Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Loader of the Robbers' Boost Gang and His
lr for nn Alliance of the CJor-
crnnrM ThpViitimt In "Hutch"
CIIHH | < I ) ' Knr HavliiK Klin
"Butch" Cassldy la n bid man. He Is the
-worst man In four states. These elates arc
Utah , Colorado , Idaho and Wyoming , and
when the four governors mot In secret con
clave last week It was for the purpose of de
ciding upon a plan of campaign against the
roost notcrtous outlaw the west has ever had
to cooo with. The achievements of JCPQO
James and his followers pale Into tawdry In
significance before those of "Butch" Casaldy
and his GOO. For several years In fact , ever
since the Live Stock commission drove the
Wyomlns rustlers out of business In 18D2
"Butch" has proven a thorn In the flcHh of
the authorities of the four states In which
ho carries on his operations. Ho has laughed
the mllltla to scorn. Sheriffs and deputies
ho regards with pity and contempt. He Is
a power unto himself. *
After the ordinary methods of hunting
outlaws had been tried unsuccessfully It was
decided that drastic means must bo cm-
ployed , says a Salt Lake special to the Xew
York. Herald. Howards have been repeatedly
offcrod for "Butch" Cassldy , dead or olive ,
lyid after each fresh outbreak these rewards
have Invariably been Increased. If all the
offers which have been made from time ta
tlmo hold goad , the slayer of "Butch , " should
ho over live to claim his reward , would be
entitled to upward of $20,000 In blood money ,
But the rewards have grown as futile as
have the efforts of the mllltla and the deputj
sheriffs. And that Is why Governor Wells
of Utah , Governor Adams of Colorado , Gov
ernor Richards of Wyoming and Govornoi
Stcunenbcrc of Idaho got their heads to
Bother to see what could bo done. Just whal
the result of tholr conference was has noi
been divulged.
The governors believe In still hunt method
and It Is thought that a largo number o
experienced mountaineers and bendlt Hunt
crs will be placed In the field , each elate t <
furnish Its quota , and that the bandits WH
bo rounded up In much the same fashloi
that cattle are. Amy attempt to cxtermlnati
this desperate band is certain- bo allcndei
by blooJshed. , . .
"Butch" and his bend are the outgrown
of the rustlers ot sK jcars ago. Since thci
they have broadened their field and Increase !
their numbers. It 1s no Idle boast to na ;
that the leader of this notorious band ba
COO men nt his beck and call.
Their depredations are upcti a scale neve
before reached Ir. the history of frontle
crime. All the eruditions are favorable t
them. They know every foot of Iho vaa
territory In which they operate , taking 111
os It doei , Iho wildcat and most Iraccesslbl
portions of four ( states. Every man ol : ther
Is thoroughly familiar with frontier llfo 1
Its rougher phases.
The forces are subdivided Into five bands
each controlled by Ita own leader , with Gas
sidy cs tbo supreme power. The outlaw
now practically control the sparsely settle
region extending from central \\jpmln
noiithwcfltcrly through northwestern Colored
and Utah , ami am.ost ] to the Arizona llm
Marauding and murderous bands conuuc
their raids without restraint. The thefts c
llvo Ktc-ck run Inlo the millions. lUnchme
uro murdered nul driven out of business , an
the officers of the law are powerless.
There arc five camps where the varlou
bands make their headauartew. each c
which Is well night Inaccessible except 1
the bandits themselves. Two of the moj
' " "Hole- 1
famous are "Robbers' Roost" and -
the Wall. " The former Is In south centn
Utah , ca the San Rafael river , a few mile
west of the Gccen river. The latter Is hk
den away somewhere In tbnt wild , mour
talnous dl-Urlcl to the northwest of Caspe :
The other camps are located In Teto
basln.'noar the caalorn border of Idaho an
south of the Snake river ; Powder Springs I
southwestern Wyoming , near Colorado , an
about fifty miles cast of the Utah line , an
Brown's park , taking In the northwester
corner of Colorado and the northeastern per
tlon of Utah It is noi definitely known i
Just which state the Brown's Park camp llei
but It Is thought to bo across the line 1
Never before In the record of border oul
lawry have western states been forced t
form an offensive and defensive alllanc
against bandits such aa wns entered Into las
week at Salt Lake City by the governors c
these four slates. The sltuallon had becom
desperate and a desperate remedy was n
The five camps form a chain extending fc
hundreds of miles. Between these post
communication Is maintained by a rcgula
system of courtiers and cipher dlspatchci
facilitating the co-oierallon of two or mor
binds when an enterprise of inoro than usu :
magnitude Is undertaken.
Theao hands are composed of men of th
moat reckless anil desperate character , Ion
accustomed to deeds of crime. Whenever
murder Is committed In the mountain stutter
or a convict escapes from a penitentiary tl
criminal decs to the nearest ot thcco retreat
where ho Is safe from pursuit. In this mar
nc\r the ranks of the bandits have been n
crultcd up lo a strength conservatively est
mated at 500. While each band has 1
chosen leader , "Butch" Casaldy cxcrclsi
some sort of authority over the federation.
