TIIE OMAHA DAILY UEE : TUESDAY , MAKCH 15 , 1898. 11 All tin Wheat Futures Except May Shc\ Weakness. L-ITER BliYi G SUSTAINS THAT OPTIOI Corn nnil On I * Arc Firm , with I.lttl lint 1'rovlxloiiM Arc unit Clime Lotvvr. * CHICAGO , March ll.-AII the whent fi lures wore wt-ak tidny , except May , whlc had tbo uaunl support of tflo Letter Intel csts. The extremely favorable weather nn heavy aiHlltloim to the contract stocks lie : wcro prominent factors In canting liquids tlon , which contlnueil nil tiny. July close v W/4c lower. Corn and oats were con paratlvely llrm nnil showed little chane nt the close. Provisions wcro heavy nil closed GfrU io lower. Wheat showed some strength nt the opci Ing , although It wns not of very long dun tlon. rit-Bldes the favorable effect Lc tor's application to the board of dlrcctoi for a margin price of May nt 31c had e traders both English and continental ma kots show unlooked-for strength. Llvorpo < opened lower , but ntlvunced to a poll above Ba ( Imluy's llgurcft there , and 1'ar also rope led somewhat higher prices. Jul which closed Saturday nt STc. opens today nt 37c. For about Ilfteen or twcnt minutes there was Quite good support plvt by sliortn and not a little reinstating i linew which had been supported , during In week's decline was apparent. July was a < vnnced to SSc , the high point of the da before the rt-.tctlon started. Then the li ' tlucnce of the favorable- weather nnd bea Ish routlni ! nqws began , lo bo felt. Seedlr ciml plowing were reported as progresslt rapidly In Nebraska , with conditions vei favorable til every respect. Soiling , whlc started , was augmented by the enOrmoi addition to the contract Blocks. Chlcai received 145 cars , nineteen of which we contract. The "mixing houses" contrlbuti l'J3 curs of No. 1 northern to the oontra stocks , making In nil about 200,000 bushe today. Northwest receipts were heavy , 4 cars , against CW last week and 302 la year. The persistency with w.ilch recelp continued In the northwest. In spite of tl almost exhausted country stocks , was n nt all reassuring to longs and an hoi from the opening selling was quite ge crnl. Heavy St. l ouls operators were co ( tplcuoua in the unloading nnd almost i support of consequence was glv'cn the ma ket until about an hour from the cloa July In the "tncuntlmq selling- down to 8GV4 At that price there was a good deal covering , principally by local shorts , ai the decline was checked. September nl suffered , but a limited business was do ; In that delivery. H started % Qc high at 79'/ifi70-ic nnd when July reached I ( lowest point had declined to 78 } c. Mi l was offered In large quantities , the pit ere ItliiB most of the selling to Armour , wl was reported n buyer of wheat at Minn apolls. Ielter brokers gave this end of t market unwavering support and succeed In holding the price nt Jl.OI , although th had to absorb about KOO.OOO bushels to do t There wns some disappointment over t small clearances , which wcro reported 232,000. During the last hour's trading Ju advanced to 87c , but slid down again SGJ4c and closed eaay at SG'&C. ' Septemli closed at 7Sc. Corn wns a fairly active .market , nr notwithstanding the wheat weakness , fairly steady one. Then- was a good dc of liquidation ou the favorable weath nnd sympathy with wheat , resulting In slight decline , but good support wns fort coming and prices quickly recovered wh the selling pressure relaxed. 