THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TJ-S-SSDAY , MARCH 22 , 1898. II COM ! RCIAL AND FINANCIAL May Wheat tiliowa aw Advance on Letter's Buying. OTHER WHEAT PRICES ARE UNCHANGED Corn Clixcn J.mvcr , O ° IIM .Miikc nil . % il- intUM' , mill 1'rovlnliiii * .Show a Sllulit Iiniiriivcmcnt In I'rloo CIlir\GO. March 81. With the exception o' .May the cloning prices of wheat today , e' ' . ; iMrcd with Haturilny'H close , showed very little chaiiKO. July closed lie lower , all uilvnnc" from frost In the wlnier wheat tiling Ion iiuiler lute realizing. I.ellcr was n jtiyer of May and that future wan strong , closi ' HIO hlf-'her. Corn WHS llrm most of the tlirv. but closed Vie lower. OntH ud- t'ahetil lit1. Provisions \\ero very dull , but tjucndency was toward nil Improvt'imint ti , prlc\ , slight advances being recorded. Wheat opened With n continuation of the Vji-nkncss which muikcd the closing on Snt- vrday , July starting about 3iu lower at MViiW ' &P. P < rlm | > 3 the chief clement t > f weakness lay In the la we leceljitrt hcru and In tiio north west. Chicago rcci'lpts , esti mates bf which weakened the market Sat urday , fnr ovennn expectations. 3U3 cars liclnfr reported , of which number 92 were ol contract ar.tile. Hoxlilua this 02 ears ime from t.itmlxiiiK houxtH , a total addl- Moil to the contract stocks today of about Jr.l,000 buahclri. .Minneapolis and Dultith re ported urrlvnln of 173 car : ( . asnlnst 411 last veek and Z'Jl u yeiir BKO. .Liverpool showed Ofd t' clln , ? , at around tJ. ! opening. World's iihlpmcnts were lurse. G:114UOO : bushels , not Including India. This waH an Important factor In the early weakness. Liquidation which started at the opening soon stopped. The weatlur bureau1 reported freezing tem perature In the northwest , and predicted cold weather for the west , which. In view of the recent rains and the totally unpro tected Melds , aroused a good deal of ap prehension ununh' shorts and soon turned the market from weakness to strength. In- Blilu of the am thirty minutes' trading July advanced to Sj'/ic under fairly active buying to cover short lines. A reaction then set In which carried the price back to SMC , but support by prominent bull In terests started covering again an. ) for two hours thu market , though quiet , showed j. fiood deal of strength. May fluctuations were apparently outside of the pale of other Inlluences. Opening prices of that futur were HOlc lilphcr at tl.0331.01. It solJ up at once to $1.05 and did not get be low $1.01 again during the session. Heavy Belling by Lcltcr on Saturday caused deal- TB to think that he would be a. buyer to ddy , M 1 th's ' proved true , for L.elter brok ers wcro consistent buyers all day , not only of May but of July. The announcement that Lelter had contracted for the ship ment of l.QQJ.OOO bus. more of his wicat , all mil , to the coast , and belief In the early opening of lake navigation , with the mov- of 2,000,000 bus. already loaded In boats , u the market n strong undertone dur ing the period of dullness The market con tinued strong until n few minutes of the 'Close ' , when general realizing set In , many of the early buyers disposing of their lines. Support In u general way was withdrawn and prices dropped quickly. July had sold as high as & 3fifKc , but It dropped In n ft'w minutes to S54c ! and closed at SHW Wyc. May sold as high as $1.C5V& and closed at $1.01 % . Corn was steady during most of the ses- " nloii. Shorts were the best buyers. The market was helped by the wheat ntrength and by liberal clearances , but weakened on the unexpected Increase In the visible sup ply , which brought out conslderab'e May liquidation. May ranged from 29Hc to 2SV"-'Jc and closed Vfcc lower at 23 < fc. Oats were strong and quite a good busi ness was done. Shorts were good buyers and more outside support developed. The early advance In wheat , largo clearances and good cash demand were the factors. The expected cold wave was also an In- llucnce. The market sympathized to some extent with the late decline In corn and wheat , hut closed steady. May ranged from zr-Vte to 25&c and closed at He higher at 23c. 1'rovtslonn were slow , with prices most of the session almost at a standstill. The unsettled conditions at Washington ncteil as a drag on the market. , Strength In' the grain markets had a beneficial effect and later the demand Improved , packers being the best buyers. At the close May pork was Gc higher at $9.87 ; May lard unchanged at $ 'i.lO , and May ribs 2 ! c higher ut J3.07V4. Estimated receipts Tuesday : Wheat , 1S3 cars ; corn , 0 curs ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. futures ranged as followi : Articles. . ! Upon. I HUM. | Low. | Cloao j Satd'y. Wheat March. May. . . 1 04 > < 1 (13 ( July. . . Corn- May . . . J8M-20 28M-2II sow July. . . to an 3uw a in , . JIM aiH Oat- OatMay. . . . ' . ' 5V ' . ' ( IK USVt asm July. . . 23 23V * H lork Mny. . . n ao 0 87 0 80 n 87 ! o 8m July. . . u 5 U 1)2 ) U 8.- . 1) ) 1)2 ) : U 87H turU May. . . 5 im n 10 5 07M 5 10 S 10 July. . . B 17V 0 17K ' 3 13 0 17K S 17K Sh'tlttb * May n 05 0 07M C OS r 07 H 5 05 July 6 It ) o 1. 5 10 f > 10 No. 2. Casn quotations were as follows ; FLOUR Hull : winter patents. ll.900 i.00 ; atrulghla , K.aiyl.M ) ; spring -IH clnis. K.Juu .tO ; sprint ; patents , $ 7085.10 ; straight * . H,40fl.OO ; Lakeni..f3.GOf3.90. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 92JjMc ; No. 3 spring CO'KN No. 2 , 28 4c. OATH No. 2 , 25HC. f. o. b. ; No , 2 white , K > Ac ; No. 3 white , 2S 30c. RVE No. 2. 45c. - HARLEV-K , ii. b. , No. 3. JlfJMHo. FUXXSIJRO No. 1. * 1.17ei.20' . jriJUVmY SEED Prime. $ S.S5. , 'PROVISIONS ' Mess pork , per 1 bbl. . J ! > .S.Vfl 9.S7W. lard , per 100 His. . J5.07',44J.10. ' Short ribs , Fides ( loofe ) . tl.Wi03.15. Dry failed ihoulden ( boxed ) , J4.7JO5.00. Short clear flqea ( boxed ) , S5 25J5 40. * WHISKY Distillers' finished Roods , per eul. , SlJOARS-Cut loif. > 5.S3 ; Kranulated. r > .38. On the Produce exchanKo today the , buttei mirket was steady ; creameries , 13fflSc ; dairies lOlitilCc. Cheere , quiet. 84)SHc. ) 1'etSf. freih. lie U.lve poultry , market dull ; turkeys , 185ic ! ; chick na , SUSijc ; ducky , 7flSc. - NEW YOIIK CIOM'.HAL MAItKKT Qtiolatlonx for tliv liny un UL-UITH COHIIIIIIllltlfM. NEW YORK , March Sl.-KIXH'R-Recelpts. 21. (21 bbls. ; exports , 16,271) ) bhlii. ; quiet , bu nun ; city mill patents , tJ.S5O6.lO ; clt ; mill clears. 5Wf5.75 ; winter Btraiuhts , J4.5 tf4.65 ; Minnesota patents , S5.OH5 45 ; winter pat ents , tl.90n5.50 ; winter extras , (3.9081.10 ; Mlnne rota bakers , JI.J.'i/I.D3 : winter low grides , 12.9 U3.00. Rye Hour. dull. I2.95Q1.25. Duckuheu Hour , nominal , II.3011. & ) , HttClvWHEAT quiet , 44c. CORNMEAI , Djill ; yellow western. 9o , RYE Steady ; No. 2 western. 57HW5SV4C. 11ARLEY Dull ; feedlnB. 4lVic. HARLEY MALT-lJulet : western. 52',4flC7c. WHEAT Receipts , 76,775 bu. ; exports , 56.CS bu. : spot , easy ; No. 2 red. Jl.Ol'J f. o. b. ntloa tu arrive ; options opened steadier ut * ' i ° ad vance over Saturday's , late curb price , wit horti buying on a cold weather scare , renewe clique support and belter cables than expected I kteadlners continued until near the close , wher i under rvallilntr. prices eased oft unite sharpl < % nd were finally UUo hUher than Saturduy' curb , l"Jt UiWHic below the otll'tal close ; No. red. March. II.-Wl.CIH. closed 11.03 ; May , WVi ( ll.Wclonvl 9it ? c. CORN Receipts , 215,475 bu. ; exports , 10,4 bu. S | 't , enty ; Ni > 2 , 3Kc , Options opene fairly steady with wheat , but encountered mo. crat ufferbiKs , which. In absence of ouUl.l upport , cau ed weaknefi. and Price * closed U net lower : May. 3) 151033Tic , closed. 33Uc. OAT Receipts. 