Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Market is Glutted with Offerings and
Whjat Prices Decline ,
( AH tlio Oilier MnrkcU Arc lAflccled by
the AVeaknCMM of Wlirnt , nnd Corn ,
On In nnil Pret * InleuiN 'Are '
I lower.
CHICAGO , March 23. Near'the flnls'i to
day wheat became weak and closed about
3He decline. Higher prices , resulting from
flevero weather and bullish foreign news ,
brought out too much long tuff for the
market to absorb , and prices dropped with
remarkable' swiftness. Other markets were
( ill affected by wheat. Corn declined
oats VMYac and provisions closed
i i
At the opening and for a short time nfter
iwheat showed strength. Low temperatures
iwero reported from nil parts of the winter
Wheat country , und California reported an
other hard frost List night , with considera
ble rifililtlngInjury. . Kngllsh markets nil
ehowod steadiness. Northwestern receipts
were moderate , Minneapolis nnd Dulutb re-
portltii , ' 321 cars , against 201 last week und
333 a year ago. Chicago receipts were again
heavy 187 cars 77 of that number being of
contract Quality. Uesldes this 4J cam and
32.4M ) bu. were transferred from unlicensed
houses , u total addition to the contract
stocks today of about 152,000 bu. The
. weather news wax the factor , nnd there was
cnt tgh demand from snorts at lau opening
to tftart July about ? o higher at SdabbHc ,
and May > iu higher ut $ l.y. > % . The latter
delivery was very dull most of the session.
Thu opening prices In July proved to bo the
Jilghctit of ttiu day. There. was little en
thusiasm to the bulng. nnd after the first
few minutes' trading prices began slowly
slipping away. The demand from Bhorts
und for Investment soon disappeared almost
altogether. The decline was slow , as not
muen welling preb-sure was apparent , and
up to about noon the market was In u slate
of dullness bordering on ( stagnation. Trad
ers were evidently still Inclined to Keep out
of the maiket until ttic Hpanlsh eiucstlon
was nettled ono way or another. 1'rlces
kept within a narrow range , with the gen
eral tendency downward , July declining to
83 > 'Bc und May to J1.06J4. About noon Un-
Rllsh cables reporting a better continental
demand for cargoes and heavy reductions
In the estimates of the Argentine exportable
Burplus gave the market a strong under
tone for awhile after the .noon hour , Ju'.y
advancing under moderate bu > lng to Suc ,
There It met a lot of selling nsulnst calls ,
with uiari ! or less general ruallzlng. and the
price elror > pcd to 83'4c. The decline -was so
quick that It brought out a. good many s > top
floss orders nnd the market j5i."Uned with
* -Bcarcely any support to die fjr July. May.
too , had to conteml with a lot of sel.lng late
in the day and declined to $1.01. A slight
Improvement occurred Just bfforo the close ,
July getting to M&u anilMay to $1.0I ! .
Those were the final Ilgurts.
Corn was quiet and weak , with prices nil
day under je-Uerdij'3 figures , bympilhy
with wheat and prospects of betlcr weather
In the west vveru tlie Inlluences. Trading
was largfly professional. There was a bet
ter deiiumil at the bottom. Mny ranged
from 2'Hsu to 2s&c ; , and closed % fo'/fcc lower
at 2bT4c.
Tno nrirket for oats was dull nnd weak.
The cold wave had nppirently been dis
counted , and predictions of warmer weather
caused a good deal of Belling by je-stur-
day's buyers. The market was weakest
late In the session , when wheat made Its
break. May ranged fiom 2fitfc to 27c , and
closed ' /iQ&o lower ut "JfTi-Gc.
Provisions were exceptionally dull nnd
ptlnclpally for this reason weak. There
was some helling by pit professional ! * , and
ns bujers were \eiy scatce , preferring to
keep out ot the market until the Cuban
c ;
QaolatlouM far ( Inln } - nil General
Js-EU' YOniC. March -rUI'H-Ilecelpt , 21.-
C07 bbls. ; exports , IJ.CIO bbls ; quiet but
Him ; city mill patents , > j s'fiC.10 ; city
mill cliarn , JJCOffJ. " : ; winter straights , Jl W
< ] tK ; Minnesota patents , } Si , :45 : winter pat-
e'lilH , H.HOSJ CO , lHUT -
eitrnn. { 3 yI 10 ; Mlnne-
potii bukvrs , | luoiIC5lnler ) ; low ( -radei , J3.'J )
StJUO. lt > c iluur , dull. > JWW3.2i. liuckvvheat " '
tlour. nominal. tl.SOffl ! n.
JUICK\\ HEAT Quiet , 43'iCHIc. '
COItNMEAIj-DuIlt .vcllovv v\tstern , 69c.
11YE steady : "Noncrtern. . CSHc.
UAHI.EY Dull ; fescllnt , ' . 4t'4o.
] IAIlL > iY MAl.T-Clulel : vveitern. M | OJc. 13
AV1IKAT Herelpt * . 57,350 bu. ; fpot.ntak.Xo. 2
red. tl Wf. o. b. alloat to arriveerpllonH ; opened
ateadler at Uf' o advance em further coverlntr , ern
but Ihnuiuli iiri'illctlDiiu ni warmer ue-alher
dwindled.Kraaunlly Into < * ukiie > Hi Llijuldattcm
vas tlie * afternoon feature , putt ulnrly In late
deliveries , which lost IJjtil'if , uKUlnxt I4c de bu
cline mi near months , A koud exiKirt demand
nnd letter lute cables had little Influence. Nu. 1
red , Marcli. SI 034(104 , clostd } 1 , 3 ; May , t 15-1C
Qil OlVi. closed 11.0) .
COUN-rltuxlini ! . H.JiO bu. : exports. 7.00 bu. ;
rpot. weal , ; No. 2. 6'4c ; options , after n Nlrly
uteaily openlne with vvheit , were nsnln affcetel
l > y liquidation and tloiei ) vieak at > .a decline.
2darch. 2-"Al3llhC , closed S3 c
OATS HeceliHr. K.tlO Ul ; exports , 178 bu. ;
Jipot. nominal ; No. S. SH4c ; No. S white. S2JiC ;
options , dull and weaker , doling at He net -
decline ; May closed at 20c.
1'EED Quiet ; bran , TOifSOc ; niUJllngj , S0cr ; > e
feed. C2tiKo. ( . . ,
HAY Dull ; shlpphiff , SOffSic ; good to choice , "
KW70C. S"ri
llOlf Steadier ; State * , common to cnolc * . 1UJ
crop. 4fi o : * crop. Tirsu. UST trop.
I'acllta const. 1S93 crop. 48 c ; 1S C cjup ,
iso7 crop , 170 ISc. . ( Si
lUD&S-nrm ; Callfurnla. 21013 Ibs. , J7b mes
jE'ATIIEH-Sleady ! ; hemloclt' sole , IJuenos
, A > res. SOU20HC.
WOtll Quiet ; Texis , KfflSc. he
l'UOVlSK > NH-lleef , linn ; family , J1I.25C
1175. beef hams , ja > : packet. JI02fiW11.0) . Cut
rn'ratr , dull : plekled bellies , J3 C2'41C | C. ) : i.lckKM
Phouldcni. H.37Jitf4 l ; pickled hams. | 7.Wf7 75.
Lard , easier ; we tern steamed. K 3j. nominal ;
n > rtneiL e y Pork , mes > , l5.'S fl'M ) : * hort ejeir ,
iiownnio : family. tllW llW Tallow , steady ; 3d.
city , J lM6i/3 ic ; country , JSt3 * c , us lo qual.
' OILS Coltonesced , shade weaker and Inactive ;
rrlmo crude , f. o. b. mills , ivuicc ; prlmo < er
jelldw , 2JV4o nskeJ. ipelrolmiu. dulL .l' ' ' In ' .
nteady ; trilned , common to oed , } 1.4H4fl.5.
Turienllne | , eiulet , 32Vitf35c.
METAI.S AlthoutH eiulet. the market for
metals shows o dl po itlon to do still better ,
uvt the cloto today tha metal cjcchans called
plK Iron wan-ants quiet at 16-75 bid anj C ; SO
isked : lake coi'ver. uiKhanged t 1 S7H bid > firm.
and li.W rti d ; tin. Ann t M4.JS bid slid
11440 eked ; spelter , nrtn at 14 23 bid : leaj.
Steady at W 71'4 bid anl | S.77 asked. The firm
suing the fettllnc price for miners and imeltera
calls lead unclmnsed at 13 3) ) .
HlCE-nrm ; fair to extra , 4V 0 ' .4 = ; Japan ,
° '
- - - - " - "
Orleans , open k tt.le ,
! iolclUc
-lU-c * n T.J41 P'MEJ , : i ! western
l ' .
i * * - - <
; fcptera
ber , Sc , Oclobrr , 7'4 < J7)c ; : light nklms ,
part nklm . 4JCc ; full tklms , ZffTc.
I-X3GS Receipts. 22.116 pkgs. : llrm : state nnd
Pennsylvania , lOViOW o ; western , 10'iat ' Kiullicni ,
Conillllnn of Trnili * nnil ( Imitations nn
.llnplc nnil Knncy 1'rodiice.
1IUTTE1I Oimmon to fair , Wlloj separator
creamery , 20c ; irathcrcd croamen' .
VEAJ/-Cholc fat , M to 120 Ibs. , quoted nt SB
c ; largo and coarse ,
LIVE POULTRY-Chlckens. 6457Cc ! : old roost
ers , Sc ; ducks , 7c.
OAME Mallards , J309W325 : teal , JI.2V1 M ;
brants , ! 2 008300 ; Canadian geetc , J1MOC.W ;
tnlxod , Jl 2T , 1 50
PIOEONS Live. Jl ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY Upland , J6 ; midland , J5 ; lowland. J4 00 ;
r > ei stm , Jl 50 ; color makes the price on hay :
ll rht bap | Bell the boot ; only top grades bring
top prices.
