THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs FRIDAY , MARCH 18 , 1808. FRM THE FARTHER WEST 11IMNC IN THE BLACK HILLS Latest Adylccs from Eonth Dakota's Great Mineral District CAPITALISTS INTERESTED IN THE MINES dlnnlln Caiiiimnr ' " Sfotr nt AVorU In the ( MTffmt I'yrltlo Ore llody , la the IIIIlN General Ncwnolc . LEAD , S. D. , March 17. ( Special. ) W. E. Ilothormel , president , Harry Benedict , n > cre- tary and James D. Hardln , general manager ot the Hardln companies , are In tbe city from Chicago. V. D. Hardln-has been In the cast for Botno tltno In tbo interest ot the cevoral Hardln companies. He states that lie was euccoseful beyond expectation In en listing men of wealth and prominence In his enterprises. The men who are Interested In the Hardln properties ore practical business men and Mr. Hardln has thoroughly Im- pressoJ upon them the pofslblllty of failure In any mining enterprise , and while tbe men usually bavo a limited knowledge of mining affairs , they are prepared to meet any dim- culty that might arise wltb plenty of money. As Is well known , the Hardln com pany has been working in ore several months. It Is generally conceded that the ere body In which the Hardin shafts and drifts arc operated Is the largest pyrltlc ore body In the Black Hills. Should the snmo ere body be encountered 1 the Chicago and Two Bit shaft , which Is In the center of the Two Bit-district , and etlll farther north In the Hercules shaft , It Is estimated that the ere body would be the largest and most valuable aver found In any mining district In the world. The Two Bit district has one great ad vantage over any other mining camp In the Hills In that both slllclous and sulphide ores are found which are both essential In matte emeltlng and reduces the cost of ore treat ment quite materially. Mr. Hardln further ( states that It Is surprising how little known the Blnck Hills la outaldo of Chicago and n few eastern cities. Mr. Hardln found fre quent traces ot the Grable affair In the oast. The Injury to the good name of the Black Hills is greater than generally supposed. There are a great many people who will never focllcvo that the Union Hill property Is good ' for anything. There nro a few staunch friends of the Hills In Now York and Phil adelphia and In other cities cast , who are doliu : ail they can to assure the people that the Union Hill property Is as rich as any In the Hills and tint by Judicious cxpenll- turo of money valuable mines may be opened. The most exasperating part of the Union Hill affair is that Us promoter came from a farming country and , totally Inex perienced In mining matters , has thrown n smirch on the name of the country which wilt lake years to outgro-v again. Mr. Har dln states that the plans of the now smelter will bo acted on before the first of April. The emeltcr Is to have flvo upright furnaces with a capacity of 500 tons of ere a day and will bo built upon the general plan of the recent Dcadwood and Delaware smelter , using the same process. It li expected to have the smelter in operation tlireo months after commencement ot work. P. H , Smith , general manager of the Buck eye company , of Two Bit , has gone lo Mil waukee to dispose of 150,000 shares" stock to a syndicate of business men. Work has licc'i at a standstill at the mlno for nome time , and It Is now proposed > to resume operations as soon as the sale of stock Is completed. A hoisting plant Is to be erected. TWO SHIFTS WORKING. Two shifts of men are 'being ' worked at the ( Olsmarck and Big Hit mines In the South ern hlllfi , J. G. 'Mattes , general manager. The properties are bonded to John Barth of Milwaukee. Forty tons ot ere a day are being milled In the Ingram & McEachroni custom mill. The ere runs about $3 a ton free milling and carries about $30 a ton con centrates. The ledge of ere Is forty-three feet wldo and Is reached by a tunnel 27G feet long , tapping the ledge about 100 feet below the surface. J. J. JlcLaurln has a bond on the Eldorado croup , belonging to the Smith brothers , near ( Hill City. A 100-foot shaft has been sunk and the ledge will bo developed by a sys tem of tunnels and drifts. A mill teat of the ere pave ? 22 a ton gold , which Is mostly frco milling. It Is cxpectei that quartz will be struck In the .Deadwood . .Development . company's shaft. In Two iBIt , In ten or fifteen more feet. The shaft la now 160 feet deep and ds In shale , which Is highly mineralized , car rying considerable frco gold. This company Is composed of Dcadwood business men. A large quarry of marble has been dis covered In Two Bit , which Is flno In quality and blocks three feet In width and several feet In length can bo. taken out. The stone takes a flno polish , Near toy was also found a bed of mloeral paint in flvo colors , which Is fine giallied and required but little oil. C. E. iMoHugh , who Is Interested In some Two Bit property , has returned from the cast , where ho succeeded In organizing two companies , composed of men from Boston and New York. The companies will be . known as as the lloston & Black Hills and the Now York one ? . Black Hills Mining com panies. A contract has been let for an JS.OOO hoisting plant by ono of the com panies and work will be commencpd very coon by both to elnk shafts , The Dalton ground , In the Blacktall dis trict , owned by , Gus Oborg , John Clancey aul others , Is being thoroughly prospected end has very good Indications. The ground is situated on the opposite side of the gulch from the American Express group and the owners believe they have the ore shoots of that property. They expect to