146.400 bu. ; exiMirts , 104.414 bu , snot , dull ; No. 2 , 31 > c : No. 2 white , X\tc \ ; oj "ti > os , dull and liarvly steady with corn , clontn Uo net lower ; May , ) % U30c. clostsl 291tc , FEED Quiet : bran. 80aSJ4c ! ; middlings. fcOc rye feed. C2HO > e. HAY Easy ; shipping. JOtJS5c ; good to cholci UU'Oo. HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice. IN crop. 41K-c ; IH * crop , TOtta ; 1897 crop. KfllK l ovine coast. 1 95 crop. 4WCc ; 1S58 crop. SlflO < 1S)7 crop , 17Gle. Ixindon market , 85O95. HIDES Firm ; O lveston , li c ; Texits drj 13c ; Cttllfornla. HtitiUUc. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , lluenc Ayrs. 20 20Hc. WOOI-Qulet ; rteoee , 17fi2c ; Texas , JJfllSc. PROVISIONS Reef , steady ; family. 111.25. . 11.75 : extra meu. JS.50 0.0) ; beef hami. IS. : t > 23.00 : packet. ICOllc , Cut meats , stead ] I > e1tlea. I5.UH04.50 ; pickled ( hou Slckled 4. l.evi : pickled hams , I7.75ti .00. I-ar easy ; wentern steimed. | 5.355.l | ) , rvnr.ej. qul Pork. me a , I5.7SOIO.OO ; short clear , JlO.WHll. Mmlly. IU.WUIl.iO. Tallow , steady ; city. ll-lM(3 > ic : country , ! H' 3 , c , as to quality. OIIS Petroleum. dull , Rosin , stead ) trained , common to good , ll.41HJll.43 , Turpei tine , quiet. UViC. Cottonseed oil , dull : prlir crud , lIHGCOo ; prime crude , f. o. b. mills , 16 Mile ; prlma summer yellow , jHffi : off um- nier yellow. 22c ; butter oil , ISBrTo ; prime winter yi-llow , rsflZS'ic. HICK Firm ; fair to extra , 4'iWC'ic ; Japan , CUc.MOU8SB3 MOU\8SB3 > Kltm : New Orleans , open kettle. Kooil to chuli c , KO33C. MKTAl.s Th-i feeling In today'i market was dxldnlly belter , ncnrly all points showing firm- rf * on insrc active inquiry. At the close the inrtsl exchange called pig Iron warrants quiet at Ki.7. . bid and J6.W asked ; lake copper , quiet nt ! ll.n7 < , i bid and 112.00 nsked ; tin , firmer nt 114.30 bid und S1I.40 trked ; spelter , firmer nt il.25 bid nn.l 11.35 a > ked ; lead , firmer nt } 3.72H bid and .1.77Vi asked. The firm fixing the rettltng price for miners and emelten In the west quotes lead at IXM > . Ilt'TTKIt-ltecelpts. 9.S40 pkgs. ; market firm ; wprtern creamery , ISQlDc ; logins , IJo ; factory , 12&11C. mi-i'-SH-lerelpt : . 1.621 pkgs. ; market quiet ; fi'ptor.iber , 8c ; October. 7'ifl74ic ; light skims , 5TiO Uc ; part sklm > . 4HCc ; full eklms , 503 EGClS-Ilecelpts. 11.085 pkns. ; market llrm ; state and Pennsylvania , lOSflllc ; western , 10-c ; southern , lOfllo c. OMAHA < : i\KHAI , .MA1IKRT.S. Cnnillllnii of Trnilv nml Onnlntloim on Slnplo nml l.'niH-y rroduci- . EGOJv-Ooo.1 stock. 8c. UUTTint Cbmmnn In fair , 9fllc ; separator creamery , 2ftc ; gatht-ird rrvamery , 150IC ; . VKAlCholco fat. SO to ISO Ibs. . quoted nt S $ 9c ; large and course , ( ; f7c. LIVE IVUIVTUY Chickens , niiffCc ; old roost ers , 3o ; duck" , Cc. GAME-MallanU , J3.OOjn.2T , ; tenl. 1.25ffl DO ; rnnts , 3.5nfI.M ( ; Cnnadlnn E TS ? , Jl.WUC.W ! ilxed. J1.2M(1.50. PlOKO.Vrt IJve , J1 ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY rpbind , J5.50 ; midland , $5 ; lowland , JI.51 ; j'M strnw , } 4.0 ; color .makes the price on hir : Ight Imlfs sell the best ; only top erodes bung op prices. VEGETABLES. CELEUY-Good stock , large , We ; Btn.ill , ISffJOc. ONIONS-Per bu. , Jl.OOai.11) . IIKANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , I1.KR1.3I ) . WKIST I'OTATOCH Kansus , 10-peck bbls. , " ' "i'A'llllAOK-Oootl Htock , | r lb. , UJf'.jc. POTATOUS-lIome grown , Mff5c ; Colorado lock , 70o. TOMATOKS Per crate , seven basket ? , 4.005 FltUlTS. er 21-qt. case. 17.50. A PPIi.S : Winter stock , t3.ijOfi3.50 ; California lellelleur. boxtwJ1.51) ; Colorado Jonathans. boxp . 11.75 ; Nebraska , boxes , J1.25. ril.\NBKIlUliS Fancy .Icr py. per bbl. , J10. OHAPUS MnlaROJi , $ j.OO j O.W ) . OltANQBH California navels , J2.75S3.M ; fancy -'cdllngs. 12.50 ; choice , 12.25. LBMONS California , fancy , J2.75 ; choice , t2.50 ; ancy Messina , H.OO&3.50. BANANAH Choice , large stock , per bunch , 2.00&2.25 ; medium slued bunches , | 1.752.UO. MISCKLI.ANKOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large flze , 12J13c ; mull , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , syioc ; English wnl- luta , per lb. . fancy soft shell , loflllc ; standards i/lto / ; lllberts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polished , medium , G 7c ; extra large , 8&lc ) ; large hickory lulu , tl.00fil.10 per bu. ; mnall , Jl.25tfl.35 perbu , ; 'ticonmits. per 100 , J4.00 ; peanuts , raw , 505'ic ; oattcd , CftCljc. FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-Ib. boxes , Oc ; S-crown. 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , ! 2Jf 3c pi-r box ; California. 10-lb box , Jl.OO. HONKY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado umber , 10 KHAUT Per no ! . , $3.50 ; half bbl. , J2.25. MAl'LIJ SYHUP Five-gal , can. each , J2.75 ; gal. wins , pure , per doz. , J12.l ) ; half-gal , can C.25 ; quart cuns , J.1.5V , DATIiS-Hallowee , CO to 70-lb boxes , CUc ; Salr. So ; Fnrd , 9-lb. boxes. 9c. ClDEll 1'er half bbl. , J3.00 ; bbl. , J5.CO. FRUail MKATS. ic ; Booil hlndquarteri heifers , EC ; good cows ! oic ; fair rows. fi4c ! ; cow forequarters. 4V4c : cow ilnilqusrtcrs.c. . BEKF CUTS-Hnnnlni ; tenderloins. 45c ! ; ribs , No. 1. lie ; ribs , No. 2 , So ; ribs. No. 3 , CHc ; rounds. No. 1 , 7ic ! ; rounds. No. 2 , C-Hc rounds. No. 3 , CUc ; trimmings. 4Vtc ; beef shanks c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; swectbreods , per lb , 12 ; ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb , 40o ; kidneys , per doz. . 35c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per lb. , 2'.ic : hearts , per lb. , 2Hc ; tongues , per lb. , lie ; calf ll\crs , each , 33c ; calves , whole carcass or ciitH. So ; 'sirloin butts , boneless , 9c ; shoulder clods , boneless. CUc ; rump butts , boneless , 5 c No. 1 chucks. rc ; No. 2 chucks. 4jc ! ; No ! I Chucks , 4c ; boneless chucks , 6c ; cow plates. 3'Ac steer plates , 4c ; Hank steak , 7c ; loins. No. 1 13V5c ; loins. No. 2 , lOVjo ; loins. No. 3. 8V4c ; shorl loins , market style , 2o nbove loins ; short loins , hotel style , 4c nl.ovo loins ; cow loin. ends. Sc stfcr loin , end ? , 9c. MUTTON Fancy lambs Sc per lb. ; Iambs , Fc ; sheep , 7c : market racks , long , c ; hole racks , short. lie ; loins. 9c ; saddles. 9c ; le j , Oc lambs legs. 10c ; breasts nnd stews , 3'4c ; tongue" each Sc ; forequarters , 5Hc. POIUv-Dnnsed pigs. SHcper'lh. ; dressed hogs svic ; tenderloins. 14c ; loins , short , CHc : long , be nparo ribs , 5c ; ham Kauxngn butts , r > ae ; Dcntoi Imtta , fi'/ie ; shoulders , rough , Be ; shoulders skinned. SVic ; trimmings , 4Vic ; leaf lard , no rendered. Bye ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snouts nn. . per dcz. , 15c ; pigs , feet , per doz. , 30c : livers each , 3c ; hog rinds , Cc ; blade bones , Gc. HIDES. TALIXDW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7 c ; No. 2 green hldis. CHo ; No. 1 salted hides. c : No. 2 green salted hides , 81 ? ; Mo. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc No. 2 veal calf , 11 to 13 Ibs. . Sc. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , l."iiiI7Cc green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) each , 13c ; dry shearings ( short wooled earlj skins ) . No. 1 , each. Bo ; dry flint Kansas nnd Ne brnska b'ltcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight 4S5e ! dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wcol pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 2Q4c ; drj Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actua weight , 4R3c ; dry flint Colorado murrain woo pelts , per lb. , actual weight , Si4c. TALLOW. OlinAHB. ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 33 3Vlo ; tallow. No. 2 , So ; rough tallow , ! V4c ; whit grease , 2U ? 2c ; yellow and brown grease , 1V& { 2VJc.Fl'BS Fl'BS Bear ( black or brown ) , t5.0' J20.00 : otter U-MSJg.CO : mink. 155JCTc ; beaver. t.OOS .CO skunk. 15c. 25c , BOc ; muskrnt , 3e. Be , 7c ; raccoon 15Q90c ; red fox. 2. > cffJ1.25 ; gray fox. 25W50c : wolf ( timber ) , 25cfJ2.W : wolf ( prairie coyote ) . lOSJSOc wildcat , ICfi-.c ; badger. iWIOc : silver fox , $50.00 W75.00. # t. I.oulx Ci-iK-rnl . ST. IX > 1'IS. Mar-h 21. FLOUR Weaker ; pat cnts. J4.70ff4.F5 ; straights , Jl.33ffl.51 ; clear , J4.00 O4.M : medium , r3.60i3.73. ! WHEAT Unsettled nnd Irrreiilar , closing H higher for May and VJ < " lower for July compnroi with Saturday's spot lower : No. 2 red , cash , ole vntor. U7WJ bid : track. 97 > , JinwVjo : March. 9SUc May. 99'4c : July. 79'tcbld ; No. r hard , cash , 9i COIIN Futures closed weak , but imchanirei spot , slesdv : No. 2 cash , 2C } c : March. 26'Kic May , 20i 2C ic ; July , 2S' ' c asked ; Septembe 23V1C bid. OATS Futures were easier ; snot , lower ; No .1 cnsh. 2Cc bid : trak. > . SC'.tc ; March. WMa > Hc ; July. 23o asked : No. 2 while. 2ST4ff29c. HYK Hlirh r nt 4 < tac. FI\X8BKD Nominal nt $1.12. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J2.S5ft2.91. i COHNMEAI.r-Jl.iWJl.r.'i. BRAN Steady ; east track , sacked. f,7c. HAY In lltllp demand , except for fine tlmothi prairie. J5.ocns.25 ; timothy. I' f WIO.BO. BITTER-Qulet ; creamer ; ' . lfB19'.c ( ; dairy , WIIISKY-tl.M. KOOS-FIrm nt lUic. COTTON Tt7S-70c. METALS T end. stronger at J3.55g3.57H ; spel ter. Jl.on. soliprs. PUOVISIONS-Pork , lower : standard mess , Jobbing , J9.S71 * . I ad. stesdy : prime steam , } 4.9.i : choice. J4.9.1. Boxed me-its. Incon shoul ders. ti.2H05.r ! | > : extra short clear , J5.C2' ; ribs. J5.75 : s ortH , J5.87Vf < Dry salt ments , shoulders , JI.8isri.r2Vextra : short clear , Jl.12'4 ; ribs , J5.I5 : fhorts. J.1.17" . ' RKTEIPTS-Flour. 8.0.10 hhlr.t wh t , 10.00) bu. : coin. JISOO bu. ; oats. 67.000 1m. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4.W Ini. ; wheat , 9.0W bu. ; corn , f (1,000 ( bu. ; oats , 20.000 bu. \ < MV OrlcniiH Inrki t. NF.W ORLEANS. Mnrch 21. HOfl PRODUCTS Quiet. Pork , standard mefs , J10.25. Ixird. re fined tierce. J3.C3'.M3.75 ; pure lard. J-i.25fT5.37i4. Boxed ments. dry salt shoulders , 15. 00 ; sides. t5.37H. Bacon , s'dfs , J6.25. Hams , choice sugar rurp.1. l .Vft9.&o. ) COI'KF.K-Rlo , crdlnsry to fair. C * ! MWe. RICE Steadv ; ordinary to good. S > iflsc FljTIUR Dull ; extra fancy , JI.COI)4.70 ) ; patents' , Jl.f5 ! ' 5.fO BIIAN-73. . HAY Prime. JH.f"ftl.C > - ) ; choice. ( I. CORN-No. 2 sacked , mixed , 37r3'Ac ! ; white h anil vellow , 37'jO3Sc. d OATS No. 2 sacked , ; > ! C..I'Kal3l'iiml3iiaaa hr cmfw cmfwyf fl , y Vlxlhlr fir n I it Supply. NEW YORK. Mar-h 21. The * tntrment of thf visible supply of nraln In More nnd afloat Sat- unlay. March 19 , HS compiled by the New York Produce exchanue. Is as follows : WHEAT 31.417.000 bu. ; decrease. KK.OOO bu CORN-43.3 SriOO bu. ; Increase , 7SB.O-0 1m. ' OATS 12.317.00i ) bu. : de-ie se. 49.fOO bu. JIYW S.24I.W ) bu. . decivaie. 118,0ft ) 1m. HARLEY 1.&M.OOO bu. ; deorenfe. 114,000 bu. Toledo Mnrkt't. TOLEDO. March 21. WHEAT Easy ; No. I c h and May. i'\if , CORN Active , steadv ; N.I. . 2 Jnlxed. 30c. 0 TS-Steady ; No. ! mlted. ft. ! RYi-Dull. ensy ; No. 7 cash. & 0c bid. CIOVEIISEEI ) Active , higher ; prime cash M reh mid April. 2.f\\ OIIr-North Lima , C7c ; South IJma and In dlnna , C2c. I'hllnilclihln 1'rniluor. PHILADELPHIA , March 21. TlfTTER - Steady : fancv western creamer } ' , 20c ; fancy west ern prints , 21 c. EOOS Dull and Me lower : fre h. nearby am rilisn Quiet but steady : New fork fane ] full ream. 6Vli | Uc ; New York prime. 7HffSo. Iilvrrpool Jlnrkrt , T.1VERPOOU March 21. WHEAT Pp.-- ! . dull Nn. 1 re-l. northern spring. 8s ; No. S red , went ern. 7a 91 CORN Hoot , nulet ; Amerli-nn. new. Sa 4W.1 future quiet ; March , 2 4.1 ; May , 3s Sd ; July 3s 2Hd. Import * of wheat Intn Liverpool f < v lh wr/k From Atlantic ports , C7 , * quarters ; Pacific perU 1,009 ouarten ; other ports , quAttera. Im ports of corn Into Uverpool for the week ; From Atlantic ports , 44,100 quarter * . Fl/JUR St. Louis fancy winter , dull , Ps W. HOI1 ! * At London ( Paclfio coast ) , , dull , 4 te PROvisiONS-Reef , firm ; extra India inns. 1.1 9d ; prime mess , tn ( .l. Pork , firm ; prime meso , fair western , ( Is 3d ; prime mew , medium western , U M. Hams , short cut , stead ) ' , 3 > W. laccm , firm. Us , Short ribs , dull , 3ls ; long clear middles , light , steady , 29s ; long clear middles , iwxvr. stcndy , Cd ; sltort clear backs , steady , Mi Ol. Clear lielllra , stendy , 32s. Shuuldirs , qunre , steady. III C.1. Lnrd , prime westein , tendy , 27s , Talluw , prime city , firm , 20s ( VI , Cl I KKSI3 American white and colored finest , nchnngcd. O1I S Ojttonscol , Liverpool rcflne < l , steady , 17s 1 , Turpentine spirits , steady , 25s 3d. Rosin , omnvm , steady , 4s 2d. llnlllinorc Jlnrkct. BALTIMORE , Mnrch 21. FLOUH Quiet ! west- rn , superfine , J2.7 ! f3.10 ; westertf , extrai $ > .J5/JI .04 ; western , family , JI.KHJ4.W ; winter wheat stenM. Jl.TO-O'J.Cl : spring patents , tJ.lDdfi. W ; wheat straight , J5.Otfj.15. Hecelpts , 7,6.17 bis. ; ex | > orts , none. , WHBAT Umetllpil ! etwt nnd tnonlK W4ff SHe ; May , 99cVtl.CO | steamer , No. 2 red , 9 : , i lOJ ic. Receipts , S2.IIJ7 bu. ; exports , none. Koutbern wheat , by snmple , 95c < jJl.tX ) ; soutliern vhcat , on grade , I > 6'4y99ViC. CORN Steady ; siiot nnd month , 33' , 'i33lSc ' ; Mnrch , 3.1'cinfic ; Btcamer , mtxi l , M > WJlc. Re ceipts , 2o9'JJ2 bu. ; exports , 12 ,931 bu. Southern vhlte corn , UUbJlUc ; southern yellow corn , ' OATS-Oulet ; No. 2 while , western , No. 2 mixed , white , 31Vi 32c. Receipts , 37,112 bu. ; exports. OO.OOO bu. RYE Dull ; No. 2 nearby , t5\ic ; No. J western , " ' 4c. Recolpts , 9,215 bu. ; exports , none. HAY Steady ; choice timothy , J12.COIfl3.00. GRAIN FREIGHTS Demand very fiat nnd ntes appear to Iw < * iuiy ; sti-nm to Llxcnniol , IHT m. , 3'd , , May ; cork for rders , tier qunilcr , 5s OUd. March ; 3s 4Wd&3s Gd , April. DUTTKH-Atcody : fancy creamery. 200 21c : nncy Invitation , 1781Sc ; fnncy ladle , 15o ; good adle , 13014c ; store packed. 10S12C. 1X1GS gulrt ; fresh , 10V4C. CHI-I-ili-Steady : fancy New York , large. 9'i O9V c ; fancy New York , medium , Si'.jtflOe ; fanny New York , small , 10'iO19c. ! City ( irulii anil I'rovlxloiiN. KANSAS CITY , Mnrch -WHEAT Active , steady to Uc higher ; No. 1 hard , ! WJ91c ! ; No. 2 , 5 9ftc ; No. 3. HJtrS7c : No. 1 red , 91I ( k ; : No. 2. 935 Co : No. 3 , 87V41i92Uc ; No. 2 spring , StiS > ic ; No. 3. SIOSCc. CORN Active nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , 25Vif ? 26c.OATS OATS Act Ivo and steady ; No. 2 white , 2iViff2Sc. RYE Weaker ; No. 2 , ll'.ic. HAY Steady ; choice timothy , J3.50S9.W ; choice prnlrle , J7.WO7.25. BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 15SlS5c ! ; dairy , 4B1CC. EGGS Firm ; fresh , 7 c. RECEIPTS Wheat , 40,200 bu. ; corn , 57,800 bu , ; oats , 38,001) bu. SHIPMENTS'-Wheat , 43,100 bu. ; corn , 27,9 ) bu. ; oats , 9 , WO bu , I 'Cliicltiiintl Market. CINCINNATI , Mnrch 21. FLOUR-Easy ; fnncy , l.33 4.55 : family , J3.704.N ) . WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 red. 97i&c. & CORN Active , lower ; No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS Active : No. 2 mixed , 2Sf2Jc. RYE Knsv ; No. 2 , B2c. PROVISIONS Ijird , steady , $1.35. Bulk meats , stcndy , J"i.15. Bacon , steady , J5.95. WHISKY Firm , J1.20. BUTTER Easier : Elgin crenmery , 20',4c ; Ohio , ISfM ; dairy , 10512c. SUGAR Easy ; haul refining , ; . KOGS Dull. 9c. ( rood to prime Ohio fiat , Grnlii Hft-rliitn nt I'rlnvlpnl MarkclM , CHICAGO. March 21. Receipts today : Wheat. tTO cars ; corn. 301 cars : oats. 2SC cars. Estimated cnrlots tomorrow : Wheat , 1S3 cars ; corn , 320 cars ; oats , 300 cars. ST. LOUIS , March 21. Receipts : Wheat , 13 cars. KANSAS CITY , Mnrch 21. Receipts : Wheat , 77 cars. _ IlnlTnlo Mnrkot. BUFFALO. N. Y. . March 21. WHEAT No. 1 northern , Jl,00 4 ; new , J1.05 } ; ; No. 2 winter , il.OO. BARLEY Minnesota , 430500 ; Wisconsin , 42 017c. RYE No. 2 on track , Me asked. - Detroit Mnrkvt. DETROIT. Mnrch 21. WHEAT No. 1 white. 