CirLEIlY Good slock , large. 0o ; email , 23ff20c.
ONlONS-Per ' bu . II IXW.10.
III'ANH Hand-picked navy , per bu , 11 23 < rtl SO.
BWEET 1'OTATOE.H-Kannas , 10-peck bbts ,
( JAIIIIAOE Good stock , pT 11) , 'iWiC.
POTATOES Ileimu Krown , COi/SCe ; Colorado
stock. 70c.
4.25 TOMATOES , Per crate , seven baskerts , IIOOQ
STRAWIIERRIES Per 2-qt. case , J7 50.
APPLES Winter stock , J300S350 ; C.vllfnrnla
Ucllelleur , boxes , Jl M ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxf . J1.7" ; Nebrojikn , boxes , Jl 25.
CRANIlERRIITS-Fancy Jersey , per bbl , J10.
GRAPES Malagas , J5W3CW.
CHANGES California novels , $2.7503 00 ; fancy
seedlings. f2uO ; riiulre , 12.23.
LEMONH-Callfornli , fancy. J273 ; choice. JJ 50 ;
fancy Messina
, 300ff3 CO.
IIANANAS Choice. In rue stock , per bunch ,
J20W2.23 ; medium slie.1 bunches , | l,7i32.UO.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , large rlie , 12G13c
small , lie : Uraclls. per Ib , { fluc ; English ival-
nutn , per Ib , fancy soft shell , lOWllc ; standards
S0 c : lllberts , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished , ,
medium , 6f(7c ( ; extri large , Sff'jc : large hickory
nuts , Jl Wijl lo per bu. small
; , tt SJjl.33 ptr bu ;
cooosMits , j r 10 , } < no ; peanuts , raw , 6S3t4c ;
remsteil , G&o c.
PHIS Imported , fancy , 3-erown
, J4-lb. box s ,
, 5-crovvn , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb IKJXCS , 22a
23c per box : California , 10 Ib box. JIM.
lie. HONEY Choice wiiife , I2c'f Coiorado'amber , 10
KIlAUT-Per ntl. , j : M ; half bbl. , J223
MAPLE SYIUP-FIV'fl-gal.can. ! . . 12.73
_ _ fact. . ;
gal , cans , pure , JKT doz. , J12.0) ; half-gal , cans ,
! G.2 > ; quart cans , J3 CO.
nATES-IInllovvce , CO to 70-lb , boxes ,
Salr. Be ; Fur.1 , 9-ib. boxes , e.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , J300 ; bbl. , J500.
DRESSED REEF-dood native
steerfl , C5Jc ;
ier doz , We ; QIC tails , each. 3c livers
; ,
per Ib.
\Vtc \ ; hearts Ib
, per , 2VJc ! tongues ,
per Ib , lie-
calf lIvirK , each. 33c ; calves , whole carcass
sides , Sc : calf head anil feet or
,5c ; tcnilerlolns , scaiued , per set ,
, frc h , ISc ; tenderloins , frozen
lie : boneletj * Ktrlin , fresh , 940 ; bonelesn
strips ,
frozen. Do ; ftrin loins
, fresh , 7 > 5c ; strip loins ,
frozen , cytc : rolls , boneless , 9"c ; rolls ,
cuts , 9o ; Klrloln bulls , boneless.
c : shoulder
cloils , Ijoneless , C c ; rump butts
, boneles. ' . C -
No. 4c-
1 chucks , Cc ; No Z
chucks , 4'Je No
: 3
cliuckc , 4c , boneless
chucks , 5c ; cow plates , 3'ic
steer plates , 4c ; Hank steak , 7c
. ; loins.
. . No
UVie ; loins , XTn . 1. lOVtc ; Inlnn . No 3 , 8 < 5csiort ; 1
loins , market
style , 2c nbove loins ; short loins
hotel ftjle , 4o above loins ; cow loin
, ends , Sc-
steer loin ,
emls , 9c.
MUTTON Policy lambs Do per Ib lambs
8c : eheep , 7c ,
: market
racks , lonp. Oc : hotel
racks , short , lie : lolnj , 9c
: saddles. 9c , lex ? , Oc
Ismbs less. JO-- breasts
; nnd stc , 3Vic ; tonguea ,
each Sc
: fororiunrteis , Cite
PORK DrcN-ied plus , CHc per Ib ; dressed hess ,
C'icj tenJerlolns , 14c ; loins , short. GJJc , lom ? , ex ! ,
tparo rlb , Co , ham sausape butts , Ojc : lioston
butts. C'ic ; Ehoulilers , rough , Cc ; shoulJer- ,
sl.lnneil , CJc. ( trlmmlnEf , 4Hc ; leaf lanl , not
remlereil , Ciic ; heads , eli-nnctl , 4c ; snouts and
cars , 3c ; neckbones , 2c ; cheek meat , 4c ; pljss1
tall" , 3c ; pluek ; , each , Cc ; chitterlings , Cc ; hocks ,
4c ; hearty , per doz , Sic ; stomachs , each , 3c ;
tongues , c.ich , 7o , kldnejs , per doz , lOc ; brains ,
per doz , 15c ; plm , feet , per doz , SOc ; livers ,
each , 3c ; bog rinds 3c ; blade bones , Cc.
IIIDI1H No 1 Breen hides , ' % c ; No. 2 ureen
hideiHc ; No. 1 silted hides , yc : No. 2 green
salted hldei. Be ; .No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. . lOo ,
No. 2 veal calf , 13 to 13 Ibs. . Sc.
.SHEEP PELTS Green saltej , each. r75c :
creen salted shearings ( ihort vvooled early skins ) ,
each , IGc ; dry ahcarlnm ( short vvooled early
skins ) , No 1 , tacit , 6c ; dry flint Kansas and Ne
braska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual iveight ,
4jjc ; dry Hint , Kanvig and Nebraska murrain
wool pelt * , per Ib , uclunl weight , 3@4c ; do *
Hint CoU > ruio bulcher wool pells , per Ib , actual
weight. < { j"c : dry Hint Colorado murrain wool
pells , per Ib , actual welKht , 3@4c.
TALLOW" . GHEA.SE. ETC Tallow , No. 1 , SO
S'/ic ; tallow , No. 2 , Sc ; rough tallow , lV4c ; white
grease , 2V4ff-'vic ; jellovv and brown er asc , JV 0
runs near ( black or brown ) , 1C 0":0 00 ; otter ,
$1.50irS.CO ; mink. 15inOc ; beave-r. Jl. ( 0 .00 :
fkunk , ISc , 23c. COc : muskrat , 3" , 5c. 7c : raccoon ,
15O90c ; red fox. KcGW.t' ; gray fox , 234iCOo : vrolr.
timber ) , C. ; wo prare oe ,
wildcat , lC82Sc ; badger , CfflWc ; silver fox , J50.00
St. I.onU ( ienerul 3l rlct .
ST. LOUIS , March 23 FLOUR Weaker : pst
entf. * l.70iH S3 ; ctrabrlits , } 4 Mffl.W ; clear , II CO
04 2. ; medium. J 6CW 75.
WI1E3AT Lower , closlnp "Jc for May and l ? e
for July below jesierday , with weak under
tone ; spot lower : No. 2 rej , cash , In elevator , U
97con track , 9S c : March , 97c ; May , 99'ic ;
July , 79OJi4c ; September , 7Ic ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
OOHN Future fractionally lower than yeater-
di ; spot hlKher , but demand limited ; No. 2
cash. 27c : Marcll 26 c : May , 2 Tie asked ; July ,
2Su asked : September , Z9 c.
OATS A shade easier for futures ; spot steady ;
No 3 ( ssh , 2 Hc : on track , Z7 T7Ho : March.
Msy , 26WS20KC : J ly. 225iO23o ; No. 2
white , 2JWc. 2
at .
SEED Flaxseed. nominal fit Jl.ll. Timothy
seed , irlme , 12850290.
CORNMBAL 1 W91 53.
HHAN-FIrm : packed , east track , B.C.
HAY Firm for choice urades ; prairie , WOO t ®
r. JS I MC : dairy. 90
AVHIflKT-Il 20.
COTTON Tins-70c.
itt I3.551TJ.B7U. Spelter ,
ncinlrvil nt S4
pilOVIsYoNS Pork , lower ; standard mef ! , D
lUX'EIPTS-Flour. l.OO ) bbU ; wheat. 7,000 bu. :
com rJ ( VO bn : nats , 12nfO bn
SIIIPMENTF-riour , C.COO bbN : wheat. C2.000
bu. ; corn , 15I.OXI bu ; nits. 101.000 bu.
Hill ( Ini lire Mnrkrt.
TlALTIMORn. March 23.-rLOUR-Qulet- -
ern suptrnne , S2 7003.10. western extra , J33.CP
400 ; western family. 113004 CO ; winter wheat
patentt. J4.75ff500 : spring patents. Jj 2)O5 40 :
spring vvbent fctralitiit. J3 0003.15 ; receipts. 15,43. )
bbU : exports. C.C2S bbls.
WHEAT-Diill : tpot and month. MVjjmVtf' '
May. tl OOV.OI 004 : pteamer. No. ! red , 9CjSCiic :
ix-celnts. 77,702 bu , exports , none ; southern Chi
wheal. by famj'Ie. 97c6Jl O0',4 ; southern wheat ,
'CORN rirm : cpot nnd month , Sl ffSSHc : N N.
RtMmer mixed. 32WW33C ; If-clpls. 202703 bu. :
cjtiorti. 400 bu. ; soutUrn tvhlte rorn , 33-483tic ;
eouthetn jellovv. 33fJ34c ,
ovTn U ; NV , . 3 mixed , 31031'ic ; receipts ,
! S < ; bu : experts , none No.
N , 3 n * rliy. KSV.c : Nn. t - No
, M > te ; rtcelpts. 13,259 bu : exports , none.