begin ehlp- plng ore this week , FINE U3DGBJ OP ORE. A flno ledge ot ore has been struck In tbo Yankee Boy group ot claims at Carbonate camp , under lease to tbo Bangs brothers , assay era at Deadwood. A carload ot orq la on tbo dump ready to bo shipped which averages about J2C gold to the ton and car ries from 15 to 50 per cent lead. Tbo shaft en tbo Blackbird ground In the same lo cality , which Is being sunk by John. . Mc laughlin , U down fifty-two feet and la In flno appearing gouge matter wblcb assays A MedicajDiscoverv RHEUMATISM NO I.OXfiBR A UHUAD- Kit DISBASB * Quickly Caret ! by Gloria Tonle Th < Latent Find in Mtilclue. ; As reports come In of the continued sue cess of Gloria Tonic In the cure o rheumatism , Interest In this wonderfu medicine lias spread even among physician : who are not particularly favorable to new remedies that euro without the doctor's as distance. A case | n point Illustrates ; Johr Carston of Helton , Texas , had planned foi Ills wlfo a trip to Germany , but she was subject to rheumatism nnd the journey > vai delayed. She went through the usual ex l > crlence of home remedies , doctors and s < on without success , but finally got arouiu to Gloria Tonic , and after using threi boxes of the remedy was entirely cured Blto was naturally overjoyed at the prospec of going abroad , and Mr. Carston , In writ Ing to the proprietor of Gloria Tonic slatec that his wife had started on her journey lie concludes his letter by saying : "Kindly send me 5 more boxes ot Glorii Tonic for a daughter of a neighbor who 1 ulso very seriously aflllctcd with rheu jiiatlsm. I have recommenced It to he very highly. She has spent a great dea of money with phylslcans without belm lielpeil and would like 5 boxes of this grant euro , " Gloria Tonic Is made by John A. Smith 213 Summurllcld , Church Uulldlng. Mil WQUkce. WIs. , and Is sold by the followlnj dru ; | sts. at $1.00 a package : Kuhn & Co. Ill B , 15th 8t.t Bhermann and McConne llruc Co. , 1513 Dodre 8U ; Myer-Dlllon Prui Ca , U3 Farnum fit. A bflolj of testlmonlaU and * free Ula package of Gloria Tonlo Is mailed free t wtaa will MB4 Mr. Smith th lr wcU nd In free milling. When quartz In reached , the ground will be developed by acveral tunnels and drifts. Three miles west of Deadwood Is "Qo-to- Ilell" gulch. Tbo district has a peculiar blitory of IU own , of early prospects , great hopes never to bo realized and the final abandonment of tbo gulch which boa since carried the unique name of Go-to-Hcll. Dur ing tbo pait year two miners have been , prospecting a hole , and now liavo a. abaft down forty-five feel on a vertical lodge which has widened out to tour feet In places and llee between slate and porphyry walla. Near the bottom a small vein of dry ore wan found which Is a peculiar formation. The ore carries a high percentage of lead , frco gold an 1 native silver. It Is supposed to bo a cross vertical to the formation , and It will bo crosscut at a depth of fifty feet. A new hol'HUig plant has been ordered for the ilalmoral and Richmond ground , In Ne vada gulch , and It Is expected that the ma chinery will arrive this week , and will beset set up at once. It Is the Intention to drift with the formation toward the south aoveral hundied feet , ar l then west to connect with the workings of the Snowstorm ground , which Is operated by the pome company. Wci'k on the Groundhog group of claims bos been stopped at a depth of seventy fcot , because of water. The property was recently - cently sold to an eastern syndicate by Pat Smith. The last shots ! u the shaft opetaed up , It le thought , a rich body of ore. A largo pump will bo put lo. "City linn Money In the Trcnanry. AI1ERDEEN , S. D. , March 17. ( Special. ) Rov. T. J. Dent , for many years pastor of the Coflgrcgatlcnal church In this city , has tendered bis resignation and will shortly remove to North Yak Ima , Wash. , where ho will assume charge of a church. The" annual report of the Aberdeen city treasurer makes a flno showing. There Is plenty of earn on hand and the bonded ln- dcbtedners has been decreased $ S,080.SO dur ing Die past year. Li. H. Pier & Co. of Dubuque , la. , are en deavoring to make arrangements to remove their chewing gum factory to this city. The unleascd school lands In Brown ounty wcro offered for lease to the highest Idler on March 1C. The demand woo good ml bidding lively. The annual city election will bo held on \prll 19. InlMiitlon nt Mitchell. MITCHELL. S. D. , March 17. ( Special Tel- gram. ) Ttio Order of the Eastern Star lodge eld initiatory exercises tonight , when welve new members were taken In. Fol- owlng Uils there was a banquet and ilnnce. ho lodge has Initiated sixty new members vlthln the larst nloo months , and will carry If the banner at tbo grand lodge meeting ai ledfield In .May. Cn WITH STItANUIS IUTES. r Chief AVhoxr Xiuni- Once Struclt Terror t < Stroiiw Mrit. Indian Jim , tbo nominal chief of a frag mentary remnant of a tribe of Digger In- lans who have their rancherla at Sport _ 1111 , about a nillo cast ot Mokplummc Hill , a dead , says the Calavoras ( Cal. ) Pros- oct. A great pow-wow was held at the amp and the remains wcro carried to the nrllan burying giound , near Lombardl's ilaco below the forks of the Jesus Maria nil Canadian valley roads , and burled wltb ho rites peculiar to tbe tribe. Jim was a man about 53 or CO years old t the time o his death , and was probably iorn on the epot whore kci had lived all bin Ifo and where his spirit finally took Its do- ' larture. for the happy huivtlng grounds. Ho raa over six feet tall , we'll proportioned nil as straight as an arrow the picture of ( hysloal health. 