Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Directors Decline to Make a Marginal Price
on May Wheat ,
Xliiiililiillon In Corn nnil Unt * Pro-
UIK-C llcelltiFH lit TlioNO 'Mur-
lint 1'rov l lon
Clone HlKlivr.
CftlCAGO , March 17-The refusal of the
Tio.ud of Tiailo illrcclora to fix a marginal
lirlco on May whom wan the main factor
In thnt market today. Though the advance
this canned vvns lost about the middle of
the session , pi Ices recovered again , the July
option closing Uo higher than yesterday.
Mny showed nn equal advance. Liquida
tion of May contracts In corn and oats
made thoc market * weak , decline * of U ®
% c nnd > , ( tC icspectlvely resulting. Provisions
were llrrn all day nnd closed 7V&Q1&C higher.
' A good deal of strength was shown at the
opening In wheat , although trading "was not
heavy. The nctbn of the hoard of directors
last night In refuging to llx a marginal
price on Mny contracts nnd the fact thnt
testimony taken by the board showed ship
ping values to bo more than the bears cared
to ndmlt , earned a halt In the liquidation
nnd short selling , which has made the mar
ket BO vve.ik of late , and though It did not
result In very much Increase- the buying
demand , yet the fnlllng oft In the selling
pressure vvas so mnrked as to cause nn Im
mediate ndv.mcu In prices. Hesldes the di
rectors' action , some of the routine news
vvns of a bullish nature. Killing frosts were
reported from the west and cold weather
In the northwest and Minneapolis advices
paid the receipts of wheat from now on
would probably bo mostly of low grades.
Northwest tecelpts were not so heavy , Min
neapolis nnd Duluth reporting 2.11 cars ,
ngnlnwt 211 last week and 2C5 a year ago ,
Chicago receipts weie 117 cars. Of this num
ber forty-seven were contract , but notwith
standing this largo propoitlon , the contract
supplies herci were not so large , as private
houses contributed but twelve cars and
20,000 bu. No. 1 northern , n total of about
Sj.OOO bu. Liverpool In view of the decline
hero yesterday showed an unexpected de-
Free of steadiness. Opening trades In July
were on nn ndvanco of 'Ac being bid. One
or two sales were made as low as &tc.
This caused a disposition among the Hcalp-
crs to cover up their short lints. There
was some dllllculty In doing this , which
brought some of the professional shorts
Into the market to cover on an advance
wnlch carried July up to S5c. Then the
market turned weak. The continuance of
the very favor.iblo weather west vvns an
Important factor all week. Prices began to
decline under realizing by many of the
early buyers. The demand fiom shorta
ceawd alimst altogether nnd very little
support was given until prices hnd de
V clined to SI'Jc. At around SlUc teller's
brokers gave July siippoit. This caused t
quick hull In the decline and started a buy
Ing movement again , under whlci the mar
ket rapidly Improved. Thn stiength was
continued to the close. July advancing U
and- closing at 8lc. May was very qulc
nil day. It showed some stiength , selllnt ,
as high as $1.0iy. and never getting below
the llxcd price of $1.01. It closed at thr
latter price.
The opening In corn wns steady. Thn
was all the strength the maiket dlsplayei
for some time , for liquidation of May sooi
started and grew quite heavy ns the ses
Hlon advanced. The favorable weather was
a factor , the trade entirely Ignoring yes
terday'a heavy export- . Covering of shor
contracts wns fnlrly llbeial nt the botton
nnd some rallying ensued. May rangei
from 29c to 2sio nnd closed WtFYsC hlghe :
at 29c bid.
iTho market for oats was much the sami
as corn. Kirly steadiness with wheat wn
succeeded by a long peilod of weakness
liquidation of May being heavy. In thl
maiket , too , the weather wns the factor
Short * covered near the close and a sub
ntnntla ) rally ensued , the market closing
fnlrly steady. There was some demand fo
opting shipment nt the decline. Mny rnngei
nt from 2.YKO to ! % nnd closed ! 4c lowe
at 2.YMI&c. .
Provisions wore the firmest market on th
floor. Small receipts of hogs caused a firm
opening. Shorts and packers came Into th
market with peed buying orders and I
steady advance tmsurd , closing prices belnf
about the best of the day. At the clos
May pork wns 15c higher nt $9.77'A. May
lird lOc higher at J3.15 nnd May ribs 7'/4
lilprhi'r at $3.10.
Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 11
cars ; corn , 210 cars ; oats , 180 cars ; hogs
20,000 head.
future * ransed as follows ;
Article ! ) . . | Open. | Low. | Cloaa j Yoat'y"
March. 1 OIK 02 i om i 02 ' ' '
May. . . oitt 1 04 1 ( I4U 'i-'o'i
July. . . 85HM
May 20
July. . . 3D U
Sept. . . SIM
Mny. . . 24H ? * Hn ;
July. . . J.IH 1UH u.-n 2JH3H
May. . . 03 0 80 0 02 > 4 0
July. . . UM U M3 0 07 K
Mny..I n in r. 17M fi 10 5 10 ( i 05
July. . . o nw 6 1C 5 22 C 1S
Ch'tKlu *
Mny. . . r. os 10 s m fi 10 C 02
July. . . 17K S 10 0 17hr 0 07
NO : .
f-ifh nuotatlons were ns follows ;
ri.Ot'H Quiet ; winter pitcnls.
stralRlitf , > 1 J0tf4 W ; biirlnp tpoMalt. t" > & 3 60
sprlnu pntenti , H.705TJ 10 : bakers. $3 C03 90.
\ \ UliAT No. J spring , SSS'J.'c ; No. 2 red , $1 0
( "OHN No. 2 , 5SUc.
OAT ! ! No. 2 , f. o. b. , J No. 2 white
HAHIIY-NO ; . - . . . - . .
n.\jksnuu NO i ,
TIMOl HV SHIIO Prime , t3
PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl , , „
I ird , per IfO Ibs. , J".12if".r > . Khnrt ribs side
( loose ) , J'l.OHf'i.n. Dry silted thoulders ( boxed
13.03. Short cle ir sltlea ( boxed ) , -'jST'i.lO. .
WIUfaKY Ulmlllcrs' finished BDod , per gal
SUU.\llS-Cut loaf , < 3SS ; Rrnmihtcd. $333.
Quolitlnnn for Hie ny on Gencrn
riiiiniii > iiiiiH. .
NBW YOnif , March 17. FUOUU-necelpts. * 5 ,
65S bbls. ; exports , 3,203 bbN. ; market qu'et ; rrlee :
lower tn sell ; city mill patents. JJ.S5BC.10
city mill clears. 13.00 3.73 ; Minnesota patents
J5.t ir.45 ; Xllnnesola bakers' , 5I.J1W1.W ; wlnte
patents , il.l)0ij3.50 ) ; winter stralphta ,
winter extras , t3.-T1.10 ! ) ; winter low Rrnde
12 9i > i/3 M. lljo Hour , dull ; fancy , JJ.WSJ3. "
lluckwhc.1t Hour , nulft nt IlIOJil.M ) .
HtH'lCWlinAT lily nt 43 < le.
COHNMl * VI. Quiet ; > ellovv western , Oo.
ItYU ) ' < ler ; No 2 wentcin. BSijc ,
llAHLKV-Uull ; feedlns. 4UjC.
IIAUI'UY MAl.T Quiet : western. BHtf67c.
WHI'AT Hecelpts , 63,90) bu ; exports. 111,833
tm S | < ot , steadier : No " red , J1.0U1 f. o. b
afloat fi > arrive nnd JI.WH fpot. Options opened
firmer nt Wf iO advance on cold weather devel
opments In the northwest , A subsequent reac
tion under rmall clearances and lack of out
side trade was followed by recovery on d mind
from shorts , the close belnir very steady at Hff
la net advnne ; March closed nt I1.04U ; May ,
WlifiU-rtiC , closed nt 19 e.
COUN HeceJpls. 1SS.700 bu. ; mports , 62.030 bu.
Spot. ea y ; No. 3. 5fic. Options were acnln In
fluenced by May liquidation nnd ruled weak oil
< Uj1 until helpe < I sIlBhtly at the close by wheat
Final flmires were l o net lower ; May. J3HO
SlUc. closed at 33\c.
OATSV-necelpts , 57.RM bu. ; cxKirt | , 193.0M bu.
Spot , weaker ; No. S. SO-VWSIo : No. white , 3J4c.
notions , quiet and weaker with corn , closing at
lie decline : May. r > ' 4S9c. closed at M4c.
rKKD-Qulet ; bran. S 4Siic ; middlings , SOc ;
; shlppliig , S835c ; good to choice ,
lIOPS-BtfaiIy : 1895 crop , 48 c ; 1S9 crop. 7O
< - U97 crop , ITWISc ; 1'p-lhc roast. ISM crop ,
6o : U96 crop , SlTlOc ; 1S37 crop. KftlSe.
IlIHBS-l1'lrnii Oalve ton. 13 I3Hc ; Texas dry.
IJc : Cttllfornla. imfllSHc.
In.VTIir.U-3teady ; hemlock sole. Uuenos
Ayre . i.
Wre OOIQutct ; fteec * . 17 > 4CM lc ; Texas. 1SHO
PUOVIRIONS Heef. stendr ; family , Ill.rSff
11.75 ; extra me s , IS.CWI1) ) CD ; beef hams. j.50
03 00 ; short clean , SIO 0 fill.CO , rut meats ,
quiet ; pVkle.l bellies. S3.737.00 : pickled ehoul-
tin. ; plckleil hams , 7.73n8 W. Lard.
rasy ; western steamed , > 3.40. renned , weaker ,
1'ork. dull ; mess. 110 ( Mslli ) SI ; short clear.
llOWi/UW : family. Ill Oe4rl | u. Tallow , dull :
city. 3 11-Ko ; country , 3tf.c.
UICl--8tfi < ly : ' " 'r ' to extra. < HU Hff ; Japan ,
I Petroleum , dull Ilos'n. ' steady ;
trained , common to irood. Jl OHO1.43. Tunxn-
tlnt. steady at JICJlVjC. Cotlonitvd. dull : prims
crude. * V ; prime crude f , o. b. mills , 160
prim * umnwr jrellow , tto ; o * nim-
mer yellow. IJiJ * ; butter oil , JJCJ-oi prime
winter yellow , ISfiSI'Se. '
MOI > ASHE9 Klrm : New Orleanii , open kettle ,
good to choice , & { } Wr.