HAY Dull : choice timothy , SllCCvBl ! CO
GRAIN rnEIOIITS Oood ilemind nna
rates appear to bo fasv ; steam to Liverpool , per
. 3 il , Ma > : Cork , fof order' , per quarter. 6s
lOHd. Mnrch : 3s 4Vid03 Cd , April
ntnTER-Stesdr : fancy creamery. UB2lc : S
fancy Imitation. 17T15c ; fancy ladle , ISo. go <
ladle. 13 llc ; store packed. lOSlZc. St.
EESn-Steady fsncy'New Tnrk. lirge9'i
-fnncy New York , medium. 9V5O10e ; fancy
New York , small. l
ILtvnurOOU Man-h 23WHBTPrKit. . lull ; 1),7 )
s-o. 1 red. norlhcrn rprlne. 7 H4d ; No. 2 red ,
western , 7a "d. 23,9
iYRN-pot. ) quiet ; American , new. S- 1 41 : l'
future- , quiet ; Marclj. 3s 3'.d ; May , 3s 2 d ; July ,
I71l-St. Louli fancy winter , dull , ta M
ItOPM-At Indon ( Paclllo coa t ) . dull , X4O
\ *
PROVISIONS-Tloef , firm : extra India roeis ,
9d : prime me . Ms 9d. Fork , llrm : prime
* , fair western. 51n 5d ; prime mess , medium
western. 45i 9.1. H ms , short cot. steady , K * imM
llncon. firm. Ms. S-iort rll > f. dull. Sis ; lonr clear
middle * , light , stonily , 28s ; lora clear tniildlrs , }
ivy , steady. 2Ss d : fhort clear backs , iteady ,
fd. Clear belllei- , steady , 3Is. Shoulders ,
square , steady. 2s. I.iril. prime west m ,
steady. 27 . Tallow , primp city , firm. 2 s Cd.
OHBESn-Amerlcan white snd , colored , finest ,
. - refined. tea > lv. 17
. Turpentine uplrltn. Meady , 23 33. liotin ,
common , steady , 4s 2J.
Clnulnnntl Mnrkrt.
. J4 35 4 55 ; fnnlly. J3.70JI4 90.
in T Firm ; No. S resl. 97 c.
OOHN Meady : No S mixed. 3H,03 jc.
OATS-Oulet : No. 3 mixed. 2S' C.
ItYBSteadiJJo. . 2 , 52o. llnl
PROVWION8 Lnrd. easier. Jl W. HulU mcalr.
. J5 10 llacon , steady , J5.90. Iron
WHISKY-flUtdy.'Jt JO.
lltrTTBR Steady ; Elgin creamery , JlUc ; Ohio ,
: dulry. lOOUc.
AIl-EJuv ; jmrd rcfinlnr. tt 100 ! U.
EOOS-Dull. r. can
CHEEBE-StfaJy ; good to prime Ohio flat , 0 and
NCW ORLRANfl , M n * 54ItOO res
jul t. Tort , stsjiaanl m as. IM . I-rf r -
mei ts. dry salt shoulders. J3 , slilcs , J5 174.
JUvtwn , silks , 14 23. Hums , choice sugar currd ,
nlo , ordinary to fair ,
HICK Hteadr : oldlnary to gnrxl , ! >
rLOUIlr-Dull ; extra , fuJio , IICOD4.70 ; latenls ,
HAY IVItne , JlltOCT12 ( ; choice. Ill OT01I I-X
cull I IX No. I wicked , mixed , J7/J"ic ; whllo
nnJ jcllow , JTHinSc.
OAT No. 2 sarKrd , 31ljc.
15. " nnx Clly Grnln niul Ire > lulonn.
KANSAS CITY. March 23. WHEAT Weak :
No. 1 hard. S"KJ9lc : No. 2. EJ5JS9P ! Nn. 3 , Kf
87Mc ; No 1 re < l , SlfiWc : No. S , 9MJ3'o : No. 3 ,
KH/'Cc : No. J riirlnic , S7WSSCJ No. 3. 85 ? 8 Hc.
tXUN Active , steady to Ud higher ; No. i
mixed 2Mr2C'ic.
OATS rirm ! No 2 white , 2SC.
ItYK-fitrsilti NO. 2. 4J',4c.
HAY .Steady ; choice timothy , IS.5009CO !
choice prairie , 17.000753.
IlUTTKU-flrm ; creamery , scarce , igis'4c :
dairy KWlCo.
Kilns Unchanged ; frrfh. Sc ,
UIXi3IITS Wheat , 12,600 bu : earn , 31,800 bu. :
oats 11.000 bu ,
HIIII'MENTS Wheat , 75,200 bu. ; corn , 41,200
bu' . ; oats , 8 , WO bu.
Grnln llccdnlM at 1'rlnrlpnl MnrUctn.
ST. LOUIS , March 23 1tecclpts : Wheat , 10
car .
CHICAQO. March 23 Hecelpts today : -\Vheat ,
187 cirs ; corn , 173 cars : oats. 1st cars. Estl ;
mate tomorrow : Wheat. 200 cars ; corn , 27 > >
cars : onti , 130 cars.
MINNEAl'OLI , March 23 necclpts : Wheat ,
203 earn ,
KANSAS ' : CITY , Marcll y ItecolptS ! Wheat ,
PULUTII. March 23. Receipts : Wheat , IB
Tolrilo Market.
TOLEDO , March 23 WHEAT I/ower , tveak ;
No 2 cosh. S7Hc ; May , ! ii'4o asked.
CORN Active , steail > : No 2 mixed , 30'4c.
OATrt _ Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed , each and
IlYi : Dull , higher ; No. 2 cash , tOlic.
CLOVR1U I3KD Dull , unchanged ; prime cash ,
March and April , $2 M.
IMilliiflclitliln Prnilnoc.
rillLADELTHIA , Mtr-h 2J. DUTTEnteady ;
fancy vvistern creamery , 2l3j fancy % vt tern
print * . 21c.
EdOH < Dull nnd HO lower : fresh western. lOc.
< JHFK.SEQu'ct ' but uteady ; New York fancy
full cream i , S4fl9Vie ! : New York prim" , 7'MfSc.
nctri > lt Mnrket.
_ _
IDETHOIT. March S3. WHEAT No. 1 white.
9a ie ; No 2 rej , cash and May , 93'Jic.
COHN-No. j 2 mixed , 30c.
OATb'-No. 2 mixed , SOViC.
IlYE No. 2 , D2c. '
Snn Frniicldc-o AVlicnf Mnrkcl.
SAN rnANCISCO. March 21 WHBAT-Stronj ;
December , tl S7H : May , 51 465 , .
HAIlLEY Very strong ; December , J1.11H : "ay ,
, March 23.-COIIN Firm ; No. 2 , 29' c.
OATB-rirm : No. 3 whllo , 8W.037C.
WHiaiCY-Hlgh proof spirits , I1.19V4.
Culinn Contro crn > - linn n
Iiifltienc-f on the Market.
NEW YOniC , March 23 Tlie doubt over the
outcome of the Cuban controversy Iwtvveeu ( he
United States and Spain was n drprccMni ; In-
lluonce In the locol stcck market todiy , oa It
was In every market , for securities In the vvorld.
In Parin tlio wenkne'M of binnl-h 4s nffectcd all
other > securities by sjnipathy , nnd the simo In
fluence vveakcnoil the markets In Ijunilon and
llerlln , the henvlnciH of American rallroid se
curities being an additional factor nt the latter
two centers. Ot * the local cxxsliango there was a
well dellnwl bull party , TV hose operations were
Httemled lth moii ? or les succes-j , thus cub-
tractlng very materially from the wnn of the
depression. The motive publicly avowed by this
bull party for Its attitude Is that pi Ices are
knver than are warranted by Intrlnplo.iluct ami
by the political outlook Itut It Is doubtless In-
lluenced ul J by th < i technical condition of the
market , which Is full cf short contracts waiting
to bo covered "on the eipcctevl Flump on antici
pated decisive developments In the Cuban BltusJ
tlon. There Is a temptation for n bull clique U >
mark up prices in buch a market and force th <
bears ti > cover. Ttic succe'M of the bulls toaiy
vrat only moderate In Inducing coverlmj , but
they did dl'H.ouiage further short silllnir , nnd
twice rallied prices fmm declines ruimlr.g up
to a point or over In many prominent MockH.
The mulkct tlowd .vitl- one ol tlir\.e lalllc.1' In
force , BO that the net chin3 a ill * f'l ilu m st
part Inslgnlflcant , and there Is n fair sprinkling
ot gains. The Indurtrlal sper'Tliln ' rontlm.ed
to bo Hie sufferers from the ilcrn. lon , Mctro-
polltanr Street Ialiv\uv ! and Siun being erpe-
clally marlUHl out for rolllns pre'hiitn 'Ihe lall-
roail list was prcUy well eustnlinl ami the
Northern 1'aclllc stoiK * m.l IJiinn 1'aclllc pre
ferred ( mowed not a little Unimex The iv- to Uhe threatening nev\s ( lovcljnpi"nts
of the diy can only bo ittnliui J. to wlnt la 7f-
CanleU by the bull faction n 'n ' ov ri > ld 107-
dlHon. The money market fern to bevalllns
on the Cuban , iueV.I > n Mu > 'ly with Htvlp.
Hankers arc loith to jut Jut money In lime
loan- , although Iho avi'litljup.ilv , wlih fie
replenishment of tbo gilil Imrxn'H. Is mid to be
qulto large. Toda > 's falllni In cxcli.mie and tue
renewed engagements of gild may be put diwn
to the niipri ien lon over the fuUre rather ih.ia
to prwent actual deim-ils for mon -y. Vh-bond
market continued to lack .inlmitDn , trailing ! -
Ing confined to a few speculative Ifiues. The
tone wai weak. Total wiles , 1,153 ' ) DO. rw
United States 4s , registered , declined IVi ; United
Stolen 4s , coupon , 1'i and the old 4s nnd the Js
J4 bid There were s-Ucs of thei new 4 , coupon ,
nt ISO bid.
