Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Mocro's stock food.
Dr. Roc , dentist , Merrlaffl block.
Eggs , 3 doz , 25c. Dartcl & Miller.
1 Aek merchants ( or premium etars.
Photos I latino or Arlsto. Sherradon.
Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301. Mcrrlam blk.
Senator Nick Fritz of IVndcr , Neb. , was In
the city yesterday en buslneffl.
Hoarding , day or week , 212 North Eighth
trcct. I ! a tli and all modern conveniences.
Miss Nellie Woods left yesterday for
Chadton , Neb. She will be absent for sev
eral da > s.
Mrs. Qharlcei IlatiRfin of Kansas City Is In
< lo city the gcust of Mrs. W. Lctson , 101
Fourth street.
Prank Ilerfnore has taken the position va
cated by O. J. Martin at Caughey & Clark' *
flrocevy store.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. August
Fcrnstrom died yesterday at the residence In
Garner township.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color nd finish. 520 Pearl
treet. Phone 290.
Mcsdamcs Dodge , Montgomery and Rush.
ncll are expected home from their southern
trip the latter part of tills week.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
cf customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 721
Manager Dow en has provided a clean ,
strong lilll for Sunday evening at the Do-
Oiany theater , when "Miss Francis of Yale"
will be given.
Mltfl Sylvia Mc smore has returned from
ft visit to Chicago. Mrs. II , A. Mcfsmore
licr mother , left yesterday for a tnort vlsll
in Sioux City.
Mrs , O. P. niack entertained Palm grove
Woodmen Circle , at her lioino on Harrlsor
etrcet last evening. ' A wctidcr social was
the feature of the evening.
Dr. Shrlvcr of Glenwood was In the
city yesterday. Ho also visited hi ;
brother In Omaha and spent some time * look
Ing over the exposition grounds and 'build
There will be a Bpeclal meeting of tin
Woman's Christian Temperance union or
Wednesday at 2:30 : p. m. , at the resident
of Mra. N. A. Iallenger ! , 721 Willow a\cnue
to transact Important business. All woracc
ore invited to bo present.
There will be a meeting of the Democratli
club at the headquarters In the Marcu :
building this evening. A full attendance o
the inemberfl Is deshed as matters of 1m
portanco connected with the city campalgr
will come up for consideration.
The funeral of Henry Mynstcr occurrci
yesterday from the rtsldence of his brother
Choato Mynftcr , on the corner of Harnionj
nnd Ucnton streets. It was largely attended
The pall bearers w ere selected from the younf
friends and schoolmates of the dead boy.
The wintry air did not prevent a larg <
attendance at the Dolinny last night. "Oui
Flat" was keenly appreciated and Manage :
Uowcn was again warmly congratulated upor
itho character of the attractions he Is glvlnf
the public. Tomorrow night "Shore Acres'
will ho ghcn.
While anger and worry , the most unproflt
nblo conditions known to man , are In pen
pcsalon of the mind both mental nnd phy
elcal growth are suspended. Those distress
Ing "conditions " , If caused by your laundr ;
work , can be easily avoided by patronlzlni
the reliable Dluff City Steam Laundry.
Henry Le'and , who has been 111 at hi
homo Just cast of the city , has been take :
to the Women's Christian Ascsoclatlon hos
pltal for treatment. HU condition becam
euefi that It was necessary to have hit
under the constant observation of his phy
Blclans. His condition yesterday was quit
A small burglary wes reported to the polle.
yesterday at Ingemoll's fruit store on th
corner of Droadwa.v and Seventh street. J
roar window was forced open and the plac
searched for valuables. The money dravve
was pried open nd a small amount o
change taken. A few cigars constituted th
remainder of the loss.
O. B. Vlttva Co. , female remedy ; conaulta
tlon free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to G
Health book furnished. 328-327-3-S Mercian
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnne , Baldwin bl
i N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250 ,
The very best of meats are sold at J. Zol
ler & Co's. Telephone 320.
Lout Cnll llnlf 1'rlcc Snle.
Our last week In half-price frames. D
not fall to avail yourselves of this rare op
portunlty to buy frames and pictures an
frames for Just half price. H. L. Smith i
Mra. Minnie Pfelffer and her trimmer , Mis
Marie Rink , have returned from the eae
( with an elegant line ot pattern hats.
Farm , garden and flower eeeds ot J. Zollc
' & Co'e. Telepbcno 320.
Itcul KHlnle Trniiaferx.
The following transfers are reported fror
the title and loan ofllcc of-J. W. Squire
101 Pearl street :
U. W. Draley nnd wife to Seymour
Smith , lot 4 , block 9 , Hayllss &
Palmer's add. , w. d . $ 3C
B. C. Fuller nnd wife to Frank a. Mil
let , wVj n\\W 32-74-38. w. d . 3K
F. A. liurnham and wife to John Tt.
Dlnck , w'/4 n',4 nwU 2-74-3S , q. c. d
Executor of A. W. Coffmnn to 8. C.
llnrlow , lot 7 In sub. of o'i block 34
and \vH block ) 35 , Avoca , ex. d . 4 (
Edwin liurbrldKe nnd wife to J. W.
