Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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July Wheat to Weak and Wind * Up with a
Notable Lots ,
Corn mill Ditto Follow Whrnt , Knch
Ml I.iMicr ITlKiircMi While1
I'rni l < ilotiH Hciiuilii Aliiiitt
CHICAGO , March IJ.-Wheat today be
came very \xi-ak toward the close nnd
wound up with n loss of Tie In July. Belling
of May wheat at $ l.or. by Letter precipi
tated a flood of selling orders In July.
Corn and oats followed wheat , doling
about \'tc lawer each. Provlsorm did not
change much.
Wheat started a little easier. entiles
nhowcd slight declines and Liverpool re
ported receipts considerably In excess of
normal requirements. These xx'erc Hldo Is-
BUCS , however , the main reason for the
shading of prices being the lurgo additions
to the contract stocks which WCIP reported.
Of the receipts of 192 cars toiJny 57 were
of contract grades , to wtilph were added
nlxtecn cars nnd 23,000 bushels of No. 1
northern out of private ) elevators , In nil
about 12X ( ! bushels. AH Ihl th.irte about
3.17,000 bushels added to the Block In txxo
days , It caused a llltJo pressure on the
market nt first , July opening a shade lower
nt 8GfT&6'ic. ) This was Hie extent of the
decline for the time belnjc and , though
offerings wore plenty , the demand became
3 strong that prices gradually advanced
and the market xvns Ftrong for over two
hours folloxvlng. Hesldes the natural In
clination of traders to piny for a reaction
after this recent sharp decline In prices ,
strength shoxVn by outside markets ; es
pecially by New Yoik , had a tendency to
drive shorts In and fie urgency of this
cluss of buying Indicated the market
had been rather oversold. Clearances were
large , f.82,000 but-lids. which was n bull
help , ns were also reports of continued
drouth nnd unpromising outlook In Cali
fornia. July , which advanced to 8Sc , wrt
not alone In the strength , September re
ceived more or IOHS attention and was ad
vanced to 79Ue during the rise In July.
May received the usual support from Loiter
ter , although It hardly needed It. There
was some short demand In this delivery ,
resulting In nn advance to Jl.O'i. About 12
o'clock the turn In the market came.
Urndstrcet's report on the visible supply
allowed a decrease of only l.S'il.OOO busiels.
This was disagreeable news to longs , as
the decrease last year had been 4,077,000
bushels , and started selling ngnln , many
of the early buyers putting- their lines on
the market , The result xvns a decline to
87-ic. Therl the market turned radically
weak. Letter's brokers , who had been bidding - ,
ding $1.01 for May , sold quite a lot of It
when the price reached $ l.0ii and this fact
brought millions of bushels of July onto
the , market. An shorts had previously been
pretty well tilled up. prices dropped like n
shot to SOVjC. It rebounded to SiVJ4c. then
dropped again. The last few minutes of
trading wan characterized , by extreme ner
vousness and xxmkniss. With almost no
support of consequence July sunk to SS > ic
and closed weak nt Wic. May rested at
$1.01 nnd September declined to 77)4c , closing
nt 77c.
Corn xva firm until Jato In the dny ,
though shoxxlng less animation than for
Home time. Trading all day wns extremely
narrow and the mirket purely n sympa
thetic one. Prices advanced a little early
with wheat and were well maintained Until
the break In w.ient occurred , when the
market became very limp. May ranged
from nOViWZSTii' to 30c and closed , if % o
lox\er at 21'6'f/30c. '
The market for oats was almost stag
nant. There wn" almost no trading of con
sequence until late In the day , when the
break In wheat wns productive ) of some
animation. 1'rlccs early were stronger with
wheat , wet weather west also having Its
Inlliu-nce. There WIIB quite free selling fol
lowing one late wlient weakness and prices
declined easily , the close being weak. Mas-
ranged from 2fi'/4e 'to 2CV4c and closed > 4c
loxver at 2S'.ViJ2G'4c. '
LlK'ht hog1 receipts made n rather firm
, provision mirket durlnp the morning. There
xx ns lets pressure to sell and a better gen
-u . eral demand was evidenced resulting In
r n good advance In prices. When the break
In grain came offerings bee.lme too much
M for the demand nnd all the advance .was
< lost , the close being- rather easy- May
-.pork closed 2V4o lower at $ ! > .80 ; May lard ,
unchanged nt $3.07 , and May ribs " 2V c
higher .at * . > .02& . .
Estimated receipt * Wednesday : Wheat ,
120 cars ; corn , 200 cars ; oats , 175 cars' ; hogs ,
20000 head ,
leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlc'lts. . ! Opon. | High. I Low. I Close j Ycst'J.
March. 1 HIM i ( UN 1 01M 1 Olfc
Mny. . . 1 1)4 ) 1 OA 104 1 04 1 04
July. . SS
now 20H-SO aim
.lulvl ! a .1 Hi 31H
sent BUM 31'M S2H
.Mny. . . 2IIW
July. . . ' . ' 4 H 24M
I ork
Mny. . . 0 HO 10 on 0 80 n so 0 R3H'
July. . . 0 05 10 05 0 85 U 85 U 00
May. . . 5 in 5 12W 5 05 5 07K
July. . . 5 17VJ 0 17 C 10 6 IS C 10
fh'lIUb *
May. . . 3 OTU n o.i 5 00 6 02tt G (10 (
July. . . S I'-'M 5 07M B07H 0 03
Cash quotations were as follows :
rUllll-'tull : winter patents , $4.SOf5.00 ;
truUhts. JI.30O4.60 : pprlnc Fnvclals , * 1.4095.SO ;
Hiring pitcnts , W.7CO3.10 ; bakers , S3.6iOI.vo.
WHKAT No. 2 m > rlnK. B2 il4i ! ; : No. 3 sprlnir.
S i Sc ; No. 2 red. II OlWfU'1 ' % .
COIlN-No. 2. 2'1'io ,
OATS No. 2 , 2S11Cf. . o. U. ; No. 3 nhtte , 28',4 ®
UVK-No. 2. 43UC.
\HLKV-I-1. . o. b. No. 3. 333Jc. ?
KIjAV KHD-No 1 , ll.20iM.Z4.
TIMOTHY KiF.r > I'rltnc , 3.W.
IMIOVIWIONS Mc s | > ork , per t'lil . I9.7714O
.f2V4. L ird. jwr 100 llw. . $11-Oil3. 2V4. Khort
ribs , sdlos Hi" " * ) . II $0 5.10. Dry failed vhoul-
ilorn ( Imxedi , > 4.753 | Oil ; s'.iort clour sldea ( buxed ) ,
IS.K4J5 40.
VIIIHKY Dlstllli-rs1 nnlahotl KOCKIR. per vnl ,
SI'ilAUS-Cut leif , I3.S3 ; Krunuluted , 5.3S.
On the Produce exrhiinKA today the buttei
mulketYd steady : creameries , ICfjlSVio ; dairies ,
iulet. | bi/Si ( < - " . Kggs , fresh ,
QuotntluiiM for Hie lln > - on Ucucral
NKW YOHK. March 15. VI/IUH IJec-lptM. St. .
474 bbls. ; I'lports , 17,521 bbK ; market weak and
oomlnnlly luwrr ; city mill patents , f3.SCO8.10 ;
clt > ' mill t le ri , J3.COQ3.7. . ; Mlnnt ota patents ,
t5.204f5.45 ; Minnesota linkers' , t4.40Q4.CO ; wlntei
patents , 14.9005.50 ; winter stralRlits , ll.50fT4.n5
winter extras , I3.WIH.10 ; winter low crudes ,
I2.90&3.CO. llii Hour , dull ; fancy. 12.8303. : : ,
Huckwht-nt llmir , oulet at S1.301.50.
1IUCKWIIKAT Quiet at 4Sc ,
COKNMiAIQultt ; yellow western. TOO.
HYK KH ier : No. 2 western. 69c.
llAltl.EV Dull ; feeding. 41 c.
ll.VUI.KY MAUT Quiet : nestern , 6J4ff67e. !
WIIU.VT HrcelptH , 115.675 bit. . ' ex | < orts , SM.K
t > u , Spot , easy : No. 2 rt > d , } 1 OIS. f. o. b , allun
to iirrlsc and tl.uOU nwt. Options opened n < n
on fm'ornlilr I.U < 'rwio | market news and nai
further iiiUunetMl by bullish Itusslim crop mill
mules rnur'ni : a scarr aniunR shorts ; aulneituen
niillilng. lion ever , provoked n sharp decllni *
n tably In late d ll\erles. which closed ViQTv
net Inner , n alnit ViO ; o advance In near months
On thn curb dears acaln ruldisl the market nnc
forcml May i'fT lu SSVic : Nn. t rtsl. March. I1 > 1\ (
1 orU ; closed II.OIMay ; , S3UceH.ODolnsed ;
< OUN llecelpts. 93.450 bu. ; exports , 87.707 bu
H | > t , i-usy ; No. 2 , . 37'lc. Option * opened stead'
with whent. but lurking speculative suppnr
suMin eusi l off. ( lovanj ? tlull and easy at 0 ne
decline : May. SIMfSIc ; closed. IHic.
OA1H-llrc l | > ls , I26.IXM Ul. : exi irts. SC,04 < I tin
Fpot , ilull ; No. 2. 31ft31Uc : No. 2 white. 3JVic
Options Inactive ami nominally steady all day
cl > nlnir uiutianKed ; May closed. SO'jc.
KKKl > Uulet : bruit. SvOW o ; mlddUnxs. Me
rie feed. t2 > . fl65o.
HAY Dull ; shlppltiff. SOOSSc ; coed to chotcs
WfiT'ic '
llOJ'rt Rleady : 'tute. rnminon to choir * . 1M
cnip. 4ti6c ; 189(1 crop. 7 9c : 1M7 crop. 17O e
P , lli.i coarl. IS95 crop. < l6c | ; 1SH ! > rnip. IWlOc
1S97 crop. 17Ul ci I/iniliin market. 93cWII.OO.
HIDlKIrm ; ( lalxeston , 15&13Hc ; Tvxaii dry
ne. rullfiinils. UHfllSWc.
l.KATHKK-Hteaily ; hemlock sole , Butno
. .
WOOIj-Qiiliit ; neece , 17ViOM1Jc ; Texas. iVi (
PUOV181OX8-neef. steady ; family , lll.'lf
J1.7S : exlrn HUM , W.OoaD CO be f hams , J22J.
A .OA ; short clears. UO.ftiKrll.fiO. Cut mmts
quiet , pk-kloil livll'es. 3.3r7.00 : pickled khnul
rters. ! 4.6tSU < 75 ; pickled hams , 17 7S1/8.0U. l rd
> > y ; western leitnttil. Ill j : rellned , weaker
rmU. iliill' mess , ttOaHIHK ; abort clrt > r
II450RI2S4 ; family. III.OiMni 50. TiUlow , dull
cliy. 3 It-icci country. 3HC3 c.