'May ' rang from 30'ic to 30c and closed a slmdo high nt 30V4o. Oats were dull , During the flrst hi hour's trading a good deal of weakness w shown , purely of a sympathetic natui Commission houses nnd fcalpers took p.i In the liquidation. Later the market becai . .Hrm. Influenced by a western cash demar and prices gradually Improved , the clc being steady. Mrty ranged from 28l4c and closed unchanged at 2 Provisions were weak from the sta Liquidation through commission houses a principally for outside parties was qu ! licavy 4il | day and no one attempted mu support. The weakness of grain markc nnd uncertainty over the Cuban sltuatl were the factors. At the close May po was 12V4c lower nt JO.S2V4 ; May lard. MIT1 lower at $ n.05 < S5.07V& . and May ribs 5c low Kstlmated receipts Tuesday : Wheat , : cars ; corn , 400 cars ; oats , 213 cars ; hoi 22,000 head : Leading futures ranged ns follows ! Article * . . I Opon. | HUh. I Low. 1 Close , j Sj > l Mitr ! . . . * _ March 101 n 1 01H May. . . 1 04-H 1 OU , 101 1 04 1 04 July. . 87H-88 as BUM 87W Corn- May . . 30M HO July. . H1H ' ' ' Sept. . 3' 3'JH Oats- ' L'CHff May J. July. , lorli May. . 0 US n 07H 0 80 0 83H o ni July. . 11) 00 10 00 0 00 U 00 10 o : Lard- Mny. . fi 10 BIO 6 03 S07K 5 1 ! July. . B17W 1 5 20 C 12 0 10 B 21 Sh'tUlb * May. n 02 ' 4 1)5 n eeC a o : July. r. 07k fi 07U S O'JK C 05 6 II No 2. Cash quotations were as follows : r'ijOUU Dull : winter patents , 14.8085. stralBhts. J4.30W4.CO : sprlne tpeolals. .40 5. ll.rhu pltisnts. | { . CO3.10 ; bakers. J3.CCQ3.W. WHKAT-r-No. 2 prlnw. 92ft34c ; No. 3 sprit M897c : Na J red , II.OU401.01X. COKN-No. .2. 29V 29Vic. OATS No. 2. 26Uc , f. o. li. ; No. I white , 2 H29iic : No , S white2SC29o. . KYK No , J. 48yc. - . 1. .19V40l.n. TIMOTHY HBKD-Prlme. 12.S7V4. 1'HOVISIONS MPFS pcirk. per lib ! . , I9.S S.S3 Lnr.1. per 1W Ibs. . V > .00 3.CS14. short rl sides ( loofc ) . 14.8195.15. Dry tailed shouldi < bo el ) . J4.75fi3.COj short , clenr sides ( boxe 15.23 j5.40. WHISKV DIslllloiV nnlnhoil eooJa , per un SIIOAIIS Unchanspdj cut loaf , 16.01 ; ran InteJ. $3.51. On the Produce exchange today the but market wan weak ; cmum'rUv. 13flSHo ; dnlrl 10V4O160 , Cheese , quiet , SSSUc. KBKS , frc 9Vc.Dreseed iMiuttrjr , market llrm ; turkc 7WSo ; chickens , iflsc ; ducks , 7iic , NlflW YOHK MAHKE Qiiotiitlnnsi for thr liny on Gencr CnniiiiiKllllen. JJBW YORK , Maich II. FLOUH-necelptii , : 039 bbls. ; exports. 17.M3 lil'ls. ; market weak r nominally lower ; city m'll patents , J3.S5GG. city mill clears , | 5.60(3,73 ; Minnesota 'pater Ji.20fl > 3.45 ; Minnesota bakers' , JI.40ff.GO ; ' win patents , JI.WW5.W ; winter straights , 14.5081 , winter extras , JS. ! iJ4.10 ; winter low true ! K.90O3.CO. Uyc Hour , dull ; fancy , I2.65O3 llucVwlif.lt Hour , quiet at $1.30ifl.lO. lUTCKWHKAT quiet at 4Hc. < : OllNMKAIQul : yellow western. 