promises to be one ot I largest gatherings of stockmen bold for mi years. The prosperous condition of the cal business will cause a largo number of de era and railroad representatives to attc end a good meeting Is assured. Ileet Sujtar In. > IMV Mexico. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. , March 23. ( Sj clal. ) At the last meeting of tbo Commi clal club In this city a communication M received from James A. Davla , saying tl would bo guaranteed for the raising of the sugar beet for the next five years there would bo no trouble In getting eastern capital to erect a largo beet sugar factory in this city. A committee Is now at work getting the necessary guarantees. Minn llfrl'M .StictM'nufnl .Mlmiliin. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March 21. ( Special. ' ) Miss Rjtcllo Reel , secretary ot the Stata Board of Liud Commkwloncrs , who has been In Washington for some time attending to the details of Jiavlng lands due the state. In lieu ot like amounts In military and Indian reservations , transferred to the state , 1m been successful , and several hundred thou sand acres will be added to the state lands. Applications nre en fllo from ranchmen for the lease of state lands aggregating over 1,000.000 acres. The applicants aak for the lamln In "tracts of frcm ICO to 0,000 acreo , and offer to pay from 1 cent to 10 cents an aero per annum rental. Including the land * recently secured there will not be more than 500.0CO acres at the disposal ot the board unless some of the land cession bills now before congress should pass. Mineral Troiluot In Mexico. GUAYAMAS , Mexico , March 21 , ( Special. ) The mineral wealth of the state of Chihua hua Is cotlmated by the manager of the Mexl. can Ore company at $8,150,000 , of which $ ! . G50.000 is in silver. $1,500,000 In gold , $650,000 In lead and $350,000 In copper. The official returns of the stale of Sonora show Us prod uct In gold for 1S9G to have been $2,459,000 , against $1,907,000 for 1895 ; In sll\cr , 1'or 183fi. $2,310,000 , against $1,009,000 In 1S93. The icport of the yield for 1897 Is not jot ready , but It Is thought that It will amount to nbout 40 per cent more than for 1S9G. I'IIIIIK ! Hurled Coin. SAXTA FE. N. M. , March 24. ( Special. ) Considerable excitement has been occaslonel today by the reported finding of $10,000 In gold and silver coin by some men who were repairing an old house In the west end of tottn belonging lo a family named Rodri guez. It Is supposed to have been burled years ago by Rodriguez' mother , and as there are several heirs claiming It , and the finders are endeavoring to Keep the amount secret , there promises to be developed con siderable tad blood before matters reach a conclusion , Mnteil In Wti DAVENPORT , Wash. , March 23. ( Special. ) A party of fiUteen from Howard county , Iowa , nrrlvcil Monday and will locate In this \Iclnlty If they are able to buy farms. They report that about thirty or forty moro families will arrhc from the Elmo place in a few weeks , AVcnry r Uriiio GOLDEN , Colo. , March 24. ( Special. ) When the republican city convention was held in this city last week the men who have been calling themselves "sIHer re publicans" acted with the republicans In the nomination of city officials , and they now say they are tired of helping the demo crats and populists and will hereafter act with the republican party In all elections. TO cimn COM * i > oxu n.v\ Taka Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. Al druggists refund the money If It falls to cure 25c. The cennlnr ia < t L. U. Q. on each tablet Colorado K > OOH. The Midland road wns blocked last Friday by a gicat rock slide in the mountains. Nearly $2,200 has been raised for a Grand Army of the Republic fair at Fort Collins this week. Tiio Northern Ccal company las paid $60,000 for the mines ol the Midland Fuel company near Cardiff. Plans nro being prepared to erect o smoltcr at Ward , In Boulder county , which will have a capacity of 150 tons dally , There-are Plght mines In Hint-district , whleli could easily keep a smelter busy. Jeff Pipkin arrived In Colorado Springs a few dajs ago , huving made the trip Ironi Texas with his wife , agexl IS , In a wagon , The wife drank from a bottle of camphor tc relieve pain and expired the next day. The wlfo of Patrlpk Murray , messenger ol the commissary department at army head , quarters , Denver , received a deed for tnc houses and lots worth $15,000 , the gift ol Father Michael O'Brien , a wealthy priest ol 1 Lowell , Mcso. A young woman named Lamb , an casterr Boiourncr at Colorado Springs , was coastlut down from the Iron springs and losing con < Irol of her wheel on the steep roadway dashed Into a post by the side of the roai and was knocked unconscious. The entire Gllpln county district Is mos acthc. The old mires which have beer developed during the past two years by nc blood and new capital are making hand some returns , while new money eonttnuallj comes Into the district for the Improvcmen of other old properties. About two weeks ago , In sinking a John shaft on the Mineral Farm group neap PU. kin , two milters discovered a deposit o chloride ere which assajs $1G2 In gold. Ai this is the first discovery of chlorldo It tbot district considerable Interest will bi taken In tha de\clopmenl of Iho property. The Rex mine in Io\vu gulch , Lcadvllli district. Is to bo operated by a new com pany of local men. A diamond dilll wll bo set up for the purpose of locating \alu able ere chutes supposed to exist there Iowa gulch has never yielded much ore , bu the oldest mining men of the district ha\ < always believed In Its future. \ VnnliliiKtoiici.s : Notci , The co-opcratlvo colony at B'.anchard Is re colvlng a number of cccrults this spring an the outlook Is icported to bo good for per manency. A fUh ladder Is to be constructed on Ui long fUlla of Dei Chutes river nt Tumwatc and the order for 20,000 feet of lumber ha already been placed , A fruit Inspector has bscn appointed I Lincoln county , which is the ninth county I the state to organize under the law an secure the benefit of fruit inspection. In Swank district the drift and hydraull mlncfl are resuming operations after a brl ! eiispenelon for the two coldest winter monttu There will bo more activity In this camp tha at any time since Its discovery. In the Black Hills region , near the Hn between Mason and Thurston counties cougors are reported to bo very eanmon. Tw of them ate their fill from a farmer's ho pen near the house a short time ago an slept near by until morning , when a Httl boy saw them trot off Into the woods. Although the Cascade mountains are stl covered with from three to ll\o feet of bnov which bids fair to remain on the ground unt the let of June , there Is a movement c prospectors toward Mount Baker end othe districts where gold was discovered late I Iho fall. They purpose follottlng up th gulches as the snow recedes. In the valley there Is no snow and vegetation Is well at vunced , marking an exceedingly early sprint ONLY NINE W STRAIGHT ! jeorgu W , Loomia or Omaha is Among th THEY WILL SHOOT -OFf THE TIE TODA' ' \rnrljr I'otir Tlioujumil Hollnrn Wll He Il > litcil 'Annum- the Mnc , nnd Hit * winner Toilny Oeln a SIlTfT Cup. NEW YORK. March 24. The Gran American handicap , annually brought oft tin tier tiio auspices of the Interstate aasoclatlor was brought