Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Mocro'i ttock food.
Dr. Hoc , dcntlat , Merrlam block.
Eggs , 3 doz. 2. > e. IJartcl & Miller.
A k merchants for premium Rtara.
Photos Platlno or Arlito. Shcrradon.
Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam blk.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bcno nro the parents
of a eon.
Ml s Emma Orabbo In home from a Chicago
cage trip.
8. Farnsvorth , haa returned from Hot
Spring ! , Ark.
William Mcl'hcrson. left yesterday for ncJ
Oak on a business trip.
Mr. and Mr * . Albln Hustcr have returned
home from their European trip.
for rent , furnished or unfurnished rooms
In modern house. Address W , Dee.
For rent , furnished room , heat gas and
bath. Grand Hotel Annex , first floor.
The > farce comedy , "A Drcczy Time , " will
be at the Dohony theater thU evening.
OrarJIne. day or week. 212 North Eighth
street , -Hath and all 'moilfrn convrnleiiors.
The Kvani laundry U the leader In fine
work both for color tnd finish. 520 Pearl
street. 1'hono 21)0. )
The friends of George J. Meyers arc again
congratulating him upon his appointment to
the Annapolis cadetshlp.
Max Kohn , a former well known resident
of this city , and now engaged In wholesale
business In Davenport , Is In the city.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many Hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Kaglc , " 724
"Mrs. J. C. DcHavcn la suffering from BC-
Vcrir burns on the hands , occasioned by the
tiso of a powerful acid which she was em-
ployltig to remove some varnish.
All members of the Daptlst Doys' brigade
and boys wishing tj join are requested to
lx at the Sunday school today at the Rap-
list church at 12 m. Drlgadc meeting will
be held at the cloje of Sunday school.
While anger and worry , the most unprofit
able conditions known to man , arc In pcx-aca-
slon of the mind berth mental and physical
growth are suspended. Those distressing
conditions , If caused by your laundry work ,
can be easily avoided by patronizing the re
liable Uluft City" Steam Laundry.
James A. Herne means to keep the public
Interested In hla play , "Shore Acres. " For
this season's production he has engaged some
of the best talent of the day. The play will
bo given at the Dohany theater Thursday ,
March 24. Archie Doyd will appear as Na
thaniel Dcrry. There will be entire new
eccnery and some new mechanical effects.
illurglars made a raid on the barber shop
of Rube Hcrner , at 921 South Main street ,
some time after midnight yesterday morning
They broke Into his shop and carried away
a number ot razors and shaving utensils.
The same crowJ went through the shoe
etoro of Chris Johnson , at 913 , within a few
doors from the name place at about the
same time and carried away thirteen pairs
of shoes and a number of pairs of gloves.
The reports of the serious condition of F.
J. Day and the announcement of the re-
Arrest of Henry Metcalf on the charge of
assault -with Intent to commit murder In
duced LMrs. Day and other friends here to
communicate directly with Mr. Day by wire.
Several dispatches were received from him
during the afternoon and evening , all an
nouncing that his condition was not at all
serious and that there was no occasion for
uneasiness. He Is expected home within two
week * .
C. D. Vluva Cn. , tumalo remedy ; consulta
tion free. Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 326-327-3 : . $ Merrlam
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnnc , Baldwin blk
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Dr. Roller , osteopath , Beno block.
Picture Frnnien.
"Wo have picture frames that will suit
anyone. All kinds to select from and we
will frame your pictures at moderate prices.
Wo employ the most skilled workmen In
our bouse , and wo take pains to plcaso our
patrons. Our art department will well re
pay you to visit It and see the newest thlngb
cut In that line. We can satisfy you In
these goods beyond doubt , and only ask your
Inspection to bear us out In this assertion.
When you want anything In the art Hue
call at the etoro ot the Council Dluffa Paint ,
OH and Glass Co. , Mono-lie block.
J. J. Shell * * I.nteM 1,1 of Injunction * !
KxclteH Soinr Intfrcxt.
Yesterday was the last day for filing cases
to bo tried at the March term ot the district
court , and during the day only two cases
were filed , besides the batch of Injunctions
against the saloons applied for by J. J. Shea.
