I 1 t T1T"r f < " 1 Ot\O CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. i COUNCIL BLUFFS- 311. < Oil Try Mocro'i stock food. Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block. Eggi , 3 doz. 25c. I3artcMiller. \ . Aak merchants 4or premium star * . Photos I'latlno or Arlsto. Sherradcn. DC. Brown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam blk. Will McPherson la In Red Oak on bust- H.3B1. H.3B1.Charle Charle * McDonald Is expected home this week from Iowa City on a short vacation , Mr. and * Mrs. If. Adams-have returned from a visit with friends at Horton , Kan. Hoarding , day or week , 212 North Eighth trcot , 'Bath ' and all modern conveniences. Tno Ganymede wheel club visited Flor ence yesterday for the regular Sunday club run. run.Miss Miss Sadie Holmes of Stuart Is visiting licr sister , Mrs. C , H. Laird of 72,1 Fifth avenue. Oi W. H. Bradley nnd a party of frlendi will Bl leave this morning on a week's hunting expedition. The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine work both for color nd finish. 620 Pearl street. Phone 290. Mrs. Smith and Mm. iDarby of St. Joseph upcnt yesterday with Mrs. 'Horace ' Everett. They left for their "homo " last evening. Prof. F. C. Halloway , who has been 111 for the last week , Is now able to resume his position as teacher at the Institute for the Deaf. Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can plcaso so many hundreds IftV of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 721 Ilroadway. Mrs. W. P. Williams of Chicago , wife of 'Assistant United States Treasurer Wllllamc , Is visiting her sister , Mrs. U W. Russell of IFirst avenue. At the IJeLong Industrial school Saturday afternoon Rev. L. P. 'McDonald , rector of St. Paul's church , made a very entertaining talk , The attendance was 2GO. C. A. Atkins received a telegram last evening from Beatrice announcing the fatal Illness of 'his brother-in-law , Edward Luster. lie left for Beatrice on the evening train. D. A. Price , a Chicago merchant. Is In the city , the guest of A. T. Elwell. They ore < jd | acquaintances and spent the day yes terday recalling boyhood experiences and In cidents. Mrs. J. J. McKay , who Is a resident of the Klondike country , and who has been visit ing her sister , Mrs. W. S. Wllklns of Wash ington avenue , has started on the long re turn Journey to her home. Margaret L. Brown , aged 54 , died at her In Garner township yesterday mornIng - Ing from pneumonia after a week's Illness. She will bo burled In Walnut Hill ceme tery tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. A telegram was received from Mrs. Moore In San Franctcco late last night announcing that she could not bo hero to attend the funeral of her brother , Henry Mynster , one [ i the funeral will probably to held tomor row from the residence of Choate Mynster on Ilcnton street , . | Rev. Henry DoLong has returned from Des ! Mollies , wihcro ho has been attending the , ! state conference of Charltlca and Corrcc- I tloa The organization was formed for the . I purpose of systematizing the charitable work - of the state and of devising the best methods of caring for and training- homeless children. Oscar J. Martin was pleasaritly surprised Saturday evening by the foresters of Hazel camp. No. 171 , .Modern Woodmen of America , ( Mr. Martin has accepted a position as travelthe Ing salesman with a wholesale grocery firm of Hastings , Neb. , and the visit of his fel793 low foresters was a mark erf their appreclaadr tlon and good fellowship. Before the team left they presented their comrade with an elegant gold chain and charm , the latter betloi ing the emblem of the order. "Our Flat , " a farce comedy In three acts , will bo "presented by Cook'a Comedians at the Dohany theater on Tuesday evening. The _ organization contains the names of some' prominent farceurs , also the famous stage beauty , MES ! Rachael Ford , who has been described as the rhol In comeliness to Mary Mannerlng and Maxlnc Elliott. The second act is 6Jld to bo as clever an Instance of the workings-up of a humorous climax as is seen on 'tho stage today and Is spoken of as being moro consistent with the true ele.Kcnta of farcical comedy than any since the days of "Jane" and "Glorlona. " Manager Bowcn waa greatly encouraged by the largo audience that filled the lo- hany theater last night and thoroughly en joyed "A Breezy Time. " In addition to the eplcndld bill for tomorrow night there will be another fine attraction on Thursday even ing , when James A. Home's American homo play , "Shore Acres , " will be given. U tells a delightful tale of American Hfo anew , such as wo all know , end love It for the knowing. Arclilo Boyd , the well known character actor , has been engaged to play bis old part , and bis Undo Nathaniel Is even moro popular than his Joshua Whltcomb in "Tho Old Homestead. " The advance sale of scats for both attractions promises to bo very satisfactory. 0. B. Vluva Co. . female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 , ind 2 to 6. Health book furcluhed. 