Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1898, Page 11, Image 13

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Satisfactory Voluma of Business Doing in
Most All Lines.
rirnnnnt nnilMllil Wentlicr
Out it Hunt tit I'nlroriK of I.ocnl
Itclnll HOIINCNiltnitvcd
1'rlcm on Cult It.- .
The last week has borne witness to a very
satisfactory volume of business doing In
piiictlcally alt departments of trade. In the
jobbing district moat every one has been
wed occupied nnd the representatives of the
trade nrti , generally np.aklng , In u most
enthusiastic : manner , not only of present
conditions , but of futuru prospects au well.
1'hi ; ctuntry , according to Jobbers' Ideas , la
In excellent condition already , and Is stead
ily Impiovlng , nnd the consuming demand
for nil cl.tsHes of merchandise can hardly be
otherwise thtm very large.
It nppcars 10 maUu very little difference In
what department Inquiries nre made the
nnsvv.jM all Indicate a very atlsfactjry con
dition of business , together with bright
jiro. < | ifetH for thu future.
The wholesale grocers are doing the larg
est business feir thp tlmo of year In their
history , lutall dealers In all sections of
tributary territory tnu buying freely , and at
theeame time collections were never better ,
No one connected with the wholesale
Krocory trade1 con d be found In the city
who had anything but good words to say of
tin- condition of trade.
The dry goods people have done a phe"
njincnal business for some time past and
country merchants are still buying freely.
Although t . < velum of spring business to
date Is very laigtIt Is a fact that a prcat
many meichants have not as yet stocked
ui > , 20 that therr Is a largo amount of busl-
nc-tm to be , rt'ckoiu-d with still.
In boots nnd shoes a fair amount of busi
ness H bclnR transacted , but there has been
oiii > drawback. The weat.ier so far has bfen
to > diy. March to dale has not brought
enough stormy weather.Vrt anil slushy
snuWHtorniH and heavy spring rains are
re ( led to give more activity to the demand
for rubber goods of all hinds.
tin ; sections of tributary territory there
Is A ar .i amount of bu : ding doing and that
fact ofi'eis .1 ready explanation for the con
dition of tie trade In lumber and builders'
In local retail circles there has been a
very satisfactory business doing. The
sprint like weather haa Induced shoppers to
come emt tit full foroe , whllu the character
of the weather wns sticli as to stimulate the
buying of spring Roods. On most days of
the week under review the stores were
thronged with buyers , and the total volume
of sales must have amounted up to a very
large figure. One thing that Is making a.
JiT'mt difference with the local retail trade
IK t'K- Increase In the volume of money In
Benernl circulation. Consumers nre buying
once rnoro with their old-time liberality and
freedom and are ; not disposed to clip the
corners so closely.
At South Omaha the condition of the cat
tle market has been of a most satisfactory
character. The advances which have been
chronicled recently have held good , Indicat
ing to some e-xtcnt nt least that there Is
n active consuming demand and that It Is
of a kind that can afford to pay good prices.
The weakness of foreign markets failed to
depress values at this point , nnd beef cat
tle have soM all the week at remunerative
prices. What Is better still the prjspect Is
most encouraging , as all Indications seem
to point to continued firm prices , which
xnenns that the > farmers and feeders of NP-
uraska. will make plenty of money out of
their cattle and will In consequence be In a
position to meet old obligations and at the.
eamo time have plenty of rmney with which
to become buyers of merchandise of al
Among the reasons for this expectation Is.
the fact that the advance in prices has
failed to bring out any great number of
1 cattle , nnd that receipts have conttnuci !
quite moderate , showing that the country Is
in no hurry to sell and nt the same time
that thcre > Is no great surplus of cattle In
the country. Another encouraging feature
Is furnished by the fact that exporters have
engaged ti great deal of vessel room. In
fact , all that Is to be had. and that they are ,
making great prepartlons to ship a good
many cattle out of the country. Who | ! ths
foreign markets at present are too low It I
figured by the wise ones that beef will bavp
to advance In England when the possibility
of securing any more cheap beef In this
country is cut off. In other words that the
English market will have to go up with the
American Instead of the American going
down with the English.
While U looks at present as If the farm
ers of the west would makp good profits on
the feeders which they bought at such ex
travagantly high prices last fall , owing to
the advance In the price of bee-f cattle It
Is not to be expected that such prices can al
ways be maintained and the boJm. like all
ether booms , svlll burst In time. When the
end comes It Is freely predicted that some
of those farmers who are wildly buying all
kinds of ptock cattle at fabulous prices will
find themselves loaded up- with a lot of
( worthless stock for which they have gone
deeply In debt.
Owing to the sensational reprts that have
emanated from the peat of government dur
ing the last two weeks or more , local busi
ness men have been discussing to some ex
tj , tent the effect that war would have upon
' . business operations In the middle west. Of
l the men who 'were nt the bead of business
institutions at the time of the late war there
ere but few left nnd It may bo said that
nn entirely new generation of business men
has grown up since Miat time ? o that the
opinion : ! advanced are largely a matter of
( speculation. The consensus of opinion
among Omaha business men appears lo be
that from the very start the e-ffe-ct of a
rwnr upon values would be. to give them a
downward tendency. For a time the whole
tendency would be In that direction , but If
the American arms were fairly successful
and thei breaking out of war -were not fol
lowed by a great national reverse , there
( would soon come n rcap.tlon. The conduct
of a war for any length of time would re
quire grvat quantities of food , clothing and
supplies of all kinds and all surplus stock *
Would be rapidly reduced. The purchase * of
* uppllen by the government would place
largo sums of money In general circulation
( While the manufacture- fre h supplies
( would create- demand for labor. It l not
generally believed that war at the present
tlmo with a foreign power would have such
o. marked effect upon prices as was ex
perienced during the- rebellion , because of
the strong financial position of the govern
ment. Without exception the business men
of Omaha nre going ahead with their buM-
ness plans , paying no attention to the war
During the last week the German Yeast
itml D.tklng I'owdi-r company published tn
The IJee a statement of the. condition of Its
business , which spoke very well as to the
condition of what haf come tc
an Important manufacturing Industry In
this city.
A business man remarks that ono of the
fcpst Indications of the course , of business Is
fforde-d by the class of good * that Is belnu
called for from the country. Country people
ple like good goods , especially those thut art
( ftx > ll mude > , but during the hard' times they
readily adapted themselves to the necessl.
tics of the times and bought according to the
elzo of their pocketbooks. There Is now 1Ca
constant Improvement In the clas-a of mer
chandlsu that Is going Into the country , 01
perhaps It would be nearer the. truth to saj
that there. Is a largo gain In the quantity c :
high grade merchandise- that 1 ? being sole
In the country. Down nt the Nvbraska Shir
factory the management has been forced t (
put on extra help nnd In spite of that or
Bcrs arc piling up on them. A very largt
part of thin Increased demand comes fron
the larger country towns -where the buslncsi
ir.en , now that times are better , are havlnt
( heir shirts made to order.
Condition of Trnil > nnil Quotations on
Kliiplf * a nil Knnoy 1'roduor.
I EGGS Good stock , o.
IIUTTIJR Common to fair , ? llc ; sepamto :
vramcry , SCc : gathered creamery. 15810' .
VUAL Choice fat. SO tn 120 lb . , quote * ! nt 8 {
o ; large and coarse. Mile.
I.IVK POl'LTRY Chickens. ( HUfc ; old root
r * . So : duck * , Co.
GAME Mallards , t3.OOOl.Ki teal , tl.f-fll 50
feruiU , J3.Wd4.10 ; Canadian getse. } i.&XC.OO |
Bilxed. Jl.K43l.6i ) .
PIGEONS Live. II ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAT Upland. JS.5S ; midland , J3 ; lowland ,
rya traw , J4.60 ; rotor mnkon the rr\re \ on hny
llffht bale * > 11 the txt ; only top eradet tilni
top prlcre.
, CEI.KHY1ood etock , larc * . Me : m.ill ,
ONIONS-1'er bu. . tl. 004ft 10.
KKANS-lland'iilckr.1 navy , per bu. , .
BWBKT I'OTATOE.S-KatiNu , 10-ptck. U > ! .
stock , per lb. . , 6Uc.
] TATOES-Homa grown , WtXa ; Colored ,
lock. TOo.
TOMATOES Per crate , seven Miketi ,
BTTlAWDBmrUES-l'tT : < -qt. cu . 17. M.
mock. RQ # .W |
Bellefleur , bosm , tl.M ; Colorado Jonathans ,
koxrn , SI. 73 ; Nelrfnska , bom ,
CllANIiilHira-Knnry ! Jtrrvy. per bbl. , 110.
OltAl'IMalnpu. . Ji.WU8.00.
OrtANOIvS-CaUfornla nnrels , l2.TC03.OOj fnnry
oc lllncs. n.SOj choice , I ! . : . * .
I.VJMONS-Callfornln , fnncy , 2,73 ; choice , IZ.tOj
fancy Mpimhia , W.OMJJ.M.
IIAN'ANAS Choice , Inrtre stock , per bunch ,
t2.OOU2.2J ; medium tlze < l bunchen , '
NUTS Almonit ! " , per lb. , Urice tlic , 12S130J
smntl , lie ; UrnilK per lb. , 9U10C ; English wnl-
nulK , per lb. , fancy Fort rhell , lOQllc ; standnrds ,
Siftfc ; Illberto , per lb. , lOc ; pecans pollilied ,
medium , CMTcj vxtrn In UP , S5c | ; I arse hickory
nuts , II.Wfil.10 per bu , : small , Jl.r.Ql.W per bu ;
CDconr.utf. per it > , 14.00 ; peanuts , raw , ( HC'.jCj
roatted , CjO'4o.
riOS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , H-lb. boxes ,
lOc ; C-crown , 41-lb. boxen , I3c ; 2-lb. boxes , Jttf
Ua per box ; California. lO-lli box , II.VO.
HONKV-Cholce white , 12c : Colorado amber , 10
KUAIJT-rcr bbl. , 3.tO : half bbl. , J2.23.
AIAI'LIJ 8YI1U1' Klve-nnl. can , each , J2.T3 :
gal. van * , pure , \ > rt < loz. , | l2.linlfnal. ( > ; . cnn ,
< i.2j ) ; quart rims , IJ.M ) .