'Ho ' always wore , a large ombrcro , with his hair cut and combed fter the ancient 'Mexican style. In disposition ho was -haughty , s'llcrit , ulky and morose nothing astonished him , ot oven excited his Interest , and ho was over known to smile. Hlls face was the ountcrpart of "Thrce-Flngored Jack , " of ho Joaquln ftturlctta fame. He cnuld often o seen at the camp on aunny days -sitting Iko a statue for hours out on a stone or log. taring straight ahead ! In stupid1 silence , not vcn condescending lo turn lits bead or look up when a stranger cajno around , unless It nay bo to beg some tobacco or a match. Questions asked of him were answered In he shortest manner possible. Among the old-time settlers Jim bad the name of being a "bad Injun"vhen In liquor , ind bo seemed to glory In the reputation , le was the terror of the women ot thp vl- ; lnlty , although ho was never known to larnl any of them beyond going to their tomes when Intoxicated , with a big revolver at his fildo. and arrogantly demanding of .hem the whereabouts of their husbands , at ho same time making many threats. He usually chose the time , however , when ho mow the husband was away. Jim always had saddle horses , and spent nest of his time In riding about , but needy - > ody knew where ho got them. As bo oc casionally went out on excursions as far away as Fresno county , always returning with ono or two horses usually unbroken colts It Is pretty safe to presume 'that they were stolen. The Interment of Jim was'attended with many mysterious rites , and about thirty or "orty ppoplo from tbo Hill went to witness t. Contrary to the usual custom , the body- was placed In a coffin covered with all tho1 flashy tinsel used by the whites. The grave was dug , and the earth thrown , out was } rokcn up flno and spread out evenly upon the groifml. The coffin was lowered Into the grave , and Susie , the mother , was laid 'ace ' downward upon this earth beside the ; rave , and every portion of 'her body and 'aco was pressed down until a perfect Im pression of her form , was left In tha loose sol ) . Jack was then downed and pressed In the same way , as was also Jennie , Then with many lamentations and hideous noises tbe dirt was shoveled In on top of the colfla. Their ceremonies were very much dis turbed by one of the spectators , George Bmcrson , who had a camera and tried to take a snap shot at them. The old equans were terrorized , and ono of the young 'bucks ' demanded that be put up that thing as the "old ladles" did not like It. This samp- su perstitious dread1 of a camera may be found among every tribe of Indians from ono end of the United States to the. other. 'Emerson put up his camera and the Indians finished the burial of tha old chief ! who had for half a century beoa a familiar character la those parts. sunious imoimi i.CALIFORNIA. . IJrlot Son on Known ( or Mnny Year * lu the Southern Portion. SAN BERNARDINO , Cal. , March 17 , ( Special. ) Grave fears are expressed by the residents of tbe county as to tie result of the extended dry season. The rainfall up to date has been only a trifle over five Inches and this has fallen In small showers , fol lowed by dry winds from tbe north which carried the moisture away almost as soon as It fell. Tha water In 'the ' Dear valley roiervolr Is lower now than at any time since the dam was put In , with the exception of last fall at tbe end of the irrigating season. Since that time tbe reservoir has filled only one foot and from the present outlook there Is little prospect of It receiving any more this winter. Should tbU prove to be the case the water now stored there will not last later than tbo middle of July and without that supply the entire fruit district of the eastern end of this valley will suffer greatly II the treca are not killed outright. Tbe Alasaudro and Moreno country In Riverside county U also watered from tbli reservoir. Toe mountain trems wblcb have never been known to run dry are already running low , and unless great quantities of rain or enow fall In the mountains 'will dry up com pletely before tbe summer Is over. The Southern California Power company wblcb Iwu A large electric plant at the mouth of Mill creek , has always utilized tbe < yeek for obtaining IU power , but lat fall when H became apparent that this would be an extremely dry season the company put In machinery to be run by steam. II w i not Intended to use tbl * unlee * tbe water § upply became too low to supply power and U wa not thouxbt tbat thli would be tbe CMS until late In tbe ummer , 1C It all. but contrary to their expectations they have been compelled to put it Into u > * already. In Ontario , M wall * l HkhUni ) and tk wchwdbU bm been Irrlgat' Ing for some time on half time , as the water companies arc not able to furnish the fult number of inches. If this be the case now , when the water supplies are supposed to be at their bout , It may be readily seen what Kill follow In August aud September , when water Is most needed , In this city the artesian wells arc already falling rapidly. This , however , Is attributed to another cause as well aa the dry weather. Tbo Riverside water companies have bought the right , wherever possible In tbe artcjlao belt , to bore Immccee wells , and as aoon aa these cease flowing , pumps are attached. Naturally , this wholesale developing of underground water soon has Its effect on the smaller wells , and large numbers of them have stopped flowing altogether. Altogether the outlook for the farmer and orchard 1st Is extremely bad , and unless uu- expected relief come * , the season will result In great loss to them , Conference , \Yenterit Governor * . SALT LAKE , Utah , March 17. ( Speclal.