320-327-3:8 Merrlam block. Elegant cottage for sale. Klnnc , Baldwin blk I N. Y. Plumbing companr. Tel. 250. Send n I.eper to Oinnhn. The pollco picked up a tramp vCicni they found wandering around the streets yester day and took him to the statlcti. Ho was Buffering from some dreadful skin disease and , -was kept In the pollco patrol house until tht , city and county physicians examined him. Ilia coeo proved to be dlfflculU'to diagnose end there Is some ground for believing that bo was Buffering from leprosy. He claimed to bo on hie way to visit friends In Nebraska , ( whom ho eald would take cure of him. There was no disposition to interfere with this part of his program and he was given assistance In reaching them. Ijiint Call llnlf 1'rlcc Snip. Our last week 4n half-price frames. Do not fall to avail yourselves of this rare op portunity to buy frames and pictures and frames for just half price. II. L. Smith & Co. Henry .MyiiMter'H Knnernl. Arrangemrnts for the funeral of Henry Mynster , the young man who was killed at Matiawa on Saturday , have not been com pleted and will not lo until word Is re ceived from San Francisco from his sister , Mrs. J. C. Moore. She has been communi cated with by wire and has expressed a de- Ire to return homo before- the funeral leU held. Young Mynster showed great forti tude after ho had received the terrible wound that occasioned his death , and tlec ( allied consciousness until a few minutes previous to his death , a BEAUTIFUL SKIN a BoftTVhlte.lf nd with Shapely Nn.'ls , Luxu riant Hair with ClranVholcsomo Scalp , pro duced by CGTICURA SOAP , the most effective kin purifying and b autlflnp soap In the in vorld , a * well M purest nnd eweetett , for toilet , bath , and nunery. Tbo only prevent o of Inflammation and clogging of tbo routs. Qticura Is P.ra * Pun. . * < ! Pr r * . . r. lMi. V. H. A > n. i. r Bkl > , Bni > u > 4 hUte ssshMNjs REDUCES THE CITY'S ' DEBT Ono Ecsalt of Honest and Economical Municipal Administration. WHAT THE REPUBLICANS HAVE DONE t.ond Lett liy Ilriiiocrntn Llfchtcncd mid Ilif ClO'n llunlnciiH Kept Ul > on Ciri-ntly Ilcdiiccd "Income. The republican managers arc finding no difficulty In securing abundance of good campaign stuff for use In the city campaign. The strongest arguments are to be found In the safe and business Ilko methods that t have been pursued by the republican administration - ministration toward reduction and cx- tlngulshmcnt of the city debt , which was created almost wholly during the periods when the city affairs were under the direct control of the democrats of the city. The Income of the city during every year the administration of affairs has been In the hands of the republicans has been less than the years when the democrats had control and were building up the city's present\lebt. Without an exception In these later years , the expenditures have been less than the receipts , and the standing debt of the city has been decreased every year. In 1892 the salaries of executive ofllcers were $111,154.69. This was the last year of the democratic administration. Since then these salaries have been cut until the total for each year since has been kept between $9,000 and $10 , 000. In 1891 the total city current expenses were $97,470.59 , and on the following year the democrats , with all of the experience gathered during nearly ten years of adminis trative control could do nothing better than boom up these expenses to $121,512.52. Al" of the previous years the expenses had been steadily increasing , and the great extrava gance of 1892 led to the complete overthrow of the democratic administration and the In auguration of republican rule under Mayor Lawrence. Tt'e result waa very apparen and fully satisfactory. The total current ex penses for that first year were reduced to $86,701.15 , and the surplus saved went Into the general fund to reduce the amount o outstanding general fund warrants , a pen derous debt which had been created by demo cratlc administrations and Increased every year the party had control of the city's finances anJ Its business. CUTTING DOWN THE DEBT. With greatly decreased receipts this debt and the whole city debt was reduced each year. Throughout the panicky times begin ning In 1893 the financial affairs were so well handled that there was no disturbance of the city's credit , warrants kept close to par and the whole debt of the city reduced from , $931,793.19 to Its present dimensions , $573,141.63 ' , which was the full total of all obligations of every character at the close of business on Saturday afternoon , less amounts f' cash on hand. At the close of the fiscal year of 1889 the democratic administration had piled up a total debt of $856,785.50. On the following year It was Increased to $937,827.45 ; on the next year the total was $917,578.78 , and on the last year of the democratic administra tioi the total was again raised to $931- 793.19. During the first year of republican administration under Mayor Lawrence the total , debt was reduced to $882,341.42. Each succeeding year has shown a steady reduc tloi , which has aggregated since 1893 a total of nearly $300,000. This record is certainly good stuff to use In a campaign against the same party lead- ers whose best ability was shown In the creation of a steadily