DATKS-Hnllowee , M to TO-lb , \ > : \ef. BHcj
Snlr , Ccj Kurd , 9-lb. boxec , 9c.
CHJnil-1'er half bbl. , S3 Ml bbl. , 11.00.
nusii :
UHUSHliD IIKUK Oood native steers , eve :
good fotciiunrtcrs steers , S'/4c ' : need lilndqujrtcrs
steers' , S'.ic : neMern steers , ( iic ( ; fancy heircrs ,
CUc : Komi heifers , Co ! peed forcquarters heifers ,
tc ; K iocl hlndqunrlcrx heifers , Sc : good cow ,
1'ic ; fair cows. S4c ; cow forcquarters , I' o : cow
; ilml > iuarters , i'c. '
3c ; bruins , per doz. , Me ; awectbreadu , per lb. ,
12. ' ! suectbrcads ( cal\cj ) , | i r lb. , 4ic ; kidneys ,
per dsz. , 35c ; ox tails , cncli , 3c ; ll\ers , per lb. ,
! iic ; hearts , per lb. , ZUci tongues , per lb. , llo :
calf ll\ers , each , 35c : calves , whole carcass or
side * . 9o ; calf head nnil feet , scalded , per set ,
i6cj tenderloins. frcJh , 18c ; tenderloin * , frozen ,
l".c ; boneleis strips , fresh , 0ic ! ; bonele s strips ,
frozen , 9cj ttrlr. loins , fresh , T'.Jc ' : strip loins.
frozen. 6'Jc ! tolls , boneless , 9Uc : rolls , spencer
cuts , 9c ; sirloin butts , boneless , 9c ; shoulder
clods , boneless , 6 > Jc : rump butts , boneles , Cic :
No. 1 chucks , Cc ; No. U chucks , 4fec ! ; No. 3
chuckn , 4c ; honclc-s chucks , to ; caw plates , S'le :
steer pint * * , Is ; ilnnk steak , Tc ; loins , No. 1.
)3i4c ) : loins , No. 2. 1'jUc ' ; loins , No. 3 , 8',4cj slinrl
loins , niniket ctylp , 2c nbo\e loins ; slurt loins ,
lintel style , 4c nbovi * loinsov ; loin , ends , tc :
steer loin , ends , Jc.
XttlTTON Fancy lambs 9o per lb. : lambs ,
so : sheep. 7c : market racks , long. Sc : hotel
racks , short , lie ; loins , 9c ; saddles , yi ; less , DC ;
lamb * lens , 10. ' ; breaMs ntid stews , 3'-iB ; tonguef ,
eich Zc ; forerunners , fi' c.
roniC-Drcxced piss. tVJc per lh. ; dressed hofts.
Uc ; tenderloin ? , lie ; loins , short , CHo ; IOIIK , ic ;
p.ire rlli , 5c ; ham sausage butts. f > 5ic : Dnston
iiitta. 5'jc ; shoulders , roiiRh. fc : shoulders ,
klnned , fijc : trlmmlnRS. 4 c ; leaf lard , not
cndered , Hie ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snouts and
ars , 5c ; nfcklionex , 2cj che k meat , 4c § ; piss'
nils , 3c ; plucks , each , 5c ; rhltterllnijs , 5c ; hock ,
c ; henrls , per doz. , Ko ; stomichs. c.ich , 3c ;
onsuer , each , Tc ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains.
icr doz. , 15c : plKf , feet , per do30c ; livers ,
ach , Sc ; hog rinds , 3c ; blade bones , Cc.
niiiiis , TAUO\V. ITTC.
IIIDnS Nn. 1 Rrcen hides , T'.zc ; No. 2 creen
ildcs , GVJe : No. 1 paltod hldos , 9c : No. S green
ailed hldos , ! V : .No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ;
1o. 2 venl calf , IS to 15 Ibs. . Sc.
SlIBi : ! ' I'lJI/TS-Oreen salted , each. 15f7Co ;
reen salted shenrlng' ( shnit uooled early skins ) ,
ach. ISc ; dty shmrlncs ( short wooleil enrly
iUlns ) , No. I , each , Sc ; dry flint Kansas and Ne-
jrnska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
QJ ; ; dry Hint , Knnsas and Nebraska murrain
vool pelts , per It ) . , actual weight , 3JJ4c : dry
lint Colorado butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual
, ve.lRht , 457Sc ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool
ells. p r lb. . actual weight , Xiftlc.
TAM/HV , OHIvASR , I'TTC. Tallmv , No. 1 , ftf
' , ic ; tallow. No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , I'.Ac ; whiter
: r -ase , Sljjfl ic ; yellow and brown grease , IViW
Kt' ( black or lirown ) , tS.O' Cn.oOj ntter ,
I.f.0fl3.(0 ; mink. ISftcno ; beaver , Jl.OlfrB.OO :
kunk , irc. 2."ic , r.fto : mnskrat. 3c , 5c , Tc ; raccoon * ,
Sfl c ; red fox. 2. > cffl."i ; gray ton. ! 3fitOc : wnlf ,
timber ) , 2XIJ2..VI : wnlf ( nrnlrlc coyote ) , lOffJOc :
ivlldcat , ICaKc : badger , GOIOc ; sliver fox , JO.OO
Clnolttiiiit ! Mnrkutv.
CINCINNATI. March 19 FU3UR Firm ;
'ancy. ' 4.3.Vif4.53 ; family. I3.SMI4.10.
WHKATKlrm : Nn. 2 red , Sic.
COnN-KIrm ; No. 2 nilxnl , Sl'.ic.
OATS Quiet ; No 2 mixed , 25o
UVn Fnsy : Ni > . 2. Kc.
TIIOVIRIONH I nrd. quiet at 11.93. Hulk
meats , steady nt 15.15. llacon , nrn > at $5.93.
WIIISKV rirm nt J1.20.
ni'TTHH Enslnr : Rlgln creamery , M',4c ; Ohio ,
Wife ; dairy , inU12c.
SttOAlt Knsy : renned , Jl.10ff3.S5.
KnoS-Klrmer nt 5c.
CIIBESB Steady : good to prime Oh'.o flat ,
Detroit Mnrkftt.
nrrrnoiT. March 19. WHKAT NO. i white ,
HMc : No. 2 red. capli and May , 9C',4o. '
COT'N No. 3 mined , 29',4c.
OATS-NO. 2 wiiitc , soc.
ItVE-No. 2 , Elc. (
_ _
' , Prcirln ( Market.
rnORIA. March 19. COHN-FIrm : No. 2. 2S Jc.
OATP Klrm. Inactive : No. 3 white , MKJJ27C.
WHISKY Illsh proof spirits. J1.19.
Opcnsi Dull nnil Clemen nt n. I.nHH of
from Four to Five Points ) .
NEW YOHIC , MaYch 19. The market openoj
dull for cotton , but prices were unchanged to
2 points lower. Following the call the market
was apnthetlc , and up to 11 o'clock only 6,400
bales changed hands , with the market at Jhnt
time lint at a net less of 1 to 2 points. There
was nothing In English or southern advices to
Incplte either bulls or be < irs to make a decided
stand. Near the close there was a slight Im
provement In the volume of business , chiefly the
evening up of accounts by the confident traders.
The market was flnally easy nt a net loss of 4
to 6 polntK. Total sales of futures , 26,200 bales.
Port receipts estimated for the day. 18,0(0 ( bales ,
against 17.1S4 las > i week and 15,233 last year.
Port receipts estimated for the week , 120.000
bales , agnlnst 144.C55 last week and 5'J,1I9 last
year At Memphis. l.SCO bales , against 108 last
year anil HtHouston. . 1,430 bales , against S'JI
last year. Spot , dull : middling , CUc. Receipts.
net B07 bales : gross. 4,037 bales ; forwarded. " 17
balessales. . 300 biles , all spinners ; stock , 9S3.-
932 bales. Total today and consolidated : Net re-
bales ; to the continent. 2,3:9.0 < a bales.
Wool iMnrket * .
BOSTON , March 19. The following are the
quntntlMiB for lendlne descriptions :
Ohio and Pennsylvania tle > ces , X and ithcTe ,
277"fcXX , ! 9a ; XX and above. 30c ; delMnt ,
30031c ; No. 1 comb'ng. 30fl3lc ; No. 2 combing ,
30fi31c. Michigan , Wisconsin , northwest , etc. :
Michigan , 24CJ No. 1 Michigan combing , 23c
No 1 Illinois combing , 29c ; No. 2 Michigan
combing , ! 3fi2 ! > c ; No. 2 Illinois combing , 2Sj29c
New York , N w Hampshire and Vermont , 23tJ
24c' No 1 New York , New Hampshire and Ver
mont , 27c : delaine , Michigan , 2Cc. Unwashed
medium Kentucky and Indiana quarter-blood
combing , 23c ; Kentucky and Indiana three-
eighths-blood combing , 23c ; Missouri quarter-
blood combing , 22s ; Missouri three-eighths-
blood combing. 23e : braid comb'l g , 2)c ) ; lake
and Oeoigla , Sic. Texas wools , spring medium ,
twelve-month , ISfllSc ; scoured , 43S4.c ; spring
nne. twelve months , 18J19c ; scoured , 48ii : > 0c.
Territory wools : Montana nne medium and line.
ICiflfc ; scoured , 4CO4Sc ; staples , SOflMc. Ualh ,
Wyoming , etc. : Tine medium and fine. 15517e
scoured , 45 < t47c ; staple , I30c. Australian scouted
basis , combing superfine , T0il72c : combing , gocd
K JCc ; combing , average , C2ii65c.
ST. I/t'IS. March 19. WOOI Dull and ea ler
medium , ISjJl'JUo : llsht fln1391CC ; heavy line
8O13c : tub wa.ih l , 22J29c.