MI7TAUS Practically nn rhunne was made In
nuotatlonn today oml nil depirtments continue
to tuffer from nnlcct. At the close thn Metal
cxclmnite call * pl Iron warrants quiet , with
$ < 3.7fi bid and H.S3 nulie.lj laka copper , quiet and
unchanged , with Itl.fT'/i bid end 113 atked : tin
quiet , with 11420 Mil end $1130 asked ; spelter ,
steady , with tl.K'i ' bid nnd 11.23 asked , lend ,
very dull and easy , with 3.TO hid and II.TIU ,
atked. Accordlni ? to th firm flxlm ? the settllnK
lirloe for miners and smelters lead Is atrong at
13. M.
UUTTnn llecelpts , 3,160 pkgs. ; flrm ; western
creamery , luff9c ! ; Clftlne , 18c ; factor } ' , 1Z01&C ,
CHKI iH Hecplpts. 4il * pkgs. ; quiet ; Septem *
her. So : October , 714 l"aic ; skims , S'40C'tc ; pirt
nklms , < rr"4c ' ; full rklms , SjIJe.
KfHJH-ltecelpts , 9m pkKB ; firm : state nnd
Pcnni < ) lvanla , IWlS'ic : southern , 10'iJtOVc. '
OM1I.V < i.XiilAL : MAlllCr.T9.
Cnnilldon of Trnilr nnd QnnlnUoni on
nnil Knncy I'roilncc.
KGOS Good stock , Sc.
11UTTHH Common to fair , OS lie ; separator
reamery , 20c ; Ralhcred creamery , 1301GC.
VHAlf-Cholce fat , 0 to 120 Ibi , quoted at
9c ; Urso and coarse , 6f"c.
WVR POULTHY Chlclceni , l',4SGc ; old roost-
is. 3o ; ducks , Co
OAMn Mnllaidj , OOiOS 23 ; teal , Jl 2VJT1 50 ;
irnnts , JJ-io M MJ Canadian BCCHC ,
nixed , SI KQIM.
l'lOiONUve : , tl : dead plseons not wanted.
HAY Upland , Si M : inldlnnd. S3 0" : lovvlin.J
4 U ) ; rye straw. S4 30 ; color make * the price on
lay ; llKht bales cell the best ; only top grades
Tins top prices.
CnLHHY Rood stock , Hrge Me ; urn-ill , 23p30c.
ONIONS Per bu , Jl Oi > ftl 10
JIBANH Hand-picket ! navy , ptr bu. , 11250130.
HWEET POTATOES Kanras , 10-peck bbls. ,
I'AIllIAOi : nroct stock , per Hi , 'J1Uc.
POTATOES Homo grown , 50i ? . c ; Colorado
to-k. 70c.
TOMATOnS-1'er crate , seven baskets , 4.00 ©
" * '
STIlAWIinnHIKS Per 24-qt. case , I7.CO.
Al'l'I.Es U liner stock , Ji uC32.CO ; California
I llefleur. IHIXPS , ll.foj Colorado Jonathans ,
wxes , II 73 ; Nelirnsl.a , boxes , Jl 23.
CIIANIIEHUIES runcy Jersey , per bbl. . 11000.
OHAPES MahiRH2 , J3 OOao Ou.
TitopicAii riiiHTS
ORANGES California navels , 12.730300 ; fancy
Pf.dllnc'j , J2 50- choice , 12 23.
LEMONS California , fancy , $275 ; choice , 12 SO ;
ancy Messina , J3 WM73 r > 0.
HANANAH Cholie. larte stock , per bunch , J2.00
:223 : ; medldum sized bunches. 1.73ffi OJ.
NUTS AlmondR , per Ib , large size , 12@13c ;
small , lie ; iJrazlls , per Ib , 9jluc : English wal
nuts , per Ib . fancy soft khell , 103110 * . standards ,
ffl9c ; Hlbcrts , per Ib , 10c ; pecans polished ,
nedlum , 6ff7c ; extra lai e , 8ti9o : large hickory
mts , tl 00&1.10 ptr bu ; small , J1..135JI 33 per bu. ;
rocounuts. per 1-0 , J4 00 ; peanuts , raw , 6S3Vjc ;
TIGS Imported , fancy. 3-crown. 14-lb. boxes ,
Oc ; G-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13e ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
823o p r box ; California , lu-io. box. SI 00.
MONIiy-rCliulce wnltc , IJo ; Colorado amber , 10
KHAUT Per bbl , $37) ; half bbl. . J2 23.
MAl'KK SYHUP-rivc-gal can. , each , 12.75 ;
Kil enns , pure , per doz. , $1200 ; half-gal , cans ,
JO 23 , qnart cans , J3 50
OATHS Hnllovvee. CO to 70-lb. boxes , S&c ;
Salr. 5c ; Knrd. 9-lb" boxes. Do.
CIDEH-Per half bbl. . U CG : bbl. . 5 00.
rmsft MIJATS ,
Good native steer" .
Rood fuicquartcrs steers , 5'4c ' ; Rood hindquarters
steers , bVio ; western steers , f > Vic : fancy heifers ,
> Uc , good heifers , Cc ; Rood forcqu-irters heifers ,
lo. Rood hlndqu irters heifers , is ; good rows ,
i c ; fair o > ) ws , 4 > V&c ; cow lorequartcis , 4 c ; cow
ilnd'Timrtcri , 7'jc.
Ilinr CUTS-lInnirlnir tenderhlns 4tic ; rlh ,
No 1 , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , So ; ribs. No. 3 , C c ;
rounds , No. 1 , 7Vie ; rounds , No. 2 , Cie ;
rounds. No. 3 , CUc ; trimmings , 4'Je , beef shanks ,
3c ; brains , per doz , 35c ; sweetbreads , per Ib ,
1-Je ; sweetbreads ( calveoi , per Ib , 40c , kidneys ,
per doz , , 35c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib , 2c ;
lenrts , per Ib.v 2i c ; tongues , per Ib , lie ; ' nil
Ivertf each , SOo ; calves , whole careats or Rides ,
) c ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set , 73e ;
tenderloins , fresh , 18o ; tenderloins , frozen , 15c ;
toneless strips , fresh , 9Hc ; boneless stilps. frozen.
9o : strip loins , fre h , 7'ie ; strip loins , frozen , 6"iC ;
rolH , biiielc's , 9'le ; rolls , spencer cpta , ic ; sir
loin butts , boneless , 9c ; shoulder rlods , boneless ,
C'ic ; tump butts , Iwncless , Gic ; No. 1 chucks , Cc ;
No. 2 chucks , 4140 ; No. a chucks , 4c : bin 'ess '
chucks , DC ; con plates , 3'ie ' ; steer plates , 4c ;
flank steak , 7c : loins. No. 1 , 13'Jc ; loins , No. 2 ,
JOVitc ; Inlns , No. 3 , 8V c ; short loins , market
style , 2c above loins ; short Inlns , holel style4c
above loins ; cow loin , cujs , 8c ; steer loin , ends ,
MUTTON roncy lambs , 9c per Ib. ; lambs ,
So ; sheep , 7e : market rniks , long , 9e ; hotel
racks , short , lief loins , 9c ; caddies. 8c ; legs ,
Oc ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and stews , SVic ;
tongues , each , 3o ; forenuarters , 5'4o.
POHIC Di-essed piss. B'/ie pe" Ib. ; dressed
hogs. B'le ; tenderloins , lie ; loins , short , 6'o ' ;
loni ? , Go ; spare rlb - 5" ; ham sausage butts ,
Gc ; Boston butts , 51ic ; shouMsrs , rough , DC ;
shoulders skinned. 3Uctrlmmlnss. . 4Hc ; ; leaf
lard , not rendered , 6'lc : heads , cleaned , 4c ;
snoulH and ears , 3c : iwckbones , 2c ; cheek meat ,
< o ; neck bones , 2e ; pics' tails , Sc ; plucks , ench ,
Co ; chitterlings , 6c ; nocks. 4e : hesr's , per doz ,
J5c ; stomaohs , each , 3e ; tongues , cich. 7c ; kld-
nej9 , per doz. , lOc ; brains , p r .loz. . 15e ; pigs'
feet , per do0e ; llveis , each , Sc ; hog rinds ,
ic ; blade bones , Be.
HIDUS No. 1 green hides. 7V c ; No. 2 green
hides , 6'/4o ' ; No. 1 tailed hides , ! ic ; No 2 grcsn
salted hides , be ; No. 1 vuxl calf , S to 12 Ibs , IQc :
No J veal calf , 12 to V Ibs. Sc.
8HKKP PULTS Green salted , each , 15S75e ;
green salted shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) , euih , 13c ; dry shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) . No. 1 each , 5o ; dry flint Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual
might , 403c : diy Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska
murrain wool pells , per Ib , actual weight. Si *
< c ; dry flint Colorido butcher wool peltb , per Ib ,
actual weight , 405o ; dry Hint Colorado murrain
> vool pelts , per Ib , actual w lRht , 3ff4c.
TALLOW , annASC , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 39
3'ic ' ; tallow. No. 2 , 3o ; rouuh tallow , IVjo ; white
Kio.iMO , 2'SU2\e ; jellovv and brown grease , l > itf
KORfi Bear ( black or brown ) , J3 00320 00 ;
otter , Jl DOGS 00 ; mink , 1560c ; beaver , Jl.W C Oil.
skunk , lie1 , 25c , Me ; 3c. 6c , 7c ; raccoon.
ISJfMe : red fox , 23c@Sl 13 ; pfay ; Tpx , 2i30o : wolf
( timber ) , 23c&S2uO , wolf ( pmlrio coyote ) , lCi > 3uc :
wildcat , 103 .lie ; bader. 5fi4 c ; silver fox , < M 00
87i 00.
St. I.onlHJonernl Mnrkcti.
ST. IXMJIS. March 17. FIXJlJTt Weaker ; pit-
ents. } 4 70S"I 83j straights , SI 33@l 30 ; clear , SI 00
Wlii : medium , S3 D0if3.73
WHK.VT Higher , closing ? 4c for May and Sen-
temlx-r nnd V4o for July above yesterd.iy ; the
close wa strong : ppot , higher ; No i red caa'i ,
t'levalor ' , 97c ; track , 97ri'JSc ; March , 97e ; Mny ,
l'jiii'Jj ( % ( ; Jul > , S'Xi ' bid ; faeptember , 75e ; No. 2
hard cnsh , 91c.