94c ; No. 2 red , cash nnd May , 9Cc. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 2&.5c. OATS No. 2 white , aryic. RYE NO. 2 , 52Vic. _ 1'corln Jlnrkft. l'IX > RIA. March 21. CORN Market firmer ; No. 2. 27T41729C. OATS Mnrket firm : No. 2 white. 2Sc. WHISKY High proof spirits. J1.19VJ. Sun Krant-lfico Wlifiit Market. SAN TRANCISCO , March 21. WHEAT Stcndy : December. $1.33 ? ; ; May , $1.43',4. BARLEY Steady ; Uec-ember , J1.07U ; May , J1.1CU. Iliitlor .Mnrkci. ELGIN. III. , March 21-BUTTER-Steady ; of ferings , 199 tubs ; sales , 1R5 tubs at ISVJc ; sales reported for the week , 10.543 tubs. STO CKS AXIJ nOX D S. Mnrket In Tlnll , Owliitr < o Uncerlnlii- tleo About Ciiliu. NEW YORK. March 21. The only feature dis cernible In today's Block market was Its dull ness. This dullness wns the exact reflection of the doubt nnd hesitation which prevail In all financial circles over the next probable develop ment In the Oubnn question. Apparently there wns n limited volume of sales for the short nc- count nt the start , which resulted In eharp de clines to practically th > low point of the dnv. There were lower prices made In some fe\v tccks later In Uho nlmleas drifting of the rmrlrct. Iluslnesa was almost stagnant lifter the npenlnr until near the close , when there was n sharp rally in prices , apparently due to the rebuying of stocks sold at the opening. There wns no spirit or animation In the rally nnd prices drifted downward ncnlnst the close. There WUH only a small volume of stocks offered nil day , but the demand wn * almost nothlnsr , and the result Is that the prices are lower nil nronnd. losws reaching a. point In some of the leid ! " > r ypcr'nl- ties. There Is every Indication of n large out standing short Interest In Mi" miriMt. but In live presence of the posi'hl1 ' , \ - .i 'i-e | .il" outlook this Interest Is very persistent in de clining to cover. It Is the prevailing Iwllef thit early developments nt Washington vr'll Include the rciirt of th Maine board of Inquiry nnd a president's- message on that .md ' ul'a. 7hl keeps purchaser * out of the market , nnd < n the oilier hand the large short Interest warns the bears to procivd with caution. The cons-'qu.Mice IH neml-staRiiatlon , Fuch as wns wltm-.ssed tn- dny. Such selling n there was wns attributed to Washington nccount , nnd there was some sell ing also by large Individual operators. IxmiUm was. ik seller , but not to n large extert. 'Ihe list of stocks nnd bonds that moved n , i'l \fr n comparatively short one , the market being too narrow. Foreign exchange stiffened slightly to day nnd no engagement was announced of sod ! for Import. Discounts In londnn abd llorlln were reported slightly easier. The outlook hen- favors easier money on account of the gold Im- poitatlonfl already arrived or on the wny. Hanks nre not d > 'si > osed tu make tlm loanp tmd caution In the Inlying of commoiclul paper U nlsii manifest , The bond market was on a corresponding scale of dullness with stock * mid prices ) were lower. Total sales $050,00. ) . United Staten new 4s were ' , & lower nnd Uhe old 4 . registered , ' , i lower , while the old 4s , coupon , nnd 2s WITV tj higher bid. The Evening Post's Ixindon finnrclnl cable gram : The mock markets here were lifeless nr.d featureless today , Americans weie sUgnant nnd dull pending the report on the M.ilnc dls.iMer nnd the dleclosure of President McKlnley's piniib icgarding Cuba. Arbltrnge house * took s'.i'Ck when It was offered with fair margins , but otherwise there was no support f" > r Amvrlcnni. 4s were weak. IlnvslH were Hat , the exchange being thu luwest nil record , the Indltm budget being better than anticipated , providing na It does for n net Increase of only J .VW.OOi ) tn the debt , Silver has ripen sharply lux-ant * of the absence of any nlluslon In the budget to nn men-used Import duty. Thc'il tllne In French exchange Is believed to be partly due to uj'm- pathy .with the fall of money rate * here nnd naitly to Ihe fact that the Hank of Franco Is parting more freely with gold. Following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market today ; i n Metropolitan , 11,1I9 | Northern r cinc preferred , P.W4 ! Rock Island , l.ttJ ; J. Paul. ZJ.ftiOi Union Pacific. 11. Ml ; Tobnccm 4.O.U ) IVopU's das. 4,700 ; Sugar , Cl.lll ; l > * therrtprettTreJ. J.OS3. Mnrkrt , NEW Y011K , Marctf > 1i-i&tON ir ON OALL Nomlnal at 1H02 per cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE TAPKR-IUffS per EXCIMVfftf-FIrm , with ctu l business In bankers' bllli at IIS4 for demand ami 11.81 forilxty days ; poMed rates. fl.S2HI.S2H at" ! II.S5R4.R5H ; commercial bills. SILVER CERTIF'IC HAIl SILVER 55 > o. ' MBX1CAN IOLLAR4S ? . GOVHHNMKNT RONI > S-Klrm ! new 4 . re < ls. tered unit coupon , 121) ) 4 * . ( registered , 100 % cou- n , 111H ; if , ss ; fir registered < \nd coupon. Ill ; r 'aclflo Cs. . of ' ? ! > , 103. Closing quotations on.bonds were an follows ; us.now49..rcir . . lamTSfTir. a 6 . ir. U.S.new4scou.,12l4lN.l3. Os . m O. 9.4s.rez . KnWlN.O. 45 . KM U.S.4S.COUP . 11 m * No. Pacific IMS. . .Ill' U.S.U8.M ? . tUMNo. Paclllo Us . U.S.Si.reir Ill No. I'ucinc 48. . . . . U4J1 U.S.Sa.coup Ill N. V C. A St. L. 4 < i..lOl ; District 110 N. * W. ua 110 Ala..clan * A. . . . . . 103 ! < N. W.CoiMnl * 144 107 N.V. . Doll , it MS Oro. .Nav.lsU 115 Aln.Currency. . . Ore. Nar. 4 . . . . > ' :4 : Atclnnoms 0.8. L , . lis. t.r. I''l ) Atchl onnni.4 < < . . O. S.U 54. t. r UM ! < O. Inin. Ists.t. r. . . . 1D.1 Chicago Ter'l4a. . O. Imp. us. t r Ul ) : fv ! O.fis . I'nctnctiB of ' 1)3. ) , . lll ) : C.H.AD. 4Vj1. . 104H Heading * SI D.AR. O. Uli . .1 U.a..Ve'it Isti HilS D.AR. O.4n BUti SU U & I. M. Cjn. 1 ' KaatPonn. lBM..lo : > l < 'St. L. AS. F.Gan.'O.117' KriPOen. 41 ODH.St. . P. Comols 140 F W A I ) . 1 . t. r. . OtlK St. P. C. A P. ItU. . . US _ .ii. Elt > e. at , . . . . 101 St. P.O. * P. 5s 114K O.H. 3. A. IK. . . .102 Southern Rv.Oi. . . . 8'.n ' O.H.AS. A. ' . > d9..10l : S. R. AT. On BI ' " Temi.nowsotas. . . US Ili.VT. ( J. cn'u da ! 110 Tex.lMc. I. G.UU t UW low.i 0. tuts llli ) Tox. Pae. Rj.Ms , . . SI K. P.Con. , t.r 1.1IU U. P. n.AO. Isti. . M K.P. ims.t , r 101 Wall. In' 5 * lllll ! ( La. Now Con. 4 - . . . Hil Wab. ads 7H5i UAN. Unl 41 100 West Shorn i , . . .107 ! > MlRiourl Oi OsMj Va. defijrrnd t M. K.AT. .Mi H'H , Union Pacific ptd. . fioH N. Y. C. Isti HUM Union l'.icllle4H. . . 1)1 U llnatoii Stuck ( liKitntlnnn. 1JOSTON , Mai\-h 21. Call loans , 213 | ier cent ; time loan. ' , 45J5 per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds nnd mining shares : Smi FrniieUoo 3llnliiR Qnntntlnns. SAX rilANClSCO March ! 1 OHIclal closing quotations on mlnlne stocks today were as to ) ows : Alt.i If. iRiitueliy Con a AlohaCon 7 Mexican .11 Andes 10 Occidental Con. . . . 2. > 5 lielcher i > 3 Ophlr 40 licstA Balohor. . . . ill Overman 10 Uulllon ni Potosi 41 Chnllonfo Con l5 ! Savmro as Chollar. 13 Scorpion 0 Confldcncn 05 Sierra Nnvaau. . . . 130 Con. Cat. A Va. . . . 70 Sliver Hill a Crown Point 13 Union Con 41 Ooula&Uurnu , . . . 