Squire. H 4 ne'/4 and n % seU 11 ; noli
e'i nwVi nnd swU 14 ; neU nH of sett
23-77-43. q. c. d .
Louise Hock to William F. Bock , lot
1 , Dock's Hiibd. , w. d . 4 (
Emma Hoblnson to Anna K. Brum
baugh. lot 8 , block 3 , Burkc's add. ,
q. c. el .
Elate Savings bank to J. C. Robertson ,
lot G , block "A , " Curtis & Ramsey's
add. , w. d . 1,4 (
J. C. Robertson and wife to State
Savings bank , lot 1 , block 19 , Coch-
ran'H add. , w. d . 3 <
George Bchcrrcr and \\\te \ to John
lender , 4 acres so cor. of sw'i 13 ; wl4
m\l ne',1 13-75-44 ; lots 4 , 5 and ti ,
block C. Hall's add. , w. d . 5tX
James R. Itlco and wife to Emma
Robinson , lot 8 , block 3 , Burkc's
add. , w. d . .
'A. D. Annls and wife to J. W. Squire ,
sM > ne < 4 and n'/4 sc 4 11 ; swM. neV4
and e % nwtt 14 ; i\V > neVi 23-77-43 ,
q. c. d .
Ernest H. Hart and wife to George H.
Muyne , 0 % swU and nwU scU 34-
77-43 , w. cl . . . . JCX (
i Total amount of transfers . $17,7 <
The best of meat cut at J. Zollor & Co' .
Telephone 320.
Stolen Teniui.
Two teams were reported to the police yei
tcrday as having been stolen. One team , be
longing to a farmer named - \ . Cartrlght , dli
appeared from the southern part of tow
[ while the owner was paying a visit to som
of his friends. Cartrlght lives In Low
township. Ho left hti team httohod to
fiont , and a team belonging to anothc
farmer friend was left tied to Cartrlght
iwagon. The men wereIn the house only
few minutes , tut when they came out hot
( earns had disappeared. The matter was ri
ported to the sheriff's office , as well as I
the city police , and a largo number of posti
cards were printed and sent out. The farn
era remained In town all night. When the
returned to their homes jeaterday the
found both teams there. The other horn
rwero taken from the barn of A. 0. Ellswortl
milkman , at 1618 Sixteenth etreet. Tt
nlmals were taken from the stable on Sa
urday night , but Ellsworth had the Imprci
ton that some ot his friends had taken then
Ho reached the conclusion yesterday thi
they were stolen and called lor police a
Utanco In finding them.
Garden rokra , hoea , spades and enove
poultry wire and lawn fencing and all kin
of hardware , Kaiotlae itovai. etc. , at J. &
Jir * Oo. ' T Iefili < W ,
f-om3 More Stubb.rn Facts Taken from the
City's Books ,
.Mnr Yrprx of I'lnnnclnl lllnlnrr of
the Town Sluma rtiil
Slatv of AfTnlrn for ( lie
When and by whom the debt was created
which now stands against the property of
the city Is a subject that has a tender In
terest for the democrats striving to reinstate
themselves In ofllco. It has a tenderer In
terest for these democratic financiers who
liavo been out of jobs and to Ing all sorts
ot expedients to make a living since the
people came to the conclusion that as public
servants they were entitled to no other con
sideration than prompt discharge. But no
amount of frantic appeals to the courts for
Injunctions to prevent republican adminis
trations continuing the businesslike policy
that has been surely wiping out the great
debt of the city can olecure the fact that
the debt Itself was the creation of democratic
bad management , and the only hope of
avoiding repudiation Is to a\old the political
mistakes of the past. The books In the
offices of the cltv auditor and treasurer are
open to the Inspection of every citizen. They
contain the records of every financial trans
action made by the city. Hy these records
each administration Is approved or con
demned. It Is the bringing to light of this
deadly record , showing extravagance and
mismanagement during every year the city
was In the control of the democrats , that la
making the same old leaders so weary now.
The record need not be followed back further
than ten > cars to shatter all pretenses tc
statesmanship boasted by the party and the
candidates It Is again pushing to the front ,
It shows that the bulk of the debt was cre
ated by democrats , and In every year that
unfortunate party retained full control ol
the leglalatl\o and executive departments
the debt was piled up at all points. Scarcely
an Instance can be found In any of the de
partments where the expenses were reduced
but all show a uniform Increase from year
to year. The general fund warrants whlct
Mr. Shea has been so valiantly and
unselfishly attacking In the courts Is the
peculiar product of democratic administra
tions. In 1889 general fund and police war
rants were drawn to the amount of $91,171.66
In 1890 there were warrants draws upon thl-
fund amounting to $100,020.66 ; In 1891. $103 , .
49665 , and In 1892 , $124,883.12. This wa <
the year when the democrats went out undei
popular disapproval.