Increasing debt for every year they had charge of the city's af fairs. If there had been no hard times and the city's receipts had kept up to the high standard of democratic days , the debt would have been much more materially reduced. The general fund and the water fund war rants would have at least been wiped out. CONDITION OP THE EXCHEQUER. The monthly report of City Auditor Evans , giving the condition of the city's finances on March 1 , makes the general showing still better. Since It was made up there has been received in the treasury a largo portion of the taxes collected by County Treasurer inn the last week these payments have been > very heavy and hove greatly swelled the amount of cash on hand , reducing proper tionately the actual public debt. Following Is the statement : Outstanding obligations General fund warrants $131,311.03 Special fund warrants 111.3S Water fund warrants 43,300.00 General bonds 101,400.00 Intersection newer bonds 57,000.00 Intersection grading bends 32,500.00 Intersection paving bonds 148,500.00 Special atsessmoiu tuiaer bonds. . . . 4,203.00 , Special assessment grading bonds. , 18,4C4.00 Special assessment paving bonds. . . 51,500.00 Total $555,253.01 Cnsh on hand- General fund $ 2.37t.87 ! Funded debt fund 31,11)1.50 ) liond loan fund 3,175.54 Intersection sewer fund 3595.10 Intersection paving nnd grading , fund 13,376.59 . 3eneral fewer fund 4,01)3.751 ) | | Itrldgo fund 8,473.62 | Police fund 4.7WJ.32' ' f' . Judgment fund 2S4.G4 j Special assessment seiner fund. . . . 2,32X12 j i Special nsseBHmcnt grading fund. . 1,348.53 Special assessment paving fund. . . . 4,765.46 Curbing and sidewalk fund 2SS.63 Water fund 573 48 Road fund , , 2..65 Total $80.652.02 Net debt 'March 1 , 1853 $3)3,800.99 Cash balance above $ Sfl.632.02 ! Library fund 934.49 Park fund 1,185.89 ! j " Total cash held by treasurer. . $ S2.782.40 j Summary : . . iyo Net debt February 1 , 1S9S $504.262.05 , . ' Warrants Issued during February. . 5,352.02 ! i : Special assessment certificates paid " ln February 02.71 Interest paid during February 3.05S.36 Total $512.763.74 Less cash received during February 7,164.73 Dr. Reller. osteopath , Reno block. PAVIXG OX SOUTH EIGHTH STIlEiri' . Very Wfll I'lt-nneil frith the CouiirU'N Order. There Is no disposition to let the paving campaign that was begun a few weeks ago lag. At the last meeting of the city council : resolution was pafeed ordering South Eighth street paved. It was expected that the order would call forth a vigorous pro test , but eo far only the citizens who were greatly In favor of the Improvement have Uken the trouble to call upon ttie members . the council cud express their opinions of the action taken. The only question that Is being discussed among the property owners Interested concerns the material to be u = cd. Tbo rosolutlcu specified vitrified brick , but ) number of the residents are very much In fator of the old blocks being replaced placed with asphalt. There U but llttlo doubt that a number of Im provement resolutions will be Introduced the council at the next meeting and the work of replacing ec-veral miles of rotten blocks with clean paving will bo gotten under way. way.J. go J. A. B. cigar leads 'em all. SniiilruxUI Will ItmUt. Ham Sandruskl. the young bicycle tblot rhode wanted at Lincoln , reconsidered bis de termination to return with Pollco Court Clerk Brtlrd and at the lait moment decided to eland firmly upon hla constitutional rights. Ualrd had provided for uch an emergenc ) nd tad ocured cequkltlon from Goveroot tolcomb upon Governor Shaw. This was ornardcd to Den Molnes on ' .he afternoon .rain Saturday. The young thief is still confined in the > county Jail. It In possible bat he will now be permitted to remain In [ Mil until he completes his ten days' term u 111 i/i i ; tea i * i a tv 11 / a v * ! or stealing a valise at the Milwaukee depot. It UK * XVIilUlrnej-'H Cuite. U la expected that the cato of R. N. Whltleeew will be called up by Judge Wool- son In the federal court today or tomorrow and disposed of. U is understood that Whit- leeey will plead guilty and appeal to the clemency of the court. Picture Frame * . Wo have picture frames that will suit anyone. All kinds to select from and we will frame your picture * ! at moderate prices. Wo employ the most skilled workmen In our house , and we take pains to please our patrons. Our art department will well re pay you to visit It and oee the newest thlngo cut In that line. Wo con satisfy you In these goods beyond doubt , and only ask your Inspection to bear us out In this assertion. When you want anything In' the art line call at the frtcre of the Council Bluffs Paint , Oil nnd Glass Co. , Manoilc block. Iinvn Farm Xoteii. A farm In Franklin county sold for $75 on acre last week. . A big beet sugar meeting was held at Mason City Friday evening. Work In the horticultural department of the Iowa Agricultural college begun last week. weeA A number of farmers near Alden are put ting down tiling this season 4n anticipation of wet weather. More land sales are reported in Emmet county | this year than before- for many years and the prices are good. andA A number of