Each of the strongholds Is both a rcnde :
vous and a forlrcss absolutely imprcgnabl
They can only bo reached by traversing de <
and narrow gorges , scaling lofty and ruggi
psaks and pcnctr.illng the wildest recesses
the Rocky Mountains. In many places tl
only trail lies over a narrow shelf ot roc
cut by the bandits nlcng the face of
precipice. Helm have been drilled , In
which In ease nt close pursuit dynamite c :
bo placed and the trail blown from the fa
of the cliff Into the chasm below , thi
baffling all pursuers ,
There are also mtny places where one ro
ber can hold fifty olllccrs nt bay. and as t ]
' bandits are urmed to the teelh and will fig
to the last man , any effort to oxtermtna
vtbcni by the ordinary processes of law is r
"gardcd as u useless sacrifice of life. In the
retreats are numerous caves , luxurious
fitted up and containing aubslstenca sufflclei
for months. Thus are the bandits enabled
bet at dcflanco all the forces of law ai
The outlaws roam the adjacent country ai
smaller settlements without molestatlo
Many settlers purchase Immunity by cxten
Ing assistance lu various ways , anj the reNe
No soap can be any better than an
absolutely pure soap. The most
toilet soaps
are not better
than Wool
Soap. A soap ,
that won't
shrink wool
must be abso
lutely pure
free from in
jurious in
"Wool 8o p U an excellent article , and
OTerj woman will tx benefited lij uilng It. " <
IUN M. BAUKIB. Tree * . N i l W.C.T.U.
bcrs even attend country dances and other
functions , occasionally "shooting up" the
town or indulging In other forms ot recrea
tion. It Is only when closely pursued by
officer ! of the law that they retire to their
mountain retreats.
"Hutch" Cansldy , however , by reason of
the orlco upon hla head , considers the higher
altlludo more conducive lo his health and
seldom ventures Into the towns , unless ho Is
making a raid or la surrounded by a band
of his trusty men , In which case he never
fears molestation , As a killer ho has earned
a reputation during the last ten years prob
ably equalled In the went only by that of
"Wild Ulll" Hlckok , peace to his ashes.
Few men who know him would care to
rouse bin Ire , for , although a men ot wonder
ful nerve , unlike most men of his class , ho 1
possessed of a fearful temper. Sometimes
It gets beyond Ma control , and then he throws
all caution lo Ihe wind and becomes utterly
About four years ago ho waa tliot at from
ambuflh near Qrecn River by a cowboy
known as "Hackey" Hughes , whose only ob
ject was to secure the reward offered by
Iho state authorities of Utah. The bullet
pierced the lobe of hln ear , and the blood
streaming down his face acted upon Cassldy
as a red flag might to a maddened bull.
With a howl of rage he turned his horse
just as another bullet passed through Ihe
rim of his sombrero. A puff ot smoke frccn
a clump of bushes showed where Iho assae-iln
was concealed. For picturesque profanity
"Hutch" Capsldy hasn't his equal In tin-
states , and on that occasion ho Is said to
have fairly surpassed himself. Ripping oul
a string of oaths thai would reach from
Dan to Hcorsheba ho Jumped from his Uorse
and dodged behind n bowlder.
Ho waited for twenty minutes , and then
the cowboy ohot the outlaw's horse , which
had been grazing In the open. That was more
than "Hutch" could staaid. Throwing caution
to Iho winds he ran loward Iho clump of
biiftico , with a pistol In each haud barking
al every slen.
Hut Hughis , considering dlscrelion the bel
ter part of valor , had Jumped on his horse
nnd succeeded In making good his escape.
Hut the \Indlctlvo nature of "Hutch" Cas
sldy orverted Itself. He had recognized til *
assillaof , nnd every member of the band re
ceived Instrucllons lo bo on Ihe walch foi
him. Hughes loft the Green River counlry
and H was noi utilll six months later trial lit
was localed , on Ihe north fork of the Powdei
elver , up In Wycrnlng.
t Cassldy was notified , and with a dozer
picked men ho reached the ranch when
Hughes was working. H was during thi
t spring roundup. The two men met face Ic
face. Hughes knew what was coming , ani
> pulled his gun. Hut ho waan't quick enough
1 Cassldy's plslol cracked first , and the cow1'
boy dropped from his saddle with a bullel
through hla right eye.
"That's the way I serve any d d skunl
that tries to shoot mo in the back , " re
marked Cassldy. "If any of his friends wan
to take up the quarrel , I'm ready. "
Hut If the dead cowboy hid any frlendi
they failed lo icspond. "Hutch" Cnssld ]
was well known , and it wasn't safe lo plcl
quarrels with him. So ho rode away will
lib escort , cursing the cowboys for a pack o
r cowardly coyotes.
r Cattle stealing to the chief source of In
o come to Cassldy and his followers. Om
t company alone In central Utah has lost " ,00
hold during the last two years , worth at tin
present prices $80,000. These were drlvei
n through Colorado and Into New Mexico. I
n Is In driving these stolen cattle from om
stale lo another and out of the country lha
Ihclr tiyelem of co-operation Is beneficial.
However , any operation thai promlsca ad
a venluro nnd flr.unclal reward Is never over
J looked. Trains ore hold up , express com
g panics and banks are robbed , and oven In
o dividual when known to have money li
their possession , are relieved of their posses
t slons In true road ) agent style.
, f There are women among these outlaws
n lee , who rldo wllh Ihem on their wild foray
and lake prida in tholr association wit
Ihcso bold and daring freebooters. Eve ;
"Calamity Jane , " In the old daya of her as
soclatloa wllh "Dcndwood Dick , " could no
surpass these picturesque females In thcl
wild career.