Deb's and obligations were contracted Ir
this fund that made It necessary for thi
Issuance of warrants In excess of the actta
requirements of the departments , and It wai
necessary In that first year ot republlcar
control to Issue $110,639.46 , a reduction o
nearly $14,000. 0\er $6,000 of thla , how
ever , was for Interest on the warrants drawi
by the democratic administrations. In 189
the Issue was only $95,980.98 , a further re
ductlon of nearly $15,000 ; In 1895 the Issui
was $90,374 26 , In 1896 It was reduced ti
$82,450.21 , In 1897 to $73,574.33 , and for thi
year ending March 1 , 1898 , the total Ireui
wao $77,875.37. This last Increase was causei
wholly by extra demands for Interest pay
mcnts on the outstanding warrants , whlcl
this year amounted to over $10,000.
The total cash receipts from the pollc
fund and taxes levied for the general fum
wore uniformly greater when the democrat
were building up the debt than , when th
republicans were reducing It. In 1891 am
1892 , the two last years of democratic mle
rule , the total receipts were $83,688.23 an <
$103,676.34 , respectively , the largest amount
ever received In these funds In the hlstor ;
of the city. The last two years of the pres
ent administration the receipts were enl
$81,126.57 and $81,705.62 , respectively. I
1SS9 the total Issue of general fund war
rants In excess ot the recelp's reached th
total of $40,853.24 ; In 1890 , $29,885.48 ; 1
If91. $19,808.42 ; In 1892 , $21,206.78. In 189 !
ui.lcr Mayor Lawrence , there was enl ;
Issued $7,515 in excess of receipts , and 1
each of the succeeding years until the pres
ent there has been only one year , 1894 , whe
the wtrrants Issued exceeded the receipt !
and In that year the excess was only $4 ,
508.81. In all of the other ytars of repub
- llcan administration the current expense
1 were less than the receipts by several thou
sand dollars , $14,103.56 In 1895 and $12,558.4
In 1896.
There Is no disposition to criticise the ere
otlon of the bonded debt. It was for sew
crlng , grading and paving , and If some f
the contractors became wealthy on the fa
jobs awarded them by democratic council
and approved by democratic-mayors It wa
only a part of the general proceedings an
habit of the days and men.
Thoughtful taxpayers and citizens wh
have at heart the welfare of all and lee
for future prosperity are pondering ovc
these Incontrovertible facts , and they ar
reaching the only conclusion that can b
arrived at the necessity for a contlnuatlo
ot republican management with men of ur
doubted business ability at the head , me
who have made a success of their own bus
ness , until the present debt has been e ;
tlngulshcd and all danger ot financial breaV
era safely paepod.
IMelure Prninei.
Wo have picture frames that will au
anyone. All kinds to select from and w
will frame your pictures at moderate prices
Wo employ the most skilled workmen I
our house , and wo take pains to please 01
patrons. Our art department will well n
pay you to visit It and see the newest thlnr
cut In that Hue. We can satisfy tyou I
ttioio goods beyond doubt , and only ask yoi
Inspection to bear us out In this aeeerttoi
When you want anything In the art Ilr
call at the etoro of the Council Bluffs Pain
Oil and Glass Co. , Monoilc blork.
J. Bailer & . Co. Cash Store , Telephone 32
Wnolnon PronounceSriitene
on lli - Coiift-NNeil Knilit-xilcr.
Judge Woolson yesterday pronounced ser
tenco upon R. N. Whlttlesey , who embezzle
several thousand dollars ot money belong
Ing to the government , which came In !
his possession while acting as collector <
customs. The sentence was four years' In
prlsonmcnt In the penitentiary and a fine i
An extraordinarily strong effort was mad
by a large number of Whlttlescy's frleni
to secure as light a sentence as possible , ar
for the purpose of giving all who chose I
Intercede In his behalf an opportunity to t
heard Judge Woolson held a confereru
with them In chambers during the forenooi
An hour or more was spent and a grei
many earnest pleas for mercy were mad
Judge Woolson made use of all the oppo
tunltles to learn all that could be said I
fa\or ot th ; condemned man. In addition \
all that was said a largo number ot lettei
were received by the judge , many of whle
have been In his possession for some tlm
One was written by the aged mother of tl
joung man. Judge Woolson alluded to th
letter In passing sentence and declared tbi
It had moved him more than any commun
cation he had ever received In his llf
After all of the personal appeals had bee
concluded Judge Woolson called Whittles !
before him and had a talk with him In pr
After this conference was over Whittles !
was taken back to the county Jail and i
2 o'clock In the afternoon he was broug !
Into court for sentence. The court declari
that there had been many things preienti
to him In connection with the case tb
had deeply touched his " " he
heart. "But. r
ourlud , "wkU UICM UiUi i toueb the iis *
OUTUIVIUV ucvuuoo it. umvn ttucu m oiu
they must not stay the hand , " and he pro
ceeded to speak ot the difficulty he experi
enced In pronouncing the severe sentence
that took the man from his family and home
and doomed htm to years of shame and
punishment , iHc was directed to senc out
his sentence In Port Madison penitentiary.
Whlttlesey was taken from the rourt room
to the marshal's office , where the saddest
eccnc of all transpired , the parting with his
aged and worn mother ,
Ills sentence will bo only thrco years and
one month , proUdcd he earns all of the
good time pcsslblc.
Oltl Man lloturnx Home.