0 Utah Con _ 10 Morcrosa. . I'-'i follow Jacket -8 Julia 1 Standard 100 Justice SI ] Silver bars , r,5'.4c ; Mexican dollars , 45Vi drafts , sight , 15c ; telexraph , 17 > : c. \o\v York 3IlnInRr Quntutlaim. NK\V YOKK. March 21. The followlne the the losing mining quotations ; . Chollar 40 Ontario -jrii ) Crown Point 10 Ouiur. 40 : on. cal. A Va. . . . 70 Plymouth a , ) cadwoou 75 Quicksilver 100 3ouldACiirry 15 OulcXsilvor DM. . , 200 ilaleAMornross. . 1211 ilerraNevali. . . . 100 lomostntto 3700 Standard 100 ron Silver : ! . " > Union Con 25 ilcxican .Ti Yellow Jackni . . . . 'ji ( Kliiniiclniotex. . OMAHA. March 21. The ( jloirlngs for the day were J959.217.30 ; balances , fCTS1.2S. ( In 1W7 the clearings were 177I.6S3.91 , .arid the balances , SC- 939.94 ; Increase In clearings' , ' 1184.531.45. CHICAGO , Mnrch M.V-Clearlnjs. $16,254.418. New York exchange , 15g discount. 1'osted rates , t4.82',4 ami 14.85',4. Stocks very dull , with nn cai-ler tendency ; Alley U"v9i4 ; : lilfcult , 21 % ; Ills- cult preferred , ? 7W : Diamond Match.130 ; Lake Street L. 11H ; North Chicago , 215 ; Strawboard 2Cli527 : West Chicago , ! : . ST.LOII1H , March Sl.T-Cledrlngs. J1.CS8.977 ; bal ances , J574.742. Money , StfU.'per cent , New York exchange , par bid , lVlc premium uxkcrt NUW ORLEANS. > Mar h 21. Clearings , JSOO.- 748. New York "exchange , bank , par ; commercial Jl per JI.OOO discount. MEMPHIS. March-21. Clearings. J361.1H ; bal ances , JU.390. .New York exchange selling at $1.CO premium. " ' PHILADELPHIA. March 21. Clearings , J5S- 291.518 ; balances , Jl,567,53 ! . I1ALTIMORE. March 21. Clearing ? , J2.220DC1 ; balances , J34ijG05. NEW YORK. March 21. Clearing , J75CC9S58 ; balances. JC,253,293. HOSTON. Mnrch 21. Clearings , 111,598,407 ; bal ances , tl,144.782. CINCINNATI , March 21. Clearings , J2.66S.300 Money , 2Vjifi C per cent. New York exchange , 25g > 40c discount , ForrlKtr Fliinnolnl. LONDON , March 21. Gold Is quoted at Ruenos Ayres today at 165.M ) , Amount of bullion gone .Into . the Hank of England on balance , 30.CGO. Spanish 4s were quoted on the stock exchange nt Wt. n. decllr. " of U from Saturday's prices. PARIS. Mnrcb 21. On the Iwurse toJay Spanish 4s"closMl at 557-16. The closing price nf Sa' r- day was 05 3-16. Moat of the day was quiet , and' prices Improved on the rumor that those stocks which are not quoted on the floor will bo ex empted from yearly stomp duties , payment of which will be confined to new lsufs. The market closed firm. Three per c it rentes , 103f S214C for account. Exchange on London , 25f 29c for account. MADRID. _ March 21. Spanish 4s ar Quoted to day at 7G.55. American Securities In I.onilon. LONDON , March 21. The market for American securities , after a dull and rattier weak opening , wns firmer , with no special feature. The close was steady and the demand light. Wool CMnrki-t * . BOSTON , March 21. The following are the quotntlans for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania llevoe ? , K ,13 ntKTt , 27iT2So ; XX , ! 9c ; XX and nbove , SOs ; delaine. 3ftfille ; No. 1 comb'ng , 30Q3lc ; No. 3 combing , ! OS31c. Michigan , Wisconsin , northwest , etc. : Michigan , : ic ; No. 1 Ilchlgnn combing. 29c ; No. 1 Illinois combing , ! 9c ; No. 2 Michigan combing. SSiZ9c ; No. 2 Illinois comblni. 2SSJ2 o : New York , N w Hampshire nnd Vermont , 23ff 24c ; No. 1 New York , New Hampphlie nnd Ver mont , 27c : delaine , Michigan , 26c. Unwashed medium Kentucky nnd Indiana quarter-blood combing. 23c ; Kentucky nnd Indiana three- clghthS'blood combing , 23c ; Missouri quarter- blood combing , 2Je ; Missouri three-elghths- blood combing , 23c : braid corab'i ' g , 2 > ) c ; lake and Georgia , 22c. Texas wools , spring medium , twelve-month , 1618c ; pcourcd , ' 43f4.'c ; spring fine. twel\o months , 18ijfl9c ; scoured , 48ii50c. Territory wools : Montana line medium nnd line , liMJlfc ; s-coured. 48gi4Sc ; staples , OOiT.ISc. Unth , Wyoming , etc. : Fine medium nnd line , 15ffl"c : scoured , 43lie ; staple , SOc. Australian scouted basis , combing superfine. 70fT7c : combine , ( jocd , 65 < 3GSc ; combing , average. C2ffC"ic. ST. IXJU1S. March 21. WOOL Dull and easier ; medium , 15fl9V4c ; light line , 13&lCe ; heavy line , SS13o ; lull washed , 2202ij. ! IXNDON , March 21. WOOI There was a good attendance at the wool nuctlon sales today. The offerings aggregated 11.147 bales and consisted "of a varied selection. There was active competition nnd the tone of the sales wns lirm. Continental requirements showed n hardening tendincy. The continental buyers , especially French representa tives , were bidding cplrltedly for better greasy merinos. Prices are very high , especially for ln-ks nnd pieces , owing tr > the scarcity of scoured. A line line of Geelong sold well to the home Irado nt 2s C' < .1 , und nlo Iambs at 3s lOlid , The home trade also purcha ed a ma jority of middle sorts , grejisy merinos and cross- hreds , There \ > as a qulclr sale for Cape of Good Hope , which was In moderate supply. A lot of Natal gressy was principally taken by York shire nt a fnrlhlrg to half a pnny nbove ths opening of the sale. Following are the s.iles In detail : New South Wale * . C.100 bales ; scoured. Is 2d1 > - 7d ; greasy. EViQiH' ! . Queensland. 1.2CC biles ; Kcnurml. Is 4dils 9V > d ; greasy , CVtQlOVid Victoria. 3.3CO bales ; soouh-il , IsRls lld ) ; greasy , "H'1'31" ' U'l. South Australia. 00 bales ; scoured , Is H.I ; greasy , 5y , 7iid ; West Australia , 401 bales ; greasy. &VliKVid. New Zealand. 2.301 bales ; scoured , Milld : graasy. BUOlOd. Caie ( ol O-o.l Hope and Nutal. 1,409 bales ; scoured , "KO Xiv York Orr Conil * Mnrkct. NnW YCKK. March : i. The dreary weathei producM quiet store trao'ng In dry goods to day , ulilch wis the most noticeable change Ir conditions noted. Jobber ? /lid a" fair husjnets , but by no means ns heavy as during the early part of last week. In primary markets there la little or no change. Cotton continue * qul t with many adverse inlluences wldent. The expon trade In ( tnplo cottons , jlrr goods , ducks anil other brown gooJs Is decidedly better. Othei staple cottnni are generally quiet. Print clothi are ueaU , though nominally quoted at 2Vlc. le > 1 | > er cent , Actual buslnesa In extras ran only be Kona on as before on a baaU of 2 11-lte. Print ! are quiet. Stiariir AlurUrlK. NR\V" ORUCAKS. Mnrch 21. SCOAIl-Dull Ofien kettle. 2)403 ll-Kc ; granulated. 4S3I ll-V.c w'lltei. 4 it4 c ; yellowj. Ifll S-16c : semncls , J 4 il 1-I6 . Moln fe . ilrong : centrlfiical , 5814' , NRW YOIIK. March Sl.-sraAlt-Ilnw. quiet fair rellnbiK. 3Vic ; centrifugal. 96 te t , 4 1-llic refined , quiet ; mould A. me : itanilard A , So ; confectioners' A , ( c ; cut loaf , ic ; crushed , 2Hc powdered , 5 S-1 ; granulated , SHc ; cubes , 5 5-lCc Cnllf.irnln. llrli-il Trillin. NHW YOItK. March H.-CAI.lI'OItNIA DRIEI rni'lTi * Steady ; -aporRlixl upplM. common. 1 ( i8c ; prime wire fay. lUfiHic ; wood dried prime , SHft Xc ; choice. 8 % rc ! ; fancy. 8H J10c prunes. JIUISo ; aprlcoti , Itoy l. fU4V7c ; Moo Park. B'.iOlOpeaches ; , unpeiled. SQ9c ; peeled OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opens with Light Supplies and a General Request. GOOD DEMAND FOR THE BEEF STEERS I'rlcru ( to tip Fire to Ten Cent * Uiiiler UrKriil Iluylnit H K * Sell llrUUIv nnd n Simile lllKhcr. 6OUTH OMAHA , March 21-Hccelpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hor'a. March 21 1.42J 1.77S G.71G 10 March 19 l.aos 3,353 1,701 1 March IS 2.30 ; 4.70 $ J.9W March 17 l.WI 4.730 14,145 3 March 1C 3,597 4,1)15 ) C.355 March 13 S.720 C.OU7 3,041 36 March H 2.1SS l.CJD 4.S26 2 -March 12 2.103 4.532 7M 2i ) March 11 2.4 2 0,912 1.SW3 March 10 2,312 4.C97 10,207 March 9 2Ml C.Sil C.D78 47 March S 2.93'J C,6iX 7.SG9 3 March 7 3'JCO 3.17G 3.3S4 4 March 5 1.137 C.437 1.270 CO March 4 l.SSJ . C.5I3 G.2I3 43 March 3 lr.2 5,599 3.7C3 2 March 2 ] , ' ! 