COIIN futuns closed vieak nnd fractionally
lower than vesterilay , wlt'n the exception of
Miy ; ii * ° t , lowtr : No. 2 cash , Cfi c ; March ,
May , WMW&c ; July , ZlJic bid ; beptem-
, .
OA'lrf Tuturei weak and fractionally hnver
than yesterday ; spot , dull nnd lower : No. 2
cash. 23V4o ; track. 27 c ; March , SJ'ie : May , 2"ic
bill. July , 23' e bid : No. 2 white , -S'ic. '
HYi-rirmpr. 4S'ie.
l'I VXSHKU ItlRmr. SI 13.
TIMOTHY SIJIID-I'rime. J2 S3Q-2 90.
CORNMlATrirni , SI 601 53
IlltAN Dull and easier ; sicked east track ,
HAY Alwtit stculy ; prnlrle , S7.7"'ni > 23 ; tlrio-
thy. Sfi 'n ' > f < U ) SO ,
Ill'Tl'JJll Quiet ; creamery , ISj/ltMc ; dairy ,
KOOS Sleaily , 8'Je. '
WHISKY 11.3)
MHTAUS-I iul , dull , J3 E2J4. Ppelter. nominal ,
ll (
PHOVIS1OVS Pork , higher : standard mess ,
jobbing , fli ) 0) . L.ird , higher ; prime sleini , tl 9V
choice , (3 074. naoon , lioxed lots , extra Hhnrt
clear , to CJ'4 ' 3.73 ; ribs , $3,7303 7 ; shorts ,
f3 S7V14 < 0 HO IJry salt meats , IMXIM ! shoulders ,
il 5' > 1(4.75 ; extra short clear , (31240323 ; ribs ,
J5 IMi'i J74chorls , 15 37'fW5CO. '
ILEXMIIPTS flour , 4OW Uiis.- wheat , 10.0X ) bu ;
corn 11JOOO bu. ; oats , 31 W1) bu
SHH'MlINTS-riojr , 3,000 bbls. ; whmt. 6.0W
bu. ; corn , J52OM bu. .oata , 18,000 bu.
Itiiltlmorr Mnrket.
nALTIMOUK. March 17 , rLQUH Dull ; vve't-
em HUiKTIIiie , fS.7om3 10 ; wehtern extr-i. SJ S'i ,
400 , western family. $130ii > 4 W ; winter heit
lutPiitP. :475j7i > 00 ; tprlng wheat patents , J32) ) { ?
B 40 ; siirlns straights. JiC-MfSlj ; receipts.
O.CIM bbls ; exports , 13 'J".i bbU
WIH'AT Sleadlt-r ; May. i'9ff99vic ' ; bteamer No.
2 nxl. WIriJVic ; lecelpts , 22,701 bu , ; exports. 16-
031 bu. ; southern wheat by sample , 90ffS3 .c ,
southern wheat on grade , 93 90.
CUHNVeik ; spot nnd month , S.v.fi3J ! > Jc ;
steamer mixed , :2ij33'ic ' ; tfxpoits. 213.Suj bu. ;
Kouthern while ami je-llnw corn. U'i ' > l31V e
OATS Steady at decline ; No. 2 white. SIOTHJe ;
No. 2 mixed. SStfSi'ic ; receipts , lGo bu , ; PX-
poits. IV'.000 bu.
HYK Sttndy ; No. 2 nearby 53'ie ' ; No 2 west-
crn , &t"Vie ; receipts. 23.4S1 bu. ; exports. 0) ) "XW bu.
HAY Stonily : cholen tlmoth > , 112 M n W
QIIA1N rilKIQHTS Quiet ; rates fairly
Hteudy ; Blrtim to Liverpool , per bu , 3 > .d , M-iv ;
folk , foi orders , per nuarter , 3a GJJi.l * 7V-d.
March : S.s 4'td , April.
IH'TTKH Steady ; fancy creamery. 19tftoo ;
Imitation , 17OlSc ; fanev ladle , lie ; good ladle ,
IJilllr : stnre parkeil. 10912c.
KOOS 1'i-esJi , lOVjC.
CII KnSlSteady : fanev New York , tirre ,
9Wl 'JWe ; fincy New York , medium , 9L5V10c ;
fancy New \ork , cniall , 1" ' " " "
ClncliiiuUl .iiurKiMi.
CINCINNATI. March 17 rijOUH-rirm ;
fancy , tl Sift4 53 ; family. J3 S' ' ) 4 10.
WHRAT-Qulel : Nu. 2 red. 97e.
OOH.N Dull ; Nu. ! mlxe.1. 3H-C.
OATS IMrm ; No. 2 mlxil , "
HYIQulet : No. 2. S3c.
I'HOVIsiONS-I.ird. nrmer. 93. Hulk meats ,
flrm. S3 15 Ilacon , flrmer , S3 55
WHWKY Steady , 31 SO.
HUTTBll Kinder : Klgln creamery. 20Uc ; Ohio ,
ISMISc ; dalnlOQlJo. .
SUGAIt-Ea > y ; rvHiiP
ROas-rInner Rt 9e.
OHKKStVtead > . peed to prime Ohio
Liverpool Jlnrket.
March -WH VT - Fpn
Bteadv : No. 2 red western , winter , 8s.
COHN Wtiot , ftteady ; American mixed , i/ > ,
S.s 6 > 4d. nuun-i. strudy ; March , 3 4t < d ; May.
Sa M. July. Ss 2 > id
KIXllTR St. I ulii fanev winter , steady 9 Cd.
HOPS At London , Paclflc coast , firm , 1 trit
1 IS * .
PHOVISIONS Heef. firm : extra In < lta meiw , < > r
M ; prime im-m. te Sd , Pork , prime meu , fine
western , flrm , Us 3d ; prlm mess , medium west
ern , ita M. Ham * , ( tort cut , Heady , Ii Sd.
Ilncon. firm , 11 * ; tlmrt rib * , aleadr. 11 C.1 :
long clenr mlddlci , llht and henry , 2I > Cd | Ian ?
clear middles , heavy , steady , 29 ; rhort clenr
backs , stead ) , 2S < Cd ; dear helllcti. ntcady , 324 ;
nohuldem , situate. Heady , 24s 6d. I inl , prime
vvpstcrn , steaily , 27s . !
CHKian American llnest white nnd colored ,
easy. 2s C < I
TAtUW-Prlm city , firm , 2"K "
OILS Cottonseoil , Liverpool refined , sternly. 15 *
3d. Turpentine spirits , llrm , 23s S"J. Ilosln , com
mon , steady , 4s 3d.
_ _
Knnmi * City Clrnln nnd I'rorUloni.
nnd I4 lc hlit.ier : No. 1 hard , SSVic : No. 2 , P6O
67'4c ' : No. 3. fCOSoho ; No. 1 red. 1HO94c ; No.
2. 92 93 < ic ; No. 3 , SSHcj No. spring , EC0S7c ;
No. 3 , 8387c.
COIIN I werj No. 2 mixed , r.SSMCc.
OATS Active and unchanged , No. 2 white ,
llYn-Hlicher ; No 2. 46c.
HAY Kalrly active and flrm ; choice timothy ,
IS SOJT9 > ! choice prairie , S7.W87.53.
Itl'TTim Steady ; creamery , 15 18e ; dairy , K
sh , c.
nnc'KIPTS-Wheat , 23,100 bu. ; corn , M.400 bu , :
oats. S.OTfl bu.
SHIPMKNTS % % 'heat , 20,400 bu. ; corn , 09,500
bu. ; oats , 8,00) bu
r.rnlii HITPI | nt I'rlnc-lpnl Mnrkct * .
rMIICAOO , March 17. llecelpts today ; Wheat ,
147 cnra ; corn , 170 cars : oats , 201 cars. Estimated
receipts tomorrow : \ \ heat , 113 cars ; corn , 210
cars ; oats , 180 cars
MINNEAPOLIS , March 17. Kewlpts : Wheat ,
1CJ cflrs.
Dt'LUTir , March 17. llecelpts : Wheat , C9
riilliulclpliln I'roiliicp.
PIIIA. Mann 17.-IfTTnn-TJn- !
changed ; fancy western creanwry , 19J4c ; fancy
western prints , 2lc.
13C1C1S rirm ; fresh nearby , lie ; fresh western ,
CItnnsn l"ai ler ; New York fsn-y full cream
S409'ic ' ; New York prime , 7'45ISc. '
Tnli'ilo Market.
TOI.nno March 17. WHKAT-IHglipr ; No. 2 ,
cash and May. OTVic.
COHN Active and lower ; No. 2 mixed , SOc.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 27c.
in K < ? teny ! : No 2. cash , W > t" .
CLOVEHSUBD Lower ; prime , cash , J2.EO.
I'rnrta Mnrkrtii.
PnOHIA , March 17. COHN Inacllve and easy :
No. 2. 2S'2c
OATS Dull , but easy ; No. 3 white , 26'tfl
WHISKY High proof spirits. Jl.19 < 4.
Detroit Mnrkut.
DHrnOlT. March 17-WHUAT-No. 1 Tvhltc ,
931ic : No. 2 red , ! > uc , May , 93c.
COHN No. 2 mixed , 29c.
OATS No 2 white , 29c.
UYU No. 2 , Me.
Sun 1'raiioliscoVlirnl Mnrltef.
SAN rilANCISCO , Maich 17. WHJ3AT Inac
tive : Mny , J1.40V4 : December , J1.32V , .
11AIILDY Inactive ; May , I1.07U ; December ,
STOCKS A.VP no.vns.
Triulc In nninltmtril liy Apitrnnph- -
IIIKCourt of Inquiry lli'n > r ( .
NHW YOHK. Match 17. There was n com-
plcto icversal of sentiment on the Stock exchange
today compnred with that of the earlier part
of the week nnd prices sagged almost continu
ously. The losses averaged nearly 2 per cent In
the standard shares nnd were more pronounced
In the specialties , where In one care the de
cline exceeded 4 per cent. Trading vvas dom
inated by the announced completion of the
Maine bDaid of Inquiry report , the failure of
the Paclllc roads to reach nn amicable agree
ment upon the passenger rates nnd the heavy
selling by houses with Washington connections.