Clay Porter , the old man who was found
wandering around In the western part of the
city late Tuesday night , wag returned to his
homo In Omaha yesterday morning. Ills
daughter , Mrs. Sudolf Haarmann , living at
1928 South Twentieth street , Omaha , saw
the Item In the morning papers and came
to the station yesterday morning- and took
her father home He wandered away from
her homo early Tuesday morning and her
friends and the police were looking for him
In Omaha and South Omaha all day , notwithstanding -
withstanding the fact that the Council Bluffs
department had advised the Omaha officers
that the old man was being detained here
and they had reason to believe his borne was
In Omaha. The old man had wandered Into
East Omaha and had crossed the river In a
skiff after being refused permission to walk
over the bridge on account of not having the
nickel. When he reached this city he Im
agined he was In Knoxvllle , his former home.
Ho walked many miles In his wanderings
and was nearly exhausted when he was
taken In by some of the residents near the
canning works.
Buy your groceries ft J. Zoller & Co'e.
Telephone 320.
Meet I n ir.
The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition assocla-
tlcn held a special meeting last evening , and
spent an hour or more. In advancing the
various enterprises the association Is en
gaged In pushing forward. The reports made
by the special committees entrusted with the
vvcrk of preparing for the building of the
PottavvatMmle wigwam Indicated satisfactory
progress. The question of endeavoring to
Induce the Durllngton Hallway company to
end Its now fast midnight eastern train
hrough Council Bluffs instead of around by
\ay of Plattsmouth was taken up and d's- '
cuascd. Some resolutions pertinent to the
question were Introduced and passed , and
ho secretary WES directed to forward theme
o the company. General Test has been K\V- \
ng the matter especial consideration and Is
Convinced that the association and the busi
ness interests of the two cities can show
ho company that the advantage's of the
change arc great enough to Justify It.
Hoffrraj-r's fancy patent flour makes the
icst and mcot bread. Ask your grocer for It.
J. A. B. cigar loads 'em all.
Dlex from Henri I'nllnre.
H. H. Wlssler , a well known machine man ,
ell dead jesterday morning In the grocery
store of Sorensen & Brevvlck at 2118 South
s'inth street. Ho came Into the store early
n the morning to make some purchases and
was apparently In excellent health and spir
ts. He stood by the stove a few minutes
and made some remarks about it being good
weather to go to Cuba and fell suddenly to
the floor with an unfinished sentence on his
Ips. Within five minutes he was dead. A
physician was called and pronounced his
leath to bo due to heart disease. Mr. Wlss
ler lived near the corner of South Ninth
street and Twenty-ninth avenue. For the
last six years ho has been employed by S :
M. Williamson. Ho loaves a wife and ono
son. The latter Is now living In St. Joseph.
Dr. Roller , osteopath , Beno block.
lonn. aiexlenu War Vote ran.
DES MOINES. March 22. ( Special. )
Colonel John Scott of Nevada , cne ot the
prominent and best men of the state , has
purchased a homo In Klngsmau Place , and
wlll shortly remove the family to this city.
, Colcr.el Scott was the commander of the
, union forces at Blue Mills , Mo. , and one of
i the chief herotf } at the battle of Pleasant
Hill. He Is a native of Ohio , where he was
born In 1824. He Is a lawyer by profession ,
and was admitted to the bar in 1845. He
. served In tbe Mexican ana civil wars , and
gained an enviable record In each. In the
fall of 1859 he was elected to the Iowa senate
\ to represent the counties ot Hardla , Hamil
ton. Boone and Story , and was still a mem
ber when the war broke out. He entered
the war as captain of company E , Third
Iowa , but was rapidly promoted , and In 1862
was promoted to the colciielcy of the Thirty-
second Iowa , which he gallantly led through
out the war.
Iowa Meit Im the Xnvy.
MUSCATINE. la. , March 22. ( Special. )
Among Iowa's sons that are in the United
States navy It may be of Interest to locate
the following from Muscatlnc's oldest and
best families : Lieutenant W. H. Recder , a
brother of Mrs. F. H. Little of this city. In
on the training ship St. Mary at New York
City ; Lieutenant C. S. RIchman , son of Judge
Rlchman ot this city. Is on the receiving
ship Vermont in the Brooklyn navy yard ;
Ensign J. S. Dayton Is on board the C.ucln-
natl , now lying at Barbadoea , Haytl.
New State SnviiiKM flank.
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , March 22. ( Spe
cial. ) The articles of incorporation have
been signed hero for the establishment of anew
now state savings bank to be located In the
Hearn building. The board ot directors Is :
Fred Schwertley , II. B. Cox. W. A. Smith ,
W. J. Burke and W. R. Cox. It will bo open
for a general banking business about May 1.
lorvn I'roirperltyoten. .
There Is not a vacant etoro building in
The present estimated population of Mus-
catlno Is 13,600.
The sawmill men at Muscatlno expect the
first rafts of the season about April 1.
The Farmers' Savings bank of Burt will
coon begin business with $10,000 capital.
The Security Savings bank ot Sheldon has
been authorized to commence business with
a capital of $10,000.
The bank of Maxwell and the Security
bank of Nevada will be consolidated and a
new state bank will be tbe result , with
$50,000 capital.
The buslncrs quarter of the town of Bax
ter , -which was recently burned Is being rap
idly rebuilt. The roofs are now on six of
the new business blocks.