5,343 4,533 6 The offlclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOBS. Shtcp. H'r's. C. . M. & St. P. Hy. . . . 1 . . 1 Union 1'aclllc System.1 10 17 C. & N . w. Hy 1 V. , 13. & M. V. H. , 7 S. C. & P. Hy 2 C. , St. I' . , M. & O , Hy 9 11. & M. U. 11. H 14 n 5 1 C. , H. & Q. Hy 1 C. , H. 1. & V. Hy. , east 1 C. , H. I. & V. Hy.V. . . . . 3 Total receipts DD 21 2o 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omalia Packing- Company 6 The G. H. Hammond Co 2G1 677 Swift and Company 20S 537 3,033 The Cudahy Packing Co 310 . . . . 1,049 It. Decker nnd Degan. . . . 35 J. Li. Carey ; 58 Lobman & Hothschllds. . 104 W. 1. Stephens 2c ! Huston Co 17 Krebbs & Co 191 Hill & Huntzlnger 3S Livingston & Sbaler ( ! 7 Swift from country 1,400 Meyers : c9 Planklnton P. Co. , Mil waukee , WIs. 497 Other Uuycrs 191 . . . . 1S7 Left Over 150 Total 1.C22 1.7S1 CATTLE-Hecelpts of cattle today. 1,778 head , l,2os on Saturday , 1.1SS one. week ago and 3,200 tiwo weeks ago. In the matter of quality the cattle on sale today averagi-d up very poorly , the best of the offerings being fair to medium corn fed beeves , with a sprinkling of cow stuff iind" stock cattle. The market as a whole was In a condition satisfactory to the sellers , practically cveryinmg cnanging hands before the middle of tin1 forenoon. Ueef Ste rs Of the llfty-nlne loads on sale the greater proportion WuUld eume under the head of beef steers , but as noted above the quality was decidedly on the commonlsh or der in spite of the fact that there were a few bunches of pretty decent cattle. The demand was exceedingly good , there being it lively shipping as well as local demand. In addition advices from other markets were most favorable and all these bull features taken together rendered the market both active nnd stronger. Buyers reported their cattle as costing SfJlOc more than Saturday , but sellers nvcre generally content to call H h little stronger. Owing to the Inferior quality of the cattle the sales did no' show up very well on paper , the best cat' tie here being good , enough to bring only $1.70. Butchers' Stock Only ten or a dozen loads of cows and heifers were on sale and the market was strong and active. One two- load bunch of heifers solJ up to $4.10 , and another bunch brought $3.60. The trad soon an end for the twant of more cattle to sell. Stock Cattle Only a few loads of stockera and feeders among1 the cattle on sale. The demand was trcod and the market very strong. Desirable * light stock cattle sell as well as ever and the demand keeps In ex cess of the supply all the tlmo. On some days the demand for heavy feeders or for cattle that have already had some corn Is not overly brisk , but there Is'a call for light cattle every day In the week. Representa tive sales : NATIVES BEEF STEERS. No. AV. Pr. No. Av. l r. No. Av. Pr. 32. . . . 1127 S4 30 3..1170 14 23 20..KM SI 23 15..1C2 435 1..11SO 34 $ It.1194 ) 450 13..UU 4 40 1..1110 4 30 1..1420 4 0) 18..1120 4 CO SO..1122 435 21..1111 41 13..1123 440 29..1419 440 1..1MO 350 53..1044 3 75 ft..1232 4 30 35..1222 4 20 110. . . S3 3 65 1C..i:20 4 SO 1..11SO 4 uO 33. . . . 742 SOI 27..1472 4 7 3..1513 420 2..1115 4 CO S..1392 4 10 3..13 % 3 C5 COWS. 1..11CO 2 S3 1..1070 2 1. . . . 810 350 19. . . . $ : < 5 3 GO 2. . . . 915 3 25 1..117) 3 CO S..1020 340 1. . . . ESK > 2Gi > 8..1148 3 05 1. . . . S80 275 19..1017 3 63 1. . . . 940 300 01. . . . 933 390 3..1000 360 2..1055 330 1..1050 3 00 8. . . . 93 ! 3 70 4..1070 3 40 18. . . . 917 370 2.1075 340 1. . . . 950 2 SO 1..1050 3 13 SO. . . . 963 3 75 2..1335 3 40 1. . . . 850 353 1..1C60 3 0 > > 1. . . . 970 355 2..1180 323 1. . . . 7SO 375 8..1072 333 1. . . . KK > 2 SO 11..1070 360 8. . . . OS3 340 1..12110 3 40 1..11SO 340 1..1070 275 41. . . . 7S 343 15..1013 375 1. . . . 9SO 2 CO 1. . . . 790 375 1. . . . 910 375 14..1079 345 G..1010 343 11..1065 310 1..12SO 373 1. . . . 930 350 1..1TO 365 6. . . . 911 375 10..1023 3 DO 3..1W6 3 65 2. . . . 9S5 3 30 1. . . . WO 225 1..102' ' ) 250 1..1110 225 HKIFKHS. 1. . . . S90 393 1. . . . SM 250 32..1253 415 1. . . . SO ) SCO 8..10S3 3 65 1. . . . 930 385 1. . . . 820 340 1. . . . 760 375 5. . . . 640 370 4 33 1..1C10 3 25 1..1C50 3 15 1..1240 3 00 2..17SH 3 45 1..1C30 3 40 1. . . . 910 3 75 4..1442 3'0 1..1510 330 1..200I ) .ICO 1..1570 3 S3 S..1090 3 75 1..1C50 3 73 STAGS. 13.,127 S70 1..15CO 323 2..1310 3 GO CALVES. 4. , . . 205 G SO 1..210 025 1. . . . DrO SCO 1. . . . 320 60) 1. . . . 150 6 M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4. . . . 6C7 400 7. . . . 7M 400 1. . , . 960 410 3. . . . 400 4 10 1. . . . 9 > 3 00 19. . . , 9(3 4 3) 20. . . . 923 430 2ii. . . , 921 4 Si ) 17. . . . fill 415 . . . S * > 4 40 7..1005 4 W 2. . . . ? 4 40 . . . . . 850 4 ! > > 3. . . . CD 4 75 1. . . , CIO 4 75 14. , . . 479 & 05 10. . . . TOO 4 63 1. . . , CD 400 1. . . . 900 4 4' ' ) 1. . . . 900 4 23 1. . . . 580 4 0-1 4. . . . RH 4 SO 9..10 3 70 1. . . . CM ) 3 45 2. . . . G40 4 75 44..1309 4 45 2. . . . 740 4 0) G. . . . 7S8 3 Co 1. . . . 910 S 00 & . . . . 95H 4ft ) 1. . . . 810 4 SO 19. . . . SCI 430 S..10IS 325 37. . . . 927 3 5 1. . . . 510 SO ) 1. . . . SbO 3 SO 1. . . . 378 2 SO HOGS Receipts today numbered 1.718 head. 1,6.10 one week ugo nnd 3,176 two weeks ago. The quality of the hogs waa good on nn nverngc , there Iwlng very few pour loads among th twenty-live fresh on sale. With so few on snlo and with ndvlcoi from other points favornble , the sellers had the heft of It and the market openeil stronger and nctlve. Hath packcrj and shippers were friw buyers und the pnnH were soon cleared. Thu 'licgs sold nt the range of J3.70ff3.80 for full loads , a * against Jt. : 053.83 on Saturday. The bulk of llu-1 hogs , however , sold nt I3.72 } : < T 3.75 U > day , while on Saturday one-half of the enl't were nt J3.70 ur under. In other worda. Die market today waa a shade to Sc higher. The average of alt the sales was 2ic hlghoi than on Saturday , CHc higher than one w > e ! ( ngo , but CHo lower than two wcekH ago. The hogs sold today nt the hlirhest point touched Blncc Mulch 11. Representative Kales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. H 2V ) . . .33 70 12 201 . . . J3 70 57 151 W 3 70 12 193 0 3 70 84 2M 120 3 70 11 25" ) . . . 3 70 53 292 . . . S72VJ 10 235 . . . 37 ! 57 213 . . . 3 72Va 70 230 60 3 73 $1 19 80 3 72'i 74 243 . . . 3 75 57 297 ICO 375 7 ? 257 i > 375 C6 2J9 40 375 77 237 . . . 375 67 259 W 375 7 * 225 . . . 375 fO 2lV ) . . . 375 15 230 . . . 375 K 230 40 375 G2 313 2SO 3 75 10 201 . . . 375 CO 312 60 375 69 318 120 3 77U 112 , 285 . . . 3 tO 71 235 4T > 3 77'i 46 SU-i SO 3 SO C3 2 > 2 . . 3W 13 2SJ . . . 3 SO 01 415 . . . 3 80 WAGON HOGS-THROW OUTS. 1 420 . . . 25D 1 600 . . . 273 2 525 f > 0 J 25 2 340 . . . 3 C5 7 16S . . . 365 5 840 40 370 3..11.W . . . 370 1 S , 186 . . . 370 S 175 . . . 27) ' 8 , 27 . . . 370 2 323 . . . 370 G 2V ) . . . 370 7 237 . . . S 70 S 218 . . . 3 70 10 201 . . . 375 . 6 307 . . . 377V HIIEEP Receipts today , 5.716 head , as ngalnt 1.701 Saturday , 4(26 a week ago nnd 2,581 twi Of the twenty-five cara reported In'Veven wen consigned direct to the killers and were no offered for sale. Among the remainder there wer a few feeder lambs , BO that the actual offering of mutton Hheep and lambs were not large b : any mean * . Tlui quality averaged up fairly well , but nm of the lambs were none too good for the killer and at the sama time too good to bo cl.inej a feeders. There were also some of the sheep thn were not any too free sellers on account of beln most tin heavy. The market waa Just about steady on < 1e < > rnhl mutton Kticep and lamlis and active , so tint th best among Che offerings Bold early. Tim h-r desirable bunches were a little lesa active nn < veiy heavy * h ( i > were a little slow at ftra * . h'l In thu rait everything aold at steady prlcei Representative aatm ; No , Av. Pr. 24. Mexican sheep f ] II SO SM Mexican Uuntw . 