A favoiabla factor which had little influence
vvas the ( continued Influx of gold The present
movement , Including todaj's engagements of
Jl,300,0 0 and the J3.VXOCO ) en route from Aus
tria , | In excess of J30.0 > ; 0,000. The continued
ease of money likewise attracted little attention *
The resumption of uneasiness as to the general
Cuban situation seemed not to be shared on
the foreign bourses , where Spamlsh 4s advanced ,
although this may have been due to the an
nouncement that the Interest pa > ments had
been guaranteed. The bears offered round
amsunts of the grangers , Sugnr , Manhattan ,
Metropolitan Street Hallway and other prom
inent securities. The absence of support by
other financial Interests was readily perceived
by the advocates of lower values and utilized to
the fullest extent. London was mther apathetic
and early prices afforded little encouragement
to either party , being slightly mixed. Subse
quent cables represent the London exchange's
closing exceedingly weak. Rugar .absorbed the
bulk of the traders' attention during the day at
receding prices. It was the gossip of the street
that late this evening the rapid transit com
missioners would announce certain concessions
to Manhattan In the way of extensions , but
that stock declined considerably. The net
losses of 2 points and over follow : Metropolitan
Street Hallway , Consolidated ; Oas. 2V4 : To
bacco , 2V4 : Manhattan , 2 4 , and Pullm-ins 2'4.
Operations In railway and mlfcellaneous bonds
showed a further contraction In dealings , wlfi
the aggregate reaching J1.330.COO. The tendency
of the market was downward throughout , and
as has been the cae of late a large prepon
derance of the deallni5B centered In a few of
the speculative lines. Quotations for govern
ment Issues Indicated lo'se-i of Hi per cent In
the Issues of HIS and Vt per cent In the 4s , reg
istered , of 1907.
The Evening Post's London financial cable
gram says : In the absence of bad political news
the ctock markets here continued steady to
day. The chleC feature was the recovery in
Investment stocks on the prospects of tem
porarily cheap money , IMces closed under the
best , notablj Americans and Grand Trunks.
Canadian Paielflo was strongly bought for Mon
treal. Foreign stocks were firm on ParN buy
ing. A Greek loan In expected next month. It
IB to be between 5COO.'CO and 0,000000 , of
which 4,000,000 are for Turkish Indemnity , The
Interest 1 to be 2',4 per cent , but'the ls ue price
In not % t known. Gold Is In less keen demand
tor New' York at 77s lOd. More was withdrawn
from the Bank of France today. It Is understood -
stood that the Institution- showing more
willingness to part with Its gold. Details of
the Kold movement for the week show the sale
of t > MXX ) In American coin , the receipt of
1C CM from Australia , of 80/00 from Austria
and of 5CX ( > from Malta.
Following are thn closing quotations Of th
leading stocks on the New York market today
Atchlaon 11 U4wallCain.Com. 3 °
dopM V1 St. P. A. Um (0 (
llaltlmora & Ohio. . 10 do pfil I'HI
Canada Paclflo 8J St. P.M. AM 127
CanndnSoutnern. . 40 So. Paclne 13
CentralP.iclHci So. Rillvvay 7M
Chen .tOtilo 1 H do pfd 23J.
Chlcairoi. Alton..U Texas ft PaelDoi. . .
C. . II .Ic Q ROU Union Pacltlo. . 2ilH
f.fcE. i St U. P. D. & O 7hi
C.n.C. A 81.L. 27 * Wnbash. . .
do pfd 15VI
D l. . * Hudson Wheel. & L E ITi
Del. L. A W . ISO Wheel. & L. E. pfd OH
Den.&KloO . 11 Adanm Ex 100
do pfa . 41 American Kx 1'--
Erlonovv ( ) . 12 United St-.tet Ex. . . 38
EriGlstpM . , .14 Wells F.iro Ex..114
Ft. WaviiB . 100 Am. Cot. Oil HIW
OrpatNorthorniiM.Hrf A. Cot. Oil pfd 07 *
Villov. . . . O Am. Spirits HH
Am. Spirits pfd 17Hi
L.iko Krlo A. W . 13 Am. To Dacca 1H5S
do pfd . till Uo 1)W 11'-
Lalt Shor.i . IPO Pt'Oplo'H Una. .
Cons ,
Manlntt.iii L 101 Com. CjbloCo ll > 0
Met. St. Uv. . 140' ' * Col. F. A Iron 1H >
Mlchhj.m Contrjl..l04K do pfd 78
Minn. & St. L 20 Gi u. Elwtrte. 31H
tlolDtpfd H2 111liiolHSteal 45
MoP.iclao 25 LaClcdo Uat 4-JK
Mobil. ) , \ ; Ohio 20 Lead * 0 < 4
Mo. K. A T 10 ( * uo nfd lnj4
Mo.K. AT pfd SIM Nat. Un Oil Ill
Chi.,1ml. A L 7 Oregon Imp. Co -3
clopW 24 P.jcllle Mall ! M
N.J. Contril I'mlm.m Pal IfiHVj
N.Y.Cnntral Silver CortlBcntos. . 65
N.Y. Chi. A St. L. . 11H Stand.Hope ibT. . . . 4
llo lit pfd U.i Sugar 118H
clolidpfd 211 tlo nfd 1)7 ( ) > {
Norfolk i Western l't T. C.A iron. . . . " '
No. Amer. Co C U. S.
No.Paiilttc 2m do pfd
do nfd OOH tl. .4 Uubbor : . 111
Ontario .V W 14H do pfd. . AiNav 44 Wrsle-ni Union . . . 8H ! <
Ore. Short Line VB NnrthwuMlorn 117H
Plltsburg IDS do pfd 178
Ueidin. . . . 10 * Illo Grande Went . 23
KockUland 8H do pfd 04
S.I , . AS 1- - ' . . Uk Chicago-Great W. . UM
S. L. A S. W 4M
gt. Paul . . ilopfd SH
do pfd. ' pfd. . . . 3SI
Total sales of Blocks today , 319.100 shares. In
cluding : Chicago. Ilurllngton ft Qulncy , 31,2"i7 ;
Louisville & Nashville , 5,800 ; Minhnttan , 23756 ,
Metropolitan , 6,410 ; Mlfsouri I'adlle , 4,130 ; MIs-
twurl , Kansas A : Texas prefened , 4.EONew ) ;
Yolk Central , 5,193 ; Northern Pacific , 4,915 ;
Northern Pacific preferred. 14.44J ; Hock Uland ,
fit. Paul , 23.733 ; Tobacco , 29,070 ; Sugir ,
crease. 4U,0004 public. fVc > lts , Increase , CS7-
a Oj note renerve. decrease. 7 . ( tt ) ; Rovernmenl
securities , Increase. lM.occ. Tim proportion of
the B nk of England' * Te cm tn liability , which
last week was 41.35 t < r cent , U now 42. St per
cent. The Hank of KnrfCihVs rate of discount
remains nf hanged t p pet cent. .
York Mllacr iMnrket.
NBW YOIIK. March 17. < - < MONRY OX CAM-
! { ? 2\i per cent.
I'llIMB MEHOANTII.n n\mn-4H05 per
rent. " I
8TEIIUNO EXCHANON-Flrmer. with actual
business In linkers' bills , at 14 K\H SI far
demand nnd 14 SoVtM Sljfqry ilxty dajs ; potted
rntM. M SIMM S3 anJ $4 8l > { 4 8oH ; commercHl
) lll , 14 WQ4 SOH. '
HAH 9IIA'in-S4c. : -
ClOVntlNMENT BONDU Firm ; new 4s. re * .
nnd coupon , la ; 4s , rep. ; COVi : coupon , lllVi !
2n , 9S > 4 ; 5s , roc. and couponl HIM-
doting quotations on bondi wer aa followi !
tS.novv4s re * . Hi N.J. O. 59 . Ill
U.S. now 4s con. . N. O. Us . 135
U.S. Js.n-z . 110 N.O. 4s . 10J
U.S. 4s. coup . 11'- No. Pacific Ists. . .113
U. s. B. re * . 0 * < 4 No. Pacific 'is . oOK
U.S. 3a. re ? . lim No IMoltlc 4s . IMS
U.S. 5s , coup . 11 1H N. Y. O. A,9tL.4 . .101)t )
Districts , U3S . llll N. , V W. Us . 120
AUt..cluviA . 104 N.V. . Consols . 144 . ] I ! . 1(17 ( N. W. Dob. 5s . 11BW
Ala.disaO . t > 7 Orn.Nnr.lst9 . 113V
Ala. Currency. . . . 07 Ore Na\r. \ 4s . . . . tt3H
Atchinonts . 81' ' O. S. u. ( Is. t. r. . 1'JO
Atclii onaal.4s. . . . Sill , O. S. K fis. t. r . 100
Caiman So ? nJi. . . O. Imn. Ists. t. r. . . . inq
rhlcniroTcrl4B. . . O Imp. 5s. t. r . SUM
O. & U fin . 114 Pacific ba of ' 05. . . 103
C.H.J.U 441. . 104 Uuadlnsr 4s . < > <
U.&K. O. l f ! . .Ill ) R.U.Woitlsts . bOM
U.\n O. 4s . SO St. U A I. M. Con. 1 80 ' 4
. ' St. I. , A 9. F.Oeu.U. 110
KrleOen 4 . U8 St. V. Consols . 140
P \V AD. IB. t. r. . 004 St. P.O. A P. lats. . . 11H
'Joti.Eh-c. & > . . . . 101K St. V. C. & P. 5s . 110
O.H. Ji3 A. IK . 101) Southern lly. Os. . . . Ht )
( l.H AS. A. ' .Ms. . .104 S U. A.T. Us . OS
II.AT.Cpiit 6 . 100 Totin now . . 83
II. 4 T. C.con Us. .10(1 ( TOX. PUG. t. a. i it * nnv <
lown C. Ists . OOH Tox. He. ' .Ms. . 30H
K. 1' . Con. , t. r . 100 U. P. U.O. . Isls. . 51
K.I' . Isls.ur . 11H4
La. Now Coil. 4i . . .101W W.-vn ' 'ds . 704
L..VN. Unl 43 . HI ) WentShorots . . . .
Missouri tin . 100 Va Couturlcs .
M. K.AT. lids . OS ) Va doftrrad . ) i
M. K. AT. 4s . 8 li Union Piciflo pfd. . 4 < ) H
N. Y.U. latft . UBl Union Pacific 4s. . . nm
Sun Frniieldcn MlnltiK Quotations.