About a year ago "Hutch" Cassldy an
"Bill" Ferguson , one of his trusled lleulcn
anls , dashed Into the town of Price In broa
daylight , held up the paymaster of the coa
company and rode off with $8,000 before th
crowd of bystanders realized what had hap
pened. This Is but a sample exploit.
'Bank ' robberies are but side Issues wit'
them ; merely Incidental to their grand chle
occupation ot cattle stealing. If a vlctlr
resists or an officer pursues murder Is re
garded as a professional duty , to bo cheer
fully performed , but they are not given t
wanlon slaughter. -several Instances fool
hardy officers who have Invaded their strong
holds have ibeen disarmed , dismounted an
sent home.
An Instance of this kind occurred just afte
the raid on 'the coal company at Price. Twi
deputies traced Cassldy and Ferguson to th
lair at "Robbers' Roost. " They were full ;
twenty-four hours behind , and their approach
preach was known long 'before they arrlvei
at the narrow trail leading up Into th
rendezvous. Cassldy was In a jovial mood
and ho conceived that It woud bo more fui
to capture the deputies and make sport o
them than to kill them. So he acted ac
The deputies were about half way up th
trail when , just at a bend around n shar ;
point of rocks , they heard the sharp com
manil , MHands up ! "
Half a dozen guns wore staring them I
the face not twenty paces away. Th
deputies realized thai noi lo obey mean
Budden death. Up went Ihelr hands. Gas
sidy stepped up to them , roaring wit
"You're a couple of flno dubs to come an
catch peaceable citizens , ain't you ? " h
cried. "Gimme your guns. Here , Buck ,
calling to one of Ills men , "search thea
tendcrfcot. and If they've got any tobacc
jou can keep It. "
The outcome ot It was that the dcputlei
relieved of everything but their clothlnj
were bound hand and foot to their horse
conducted lo Ihe foot of the pass and sei
about their business. To add to their dli
comlHuro a rudely scrawled note was plnnc
on the breast ot each , which read :
Sent Out to Capture Dutch Cassldy and
His Gang. When Found Send
Us Home.
itoiiunits STOP THU wuoxfi THAI :
Iout the Local Pinni-iiKer nud ( ! <
Nutlilnp ; of Value.
TUAVER , Co ! . , March 23. Xorthbout
passenger train Xo. IS was held up at Cra
creek bridge , four miles south of Trave
last night about 10:55 : by two train robber
The men boarded the train at Gosbcn ui
BOOH after pulling out climbed Into the ei
Kino and compelled the fireman to cea
firing. When the train reached Croas cre <
the btcam gave out and the train atoppe
The express car was Ihcn blown up wll
dynamite. It was completely demollshe
The mall car was then entered and the mo
pouch , containing the through San Frai
Cisco registered matter , was cut open cu
all contents taken. No one was Injure
The robbers had a buggy In readiness nei
the ecene and they left In this , going nort
They were heard going by Harry Durk
saloon In Tmver at a lively pace. U Is n
knoun how1 much was taken by the robbc
from the express car. The train was a loc
from Los AngcK-s and as a rule docs ni
curry a great de l of treasure.
\erv Cripple Crook Iloiul.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. , March 23.-
( Special ) The Jlrst Installment of the m ;
chlncry for the power plant to be used i
generating electricity at Lake Moraine fc
the new Cripple Creek Electric ehort line hi
arrived here. Arrangements are now boln
made to haul the massive pieced up the Ilea
Creek canyon road to toe now power housi
which' has been completed. It Is stated thi
operations on the new road will ba besu
within a few days.
Ilnulilrr Oft * a Chnulanunn.
i FORT WORTH , Tex. , March 23. ( Spooltl
EH A. Htnchnold , secretary and treasure
ion , has returned from Colorado and reports
lat 'Boulder ' has been selected as the place
or the attiacllon. He gives It out that the
Ittzerta of that place have agreed to pur-
haso what la known as the Bichelder place
nd bcnutlfy the grounds , the entire cx-
cndlturo to reach $20,000. An election will
o held In Doulder to determine whether or
ot the expenses will bo paid by a bond
! uo , which ho atatea the citizens ovcr-
vholmlngly favor. Whether or not It car-
Its , however , ho state * , the association la
ssurol that the Improvement will bo made
nd turned over to the u aoclallon by July 4
oxl , at which tlmo the chaulauqua will bo
pcncd. Mr. Hlrschfleld says that a com-
[ nation has been consummated with the Ot-
awa ( Kan. ) Chautauqua association , whereby
ho same talent will bo utilized by both ao
ho dates have been arranged not to con-
'atnl Torinlnnllnn of n VA'oiiinn'H Kn-
coiintop iilth n Knlilil Steer.
HUROX , S. D. , March 23. ( Special. )
Vhllo out In the pasture with a baby car-
l.iKC , In which her 1-ycar-old child was
Idlng , Mrs. S. < H. Sweet , residing In the
rcstcrn part of this county , was attacked
iy a steer that had some days previously
leen bitten by a dog supposed lo have
icen bitten by a mad dog. The animal
ivcrturned the carriage , throwing the baby
o the ground.Mrs. . Swcot managed lo
< cep Ihe InfurlalcJ beast from harming the
hlld by vigorously waving her apron In the
animal's face. Her husband hearing her
cries ran from Iho field near by , and suc
ceeded In clubbing Iho animal off and res
cuing his wife and child. Mra. Sweet was
so exhausted and frightened that she be
came unconscious , remaining In thai condl-
lon most ot the lime for four da > s , when
she died. Mrs. Swecl was 39 years of age
and Iho wife of a u ell-to-do farmer.