to a successful Issue lalo thl afternoon at Klkwood Park , iN" . J. Nine me finished with twenty-five strolghl kills an dlvli'ed the first nine moneys , whlc amounted to $3,713. Twenty-two men kllle twenty-four birds each and dIUded the rt malniler ot the ntakcs , the entire amour of the entry money being $3,075. As the light was poor and a drizzling rat was falling when the twenty-fifth round wa completed , the nine shooters \\lio dl\lde tlio first money decided to postpone th shooting off of the ties until tomorrow morr Ing. Tils rear the Interstate ansocatlo ! has offered a special prize , a very hantiaoin silver CIT. and this will go to the wlnnc The conditions of the shoot-oft will be "mis and out. " Sirs.V. . P. Shattuck , who killed nine ot of tha twelve birds yesterday , continued t < dpy and was e\en more successful. Of th thirteen birds which ehe shot at today sh grassed twchc. and one fell dead out < bounds. One kill at No. 2 trap by Mrs. Shal tuck with her second barrel was exceeding ! clover and all the shooters congratulate tlo Minneapolis v.omnn. Of the western delegation three flnishc straight with twenty-five kills. They wci T. 1' . Lallln of Hock Island , 111. , who shi from the twcnty-clght-jard mark ; O. V I.oomcs of Omaha , and J. A. 11 , Ulllott i Kan sis City. Captain Jack Urewer , the world's clnn plor. and Fred Gilbert , the champion i America , did not get Into the money. Hat killed twenty-three. These two rivals wci matched today and the content will tal place In Chicago within the nest few week The weather this morning was suitable fi trap shotting , but late. In the afternoon ra began to fall. The Lirds as n rule were goi ones and WITO carefully picked. The slio will be resumed at 10 o'clock tomorro inornlni ; . The follow Ins made straight scores twentyo birds : J. \ . n. Klllott , Kaiibi City ; "Walters. " I/JHR , N. J. ; U. Hcndcr. New York : H I ) . I'tilford , Utlc N. Y. ; 0.V. . Loomls , Omaln , Neb ; "Jl Jones , " Philadelphia ; W Wagner , Washln Vn : H. O. Hclkcs , Dayton ; T. P. Lafll Kock Island. TS-o following scored twenty-four bird IJ M. Cooper , Red Bank , X. J. ; A. Dot Paterson , N. J ; i ; A. Leach. Trlppe , S. i : Ca.ntnln A. W. Money , Oakland , N. J George- . Roll , Chicago ! J. 0. Savage. NC HA\GII. Conn. ; Fied' ' Schwartjr. . , Bride burg , Pa. ; J. s. Parmljig , San Trancisc Jay Snell , Worccstcir'CMaEs ; Sim Olo\c Hochester X. Y. ; f. j'r ' Laugrey , LlgouU Pa ; "Koberts. " Philadelphia ; Dr. D. Mosher , OranMlIc. N. V. ; W. A. Wldebiua Scinnton , Pa. ; "Donl > -'t ' Huffalo , N. J 'Captnln Hunk , " NeKv CVunswlck. N. J. ; / len Wllley , Hadlymb , c'cnn. : J. M. Thoni son. Youkcrs. N. Y. F.TC. 'Hurkhardt ' , Hu falo N. Y. ; n. S. nice , Chicago ; AV. p. sha tuck , Minneapolis ; LeeJ Hucklns , Kcwanc IVI\TS ov TIIUORI NM.\R I.oulslniin .loclc yl ' 'Club'H Mvclli OIICIIN ill % rviOrlcniiN. . NHW OHL13ANS. > Mftrrh :4.-TJio. .Nc I/oulslana jjckoy ciWVn.cetlng' opened tl " ' * J nftcrnoon. Ilesult1:1' : I''lrst race , soiling , six furlonss : Adox won , Slinnie 'SVcMon.Eecond , Uncas thlt Time : 1:13. : ' 1 , Second ince. 2-yoar-olds , splllnR. n\-e ft IOIIRS : iToe Hand won. Sulphuiic secon Mousoltofr third. Time101" - . h'El1 ' rtlc.c' ' ; . 'o"e mile"nnd ono-sl teeijth Pete : ' Kitchen won. Royal Clui second , 'HcntlllKlit third. Time : l"S T'ourtrt race , sellinB , one mile nnd twen ynnls : IJlnelclnR Hrushon. . Ills Urotli scroml. Serf tlilnl. Time : 1:11. : I'lfth rnoe , one mlle and twenty vauli- C. Htiinrillon. . Kllsmere second , Ta third Time : li : : . Sixth race , selllnr , seven fiirlonprs : Hh Ner SPCon < 1' Imp' 1 > cr SAX KUANCISCO. March 21-WcntJi rleiir nnU track fast nt Insiesido today. 