Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Favorable Wcathot Oaniea General
Corn ntul Ontsi SnfTrr from tlie LlqnU
ilntlim. CliiHlnR Lower , nnd Pro-
tlxluiiN Are VliMr nnd
CHICAGO , Mnrch 16.-Tho 'exceptionally
favorable wpnther caused the most general
liquidation In the whent market today that
haH taken place for some time. July wheat
nt one time allowed a break of nearly 2
rents. The doling decline was yifKJc cov
eting by shorts Using responsible for the
reaction. Corn nnd oats * suffered from the
liquidation In wheat and closed % c nnd He
lower , respectively. Provisions were slow
4tml showed llttlo change nt the close.
Wheat was very weak nt the opening.
The bearish sentiment among traders on
last night's curb , and the continuance of
remarkably favorable weather prevailing
over the fcntlre winter wlient section , wus
reflected fully. Opening prices for July
ranged from S5o to tKVtc , ngnlnst n closing
of 85c yesterday. Kor u. moment or two
the market hesitated. The opening decline
In Itself was sulllclont to Induce covering In
a moderate degree and the market re
covered a fraction , nelllng1 nt S3',4c. That
was the extent of the bullishness. Offer
ings noon began to coino In from all direc
tions , hauler * apparently being discouraged
at the excellent crop prospects' . The de
cline nlso brought In stop-loss orders , und
the pressure was greatly Increased by prom
inent St. l.oulH operators offerings from
that source iK-Ing exceptionally heavy. The
market fell pretty steadily to Sic. becoming
tinlto nervous at around the bottom. A
reaction then ensued. Professional wiorts
and many early sellers camp In to cover
lines showing good profits , and the market
gradually assumed a degree of steadiness.
lly noon priced had recovered to RT c. Dur
ing this time Stay was steadily held by the
1/eIter Interests at $1.M and that price In
fact wab > maintained throughout the es-
plon , although one or two sales were made
ut Jl.03',4. Hesldes the line Weather , which
was the overshadowing Influence , there wits
n good deal of benrlshncss In the routine
news. Northwest receipts were 201 cars ,
against 331 cam last week and 231 a year !
ugo. Chicago receipts amounted to 111
cars' ' , " 17 of which were of contract grade.
The total addition to the contract stocks
today amounted to about CS.CCO bu. . fifty
uirlo.ulu nnd 4MO bu. coming from private
houses. L.lverK | > ol cables showed weakness
nil day. Clearances were 111.lit at 178,000 S3U.
In the nfternoon the mnrket again declined.
Shorts had by that time been filled up , and
when the market lost this supporting In
fluence prices sigR > d at once. This brougnt
Rollers into the market ngaln In Increased
numbers. July from MViic , which point was
reached for u sliort tlmo , was pounded
' down to 84c , and was bringing SI'/itfS4c ' ?
s ut the dote.
l Corn suffered fiom liquidation nnd short
nelllng , nnd prices declined sharply In con
sequence , fine weather nnd the wheat >
weakness were the factors. Selling1 was
quite general all day , nnd but llttlo sup
port was elven. A fairly good cash busi
ness was done on the decline. Mny ranged
from 29c to 29&c ! , and closed % c lower at
Liquidation In oats wnv quite ns free nnd
general as was the case In corn , nnd the
mnrkct was weak nil day. Wheat nnd corn
wore the Influences. A goDd deal of long
property wns disposed of. scalpers and pro
fessional nhorts also pressing the market.
There was some rally from the bottom et.on
covering , CnsJj demand was good at the
decline. May ranged from 2Cifi ' 4c to 2o %
021'c , and closed ' ,4c lower at 2S'.AKr > Ac.
I'rovlslana wonIn the main
steady , con
sidering the weakness In grain. This was i n
factor early , there being some sympathetic
selling , nnd prices declined somewhat.
Soiling wns nt no tlmo heavy , nnd moderntu
selling by shorts on the decline caused ilea
recovery , the market ruling steady within
n. narrow range to the close. At the close
May pork was 2Ji-o lower nt I9.77V4 : May
litrd. 'W-c lower nt $3.05 , and May ribs , un
changed nt $ > .02'A.
- Rstlmated receipts for , Thursday : "Wheat ,
112 cars ; corn , 200 cars ; oata , 195 cars ; hogs ,
2(3.000 ( head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
ArtlclcTTl Opon. | High. I Low. | Clo 8 TVcafy.
March. 1 015 ,
Mny. . . 1 04 1 04K 1 0.1W 1 04 1 04
July. . . 84 B4KSX
May. . . = 04 H-30
July. . . lOHfcW .HUH .TIM
Sept. . . 3-J.U J1MJH 31KAM
Oat Muy. . . 20
July. . . 24M
May. . . 0 73 0 70 0 77 0 80
July. . . u as U 80 U 82H U US
May. . . B 07W 6024 5 05
July. . . 0 P.'M c m 6 12
Mny. . . S 00 3 00 C 02W
July. . . 5 119 a 03 Q 074
No 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
Kl/Jlllt Weak : winter patents , 14.8003.00 ;
tralKlits. JI.30lfl.CO ; sprlncr specials. $5.404io.0 ;
enrlnK patents. $4.7005.10 ; bakers. 13.WS3.90.
WHEAT No. 2 pprlnff , O16'j3o ; No. 3 sprint ,
90O93c : No. t red , $1.01.
COIIN No. 2 , W/iH > .c ; No. 2 yellaw , 2S'J0
OATS-NO. 2. KKGKC : No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
JOc : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 27Vit2S&c.
HYB No. 2 , 4SC.
1IA11LKY No. 2 , f. o. b. . 318410.
KLAXHBiO-No. : 1. ) ; N. XV. . $1.24.
TIMOTHY HERD Prime. $2.83.
PUOVISIONS Pork. me * . per bbl. . $9.7509.80.
Iard , per 10 > Ilia. , $4.97jif3.ZO. ! Short ribs sides
( loose ) , $4.80ff3.IO. IJry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
| 4.75C5CO : short clear sides ( lx > xcd ) , $3.23 3.40.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlehed goods , per gal. ,
SUOAHS-Cut loaf , $3.88 ; granulated. $5.38.
Articles. llocclptn. SlllpnionH.
Flour , bbls. 01,000
Whent. bu. . (17.1111(1 ( 100
Corn. on. . . . D.10.000 900
Dots. , bii. . . . . 41H.OOU 1)1)0 )
Kjre.bu 0,000 ) ( ) ( )
Imrley.bu. . 0.1.000 N)0 )
On the Prixluca exchange today the butter
mnrkct wn steady ; crcaincrl. " . 13BlSVic ; dairies ,
10Wit\6c. \ cii : * e , quiet at SIr8Jc. ! KKS . steady ;
fresh , 9.c. ! Live iwultry. Him ; turkeys , S4jt I ! > c ;
chickens , 7ViOSo ; ducks. 707Hc.
QuntntlonH far tlie Uny on General
NEW YOUIC. March 16.-KLOim-necepts , 27-
S79 bbls. ; exports , 3,076 bbls. ; market quiet ; prices
lower to tell ; city mill patents. $5's3frf.lO ! ;
city mill clears , J3.GOJJ5.73 ; Minnesota patents ,
S5.204T5.45 ; Minnesota bakers' , JI.Mtf4.Sj ; winter
lutcntn. JI.WSJ.W ; winter straights , $ < .500I.C3 ;
winter extras , J3. ; U4.10 ; winter low grades.
I2.90O3.CO. Hy Hour , dull ; fancy , $ J.b3W3.2j .
llnckwheit Hour , quiet at J1.3C81.W.
HtlCKWHKAT-Qiilet at 43c.
COHNMiAIQiilet : yellow western. CJc.
ItYlT-lI.isler ; No. 2 western , Kyte.
IIAHLI-IY Hull : feeilbiB , 4Uic.
HAItLllY MALT Quiet ; western. 52J4ftG7e.
WIIIUT Hi-celpts. 87.S73 bu. .Spat , v\eal < : No.
I red , $1.03 % f. o. b. allent to arrive nnd Jl.Om ,
spot. Oiitlons opened llrmer on coverlnt ; and
bolter vnrly cables thin rxpectml. but were
nrrvuun and unsettled all dny. Hears resumed
their rald'nB ' tnclic . aided
* by line weather pros
pects , and , althoiiRh forced to cover once i or
Iwke. ultlinntely prevailed find closed the mar
ket weak nt Hftllic ni't dc-llne , nllhouKh May
wns % c above last nl'jlit'n cuib ; No. 3 red , March ,
rinsed at JI.03U ; May , i 7ij'/Jic. ! ! closed
COIIN Ileeelpts. 53.023 bu. : exports. 28,432 hu.
Spot , weak ; No. 2. SS'Sse. ' Options weak all day
under active May liquidation , blR western stocks
nnil fiivor.iblo weather , closing K ? net lower :
export business enormous ; May , 31 l-lCfi3f > c ,
clnrrd at 3mc.
O V.TS Herelut * . 78,700 bu. Si > ot , lower : No , 2 ,
JlP ! No. 3 white. 33c. Opt'ons. weak and lower
Ith corn , cluslnc at HC net decline ; May , 29S
tff20c. closed at 23c.
Kiii : : Dn'ft ; bran , S08S2'.ic ; mUJIIngn , SOc ;
rve feed. C2HffSo.
HAY Dull ; shipping , 30O33c ; good to choice ,
HOPS Steady : state , common to choice. 1S ! > J
rnip. 4f6e | : H'W crop. 7 9o : 1S97 crop , 17flV ;
rrJ-lllo coast. IS95 . 4flPc ISM
crop. ; crop. S MOc ;
1S17 crop. 17 < TI9c : I/indon innrkPt. 9Jo jI.OO.
IIIUI3" I''lrnn. Oalveston , UOlSHc ; Texas dry.
' . <
13o : c'allfornla. mnilSVie.
LKATIIKII-Ble dy ; hemlock sole , Durnot
WOOI Qulct ; fleece. 17'i 231ic ; Texas , 340
' '
'PROVISIONS Heef. steady : family. tll.SJf *
11.73 : extnv infrs. fj.XW9.rfl ( b f hams , SJ2.0
013.00 ; short cl-srs. S10.nowil.iX ) . Cut meat * ,
quiet : pt-.VIfl lirlllo. S3.73f7.00 : pickled thoul-
dn . f4.t WI. H : pickled hnmi. S7.73f8.oo. ijirJ.
rasv ; wti > rn Kaim-d. S3.3D ; rvllmvl , weaker.
Pork , dull ; ms . Slift' ? lfl } l ; short iMr.
A $1 SO I2W ! famllv , $11 Qftnil W. Tallow , dull
-J- city. 3 lt-l < ' , countrv , SHJf'.Vir , ;
UlCKleidy ; fair to extra , 4'iff Jc ; Japan.
