-in TTTTC fVUATTA DATT/V TVRTC ! IHimAT. MAKOTT L fi. 1898. SPEGlftl NOTICES AHvi'rll'.i-Mioiit * for the-ne column" -rrlll he tnUcu iintll li ! m. fur tin- ctcnlnftnml until H p. m. for llic iiioriilnir nnil KiindnrilUliiim , Ail > crtlfcc-rn , liy rrilticMliiR n tiuni- ln-rcil i.-lii-cU , cnii lnw c nnimern nil- Irodncil lo a mimliiTctl Iitlr In cnrc of 'llin HOP. Aii wrr < no mlilr ' c l rlll di-ll-vcrcJ n | tpntntloii of tin * fliL-rU out ) . nnorrt llrwl liinrrllont HiitcN , 1 J-Uc n lo n iioril Iliprrnftrr. > o liliiK taken for Ie n ilinn a.c for Hit * llrnt Inner- lion. Themmlvcrtlnfiiiciit * limit I run cMiiixrc'iitlvc'ly. AVAXTnnSITUATIO.\S. BY AMERICAN WIDOW , HOUSEKEEPER FOR wldovsir , hiusekee | > cr or head chainlwrniald In Jiotcl : good references. Mm. Pulncr. ' Orange. N , J. A-M131 All * ir A FIRST CLASS GERMAN "AKEH. ON bread , cnkcs , paftrles , nlso ornamenting , In bakery or hotel , ns pastry cook ; city "f coun try. K 37. llec. A-MMa . ' AN OLD MAN STILL STRONG SEEKS AVORU In pnrden , firm or IIOUFC wnrlc wllh Oerm.m- . American , hmall wages expected. K 41 He'1 " ' ' 2j A linUAm. ! ! WATCHMAN WITH IIHST CITY refi > rcnc "i wnntB emplovmcnt nt low wages. Jmiulro 1318 rarnam or 111 So. ls " ' , . 'Jt < r B1TUAT10N AS COACHMAN I1V C1OOD. man , In Ilrit-claM famll ) . Addri-F3 Il MAW : HEM' . S TO TAKi : ORDERS ; NEW LIKE of work ; no heavy grtJi 'o " .rw * Vi'r.y Jir commission. C. IAdiini Co , UJI E3 jj , ! 1' SALESMAN I'OR CIOARS , Jlli A MONTH AND rxiiMisM ; old llrm ; experience unre'cei ! irr ; Jn- dueements to customers. C. C. Illshop As e o I--0 81. lrfUls. - AOKNT3 AND I1KANCH MANAOnrtS ; SAI.AIU ana commission Hunter Tnllorlnir * SMrt Co , Cincinnati , O. ll-MIDS-Aprll 1C . AN nxpnniKNcr.n who epcnks Ocrnun. App'y nt II. llnjs , JJ1 . Vlnton St. II u. WORK POIl US AT VOtm HOMH ; DA5 Oil cvenlns ; JO to J12 vx-cklv ; nn cnnvns lnir or pipcrlonco miu'rert ' ; full rmrtlruln nn1 vwk irmllort nn nppllc itlon. Columbian Mfff. CM. 301 N. Cth St. , Philadelphia , Pa. II M123 7 * BAT.TlSMnN TO KHU < TOtl.TTT SOAP TO flpiilcrs ; 100 per month falnry nnil exprapj-F ; xpcrlcnrn unneceasiiry. l ul Krnsl C-o , i t. Jjouln. Mo. B-SI1.2 WANTED. A GOOD 11READ AND CAKI bnker. Address K 2. Bee. 11-M212 S ; SAUSMIN TO CAHHY oim lulirloitlns oils nnd vnrnlslira on commUu-lnn. nldn line or oxclualvclyf re'fiirencos Austin & WcGec , Cleveland , O. JJ-MJ.J7 iv. ' GOOD AOnNTS. I.\DinS OH OKNTS. } - TO Tier day to hustlers 41S-43D Pnxton Itlk 11 SSO 50 * WANTED. COOD CA11HIAOIJ PAINTHU Jlclnlnrdt Co . 21J4 N 5 lt t H-411 21' WANTED. A UVK ADVEHTIKINfi HIISTI.EIl < m n Ixnl railroad publication ; refcrcnosc. .Address K 41 , lice. 11-417 WANTED-A NO. 1 CARRIAGE TRIMMER , 215. l envenvvcrlli .St. , Win. Pfeiffer. 11 410-2J * juniir.n THADE TAUGHT at EN AND women In two months , positions iruirnnti'erl , toolw printed , cntnlncuo mailed free. Motor's " > hoolr. Chicago or Minneapolis. H-Mir JO WANTED. liOOIC PRINTERS ; WANTED. iprtBSfitilers for rjllndois Jacob North . < Jo , Lincoln , Neb. 1I MIC8 23 WAM-KH I 100 aiRT-S roil A1.I > KINDS Or WORK : ? 3 TO 17 week. Canadian Olllce , 1522 Douglni " GOOD COOK. APPLY U ) N. S3D BT. -riASs COOK WANTID. : : < 4 Court ; beat wncQ . C JOO 24 WANTED , IS1MKDI4TKI.Y. A COOK AND alto a lauti r H Cull nt 1 4 Wirt itrcct jicrmanent i i < ? ih for cooa fenlco. . f , , fA vJt , , C 4Z3 24 * WANTED-A UOOD 01111. AT 118 N. ailll < TO WAIT ON TAltl.U IN JIUTUUN 1X 1 'board nnrt room at 422 S. 18th St. C-430 _ ' 3 WANTED. I < AD1IW Oil GENTL.EMEN TAKE orders plctuio battksl.Cp Maine. 5IG ll'uav Co. Illtiffs. C M4CC 27 pen CHOICE HOUSES & COTTAOIJS AI.I * OVER city. 15 to } 73. l-'ldellty , 1st lloor N. Y. I > lfe. HOUSES. WAUJvCE , IIHOWN BLOCK. 1CT1 and Douglas. D 433 , L.Utau LIST. M'CACUE , 13T1I AND V D-131 HOUSES : PI.ATS. GARVIN nnos. , icn TAIVJ U IS3 HOUSES. J. II. SHE'UVOOD. 423 N. Y. LTPE D 4 HOI" * IN ALL PARTS OP TIIR CITY. THI O. F. n.avl Coionany , JS03 Pumam D (37 HOUSES. I1ENEWA & CO , IDS N. 15TH ST HOUSES , STOKES. 11P.MIS , I'AXTON m.OCK. D 1-9 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS CO Jlec niflB. D-JII31 DUTAfllKD MODERN 12-HOOM , ALSO 9-ROOM liouiie ; ke > s at 2348 Cnp. Ave. Tel , 071. Tl II , llahlbon. D it 23 JIOVINO nousraioT.D aoon > < AND PIANOS. . Otn. Vaat Storaes Co. . 1S11',4 1 anmm. Tel IfCO , IJ-M321 MODEUN TLAT. 111 ! SOUTH 11TH D-M1C9 4-noO5I PLAT. 4 BLOCKS FROM POSTOP- lice ; inolcrn. A. M. Covvle , 211 South Ibth Ft D 400 24 TOR RENT THREE-ROOM COTTAGE , 1722 'Wtli , hewlj' papered , Rood nelchlwrhood , $10 50 W. I * Se-lby , 331 Hoard of Trade. D-t 15-24 rou unvr Kinrvi'Mnn HUOJIS. THE INI'OIIMATION UUREAU , 1319 rARNAS ! i : M418 M3 3 NICE ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. 1112 SOUTI 1ttli. K-M7K DEJ-IRAllLE ROOM. M. 1 % HOYS. N. Y. U JlMp. 'Phone Ell. E M211 A17 NICKLY ri'UNIHHED ROOMS ; PRIVATE PAM- ll > - . 1S11 Cass. K-M330 ; 6 _ IN PRIVATE TAMILY. 1819 D-'IDOE. E-M',51 2" _ ( TRANSIENTS ACCOMMODATED ) . * 1 B1 WEEK tip ; larRe front room ? ; Imynlndovv ; ( use < it rook stove ) . H4 Nqrtli 19lh. U-MgSS 28 11OOMS. KSO HARNEY ST. ; MODERN. PO. front. E-M121 Z3 Nn\VL.Y PUIINISHID ROOMS TO TARTY OP gentlemen or family ; nn ndvancp during ox- jiotltlon ; 7 lilock from exiioKltlon crount ! * ; near car line ; no step * . 2C03 No. 19tli E-MUS ! T NICELV II'RNISHED mojrrn conveniences. 1B17 I eavenwnrth 't. , flat C. ] MI34 SI * JXIR ItKNT. KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM in rooming houae ; best location In city. Ad- drr 1C 60. Uee. K M < 4 27 rilUMMIIKD noOMS AlVI ) UOAHD. TJIH MEIIRIAM , riUSTCIBS FAMILY HO- tel. 55th ml Dodge St * . r 4C2 _ nOOMS WITH ItOARD : MODERN. 2S3 DOnriB U F MiiO IJ _ KLONDIKE HOTEL. S. E. COR. ICTH AND Webster Bis , ; steam heat room ; , J1.60 i > cr week end up. F-MC93 HOOUS , WITH BOARD. 21 OS CHICAGO. F 497 All * JJICE1.Y rtJRNISHED 1'IIONT ROOM ; PRI- * te fmiilly. 70J Ho S3th St. K-44-2S THE HOSE. EO HARNEY ; ROOMS WITH t ard ; rte rcasonalile ; transients ncconnno- diited. F-M973 rURNISHED ROOMS. 2111 GRANT ST. F-M3M ! C , ITU DAVENPORT ; \NSIENTS acvommodatril. V tn A * nOOit WITH BOARD. MOS Cats. F-MCT SI * TFOR HK.M' STOHKS AXD OFFICES. ' FOR TRAC1CAOE. TRANSFERRING AND dertc room , pply to the Auitman & Taylor Mccblcery Co. , N. K. cor , tth and Jackson tts. * l-TKAR I.EAiK. ? 19T1I ST. . BET. FARNAM AT. * , „ K KOH HI\T : STOHHS AMI OITICIM. ( Continual. ) roR IUNT-IN TUB 111:1 : IIUII-DINO : One large corner room , Jd floor , with vault and private office , \vnlcr , etc. One large front room , 2il lloor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc. One l re corner room. Id floor , lth Tftult , water , etc. One .front room , divided l > y partition , 3d floor. Ono corner room , with vnttlt. 3d floor. One large room , 3d floor , with partition dividing It Into one Mrse room and two smaller private rooms ; water , etc. Two Urge ground floor roomi , fronting litn St. , with \ault. Several fmall rooms on 4th floor , with vnulK AH these rooms nre heated with fleam , electric llKht , supplied with nrit-clnfi Janitor service. Elevators run .sty nrd all nlRht ; building Ftrlctly flrrjirpof. Apply to Superintendent. Room J04 , Bee building. I- S Toil HUNT DB K KOOM IN OROUNO TI-OOR niTlce , Hee liullillns : wnter , Menrn heat , electric lliflit and Janitor rervlcc. Apply to Superin tendent. Ilee bulMlnir. 