- The gubprnntorlal conference at willed It was hoped that a plan might bo reached of exterminating tlie outlaws that Infect ' Brown'o Park , the Holc-ln-the-Wall country - ! I try and the Robbers' Roost country , csuio I ' to an end without anything definite having | been accomplished beyond the general un derstanding that ttio governors are to af ford ono another all the aid possible la huntIng - Ing down the criminals wanted by any of them , The adoption of the Texas ranger plan , each state employing five or six men at an annual salary , was much dlscucsed. The re ward plan was then breached and the plan of posfea from the different states striking at the eimo time. 'BuL ' the longer the con ference continued the further opart the gov ernors got and the matter was finally dropped without any decision having been reached. ItiiNltieRH I'rodtiiMc . SANTA PE , N. M. , March 17. ( Special. ) Solomon Luna , ono of the heaviest raisers In New Mexico , said today that never In the history of the southwest did the sheep and wool producers feel so confident of big returns. The la&t winter In New Mexico , ho said , had not occasioned a loss of even 1 per cent among the Hecks , and the range Is in prlmo condition for lambing , which has al ready begun. In speaking of prices Mr. Luna said that Jaffa & Praegcr of Rcswcll hod recently sold 10,000 head of cheep to eastern buyers for $41,500 , or $4.15 a head. The same nnlmals coat the firm mentioned $ t.75 a ycur ago. Wool will start In at a high price , probably 20 cents per pound , and sheep men In Now Mexico nro looking Into the future with a great dnal of complacency , Quarrel Over Salmon. Klnlicrlcn. SAN FRANCISCO , March 17. ( Special. ) The Pacific Steam Whaling company has secured a verdict for $30,000 damages against the Alaska Packers' association for losses arising from a quarrel over the fishing rights in Karluk river and off Its mouth. The pack ers' association maintains a largo cannery at Karluk , and Its managers provcaitcd by force the whaling company's employee from taking fish In those waters , destroyed tholr nets and nearly wrecked their vessels. The packers' association will appeal the case , as it claims exclusive right of fishing where it has established salmcn canneries. Cliitnii'loii I'otnto I'eeler. NEW WHATCOM , Wash. , March 17. ( Spo- lal. ) Mrs. Collier of Palrhnvon has won the hamplonshlp of Whatcom county as a potato > eeler. During the last month she peeled 5,431 potatoes In twenty days , while em ployed by the Whatcom Evaporating com- mny of this city , earning $23.23 by the feat. This company Is running Its flood of orders ahead and employes fourteen or more people constantly. The flyo other plants In the county are all doing -a rushing business , nest of tho.m running twenty-four hours , .a lay , CHiINt Xot Cut PHOENIX. Ariz. . March 17. ( Special. ) There Is great Indignation hero over an order from the general land office forbidding the cutting of mosquito , as follows : "You are hereby notified .that the honoioblo com- ' mlssloner of the general land office , having ruled that mosquito Is timber within the meaning of the law , that all trespassing upon government lands In the cutting of mesqulto or other timber will 'bo promptly reported by mo to the general land office for prosecution. " To Worlc Iiluliu 1'lnc-crti. IDAHO CITY , March 17. ( Special. ) A lompany of Pennsylvania men Is now nego tiating for nil the placer ground here , In cluding all water rights. Aa mining la now carried on none of the claims has sufficient , water with which to work successfully after the spring freshets ore over , as there are nuineroun water rights dividing the supply. Ono company owning all the water could , make any of the claims pay by concentrat ing all on a few claims. Of I'lTNllIll I.IIIUUN. SAN DIEGO , Cal. , March 17. ( Special. ) The wearing of Persian lambs' fur Uy women must bo stopped. This la the cdlqt "of the San Diego Ladles' club , adopted unanimously after earnest discussion. The club declares that this practice , like wearing birds as headgear ornaments , results In cruelty and suffering to harmless creatures , a crime which women ought not condone. Woinliiir Notr * NotcK. Extensive railroad Improvements will bo made this spring at RawIns. ! Laramlo citizens will contribute $1,000 for the building of a wagon road toward the Grand Encampment. Owners of mining property at Silver Crown have received word trom T. E. Zehn , a prominent St. Louis smelting man , that he will be In Cheyenne in a very few daya to Inspect recent discoveries In the camp. Lester Stlllson , aged 14 years , living with his parents on Seven Mile creek , thirty miles northwest of Laramle , accldcntly shot himself while hunting. Ho bad Bounded a rabbit and was killing It with the butt of his gun , when it was discharged , the shot , a 22- caltber bullet , striking him In the abdomen. J. C. Teller of Denver , who is filling a largo tie contract for the Union Pacific states that 200,000 ties could bo cut In his Brush creek camp aod floated down the Platte river to Fort Steele this spring. The land upon which tbo tics are being cut has been found to contain rich gold-bearing gravel and as socn as the tie-cutting season Is over , the force of men employed will be put to work at placer mining for tbe sum mer. mer.The The quartermaster of the Eighth infantry has been ordered to forward to Washington a tent , the product of Chief Packer Moore. The tent la round