70c. 11YK Knaler ; No. 2 western. SSJidtMc. ll.\HI.iV Dull : fppdlnc , 41V4c. 1IAIILKY M.VLT Quiet : western. SJl4T67c. WI1KAT Ilecvlptu , lll,0 bu. : spot , easy ; ] I r < ad , Jl.OHi f. o. b. nllaat to nrrlvi" . Opti' ' opened tlrtn on cables and active covcrlnK IHO o nitviuice. Under dlmippointliiK v ! l cuppllra decrease hn 1 lioarWi cr p news , h ( cvr. n nttack wan made on latij deliveries i part of the early rise was lost , the closlni ; be fairly steady hut. nervoun t HOI'ic ndvnn latter un near months. No. 2 ml March , II. I rtl.WS. closed JI.04V4 ! May , SS UWVic. clou fo'llN Uecelpts , 7S.Oi bu , ; exports. S6.800 t mot. llrm : No. t , 3Iiic : option * opened II on light offerings and after n further rise export demand reacted sllehtly with wheat i closed unchnnitrJ ; May. S4TiiX. > l-l o , rln < l , I OATS Hecel pis. M,4 lm , ; exports. 6.110 J cpi > t , caster ; Nu , 2 , 31c : No. t white. X3c ; nptl m-Blecteil but nominally stoidy , cltulnj ; Ho lilirher : May closing at 30'le. nBl > - < J ilt : tran , iOMW ic ; middlings , I rye f' d. tH jUo. HAY Dull ; vUlpplng. SW(35c ( ; good to cho . JIOI'S Stfudv : slate , common to choice , crop. 4C ( c : 189'f crop , 7 ; > o ; UJ7 crop. 17O F I r < ; lrta cuatt. ISM crop. 4WCc ; 1) ) > M crop. 80 fe. 1S3T crop. 17Cfl i % : London msrket. Uctfll.OO. HIDES -Klrm ; llalveston , liUlJUc ; Texas t . 15. ; California. UVHU > Vc. LBATHKH Steady ; hemlock sole. Due Ayres. NUJOHc. \VCKL-Q < il t ; nec * . 17Vi : : Ho ; Texas , IS . p'KOVISIONS-Ileef. steadi1 ; family , | u. 11.75 : extra , mt s , IS.l'Ofta.W ) ' beef hams. IJ ( JJ3.00 ; short clears. tl-.OOOU. 0. Cut mei quiet : pickled bell'cs. 5.tj7.00 : pickled sh ( der . ft.CiUOl.TS ; plrkled hams. J7.75ff8.00. L ciuU-rj plern steamed , n rtH ; retln d , wcsj IVrk , easier : mesj , JlO.olfllo * S ; short cl < | 10.S H 11-W ; family , Jll.iW1ril.50. Tallow , Oi citr. s ii.iec ; countnsoc. . tUCK-H3u dy ; fair to etr . < HO 14c ; J p OIIJ4 retroUum , dull. Uos'.n. > lra trs.tn J , common to good. ll.4tHUl.45. Turp tint , steady at MHO37c. Cottonseed , small tr.n. to ] ay at barely steady prices ; prime crude , ! 0 lOHoi prlmn crude f. o. b. mills , leftieup ; prln mmmtr yellow , aHOMc : oft summer" yellot butter oil , ttUXf prime winter ye , , MOI.AHSB3 Klrm : New Orleans , open kettl KIMM ti ) choke , Zfyllc. MBTALS Thi week ! ci en with th market I Irregular shapi * and buMnc-n on nn unratlsfm tory scale. At Uw clo i to-lay Hie nwtal F changp calleil pi * Iron wnrrantn dull , wit 15 70 hid ami JC.V ) nskeit ; Iak copper quiet , ui clmni l , with tll.Si'.i bid and I12.CO ai > kedtil ranjr , with 111. ? ) bid nnd 111.30 artccd ; KpM'.c qnloi , with tl. ? ) bid nn-1 l.r n < * ked ; lail l , vi > t dull , with 13.70 bbl and * 1.7 * asked. The II r ilxInK the ix-ttllni ; price for miners and stnclte In Ihi- went quutrs lead at H.M. HL-lTEUl Uctcipts. 