IX > N1)ON ) , March 19. WOOITliere was all
around animation nt tihe wool auction salen to.
day. The selection was gon.1 and consisted
13,137 l le . Choice QuecnMand greasy llocki
were In mrong demand , the home trade and the
continent taking several pircels. A lot 10m
Oeelong greasy merino was sold to Amerlcar
buyers nt M Id , Criwi breeds were In goo. | suppl iy ;
and Oner grades sold well. American buyers Be
cured a few of the best , but the bull wan taker
by the h m trade. A snnll supply of scoum
sold quickly to the cnntlncMal and home buyers
During Ifw week CO.MO Inles were sold. The otfer
Ings next we > k ngKregate 81,350 bales. Tli ' " '
lowing nre the oalen In detail : New Soutn Wai" "
e 5.2O ) bales ; scouretl , 11H < .R1 1'id. gu-ennlan. . )
3.WV1 bulra ; scouml. l ) HiUil M. Vlctoil.i. 1..V )
- ba ! M ! scouri-d , SdWlB md ; grcae- ,
New Zealand. 2.1W bales ; scoured , Kdnis Id
Brensy , d'.idiOO'jd. Capo of a l Hope nm
Natal. 300 bales ; scoured. 9'4gis S.I : grenxy , Odf
M. Ttw arrivals s < > far for the third series" ;
gn.t 4I.S.Y7 hnles. ot which 9.WO bales were for
warded direct , The Imports fnr the week ar a
follows : New S-xith Wales , 27J Inles : MelUiurni1
T Inl lu\le ; S. > ut."i Australia. 4.30i ) bales ; Cape ij
Good Hoji ? and Natal , 5,117 bales ; India anl :
where , T.SuO Unlen.
Xi-w York Dry finoiU. MnrKrt.
NBW YOniC , March 19. The market for dr
roods has lieen subject to many varying In
lluenccs during the wank. Tie ; favorable nn
unfavorable Influences have atom balance
each other and at the clase the market mnnlne
where It was nt the opening , with the ex
ceptkm of print cloths , which hnve loft ground
There has been a falling off In the buying li
some lines on account of the International sit
uatlan , but there has been n K ln on account c
actual needs. In staple cottons the maiket I
generally linn , the degree of strength beln
reglMered by the ( tacks on hand almost entire ! )
For Instance , advances are reported In torn
lines of wide sheetings. Hut In the main ther
Is no rhi\nRe In the market , the demand I
brown , bleached and colored goods as a rul
being extremely limited. Print cloths ore norr
Inally at SKc. less 7 per cent , but the best prlc
extras can command Is S 1-Hc. Odd goods ar
obtainable at prices bated on the above quote
tlan. The deahnes ore very light nnd stock
have Increased. Woolen and worsted goods ai
California : Ilrleil Fruit * .
FIIUIT8 Steady : e\aporated apples , commit
60S ; ; prlm wire trny , SVifiSSc ; wood elrTei !
prime , * ! iO Hc ; choice. S\iti c ; fancy. HeiO <
rrunes , quirt , S'iOSHc. Apricots , Royit , ( Vii
Tc ; Moor l"urk. SViOlOc. Teachet , unpeeled. li
a ; peeled , UifKc.
Aiurrlcan Meourltle * In London.
IXJNDON. March 19. The market for Amerl
can necurlllts moved but little all day , owln
to tht Inactivity oT operator * . Tt clOM W
t * dy uA UM Jtnuna A ft ct4 , ,
Insistent Demand from Shorts Booms May
Wheat Temporarily !
nnil July Ilath Clone Loiror , anil
the Dcitrpnnloti In Thl Jlnrkvt
All the Other
CHICAUO , March 19. Stny whcnt broad *
cncil Into nn active market today. An In
sistent domaml fiom nhorta sent the price
up to 11.07 durlnR the early part of the
session , but heavy sales by Letter broke
the price badly toward the close. Final
prices pl.ownd a decline of 2io In May and
SifiTlc In July. Favorable weather and ex
pectations of heavy receipts Monday were
factors In the decline In both options. Corn
and oatH both broke with the late slump In
wheat , corn closing unchanged and oats
about \ic \ lower. Provisions were heavy and
closed ofii'/ic lower.
The opening In wheat was Irregular.
Traders In July rather looked with favor
on the selling side , as the cold wave , which
was expected to follow the rnlns , did not
materialize and there was apparently no
prospect of any serious drop In tempera
ture. Cables failed to respond to the
strength shown here yesterday. Tills caused
some liquidation In July at the outset , openIng -
Ing prices being nt WTM'kGc , showing Uc
decline. There the market halted. May
was strong from the start. Shorts were
active , lildders for this delivery , which
opened Vic higher nt J1.06 , and heavy buyIng -
Ing soon sent prices up to Jl.OCJiThe de
mand for May and the advance In that fu
ture soon brought July shorts Into the pit
to protect themselves , heavy buyers of yes
terday coming Into the market again and
the demand became general. The irjuilt was
a , gradual advance to C'.4c. ' Realizing then
pel In and a reaction to fcG&c took place ,
May nt the same time dropping to H-06 % .
The dropping off In the northwest receipts
was a helping Influence. Minneapolis and
Duluth reported 312 cars , against 375 last
week and 412 a year ago. Chicago receipts
were 121 cars , fifty of contract grade. The
day's clearances of wheat and Hour from
Atlantic ports were heavy , amounting to
500,000 bu. , but this was In a measure off
set by the heavy primary receipts , 465,000
bu. Continental markets were steady. The
reaction In both options was of short dura
tion. The demand soon became heavy
again , especially In May , the price of
which was sent up to $1.07. July advanced
to S0ic TAIO advance was well maintained
up to It o'clock when the market began
gradually to give way. Letter's brokers
had meantime been selling heavily of May
at top figures and as shorts became filled
up the demand .from this source decreased.
Liquidation , however , did not become gen
eral until heavy estimated receipts for Mon
day were posted. This brought In a flood
of realizing orders and prices late In the
session broke very rapidly. Letter kept up
his selling of May to the last and probably
disposed of over 1,000,000 bu. In the lawt
few minutes early buyers became sellers
and with this added weight of liquidation
the market became very weakt though July
did not suffer so much ns .May. Closing
price for the latter option was J1.03 , July
closing at SoViOSj sC.
Up to the last half hour of the session
corn was slow but steady at a slight ad
vance. Enormous clearances and the
strength of wheat were the Influences. The
late break In wheat brought about free
offerings , principally from yesterday's buy
ers , and the market closed easy. May
ranged from 20'4 ( < I29aC to 29V4 and closed
unchanged at 20'/4c.
Oats early were firm. There was good
general buying , mostly through sympathy
with the wheat strength , and prices ad
vanced slightly. Support was withdrawn
when the late decline In wheat took place
and prices dropped off. May ranged .from
25it-Gc ; ( ? to 25c and closed a shade lower
nt 2523 c.
Provisions were easy with a slow trade.
A weak undertone existed , very little sup
port being given from any source , and
prices sagged from the start. Packers
were moderate sellers. Very little demand
from shorts At .the. close May pork was
74c lower at J9.S214. May lard Bo lower at
J5.10 and May ribs Go lower at $5.03.
Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat , 225
cars ; corn , 240 cars ; oats , 290 cars ; hogs ,
30.000 head.
futures ranged as follows :
Articles. . I Upan. | High. I Low. I Clota I Vest'y.
March. 1 03
Miy. . . 1 00 07 1 03 1 03 1Buy.
July. . . 8aH-80 Buy.
May. . .
July. . . 3UH
Sept. . . am am 31H
Muy. . . 25M-20 2SH 2nX
July. . . ' . ' 3 ! < VIH :
Mny. . . 0 82V 0 82' 0 80 0 (10
July. . . U b7 > 0 U2 > D 8.1 0 87H l > 03
May. . . B 10 K 10 B 07 ! < 6 10 B 15
July. . . fi 13 B 17 > 5 13 5 17W 6 'JO
Ch'tUlb *
May. . . ( IS B OS 6 05 6 05 fi 10
July. . . 6 12H B I'M 5 10 6 10 6 15
No 2.
Orisn quotations were as follows ;
FLOUR 1 Hill : winter patents ,
straights , JI.2nQ4.50 : spring si > eclals , > j.4utKi.V ) ;
spring patents. JI.70SJ.ll ) ; straights. J4.4QO > I.Cn ;
bakers , J3.MO3.90. . .
\VIII3.VT linkers' , J3.CCfi3.00 ; No. 3 spring , SI'S ?
Me : No. 2 red. 99Vicrll.OOi. !
< XIIN ) No. 2 , 2-SVi < T2 ! > ttc.
OATS No. 2 , 2itcj No. 2 yellow , 2SViG' > SJc ;
No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 2Di31c'No. ; 3 white , f. o.
b. . 2SJJ20C.
nYK No. 2 , 49'Sc.
BAULKY No. 2 , f. o. b. , 31G42C
SKKDS No , 1 llaxseed , Jl.mi ! N\V , Jl.SL
Prim * . tlmo44iy seed , J2.SO.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork , per bbl. , 111.80 9.83.
I -\rd , per 100 UN. , JJ.OWJ.07',4. Short ribs rldea
( loon.- ) , Jl.904o.l > .
WHISKY ulstlllers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SUHARS-ttit loaf , Jo.fS ; granulated , 15.33.
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was steady ; creameries , ISiiISc ; dairies ,
10U < ilGo. CCieese , quot ! , CiiSlic. L'Kgt. Btetuly ,
freh , 9'lc. Live poultry , llrm ; lurkeys , 7 < jrc ;
chickens , SBS'Ac ; ducks , "QSe- .
QiiottitloiiN for the Dny on Gene-rill
, { CmiiiiioilltlcH.
NEW YOHK , March 19. FLOUR-Recelpts , 2J-
2C3 bbls. ; exportr , 17,717 bbls. ; quiet but
l Him ; city mill patents , J5.8JffC.lO ; city
mill clears , J5 COS3.75 ; wlnlcr straights , J .M
( ] 4.Cj ; Minnesota patents , JS.20Q5 4 > ; winter pat
ents , J4.90a-3.50 ; wlnler exlras , J3.Wjf4.10 ; Minnesota
seta bakers , Jt.3.'ffl.f,3 ; winter low grades , J3.00
C3.UO. lt > L Hour , dull. : . 'JiW3.2i. Uuckxvheat
Hour , nominal. )1.30 l.y" > .
IIUCKWHHAT Quiet , 43S45c.
COItNMUAL-Dull ; yellow nettern , C9c.
ItYK Steady ; No. 2 western. H > ! 40iS&c.
11AHLKY Dull ; feeding. 4lJic.
UAULUY MALT Quiet ; weatern , 62 fl67c.