RAN rilANClSCO. March 17. Olllclat closing
quotations on mining Blocks today were as foi
lowi :
Alt.i 10 Julli 1
AlphnCon 7 lusticp 32
Andes 10 Kcntuckv Con 2
Belcher _ > & Mexican 30
Best * Uelolior. . . . : il OccidentalCoa. . . . 235
Ilulllon 10 OBhlr 4i
Caledonia Ufl O\orman 10
CliallcniroCon. . . . . 2R Potosi 40
Chollar. 47 SIV.IITO U4
Conlldcnce 110 Scorpion U
Con.Cai..fc Va. . . . 78 Sierra NT.ia.i. . . . . 1'JO
Con. New Yont. . . 1 Sliver Hltl a
rrown Point. 1.1 Union Con 30
Excliwiucr 0 Utah Con 19
iloula&Currio. . . . 10 Yellow Jacket -H
Halejt Noruross. . 135 Standard 105
Sllier liars , B44c ; Mexican doljars , 43',44Ccj
drafts , sight , 12j4c ; telegraph. ICc.
Ijiinilon Stock Uuotiitlnnn.
LONDON , March 17.-4 p. -Closlne :
Conools. in'\.lll n-10 N Y. Centra 115
Consols acct.,111 In-lU Pennsylvania ' 0 ! <
rnn Pacific 85W Rout I MI ; 29
Irlo ] J ) < Mox Con. now4s. . ( SO
; rlelstpfd : ) ! ' < Atch'son IW
11. Ccniial lo.i'i ' L.AN OOH
Mpxicau ordinary. . 'M < 4 Or.ind Trunk 8H
LI'nil common. . . (13 ( ,
DAR SILVCIl Weak at 25id } per ounce ,
MONI3Y 2 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
liort andl three months' bills , 3W pef cent.
UAH OOI/D 77s 10'id.
KlllUllUllll > Ott'M.
OMAHA , March 17 Tbo bink. cleirlngs for
he daj were JJtOC015 ; b-ilnncw. JIG274 9i. Tre
learingg foi 1897 were M10.4M63 , nnd the bil-
ances were $73,108 71 , Increase In clearings ,
J3I,5:3 78
CHICAGO , March 17. Clearings , tll5.947.G47
few- York exchange , SOc Ul . .ount ; posted rates ,
482 nnd J4 8314 ; Ulscultcommon , , active ; We l
Chicago , weak ; Alley L.,61 ; Hlscult , 2114 ; Ills-
cult preferred , 77 % ; Diamond Match , 133 ; Lake
Street L , 11'4 : North Chicago , 215 ; Struwboard ,
26V4 : West Chicago , 92'
ST. LOUIS , March 17 Clearings , J4S23C94
Balances , J600.4S1 ; money , 588 per cent ; New-
York cxc.iange. par bid. 4240 discount asked.
NEW OHLBANS , March' K.-Clearlngs , Jl ,
DS4.96S ; New York exchange , bank , par ; com-
mercln.1 , tl per $ l,00discount. .
MEMPHIS. March 17.-C'lenrlngs. t279.248 ; bal
ances , t39,4'i4 ; New Torts , exchange , ecllliiiff at
il SO premium.
PHILADELPHIA. March 17.-Clenrlngs. J12-
127.42S ; balances , tl,30S,20J.
BALTIMORE. Marclilli Clearings , t2,717,399
balances , t30,07G. * !
NKW YOHK. March I7i Clearings , S126.W3.-
i62 ; balances , tG,331,3G5.
nOWON , March 17 Dank clearings , $17.329-
880 ; balances. tl.C72.018. I
CIN1CINNATI. March 17.-rrCIearlngs , f2,152.l53 !
Money , 2i @ 8 per cent. New York exchange
DOffOOo dUcount. *
Foreign "Financial.
LONDON. March 17 Gold Is quoted In Due
nos Ayres today at 164 70.
PARIS , March 17. The bourse today started
tniojant end reacted tiili'ihtly later on reallza
tlon but closed firm. International securities
were harder. .Spanish 4s were principally at
fected by the announcement that the April cou-
iwn would be paid nnd advanced to 53 11-16
Rile tlntos made n sharp advance on favorable
statistics. Three per cent rentes , 103f 33o fo
the account ; exchange on London , 25f 30V4c foi
check *
IU7RLIN. March 17. Prices were firm today on
advices received on the bourse from westen
Mock exclnnges. Americans especially were In
better favor.
of II nnk of France.
PAIUS , March 17 , The weekly statement of
the Bank of Trance shows the following changes ,
as comjwretl with the previous account : Notei
In circulation , decrease , 14,050,000 francj ; treas
ury accounts current. Increase , S.930,000 francs
irold In hand , decrease , 2 ,400,000 fronts ; blll
dlscounte < < l , Increase. 3.375 , 0'O francs ; silver In
hand , Increase , 625,000 francs.
Si-ciirltlet In Ion < lnnw
LONDON , March 17. The market for American
securities fluctuated somewhat after a steid' '
open'ng ' , then declined and closed dull , with th
demand generally light. Trading was merely
Opeiilnpr In nt nn i\ilvnnop , lint the
CloHe SlioiTH n Net I.OKH.
, ' YOHK , March 17. In response to favor
able early Kngllsh cables and predictions for a
comparatively small port movement the loci
market for cotton futures opened steady bu
quiet at an advan-e of 1 to 2 points Duylng
on the opcnlns was chiefly for the account o
local shorU and Liverpool. An easier feeling
developed shortly after the call under less rea
fcurlng news from Washington and local llqulda
tlon nnd price i eased cff 5 to C points At no time
did the bear crowd take the aggressive , ovvln
trj the continued firmness of southern spot nvir
ketn. Selling was also chocked by favorabl
news from Manchester and the continent regard
Ing sums and cloths. liuslness vvas very llgh
during- greater part of the morning and after
noon , but ne-ir the close the market beeam
more active without showing a decided Icanln
one way or the other , transaction In good par
being for the evening up of accounts. A few
selling orders were received from Liverpool 01
the decline. The south traded on both sldr
of the account. The close wns quiet and stead :
at 1 to 4 points net decline. Spot , dull : middling
6ie. ! Net receipts , 1.G24 bales ; gross. 1,133 bales
exports to Trarce , 340 biles ; to the continent ,
1,052 bales ; sales , ICC bales , all spinners ; stock
183.0 l bales. Total today : Ntt receipts , 13B3d
bales ; exports to Great Urltaln , 3.CC6 bales ; t
Trance , 8S27 ( bales ; to the continent , 1.152 bales
stock. 1.041,510 Irtles. Consolidated : Net receipts
123,571 bales : exports to Great Ilrltaln , 77.13j
bales ; to France , 0,207 btles ; to the- continent
42,115 biles. Total Mnce September 1 : Net re
cclpt * . 7.699.313 bales , exports to Great Britain
2.7)9,313 ) bilesto Tnnce , 723,606 bales ; to th
continent 2297312 bales
tures , steady : Halt's , J2.1M bales ; March , $5.5'
bid ; April , 3 5bC5 D7la : > , Jri0.1ff5.f0 ; June ,
J3G303C4 : Julv. fSC7g5GS ; August. r > M0T 07
September. J' > fS5 08 ; October , t > f , l5 CS ; No
vember , t5Mfi508 ; December , J3 BS65 70 ; Jan
uary , J3.7X85 ( 72. Spot , staidy ; sa'es , 9.12" > bales
ordinary , 4 9-lCj ; gooil ordinary , 4 15-lCc : low
mlddllny. n'S"- : middling , fi 9-l c ; go l middling
f 15-ICc ; mld'lllntr ' fair , C 5-lOc ; receipts , 4.S2 :
bales ; stock. 474.170 bale-\
LIVnnPOOU March 17. COTTON I'alr de
mmd ; prices full ; American ml Idling fair. 3 > id
good middling. 3'4d ; American middling , :
11-3M ; low middling. T73M ; goer ordinary
3 1-16-1 : ordinary , 2'd. The sales of the da ;
were ) i\OCO bales , of vvhldj JOO bales were fo
speculation and export and Included 9 70) bale
American. Receipts. 6CV > bales ; no American
Futures opened quiet , with a moreate demaiu
and closed barely Heady. American middling ,
1. in. c . 3 rf4Sl 16-RW , bu > ers ; Anrll and May
3 18-64SJ3 19-6ld. buyers ; May and June , 3 19-C4d
value ; June and July , 3 11-C4173 2M4d , values
July and Augu t. 3 19-64K1 20ld. . buyers ; AUK
ust and September. 3 19.Q4S3 I0-64d. % alues
September nnJ Octotier. s n-Clirt 20-64d. sellers
October and November. 1 19 Old. buyers ; No
vfmber and Deceml > r. J 19-641. fellers ; Decem
ber and January. 3 19-6ld , sellers.
'Oil ' MllVkPtH.
OIL CITY , Pa , . March 17.-Credlt balances.
certlllcates opened TTio bid for regular ;
snlen , 4 ( X HiU. canh dV-llverv t 77VS" : clew < l
77 ic Md for regular : cash offered at 77c ; tntal
salet. 60O ) hbli ; shipments , 82.991 bbls. ; r.lns ,
93.119 bhls
BVVANNAH. Oa. . March l7.-OILS-Ep'rita '
turpentine , tlrm. % c ; sales , 110 bWs. Uo ln , nnn ;
reported Hales , 15 bbls Ouotr : A. U. C. D.
$1 15 ; U. F. SI 44 : O , Jl.M ; H , I , J1.6) ; K , II CS-
M , $1.70 ; N , $1.75 ; window glass , II K ; water
white. JIOO
CHARLESTON , 8. C , Mirch 17. OII Tur-
pentln" . Htmdv. Roiln , flrm.
WILMINGTON. N. C , March -OIL'S Sp'rltg
turpentine , nothing flnlnir : prices unchanged
llnsln , stwdy , $1.3) and $1 K Crude turpentine ,
nothing doing. Tar , steady , $1 93S2 CO.
Fall Illtrr Clolli Mnrkfl.
PALL RIVER. .Mass. , March 17-The print
cloth mnrket has taken another drop. Molerate
sale * have len mnd * at 2y4c less 1 per cent , at
which figure there Is no apparent desire on the
part of buyers to Invest heavily In regulars.
The price U the lowest on record.