67 SOD IM western wethers . . . . . . . . . 119 4 n JM wntttrn wethers. . . . . . . . . . . . \X 42 } 4 < 3 Mextnn l mt . . . 4 M 294 Mrxlonn Umli * . 73 4M 2S1 Mexlcnn lumlis . . . . . . . . G7 4 ) tU Mexican l.tml * . . . . . . . . . : 5 M M9 Mexican \vethers . . . . . . . . . . . PI 4 41 III weotcm l.imli . . . . . . . M S 15 201 western rwes . . . 107 3 55 Clllf.VdO MV"K" STOCK MAItKKT. llrNk Dciiintiit ( or Cntllr nnd 1'rlcrn ArrSlr iiK T. I CHICAQO. Maich 21.-Thcre was a brisk doT iniiul for cattle today from different claimof I bu > rrs and price * rtilod uliiinger. Cattle void as , high is at any time this year , rales being on n bntli of I3.S. " > 34. ' > > for the poorest up to J.VKlf 5.CO for choice c.nijgninent | ! < . The bulk i > f tl\f \ offerings toM nt I4J5SMO and fancy Ijoeves - were quotable nt f3.OiK5.JO. exporters liclnc KIHV | buyers nt I4.f5ff5.10 ; stovkers and feeders lanKtM from Jl.M to 14.70 , with a good dcniiiiJ ; best grades of eal\es brought I6.0uiac0. The small supply of hogs , In connection with nn active ileinnml , resulted la n stronger niatkct uiv.1 prices were largely ZijitSc higher. The bulk of the hoqi crownl the scales at I3.0I.OO. ! the cummoneot dro\es ffllltiktil )3. 73173 K > , prime heavy nt f I.OTlj and rrltne light nt II : ' 7't. Prices nilej strong to 100 hlchri for sheep. I but bnrely stendy for Inmbi. Slice- ) were salable nt J3.2itM.75 for Inferior to prime ( locks , wooled fed wrsterns going largely nt J4 23fn.0 > . VearlltiR sheep brought 14 KORS.VA ami wtmled lambs fold nt H.73ns.w , chlolly nt I3.00jf3.40. i UIX-KIITX-Oittlp. 14.C.W . head ; hogs. M.tiCO head ; sheep , 16.IXW head. SI. l.oulN l.lti > .stnpk. ST. lXt lf ! . March 2I.-CATTI.K Receipts , 7W head ; shipments. 4'X ' > head ; market steady to strong ; fair to fancy unlive shipping nnd ex port steers , ll.COif3.30 ; bulk of sales. * 4.7 fi.JO ; dressed 1-cef nnd Imtrher steers , fl.OCtfj.CV ) ; bulk nf salrs. tl.COU4.94 ; steers under l.f 0 His. . J3.65 tfl.15 ; hulk of sales. JJ.S'ff 1.53 ; sloekers nnd feed- err , | 3.riOfr4.FA ; bulk of sales , $3.KiiT4.5) ! ) ; cows nnrt heifers , t2.fWf4.CO ; Texas nnd Indian st"er. , f3.S. > W3.i)5 , with superior Tint Worth cuttletp to J5.30 ; bulk of sales , Jl.OOyi.Wi cows nnd heifers. .r/U3.40. ) IIOOS Receipts. 6,300 head ; shipments , 7M hcatl ; market r.fflOc hUher ; yorVers. J3.70U3.S5 ; packers. W.SO3. j ; butch rs , $3.l ff4.CO. SIIKEI' Receipts. Cii hejil ; shl | > ] nentf , none ; market steady nnd dull ; n.itl\e muttons , ? IWS > 4.SO ; lambs. J.M ( { < 3.5 > > l'.n t IllllTlllo I.lvi * Sloi'U. KAKT Iinri\\IO , N. Y. , March 21. CATTI.K Dull ; primp export fleers. JS.2W3.33 ; prime shipping. JI.90ffS.13 : fat. J4.60ff4.75 ; course nn.l rough , $ ] .7iffl.:3 ; light. J4.13fT4.30 ; choice fat heifers , JI.23fi.SO ; mled butcher stock , J1.COU 400 ; fat butcher cows , 3.VW.73. IIOOS 2' c to Co lower ; good to cholijfc york- ers. JI.105f4.12V4 ; ILsht "jorkers. tl.OOU4.05 ; mixed packers' grade * . J4.135f4.17l4 : medium weights , J4.17ViW4.20 ; heavy hops , f l.l7'.iJF4.W : roiighs , f3.COii3.75 ; stags. t2.90ff3.23 : pigs. JS.25 J3.M. I'AMItf ciinlci * to cxlra , J3.004f6.lw ; fair to g&od. t3.COy3.SO ; yearlings , tl.73if3.10 ; culls. t3/0 "S3. " So. SICKKP Choice to selected wethers , tl.COfMDO : mixed sheep. $ l.6itfl.73 ) : common to fair , J4.25O 4.50 ; vulls , J3.2S5TI.15. l.tiuliTvllli- l.lvr Ktock. L'ISVIM.B , March 21.-rATTI.n-Market dull nnd fully 10Iir.c loner ; pxtrn good export steers , S4.Wff4.C5 ; choice butcher steers. 4.30 ; fair to good butcher steers , J3.65fil.15 ; com mon to medium butcher steers. $3.401f3.i5 ! ; choice liiilftrs , J3,90fJ4.iri ; fair to choK-c butcher cows , J2.90fl3.65 ; medium to Komi feeders , J3.c.0'4.15. HOOS Recelplp , 5,000 head ; tops , ja.93 ; me diums , J3.SST.1. ' . > 5 ; light shippers , .7.'fi3.S3 ; pigs , 2.rc M.o. Slii-i' ! AND U\MnS Market steady nnd un changed ; good to extra shipping fhrep , tt.uOW 3.73 ; fair to good sheep , f3.OOSJ3.25 ; common to medium. J2.002.r,0 : extra shipping Iambi , JI.751J ) fj.00 ; fair to good lambs , JI.2. > ( T4.75 ; best butch ers , J4.COir4.GO ; fair to gocvl butchers , f3.304.00. \ - - VurU Iilvo Stock. NKW YORK , March 21. IlHEVKS-Rpcelpts. 3.171 head ; steers ncttve nnd lOe higher : rough butchers' stock , stepily ; natlvo ttcers. J2.23W 1.23 ; Bteers nnd oxen , J2.7Sf4.50 ; bulls , JJ.Mif 3.73 ; dry cows , f2.20fi.40. : Kuropenn ca bles quote American steers nt 9i5f9lid , drejped weight ; sheep nt lOfflld , drepsed weight ; refrigerator beef , EitS d. Exports toilny , 105 head s'.ieuep. CAUVKS Receipts , 3.176 U J ; fairly active , closing Hy o lower : sales of veals , tl.OOflo.OO. S11KK- ! ' AND 'U\MHS ' Receipts , 8,471 I'end ; nctlve at n slight advance. Sheep , J3.50 7o.OO ; Iambs. f3.WffG.23. HOOS Receipts , 12,033 head ; nctlve nnd steady nt $4.1531.35. Iiiillnniuiollx I.lvi * Stork- . 1NDIANAPOMS , March 21. CATTI.K-Re- celptx , 1.10) head ; shipments , GOO head ; market rather sluggish ; good to prime steers , f4.90f5.25 ; fair to medium steers. tt.CC9t.60 ; common to good stockcrs , f3.25iT4.00. HOQS Receipts. 1,700 head : shipments. 1.000 head ; market moderately nctive nnrt strong to 2V4c higher than the close of last week : good to choice medium nnd heavy. f3.90I3.97i.i ; mixed and heavy , t3.8SQ3.90 ; good to choice lights , J3.65 03.93 : common lights , f3.fOff3.E3. SHERP Receipts , light ; shipments , none ; 'good ta cholcci lambs. f3.lS5fJ.IO ; .common to medium lambs , J3.7J05.00 ; common sheep , f2.23f3.00. It a IIN n H City I.lvo Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. March 21. CATTI.E-Recclpts. 3.000 head ; market steady to strong ; Texas steers. t2.HJT4.60 ) ; Texas cows , t3.40@4.30 ; native steers. f3.75fc5.SO : native cows und heifers , tl.75fl > 5.00 ; ttockers nnd feeders , J3.0093.15 ; bulls , J2.C3ij f3.00. HOGS Receipts , 3.W > head ; market steady ; bulk of sales. J3.6jf3.80 ; heavies. J3.70g3.90 ; packers - ers , J3.GOB3.yO ; mixed. f3.55@3.S5 ; lights , $3. SOW 3.70 : yorkers , f3.635J'3.70 : pigs , t3.23S3.60. SHEEP Receipts. 2fK liciil ; market nrm ; lambs , f 1.4505 25 ; muttons. J3.MRI.OO. Hirst I.llicrty Mvc StncU. CAST MUERTY. Pa. . March 21. Active , strong ; prime , f3.03ff3.15 ; choice. G.Oi ) : common , t3.60 < 74.10 ; bulls , ntags nnd cows , } 2.00 < 3'l,10. Veal calves , tli.00if > 6.60. HOGS Stendy ; prime medium weights. 4.20 ; best heavy packers , f4.10if4.15 ; good heavy hogs , J4.10if4.15 : common to fair yorkers , f4.00 O4.03 ; pigs , ns to quality , t3.60fl3.tO ; good louglis , J3.4Cff3.63 ; common to fair , J2..OK3.00. . SHIiEI' Steady ; choice , fl.S5fO.V ( ) ; conimon. f3.60if4.fO : choice lambs , f5.751f5.S5 ; common to good , f4.63@5.70. Cliieliuintl Llvo Stock. CINCINNATI. March 21. HOQS Active , strong. f3.25W4.00. CATTI.n Strong , .73ff4 S3. 8HKKP Steady , f2.75fl4.50. endy , f4.00B5. . Mock III SlKlit. Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets for March 21 : Cattle. Hogs. Slieep. Omaha . 1.42D 1.778 S.716 Chicago . 14.501 23.000 lli.OOO Knnsis City . 3,000 3.000 2.000 St. Louis . 760 S,300 600 _ Totals . 19.C29 33,078 24.5IC Coffee NnW YORK , March 21. GOITRE Options opened barely steady , with prices 5 points lolver , ruled moderately active , with switching n fea ture ; market depressed by heavy Hrazlllnn re ceipt' , dl nppolntlntr European ami Urnzlllan cables , hearixh statistical outlook nnd weak con dition of spot market ; eloped quiet , unchanged to 5 points net lower : sales. lO.OOO bags , Includ ing May , f5.03fl3.10. Spot coffee. Hlo , weak ; No. 7 Rio. Invoice , 5Hc : No. 7 Jobbing. 