WHUAT Receipts. IW.COO bu. ; exports , 137.7C3
bu. ; > pot , firm ; No. S red , ll.WH4n.UJTi , f. o .b. .
ntloat to urrlve. Options opened firm and ruled
t trout ; nil the morning on u scare of May sliorts ,
modrrule foreign buying and steadier cables ,
closi-d unchanged on the late months to Piffle advance -
vance on near months ; March , Jl.OUii/l.OJ'i ,
cloted , Jl.OIK ; May , ? l.w4 ! 1.01 % . closed 11.01 } , .
COUN Receipts , 4I. 0 bu. ; exports , SS.tOS hu ,
Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 3C',4c. Ojitlons , ejufet bul
( Irmly held. In sympalhy with wheat , closing
unchanged ; May , 34b34Vit' , closed 34c.
OATS Receipt * . CO.OW ) bu. ; exports. CS.4JO bu.i
HHJl , flfaily ; No. 2 , 31Hc ; No. 2 white , Ki\c.
Options Influenced by the strength tn wlieal
nnd closed He higher ; May , 30j3U'4c , closet ]
ry 30c.
n- 30c.KKED Quiet ; bran , SOQSIHc ; middlings , toe :
nad rye feed. tSV&Q&c.
ed HAY Kasy ; shipping , SOSKo ; good to choice ,
X- HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice. ' 1SK
d.In crop. 40C ! If ! * crop , "ti'.v ; 97 crop , liRlSc ;
In Pacific ccavl , U9S crop , 4QCc ; 1S96 cron , syioc
11of 1837 crop , 17tlFc. London market , 8S093.
of HIDES-FIrm ; nal\e ton , IJijc ; Texas dry ,
Is 13c ; California , 174H19HO.
ns LEATHER Steady ; hemlock cole , Duenoi Ayres. JofiSOHc.
ne WOOL-Qulet ; fleece , 17eI2c ; Tcxar , IJRlSc ,
re PROVISIONS Beef , steady ; family , jll.JSfl
In 11.75 ; extra mess , J8.COC9.CO ; beef hams , IK.a
lie iiU.CO ; packet. ICUlle. Cut meals , steady
mCO plckle-l bellies , J3.7H26.HO ; Pickled shout ,
CO ders , J4.C004.Ci ! : pickled hams , I7.7S98.00 , ixir.l
ire easy ; uedrrn steamed , J1.3i ; refined , quiet
aks ( TorW , me . jg.iSffll.ZS : short clear , HO.MfilJ.M
ks fdmlly. Jll.tnoil.DO. Tallow , steady ; rtty. ;
.re ll-ltil3Kc ; country , S ; lJic , as to quality ,
O11.S Petroluem , dull. Roiln. steady
trained , common to good , J1.4JV4O1.45. Turpen
tine , quiet , 33 > iU34c. Cottonseed oil. dull ; prlnn
D crude , tOc ; prime crude f , o. b. mills , 1C {
I6V4c ; prime summer yellow , 22 < ir ; off sum.
mer yellow. 23c ; butler oil , UQCTc ; prime wlntei
yellow. ( iM'ic. '
mci-rirm ; fair to extra , 4ViOe'ic ; Japan
UOI ASSGS Firm : New Orleans , open kettle
good to choice , ! tO33c.
MRTALS-Ptg Iron , quiet ; southern , IS.75S
11.00 ; northern , IIO.COQU.OO. Copper. quiet
IrMeerm' . U.75. Lead , dull ; broker * ' , $3.W , Tin
rur plate * weak.
CHKKHtQulet snd unchnced.
BUTTER-Rtctlpti , I.TJ4 pk t.j mtrkU § t tdy
wettern creamery , 1501o | ElHjns.-JJci factories ,
tOc , SRI ? M
UaaS-Recrlpts. (99 pkKS.gllnlMiet steady ;
stale and Pennsylvania , lOXCwc--wrutfrn , 10c ;
southern , 10HUHc. . t w
St. Lou I * Oencrnl llifnrl < li.
ST IJOVIO. March 19.-KtX > UKk-fv akcr : pat-
entv. J4.7004.83 ; straights , | UU4.tticlear , II.COO
4.25 ; medium , J3.60Q3.i5. ' . \ \
WHEAT Lower. clu4ltr 1 W fcr'ilay and
lo for July below yesterday.rhe | close was nt
the bottom and the market TWuV weak , t-'pot ,
higher : No. 2 red , cash , . 9Sc ; travk ,
March. 7H < ? ; atked ; July ,
SO'.c ; September , 7,4c. '
I'OllN Futures , stronger early , ater declln-
Ing and closing Meady to fractions Ither sld < * of
yesterday's finals ; spot , steady : o. J cafh ,
: ic ; March , 26Hc : Miy , 2Su bl May , ZCHc
bid ; July , 2S'ic ; Sfplember , 29B2 c.
OATS -Kut tires ntm and fractlo ally higher ;
sixit higher ; No. 2 cash , 56 Vic ; tr ck. 2C S7c ;
March , 26Hc ; May , :6.c asked ; Ju 23UU:3Uc ,
ItYB-Dull , 4S'Sc.
FLAXRKKD Lower , 11.13.
OOUNM KA I - 1.60fj 1.63.
BRAN-Sacked , enrt track , JSVic.
HAY In little demand , except for fine timothy
thy : prairie , J5.00U8.23 ; timothy , JS.'XHUO.M.
UL'TTER-Qulct ; creamery , 19U19'jc ; dairy , SO
IXlOS-Stcady , SSc.
METAUS Lead , firmer , l3.62Vi03.55. Spelter ,
steady , J4.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard me > s ,
jobbing , JIO. 75. Lard , lower ; prime sleam , J4.90 ;
choice , 14 97 < i. Bacon , boxed Jliotllilorf , Jo. 13 ;
extra short clear , J5.6SH ! rlh , J3.73 : shorls ,
S4.871A. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , JI.60 ;
extra short clear , J5.12'i ; ribs , J3.23 ; shorts ,
15. 37 H.
RECEHTS Fbur , 3,0 ) bblc.l wheat , 20,000
bu. : corn , 112,000 bu. ; oats , 40.COO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbls , ; wheat , 20,000
bu. ; corn , 2I9.0& ) bu. : oats , 53,000 bu ,
Hiilllinorc Market.
BALTIMORE , March 19.-FIX3UR-Dtill ; Wv tem -
em BUpernne , J2.70H3.10 ; wextein extra , n.KHJ
4.V ( ) ; western family , J4.30fi4.60 : winter wheat
patents , J4.755T5.00 ! spring wheat p.iten'.s , I3.205T
5.40 ; spring wlM-nt RtrnlK-hts. JS.OOU3.13 ; rccelptr ,
4WU bbl . ; exporlP , 32.0J3 bbls.
WHEAT Stiong ; spot nnd month. J1.00'4ra
1.00V4 ; May. ll.01Viffl.01Vi ! steamer. No. 1 red ,
56io bid ; recelptw , 16,524 bu. ; export * . 32.000 bu. ;
southern wheat , by sample , 97cjl.iJl | ; southern ,
on grade , 97UcfLfIH. )
CORN Firm ; spot nnd month , 33''i J < l3 ic : Muy ,
33I31c ; steamer mixed. 32H4M3c ; receipts , 2i , -
637 bu. ; exports , 601,093 bu. : southern white corn ,
fi3lc : southern yellow , 8yti)33Ho.
OATS-Qulet : No. S while , 3lf34',4c ; No. 2
mixed , SliiOMc : ; receipts , 104,903 bu. ; exports ,
RY'n Firm ; No. 2 nearby , Klid.'iSXc : No. 2
western. 60Vitfu6c ; receipts , 4,717 bu. ; exports ,
77,141 bu. .
HAY Dull : timothy , choice , J12.60313.00.
GRAIN FREIGHTS Firm : fairly nctlfor
steamers ; steam to Llveri iol , per bu. , 3'id , May ;
Cork for orders , per quarter. 3s 10id ! , Mured ; :
4Hd'T.1s 6,1 , April.
BUTTER Steady : fnncy creamery , IDSirnc ; IMH-
tatlon , ITfflSc ; fancy ladle , 15ci good ladle , 13 $ }
14c ; store packed , 101712C.
CHEESE Steady ; fancy New York , larpet'W
9'4c : ftincy New York , medium , S'.iClOc ; fancy
New York , small , 10U10'Se.
EQas-Fresh , 10 > 4c.
Liverpool Market.
LIVERPOOL. March 19. WHEAT Spot , dull :
No. 2 red , northern spring , Sa ; No. 2 red , west
ern , 7s 9d.
CORN-Spot , quiet ; American , new , 3s 4Ud ;
futures quiet ; March , 3s 4id ( ; Jlay , 2s 2'.4d ' ; July ,
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , dull , 9s 9d.
HOPS at London ( Pacific coast ) , dull , 4 Cs
4 15d.
PROVISIONS-Beef , flrm : extra India mess ,
6Ss 9d ; prime mess , 6Ss 9d. 1'orlc , llrm ; prime
mess , fair western. 51s 3d ; prime mfss , medium
western. 48s 9d. Hams , short cut , steady , 32s 6d.
Bacon , firm , 31s. Short rlba.'dull , 31s ; long clear
middles , light , steady , 28s ; long clear middles ,
heavy , steady , 2Ss 6d ; short clear backs , steady ,
2-cs 6d. Clear bellies , steady , ! 2s. Shoulders ,
stiuarc , steady , 24s 6d. Lard , prime western ,
steady , 27s. Tallow , prime city , firm , 20s 6d.
CHEESE American white fund colored finest ,
OIIjS Cottonseed , Llverpopl refined , steady ,
17s 3d. Turpentine spirits , steady , 25s 3d. Rosin ,
common , steady , 4s 2d.
KinixtiH City Gruln nnil I'rovlNloiiH.
KANSAS CITY. March 19. WHEAT About
steady : No. 1 hard , OOc ; No. . 2 , S7'.ie89ic : No.
3. 83J8u > ic ; No. 1 red , 94iB93n : NoJ 2. 94c ; No. 3 ,
92c ; No. 2 spring , 8CJSSc ; No. ' 3 , MS83C.
CORN Steady : No. 2 mlx d-2Ce.
OATS Unchanged , but firm ; .No , 2 white , 2Sc.
RYE--Steady : No. 2. 46c. w
HAY Lower ; choice timothy , 15.1039.00 ; choice ,
prairie. J7.00. *
BUTTER Steady ; creamery , ISClS'.ic ; dairy ,
14O16c. > s
EGGS-Steady nt c. . .