The KvenlniT Post's lyDndon llmnclil fablo-
gram sa > s. Tha markn's here lem-Un klagnant
nnd Oull , bdng entli.Mv doialnlitnl by the
Cuban question The feature today was this
drop In bpanlsh 4t. TUuy opjnej nc W'l , tcimi l Jl
and closnl at M'l ' It Is sllll billdval lire
that New York trailers are deallmt in them
Amnrkaiu gave-wav IT H > mpithy with th" New
York lead. Mock Is not really pri'strj for f\w
here , but there are fair reiilizitljna from thri
conMnent. The clorn > vas better on New Yri : .
support. It : s bellovol that tlu Clilncsj Iran
ban been only about ' .nlf uppll-M fi-r hue. It Is
quoted nt 'i dlsniunt In the maiket. At the l
allotment of English treasury bills JoJay lie irlj
2.000,00) was taken In ivvelvo months' tills qt
3-18 peti cent.
Following are the closing quotations of fw 60a
leading stoclts on the New Yorlc market today ;
Atehbwn . 10 Hawaii C. O , .
" ht. P. At Um
Ualtlmore& Ohio. . 10 do pfa , . . . , . .1
Canada Pacific. i. . . Bl SUP. M. AM. < . . . . , . !
CanaittiNomnnm. . . 434 So Paciao
Control Paeinc . UK So. Hallway
ChcH.&onio . 17H do pfd of
Chlcavoft Alton , . . . 102. Texas AP.iclAo. . . .
C..U.AQ . R U Union Paclttc pfd , .
C.&E. i . 5J U. P. D &G
C.C.C. & BI.Ii . U7 TVabash
dopM . M3 do pfd
L * Hudson . 10UH Wheel. A L. E VT . 145 Wheel. & L. B. pfd
Den. &H10G . lO'l Adams Ex 1
do pfd . 454 American Kx 1
Erlulnuw ) . ! " ! United States Ex. . .
ErlolHtpfd . : u Wells Panro Ex.,1
Ft. Wnvna . Hill Am. Cot. Oil
CrcatNorthnrnpfJ 143 A. Cot. Oil pfil
Ilwliln ? Valley. . . . BW Am. Spirit * tee
lllinolHCjnlril. . . 08' ' ( Am. Points pM
LikoKrloA.\V . I'-'H Am. Tooacco
do pfil . 07 do nfil 1 be
LakoShnra . 1H1 I'eoplo'u (
LouiHvllloANash. 4iH ! Cons. < i.iH 1 bo
M.-inli m.iii L . Hi)1 ) * Coin. Unlit ) Co 1 of
Vol. St. Uv . 1 t5 Col. P. fclrou
Mlclilrin Contral.,101 do : ill ( the
Minn Ac St. L . 24 Oon. Electric
dolHtofd . SO IlllnolsStfol. . ,
Mo.l'aclRR . 4Ml LaClcdo Uax
-Ml Load to
Mo. K.Ac T . 10l < tie iiM 1
Mo.K. & T pfd . SOU Nat. 1.1 n. Oil on
, InU. A.L . 7 Orej-'Oii Imp. Co
do pfd . 24 Ibs.
t. Central . Pullman Pal. 1 a
. Y.Contral . HllveT Certificated. . CO
N.Y.ChLASt L. . UN Stand.Hopo & ' . . . .
dolHt pfd . ( IX Sugar 1 } -
7H < * do pfd ]
Norfolk St West jrn 1 1 H T.C.S. iron. . , , . . . . 28c
. Amor. Co . U. S. Loilber , * . 31c
Pactilc . 21 do pfJ . . . . . . . . . , , 31c
doom . cii'ii U , 3 Uubbor :
Ontario A. W . 14 > t do pfd No
Oro.K .VNav . 4m Western Union. , , .
Oro. Short LUus . L'S Northwestern 1 and
riltsbun ; . 1UH do pfd 1
Rcidin ; . \/H Klo Orando WeMt . !
KocklHlaiid . 81 ! ( do pfd
L.A6. 1 * . JJM Clilcayo-Gn-ati W. .
Uol tpd . r. 1 St L-iS. W. . .
J' Ul . 87H do pfd
do irfd . _ , .144 Ra idliig .Bt pfd. . . Ing
The total sales of stocks today vvera 293,000
share' , including : Chicago , liurllngton At Qulncy ,
31,3(0 ( , Louisville & NaMivllle , 4,303 ; Manhattan ,
21.315 , Metrciiolltan , 15iCS ; N w York Central.
< S ; Northern 1'uclnc , 2.305 ; Northern Paclllc
preferred , 10,973 ; Hoik Inland , 8,220 , fat. Paul.
! > 0 ; t'lilon' Paclttc. 17,820 ; Tobaco ) , 1,1C3 ; CSc
ile'a Oas , 10,313 ; Hugar , C3,29 . Irj
The commltteo on th ptix-k list of the New
Stock exchange has listed the following i -
curltleH ! I'nlon Elevated llallroad company of
Chicago , } i7,000 HdilJIIonal S pvr cent bonds ,
making total amount tinted ) IU.OW : Nash\llle ,
ChattonoecsTi & at. Ix > uU railroad. 1273.000 addi
tional consul ts , maklni ; total listed I3.911.0O ) ;
Northern Paclllc Hallway company. fo 3.C.w ad- lower
dlllonal 4s. making total listed J .WiCO ) ; tone.
Spakane l lls. . Northern Kallway company , local
i81JOCO nr t morttr go t ptr cent bonds ; lown cable-
Central Hallway company , KI.COO nildltionjil
common and ) prcferrM ptock , maklne
respective totals llsled t7.4SO.600 and $ GS71.00f :
Union I'acltW llallroad company. J13.000.000 nmt bsBO
mortgage 4 per cent bonds , making total listed
JSI.i33.toO , and Jt5.7JO.OM preferred flock , maklnp weak
total jlsled j3.l"Xr , < Xio. qul
York Mlnliior Quotations.
NEW YORK , March 23. Tht following are lie
closing mining quotations ; ' bigs
Chollar. . . . . 40 Out-mo. . , ' . ' & ! ) bag-
Crown Point. 12 Ooiur. , ; ; . . . 41 bag
Con.Cal. & V.I. . . . 72 Plvmoutb 7
Deadwooa 76 QulcksllTer lee pfi.1.
Gould It Curry 15 Oulckjilrw DM. . . 203 cllnei
* NorcrosJ. . l'"S
HlorraNorala. . . . 140
HouiMtavo 3HOO Staadnrd. . . . , . < . . 100 No.
Sll ver .11 Union Oon 40 2i,0
JU Yellow J ckm . . . . 20 bao
Foreliru Flnaiivlnl ,
LONDON. March 23. The market for Ameri lover
Bcuritlrj toiiy w i without decldeil feature
ruled Irreirulsr with > bearish undertone ,
owing to political complication ! Ttte cloalr *
was dull * aJ thc/u was 00 demand. Hpaq-
4i closed M WH. Oola i * quoted At nuenas ( c ;
iT - o . . Jjlllls wen
allottacd tqiiay at 1s IJ21-3M.
M.-Th icotraj ttnJtncX tt
the bour < to.lay w s unfavorably Influenced by
the full fn Spanish 4s nnd by the imsatlsfac *
tory reports from America In circulation on iho
wentern bourse. American Recurllles and O-
nadlin Pacltlcs were esk. Unnk shares were
steady , with Industrlnl fturltles firm
MADRID , Marcli S3 Soinlsh s were quoted
on the bourse to-lay at 7 W. Tha closing price
> c terday was 76.10.
PARIS. March 23 Three per cent rente" , IMt
Clo for the account. Exchange on I/nndon , 2Sf
2Jo for cV.-cks ! Tli bourse openeil weak , Inllu-
cnceJ by n fall In Spanish , cati ed by the
comments of Ihe American pipers on the Investi
gation Into the loss of the batllMhlp Maine.
Thin WRB followed by a slight rally , but buMnci *
flnlrhed dull. The closing price of Spanlih 4s
York Moni'r J
Nominally 2Ufi3 per cent. '
STERLINO BXCHANejKStendy. . nt Jl < H
4.SIW for demand , nnd JLS1U9) MS for sixty
dajs : iwst l rate. . Jt rl.K'i. und J4K94MH'
commercial bills , Jl SOV4 ' .
HA It SILVER tAc ' '
OOVEHNMENT llONDSAWgak ; new 4s. rr .
nnd coupon , Itl ; 4s , teg.'t < w'coiipon ; , 111 % : 2 * .
rrg , 9S ; Da res. and coupoji.1 11114 ; Pacific 6s of
99 , 103 ,
Closing guoiallons on were as follows :
noitnn Stock Utiotntlnni.
HOSTO.V , March 23.-Call loatis. 304 per cent ;
time luuns , 4t'j per r nt. Closing prices
for plocks. lioiuln and mining rlmrca :
FrnnrlNco Utiola < liiin.
SAN ritANCISCO , March 23 Olllchl closing
quotations on mining stocks today
were as fol
lows :
Alta ID Kontuc'.cv Con .
AlnhaCon 7
Andes Hclcher ID OurldenUlCon. . . . L'J. >
U'j Ophlr.
. 4 t
HcHt.V , Dolchcr. . . . Sll Overman . I )
Ilnlllon U I'oto i . ,17
ClillleiiiroCon. . . . B3 av.iiro . . i.1,1 !
Chollar. 47 Scorpion
. r
Confidence. 7. ) blerra NnvadJ. . . . 140
Con. Cat. A Vi , . . . 71) Sliver Ulll . . 3
Crown I'oint l.t Union Con . 41
Koula&Currio. . . . 18 Utah Con . ly
Julli Hnloi Norcross. . 1,11) Yellow Jnckot . cs
1 Stand *
ml . Kl >
Sliver bars , C3'4c , Mexican dollars , 4Ji
drafts , sight , 15c ; tflcgraph , 17'/iC ,
I.onilnii Stuck
LONDON , MarclJ 23. 4 p. m. Closlns :
Consols , in'v..111
11-ltl N Y Ce-ntnl 11,1
Consols. uccu 111-K Puiiii4 lvanU
Can. P.iUlic. HJH Keidln > SS4
; ki
Krlo I'jfj Hat.on. .