MICK-tilvaar ; fair to extra. 4 iO H i Japan
( il'l.H rflroleum. dull. Ilnsln. steady
tralml. r ranmii | . > uooj. tl.41Htfl.4u nrurpvn
tlM , 4f djr at Jt'.MJJIe. Cottanacsxl. suiill traik
today nt barely steady prices ; prime cniJf , 209 1
20140 ; prlmo crude t. n , b. mills , leffKHo ; prime '
summer yellow , tt'jtfUo : off summer jcllow ,
2JOni4o ; tauter oil , : : J7e ; prime winter fel
low , 2 ( / V. '
MOI.APSlH-Kirm ! New Orleans , open kettle ,
iod to choice. 2'ttWc.
MI7TAUS-All dci.irtinenls | show neglect nnd
Ihe situation tnken altogether lacked special new
feitur - At the close today thi Metil exclmnir"
cnlled pig Iron warrants dull , with ft 75 lild nnd
16 85 nskpd. Kike copper , xery quiet , xxlth 111 S7'4 '
hid nnd 112 naked. Tin , very qul l nt 114.20 li..l
nnO 114 5' ) asked Speller , quiet nt tl 2) lild nnd
W 23 nrkeil. L ul. dull nt H70 bid nnd II 7.1
nrkrd Lend xxas quoted nt U.SO liv the firm llx-
Init the settling price for miners nnd smelter * nt
the west.
HtnTBH Heoelpls , 9.1M pkgs. ' , etendy : west-
< " ! cn-amery , llK19c ; Klglns , 13c ; factory , 119
inii-icceipis : ! , MSI riot * , : dull ; light
sklmr , GfoC(4e ( ; part skims , llii'ic ' ; full sklm § ,
i : < .YlS llcrclpts , 13.CCO pkgs. : nrm. stale nnd
Pennsylvania , 10' , Wile ; weslern , lOHc ; soulhern ,
Cniiitllliin nf Triulc anil Quotations ) on
Aliililr nnil I'ruicjI'railacc. .
iariB-Oood slock , Sc.
IlUTTKIt Common to fair , SJfllc : separator
creamery , 20c ; gathered creamery , llfllCc.
VKAIi-Cholce fnt , 80 to 120 Ibs. , quoted at
tft'Jc ; largo and coarse , 6@7c.
LIVU 1'OtILTIlV Chickens , tWflCc ; old roost
er. 3c. ducks , 6c.
OAMII Mallards , l.oo < f3.2teal. ; . ll.2-.Wl W ;
brants t3.Vfl400 ; Canadian Keose , 11.5066.110 ;
mixed , ll.25fn.0.
PIUIION.S-Llxe. $1 ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY Upland , IS M : midland , JS.o" : lowland.
SIM ; r > n stntxx' , II W ; color makes the price on
hay ; llglit bales sell the best ; only top grades
bring top prices.
s. :
CKLnilY Onod stock , large 5flc ; small , 2530e.
ONIONS Per bu. , ) .
I1KANS Hand-picked n vy , pir bu , , tl.25Rl.20.
H\VIIT : POTATOES Kansas , io-peck bbls. ,
$2. M ) .
( lanil stock , per Hi. . O c.
POTATOES Home grown , 50iu3c ; Colorado
Bt3"k. 70C.
TOMATOES I'er crate , seven baskets , t4,00 ®
STllAWHUIUtlUS 1'cr 24-qt. case , t7.50.
A 1'l'l.Kn Winter stock , U.uflriSW ; California
Hellntlenr. tmxe * , 11.50 ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxes , tl.75 ; Nehrnskii , lioxes , tl.2,1.
Ct ) Fancy Jersey , per bbl , . tlO.OO.
OtlANOns California naxeis , * 2.7S0SOO ; fancy
seedling * . $2.50' choice , 12 25.
LKMONH-Callfornla. fancy. 12.73 ; choice , t2.CU ;
fancy Messina. t3.0003.riO.
\NANAS-Cholce , large stock , per bunch , Vt.OO
{ (12,25 ; mcdldum sized bunches , | 1.75@2.00.
NUTS AlmondH , per Ib , large size , 12013e ;
small , lie ; Brazils , per Ib. , Sifluc ; Kngllsh xval-
nuu , per Ib. , fancy sort thell. logilc' . standards.
8Jj9c ; Hlberls , per IK. iuc : pecans , pjllshed ,
medium , C 7c ; cxlra laige , SttDc : lurgo hlcltory
nutit , tl.00if1.10 per bu. : small , | 1.25ffl.35 per bu. ;
coconnuts , per 1 0 , tl.OO ; peanuts , raw , 53Hc ;
roasted , C0b c.
FIOS Imported , fancy. S-croxxn , 14-lb. boxes ,
lOc ; G-crowTl. 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
23o per box ; California , lu-ib. lAJX. : t.OO.
IJONKY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10
KUAUT Per bbl. . t3.SO : half bbl. , 12 23.
MAl'LE UYIttH'-FUe-gnl. can. , each. tZ.75 ;
BJl. r-ans , pure , per doz. , 112 W ; half-cat , cans ,
JO 23 , quart cans , M.5U.
DATES Halloxxee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , BV4c ;
Snlr. 6c : Fard , 9-lb. boxes , o.
CIUKlt-l'er half bbl , . TCO ; Ijhl. . t3 00.
DUESSHD nnEK Oood native jtscrs. C n ;
Hood forequurter * slcers , 6V4c ; good lilndtiuartors
tears , &i4t ; xvcatern sleors , ' 4e ; fancy heifers ,
Uc ; irood holfers , 60 ; good forcquarters heifers ,
o ; giind hindquarters heifers , so ; good roxvs ,
"Viol fair cinvs , G.4c ; coxv lorcquarters , 4 c ; coxx
ilail/iuurturit , ilic ,
iUip : CUT.S ManijInB tcnderlalns. 4Hc ; r1w ! ,
N'o 1. lie ; ribs , No. 2 , 8c ; ribs. No. 3 , CUC ;
rounds. No. 1 , 7ic ! : rounds. No. 2. ( i\c ;
rounds , No. 3 , GJic : trlmmlncs , 4'/ic ; beef shanks ,
Ic ; brains , per doz. , 3V : ; swetbreuds , per Ib. ,
12isxxt ; < i > tl > rciiils ( calxesi , per Ib. , < 0c ; l < ldno.\ . " .
ler doz. , 33c ; o\ tails , each , 3c ; llier , per Ib. , 2',4o ;
icaitH , per ib , 2i4c ; tonKUea. per Ib. . lienlf ;
Ixerrt each , 35c ; aulx'es , xvholn cnnass or sides ,
ic ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set , 7 > :
tenderloin * , fresh , 18o ; tcndeiloins , frozen , loc ;
inni'Iess strips , fresh , 914CJ bonelesa stilps , frozen ,
c ; stilp loins , fre h. 7'4c ; ulilp loins , trozcn , 6"jc ;
mils , iHinvlvsi , SHc ; rolls , spencer cpts , sic ; slr-
filn biittH. boneless , 9c : shoulder cloda , boneless ,
Uc ; rump butts , boneless , 6cj No. 1 chucks , 6c ;
No. 2 thucKs , IVjo : No. a dt.ucir. < 2 ! boneless
chucKH , 5c ; coxv plates. 3lc ! ; steer plates , 4c ;
Hank steak , 7c : loins. No. 1 , 134c ; loins , No , 2 ,
lO'tc ; loins. No. a , S'4c ; shait loins , market
Hlylc , 2d nlioxp loins ; fliort loins , hotel stjlo , 4c
above loins ; cow loin , cpjs , Sc ; nicer loin , tnila.
MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9o per Ib. ; lambs ,
Ic ; sheep , 7c : market racks , long , 9c ; hotel
rnckK , short , lie : loins , PC ; saddles. 9c ; legs ,
8c ; lamb legs , lOo : breasts and stexvs , SVic :
onKues , each , 3c ; forequarters , 5Hc.
PORK Dressed pigs , S' o pe - Ib. : dr ssed
IIORH , 5VJc ; tenderloins , Kc ; loins , short , $ V6c ;
on ; , ' , 6c ; spare ribs , fix ; ham sausage butts ,
5c ; Doston bulls , Wtc ; shoulders , rough , tc ;
shoulderH , rklnned. u'ic ; trimmings. IHc ; leaf
ard. not rendered , 5V4e : heads , cleaned , 4c :
snoutn and ears , 3c ; necKbone , 2c : cheek meat ,
Jo ; neck Ixines , 2c ; plus' tails , Sc ; plucks , each ,
"c ; chitterlings , Be : nocks. 4c : hearts , per doz. ,
! 3c ; stomaohH , each , 3c ; tonmics , each. 7c ; kld-
ne > , per doz. , 10c ; brains , per doz. . 15o ; plr *
feet , per do * . , 30o- livers , each , 3o ; hos ; rinds.
" i ; blade bones. Be.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7 0 ; No. i itreea
hides , CV4o ; No. 1 salted hides , DC ; No. 2 icreen
Halted hides , Sc ; "No. 1 xi-ul calf , 9 to 12 Ibs. , lOc :
No. ciilf. 12 to K Ibs. . 8c.
SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each , I5@T3c'
green sailed tdiearlnss ( short wooled early
skins ) , each , 15c ; drj- shearing * , ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 each , 5c ; dry Hint Knnsas
and Nebraska butcher xvool pelln , per Ib , actual
xxeight , 4i83c : dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska
munrtln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 8JJ
lu ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. ,
actual weight , 4J3c ; dry Illnt Colorado murrain
ivool pelts , per Ib. , aclunl xx ° lght , 3@4c.
TALLOW. GREASE. ETC. Talloxv , No 1 , 3 ®
3Viu ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; roUKhrallow , Hie ; white
erenso , 2iyc ! ; yellow and brown grease , ly
FU11S Hear ( black or broxvn ) , t3.00Q2000 :
otter , tl.COffiS 00 ; mink , 15J ? Oo ; beaver. tl-OU-JS Ort-
skunk , 15c , 25c. KOc ; miiskrat. 3c. Sc , 7c ; raccoon ,
15@0o ; red fox , t5cOtl.2i ; gray fox. 2@SOo ; wolf
( Umber ) . 2S08I2W ) ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , ICjWOc :
wildcat , ' lOgllc ; badver , 5ffl3o ; jllvor fox , ISO 00
SI. Lou I ( iriicrnl MnrketM.
ST. IXUI8. March 15. FLOtlH Loxx-er : pat-
entK , t4.7i l 8S ; mri'vhts , tl.3SO4.SO ; clear , tl 00
04 2u ; medium , t3.6 fl3.73.
WHB.VT I/jwer , cluslnt ; So for July and < Jc
for September beloxv yestenlaxxxlth May un
changed. The close as ut iho bottom , with
biiX'eiH scarce. Spot , hlclicr ; . No. 2 u-d cash ,
eloxator , ! ) Sc ; trncl : , SSMr > o ; March , 97Hc : May.
WVie ; July , 81'4c ; Heptember , 70Vic ; No. 2 hard
cash , tic.
COIIN 1'tilures n slnde loxver than yesterday.