OII.S PctroUnm. dull. Hnsln. steaily
traln < * l , common tn Kiiod , $1.4tH < M.43. Turprn- ;
tlnc. st" Iv at 33fX1Hc. dnlon etd. dull : prlnv. - -
rni.l , " . 2f721t * n : prime crude , f o. b. mills , if.o
jrur ; ii'lrre rrnmer yrllovv , 2J15P2K" : off mm.
r-ff yrl'iw ' tjfif'u butter oil , 2off27c : prime
wln'or yfllnw , 2 t2f < tn ,
yoiiAPPK' F''n > - Ni-vv Orleans , cpen kettle ,
po 'i * o 'h"l' * * , 24IT53c
MRTM.a There Is prsct'nlly ' no ch n e In
thn r'tuntlon In mttals. transsMlons l > "lnf conc -
c Barrow Ibis * , while price * " '
varied ncs.rrly a hair's brtadth. At th close
today ths Metal txchancv calls plf Iron war
rant * dull , with M.75 Md anil M. & asked ; lake
copper quiet and unchMitod. with Jll.rj'i ' bid
and $12 asked ; tin , quiet , with hid nnd
$14.m asked ; spelter , steady , with $1.20 bid and
$1.16 naked ; lead. M y and dull , with $3.70 bid
nnd $ J. 2H asked. The nrm fixing : the Htttlns ;
price for tnlneri anil smellers quote * lead at
$ I.M.
HUTTEn-ItPcHpt . R.6I8 l > Kss. ; : market steady ;
western creamery , HCtJc ; Kg Ins , 19c ; factor ) ' .
C'HKK K Itecclpt * . 1CO nkKS. : market quiet ;
September , Isc ; October , 7li87 ; o ; light skims ,
6Ji6',4o ' : part iklms , 4frt > Hc ; full skims , 25T3c.
KOOH Receipts , 8.819 pk j * . ; state nnd Penn
sylvania , lObfHlc ; western , 10 > , e ; southern , 10 > > c ,
OU.UIA 'uBxim.tJAlAltKP.TS. .
Oonilltlnn of Trnrle mid qnntntlona on
nnil ! 'nner I'roilncc.
stock , Cc.
j IltlTTEn Common to fair , SUllc : separator
creamery , 20a ; gsthtred creamery , 15816C.
VHAt Choice fat , 80 to 120 lb . , quoted at
SJ9c ; Urge and coarie , B7c. ,
1.1VR POULTUY-Chlckona , SUOCc ; old reenter -
er . 3c , ducks , 6c.
OAMi ; Mfilla-1- . S3.OTtJ3.25 ; teal , II.Kfll 33 ;
brants. $3.W 4. & ) ; Canadian geew , Jl.0-n55.ix : ;
mixed. $1,2381.50.
PlflKONS-Llto , $1 ; drad pliseoni not wanted.
HAY-t'pland , J350 : midland. $3.0" : lowlnnd.
! 4.M ; rje itrnw , $4.M : color makes the price on
hay ; light biles cell thn best ; only top grades
IrlMR top prlcci.
CEI.KRY Cloo.1 slock , large Me ; small , 2JSOc.
ONIONrt Per bu. , II.OJOLIO.
lIKANS-IIand-plcked navy , per bu. , Sl.2aQl.30.
SWEirr POTATOES-Kuntas. IC-peck bbls. ,
UAII Ain-nnod ( stock. p r lb. , CUc.
POTATOES Home grown , SoysSc : Colorado
sto-k. 70c.
JI.25. TOMATOES-I'er crate , seven baikel * . S4.WQi
STRAWIIURP.IES Per 24-qt. cane , t7.CO.
APPLEa Winter stock , ) J.i"33.i' ' ; California
tlelMlciir. | III\HJ. ; Colnrado Jonathans ,
boxes , 11.73 ; Nebraska , lioxes , SI. 23.
JltANIir.ltltlCS Fancy Jcr > ey , per bbl , . S10.00.
S-Malncii * . JJ 008C CO.
ORANOIM-Callfornla navels. S2.7S83.00 ; fancy
peeilllnirs , J250choice. . J2.23.
LKMONS-Cnllfotnia fancy , S2.73 ; choice , S2.50 ;
fancy Messina , S3 ( iOft.1.30.
IIANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , Sz.OO
O2.23 ; medldum sized bunches , S1.73Q2.00.
NttTS Almond * , per lb. , large size , 1"013ci
smal" " , lie ; jlt-nzlls , per lb. , 9Oluc ; English vvnl-
nutrf , per lb. , fancy soft fchell. luQllc1. stnndards ,
S1l c ; ulljutiptr IK , ; uc : pecans , pallshed ,
nicillum , Ofr7c ; c ira laiio , S5 > 9c : Urge hickory
nutJ , SI , OOm. 10 per bu. ; Ennll. S1.234 > 1 U per bu. ;
cocoanuts. per 1-X ) . SI.W ; peanut * , raw. 503V4o ;
roasted , Cfl6ic. !
FIOS Imported , fancy. 3-crovvn. 14-lb. boxes.
lOc ; 3-crown , 41-lb. boxes '
, 13c ; 'J-lb. boxes , 22
R23o per box ! Cnllform.i , 10-ib. box. Sl.CO ,
Ollc. MONEY Choice wiilte , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10
KRAUT Per bbl. , $1.50 ; hnlf bbl. , t2.5.
MAPLE aVRUP FIxu-RBl. con. , each , S2.7S :
gal. cans , puie , . doz. . J1200 ; lialf-gal. cans ,
SC.25 quart cans. $3.50.
DATES Hallonee , TO to 70-lb. b exes , D4c ? ;
Salr. 6c : Fnrd. 9-lb. boxes. Do.
CIDER Per half bbl. . S3.M : bbl. , S3.00.
DRESSED IIUEF Good native steers. C\c ;
giKid tera Btccrs , u\tc \ : good hindquarters
suers. fjc f : western steers. CVic ; fancy heltVrs ,
* > Uc ; good heifers , Cc ; no"J forequarters heifers ,
5c ; eiwd hlndiiiiartera heifers. c ; good cows ,
o : fair cinvs. 54c ! ; cow forequarters , 4Vjc ; coiv
TIKKV CUTS HnncInK tcnderlalni. 44c ! ; rllio.
No. 1 , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; ribs. No. 3 , 640 :
rounds. No. 1 , 7Vic : rounds , No. 2 , ( I'ip ;
rounds , No. J. OHc ; trimming , 4Vic : beef shanks ,
3c ; brain ? , per doz. , 33c ; sweetbreads , per lb. ,
1 * : ; Hwi > rtbrradi ( calvcsi , per lb. . 40c : l < ldnevn ,
per doz. , 33c ; ox tnlls , ench. 3c ; livers , per lb. , 2lie ;
hearts , per lb. , 2'Jc ' : tonKUcs. per lb. , liealf :
livers , each , S3c ; calves , wholi * Carcass or Bides ,
9c ; calf b id and feet , Braided , per sot. T < " ,
tenderloins , fresli , iSc ; tenderloins , frozen , 13c ;
bone-lPKR strips , fresh , 9ijc ; boneless snips , frozen ,
9c : strip loins , fip h , 7c ! ; strip loin * , frozcu , e'.ic :
rolH. ! ionclc s , 9ic ! ; rolls , spencer cpta , ! ic : sir
loin butts , boneless. 9c ; shoulder dodo , bontleas.
64c ! ; rump butts , boneless. 5 > ic ; No. 1 chucks , oc ;
No. 2 chucks , 4Jc : No. o ohucbx. Is : b"n ! ces
chticl ; ' * , 5c ; cow platen. 2Jo ! : Btecr plates , 4c ;
Ilank steak , 7c : loins. No. 1 , 13',4c ' ; loins. No. 2 ,
I0' ' , c : Ifilnn , No. 3 , 8'Jc ' : short loins , market
slylp , 2o al vi > loins : short loins , hotel style , 4c
nlwvo So. loins ; cow loin , epjs , 8c ; steer loin , ends.
MUTTON Fancy lambs. 9c per lb. ; lambs ,
go ; h"pp , "c ; market racks , long. He ; hotel
racks , short , He : loins , fa ; caddies , 9c ; IORJ.
9c ; lamb logs. lOc : breasts and stews , H'.ijc ;
tonKU" . each , 3c ; forequarters , 5Hc.
POniC IJrc sed piss , SHc pc " lb. t dr scd
IIORW , DVlc ; tenderloins , lie ; loins , short , 6' ' , c ;
lon , 6c ; spare i Ibs. f > r > ; hum sausage butts ,
3\c ; Doston butts , C'/iC ; shoulders , rough , 60 ;
tmiildprrt. i-k'nned. ' 3U" * trlmmlnRs. 4' ' c ; leaf
lard , not rendered , t'/c ' : heads , cleaned , 4c ;
snoutn and ears. 3c ; Iwcltbnnea , 2c : chwk meat ,
Ic ; neck bones , 2c ; pics' tolls. 3u ; plucks , each ,
5c ; c.hlllrrllnK . Cc ; nocks. 4c : hearts , per doz. ,
23c : Etomaohtf , each , 3c : tongues , each , 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOc : brains , p.r doz. . 15o : pigs'
feet , per doz. , SOc ; Ilyers , each , 3e ; hog rinds [ ,
tc ; blnde bones , Cc.
HIDKS-No. 1 green hides. 74c ; No. 2 jrreen
hides. Olic ; No. 1 raited hides. He ; No. S irrean
salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 vcjl calf , S to 12 Ibs. . 10c *
No.I will calf , 12 to Jl lb > . . 8c.
SHIIKP PKLTO Oreen salted ,
. _ rcen salted shearings
( short
skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearing * ( short early
early skins ) , No. 1 each. Bo ; dry Hint Kansas
butcher wool pelts , per lb. ,
weight. 4 S'5c
< ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight
, 39
4a ; dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per lb . ,
actual weight. 403o ; dry flint Colorado
wool pelts , per Hi. , actual Wight , 3@4c. murrain
TALLOXV , OnnASE , ETC.-Tallow
3V4c t ; tnllnw. No. . 2. 3o ; rough tallow , , Hie No. . 1. n.
; white
grease , 2i !
r2)ic ; yellow and brown grease , liea
? ' brown ) . IS.004MO.qq ) ;
00 ;
( timber ) , 23c S2.M ; wolf ( prairie alt
coyote )
wlljlcat , 1020o Oc ;
; badger. 6 4Dc illver
; fox
u.OO. , S50.M
St. LoiilN ( icniTitl MnrkrtN.
ents. $4.70W4.83 ; pat-
. ; stralRht it.00
{ T4.25 : medium , $3.50 3.73. . $4.3304.50 ; clear , $1.00
WHEAT Lower , closing ic for
July and H4o for September May , Hie for
The close was weak andnear below yesterday .
near the
lower ; No. 2 red cash , bottom ; spot ,
elevator , 97c ; track. 97
March ic ;
, 97c
: May 9S
, c ; July ,
' . 79Hc asked Sep-
ifm'hfr. J5c ; 'P-
; No. 2 hard
cash. 8990ev 'Pm
m ,
ot ,
OATS Puturea closed weak and
fractions be
yesterday : spot ilrm but lower ; No. t
' " r th ,
trnc *
26'fo ; ,
27oj March
, 20V4c
; May , 26V102Cc
% ic
July. 23o ;
; No. 2 white. 29c.
RYB Easier nt 48iJI8ViC.
FL.AXSEEO-DUJI at ti.ii.
TIMOTHY SEKD-l'rlme. S2. 31J2.90.