RHJE1PTS Wheat , 282,000U , ; corn , 396,600
bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu. . ' 0 - \
SHIPMENTS Wheat , IH.OMSbu. ; corn , 39CDOO
Uu.j oats , 10,000 bu. _ ' -
Grnln neeelplfi at 1'rllinlpnl MnrUct * .
ST. LOUIS , March W.hcc p/s : Wheat. 28
cars. 42ip *
MINNEAPOLIS , "Msrch ; 5j-ne elptsVheat ,
254 cars. - . * *
CHICAGO , March 19. Receipts today : Wheat ,
121 cars ; corn , ' 186 cars ; oats , 187 cars. Esti
mated carlota for Monday : Wheat , 223 cars ;
corn. 240 cars : oats , 290 enrs.
DULUTH , March 19. Receipts : Wheat , 63
KANSAS CITY , March 19. Receipts : Wheat.
47 cars.
Toleilo Market.
TOLEDO. O. . March 19. WHEAT Lower ,
weak : No. 2 cash and May , 97 > , Jc.
CORN-Steady : No. 2 mixed , 30'ic
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 27c.
RYE-Unclmnged ; No. 2 cath , 60Vic.
CLOVERSEED-Actlve , steady ; prime cath ,
March and April , J2.82H.
OIL Loner ; North Lima , 66c ; South Lima
and Indiana , Sic.
IMillniIelpliln Proilnce.
rinLAnBLPHIA. March 19.-BUTTER-
Stcaily : fanc\- western creanTery , 20c ; fnncy west-
' 1 > /4C 'OWer '
/ : rrcshl nearby nni1
, , . ' ' : New Ywh fnncy full
c cream.
S4S9Uc ! ; New York prime. 7HffS < ? .
STOCKS AXP iioxns.
Market In Still Over 1iai1ntve < l ly tlic
Cnlnin UiU'Ntlori.
NBW YORK. March lO.-The action or lack
of action of '
today's stock market can only be
Interpreted as the accurate reflection of the
overshadowing uncertainty of the Cuban ques-
lion. Last Saturday the threatening aspect of
the sltimllon. coupled with the recollection of
the developments of the preceding Sunday In
the suggestion for the recall"of General Lee.
led to
reckless short selling by the trtArri
driving the market John ? '
the to a even lower lia ,
Monday market succeeding the Lee Incident
The pinching administered to the reckless bears
In the rebound of last Monday made them
treme y cautious about putting out short line1
In ' "
today' , maiket. Even the Miors who we"
driven to cover In '
lltlivnt-nintml i-iim .i . yesterday's , , _ _ late . flurry . over
ket at this timeIrlce's drlfte'd
'imJil. ° \r a m"ow range. Only a little over
100.000 shares changed hands during the day's
" ' 'Oft ' session. The bond market was equally
dull. The bank statement showed nn unexpected
Increate In the surplus reserve , but the net In
crease In specie by no means reflected the re-
colpts of Imported gold during the week , and the
stock of legal tenders was materially reduced
The lowering of the legal reserve level by J1.82C -
120 through the reduction In deposits answered
f ° r'hat , much of the Incmised surplus. The
J10,5S5,500 In loans guve enough evidence that the
heavy rece-lpti of gold from abroad are Insiuil-
clent to maintain the balance of the money mar
ket In spile of the distinctly easier ton , , o
money In the last days of the week. The Cuban
problem has remained the dominant factor In
tha slock market during- the week. Its uncer
talntlfn and perplexities are felt to be so grea
that no one In Ihe speculative world feels com
petent to form a fixed oi.'nlon as to the out
come. The result Is a small and narrow market
The heavy liquidation of speculative , holdings o
lorw stocks Induced bythe. first stage of the
threatening developments has.about been con
eluded , and probably no further heavy offering
will be Induced except by'frtme developmen
throatf nlng securities. That ilhere has been an
extensive restriction of credits has been obvlon
from the developments In . the.'money market
But this restriction has apiMrfnlry affected noth
ing yet beyond speculative . < nterprltes. nnd
partly trading In securities ( .The completion o
the first liquidation and the .parsing of the sc
curltles to stronger hands , 13Afes the floating
rupply of stocks much redilewl. Prices mov
easily and quickly , with ontyl the light velum
of Imilnets , which Is wholly Jn the hands o
professional room traders. Tnlirtnakes the mar
kct ( eniltlve and extreme 1 oautton Is requlrlt
on the part of the bears , its tltcy have learnet
to their cost nt least twlco during the week
Nevertheless the b ar side of The markft Is th
favorite side , for the und Ukl&g sentiment In
Wall street Is that a hrntle"attitude towari
Spain will ultimately be forced upon thp gov
einment by the deplorable conditions In Cuba
whatever may be the outcome i # the Maine In
quiry. For this reason trader * i"ersl t In selling
the market short. On the. other hand then * Is
the underlying strength of Ihe business situa
tion , the largo Increase In bank clearings all
over the country , showing commercial activity.
Railroad earnings show Rains over previous
years. Prices for agricultural products are
mostly higher , and the foreljrn demand for them
Is strong. The current of gold flowing toward
this country Is uninterrupted for this period ol
the year , when exchanges are usually golnq
against us. owing to the turning of the trade
balance. Though our Imports are. Increased the
still greater increase In exports keeps them
largely In excess of Ihe Imports , All there fa
vorable business and financial conditions make
the. speculative market extremely sensitive ,
Trices rebound with astonishing resllency or
any provocation , and force the short * to scram ,
ble to cover. It IH largely th covering of shorti
that has ralred the level of prices substantial ! )
above last Saturday's depression , The l n <
markH has been dull during thn week , but prli
are somewhat better. United Slates new 4s ad.
vsnced 4 per cent , and the old 4 . reglitered , de.
dined y per cent In the price bid.
The New York Evening Post's London flnoncla
cablegram rays : "The stock markets here wen
lifeless and dull today. The China loan wni
moderately well received. Americans were stead !
on the New York lead , but there will be m
Initiative her * , pending the publication of thi
report of the naval board rf Inquary on thi
Mains dliaster. On the arrivals here of the coli
from Australia I am toll that full wtlchtr <
, tovtralfu ar * twlnf tblpd lo UvtrpooL Tb
Bank of Fpaln return shows an Increase at th
credit of the treasury of ll.HO.WO pesetas ( J2.1W , .
Following are the closing quotations of th
leadlnc stocks on the New York matktt today ;
Atclilnon 11(4 ( st.p.A oiu
do pM 1
I14 ?
Ohio. . * St. P.M. AM 1
Canada Pacific . 25" o. P AC Inc.
Canada Soutnem . . . So. Railway 7tt
CcntrolP.icinc. . . . . . ! 3 do pfd
ChCB. .VOnio . Ill Texan A Pnclflo. . . .
ChlraroA Alton , . . . lot Inlon Pnclllc pfd. . 80H
C.,11. JiQ . W U. P. 11. * O 1H
C.AE. 1 . 6.1 WabnMli , . . OH
C.C.U. & St. L . V * do pM 1M |
ilopfd. . H'J Wheot. Jt L. K Hi
. . Wl.e-i-1. A L. K. pfd 1 > H
Del. L. hV . ISO Ailntim Kx 101
Den..VHIoO . 11 ! ( American Kx K'B
ilopfd . 44S United SUMe-s Ex..311
Krlolnowl " . " _ " . : Fanro Kx. . . . 115
Am. Cot. Oil HI
Ft. Warna . 1 8 A. cot. on pfd oni <
HrenlNorthprnpfd.lOU Am. Spirits 7H
Hocklnir Vallnv. . , . Am. SnlrltH ptd 174
IlllnolRO.-nlril. . . H'i Am. Tobacco t't'H ' '
LnkuKrlo&W . 1S > 3 : lo pfd 113
do pfd . 117 Pi-opio's ( las PI if
l.nk Shorn . IHt ) Cons , ( inn l7Hk
Com. Calln Co 1U3 L 101 Col. V. VIro 1H
Met. St. lly Hl'f dopfd 78
Michigan Ge-n. Ele-ctric 32 '
Minn.V SI. L 20 Illinois Stool 45
do 1st pfd * 2 LnCledu e.m. . , , , , . 4U
Mo.l'aclflo BBM Lv.'Ul 2'JM
Mobllc.VOhlo 20 no tid 103
Mo. K. A T 11 Nat. ( .In. Oil l.M <
Mo.K. & T pfd a1-1 Orcron Imp. Co 2&H
Chl.Ind , &L 7 I'iicllle "nil 24
dopfd 24 Pal 170
N.J. Central H2 Silver Cerlltlc.itos. . OSIli
N. Y.Central 110 Slaiid.Iloiu XT. . , , 3H
N. Y. Chi. Jk St. L. . 1'J Sugar 110
dulHt pfd OH do pfd 107
clolMpM . 80 T. C. .1 iron Ill
KorfolkA Wustoni 11 U U. S. Leather M
No. Amor. Co . do pfd ft7
No.Paultlc . U.S. Rubber : HIM
ilo DM . do pfd 05 ! <
Ontario Ac W . 14V Wt-Hti-m Union. . . . H.1H ANav . 44M , Hawaii Com. Com. .11
Ore- . Short Line . . . . S. L. k S. W. . . .
Plltsburg HIM dopfd IMS
Readme 17 Rio Cr.indo West . 2.
ItncklHlamI 81 ! do pfd 61
S. L.&S. F U Chicago-Great W. . OI <
dolatpfd M N'orlliWL'steni. . . . H7 > i
Et. I'aul pill , dunfd 173
do ptd _ , .140Vt Ruiielliiff 1st pfd. . . . iUI ! <
Total sales of stocks today , 113,500 shares , In-
eluding : ChlcaBo , HurllnKton & Qulncy , y.W ;
Manhattan. 7,100 ; Northern Paullle preferred ,
0,974 ; St. Paul. 13.020 ; Union Pacific. G.lli ) ; Pen-
ple'n ( las , 4,7bO ; General iiectilc , 3Wi ; ,
\IMV York ' .lloncj-
Nomlnal nt 2 per cent. '
HTCRLINO iXCIIANOi-Stendy , with actual
business In bankers' bills nt M.S3WH.S4 tor
slKht , and H.iljJ ! > 2'i ! and SI. 12 for sixty days ;
ommercial bills. tl.Mff4.,0 ) i.