Kpot. higher on call : No. 2 cash. 571ic ; Mnrrh ,
27Uc ; May , 2794c bid ; July , SSc : U ptcmhi-r ,
OATS Kutiires , xxrak nnd loxver. Spot , ) ilr"ier'
No. 2 cash , 27c ; track , 27 c : March , 27c ; May ,
lSio ask l : July. . ' 1'iNo. . 2 xvhlle , 28c.
HYK Firmer , 48Vifl > l8ic.
n \v wn _ Nomlnal , $1.15.
TIMOTHY Sr.nt ) 1-rlme. K.8502.95.
fOHNMKAIFlrm. . tl.SO 1.i5.
1111 AN IXIWIT to sell ; sacked , east track , no
salable alwvo SSc.
i-ii..a. prairie , $6.50RS.23 ; timothy , * 8.003
IIHTTIR lower ; creamery , ! G'J20c ; dairy , 93
15c. "
IIOCIS I iner. He. '
WHISKY 11.20.
HAOOINO S'iflec.
Mirr.VU' ' Irfnd. dull , t3 K nskcd. Spelter
nominal , M.
I'HOVISIONS Pork , quiet : utandard mes
Jobbing , F > 87V4. Lard , nominal ; prime stean
4 S71j ; choice. J < . ! i : . Ilacim , extra xhi > it clea
( iMixed lots ) , JIC'iffSTj ' ; rlb , $5 73 1 d7"i ; shorts
7mJ 00. Dry salt meats , boxed shouldern
tl 5004 75 ; extni short clear. t1.12'-IT3 ' 33 ; rlb
linrKIPTS rioiir. S.COI WiU. ; wheat , 2',0 ' ) ) bu
corn , 119,00) bu. : oats , r.s.Oilii bu.
Him'MHNTS-Flour. 7,00n Mils ; wheat , IS.W
bu. ; ccrn , 1C4.000 bu. ; oats , 42,000 bu.
llnlthiiorc .Murkrt.
DAI.TIMOni : . March -FLOun Westf n
supernne , 2,70 3.10j western extra , | 3 33W4 CO
western family , t4 WJ4 CO ; winter wheat paten
l4.MtIi. < M ) ; spring wheat patent. M.ICiiJ 40 : rprln
wheat slralRht. 1.1 "OfiS.l ! ; lerclpls , H,6ffJ bbls
eitports. S.521 bbls.
WHKAT Htrnnc ; spnl nnd month , MUtWUc
Mny. tl.OOIrimsteamer. ; . No. 2 red , ific bid
receipts. 14,870 bu. : export r. none ; soulherr
wheat bv snmple. 9 s'BU.CO , ; southern wheat or
grade. fnVfl-11.00.
t'OUN Firm : spot and month. 3lff34U' : May
ai JMU.c ; sfenmer mixed , SJ < 4 3J * e ; receipts
JSS.OSO J > u. ; eiEports. 1S4.7I6 lui.j southern whlti
> nrn. S3Vi < l"l'.i < - - ; scuthern ) elbw corn ,
No. t white , S4'i mc ; No. l
mlxc.1. a2 53Vic ; receipts , 7ej | "bu. ; exports
60.010 bu.
IlYK-FIrm : No. 2 n nrby , SVJJ1S | ; c ; No. !
western , MtiCriC c ; receipts , 17.2&7 bu. ; exports
11.000 bu.
nitAIN ntKIOHTS-Qiilel ; rates falrl ]
stendy ; steaiii lo UUerpiol , per bu. , 3Ud , May
Cork , for orders , per quarter , 3s CdO3s " ! 4d
U icb : J 4'id ' , April.
IIUTTEH Steady : fancy cruinnry. 184 o
Imitation. 17CKc : fanc > ladle , 15c ; good ladle
naili- : store parked , l"0lc.
KOas-Fresh , 10- ,
t'UKKHK Steady : fancy New fork , large
mi ! c : fancy New York , iredlum ,
funcy New York. Email. l
Knnann ritv r.mln anil I'rorUlonsj.
H lo higher : No. I hard. t < c : No. 2 , S7O90C
No. I , Sift 7 lie : No. 1 red. lr$5v ; No. 2. 2fj
Sl'icj No. J , SSflSIc ; No. 2 uprlnu , S7c ; No. 3
cXlltN-M'ilerately arth . Uo higher ; No. !
mixed. 2 UO2 bc.
OATS Acthr. tlrm : No. t white , c.
HYK-KInn : No. t. 4 o ,
lIAY-Flrmer ; rholc timothy , tS.Ufrl 00
choir- prairie , t7.00ft7.25.
Ill'TTKH-Weaker ; creamery , ISCUlic ; dairy
KOOS-Sleady at
York Wbeut M rkl.
NBW YOIIK , March 15 , ConsUltrable excite
m nt jurevalled on the wheat curb late this after
noon. lUrtly shaken by attacks made during thi
remilar market sewlont , th bull elenunl losi
entlro control of Ihe market after 2:19 , prleei
tocaklM 4 Wticor May. acatnst Uc at th (
) ncvtarloe . ud | LO K M ttt klcheal for tb <
day. There Mas no attempt made to check the '
demoralization ofnlues. . Wheat bought earlier
In ( ho day was hastily unloaded on the fast
alllntf market , and hvar traders , encouraged by
oports that teller had scld 1CO,000 bu. of May
best , ImmimrtM nnny nt % alues with algor
ot equalled since lh mlddt of last week. At
o'clock thn mstket was In a quieter mood , nlth
> rlcm a fraction up from Ihe lowest , but still
n urry unsettled condition.
Liverpool .Mnrkrt.
T.lVnUPOOls March 13.-WIIKAT Spot.
tfiidy ; No. 3 red western , winter , 7s UM.
COIIN Spot , steady ; American mixed , new ,
T .IW'l Futures , steady ; March , 3s SHd , May , 3
-.d. July , 3s Sd. .
FlOt'll-St , I mls fancy winter , stesdy. 9. fid.
HOPS At London , I > aclflc caait , firm ; 4 104J
5 1.
PllOVISIONS-Ileef. llrm : extra India me > , CSa
d ; prime men * . CCs M. Pork , prime me ? * , flne
estcrn , llrm , 51s 3d ; prime me * . medium west-
rn , 4Ss 9d. Hams , short tut , steady , 3s d.
lacon. nrm , 31s ; short ribs , steady , 31 * M ;
eng clear middles , light and hea\y , 2" > ( M ; Innic
lear mlddlf * heavy , steady , 2 * ; short clear
> ncks , steady , 2S * C.1 ; clear bellies , steady , 32 *
1 ; shoulders , square , steady , 24s 6d. Lird ,
irlme we'tern , steady , 27 W ,
C'HUKSB American flneft nhlte and colored ,
asy , 3Si M ,
TALIjOW Prime liftOnrm. 203.
OILSotlonseof nilrjverr ol reflned. steady ,
5 * 3d. Turpentine -splrlls , llrm , 25s 9d. llosln ,
ommon , steady , 4x.3d. "
CINCINNATI , March H.-FLOL'n-Flrm ;
anoy. JI.33W4.13 ; family. tlSOWI.IO.
WHKAT Quiet ; N(1I2 red , ! rt 4e.
rOHN Easier ; No. 2 mixed , WiJI'ic.
OVTP Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 28S 23c.
HYK Stendy ; No. 2 , 64c.
PIIOV1SIONS Lard , cosy , M 90. Bulk meats ,
easy. J3.10. Ilacon , easy. t5.85.
WHISKY Steady , 11.20 ,
IH'TTEU Easier : Elgin creamery , 20J4c ; Ohio ,
3fMRc ; dairy , 1Q312C.
SlIOAlt Easy ; reflned. tl.l'ffl3.83. ' )
iOOS Firmer , 9c.
CHEIISU Steady ; good to prime Ohio flat ,
Rrnln npcflptN nt Prlnrlpnl Mnrlcet * .
CHICAOO. March 15. necelpts tnxlav. Whe t.
92 cars ; corn , 29J ( cars ; oats , 2SO car * . ntlmnt l
enrlotH tomorrow : Wheat , 1JO cars ; r-jrn , 200
cars ; oats , 17.1 cars.
MINNFJAPO1JS , March 13j Ilecelpts : Wheat.
" "
"ST. LOUIS , March 13. Receipts : Wheat , 26
DULUTH , March IS. Receipts : Wheat , 118
IMillnilrlpliln Prnilnre ,
nnd easier : fancy western creamery , 19V4c.
KOOS Firm ; fresh nearby , 104c ; fresh west-
urn. 10Hc. |
CIIBKSn Steady ; New York factpry , full
cream , fancy , S c ; full cream , fair to choice ,
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO. O. . March 11. WHI3AT Fnlrlr ao-
Ive : cash nnd May , unchanged. 97c.
COIIN AclUp. closed neik ; No. 2 mixed , Sic.
OATS Dull , steady : No. 2 mixed. 27',4c.
IlYB-Dull , steaily ; No. 2 cosh , Sic.
ri/ViHSiiu AclUe , steady ; prime cash ,
nTtrolt Market.
nirrnoiT. March n. WHEAT NO. i white ,
9lc ; No. 2 red. cash and May , Kc.
COIIN No. 2 mixed. X2c.
OATS No. 2 white , 2 % c.
UYi : No. 2. f2c. '
l eor > n Mnrkein.
PKOIIIA. Match 1.1 COIIN Firm : No 2 , 2V.
OXTS Firm and Inactive ; No. 3 vYtf > , 27J23c.
HYK Quiet and nominal : No. 2. 4930e.
WHISKY High proot splrlta. H.19'4.
Sun Frniiplooo Whent Mnrket.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 13.-WHiAT-Dull ;
December. I1.33H ; May. $1.40 .
Arc ConfiiHcil mill the Mnrket
NOW YORK , March 15. The movements In
stock prices today were confused and the market
iii7zllng. De-ldedly lower quotations for Ameri
cans In London caused an unsettled tone In
prices. Prices partly responded to Ihe London
nltlathe , but did not go further than the London
imrlty. A furious buying mo\emcnt further
lilted the whole mrfrket strongly aho\e last
night's closing. The buying was most conspicu
ous In the local and Industrial specialties , hut
there was no lack of strength In the railway
list , grangers being especially heaxy. Heavy
realizing met the adx-nnce nnd xvlped out n larse
pirt of It xxhcn the llrst hour hail expire 1. Th's '
xx a * Ihe most ncllve period of the day's trading.