COtNMi.VIFlrm ! nt SI.rAWI.53.
UIIAN Dull nml onlet without
much demand
sacked east ;
track , BSc.
"AY-Steady ; prairie , W.OOSS.23 ; timothy.
ilHTTEH Quiet ; creamery , 15S195ic ; dairy ,
Ko6 < ? Twer nt 8'Jc.
n.\aoiNO-5Hiit e.
MKTAUB I ati , lower nt S3 M , Spelter
, nom
inal at S4.00.
PllOVIRIONS Pork , lower ; .jstnridard
lobbing , 19.75. . - mess ,
I.-ird. quiet ; iirlme steam
, SIS74e !
choice SI. ! > . " . ' ' :
, > Ilacon ( boxed jots ) , ext'ra sliort
clear. Si.C2if3.73 !
; ribs. S3.73flB.S7li
; shorts.
S5.S7'4fiCCO. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
S4.ROJJ4.73 ; extra short clear , S3.12HS5.23 ribs
)3.2W ) > .37V4 : shorts , S3.37'iiS SO. ; ,
RECEIPTS Flour. 3,000 bills. : wheat , 10,001
bu. : Torn , 100.000 bu. ; oats. 31,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 4.0 0 bbls. ; wheat , 0,000
bu. ; corn , 230,000 bu. ; oats , 54 , 000 bu. "
Ilriltliunrt * Mnrkpt. &
nAI.TIMOPK. March 1G. FI.OL'n Dull ; west
ern superfine , S2.70J3.10 ; western extra. S3.S.Vft D
I.CO ; wrslern family , $4.30W4 TO ; winter wheat
luitrnt , $ l.73 5 00 ; sprinir wheat
" patent , $ J.20
O. * !
: uprlnir wheat
stralehts , $3.000115
; receipts ,
7,6d : Nils. ; exK > rts , none.
WIIBAT Steady at n decline ; spot and month.
ISflD Uc ; Miiy. S ifr9ic : steamer. No. 2 rod.
JlVsOOnjc : receipts. 22.700 bu. : exports , 33.500 ,
bu. southern ' whent by sample. - > BMc.
COIIN XX'eak : spot nnd month.
33Vt334c :
May. 33V4c Mil ; steamer
- 32if33c ; re-
-lpts. 13.CO. )
. hii. ; exports. flo.S29 bu. ; eout.'iern
while and
corn. nffJle.
OATS-Dull ; Na 2 white. 34 < I3IHc No.
: . 2
j32 c ; receipts. 13,000 bu. ; exports ,
ay :
March : 3 * 4Hd. April. 'id ' ,
W'TTKH Steady ; fancy creamery. 19
Imitation. 13 14c Kfiiscfancv ; Indie , 11 ; ; good ladle ,
: more packed , I0fll2c.
KfJOS Kresh. .
.SiFKslTsteni'V ! fancv ' ! tinfy * fv v ° rtI" " " * ,
T9Hj New York , r-edlum , 9HflOc
fancy New York
, small. lOliJtlOVje.
Liverpool .llnrkc-t.
steady WVUnPOOU : ' No. J re4 March western , 18. winter WHKAT , ft. Spot ,
CORN' Spot , steady
: American
mixed , < > w
3s S d. Futures
, steady ; March. : s 4Kd May i
; y.
3s 3Ud : July , 's Z Jd.
KI.OHIl St. Iritis
fancy winter , steady 9
At Ixndon , Pacific coait ,
? 4 l.'s. . 4 Ss
pnoVISIONR fleer , nrm ; extra India moss. e 3-- " .
9d : prime me . M 9 < l. Pork , prime mesa , fine
weMern. firm , 'ds 3d ; prime mess , medium St.
we t-
rrn. 4fs M. Hams , jhrrt cut , steady , . ' tM. ,
. firm. 3I § ; short rlh , steadv , 31s 6d ;
long cle < r middles , Unlit and hi-ovy , 23.1 dl ; Ion ?
clear mlrhllnt , henvv , Meadv , MJJ short clear
backs , steadr. 2a 61 ; Iwllles , ste'dy , 32s ;
houldeni , rqinre. stendy , 24s Cd. I-ard , prime
we'terp. steadv , 27 61. 130
CHF.B B American flneit white and colored. .
essv. s < R.1
TAI.UJW Prinv city. Prm. * A . *
Oil S C'ottontee. ! , Llvrnoal reflned. st'mly , l.'s
3d. Turpentine mlrlti. ( Inn , I'M SM , Ro ln , com. ,
mon. stetdy , 4 3d ,
IJr-trolt MnrK"t.
TK ROIT. M Tb Hi WHKAT No. 1 white. >
93o > N.i J red. 91o : Miy. 93'lc. CW.
ron.V No. S mlx d. MS
OVTS Nil. ? white. 29c. (
RYK-No. : . 6lc.
\ - r Orlrnim
NFW On .KANP. Murn1 ! 1 * "iVJ Int
DuH. Pork. ( tanOird mcu , | 10.OfflO,7I. T rd ,
reflnei ! llrrco , U.75OI 00 ; pure tan ) . f O.37 > . ( .
llorfxl menli , dry unit shoulders. S .llVi , ride * ,
13.50. tlacon , clear rib side * l .iHC .SO. I Urns ,
choice sugar cured. IS.WKJ9.W.
COl'FErSteadyi Jtlu , ordinary to fair ,
> c.
ltlCR Quleti ordinary to good. H 4 4c.
LOUR-Extra , fancy , $ l. 3 4 ? ; patents , $4.13
HAYPrime. . S1KXW1J.M : choice. ll4.l t/U W > .
COItN-No. 1 sticked , mixed , Icj white nnd
yellow , 2 e.
OATS No. 2 sacked western. J2c.
City ( Irtiln ana Provision * .
dull and Jfi3c lower : ted , Ic lower ; No. 1 hint ,
Kc ; No. 2. E3ff87c : No. 3 , 83'lffSUJc ! No. 1 red ,
Mcj No. 2 , Sic : No. 3 , l&BSSc ! No. 2 tprlns ,
S4IJS.V ! ; No. 3. SJflS3c.
fOltN Quiet and about We lower ; No. 2
OATS-Hather flow , but firm ; No. I white ,
KYlV-FIrm nt No. ! . 430. . - -
HAY Actlxi- ' and firm : rhnlce timothy , ti.COO
9.00choice 'prairie , 7.W7.23. ( . .
I ll'TTKH ' Steady ; creamery , ISClSlic ; rfalry.
KOO.i-Weak nnd o lo cr ; frenh , " , W.
HKCIMI'TS-Wheat , 13.800 bu. ; corn , 33.VX )
bu. ! oat , 9.000 bu.
HHJPMI4NTH Wheat , 37.8M bu. ; corn , 40,801
bu , ; Cain , 12,000 bu ,
CliiflnmiM MurkrlH.
fancy , J4.33 I.C5 : family , I3.WJ4.10.
\njPAT QuietNo. . 2 re < 1. 97c.
I COIIN Htcady ; No. 2 mixed. 31V4C.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2
RVR Kanler ; Nn. 2 , 635J33 C.
I'HOVIHIONS l ird. quiet nt $191. Dillk
meat . ca y at t-1.10. llscnii. eauy at (5. SO.
WIIISKY-Pteady nt ! . > .
IH'TTKIl Kanler : Elgin creamery , 204c ! ; Ohio ,
135JIFc ! : dairy , 10fll2o.
SIJOAIt ' Kaiy : reflncil , J4. 1003.83.
KO Klrntor at 9e.
CH : : Steady ; sued to prime Ohio flat ,
IMillndrlpliln I'roilnoc.
and easier ; fancy western creamery , 19iic.
KOOS I'lrni ; fresh nearby , lOJJc ; fresh west
ern , 10'Jc.
CHiisiSteady ; New York factory , full
cream , fancy , S c ; full cream , fair to choice ,
7468146. *
Toledo Market.
TOI.nno , O. , March IS. WHKAT Active nnd
lower ; No. ! cash. 96 < 5c : May , SSHc bid.
CORN Active and lower : No. 2 mixed. 27c.
HYK Dull and lower ; No. 2 cash. COc.
rLOVKRSKKD Prime , cash , March and April ,
$2. IK ) .
( < rnln Ileeelpla nt t > rlncltnl Market * ,
OHir-AGO. March Ifl. Receipts today : Wheat ,
111 rnrs : corn. 211 cars : oitK. 181 cars.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 16. Receipts today :
Wheat , 212 earn.
ttULUTH , llaich 1C. Receipts : Wheat , 45
lliiffnlo Market.
niTl-PAI/O. N. Y. . March 16. WHBAT-No. 1
northern , old , S1.08U ; new , SI.04(11.04)1 ; No. 2
winter. 97c.
COIIN No. 2. 32 JfI33o.
OATH No. 2 white. 31Jc. !
Peorln Mnrketit.
PKOniA , March 16.-OO11N Eauv : No. 2. 2SUc.
OATH Inactive ; No. 1 white. 2HH. I27e.
WHISKY HlRh proof spirits , < 1.H' ' , .
Sun rrniiolxc-o Wheat Mnrket.
Steadv : May. I1.40U ; Decomlwr. I1.33U.
13 A H LEY Steady ; May. .03 % .
I'rleoM Are Stronger on n llniipfnl Ont-
look for Pence.
NEW YOIIIC. March 1G. The cartv strength
'In today's ' Block market \in n repetition of
yesterday's movement , but prices resisted the
latu pressure for a decline , and as a consequence
quence show substantial gains nil through the
Hat. The bulls bad the advantage of higher
prices nn the Inndon exchanse , nnd nlthouph
prices ' Immediately rose buoyantly above the
Ixmdon parity , there was conspicuous b-i > lnK
for Uindon ns late na business wai done In the
Hrltlsh capital. Ix > ndon buying was certainly
due to a feeling nt that center that there la n
more promWnff prospect na to nffalrg betveon
the UnlU-d States nnd Spain. This fcellnp was
shown ' also In a quite buoyant tone of Spanish
4D.The which row I'l In J/ondon and V , in Parti.
Them was undoubtedly prevalent feeling In New- ?
York nlso that the outlook waa more peaceful.
and such of the day's developments as had amore
moro threatcnlns aspect were ignored. Either
the Spanish government's semi-official announce : -
ment of Its opinion on the maintenance by oht
United States of the fleet In Florida watera or
the news that offlclal attention had been called
towot this opinion by the Spanish government
would ha\e been sufficient U > demoralize tie
market a week ago. Hut the underlying con
viction In Wnll street was that the authorities
at Washington have come to InJulga n hope of
a peaceful settlement. The continued preparations
tlon for defense , and such Incidents as those
of today , do not -wholly dissipate tills convic
tlon Nevertheless - operations are -not on Iche
large scale pending a definite decision of the
Cuban problem. The supply of stocks was not
large today and prices moved upward without
heavy transactions. A part of the buying was
attributed to large bull Interests , but much nf
It was i nlso supposed to be covering of short
selllni } which caused the decline ycsterd y. Tlin
bears were evidently averse to renewing their
attempt today nnd the higher level of price ?
wan not seriously Impaired. The hope of a EIIC-
cessful adlustment of the traffic rate contro
versy In the northwest was quite an Important
factor In the advance here nnd In London for
American * . The local nnd Industrial pejlnUio *
led today * advance , but the grangers , r.orth-
wcsterns nnd International stocks In the rail
way list were also conrplcuously strong. Heavy
additional engagements of gold for Import today !
were made without affecting the steadiness of
the exchange market below the ( told Import
point. The total gold movement from Europe
has now reached 124.000.000. nnd It shows no
sign of subsiding In spite of the growing tight
ness : of money In Ixsndon and European center. .