horses condemned by the state veterinarian near Independence be cause suffering from glanders have not been killed as ordered. The crop bulletin service of the Iowa bu reau will commence April 1 and blanks for the first report are being sent out to ob servers In the state. IT. C. Wheeler last week sold twenty-four work mules from his Sac county farm and he expects soon to leave for Texas to su perintend the wotk on his big plantation there. The number of now Agricultural college students classified up to Tuesday , the Stb , was : Seniors , 2 ; Juniors , 7 ; sophomores , 4 ; academic and spclal freshmen , 1C3 ; dairy , 16 ; a total of 192. Recent farm sales In Iowa : John Leech to William Epperson , 168 acres in Clarke county , $7,500 ; John A. Engleman to Henry C. McMlllen , SO acres In Page county , $8,000 ; Qeorco Downing to J. C. Ferguson , 67 acres In Cedar county , $2,500 ; John Gardner to Morgan Brothers , 200 acres In Washington comity , $ CGOO ; John Hlncs to T. F. Planer. ICO acres In Calhoun county , $9,000 ; A. W. Hcstrop to Peter Hansen , ICO acres in I3uck ! Hawk county , $7CSO. IOTVH 1'ri'NN Comment. Des Molnes Capital : While Iowa Is hard up It certainly would be In bad taste not to be creditably represented at Omaha. Atlantic Telegraph : The present .high price of wheat should not Induce farmers to risk too much to spring wheat. It Is rather a precarious crop at best. A little will do , but too much might prove unprofitable. A variety of crops Is the surest. Dubuque Telegraph : Senator Rarack vigor ously founght the board of control bill dur ing the fifteen dajs of Its consideration , yet in the end ho voted for It. Ho antagonized It . to please his constituents , and voted for It to ' satisfy his conscience as a democrat. Newton Journal : The bill to hold biennial elections in Iowa will not become a law , There are too many "professional politicians" who would be out of a job If It became t law , and they will fight "tooth and toe nail" to prevent having their bread and butter taken from them. Cedar Rapids Gazette : Horace Boles In sists that he U not a candidate for congress. Thcro was really no need of the second declaration to the same purpose. The silver men of the district bavo not sought to com pel him to run and there Is noboJy who would tlo htm on the track In front of Dave Henderson's engine. Don't annoy others by your coughing and risk your Hfo by neglecting a cold. One Mln. ute Cough Cure cures coughs , colds , croup , grippe and ail throat and lung troubles. IMSXSIO\S FOIl WESTEHX VKTP.HAXS. Survive of Iinte- War Henicmfooretl liy General Government. WASHINGTON. March 20.-Spedal.- ( ) Pensions have been Issued as follows : Issue of March 7 : Nebraska : Original Ed ward F. Burns , Omaha , $8. Renewal nnd Increase Lewis Halm. Bellwood , $8 to $12. Increase Nel son Whlpple , Cnllowny , $ S to $12. Iowa : Original John B. Gary , Milton Junction , $0. Increase Joseph Hnrrell , East Peru , JO to S10. Original widows , etc. Dora Upp , Marathon , tSj Ella H. Durley , DCS Molnes , $ S ; Mary Marshall , Sioux City , $ S ; Martha Jones , Nashua , $3. Colorado : Original David F. Strain , Grand Junction , $8 ; Henry Schwyhart , Pueblo - eblo , $ S. Increase Dick Ransom , Denver , $0 to $12. Issue of March 8 : Nebraska : Original Joseph W. Winger , Lincoln , S ; Byron Bathrlck , Nelson , $ S ; William Martins , Omaha. $0. Additional John L. Morrison , Wllber. $3 to $12. Increase George Current , Soldiers' Home , Hall , $0 to $8. Iowa : Original John Curfman , Jamaica , $0. Increase Moses Daniels , Davis City. $30 to $50 ; Orpheus W. Wilson. Nevada , $6 to $8. Original widows , etc. Sarah S. Jenne , mother , Nevlnville , $12. North Dakota : Increase James Flanagan , Mnndnn. , $0 to $10. Montana : Original Mec-nah-tsee-us , Crow Agency $17. South Dakota : Reissue nnd Increase Frank D. Powers. Mitchell. $ G to $10. Colorado : Original Henry Farrar , Den ver . , $ S ; ( special Mare1 ! 9) Marshall F. Hurd , Monte Vista , $12. WBATII HUGO It D. Pioneer \vyomlnrr. . SUNDANCE , Wyo. . Mirch 20. ( Special. ) Barzella Sylvester , aged 79 , ono of the plo- nccrs of Crook county , dlol Friday at his homo here. Mr. Sylvester was born In New .IYork. Ho came to Wyoming with his family twenty-five years ago and has during the Uwt twenty-nine years been a respected citi zen of this county. HV.UK.VK.U , . WIlllnniN-CiMVlrN. RIVERTON , la. , March 20V-Special. ( ) Lou A. Williams of th's ' place and Mlsa Blanche Cowlcs. daughter of a former mer chant here , were married Wednesday neon. CorUlnur Main Kliinlie * . The cocking man which was to have. been , held yesterday afternoon dM not pan en.U. The Omaha contingent , which was expected to show up with a wag-onload of champion birds , failed to materialize nnd cense quently the crowd which had gathered to see the- sport was disappointed to some de gree. The other parties lev were on hand , how ever , nnd are In hopes thnt the main can bo pulled off some time In the near fu ture. ture.A A llttlo balm was thrown upon the dts- nppMnted spirits of the spectators by a flsht between two of the birds which were toe have been pitted against the Omaha repre sentatives. ' ' The scrnpi was between a light slaw weighing a llttlo over four pounds nnd a red chicken that was a little heavier. The lighter rooster started In from the be ginning1 and made fhort work of Its cjvpo- ncnt. The light was a lively one , houever , for a few1 minutes. MoCoy AilinllM 1IU Murrlnjie. SPRINGFIELD , O. , Marc'i M.