Receipts nt the Local Yards Show Some
Peculiar Totals ,
I.ornl 1'nokcrs liny Krcrtr of Hie titm-
Ited nnil Uiulpulralile O ftp r I nun
HORH Shovr n l.lltlc
SOUTH OMAHA. March 17-nccclpts for
the day * Indicated were :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. Hor's.
March 17 l.sftl 4,730 10,337 1
March 16 3,697 4,913 6,355
March 13 3,720 t.l 7 3.W1 30
March 14 2.1SS l.Ci ) 4.SO5 2
March 12 2.10 * 453-i 796 10
March 11 2,452 C.U42 1.W5 . . . .
larch 10 2,312 4.G37 10,207
tnrch 9 2.SOJ 02J1 0.57G 47
larch 8 2,939 G.W9 7.SO 3
Inrch 7 3,200 3,176 35S4 4
lurch 5 1,137 5,437 1,270 C6
larch 4 1.SJ3 0,513 G.243 43
lurch 3 1.6J2 5.599 3,763 2
larch 2 1 , < 94 G.349 4,813 G
arch 1 2,779 7.SOO 4,230 3
'cbruary ' 28 1,834 4,541 4,011
'cbruary ' 2C SHO 6,273 3612 . . . .
The oniclal number ot cars of stock
rought In today by each road was !
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
' . , M. < t St. I > . lly. . G 1 . . . .
' . & St. I * llv 3 1
Ils&ourl 1-aclllc lly. . 2 4 1
tlllon 1'aclllc S > stcm. 12 17 44 1
! . & N.V. . llv 2
„ n. & M. v. K n. . 9 14 2
. C. & P. lly 3 4 . .
' . , St. I' . , M. & O. lly. 1G G
3. & M. H. R. n..rZi 17 G
C. , H. & Q. lly 1 4 . . . .
" . , II. I. & ! ' . lly. , W 1
Total receipts . . . . 73 C3 EG 2
The disposition of the day's iccolpta was
s follows , each buyer purchasing the num-
er of head Indicated :
3uyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheoo
Omaha Packing Co G . . . . 150
I. H. Hammond Co. . . . 2S3 1,159
wlft and Company 4SG l,2i ! 3,117
Judahy Packing Co 423 1,224 7021
I. Becker nnd Dcgan , . 253
'ansant & Co 8
. L. . Carey lo
lObman & Ilothschllds . . 110
V * . I. Stephens 1G
Jenton & Underwood . . 90
Crcbbs & Co s > 3
Illl & Huntzlnger G
Ivlngston & Schaler. . . . * 3G
North P. & P. Co SO
Cuilnhy P. Co. . K. C 499
Other buyers 132 . . . . uG.
.eft . over G30 4,500
TotnN 1,935 4,7349,131
CATTLL3 Tod.iy's cattle run consisted of
, SG4 head , while yesterday there were 3,597
nd a week ago 2,312. As compare * ! with
sterday there was a falling off In the
quality a- well ns In the number received.
t TV as a. Thursday , hovvever , and light re
ceipts ere welcome to sellers as there are
no shippers on that day to bolster up the
Heef Steers IJglit receipts , poor quality
nnd fin absence of u. . shipping demand were
ha most prominent features of the day's
lade. Thu light offerings , however , were
'Utnclcjit ' to m.ilntnln values even though
hero was no shipping demand. Local pack
ers all Deemed to want cuttle and they
all bought freely , but as the quality of the
offering's was not desirable no one seemed
n any great hurry to buy , but on the con-
.rary , buyers took their tlmo nnd the mar-
cet as a whole was not particularly active.
Still the cattle kept selling nnd practically
everything was sold In good season. By
reason of the. very ordinary character of
the most of the cattle the sales made a very
poor showing on paper.
Butchers' Stock Only a few cows nnd
letters wcro on snle , but atlll the market
was not so- very active. At the same time
: ho demand wns reasonably good and the
offerings 'were- gradually cleaned up. It
wns just about a steady market and the
: rado as a vvholel was devoid of new or In-
tcre' < tlng features.
Stock Cattle There were hardly enough
Ight stock cattle In the yardi to make
iny test of the. market , but the demand
continues good and It Is safe to say that
values were strong. Thele were n few
feeders mhlcn met with ready sale at steady
prices. Cattle averaging 700 to SOO pounds
sold at $4.50J4.75 nnd light cattle brought
more in proportion. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No Av. Pr
21. . . . 753 $3 75 43..1019 54 00 7..1161 $4 25
14..1339 4 55 1..1C40 4 SO C. , . . 8S8 3 70
3. . . . 910 375 1 , . . . 810 .3 SO 31 , . . . 964 390
23 . . . 90S 4 00 21. . . . 998 4 15 9..1277 4 20
8..1178 4 20 44..1184 4 21 41..1035 4 35
65..1170 4 33 17..1151 4 55 C..1110 4 15
1. . . . 9SO 4 50 4..1407 4 CO 1..1320 4 GO
1..1310 4 50 2..1290 4 50 1G..13G1 4 53
20..1341 4 G5 1..1230 373 1. . . . 870 375
17..UOS 3 91 3..12S6 423 20. . . . 96S 390
S7..1063 4 1" 19..115' ! 4 20 38..1113 4 SO
28..12W 440 1..1230 423 7..1047 425
20..1217 440 17..1018 425 18..100.1 430
1..11SO 4 33
L. . . 790 100 I..1131 2 fO 4. . . . SCO 275
1..1100 283 L. . . 9 0 300 1..1160 SIX )
G. . . . MO 315 21..1084 320 2..13S5 335
I. . . . W ) 333 1..1180 340 17. . . . 9S7 350
11..1210 355 3..1200 353 1C.1014 365
12..11CO 363 1..1190 3 Co L. . . 970 373
3. . . . 873 275 1. , . . ( ! & > 883 L. . . 670 288
2..1001) ) 300 2. . . . SSO 300 3..1041 325
2..11CO 333 1..1170 S 35 1..1540 333
1..1020 250 1..10M 300 1..1IOO 335
3..1156 333 1..1360 300 1..1230 3 GO
1. . . . 900 S 73 2. . . . k > 223 1. . . . 820 240
1. . . . SOO 28" 4. . . . 957 295 2..1000 300
3..1033-3 00 1..1170 3 15 2. . .llV ) 1 20
1..12liO 320 2. . . . 17 > 323 20 . . .1048 133
1..1100 333 13..1196 3 40 2).1013 340
1..13JO 350 21 . . .10.13 3 GO 3..1S9S .1 GO
2..1J53 363 4..1W2 3 81 l..linrt 340
1..1120 350 22..1193 370 31. . . .1110 3 9r
7. . . . 9JO 290 6. . . . 9'.l 290 1. . . . SflO 300
4..12J3 340 1..1W ) 350 3..1321 ! 3 60
2 . . .lISi 1 1 1..1271 3 40 13..1078 3 40
5..1143 3 CO I..1072 3 63 33. . . . 812 3 40
4..1007 340
33. . . . 937 3 90 1. . . . 490 3 6' 2. . . . 733 S 70
1. . . . IV ) 3 M 2. . . . 623 333 1. . . . 730 380
1 , , . . 7CO 1 7" C..1C 3 3 73 1..1120 3 75
G. . . . 813 3 (5 l..lSO 390 2. . . . 975 400
10. . . . PSC 3 73 42. . . . 870 3 73 3. . . . 926 3 80
r . . . . 818 890 1..1130 270 1. . . . 100 3 T
3..1033 SSO 1..1070 3 85 4. . . . 435 423
1..1040 2 75 I..lf3fl 3 SO 1..1310 3 40
1..1079 3.50 1..1090 3 C5 1..12CO 3 55
1..1140 J55 I..1MO 313 1..1370 325
1..15CO 343 2..lf90 340 1. . . . 720 240
. . . . : 2 50 1..1430 3 10 1..IIRO 3 20
1..12CO 32 ? 1..14SO 323 1..1670 335
1..1J50 350 - 1..1730 350 1..1280 3 0
1..11BO J 73 1. . . . 900 250 1..1300 335
1..14SC 3 CO - * 1..1780 3 43 1..1420 3 1' )
t. . . . 90 4 00 1. . . . 110 400 1. . . . 110 500
1. . . . SO r 50 S. . . . 325 SCO 1. , . . 70 450
2. . . . 90 C 23 1. . . . ISO CCO 7. . . . 242 625
1..1350 300 1..1020 350 1..1170 8W
1..10CO 373
1..10M 390 2. . . . 745 400 7. . . . 911 420
4. . . . 875 4 33 11. . . . 831 4 45 3. . . . 870 4 41
4. . . . KSO 4 B ) 2. . . . 980 4 65 30. . . . Wl 4 75
1. . . . COO 4 80 1. . . . 720 4 00 3 , , . . 813 4 V
2 . . . 860 400 1. . . . TOO 400 15. . . . 961 425
4S. . . . 803 4 60 23. . . . 727 4 Ti 10. . . . 54 4 81
1. , . 670 30) 2. . . . 733 375 2. . . . 780 375
29..1030 4 15 21. . . . 8K5 4 30 10. . . . KM 4 40
G . . .1033 4 40 8. . . . Ml 4 40 1. . , . SSO S 33
13. . . . 8IG 4 01 1. . , . 750 3 73 20 . . . WJ 4 n
23. . . v > \ 440 7 . . . 7S7 440 3. . . . D76 4 71
1. . . . E90 375 2..1160 400 1 , . . . 760 4 25
7. . . , 408 53) 1. . . . 750 415 27..1110 480
3. . . . 990 4 30 8. . . . 420 C 10
HOGS Receipts today were 4.730 head , an
against 4 943 head ypj-terday , 4,697 heaj a week
BRO and R.D93 henil two weeks ntn The- quality
of the hogs was very good on an average.
The early market wa a little stronger , and
some choice butcher weluht IIORH sold up to
t3.S'vhlch vvas 5c hlfthor than the top jem-
lenlny. The liulk of the IIDKS liroUKht t3.70 , the
name a ytsterday , but thxre were fewer salea
under that price , and a good many more above
than jesterday.
Toward the clofe the marKet ea ed up n little
and for a time vvas rather dull , hut eventually
evrr > thing was fold , and the clone wa not much
dirrrnnvt from the earl ) market.
The avfrace of all the mlt wan T4o higher
than yesterday , 2c higher than Monday , but So
lower than a Meek ago and 17o lower than two
weeku ago. IIf i are now celling Sc lower" " than
nt the commencement of the month and lOc
lower than 1'ebruary 17. Representative salon :
No. Av. Sh 1'r.