The saloon case. ! were filed early la the
day and were looked over by a number ot
attorneys and others Interested la the morals
ot the city. All of the petitions were made
out on the blanks which Shea had printed In
bulk when ho first began his systematic at
tacks upon the saloons In 1895 , and all as
originally printed were for the November
term of that year. The necessary changea
.were made to bring them up to date , but la
a number of them the old claim for $100 at
torney's fees was allowed to stand. Salocn
keepers all over the city felt a good deal of
.Interest In the new attacks , and all ot those
whose names did not appear. In the list
printed yesterday morning bunted up their
old receipts and busied themselves In ascer
taining how they stood In relation to Shea
and his legal claims upon their earnings.
Whether more are to follow Is only a mat
ter that Is known to Mr. Shea.
Mrs. Kilo , Wilson filed her petition for di
vorce from her husband , Amos Wllscn , al
leging that bis temperament has become so
ftullen and morose In recent years that she
baa found It Impossible to live with him.
Wllion li a switchman employed In one ot
the local railway yards an ! well known In
the city. Mrs. Wllscn alleges that her hus
band has always received a good salary , but
for some time has refused to provide for his
family , and they have suffered for sufficient
food and clothing. She alleges that on
March 7 ho tried to shoot her. She asks
for the custody ot their children , five In
A suit was filed by Scott & Davis , a firm
ot attorneys In 1'rlncetcn. Ill , against Mrs.
Catherine Hcnael. claiming of her $4,000
ftttornejs' fees , with cost ) sufficient to ralee
the amount to even $5,000. The firm alleges
that she employed It to act for her In some
business matters relating to the sale and
transfer of a tract of 240 acres of land In
Bureau county , Illinois , aud several lots
In the town of Princeton.
Remeinlivred l r the 1'renlilpnt.
President McKlnloy has shown his love
for music by rewarding Mar. Dourlclus of
Council It luffs for all bo has done for tbo
ako of music. He has sent him the pictures
of some of the beit composers of music ,
which ho held In his possession. They have
now arrived and can be seen In the window
Of Dourlclua' Music House. 325 Droadway ,
where the organ Is on top of the building.
Catalogue of their Immense stock ot 10-cent
hcct music free by mall.
Snndrimkl < iov Ilnvk to > Lincoln.
W. D. Balrd , clerk of the police court at
Llncoln.'came to the city yesterday for the
purpose of taking back Sam Sandruakl , the
blcyclo thief , Tbo wheel , which he had In
bis possession and which he claimed to have
bought In Chicago In 1895 , proves to be the
property of Frank Fisher , a reporter on the
Llnco'n Journal. It was stolen from the
Journal office at 2 o'clock In the morning
on the day previous to the arrest ot the
thief In thla city. Saivlruekl U serving a
sentence ot ten days In the county jail here
for the theft of a vallra at the Milwaukee
depot , but Clerk Dalrd had no difficulty in
Rotting the court to release htm. Sandruik
admitted that he bad stolen the wheel end
did not object to returning to Lincoln for
trial. Dalrd eaya he Is an enterprising thief ,
who Is well known to tbo Lincoln police , and
that there will be no difficulty In sending
him over the hill , ai be la much older than
he cUlraa to to.
I.n t Call Half Price Sale.
Our lait week In half-price frames. Do
not fall to avail yourselves ot this rare op
portunity to buy frame * and pictures and
frame * for just tuOX prlo * . U. I * Smith *
Terrible Into Overtakes a Fright 807 of
Council Bluffs.
DliclinrKe. of a Sliolttnn In n nont
Wound * ( he llor IU ) end Aid I
WonndN the Ilqr So ( lint He Dion '
In n Feu * Hour * .
Henry Mjnster , the16yearold son of W.
A. Mynstvr , was fatally shot while huntIng -
Ing at Lake Manawa yesterday afternoon.
The shooting was apcldcntal and resulted
from the discharge of his gun while get
ting out of a "boat. "
Young Mynstcr had gone to the lake dur
ing the afternoon In company with Earl
Hendrlcks and several other boys. They
had taken a boat and had been rowing
along the willows In search of ducks. On
the return trip ( Mynster had laid his gun
In the bow of the boat , with the muzzle
pointing ahead and the hammers underneath.
When the boat reached the landing ho was
the flrat to get out and picking up the gun .
by the muzzle pulled It from the boat. One
j of < tbo hammers caught on a seat In the
| boat ; and the weapon was discharged. The
charge of duck-shot struck the boy squarely
In the stomach , making a frightful wound.