/on. new41. . OH
KrloiinelH . . . .
31 Atch'son '
III. l-Viilr.u lom L.A.N. . . . . ll' Ifuj { j
Me-Mcau ordinary. . HHJt Grand Trunk 754
common. . . DO
SII.ViiJ-Steady,2Cd per ounce.
MONHV 2@SVi per cent. Tlio rate r
In the open market for slioit bllli. 2" ; pjr cent ,
oiul for three months' bills , 2'j.fts. ; ! ,
OMAHA , March 23 Thu' clearings for one day
were JS14.318 70. Haloncesi Jiia41 ) C4. clear-
IngH for 1K)7 ) were $033,017.30. and the Mlam ,
J112.7U1.42 Incmiw In clearings , $ ltil.01.4ti
CHICAOO , Marcti 23 Clearing * , Jlt > ,3WWW ,
New York exchange , 4Jc discount ; ] x > stcd lateu ,
J4 H and J4 E3'4Stocks fairly active nnd cat-y ,
senerally at slight declines " Alley I * JS'J bid ,
WU ) eutkcd ; Hlncu'.t , *
common. ; 214 ; lllacult , prc-
ferred , 77 5 ; Diamond Match. 129'j ; Lake > fatre-ot
Clilcugo. L. 11 ; North Chicago , 2U7. * , ' Sff > wboard , 25 ; West
. 90V4 ,
ST. LOUIS , March I3fCJarlngs , J3.7-486.l ( ;
balances. J634.036 ; money , , Cjj.8 per c ° nt ; New
York exchange " , par bid. I24q premium askul.
i" ORLEANS. March t2J. Clearings
744 ; New Ycrk e > xc-uuige ) , JjanU par ; cummercial ,
per $1,050 discount. t I
MEMPHIS. March 23 Clearings , f14JS19 ; bal-
nn < v.s , J107.M3 ; New York uxchangu Belling
J1.50 premium. at 41.
UAUTIMOIin. March 23. Clearings , | 2,3II,012
balances , Uflrt fFlfl * ;
I'fULADKLI'HIA. March 23. Clearings
, J10-
: balances , 1,433W9.
NB\V 'iOIlK. Mori-h 23 - JllO.lM.SID
l nces , > 7,13SOI7. ; fi.
UOSTON , March 23. Clearings , 1IC78,943 bal
ances. J1.W3.101.
CINCINNATI. March 23 New York exchange.
discount ; money , 25s per cent ; clearlnge. )
AVool .Markets.
BOSTON , March 23 WOOL-The following
arc the prlcea for the leading descriptions ;
The American Wool and Cotton Itvporter will
say tomorrow of the wool market : The volurno
sales bus been a trllle heavier than the wctk
prt'vloun Taking the market whole
as a , a
duller situation can hardly be Imagined. The
The Cuban crisis has , put an end to all activity.
manufacturers do not want wojl except
occasionally imall lots for the purpose of piecing
out their present holding * . The principal fators S.
whl h nre InthiemMnir the market at piesent
perhapa the be reduced to three , rirft. ot course , is 21.
war fenre A tecond and wry Important
factor Is the pretence hero xtlll of > 1.
n con lili i-
able amount of cheap last year's wool. Until
Is all cleaned
up there can be no guaran
that prlcen will be fully maintained. A 1.
fa-tor Is cancellation of orders for llnlthevl
product ? The extent of this evil will perhapn
nppieclaled when wo ftnte that one mill
had one onle-p for J40.CKX1I canceled. All that can
sold about prices Is thit thereIs not enough
n market to make
prices. Quotations are
nominal ! ) unchanged , but
n market so dull HJJ
present Is bound to wag of Its own weight.
Concis'lonB ale mmle nml sporadic cases of un
usually low
eiuotatloiiH are -
cn-ountereJ. Most
dcnliru In cirpet wools have > done nn business 21.
i-peak of. but In tertaln eiunrlers there have
bee'n largo snles. .
Prices are at' well maintained
carpet wools n oa nn > thlnjr In the list. 17
sales for thp week In Ilotton amount to 831l ) ,
. domestic and 4fCW His foreign , making .
total of ] , ! 9DOuO Ibs , ngilnU nl total of 1,107- r ,
) Ibi
for the previous week and a total of
12C79OfO Ibs. for the coirefpondlMT week of last
Ohln and Pennf > lvanla fleeces , X nnd above , 42
; XX , 29 ; ; XX and. XX nbov- , SOc ; dela'ne ' ,
; No. 1 combing , S0ij31c , ; No 2 comhlnK , 30U
, Michigan , Wiacoiuln , etc.-X Michigan , 24c ;
1 Michigan combing , 29c ; No. 2 Michigan
combing , 2SC29c : X , New York , New Ilampstlre
Vermont , 23)f24c , No 1 New York , New
Hampshire anil Vermont , 27c. dela'na MlehlRan ,
Sc. Unwashed medium Kentucky und Indiana
onesquartcr tlocxl cornblutr. 23c , Kentucky nnd
Indiana three-eighths blood comblnr , 23c : Mis-
sourl oneiiarter | blood combing , 2Jc ; Missouri 17
three-eight ! W blood comb'nj , 2Vjc : braid comb-
, 2f > c : lake and Georgia. 22c Texas wools 13.
Spring line (12 months ) , 16018 : ; woured , 4SK4"io ;
spring nne (12 months ) , ISSlSe : ecourc'l. 4SOCO ? . 1. .
Territory wool * Montana fine medium and line , 1. .
ICiJlfo , scoured , 4f 47c ; staple , 4S COc ; Utah and . .
Wjomlng line nu-dlum and fine , 15817 ; ecoured , 1. .
43O4Cc , staple , 4tc Australian , s ureil basis
combing , superfine , 70fl73c : combing good. C3 f . .
; comb'ng , average , CStf c ; Queensland comb- . .
Ci > C
ST. I/3UIS. Mirch 23. WOOIT > ull and cailer ; II. .
i , l5ai9Vic : llKbt fine , 13ai6c ; heavy line , 1. .
tub washed , 22fr9r. 1. .
faffep Clarke ! " . . .
NEW YORi ; . March 23. CprrEE Options . .
opened barely steady , with prices SfflO points . .
; ruled moderately active , with weak under
. furlhtr casing off under bear nellUus and 41.
liquidation brought out by unfavorable !
cableheavy Ilrazlllan receipts , we-qk local spot 12) )
market and lack of mwculatlv e support. War 4.
troubla caused outside public to hold off. ClosM 1.
quiet , with price * CQ10 points -lower ; lulou , 13,210 1.
, Lnplinllng May , J49Q5VO. HKt ) cntTae , Jiiu , 70
; Invoice , t'jc ; No. 7 Jul < blng , Co. MII4 , 2
; Cordova , S QlCc. Total warelmueu deliveries - 6.
liveries from the United Putt * . 1M7I bars. In I.
cluding 12,03) IMKC fro n X TV York : New YcrK 3.
todiy , G 3)9 ) luigs ; United moles stnek. 3.
S01.4M bags ; alloal for the ) United Stales , TCl.O 1. ,
; tptal vlglhle fur Hie fnllftd Stote-i , l,17i 4 1 14 , ,
bagagalnM 700.7M lags 'last year and 492 , ( K I. .
i In ISSfl. "I V 1. .
IIAMIIima. March SJ.WOF EE-Opco'd 4. .
. . lower ; at 2:30 p , ra , fasst 14 pfs. net a - . .
vales. v bags. *
RIO DB JANEIRO , Marrfh -OlFrnK-DulI ; 4i
. 7 Rio , 7.-5 rebs : excliangS3Jd : rt * lptr , In
> l baB * ; cleared for the Untied Sate IC.OoO -
: cleatvd fur Kxirop * , ( ( /X ) Ixgs ; stock , OC , . week
tags. up
1IAVKH. March -COL'FKE-Closed , } ; f nM
, Sdiin , 17iX ) lugsi f very
Culirorulrv hrfca KrqH * .
iet. Evarorated app'.ti , vemnion , PW ct
prime wlro tny. kV > a 4 , uvl drlcJ , the
oiholc * . ! >
Aprlcot ,
Values on flcof Steers Break Fully a Dime
AH Around.
llu > rrn Tnko > OR I.llirrnl Slice * niul
1'liinllirt K crytlilnir nt the
Urcllnr lli > u Active nnd
SOUTH O2IA1IA , March 23. Receipts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hor'n.
March 23 . 2.M7 3.3 3W6 ! U
Mnrch " 3 2.930 0,015
March 21 i. < 25 1.77S 5,718
Mnrch 19 1.2(1 $ 3.355 1,701
March IS 2,307 4,708 A9D9
March 17 1.S5I 4.730 14,146
March 10 3,507 4,015 C.335
Marcll 15 3.720 C.OU7 3.W1
Mnrch II 2.1SS 1.G20 4iCU
March 12 2.103 4633 79
Marcll 11 2.4S2 ,
Marcll 10 2.312 4.C97 10,207
March 9 2.S04 C.2J1 C 576
March 8 2,939 C.C09 7.869
March 7 3,200 3,176 3.5S4
March C 1.137 6.437 1,270
March 4 1,823 C.5I5 5.245
The ofllclnt number of cars of stock
biought In today by each load was :
Cnltle. Hogs. Sheep. Hor'B.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 1
O. & St. L , Ky 4 1
Missouri Pftclllc Ky. . 3 4
U. I' . } stem l"i 4n
R , H. & M. V. 11. U. . H 10
S. C & V. Ky 7
C. , St. P. , M. & O. . . . IS 3
H. & . M. K H. K Bl is
C. , 1 > . A : Q. lly 4 isu
C. . K. I. & V. Ky. , K 1
C. , K. I. & I > . Ky.V. . 2
Total receipts . . .TuM 47 10 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 5't t52 1
G. H. Hammonel Co 2J > > 375 . . . .
Swift and Company M7 USG 2fljC
Cudnhy 1'acklng Co Sll 1,318 271
K. Uecker nnd Pecan 40 & Co 1C2
Huston & Co 15
Krebbs & Co 2 ° ;
Livingston & -Shaller. . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . .
Swift , country "CO
Armour & Co 274
H. Hamilton 1C
1 * P. Hart CU
Jlejer 247 |
Other buyers 460 . . . . 281
Totals .3,010 3,331 4,073
CATTLE Hecelpts today , 2S3" head ; jes-
te' lay , 2,930 , one week ngo , 3,595 ; two weeks
ngo , 2,801. The quality of the receipts was
a much pccrer than yesterdaj as fie re
ceipts were smaller. The arrivals were
mnilo tip \crv largely of corn-fed beeves ,
hut mostly of common to medium quality ,
with a few- loads of cow stuff nnd stock cat
tle1. The tendency of the market -was lower
and for that icason not to the liking of
Iinur STICKS Although there -wore III
loads of calllo of all kinds In the yardn ,
mostly corn-fed stuff , there
was not a sin
gle load of choice beef steers on salo. Early
aelvlces from Chicago nnd Kansas Clly Indl-
c.itcd slovr nnd weaker markets. That fuel ,
together with the unattrnctlvcness of the
orroilngs. constltuteel the chief bear features
of the market. Then , too , bujers , both J3
pickers and whippets , Deemed to come to the
conclusion that they paid too much for
their caltle yesterday. The result -was that
they took off what they put on yesterday ,
that Is , thp maiket was weak to ICc lower.
Selleis WPIO slow to make the congestion ,
and the trade dragged nil the morning- , but
In the end about everything was sold.
nUTCHKKS' STOCK There were only a
elozen or fifteen loads of cows nnd heifers
In the > nrds , vvhllej the demand was about
ns large as usual. In some cases sellers
thought they had to take a less price than
esiorday , but as a general rule both sellers
and buiers were calling It a steady market.
One bunch of good corn-fed heifers sold up
to $1.20.
STOCK CATTLE Taking tnto account
th half fat cattle that were , not suitable
for nny other purpose than to go back Into C
the country apraln , there was qulto a sprink
ling of fe-eders and etockers. Tha demand 4
was aliotit the same ng It has been nil the
week , nnd the market on really desirable 4
stuff fully steady. The weakness In beef of
cattle had some little effect upon feeders
and in some cases sales looked , If any
thing , a little easier than yesterday. Repre.
sentatlvo sales :
HEEK STnnns.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
24..1450 tt 70 2..1210 > ( 70 19..1277 14 Cl ) .
IB..1090 4 45 3 , . . . 1100 4 15 23..1107 4 45
i..ioo 4 25 3C..1W 4 3) 14..1079 4 23
C..11SO 4 S3 24..1100 424 30..1061 3 CS
1. . . . 920 3 00 21..1170 4 23 IS..1234 4 35
17..1020 4 20 25..1114 4 2) 7. . . . 8:7 I 23
10..1091 400 9..1010 4 30 4..102J 4 13 4
23..1219 415 1. . . . 800 300 1. . . . 790 4 00
9..1137 4 IS 19..1083 4 43 20 . . .1231 4 41
20..1154 435 48..1227 4 43 3..1230 4 43 J3
. . . .1121 ! 4 35 3..1320 3 W 33..1201 4 30
45..1072 4 30 27..1113 4 20 7J..15 4 M
20..113) 437',4 5. . . . 820 3 71 E..I2C1 4 7"
6..1356 390 12..1200 4 33 8..US.- 2T.
41..1161 4 30 S3. . . . 93) 89) 7. . . . S74 4 W
14..1107 4 25 S3..1228 4 3) 11..1451 4 13 375
. . . . 945 430 19..1008 4 13 3..1300 4 83
10..1365 4 59 32.ItC 43' ' ) 40. , . . StO 400 500
24..1234 4 15 14..1081 3 70 49..1212 4 15 ers
31..1000 4 15 1..1230 4 10 2..1243 4 15
S.lll 4 13 13..11W 4 13 3C..1IU3 4 CO
K1..1347 4 CO 7..12G 4 M 2..1CS'- ' in
W..11IS 4 40 415. . . . 912 4 20 3 . . .1126 4 23 ,
18..1073 425 38..1247 45 * . 1..10IO 4 GO 4 30 48..10SI 4 35 1. . . . DSO 4 23
1..1100 400 18..1363 443 3. . . . 770 370
1..1070 3 30 1..11SO .1 25 1..1270 3 CO
1..1020 3 SS 4. . , . 860 3 70 2. . . . 935 3 30
1..1S10 3 70 1. , , . SCO 2 90 1..1230 J 35
1. . . . 840 2 60 0..115S 3 40 4. . . . 930 2 83
1. . . . WO 323 I..KM 3 S3 1..10IO S 10
2..1S41 3 61 2..1203 3 C" 42. . . . 1037 3 63
1..1230 3 00 1. , . . MO 3 50 11. . . .10S2 3 33
. . . . S16 2 63 2..12iO 3 40 1. , .13'rt 3 10 firm
1..1080 3 SO 2..11W 3 1. . . .1400 3 DO
. . . . 7 > 323 2..1193 3lj 43. 3 23
1..1IC5 3 25 1..1100 3 CO 21. . 10(53 ( 3 25 4.40.
. . . . 770 223 3..100I1 2 W 1. .1120 3 21
2..11V ( 3 75 1. , . . 830 3 10 3 r,0
, .1000 3 60 1..1060 3 SO S..12W .1 73
. , .1170 3 45 1..1190 3 45 1..1070 323
. MO 2 S3 2..12W 3 M 2. , . .1175 3 1)0 and
.1270 3 70 2 . .111' 3 SO 2. , . .1010 3 25 5
3 40 1 . . 710 3 35 4 . . .11W 3 CO to
. .1330 3 CO 1. . . . 870 S 23 2. . .us1) 3 M
. 1070 30" 1..1130 3 23 1. . . . 040 2 M
; . .121S 3 l ; 1..121)4 3 S3 3 "
' 3 00 1i . . SM 2 ' , . .1210 3 15
L.i.'lllO 3 40 i , .tw 3 40 . .KKW 3 10 3 r
2..1215 IT 1 . . s-o 5 SO 3 M
1 . .11CO 3 23 1..1300 3 73 ket
. . i 92 ? 3 r ! 1 10fO 3 40 1..1370 3 35 imm
11"0 3 35 ' .10DO 273 2 . .1093 3 20
. .1151 3 30 3'-123i ) 3 0 > 3. IinS 335 is
10.10 3 C"i S..I071 Sf > > 1..1330 i CO
3.I21u 3 GO " ' ' 3 0) 1 . .ll.V ) 3 50
1..12TO 3 S 3. , . 9CO 2 1C 13 . . lO'/t 3 GO
. . .1224 3 M 2 . 8C. 2 7" 2 . . .1080 3 50 C.X (
1..10J ) 3 23 7. . . .1010 371
. .1100 3 23 3..1210 333
1114 4 20 I. . . . 3SV ) 300 I. . . . C3) 4 00 "
. . ! O S CO 1. . 700 4 03 1..10J ) 3 M
. . EM 3 90 4. , , . 917 3 C5 1..10J ) 3 SS SSO
' 2. . . . 410 3 8,1 1. . . . 7U ) 3 0
. . 620 3 75 4..10V ) 3 60 10. , , . 551 3 C ) S3
. .11S5 3 0 3. . , ,1020 3 .SO 2. . . . 7M 3 GO .
. . 010 3 Ci 1. . 710 3 SO 1. . . . CfO 2
. . 770 1. . 310 4 2i 0 . . . 8.M 3 S )
. . K' ' > 3 SO 1 , . . 'JOO 3 00 1. . . . CSV 3 15
. , 3SO 4 00 27..HOt 4 05
1015 3 I O4M
. . . 878 4 I
. , 750 3 70 1,1610 3 3T 1. . . 1410 3 M
, . W 3 73 1,1MO 3 85 1 . , ,1110 3 25
1..1100 3 :5 1. , . . 570 3 M 1 . . 10 3 4)
, , 790 i W 1. . . . 4:0 3 OO 1 . . .174. ) 2 90
aw 13..UU 3 S3 .112) 3 10
1..15J4 3 45 1..1I80 3 10 . .135) 3 25
3..HOC 3 CD 1..1C71) 3 53
. . 404 4 49 1 , . , . -jo coo . 3M 00 St.
. , ICO 6 25 1 , , . , 2 ) 660 , 370 10
. . 250 CO ) 2. . . . 1OT C 23
2.,1330 3M 1..1MO 3 73 1. . . . 9 3
1.,133-1 3 75 4..1C15 4 00 3. . . .1110 3 73
1..1ZM 3 49
. . . E90 4 20 . . . . W 4 5) . . SSO 4 25
' ' 4 TO s. . . . a 4 30 2 , . ( .20 . 4 30
! . . Ml 4 15 8. . . 672 44 ! 8 . PS3 4 Ji 1
. . . U5 4 40 23 , . . . 7C5 433 43. . 7S1 433
. , , 770 4 IS . . . 771 4 40 I. . MO 4 M
. . . 820 4 M 1. , . . 9uO 400 437 4K
. S23 4 Cl ) 1. . . . I'M 4 0) 1 , . , 440 4 CO
. . . MO 4 00 29 , , . . 77S 4 ! 3 4 , . , 312 6 15
, , . 918 4 10 4..10W 3 75 19. . . , 09 4 > '
. . . 5 ! ) 3 W 6. . . . 810 4W 1. , , , 9V > 4 JO C.