There then ensued n slow and lal rlous rccoxery ,
which dexeloped higher prlies than the llnl
spurt. Ami yet this second advance xxns wiped
out In practically all cases except In the case
of some specialties , and the day shows net losses
In most of the Ktnmhud stocks , extending to a
point cr oxer In some cates. Thus almost Ihe
extreme range of the market xxns trax-craed four
times during the day. There was little In the
ncxvit to explain thla moxement. Wall street
explanation of the movement wax In the political
line. Spanish 4s partly recovered In Paris , nfter
n decline , reflecting the growth of better political
feeling there. London sold freely here on the
mornlmj ailxance , nrl there was heavy realizing
besides ntlrlbulcd * o vnry powerful local mtttket
interests. The character of. this realizing- sug
gested that the advance might-have be > n manipu
lated , but the usual procedure for sucli a
maneuver by a powerful combination U to bid
up the price of Americans In Tendon by cable
orders , the supply of stocks belne limited there
and results more easily attained. Hut London
prUes were loner this morning.The early ad
vance WOK materially helped by the aggressive
strength of the local traction stocks on account
of the belief In antagonism to rapld.translt plans
In Inlluentual quarters. Metropolitan street rail
way was at one time up 6 points and Manhattan
3U points. A number of the Industrial stocks
rose over 2 points , and a number of the railroad
stocks nt one time showed net advances of over
a point. The .retrograde movement of price *
seems to be disassociated from any ncxvs o
the day , as xvere the advances. Realizing o
profits offers the only explanation. Prices for
foreign exchange moved to a loner level today
in spite of addltonal ! mox'fments of gold for Im
port. Actual rates for demand sterling declined
% , and the actual rate for sixty-day bills , an
well os the posted rates fcr both long nnd tnor
sterling , fell > /4c. flesldes tbe engagements o
gold for Import from Europe lo New York a
shipment of J , ' . ,000 , 000 was announced from Aus
tralla for nn Francisco. There V.BS no casing
of the local money rate In response to these
movement ! . The bond markel was slrong ur to
the closing , when prices eased off In sympathy
xxlth stocks. Total sales , 42,190,000. United
States new 4s advanced. 1V4. the 5s M nnd th
old 4s registered 14 1 W. . . . .
The Evening POST'S ' 'London financial cable
gram : In splto of Lord , ( Salisbury' * lllne th
stock market * here opened lietter todayIn III
absence of further disturbing news , but on heivj
relllng of Spanish and other stocks from Parl
all the market * slumped. Americans at one tlm
were very flat. There was no support from nrbi
trago houses nnd prices here were beloxv th
New Yorlc lex el , Then the two bg ! Nexv York
house * turred nnd bought , and pr'ces recoxered
simultaneously. Paris stopped felling , nlth th
result that the bear a listened to scramble In
causing prices In all the mark ts to close a
the l > est. Spanish 4n fluctuated between 52 nn
S3Vi , closing nt 61. Ornnd Trunk xvas better , 1
sjmpithy with Americans , nnd South Amerlcin
were belter on the Paris markets , xx'hlch nr
still most unsettled nnd fever sh. The sulcid
of n stock broker dees not Indicate fresh llnancla
trouble , In spltil of the heaxv premium on gel
by the Hank of Frame. I l-xderxtand lhat ship
ments from Paris to New York still pay. Ther
In an Impression In good quarters that the Han
of I'ngland rray rnUe the price of enisles n
any further considerable xxlthdraxvals. The Lon
don market Is SH , nnd consequently the Hank o
Ungland monopolizes the discount business
Following are thn doting quotations of th
leading stocks on the New York market today ;
Total sales of stocks today. 4:8.100 shares , in
eluding ; Atchlion preferred , 7,131 ; Chenpeak
A Ohio. S.570 ; Chicago , llurllngton & Uulnc-y
4)1,773 ) ; Krle preferred. 3,71li : Louisville * Nash
\llle , 10,110 ; Manhattan , 33.570 : Metropolitan
9,313 ; Reading preferred. 3.4U ; Missouri I'srlflo
3M ; Missouri , Kanrus A Texas preferred , 6,400
New York Central. 7.041) ; Northern 1'aclflc. 7W
Northern Paclilo preferrrd. 13.130 ; Rock IsUnd
taa30 ; St. 1-uul. 62.750 ; Union 1'acltlc , 6,070 ; To
tmrco , 10.905 : I'eople'si Oas. lO.lriO ; General Rlec.
trie. { ,470 ; Sugar , -47.6CO ; Western Union , a,4iO.
American < > curlllra ! T.aadoM.
r/I.VDON. March.U.-The iMrket for Ami-rlcn
ecurltles after a Hrra qptntnc was quiet saw
declining , but recovered befor * the close on New
'ork btiln * . The closing ton * wiui buoyant and
le demand moderate.
\pvr York > lonr > - Mnrkrl.
omlnnlly nt 2 14 per cent.
STURHNO EXCHANOK-Steady. nlth nrtual
uslness In Imnkcrs' bills at H. fr fl , .
anil and l4.8j1f4.Sl for sixty da ) a : posted rates ,
4.81HfMl < a and H.IHU4.85'4J commercial bills ,
I.MU < rl.(0-1i.
SILVUR CKRTiril'ATKS-V > ff55 ic.
HAR SILViil-5)Wc. )
sdv ; new 4s , res-
stprnt , 111 ; coupon , 1214 , ; 4s , rrKj-cct-O llo :
oupon. Ill ; 2 . 914 ; I'acinc r < i of ' 99 , 1024.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows ;
S. nowli. .I'-'H N.J. o.ds ni'
I. S. no vV 4s con. . .1224 N. c. Us lto : >
I. S. 4s.rJi N.C.4 < till
LS.44.coup .111 No. I'aoino lti. . .1131 *
I. S. ' 'a m No. P.lclflo 3 OBU
I.S. Aa.reT ! in No. P.ioino 4s . . . . HI
1.8. 6 . coup 111mi N. r.C.U. ! I 4 . .10.4
) lntrlct7. Ilia. , . , mi N. * W. Us 120
la. . class Ul . N. W.Consols 143
Ala.clnssll ,1118 , * , N. W. Dob. Is 11.1
lOlt Oro.Nav.lBH 110
, Oil Ore. Nar. 49 . . . . 'ft ,
.tcliinoti4 , SS 4 O. S. LI. iln. t. r.
Atchiswiufif. 4s. . , 57 O. 9.L. 33. t. r.'j..v
O.I in i ) . UM. Ur..I
Chicago Ti r'14H. O Imp ua. t. r
n.u -in 114 IMclttcbs of't > 5. . .10:1 :
C. H. , V p. Haiullnir 4s .1 POM
.lltl , ll. ( .Wo t 1st * . . . . HO
' St. I , A I. M. GJJ. I 88T
KastTjnn , ats. 'lU5 St. li AS. F.Oan.u.ll'r
Krl flflrt. 4 * r. SI. P. Coniola 140
V W ST > . L . i. r. ! 09 St. P. C. , k P. 1st * , . . US
' 10IS4. SI. P.O. Jk I * s 113
o. if' .113.j .109 Southern Uv. Jv. . .
O.H. .101 9. H..VT. 6s
H. .10H14 Temi.nuw . .
1. & T.U.I n'u Us. Tex 1'ao. I. O.lft !
owa eali is. , . . . OS Tax. 1'ac. Re. .M * . .
K P. Con. , t.r U. P. D. 10. Isll. _ . .
K.lMst . .rr.i 1 m < Wnb. lnt.ts 1IIU !
La. Now Con. 4 * , , . lot Wab 2 < li , . 7'J '
L. .VN.iUrd .49. . , . Him Wont Shore 41 . . . . KM'
Missouri 0 inn Va. CoiunrU's OH4
M.K.ST.UU 5S > f V.i. ilof.-rrj 1 31 *
M. K.AT.GU H7 Union I'.iclllc nM. . 41I > 4
N. Y.Cilsl * lldV < tIiitoaPiclIlc4i. . . Bl
noilnn Stock Quotntloiia.
IJOSTON , JInrch 13. Call loans , 3ff4 per
cent ; time loans. 105 per cent. Clo lnit prices
or Mocks , bond * Qlul mlnlntr Fhnres :
A.T.&S. F \V. Eluo .
American I20 * < VT. Klee pM .
Aui.Snirar nfil , . . . 109 lioslon L . 55
3nv state Oa . . , . Krt. iioa. Ill . 105
Hell Telepliona. . . 24tl AtchlHoa pfd .
loston * Aloinv. Oen. Kleo. fii .
UontonA Maine. . . 10.1 AtchlHOti 4a .
do pfil 158 Allouoz MlnlnrCj
C..D.&Q . 158W Atlantlo . 211 V
W noaion It Montani 171
Jencral Kloctrio , ' Bnttei notion. . . .
Mexican Caatm. 0 . 8)0
N. V.i N.IS. pM. CcnlennlHl . ia
Ola caloir 180 Pranklln .
3S. , 1. . . . Onceola . s
irioDer 111 Cnlncv . 107
Inlon I'aclilo TamurncR . 144
Went End Wolverines
Well End Dtd 10J P.irroU. . . , . am
Sun Krnnclnco 3llulnR flnotntlniia.
BAN FRANCISCO. March 15. Oniclal clo lngr
quotations on mining stocks today nere n ( ol
ows : N
Aim. : . in .Tlllll 1
AluhaCon. . . . . . ; . . 7 lummcltvCon. . .
Andoa. . . so Mexicnn 31
Jelchnr , . . ' 4 Ocnlilonul Con. . 2'2
le i V tlololier. . . . no Ophlr 41
Iiilllon . ! - Overman II
M 1'olosi 44
: iiilkMieo ; Con . " 5 Sav.ue i3 !
Ihollnr. . . . . ; . 55 Scorpion i3ft
115 Slerr.i Neradi. . 103
Jon. Cai. A Vs. . . . 70 Shvur Hill 10
: row n Point. . 19I Union Con 3.5
Exchequer . I ) Utah Con 10
imla&Curria. . . . in Yollovr Jackal , . jr
HaloJc Norcross. . 140 Stun lanl l-o
Silver bars , Wo ; Mexican dollars , 4J'j'tHCc
drafts , sight , 12Hc ; telegraph , 13c.
Xp v Vork
NEW YORK. March 14. The following are the
closing mlnlni ; quotations :
hollar Ontario yo )
Crown Point. . . . . . is Onmr. 40
-tin. Cal. A Va. . . . 7S Plvmoutn 8
Deadwoou 70 Quicksilver 100
3oudi ) Carrv 13 Onlclcsilvor DM. . . ' 'Oil
Hale & Nornrois. . 1'JO SlerniNoviai. . . . H3
Homent.-mo 37110 9t.indn\1 150
Iron Silver S Union Con 110
Vleiiean 28 Yellow J.ickot . . . . < J5
I.oiiiloii Stock HuotaUoni.
LONDON. March 13. 4 p. -Closing :
Consols , m'v Y. Ccntr.u 114H
Consols , aecl 111)4 I'oiHiHylvanl.i SHH
Cnn. p.ictno 83V Ui'artlnsr 8I
Erie ii ; > Mox C.eti. now 4V. 00
Kilo 1st pfd : u
111. Ccmr.ii lusi L.AN 00)4
M \icanordinary. . lii > Or.tnil Trunk 8
St. Paul common. . . irj >
ITAR SILVUn-Stencly , 2Td per ounce.
MONEY 2M per cent. The rate of discount In
he open market for short and three months'
bills , 3' < i3Vi per cent.
Flnniiclnl Vote * .
.7JO.Sf3n.rC" " < - " " * . > ' < > = s. : * -
ances. . . .