-In an In terview here today Kid McOay said hen would leave early In April for San Fran cisco. " .My match with GUB Kuhlln will come off there. " he said. "After that I will after Choynskl for a match. Yes my wife Is a New York woman. It Is none of the publlc'fl business , though. She Is well connected there and she does not want It known that she has married a prize tighter. That Is all there Is In the secrecy about " her maiden name. There are ihree little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant , the bee and DeWltt's Little Early Risers , the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver rfl | ' lull iULL'd t&VliDMllUaisim' Great Doings on Foil at the Iowa College , . - JpM QUARTER OF A CENTURY ROUNDED OUT t l I'l Program for the E cn , Inelnden an Aililrcxn by IPrcnlic t AtlitctcH lu UlRh FvntliL-r. Ta. , Olarch 20. ( Special. ) The Iowa college track men are In luck. Jack Watson , who trained the teams la < st year which won the state cup for Qrlnnell , arrived In Orlnncll yesterday and began training at once. That air. Watson Is a practical athlete may bo easily seen from his record , Ho holds the championship of the world In the broad Jump , the high Jump and the bop , step and Jump ; and Is the champion pole vaultcr of America , lie has successfully held these championships since winning them at the ' World's fair games. iMr. Watson is glad to be In Qrlnnell again , for It was here that he scored his greatest success as a trainer In bringing out Hush , the phenomenal sprinter who won twenty points for Grlnncll In the state meet last year and -whose name Is associated -with Johnny 'Crum ' as the two foremost sprinters of the west. It not of America. There Is lots Oj good material for Wntson to work with , and though Hush Is no longer hpre the college - lego will still be able to put out a team which will "be " ro mean competitor in 'west ern athletics. Extensive though quiet preparations arc ; olng on hero for the seml-centonnl.il cele bration of the college , which will take place It the commencement In June. It seems now quite certain that barring war or a ses sion of congress President McKlnley will make the principal address , and In case ho comes special Invitations will be sent to the governors of Iowa , Nebraska , ( .Minnesota Dakota and Illinois , asking them to be pres ent. Dr. Albert Shaw , the editor of the American Monthly iKevlew of Reviews , who U commonly considered as the most Illus trious of the alumni , will give the address before , the Alumni association. Senator > ; laj has bean invited to make an address , but his acceptance Is as yet a matter of conjecturs. Wednesday of the commencement week will bo a special day for the educators of the northwest , a largo number of < t\hom havt. already signified their Intention to be present and several will participate In the program. The college has prospered greatly under Its present administration and It Is no secret that the authorities "nope " for a considerable Increase In the endowment at the time when the Institution begins the second fifty years of its history. The number of students has increased so In spite of the high require ments that If more students still are to be cared for , an Increase In the endowment is very greatly to bo desired. tHowever , no public solicitation will tbe 'made at the cele bration and the guests will be left free to ! i follow the dictates of { heir1 own wills. The . various classes 'have already begun arrange ments tor reunions and the campus will 'bo turned over for their carapg. The follow ing will ho the program , Mibjcct to some slight changes : Friday , June 17 Anniversary of the ncndemy ; reception by the principal , J. Fred Smith. ' ° Saturday , June IS Meeting of trustees. HyUo prize orations. Recital of the School of Music. i _ Sunday , Juno 19 Baccalaureate sermon , President O. A. Gates. ) Alumni prayer meetPnl Ing. Scml-ccntcnnlal nnnlKcrsary of the oil- lego missionary societies nnd the anniver sary of the Young Men's Christian associa tion and Young Women's Christian associa tion. Monday , June. 20 Addresses on subjects like the following : "The , College in the Civil War " " ' " , "The Co'leffc"ln the Ministry and Missionary Field. " "The College. . In Law and Legislation , " "The Qollcgo In Teaching nnd In Universities " " , "The College Publica tions , " "Fifty Years of Education in the Northwest. " In the evening will como the HIH .prize fpeaklng- . Tuesday , June 21 ( Alumni Day ) Class day exercises. Alumni banquet and reunion. Alumni business meeting. Alumni address by Dr. Shaw. In the evening there will be a promenade on the campus and songs by the glee club. Wednesday. June 22 ( Centennial nnd Founders' Day ) Address on the founders of the college. Colle-ge banquet. Class re union * . Commencement concert. Thursday , June 23 Commencement exer cises. Address by President McKlnley and conferring of degrees. Reunions of the lit erary societies. President's reception. Hey Killed by n Train. 