and supported by a metal lic hollow center with tripod base , Thla center serves as a smokestack , while IU base Is a beating and cook stove. The tcut will accommodate in comfort sixteen men , and has been pronounced by experts tbo best army tent ever Invented for tbe purpose for wblcb It Is Intended , I < lIIIn * VeiTote . Sheep shearing has been commenced in tbe vicinity ot Boise , The wolves have all disappeared from the vicinity of Albion , and it la believed they bavo gone to the mountains. O. P. Sraltb of the Blackfoot nursery wll plant 50,000 trees In nursery this year am will also plant tea acres In bardy apples In orchards. There is much activity at Nampa. Many aettlera are coming In aiifl the prospect la that tbo Iramlgratlca during tbe season wll be heavy. A company bu been organized In Call fornla to put in a bedrock flume three miles below tbo town ot Warren , Idaho county In order to secure sufficient grade for the flume a tunnel will bo driven from tue Sal mon river side. Tbo company will have t tract turce oillee long by nearly a mile It wldtb. Tb Twin Spring * company , operating tbe moat extcnilve placer nilnra In tbo state , on nolso river , ! gottlng tblnga In readiness for piping ID several of tbe claims. TUe company bai many ot tbe latent improved giant * and SSO feet preature on some o tbo bar * . With tbe facilities Immenao quan title * ot 8r ve | can bo waibod t imall x pen * * , to there U no doubt tbit the will grove a paying one. lAVIGNE ANl ) DALY DRAW Fight Twenty FurtouT Rounds Without a Deciri3o , IT IS A SUPERB -PUGILISTIC CONTEST T ! V Kid McCoy AHawHcfcrec nnd 11U Decision * < ll\iui < icnernl Sntli- fnctlou . , i-o All CLEVELAND , 0. , Starch 17. The twenty- round go between KM Lavlgne and Jack Daly for the lightweight championship of the world at the-Central armory tonight , re sulted In a draw. The fighting was fast and furious from the start , but the contestant * wore so evenly matched that neither could gain an advantage sufficient to get a decis ion In his favor. The armory In which the fight occurred was crow-Jed to full capacity early In the evenlni- before the preliminary contest be gan. Tluketo could not be had after 7 o'clock , though offers of $15 and $20 for stats were freely made. The spectators In cluded sporting men from Philadelphia , Plttsburg , Cincinnati , Detroit , Buffalo an.l other cities , and none of them were disap pointed Inthe exhibition. "Kid McCoy" was the referee , and his decisions gave excellent satisfaction , not withstanding the fact that the partisans of Lavlgno tried to Influence the contest In his favor. The atory of the fight by rounds follows : First- Round Lavlgne landed left on neck. Daly stopped Lavlgne's right nicely. Li- vlgno t\ml Daly landed right and left. La- Mgno reached home thtee or four times more than Duly. Second Hound After Lavlgnc had landed heavily on the face several times Dab- caught him unawares' and sent in a straight left drive1 , bringing blood and bruising L-a- vlgne'is eVc. A second' ' punch wan sent In , but It iwos less effective than the first. The tound wns decidedly warm. Third Hound The men never rested nnd t .MIS a pretty round. Jmt before the. bell oundeil Lavlgne got a straight left on thu stomach. Fourth Round Lavlgno landed with left n face. Daly sent In a. right swing. Daly andeU left full on thu jaw nnd sent Lavlsno ' .own. Lavlgne came up quickly. The- Inlsh was lively. I.avlgno went down ngnln. Fifth Hound Daly got a left on the Jaw nnd a rally followed. Daly landed heavily vlth left on Lavlgne's ja'.v. Sixth Itound Lavlgnc landed a hot one on he eye , Daly countered on the jaw. Daly anded on the cheelc. Hound closed with both men In good shape. Seventh Hound Opened -with right nnd left counter. Daly landed heavily on stomach ind received a hard one on the Jaw. KID HITS HARD. Eighth Hound Daly landed with right on ho Jaw , but Lavlgnc countered hard. The < ld landed viciously with the left on the nee the hardest blow yet. . Duly again andcil with left on jaw and In return re- cclveil a tap en thasifluiacli. , Ninth Hound Laylwv jabbed hard with ho left , but Dab' utOpped him. Lavlgnc anded on the cheek. 'Lavlgne landed harden on shoulder. ' ° Tenth Hound LavUno slipped , going down on nil fours * jL vlRno made false nove , received a blow In the , face and put his head through the.ropes. , Eleventh Hound jawsne sent In an effective drive on Dnlj-'h chest. Daly coun- ercd on cheek. Both'Vlucked and Lavlsuo anded heavily on dhont. Twelfth Round HadJmixup. . Vicious sparring at close .quarters . , Lavlgno guarded veil nnd nnally lanUcd'b'n ' chest with right. Thlrteenth-"Hounil 1 < 1 lamU'd ' heavily on ribs. Daly ducked. 'Lavlgne-landed heavily on chest. : jr > r ) Fourteenth Hound-Dly , was dodging , but received a right BwlMK on tnc facc > llc responded in thexsaine. " fashion lind'after ward landed wttlOerP8on Jaw twice. ihftccnthRoundiOWy - * landed' ' on Jaw With'right swing. rCfimtouB sparring- close quarters closedrSiho round. .Sixteenth Hound-After light tapping Lavlgne landed on s qmach ami Daly coun- ered on jaw ; aggressive wprk followed. .Lavlgne pushing Daly hard. Seventeenth Hound Lavlgne's left eye opened again. Round closed with sharp countering. ' Daly's tound all the way hrough. i Eighteenth Round Lavlgne took a hard ) low on the nose nrt lleree jabs were ex changed. Lavlgne received two vicious rights on stomach. Lavlgno landed harden on face twice. Nineteenth Round Sparred for opening. Lavlgne landed left on body. Got together nnd went nt It hammer nnd tongs. Lavlgnc anded Uercely on ribs twice. Twentieth