March ll-Clearlns , | 13.-
, 11,638,291
CINCINNATI. March IS.-Neir York exchange ,
'Jlfc ? ' nt ! mont' > ' . 2ViO6 per cent ; vlnarlne' ,
. .
MKMl'li ilS. March l3.-Clearlnj ( , t3 8$09 ; bal-
ance ; l/JSl l,085. New York exchange , ellng nt
Jl.U ) frrcti
NEW C RL.UANS , March 13.-Clearlng , 2IJ.-
34 ? , Kw York exchance. bank , par ; commer
cial. ier 11,000 discount.
ST.loLC tjiy. Slarch 15. Clearings , H.C06.938 ;
balance * , } S22,933. Money , 69S per cent. New
York * c. anitc , par blj. IS c discount arked.
OMAH , . Mam1 ! 15. The bank clearing ! ) today
were ta73S1393 : balances were tm.204 01. In 1837
the clear rips were 1733,394.18 , and the balanres
wore MZilSOti 11. Increase In clearings for the
day , f219.FH.77.
OHWiO , March 13-Clenrlnns. 11(1.974.111 ( ,
New XorK exchange. ! 0c discount. I'oftod rate * .
$482 and 114.8JV4. Stocks llrmer with Wall street.
Trading Ight. Alley L. 30Vi bid : Illucult , 21 % ;
IllHcult itreferred , 7J % : Diamond Match , Ul ;
IjQke Sret | I * 12 ; Strawlxmrj. 23J ; West Clil-
- Foreign Flnniiclnl ,
HRRL.IN , March 15. There was a better under
current on the bouro today. American anil
Canadian Pacific rccurlden were harder nnd
Italians were easier. In response to the tone
of the Paris bourse.
LONDON. March 15. Spanish 4 closed at 6JVi.
a r t loss of \ from > exterdaj. American
ensiles tn the amount of X40.001 were wlthdrawwn
from the Dank of England todny. Hold Is quoted
at Iluenoi Ayret. today nt IGo.
PARIS , March 15. The bourse early In tlio
dny nan agitated qnd cal ( . Liter It became
quieter and a better trme provuilej on London
quotations , which caused stocks to rally , Span
ish 4a excepteilvlilli. . nfter dccllnlnc to
K -910 , milled and closet ! nt 53 , unclunged from
yestcnlay. Three per cent renle ere Kit 82V4o
for the account ; exchange on London , 2of 31H °
for checks.
Favorable uCblc Ilniortsi Itmull In nn
Advance In I'rlrt-x.
NKW YORK. March 13. The cotlon market
shoxxej a healthier undertone today on a gen
erally better clam of nexvs. Speculation xxas
light , exrept during the llrst hour. The ( list
call dexeloped n steady markel , xxlth prices un
changed to 1 point higher. Soon nfter the open
ing prl'on moxPd up 4H1 points on actlxe bujlng ,
led by Llxerpool reports which xxerc started by
late faxorable English cables , Indicating that
port receipts xxould fall beloxx early estlmales ,
more confident feeling In London and local stock
markets , and a marked scarclly of ofttrlngs ,
lluslnecs fell nrt fharply after the flri.t hour and
for the balance of the session wan x'ery light ,
with the professional element In control. One
of the chief fupportti of the market continues to
1 the flrmnosj xx'lth xxhlch ( | > ot tollon Is held
Ihraughout Ihe south. Exporters xxere bald to
be buying xvherexer possible at yesterday's | lg-
uien , but business wa * seriously checked by tne
conserxullxe xlewj of holders. The market
closed xery steady at a net gain of 4S8 points.
Spot , quiet ; middling , G'ic ; net receipts , 552
bales ; croc * . 4,100 bales ; exports to Oreut llrlt
aln , 7,033 boles ; to the continent , 72G bales ; for-
xvunleJ , 7SSbales | ; sales. Ul bales ; spinners , 312
bales : sto ks , 1S3.SC5 bales. Total today ; Net re
ceipts , r 2 .1 ) bales ; eximrts to Great llrltaln ,
11.286 bales ; to the continent , 11.437 bales ; stock ,
1.D6I.4B4 bales. Consolidated : Net receipts , 84-
181 bales ; exports to Great llrltaln , 03. < t bales ;
lo the continent. 29,313 bales. Total ( luce Sep.
tember 1 : Net receipts , 7 , 17,923 bales ; eiports
to Oreat llrltaln , 2,133,787 tiales ; to France , 13-
SS bales ; to tn continent , 2.284.510 bales.
NEW OIir.KANS. March M. COTTON Future *
nUady ; ' 'salea. 21,300 bales ; March , I3.MJM CO ;
April , I5.&S69 ; May , | 5.Cld5.C2 : June. t $ K&
& .6-I ; July , tS.e7O5.6a ; Aunuet. 5.66Oi67 : Hep.
tember , ti.Wi(6.67 ; Octolxr , t5.66iI5.67 ; Nmem
ber. t5.t : December , P6 35.70 ; January ,
tS.72ei.73. Rpot , steady ; sales , 4,600 tales ;
ordinary , 49-lfc ; coed ordinary , 4 T5-16c ; low
middling , IJVii- : middling , 5lfto ; gooil middling ,
G 15-JGc ; mldailnr fair , 6 51O.receipts ; , Ifil
bales ; atnck. 47 ,342 tales. ' ?
prices easier ; American middling , 3 11-3d. "The
sales of the day were 8OuO bales , oT which &an
balea were for ( peculation and export and In
cluded 7,700 bales American ; receipts , 28,000
baler. Including 21CO ) bales American , F.utup
opened quiet , xxlth a moderate demand''find
closed.1 sinady ; American middling , 1. m.'c. .
March3lj7C4@3 1H-S4J , buyers ; March Hnd
April/2 17-6103 ll-64d , tjyersApril and May ,
3 18-641 , Allen ; May and June. 3 18-WW3 l6ld ,
sellert ; Jilni- and July , 3 19-6IJ , sellers ; August
and l epteniber. I 19-C4J , sellers ; September and
Oclobvr , 3,1U-S4J , sellers ; October and November ,
S 18lfJ36ld , bujers ; Nox ember and Decem
ber , i. 18Hd , bu > ers ; December and January ,
I U-6UH iMId , value.
C nllfnrnla Ilrlrd Praltn.
FJlUlTrt iulBt , . hut flrm. < Kvap > irat * < l applet.
4iummJD. > 38c ; .prime wire tray , MfSVic ; vxood
dried'brine. SHeHW choice. tO9V4c. prunes ,
JiiOSe. Apricots , Boyal. SU4f8c ; Moor Park. | i.
> 10c PeachM , uapeel d , 54t c ; peeled , -
Ki ill Hlver Cloth Markrl.
plVKIt. March 15. Tte print cUlh
nwrkm Is dull at S 3-lltc. nominal. Although no
a.tler hax Ken made , brnkrrr rrporC lhat rtf
, bought for Ilic.
Liberal fiun of All Sorts and a Very Good
Shipper * A10 lil Ihe Penn hut the Home
1) em mill Support * Pi-tern ling *
l'iiNaccc sjfnl In Hiltd
I on Vntnc * . i
SOUTH OMAHA , March 13. Ilccclpts for
the day Indicated were ;
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. Hor's.
March 15 3,710 0,007 3,011
March 14 2.1S8 l.tSO 4.8M
March 12 2.10S 4.5.12 796 20
March 11 2.4S2 B.M2 ! 1.9'S
March 10 2,312 4.C97 10,207
March 9 2. ! > 04 C.231 6,576 47
March S 2,939 G.C09 7.8G9 3
March 7 3.200 3,170 3.5S4 4
March 5 1.137 5.43 ; 1,270 6li
March 4 1.S23 6.515 6,245 41
March S..j l,6i2 B.S99 3.763 2
March 2 \.t\ 5,319 4,833 5
March 1 2,779 7,800 4.230 3
February 28 1,834 4.541 4,051
February 26 940 5,273 3 612
February 23 1,222 G.6M 4.040 41
The ofllclal number of c.irs of Block
brought In today by each road was :
Total receipts 151 90 IB 2
The disposition of the ilay's receipts was
is follows , each buyer purchasing the nuin-
> er of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle. . Hop * . Sheep.
linaha Packing Co 175 714 200
G. 11. Hammond Co. . . . S 1,546 ISO
Swift and Company. . . . M7 l.l.M 1,311
Cudahy Packing Co. . . . 6iS 2,231 1,418
I. Ueeker and Degan. . 71
/ansant & .Co EG
r. I. , . Carey GO
. .ounian & Ilothpchllda. . 135
> V. I. Step'iens yi
enton & Underwood . . 41
itiston & Co 41
vrebbj & Co "G
Livingston & Schalcr . . 102
„ . R Husz 42
iamllton 45
iiimmond , from K. C 3J4 . . . .
iwlft , from country 40
Myers .ill
> ther buyers 309 . . . . 014
Left over 70 . . . .
Total 3,370 0.303 3,723
CATTLE Today's c.ittle. receipts * ' ore the
argest of any dny In .several weeks. The arrivals numbered 3.7JO head , a < against
- ' . ! ! > $ yesterday. 2,939 one week ago and 2.77'.i
ViO weeks ago. The receipts consisted
.irgolv of half-fat and medium giadi-s of
corn-fed steers , the average quality of the
ecelptB biilng far from good. The maiket
as \\hole did not show much change.
lleef Steers Today's fat cattle \\ero wimt-
ng In new or Interesting features. There
were n good many cattle on "ale , but the
demand was good and the offerings were by
10 means hurden omi' . At the. same tlmo
: he average quality 'aas o poor that uhlp-
> ers did not feel like operating and In con-
"equence the movement 'Aas a little leas
brisk than might otheiwlso have been the
case. Still local packets .wanted . the cattle
i ml the. big bulk of the stuff sold In good
neason. The prices paid were just about the
same as prevailed on yesterday's market.
Hutchers' Stock The offerings of rows ,
nnd heifers ucro the largest In n long time ,
there being probably thirty loads or more
of that kind of stuff In the yards. Kor n
few days past the supply of butchers' stock
lias hardly come up to the requirements of
packers , so that they wore rather hungry
for the cattle this morning. As a resul ;
the buyers were out early and the cows and
heifers were soon moving toward the scales
The market continued reasonably active al
Just about steady prices , nnd the close came
early , with the pens practically cleared.