The accumulated stocks of exchange are sup
posed to have been somewhat reduced , but there
Is undoubtedly a largo supply still remaining. I
and the continued heavy outward movement IT.nt
merchandise Is constantly bringing new bills
Into the market , .which are sold against cold
Imports as fast as they come forward. Bonds
were strong throughout In sympathy with
stocks. Total sales. $1.180,000. United Btnt
new 4s , the old Bs nnd the 4s , coupon , each ad
vanced H bid today.
The Evening Post's Ixindon financial calilo.
gram says. There was a general Improvement
In the I stock markets here today , mainly due to
the bears scrambling In. There was little fresh
buying. The feature was the sharp rise In
Spanish 4s , Americans nnd Canadian stocks.
Americans being benefited by the Impression
that Spain and the United States would do their
utmost to settle matters on diplomatic lines.
Tht market was favorably affected by hopeful
views of a Ff > edy termination of the Canadian
Pacific rate war. The rinse was a trifle under
the best , except for Canadians and Grand
Trunks , which were booming In the street at
top price * . Mines joined In the general rally ,
nml nil foreigners nnd South American rtool :
were better , l > elnir led by a rise of 2 per cent In
Spanish 4s on the olilelal announcement that
the April coupon will bo paid. Gold I * - .till
much < wanted for New York , but It Is bellwnl
inden good quarters that If nolltlcn Improve 'h. ;
deinind for gold may ease. The distinctly
easier ! tone In today's money market hire 1 due
to the I announcement that on April 4 the govern
ment will repay upward of JC3.0 ,000 tieasury
Following are tlm doting quotations of th *
leading stocks on the New York market today ;
AU-hlson .11 St. P. i Om 71
dc do pfa ISO
H.iHlmora& Ohio ! . 17 St. P.M. * M 127
Canada Paclno 83 So. Pnclno K > ? <
Canada Soutiiorn. . 4 < K So. Railway 7H
Central Paclno - do pfd 2DV4
Clips , ionio1 ! ! " Texas A Pacltlo , . . . HH
Chicago it Alton. . . . 14. Jt Union Pacltlo Sinn
U.P. D. * O OH
. 5.1 Wnbanh OVj
0.0. * St. I. ' . ' M do nfd ISM
dopM H3 U'liocl. it L. K 1M
l.HiuMon ' ' " * XVhool. .t L. K. pfd OH
Del. L. A W I } ' ' Ad.iam Kx 100
Don.AKloG 11 American Kx 1-0
dopM 43U United StelenKic. . . 3
Krledimrl l-'l Wells i'atvo Kt..lH
KHolHtpfa 33H Am. Cot. Oil 17 ,
Kt. Wnvno J < U > A. Cot. Oil pfd 00) ) {
Gre.-uNorlhornpfd.l M Am. Splrui 7M
Hockliur V.illov. . . . k Am. Sulrlts pfd 17MS
IlllnolsUjiitrU. . . IWH Am. Too.tcuo CM *
LakuKrio&W 1H ilo pfd 11.1
do pfd OS Pooplu'a On * U2
UikoShor , ' * ' OOIH. lillS. IH.Il
I.oniBVlllo & Nash. < H > Coin. CmleCo Hill
Manhattan L 10.IH Col. V. .t Iroa 1 ! ) ,
Wet. St. Ilv 14 IM do ifd 78' ' < flon. Rlpctria : ' - ' ! < .
Inn. A : St. L 20 Illinois Steal 43
dolBtnfd LaClcdo Unt 4''Vj
Mo.P.icltlo 2i.5 ; Lead.
Mobllo.VOlilo'U uo ofd fi.M
Mo. K. A. T 11 Nat. Lin. Oil. . . . ; . . . l ! > V >
Mo.K. & T pfd a.'I Orciron Imp. Co 'Jll 5.70
Clil.Inil. ii , 7 L'ncmo"all .MM
do pfd ' - > Pif.lmnii Pal 171
N.J. Oontrnl 02W SllviTCcrtltlcuto-i. . fi , " >
N.Y.oomral llu'4 Stniul.nopo &T. . . . s
N.Y. Chi. A St. L. . 12 Sugar ! ! ' . ' !
dolst pfd (13 tlo pfd Ml )
do-'dpfd HOW T. C. i iron 10
Norfolk. * Western 12 > * U. S. Lanthcr U 31
No. Amer. Co & ' { do DM fis of
No.lMulllc S-'A U. S. nubbjr : HUM
Uoufd Ultt do pra in
Ontario & W ! * ( Wosteru Union. , . . 87 .VNav 44 Northwestern 11HI ,
Ore. Short Line ' 'J do pfd 17.1 3
Plttabunr 1UH S. L. & 8.V 4
Reading 17V4 dopfd , 0
KocklHUnd . 8JH Rio Cirande West . S3 ' 3
S.L.JkS. F UH ilo pfd C'-'l
do lutpfd r > 3 K. L. & a F. M Pfil. 25 -
. Paul l > n Chicago-Great W. . U )
do pfd . 113h l Hawaii Com. Cam. <
noadlticl . . . .
_ _ _ _ _ cm
Total sales of itock tciljj372.900 khares. In
cluding : Atchlion preferred , 5.0:0 : Chicago ,
Ilurllr.-lcn & Qulncy , 42.COO : lyxiUvllle & Nash
ville. .8U ; Manhattan. 27.133 : Metropolitan , 10.-
: Mlt ourl Piclft4.643 ; New York Central.
4.320 ; Northern Pacific , 7.3 ? ) ; Northern Pacific
piefenod. tl,3K ; Itock liljnd. IJ.StO ; St. I'Jul , Me
4,6sO ; Itnlon Pacinc. 4 , WO.- ' Tobacco , 3J.I3I : Pee
ple's Oar , 8.COJ ; Sugar , 31,616 ; Wee tern Union ,
I'orrlxn Klnnnfliil.
IXkNDON. March IS. Amount of buMbnoie
Into the Ilank of I-Mglind on balance tidty , i.'J.-
. American rnilm amounting to 4.'lil.i > 'i wera
withdrawn from the Ilank of nnslanl today ,
liM In quoted at lluenoit Alre * to.l4y .it 151C ) . '
PAUIS , March 15. The bmr > waa more ch'er-
trdKy ami silvan * . * ! on larie covt-rlmt pur S
chases owing tn nvire r ai3urln - >
< n-p nn rimcerr- 9o
; the relations bttwrcn Hoaln anJ th < * L'nltel
BUtc * . UooJjn wj > a strops Layer , Itlu Tlntu
rutrncle.1 great attnntlon'tnr'rfhtlclp.itlon of farar-
nblei nipper tatlsllrn. .After the clot * of the
bourn * Spanish 4 advanced shut-fly to H ,
ngatn. t M13-H V'tordsy , , tha ( wars curnrinx
fnvcrnbly affecting the -wWln llt. Three per
cent ivnlffl. t'W IV , M-lntwest. Exchange on
I/melon. Uf 3IHo for cheifliV
IIKHLIN , March ! . Ittislnww on the txmrso to-
< lny commenced with a It'tler tone , but It was
afterward weak .on then train IT of tha United
SlnlM ami Spain , CanAUIati Pacific securities
cluned nrm.
. rr York Money Market.
Nomlnully at 2f2Va p r .rent.
PRIME MKIICANTILU PAPiR-4 : < 405i ? per
cent. i
rvrnitl.INO iXCHANOK-Wejk. with nctual
burlncM in bankers' blll -nt-I.SJ'4 for demand
nml JI.nuft4.Mii for sixty days ; posted rates.
J4.Miifl4.j3 and $ I.81HH.S5M : commercial' bills ,
GOVERNMENT UONUS Weak ; new 4 . rcglt-
tereil nnd cou | > on , 122 : In registered , 110 ; coupon ,
111 ; 2s , 9SUc ; S. , registered and coupon , 111 ;
Paclllc 6s of 'ay , 102H.
Closing quotations on bonds wer as followii
N. J. O. Cm -11U
UiS.nawr 49 con..12-1 V C On ' ' " ' " " . . " 1J10W
U , S , 4s.rcff. . . . . . . . * 10'4 ' xo4 ! ! < . . . . . .
U.S. 4 . co up HIH .Vo. Pneirto lat.1. . .113
U.s.y .rair No. 1'ACltlo : t OHM
U.S. fl .rcir. . . . Na Pacltlo 4s B4
O. S. rts. coiili - - N. Y. C. i St. L. 4 * . . 104
Ulstrlot 3. ( ! : , i % Ill ) N. iXV. Us 120
Ala , . N. W. Consols I43K
Ala. .class II . 1 Ort it N. W. lob. ) o 118
. 10J Oro. Nnv.laH 114
Aln. Currency. . . . nu '
' ' "
Atchlnoius . HU O.S. V. . iJi. t. . . . . . '
Atchisonaal. 4s . . . r > 8 O. S. L nn. t. r inn
CnnuuaSo.'nds. . . 1D * > O. Imo. Ists.t. r. . . I0i :
rblcni'oTcr'149. . . S' . ' O. linn. UFI. u r. . * . . oim
C.AO. fis . . 114 p.icincbs of'as. , .ins
C.II.AU. 44 . 101H Ho.idln ; 4n H1H
D.&K , G. Ists . .110 It.H.XVost Iflts 81
D.4H. O. 4s DO SL L. & J. M. 00n. \ HUH
St. L.9 , F.Ona.U. 11U
KrlnGon. 4 ODH St. P. Consols 14IU
V W A L > . U. t , r. . U0 4 SLP.C.AP. lst . . . 11H
'Jcii. Bloc. & . . . . 10IV ( St. P.O. A P. S 113
O.H. S. A. rts..109 Southern Rv. St. . . . * UI <
O.II.AS. A. 2dt..104 S. 11..VT. On Cti . OD
II.AT.C.cun Os. .lOiJ Tox. Pac. I. . Mti US
Iowa 0. Ists nu Tox. Pac. Rf.'ds. . HIM
K. P. Con. , t. r 102 U. P. U.AO. Ian. . fi4Vj
K. P. iHts.t , r ii : XVab. lBt3a.
La. New Con. 4a. . . . 10114 Wab 70 > i
U.VN. Unl 4s H4H WostShoroi * . . . .lO U
Missouri Us 100 Vn. Conturlos 0)4 )
M. K.&T. 2ds Hi ) Va. defnrrjd 3V4
M. K. AT. 49 SUM Union IMelllc pfd. SUi
N.Y. ( . ' .IBM 115 > Union I'.iclllo 4s. . . 0' '
Sim Frnnolac'O Mlnlnff Quotations.