GOVKUNMENT IJONO.S Steady ; new 4s. reg.
stered and coupon , K2 ; 4s , registered , 100 % ; 2s ,
S ; dp , registered and coupon , 110 ; Paclllc Ca
f ' 9i > , 103.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows !
I S.now4a.rcir N.J. C. 69 111 !
I.S. ncw4s con..122 N. C. Os 17.-i
J.S. 4 .ri-u ) ( ! ! ! > : N.C. 4s 109
I.S. 4s , coup Ill No. Pnclfta Isti. . .11(1 (
J. S. us. re ? No. Paclllo 3a ( id
1.8. Ds.roir .111. No. Paclllo 4H U4
I. S. OB. coiiu Ill N. Y. C. A St. L.4 . .10Uit
Districts. G3s 11(1 N. AW. UH 110
Ala..clans A losn N.Y. . Consols 144
Ala..class II .1084 N. W. Deb. Bi 110
Ala. , class C ' Oro. Nav.lHts 11SM
Ala.Currency. . . . 07 Ore. Nav. 4s . . . . l > 4
'tchinonis 8 ! 4 * O. S. ij. . t. r. l-'O
.tchuonunl. 4s. . . , B7 ! O. S. L Os. t. r HPT $
\inaanSo. i'nda. . . lllttU O. Imu. iHts. t. r. . . . 10H
: iilcapo Tcr'l 4s ' O. Imp. Cs. t. r iV
rt. fi. O. fia 'll4 Piclhcb : of'U.- . . . lil :
_ .lf.&D. 44 * , . 104M Itcadln ; 4n 8U (
D.&R. 0.1st * . ' Il.R.West iHtH HOH
) .AK. O.48 . sn St. L. A I. M. Con. . - > 00 1
CaatT nn. lain. . . .1(10 ( St. L..tS. P.Oan.d. llil
KrlcOen. 4a . 70 St. P. Oousoln 140W
' W iD. IB. t. r. ' ' SU P.O.A P. lst.1. . . 118
-ieti. Gleo. AH. . . . . 101' St. P. C. A P. iT.s 114
G.H. S. A. (1 ( * . . . . 102 boutheni Hv. 08. . . . 89
R.H.&S. A. 2da. . 10:1 : S. H. &T. Os B5
I.& . . . ,110 , Teim.iiew Botii. : . . tin
I.AT.O.con Us. ,107 , Tex. Pae. G.lsu nsM
owa C. Ista lee Tex. Pac. II ? . 'Jit ? . . : n4j
C.P.Con. . t.r on u. p. D. AO. ists. . r,4
C.P. let * . t.r. Wab. 1st 5s 1U ( )
> a. New Con.4 . . . .10114 Wab. lids 764
. .tN. Unl 4B. . . . , 811 Wcxt Shom 41 WB
llsfionrl ( Is. ion Va. Centuries 08
H. K. AT. U.U fiH ! < Vi. : deferred 3V
il. K. AT. 4s Union Paclllc pfd. . ROM
K. Y. C. lulu Union 1'aclllclH. . . 01t
Ilnnlnn Stne-lc Qnotntloim.
DOSTON. March 19. Call loans , 3 ? 4 per ce . .
line loans , 4T5 per cent. Closing prices
'or stocks , bonds and mining shares ;
.T.AS. V \V. Klco. pfd. 6V
American 8u < rur. . WlR. C ut
AnuSurar DM , . . . Atchlsoil pfd
lay stata Gas Iloaton L
Bell Telephone. . . 245 Krt.Eloo. Ill
loatonAAlbanr. 20 ( Jen. Klec. pfd HO
UoBionA Mama. . . 103 AtclilHon 4s SB
O..Ii. Q..7 AlloiiRZ Mlnln ? OJ 1
Fitchouiv. . . . ; . , . Atlantic 1JO
General Elbctria. . Denton If Montani 173
Illinois stool 45B liuttoi IloBtcn. . . , 173T2
Mexican . B Calnmct.t Hocl.i. . 6)5 )
N. Y. * pfd. . 00 Centennial' ,
Ola Colony 1HH Franklin
o.s. L Osceola son
[ Uiuocr Oulncy- 100
Union Pacific TamarneK 141)
\VcstKna Wolverines 10M
W. Elco 1'arroti
Snn Frniiclnpo Allnlni ; < ltiuln < lon > .
SAN FUANCISCO. March 19. OlUclal closing
quotations on mlnlne stocks today were as ful-
lows :
Alt3 14 usiice * 28
Alpha Con Kentucky Con
Andes 10 Mexican 30
Belcher 22 Occidental Con. . . . 2.10 Belcher. . . . 3(1R ( Ophlr. 43
Bullion R Overman 10
Caledonia 27 1'otoni
Chollar. . . . , 4.- Sav.tire 24
Confidence. . . . . " . . . ' . 4.IIS Scorpion , 24U
Con. Cat. A V.t. . . . 711 Sicrrii N'e 110
tlrowri Point. 1.1fi Sliver lllll.
Exeheqiier fi Union Con 37
liuuJa&Currte. . . , 111 Utah Con 10
Hnle.vNorcrom. . . 1311 Yellow Jacket
Julia 1 Standard iilo
Silver bars , 55' , ( Mexican ; dollars , K >
drafts , elKht , 15c telegraph , 17',4c.
> > vr York IlnliiK Ountntlnni.
NEW YOHK. March 19-Tlie followlne arrt the
clotlng mli.lnu quotations :
Chollar. 40 Ontario i'j [ )
Crown Point 10 Onmr 40
Con. C.ll. , t Va. . . . 70 Plymouth 8
Deadwoou 73 Onlckillver. lou
Gould Si. Curry is Quicksilver ofj.- 'joa
HaleiNorcroil. . 1:10 : Sierra Navali. . . . 105
IlomestaKo 3700 Standard 100
IrouHllver HU Union Con 2
Mexican VH Ytillow Jackci . . . . vo
Lu nil on Stock ( tuolntlnni.
LONDON , March 19. 2 p. m. Closing :
. 'T HIM N , Y. Central 114H
Consols , sect. 111 ! Pennsylvania ihW
can. Pacific 85M Uoadlnr HU
Krle ii)6 : ) Mui. Cen. now 4n. . Oil
KnelBtpfd 31 Atchlson ll (
111. Central 103 L. AN BOH
Mexican ordinary. . 20W Grand Trunk n > {
SLPanl common . . . 02
BAR 8ILVRR Steady , 23 9-16d per ounce
MONKY 2 iwr cent. The rate of discount In the
open market for short bills , 2Tt 3 per cent nnd
for three months' bills. 2 13-16IU per cent.
Weekly Hank SlnU-mciit.
NEW YORK. March 19. The weekly bank
statement shows the following changes : Surplus ,
reserve , Increased J5.33S.625 ; loans , Increased JIO -
658,100 ; sptfcle. Increased J3.2I1.300 ; lepnl tenders
decreased J1,69S,800 ; deponHs , decrencod J7.SOI.-
5 J ; circulation. Incrcarcd JC0.100. The hruiki
now hold J28,060,050 In excess of Ihe requirement ! )
of Uie 2o per cent rule.
Klnunclnlnti > M.
OMAHA , March 19. The clcarlncs for the
day were | ! .2' . > , E61.97 ; balances , 171,911.33. The
clearing for 1W7 were J749.378.13 , nnd the bal
ances were 1109,661.63. Increnie In clcarliins ,
The bank clearings at Omaha for the week ,
with comparisons , are :
Day. 1S98. 1E97. Increase.
Marc'.i . . . .11,016,413.36 | ? G1,312.69 1153.102 C3
March . , , , 973.2l.r . ! kj 753,339.03 21V 12171 *
March . . . . S22.530.53 753,399.13 19,131.21
March . . . . 965,020.51 610,496.63 334,623 7S
March . . . . 941,583.33 . 3S2.431.41
March . . . . 822.861.97 719,379.13 73.4S2.8 !
Total . 13,511,627.53 11,257,073.71 I1,234,49J"7C
I1OSTON. March 19. Clearlnss. 115,237,343 ; bal
ances. Jl. 615,873.
I'lIILADKU'lllA , March 19-Clearlngs , J10 , .
433,934 : l.alantrc. J1,4J6C41.
CINCINNATI , March 19. Clearings , JI.2G9.SOO ,
Money. ! HC per cent. New York exchange , 40c
MEMPHIS , March 19. Clcarlngr , J343.490 ; bn | .
ances , J10C.301 , New York exchange telling at
11.50 premium.
NEW OULEANS. March 19. Clearings , $1 , S , .
838. New York exchanje , bank , par ; commercial
Jl per 11,000 dUcount.
ST. LOl'IS. March 19. ClearlnRS , J3.693.I70 ; bil.
ances , J.'j62.721. Money , 508 per cent. New York
exchange , 12' , c premium bid and Ko premium
CllIPAOO , March 19. Clearlnps. | 14,713.ei8
New York exchange , 160. Posted rates , J4.82 urc
JI.83. Blocks dull and ttcndy ; Alley L , CO asked *
Hircult. 21 % ; lllscult preferred , T7H bid ; Dla
mend Match , UO'i bid : L-ike Street L , 11 %
North Chicago 213 ; Straw-board , 26'i ; West Chicago
cage , 81S.
KorclKn I'lnniioliil.