The machinery and fixtures of the Fort
Dodge pop factory Is being moved to Boone ,
where It will ba operated by a new ! company
and be Increased IA capacity.
The work of tearing down the old union
depot in Des Molnes Is gclng on so that a
new one can bo built. The old depot was
the first brick houee built In Dea Molnea
. and -was the flret county poor house.
Brooks & Moore of Traer , > wlth others ,
i- have ccinpleted arrangements for Iho organ
ization of a national bank la the near future
with a capital of $100,000. It will bo known
as the First National Bank of Truer.
lei > n I'rt-H Comment.
Keokuk Gate City : Tha newspapers of the
state are building a big brewery at Sioux
City. They are apparently determined to
conbole that place for the failure ot one o
Its savings banks , In the most effect he ser
of way.
Dubuquc Telegraph ( dem. ) : No matter who
may bo elected or defeated at the munlclpa
election soon to be held , the business ot Dubuque -
buque will not be Improve. ! . Whether the
new administration be democratic , republl
can or citizen , taxca will not be abated , no
ene suspended or moribund Industry will bi
revived , merchants will sill no more gooda
wages will cot rise.
Clinton Herald : President Harrison bus
nc\er had a potato patch for the poor , bu
as the advocate of muilclpal ownership am
the exponent of honesty In assessments be
comes \ery near to the Plngree pattern.
De Molnes Register : The legislature
could adjourn on Friday this week , but I
will probably not do BO before rm Tuesda )
or Wednesday , eo as to make sure that al
necessary matters have been attended toNe
No recent session of the le&lilature. has don
better work than this one. We shall be sorr ,
to see tb member * of it leave Lc ) Moicca.
L'ia tun. nu autu tu fact ijuiru a ,
Board of Control Jf&siire Goes Through
WithoutrTrouble ,
yt 1
f * "ll
Sent Mnek to I ho" Senate , Where It
Will 1'iiMn Todn > ? nnd liy Krldny
or Silt unfit'It Will
lip Lriw.
Dns MOINES. March 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The board of control bill passed this
morning In the house by the vote of 71 to 20.
It was messaged back to the senate In the
afternoon and referred to the wajs and
means committee to consider the house
amendments. There were few of them did
none of them Important. The moat scrloun
change was the addition of the sections
which place the three educational Institutions
under the board of control as to their finan
cial conduct. It was thought the senate
might protest aga'rst this , but Instead the
ways and means committee unanimously
voted to accept all the house amendments.
The report will be made to the senate
tomorrow , when the bill will doubtless pass
and be ready for the governor. The expecta
tion Is that It will be enrolled and in the
governor's hands the latter part of the week ,
and by Friday or Saturday tbe governor will
send his nominations for the hoard to the
senate. It Is generally believed C. H. Robin
son , of DCS Molnes will be the democratic
nominee. Ho is now pension agent In charge
of the DCS Mo'nes pension office. John
Cownlo of South Amana , Iowa county , Is
said to have a good prospect of being one
of the republican members.
The house made a new record In passing
the bill. The measure had required fifteen
das for Its consideration in the senate. It
was taken up In the house at 9:30 : thla mom-
Ing and at 12.03 p. m. was arnounccd to have
parsed. There was fame protest against such
hasty action. A few members wanted to
debate , but they were shut off , and the bill
dished through , the senate measure being
substituted for the house bill already pend
This afternoon the house passed the Pccrnj
bill for listing and taxing mortgages by the
vote > of 61 to 18. It provides for deducting
the amount of the mortgage from the valut
of the real estate In listing It for taxatlor :
and taxing the mortgage to the holder ; l !
the holder docs not pay the tax , the owner
of the property shall do so , by deducting the
amount of such payments from the principal
The Eaton primary election bill passed
providing that any Judge of a primary elec.
tlon may administer an oath to anybody pre
senting hitncolf to vote and comoel him te
state whether he belongs to the polltlca
party holding the election.
The senate's only \mpojrtant \ accomplish ,
rnent was the passage .of the , Cheshire amend
merit In a new form. , Tlie measure provide !
for the taxation of fast , freight , refrigeiMtoi
car and like transportation companies whoci
care are not owned by , the railroads hauling
them. The bill is QOcompromise , , being i
step toward the original Qheshlrc amendruen
which was opposed by the committee on waji
and means The bill of today was passcc
without an opposing vote , securing 44.
The houses made geol progress with clear
ng up odds and ends ot { legislative work , >
lumber of bills of little ( importance passlni
both .
branches. L
The conference committee of house am
senate appropriations i commission today al
most completed tbe schedule ot approprla
tlons fur extraordinary purposes. The tola
amounts asked by the Ibllls approximate !
$1,000,000 , as cut by the committee less thai
$300,000 Is allowed.
The Omaha exposition measure has no
been agreed rn. It Is being held back til
a balance cad be struck and a dctermlnatloi
reached whether anything can be given. Th
house has paesed the bill to give $30,000 , bJ
the senate committee la obdurate. Th
Cherokee asylum Is also awaiting a dcclsioi
which will be made In a day or two. It 1
likely to get $50,000 for 1899 , and $50,00
for 1900.