3IOUX CITY , March 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) Arthur Harsln , a 14-year-old boy and the son of a poor widow , fell from n moving train of the Fremont , Elkhorn ft Minsourl Valley railroad In this city today. Twelve cars passe.- ! over him. His head was badly crushed and he died In the hospital two hours after the accident. In company with two other boys Harsln caught a rldo on a .box car and when he wanted to get off the 'train was going too fast. He fell under the cars and a brake beam struck his head , crushing the skull. Xo Women There. GRUNDY CENTER. la. , March 20. ( Spe cial. ) A very peculiar sociological condition exists at the little town of Dairyvllle , In this county. The town is quite an industrious little burg , but there Is not a single woman living there. Men do all the housework. Traveling men tell some very queer tales of the town and people , and the place has been receiving coislderable notoriety of late , due to the absence of the female sex. XtMVH from Itlverton. RIVERTON , Ja. , March 20. ( Special. ) At the primaries held ijy the sllverltes Wil liam Roberts was nominated for mayor. FINE SDMMCR DRINK. SCHLITZ n E BEER The lu-Mt In the' TV or 111. Holly- cm ! ( o uu > - iiijrt of the city. Tclc-iilioiie ; | OU. Mull orders ) filled. . LINDER & FILTER , 1021 IIUO.VIMVAV. Drive Pumps and windmlll-lSe Myers Pump Is the best I handle It-mfci'p repairing done promptly Satisfaction Jftu anteed. D. Leyshnm , 122 Main Street , Council Uluffs L. ROSENFKLD. Wines & Liquors Whnlesiilo Agent Anbtuser-liusch Beer J 519 Main St. , u s COCXCIL , IILUFKS. I.O\XS _ 1'IUIJ IXSUHAXCU SIIHKTV IIOXDS I.CMTCit llnte * . M All surety bonds executed at my otlice. W JAS. X. OAHADY , Jit. , U U30 Hula Street , Council Illadi , i Phln Townsend for treasurer , Frank T. I Simons for assessor , J. I > . Lewis for clerk , / NJmrodl Wynn anil J , C , Chancy for coun- ( oilmen , The republican caucus nominated John R. Williams for mayor. J. L. Morgan for trcaa- urer , R. L. Knapp for assessor , Charles U. Kldd ( for clerk and J. C. Mewhor and C , C. Smith for councilman. Work of ifurKlarn. ATLANTIC , la. , March 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) Emll Llnke , shoe merchant , mourns .he lost of several casts of his best footwear. Parties , evidently experts , broke In and re moved them Inst night. No clew , A few weeks ago sixteen sacks of flour disappeared from L. A. Turner's storehouse. Entrance was effected by boring boles through the door and removing the locks. Con ronolonal ConventionCalled.aa , DAVENPOIIT , la. . March 20. ( Special. ) The first congressional convention In Iowa this year will be In the Second district , the republicans having called their convention to meet here July 20 next. IlKCOIII ) . Ilnrn llnrned. BEATRICE , Neb. , March 20. ( Special Telegram. ) A barn belonging to E. L. Ilur- rlngton , local manager for the Standard Oil company , was burned down tonight. As Burrlngton entered the barn a horse kicked him down , smashing a lantern he held In his hand against the wall , which was cov ered with tar paper. The building was In a blaze In an Instant. Burrlngton was ren dered almost breathless by the kick and while rescuing the four horses was overcome by the smoke , narrowly missing death In the flames. The loss Is about $100 ; no In surance. FO'RUCAST FOIl TODAY'S WbATIIKR Fair , with Incri-nHlnu1 ClouillneNK niu Co lit IT. WASHINGTON , Starch 20. Forecast for Monday : For Nebraska Fair ; Increasing cloudiness nnd colder Monday night ; westerly , shift ing to northwesterly winds. For Iowa Fair ; colder In western portion Monday night ; westerly winds , shifting to northwesterly. . For Missouri nnd Kansas Fair ; south crly , shifting to westerly winds. For Wyoming Cloudy weather ; posslblj light snow ; colder , northerly winds. South Dakota Cloudy , with light snow colder with northwesterly winds. I/oc'fil Ili'c-ord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER JIUIIEAU OMAHA , March 20. Omaha record of tern porature and rainfall compared with the corresponding1 day of the last three years 1SOS. IS97. 1S9 . U93 Maximum temperature. . . . 53 51 55 4 Minimum temperature . . . 3(1 ( 33 21 2 Avernge temperature . . . . 47 42 3S 3 Rainfall CO .00 .00 .0 Record of temperature nnd preclpltntloi at Omaha for this day nnd since March : 1 toff ! : Normal for the day . 3 Excess for the day . 1 Accumulated excess since March 1 . 17 Normal rainfall for the day . 03 Inc' Pendency for the day . 03 incl Total rainfall since March 1 . 'S Incl Deficiency since March 1 . 23 Incl Deficiency corresp'g period 1S97 . 13 Inch Deficiency corresp'ir period 1S88 . 