BAN FRANCISCO , March 16. OHIclal closing
quotations on mining slocks today were as fol
lows :
Alia 10 uxtieo 32
Aloha Cou 7 Kentucky Con 3
Andcn 10 Mexican 34
Uelcher 2(1 ( Occidental Con. . . . 22,1
Uesti Delohor. . . . 34 Ophlr. 47
Uulllon I1. Overman. IS
Caledonia ' ' Pbtosi
- 44
Challcnce Con 20 rim US
[ 'hollar. , . 34 Scorpion U
Confidence. Ill ) Sierra Xeratla. . . . 15 ! !
Cou. C.u. .Wa. . . . HO Sliver Hill ' '
Crown Point 14 Union Con 3 - J
Exchequer ( I Utah Con 10
iloulOiXCurrin. , , . Ill Yellow Jacket 0
llnlofe Morcross. . 140 SuiniiarU 170
JulU 1
Sliver birs. B"4c : Mexican dollars , 43',4SHGc :
drafts , sight , 12lie ; telegraph , 15c ,
IloMton Stoi-k < tiiotntlonn.
nOSTON , March 1C. Call loans , 394 per
cent ; time li > ans , 4ST."i per cent , closing prices
for stocks , bonda and rnlnlm ; shares :
A.T.&s. K ll XV. Elec. pfd Oa
American Suzar. . l'-2U Boatou L 53 !
Ain.atiffar ufd. . . . 100 Kn. Kloc. Hi 105 151 AtchlHon pfil ' > . : H
Boll Tclnphona. . . 24S AlchlHOii 4n. BH
UoHtoni Albanv. V1H Gen. Kloc. on ! ) UH
Boston * Mamo. . . 10 Allouoz Mluinir OJ 1W
O. . ll.A Q ! ( Atlantlo 30
ITltcliUUtv 1)8 ) 4 Boston .t Montaul 174
General Electric. . H'-'K Ilnttoi Ilojtcn. . . . _ ' ! ) <
lllinoln Steal 43 Calumet A UoaU. . D)0 )
Mexican Control. . fi Centennial 12
N. Y.A N.B. pfd. . 074 FmqUllu 12i
Old Colony l "i OflCBOl.T. SUH
o.S. L 2HS Oulnoy 7. 108 >
Union IMclflo ' 'U Tantarncic 1484
WofitKnil SHi Wolverines 20
W. Eloo 21 P.irroti 22
Wow York MliitnK'Quotntlons ) .
NEW YORK , March 18. The ollovvlne are the
closing mining quotations ;
Chollar. 41) ) Ouvvio Sflu
Crown Point 15 Opuir. 40
Con.CHl. i Va. . . . 70 Plymouth 8
Deadwoou 70 QQIckallrer 100
Gould i Curry 13 OnlcksilTcr DM. . . 20t >
HaUiNoroross. . l' > 5 Slcrr.i Nevada. . . . 95
Hoinentano 37OO standard 100
Iron Sllrer. . X7 Union Con 30
Mexican 23 Yollew Jackei . . . . 25
London Stock Huiitntloni.
LONDON , March 10. < p. in. Closing :
Consols. in'.v.lTi 11-10 NTS. Central 116
Consols. acct..lll ID-ID Pennsylvania. . ; . . . . fit )
Can. Pacific , BIH Kcadlnr 0
Rrle. . inn Mcx. On. new 4 . . 004"
II3H Atctilxon JIM
111. Central 10.1 L.&N 6IH
Mexican ordinary. . 11 * Grand Trunk HU
SI.PUUI common. . . thi ?
DAU SILVER-Dull at 25a per ounce.
MONEY 2H per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short and three months' bills , 3'i83'i per cent.
Financial , Xotcsj.
OMAHA , March 1C. The'clearings for the day
were $822,530.39 ; balances , $128.307.84. In ISO7 the
clearing * were $753.399.18 , and the balances $120-
S06.ll. The Increase In clearings is $69,131.21. 517
CHICAGO , March -Clearlngs , $18.221.917 ;
New York exchange , SOc discount ; posted rates ,
M.F3 nnd J4.S5. Stocks Irregular. Alley L. 60 :
Ulscult , 22Vi ; nincult preferred , 78 ; Diamond
Match , 134 ; Lake Street L. 12 ; North Chlca&o ,
216 : Strawhonrd , 27 ; West Chicago , 93.
BT. LOUIS. March -ClearlnKS , $5.152.600 ;
balances , $341,71 ! : money. OffS per cent ; New
York exchange , JS',4o ' discount bid , 12Hc premium
NEW ORLKANS. March 16. Clearings. $1.C09.-
C3G ; New York exchange , bank par ; commercial ,
$1 per $1.000 discount.
MEMPHIS. March IG.-ClearlnRs. JJ07.7TO ; Ixil-
nncefl , $53.125 ; New York exchange , selling' at
$1.50 premium.
11ALTIMORK. March 1C. Clearings. $2,615,423 ;
balances. $314.347. V
I'HIL.ADKL.l'IHA.MarcCi 16. Clearings , JH.5H-
GOO : halnnren. J1.H11.03S.
NEXV YORK. March 18.-ClearInss , $166,503,101 ;
balances. $11.517.103.
1JO8TON March 1C. Clearings. $13,455.004 ; bdl-
ancea. J1.SD7.23S.
CINCINNATI. March 16. Clearings , $2,253,250 :
money , S'/iBC per cent ; New York exchange , DW
COo dltoount. ,
Trndini ? In Siirm-iiiodlc nnil of at Pro-
frtmlunul Clinrnclrr.
NEW YORK , March 16. Today's cotton mar
ket was an Irregular affair. After opening quiet
at a decline of 1 paint to an advance nf 2 rolntc
prices Improved on quite active local covering
and some foreign buying following u better clara
of English cables than had been looked for , and
reporla that spot cotton In southern markets wax
decidedly still and higher. The h ylng move
ment noon run 11s course , and prices rapidly
cased oft under offerings by the bear crowd. At
mid-day a net loss of : 'ffl paints \VLS nppurent ,
with the/ market baiely steady. Tmdlnjr was
npastnodta nn < l largely of a professional char
acter. In the afternoon little
attempt was made
to da business until near the clfw , when ! l < e
uaual scramble to execute ele > enth-hour ire
occurred. At no time during the day did the
market show positive weakness , bears fearing to
accumulate large short Interratn In the face of
tinner utock nnd money mill lie Is both here anil
London , and the possibility of a settlement mlof
the Spanish-American trouble In the near future
without resort to force. Ses ! continued n ireu
liberal scale , with exporters receiving large rrd < in
from day to day for the i.urclmse of cottnn. The '
market closed steady at unchanged prices to > 1
point net advance , ituivlntr partially recovered 1nt
the clone on llgtit Iroa ! covering. Spot , dull ;
middling. Cite ; net receipts. JMi bitlea ; KTO * * ,
5,443 bales ; exports to Great llrl'illl , I' , ! . ' ! luilis ;
forwarded , 3,400 bales ; Bales , none ; Htwlc. 1S3.BS !
bales , Total today : Net receipts , 27,855 balex ;
exports to ( < reat Ilrltaln. 11.319 lmoj ! ; ! c the
continent , 7,03) bales ; stSck1. tOJl,771 bales. Con
solidated : Net receipt * . 112,0 > t > bales ; exxirts | into
Oreat Ilrltaln , 74,009 bales : tit the continent , 4fl-
bales. Total elnce Sefttemter 1 : Net receipts , 19.
7GS3,778 bales ; cxi > . > ris tp Urlt.iln , 2,7lii.2l7
lialea ; In Krance , 715,37. ) bale I : to tin fimtilient ,
S.K'J.SIO ' l les. * I
NK\V OULBAN8 , March 1 -COTTON Fu turf r
steady ; wles , 25,600 boles ; .Mart-li. 3.5'J : . < > 1 ;
April , tS.SJfiSeO ; Mny , $5. * > ! K3.63 ; June. $3.C5Q
; JuliR.70 ; Auiruit , * . ) 6W3.70 ; Sepli-mlier.
.6J03.70 ; Octolx r. II.C1WS.701 November. $3 Cfl *
; Dwember. J5.7Jft3J73f January , I3.74fri.75.
Hpot , linn ; sites. S..V ) J ileor.llnurv. ; . 4 5-liis
onllnnry , 4 13-16c ; low middling. 5'ic ' ; mld-
dllny , 5 n-lSo ; Koo < l mMdllna 5 13-16c ; middling
fair. 6 5-16c ; receipts , K.G78 lalnt ; stock. 476,34'J
balej. i \
LIVBRI'OOU March 16.-OOTTON-Spot , fair
demand ; prices hardening ! American middling ,
13-32d. Tie rales of the day were 10,000 blle .
which 5,0X1 ucre for niwculatlon and export
and Included 9.4CO American. Ittcelpts , 17.W )
bales , Including ll.'OO American , Futures opened
and clopcMl quiet , with a moderate demand ;
American middling. L. M. C. . March. \k-Wt \
19-84S buyers ; March 'and April. 3 18-C4W3 19-613
buyers ; April and Mty , 3 IS-C4J fcllern ; Mjy nnd
June , 3 19-C4in 20-64d sellers ; June and July.
19-C4W3 20-64d buyers ; July and August. 320-64.1 .
sellers ; August and 'eptember. 3 13-64CT3 20-W.l .
buyers ; September and October , 3 19-6IW3 20ld
biivers ; October and November , 3 19-4W3 20-64d r
lln ; November anJ n o inber. 3 19-64 d buy-
; December and January , 3 19-6ld buyers.
Snisnr Mnrkrl. 4.
NI3\V YORK. March 16. SlfOAR-Raw , steady ; 1.
fair i flnlnif. S4e ; rentrlfunl , 96 le-it. 41ic ; relined - -
lined , steady ; mould A , 6 ? c ; itandaid A , EC ;
nfei't'onert' A , Be ; cut lonf. 8 " ; vrushwl , I.
; | inder Nl. 15-lCc ; Rxxl eranuUted , SHc ;
5 .1-1 EC ,
Ciiliriiriiln Ilrlcil
NKW YORK. Mart i 16. PALIIYRNIA ) tit
'nitlKD KRUITri Bteady.'liut quiet ; etapomled tb
apple , * , common. 5f" ' ; prime wire tray , H
. ' ; vrcod dried , prime. ; tljWi'.t' : chcl e , S\0 nmt
; faiK-y. lji ( > 10c. 1'rujir * . JtH c. Aprlcotn.
Roral. &wer7c ; Miior t'Jrli SVjSKc. i'ca'he * , un- thw
ptelej , C 9c J'teleJ , th
Plenty of Cattle and Oolj a Few Hogs
Offered for rale.
lloth 1'nckrrn nnd Shlpprrn Are Oat
After < hv MnpiillpH llulplirm nnd
Stiicker * Slrnilr H < ) K a
SOUTH OMAHA , Match IG.-necclpta for
the days Indicated were ;
Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Hor's.
March 16 3.597 4.V43
March 15 3,720 3,041
March 14 2.1SS 1,120
March 13 2.10S 4 Ml ! 798
March 11 2.4S2 C.PI2 l. J6
March 10 2,312 4.G97 10,207
Mnrch 9 2.NH 6.251 G.570
Mnrch 8 2,939 C.COO 7.8C9
March 7 3.SOO 3.17G 3.&S4
March 6 1,137 r.,437 1.270
March 4 1.S23 (1,015 ( 6.215
March 3 1.CJ2 C.S39 3.763
March 2 i.'Sl f > , 9 4.833
March 1 2,779 7SW ) 4.230
February 23 1.834 4.541 4.031
February 20 840 C.275 3G12
Tha official number Of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Hy . .
