BOARD OF CONTROL BILL Comes Up in the House for Discussion on Tuesday. FRIENDS OF MEASURE EXPECT SUCCESS or Illrnl Ilnllrond t'oinpnnlc * Have n Hot Time lie- fore the'Kxecutlre Connell . LcKlNlntlvc Note * . DCS MOINES , March 19. ( Specfal Tele gram. ) It U practically certain that the [ board of control bill will be reached for dis cussion Tuesday morning In the house. The lower assembly today adjourned until Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock. At that tlmo the bill will probably bo read and amend ments offered , The house committee will report the senate bill nvltha few amend ments , but It Is believed the bill will pass the lower chamber by Thursday or Friday at the outside. The clause legislating the ( present superintendents and wardens Into office for another four years promises to bo one bf the sticking points , although It Is be , lieved by the committed leaders that opposi tion to this provision will bo defeated. On another point , lion ever , the senate Is more likely to bo reversed. There Is a growing fiollng In the house that It should have a voice In the confirmation of the board. A vigorous protest will be made for an amend ment covering this point. The 'house com mittee , amor. ? other amendment ! ) , will re port one providing supervision of the finan cial management of three educational Instltu- tlonfl which are exempt from the Interference of the board In their general conduct. It la understood they arc disposed to accepttho amendment without protest. Of direction nrr\ \ dispatch , In Ita consideration , however , the bill Is practically assured. The house has grown Impatient with the long delay In the senate and will crowd It to Its earliest possible passage. The friends of the bill are backed by a good working majority and un reasonable delay will not 'be ' tolerated. The executive council has'completed Its bearings on the railroad assessment and Mill next week fix the valuations of the various lliioa. The Milwaukee , Rock Island and Hturllngton have been making a vigorous light on tlio Northwestern , which Is work ing against an Increase of Its assessment. They protest that their earnings show a de crease , whllo those of Hie Northwestern liave Increased during the last year. Judge ' 'Ilubbard , representing the Northwestern , to day accused the other roadJ of making false returns of their cainlngs. The result was a Bomowhat heated Interchange of compll- I . snents between himself atiJ Carroll Wright , .representing the Rock Island. If the assess , mciit of the other roads Is decreased that of 'tho ' 'Northwestern ' Is certain to bo raised , and hence the strife. The house committee on Judiciary today reported favorably Senator Bolter's bill es tablishing the center of the Missouri river as the western limit of the state's Jurisdiction. The measure , which has already passed the senate , has therefore a very fair chance of getting through the loner cliamber. Dcinily Tr 'ii 4iirpr Aciitilttcil. OSAGE , la. , Manh 19. ( Special. ) The Jury In the case of Staoton Pelton returned a verdict of not guilty. There wore three Indictments against him , ono for embezzle ment nud two 'for ' the destruction and altera tion of county records. The embezzlement case was first tried and was of especial in terest , In that the treasurer's records , needed Id prove the state's case , were destroyed by an Incendiary shortly after the shortage was discovered In the ' treasurer's ofllce. a Pelton ivas deputy under Treasurer J. B. Shechan. who brought the charge against him , and \\tia was Uio principal witness fet the state. Try ( ii CNtnliltxli Telephone. ATLANTIC , la. , March 19. ( Special. ) Men wlo are In the city endeavoring to In terest the business men In organizing a mutual telephone- exchange ore meeting with l > oor FUCCCES. They ant at ieast eighty slRiicm on their optional list of stockholders and subacrlbero , but after a week's work by have only secured about half that number. Jtatiy approached feel and express them- Bclvofl that a place the size of Atlantic could not maintain two telephone exchanges on a of basis. Commit * Suicide. of CEDAR RAPIDS , March 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) Dr. E. W. ' Darloy of Anamosa com mitted sulcldo In his ofilco this evening by taking strychnine and morphine. Ho was discovered a few mlnutca after ho died sit ting In his chair in his office with bottles of of poison still In bis hand. Ho was about GO yoara old and had lived at Anamoaa for his nearly a quarter of a century. At one tlmo Jio was quite prominent. Recently ho and l > 's ' wlfo separated , and It Is supposed that sion despondency was the cause of the act. Arqlllttril of Kmlii > cx1enirii < . OSL\QR , la. . March 19. ( Special Telegram. ) The famous case of Stanton L. Pelton , last ex-deputy county treaaturer Indicted for embezzlement of funds , falsifying county books , etc. , has been on trial the past two rant neck. ? . It was1 given to the Jury last night. The Jury soon reported , clearing the de fendant and the judge dismissed all other Indictments this morning. with . of ATLANTIC , la. . March 19. ( Special Tele- i.oon firam. ) This afternoon about 4 o'clock two be Iboys found a naked male child about a month old near the Audubon fair grounds with Its Bkull crushed In. One cheek had been eaten Ty rata. Buggy tracks near form the only cjew. One More Cnmllilnte. front RUTHVEN , la. . Marrh 