1 ! sui ts j IHrst race , purse , for maidens six fi lonpi : Justine won. Sleepy Jane scar Kaklns third. TlmalKiJ : Second race , selling , nix ftirloiiB : Jtc in S T011' 1Icrrnos ° second , IJrcak o'l ) Third , tiio "Androui stake , nlno s tccnths of a inlle : Sombre won , Ollnth bocond. Humidity third. Time : 0.35' . . roiirth tace. puise. one mile : TuUiet second , Salvathn third. Tin . 4. l-'lftli race , soiling , onp nnd one-sKten miles : IJuckwn won , Klashllfilit socoi Mvth third. Time : 1:13V. : . , Sixth rare , purse , s-p\en furlonps ; Woe ford 1 Illy won , Candle Illack second , S Vvnado third. Time : Js % . Sinldi IN IIclilVlllioii < Hull. TnnXTOX , X. J. . March 21The coiner nor * " Inquest Into the death of Hen Hruun , who died on Tuesday mornlns as result of injuries sustilneil In n contest the Palace Athletic club on Monday jilu with Jack Smith , resulted In a verdict 111 nr.utn's Ucafj was due cither to a blow n full. Jack Smith was ho'd without ball by I lice Justice Jackson nnd Ilefcrcc S. m A > tin. Manager Jack Shelly of the 1'alaco Al letlc club , at well as the seconds of bo Ilrnun nnd Smith , ha\o been held uni JjOO balv ns vltnes es. The Mercer county srnnd Jury , bef ( whom this matter will next come Up , v not sit until May. \1 > I I M < .Si'hcdulc. PIUliADnLPHIA , March 2l.-Tho Atlti tic naso Hall league met In this city ted nnd adopted a schedule for this season n entered a protest against rowdy ball pl.i Inp. According to the bchcdule. Newa nnd Patterson nre the on'.y towns wh ( Sunday panics will bo plajcd. The seai will be opened April 15. The IJriHh resolution of the Natloi lenguo.on rowdyism was considered too < bltrary nnd. It was decided to empower t umpire to suspend for two days a plaj who violates any of th , * ru'.es. AllNOIl Afll'lllC > CIllPKltOX. CHICAGO , March. 21. ' In eomo quarti It was assorted tontffKb. that A. C. Ans hail secured controp'ot" the Chicago I ) club , but Anson hlmsl-Jf would not contl this. i' " "H 4s true , " said hCvO'thnt I have an < tlon on the club nt $150,000 , nnd that I option yet ha.s sonm jtlme to run. I cam tell who any of my associates In the own ship of the club , lfJLf > rcure It , may be la ? My the day when housdbleaning set ; in. If you do it in the liard-working bustling way , every man woman , anc child wants to get under cover. Do i withPearline.and nobody's troubled not even you yourself. Pearlim housecleaning is quicker , quieter sooner through with , easier Saves much rubbing. Save ; paint. Saves temper. Wherever you can use water fo cleaning , use Pearline with i and you'll get the best work And let the children help. The ] enjoy cleaning with Pearline , ani you'll he training them in the wa ; they should go. KT wlrj only My 1 nm hopeful of carrying the deal through , " It Is loomed thnt the option which Cap tain Anson holilH runs until April 15 , Hnmllnll for Odiir Hnplil * , CHDAU IIAIMDS , In. , March 21. ( Special Telegram. ) A inrge nnd enthusiastic nmss meeting -wan held here tonight nnd , stct > 3 taken that will Insure bane ball during the comingseason. . During thn last few days matters have been in a slinky condition , but nil fenm were removed tonight. Manager Hill tins an excellent team signed nnd U will report on April 10. Hypnotic Wonilrri. No one need go lo IVirls now to see nil that Is marvelous In hypnotism. In the hyp notic wards of many hospitals ot this doun- toy are hypnotic subjects that u. mere gUncc , It U said , throws them Into the trance tftAtn. Hut In order to overcome that obstinate kid ney trouble the persistent use of HoaUtter's Stomach Hitters U necessary. USD It also systematically for malarhl , bllllous , dyspep tic , rheumatic and nervous diseases. Arri-Nti'il nit Siiiplolon. Ileod P.illln wns nrrested last nlgJil on suiplclon of being a thief. The alleged booty found on his person consisted of a bottle of perfumery nnd a pilr of stockings. He Is thoupht to be one of a snug of shop lifters whlcn niakei UH living nl the ex pense of large retail stores. .Sinn 11 Illnro. The nre department extinguished a small lilnze In the Illngham block. 