. . . i22 13. . . , 432 4 91 1. . . . C49 3 llO
. . . > 3 4 40 1. , . , fcv ) 440 4. . , , C48 4 CO
. . 7W 3 V > 400 1. . . , bx ) 425
. , fiW 3 S3 3W 2. . , . CC3 3(0
, . U > > 4 TTi 2. . . . (370 521 II , . . .Ml 115
, . KM 4 M 10. . . j 715 46) 41. . . . C04 475
. , J7W 4 'il W. . , .t 3 7i W. . . . JOJ 413
. . W
HOaa Jtoctlpts today , S,33 head ; ycsterrtsr.
l ; rne week ago , 4,949 : two weeks atto. t.V > l.
other words , there was a falling off In the
u-rlvali as comrared with Wvdlienday of lait
and the week before. The quality holds
> tell and Is generally satUfiutory.
Today's hog tmde could be summed up In n
few words , "a good steady market. " The
buying demsnd WM brtfk , and as It ( Inally
turned out. inure lluinequal / to the supply , Uotu
fiaxrkers t > nd shippers temed to have llbr t
orders , nd wer * out early. Th * market opened ,
* 4y iad J > U Ui t way uolll tli cl * . wmi
* rd t lo bvy In * of. th olTcrlofs
d\y. that K nt J370fr3.fl. with Ihe hbf bulk
Kt J3.7S. ( load heavy loads sold st Jl 774471 W ,
with n ton. rale nt JJ V > . Mixed loads brought
J3 11M13 75.
lV > r three day * In fucrowlon there has been
lirnctlcally > u > chanso In the hog market r < i
fnr n * value * nro concerne. ! . All Ihl * vrrfk
Inns have , sold nt J3 7Mf3 SO. wlfi an occasional
top nt J3.S , and wllh the hlg end at 1375 ,
lions told today fie higher than ( ma week
ago , but In about the same notch ns two wrekn
ngo. One month ng the market was only ( < c
lilghcr than at the jirawnt date. Reiiresenlatlvc
No. Av. Sll. Pr. No. Av. Sit. Pr.
17 . 2i > 9 . . . J370 03 2L'S 0) 1.17211
S3. . . . 231 S2 ISi . . . 3 7JVJ ,
. IS4 . . . 372J4 45 270 40 S 72'i
72 . 21 Cl Ill . . . .1 U
72 . 0 Si ) I 75 ' " " . . . 373
Cl . 253 SO 3 73 . ! ! ! ; SO S 73
CC . 'JVC ft ) 1 ' 34 . .aw . . . 375
.11 . 3V 37J ISO 3 71
B3.-.2B3 40 3 7 % . . . 375
72. . . .T. . . 213 3 75 120 a 73
O ) . . . . . > 209 3 IS ) 1 7i
77 . SW . . . 375 s ? 212 . . . > 7i
M . SCT + ) 3 r. M..255 . . . a 7J
77 . f l 40 3 75 71 214 S ) 3 73
C.1 . 2.V. 3 ! 247 ISO S73
S7 . 213 IfO 375 hi : ir. so a 75
C9 . 23G W 3 7S 71 2,1 * . . . S7-
13 . 2MJ . . . 3 To C3 31 . . . 3771,4
210 377V4 ( It 171 . . . 3 771 ,
ICO 377'4 fC IV ) 40 3 75JJ
41 ! . tf > . . . 37714 r.i 3 * > so 3 r\i
33 . : a" > M 3 so K 2,0 40 3 t,0
6) ) . list . . . 3 M fj ( ,29 * Cl ) 3 M
r.s . : : M 3 80
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
ci . r-i . . . s so . . . . . . . . 'JO 3 W
40 3
1 . 470 C 125 353
9 143 3 1S1 S 70
1 SCO 2 70 .1724
8 270 372 < i 12 * 214 372' ,
6 3 71 6 211 37.
4 . 297 1 75 6. 336 3 73
HIIttMP Itewlptn todiv , 3-WO hcnil , si-ntfliMV.
C.915 head ; ono week OKO , 5.K55 hcail ; two wo M
dKw , 6,570 head. ToOa > ' nrrlvnlK looked latlie-r
Finall UK coniiiaresl with the day before niul thn
actual number nn sale wan rllll mnnller , n
oevetal of the' louls cnuntnt In H > receipts were
cwnslRnetl ellrect to ii.ii.Keni anl vverc not e > fferM
on the nurket. Tlio arrivals coml teHl principally
of Inmbs eif fair average rjualll ) with iv few
KiiM enough lo lirlin ; l * > 10
Thn iletnaml em Uie pnrt of local p-icKeri vvn
very Rood nml tbe > mnrlset vvni nctlvc nml fully
slendy on all klmlj. Thu ofTerliiK" of ile lrnble
loin of mutton BH P and Innilwvverei nil taken
An was noted jrittpnlny , the mirket >
* n tn < i to
be In evenwn > - oall facu > r > ' to the > pillhiK In-
teiesls. The > ilvmand In sulllolflitly cluilc no
Ihat a few mon > lonils tin nonllnarlly rexulve < l
il" not elepi > > the market
, nnil price * nre > firm
ai aomiuiml with these mllns nt other
polntM llcprcaentatlve sale's :
6SI Mexican lnmlr in
1 western vvelhcr 510
1 western wether lee
l7 wejtern lambs 77
273 Mexican lambs 72
2 S Mexican lambs 74
1 * ! western wethers 10J
Ii. ! western vvethcra 101
2M InmbH. feeders 70
5 ewes
.1 lambs
! )
1,040 Mexican lamb * 71
Cnltlo Are AVcnk , - vlli Slavf Snlfd niul
Iunjr ] 'rlcon.
G1IICAOO , March 23 Tlfo market for cattle
wan we.ik and about lOo loner from the start
with slow sales. Callle that
wer , > pool In qual
ity sold nil right , but other k'nds moved off
slo\vly and rough lols proved very bad sellers ,
tolca wire on a basis of from J3 SO to J4 for
the commonest lots of
dressed beef
steers tn
from . > to J575 for choice to
shipping cat-
tli , nim bulk
of the sales being nt
fiom Jl 35
to J5
Mockers and feeders sold largely nt
from J4 19 to Jl CO A few emaciated
covvi sold
at from Jl 70 to J220 , but most of the sjles to
canners iverc nt from U40 to J3 , nnd fat butch-
cling cowa and heifers told an lilkli ns ever
llulli veiu steady , cxjiort bulls felling up to
J4 , and < -alveji sold
freely at from J5 15 to J6 40 ,
with ' a few sale at from 13 JO to 55 30
'I hero was n good general demand for l > ogs ,
enitern ultppeis doing their fhare of the buj-
lUK , and -
pi-Ices ruled uleady at jesterdas's Ilg-
uios The commorcst lots Fold at from S3 0 to
5 and tlm best at from J4 to J4 05 , the bulk
of the ralei being nude at fiulil S3 10 to Jl Llttl-
tlo : > lgs rold largely at from J3 40 to J3 70 and
heavier pigs bioiiKht from M.75 to J3 9S The
late bog market waa weaker and xllghtly lower.
The market ifor sheep and lamtis was stronger
nnd lamba averaged a. dime higher wllh an
active demanl and a scarcity of ol'ilco liunln
Sheep rold rctlvxly at from J4 to Jl 75 and > ear-
llnRH were In gocxl d < ln.ind at fnmi 14 50 li > J5 ,
choice Mexicans lu'lnr salable at the top Iximbs
were In excellent demand ut from J4 CO to ? 5 C ) ,
comparatively few going lower lhan 13 SO
Receipts : Cattlr , 16,000 head , hogs , 32,009 head ;
chee ] > , 1CC\0 head ,
St. LoiilH l.l\e feleiok.
ST. LOUIS. March -CATTUl-Recclnts. .
2W head , Includlnjf 1.COO held Texani ; sliTli-
mcnts , rte head : market steady to easy ; fair to
fancy natlvo Gripping and e-xjiort ttecrs , J4 WiJ
60 ; bulk of K.ilfp , J470j > 525 , dressed beef nnd ! )
butcher steer * . J4 lWji5 00 , bJlk of sales , Jl 25 ] ?
7 > ; eteeiN unler l.Ofifl Ibs , WWfllte ; bulk of
sales , J4 OOW4 45 ; storkers nnd feedei % Ji ri > { ?
SO ; iHilkl of rales , J3 00 14 40 , cowa and liclfor.- ,
J20004W , Tcxans and Indian" , J3.10tf4 ! CO ; bulk
sales , J4 1004 25 ; cows and heifers , J275i/ / >
HOGS Receipts , 6.700 bend ; shipments , 900
bead ; market steady ; > orkorn , J3 Mfi3 W ; pack-
on. J3 tOiJ4 00 ; butclrers' , J3 95SI Wn.
hlinia' Recelptr , 400 heal ; shipments , none ;
market firm nnd active , but prlimi nominally
unchanged ; native muttonn , } 4 CO ; lambs ,
LonUvllle- Live
dull nnd fully 10Jfl5c lower ; extra good exp < rt
sten-rs , J4 SCSI C3 ; choice butdher stecr , JI.15W
30 ; fair to good butcher hteers , J3 K ltt 15 ; com
mon to nml him butcher steers. J3 I1) } ? ! 65 ; ciiolce
lie-lfer ) , J3 90 < i4 15 ; fair to choice butcher cows , ot
) B3C5 ; medium to good feeders , J3CVSI 15.
HOGS- Receipts , 2.2O ) head ; teips , J3 M ; me-
dlunm , J3 btfiQ 95 , light shippers , J3.75OJ 85 ; pigs ,
J2.SOW2 50.
SHEEP AND LVMBS Market steady nnd un o.
changed ; peed to extra whipping she-ep. tlVKt
; fair to good uliei > , J3uor325 ; commeui to
medium. J200I/2M ; extra shipping lambs , J4 7" O
; fair to good lambs , J4.254M.75 ; bo t butch
, JLOOO4 CO ; fair to good butchers , 13.5001 00.