Artldi'N of liirorporntlim.
PIERRE , S. D. , March 23. ( Special. ) Ar
ticles of incorporation have been filed for
Iho Farmers' Co-oporallvo Grain company
it Holland , Klngsbury county , with a capital
of $50,000. Incorporators , H. U. Johnson ,
Jcfjti Weldenliopf , Erlnul Johnson , J. L.
Crothers , P. R. Crothcrs. The First Metho
dist Episcopal church of Corona , Robccta
county. Tnmtccc , M. A. Perkins. II. T. Smith
J. F. Dawscu , Fiank A. Sllles and Charles
L. Preston , The Imnunuel Cdurch oP the
Evangelical Association of North America of
Turner county. Trustees , Gubtav Wcdel.
John Unruk and Cornelius Unruk.
itnciivin KOH A MI.MM : COMPANY.
United Sfule * Court' fur .Montana Is-
NiioH tht > Order.
DUTTC , Mccit. . March 23. Upon Ihfl peti
tion of Livingston Gushing of Hcaton , Judge
Knowlcs ot the United Stales courl has
appointed a receiver for the American De
veloping and Mining company , an action thai
caused great surprise In mining circles , at
Iho company was supposed lo be in good
The company formerly had an office In
Butlo , bill c\enlually moved Its hindquarters
to Glbbonsvllle , Idaho , where the companj
has several mines , mills and minerals. It
also has mines at Whitehall , Mont.
The Indebtedness is placed al $270,000 , ol
which $10,000 Is on on overdraft at ClarkV
bank In Butle , $8,000 for wages and salaries ,
and $182,000 notes held by ( Boston parties.
F. W. liucorn , secretary ot the company ,
was appointed receiver , with bonds at $10-
A I.iinir Te It-ii hint i' I.Inc1.
HELENA , Mont. , March 23. ( Spceial.- )
The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone com
pany , with headquarters at Salt Lake Clly
let a contract yesterday for -1,000 tolephoii
poles for the construction of n line bctwcer
Mlssoula , Mont. , and Mullan , Idaho , which
when completed , about July 1 , will glvt
telephonic communication from Livingston
Mont. , to the Pacific cciist , making the long
cst telephone * line In the world. The wlr <
has been contracted for nn'd work on thi
connecting line will bo begun In a month.
Important DrclNlon nt Olioj i-nni' .
CHEYENNE , Wyo. . March 23. ( Sposla
Telegram. ) In the Laramlo county dtetrlc
court today Judge Slolls rendered an Im
portant decision in the case of George H
, „ ! Naglo against his guardian1. W. A. Robins
I Naglo recently came Into his majorlly , In
. herltlng an estalo valued at $230,000. Hi
i filed exceptions lo the final report of lit :
guardian , alleging thai loans aggregatln ;
$100,000 made by Ihe guardian were not pro
tocled by adequilo securlly and Tiad bcci
made without due care and without the au
thorlty of the court first having Icen oh
talnecl. The guardian contended that thi
loar.rj had been nude with duo diligence ant
were believed when made to be good. Th <
trial of the case occupied three weeks , tin
arguments of counsel lasting five dajs , Thi
r court has had the case under advlsomenl
B several months and now decides that tht
guardian was blameless In his admlnlstra
tlon of the calale and acled In good fall )
when ho made Iho loans In question ant
his final report is accepted. Mr. Naglc ap
pl.'ed for a new trial and will take the cnat
to the supreme court.
After That Illff Keiviiril.
SPOKANE. Wash. , March 23. ( Speclal.- )
The combined offer of a $25,000 reward fol
the capture and conviction ot the murderers
of F. D. Whitney , who was killed by mem
bers ot the miners' union at Gem , Idaho , lusl
November , has been the means of brlnglnf
Into the iCoeur d'Alenco some of the mosi
noted man hunters In the country. It Is
said that no less than a dozen detecthc !
from Iho casl and west are now working 01
the caso. In addition to locul talent In till :
lino. From a private source In this city 1
Is learned that evidence is rapidly accuimi
laling against a number of suspects , am
arrests will soon follow. It Is known tha
about twenty men were Implicated In th <
cowardly murder.
T < > < > | > | HK < - tllO I'OpllllHlN.
WALLACE , Idaho , March 23. ( Speclal.- )
The populists have put up a ticket fop th
city election , on which all candidates nr
populists save one. It U the only ticket ii
the field so far , but another one will be noml
nated In a few clays , which will receive th
support ot all the factions opposed to th
"r \ol < ' .
Editor Shaffer of the Ulnta Herald recent !
sold at a big prlco a patent for a one-ra
The Kemmerer Camera Is the latesl at' '
dlllon to the papers of the stale , C. P. Diet
t as editor.
The thcep owners of Swcelwaler and Car
id bon counties report thai Ihclr losses the las
winter have been ) very heavy.
Gcoge B. AbLott , recently appointed Unite
Stales timber inspector for Wyoming an
Colorado , has decided upon making his boni
id in Cheyenne.