19. ( Special. ) Friends of E. P. Darrlngcr of this county gone. will uc-go that ho he appointed on the lena railroad commission to fill the the vacancy caused by the death of C. L. Davidson. South was ' U'omiiii Iliirneilto Dentil. at CLINTON. la. . March 19. While burning the rubbish at her home , southwest of here , also Mrs. George Rlsch was burned to death by ( her clothing catching fire , jlcr husband Is believed to bo fatally burned. lowii lrenn Comment. night Des Molnes Capital : Wo do not believe It that there la a y prospect of defeating Bob Cousins for rcnomlnatlon In the Fifth dis trict. trict.Kcokuk Kcokuk Oatj City : There Is no longer any struck , doubt that spring Is at hand. The occupants of houseboat. ] all along the Mississippi river - rise. uro getting things In readiness for the spring about two Davenport Democrat : The electors of Iowa nnd "will not have a chance to vote tills year ot . the question of extending the suffrage to women , but U la quite probable they , tha people , will have an opportunity to say whether they desire to hold elections over : year or once In two years. The people ar * call Ing city lonf ? roy throat vras July come filled with sores , large lumps formed on my ncok , and a horrible ulcer broke out on my jaw , says Mr. O. II. Elbert , who resides at cor. Hold. the S2d St. and Ayenuo K. , Galveston , K Texas. He wi.s three times pro- ports nounoed cured by prominent phy sicians , but the dreadful disease nl- w ys return ed ; ho was then told t Imt wns the HOT SPRINGS onlycure His hair Ma had nil Thomas fallen lot out , tnd he was In a sad plight , South After taking : ono bottle of B. 8. & be began to Improve and two dozen W. 1. bottles o tired lot bim completely , l-\ i Bothstformoro - S. T. tuanslxyearsha sss lot bis bad no algn of the disease. Special . 1 M tte dlitAi * nd It * trmtment er\\-SJ lot tW b/ Swift pMUo CoAtUnU. . Ok - certainly Jcwloi * of tbtlr right to vote , but this does not Implr tlxit Uier are nuxloii * to nit up one nlgfat every month to hear the returns. Mnrslialltown Tltncs-nepubllcon : It la poaslbtD that ocetopaths may be permitted to practice In lena , the house having passed a bill making It lawful , but If so the drug. gists and pharmacist * ) will not rejoice. They get no rcturna from the "laying on of handa. " nf lotrn. WPtt | iiiicr Men. Crawfordsvlllo parties are negotiating for the purchase of the Falrfleld Journal. J. B. Stewart , city editor ot the Clinton Age , wai married recently to Miss Nettle Cole. Cole.Mrs. Mrs. F. L. Ouches , wife of the editor of the Osccola Sentinel , died last week at her homo In that city. A. W. Van Cleave has turned over the De- Soto Exponent to Clint Reynolds , and will move to Ida drove to take a position on the Pioneer. George T. Williams , editor of the Ida Drove Era , 18 the citizens' nominee for mayor In this city. W. H. Hellen , editor ot the Williams Wasp , Is the republican candi date for mayor In Williams. The Corning Union has been paid to J. 0. Wclllvcr of DCS Molnes , who will take pos- sceslon April 1. He Is city editor of the Des 'Molnes ' Leader , but was formerly con nected , with the Sioux City Journal and Sioux City Tribune. Will W. Wright , a writer famous for his connection with the Virginia City Enter prise , died at the homo of his daughter , Mrs. Frank Evans In West Liberty , last week. During his western journalistic days , lie was Mark Twain's roommate. Thomss J. Sutton , a veteran newspaper man of the far west , who died In Boise , Idaho , ast week , was reared on a farm at Blakcs- bury , la. Ho went west In 1852 nnd was connected with newspapers at Ventura , Han- ford , Idaho City , Kctchum , Boise and other ilaccs. The Deg Molne ? newspapers last , week announced that the Marshalltonn Tlmes- tcpubllcan company had been sued for $12- COO by Walker Given , formerly editor of the ) aporon promissory notes and partly on un- > ald salary , but the Timey-Hepubllcan de nies all knowledge of any such notes or suit. Franklyn E. Lee , , who died last Friday nt Hush City , Minn. , where ho was publisher of ' a newspaper , was for a number of years an'Iowa. ne\\paper man , his last position being city editor of the Dee Molnes NO\\B. Ho was the author of several novels and two books of verso and had been a largo con tributor to magazines. With this Issue of the Journal , says the Mt. Pleasant Journal , our foreman , Sir. W. T. Johnson , completes his fortieth year In the olllco a phenomenal record of continuous work. In nil that period of time ho has been absent from the office only two weela , or fourteen days' tlmo missed out of the onor- mous/total of 14,000. Probably no printer In the state can show as clean a record. He became foreman ot the Journal March 4 , 185S. IIAID OA IMIIVATIJ I'OKEIl IIOOM. Ili-sorl oivl < ti < " Top Floor of the Wnre Illook Clfiiticil Out. A gambling resort hi the Ware block , Fifteenth and Farnam streets , has beca known to the police for some tlmo as place where strangers were parted from their monev without value received. A few mln utcs after 8 o'clock last night Chlef-of-De- tectlvcs Cox , accompanied by Detectives Hudson and Sullivan , visited the room ami served a warrant on the occupants. Two mm were arrested and a quantity of poker chips , one dozen packs of cards and a poker table , made of rough boards covered with cotton flannel , were added to the collection of similar contrivances at