\e TV York i.ivc Stack.
NEW YORK. Marcll 23 nEBVES-Recelpts ,
1,428 heed ; steady , but rough butchers' stock
draggng ; native * sUxrfl , J4 50UJ3 SO ; stags and
oxen. J3 SOftl 60 ; bulls. J2.75O3 15 ; dr > " cows , Jl CO
0I.7O. European cables quote American ste-ere
9'TfMO' ' c. dres'ed weight ; cheep , 10@llc ,
dressed we-lght ; refrigerator be-ef , SifS'j.c per Ib ;
eipcrt * today , 43 beevts , 65 ehccp and 4.S55 quar
tern of Leef.
CALA'ES Receipts , 2.4SO head ; active at n
advance of 'ic : veaU , J4 C0iff7.25.
8HEBP AND LAMHS Rct-elpM , 7.771 head ;
for sheep and slightly higher for lamln ;
eheep. J3SW4M ; lamb * . J57Dffl63 ? .
HOaS Receipts , 7,155 head ; firmer nt J4.200
IiiilliinniMillH Live Htuolr ,
celpts , A > head ; shipments , fair ; market Blow
prlcci uneven ; peed to prlmo nt < er , Jl SOJ ?
K ; fair to me-dlum ftferr , JI.6-J04 M ; common
good sto-kers , 13 25O4 CO
HOGS RecelptK , 4.0W ) heart ; uhlpments , 2,000
hojd , market only moderately active , good tn
cho'ce nil ? Hum nnd heavy t J315SIOO. mixed and
y , JSliOfiSM : pooil to cliolco UgMe ,
> ' > eommim IlKht" . S3 SOJ3 W )
bIiliP : Hecslpl" . llrbt. hlim nu , none ; niir-
nulet. uood to choice Iamb" , K lDff5.2. ) ; coin-
to medium lambs , J3 7SS5.00 , common ehtep ,
ze 3 oo.
1C nn mi H City l.ltr B orl Miirlcrt.
KANSAS CITV , Mareh S3.CATTMltecelptB. .
> ) head , best sradeu tteady , olhers weak ,
Texan stevrs. J3Mtf < 20 , Texas cows , J2 50 l i > ,
natlvo fteeiB. | 3CTii040 ; native lows nnd helf.
. J270Q44 ; : litockers and fccdera , t3Wi/S-Ji /
"iio'as -ctlpt , 12.000 bead ; plK" , Heady ,
others wc k to 5c lower : bulk of calM. . ' > tip
: Inavles. J10003S74 : parkern , H M43 ;
inlxeel , 3DOff3W'i , llBhts , $3.552375 ; orKer , gists.
701/3 75 : plKS. 13 03i)3 65.
.Hiuii/-iter-elpts. : 3000 head ; steady :
lambs , SI Cif5.30 ; muttons , t3 OOS4.73.
Clnolniinll I.U < > .Stock.
CINCINNATI , Marc'i 23-HOaB-blrons , 53.73
OATTLT ; I'lnn , 27 : < f5.
HHKI5P fleiuly. 71ft4 CO.
LAilUS-Strong ,
In Slnrlit.
Record of receipts of live Hoclc nt the four
principal nurket. for
3. ll > l
Kansas nty
Louis C.700 400
02,039 ' 5so !
1O Board ol'Trndo Bldg. , Omaha ,
Branch DIUcc. IMS N St . Liocole. Neb.
President. Vice President tlon
Cfifistie-Street ComiDission Cos
Co | > l ll , 50,004MM * .
Itl Ilnnra of 'J'rmlr Uuliaiui. .
Telephone 10.10 , Omaha , Neb < Turts.
Direct wires to "a f
, ,
It will tiny you to renel thh nnd Ihlnk It OTCT
csrcfully.especially If youlmvo eloctorcel with
"inpdlcnlcompnnlei1"'rolt " > etrlfl"I > olts , or "frco
prescription" fnkcs nnd nro no boiler off to-
eliy. \ \ o ere reputable physicians , honorcel
nna respected In ouronn city. Tor over no
years tvo hnvo made n specially of the nervous
emordcrsof men and women nnd
1" l ] " > result of our many years' ourromeely experience.
VTlll not restore you in n nluht ,
nor n week , but with rationed nnd the correct
use ) of our treatment , HOilo insert It will posi
tively nmkn it limn of you In tlnui. IIAlt-
IIKN Nfor sale nt nil dm
* stores-n ( W eloso
box forM ) cents. You need not bo nshamcd to
nskforlu Its uses nro ninny , anil no matter
what your object It In taking
II , no ono need bo the wiser.
Or Rend ui 11.0) nnd wo will
forward n W dose box by mall ,
securely coaled , nlotur with a
few prlvnto wnrdi of aJvlro.
\Vo answer all letters lu plain
ca > elope nnd hold nil corro-
fcpomlcnco strictly confidential.
Drs. Ilarton nml llciison ,
SultBlll S31'ubllo Se ] ,
. . . Cleveland , a
Insist on celling the genuine
It RtrenRhlcnn iho nerves.
A 00 dose box f orSOccnts.
For halo by 'ITndo Mark. ,
Kuhn A Co , 15th and Uouslas : J. A. 1'nti
ler & Co , 1102 DotiKlas rtre'et , an <
Orahnm Druif Co , 15lh nd Knrnam : KliiKl
Pharmacy , : ; th and Ix-avetuvorth : Pe > ton's I'lian
inaf ) , S4th nml -avenwortli I : K. J. Se > koi
South Oiniiha , nnd till either drtiKKl'ts In Onmliiu
Souih Unnlin , Council Itluffs nnd vicinity.
Health is Wealit
Jseoldunelor positive Written iimrnnlc .
liynnthorizexl nuenta e > nly , tej euro \\Vnk Aloinory ,
UizzlnewK. Wnkeifnlnesfl , Fits , IIiMcrin , OnlcK.
n3M , MiKht Losses' , Kvil DnMims. l.ack of ContU
ful Errors , or Kicoeslvo UHO o'f Tobacco , 'Opium ,
or Uqnor. which loiida to Misery. Con uniptlem.
Insanity nuel Divith. At Btoro or by mnill o
box ; BIZ for $ .17llh ; written Kiinrnuteo to
rare or i-ofuiul ntonry. Hninplc iinck-
ugc , containing five tlnis * trealmonU wltn full
initructions , 25 cents. Una enniplo only Bold ta
cnch person. AtBtoroorbyliiiul.
rncd Label Special
Extra Strongth.
For Itnpotonoy , IXJSB
I'eiwnr , Lost Manhooil ,
Htonliry r rlnrronnopn .
_ 4$1 n boss ois f ir S5 , witirjS-J
K vrlttot iinrnutcojy\ \
- _ iL to euro In 30(10)8. Ataloroi'
1ljiM Illlleui Irun- . , N. 12. Corner
KltlL nnd I'limnm MH. , Oiiiiilin , .Ne-li.
, Tl-HEir , Cw Dig 41 for uannturtt
UlUldlJI. . lnfl mm Ilonsi
IrrltstlcD * or ulcorktlaui
' ' * ' " " '
. w' ruir > oV'tno r"o"u nriitubriinW. !
ErnniM tanuilon. F ial M , nd not allrla *
or sent In plain r p jr.
bf Kpreii , prrpald , tat
" .03. ' at 1 featUM , tl.TX ,
Ml rMM *
Home Industries
> Purcliniilnitr Onnun Mnilo nt die
( buccettora Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co )
Manufacturers tents , awnings ; jobbers ladles' and
gents' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 Tar-
nam ht. , Omaha.
Carload shipments made In our own refrig
erator care. Ulue Itlbbon. Cluu Export , Vienna
Export and Family Export delivered to all "arts
the city.
. v. i
Manufacturer i > f Galvanized Iron Comlccs , QaN
vanlzed Iron Bkyllghts. Tin. Iron and Slats
Koollnir Agent for Klnnenr's Bteel Ctlllnff.
10J-10-1I North Eleventh street.
Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers ,
Dyeing and cleaning of garments and goods ot
very description. Cleaning of line garments a
Tlour , Meil. Teed , Ilran , 1013-15.17 North 17th
filreet. Omaha , Neb. C. E. lllack , Manager.
Telephone W2.
Iron nnd llrnux l''niiiiilri-H.
Manufacturer * and Jibbers of Machinery Gen.
repairing n nped&lty 1501 , 1W3 and 1501
Jackson utitct , Omaha. Neb
WOODMA.V LI. > ! III : > OIL \voiucs.
Manufacturers n)3 ) procees raw Unseed oil , ket.
boiled linseed nil , old pruceis eiound United
cakes . , fiound and tcreenid llaxieed for drug
nnuniva co.
Manufacturers of high grade Uattremei , 111 ]
Harney filrect , Omaha.
K AT/-N K Vn.CO II IM % V.
Mf rj. Clothlr.g , 1'nnts , Bhlrts , O ) ralli.
J. H. UVA. > S ,
Exclusive custom flilrt tailors , 1515 Karnam.
Manufacturers of Vinegar. Tickles. Catsup * .
MUBtardi. CcUry and Worc Hter lilr Bauer
AVII.LIAM iriirriii.
For a gfcod lUbitantlal \ chicle of any docrlp.
for repainting or tubLer tires on now or old
* the bett plsa U 27th und Leavcnwuril ]
di : cp.
Che p , medium priced and tony carriage * .
thing you want , second hand or new , Head ,
quarlv-i for rubber tlrm , warranteiJ , jstli and
llyrney. opponUt Cuurt Home.
A. J. HIMI'bO.V ,
1-400 , 1411 OotlKP.
Full line of Carriages , IJugcttn. Phaelons , Tony
. Wheels ruljUr tired. 9ht best Is tin
Largest fucloiy ID tU * wts ( . Lt < llnic Jcroters
Omaha. Ka a CMr , Lincoln t4 ft. Joseph
our lK > o4s. 1HI pnom Btr t ,