O. & St. U Uy 1
Missouri I'.iclllu Uy 3 3
Union Pacific System . .i. . . . 2i ) 13 10
F. , K. & M. V. U. U S3 24
S. C. & P. Uy
G. , St. P. , M. & O. Uy 2B 4
j n. & M. U , 11. R 41 20
C. . U. & 3
K.C. . C. . &
C. , U. I. & P. Uy. . B 'i
C. , U. I. & P. Uy. , W. . . . . . . 'ic
Total receipts . . 15S 70
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Sheep.
Omaha Packlnc Co . 2.1 "S3
The O. H. Hammond Co. S2 1,107 ' 210
Swift and Company . S2 1,233 2,51.1
The Cuilaliy Packing Co. 75t : 1.G93 1.G17
H. Becker and Dojrnn . . 197
J. L. Carey 47
I.obman & llothschllds 93
\V. I. Stephens . 3S
Huston & Co . W
Krebbs & Co . 14S
Livingston & Schnler . . . . 103
Swift , from the country 55S
P. D. Armour . 317
H. Hamilton . 33
North P. & P. CJ . IG3
Myers . 1S2
Other buyers . 1G9 10 $
Totals . 3,508 4,963 5,060
CATTIjK So far as numbers were con
cerned tliera was not much change In the
cattle receipts from yesterday. The total
arrivals today numbered 3,597 bead as
against 3,720 yesterday , 2,801 a week ago and
1,491 two weeks ago. Thu most of the cattle
were corn-fed and the average quality was
a decided Improvement ns compared with
yesterday's offerings. It looks as If the
recent bulge In the market was having a
stimulating effect upon shipments nnd no
doubt feeders who have been holding back
their cattle for more satisfactory prices are
commencing to let go of them. If feeders
will only send In such cuttle ns are ripe
and fully matured , there Is not much danuer
of breaking the market. The only thing to
be avoided IH a rush of half-fat and un
desirable cattle which liave lind Just enough
corn to make them undesirable for feeders ,
but not enough to make them good
Heef Steers There
were probably
a. hundred loads of corn-fed steers on Mile
this morning , nnd while that was liberal
for this market. It did not seem to be any I
too large to meet the requirements of the *
demand. Both packers nnd shippers were
on deck and the market on good cattle , at
least , opened early and fully steady. at3
high as $3.20 was paid for one bunch of
15S4 pound cattle , but they were choice.
With liberal offerings of good cattle It was
only natural that common Bluff Hhould be
neglected to some extent , or at least left
until the good cattle were all sold.
Butchers' Stock Cows and heifers were
In liberal supply , but the demand seemed to
be good and the market w s fairly active , so
that the offerings were all taken in good
season. Values were Just about steady as
compared with yesterday.
Stock Cattle Light stackers and feeders
were very scares today , but there was rsa
great plenty of half-fat cattle that were
only goad enough for feeders. Under the In.
fluence of a good country demand values
remained just about steady nnd the mar
ket was reasonably active so that the most
of the offerings changed hands early In the
forenoon. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
15..1584 $5 20 6. . . . 1276 4 40 9..1315 | 4 40
24..1147 4 40 20. . . .1298 S 00 20. . . . WO 3 30
10..1132 3 40 20. . . . 877 S 75 34..1202 3 75
14..1083 4 10 1..1270 4 10 8. . . . 885 10
1 , . . . 910 4 10 94. . . .1078 4 15 41..1219 15
44..1132 4 20 8. . . . 92J 4 20 : 25
IE..1328 4 40 20. . . .1279 4 43 13..UGO 90
24. . . . 843 5 40 6. . . .1038 4 15 20..1123 15
1..1MO 4 15 22. . . . 1147 4 20 23
4..1093 4 23 42..11C4 4 2S IS..1122 30
21..1279 4 35 18. . . .1183 4 40 19..1318 55
18..1359 490 1..H70 400 I. . . . 650 00
17..1154 4 10 1C. . . .1163 420 17..1068 002i
14..1283 4 30 20. . . . 1295 4 33 47. . . . 978 3 ;
17..1047 4 40 C4..1311 4 40 20..1524 CO
7..133S 4 CO 19. . . . 1S72 4 70 19..1482 so
L. . . 82) 3 80 Cl. , . . 933 3 M IS. . . . 9W 00
2..1203 4 10 1..1STO 4 20 40..1038 20
11..1013 420 8. . . .1140 4 20 21..1230 23
49..1162 425 21. . . .1144 4 23 1 * . . . . 975 35
20..1281 4 40 17. . . .1100 4 40 6..1416 40
17..142.1 4 CO 37. . . .1350 4 C3 . . . , 861
L. . . 940 3 SO 29. . . .1092 3 DO 1. . . , 800
7..1280 4 10 3. . . .1043 4 15 20..1191 15
37..1261 4 20 13. . . .1040 4 30 20..1065 35
4..103- 4 40 C..1340 4 45 16..1413 65
1. . . . 930 2 00 1. . . . 840 2 00 1. . . . 910 2 50
3.1HI > S 73 2. . . . 9M 273 1..1170 2 85
L. . . 870 2 83 1..1140 2 83 2..1tt'0 SCO
1..1420 333 1..1I50 a 35 2..1273 3 40
1..1030 3 40 1..1150 3 40 1..119) ) 3 40
20..1157 3 40 4. . . .1097 3 2..11CJ 3 45
2..1230 3 DO 1..130) ) 3 50 11..1105 3 50
J. . . . ! SO 3 CO 21. M4 3 M 1..12M 3 0
1..1240 .1 m 1. . ,1170 , 3 n 1..1140 325
1..1200 3 23 1. . ,1060 , 3 35
2..j9-i5 3 35 1. . 1110 3 M 1..13SO 3 SO
2..1170 3 50 4. . 1012 S 80 1..1111) ) Z 2 ,
L. . . 9SO 273 3. . S06 1. . . .11180 3 CO
5. . . . 672 3 0) ) 2. . 9.15 3 O" 2..1CM 3 0s
2..1145 3 25 1..1220 a 23 1..11IVI S 23
1..12SO 3 T > 1..1W 3 S3 2..104r 3 25
40..1047 3 30 3..1186 3 33 S..1091 3 10
IS. . . . 740 3 40 1072 3 4) 1..1DJO 3 0o
3..1193 S V ) 1160 3 CO 1..1273 3 60 > "
2. . . . 770 2 40 845 2 M 3. . . . CSC 2 M
" " 373 .io fl 3 00 1..1030 3 03
23" 834 3 15 . 910 3 r 7..1111 3 IiM
7..1047 3 20 3 25 3..1000
3 40 E..1096 3 40 2..IMS 3 43
3 , . . . ( .7(1 ( 3.10 ruco 3 50 1..1160 SCO )
1..1020 3 65 2..1010 3 75 9..1111 3 7"
. .1003 a so 1..1240 273 2..1250 300
. .1CI20 3"0 3..1036 3 CO 1..1060 300 "
. . 875 3 23 1..1010 3 30 4..IOCS 3 40
. .WO 3 43 8..1037 3 M 45..1291 3 50 $
3 TO f. . . . W 3 I 2. . . . S25 2 75
.1020 3 73 7..10S1 3 23 1..1000 3 25
.1I7U 3 21 1..1150 323 3..10J.1 335 '
. .1212 323 1..1110 340 9. . . . 824 3 40
.1207 3 45 L. . . 900 3 50 3 r > 5
.12 0 3 63 1..1070 3 ft 3..1246 3 75 $
.1083 3 C3 5..1K.O 3 85
9. , . . 861 3 70 CI. . . . 9V 4 00 2. . . . 810 3 23
9..1100 3 m 3..1100 3 50 4..1100 3 70
2. . . . 475 3 75 3 SO 10. . . . 814 3 SO
. . . . SOP 3 f > 0 . . . 818 3 91 1. . . . ! 4 no
1. . . . t40 25 > ) . . .1830 2 65 1..11V ) 3 75 <
. .1303 3 7"i 1 . . . 610 4 15 1. . 770 3 2.-
S..1140 3 CTi 6. . . . 761M 3 65 1. . 680 37S
1..1070 r rs 1. . . ( M 4 60 1. . C90 3 CO )
1. . . . 870 SM O ' ' (65 3 5.1 2. . , CM 37 )0IS
1..1C6Q 3 HI OK. . . . 577 4 CO 1. . , 810 4 ISK )
1. . . . D50 4 SO
1..1GM 3 23 iioio 3 n 1..1630 3 M
1..1270 3 CO 1..1S40 3 54 1..119 ] 3 .TO
1..1B10 3 S" 1..1140 3 4- ) 3 43
1..200) 3 CO 1..1270 3 39 3 10
1.,172-1 3 1' 1..1620 S 15 7. . . .1215 3 23 :
a 33 1..16.10 3 K 1..1C60 3 31 ,
1..14' > 0 3 40 1..1300 3 44 1. . 3 40
I..KIO 3 54 1..11EO S 50 ' ' .1430 3M !
1..1130 3 CO 1..13W 3 60 l' . . .1610 3 (5
L. . . 3V > 47S 1. . . . 4'0 5 2. . 1. . . . 100 S 50
2. . . . 153 675 L. . . 3 l 3 SO 1. . . . 370 4 75
t. . . . 3TA a no 3. . . . K6 5 59 1. . . . 120 600
. . . , . 600
3..1 0 s tn I..i8eo 4 no 1..1330 3.V , &
1..1354 373 L. . . 870 * - 1..15SO 3 62
SlTCKEt8 :
1..1090 3 CS 1. . . . 730 370 CM 4 C"
1. , . , 610 4 ( I ) 2. . . . 910 4 10 33. . . . ' 709 4 30
. . . , 6(0 4 30 3 , . . , 633 4 31 8. . . . 911 450 )
9. . , . m r no 3. . . . 823 5 01 14. . . . HOO 4 21
i. . . . wo 4 r. 72. . . . 711 4 30 21. . . . 802 4 40
1. . . . 520 350 3. . . , 4 6 3 M 7. . . . ! - " 40AO
. . . . 7 0 4 ? 1 2. . . . TV , 4 2..R7' ' ! 460
1..1350 I7i 1 , . . , 870 75 1..15SO 3CS
. . . . 4' 3 no 2. . . . 920 3 U 2. 6.T ) 3 75
3-1..VW 373 L. . . 9RO 373 1. 820 3 80
J f 41. . . . 7fl 3 M 1. , 3 SO
. . , ; 760 4 10 1..10C1 4 10 41. 9S4 4 10
L. . . 470 4 K 4. , . , Ki 4 SO 4. 9S4W 4 3l )
. . . . 516 fi ( VI . . . . 421 or. 2. 3 75
. . . . S1 4 10 L. . . 700 4 10 1. .10M 4 10
. . . . 772 4 23
HOGS The receipt * of hofrn do not iihow up newell t' .
well as rattle , the arrivnln talay numbering
1.94" h .Kl. n aenlnut 6,007 yvrlerilay , C.251 I a
week ngn nnil 2,119 tivo weekr 370. A a mailer
fact th murket ban not b n of a diameter
eneoura i * free iihlpment * nn < l for tbat rtitMOn
reca'pn are nnt running very heavy.