2S Inch IleiiortN from Station * nt N | i. m. & STATIONS AND STATE OB" I WEAT11EH. Omaha , clonr . .00 North IM.ittc , clcnr .CO tPnlt IJike. cloudy .00 Clicycnne. part cloudy .00 llnplil City , cloudy .01 Huron , clear . (10 Chicago , cloudy . (10.TO Wltllston , snowing . .TOT | St. I-ouK mining . . . . .01 r St. Paul , cloudy . . . . . . l' Davenport , cloudy . . Helena , snowing Knnsas City , cloudy Havre , cloudy Hl = mnrck , clear Galveston , cloudy . . . . T Indicates trace of precipitation. Ij. A. WELSH , Local Forecast O.Tlclal. MEMBERS WILL TALK OF WAR # Thcro Will Be Abundant Opportunity for Patriotic Speeches , HOUSE LEADERS TO TRY TO CURB DEBATE Should tlicPrmlilrnt Semi n Meo nne ( o CotiKroRH nil the Mnlne 1)1- nitrr li Will He Ultcu Hlllht of Wnj. WASHINGTON , March 20. Whether the report of the naval board of inquiry on the Matno disaster goea to congress thU week with a special message from the president calling for congressional action , our rela tions | ( with S | ln and I tie proximity of aa vlo cd from the standpoint of the emer gency preparations going on to place the country In a state of defenao will probably ) o exhaustively debated In ( do house In con nection with the appropriation bill , the be- ; lnnlng of which will bo on Tuesday. The consideration of many phases the appropria tion | for battlMhlps , for dry docks and tor pedo < boats will bring the whole subject di rectly before the house. Wtillo the conservative leaders doubtless will seek to prevent Inflammatory expres. slctis , under the recent ruling of the speaker , which practically places no limit upon tdo latitude ] of debate In committee of the whole on the state of the union , the leaders , except by their example , probably wljl bo unable. to repress sensational speeches. An effort ls likely upon the part of Home of the radicals to force frcin three In the confidence : of the administration a dcclara tlon of the policy of the administration In regard to Cuba. This ttioy hope 'to do by taunting t them wild some of the rumors which have hero floating about in the newspapers during the last few < lajs. It Is altogether likely that there will be a general expression of the sentiment of the house on this qucs tlon t ! before the bill la passed. Should the president transmit the repmt of tfae board of Inquiry with a request for congressional action during tbo week , every * thing else will give way , to It. An action which might bo decided upon will bo In the control of the republican leaders ns to the limit to be put on debate. H the report Ooes not go to congress this week , the naval bill will probably consume all the time until then ; but If It should.bo passed before Saturday , which seems un I- likely , the bill for the reorganisation of the army and authorization for recruiting It tea a footing aggregating 104,000 men In time of war , will be taken up. Tomorrow the bill for the relief of the vic tims of the Maine will be called up Imme diately after the reading of the Journal , under the arrangement made lost week. II Is not expected to consume much time , bill will probably be tnado the subject of several patriotic speeches. The rest of the day will be occupied In the consideration of private bills In pursuance of the orJcr made last Friday. Altogether It promises to be an exceedingly eventful If not sensational week In the house. SENATE FORECAST. No program has been prepared for the senate for the present week and the course of events Is liable to be Influenced largely by developments from the outside. The quarantine bill Is the unfinished busi ness on the senate calendar , and If oppor tunity offers Senator Pettlgrew will get up his public land bill. It Is expected that the sundry civil appro priation bill will bo reported Wednesday or Thursday , and If It should bo It may be taken up later In the week. The senate com mittee Is making many changes In this bill ' , and It will corwumo several days of the time of the senate when considered. It Is also understood to be Senator Davis' Intention to bring up the Hawaiian treaty In order to get a vote on the Bacon amcnd- mcnt. It Is still Mr. Davis' Intention , to lay the bill on the table as soon as Mr. Bacon concludes his speech In Its support. . . All these plans arc liable to be changed If the report of the court of inquiry into the Maine -disaster should'be received. The re ceipt of this document would have the effect of springing a Cuban debate which would sidetrack all other questions. "My busy day" the day when housecleaning sets in. If you do it in the hard-working.j bustling way , every man , woman , and child wants to get under cover. Do it withPearline.and nobody's troubled , not even you yourself. Pearline housecleaning is quicker , quieter , sooner through with , easier. Saves much rubbing. Saves paint. Saves temper. Wherever you can use water for cleaning , use Pearline with it and you'll get the best work. And let the children help. They enjoy cleaning with Pearline , and you'll be training them in the way they should go. 657 No Man. . . . Is well dressed this spring who doesn't $ wear a Covert Cloth Top Coat. The new coat for Spring is cut short box back and fly front a stylish looking garment. There is no reason why every man shouldn't have one at least price shouldn't stand in the way. We will sell you an all-wool Covert Cloth Coat , made up with good linings , sewed good and cut to fit , for Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents. Metcalf Bros 9 