76 186 400 t3 6)
64 2S7 . . . 3 67V4
72 2tf ) 40 - "
71 273 40
18 2SI . . .
Id 274 ] CO
23 ,213 . . .
44 27
78 202
C9 230
C6 220
57 215
CS 247
73 241
112 230 I
4 * ' I
71 261 IV
4 2CO
SO tt * ' . < ,
70 210 IV
67 2S1 IVV !
1 J61 IV
83 234 IV"I i
63 It I "I
71 280
12 2J > )
66 2M
30 23 *
27 471
61 291
C7 150
u so > . . . iw M.I sou . . . i to
K . . . 300 J . .60 . . . 313
119 . . . 3IW 1 . . .300 . . . 365
5. . . . . . , ZV . . . 363 t > . . ISO . . . 3 61
" ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
! ! ! ! . > ; : 'i ' . ! ! ! . . . ! . . . s wt
8 ? " . . . 37Hi 7 11 . . . 375
4 18d . . . ITS 3 SJJ . . . 371
S M . . . 373 . . . . . . . . . . . 171
t 293 . . . S 75 G 2M . . . sn
! < ! . . . 3 73 , 6 33S SO 171
t 270 . . . 375
8HKir Todav'i receipts were the Hrcest In
noinn iU > s , 10,32 ; heiul being reported In , ns
iiMtlnst 6,353 jesterdny , 10i ) ; n week ago and
3.763 two wctles ng < > . The receipt * consisted
largely of Iambi of fair to good quality.
The demand vvns of liberal | inn u lions anj
though the nnrket wn not fo very nctlvc the
oeffrlnKS generally changed hands eirly In the
d y. Values were not matcrllnly changed from
> cslerday' itnndard. Some fair westcm lamlw
brought t490f500. ! vvllh some BVKV ! Mexican
Innibs at to 23 and a string of Port Collins
Inmhs at J5 30. Itiprcsenlallvc sales !
No. ' Av. IT.
f.3 western ewes 110 13 RO
40" western wethers . , 117 4 2-3
410 wuttern wethers 112 4 30
Ml western inlx.'d. . 6 4 40
27S lambs , feeders 01 4 10
73 western limbs 71 6 00
261 western lambs (8 4 90
3 culls 70 30)
1)7 ) mixed westerns M 4 23
H western limbs 64 4 S3
69 western lambs 71 SOO
617 Mexican lamUs 72 523
1,067 Colorado lambs 82 6 30
Cntllerp Sli-nily UIU ! T Inlliiotipi' of
nil Aelltf" Dfinniul.
CIIICACJO , March 17.-Prlccs for cfttllc today
were mostly steady , under Iho Influence nf n
fairly nctlvo general donnnd ; sales nt t39X(59 (
for the common Mnds up to toOOfiJW for r'mko
shipping cattle , the bulk of the cattle crowing
the ocalcs at tl 3'iI3 15 , vv Ith v cry few clnlcc
enoiiRh to go over J" 3" > . There was nn ncllvp
slockiT nml feeder triile at strong prices , rrles
being largely at tl 005i-4 M nnd lirlme 400-lb. stock
cnttli1 sold ns high us tl 'A. C lives were '
choice wiling at t$3"i650.
Trade 111 hogs w is 'irtlvo at stronger to
higher prices thnn prcvtiled nt the close jister
day. 'Iho bulk of Lho sales occurred ut ft 7Gt ! >
S M. a few prim" heavy h > gs fetching tl 93 As
usual , light vv eight hogs compilsed the great bulk
of the offerings nnd nich lots sold nt n marked
discount , the best bringing t3 0.4. 1'lfis . nd
largely at t3 i , < H3 SO. 'lha Into market was
There was a Rood deimml for sheep and
lambs and price * were sleady. Sheep moved o7
actvltdj nt tS 1 > # 3 30 for Iho commomst to t&W \
. 473 for the best fed westerns , sales living larcely
nt tl 23 and upvvnul. Yeirllng shop were wauled
t tl . " > "f ; " 00 nnd limits were In deiuund at t4 rAfJ
! 50 , Mies being chiefly at ! 5 2.Vrf3 4 > j uiorn
nubs Bold at M20B4 23
RiCiil1V : Cuttle , 9,000 ho-ul ! hcgs , 22,000 head ;
ehep , 15,000 head.
SI. LlllllN I.Ho Stm'k.
ST. LOUIS , Maich 17 CATTLi-R.'ce'rU '
,8i liMiil , Including 1,700 In id Tevins ; h1p-
ments , Cft ) head , nnrket Blind ) , fair lo fnn v
latlvo shipping nnd export steercs , ft.MnoDO ;
iulk of sales , tl WJS 00 , dreoscil beef and
nitcher slPcrK , t4 0Xii. ( > 10 : bulk of f\\o \ , tl 4"ij }
73 , steels under l.iWO Iks. , t3 W1f4 80 ! I'Ul't ' 'if
ile , t4 Wff4 CO. stixkers and feedois ft 23ffl 81) ) ;
nilk of sill's , t3 7004 50 ; cows and holfeis , t-00
04 CO , Texas nnd Indian xt er , t32.VJ305 , the ton
: rades bi Ing some .bpeclally line va-ttle ; biilk
f Files WltOffi GO , MI\VS nnd helfeis , J2 "
HOGS Receipts , G.oiXI bend ; shipments , tV )
leid ) nnrket Co lovvei , joikers. tlCj iio , pick-
rs. tll'fflOC , butrhers , J39 > iIM
SHiii' : Receipts , 9UO head : sltlfitneilt' * , WO
tend ; market ste.idj ; native muttons , J4W3IW ,
amb' ' , t3 OO'ffS B ) . .
iNvlllc l.lvo Sioi'k.
13 , March 17. CATTI.n-Market
dull and fully lOSTI'o lower ; extra good expoit
steers , t4.CW4.K3 , choice butcher steers , Jl.ljtf
4.30 ; filr lo gcod butiher steers , f3.Cifl4.13 , coni-
non to medium butcher sUcr , J3 4'513.6'i. ' choice
leifers , M.9' ' > 57l.iri ; fair to choice butcher cow ,
t2 905T1 to , medium to good feeders , t3 Kii4.13.
HOHS-Reci Ipt * , 1,463 head : tops. J3 90. me-
IIMIH. } a.SOff3.'U , light BhlpiKrs , J3.40ff3 TO , pigs ,
K Wit40. .
AND LAMHR Market steady and iin-
clnnxed ; good to extra shipping steers , t3Wf
3.75 ; fair to good Mieep , t3 iMii3.23 , common lo
medium , t2.00if2 r.O , extra "hipping lambs , 14.75 ©
G.OO , fair to good lambs , t4.2Hf4 75 : be t bntch-
rs , tl.C004.Ci ) , fair to good butchers , t3 50 < IP4.00.
liiiHiiniiiollH I.IxStork. .
celpts , 2 > )0 ) hi ad. shipments , light , market nno-
ably stfAiIy ; gornl to prlmo steira , tl 90iff3 23 ;
'air to medium Rteeis , tl 6034 SO , common lo
good mockers , 13 W83 73.
HOGS Receipts , 4.000 head : shipments , 3.000
eadv maiket only fairly active ; jrood
3 choice medium and heavy , t3 90i ?
393 : mixed and heavy , t380S390 ; gooj to choice
Ights. t38uilf395 ; common light weights , ? 173TJ
nccclpts , light ; shipments. none ;
market active. ; good to choice lambs , t5 2"iSJ1 ) ;
common tn medium lambs , f3.7S4i"J 00 , common
Sheep , $2 KS3 00.
> I'TV York I.I I
NKW YORIC , Miirch 17 IinCVHS necclpti.
743 head , all conslsned direct : nothing- doing ;
feeling dull. Cables today quoted Ihie.illle
lower at London at 9V < ? IOV1" : at IVverpool , tVi ( ?
10J4c. dressed weight : live sheep weak , refrig
erator beef easlir. Kxporls today , E40 cattle ,
1,222 sheep and 2,160 nuarters of beef.
JAljVITS Steady at t3.rXf7.6 ) | Vi. .
Ilinni' AND L\MIt > Hecelpl ? . 2.797 head : a
trllle weak : poor to coed sheep , t3.r'0fl.75 ; prime
lambs t6 2-Si 33.
HOGS-Recelpts , 2.0S3 head ; weak ; quoted at
} 4.0004.33. j
Hnt IliifTulo l.l\o Siot-k.
HAST I1UPPALO , N Y. . March 17. CATTI.T
JJull and tlow ; fat shlrp'ng steers , t4.6igil.75 ;
fat smooth steers , t4.40Jf4 10 : coarse and roughs ,
t3.75SI.2u : light Bteeis , f4.1094.23 ; choice fat
heifers , t4.251i4.50 ; mixed butchers , t4.50Q5.00 ;
good butchers' cows , t1.50B3 90.
HOG1 ! Quiet ; common to choice rought3.60 ®
4.60 : pigs , common to choice , t3.80 T3.i3 ,
IjASIIlS Choice to extra , t5.0l } ' > .75 ! culls to
common , t4.63f5.40. {
SHnilP Choice to snlected vvelhers , JI.80 ®
4.93 ; culls to common , t3.23ff4.15.
KUIINIIH City Mxo Slack Mnrlrrt.
ceipts , 7,000 head ; best steady : others slow ;
Texas cows , t ? 7503 75 ; native steer * . M r.OfJ3 40 ;
native cows and heifers , t2'1 ft363 ; itockers
nnfl feeders. t3 COS3 35 ; bulls. t2 Trt 5 00.
HOGS Receipts , 11,300 held : maiket barely
steady ; bulk of rales. f360f380' heavies , tJ rr , j >
300 : packers , t3 5503 83 ; mixed , tSWfflSO ; lights ,
3 50 T3 63 : yorkers , t3 60 3 63 ; plgg , t3 10 1/0
SIinEP Receipts , 3.0CO head : market steady ;
lambs , IS 0003 GO ; muttons , 13 0004 CO
CliinlniuiM Ute Slnek.
riNCINNATI , March n.-lIOGS-Dull , J3 5K7 (
CATTLK Stiong , higher. t2.750l 63.