1 107 rou RKXT-Tiin 4-RTOttv nnicic P.UIUDINO nt 915 rnrnam St This btilldlns has a nreproof cement basement ; water on nil tloorej E * * , etc. Apply nt tlii- office ot Tie nee. 1-910 ACJHVTS AGHN'TR. CITY Oil OOCNTHV , TD FLT , McDonnld'B Havering Uxtracls. Z418 N. 17tn St. , Omaha. J M327 27' wn CAN sin-pur DraiRARi.n TENANTS for CO houses 5 to 8 rooms vv Itlim one wrtK. If > ou Juno nny liouren vncnnt list t'ipm with u at once. 1'ldellty , 1st llotr , N. Y , Life K M170 WANTHD , PARTIES DKSIRIXO ROOMERS nml bonrders tn iinnouncc It In the Omahn Unity Hotel Jlrpwler ; cKtnbllrhed In ttli ; Is dally plncnd In the linndu of vMtnrs nn In coming ttnln ; , free , llntes T cents per line per month. AddrefS 1C15 rarnam. K M422 27 STOII inn. 1'Aciric PTOIIAOK AND wAHBiionsn co , COS 910 Jones ; general storage and forvvnrdlns. M-4C3 OM. VAN & STORAGE , UlUi TAllN'M. TT.I. 1535 M 1C1 .vAvrin/ro : HUY. CIRCULAR IlII" SAW , SECOND HAND , MUST 1)0 In RXhl v.orklng order and cheap Address K r : , lice X 384 21 WANTED-CARRIAGE HORSE , G TO G YEARS nld , weighing leO to 1,3(0 poundo. Call 1201 llarncy. M US A-l * POH SALE FUKXITUHK. BEDROOM SUITS , FOLDING nins : AND ALT , klndi of houKehold KooiK , to quit liuMiras. no reasonable dlTer refused. Neb. rurnlturi- , T10-12 N. ICth St. O-7J ! AS KOH sviniioii.sns WAKONS , nrc. N ULTX1ANT CAIIIIIAOIJ IIOKSK. 7 YEARS old , perfect Iny and blnck points , velili < ! about 5,200. D. L Morgin , SSlfi N. 20. 1' 401 24 * on SALE OH TRADE A Imported Norman stallion. 11. C. Fell. SIS b ICth. 1' 113-27 'OR SALE. PERFECTLY OAITED , REGIStered - tered paddle mare , 7 jears old , ! " % hinds hlph , ricks very fu t. Rood driver ; Indv can handle , also binder ii.incton. cheap K L8 , lice on SAI/D , A iiANnsojin CIUISTNUT MAUI : , inrer , stnndanl bled , b jeari oil , 16 hands hlih , will road to bUKBy jit n 2.10 Bait , perfectly le- liable ; reasonable price. Knyulre JS bcott St , Council lllurH Iowa. T M4M S > Toil fr.M.n- OG AND POUI-TrtY I'KSCi : , HI.Tinit THAN wire netting. 1'Inu sawdust for Hoars. T > * l 4J D01 Douglas Q US ORSE CLIPPING MACHINES. KNIVES AND rc-inlrs , all standard iiiaKi-s , , i > n hnnl ; Rilnr Ins razor * . Mieais , clipiiers ; pionipt forv Ic A. I. Umlclard Q MSTC URE PLYMOUTH ItOCIv EGGS roil bET tings ; 60c- roosters , H 00. S32 North SCth SCthQ9SS Q-9SS nno swnr.T POTATOES , 51 ro rnn CIJL Theodore Williams , 67th and Military A > e. Omaha , Neb Q MJiC Mnj-7 * pr.niiY , jonuun AND WHOUSAI.U dealer In ef t\er plpo and stoneware. 4477 Uodgo street. Omaha Neb. Telephone SOO Q MM7 V2 . . HOG AND T.AVM rnvr-nt ; ALL wire ; U bci.t. Wire Works , Kill and llnrn r on SALT : ONH or THK IIUST OAIIUIS IN the cltv. Oenulne Imitrnln. Inquire J. I Kemp Feed Co. , 27th and Jxjavcnwoi In. In.QMMJ TOH PAI.E , ABOUT 0.f )0 2ND HAND ST Ixmls flro brick and 33,000 building brick , ul-o hollers , engine nnd brlrk miehlnerj.vm J , \Vclshans , City Hall. 'Phone 237. Cj MC77 ron SAU ; . TUT : EI..KCJANT HAH of Palmer house saloon. L. C. Drown. Gran Island , Neb. Q M7t > 9 AS * IIUACKHKAUS AND WATITS , HO\V TO HE mme , lie. Cjrus Gray , P. O beT 11 , nn nett. Pa. Q M151 A1J * GOOD nrnioiiT PIANO ron S\I.E APII.T 2703 Tlrlstol Et. Q M423 27 u inox SAPH. WILSON , CAHH MOUSE Bhon Co. , 12th and Howard. Q M431 2C UESTATinANT FOR B VT.K. TTH and confectioneries , nt 116 No. ICth * t Q M1G3 on RALr ; on TUADK. A GOOD MERRY-GO round , enelno and ortran and ( lxture , nil li k'ood running order. Vor particulars addrci O. S. Smith. Graettlnirer. la. Q M457 S3 * MASSACi : , I1ATIIS , HTC. : . \UHA ELLISON , J19 N. ICTH ( UPSTAIRS ) room 12. Turko-Rusulan nd plain baths , mas. JE . T M310 A1S ,1HS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE UATI. parlors ; restful and curnthe. 7 S. nth , up stairs. T 5U71 ! 7 MME AMES. MASSAGE AND IJATHP 1P23W Howard street. T M314 2S MME. SMITH. IIS X. 15TH ST. , STEAM AND alcohol biths. T 110 2S VIAVI KOH UTERINE TROUBLES , stc-8 I1EE 131dg ; ph ) lclan consultation or health book free. U 406 CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AXD HE- palrcd ; day or nlRht ; drfss nulls for hire I'antorlnm. K. 1 . Cor. 14th and I'nrnam. Tel ! 963. U 47 JIORS15S CLIPPED , ttlORT NOTICE ; ONLY electric clippers In city. Tel. CC. McCorniae & llaunley. 14th & Howard. U MO I.ADIES. HAVE YOI'H HAIH DHKSSED UK- fore going downtown at the halrdrcfslns parlors of Mmc. G. Payne , 2303 Lpa\enworth it. : tel. 1SG3 : artutlo nunlcjiing , eupertluoun lialr and facial blemishes removed with elec tricity ; strictly private. U M647 All * QUICKEST AND HEST PRINTING FOR LEAST money. 11. G. Hearsey , 110I I'jrmm. 'Phone ZOCO. 11 VX33 ? < ! I1ATHS , MASSAGE.-'MME. POST , 313'j S 15TH. U-1S3 MO\KV TO LOAS ttJ-AL KSTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT .LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1M2 Furnum St. W 1CS PER CENT CITY AND TARU LOANS. GHrvlii llros , 161S remain St. AV MI7I WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. 3. No.t'1 Hani ; Hide. 73 MONEY I.OANED ON MPROVED REAL EState - tate In Omaha , Council Ulnffs St South Omaha. W. II , Thomas , LO ] First Nat'l Uank , Omaha. W 475. J1CO.OOOM SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first-class Improved Omaha propertj , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust company. W 477 ANTHONY LOAN * TRUST CO . 31S N. Y. L ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands tn Iowa , ciorthcm Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W 47S LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W , Farnam Fmlth & Co. . 1S20 Far'm. W-4C9 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. ! h-tnnan-Lo\e Co. , tit S. ICth. W-470 PER CENT MONEY. I5DM1S. PAXTON Dlk. W 471. PRIVATE MONEY. WEAII. 1STII * DOl'GUVS W-830-A-9 S10XEV TO LOV * CHATTELS. tl TO 110.000 TO I > OAN OX HOUSEHOLD KUHNITURK AND PIANO3 , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC. . at lo cst rates ID Omaha. South Omaha and Council IllufLi. No rcmoral of eoods : strictly rnnfldentlal ; you can pay the ] mn oft at any time cr in any amounts , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . S0 Soolh UUh fit. TITE OUJK3T. lUHGEST AND ONLY 1NCOR- rORAVBO LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA.xat xat are LOAN ON JKWKLKY AND DI.V. . AMnH JJC M. X- tai * MHMV TO IOA\CIIATTILS. ( Continued. ) MONEY LOVNED PALARIED PEOPI.K HOLDIng - Ing pcrminrnl pofiltloa , with responsible ron- corni upon their own name , without necurlty ; t.'u. ) iKi > mcnta. Tolman , R 7M , N , Y L bldi ; , _ _ 9 Apl6 iiL'siM-ss cnv.vr.r.s. TO GET IN OH OUT OP HL'SINESS GO TO J. J , Glb'wn , M4 First Nat'l Hank. Y 479 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM , SOUTH Omaht , wants man with large capital for part , ner ; business thoroughly cttabllihed ; iffer- cnces nrst-class. Hex 4IJ , Omaha. Y M323 J. I. WATT. HtmtEH AND OEXEHAL JOH blni ; . 