the police ctn- tlcn. . tlcn.Tho The room Is located upcn the top floor o : the building and Is eald to be provided with private exit upon the roof. This may ac count for the presence of only two men when the detectives had climbed three flights of stairs and catered the room. They found no game In progrsso , but active , prcpa rations Beemed to have been -under way , One of the men gave the dame of Frer.k Corbett and his companion eald he would adopt John Doe , the name mentioned In the warrant. Ills real name Is George Trabuo and. In company with Corbett , he was ar rested on March 12 on complaint of James Dtnnlgan , who claimed to have "been " robbec their dishonest practices at cards. Dlnnlgan , who Is a cattleman from the northern part of the state , was solicited to enter the place where he cays ho lest his a money c the strong but Insufficient hand tbreo queens and a pair , He had the men arrested on that occasion en the charge setting up and operating gambling do vices. The hearing was set for next Tues day and tbo men secured their release on ball. Trabuo says that he Is no gambler and Is engaged la the pursuit of manufacturing a waffle cooker. Corbett has been a resident the city for four years and also denies that he has lived upon anyone's labor but of own They had no money on their per sons and nqno was found about the rooms They wore charged , as on the former occa , with settling up and keeping gambling devices. Henry N. Oertcr and James Heffner , pro prietors of the gambling roorea over OertcrV saloon on Douglaa street , which were raided Thursday afternoon by Chief of De tectives Cox , were arrested late yesterday aftcrooon by Court Officer Boyle on a war sworn to by Chief Cox. They were arraigned In police court and pleaded not guilty to two complaints , rne charging the keeping of gambling rooms , nnd the other getting up and maintaining gambling fixtures. The men were released or bonds $300 each , to apear next Wednesday after- at 2 o'clock ' , at which'time they wll given n preliminary hearing , the IIOHSI : TIIIHVKS uusv i.\ OMAHA Home mill IliiKiry , Al < > n Ti-niu inn IliiKHry Tnkrii. Dr. Van Camp left hU horse and buggy In of the Sheely block last night nnd re any turned ; after a few minutes to find them . A policeman on South Twentieth : noticed a rig answering the description o : missing one beln.3 rapidly driven ton an Omaha a few minutes before , the losj M reported. A "woman who waa shopping > a downtown store left her team tied a curb In front of the Boston store am 1 : reported that It had been taken away. club Tvio IiirlK'N of SIIOTV lit N. ABERDEEN. S. D.March 19. ( Specla Num Brld " } Telegram. ) Two Inches of snow Jell las , the heaviest snowfall of the season Is rapidly disappearing today and Oroi beneflt the soil greatly. BIrj ( Struck liy n Car , Yorl Duncan Filnyson , a blacksmith , wa N. ( by nn castbound motor car nt Twon nun ty-llrst nnd Cumlng street last night ant July painfully bruised. ' Ho wns on his way homo "iiii . . 11 o'clock : nnd was caught between passing cars' . He was knocked ) down drugged a slight distance , but was noW seriously Injured. ( W < -ftN In Salt June SALT LAKE. UtaX March 19. The ex Cycle ecutlvo committee of the International Mln 3-J conpress met today nnd Issued a forma for the congress to assemble in thl moet for n four days' session , beginning U. This -organization Is the direct out 01 Cvclo. of the International gold mining ville con ventlon held In Denver last July. ton I in | > or I * tit A MV York. ( [ NEW YOHIC. March 19.-Tho Imports n ( port of New York for the . $3,214.0.19 : silver. $32.319 ; dry poods week nre and Miera | merchandise. ? ' ' ,341,2U. The ex ( _ of specie were : Gold , $20,204 ; silver miry. ( Till : ltl2AITY M.VUICr.T. Haven INSTRUMENTS Conn. placed on record Satuiday MarchT 19 : WAHRANTY DEEDS. Crflg1to P. L , Perlne ct al park trustees , inullv 1-5 of n'.s of w4 of fair 1 , block 139 , Omaha j t i , Omaha Loan drome and Building nsso- elation to (1. L. Clark. lot 12. block - cycle 1st add to S. 1 teuton Missouri Avenue park . l.o : ' to A. p. Schnclderwlnd. toh'pr 1. block fi , West Side : Scott to Dlna Scott , ne'i 300 No-v 12-1C-12 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .4 , , . . . . nw , , . . n 00 Kden. . Potter and wlfo to Mary Ucull. " proved. 9 , blocls 4 , Potter & Co.'s Jd add. 25 DEEDS. Hern. master to 8. W. Evans. Jr. . ' Juines Clark' 4. * subdlv Total amount of transfers . . . . , . . , . $3,5Sj cury NTERSCIIOLASTIC FOOT BALL' lovemont for the Game's Advancement Takes on Form. IX-CLUB LEAGUE FORMED YESTERDAY , lncoln , Ni-brnftkn. Clr Tckmunli , Council lllaflw null Iteit Ook Julu Oranha In n Clinniiilon blp Schnlnlc. There U golag to be more high grade foot iall amtxig the leading high school foot bail tcvens of eastern Nebraska and western owa during the season of 189S than thcro ms ever bedri before. The Nebraska and owa Intercolastlc Foot Bait league became a fact yesterday after a meeting lasting from 2 o'clock In the afternoon until 8 o'clock In he evening. The object of the league will bo to ex- end anl Improve the sport of foot ball raont ; the high school of tills section of the country. The league will Include the high chools of"bmaha , L'ncoln , Nebraska City , Tekamah. Council Bluffs and Red Oak. For playing purposes the league will be divided nto two flections , and the winners of each rlo will contest together