The amounts agreed on are : Agriculture
societies , $6,305 ; railroad commisloncrs
maps , $1,000 ; Llnnto Haguewood. $1,000
James Dally , $2,500 ; Bonaparte dam , $1,000
inauguration ceremonies , $429 ; veterinary
surgeon , Increase , $2,000 ; Soldiers' home
$1,000 ; investigating committee , none ; Bene
diet home , Dea Molnes , $5,000 ; Olenwood In
stltutlon for Feeble Minded , $9,000 ; Cherokei
asylum , not determined ; Agricultural college
Amos , $2,000 ; College for the Blind , Vlnton
$7,000 ; Agricultural college , .Ames , seconc
bill , $9,575 ; School for the Deaf , CouncI
Bluffs , $2,650 ; Soldiers' Orphans' home
Davenport , $5,800 ; Cedar Falls normal ( per
mancnt ) , $34,000 ; Cedar Falls normal ( ex
traordlnary ) , $14,000 ; Mount Pleasant asylum
$10,500 ; Reform School for Bovs , Eldora
$5,500 ; State university , Iowa City ( annua
support fund ) , $10,000 ; extraordinary , Stati
university , $ llOnO ; one-tenth mill tax ex
tended one year for State university amount
Ing to $55,000 ; Fort Madison penitentiary
$14,120 ; Mltchcllvlllo Girls' Industrial school
$2,900 ; Memorial building , Des Molnes , $30 ,
000 ; Clarlnda asylum , $20,740 ; Anamosa pen
Itentlary , $42,825 ; extra employes general as
scmbly , $3,500 ; College for Blind , Knoxvtlle
$19,000 ; Independence asylum , $14,875 ; cata
logulng state library , $3,000 ; fish and game
$9,000 ; total , not including special tax levle
and permanent support fund increases cxcep
during the biennial period , $294,220.
Governor Shaw this afternoon announcei
Few people realize , In treating theraselve
of Catarrh with the douche , snuffs , etc. , th
ilanperots methods they employ. Catarrh ca :
not be cured by such treatment and Is raor
times made worse In point ot the fact tha
the lotion or wash does not touch the affecte
parts and actually destroys the adjacen
healthy tissues. To reach Catarrh an in
tcrnal remedy should be used , acting upo
the mucous merabranqs .through the systen
There Is no remedy whlcfa acts eo promptl
and gives such immediate relief as Gaus :
Catarrh Tablets. Thefy' ' Ve taken Internal !
and euro because the 'acjt directly upon tb
mucous membranes a\id \ surfaces through th
sjBtem. At druBBlstBjipr by mall BOc fu !
sized box. Our llttla nook on Catarrh malic
free. Addresi C. E. GojUfii , Marshall , Mich.
Need repairing. I can do this to satis
faction. All blmla of , repairing tlono
reasonable. Flno llry qf purnps for sale.
Drive Wells
Pumps and windmills the Myers Pump I
the best I handle It Pump repairing don
promptly Satisfaction guaranteed.
D. Ley sham ,
122 Main Street , Council Bliiff-
Wines ft Liquor
Wholesale Agent
Anluuscr-Busch Beer
f > 10 Mwln St. ,
tha appointment of Colonel D. J , Palmer of
Washington county to the vacant railroad
conimlfsloiicrshlp caused by the death of C.
L. UaUdson. Colonel Palmer Is serving
his second term In the senate as member
from the Washington and Henry district.
He Is a veteran of the clxll nar and has been
building fences for same tlmo with reference
to the nomination for commissioner next
summer to succeed Commissioner Perkins.
liiirr.ioi > Very III.
SIOUX C1TT , March 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A. S. Qarrctaon , n leader In the for
mer syndicates which by their enterprise
made Sioux City famous , and which with
their allied Interests failed for upwards of
$50,000 In 1S92 , lies seriously 111 at his home
In this city. There M little hope of recovery.
Mr. Garrcfpon das Just returned from South
America , where ho had gone to represent 'a
California plac r mining company. He was
obliged to ride 1,500 miles oil donkey bacft
In a malarial and extremely hot climate , In
the United States of Colombia , and there
ho contracted n low typo of fever which has
constantly grown worse. i
Tlili-f IlcrniitiirtMl.
GLENWOOD , la. , March 22. ( Spoclal.- )
Al Dunnn , tire Malvern wheat thief who
escaped from the Mills county Jail at this
place yesterday by overturning the sheriff's
eon , was captured last evening In the timber
of SIlveH creek , south of Patrick's mill , near
Silver City , by Sheriff Tubbs. During his
flight Dunn nabbed a hcroo belonging to
Robert McKce , living a mile cast of Glen-
wood , and rode it very hard for eight miles
when he turned It loose atid took to the
timber afoot where he was surrounded and
captured. Ho Is regarded as a bad man ,
Crnohfil in Ilrntli.
OTTUMWA , la. . March 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Falling shale pinned Thomas Hamp
ton to the ground In the Ottumwa Hrlck and
Construction company's clay pit hero this
afternoon and crushed him to death. Many
bones were broken. Another workman had
a narrow escape Hampton was married and
was 60 years old ,
Flnli fur tinI.nkex. .