HIIiii' Steady , J273WIV )
IjAMUS Steady , l OOJiO 75
Slock In
Record of receipts of live s'ock at the four
prnlclpal markets for March 17 :
Cattle. Hoes
Omhia l.Siil 4.7W 10 ? 7
Clilcago o.ono 2200) iifKo
Kansas Clly 7ftV ) 11,300 3,0ro
St. I uls 2.800 C.500
Totals .Heel 41,530 29,227
CulTtM * llnrl.i-t * .
NHW YOHIC. Merrh 17. COKPIJU-Oplloni
opene < l steady , with March cmd April 5 folnlu
lower nnd other months unchanged' ni'"il mod-
crntely active , with upward tfnccniy , f iMtwlng
decided falling off In liruzlllan receipts and
marKel lncrnHM > In United St ites wari-Mousn de-
liverle ; bulln cautious , ovvlntf to continued de-
morijlze < l conilltlon of spot mitkrt , ( 'lied flrm
at a not gain nf & 310 pulnlu. bales , 31OW lutgy ,
Including March , Jl'JilfJM ; May , JJlOSiilS IJ'iot
coffee , Hlo , weal : ; No. 7 lnvi > lcj , 5\c ; No. 7 lob-
blnu , CV4c : mild , quiet ; Coidova , SVif/lJc ; Files ,
Ii > i > ac Muricaibii , p t : : w > biK tiavanllla , p t. ;
100 boss Mexican , p , t. Total Maehouso dellvor-
Irx llrm the I'nlted Htates , 15.U4 bo s. Including
14,660 from New York ; New York stu-k tndiv ,
C9I.707 bigs ; United htateii stoclS"9,537 b ;
afloat for Iho United Slates , 132'4 lng ; total VF- !
Iblu far the United States , 1.161,537 ha i , ngil
732.120 bagH last > < > ar and C5S3IS bajs In 1 * 0
HANTOft. March 17 - COlVI.TSuIet ; good
avi-roap hintos , 8,0)0 rols , stock V23HK ( ) Ings
HAMIIUHU , March 17. COl'PKi : Owned in-
rhince-J. nt 2.30 i > . m , , net unchanfcedj rules ,
21 OW Ings
RIO Di : JANEIRO , Maich 17. COFl'i : ! : Dull ;
No 7 Illo , 7,823 rels. exchingj , 6 9 3iJ ; rtO.'iiilM ,
4,0)0 ) bigs , cleared for the United butci , 4010
bags ; cleared lor Uurope , 5,000 l gs ; stock , JCS.OOO
Wool lliirkft.
BOSTON , March 17. The Mrwln ! nre the
quotitl > ns for lepdlnff rtesTlntlori'
Ohio and 1'ennsjhnnla ( lefcer , X and above.
i7f28o ; XX , 29c , X X unu rtb , e , .u . , u un ,
30331c ; No 1 comb'iifr , l tj lc ; No. 2 combing ,
soil tic. Michigan. Wisconsin , northwut , tie :
Michigan , 24c ; No 1 Mlchlgun combing , .iu ,
No. 1 lIllnolH combing , Z9c : No 2 Michigan
combing , 28U c. No 2 Illinois rombln * , 2S 25c ;
New York , N w ilimp'hlro ard Vermont , U1 (
2lc ; No 1 New York , New Hampshire and Ver
mont , 27c : delaine , Michigan , 26c , 1'nwarhed
medium Kentucky and Indiana quart ) r-hlood
combing. 23e ; Kentucky and Indiana threc-
elghthH-blnod comb'ng ' , 23c , Missouri quarter-
blood combing , 22" ! Missouri three-clRhths-
blood combing. 23c : braid comb'r g. 2)cj ) lake
and Georgia , Sc , Texas vvonliipilng meillum ,
twelve-month , 16fl8oj scoured , 43ft4c ; spring
fine , twelve months , ISSlSc ; tcovircd , 4S'a50c.
Territory wools : Montana line medhm and line ,
c. scoure. c ; sapes , , c. at ,
Wyoming , etc. ; Klnp medium nnd line , 1'Wl'c ;
scoured , 4:047c ; staple , GOo. Au lrallan tenured
basis , combing superfine , 70n72c ; combing , good ,
C.Q1Sc. * comblmr. avernne. f251C5c
.ST. I/UIS Mirch 17. WOOl.-Diill nnd i-ailer :
medium , 1W19H" : llcht fin" , 133100 ! heavy tin. ' ,
6&13o ; tub ashed , 22i29c.
> < -vv York Dry ( iooilM Miirl.ol.
NIJW YORK. March 17. There wii an appre-
clabte decline In the sales of cotton goods an 1
perhaps a slight feirc-ngthetilng of the dry goods
market over that of the tarly part of the week.
Th s conditions ore more marked In some quar
ters than In others , but It Is evident that there
are mi added discouraging feature * to Ilio mar
ket an It stands today. The jobbing trade r -
pertH continued tiprlng trading and them U a
modicum of demand on reorders for Keiisonablo
goo < ld In dress goods , napped fabrics and such
nlher lines aa are heglnntni ? to bo opened tha
early Inqulrle * show much Intirot on the part
of johbtTOVoolen gonla are In geol dvnvand
In nearly all grades. In ( tuple cotton there U
aid to baio been considerable Intertst dUplayeii
In vldo she tlnKi < nnd snles art reported nt
trifling ndvnnr o r iirevloui flnir | . I'rlni
cloths urn vrenJc. The nmnlnsl quotation U ( till
nt S'io , but nlei > of I 11lCoeto Itported re -
terdny outside the market. 1'rlnts 4I with
fair decree of ncllvlty , Staples show a c
( lomand 111 the main in nearly nil grade *
NKW YOIIK , March 17 SUOAIt Haw , stoi
fair refining , Hcl centrifugal , test. 4 M6o :
llnnl , stesdvi mould A , 6 So ; slandnrd A. &o |
cvm feet killers' A , 5ct cut loaf. 5So ! crushed.
G\c ! powdered. 65-16C ! eooJ grnnulHted , 5Hc ;
culx-K. 5 S-K.c
NKAV ORt.nA.VS. March IT.-SUOAn-QulfH
open kettle. s ffaVtcntrlfugal , Rrnniilaled. > ; whites , 4Slftic | ; > ellows , 4U4Vtcj ro-
ends , 2H01 15-1GC. Molaiws , tlrong ) centrifugal ,
Cnlirornln Drli-il
rilUITS yulrt and llrm ! evaporated apples , com.
mon , & < fU- ; prime wire tray , sijlflHi wood drlel ,
prime , CH TSNo ! choice , lV I9c ! fancy , tVjl'IOs.
I'nines , S'4 V , Aprloits , lto > nl , fiMJicj Miwr
1'ark , ' 4U10C. Teaches , unpeclrO , ttfJc ! pcelui' ,
Orilrr "Sonio" "uiltli lo I.cnvp.
SKATThH. March 17. The City of Soattl *
brings tlio news thnt nt SknKwny Inst Sit-
urday night the committed of 101 sat down
on "Sonpy" Smith nnd onlcrcil him to
leave town within twenty-four hours. Itn
wna still there when the City of Seattle left
Sunday night.
Two Klllfil by KitllliiKVnltn. .
CHICAOO. ainrch 17. John Hlro was
killed nnd n. II. linker fntally Injured by
n fnlllnit wnll today nt the riilna of tha
Coliseum , the big iimuscmetit building which
vvas located ncnr ( ho World's fair grounds )
nnd which burned to the wound Homo
months ) 11140.
AVI1I llrlp riirUtrn tin' Kr
IiAXCASTnit , Ky. , March 17. MNjFrnn.-
risen Orier of thH city , daughter of AdJutant -
Jutant Oenornl Collier , has accepted Gov
ernor Hradlcj'.i ni > jiolntment ns maid of
honor nt the christening of the bittleshlp
Mmary , Secondary or Tertiary DtOOD
POIbON penn > ntntly
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can b treated at horn * for aaiut
prlct undir ram * guaranty. If > ou pnftr
to come here we will contract to pay railroad -
road fare and hottl bills , and no charge
' U we fall to cur * .
taken mercury , Iodide potaih and ( till
hnve aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat , Plinpln , Copper Col.
red Spots , Ulcers on any part of the
body. Hair or Byebrone falling out , It le
this Secondary
IU ! U k
We Guarantee to Cure
W * solicit the inrst obstinate case * and
challenge the world for n case we cannot
cure This disease h > f always baflled the
skill of the mo t eminent phytlclana.
I too. 000 capital behind our unconditional
Vtlaranty , Absolut * proofs sent eealcd
on application. 100 pnpe ; boolc lent fm.
Addreti COOK REMEDY CO. , 14U1
Mnionlo Temple , CUIcauo , III.
< t
No Detention From Business ,
In Seven to Ten Days Without P&ln.
( Successors to THE O. E. MILLER OO. )
032-933 New York Life Building , Omaha ,
Call orvvrlto for circulars
Health is Weaitli
IsRolilundor positive IVrlttcn Onarnntco ,
bynnthnrlzod agents only , to euro \Venk Memory ,
Uizzlnoss , Wokofulncai , Fits , Hysteria , Quiet-
n338 , Niclit LOSBOS , Kvil nreams. JjBck of ContU
( Icmrfl , Norvousi > CT > H , Lnfleltudo , nil Drnlns , YonUi-
ful Krrorn , or ExruRsivo Uro of Tobacco , Opium ,
or Lununr , which loads to Mitory , Consumption ,
Infianity nnd Death. At otore or by nrnil , $1 n
box ; eix for ? 5 ; with written aunraiitco to
euro or refund money. HamtiloiiarU-
az , contnlninR flvo dnye'troatinont. vrlth full
instructions , 23 cocta. Ono eamplo only cola to
eachjjpreoti. AtbtoroorbymoiL
Label Special
Extra Strength.
For Impotency , Loss ol
Powcir. Lost Manhood ,
Utorihty or narremiees'
$ l o box ; oiz for 5 ,
'rmen Eunrn
to euro Jn 30days. At Bto
- " fc-m-ll.
Dillon nm r Co , S. R , Corne
Ktlh nnd Fiiriiiuii St . , Oiniiliiucli. .
I j South
Telephone lUiM ) . Omnlia , N.-b
Direct wire * to Chicago nd New York ,
Correspondents ! John A. Warren A Co.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. Omaha , Nolj
Br.ncb Offlr * . 1038 N St. . Uacols. N U.