Tlil m'rnlnir' marki-t o | enel llttlo tnmr r
to tint entent t lea l selleni nepnied to
liave the bet of It. The only trouble wn *
market illd not continue thst way until
close , but eaaeil bfT tanard the last. Tor
llmt | h market w vary slow , but later on
It took purt nnd th * extreme clo rtut
nnl m any time. Ererylhlnir wa ( old and
wpltheil tip in RDO > I * * n on.
The hoits olil At $ XU to $3.75. the rnnto
practically the same nt * terday. The p < .
prlcfl nan $3.70. tn fact that wit * about the f > nl
prlc * en the nmXet worth menllonlnK. A ( tixvl
many of the loa.1 * that wild nl $3 6J nnil $5.67H
yesterday sold at $3.70 Inlay , nnd nt the same
time the proportion ot the mica nbova $4.70
wan somewhat Inrner thnn yesterday ,
The avernpe of all the Miles was ITic hls'ior
than yesterday , Co lower than n week neii nml
15a lower thnn two weeks aco. llepre cntn'.lvc
.vile * :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Rh. Pr.
72 2. > 8 40M6S II SJ1 IS ) $1 M
M ! ! > ) . . . 3)3 M 260 160 3 CS
73 192 120 363 dl 266 40 3 CS
21 231 . . . .165 M 243 41 363
70 Kt 40 3C7H (3 212 4) 3 C7'4
26 211 . . . 3 67JJ M 2M . . . 3 K7H
76 24) 40 3 70 ul 2M . . . 3 70
91 | 7 < 0 S 70 60 253 V ) 3 70
53 - , . . . J7i ) II 227 . . . 3 7i >
10 297 . . . 7H 62 234 . . . S 70
74 2.V5 40 2 71) 6 ] 281 . . . 370
72 233 . . . . 3 7D SI 217 80 3 70
U , .231 . . . 3 70 41 214 . . . 3 70
M fC 160 37 < ) CJ 2.11 M 37 *
II 224 . . . 3 70 M Stt 2(0 S 70
4J 217 . . . 3 Til 72 MB W 3 71
73 2.I6 SO 3 70 C < 2tt . . . 3 Til
93 207 . . . 3 7i ) 51 270 . . . 370
79 261 160 .11 62 273 . . . 370
H. . . J < 0 . . . S 7l ) Ml. . 225 . . . 370
13 324 . . . 370 74 2V ) 1W 371
70 219 Si ) 37D U 217 . . . 370
47 2:3 40 3 7i > 21 29) ) . . . 3 7t )
M S34 120 S 70 5S 277 to ) 3 7,1
33 231 80 3 70 54 31 < ! 200 3 70
61 211 . . . 370 61 . .ZJ1 . . . .170
tn 2H 160 3 7i ) f. S39 ISO 3 7C1
65 236 40 370 4' > . .137 . . . .170
Cl 231 . . . 370 19 S2 . . . 37.1 .
; ,1 263 . . . 370 121 , .269 ICO 370
61 SSS ICO 370 31 tU ( . . . 370
TO 276 . . . 370 S7 .112 3SO 3 70
CS 23) ) . . . 370 61 S67 . . . 3 71 Mi
54 213 . . . 37214 i 226 . , . 372'j '
SI 215 ICO 375 75 273 40 375
65 250 . . . 375 41 2M . . . 373
55 2S3 SO 375 73 216 . . . 375
57 27S . . . 3 75 70 271 . . . 3 73
T9 229 . . . 3 T3 CO 271 . . . .175
T5 263 . . . 3 75 C.1 213 . . . 3 75
1 29ii . . . 2 no l 5.-.0 . . . 27" .
J 21 . . . 36- 4 30 ? . . . 3 IS
4 230 80 365 5 90 . . . 3 6714
2 2iO . . . 370 3 40i ) . . . 370
3 310 . . . 370 5 234 . . . 370
B 243 . . . S " 0 B :0il . . . 3 TO
5 292 . . . 370 1 751 . . . 3 72'4 '
2 an . . . 3 75 1 110 . . . 3 75
5 220 . . . 375 2 223 . . . 3 7"i
S 2 . . . 373 2 313 . . . 373
G 2IA . . . 375 S 173 . . . 375
4 137 . . . 373
SII1313P The tecelpts of sheen outnumheicd
both cuttle nnil IIORS , B.3M hi-ail being repoited
In , us ncnlnst 3.041 yestenlny. 0,376 u week IIRO
nnd 4,3vt two weeks nun. The oiTerlnRt were
pretty equally ill\lileil between sheep nnd lambs
anil of fnlr average quality.
The market wns reasonably ncme nml mot
exerythlnR sold early ami nt Just nlnut steady
price ; . Hood western lambs sold nt J..ri.
There were a few feeders on sale , fcr wMch
there Is a steady demand. llepresentntlve p.iles :
No. Av. Pr.
US western ewes Mii $1 9t
103 western wethers "
102 4 0"
300 western wcthcm 1'3 420
1 wcBtern wethers 'JO 4 2 * >
402 w ; tcrn wethers 119 4 25
443 western wethers 103 4 30
41 % western mixed 0"i 440
; , western wethers 101 4 10
149 wrutern In infos r > t ' 3
143 weMern lambs 66 4 C.1
I western lambs 90 fi 15
228 weMern lambs 91 5 r ,
.V ) culls 87 3 CO
4T weiern mixed N7 3 ! > ' )
20ctilli 102 300
172 western owo.i 9J ,1 C"
for Slirop mill Liimlin Art *
CHICAGO. March 16. Tinde In cattle was
only fairly acthc today. Unit fnt , short fed
cattle continued to sell nt unsatisfactory prices ,
but beevc | that weic fnt nnd oC Rood quality
met with ready sales at btronff prices , being us
high as nt any time this > Ileef Meer sold
nt JS.SXIHiW for the commonest up to J" > .25 i >
M.EO for a few choice lotti , with an occaslDiial
sale nt JJ.COf5.W , the bulk , of the ofrerlm ; n'll-
Ins at J4.30V3.10. The Blocker und feedei trade
wns lively at J3.50ff4.73 for cunimoii to prime
gradcx , noJ many KoliiK below $4.00 nml selected
lota aveniKlnir WO to 1,180 | KuniN ) fold nt $4.530
4.63 ; cannliiR cows sold mostly nt ! 2104(3.00 ( ;
good to choice lots of cah03 brought $3.40iiC,23.
Prices of begs stnrted1 off htronger to n phnde
higher and a * nle of prime henvy IIOB was
made nt $4.10. The Ilrnmi'i'n did not lust Jonp
and the bulk of the IIOKK sold no better thnn
yesterday , prices closing iipulf. . The i.rpftlnr
part of the offerings found buyers at
light weights celling at the ueunl dUcmint nnd
the commoneft lights brought $3. < 0. The best
hogs clo.seil around $4.00.
1'rlces were largely lOc higher for fnt limbs
nnd shtcp. Sheep told at $3.75ff4 65 for Inferior
to choice , lint many going below jl.l.'i , and rams
broun'it $3.25iI3.50. ! About 1.COO prlmo sheep ,
largely jcarllngs and welKhlng around 110
pounds , brouifnt $4.75 , Yearllnga were In de
mand nt 4.Mir.00 and Inpibs were In lively
demand at $ I.50W3.CO for the poorest to the best ,
sales belli ? largely at $300ii5.13. Colorado limbs
brought 5.33ijjri. . ,
RECEIPTS Cattle. 14.500 head ; hogs , 23.0'0
head ; eheep , 15,000 head.
St. I-oiiln Live Stork.
ST. LOUIS , March 16. CATTI.K npcclnti" .
3,100 head. Including 200 head Texans ; hlp-
ments , 700 head ; market steady ; fair to fancy
native shipping and export steers , J4.WK ? ' . CO ;
bulk of Bales , $4.S05t4. 5 ; dressed beef nnd
butcher steers , $4.00Jf5.15 : bulk of sales , $4.4W
4.90 ; stews under 1,000 Ibs. , $3.GO ? * .SO ; bulk at
sales , $ ) .K5 < 4.60 ; mockers nnd feeders. !
4.70 ; bulk of sales , $3.60 4 50 ; cows and heifer * .
$2. > 84.60 : Texas nnd Indian steers , $1.V5ffl 61.
with best graded up to $5.03 ; bulk of ralon , $3.80
; cowa nnd heifers , $2.0033.50.
I1OQS HcciMpts , 7,9i)0 head ; shipments , 1,200
neud ; mariict Btendy ; yorkers. $3.7293.90 ; pack-
era. J3.SOU4 00 ; butchers. $3.95Q4.05.
8HI3EP Hecelpts , 1,200 bead ; shipments , none ;
market stcidy : native muttons. JI.Ou'/Jl.SO ;
lambs , $5.0005.50 ; Texas muttons , Jl.00ffl.33.
LoulHvllle Lire Slock.
dull nnd fully 10S15c lower ; extra Rood export
steers. $4.60g'4.S5 ' ; choice butcher steers. $4.150
4.30 ; fnlr to good butcher steers , $3.6504.13 ; common
mon to medium butcher hteers. J3.40iCi.05 ; choice
hclferM. $3.9094.15 ; fnlr to choice butcher cow ,
$390S'3. ' 5 ; medium to Rood feeders , $3.6584,15.
HOQS necelpts. 1,74 * head ; top . $3.80 ; me.
dlums , J3.80tf3.tiO ; Hilit shippers , J3.40R3.70 ; pies ,
$2.0)03 ) 40.
SHIIRP AND1 LAlinS Market steady and un
changed ; good to extra shipping sheep , $3.50
3.75 ; Tnlr to Koail sheep , J3.OOii3.2T , ; common to
medium , $2.X ( > 8'2.50 : extra shipping Iambs , $4.73 ®
B.OO ; fnlr to Rood lambs , $4.23fi473 ; beft butch-
crs , $ I.OOJ4.CO ; fair to good butchers , $3.4.00.
InillniiiuiollH Live Stork.
celptH , 800 head ; nhlpmonls. 1,000 head ; m > teet :
fairly active ; RXXH ! to prime steori" , $ ) .90iff3.2' :
fair to medium steers. $4.6) 4.83 ; common to
peed Mockers. $3.00iI3.7j.
HOGS Ilecelpts , 400 bend ; uhlpmentfl , l.floi )
bend : market moderately nrtlvc : nil chanseit
handi ; Rood to choice medium nnd henvv. J1.90JJ
3.93 ; mKed nnd heavy packlnu. $1 BOOT.90 ; pvid
to choice llRht uelRhlH , $3.85G3.jO ; common
llclits. J3.7M3.W.
ne ;
00 ;
\OTV York MVP Staple ,
NEW YOIIK , Mnrch 10 IIHEVEH Ilecelpts ,
,100 head ; demand only fair : prices steady ;
fteern. poor to good , Sl.SOfl'flOO : choice , S3-30.