Stock Cattle There'v\ore ' only a few loads
of genuine mocker * and feeders In the I"U
but there was no end to the half-fat stuf
which would do for feeders. The dcinam
for light cattle was very good and n hlg )
.as , $3.10 and $3.20 was pi 111 for choice calves
or yearlings , the latter price being the toj
to far this year. To bring such prices th <
cattle have to be well bred and wlthou
tlo h. Half-fat cattle sold a little better to
day , the surplus In the hands of speculator ;
having been cleaned up. The market ot
Mockers and feeders as a whole was full ]
steady. Representative sales :
No. AV. Pr. No. AxPr. .
i. . . . sco 3 ro 24. . . . SIC II 00
S..117G 4 00 2..12.5 4 00
{ ) . . . . 1133 4 21) 21..1183 4 33
7..1231 4 43 2I..12IG 4 40
19. . . .1235 450 2..1173 4 50
3. . . . 8S6 3 75 21. . . .1103 4 0 > )
17..1102 4 25 1..1030 4 21
34..1257 4 J5 8..1JJ5 4 45
1 , . . . BSD 4 00 15..1113 4 45
1. . . . 970 S 95 1. . . . 700 4 00
:3. . . . P10 4 10 15. . . . 'M 4 15
10.1551 4 85
I..I1VU 3 K 2..1111) 3 S3
2..1IP5 4 CO 1..1160 4 00
2. . . . D63 4 10 11..11(12 ( 4 13
1..12W 4 21 18..11.7 4 K
22..1C13 4 25 12..1KH 4 21
19..1349 4 35 17..11.1 . 4 33
31. . . .12SS 4 4i > II..1235 4 CO
6. . . . SOO 3 CO 3. . . . 980 3 00 46..1097 3 35
45. . . . 7 % 3 40 6..1123 3 75 2..1245 t 00
1..10W 2 85 1..1034 3 00 1).1H60 310
4..1064 .141 1..1110 3 50 1..1330 3 55
1. . . . 900 3 00 1. . . 750 3 00
ll010 ! ! ! ! SM 1..1140 3 10 1..1040 ft 10
1. , . . > < H ) 3 33 3..1221) 3 35 ! > < . . . . 82 3 40
2. . . . 97 < > 340 17..HOI 3 40 20..IU93 3 45
26..1121 3 60 4..1090 3 60 7..1012 3 65
1. . . . 910 325 1..1010 2 85 1. . . . 970 3 00
15. . . . SW 3 4' ' ) C..1I48 3 40 3. . . .1100 3 M
4..10R2 3 63 2. . . . tSl 2 K 2..10SO 3 10
1..10SO 3 40 1..1100 3 50 5..1044 379
8..1211 3 75
1. . . . 870 2 00 2lOW 251 1. . . . 801 2 50
1..1030 37" 1. . . . MO 2 75 . . . , * 300
i..i:3i 3 i 1..112U 3 00 1. . . . DO ) 3 (5
10 , . . Oil 3 05 1..11.V ) 3 10 l.i1M 3 26
3. . .1110 3 25 1..1020 325 10..1071" 3 31
2. . 1'XO 3 40 2..1115 3 40 I..1203 3 40
4..1170 3 4" , 2..J233 3 45 44..12-17 3 M
8..1018 3,4 1..1220 3 CO 21 . . .IduO 3 C5
3.1. .1030 3 75 1..1040 3 73 4..1521 3 00
. . 75i ) 3 GO 1. . . .1130 400 1. . , 534 I 25
. . S * ) 385 1. . 850 3 04 , 677 3 65
. . ! * ) > 3 M 4. . 640 4 10 4li ! , 945 3 61
. . 706 3 G3 1. . 640 3 so 8. . . ,1075 , 4 10
, . 140 4 31 1. . 930 3 25 1. . . , 570 3 30
. . 918 3 r.O 21. . . .loai 3 M 2. . . i 830 J ? )
. . 1.07 3 81 9. . 4'8 4 04
. . 105 3 55 1. . 804 3 55 2. . . . 655 3 cn
. . 410 3 61 1. . 840 1 71 2(1. . . , .182 3 75
. . SI22 3 115 1. . M ) 4 CO 1 . . . 870 400
! . . . .18aO 3 30 1. . . . 970 3 K 1..1500 1 Jl )
1..14IO 1 r.O 1..1M1 3 21 1..1SCO 3 .15
1..1760 3 40 1..1740 3 44 1..11C.I J 50
1..1I70 3 K 1. . .1134 3 30 1..1G50 2 50 3 54 I..1130 3 01 1..16IO 3C5
1..1GC4 3 C5
1..1174 2 M 1..1120 250 1..11M 250
1..1030 3 04 1..1UO 3 15 2..17JO 1 30
1..13.24 3 M 1..1HO 3 35 1..12i)0 3 40
1..213) 3 40 1..1MO 344 1..1780 3 15
1..1230 3 41 1..K.50 3 41 1..13M 3 50
1..1294 3 54 1. . . . ! ! ) 3 54 3..1215 3 31
1..1150 360 1..1080 3 65 1. . . . 850 3 65
1. . , . 110 575 1. . . . 154 625 1. . . . SCO 4 CO
1. . . . 170 G 25 1. . . . 230 6 50
2..1255 3 80 1. . . . 830 3 21 1..1070 .1 74
. ' 721 3 50 25. . . . 727 3 94 3. . . . CW 4 00
31. . . 652 4 30 10. . , , SI4 40 22. . . . 927 4 10
. 7 0 4 25 8. . . . 968 4 4 > 2. . . . 625 4 kO
2l : : : 594 4 M 1..112D 3 70 1. . . . 70 4 (0
" 8 BO 14. , . . 918 4 50 7. . . . 6SI ) 10
& ! 633 G 10 3j. . . COO 5 10 17. . . 411. 5 25
u. . 441 52.1 1. . . . 480 5 25 ' ' B1 B 2S
l.,890 404 . . . . VM400 t. : . . 883 4 25
1. . . . IO 4 25 3. . . . 834 4 23 I.870 4 30
24. . . . 972 4 34 17. . . . 734 4 45 t . . . , 54 4 60
57. . . . 834 4 60 „ 2. . . . 910- -4 25 1. . . . 880 4 25
1. . . . 10 4 40
4. . . . 753 300 1. . . . 810 3 SO t. . . . 4S5 350
1. . . . 590 3 54 2. . , . C30 3 50 1. . . . 870 3 70
2. . . . 850 3 70 2. . . . 835-370 20. . . . 897 4 f )
< 4..1011 4 04 2. . . . 790 4 04 2. . . . 745 4 00
8..4S4 4 00 16. . ; , ( TO 4 00 21. . . , 9J1 4 < K
16. . , . 833 4 14 3. . . , ! i l 4 10 S , . , . vll 4 11
23..1026 4 15 13..1046 4 21 3 , . . , Mu 4 25
1..C3U 4 25 K. . , . 7 8 I 2.1 C1..1011 4 25
S. . . . 722 4 45 38. . . , 915 4 M II. , . . 532 5 IS
1. . . . 4K ) B 15 21. . . . 5 ) 5 15 1. . . . KW & 25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
78steem 713 t75
HOOS-ltpcelpts of IIOKS ns xxcll ns of mill ,
were of fair proportions , thoutfh rather small fn
a Tuesday , toda > 'a offering constsllni ; of 6,00
heail , ns HKalnst l.C-'O > esterday , C.C./J a xxt-el
BKO and 7,8m ) two weeks ns < > .
In spite of the moderate run on n day -\Iifi
much heavier receipts mJeht reasonably be rx
pected , the buyers wore unmlntakubly on Hi
bear side. They started out bidding prices tbn
n ere a shade to 5c lower , S llem wore slow | (
make any such concession , and as ndxlces friti
other ixdnts were rather favorable , boxers mire ,
their hands , and the pens were soon cleared , bu
nt prices that were a llltlo easier than ycsler
day.The hog * sold at U..1 to tl 75. UK again * ! tl.d
O3.W yesterday , but the bulk brought t3.70 01
bolli da > s.
The market today was 7'ic lnvr than a weel
, and clone to lOc lo er than txro xveeks 030
Hepresentatlve sales ;
No. AT. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Hh. Pr.
10 1CS 80 J3 W ! 175 MtZtfi
tl.,24D W 3 63 > 2 232 W I"
U , 211 nv .1 ( B M ltd , . , 3 M
73 l it . . ! I M 07 ! 17 . . . Stt
2L1 IS ) 1 6S M , , . . . . ; .s , . , 3 r
rn . . . s M M : w . . . 3 M
.a . . . : ii 9x > 3 . - > < a XT. M j si
i : IT " . . . stn 4 . . .vsi MIK
w..yo \y ) 36. % di r.i . . . 3 " > ' .
.FI . . . 3 a r.i. . . . . . . . : : w 3f\
f. tl4 44 3 f3 U SIX . . . * M
O K4 . . . a 67'j I'.l 3-V3 120 .1 CT , , '
m &v > IM s 7i , 9i SIR . . . .teit ,
1 ill IM 3 C7V , 67 2 l KQ 3 67' ,
" S3 til 3 6714 10 r:6 : . . . S 6V >
2M 4 < ) 3r.7 4 n m M 3C7' ,
. . . , . . . .1C t ) a 674 H > 2 * > l 40 .167' ' ,
I IDJ . . . 3 67' ' * 72 IT , . . . 3674 *
6 S W 3 67) ) , 71 K9 M * C7U
I K2 . . . 367't ' ' SI ) 41 3 n4
. . . . . . . . 12) 3671 , ( A 271 VI 3 CIVi
1 VS-1 . . , 3 74 ( > 6 211 S < ) 370
t 271 13) 370 r,7 Ul . . . 374
1 2 > J . . . 3 " < > 76 ? I3 IM 57' ' )
) ; ; , en a 7n fn : n 40 a 70
9 S02 SO 37' ' ) 61 M . . . 970
) . „ ! l . . . 3 70 M 27 . . . .170
1 2J7 . . . .170 SI SJ1 . . . 370
S 2 ; 40 .1 70 41 it ! . . . 3 7l )
23 : S3 . . . 3 70 a 341 160 3 70
254 40 3 70 70 2i7 . . . 370
I , .273 . . . 170 76 211 40 370
1 2S7 SO 370 M 214 4) 370
2 i' 40 3 70 K > 242 . . . 3 70
. . . . , . . . 200 3 70 79 26) ) 160 370
S 316 . . . S 70 M 339 . . . 3 70
61 2.-.C . . . 370 . 77 210 . . . 370
CO . . .211 ICO 3 70 M 311 TO 3 70
1 218 . . 370 70 ,241 . . . 370
M 23J 120 370 61 2S1 . . . 370
4 237 . . . 370 f.2 W120 370
7 .2.'S . . . 370 ( K V ) M 3 70
4 316 SO 371(4 ( " " ' ! < 2 ' " 2'a '
) 247 : . . a 75 M :49 . . . 37i
1 .270 . . . 373 74 2 10) 375
6 2M . . . .171 W 211 . . . 375
1 236 . . 3 73
1 410 SO 3 N 1 3JO . . . 3 M
1 210 . . . 340 1 470 SO 370
1 . ,400 . . . 3 M 1 31) . . . 370
2 r.C. . . . . 3 fO G . ' , . . . 3 7' ' )
2 1W . . . 3C. ) " . . Ki . . . 370
3 170 . . . 3 l"
SHUUP Tlicre x\.i a Bond run of sh ep hi'n
ndny , the total receipts footing Up 3.OH ho id.
is against 4Mi > yesterday , 7sC'i n xxceK K and
' ,2.1) txxo xveeks ago.