Ono Wyoming newspaper recognizes that
name should represent something. The Roc
Springs Independent has beccme the Demc
d. crat without a chiuge In a principle.
lb- Charles Bellamy has been given a contrac
to survey fifty mining claims In the Snow
Range mining district in Albany count ]
Considerable development Is expected In thi
district la mining matt CM during the comln
lr The Board of Land Control has selectc
30,000 acres of lieu lands In Ulnta count ]
which will be leased to applicants at 5 cent
per annum per acre. The land Is taken I
lieu of lands embraced In the military res
ervatlons. No person can secure more tha
C40 acres.
The $10,000 appropriation made by congrcs
over a year ago for the construction of
military road from Fort Wastuklo up Win
river anil across the mountains to the No
tlonul pirk via Jackson's Hole U now avail
able and work will be begun as soon as th
frost IB out of the ground.
Three years ago "Tony" Goetz , who wa
at that tlmo without money or property , sc
cured a baud of sheep from n promlncn
lUwllns sheepman to run on shares. Th
sheep were divided this winter and Mi
Gootz'a share ot the sheep for his tare
yeara' work waa 2,200 young enes , whlcl
are worth at market prices not lees thai
J10.000. A\l \ expenses were paid out of th
wool and what Mlea were made of lamba
teivtBg the above amount u clear profit to
Grand American Handicap Tournament
Provesj inciting ,
A y
Out of One HuiufrVaVlio Try n (
Twelve ItltAlil'I Only Seventeen -
' teen 'Si-k'urp ' u .
NOW YORK. March 23. The shoot to de-
cldo Hio Grant ! American handicap , which
began this morning at > Elk oed Park , N . J. ,
promises to bo a very exciting land clcao one
toward Its finish , 'which may not bo reached
until Friday.
Of the 207 entries , ten fatleJ to appear to
day. The spectators and shooters alike took
the greatest Interest In I he work done bv
IMra. William 1' . Shattuck ot Minneapolis.
She came from the west with her husband ,
ho Is also entered In the contest. She
Hied her first four birds very cleverly , but
or fifth got away from her nfter "alttlng. "
he also missed her seventh and eighth birds
nd therefore her chances ot getting Into
: io first money In the big event arc almost
Captain Jack Brewer , the world's champion
Ing shot , had hard luck on his ninth bird.
IB hit It hard with both .barrels and It
Iropped as If It was stiff and dead. Drew or
urned his 1nck to the traps firmly believing
hat the bird was dead , but to ha ! astonish-
lent It rose again and then fell dead about
en yards beyond the .wire.
At I o'clock In the afternoon only n'ne '
Irds had been shot nt by each contestant.
Vt that time twucty-nlne men had straight
cores of nine each.
Just 100 men managed to shoot at Iticlr
welfth bird before the light failed , and the
hoot was postpned until tomorrow morning
iVhcn the adjournment was announced scvon-
een tncn out of the 100 atood straight with
wclvo kllla each. Tiio work of the handi-
: arpcrs was exoellcnt.
Ono Incident , lionet or , which marred the
even lentr of the shoot occurred In the case
ot Dr. S. Sfcaw of Chicago , but It was al-
itost Immediately straightened out. Ur
w was placed on the twenty-cight-yan
: uack by the handlcappers , but when ho witil
.o the score Ifjo refcreo told him to go 0:1 :
ho twcnty-nlnc-yard mirk. Thh was a act-
Luck of a yard for the doctor , and he pro
Ho shot at the bird , however , and missed
and after o fitrcnucua argument with tfu
cferce ho was allowed to shoot at nnothci
iled from the twepty-ulght-yard 111,11 k , am
this time ho scored a Kill.
Sir. Hosteller of Pittsburg said ho callet
'no bird" oci his Inlthl trial , but the icfcrec
thouf.Cit otherwise , and the bird cscapwl tin
Pltti-burg nnn , a d It was recorded ogalna
him ca a mis' .
Thp follow Ing men had scored twelve kills
which was tCie hlghcfel pojalble score , whet
the shoot was adjourrrfd : Ur , J. L. "William
son , Milwaukee ; J' ' . A. II. Elliott. Kaiii.1 !
City ; C. A. Younjj ' 'Sf'lasllold. ' 0. ; II. I )
Kltchle , GreciiRburR/'J'a ' ; E. A. Leach
Trlppc , S. D. ; F. V. Vniid > Ue. Dayton. N. J
T. A. Marsliill. Kblthsburg. III. ; "Walters.1
Loni ; Branch , X. 1."n. D. Ftilford. Ultra
X. Y.j U , F , ncndj-r , .Vew Yoik City ; Frei
Gilbert , Spirit Lake. ' la. ; G. W. Loom ! . )
Ctraha. Xeb. ; "Spirt Jrt& Life. " Philadelphia
0. H Plercy , Jeisci' Qtly ; J. 11. Savage , Xot
Haven , Cosn. ; Jlm'Jrtnco , Ifilbdelphli ; P. S
Sthnartz. jr. , IlrldMhlirK , Pa. ; W. Wagner
Washington , I ) C.