His companions got help as quickly as
possible and carried him to the residence
of one of the Manawa citizens living near
the landing. A messenger was sent to town
to apprise the father ot the terrible ac
cident and he went to the lake at once In
company with three physicians. The
heavy charge of shot fired at dote
angc had Inflicted a frightful wound.
Us condition was suMi that he
ould not bo moved and all the
medical men could do was to put him under
ho Influence of opiates and mltlgato his
uffcrlng until death relieved htm.
Young Mynstcr died shortly after 7
o'clock last evening. The body was turned
over to the care of an undertaker and was
brought to town late last night.
The boy was 'Mr. ' Mynstcr's youngest son
and was a bright , manly fellow who had
i fine record In the public schools.
Millinery \ovcUlen.
Mrs. i.Mbln Huster has returned homo from
lior European trip and will bo ready from
now on to cater to the tastes of those desir
ing the latest novelties In millinery. Her
Easter display will be the event of the
season. Call and see the new goods that
have Just boon received. Watch for the an
nouncement of _ the Easter opening which
will appear In The Dee soon. 321 Droadway. |
Still a lot ot good bargains loft over from
the special sale of the Council Dluffs Carpet
company In Dody Brussels , ranging from
fifteen to twenty-five yards In a piece. These
will co at a low cash price.
J. A. D. cigar leads 'cm all.
Affair * that Afforded DlvrrtUeniciit or
Two ecml-publlc social events during the
week afforded pleasant entertainment for a
largo number of people. The first was the
opwi session of the Derthlck club on Mon
day evening , and the other was the patri
otic celebration of St. Patrick's day by the
Ancient Order of Hibernians on Thursday
evening. The Uerthick members presented
a most pleasing program. The selections
were taken from a wide range of authors ,
whoso works ruJ been under consideration
by the club ot Its various meetings during
the last year.
The Hibernians celebrated the memorial
day Jot tbclr pitrori saint with a brilliant
musical and literary slreo at Odd Fellows
hall. Soag and speech , both full of spirit ,
characterized the program. The hall was
decked Ingreen and the patriotic sons and
daughters of Ireland fluttered green ribbons
and largo sprays of the native shamrock.
The program haJ no numbers that could be
counted dull anywhere and all was given
with A spirit and vim. Hon. J. B. Sullivan
of Mlrsouri Valley was the chief speaker
and was Introduced by J. M. Calvin , who
delivered the opening address.
Mrs. W. 8. Wllklns entertained about
thirty of her friends on Thursday evening at
her homo on Washlngotn avenue la honor
of her sisters , Mrs. J. J. McKay , the
Alaskan heroine , and Mrs. Marks of Michi
gan. The guests were highly entertained
by the recital of the perils an3 Incidents
of Mr ? . McKay's trip Into the gold regions
of Alaska. Mrs. McKay has since lett for
Minneapolis , where she will make a short
visit prior to proceeding to Alasku , where
she will spend the coming summer and a
portion of the winter.
On Thursday night Superintendent and
Mrs. H. W. Rothcrt entertained most pleas
antly a party of gentlemen at their home In
the Iowa School.for the Deaf , in honor of
Judge Woolson of the federal bench.
The lecture on Michael Angelo by Mrs.
Koysor last Tuesday night at Hande'a hall ,
under the auspices of the Art department of
the Woman's club , proved to be the most
popular ot the series thus far given.
Mrs. Tllton , assisted by Mrs. Hanchett , en-
tertalncd the Woman's club In a very unique
manner to a "roam through Rome" Friday
afternoon. Mrs. Wadsworth secured the
prize for guessing the greatest Dumber of
Roman pictures. Music was furnished by
the Apollo club and Mrs. Wadaworth.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Faes entertained a num
ber of their frelnda at a high five party
last night In honor of their eighth wedding
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman and family
will return to this city In a few days and
will again make It their home.
The Enthusiastic club met on Thursday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Hlggcson ,
912 dVvenuo A.
Mrs. John L. Temploton. an'd ' Mrs. C. W.