Itound Daly landed left on 'ace. Another even exchange of blows. Lavlgne landed left on Daly's face. Daly countered. Lavlgne landed with left and twice with right on the body. Refcreo called the light n draw. EVENTS OX THIS "ilUXMN'G Tll.VCKS. St. 1'ntrlfJc Ilniullcaii IH the Feature nt \ MV Orli-aiiN. NEW ORLEANS , March 17. The St. Pat rick handicap nt ono mile and a. sixteenth , valued at $1,000 , was the feature of today's card. It was a sharply comtesteiPrace , and the- time equalled the track record for the distance. Tommy Hums came from Mem phis tot ride. Fervor and landed him 'winner In a line drawn finish with fome > to spare. With jockeys reversed. Brighton wculd prob ably have captured the prize. Nabob , lien- , nlngton & Gardner's derby candidate , ran away a quarter of n mils nnd ruined his chances. The weather was fine- and the 'track ' fast. The attendince was large. Ward1 and. . Fervor were -the only winning favorites. The Texans turned another trick with John Haker , who opened In thp betting at 100 to 1. Only a fe * > dollars were bet at thait price nnd the odds were then cut to C to 1. Re sults : First race , selling , ono mile : Percy P. , wonvDudley second , Mr. Baston third. Time : 'Second race , selling , six nnd a half fur- longatGold Corn won.JIedaler second. ! Dave S Ihlrd. Time : 1:2054. : _ . . Third race , selling , six furlongs : First , Ward -won. Ferryman II second , Jollyson third.1 Time : 1:11 : % . . Fourth race , St. Patrick's handicap , $1,003 , ono mile nnd a sixteenth : Fervor won , Brighton second , Paul Knuvar third. Timer 'Fifth race , selling , ono mile : Cob .Clam- pett won Bagpipe/ second , Little Bramble- third. Time : 1 : V . Sixth race , seven fnrlonss : John Baker won , Lillian E second , Hums third. Time : 'SAN FRANCISCO , March 17.-Weather clear and track fast at Oakland today. Re sults : First race , purse , one nnd one-sixteenth miles : Scarborough won , Vlnctor second , Lucky Star third. Time : 1:49. : Second race , selling. five furlongs : Good Friend won , Miss Rowfena sscond. Mocorito third. Time : l:01 : 4.j- / Third race , purse , , , cme mile : Linstock won , Hohenzollern second , Masocro third. Time : 1H1. 3 ' ' . Fourth race. St. Patrlek'3 day handicap , one nnd one-quarter mtlos > : Senator Bland won , Judge Denny second , Flashlight third. Time : 2:07. : ' n Fifth race , purse , for3-year-olda. one-half mile : Fonnero won , ' Pi-nnUi Ireland second , Semicolon third. Time : 0:4S',4. : Sixth raco. gelling , > ( x furlongs : Hurley Kidney and Uric Acid Troubles Quickly Cured. You May Have a Sample Bottle of the Great Discovery of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Sent Free by Mail. Men and women doctor their troubles so often without benefit , that they get dis couraged and skeptical. In most such cases serious mistake * ere rnado In doctoring and In not knowing what our trouble i * or what makes us sick. The unmlitakablo evidence * ot kidney trouble are pala or dull ache In tbo back , too frequent desire to pass water , scanty supply , smarting irritation. Ae kid ney disease advances tbo face looks sallower or pale , puffs or dark circle * under the eyes , tbe feet swell and sometimes .tho heart acbe * badly. Should further evidence be needed to find out tlu > cause of sick ness , then set urine aside for twenty-four hours ; if there I * a icdlraent or settling it Is alio convincing proof tbat our kidneys and bladder nce.1 doctoring. A fact often overlooked la that women euffer as much from kidney aud bladder trouble as men do. do.Dr. Dr. Kilmer' * , Swamp Root I * tbe discov ery of tbe eminent pbyilclan and icleotlit and U not recommended for everything , but will be found Jut wbt U necdv.1 lu CAM * Hurley won , Fonsavannah second , Suscol third. Times Ijll. _ IlKCKIVn TIIK IDK.V WITH FAVOIt. of I'M tin Kxiionlllntt Will ArrniiK < * for AtlilclloH. PARIS , March 17. The plan of Colonel Ixjula Hamburger , the assistant spicliil com missioner of the United States to tha 1'urU exposition of 1900 , ami representative of the Amateur Athletic union of the United Bttites , for nn athletic section of the expo sition , has been received with much favor by & ! . Oo Launcey tie Dcllvlllp , director of the exposition , who lias naked the colonel to formulate the scheme , anil who will give him assistance In the execution of any plan definitely adopted. As the result of nn Interview today between them there will be n much larger extension of this feature than originally contemplated , The United States commissioners , pro. cced to Cannes on March 24 , to confer with JJnron de Coubcrtln , the originator of the Olympic grimes. fiilr nntl SpooilNxocliillon Mcrtlnnr. All the me'mbor * of the board of directors of the Omaha Fair ntul Speed association were present nt thu meeting held last night with Iho exception of Mr. 1'atrlck. C. ! ? . Oldlleld's resignation us director nnd treas urer of tbo association t.wiu accepted and S. A. McWhorter WOH elected to succeed Mr , Oldfleld na treasurer. Secretary Solomon Instructed to advertise for bids on tjio privilege of serving moato , Helling' lemonade anil other minor privileges. Letter * were rend from tha owners of Karthquukc Pilot , Happy Jack nnd other famous horse * which rnoo without n driver and It lA-as.the board's opinion that such .in attraction would lie n good one. Further correspondence will bo carried on in the hope of securing one of these horses for the Juno meet. The run ning tncetlnir , which It la Intended shall beheld held shortly nfter the June meot. wai ills- cuaftl nntl Is at n standstill until