The ether mcn.wh stcoj straight will
ntno kills each , ultjhput shooting nt thcl
tenth , elcrcnUi or' tvflflh } birds , were : G
Forehand , WorcenUv' ; } . G. Cqurtnoy , Syra
puso : Jay Sr.cll. Worcester ; . } ! . Uurtnell , Xfp
perfclnk , 111. ; Sim "Glover , Hochetter : "Iks
senior , " I'lttsburg ; , I\iilph Kusa , Chicago
T. J Lnughrey , Llijojjler , Pa. ; Jampp Hood
Brooklyn ; W. H. Haaslnger , Newark ; 11. 0
Hclkes. Dayton ; G. H. Hiitchins , Galvcston
Dr. D. B. 'Mealier ' , Granvlllc , : ? . Y. ; II. Ottcn
New York ; W. Terry.Plalnfleld , X. J. ; C. M
Grimm. Spirit Lake , la. ; "Donly , " Euffilo
E. A. Geoffrey , Xewnrk ; Thomas Martin
Bluff ton , S. C. ; Captain Ruck , Now niuro
wick. X. J. ; P. D. Alklre. Woodlyn. 0.
"Leroy. " Campcllo. Mass. ; R. C. Burck
harilt. Buffalo ; P. S. Sinner. Newark ; J. H
Malone , L'altlmoro ; E. S. Rice , Chicago ; T
P. Laflin. Rock Island. 111. ; W. P. Shattuck
Minneapolis ; "Ben Hur , " Chicago ; S. Me
Pherson , .Plttsburg ; Leo HucUns , Kcwanec
nvnvrs oy * uiu : IUI.NM.VC TII.VCICS
City .r < > t'kfjOliili .Mcetlni
Coiurs 1 < > mi Kml.
XCW ORLCAXS , March a. The Crcscen
City Jockey club meeting ended -today will
the $4.000 derby at a mile and an eighth
Despite the suspension of the compllmentai ;
list , the stand and adjacent grounds -\cri
thringed mid the InfUId filled with carriages
fho derby was the fourth race on the can
and promptly nt 4:2) : o'clock the contestant
for the prize emerged fr en the paddock fo
the paradp pavt the stand. Joe Shelby lc <
off and was follo ol l > v Is.ibey , Hennlngloi
and Gardiner's pulr. Xnbob and Dltibinora
Presbytcrlun , the favorite , brought up tin
rear. The * Schorr candid ilo was always fa
IVrltp In the betting , opening1 at 4 to 3 ant
receding to ! > to 10. Joe Shelby opened a
ii to 1 and closed at S to 1 and th ( > entry \va ;
backed from 10 to 1 to G to 1 , Whtln mos
of the money went In on the favorite , Ifibt ?
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figsisrtnken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing Jx > 'iho tnste , and ncta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowehj-clcanses the sys
tem cffcotuallytUspcl8 ! colds , head
aches and fevers $ 'ud cures habitual
constipation. S'yrup of Figs is the
only remedy of'its kind ever pro
duced , plcasing to-tho taste nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and ti'uly bcneiicial in its
effects , prGparedVchly from the most
healthy and agree bio substances , its
many excellent | u diticH commend it
to all mid hayfttinado it the most
popular remedy known.
syrup of Figs J is for sale in CO
cent bottles by Jail leading drug-
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
, n. nstv ronx , M.r.
.Motlicral' .MotlierNlI .Moti 'r ! t !
Mrs.Vlmlou > Hnglhlnc 3 > rup hns been lire
for over M > rars by millions nt motlirra fi.
their clilldr Ti wlillo te lhlns with perfecl uc
cei9. It southts the cIilM , fattens tlie ( ruti !
allajs all pain , curci nlnd colic and Is Die be ;
remedy for Dtnrihoea. Hold by druggist * I
e % ry part ot ttio world. ll lure and ask ( a
"Mr . U'lnslnw'a Soothing Syrup" and take nether
other kind. J5 cent * a bottle.
FOR CRAZY WORK Fmc > * . I. .
different colors , will ho Bout to your odilroai
postpaid , on rc-caltlng liVi In silver.
* + - * - * v
wo * backed from 11 to fi to 2 to 1. The
Others were generally backed for third
Starter ntzgcrald tlrnppM hla HUB nt thu
first brfnk to an excellent start. Nabob nnd
Dlnsmoro were off In front lonethor nnd
alternated In the lead for a full mile , the
others bunched and well up nnd nil crowdIng -
Ing or jostling1 more CT less. Hounding- Into
the stretch there rans n general clo lng" up.
Xabob maintained n load of half n. length ,
with his stable companion second , the favor
ite third nnd Shelby nml Isaln-y following ,
the latter p inslngwide on the turn.
Hums juit up a ito'porato ride on Iho favor
ite In the list slxtpcnlh , wiueczltii ; lo the
front through a narrow evening and riding
vigorously to the wire. In the last few
y.mla I'rcHbytcrlnn pno-rved to the Inner
rnll under his punlfhmpnt , Rhtittlinr Shelby
nil Ulnsmore off. Shelby foimhl II oul pal-
nntly lo Ihc end , bul was beaten n length
iy the favorite. Isabey hunp when It cams
o the final drive nnd Nabob racrd b.ully In
ho last eighth , leaving third place to hla
table mate.
Thin John W. Schorr & Son of McniphH
i.avo won every stake foruhlch 'they tried
nt this mertliii ? , Including1 , bu'ldes loday's
irlze , Ihe iprellinlnary derby , which I'rwby-
crlnn laiulod for Ihem In Iho earlier p.irt
of the meeting. They- also won latt yi\ir's
; erby with Mc.ulo.\thorp. The victory was
only mildly popular.