for the champlon- ihlp of the league. The teams of Ouiaha , jlncoln and Tekamah will compose ono sec- .Ion of the league , while these of Council jluffs , Nebraska City and Red Oak will com pose cnother aectlon. The organization of he league was accomplished by the united action of representatives of all of the high school teams named , with the exception of Nebraska City , whose delegate was uaable o be preicnt at yesterday's meeting. The meeting was held in the teachers' oem , on the fifth floor , of the city hall. The voting representatives present were : Knight of Omaha , Ringer of Llnco'o , Martin of Tekamah , Barnard of Council Bluffs and lodgers of Red Oak. la addition to these : here were about twenty other high school oot ball players present , including Managers Bldwoll and Dickinson of Omaha , nnd a dozen of the pla > crs of Council Bluffs , who ac- companled Manager Barnard. Profs. LcvlslorK : on and Dcitisteki of the Omaha High echcol faculty were on hand to encourage the move ment , nnd , Secretary Glllcn of the IJeard of Education wan present for awhile. Frank Crawford , Thomas Crclgh , Charles Thoma.i , J. B. Buckingham and other old foot bail players were- there to aid the joungsteia start the movement for the first Interachol- astlc athletic association ever formed be tween Nebraska and Iowa. WORK OF THE MEETING. The meeting was called to order by Frank B. Knight , jr. , of the Omaha High sch'ool , who sent out the call for the meeting nnd who deserves much of the credit for bavlr. secured such an auspicious start for the undertaking. Rodgers of Red Oak wca chosen secretary. Ao soon as the temporary organization had been the the different members of the league. It waa conceded that It was desirable to have each team 'in the league play each of the IIvo other : teams , but such a plan was agreed to bo Impracticable In that -It would In volvc moro traveling and a greater amount of expense : than high school teams cotild etam It wus therefore moved that thq league be divided Into two sections for playIng - Ing purposes ] , the winning teams of the two .sections to play together for the pennant of the association. This motion was at first opposed by Red Oak , but waa later carried unanimously. A motion that each team In each section play the two other teams In the same i section wen also carried. The following schedule of g mcs was then unanimously adopted : ' Section AOrtaha against Teknraah at Tekamah , October 15 ; Lincoln against Tekamab at Lincoln. Octo ber 2D ; Lincoln ngalnat Omaha at Omaha , November 12. Section B-Nebraska City agnlnst Council Bluffs at Nobraaka City , October 8 ; Hod Oak against Nebraska City at Red Oak , October 22 ; Council Bluffs against Red Oak at Council Bluffs , Novem ber C. The championship game between the winners of Sections A and B will bo played on November 19 , the place to bo decided at future meeting. The schedule as arranged Is a strong one. All the games will be played ca Saturdays. i Each team will have one game on Its homo grounds nnd one , game away ; from * ome. There are no two games arranged for * the same Saturday , so that members ; ot ono team ni y have on tunity to oppor see another team at play. The amount of traveling to bo done Is about evenly dlvUcd among the teams. The constitution and by-laws were adopted end signed by the representatives duly ofCity Omaha , Lincoln , Tekamah , Nebraska City , , Council Bluffs and Red Oak. The offi cers of the league will bo D. vlc6 a president , a Is president and a secrctiry. These offices will bo filled by the different schools in turn Council Bluffs will have the dene . Lincoln the vice presidency presi anl braska ! Ne City the secretaryship durlnc the first year , because they come first alphabetic- the oily - The executive committee will bo posed , of the representatives of all the com high schools. There -will bo no treasurer , for then will be no treasury. Each team will pay Its own expenses , Including Its traveling and expenses for its ono out-of-town game. In DATES OX XATIO.VAI , CIHCUIT. the ANMlKunicnlii l y Cliiilrinnn 3lntt nt \ . W. ItnciiiK Ilniinl. BATIMORE , Mnrch 19.-Chalrmnn Molt of League of American Wheelmen Racing boar today Issued the 'following : The following dates on the national cir cult have been assigned on applications L. thus far received. If they A. cepted by April 1 they will bo re-asslsncd nre not ac to additional applicants. Atlanta. Ga. , Rich April 4 vllle ; Chattanooga , Tenn. , Mnv 3 ; LoulF- ; .Mnntmttan .Beach . , N. V. ( a the May 21 ; Boston. Mass. ( Charles 111 ver park ) , crlm May 2S ; Providence , R. I. ( Crescent Paik traok ) . May SO ; York ( Berklv Oval ) . June Jury " Springfield , Mas * . ( Springfield Cycle 'Ul ) ) , Juno 4 ; Rochester , N. Y. ( American Bicycle will Racing1 association ) Juno 7 Cathi ; Buffalo. Y. : ( Athletic York Field assooljtlon ) , Juno 9 rectli ( National C'ycledromo ) , June II dgeport. conn. ( Pleasure beach ) . June 13 ; Hill ! Grove , R. I. ( Colllns-n'Coil bicycle at track ) , Juno IS ; Philadelphia ( Willow house Grove ) , Juno 21-2.J ; Washington. IX C. ( Park nit Bicycle Kings club ) , June 23 ; BrookKn. X. T. nitEd County Wheelmen ) , June 21 : New ork ( Berkley oval ) . Juno 2S ; Philadelphia living Associated Cycio clubs ) , July 1-2 ; Newark $23 , J ( Bloyclo Track company ) , July 4 ; of Buffalo. N. Y. ( Athletlo Field nssochtlon ) 9 ; Now York. ( Berkley cval ) , July 14 Philadelphia ( Castle Whcsoimen ternal , ) July 10 Asbury nark , N. J. ( American Cycle Racing menl nsyoclatfon Innta ) . July 21 : Newark , N. J. ( Ata- work wheelmen ) , July 23 ; Rochester. N. Y. American Cyclln ? nsoclatlon ) . July 28 Buffalo N. Y. ( Associated Cyullngr c'ubs masr ) 30 ; Krle , Pa. ( Oyclo and Athletic as lag sociation ) , August 1 ; Cleveland , O. ( Erie and nnd Athletic association ) , August and August ; Dayton , O. ( Dayton Bicycle club ) , andA. G ; Indianapolis . , 1ml. ( National street ) , August 10-13. Fort Wayne , Ind. . that Ausrust . 