2115 I nmct street , Y M5I7 A2 EXCHPTIONAL OPPORTI'NITY TOR RIGHT party to open nn etclu Up family hotel and apartment house for railroad and depot cm- plojri on South 10th street , Omaha , wltiln two blocks of the new nurllngton and Union Pa cific depot < ; new building contains f,0 larpe rooms ; nv-rommodatlons for about 100 persons , will lease for term to responsible party ho has capital to furnish and conduct a flrt-elass place. II Ct , Uee. Y 670 HARNESS AND SADDLE TlUHINHSS ; COUNTY feat : lonn. Eastern Nebraskii. J. J. Glb'on , Ml Flr t Nafl. Hink. Y-15I-7I. FOR SALE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Mnre In n pr" > spernus localltv ! n splerdld op portunity for the rlsht paity. Tor particulars nrlto to G. D. Freed , Hugo , ColoY Y Ml57 20 * BETTER THAN KINDIKIrnRrONS WITH srmll or law capital wishing to make Invent- mentn tint promise larse returns should al- rtress or call on I * AV. Tulleis , Council Hltitl * . la. Y M107 A'C DRUG STOCK , $ SOO ; DOING NICE HUSINIHW. J. J. Orb on , 14 1st National. Y M207 27 FURNITURE FOR SALI3 OP A ,10-R HOA71D- Ing hou e ; hou e for rent. J. J. Gibson. M4 1st Nat. Hank Hide. Y M20S 27 FOR SALE , MEAT MARKET ; STEVEN'S cooler. H. Deal , SCth and Hamilton. Y M277 20 11.00. MO TARD . ENVEI/DPES. N TEIIE or circulars neatly printed. R. G. Hei 13M Farnam. 'Phone 20CO. V Mi" . CASH GROCERY ; GOOD I1USINES3 LOCA * tlon ; Onnhi. Address K 40 , HeeY Y M402 1C" WANTKH TO HUY GROCERY STORE OR Rrorcry and ni"nt market for spot cjiih ; must bp cheap and ha\u Rood trade. Address K 4S , Hoc. Y-443 20 WANTED. PARTNER IN HRICK MANUFACture - turo ; growlnic town , with pro pect of largo business. Address K 31 , Dec olllce. Omiha. Y M45C 27 WANTED. SEA'EN MANAGING OPIiHATORS for branch olllccs ; Nebraska , KnnsaMlrsourl , Iowa , The 11. I. Price Eye SjsUm , Denver. Cole Y M432 2S $ COO AVII.L HUA" A TINE PAYING 11USINESS for lady or gentleman. K 30 , He'A' A' MIC1 23 * PARTNER AVANTED TO OPEN 'RESTAU- rnnt ; lady or Rcntlenmn , experienced piity his comiileto elegant outfit , needs small oapltal to start. Addre-si K 49 , Hoc A' M4" > 23 * FOH SAIiK UKAL KSTATE. KOUNTBE PLACE HARGAINS. J2.rOO. 13,750 TO 50,500. J. J. Gibson , 114 First Nat. Hank Illdg RE4SO FOLLOWING DESIRAHLE PROPERTY : ness lot corner , 0x150 ft , In So Omaha , piwd Dtislncss lot , C0xl30 feet. Improved , South Omaha , street imed Tract (21 ( lots ) . SCth St. Tract (20 ( lots ) 30th St For particulars apply 1012 rarnam St. RE-OOI FINE IRRIGATED LANDS WITH AVATER right rn 10 jears' time nt 6 per cent ; a chance of a lifetime ; write for book describing land. In connection with thl * no do a general real estate and loan bin. Wjomlnc Development Co , li"l Capitol Ave. , Omaha. L L Johnson , agent. HE M411 M2T NEW , MODERN r.-ROOM COTTAGE , 7.UJGE lot , JIOO cash , bilance to Fiilt. Addre s O M Hee. RE Ml"3 SNAPS-loXM FEET ON 1STH NEAR DODGE i-trret. suitable for 2 brlrk hou c-i. price J2.701) ) , r sirs fe t v\lth brick hou'e , N E corner ! 0lh and Ct.nilnir streets , price J0,0"0 J N. Frenzer , opp old P. O. RE M30I MAKE M12 AN OFFER ON TWO LOTS IN AValnut Hill addition. Oscar Grosliell. Salt Lake , Utah. HE M7CSAO' Tioisns ; , I.OTS. FARMS , LANDS , TJOANR , also llro Insurance , Hemls , Pa\ton blk blkRE RE 482 FOR SALE , 9-ROOM HOUSE. 4012 IZAHD street. HE M3IO 29 A NICE HOME ; P-HOOM HOUSE. DETACHED , Inrn , city witer. rewer , cl tcrn ; corner Hur- dett and 28111 Sts , at a bargain ; also two vnrant lots , all fenced. Call Morand. 1310 Hnrney St RE-421 MAKE ME A CASH OFFER ON NORTH > i of lot 9 , blo k 7 , Kountye & Ruth's addition ; lot estcnd < < from 1Cth to 17th street between 7eaveiworth and Mason and his three build- lues on It that \vlll rent for J',00 per sear. This property must be sold at once In order to cl" o up nn eatlcrn estate. Any offer will be considered , so here Is n change to pet n itoort Incoiio bearing propelty within if. mlln or1 court hou N at your own price JOHN AV. HOI3I3IXS , agent , 1S02 Firnnm street RE-M433 23 IOST. I-OST. RLACK AND AVH1TE SETTER DOG , 9 months nld , black head and cars , black spot over hips ; reward If returned to 50S So 2)th St. Lost 424 24 * LObT , SMALL GREEN ENAMEL CHATE- lain watch ; lady looklmr for house Monday , Hew aril If returned , to George It Morc-in. 1320 r.irnam street. Lost M441 26 IjOST. CHILD'S SPECTACLES. IET\VEF- > faldwell St and Lnc school Return 271 Caldvvcll and get reward Lost M43I 23 * tiiin to C. H. Thompson , Mth nnd J streets , South Omaha. Lost 417 II SIIOUTIIAAD AXD TYI'EWIUTEIIS. A C. A'AN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typewriting , 717 N. A . Life , offers the fol lowing advantages : Individual Instructions by experienced teachers and skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; touch Bvstem nf typewrit- inIf preferred ; participation In actual work , for which students receive pay ; montlily paj- ments. 745 A1 : OMAHA UL'S COLLEGE , ICTH & DOt'OI.AS JW SHORT-HAND , UP-TO-DATE , TAUGHT HY court reporters. Hojles' School , 403-5-7 , IJee Hldir. I 4S4 FOUND. DARK HAA" MARE. SMAIJL STAR on forehead weighs about 1,100 , In good condi tion , 2 shoes on fore feet. 9th nnd Locust Found-M465 23 PAWMIIIOKKHS. II. MAROW1TZ LOAN3 MONEY. 418 N. ICTH ( EG \VA > TinTO iioiutow. LOAN AVANTED I'ROM HOME CAPITAL , 1.4'0 tn Jl.COO at 7 per cent ; security on good Inside residence property. Address K 24 , Uee IIOTKLS FOIl HEST. BUILDING. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL : JO rooms und large stare room ; central location. IScmls , Paxton Dlk. 960 EXPOSITION KH01S CAGES FOH HUNT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Ilcmls , Paxlon lilk. 4S3 STCXOGIIAI'IIEHS. AVE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers frrc. The Smith-Premier Tjpo- wrlter Co. Telephone. UM 490 11IOYCLES. FOR Jl YOU CAN GITT YOUR AVIIEEL CLEAN- d and adjusted. Om Blc > ele Co' . Phone 1665. CCS A ! FURNITURE PACKED. U. 8. WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 13S1. UHICK. LOUISVILLE liRIClC CO. , ITD TRADE : tel. 4 . 340 MZ5 * KMPLOYSIKXT OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT UUREAU. 1417 FARNAU trc U Room * I and S. Tel. 1104. -41 TYVEWITEHS. TYTEAVRITERS FOR RENT M W PER MONTH. The Smlth-I > rerol r Typewriter Co. , 1(23 Far nam St. : telephone. 1U4. 481 MUSIC. PKTERSEN'B MDSIC SCHOOL ; PIANO. VIO- Ita. wandolla. cultmr. xltbw : German a Hao < t lUEUMlyloci ; jtrmf riiBMh14HAt rixci.vi. . . LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES HOUGHT FOR cash. Richard Herzfeld , 171 LiSallti St , Oil- cago. M210 A17 ( Should be rtnd DAILY by nil Interested ns changes may occur nt nny time. ) Forelftn mnlls lor the \vceX cndltiK March * M , 1S93vlll close ( PROMITIA- nil cuscHj nt the Bcnernl pojlolllcj na fol- lovvn : l'AHCCl.8 POST MAILS clos ono hour earlier than ciu.lr.j tlino tihonn below. Trnnsj > AUnn < lo Mulls. 3ATUnnAT-At f. a. m. for EUROPE , iier B. ? . Canrpanli * . ) via Quee-mtown ; at S n. in. for NirrlHinihANDS direct , per s. s. Kdnm vlv Hotttrdnm ( letters must be directed "pc-r FdMr. ! ! " ) ' , nt S n. in , for GENOA , per R. Tulda ( letters mint be directed "per Fulijn. " ) ; nt 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND dft-ect. per s. r. Anehorln , via GlnsRovv ( tetters must bo directed 'per Anchor-la" ) . ' 1UNTED MATTER/.ETC. Gernnn steamcri silling on Tuesdais take Printed Matter , etc. , for Oetmnny , and Specially Addressed Ptlntcd Matter , ot ! , for other parts of Europe. Amer ican and \\hlte .Star jtoamcri on AVedneadnyn , German steamers oui rhursdajs. and Cunard , 1'rench and German rteamfrs tin Siturdajs taks Printed XIatter. tc. . for ull countries lor which they are advertised to can-y mall. .fter the clo Inpri' tf.s Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Mnl.o nstsc.1 abo\2. aiJltlonal supplo- nientury malls nns en * , l en the piers of the American , E.igllsh , French and German steam ers , anl reinitn open'until within Ten Minutes of the hour of eajline , of steamer , lulls for Sontli nnil Contrnl Amcrlcn , AVenl Inillek , Etc. 