Watts gave a Lenten tea on Friday afternoon
at the homo ot Mrs. Watts on North First
, street.
| Mlrs Lottlo Woods Is visiting friends in
Mr. and atre. Albert Wells of Council
Bluffs announce the engagement ot their
daughter. Henrietta , to Edward F. Phil-
brook , Jr. , of Omaha. I
' The basement of the large store room of f
Oeorgo S. Davis , the druggist. In literally
filled to its greatest capacity with Harri
son's paints , the leading paints of the coun
try. If you contemplate painting you ought
to consult Davis. The best brand Is what
you want and to save money Is the next
question. You will be suited In both by
trading with Davis , 200 Broadway.
Watch for the announcement of the milli
nery opening of the Misses Read & Miller ,
317 Broadway. It will appear In next Sun
day's Bee.
Counell lllufTH Cliurehe * .
Folbwlng are the announcements of re
ligious ercvicea to I'J held In the city to
day :
Christian Tabernacle , Rev. S. M. Perkins ,
Pastor Morning subject , 10 ; < 5 a. m. , "Char
acter Study ; Noah ; " evening subject , 8 p.
m. , "Conversion ot a Sheriff. " Special solos
and ducts at both services. I *
Second Presbyterian Ohurch. Frank and '
Harmony Streets , Uev. Alex Lltherland. Pastor - '
tor Morning subject , "Guarding Character. "
In the evening the first of a series of talks
will be given on the general theme "The
Human Will as a Fountain of Action. " The
special subject will be "The Will Analyzed. "
St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Rev. L. P.
McDonald , Rector Holy communion , 8 a. m. ;
Sunday echcol. 10 a. m. ; morning service and 11
sermon , U a. in. ; Sunday acbool at All Saints' 11
chapel , 3 p. m. ; evening service and sermon
7.30 p. m. Good music at all services.
Reorganized Church of Christ , Latter Day
Saints , Pierce Street and Glen Avenue
Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. toy Elder James Caf-
fall ; 'baptism ' , 11:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school , 12
m. ; Religion society , 6 p. m. ; preaching , 7:30 :
p. m. by pastor , Elder T. W. Wllltami ; cub
Ject. "Tho Deceitfulnei * of Riches. " .
First Congregational Church. Sixth Street I
and Seventh Avenue , R v\J. W. Wilson , P * - [ <
tor Morning worship and sermon , 10:30 : a.
m. , flubjpct , "Elijah's Request of the Widow
of Earcptaj" Sunday school , 12 m. ; Christian
Endeavor society meeting , 6:30 : p. m. ; goa-
pel praise service , 7:30 : p. m. , led by church
choir , followed by a fifteen-minute talk to
UJ men , A special program of music and
responsive reading has been prepared for the
evening ' service.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Church , Rev. G. P.
Fry , Pastor The funeral services of Mrs. A.
J. Carlson will be held In the church at 10
a. m. , conducted by the raster. Preaching
j }
at ; 7:30 : p. m. by pistor , subject , "Tho Great
Request ; " Sunday school , 12 m. ; Junior
league. 3 p. m. ; Epworth league , 6:30 : p. m.
St. John's English Lutheran Church , Wil
low Avenue and Seventh Street , Rev. George
W. Enyder , Patter Preaching morning and
evening by paator , subjects , "The Lord Will
Provide" and "How "
Saved ; Sunday school
at noo.i.
Christian Science Services at 10:45 : a. m.
.nhi . room 402 , Sapp block ; subject , "The Be
heading of John the Daptlst. " Experience
meeting on Friday evening at 7.45.
Inillctnicntu Ilctnriieil Annlnwt Vlo-
Intorw ot the Stntulcn.