6c. Mild , quiet ; Cordova. smS16c : nles. 2O > lings Jlara- calbo , p. t. : 200 bags Central American , p. t. Total warehouse deliveries from the 1'nlted States. 16,744 bags , Including 15,810 bags from New YfM-k : New York stock today , 673.547 bags ; Unite ! StntPfi stock. 769,36.1 bags ; afloat for the 1'nlted States , 409.000 biVi total visible for the United States. 1.198.363 bags , ngalnft 737.9SO Jiags last year nnd W.fiW In 16V1 HAVRK. March 21 , COFTKK-ClosciJ lower : sales , K.C'fiO bags. SANTOS. Marrh XKKKn-Steadv ) ; good average Santos. 8,250 rels ; receipts , 1G00 bags ; stock. 691.000 lings , HAHIIUIIO. March ! ! . COFFKK-Opcneil ' , J nfg. lower : nt 2:30 : p. m. . net unchanged to ' .J pfi. lower ; paler. 9.000 bigs. RIO DH JANEIRO. March 21.-COI-FEE- Qiilet ; No. 7 Rio , 8.700 rets ; exchange , 6'td ; re ceipts. 18.000 bags ; cleared for the United States. 13,000 bags ; stock , WVi.O'O bogs. 7)11 Mnrkotx. OIIj CITY. Pa. . March 21 Credit balances. 77ccertlfkales started nt 77o bid for cafh oil ; first sales. 1,000 bbls. regular delivery nt 77ic ; highest. 78Uc ; "losed. Wc bid ; total siles. .1.000 Mils. : hhlpment" . 135,527 bids , : runs. 97.0S1 bills. CHARLESTON. S. C. . March 21. OILS Tur- pontlno market llrm at Sic. Rosin , nrm and un- ClfAVANNAH. ? Cla. . Mnrch 2l.-OIUS-Splrlts nf turpentlnp. llrm nt 28fl2 c. Rosin , nrm ; A. 11 , c. D. .13 : B. F. 11.80 : o. : H. I. 11.01 ; K tl.C5Ol.TS : M. tl.70Sl.SO ; N. tl.75Tf1.S5 ; win dow ulass. I1.K : W. W. WILMINGTON. N. < * . . Mamh 21.-OII S-Tur. pentlne , nrm nt 2S 2S',4c. Rosin , steady nt tl.Jj 01.30. Crurtn turpentine , nrm at fl.C082.CO. Tar , steady at 93c. TOM. H. R. PENNEY & CO , 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN. PROVISIONS , STOCKS Bnnch Qfflr * . 1C38 N St. . L'.acoln. N < > b. JAMES E BOYD & CO. , Telephone 1030. Oinohu , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS uml STOCKS BOARD OP TRADB. Direct wire * to Chlcavn and New York. Correspondents ! John A. Warren A Co. O. C CHRISTIE. K. i. STREET. President. Vice President Ctelie-SW Commission Cos Capital , r,0,000.00. Fallr I'nld. Ill llnurd of TruUo Ilulldlnir. STOCKS , CHAIN A5D PHOVISIO.VS. [ COOK REMEDV CO BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Ttrttuy BLOOD rOlSON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You c n b treated at nom far Mm * crle * undr ntrne. cuanntr. It you pnttr to com * here * will contract to pay rail road tar * and hotel bllla , and no * h rte If we fall to cur * . IF YOU HAVE body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. II If Ihli Bccondnry Wt Guarantee to Cure W * solicit the mot obstlnnti rait * and challenRe tht world for n cnsc n cannot cur * . This dlsrnse tins always baHICtl the kill of th licit imlntnt rhyflclan * . tiOO.O'O capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolutt proof ! irnt ittUJ on sppllcatlon. 100' ( xige book icnt fr * . Address COOK HUM 121)Y CO. . 1401 Mfinonla Tpinplf. ChlciiKo , 111. Never hns anything boon RO Justly praised r i Iliir-lli-n for the nerves , body nnd brain , li replaces the essentials of llfo that liavo Iwt exhausted by hlnh living , overwork , woirjr. brain fnllguu. Indigestion , excesses nml nbusu. It crruK-it solid llt-sh , iiiunclo mill stri-ngHi , clears the brain , makes thu blood puru nnd rich nnd causes n concral feeling nf health , strength nnd renewed vitality , whllo the gener ative organs are halne-l to regain their normal powers nnd the sufferer Is quickly mnilo con- MSlous of direct bencllt. ll r-Hrnls the result of over 20 yours" experience In the Irentinrnt of the nervous disorders of mnn nml woman and Is endorsed by physicians ull over the world as u most excellent NERVE TOOB. It Is purely an animal and vegetable extract , contains no poisonous substances , nnd Is pre pared In MiRnr-conted tablets , etisj to tnUu. lliir-ltttn Is for sillo at nil drug stores , aGO-dosn box for CO cents , enough for or.o to two months' treatment. In cnso of premnliiro lost vitality , lliir-llfii Is n prompt , nusoluto and permanent spcclllc , producing results wllhouta parallel In the history of medicine. As n special offi r If you will write to us , remitting 11.00 , wn will forward nlio-doso box of our remedy nnd will plvo your casn any siH-cliil attention needed. Wo answer all letters In plain envelope nnd hold nil correspondence .strictly rmilUlentluL UKS. HAKTON AND 1IKNSON , Suite HI. SS I'ubllo Sq. , Cleveland , O. Insist oil Rottlliff the rcnntrft BAK-BEN A CO-doso box lor 60 cents For salt ty Kulin & Co. , nnd Douglas ; J. A. l''ullcr A Co. , 1402 Douglas St. , nnd ( Inihnm Dinig Co. . 15lh nnd Fiirnnm ; King's Phnrmiicy , 27th and 1 'avenworth ; PeMon's Pharmacy , 81th nnd Loavemvurth ; E. J. Si-ykora , S. Oinnha , and nil oilier druggists In Oinalui , S. Omaha , Council Bluffs nnd vicinity. Patronize Home Industries By I'lircliiinlnir ( looi'li Mnilc nt tbc Vol < * loivlnff Xvbnisikn Fu AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA TK.\T AM ) UUII1IHK CO. ( Successors Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co. ) Manufacturers tents , awnings ; Jobbers ladles' nn ] cents' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 Fur * am St. , Omaha. BHEWEUIES. OMAHA IIUIJWINC ASSOCIATION. Carload Ehipments made In our own refr' ' < - ' trat'r care. Blue Hlbbon. Elite Kxporl , Vlema Export and Family Export delivered to all pa ts of the city. CORN1CKVOHKS. . G. P. El'KXKTEH , TCAKI.U COHMCE Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices. Gal vanized Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron und Slat * Hoofing. Agent for K ( linear1 s Steel Cellini ; . 10S-10-1Z North Eleventh street. CKACKEIt FACTOUIES BISCUIT ASH 3II''C5. CO. Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers. OMAHA. NEB. DYE women. SCHOKD.S.VCK'S TWIST CITY DYB WOHICS. Knrtinni St. Dyeing and cleaning of garments and Roods ol every description. Cleaning of fine L'aruur.ts a specialty. FLOUH MILLS. S. P. nil.MASI. Flour , Meal. Feed , Bran , 1011-15-17 North Kth Street , Omaha , Neb. C. K. Black. Manager. Telephone 692. IKON VOP.KS. DAVIS < t CO\VCIM < IIIO.WOHIvS. . Iron nml llrtiM KinuiiltTM. Manufactuieni and Jibbers of Machinery. Gen. era ! repairing a specially , 1501 , 1503 and I'M Jackson street , Omaha , Neb. LINSEED OIL. WOOUMA.V M.VSHKU Oil , WOHICS. Manufacturers old proceis raw linseed oil. kr tie boiled Unseed oil. old proccts K'ounJ ' lln cakes , ground and screened llasieed for dmg > El > t > . OMAHA. NE11. MATTllEBSUS. OMAHA IIKDDIXr. CO. Manufacturers of high grade Mitlrrrres , 111) llnrncy HI reel , Omaha. OVEUALL. AND SHIHT FACTOUinS. KAT'A-N K VK.N'S C4)M IM % Y. Mfgrj. Clothing. Pants. Shirts. Overall ! . UMAHA , NEIl. "SHIHT FACTOIHEH. j n. IVA\S. \K11HASKA SHIHT COJII'\\Y. Exclusive custom thlrt tailors. lili Pnrnnm. VINKUAU AND I'ICKI.KS. IIAAIIMA.VX VI.VKCAII CO. Manufacturers of Vinegar. I'lc4lef. Cat up , Muetordi , Celery and Worcestemhlre Sauce. WAGO.S'8 AND CAKUIAGES. ' " " w i i.i.i A > i r ri : 11i -i : H" For a E'xiil cubitantlal vehicle of any dcicrlp. tlon. for repainting or lubber tire * on new ur ul < ] wheeli the bttt place Is 27th and Leuvtnwoiiii streets. : co. Cheip , medium priced airl tony carriages. Any thing you want , tecond hand or new , Head , quartu-s for nbber tlreu , ' rtanled. ISIIi and Harney , opposite Court Home. A. J. SIMP.SO * . I'lOU. 1-111 Doilicr , Full line of CarrUges , Rugvles. Phaelnna. Pory Turti. Wheels rubber tired. The tut U Ilia CIGAR MANUFACTUIlEflS , HUM : A : CO. Largest facto'y lu the west. Leading Junt-re f Omaha. Kan n City , Lincoln jnd St. Jott fe banal * o'j food * . IWi Farcarn Hti eC