After the race Knipp. vho rode Ifnbey ,
claimed a Mil against Dln inoro for Inter-
ercncn In Iho slrctch and Sehrrror , who
rcMlo Nabob , filed n similar claim against
Joe Shelby. Hoth rlalm were. d ) nllowed.
After the rnce Knnpp complained with
omt ! bltlerne's of the rrckli'Sftiess of Ihe
other boys In tbo iaco and finally became
so nlmslve 'that hl badse wn- taken a.\ny
and ho was ordered off the grounds.
The weather was beautifully clear and Ihe
rack fast. Presbyterian and IKvidllKlil
\ore the only winning favorites , T. Hums
riding bMh. Hcsults :
First race. selllnR , evcn furlonss : Lllllin
3 won , Oold Corn second. Kvallno third ,
rime. l:2S'/i.
Second race , one mile , selling : Jack Hayes
won , ( iatpo second , S lfl third. Tlmo :
1:434. :
Thlnl race , selling' , mile nml n quarter :
Mitt Hnvklti won , Klyrla. second , Hocknood
thlrtl. Time : 2 . *
1'ourlh race. Orescent City derby , mile
nml an olKlith : Presbyterian won , JOP Shelby
eecJiid , UiiiHinoro third. Tlmr : laViVj.
Fifth race , ttelllng , one anile : Headlight
mon , HIob White second , Alamo third , Tlmo :
1:43. :
Sixth T.ICP , spiling- , six and one-half fur
longs : First Ward won , IljJirlca second ,
Klslu Urumblc third. Time : U21V& .
itKcoun OF * Tim \TL'itv : itinint.s.
l.ldt for 1SI > 7 U Jnnl IKKIICI ! liy Si-crc-
tnryndr < > > K ,
CHICAGO , March 23. Secretary S. Olpn
Andnia f the Century Hoait Club of Amer
ica has Just completed a reporl of centuries
for 1SD7hlch Is of senpral Interest to
iu hodmen , as It Is the. first complete icport
of centuries held by club members over
The teport H tabulated by states and Riven
the total centuries of every member , total
ridden by each In ISO" , total In competition
In 1S37 , number of double * , triplets and
quado. dealKiiates member * who Joined In
l D * . wives cenliiry load club nuinber.s and
designates who have ridden ten or
more In 1S97.
The record for 'thp year Is hpld by J. M
Nobrc of 1'hll.idelphla. who has 251 CPII-
turlp ! to Ills' credit , with J. H. Oi'orRi * . also
of 1'hlladelphl.u second , with a mark of 2Cr .
Aside from the two named thp. follow IIIR
inaJe. llfty or more centuries dining the year ;
Mrs. llcorKO 'Hunker ' , Chicago : C. K. O'l'on-
n r , Chicago , S2 ; J. II. Flaiinlgati , rhlladi-l-
phla , B3 ; W. 11. Anderson. New Yoik. fifl ;
Mrs. A. M. C. Alien , Worcester. Mass. . los ;
J. II. Hunter , Toledo. ISO ; C. I , . Arohard ,
Cleveland , W. Miss Jull.i A. Hartley , Toledo ,
r > S ; W. 11. Kupreclc , Co'or.ido Springs , Colo. ,
K.S : W. S. Harvey , Heverly , N. J. . fit ; Uoul-
nahl Merrlam , Hast OraiiKe , N. J. , ol ; l.ouls
lllppploe. Tetre llautp , Ind. , M ! F. U. I.onjr ,
Portland , Me. , 1W.
Orlolrn lime nSnm > .
5IACON , On. , March IX-Thp Italtlinore *
nfaln dpfpatrd the Mercer university on tha
Mnron bill cpounds this afternoon , Tha
game wns called In thp eighth Inning. Scorn :
H-iltlmoro . C 0 0 4 3 0 0 G 19
MprciT . 0 0001100 2
Huso hits : Haltlmoro , a > : Moreor , 10. Kr-
rors : Haltlmore , 0 : Me. c r , 2. llatrrles : 1MI
tlmorp , HiiKhts , Klt.ion and Clarke ; Mcr *
ccr , Noiki. Kltson nnd llmvennun. ,
lu Lnliitr'n Ili-linlf.
LAHAMIB. Wyo. , March 2J. ( Special Tpl-
cgram. ) F. P. Sargcnlj KMIII ! muslrr of tba
Brotherhood of I/ocomotlxe Klrpiuen , nnd C.
W. Mnler , thliil ussUtaiil pram ! muster , ad
dressed a imbllo lucrtlng toiilfiht nl Mnpn-
acrchcn hall , n n ° o < l sized crowd being pres
ent. Mr. ' .Maler confined hid reinurkp prin
cipally to the subject of federation of labor ,
advocating a fedenitlon of thp various rlaoo
ot labor o thnl nil would be In close Uiuch
with each oilier and the Interests of each
being In many un > a In common rould bit
moro advantaijeously carttl for and con
sidered. iMr. Sargi-nt made nn nblo nddivsn
on Iho question of iin olqht-hour law ami
Rave a detailed opposition of hln pcnltlon on
the question und gave Illustrations ot
thu Instances In which the laboilng cMssod
by their ballots nnd through legislation ml *
vdiiced their cause and sraiircd rights anil
protection to which they \\ero entitled.