30-17 ; St. Louis , Mo. ( St. Louis Racing association ) . August 20 : Louis hang ( Fountain Ferry ) . August 23 : Washing bush ( D. c. division ) , August 2tl ; New York Th Qnlll Willow club ) . August 27 ; Philadelphia , Pa. Bonr Grove ) , August 30 ; Rcadlnsr , Pa Pennsylvania wheelmen ) , August 31 Ma- sopr ; - hnnoy .Men' Clly. Pa , ( Mahanoy City Athletic as- ftocUtlon ) . September 1 : Wllkesbarre. Pa. day West End T\hcelm n ) , September C ; Water- odlst Sprlnglield. . Mass. . September CVatrr. ; . Th Conn. . September 7 ; New York of Berkley oval ) . September 8 ; Bostoi Charles River park ) , September 10 ; New at , Conn. . September 11 ; Bridgeport was . ( Pleasure beach ) . September 13 brou Newark. N. J. ( Bicycle Track company ) , been September September 27 ; New York ( Manhattan beach ) satisfy 22 ; Providence , R. I. ( Crescent satisMi ' Mi ) . Septe-m'Jcr tl : Trenton. N. J. ( Stito ) , September 2tf : Philadelphia ( Woodside ) thin Sopumber .v8 ; New Y.rk ( National Cycle- resit' ) , October 1 ; Washington ( Park Bi citizen club ) , October C ; Loulfvlllo ( Audi- - eery lorluni. ) October 1M3 ; St. IxiuK Mo. nr 23. - - - - - - - - , - - , Oc- ThO Contract * of iho National Cycledrome above York , with August Lehr. J. A. A. o'clock. . K Pentto and H Clssac . . , are ap. The Transferred to the. professional class : Leon Tern . East Sabage. Me. mom , clause ( A ) : Robert Urquhart , Dorchester. Mass. , clause ( D ) byterian Urquhart , Dorchester , clause D. In m Bnnetlons jrranted-Hockhlll Athletic as- n. T. noclatlon. Rock Hill. B. C. , May IS : Mer the Wheelmen , Alle-ntown , Pa. , July 4 Nel on LodRo No. CO , O. S. 8. O. , Pntcrson X. J. , May 21. l U Sorlounty III. SAN FRANCISCO , March 19.-The Call says : Joe Choynskl Ii suffering ! from Wood lioUonlnfT nnd the physician thinks that whllo there Is no ) JMrnrtllato danger , hla Ill ness Is n serious oiw. ' COI.OXUI , lMlATTyi > | CUIIAX AKIM1 IIS. Snyii HIP Mnlnf ; .Wnsi Illoirn Up ! > Follower * * UfVo > Ir. . Colonel J. H. Pratt of this city returned homo yesterday fl4r7fi trip of twclvo diya In Cuba. Ho was accompanied by his daugh. ter , Miss Pratt , and xrfrlng much of the tlmo was asclatcd with Scnalor Proctor of Ver mont , to whom the Pratta are distantly re lated. At Havani they stopped at the same hotel with Captain Slgsbco and Consul Ge'n- oral Lee. It Is the opinion of Colonel Pratt that the Malho was blown Up from the1 outside , but not by a torpedo. Ho does not ) believe It to hnvo been possible for otto torpedo to blow up an Imracfiro ship like the Maine Into such an unrecognizable mass as ho saw In the harbor of Havana. He says It Is the opinion of the American ofilplals with whom ho waa thrown Into contact that the Maine- was .blown up by , followers of Weylcr , who ex ploded , a mlnn that had 'been planted by Wcyjes In tha harbor , Colonel Pratt tells n sud story of the 'suffering at Matauzas , gullc" < ho visited. Ho says lie never saw such : suffering in fils life before nnd was so thoroughly slckonccj by the sight of It that he , could not go to other points thit were on the party's Itinerary. He endorses Sen ator Proctor's report nnd believes tint the American government should at once do something toward gl\lng the Cubans Ihoir liberty. 1 EHSO.\AI. I'AHACJHAI'HS. . . . W. . E. Peebles of Ponder Is In the city. C. C , : Dlggs of St. Louis is at the Mlllard. W. W. Harris of Chicago Is a Mercer guest. F.P6ti \V > Taylor of Lincoln Is at the Mercor. Piter Jensen of Jensen , Neb. , Is In the ; ilty.Mis ( Miss , Borolzholmcr haa returned from New York. ' Miss Mcndcnhall of Philadelphia is at the Mlllui . . Dr. Gl'fford went east yesterday for a ten da > s'trip. . i _ VH1T . R. A. Bliss has "returned from New York City. F. M. Prcscott of Topeka Is registered at flu * Mercer. . * " William Stcufcr , a banker of West Point , Is In Omaha. IJ. W. McClure and wife of Chicago are Mercer guests. II. P. KnoHlton la at the Mercer from Rockford , III. . ( Charles J. Milton of St. Louts Is stopping at the Mlllard. J. C. Rogers of Chicago Is at the Mlllard for a few days. P. D. Walsh of Boston is at the Mlllard for a few dajs. Hon , George H. Caldwell of Grand Island Is at the Mercer. n. S. Williams nnd wife of Philadelphia are at the Mlllard. ' Robert II. Hamilton of Kansas City Is reg istered at the Mlllard. G. E. Springer of North Rend , Neb. , Is spending Sunday at the Barker. Mrs. C. J. Stuart and child of Seattle , Wnsh. , nro registered at the Mlllard. A. D. Stark , a traveling man from DCS Mulnes , la. , Is a guest , .t the Darker. D. P. Simmons of ? SSlt Lake nnd II. T. Peters of Carbon , Wo. , are at the Mlllard. General SiiperlnttndBn't Cilvert ot the B. & M. passed through Omaha yesterday morn- log. J. O. Donnoll , Mrs. C. Becbo and Ncls McDowell of. Llncoiln are registered at the Barker. Barker.O. O. Hall and \f. \ C. Swift are Chicago traveling men spending Sunday at the ' SBarittn.Jv , 'V.r A J. C. Dahlman of Lincoln Is In the city. Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald of Lincoln was In Omaha yesterday. F. A. Edmonds , representing the Western Newspaper Union , is registered at the Barker from Denver. Mrs. James B. Fcnron of New York hns Joined Mr. , Fenron and taken a suite if . rooms at the Mlllard. Captain W. E. B. de Moralnvllle has re turned frcm ' Chicago and taken permanent apartments' the Mlllard. H. S. Jaynes , superintendent of the Ne n braska division of tde Omaha road , left yes terday morning for Sioux City. S. J. Nlshlmura of Yokohama Is in Omaha It looking after n Jappoese tea house conccs- Is alon which do Is to have at the exposition. Assistant Superintendent Robert II. Persons - , sons of the new federal building has re turned from a trip to Washington and other places In the east. Lieutenant O. A. Snyder of Washington , ' . C. , has charge of the fish exhibit which to bo in the government building -ind Is now In Omaha preparing to install tbo ex hibit. J. D. Ringer , representing the Athletic Thurston residence on Sunday afternoon at city to attend the meeting called to of form an Interscholastlc Foot Ball associa tion. tion.L. L. H. Dow , superintendent of the National cemetery near North Platte , Neb. , and Mr. ) airs. W. 0. Thomas of Lincoln arrived tlio city on Saturday morning to attend ' funeral servlcea of Mrs. Thurston. Ncbraskans at the hotels W. E. Peebles , Ponder ; George E. Schiller , Schuylcr ; I. D. SIgourney , J. W. Magulre , T. W. Brownfleld , . Mary Fitzgerald , Lincoln ; 3. K. Doanc , for Blair ; L. L. FIsko and the wlfo , C. M. Rlsg , Beatrice ; J. D. Russ , Buffalo ; C. II Wurner , Stanton : F. W. Andersen , WahooT. ; . B. Hood , Central City ; John Paters. Albion : A. Sweney , Nebraska City : F. M. Wclcher , L. Krause , West Point ; E. S. McCandless , . Auburn ; Ezra Johnson , Nebraska City ; H. n' B- . , Red i Wins ; Henry Gibbons . , Kearney , old LOCAL IHUVITKS. n The petit Jury will report for service In federal court on Monday. The first roi.s criminal csso will commence as POOH es the lu empanelled. cer "Tho Story of the Cross" by Dudley Iluck bo rendered by the choir of Trinity Cathedral this evening at 7:43 : , under the di of rection of Mrs. Cotton. . E. Reeve , alias Sawyer , Is under arrest live the Instance of a Douglas street lodging will for attempting1 to leave th'e pico ! wltfj. N. paying for hla nlght'o lodging. mill Edward Wdlto , a Union PaAflc switchman will one ; at 1101 South fietfenth street , was flncJ the and i ocsta In polfoo court en the charge not being drunk andaVuf Ing hla family , ' . Eight applicants foP positions in the In tion cup : revenue deparfpjcut of the govern these took chll service examinations In the shall room In the olj. yostofllce building. ton The National Reserve association gave a masquerade ball lastftilght In The Bee. build hall. 1 About ' In tnentj-flvc couples'attended their many of the costumes were very pretty and unique. ' w . Wolf , the proprietor of a Tenth pawn shop , reported to the police a mackintoshwjilch had been left hanging outside on front of his place of Long business had been stolen. The Madrigal cluB.isslsted by MUs May , pianist , and Master Elmer Umsted , day soprano , will give n concert at the Young six ' Christian association auditorium Mon sentt-d night i for tbo bcnoQsrof the Benson Meth Episcopal church . * kota The receivership case Involving the atock are the former W. J. Jiughca Drug company Twenty-fourth and Varnam street , which Fred brought In the federal court , hca been the to a speedy end. Judgment baa entered , the stock has bcn oold to It rnd the sale'lias been ccnflrmej. Mrs. Mrs. John Gravesen of 1010 South Twenty- street , this city , died at the family residence ' on Friday. Her husband Is an old of Omaha , having been In the gro business tere fop a uum'ber of yearo. roy funeral serviced will be held at the by address on Sunday afternoon at 2 . Mr. Watron B , Smith Western ChrlttUn Galnes Temperance | Unloti of Oinabi. will hold a ) memorial service at the Lowe Avenue Pres church this afternoon at 3 o'clock of memory of the late Frances Wlllard. Ruv. . Wheeler of Scuta Omaha will deliver aOlreie nd Mlw Holtorf will ting. combe hall. Uvlt 4 nd , ENGLISHMEN WIN AT CHESS Defeat Their American Opponent * bj Score of 41 to 31 , POINTS IDENTICAL WITH LAST YEAR'S ' Co n I ml Attract * Crrnt Intercut AmnnK DooteeH of the ( lump on llotli Shlen of the At lantic. NEW YORK. Much 19. The International cable chcas match between Great Ilrituln and the United I States , which began jestcrday , vas , won by the Uritbhors ty 54 to 4',4 ramcs. Last year the Americans wcro defeated by their opponents by exactly 'the same figures , while In the first nutcb , played two years ego , the Americans were victorious by 4Vi to 3 gamcj. Following are the details of play on all the board : I'llMbury played n ' fjiicen's smnblt ngnlnst Blackburn , who declined to accept the bit . „ ii.i n. Later on Plllsbury tnnmiRcd to establish ) a passed piwn on the ICIIIB'H Ille. which Deemed to bo of great ndvnntnsi\ \ However , the advantage seemed not etrontf enough to win , and ! although PIINbury wac- rlflcet hit pn\n to get nn attack , howas finally ; obliged to accept a draw. Show niter's play against Burn . .was also