MANCHESTER , la. , March 22. ( Special. )
The government fUli hatchery here has
now on tiaiul about half a million lake nnd
brook trout ready to bo put Into the rlverw
and lakes of tbe western states. The most
of them will go Into Like Okobojl and Spirit
lake. '
II eg I me ill ill llrniilnn llnl < > .
NEVADA , la. , March 22. ( Special. ) The
executive committee of the Veteran Associa
tion of the Third Iowa Infantry lias fixed the
date of the reunion for 1898 on August 30
and 31 and September 1 , at Indlanola.
Horlnnd fivtM Off I.IIH.V.
WEST UNION , la. , March 22. The Jury In
the Frank Borland murder trial today
brought In a verdict of guilty of assault with
Intent to commit great bodily Injury.
Pnrtlnlly Burned IlulldliiK nt St.
LotilM CnlliiiNi-N.
ST. LOUIS , March 22. The walls of the
May Sterns & Co.'s furniture warehouse at
Ollvo and Seventeenth streets have been
blown down and several men are thought to
bo burled In the ruins. The building was
partially burned last week. The body of
Philip Brady has been taken from the ruins
and the firemen and police who were called
to the scene are searching for others. It Is
not jet known how many men were about
the building when Its walls fell.
Drady , who was killed , was proprietor of
a boarding house adjoining , which was de-
etroycd at the tlmo Iho Sterns building
burned last we-ek.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon the cast wall
fell , smashing In ix three-story dwelling to
the cast. It was partially demolished , but
It Is thought that nobody was killed or In
jured , ni the occupants , who had bfcn
warned , had moved out The search for
bodies continues.
I'ntnl Arclilcnl In n I'onn > Unnln
CollliT > i\icnt UnUiuin n.
PITTSUUHG , March 22. An explosion oc-
curr l at ths Marion n coal mlno , near Mo-
nongliela City , today. Two are Known to
have been killed , flvo Injured nnd from fif
teen to twenty-five arc said to bo still en
tombed In the mine.
The known dead arc :
MICHAEL TOLCI , body burned badly and
hardly recognizable.
UNKNOWN FOHEIGNEIt. found floating
itr the river an hour after the explosion.
The Injured are :
( Alexander do Ogden , miner , badly Injured ,
face and head ; will hardly recover.
Fulton , miner , badly burrt d and
bruised about the body : may recover.
Tony Fulton , son ot former , helper In the
mlno , badly burned.
Two unknown Slavs badly burned , In an
unconscious state ami their names cannot
bo learned.
A later report says the Imprisoned miners
were rescued uninjured.
Two Mm Kllloil mill Sicrnl of Train
Crew Injured.
UEL01T. WIs. , March 22. A "leoJ-cnJ
collision between a passenger and special
engine on the Chicago & Northwojtern oc
curred ten miles north of this city today.
The killed are :
JAMES WALSH , on'iecr ! of r-iswnger
I1HAKEMAN ENGLISH of the special
The Injured are :
William Walker , engineer of the special.
J. C. Coon.
William Williams , fireman.
G. II. Devttis , conductor.
The passenger train was on time.
< ; < < > . \ . Him oil AiiiioiincoN
The London unit New YOIK SULCCS ? ,
"OUI * JPZ/.A7V'
100 Nls'its ' L > ccum Theater , N'cw York.
TfcO NlKlits Strnml Theater , London.
Presented by
The lllff J'urclcnl Comeily Organization ,
Prices 2Ic , GOc , " 3c. IIoxcs , $1.00. Seats now on
' OA' "T
The New York nnd London laughing Success ,
"Itettcr than 'Charles's Aunt' nml funnier than
My Tried from India.1 " Kaiifoa City journal.
. . . .Presented hy the Great nnd Only. . . .
MR. irriiv\n : < ; \nnor. .
Prices Jl CO , "no , 50c nnd Kc. Seats on sale
Thursday morning nt 9 o'clock.
, pohany Theater , . . .
One Night , Thursday , March 24.
Sixth Consecutive Season of
Beautiful Comedy Drama ,
ACRES. . . I
1K 4 ? I
Presented by a. fine company of Players , with EN
TIRE NEW SCENERY and many unique realistic
4 ? fcfr
Prices $ J , 75c , 50c and 25c. Seats now on sale.
4 < ?
No Man.
. . .
Is well dressed this spring who doesn't
wear a Covert Cloth Top Coat. The
new coat for Spring is cut short box
back and fly front a stylish looking
garment. There is no reason why
every man shouldn't have one at least
price shouldn't stand in the way. We
will sell you an all-wool Covert Cloth
Coat , made up with good linings , sewed
good and cut to fit , , for
Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents.
Met calf Bros. ,
18 AND 20 MAIN ST. . . . 17 AND 10 PEARL faT.
Pew IVoplr lloiillxr HOTV
( ho Tender .Sentiment In A 1'hritU
rliin'H flood Adi loe.