The federal court grand jury made a
partial report yesterday , returning a num
ber of Indictments against violators of the
federal statutes. Four of the Indictments
against C. H. Castrup of Atlantic , W. H ,
JIcKco of Corning , Charles Exman of At
lantic and Charles Douglas , were for boot
legging. All were already In custody , and
were promptly arraigned and each pleaded
William 'Renshaw , a counterfeiter from
Hamburg , was also Indicted. Frank Welcome ,
a . negro bootlegger from Atlantic , was In
dicted. Similar charges were Ignored against
William S. Rolf of Anita , J. Sceley of Corn-
Ing' , W. F. Bills of Cromwell and Aaron
Armstrong of Grlswold. The grand Jury ,
under a recent ruling of the United States
supreme court , was also obliged to Ignore
the charge of Improper use of the malls
lodged against a fellow named W. H. .Hock-
Ing , who Is now In jail at Kcokuk. The
case Is a most peculiar one , and It almost
broke the hearts of the members of the
grand jury and the attaches of the district
attorney's office when It was discovered that
his case waa covered by the decision of the
high court. Hocking wrote a grossly ob
scene letter to a man with whom he had been
having some trouble and who was threaten
ing to prosecute him for theft and other
serious offenses. The federal statute under
which such offenses have been heretofore
punished prohibits the sending of obscene
and lewd writing through the mails , and
the supreme court has held that obscene
matter alone is not Indictable , but tbo let
ters must contain lewd expressions. The
expressions In this letter were very gross ,
but there was nothing that could bo con
strued Into lewd expressions , and under the
Instructions of the district attorney the
rand jury was compelled to Ignore the
lltuiiMvny Moea Much DnmnRC.
A teambelonging to a farmer named
Emll Sandbcrg , living near Hazel Dell
church , became frightened at a passing
motor on Pearl street yesterday afternoon
and ; run away. On the corner ot Droadway
and ; Pearl street the wagon came into con
tact with the peanut stand kept .by Thomas
Fields , a badly crippled colored man , and
wrecked It. Fields was knocked down and
severely hurt. The horses ran across the
street and smashed the wagon against the
curbing , where three children bad a. nar
row escape from being killed. The street
was crowded with people at the time and
the horses plunged through the throng of
people and vehicles and continued their
flight until they reached the motor bridge.
Flleds was injured In the back and a leg
that had been recently amputated was again
badly bruised.
Go to the store of Mauer or Durfee , select
whafyou want and save premium stars and
get It. They coot you nothing. Ask your
merchant for them and trade only with
those who give stars. Dring your book with
the the Star premium office , 14
Pearl street , and secure valuable premiums
Smoke the Iron Chancellor , the leading
five-cent cigar.
Fnnernl of Illnncue K. Drnce.
WASHINGTON. March 19. The funeral ot
B. K. Bruce will take place Monday after
noon at the Metropolitan African Methodist
Episcopal church. Rev. Sterling N. Brown ,
pastor ot Park Temple church , will officiate ,
assisted by Rev. J. A. Johnson of the Metro
politan African Methodist Episcopal church ,
and Rev. Walter Drooko of the Nineteenth
Street Baptist church. The Interment will be
In Woodlawn cemetery.
Addreeces will bo made by Rev. F. J.
Grlmke of the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian
church. Rev. Dr. Rankln ot Howard univer
sity ; Rev , S. N. Newman of the First Con-
gregatlonal church , Bishops Handy and Ar-
nett of the African Methodist Episcopal
church ; Senator Hear ot Massachusetts , and
Senator Allison of Iowa. The honorary pall
bearers will be Hca. John R. Lynch of Mis
sissippi , Hon. P. B. S. Plnchback and Colonel
James L. Lewis of Louisiana ; M. M. Hol
land of Ohio , John P. Green of Ohio , Hon.
George W. Wblte ot North Carolina , Lewie
If. Douglass of New York , Hon. H. P.
Cheatham of North Carolina , Rev. William
Waring ot Ohio , Hon. H. L. Chew , deputy
register of the treasury ; Robert H. Terrell
of Massachusetts , R. R. Church of Tennes
see , Hon. Campbell L. Maxwell and Ralph
W. Tyler of Ohio , and Dr. C. B. Purvlfl.
George F. T. Cook , Prof. W. S. Montgomery.
Thomas H. Wright , Dr. George H. Richard-
sen and L. C. Bailey of this city.
Itcv. G. II. linker.
YORK , Neb. , March 19. ( Special. ) Rev.
E. H. Baker died at his home In this city
yesterday afternoon from a combination of
diseases , from which he has been a sufferer
for some time. The deceased has been a
prominent citizen of York for a number of
years , having been a member of the school
beard and city council for successive terms.
The funeral will be held tomorrow from tbo
home and will be private. Public memorial
services wll ) bo held at the Congregational
church in the morning.
Fnther of I'olk County Sheriff.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , March 19. ( Special. )
The funeral of A. Nuqulst , father of the
sheriff of this county , was held at the Dap
tlst church In Stromsburg yesterday , and
was largely attended by the citizens ot
Stromsburg and friends from , the county.