1701 to 1707 heavenworth slreet , al 12.30 o'c'ock this morning' . Ashes linil been carelessly dumped In a bairel on a rear pore1 ! and thp woodWork - Work In the vicinity was badly scorched. Hie Oain.ig * wns small. IMMHlllANTS HKdlNXIVl ) TO MOVH. Influx or ScUlorn In < li < > > < irllMvct tin- lieu * It-fit In VrnrM. ST. PAUI * , March 24 New settlers are reviving the old prairie echcouer and lanti officials In this city have tbo names of 300 famlUc * . AEgregatlng 1,200 people , who pro pose this spring to adopt that method of reaching Minnesota and the Dakotas from the older stales. Many nro already on Ihe road. road.Tho prcsenl movement of settlers Is the hcavlcat for a long time. O > er 1,000 people pcesci through this city today curouto to farms In Mlnnrao'.a and the Dakotas and will settle along the line of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern. The greatest body will bo the Dunkards , several thousand of whom expect to join their brethren In North Dakota this year. WATSOX I IJCII.MS MIMIMTIOX. Sn.iv ll < > ConliI \ < > t lie 11 * on It JinllullotN \ \ VriFiivornlile. . ATLANTA , CSa. , March 24. Thomas n. Wat POII , who was nominated for go\cmor one week ago toy the populists. Is out In nn open letter today declining to accept the honor. After saying he could nol bo elected , ro matter how Iho ballots went , ho AIN nounccs that he In out of polltlia for gcoJ. IIVMKXI5VI. . lUJMHOIflrr. u\eb. . March 24. ( Special. ) Al the residence of Mr. Charles Smith on Wudnrflday evening , iMarch 2.1 , Mr. Oliver Ayers was married to Miss Oll\o Smith , the ceremony being performed by llev. T. AV. Cummlngs of Uullols , In the presence of some 200 Invited guests. The brldo Is th daughter of Charlr * Smith , n wealthy farmer of Nemaha precinct , whllo tlit > groom U the eldest son ot the late N. A. Acrs , well known to the people of tht county. IllltCllll tilllll I'Vt Off If so > ou want a good map ot Alnokn and the gold fields. Have you seen the beautiful map tailed by The HooT It la very com plete. On sale at nc\\a eUnJd ana at Ths office for 10 cents. Storm LONDON , March 24 Snow and sleet Is falllr today In various parts of the United Kingdom , while- heavy gale * are sweeping the coast and causing \esso' to seek shelter. A bll/zard Is raging In Derbj shire. Then * were many small wrecVs , without Ions of life , on the cast ccast and the steam trawler Nellie , which aa wrecked off Hattrajlmm , losi all I'.a crew by drowning. Sny ( In * Sum In K num-i-n ( " ! . SAN KUANCISCO , Mm oh 21. The local olllrlals of Wells Karoo * . < - ' " deny thct statement published by newspapers to tln > effect fiat th < > Ooschi-n trnln roliliirs e- i-ureii In thti lu-Uhboihood of $75. M In Kolil mid curroncy. They assoit that whit- they lm\o not ivi.rl\ci1 the wiijMlK they ar. conlldrnt that no sue'i amount wns In thn Hitfo. as they had no notice of any umiHimllr largo shipment. They decllnu to istlnmto the amounts taken. _ rorm a I'lK ! Triinl. , CU5VI5IjANI ) . O. . March 21. A fully at tended meeting of manufacturers of Ues- semer pit ; Iron In the Clevo'.ind. Mnhotilnff and Shcnnnpo districts was hold here IMJ- result It hind closed doors today nnd as a himl.ocn taken Hi Is said Iho llnnl * tep < , and tint the formation of the pig lion trust It la now a fact. CWWWOTTOWWW § ' Nervioe. § Dr. Miles' Restorative . x Makes the Weak Strong A sick man cannot be happy ; he cannot accompl ish the work he lias to do in this world ; he loses the very object he is striving to attain ? his ambition defeats it C2 self. The man who comes to his task in the morning with a headache ; who suffers all the day from dullness and drowsiness , who < joes ; to his meals without an ap petite and tosses restles-ly throtish the night without sleep is not likely to Icive a competence for his widow and orphans. Any man who discovers that his strength and energy are .giving way , has an unfailing means of regaining his physical health and stamina in the sim ple vet all-potent restorative power ol that wonderful nerve food and melicine , Dr.Miles' Restorative Neivinc. It makes the thin plump , the pale riully. and the weak- strong. It nourishes and fortifies the body and restores e ? health. V Mr. Samuel F. Pllson , Staunton , Va. , writer as follows : "In ISm t was ronslclorably broken . V down from overwork , both mentally nnd physically , when I wns ttikon with uti nttnck of LaGrippe. V . The dUmtso attacked my nervous system nnd left mo in n very weuk and feeble condition. 1 cm- ployed an eminent physician who crave mo only tomporarv relief. My appetite failed , I i ew gi ml- ually weaker , could not sleep at all , became very despondent , and felt lib if 1 must soon pa-a < vor V the river. I began tukin ? Dr. Miles' Rost-iratlvo Nervine and soon bojiui to improve in e\ury respect. 1 used the medicine for several weeks when I found myself once moro in possession of my former health mid strength. " Dr. Miles' Remedies arc for sale by all druggists under a guarantee firs1 bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on heart and nerves irce. Address u , * Dr. MlLliS MKDICAL CO. , Elkhart , Ind. . c&n - xvrvNv C < gg Sl Ef- You Can Get O Q 4&s jS3S q J Js the H5ost Successful cis > ciS3 Book of the Year 423 S3 & ? 1-KOM - FIRST 0 > TO LAST _ < > MIRAT IIALSTCAD HER Cause , Crisis and Destiny , STRUGGLES ' ' ' ' ' FOR - LIBERTY Mtirat Halstead y d Veteran Journalist , Distinguished War Corrcspondont , Brilliant writer for many 1C years the friend and associate of the "makers of history" of the AVestorn AVorld. 0n There is no more graphic , incisive writer than he ; no shrewder observer of men ile and events ; no one who foretells more unerringly the trend * of ail'airp , their se e r quence and conclusion. REVISED TO DATE &y Containing a vivid account of the overwhelming tragedy Destruction of the Maine us < > New and Splendid Illustrations of THP DATTI FCEIID HIAUIF AC ! P MAINE AS CONSUL GENERAL UE , Ex-MiN.STER . DE LOME , JfTFLESII CAPTAIN SIOSBEE , GENERAL BLANCO. SHE WAS AND BS . . , & A splendid octavo volume ; G25 pages ; G x 9 inches ; printed on extra fine qual ity of paper ; in large , clear , perfect typo ; magnificently illustrated with 40 full- -49 page original drawings and photographs , artistically and uniquely bound. Elegant , Silk-finished Cloth , Emblematic Ink and Gold Design , Plain Edges , $2.00 /Vf\rx V /VX SX J THIS COUPON IB good r75 I Free How to Get It emits rebate on to Murat Hulstotiir.s Si'curo two now subscribers the Daily and Sunday Boo for seven weeks . .OR. . "THE STORY OF CUBA" each throe now subscrlbora for one ; ov 1'KICE. $2.00. . Circula- the month each. Bring them to - 5 tion Department , Omaha Bee , with 15 ? Present tills Coupon and Si.25 at Ci- ! < cents for each weok'a subscription and you > culation Department , The iiee Pub i can get this splendid won : free. I lishhiK Co. , H.-c Ituikllng. | O / * *