'niDAY ' At 1 p. m. for HAHUADOS di rect nnd NORTH HRAZIU via Para , Mnrnnlnm nnd Cenrn , per * . s. Usnculct. ATtJllDAY At 10 a m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) lor KOHTUNK ISLAND. JA MAICA. SAVANILL.A and OKHYTOAVN , jfr s. s. Alene ( letters for Costa UlcT. must bo dliceted "per Aleno" ) ! nt I0.10 n. m. for OA'Ml'KCilK. CHIAPAS , TA- J3ASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s. ? . Ponuho ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be. directed "per Concho" ) ; nt 11 n. in. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for VKNK7.UULA and CURACAO , nlso SAVANILLA nnd CARTHAaHNA , via Curacao , per s. I'hlladelphln ; nt * * " p. m. tor NASSAU. N. P. . per s s. Miami , from Miami. Via. ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NKW- FOt'NDL-AND , per steamer from North Sydney. Tills for Newfoundland , by rail -Halifax nnd thence by steamer. clo e at this ofllc" dnlly nt 8:30 : p m. Mnlls for Miquclon , by rail to Hos- ton and the ice by i-teamcr , clone nt this office dally at S:30 : p. m Malls for Cuba close at this office dallv nt 7.00 n. m. for forwarding by steimers zntllnz ( Monaeys nna Thursdays ) from Port Tampa. Fia. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed foi dispatch by steamer , itose nt this olllce dally at 2:30 : n. in and 2 ' 00 p. in. Reglstcreo mall closes at C.OO p. m. previous day. TrniiN-I'aclflc Mulls. ial'a ' for China nnd Japin ( specially nd- dressed only ) , per s p. nmprc s of Intlli ( from A'nneotiver ) close here tlally up to March " -1 nt d'.l ) p. m. Malls for the Socletv Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from S in Francisco ) , close here dilly up to March 25 nt tf'30 p. m. Mails for China , Japan .ind Hawaii per s. s. BolKlc ( frcm San Francisco ) . cloJe. here dally up to March 27 at G.CO p. m. Malls for China nnd Japan , c * ' ? . s. A'lctorla ( from Tacoma - coma ) , close Here dally up to March * * 27 nt fi 30 p. m. Mnlls for Hn-wall , Tier s. a. tfeilanfllT ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to March 31 at r 30 p. m. Malls for Australia ( except AVest Australia ) New Zealand , Hrmnll nnd Djl Island * , per s. sllovv [ on ( from A'nncouver ) . close hero ilrtliv after March "IS and up to March 21 at GCO : p. m. ? , IalU for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia ) v\hch ! are forwarded -via FJiiippr , NCAXcilnnd , Ha- \vall , I'lJI nnd SimoTii Islands , per s. s Alamecln ( from Sin Francisco ) , clo = o here dnlly up to April * * Ij nt 7 n. m 11 n. m. ' and'C:30 : P m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. F. Campanialth British malls for Australia ) . rans-Pr.clflc malls are forwarded to port of sail ing dally and tl schedule of closing Is ar- raiigei ? on the presumption of their unlntcr- 1 timed ovTlnnd transit. "Registered mall clones nt C p m. pievlous dav. CORNELIUS A'AN COTT , Postmaster. 'ostolllce. New York. N. Y. . March IS , 1SDS. II ULIIOAUb. FREMONT. ELKIIOHN AND MU un Valley Hnilvvaj Gen. cral Offices , United States Na tional Hank Hulldlng. South- ctt.Corner Twelfth and Far nam Stieets. Ticket Olllce , 401 Farnam Street. Telephone CGI. Depot , Fit- : ccnth and AVcbatcr' lreets Telephone 145S Leave. Arrive Dlack Hills. Dcadwood and Hot hprlngs it.r 3:00 : pm 5.00 pm _ 3co pm * * 5.00 pm InYtinesT Yoric , Dav ifi CTty. Superior. Geneva- Kxetcr nnd Sovvurd..i * 2:00 : pm 5.00 pm Norfolk. Went Point and , rromom , * " :50 am It.ZS am Lincoln. Wnhoo and , Fremont . , . . . * * : .Jnm "lOJjnin Fremont Local . , . . , " 7:50 urn Calls . " Dally except Sunday. ' Sunday only. " " Dilly excepj. baturday. " * " Dally eicccot Monday. j ( j CHICAGO. ET PAUL. MINNE- apol)3 ) & Omaha Rnllvva > Sencral Ofllces , Nebraska 1)1- .Islon. Fifteenth and AVebster HiLUJZiTTq * ' Streets. City Ticket Ofllcc. | ! * ! < ® JB 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone IKL Depot. Fiftcsnt.i and Webster Streets. Telephone - phone 115S. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. . " K O am " S:20 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. . 9.M am " 8tO : pm Illalr. Emerson , Sioux City. Ponca. Hartlns- ton and Dloomtlcld. . . . " 1:00 : pm " 11:3 nm ioux City. Mankato. St. Paul , Mlnneipolls . . . . " 5jj : pm 8:21 : nm Emerson Passenger 5:10 pm " 8:43 : nm Dally. * Duily _ except Sunda . ounday onlvr " This train stops at stations Florence to South Ulalr. Inclusive. Sundavs only ; on week dajs. South Blair only. CHICAGO fi. NORTHWEST , ern Railway City Ticket Of- flce. 1101 Karnam Street. Tele phone Ml , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. _ _ Lsav * . Arrive. : > light Chicago Spe cial * T.Oam 11:53 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul nnd Minneapolis 5:40 : am 10:43 : pm Mlsiourl Valley , Sioux aty 7:10 : am 9.03 pm Dennlson , Carroll A Vail 1.11 lie. from llioudnay , CouncJI Bluffs " 9:00 : am 8:43 : nm Eastern Express Des Molne * . MarMiiiltovvn , Codrr Rapids , Chicago. * 10:3i > am 4:33 : pm Atlantic I'ljer , Chicago and East 4:13 : pm 4:3J : pm Past Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St Paul , Minne apolis Limited * 4:3ipm : 8:50 : am Omaha-Chicago Special. * 6.45 pm 8:30 : am Daily Dally exept tjunJsy. SIOUX CIT ? & PACIFIC HAIL- road General OIHces , United States National Dank llulld- Ing. S.V. . Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office. . - _ - . . . . 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone Ml. Ecpot. Itth and Webster Sts. Telephone 4ii Sioux City. Mankato. St. Paul. MlnnapolU BIS pm SZO : am MISSOURI PACiriC RAILROAD General OlOces and Ticket Office. Merchants National Hank nulldlrtg , 1224 Farnam Stiect. Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 1458. Leave. Arrive. ' ' " ' 'Ei'mlHd" . . . . . ! . . " . - ; . * 3.03pm IZ.Wpra : * nsa City and S'- LouU Express 8:30 : pm ' 6.00am K'braska I-ocnl : M pra 9.45 are Dally. * Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "T1IC OVERland - land Route" General Offices , N. E , Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office , iw : Farnam Street. Telephone : ii. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Demcr , lt Lake , western points ISO am 4:15 : pm Tfio Colorado Special , for Denver and all Colorado points . ll.SSpm 7:09 : am Fast mall train for Halt Lake. I'aclHo cosst and all -western points . . . . . .v 4:15 : pm T.M am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburff Express , . . 