14.174 rki.i.i market ftcn-1 ; w..tfrn creamery , lieiVc ; Klglns , lac ; factor 119150. tHKBSn Ilccplpt * . 1,657 pkqs. : mnrltet rjuli- Hcptenib r , Sc : October , TVi Sci light skim * , S C'ic ; p.irt rklm * . ttf' Uc : full skims , 2O3c. KOCJH Ilcwplpts. 13,134 pk i. ; market f.rti stat" and ivnnsytvanla , 105 ifllc ; western , 10H south rn , 10)4c , " OMAHA GKXKU.lir MAniCETS. Cnnillllnn of Trnile unit QtintntlfinH o Htnilinnil li'iiney 1'roduc-o. nans tioo.i stock , fc. BUTTEIl Common to fair , DOHoT separat creamery , 20o ; gathered creamery , ISOlCo. VEAI-Cholce fat , CO to 120 Ibs. , quoted 80'jc ; large and coarse , 6Q7c. HVB POIII.TIIY Chickens , C'iffCc ; old rees flrs , 3c ; ducks , 60. OAMK-Mnllnrdj. J3.00TI3.r.O ; teal , $1.75 ; brnnl J3.5'lr4.M ' ; Canadian geese , Jl.SOf/C.O' ) . PIOKONI4 Live , Hi dead plKeon.t not wanted , HAY Upland , J'j.V ) ; midland. J5.W : lowlan 14.50 ; rye straw , t4.W ; color miikcn the price i i.iy ; light bales sell the best ; only top grad top prices. CKI.KItV-Ooo.l stock , large. 40o ; small , KQV. ONIONS-Per bu , . 11,1001.23. BKANS Hand-picked navj- , per bu. , ll.5 l.l HWKI'nPOTATOnSKansas , 10-pocK bbl C.W. OAnilAOK-Oood stock , per In. . HSo. POTATOK3 Home grown , D0y3jc : Colora stO"lf. 70c. TOMATOES Per crate , seven baskets , M.V 4.50. FRUITS. STllAWllKUIUKS-Per Z4-qt. case , $7.SO. APPLKd Winter stock , ' J3.00S3.SO ; Callforn ISelleHeiir , boxes , ll.CO : Colorado Jonathar oxeK , 11,73 ; Oregon , boxes , J1.23. CUANIIKUniEa Fancy Jersey , per bbl. . 10.i . . TUOPICAL I-'HUITS. OIIANOE3 California na\rls , I2.75Q3.00 ; fan seedlings. $2.50choice , 12.13. LEMONH-Callfornla. fancy , $3.00 ; choice , 2 > 1 fancy Messina , J3.COR3.50. I1ANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , 2 OZ. 25 ; mcdldum sized hunches , Jl. 700:1.00. : MISCELLANEOUS. - . NUTS Almonds , per lb. , largo size , 1201 : sms.1' ' , lie : ilrazlls , per lb. , OSluc ; English wi nuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell. 103 liestandan 889o ; filberts , per lb. . llc ) : pecans. polUhf medium , Crlc ; extra large , 8U3o : large hlcko nuta , tl.OOOl.10 per bu. ; small. H.Kft\.K per bi cocoanuts. per l')0 , 11.00 ; peanuts , raw , 6Q5H ruastcd. 6QCVJC. FIOS Imported , fancy. 3-crown , 14-lb. boxi lOc ; 6-crown , 44-lb. boxcb , 13c : 2-lb. boxes , O23o per box ; California , 10-lb. L . SS.W. HONEY Choice white , 12a ; Colorado amber , Ollc. KRAUT Per bbl. , 3.60 ; half bbl. , J2.25. MAPLE BYKUP Klveteal. can. , each , 2. ' cal. cans , pure , per Moz. , Ji : 00 ; half-gal , cat (0.23 , quart cans , tlCu. DATES Hallowec , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 6V Salr , no : Fard , 9-lb. boxc . 9c. CIDER Per half bbl. . tt.OC : bhl. , $5.00. FRESH MEATS , DRESSKD nEEF-Qood natlvo steers , r good forequarters steers , 6Uo : good hlndqunrt steers , 8 40 ; western steers , fiVic ; fancy helfo SVic ; good hclfcrs , 6c ; good forcquarters helff Sc ; good hlndquartora heifers , eo ; good roi 5 > ic ; fair cow * . Gl-ic ; cow lorequarters , 4Hc ; c hlnd > | uartcm. 