word can bo had from nn expert manager of such races who desires to conduct the races. The. secretary wns Instructed to advertise for bids x > n a ten-foot fence along the cast side- ol the f.ilr grounds. Several bids \\ore re ceived on the score card privilege nnd the awarding ot the.jtd / wou left with the com mittee on privileges. Harry illnltrrN fonuerw. CHICAGO , March 17. Jimmy Barry of Chicago defeated Johnny Connors of Springfield , III. , In a six-round contest at Tatteraull's tonight before a crowd ot 7.0W people , Uoth men weighed close to 110 pounds , Connors having a trllle the best of tbo weight. Ho put up a game tight , but wns never In It at any stage , and Harry battered him all around the ring In the last three rounds. I'oIIciMnUi > > tin * r > < Tn inc. COLUMBUS , O. , March 17. David Seville , weight 124 pounds , nnd Dennis Gallaclier , weight 124 , boxed hero for } 300 In Manhat tan club building. At the end of twenty rounds each man was fresh. Jac.1 : Cantolon , referee , decided the contest a draw. There was some warm llfrntliif ; , but the pallco made the affair tame to what It might lia\o been. KuKllxIi Knot Hull MVtliun Cumins ; . LONDON , March 17. The Kvcrton anil Celtic foot ball teams ) , belonging to Liver pool and Glasgow , arc considering a visit to Ameilca next season , for the purpose of playing n series of exhibition games under the auspices of a syndicate whose terms are likely to be accepted. Whlpx tiic "liclfiiHt .Spider. " LYNN , : Mass. , March 17. Michael Sears of Lewlstwi defeated IkeVeIr ot Boston , once \\lell known In sporting- circles as the "Bel fast Spider , " In n ten-round contest before the Hoffman club tonight. In the tenth round Soars requested the referee to stop the light , asVclr wns helpless. Cli'voliliill Sluus n PKoIirr. GOLDENColo. . , March 17-Bert Jones of this city has accepted the contract offered him by the manager of the Cleveland basu ball team , to pitch for them during the season. Ho leaves for Hot Springs , Ark. , In n few days to go Into spring training. Mnrkllit QitltN tin- Gardner * . MEMPHIS , Tenn. . March 17.-K. S. Gard ner & Son anil their trainer , J , H. Mnrklln , have B parateif. ! and horses belonging to that , firm -will bo handled by Carroll1 Held. Taero was no friction or disagreement be tween Mr. Mnrklln and his employers. Tl MitHnillillM. / . BUFFALO , N. Y. , March 17.-Pntsey Haley of Buffalo and Oscar C-ardner , "The Omaha Kd | , " fousht twenty rounds to a ilrnw fit the Olympic Athletic club this even ing. The boys weighed In at 120 pounds. HV.MIXIAI , . . Vclrsru < z-IK-rucr. COLUMWS , Neb. , March 17. ( Special. ) Mr. William Velrgutz and Miss Fannie Berger - ger were married at noon today at the res-l- donco of the bride's parents In this city , Rev. Melssler of the Gorman Lutheran church oinclatlng. The bride Is a daughter of Adolf Ucrgcr , one of the prominent busi ness men of this city , and the groom Is a young farmer , living across the river In Polk county. | Ilciiiior-llurrouKliH. At Albright Methodist church , South Omaha , at 7 o'clock p. tn. , Wednesday , March 16 , Lorcn C. Banner of South Omaha was .married to Miss Florence E. Burroughs of Onaim , Rev. J. Q. A. Flcherty officiating clergyman. A reception was given to the newly married couple the same evening at the residence of the groom's parents. About seventy-five guests were pleasantly entcr- 'talncd and a bountiful-supper served. Oli'Hoii-JAnili-rxon. Married , at tbo residence of the bride's parents , 1022 Douglas street , Thurs day evening , March 17 , Mr. Alfred M. Olsen ot Uio Omaha postofllco and Miss Emma C. Anderson , only daughter of JiUge Gustavo AnJerson , Rov. Dr. P. H. Sanderca oCV elating. There are three little tilings which do more work thin any other thrco little things created they ore the ant , the hoe and DeWltt's Little Early Risers , the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver \t-w Soutlmoxtcrii Iliillron < l. SPRINGER , N. M. , March 17. ( Special. ) The firm of Gross , Blackwcl ! & Co. of this point and Las Vegas have contracted to lay SO.OOO tics down at this point for the rail road company , to be used In the construction of the new railroad from here to Elizabeth- town and on through tbo Taos valley. It Is not yet known when construction work will begin , but Is expected to bo completed parl way this summer , We are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think of no ple-asantcr or bet ter way to do it than by commending Ono .Mlnuto Cougb Cure as a preventatlvo of pneumonia , consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Kill * HIM \Vlfr anil IHniMflf. ANDERSON. Ind. , March 17. James Har- rliiKlon , employed nt the American Wire Nail works , yesterday shot lilstailfa througl the head , and then put a bullet Into his own brain , both dying Initantly. The d liable tragedy was not discovered until thU after noon. No cause for the crime on Harring ton's part Is known. of kidney and bladder disorders or troubles duo to uric add and \\eak kidneys , such an catarrh of the bladder , gravel , rheumatism and Brlght's Disease , which Is the worst form of kldnoy trouble. It corrects Inability to bold urine and smarting in ranging It , am promptly overcame * that unpleasant noces slty of being compelled to get up man ; time * during thn night. The mild and extraordinary effctf of thU great remedy In soon re allzed. It itanda tbo blghcst for Us wonderful cures. Sold by druggists , price fifty cents and one dollar. So universally successful li Swamp-Root in quickly curing even tbo moat distressing case * , tbat to prove Us