5:00 : pra MlJtO pm Fremont. Columbus , Norfolk. Qrana J - land and Kearney. . . . , 4".K pn Grand Island Express,4 * * 5:00 pm. * 1J.IO pro Dally. * Dally except Sundar. Council Bluffs Local Leaves. tV : > e , m. ; CSO : OMAHA t BT. LOUIS RAILROAD Omaha , Kansas City * East era Raliroad "The Port Arthu Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , m. Depot Uason etrteta. Tele atoHLave. . Arrlv * . t. Loula Camnoo atoH U : am n.\ii.ito.\is. ( Continued. ) & MISSOURI River " , Rnllrond-"Tlio Hurling ten Routo" G neral Olllccs , N. W. Cornir Tenth nd rnrintn Streets. Ticket OfllcoM1 rarnum Street. Telephone S.V ) . Depot. Tenth nml Meson Streets. Telephone US Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Uniting * nnd McCook . SU : am 9:13 : nm Lincoln. Denver. Cole rado. Utah , California , Black Ullh. Montana nnl inifet Sound . * * 4S : pm 4:03 : .Incoln I-oc.il . . . . . . 70' ; um T.IO pm ! , m .Incoln I'RSt Mnll . jj-53 n { * 11:4J : nm Denver. Colorado , Utah. California nnd Puget KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSHPII Burlington * .tuuncll Illiiffs Rallroiil- Tlio llu-lliiKtoti Itnutc"- I.lckel Syce' 1Mi rnrnam . ' Route Street , Telfplicne JW Depot. Tenth nnd Mason BtrceU. Telcphino 128. Li-nve. Arrive. uns.ii City Diy Ex. . . 9,03 nm BMC ; nm lyi'ns City Nlsht Ux. . * iOW : pm C.3J tim CHK'AGO. IUJRLINOTON .t. Burlington QiM.cy Railroad "The llurl. I'.BtCJi Route" Ticket Olllce. lt l 1 arnnm Street. Telephone Route iH. ' . Dcpo' . Tenth end Mason biietts. Telephone 118. _ , Leave. Arrive , - VcnUbuled Ex. . 5:05 : pm 7:55 : am : hlcrco Express * 1:4 : * . am 4:13 : pm lilcnso & ht. Louis Hx i:4j jini 7.11 um [ acirtu .lu-ictlon Ixical. . " 11:50 : am 5:10 : pm 'net Mall * 2.to pm hlcipi fpprlni 'll-.K nm * 11SO : inn Dallv. * Dally except Simitar. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Paclllo Railroad "Tlie Great Rock Islam ! Route" City Ticket Oltlce. 1023 Tarnnm Street. Telephone 4S. Depot. Tenth and Mason Sticcts. Telephone IIS. „ _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul Vcstlliuled Express . . 4 : 0 pm l:4a : pm -.Incoln , Colorado Sp g" . 1'uueblo. Denver and nest * 1'55 pm 4:23 : pm Chicago. Dei Molnes & Rock Island 7.00pm 8:16 nm Atlantlo Exprc a. for Des Molnes and east ern polnli " 7.20am S'lOpm Colorado river " 7:0) tun 0 03 nm Dally n | ly excrnt &undai. CHICAGO , MILAVAUKED & ST Paul Railway city Ticket Olllce , 15Farnam Street. Telephone 2T4. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 123. Jhlcago Limited Ex. . . . 5i3 pin 8.05 am Omaha nnd Chicago Ex 11:00 : am 1:50 : pm WADASH RAILROAD TICKET olllte' , 141 ; Fumam Street. Tele'- phone S22. Depot , Tenth nnd MaEon Streets , Telcpone 123. Leave. Arrive. St. LiulB "Cannon Ball" Express < :30 : pm 1I:30 : nm Dally. SUPUl Mi : COUHT fiYLLMII. Beels against North Nel > ra ' .ta Fair , etc , Association. Error fiom Madison county. Afflrmcd. 'Norval , J. 1. AVlioro a corporation borrows money and executes a mortgage on Its real estate to cure the pivmcnt thereof , a third peison c tnnot a ° sili the transaction on the ground of ultialres , or that the corporation ex ceeded Its jio.ver. Ilartzcll nualnst McC'ttrcr. ' Crror from jiiffalo county. Alllimed. Hagan , C. 1. A petition In a ( suit upon n promissory lote 7mde a part of the petition which al- CKes that the defendant executed nnd dellv- oted the note to the plalntllf ; that t > ucli note 3 ivhollv duu nnd piyau'o and the defend ant wholly neglects to pay ame or any part thereof , stnto n cause of action. 2 H Is not rs'entlal to such a petition that t mesatho the pajment of the note by a stianser thereto. 3 The allegations of every pleading are to lie liberally construed. ( Sec. 121 , Code Civil Procedure. ) I. The fact that the parties .made plaintiffs In the district court ale different from those nmetl In the summons I'aued u > " the justice cf the peace affords no icnson for striking ] off the petition ( lied In the district court. 3. livery material n'legatlon of n petition not denied by sinsv.cr except allegations nf value or amount of damage stand con fessed by the- defendant and need not be iroved by the plalntlft. ( Sec. 134 , Code Civil Procedure. ) Henley against Evans. Krror from Boonc county. Atllrmed. Harrison , C. J. 1. A bill of exceptions not authenticated by the certificate of. the clerk of the trial district C3tirt will not bo examined und considered In the supreme court. , 2. It Is proper matter of defense that ' plaintiff , the alleged assignee of fhe claim In suit. Is not the owner thereof or the real party In interest. Uavls npalnst State. En or from Otoc county. Reversed. Hnrrlbon , C. J. 1. In a prosecution for the statutory crime of laiceny by n bal'co ' the gravamen of the chnrgo Is the felonious converMon and the Intent may be shown to have been entertained as of the time of the reception of the possession of the property or to have nrlben during the continuance of sucn possession. 2. The burden of proof In a cilmlnal action does not shift to the defendant , but rests with nnd on the stntc. 3. A portion of a statement contained in an Instruction criticised , but the entire In struction held not open to the objection urged against It. 4. In the trial of a criminal cause the general rule operates the exclusion of evi dence of the commitment by the accused of n crime or crimes separate nnd distinct from that on a charge of which lie is belntt tried. To this rule there are exceptions , but In the case ftt bar rcafcons did not ex ist for the departure from the general doc trine. lirow-nlng npnlnst State. Error from Gage county. Reversed. Norval , J. 1. A Judgment of conviction of felony can not stand where there was no arraignment of and plea by the accused before the trial. 2. Alljn against State , 21 Neb. , S33 , dis tinguished. 3. AVhcn It Is discovered during the trial on the charge of a felony that there has been no nir.algnment nnd pita , the court should not proceed with the trial without arraigning the accused , entering his plea and causing the jury to bo rfsworn and tiio witnesses to bo re-cxamlncd. Peyton against State. Error from Doug las county. Hever ed. Harrison , C. J. "Alibi" as cmplojed to expiesj the de fense of the accused person In n criminal action meanh the claim of the party chaiged of piesenco at the time the cilme is pleaded to have been committed at a place other than the ono alleged of the crime. 2. The distance of the place where n party who Is charged claims to have been at the time from the alleged location of the com mitment of n crime while necessarily ele mental of the different places la not the controlling fact or element , and It Is not proper to Instruct a jury that In n defense of alibi It must appear that the distance was f > o great as to preclude the possibility that the accused could have been at the stated scene of the crime charged. 3. In a criminal case the burden of proof Is not upon the person on trial to estab lish an ullbl , und an Instruction by which a Jury U Informed thnt it Is Is erroneous. 