played a quecn'tt gambit declined and wns masterly ! throughout , bis sicrlllce being iv piece of work tahlch rjnvo the Ken- tucklun the victory. The Bo'-tonlnn , Berry , selected n qinen'a ambit opening against Caro. Although It looked for a time as If the latter the better position , Barry , by a very Ingenious and clever i play , brought about thu defeat of hLs celebrated adversary. A very Interesting jr.une was played on the fourth board between Atkins anil Hym < \ The New Jersey champion selected n From dofcn&o und B.IVP Atkins an oppor limit : to make a brilliant .sacrifice of a piece Then , however , Hyme < r came up to the dccnslon by a most wondeiful defensive tnctle , nnd secured n draw. Not too much praise can be bestowed upon Holg , who conducted1 n liny Lopez against Belllngham. The Staten IMander excelled botli In aggressive nnd defensive move nicnt ; and by .sheer hard , work he adminis tcred defeat to Ms rival. Di-Imar was out of form in his contest. His French defon e ng.ilnst the ScottI , h champion , Mills wns i\cikly played. The latter secured the exolnnge and loft Dol- mnr In a hopeless 5 > osltion , when he re slgne A long I drawn out game endued between Biiii ' and LOCOC'A This was an oven con test throughout. From beginning to end neither side was able ito claim any dis tinctive ndvn.nt.iRo nt any stageof the same nnd so only a draw was the legitimate re suit. Young , who conducted a French defense against Jacksonanil _ Itoblnson. who played n iiieen' | > p'iw if opening against Jacobs and Galbraltli : , who had to contend with a queen's i > a.Aii opening of Trenchard , were outmiitclied. They weio beaten on their merits and the said about It the bet ter. WATCHED IN LONDON. LONDON , March 19. The closing hero of the play In the International cable rhesa match was watched with tlio greatest Inter est and the result was greeted with heartiest cheers for the 'American team. Sir George Nownes , president ot the Brit ish Chess club , said : "It was a most de lightful match and passed off without a hitch of any Kind , just as might be expected between such sportsmanlike opponents. The next time I will give a cup twice the size. " Though the match Is considered won , the games between Plllsbury nnd Blackburn , and Locock ami Balrd , attracted the groitest at tention. Blackburn slid : "Tho last ten hours of my game have been a draw , of course. Plllsbury sacrificed li'o game In the Interest of the maSth. Had the matter gene to Lasker ho could not have decided except In favor of n draw. " Other experts are of the opinion that had the game been finished Plllsbury would have won. The Locock-Balrd game was consid ered a draw with "Locock In the better posi tion. tion.The The attendance nt the close exceeded that of yesterday's play. The match paid for Itself , showing the Increased Interest felt In the competition yearly. \AMIS i-'on Tim \mv ii.vnr , GIUUI.VOS. Out aim CrnnkHxlicil to Cilvo Hie l > rk UH Title. Omaha now rms the proud possession of rew ) base ball park , and Inasmuch as Manager O'Brlon proposes to make It the finest ball ground In the Western league Is suggested that the next thingIn order to give it an appropriate name. Jloat of the permanent ball paiks In the big cities have some distinguishing nomencla ture nnd Manager O'Hrlen thinks Omnha ought to be In the procession. He says that since the park Is n fixture for at least three years , and probably longer , it should not he nllov/ed to BO without a christening , but lie prefers that the Omaha people should select the nnmo. At his request The Boo will receive suggestions along this lino. Tbo cranks who have a preference can make it known by sending the name to the sporting editor of The Uce and the various suggestions will be duly published. Then other cranks may express their preference the names suggested nnd that which proves to be the most popular will be duly applied to the Omaha grounds. IiCKCH AVI 1,1 , 3IAXAGU OM.UIAS 'Mnko n I'orNoiiul Announcement ol Illx .Vow JCiiKiiueiiii'iit , WAYCROSS. Ga. , March 19.-GeorBO Decker of the Chicago League club has announced his Intention of leaving the lean' u the purpose of becoming manager of Omaha team of the Western league. OrlolCN Ili'Klii 'I'heir I'riu-IU-o. MACON , Ga. , March 19. The Baltimore Orioles anJ the Mercer university team of .Macon played n pretty gamn of ball .iftnrnoon on the Macon grounds. The Orl- ) showed up In such condition that Man- ufrtr Hnnlon wa- highly elated. Bcoie l > y Baltimore ] ( 3-11 Mercer 1 03000000-4 1 asu hits : Baltimore , 13 ; Mercer , 7. Er- > . : Baltimore. 4 ; Mercer , 11 , Battorlos Baltimore , Huphe , KItson nnd Jones ; Mer , Manslleld , Garret , Acreo and Jones. IlIUT Shoot Openx TiieMiluy. NEW YORK , March 19. The. tournamen the Interstate n.fsocliitlon under whose " niuplces the grand American handicap a pigeon shooting Is contested annual ! } begin at the srcunds tit tElwood Park J. , on Tuesday next. The opening day lie taken , up with two sweepstake am handicap event. The Grand Amorlcai liegln on Wednesday , but judging1 from large number of entries the result may be known until Friday. This year the n'.soclatlon lias donated a handsome si ver to bo presented to the winner In addi to the first mcney prlzu of JfflK ) . Among entered are thelTormervlnncr.s , Mar of Kelthsburg. ill. : O. R , Dickey. BOJ ; J. G. Messencr , Pittsburg. and T. W Murphy , Paterson , N. J. Every other