wonderful merit , you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information both sent absolutely free by mall , upon re celpt of three two-cent stamp * to cover cos of postage on the oottlu. Mention The Omaba Sunday Dee and send your address to Pr , Kilmer & Co. , Dtnghamtou. N. Y. Tbl generoiw offer appearing In tbU f pcr U a ot genulnenw. CATARRH and COLDS CURED BY BREATHING OLD AND TRIED 7 | Costs Only $ l,00-Will Last a Year I and Cure Others After It Has Cured | You-No Other Medicine or Expensi Necessary. LOgHNO'S OERM- KILLER. The People's Accepted Rem edy , Which Cures All Dis eases of the Respiratory System by Simple Ko Other Inhaler Will Send the Medicine to the Right Place-To Take Loring's Germ-Killer Remedy for Cough , Bronchitis , Catarrhal Deafness and Consumption You Just Breathe and Get VJcll , The fact thnt this Inhnler Ima Ho mouth and nebo pieces In ono combination forming a btralght and continuous tuba gives to It uu- perior strength nnd utility. This arrangement of the inouth and nose pieces hna cnnbleu UB to produce n kciall und compact Inhaler of the right size to 1)0 carried conveniently lu the vest pocket or even In a largo purae. This Inhaler vaporizes all liquids , the molituro passes off and the ozone , laden with dry medication , Is drawn through every nlr passage Biid Into c\ory lung cell. Treatments by douches , eprnys nnd atomizers nnd so- called "dry-air" remodlen nc\i-r pa83 the up per part of Uio throat. The mtdlUnee pro vided with this Instrument cure more easily and quickly than any others. They nil con tain Lorlng'8 Oerm-Klllcr nnd are soothing , healing nnd Invigorating. Dry ozone IB the medium by which they are carried to the remotest nlr-pniEajeo nnd lung cells , llila treatment not only cures disease , but it strengthens the voice , sweetens otfcnshe breath and restores lost taste and smell. No other Inhaler is adapted to the use of Lorlng'B Germ-Killer. Wo cannot guarantee results If you attempt to use our derm-Killer Medicaments with any other than Lorlng 8 ozone-generating Anti-Germ Inhaler. Local Testimonials. Complete Home Treutmont. This ' treatment , ' 'consisting of Lof Ing's 'Oerm-Ktllcr' for Inhalation and Abbott Lor- Ing's Antl-Onrm VaporUlng Inhaler , Jt.OO. Extra bottled of medicine , DOc. Special Gcrm-Klllcr ItLfdlcnmenU. For same chronic and spasmodic diseases which require ipcclal treatment special medi cines have been prepared by our phytlclami nnd chcmUts. NO. 1 SPECIAL. MEDICINE For Tonsilltls , Laryngitis , Cntarrbal Ucaf- nc e , Hay Fever and .Diphtheria. Price CO cente. NO. -SPECIAL MEDICINE For Consumption and Bronchitis. I'rlco CO cents. NO. 3 SPECIAL MEDICINE For Asthma , Whooping Couch and Croup. Price CO cents. ANTISEPTIC GAUZE For uco In the In haler , % ynrd , . 40 cents ; U yard , 75 cents ; 1 yard , Jl.OO. In a hermetically scaled pack age. fMrlnK'.n AiiU-Oerm Halm. An antlaeptte preparation for external ap plication , which Ultt'i the soreucss out of the lungs , hastens the euro of cntnrrh. ntnlsts In tha euro ot all throat troubli-u. cures Ornckod Lips , Chapped Hands and Kezcma. Price. 23 I cents. tiurm-ICIllfr U > upciiHta TuM.-lK. * When catarrh Is dpop-ocntotj In the n'om- och or bowels , where ozone docs not pene trate. LOIUNO'S OEUM-KILLUH UYSI'KP- SIA TAULETS should to used. They quickly control the digestive functions nnd Imme diate benefits follow. No other ilyspvpaln medlulr.o can tnlie their place. I'rlco. 50 coiits n box. LORINU'S GUllM-KILLDU RHEUMATISM TAIILUTS. CO ceius n box > LOHING'S QUItM-KILI.DH HHAUT TAD- LWS. J2 CO 0 box. LOUING'S OliU.M-KILL- Cil lt\XATlVU TAI1LET3 , CO cents n box. Cimtlou ! j ASK roil LOUINQ'S OERM-KILLEIl FOfl INHALATION AND TAKE NO OTHUIl TUBAT-MKNT , AS EVEHY BNTBHPlllSINQ URUUQ1ST CARRlKd IT AND ALL , OUlt OTHER REMEDins IN STOCK. INSIST ON FHEINQ IXJRINO'S INHALER. IF IT You WILL KOT WANT ' 1IKWARE OF ANY UNSCRUPULOUS DRUGGIST WHO , FOR THE MAKE OF SELF GAIN , WILL OFER A NEW IMITA TION SUBSTITUTE TREATMENT - FOIt LORING'S ODRM-KILLER FOR INIIALA- DO.N'T EXPECT YOUR DRUGGIST TO GIVE YOU INFORMATION A11OUT OUR GOODS. OUR HOOK FURNISHED WITH THE INHALER WILL GIVE YOU FOLL IN- Sample medicines free If you ask for them. Abbott Lorlog'n t6-cent lock on "DUeascs ol the Throat. Lungs , Cheat and Herd and How to Cure Them. " cent free , with full Informa tion about treatment , all postpaid. Bend for them. Wrlto us fully about your casa nnd wo will nflvlso jou FREE OF CHARGE. This treatment Is cheap. You can eel It by mnll , postpaid. .You can take It nt home. Order now and prevent delay. Mention department. ] UBO only tbo nearest address. Loring & Co. , Dept. 77 NOB. flS-O ) WiinuHli Are. . , Clilt-nsro , lit , No. 42 W. 22d St. . New York City. No. 3 Hnmiltou Placo. IJoston , .Mass. THE BOOK OF THE HOUR MURAT HALSTEAB'S . REVISED TO DATE Containing a Vivid Account of the Overwhelming Tragedy . . . . I Destruction of New and Splendid Illustrations of CONSIL GENERAL LEE 43 CAPTAIN SIGS6EE 43 EX-MINISTER DE LOME GENERAL BLANCO The Battle Ship Maine as She Was and Is 43 43 Never before has there been created BO sudden 43 and universal an interest in any book as HAL- STEAD'S CUBA. The well known ability of the author and his picturesque use of virile Eng lish , together with the exceptional opportunities he lias enjoyed for securing data , places his work J : on the subject , now of paramount interest , head and shoulders above any others. The Omaha Bee has secured the rights for & this splendid work for this territory. . . . fj WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL OFFER I ? * The Bee Publishing Co.