4. AVhero the defense in a criminal .action Is an nllbl It Is BUlllclent to call Tor n ver dict of acfiulttal if the Jury from a con sideration of all the evidence has a rea sonable doubt of the presence of the nc- cused at the place and time of the alleged crime , -whether such doubt adduced In behalf - half of the party charged. Hall against State ex rel Henard. no- versed and dismissed. Error from Hurt county. Ityan , C. 1. Ttio provisions of chapter 89 , article 1 , Compiled- Statutes , examined and held to require the formation of a special ditch fund , -which alone is available for payments for Improvements made entirely within n single county , under the provisions of said nrtlcle. and that for the purpose of making such payments moneys can only be ob tained from the county general fund by bor rowing as provided by section 20 of said article , rtngan , C. . dissenting- . 2. By mandamus n board of county com missioners cannot bo compelled to provide through n use of the county general fund for the payment of n warrant , which , upon Its face , requires that payment thereof when made shall bo chaitred to a curtain designated ditch fund. State ex rel Scott against Bowen. Krror from Lancaster county , lleversed. Nor val. J. L Where the title to a Mil Is to amend a designated section of a law no amend ment Is permissible ) which is not germane to the subject matter of the particular original section proposed to be chanced. 2. When the Invalid part of nn act was the consideration or inducement for the passage of the residue the valid and In valid portiorm will fall together. 3. Section 31 , chapter xlv , laws IK' ' , pur porting to amend section 91. nrtlcle t. chapter JJa. Compiled Statutes Ifc'JJ , con- travenc-s section 11. article 111 , of the con stitution , since said amended section con- tnlns new matter of legislation not Ger mane to tlin original. 4. Said section SI. of chapter xlv.was the motive Inducement to the paisaxe of > ec > tlon * S and J.of the aflM , h ftcr purport- Ins to amend section13 nnd 14 , nrtlcle I. chnptcr 13a. Compiled Statutes , 1 * . . . nnd the t unconstltutlonallty of n.ilil see-tlon 31 Invalidates i said sections G und 7 , leaving the i original sections In full forcei nnd effect. Modern Woodmen Accident Association ngnlnst Shryock. Urror from Lancaster county. Alllrmeil , llvnn , U , 1. Statements c-ontnltiod In nn nppllcntlon for the Issue of n policy of Insurance will not 1m construed n * wnrrnntles unices the provisionof the nppllcntlon nnd jio'.lcy taken together leave ne > room for any other construction , 2. Whether nn nrcldent or a disease canted the death of u party whoso life wns Insured npalnst death by necldent should bo submitted to nnd determined by n jury , unless with loference to Unt proposition the proofs nre so convincing thnt by them nil reasonable men In the fnlr exercise of their Judgment would be brought to ndopt the same eone-luilon. n. Where nn nci'ldent Insurance nssoela- tlon Introduced evidence of the statements of one ot Its memlK-rs with references to nn nccldent which hnd happened to him some hours before the time of making such statements It cannot complain bjcauso the same ! statements , made to other -witnesses , were proved by the adverse party. I. In nn nctlon for the recovery of the sum of $ .1,000 Insurance on n certificate Is sued by n frateinnl benellt association to ono of Its members It cannot be permitted to urge thnt the s.tld certificate limits the amount payable to the proceeds of nn as sessment of $2 on ench member , nnd tint there Is. theiefore , a question whether thereby $3000 could bo realized. In view of the fact that the stntute to which such as sociation owes its existence forbids It to Issue a certlllcate of over $1,000 If It has not n membership of 2CO > 1 In number. C. The supreme court rnnnot assume that the rejection of written evidence wns prejudicially cironeous when there Is In the record before It no show Ins ns to the na ture of the evidence rejected. Hoguo ngalnst Outhe. Appeal .from Buf falo county. Alllrmcd. Sullivan. J 1. In nn nctlon brought to foreclose n me- chnnlc's Hen the petition aliened Hint the materials were sold nnd delivered to be used In the election of n building , but did not cnnrgo that they were actually so used , it wns further nlleped thnt during the time the mnterln's were being delivered the purchaser of the same sold the premises to his codefendnnt , who completed the building- , using a small portion of the ma terials for that purpose. Held , that the petition states n cause of action against both defendants. Chlcngo , Hock Islnnd & Pacific Itallrnnd Company ngnlnst Kelener. Krror from Jef ferson county. Heverscd. Ityan , C The evidence In this cnss examined and held to disclose such contributory ncgll- Kenco on the patt of plaintiff that n ver dict nnd judgment In hla favor cannot be sustnlnod. Hell against Walker. Error from Utttler county. Alllrmcd. Norval , J. 1. The dismissal of n petition In error from nn appellate court , without nn exam ination of the merits of the assignments , operates ns an afllrmanco of the judgment sought to bo reviewed. Dunterman against Storey , 40 Neb. , 417 , followed. 2 The deatn of the principal In n super- sedeas bond , while the cause Is pending In the appellate roiirt , does not release tin * surety from liability , nor Is he discharged by the failure to have the nrtlon revived 3. Jlere forbeaiance by a creditor does not release sureties , although by lapse of time the remedy Is lost against the principal , niokhorr ngnlnst KlUcnbary. SJ Nob. , 332 follow ed , 4. The liability of a surety In n suporse- deas bond Is not affected by the failure to present a claim against the tstato of his principal. 0. The admission of Improper evidence In a causa tiled without the n < slRtnnce of a jury is not of Itself ground for reversal. Union 1'aclflc Jlalltoad Companv ngalnst niliott. Krror fiom Hall county. Af- Ilrmed. llagan , C. Uvldence examined and held ID sustain the findings of the jtny ; that the negli gence of the plaintiff In eiror was Uie piox- iimte pause of the Injury received bv the defendant In error , nnd that the latter's contributey negligence was not the cause of his Injuiy. 2. A declaration or admission to be com petent evidence , n res gestae must be made nt such time nnd under such circumstances ns to inlsc the presumption that It Is the unpremeditated anil spontaneous explana tion of the matter about which made. 3. An Instruction of the district court ex amined and held not erroneous. 4. Irrespective of a statute on the subject the starting and running of a switch engine In a switch yaid filled with a network of tracks , upon which cars nre constantly movingnnd In which vard men are nt work , without fie ilnglng of a bell or the blowing of a whistle , is evidence of ncgll- ! > . In a suit against n railway company by an employe thereof for damages for an in jury sustained through the negligence of a co-employe a defense , that the two em ployes were fellow servants , must be pio- sentcd to nnd passed upon by the dlstrkt court , cither Tiy a p'eadlng , instiuctlon or in some other manner , or U cannot bo con sidered by this court. Daldwln ngalnst Kurt. Appeal from Douplas county. lleversed. Rvan. C. 1. A court , called upon to confirm a sale pursuant to its decree * directingsurh sale , discovered thnt It had no Jurisdiction to enter such decree ngnlnst the party resist ing confirmation. Held , not erroneously to have icfused e.'onflrmntlon. 