The demand wan fully equal to the onVrlnr *
mil the mipplx * xxas Keen exhausted , i-x'orj thing
icing sold nnd xxelghcd up early In the m'irn-
, \ < t to the values mutton sheep xverc gcnrrnlly
Oc hlpher and lambs fully steady. Western
nmh-i wild up In $ "i.15. As n xxhnlo. the market
xas xery illsfactorj' lo the nelllng Inlcn'sts. nnd
ilcli In comparison to other mnrkcts. llepuscntn-
Ixo sales :
No , Av. Pr.
01 xxe trrn lamKs M Jl 15
fixxestern xxelherA * . . . . ! ili 4 0
D'l xxostern xxethera 101 4 M
00 xxestorn mixed 102 410
t Mexican lamb : . S ) 5 10
00 Mexican lambs 7 > S 10
01 Mexican lambs , 7j ( 510
iV xxcstern owes IDS 4 (
xxestcrn lambs fit . ' li
\\eslern Iambs , . 03 315
Dcmnnil for 'lloKi ' I" HtruiiKor anil
1'rloon HlnliiT.
CIUCAQO. March li. The demand for cattle
oday , although moderate , xxas sulllclcnlly large
o lake the light offerings nt Mnuly price * .
Choice entile were scarce nnd silos nboxi1 J'.IO
vcro I'xlremely few , the bulk of the steers selling
at II 30 > 3.10 The Blacker and feeder trade xxn8
? ol nt $ .1 & " > ftl i > * > , a fexxcommnn lots Kclllpi ;
t $335 3.75. Cunning coxxs xxctp In grxxl deiuard
nnd mles xxcre chlelly al 12 BOifl IH ) . Then' XXIIH
lo clmngu In fill bulchcrlng cnus and heifers.
Ctilxes x\ero fairly acllxo at loxxcr pilcro. Chulco
X i-al c.ilx es sold around 18 M.
I'rlci-B for IIOKS xxeic stronger und largely 3 ?
higher , light xx eights being discriminated against
ami Knowing lc .s nilxaiui- than hcnxlor IIO B.
Salon xverion n basis of $ " .7Cf-l 0 > , the bu'k of
Iw i-alcs crmslng Ihe ru'alrx nt $1 ( Wf3.a4. '
Prices xxcre steady and unchanged fin rho'p.
> niubt , xxhlrh ci > mprl iil the Kii-nt bulk of thr
lTi-rliiKO. xxeie In ijuod ilfiniind at SI i i'i.4' , t > ' \ \
lulng beloxv .V and shorn soiling at the Icivxoal
inctv. Ool'iniiln l.unlM pioilninlnnttd anil noM
hlo'lv nt < > ? W5 40. coTiiiiion fuelling f Shwp
xx'ere salabla at J3 25M C5 , aile bi'Ing I irgely nt
t 1JI M , wlt'i PXXI-S going lit W'Ofil.T , Yeirllng
sheep broUBTlit > l SOfJ-SOO ; choice l.unln xxi-rc 3yloc
ilKher ,
Ilecclpts : Cattle , 2,500 lund ; hogs , 15,000 head ,
hcep , 15,000 head.
st. iTinTT M VP "stuck.
ST. IX3UIS , March 13.-OATTI.i-llecelpls ,
2.COO bend , Including SOO head Toxiitis ; hli- |
ineiU" . 1,2'jil ' he. ul ; in irkel Klo.ulv to HIIOIIK ; lull
to fancy native shipping nnd ospiit Btivrs , $ iV )
ff'ioi ) ; Itulk of sales. $ I75W'SO , ilie- " * ! . ! ! boot and
butcher stopp. $4 iMSTS 15 ; hulk or sili-s , Jl JVn
4 M > ; Htecrn und < -r 1WO Ibs. , J3 OTf l.-Vj ; l ill ! ol
sales , Jl OOffl 30 : stocki-ra nnd feeilors. 3 : i5f I 2nj
bulk of Kill's , JJuO'jilufl : coxxs and hi'lfirn , li M < r
4 50 j ToxaH and Indian sti'i-is. 2ill GO , xxllh
some steeta from the 1'oit Wnith , 'iVx. , > apls
fat clock show ranging up to $120 ; bulk nf h.ilv. .
31.7004 30 : coxxs and hclfois. J.75n > 3.4n.
IIOOS HocclptH. 3.800 head ; Klilinnents. 2,700
head : markel strong on beat. Klraily on irfhers ;
vorkers , $3.70 JU S3 ; packers , 3 &OVI.K ! > ! buttlitrr ,
S3 90S ? 4 00.
SlinnP-Itccelpts. 700 head : Bhlpim-ntn. 101
head ; market steady ; native muttons , 1 1. toy I 50 ;
lambs , (3,0 < ) fr3.50.
Mi n I uc Live Ml ouk.
I/UISVILLi : , March 1S.-CATTLU Market
dull nnd fullv lOiJTio loxxer ; extra gsml export
slcere. 14 EOH4.G5 ; choice butcher steers , J4.13Cf
4 SO ; fair to good butcher steers. I3r.3jf4.15 : com
mon to medium butcher steers , 13 11)133 f ' > ; choice
helfer.s , J3. 001(4 15 ; fair to choice butch'r cows ,
I2.5itfi3. ; mcdtutu to good feeders , II O'.lJI 15.
HOGS Itecelrts , 0 J head ; tops , J3 l ; nic-
dluini' . S 80B3.90 ; light shippers , J1 40JJJ.70 ; pigs ,
K HW3.40.
HllHEl' AND LAMllS-Market steady and un
changed : good to extra shipping sheep , ( J 50fli
3.75 ; fair to good sheep , $3 0 < > j < 3. ' . ' : , ; common to
medium , ' $2,001(2.50 ; extra shipping bunlm. I4.7D@
5.00 ; fair to Rood lambs. 14 25W4.73 ; best butchers ,
3I.000I.CO ; fair to good butchers , 33.5004. ' 0.
IiiilliinnpoIlM Live Stuck.
celpls , 700 'head ; shipments , 400 head ; market
fairly actlxe ; good lo prime slcers , 3l.90ff5.25
fair lo medium steers , 3l.fiOO4.S5 ; common to
good stackers , 33 00Q3.75 ( ,
HOOS-Hecelpls , 4,000 head ; shipments. 1,50
head ; market moderately ndhe ; all change *
hands ; good to choice medium nnd heaxy. 33'JOft
i ! 95 ; mixed nnd heavy packing , 33 W&3 M ; gooi
to cholco light weights , 33.S5Q390 ; common
llghls. 33.75f/3.63.
SIIKKP Urcelpt. , light ; shipments , none
market netlvi > ; good to choice lamb * , | J.2Hf. 50
common trt'meillum lambs , I3.7EW-3.W ( ; common
showp , 32.25 3 CO.
EII lit UiitTnlo Llv - Stork.
KAST IIUFKA'LO. N , Y. , March 13. CATT7.K
Dull and fliw ; fat shlpnlnK steers. II OWI.75
fat smooth steer * , M.WiilfiO : roar so and roughii
33.75ff425 : light steers , 34.10O4 23 ; choice fa
heifers , 14 2f i4 BO ; mixed butchero , 14 5uif3.00
good butchers' cows , 33 toff ? 90.
HOGS Yorkers , good to cholco , II 04.10
roughx , common to choice , J.1W3.03 : | ; pigs , com
mon to choice , 33.70 3.75
LAMIIS-Chnlrr to extra , 3I/.900C/0 ; culls to
common , JJ.OOfj-5.CO.
SHRKP-O.iulee to selK'lnl vxotln'rs , 34 S00
4 90 ; culU to common , 33 2504,11.
\i-w York I.lvc Hlnck.
NKW YOUK , March 15. IIKIJVE8 Receipts
2 head ; feeling bolter ; cxp- > its today , 300 beai
entile. 1,01 ! ) bead ehoep and 2.500 quartern o
beef ; tomorrow , 10 head cattle , 5,391 quartern.
OALVKS Receipts , 23 head ; feeling nrm
veals. 35 00fj5.70.
SIIKUP AND I.AMIIS Rccclpls , 170 heail
market nrm ; good lo prime sheep quoted a
31 r/HN.fO ; prime lambs , IfiOOflC 50.
HOGS-RfcelpIs , .1,125 . head ; feeling a trill
xveak ; quoted nt 34.00JJI 40.
K n ii miii C'lljI.IVP SlocU Mnrkct.
KANSAS CITY. March t : . CATTLU-llecelptii
7.MIO head : best grades steady , others nloxv
Texas steer * . II H > 4 f.O ; Texas cows , 33 aiftl V >
native steers , | 325n5.4S ; natlxp cows nnd hejf
ers. 32 C3 f4 00 : stockcrs and feeders , J3.2.'fl'i 20
bulls. 32.S1fl5.10.
HOGS Uix-elpts , 12.000 head : market ntpady t
5o Inxxrr ; bulk > of sales , 33 C303 > 0 ; mixed , 33.55 ®
3 SO ; lights. I3.45 < 93 ( SI : pigs , 33 25 < rn ' . , - , .
BHUBP Hecelpts , 4/00 head : markel slcady
lambs , 84.80SJB 23 ; millions. 33 2181 CO.
Cincinnati I.lvc Nluek.
CINCINNATI. March 15.-HOC18-AVcale , loxxcr
is i ; 3 oo.
I'ATTLK-Slcady , 32 50W4.73 ,
HHBKP-null. | 2.7rff4 f,0
LA SI 113 Weik , I4.00jfi.75.
Wool Mnrket.
BOSTON. March 15. The lightest sales of the
jear are tbo record for the week's xxool market
but It Is fairly strong. The dullness Is attribute
to the disturbed conditions between the Unltei
States and Spain. The range for territory xvool
xi 111 liaxe lo be quoted rather low on thn pir
nf the market , though many dealers xvlll no
shade thtlr prices to any extent. For fln
medium and nnc tcrrltrrlca nf good ulaple nbnu
4WISP , ftConred. will rover the average of sales
xvlth chnlco staple piircels nt r.fHff'c. rirec
xvools bold fairly slt-ndy In thn absence of de
mand , but sales are meager. Australian wool
nlso show a slow rale , nllhnugh Ihe price I
undoubtedly held.wlth most strength of anything
on the list. The following ure the quotation
for leading descriptions ;
Ohio nnd Pennsylvania lleeces , JT and abox-e
27 29c ; XX , Me : X"X nrul above. 30c ; delaine
30ft31c ; No. 1 oomb're. 30fj.Ho ; No. 3 cnmblng
30ii1lc. SlIrrilKan. Wisconsin , norlhxtpst , etc.