Mr. Nuqulst was an old citizen of the
county. .He formerly lived at Mollne , III. ,
and worked In the plow factory there , and
his death was attributed to the dust la the
TMItor THICK"rt.
PHILADELPHIA , March 19. William M. j ,
Taggart , editor of Taggart'a Sunday Times , I
died In thla city today.
Csnr'n 'Alile-ile-Cninn. '
ST. PETERSDURO , March 19. Admiral
Popoff , aide-de-camp of the czar , Is dead.
AVhrnNknii Arrmtnl in. MIoHourl.
( MILAN , Mo. . March 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A. A. Klncald , who claims to be a
ranhcer at Whitman. Neb. , was arrested
hero this morning on tlui charge of offering
counterfeit money for jalo and using the
mails for fraudulent purposes. When ar-
restetl the 'former had $ S7Q Irr a belt under
neath his clothlnjr. Hea'so had. over fifty
letters from pcoplo In different points In
Kansas , Nebraska , Texas , Virginia , Arkan
sas. Arizona. Michigan , Pennsylvania. Ohio ,
Illinois and Missouri , relating to the dealing
In green goods. Of the money on him &X )
wax In crlnp new bills dssued by the Mer
chants' National bank of Omaha.
Have your clothes neatly cleaned , pressed
and repaired , ready for spring. Suits made
to order. First class work and low prices.
J , B , SWEET ,
Attorney-at-Law and
Notary Public , .
B * . M-xrch ,
/ ( ! ;
Wb Have made that term a household word during the two years wo have been hi business in this city.
Wo sta'Hed in on a business basis and we have the confidonoo of the merchants of the city. Do not bo imposed
on by imitators , who cannot show you the goods you are to receive. We have a STORE OF OUR OWN , in
which wo exhibit our full line of PREMIUMS , given in exchange for STAMPS.
are the Stores where PREMIUM STAMPS are given. Buy hero , collect Premium
Stamps and secure handsome premiums FREE-
Art Stadlo. 1 ' flrocerloft. Pnlnln , Oil * nnil On . '
Harry Schmidt , 406 Uroadway , ( Stamp * Bartel & Miller , 100 West Broadway. Doll O. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway.
given only when cash deposit Is made. ) Phone 339. Merrlam Block Pharmacy , Cor. Main
Art Needle Work. John Olsen , 730 Broadway. Btreet and Willow Avenue *
Jlcsdamcs Stork & Crisp , 3(1 ( Uroad.v.iy. C. A. l acy , SSI Harrison Street. Brawn. A Wcgner , 617 Main Street.
J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
Diibr Cnrrlngf * . .
B. 8. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Droadway. Hanson & Myrtuc , 330 Broadway. PI nn on and Or * ; ii .
Dnkerr * , Evana & Kissel. 642 Hroadway. Bourlclus Music House , 325 Broadway. .
C. Wldmaler , 828 Uroadway. ' A. W. Barrett. 912 Avenue F. Itoom Moulding.
R. J. Hancock , C03 NorthlSth Street.
Ilanjni , Galtnri , ( Mandolin * , Etc. Charles Krlngel , Broad-vav and Oale. J. B. Long , 31 Main Street.
B urtclus Music Houre , 323 Broadway. Hardware. HpivliiHT Machines.
J. T. Flndley , 337 Broadway.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street.
J. T. Flndley , S37 Droadway. '
Cole & Cole. 41 Main Street. Ch-arlea Saalno , 340 'Broadway. Sheet Music.
Council Bluff * Cyclery , 337 Broadway. ' IlnrnpNM and Saddlery. Bcurlclus Music House , 325 Broadway.
Hlcj-cle StindrloK and llcpiilrx , Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway. Shoo * .
Council Dluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway. Jeivelry. S. A. Pierce & Co. , 100 Main Street.
Uookn and Stationery. . Sinn * .
M. Wollmnn , 409 Broadway.
D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Give J. B. Long , 31 Main Street.
. - .
stamps when aqked Tor at the tlmo goods I.nil M ilf-
arc bought and paid for , except on school Eagle Laundry Co. , 724 Broadway. Sllvcrrvare.
book ? . ) Laem. M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
IlootB and Shorn. Stnniplnp ; .