2. After the entry of a decree , upon n showing that no service of the summons upon which the decree was- based Jiad In fact been made , It was erroneous to quash such summons upon a motion asking solely for that otder. Williams ngnlnst Donnelly. Appeal from Douglas county. Afilrmpd. Hnrrlson , C. J. A nonnegotlab'o chose In action Is sub ject In the Imndj of an assignee thereof to all equities w.hlehHero of force betwe-en the original parties thereto prior to the assignment , but not subject to equities of which ho hnd no notice , existent between his nsslgnor nnd n third person. Griffith npalnst Silling. Appeal from Dawson - son county. Heversed. Irvine , C. A purchaser of Innd encumbered bv n mortgage showing on its face that It was given to secure bond with negotiable coupons pens attached representing the Interest In stallments , paid ts the holder of the bond the amount thereof , took from him a re- lenso of the mortgage and paid to his vendor the remainder of the purchase price. Some of tlio Interest coupons had been as signed to a third person nnd were oveiduo nnd unpaid. Held , that the holder of the Interest coupons might maintain an action to forcelos ? the mortgage for default In their piyment. Omnha Klie- Insurance Con-pany ngalnst Hlldcbr.and. l irnr from Sarpy county. Al- flrmed. H.igan , C. 1 A provision of an Insurance policy re- ejulilng the insured to furnish the Insurer proofs of loss is CHIO Inserted therein for the benefit of the Insurer nnd one. which It may malvo. 2. This -waiver or proofs of loss may be made before suit brought bv the Insurer's unconditional Menial of Itn liability for the lo s ; or. It may bn waived nfter Milt brought by the. Insurer's interposing to llio nrtlon n defense thnt thc policy was not In fotccat the tlirc of the loss. 3 Where nn Insurance company , cither be fore suit brought or by mm-vcr in the ac tion , denies that the policy was In force when the 1 > -n occurred1 it cannot avail Itself of the provision of the policy that no nctlon shall be broupht until sixty day.i after re ceipt of proof * of loss" ' and adjustment. Home rirs Insurance Company against Fallon. 43 Neb , 531. followed Oll > on against Herd Krror from Cass county. Heversed. IJngan , f , 1. In a stilt upon nn Injunction bond , given to procure an. order tcktralmlng plaintiff from enforcing the e-ollectlon of i Judgment. hN measure of damages U all damages which ho has sustained by rea-on of the wrongful Issuing of such Injunction. Z. All reasonable and necessary eounwl fws. expenses and costs , whjoh plaintiff ha palrt or for which ho has become llublo by reason of the Injunction and the deprecia tion In value of the judgment debtor's prop erty on hvhlch the judgment w.is a lien during the. tdme the Injunction was In ferro , am proper e-lomcnts for consideration In de termining what damages plaintiff 1ms sus tained , 3. An order dissolving nn Injunction and dismissing the proceedings Is generally an adjudication that the injunction ought not to have been xratited- 4. Tlio tCgners of an Injunction boml nro estopped In n suit thereon from ni ertlng as n defensethnt the Injunction order was broader than the application therefor. Hampton Lumber Company ugalnst Van Ness. Appeal from Douglas county. Af firmed. Harrison , C , J. 1. Questions of computation or elements of findings of fact or law on which n de cree of for ; lourc of n real estate mort gage , K mechanic's Hen or n contrae-t of silo of real c-state Is based properly presentable In nn nppeal from the decree will not bo examine/ an appeal from the < order con firming a. sale under the decree of the prop erty Involved. 5. The -power e > f a district court to vacate or modify Us oa-n Judgments or final orders after the term at which they were rendered or made I * llmltcdi to the ground * enumer ated In section 002 of the Code of Civil I'ro- cedure. Ilarnes against Hale , 41 Neb , 353 , followed. McCormck Harvesting Machine Company against Gustafson. Krror from Waynu county , ncversod. Ilyan. C. In nn uctlonfor judgment on certain promissory notes the defendant answered thnt the notes hail boon given for n corn- blni > c-r roil per and binder. In nitre of which , If It did not work to defendant's satisfac tion plulntlff bad agreed to furnish a new machine ; held , that proof by defendant that lh * machine bed ffe mails to work to hi * fntlsfnctlon nt ono time- , but that nftcn-nnS It hid failed to work well , did not ontltlu the defendant , under the averments of hit nnswer , to establish a counter claim for dnmaget and ) thus cancel the noils KlVtn by him. Ilartzcll ngalnst McCltirg. Error from lluf- fnlo county. Aillrmrd. lingnn , C. 1. In n Hilt upon a promissory note the petition nftcr nl'cglns the execution nnd delivery - livery of the note liy the defendant to the jilnlntlrr , nverred "thnt nftcrwnrd the plaint iffs sold and discounted said note nnd thnt the holder thereof nt Its maturity pro- eenlcd It for piyinent nnd It was dishon ored ; " that by reason of the neglect nnd re fusal of the wild defendant to pay wild note the plaintiff wns compelled to "tnku up" Mid note. Held , that thN averment was the ordinary nnd concl c language of business men , nnd , w hen liberally construed In ac cordance with section m of the CoJo of Civil Proccilutc moans thnt the "plaintiff " upon the dishonor of the note paid tint amount due. thorcou to Its holder nnd hit tbcioupcn stirrendoted the note to plaintiff. 2. That the money pave-d by plaintiff tn tlio cndotsonwas not pud for the benellt ot the maker of the note , but to protect the plaintiff's contract of endorsement ; nnd the effect of the piyment and rcdellvcty of thn note to the plaintiff VMM to vc t the plaintiff with the equitable , title to the note. 3. The cqultabln owner of n negotiable piomls ory note In his nos'esulon mny main tain an action thereon lu his avn name. Hoyt ngalnst Kountzc. Error fiom Cage county. Itevetsed1. Irvine. C. K nnd others sued on a promissory note , nllogltnr that they wcto pmncts as K Bro- . nnd that the nole had been by tho. pa.vco endorsed nnd delivered" " to them. The an- mver denied among other things tinen dorsement to plaintiffs niiil the. partnership al < ge.l. The proof showed n general 011- derpement nnd th.it Iho note had bv such , omloriement been ttnnsfetred to the firm of K Bros. , from whom plaintiff's attorney hail lecclved It. Held , thnt , under this .stntii of the Issues and proof , the Issue ns to pnlntlffs' coimtltutlug the llrm on-nlug thn note became miitrilnl nnd that In the ab sence of proof ot the partnership they could not recover. Omaha. Coal , Coke nnd Umc Company ngalnst Suesd. Appeal fiom Douglas county. Alllimed Irvine , C 1 A judgment ntraltut stockholders for a llibllltv atlslng under BeCtlon 1M. chapter xl. Gon. St nn , rendered after the iopp.il of that statute , ! oiionouus tnpily and not void ; therefore the rep .il of the. . statute bp fore Judgment lendeiul Is no defence to .1 creditor's bill to enforce the Judgment. 