Tlicro U no wny by which people exhaust
themselves or kill themselves , so qulckljr
as by exercising the affections. "
This striking remark was mailo by ono
ot the best rhystclaus In America. Ho w
3. man nlio Imil studied deeply , otwcrveJi
keenly , and Knew men ami women thor Continuing , ho said :
"Sentiment Is a grand , a lovely tiling , uil (
the world cannot Iho without It , but th *
exercise of the sentiments Invariably ex
hausts. 1'coplc may not feel It , but It !
true nevertheless. A man or a woman woara
out , breaks down , and then \\omlcrs at lh *
e-ause. There should bo no occasion ( or
\\ondir. I hnvo explalno.1 the cause. "
"If ttie men and women of the nineteenth
century di not fecsl the forccw that produce
sontlmcnta , nffeMlona , , they ro cer
tain tu break down , to lu-cuiio exhausted ,
and to die before their time. l > o not tcJI
me these ( dings nru thcorlio , for they uro
solemn facts. "
"Yon ask mo what I would do , " be con
tinued. "I answer : Ik'gln to feed the\s
forces ; feed them constantly ; feed them with
the best nnd most scientific discovery jou
can secure. If you usk me what Is
the best I unhesitatingly say that It \a \
that Brand inepirutlon which dan been BO
loni ; before the people and Is so popular ,
Warner's Safe Cure. I know tlut It pos
sesses powers known to no other discovery ,
and I know thnt thousands of men and
women cannot live' without It today. If jou
will stop and think , or nsk jour friends ,
you will see ttmt what I say ! ! correct , and
I believe bo led tx > try It at onto If jou have
lot already done BO. "
The facts stated by the doctor and the ail *
vice ho given ace sound. It Is absolutely
true that many men and women arc en
abled to live anl enjoy life entirely through
tlio power which this great remedy gives
them , and tlieve are thousands of othcra
who need to follow In the same path.
1-tcmlcr of UlHrnHCH of tucit and
World's Ilc-ibiil Dlxpeimiry of Mt'dlclivn
I CD III : Cntnrrh of Head , Throat nail
r.unjra , DNcn es of Ejo nnd Knr , 1'lts and
Apoplexy , Hfiirt , Ll\cr nnd Kidney Discuses ,
Diabetes. lliiiilit'H Dlboasc , at. Vitus Dunce ,
lthjuiimtl < mi , Scrofula , Diopttv cured without
tupping , Tnnu Worms loimncd , all ohronlo
Nervous nnd t'rlviito Uisciibcs.
I ACT BIAGIMOnn In > > nff and
LUd I fflfil nUUU mlddlouKcdmcn.
CVDUil 1C Only Phjslcmn who can
d I r HBLIdi properly euro .SYPHIM8
without destroying teeth nnd bones. No mer <
cuiy or poibon mineral uerd.
Trio oniy rnypicmn won cun ien nuut nm
you without nsklnw n question.
Those nt a ellstnnco senrt for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. S lor women.
All correspondence strictly conUdoDUu.
Mcdlclnu sent by express.
Address nil letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
BGS Ilronclniiy , COUNCIL IU.UFF8 , IA
tSTScnel 2-ccnt etpiuu for rcplr.
J , B , SWEET ,
Attorney-at-Law and
Notary Public.
The bent In flic norlil. Uellv-
erril lo niiy piirt tit the city.
Telephone aOO. Mull order *
filled. ,
11)21 IIItOAllWAY.
SIUITV ; novns i.nucxt itnto.
All surety bonds executed at my office.
JAS. .N. CA\UY , JU. ,
a.1l Main Street Council lIlnfTl.
It Pearl Street.
| C5 00 per month 18 I'enrl street , store room.
} (0 00 per month 4 1'earl Direct , next to Ter6 >
gny'H cigar store.
$23 00 per month Cherry Hill , 10-room houio and
1 acre , fruit and eurdcn.
J1500 per month 1011 Ilroailnay , store room.
J8 00 per month 1323 I'leaeant street , six-room
i6 00 per month-116 HUlijo street , large six-room
1C,00 per month-A\enue H & 15th street , two
15.00 per month 2Ut St. , near llroajway. three
MOO per month 815 A\enue II , three-room
rArtMs roii nn.vr.
134 UTCS fenced bottom land , will build new
Iioure and barn for rctiKjnsibln tenant , 12.19
per acre.
107 acres touthenet of Woodbine. Harrison
count ) ; fcood llnprcncments ; J2.0 ,
30-n ere farm near Council HlulTii , 1120.00 pet
D-ncre yanlcn truer , close In , (100,00 per year.
Coo.l forma for pale or trade cheap ; wilt take
farmr , cll > r < ropirtt or live truck in part
pa > ment. Write for llsu or apply to
Over 16 1'carl Street.
riturr , . A a AND
land , for sal * or rent. D y & IItin. til Pearl
> tr.t.
I'tmi : nitAMAii nans , en CUNTS A snr-
tln.A II. Howe. Council Illuffn.
rofi HAI.B ou THADI : , iiinn nituo STAI >
lion. 51'J Main ft. , Co muffs , la.
Inttniettons. Albln Hutter. studio
VIOLIN US IJro.dway. Herman mithcid
of Dresden Conservatory. H
5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5e
Uvuler \Vlui Miulit AiM'rec'lnle for * Trade- n Good Smoke. John G. Woodward & Co. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA
01 , , UUIMIIU ,