5. A. Pierce & Co. 100 Main Street. ( Battengherg ana Honlton. ) Mesdames Stork &
, Mesdamcs Stork & Crisp , -Broadway. . Crisp , 311 Broadway.
China nnd Glmmvnre. Meat Market * . Moron nnil I
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. - Cole & Cole 41 Main Street.
J. H. Pace , 733 Broad-way. ,
Cnnl nnd Wood. , C. H. Huber & Bro. , 112 Kast Broadway. Charles Swnlne , 3 < 0 iBrondwny.
R. IL Williams , 150 Broadway C. O. D Market. , C H. Orvls. Prop. , 537 Silk * .
DentUtry. Broadway. Welker Meat Co. . 221 South Main St. ( ITomlnway and Bralnerd & Armstrong. )
Dr. L. E. Roc , room 322 Merrlam Bloclc. A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F. McsJamo.H Stork & Crisp , 341 Broadway.
Dr. A. O. Mudge , 319 Broadaxiy. Merchant Tailoring. Tnllnrltifr.
Diamond * . Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway.
Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. Tlnn-are , ,
Drnn * and DrnKRUts * Snnilrled. Cole & Cole. 41 Main Strict.
DeH O Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway. Miss Li. 'A. Wollman , 339 Broadway. Charles Swalnc , ' .110 Broadway.
Morrlam Block Pharmacy , cor. Main Mirror * . John Olson. 7.19 Bronrtway.
Btreet and Willow Avenue. R. 'J. Hancock G03
. , North Sth Street.
. . 311 315 Br I'vajr.
Brown & Wesnor. 617 Alain Street. 8. S. Keller , , 313 , i *
. . Miidlcul Merchandise. Turf Good * .
( Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
L. Massenberg , C30 Broadway. Bourlclus Music House , 323 Broadway. Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway.
nye Work. NeiTu nnd Ierlodlvnl * . Upholstery.
' B. S. Keller , 311. 313 , 313 .
Schocdsack'e Twin City Dye Works , cor. Broadway.
D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Olvo
Avenue A and Twenty-sixth Btreet. stamps when asked for at the tlmo goods Wnll Pnitcr.
Flonr nnd Feed. nre bought and paid for , except on school J. B. Lon < r , 31 Main Street.
J./C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth books. ) Wntche * and Clark * .
Street. Newspaper * . M. Wollman , 409 .
Charles Krlngel , Broadway and Oalc Omaha Dally Bee , 10 Pearl Street.
Street. AVI mini Conxh Rllxlr.
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F. Optical CiaodM. Brown & Wesner , 617 Main Street.
R. J. Hancock , COS NorthVSth Street. M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. ( Eyes tested
Fnrnltnre. free. ) Wood.
B. S. Keller , 311 , 313. 315 Broad wxy. f Photographic Work. R. C. A. H. Lacv. Williams 3S1 , Harrison 150 Broadway. Street.
Grille Work. Harry Schmidt , 406 Broadway , i ( Stamps A. W. Batrett , 912 Avcnun F
6. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 hroadw.iv. given only when cash deposit U made. ) R. J. Hancock , COS North Sth Street.
Bear In mind that It costs you nothing to get our Premiums. The Premium Stamp * , get them FREE. Our office is always
opeti and you are cordially invited to call and bring your friends. If you have been overlooked in the distribution of our Stump
Books , kindly notify us and we will take pleasure in supplying you. They are free to all. Yours very respectfully ,
'The Co-Operative Premium Association , I
Is well dressed this spring who doesn't
wear a Covert Cloth Top Coat. The
new coat for Spring is cut short box
back and fly front a stylish looking
garment. There is no reason why
every man shouldn't have one at least
price shouldn't stand in the way. We
will sell you an all-wool Covert Cloth
Coat , made up with good linings , sewed
good and cut to fit , for
Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents.
18 AND 20 MAIN ST. 17 AND 19 PEARL faT
White and Blue
Yes , that's a pretty combination of colors for the Ameri
can flag , but for artistic designs and the blending of colors in
handsome wallpaper e have something rare and beautiful.