BERLIN , March 19. Prices on the bourse wen
firm all around. The recovery was Influence !
by better price * abroad , 4Vsl < ted by the state
ment of the Imperial bank that It was unncc
etiary tn ralte the discount rate ,
LONDON , March 19. flold Is quoted at Hueno
Ayres today at K6.20. liar gold , 77s lOKd. Th
amtnint of bullion none Into the Hank of Eng
land on balance today Is 91,000 , Hpanlih 4
were quoted at K. on advance of * , ' over yes
terday's clmlntr price ,
PARIS , March 19. Spanlih 4s on the bourr
today opened at 65 6-1C ami closed at K 3-1C
airalnst 64 1S-16 , the closlnir price of yesterday
The market was firm nnd then easier. Inlerna
tlonal tecurllles closed level. Rio TIntos rollle
and Ptllerrs mines declined. Three ptr cen
rentes. lof 22Hc for the account. Exchange a
London , lit tsi o for ( hccjuu
KthcDS tlic ticfVM , clcnrs the brain nml created
nosh , muscle nml strength , while the gcncrntlvo orgnrs
ere heliwl to Ruin their normal jwwcrs , nml the nuttcrcr Is
qtilcklymndoconsciousof direct IxMiellt. 1IAU-1IKN Is rre-
parctl by Il atmera Ucnson , 1'h.ix. n. S. , from the prhulo
formula of li. li Ilarton. M. H. ClcvclaniVs most eminent st < o-
clnllst.nnil Is for sale hy nil druggists : ft ) UMots.tO cents. In
cases of prcmaturo lost vltnllty , MAlt-llKN is u prompt , nli-
I . . . nml IK-rmnncnt specific , nml U imlorscil liy physicians
Ml over the world. As a apodal offer , If you will wrlto to us. re-mltilng I l.oj , wo will forward
t i ° ! ° f ot OUIi rcmCl'T ' n"J , , Kl.Y.0 your case nny speclnl nttenllon timlcd. \ > 'o ntiswer nil lei
ters In
plain Piiviilotra nml Imlti nil correspondence strictly confidential ,
i i . U S'IAKTON ; , AND HKNSON. Suite ) VI . 18 Public Snunro. ClevclixnO. a
Insist on getting the ecnultio 1IAU-1IKN , . 00 tablets , W cents. It HtrciiKtlimii the Nerve *
For raleby Kuhn A Co. , 15th nnd PoiiKlnr ! J , A. Fuller . .1Co. . , 1402 IVuglns SI , mid Urnlmm
Drug Co. , 15th and Kiirnnm ; King's I'liarni.ic y , 27th nnd Lrn\rmvortli , 1'eylon's Pharmacy ,
: ih ( and Ix-nvcnworth ; K. J. i-eykora , S. Omaha , and all other druggltts In Omaha , 8 , Omaha ,
Council DIufTa and vicinity.
Week Ends with Light Receipts and Brisk
niltfil Supply of Ilcrvrsi llrlurr
Stonily I'rltM'N lltitulti-r * ami
Stoi'kiTH U tic li n u KIM ! II OK"
Only n Mliuilt * Iotter.
SOUTH OMAHA. March lO.-Recdpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hor's.
March in 1.208 3.SM 1,701 7
March IS 2,307 4.70S 2 ! ) ' .
March 17 l.Siil 4,730 14HI ) 3
March IB 3,337 4.9i : > B.333
March 15 3,720 6,007 3,011 M
March 14 2.1SS 1,620 4SL'G 2
March 12 2.103 4.532 7W 2Q
March 11 2.4S2 BH2 ! l'J-3
March 10 2.312 4,6'J7 10,207
March 9 2MH 6.2JI 6u7fi
March S 2,939 6,609 7.SC9 3
March 7 3,200 3,170 3.JS4 <
March 5 1,137 6.437 1.2'iO 60
March 4 1,823 6.543 D.243 43
March 3 1,652 Ef > 99 3.703 2
March 2 194 B.319 4.S33 B
March 1 2.779 7,800 4.230 3
Hecelpts for the week with comparisons :
Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Week ending March 19. . 14SSI 23,300 : UC 3
Week ending March 12. . 15S7tf 31,209 30,1125
Week ending March 5. . 10,73T. 35,132 2I.39J .
The olllolal number of earn of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'a.
C. M. & St. l > . lly. . . . 1
Missouri Paclllc Hy. . 1 2 . . . .
Union Pacific System. 12 10 4
C. & N. W. lly 1
P. . E. & M. V. II. n. 12 1G 2
S. C. & P. Hy 1
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Hy 15 4
H. & M. U. H. U. . . . 5 13
C. , R. I. & P. Hy. , e. . 1 4 . . . .
C. , R. I. & P. Hy. , w. . . 1
Total receipts 46 62 G 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 20 61(1 (
G. H. Hammond Co If , Hill
Swift and Company . . . . 217 SU 1.G7S
Ctidahy Packing Co 302 1,312 417
H. Heckcr & Dcgiin 61
Lehman .t Hothschllds . . 148
Krebba & Co 87
Hill & H S5
Myers 1C9
Planklnton , Milwaukee. . CSfi
Other buyers 70
Totals 1.17G 3.GOS 2.C93
CATTLH-Hc-celpts today. 1,203 head , yes
terday 2o7 : ; , one week ago 2.10S , two win-Its
ago 1,137. Although no great run Is ever
anticipated on a Saturday , the market all
the week was so encouraging to shippers
that It was only reasonable to expect pretty
decent receipts. The rain yesterday' was
probably In part the cause of the day's re
ceipts being the lightest In Iwo weeks : The
market as a whole was in good shape and
practically everything so'd early with no
nr-prtciable change In values.
lioef Steers The mast of the fat cattle
were nut overly good , but there was one
bunch good enough t'o bring $1.80. The mar
ket was active at Just about steady prices
and thu offerings were not long In llndlng
buyers. ;
Uutchers' Stock Only n few cows and
heifers were on sale , and ns the demand
\uis good they moved off very readily at
unchanged prices.
Stock Cattle The few loads of Btockers
and feeders in first' hands sold early and
the trade was soon over with , no new
features being brought out.
The Week Receipts of cattle the past
week fell n little short of the previous
week's record , but still there was a < falr
run. The market ns a whole was In very
fair condition and prices paid generally
eatlsfactory to sellers. The fact that there
was an active demand all the week that
was fujly equal to , If not In excess of , the
supply was the rsal cause of values being
so well maintained. The tendency of cattle
values at other selling polnto was down
ward and for the week very material re
ductions were made In some cases. At this
point , however , desirable beef cattle Just
about held their own. Common and. half-
fat cattle , owing to a , falling off In the de
mand for suoh cattle. Cor feeding ,
were not such good Kellers as they were u
whlls back and prices cased oft somewhat
for that reason. Cow stuff sold well all the
week without material change In prices.
Light stock cattle were In active demand
and were quick sllcrs at very strong prices.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Tr. No. Av. Tr.
1..1310 H 00 < ) . . . .12C1 H 3.1 27..1037 J ! 03
40..1063 4 10 22..1331 4 23 21.1113 4 43
19..HS3 4 CO 1 , . . . K'O ' 3 CO 2.,1115' 4 01
53..1CG3 4 25 l..l20 4 23 7..11.V ) 4 30
17..UK ! 4 M 2..1D60 500 B..8S.8 . 3M
1. . . . tPO 373 1..1300 410 31..1038 410
30..1349 4 VI 7..1187 4 40 13.,1218 4-ir.
17..H- ! ) 70 22..1170 4 40 41..1233 4 65
1. . . . 830 200 2. . . . 9fO 270 1..1I30 S 10
4..1310 3M C. . . . S70 3 C.I..10fi.1 37.1
3. . . . SSO 430 1. . . . MO 273 I..1070 2 S3
4..1091 2H ! > Z..1030 300 2..1113 315
S..1038 3 23 1..1060 3 2. . 1..1300 3 25
46..1133 333 43..1033 3 f.O 1..1009 3(0
10..1004 3 CO 49..HOT. 375 4 , . . . f2.1 230
8. . . . 042 315 1. . . . 870 325 1..10S1 323
l..i:00 32 : I..11CO 335 4..11C9 345
1. . . . fCO 250 1..1040 2 ! 0 2. , . . 915 290
7..10M 300 4..10f 323 l..l30 331
1..10SO 3 33 7..1028 3 3.1 1..1MO 3 33
1..1UO 340 4..1170 350 1. . . ILK ) 273
1. . . . 800 200 l.,101' 3 dO 1. . . . taO 300
1..11W 3 33 4 , . . . t52 3 40 3..1016 3 43
1..11CO 3 50 4. , . , SC3 3 W 1..12CO 3 50
3. . . . $83 3 S3 1..1220 3 43 1..1170 3 43
1..1240 t tO
B. , , . 610 365 1 , . . . CO 340 1 , . . . 670 340
1. . . . 690 3 65 5. . . . C52 3 C : 1 , , . . 570 3 M >
1..1030 300 2. . . . 620 SCO 26. . . . 703 SCO
1..1200 323 1..13IO 300 1..14V ) S 20
1..1106 345 1..USO 275 1..12lO ! 305
1..15W 325 1..1440 333 1..I7CO 360
6..1600 3 45 1..1530 3 60
I..1070 350 21.1243 403 1..1000 370
J. , . , 203 COO L. . . 17'1 C 23
L. . . 730 4 00 L. . . S70 4 CO L. . . 7BO 4 00
3. . . . 7CO 400 11. . . . S97 410 tO. . . . ! ! 420
5. . . . 914 4 23 3..10CO 4 23 L. . . C70 3 40
2 , , . . 6BO 3 SO B. , . . Cr.O 4 40 6. . . . 712 4 40
72 , . . . COT , 4 GT. 72. . . . 570 4 C1 4. . . , 690 4 K >
1 . C70 3 01 1. . . . CM ) 3 75 L. . . ' 00 3 73
9. . . . 875 4 25 17. . . . 915 4 23 11. . . . 636 4 15
7. . . . 511 500
1IOOS Receipts tod.iv. 3 , 0 ; yesterday , 4,708
ono week ngo , 4,532 ; two weeks nio
5,437 , AH thu market had been cruclii
ally lending upward for several d.ijs U
was only nulural to look for n good Saturday'n
run , but , n was the casv with cuttle , the rnln
douhtlvm rut down the nutnlier somewhat.
Ttie market oi > en l with the bfM hogs selling
at Just about steady prices. In addition to the
leu-ill lU-mand theresus fnlr buying on the part
of shippers , which helped tn mnlntaln prices.
Iwiter on , after tilt- shippers were full , the
market weakened and cloved a shade eaider.
The hogs sold at WMJ13.K , ns ngulnst JJ.CTifJ
3.K yesterday. There worn more loads nl J1.7' ' )
than any other price , the siune ns yesterday , li-it
there were nlso several loads below that prlit-
today. The ( iveragcof all the sales was iwily
Jle lower tl.on . ye-ideidiy.
It can hardly be claimed that the hog market
of the past weelc was to the lilting of Hellers , n
fact made more apparent by the fulling off In
receipts. Tlie week operied with n brenk n
prleand on Tuesday hogs sold doun to the
lowest point touched since February 2. During
tliH three day * following values strengthened up
a little , no that nt the close of tlio week the
uvenige price wns 2V4e higher than on MoruV-
and only lo lower than the eloso of the prt-vmii !
week. While tlic demand was equal lo ln re-
ct'lptif , R was lacking In snap nnd vigor , so
there won on Inclination on most days on the
part of the market to close easier ; Representa
tive talcs ;
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av , Sh. Pr.