Michigan , * 24c ; No. 1 Mlchlirnn combing , 2Dc
No. 1 Illinois combing , 29c ; No. 2 MlrbUat
combing , J8 2Jc ; No. 2 Illinois comblnj. 28 ( 210
New York. ' New Hampshire nnd Vermont. 23
2lci No 1 New York , Nexv Hnmpsblre and Ver
mont , 27c : delaine , Michigan , 26c. ITnxxnsbei
medium Kentucky and Indiana quartir.blooi
combing. I3c ; Kentucky and Indiana three
eighths-blood comb'ng , tic ; Missouri quarter
blnod combing. 22c ; Missouri three-eighths
blood combing. 23 < > . nrald comh'ns ; , 2)o : lak
nnd Ooritl . 22c. Texas xvwIs , spring medium
twelve-month. 1 B18e ; scoured , lirnv ; sprln
fine , Ixxelve months , IKfI9c ; scouted , 4SfiVio
Territory wools : Mnnlana line medium and line ,
Itftltc ; ncoured , 46fflso ; staples , 50f(32c. Unth ,
Wyoming , etr. : Klne medium and flne , 1'.ffl7o :
scoured , 4Sf > l7o ; staple , 50o. Australian scoured
hnsht , combing .aperflne , 7 < V72c : combing , food
combine , average , Cf6.'c. |
oil Jlnrkrtii.
Oil. PITY. Marrti 15 Ollfredlt balances ,
78c ; certificates opened 7 Mic bid for CASI ) and 77 <
bid for regular. Vli > | Boles rash at TH c : lowt-sl
8alen cash. 77Mc ; closed , 77'4c ' hid for i-aMii total
sales. 17,000 bbl. . ; shipments , SI.1S4 bbls , : rinn ,
108. 167 bbls.
CHAULHSTON , fi C. . March 15-OH.S-Tiir.
pentlne , nrm it 35'ie ; sjlos , nope , rtosln , din
and unehHntfd ; sales , none.
SAVANNAH. Oa. . March lJ.-OIIS-8plrlli
turpentine , market opened nrm nt 32c nnd clnsni
Arm at SiflVtc : .aim , 16- bags , of xvhlrh 50 KIT
were at lowest prices. Ilojln , llrm ; sale * , I , IK
tig * . Clnslngl A , II. C. tII , 14 , II 111 1 %
l.M ; U , ll.t..j It n.nd U 31.HO ; K , II. n , M , JI.W |
. ' , SI.'H ) ; xxln.tmv glass. II 91 ; xvator xvhlte , 31 nv
WILMINOTON , N. O. , March IS -OIt.-- < ? prtt !
f turpentine , ituet , 3ijUM' lUxIn. utmdr , II V )
and II 3'i ' Cnido turponllne , quiet , II.50U2 N.
ar , steady , II.
Coffer Mnrkcln.
N15W YORK. March 1CO rKK-Opllcni
pened stnid ) nt unchangiM prices to n decline
f K point * : mini quiet , xxlth trading of n nnv >
eoslonal vfinmctcr , imrtlally fur oxenlng up nf
iccounta pending selllemriil of l\ibnn liliedllnn ,
bujilnc checked by Indifferent Kuniuli | r ble .
cak llrnilllan markets , hciivy llr.itll nn receipts ,
mall I'nltcil States xxarehniiM' deliveries nid d'lll '
and xxoak hx-al sHl | market. CIiwtM quiet , xvllh
> rlcrs unchangeil to a paints net loxver Sales ,
M.7.V ) I > UK , Including March , 15 10 ; M-vy" , 13 SI.
< I > ot lfec , llhi. enk ; No. 7 Inxolce , HO ! No T
obblng. 6 Ho. Mild , sternly ; Cimloxa , l < l trc !
iviles , 590 bag Murnc.illHi , p. t.i W bugs Cwitrnl
\tnerlcan , p. t. Total warehouse dellx cries fr m
he rnlte.1 Stiites. 9.730 Kigs , Including ! I > MI < .1HK
roiu New York : Nexv Yolk stock tnd.iy. < > B7
ings ; I'nlteil Slitrs stock , 7 , MI UIKS , aldmt Mr
hu l'nlte.1 StatfH , J17.0KO I > IRSJ total xllsbli * fur
ha t'nltiSlalen. ! . 1.150.551 l.igs , ugalnst 751,171
ings last > ear and B17.R74 Unr * In W' * .
HANTOS. March 15. COITKiWeak : : p > d
nxeragx" Snntnis SW r > > l . rix-elpts. P,00) lia <
t day * ) ; slix-k , 7 ,0i lings
IIAMIII'UO , March 15. COKPKU-Onencd Un-
"rnired : at t"H i > m , unchanKiM to 'i ' pfg , net
ilglier : Bales , 13.0DO liags.
llAVHi : . March 13. COlTKU-CMwtl Uf net
ilghcr ; snlei . IS.OJil Ixwts
No. 7 Ilia , 7.973 rcls ; pxchange. 9-3il : tveotnls ,
9,0 > X ) Ivigs ( txxo dajs ) ; Heared for the I'nlliM
Htates. 7,0110 hug * : cleared for I rope , 3WO Kigsi
lock , W..O'W ' bags.
llrnilMlrcct'n VUllilc Slnlpmin ( .
NHW YOIIK. March 1C Special cable ana
elegrnphlc dlspnlchm to Ilradsln-et's , coxerln *
ho principal paints of accumulationInd'cKte
bo fnlUmlnic condlllons In axalliblo supplies
ant Saturday , ns compared xxllh thn proceeding
Saturday :
WHUAT fulled Slates nhd Calinda , cni t ]
ho It ckles , ilecn' bu. ; albxat for nnj
n Uuropi' , decrease , 400 , otx ) bu. ; xxorld's supply ,
otal decrease , 1,2.l,0ii ) ) bu.
CORN United Stales and Canada , e-nt of tin
Ruckles. Increase. 1.572.0CO bu
OA1S I'nlled SlaloH and Canada , rhst of Iln
Rockies , decrease , 311,1X10 bu.
Among HIP most Impoitant reductions' . n glxen
iy Rradstreel's. not repotted In Ihe otllclnl vlslh e
supply Htntemcnl , xxerp the deireasi * of 2l2.0vt
bu , al Winnipeg and other points In Manltobil
121.000 bu. nl nortlmcstorn Interior i-li-vntor and
. bu. nt Mliinenpolls prlxatn elox-ators. Th
nore Important lucre ises , not othcrnlsi ; rep irlcd ,
ni\ HIP gains of Itl.CO' ' ) bu. at New Orleans ,
7riCfO bu. at ( lalxrston nnd 67,000 lit ! nt Tort
Williams nnd Keexxiilan , Ont.
NIMV York Dry ( inoitn MnrWcl.
NBW YOHK. March 15 Dry goo-Is xx'i'ri > quid
igaln tmlay. Jobh rs continued busy , with Mum
: radlng In part by x4slllng Imxers. ' The con
tinued xxonltm-ss In print clntfis has s yet nn
vital effect on Ihe general mnikot fur rnttnn
goo.1" . oxxlng to thp llriuness of sellers In
staple cotton gixxls the market for broxxn ttooils
s only fairly nctlxe In mo l grades Pilnt cln'l'
mo xxiik nnd without demand. The best bid *
today for extras mo 2 l-1Ce. Rids nt 2Hc nrti
met iiultii rendllx' , but tin- demand Is not hem-
at thenu prices. OiM ginidji an- quiet , thoiisli
flrm , on the basis of cuiront qunlallons on o -
ras. PrlntH artaualn acttxe In all gr.ldei. It It
reported today that fancies liaxe mild falrlv well
n all sections dining the last fexv days. Staples
continue fn'rlv ' ollxi > at steady prices , and re
sults In lndlm > blues , Turkey roils an I shlrtlnit
irlntH haxo lip > n fnhly wtlsfaclofv si > fir.
llnglmnis nnd similar Hues conllnup ncllxe nn
iltogethcr satisfactory. _
SIIKHI * llnrKcl. (
NHW YORK , March -SIH1AR llixv. sloadv ;
fair rcllnliur , JSc ; , US lost , 4' ' cr ri
lineil , steady : mould A , SVo ; nlnnilaul A , 5o ;
irnfeetloners' A , 3o : nit lonf , M"l rriishwl.
" % c ; pnxxdored , fi 5-10ci good granulated , 5\4c \ ;
cuboH 5 -ir *
NUW Oltl.UANS. March T. SIIOAR-Qulet ;
> pen kettlo. 2 > iii'3J > ir : centrlfiiKal. ( n.-inulatpd ,
l-ll-KIc : xxhltes. IVWI'jc ' : > olloxxii. 4W4i'r : see-
mds , IHTl3-15-10c. MolasM1 ! ! , atning : ,
11O Board ot'Trndo Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Office. i038 N St. . Liocola. N b
President. Vice President
Chrislie-SW Commission1 Cts
Clilillal , $ r.OOt)0. < IO. Pull ? I'nlil.
Ill llourd of Triulc lliillillnk.
Telephone lO.'JO. Oinalih , Ns'j
Direct wires to Chicago and NewrTork.
Correspondents i John A. Warren A'Co. '
Corn and Cotton nre the cheapest , commodi
ties In the world today and t > ellc\a' ' those who
follow the above advise * will make lilff money.
All orders filled In C'hlriiKo over our prltnte
ulre ; through my correspondent , K , U. I/muu
& Co.
Your orders respectfully solicited. .
Write for Information. V. C. HOMllNUnn.
213 Hoard of Trade , Oihuhu. Nell ,
Prl mtnr , Btoondtrr or T rtl ry'lt tjOOD
ISON pomuncntly
Cured in 15 to 35 D'ajre.
You c n b * treated at horn * ( or , * fn
prlc * under same uaranty. If you prufir
to com * htre w will contrmot to pty railroad - .
road fara ana hot l bills , and no
If w * fall to cur * . ,
Uktn mercury , lodld * potash and Mill
hnve achci and palm. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat , t'linples , CupptpCol.
vrtd Spots , Ulcers on any part olth
body , Hair or ISyebrowi falling out. It U
this Secondary
Wt Guarantee to Cure *
W * solicit the mest obstinate oaaWimd
challenge the world for a case we oarmot
cure. This disease b s always baffled the
tktll of the most emlntnt physicians. *
IICO.OX ) capital behind our unconditional
uarantr. Abiolute proofs sent ItaUi )
on application. 100 pare book tent fr * . COOK HU.MEDY CO. , '
Mnionle Temple , Chlcnuo , lir. '
Two Weeks' '
AHK 01,11
In th. treatm.nt of all l'1 '
Cbroiic , Nervous and Private Mseases.
Hdill WEAKNESSES UC | < r "t
Catarrh , all Dlseai.s of the NOM , T.iroot , ChMl
Stomach , Llvtr , JJIood , Bkln and KI4n y jitf
ate * . Loet Manhood , Ilydrooele , Verlcoce'.e.
Gonorrhea. Olette , Uyphllls. Stricture. Pllet , Fis
tula and Rectal Ulcer. Diatom Biliht'i Dis
ease cured. Call on or uddres. with tump fat
rre * Book and New Methods.
Treatmeut by Stall ,
Omaha Medical and Surgical riitilnts
MO U U714 North jith at. .
mu remedy
Jecled ellrertlr
neat ef tbono Al&tuttm
r the ClealtoUHMk y
auieW'm "
of loU'V O r
nteed ! l' <
> r f
Moldunly by
> Dillon IJru Co , H. K
KIlli unil P ruHui HI. . . Oninli.i ,