.Mnp nr AlnitUn.
A new lip to date map of the Kloadlka
country has bsen Issued by Thp Hep. 1'rlntcd
In colors , ehoulng all rivers , limns , harbore ,
inounlalns , lakes and joiitiw to the gold
fields. Kor tittle nt The lieu olllco mil a
] ii3\v.i stands for 10 cents.
Three Remarkable Women
Wore nirayctl In unrelenting conlliot against tlic genius of "Old Kills' " in thp "Seven Yoars' War. " Do kvou know
who tlu'.v were ? Itldpath tells.
If you can only n fiord one reference work buy IJldpith's History of tin.1 World. If yon possess Dletlonarlo.-i
mil Kueyelopc-dlas , still liny IMdpath'.i History of tln > World. There Is no more valnal > li book of reference. Itldpalh
gives every fact of history worth remembering , and tells It In a way that helps yon to remember 11.
This set has always been sold at prices running fioin tflS.OO lo i ? ! " " ' . according lo binding. < Ivor SH.000 ) s < > | s have
heen sohl at these prices. They could not be bold for lesa by ortllnary inotlioib > but we have taken AN KNTIUIJ Klll-
T1ON , and are funning " ' _ ,
Kaeh iiitMiiber of which secures a set at about half publishers' prices and on the following ea\v lonns : Club fee ts
One Dollar.
rayiiient of ( his Fecnres imincdlalo delivery of complete set lit any style. Members agreeto make ! . " > monthly pay
ments , boglnnlng ! IO days from delivery of books , as follows :
$ l.r > 0 monthly for cloth binding.
$ li.X ( ) monthly for half Uussla. which we especially recommend for its he.uity and durability.
> , ; " . "iO monthly for .sumptuous full Morocco. '
'Membership Is limited and late lomers may bt > dUappolnted.
Members may resign from thw club and retntn sets within 10 days. If they ehoo < e. and club foe $1 will be ro-
ISooks are deliveied fiee wherever our wagons run. l.ut , wo pay no freight or express charges.
Call at the store today and let us show the books to you.
- Megeath Stationery Co. ,
Omaha ,
Enclosed find Si.00 for membership in the iTJstory
Club. Send set to address below. I agree to pay
balance in 15 monthly payments.
! Name
The eight Imperial octavo volunus contain In round figures 0,500 doub'.o column pages , the equivalent of aboul C3 ordinary vol
umes. Xearly 4,000 engravings , reproductions , maps , chronological and race charls and diagram ! ! , many of them lu colors , Illustrate
the text and constltuio Iho most cxpcnrlveart gallery of hlslory ever gathered together. The tjpo Is largo and well-s-paced , ths
printing even and clcnr , the paper clean and super-calendered , and the bindings hnndao inn and substantial.
"AVrltu nt for -lO-paRo IioaU of pccliiiun IIIUVCM mill UliiNtr.-ttlnni , inniiM , cUni'tx , etc. frre ,
A Kood many wives are unhappy
because their husb.incls are not as
devoted to them as they uspd lo be.
Husbands often wonder why their
wives are not as atlractive as they
once svere. There is one class of
dbeases that nnkes more trouble
between husbands and wives that
turns more happy , lie-ht-lieartcd ,
young bi ides into sour , disagreeable
women than all else put together.
Nearly always when a happy young
wife begins lo be fretful and fault
finding , when she commences to go
' down hill in health and appearance
she has some of the complaints fa
miliarly called "female diseases" .
There is something wrong In the
delicate organs that make her a
woman. McElree's Wine of Cardul.
- . , is made to keep those organs in
perfect condition. When they are right a woman is seldom sick. She will live as long as
nature Intended she should. If husbands would keep their wivei supplied with this wonder
ful medicine it would often nuke a great difference with their homes. It will keep their wives
happy , contented , affectionate , attractive. Wine of Cardui can be bought at any drug store ,
and women can take it in tiie privacy of their own homes.
n , Terns , Nov 15th , 1807.
I have bought two bottles ot McElrcc'a Wine of Cardul for iuy wile and daughter. After
talcluK them , they are both In better health than for \\io \ years. VVo knojr tljla medicine U ol
the greatest bencflt to women. * wb
T.AUoTnji , I/a. , Nov. 18th , 1807.
MeElreo's Wine of Cardul and Thcdford's Black- LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT.
Draught have done my wlfo c grout deal of Rood. They For aclftco lo caiet requiring po-
are without doubt the best medicines for women In the clal < ilrcctlcniB(1iretiKiTlnKiirnji > i
world. M W , WELLS. 1003. Lc.r'tti' Adiltorv Utpcrtment ,
The ClmttanooEuMoUlclueCo.
ScoTTSvittc , Ky. , June27th. C Ctut'.ancota , Tcan.
I had what the doctors said was f ailing of the womb.
audsuUercd eight yeaii I got worse Instead of hotter all . . . ,
the time , and wiu finally confined to my bed. Mv husband at last brought mo a bottle of McEI.
ice's Wlno of Cvdul , and I took It at once In tbrte days I was Mttlnuup , two hours at a time.
Now nt the end ol three wetks I am dolngmy houto work , and Kalnlnn flejh and HtreiiRth fatter