We have designs in green , with the coats of arm of the
knights of old j-purple , golden tints , silver tints , Italian
blue , and tints1 and colors of all kinds , making the finest as
sortment of w l paper ever shown in Council Bluffs. We
want to figure with you when you decide to paper and decor
ate your room 'a nd you will find that by giving us a chance
it will save yoiii money. Our workmen are skilled in the wall
paper , painting 'find decorating line.
tt ! I
Milled Wall Paper Store
108 South Main St. , Co. Bluffs.
Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Mow in effect. For prompt delivery , call on
JVm. WeJch. Dluffa 'phono , IZSj Omaha
phone , 780. HATES LOW. For carriage or
rpress wagon , call at No. 8 North Main
itreet or above telephone * . t , ,
Belding Silks
Newest designs in the
Belding Stamp Pieces.
In Sofa Pillows and cen
ter pieces I have the latest
designs. Everything in
the shape of material for
fancy work.
Free lessons given with
stamped work.
At Council Bluff's ' Carpet Company.
2l ! nr > niit St. , OPD. City Dulldlnar.
One Night , Sunday , March 20 ,
Unrivalled Company of Comedians In that
Musical Comedy Surprise ,
PRICES-25c , 33c , DOe and 75c. |
Scats now on sale.
( ifo. X. Ilon-fiv Annoniu'oH
The Ixmdon and New York Succeep ,
101 Nights Lyceum Theater , New York.
7(0 NUnm Htraml Theater , London ,
Presented by
The Ille Farcical Comedy Organization ,
Prices 2Ic , SO75c. . IJoxet , 11.00. Seats now on
tale. t
Dohany Theater
One MKlit Tlmrnilny , Mnrcli 21.
Jamea A. Herncs' beautiful comedy drama
Presented by a flno company of player ? ,
rnlth entire now scenery and many unique
realistic novelties. A mnerb production ,
guaranteed. iPrices Jl.OO , lac , DOe and ISc.
Scats now on
8UIIKTV WINDS I.oncxt llutc * .
All surety bonds executed at my ofllce.
JAH. N. CASAHV , Jit. ,
Jin III Street Council Illiiffii.
One-llalf Cent
with every 10-cent purchase. That's what
our premium checks are , and you can get
anything yoj vunt for them , from a tin
trumpet to an organ or a piano , providing
you get enough checks. Our PREMIUM
cbocka are worth the cash and OUR MEATS
are the best and as cheap as any place la
the city. Try the
Blue front Market ,
13G W. Broadway , 'Phone , 382.
For sale , cheap , ton-acre tract of land ,
cor. Madison anil Bennett avenues. Council
Bluffs. C. S. Lcfforts , 208 Main street.
1 16 Tcnrl Street.
JM.OO per month-18 I'enrl ttreet , store room.
110.00 per month 4 1'carl Etrcct , next to Tero.
Eoy'u cigar ( tore.
$23.00 per month Cherry HIM , 10-room houeo and
1 acre , fruit and garden ,
> 15.00 per month Wll Ilroadway , store room.
JS.OO per month 1323 I'leatant street , six-room
JO.OO per month-lIC nidge street , large six-room
16.00 per month-Avenue B & llth street , two
$5.00 per month 21st St. , near llroptlway , three
$4. 00 per month 15 Avenue H , three-room
134 acres fenced bottom land : will build revr
hoiife and barn for responsible tenant ; $2. it
per acre.
107 acres routheast of Woodbine , Harrison
county ; good Improvements ; $ ! , & 0.
20-acro farm near Council 131urf , $120.00 per
C-acre garden tract , close In , $100.00 per yenr.
Good farmd for ale or trade cheap ; wllV take
furmv , city property ! or live Hock In part
payment , Write for Hits or apply to
Over 16 I'earl Street.
lands for sale or rtni. Day A Hccs. Ht Pearl
uKAMAii naoH. to CINTS : A Her-
tine. A. I ) . Howe. Council muffs.
SAi.n on TitAnn , HIOH IIUED STAL-
lion. (19 Main st , , Co. muffs. In.
I. Mud's reftaurant , 218 Ilro.uluiiy.
Instructions. Albln lliuter , stuilla
VIOLIN US Ilroadway. dermm method
or Dresden ConMrvatonr.
5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c
Sfnde Who Aiiireclac for Trade a flood Smoke. _ John G. Woodward & Co.
Dealer * Sui > i > lled bj ,