18 AND 20 MAIN ST. 17 AND 10 PEARL ST. HI : CAREFUL JUST NOW , A l.lltlo rinnd 'Vilvlrr ' WltlrU Yon Do Well to Coiifttiler n ( tliU Time. At this time of year , when we re > chang ing- over from winter to spring , there Is al ways a low order of vitality a rcactlom from the strain * of the cen ons. Tlic b'.ooil dees not flow so full or ) r.ipldly the strength Is les" . For these reasons nil kinds of dlfoasr * hrve a much better chance thnn nt nny other season. We nil know this from our own experiences nnd thee of our friends , nnd wo nro aware mhnt n terrible amount of grip , pneumonia niul other disease * there li flouting In thf nlr nnd drawn In by us , with oven * breath. U Is n time for exercis ing ppvolnl cure , for keeping the blood In circulation nnd the system toned up gener ally.Thcro Thcro N hut one wny by which n proper reaction , nt such a lmtcan be brought about nnd that Is by the me of n pure ntlm- ulnnt , prefernbly < nhl ky. ThH Is univer sally admitted , but the trouble- linn been te secure n good , pure nnd reliable whisky. Indent , there. Is but ono that can bo confi dently and certainly recommended for thl purpose , mid that ! Duffy's Pure Mult , tt pos'es'ses inmlltles known only to Itself. It \lll bring iibotit a re-action. CJUPO the blood o cliculale , priwcnt a cold , check .I'1'11" nonla mill ward oft grip. It lmnrelieved. nore stitfcrlng nnd saved more lives by rea son of these pcwers which It po' exses thiin mythlng of a clmllar iinture i.\hlch linn ever been discovered. You will bo wlo If you mve It on h.ind iiiu1. u > u It whenever you fVel the lo.ist signs of illsenso or weaken- ng. l G.W.PangIeM.D. THH C.OOU SAMAKITAN 25 YEHR'S EXPERIENCE. tlcndcr of UlHonneH of tuvit nit < I -\voincii. PROPRIKTOR OP TH1J IWorld's llcrbul Illnpcnsury of BIctllchw . I Ctilltt Cntnirh of Ilcnd , Throat niiil | ill 11 * 41 Discuses of 1'yo nnd ICar f Flu nnd Aiioplexy , Heart. Liver nnd Kidney . . Diabetes , llrlffht's Dlpc.m1 , St. Vltils Uniiro , Hliciiiimtl niScrolula , Diupsy cureil without lapping , Tnpo Worms icmoxed , all chronlo Ncrvoua niul Pilvnto Dlse-iitca , LOST MflNHOOD-lnVuTir une" , ; ! CVnUII 1C Only I'liynlclnn who t-nn SYrNILIds properly onto .SYI'IIIMH wltlinut ilcslioylng tooth nnd bones. No mcr- cuiy or poison mineral iipcd. The only I'hyplclnn who can tell what nlw you without luadiurniitirstlon. Tlioso ut u ( llstuneo pcnd for quCBllon blnnk. No. 1 tor men ; No. X tor women. All cnrri'Miomlcnco strictly conllilcntlal. Medicine sent by oxprcEB. AddrcbS till letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , BBS Urondwny , COUNCIL III.UrFS , IA KST'Scnd 2-ccnt st mD fot-rculr. J , B , SWEET , Attortiey-at-Law atid Notary Public. 309 BBNO BLOCK , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , DOHANEY THEATER , Gro. X Ilo en Aiinouneen The Ijondon nnd New York fiucccsf , "OUK 101 Nlglits Lyceum Thentcr , New York. 7fO NlKlita Htrnml Theater , London. . I'rcccnted liy COOK'S CO.MKDI.VXS , The Ulif Karclcnl Comedy Organization , Prices 25c , COc , TSc. Doxcf , 11,00. Beats now on. sale. v Dohany One Mnl"t ThnrMiIny , March 21. James A. Kernes' beautiful comedy dram * . "SHORE ACRES" Presented by a flno company of players , mlth entire now scenery and many , unhiuo. realistic novelties. A niperb pro'ductlon. guaranteed. iPrlces $1.00 , Tlic , GOo nnd 23c. Scats now on eale. WIND MILLS Teed repairing. I can do this to sails- action. All kinds of repairing done casonablc. Fine line of pumps for sale. FAIR & SOAR , 120 UUOADWAY. - COUNCIL BLUFP3. . SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFP8 WANTS. IUNT IJY LEONAllU K 1C Pearl Street. JG5.W per month IS Pcnrl street , store room , i 140.00 ' per month 4 I'eurl street , next to Per- eoy'u clear rtorc. J2500 per month Cherry Hill , 10-room houto an ! . 1 acre , fruit and uardcn. 115.00 per month 1011 Urondwny , store room. \ $8.00 per month 1 3 I'leaeant street , tlx-roonf. house. IC.OO per month-100 Hldgc etrcct , large elx-room house. JO.OO per month A\enue B & 15th itreet , tw rooms. J5.00 rooms. per month 21st et. , near Broadway , thre 14.04 per month 815 Axenue II , three-room , houto. FAIIMS KOIl IlKNT. 134 acres fenced bottom land ; "III bullj new houic and tarn for responsible tenant ; per acre. 107 acres southeast of WoodMn * , Harrison county ; good Improvementa ; 12.60 , JO-ncre farm near Council lllurts , 1120.00 per > ear. C-acre garden tract , clo o In , J100.00 per year. ' Good farrrm for cnle or trade cheap ; will take farm * , city property ! or live stock In part- payment. Write for lists or apply to LKO.VAKD JKVnrtETT , Over 1C 1'carl Street. DWELLINGS , KIIUIT. "Altfe AND QAIIDKN land * for i l or rent. Day A lltm , U I'tirl trt. rum : IIRAMAH ioas , co CBNTS A SET- ttuf. A. II. Howe , council niurli. FOU BAI.R on mAm : . inoii nnnn lion. 619 Main it. , Co. Illurr. . la. IMNINO ItOOM ail , API'MT TO ' I , Mud's restaurant , tIS II road way. I f | | | U Initruclloni. Alblr Hu.ter , itudta VIULIH < ! . ' .Proiilway. Oermin method' of Dretden Conservatory. 5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c Inde for Trade Iculvm Vlio Ajuirrclnle A Good Siuok * . John G. Woodward