CdtxIeH unchnnced ; exports today , 411 head cat
tle and li.SM quarters : tomorrow , 400 rattle. atmd
CAIjVIM Ilecelpts. 1.2S7 hend : active and
firm : veals , S400 4.75 : fed calves , S3.23.
RlinKI' AND 'UAMIW-Heeelpts ' , BK ! > 1 head ;
heep , fleady ; lambs. 10S15c higher : px > r to fnlr
sheep , S3.50O4.CO : medium to cliolcc Iambi , S3.M9
"lions necelpts , 6,230 head : market flrmer at
$1008183 ; gencnl fall" . $ t 13ft4.30.
Kant Iliiffnlo LlviStork. .
nAST IlIirKALO. N. Y. . March 16.-CATTLK
Dull and slow : fat shipping tteerji , $ I.COIf4.,5i ;
fat smooth steers , JI.WS4 * OJ coari-e ami roujh ,
$3.7504.23 : llEht steers , 14,10 4 r. ; choice fat
helf T . J4.25iif4 50 ; mired Imirhers , $4.605 5t'0 _ ' _ ;
tioo't butchers' cows , $ J.50a3.9\ ,
'HOQS ' Yorkcrs , good to choice. $ I.Ojgi.IO ;
Tclcvihoiic 10,30. Omaha , Nub
Dlrert wire * to Chicago and New York.
Corrcjpondentii John A. Warren * Co.
Corn and Cotton are the cheapest commodi
ties In the world today und believe those who
follow the above advlip will make big money.
All orders filled In Chicago over our private
wire ; through my correspondent , V. O. Logan
Your orders respectfully solicited.
Write for Information. F. a HOLLINQER.
213 Hoard of Trade , Omulia. Neb. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Offlo * . IC38 M St. . Liocolc. Neb.
Prcildent. Vlca PreilJenL
Ciifislie-Streel Commission Cos
Cupltnl , f3O.OOO.OO. Fnlly I'uld.
Ill Hoard uf Trade nnlldliiflr.
rough * , common to choice , $ J.MT ( . J pin
mon tn eholc * . lt.7001.7S. i
LAMPS-Cholc to * tirn , $5. ff .00 | fulli M
pommon. $ SOO fi.ft ) .
flllRHP Choice tn seln > tist netting M.tC < IJi
4.W | cullt to common , $ $ JJtfi.15.
Knn nn City l.lro Stock.
KANSAS CITY. March -CATT.R-lc ! tpt %
U.KO h d : best trades , steady : other * Howl
Texan itfers , $ l.COu.1.U | Tetas nm . " '
natlri > steers , Jr > OwS.50 ; native cows nnd hm rfc
j.lMM.70 ; stockers nnd feeders. $ l.eotXV.20 | : bulls ,
$ J.OOjf5.M.
lions necelpts n.OOO head ; market te ar
to lower ! bulk of sales. JJ.Ol ) , S.i. packers , $ ! .
es.M : mixed. JS.Mt73.SO ; Hunts. JJ.WlfJ.65 ; york.
ers. $ l.CPV.1.fCi plKS , $3.25i.U. )
B1IBI3P lleoelpts , 4,000 head ; market weak }
lamb , $ l , , < oirS,2i ) : muttons , $3.5001.60.
rin liittiill l.fvi.Slojk. .
CINCINNATI , March 16.-11O03 Strong
a |
I'ATTI.r. StronK nt ! 2.JOJft 75.
HIIKKP-Steady nt J2.7r > HI.M.
nt "
su-k In
Rerl of receipts of live stock at the fcu
principal markets for Marh in :
Cattle. HOBO. Sheep.
omiiin . 3.i97 4. PIS rai
ChlcaRO . II..VW 23.1100 15,000
Knn-ai City . 1CS > nm 4,000
. 3. IPO 7.IKX )
Total ) . . . . . 37,037 M.S43
Wool Mnrll. .
ROSTON , M.ircli U. The follinvliiff nre th for IrndlnK d scrlptlnn :
Ohio and Pennsylvania MiTces , X ami above ,
27J72JC ! XX , 25o ! VX and nlnu-c. 50c. delaine ,
30if3lc ; No. 1 rninli'nir. .ifjfsic ; No. 9 cnmblnn.
Si ) 3lc. illchlsanlvon.tln. . northwest , ctc.i
MIclilRiin. 24c ; No. t Michigan comblnir. 29c ;
No. 1 Illinois combine , 2c ! ) ; No. 2 Michigan
conililiiK. JSUSDc ; No. 2 Illinois combing , 2 < 2 ! > o :
New Yark , N w llamp'hlre and Vermont , ? SI |
2lc : No. 1 New York , New Hampshire mid Ver
mont , 2c ; dclalni- , Michigan , 20c. l'mvshF < l
mu'llum ' Kentucky nnd Indiana nuai tcr-blooil
23c ; Kentucky nml Inll.ina three
od combliiK , 23c ; Missouri quarter-
bloml combine , 22'j Ml ourl tlirce-elnhtlis-
lilooit rnniblnir , 23c ; braid comb'tiK. 2V , laKi
und ( icnrKla. 22iTCMS wools , sprlni ; nicillum.
twelvo'iuontli , ICWISc ; scoured , Hit He , s irltiif
flno. t elvo months , ISjflSc ; scriueit , 4SifHo.
Territory wools : Montan * line mcdlimi nnd llni * .
ISWISe ; Koureil , ICOI'ic : staples , & 0tv12u. | 1'nth ,
Wyoming , etc. : Tine mciUum and line. I'pl'c' ;
foonro'l. 4.iM7c : stapi | > , CIV. AurlralUn scrure < l
basli. combing superfine. 7052o ; combliiK , soo.l ,
C."i fGSo ; rombtnpr , nvcriiKP , C2IJ6.V.
Thn American Wool and Cotlim IlrpTicrlll
My toiimriiiw of the wool market : Therp In *
boon ri'iiiv'tv nny ib'inand for wool ilnrlnx' tin
last et-k. the total alM loiiir'.it bpln tvcii
less Iliau the e of tinprovlnu * vvfi'U. M.imifao-
tuivrs nre not 111 need ol vvv > l. all I they mini-
rest but Illtlo liicllliatlnn In n M In tlielr NildhiKS
until thov know inure dflliiltely how ll.e drv
pn N tnnikvt vvlll KJMP < Itself. > fi' rlally with ilupllcate nnlers , and vvlint line nf
piodi pi > i > eclnlly to bi > liable to a rrnnuuncixl d"-
niand. A a rule | irli" < s nre vvoll in ilntnlnml ,
The salcx of tlif v-vk : iMUiint to S.7,00fl tnund *
dnmcstlc and 2V > , ooo pnuniN fnrelfrn , miiklm ;
total of 1,107I > iMinds , .Kilnst H lolal of 1 137.-
I X1 pounds for MiJ | ir vinis | v\rck ntul . tolnl of
7,101 , 000 pounds ' . . Ill" I'.iiivjHvii'ilIni ; wiM > k list Pales lnc * .Inn < Jarir ' . lvi < . iinK.lintnl In
S7l2n,4 < iO pnuniN , n .ilnst < fiTJ3.7yj pluni \ ia t
year nt thin time.
XtMv York llry ( inuilH Alnrkrl.
NEW YORK. March Ifi. The dry goods mir-
ket 1 4 declilejly liri-KUlnr. Hu'lneiMi Ii done ly
sputls and Jerks In most cotton KOOI | lines nn.l
conilllloiiB me such Hint the market Is liable
to show almost nny turn with the near fuluin
without nstonlFlilnir operators. Jobbers In all
era dm cim tlnuc to lep-'rt n f lr l islne s.
Woolen BOO.IS In. . men'B v\ear fabric * contliuie
dull. In cottons tlu-re Is n > chanxe In the pod-
tli/n of staple ( roods. I'l lilt cloths arc quoted
nt 2iic. but the bid' for extras nre at only
2 1-ICc nnd tlicie are not nnny of them at that.
Odd Kixmi am In < iulet request. Pales are IlRlit
und Mocks arc analn heavy. Prints how no
clinnge In nny sraile. OlnB'.ianis continue actlva
and KCncrally satlsfnclory.
OI'L CITV. March 16. Credit balances , 7 e :
rertlllcntei opened at 77Uc : llrst sub's. 7He ;
bluliest sule. 77Uc. reviulnr delhcry. Total rnlea.
12001) Mils. : clo'ed 77'iu bid for reittilar delivery ;
shlpiiientc. R4.COS bbls. : runs. fS.175 Mil" .
CHAHLIWTON. S. C , . March 16. OIUS Tur-
pentlne. Ilrm nt Mifri ; Bales , none. Houln , * nl ,
SAVANNAH. On , . Mnrch
Ur rnroliaiiiiiff IIOOUB Mnile nt tlic I'ol *
(6ucee or3 Omaha Tent and Awnlne Co >
Manufacturers tents , awnings ; Jobbers ladle , anj
gents' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 * ar-
nam fit , Omaha.
Carload shipments made in our own 'rlb'-
trator cars. 6ue : Hlbbon. Elite Export. VleniM
Export and Family Export delivered to nil P it *
ot the city.
Manufacturer iif Galvanized Iron Oornlces , Oil.
vnnized Iron Skylights Tin. Iron und BUM
Roofing. Agent for Klimear1 * Btoel Celllnf.
103-10-12 North Eleventh itrect.
Wholesale Cracker Manufacturer * .
WORKS. IRS ! ! Tarnnm .SI.
Dyeing and cleaning of garments and goods ot
every description. Cleaning of fine garments s
specialty. _
Flour , Meal. Feed , nran , 1013-15.17 North 17th
Street , Omaha , Neb. C. K. Ulack. Manager.
Telephone M2.
Iron anil Ilriiim KonnilcrK.
Manufacturern nnd Jibbers of Machinery. Gen.
eral repairing a upeclally. 1501 , 1303 and UO )
Jackson street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers old process raw linseed oil. ket.
tie boiled Unseed oil , old procens ground llniecd
cakes , ground and screened ilaxftced fcr drug-
lists. OMAHA. NKU.
03IAHA nr.nni.vo co.
Manufacturers of high grade Mattresses. 1S02-4-I
Vlcholas Street , Omaha.
Iffgrj. Clothing. Pants , Ehlrts , Ovtralls.
J. II. r.VA.\9.
Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 1515 Karnan.
Manufacturers of Vinegar , ricklei. Catsupa ,
Mustards. Celery and Worcestershire Sauce.
For a good tubitantlal vehicle of any descrlp.
tlon for repainting or rubber tires on new or old
wheels the beet plact Is 27th and Lsavinwortb
Chop , medium priced and tony carrlsi-rs.
Any thing you want , second hand or new. Head ,
quarte-s for rubber lira , warranted. Uth anil
Harnty , oppotit * Court notice.
14OD , 1411 Dodire.
Full line of Carrl ges , Ductlti. Phpetonl. Pen
lurts. Wheels rubUr tired. Ths best Is ths
HK.Mri CO.
Lare t fsctorx In the west. Lending Jacber *
Oinatia. Kansa * Cllr , Lincoln arul Ut. Jo "
'iT iiuodi. IMS rarruua BtrML