shooter of no-te In the .country Is mentioned the. entry list. If the handicaps duplicate. . efforts , of previous years , clo o llnlHhea many ties will surely be the result. Slionti-rw Off for Klkrronil. CHICAGO , March 19. Trapshooters of the western states will leave this afternoon for Branch , N. J. , to comp5to In Grand American handicap , wblc'i will bo decided nt Elkwood Park Tuesday , Wodnos. and Thursday of next week. Forty- devotees of the sport will the western contingent. Eight states are repre - In the party Illinois , Iowa. Indiana Arkansas , Minnesota , Nebraska , South r > a- nnd Wisconsin. Many noted shooters In the party. Among : them are Mavor Thompson A. Marshall of Kelfisburg , III. , winner of the Grand American last year Gilbert of Spirit Lake , In. , holder of Dupont and Kansas City Star trophies Chnrles W. Budd of De.s Mollies , C. M Grimm Of Clear Lake. la. , and Mr. und . W. P. Stark of Minneapolis. tiolf Content nt Hot HOT SPRINGS , Ark. . Maro-j ID.-At the free-for-all handicap tournament of the Ho Spilngs Golf club hold today Mrs. Pome- of Buffalo won first prize , a cup put up Louis A. Blddle of the Philadelphia Country club. Tlio second prize went to Sinims of Buffalo nnd thu third to Mrj of Knglcwcod , III. tlir VnryiiiH Ten n IK CliuinploiiHlilii. dm XRWTON , Mas . , .March 19. Leo C. War pie BrooklMi aon the coveted court tennl Slo rhnmplcnslilp of the Unite ! States at Bray' ' for . Newton Center , today , defeating Ho ! Me Ward In three straight * eU , 7-5 , 7- C-L Oil ) THE TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE a Medicine Reduced to an Exact Science by the World's Most Famous Physician. . for The Dniiiliii llee. J'ho Dlsi'ovpTor Pomoiixtrntliif to Jli'dlc.'il MIMI . ; nud StiiiloiiN llio ! Valuu and Wonderful t'utatlru Towers of The Dr. Slot'itin New DNwivork's ) . Consumption , Couth , Catarrh , La Grippe , the Dreaded Diseases. A Discovery That Makes these Diseases No Longer to Be Feared. MEDICINE AND ADVICE , FREE. The Dr. Slocum Laboratory a Mine of .Health It's Benefits Open to the World. SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION. There nro n great many people In this world who are coughing , hawking and spit ting thcmsalvcs Into their gra\cs. Are you ono of them ? It Is by some considered FASHIONABLE to hIts nick but ; when the sickliest * has run Its court's ' and the end of llfo la near IS IT FASHIONABLE THEN ? "Hope springs eternal In the breast. " brcaBi But hope may be too strong. You ( may hope that your cough la nothing very rerlous , that your catarrh will go when the warm weather comes , that consumption will spare you when It strikes others. What Is a good name for such "hopeful- new ? " Carelcsdiuaa ? Thoughtlessness ? Foolhardlnesa ? ItYi Is better to KNOW than to HOPE. You can only know that you are SAFE i who you are perfectly WELL and free from j j I sickness. I sickYi I You can easily learn the way to bo well , If you wish It. It Is the system of an eminent scientist , wbcao advice you can obtain free and who Is giving to those who need It free medicine to alleviate their Lufferlnga. Learn to bo well , Unit llfo may be worth living , for disease Is one of Nuture'y punlrjh- ments to UIOPO who persist in remaining Ig norant of her wayo and rules. Your blood draws Ita life from the oxygen gets In your lungs. When sick lungs cut off the supply , your body wastes away for lack of nourishment. Tlilu Is consumption. The germ thit fastens on weak liinga anil iats them up Is the consumption germ. The lung Is made cnsy for It to attack by colds , coughs , catarih < * .ad blml'.nr ttuublci. Slodti.i's System , whlcn tt.-ivi'a all tluso diseases out ot the body , bull da the luncn , klllii the germa , creates now , natural. vUlblo LIFE In ycur worn-out body regenerates , you completely and give's your system a NB\V LEAS'3 ' of llfo In a QOMFORTABLn BODY ihls system , wblcli doctors , chom- 1U and scientists arc talking about. M ono of the LATEST nnd most valuable MED ICINAL DISCOVERIES of the nineteenth century. It la a result of the Invcstlgatlcn of Koch , Pasteur , Vlrchow nnd MUchnikoff a reduc tion Ot all the VHiious- theoretical uuggcu- tlons ot thcso eminent men , by an equally eminent man , to PRACTICE. ' The Slocum System h fully explained nnd exemplified In n new pamphlet with tratl- monlals just off the prcsri , which should bo read by every thinking person. Svnt to you on application , with Thrco Free Bottles of the Doctor's New Discover ies , which have revolutionized the theory and practice ot medicine. To obtain the three free bottles of thrso valuable preruratlon.3 , please mention Tlio Boo and cnd jour name and full addrcisa to The Dr. Slocum Laboratory , SlocUm Building , New York City , when they will bo sent you , bn the simple- condition ( hat you employ them for the relief of Buffering and that you do notvro out of Idle ' FO EVERY READER OF THE OMAHA BEE , Throe JBottles Upon J ON ! S ! MERIT and ONm 1CRIT Alone "hose Who Use hem Get Well. SPI.'CIAL XOTH-A11 readers of The Dee nnxloiiH rcgnnlUif ; HIP health of lionisi'IvoH ' , clilldrtMi , icliitlvos or rrkn * iLliiivi * Three Krco Hollies of the UK-tor's New Discoveries , as * * * B | > Mvn llhiHtr/itlon / , wllh com * iletu directions , iminnlil'-l BBKjLfull adilross to Dr. ilocuin. Iliu . .SIoL'un - B iJioncst , ' utralght- 'ofwnril . oll'er. i ilcMllclne. nud tJ Hytitoiu of Duiaha Uci ; . Ktloa Th