43 197 ' . . , J3 CO . . . . , , . , . . . | 3f.5
47 291 . . . S C3 91 223 . . . S C5
141 224 40 3 C5 C : 2S9 40 3 70
03 2C. 40 3 70 CC 32.1 120 370
C3 . . .249 40 370 67 284 120 370
71 2iJ . . . 370 17 217 150 S ft
U 215 . . . S'O 48 : . . . 370
71 242 . . . 370 t'J 243 40 S'O
SO 2CO ICO 3 70 7 197 . . . 3 70
C ! 4 . . . 370 73 243 . . . 370
C2 871 . . . 370 C7 2C5 ICO 3 " 0
74 287 (0 3 7' ) M 210 200 3 70
25 2 > 2 . . . 370 12 278 200 370
0 2SS M S 70 17 245 . . . 370
M 252 . . . > 72 < 1 U 303 . . . 3 72',4 '
11 ttt M 1 7ZV4 CO , , .2i7 bO 7ZH
M tn 1M 7I& M * Q4 . . . 7Jli
Telephone UM ) ; ) . Omalm , Neb
Direct wlre to ChtcnK nd New York.
Correspondents ! John A. Warrtn A Co.
11O Botird ofTrndo Bldp. , Omaha , Neb
Hriiacb OftVe. 103S N Si Liacolc. Neb.
1'rcsldcnt. Vice 1'reilJcnL
Clifislie-Street Commission Cos
Capital , J.-OOIH ) . < ltl. Pull , l > nld.
Ill llnnril uf Trade HutlillnK.
wcslern wetherH liV'iilii
. . . Mrxlcnn hinibs u , J , . ?
" western liiinbH ? i I , .
ISO we-slera lambs . . . . ! . " ' ' " " 14 i- ,
M Mexican lambs \l
' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' . . ' ' 7u B \
yri Mexican lnnU.8 . . . . . . ; j fi is
llo TH Slnrt Offi . .KnlilyV.11 , Imt Lnlor
- ' " ' " ' > "
entile In the .
pvtia tn.lny .
wa * scl.l nt yeslirdnv'g
prlcw.1I.W market fr llm.t Bnillls ns nllnft ; ,
nominal , a.olci- . cattle has
been ho.i.vo . nil wk
ami sell at u premium
over short KM
"rr nt fnlrly "tcaily P
' " .on . weuKened uli.l . later
w-r. - - ,
4' ' " " ' " " ! s * M ' " 'K'-iy ' at
' " ° 5 ' " " ' UlC
SI. l.onlN Mvc Stook.
inncy natUe nlilppliiK and export Hen-s si Mi
' "
cTfer' .
lfni1r"1 ? M- 'Jll" : fnlr ' " clo'fe | ' - butcher cow. ;
i A" . < : J , me"m , " " Buoil feoderfl. J3.63J/4.15
IcSi1.s Hecc1'11' ' h" hra'l ' ! ' "I'H. J3.M ) : midlumi
. '
.tCQ3.SO : IlKht shlppe , * . J3.4r 3.70i p'lgs. iiilsO
flIIREl' AN'D LAXn.S-.Market sten.Iy . nnd un-
nKedi Rood to extra flilpplnc Hiecp. .to
: fnlr In KOO.I Fluop. J3.Olft3.2T , : common to
' " . .00i(2.,0 : extra fhlpidns amis. jl.7f
' 'n'titnff\"r . \ ' "i\ " " " ' " * } " : 'nt 75 : " ' l'"le > ' -
! i , .
ll.MC4.COj fair to .
ROO. | butcher * , W.BOWI.CO.
IlMllllllllllllllN LIVC SlOPk.
clpti. . i.ioo head : shipment * . i 0 head : market
rn her tlumloh ; Rood to prime MO- * . 4.908S.z !
, on'.ar"lf'c. ' ? ' 11"1 , ' ' ' . : shlpmcnls. 1.200
lead market
; sluggish
and : ! $ e lower ; good to
* ! ? ? ? . . nmeill"ni nllc' heavy , J3.90f(3.M ; mixed ,
(3.tOff3.90 ( : good lo choice lights , J3.S5fl3.92 ;
: ommon llKhls , J3.7Cfi3.S5.
SHEBP IlKilpts. light ; flilpments , none ; good
: o choice li < mt. , I3.15ji5.20 ; common lo medium
ojntis , t3,7t > S'tf > ; common thiep , J2.25(83,00 ( ,
En t llnlfiilo Live ! S oe-lc.
DAST IVTTAIN. . v , March 19.-CATTLK- !
iull nnd slow ; fat shipping rieers , Jl.COffll.75fat
iinooth steers , J4.40fl.,0 [ ; e-oar e nnd rou hs , J3.7S
ii i : ,11" } " 'r'1" ' ' J4-1WM.23 ; choice fnt heifers ,
. . , .
I4.2.JJ4.50 ; nilxe-1 Imtrhcrs , J4.5CQ3.00 ; good
butchers' cows , J3.50tf3.tO.
1KX3S Yorkern , need lo e-bolc-p , Jl.1504.201
rough , common ( o choiceJ3.C033.SO ; pigs , com-
non to choice , M.t..fJI.CO.
LAMI1S Clmlco to extra , J.1.SOif3.95 ; culls to
common. ? fo.
SIIEHI * Choice lo selected wethers , | 4E09'.90i
culls ! o common , } 3.2(74.15 ,
City I.lviStock Mnrkrt.
KANVAS CITY. March 19. CATTLIj KecclplK
200 head : market unchanged fn > m yestcrjay )
local trade only ; Texas uti-i-rn , $ J.K8 < l.70j Texa *
cowe , J3.5 < lfM.2i ) ; native pteem , J3.75U5.40i natlv
on\va and heifers , J2.23fn.63 ; ttockers and fe d.
ei . , J3.fiVCt3.25 : bulls. J2.0icH , 65.
HOGS IlecelptK , 3f iO heiid : market stendyt
l.ulk . of sales , J.l.n.'Hi.l.sJ ; henvlra , J1.7 3 91) '
iackers , J.1.CO i3.9i ) : mixed. J3.A.Xd.U : IlKhts , 13 &J
4J3.70 ; Yorki-rs , J3.63 ? 3.70 ; piss. ) .
HIIHlSr Ilrrelptit , l.COO hvnil ; market steady !
lamlu , J1.4&U5.23 ; mutloiiH , M.60fi'l.6'J ,
\ < - > v Viirk LiveS ( .rk.
NBW YOUK. March lO.-IIHUVKS-rterelptn.
1.014 head ; exports , 1,244 beeves nnd 4,143 quar-
terH of beef
OALVHS llerelpts , 77 head : active nnd firm :
cal . ! 3COf8.00.
SIIKKI' ANI > LAMIIS-Ilecelpts , 3,327 head :
slurp morn nctlvn nnd fte-jdy : lambs a trlft *
weaker ; lambs , J5.6 , * > ne.20 ; no sheep sold.
HOClS-Hecelpts , 1.79G head ; slow and lower at
CliiHiinnll Llvf Slnsk.
OIN'OINNATf. March 19. HOCIS Acllve nnd
sti-aily at J3. -ii4.00.
OATTIntronR nt J2.7.fO. .
SHKHI'-Bleady at J2.7r.5l 4. M.
LAMIIS-Slloni ; at J1.00W5.90.
HIiM-k In
Record of rocelpts of llvct stoclt nt the four
principal mniktla for March 19 :
Ciitlle. Hoifs. Blieep.
Omaha . l.OS : 3.60 1,7ft
ChlcaRO . 2110 17,0110 2.0X. .
Kansas City . 0) 3.0)0 l.I'O
St. I < ouls . , 400 S,8"0 too
Totals . ? , OS 27.150 T.401
1111 Mnrkclii.
OIL CITY , March 19. Credit balances , 77o ; cer
tificates , first sale reitular at 77c ; hlKhest reuular
at 77Hc ; clored nt 77c bid for cath delivery oil ;
total sales , D.OOO bbli. ; rhlpmenls , 62.319 tbls. ;
runs. ! i7.K/l bids.
SAVANNAH. OB. , March ! ! > . OIUS-Bplrll of
turpentine , firm at 29c ; rales , 52 bbln. Hoiln ,
firm ; sales , 777 bbls : ( jiiote : A , II. O , ! > „ Jl 15W
1.40 ; K. R. J1.40 ; O. , 11,60 : H. . ILO ) ; L , Jl.fMO
1.63 ; K. , Jl.6501.75 : M. . Jl.7081.iO ; N , , lt.7Sa
1.85V ; O. . Jl.M ; W.V , , JJ.
C'HAULKMTON , S. C1 , . Mnrrh 19.-OILS Tur-
pentlne , maiket nulct flt f * ; vales , none. Itnsln ,
firm and unchanged ; rslcs. none.
WILMIN < nv > N. N. C\ . March I9.-OILS-8plr-
Its of turpentine , quiet at tS'/xOWc. Ilotln ,
t > ady at lt.2Dffl.30. Crude turintlne , nothln *
doing ; prices unchanped. 'rsr steady t die.
SiiKiir lliirkflM.
NBW ORLEANS , March 19.-HUOAn-Tult ;
open kettle , none.ranulatcil ; , 4'tflt 11-K ;
whlteir. 4 ; ( j4VSc ; yellows , 4tt4l6c : seconds ,
2K 3 ISKxMolaney. . ttromri centrlfUKal , lft IK.
NKW YOItlC. Mirh -Ht'OAIl-Ilaw , quiet ;
fair reflnlnir , tHc. centrlfUEal. 90 test. 4 M c ;
renned. quiet ; mould A , 6 * , < M standard A , 6c ;
confectioners' A , 6c : cut loaf , fStc ; crushed , 6Hoj
powderol , C 6-lC > - ; ( -ranulaleJ , 6'ic ; cubes , S t-Kc.
Fall Illvrr Cliitli Market.
FALL ItlVEIl , Mats. , March ! . The loraj
stock mrktt continued almoit llf l n , wltb 11U
tl * Inijuirjr ( or cotton ttcck < " *