2. The question of fraudulent Intent , vvhcni a conveyance Is n < Mllcd on the ground tint It Is void ns against creditor * of the giuntor. Is one of fact , 3. Therewa no abuse of discretion In re fusing plaintiffs leave to i.vUlulravv tholr rest when thcs court announced lh it It won'tl find a docdl .absolute In form to bo n mort- gngo ntul valid as iinhwhen the offer of proof rnad p bv plaintiffs > not of f Hither1 evidence of fraudulent Intent , but only ot thi- amount due under the mortgage , for the purpose of fKlnir thn rxtcnt of Its lien ; timH when the court reserved- the cn e for Mich , nn ncountlng nnd the plaintiff then had an opportunity to nnUe such proof. ) . A mortgage to > ecuro future advances L was mudo In the foim cf n deed absolute. No obligation tested on the mortgagee to make nn > advances ! Creditors of the mort gagor leeovered jiiiitrmonts nftcr the mortgage - gage wns recorded and , nfter cnmlng exe cution * to bo levied on the land mortgaged , brought a cieilltv.r's bill to suhfect It to thn pas'ineut of their Judgments. Held , that thn mortgage was pi lor to their claims for all sums advanced before the mortgagee had knowledge , ( horror , but subject lo their claims as to sums advanced after the mort gagee acquired knowledge cf their rights. S. A deed absolute In lorm cuivolng thn legnl title , although Intended rs n mortfrngn to secure future advances , nnd the lien of n , judgment not attaching- nn equitable ei- tatp. thf > llotiH of other credltorB of the grantor did not attach until the levy of c\c- uctlon at the earliest , and In the absence of evidence that a Ivanees acre made bv the mortgagee , between the levy nnd the "com mencement of n creditor's suit to FUbJe-ct the land to the payment cf judgments , the latter date was properly taken ns m.aiklnt ; the tlmo nfter which ndvnnces on the mort gage vvro subordinate to the claims of such other creditor- ! . fi Whether the lew of nn execution en Innd .so convevol charged the mortgageo with notice of the Judgment , quaere. sru\Titi or A < ; ur//iv. \Voi-KM n Sui-ccs-fnl Triji for Knol CIilf hriiM. Xnt Wetzell. a commission -merrlnnt , haf a huio crizzlv beir cnseil behind -ytrons Iren Inrs In the re.ir pirt of hU plnco of business , reports thn St Louis Uopubllc. The bcir vvnt sent to him ! / > f ? mo frlcjiiU Jn the Sierras' . Within n few dn-jis nftcr the bear vvns Impiisoned on the premises Wetzell mlsje.il flist one nml then nnothcr of the. thickens ho 1ml turned out to fatten on the scraps nnd refuse nnd for a time he was nt n loss to Know vvhnt tns tnhlni ; them off. vvhcn the number Intl Increased to a point vvheio patlcne-i ( censed to be n virtue he net a match for -the mlrcrennt nnd in due tlmo dlscovprert thnt the b ! > ? prlzzly .was devour ing them ns fnst ns he could lay piw on them Thn brute's process af cipturlnsr the luckless chickens would do credit to cer tain clnsBC3 of irmmmal thnt do not KO nliout the eiuth on nil fours , nnd v.hen ho dl ecvered how the thlnsr was done * Wctzcll hud a henrty IntiBh In ( .plto of his los. . Corn hnd been thrown into the. bear's cafro In Kreat quantities. As It dlsippearcdwith due icRulurlty , It was- supposed that bruin , was enjoying It Immensely , but the shnBKy- coated old fellow waf Winer thin his \eep- rrs knrsvHe learned before he hnd been Imprisoned a single day tlm rhlcken * llkeil corn preWy TV ell , nnd us ht- liked chloliens better than rein , he decided thnt n fair ex- chniiKO would be Rood for his c-onstltutl.n. Acting upcn this theory of iho case the bear scraped together the corn ns fist ns It vvn * thrown Into the cngo nnd pushed the piles out cloc to the bars , where the chick ens' could pick U up When no one , wjn nrcurid IIP mould set his grent rtaw.s down upon thn licntl of nn unwary chick nnd dr.if ? It Into the cage , to be devoured nt his leis ure. Not so much ns a squawk ever escap-d bis victims nnd for this lenson lii- little gnmo HVMH not discovered until his thlovrry bad < o ilcclnutPd tht > ixjultry ynrd thnt dis covery could no longer bci avoided. IJpcently when Wctzdl entered the Ptoro lie found old bruin sitting on his h.iunchrn nnd In such nppnrrnt wood humor thnt ho nt once nttrncted nttentlon. Going luck to the cigo- the proprietor found that the boar had pcrnppd n pllo of chicken feathers fully a foot deep over Into one. cutner of the In- closure and bad evidently ninile hi * bed there the night before. The quizzical rnillo on bruin's fnro seemed to ask whnt moro could n good be\r want thnn plenty of ton- dcr chicks to cat nnd n oft place to . Iepp. Now the old fell \\'a ritlonv of coin Invo bec < n cut off nnd It Is Wotz ° ll's determina tion to give him to forest I'urk for the zo ological dcpaitment , providing the elt.y will have him. TIIUVTKIIS IV "V VICIOUS I\\S. | Ilnly nt llic Ilriul of HitI.Ixt IK lie. Knriln I'liiiM- * \iniiNcnii-iit. . The population of Itily is S.CfiO.COO less thnn the populntlon of Kiance , but Ilnly has morn theaters than Vrniicn and twice ns uiAny , n Grent nrit.iln. thoiish the population of Great Hrltnln Is fully i"0 000 large-r than that of Italy. These flguroj. . recently com piled. s.iys the Ne < .v York Sun , reinfoicc thn claim long made by Italian managers that thrn nre moro theaters In proportion to Its population In It.ily than elsewhere in thn world Thorn are. counting h.illu und oper * houses us theaters. 1,000 plncri of ( iniuiu- mcnt , npproxlmntely in thei United Btntew. In Ittly there are < 4S. In Kr.ince 437 , In ( jer. nia j SDO , In Great lirltaln 3iJ and in Spain One rxplnnallcn which hns been offered for the. very largo number of theaters In Italy Is thnt mnnv of them nro smnll nffalrj nnd unworthy of recognition ns theaters. This view of the case , however , l Inneuinte , ns. in rc pect to the tentlng cnpiclty. Italian theaters art * lather larger than smaller th in the iof other cotintrlti" The Carlo Pellco In Geno.t heats 2.5fiO , the San Carlo In Njplca 2.200 and the I .a Scul.i. now no longer lined for theatrical performance-- Milan. 2,100. The mzo of these -theaters CRU bo een when compared with some Me1- York houses , tha overage seating capacity ofwhich Is l.Sfrt. The Garden. arrlck. Hoyf.s , the Lyceum nnd the Umpire , nil iyll known houws , luivo less than 1,500 hcitlnir capacity encli. A moro pluislblc and moro ratlifHetory exolanitlon of the large number of theater * In Italy Is to be found 'n ' the fact that the * cultivation nnd appreciation of muhlc nro pe > rliaps nt ra scne'ril In Italy than In nny other country and many of the pljjhouses , therefore urn ar. > devoted not to theatrical , but to musical entertainments. Whnt nro callfd concert halls In 1h Hulled Stntesr or KiiK'nnd ' are tliejter. > In Itnlv and the gardens , which pre. vail o largely In Germany nnd In which itlia populur tastft for much U In part * uppllnd , are not to bo found In Italy 'to nny Hlmllnr extent. The number of small town In Italy of whit would be called In this country thn second-clas.- considerable. With a total population In oxcrm of 30.WO 0 > / ) . tluly hart no largo city having as much population < m JUltomore. and. iinllko Kngland and Krnnuo tlio political capital of the countiy U neither the largest cly nor the nrlUtlc capital of It. Popular amusement In the nm l t wn * li furnluhed nt minor theaters nnd the number of these Is BO ureat as to nut Italy ut th * head of all countries In thu particular , Thirty-five years make a Kuncrallnn. That la lionr long Adolph Klaher o [ ZanravlUo. U. , luffercd from pile * . He won cured by tbreo bozo * ot UeWitf * Witch Ilc4