7 c. HEEF CUTS Hanging tenderloins. 4Kc : rl No. l , lie ; ribs , No.2 , Sc ; ribs. No. 3 , 6V rounds. No. 1 , 7Uc ; rounds , Nn. 2 , f ; rounds. No. 3 , C'ic ; trimmings , 4Vic ; beef shan ! 3o ; brain ? , per doz. , ! 3q ; sweetbreads , per 1 IZc ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. . 40o ; kldnp ; per doz , , 35c ; ox tails , each , 3o ; llvera , per lb. , 2V heartfl , per lb. , 2' c ; tongues , per lb. , lie ; c livers , each , 35c ; cnlves , whole carcass or rid 5c ; calf head and feet , pcaldeil , per set , 'i tenderloins , fresh , ISc ; tenderloins , frozen , 1 boneless strips , fresh , 9(5c ; boneless strips , frozi 9c : strip loins , fresh , 7iic ; strip loins , frozen , ( , V rolH , benders , 9'ic ' ; rolls , cpenccr cpts , 9c ; B lain butts , boncle a , Oo ; shoulder clods , bonvlc CVic ; rump Imtts , bincless. Dic ; Nn , 1 chucks , No. 2 chucks , 4Ho : No. 9 chucbs , i ? : bone ! chucks , 6c ; cow plates. Slicj steer plates , flank steak , 7c ; loins , No. 1 , 13Kci loins , No. lOVio ; liln , No. 3 , S'io : short loins , mar style. 2o alx > vo loins ; short loins , hotel style. nlnve loins ; cow loin , cujs , Sc ; steer loin , en Oc. MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c per lb. ; lam So ; sheep. 7o : market racks , long , 9c ; IK racks , ehort , lie ; loins , Oc ; caddies. 9c ; Ic 9c ; lamb legs. lOc : breast and stews , 3V tongucK. fnch , So ; forequarters , 6V5c. PORIC Dressed pigs. flVic PC' lb. : dresi hogs , 5Vic ; tenderloins , 15c ; loins , snort , 6V long. Co : spam .rib * . . Bo ; ham sausage bui S c ; Boston butts , 5 Vic ; thoulders , rough , : shouldsM. fklnned. SVic : trimmings , 4Hc ; 1 lard , not rendered , 5V4c : heads , cleaned. snouts nnd ears. 3c : iwckbnnes , 2c ; cheek me 4c ; neck bones , So ; plc.s' tails , Sc ; plucks , pa So ; chitterlings , 5c : nocks. 4c : hearts , per d < J5e : stomachs , each , Sc : tongues , earn. 7c ; li neysi , per doz. , lOc : brains , p-r .ioz. . Inc ; pi feet , per doz. , 3Qo ; livers , earn , 3c ; hog rln fC ! ' blade bones , 6c. HIDES.TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides ; 7V4o ; No. 2 BT < hides , 6Vso ; No. 1 salted hides. So ; No. 2 Kit salted hides. 8c ; No. 1wil calf , S to 12 Ibs. , ] No. 3 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. 1591 rreen salted shearings ( short wooled ea skins ) , caeh , 15c ; dry shearings ( short woo early skins ) , No. 1 each , 5c ; dry nlnt Kan and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . act weight. 4jf3o : dry Hint. Kansas and Ncbraj murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4o : dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per 1 actual weight. 4S3c ; dry ( Unt Colorado murr , wool pells , per lb. . actual w lght. 3 4c. TALLOW , GREASE , 'KTO. Tallow , No. 1 , 3 > 4o ; tallow. No. . 2. Set rough .tallow , IVic ; wh grease , 2Hif24c ; yellow and brown grease , 1 ! FURS neir ( blade -or brown ) , J5.OOSf.20. ' otter , $1.60 g.OO ; mink , .150GOc : benvir. il.WCTO. skunk15o. . 20c. & 0c ; mnnkrat. 3c. DC , 7c ; racco 15JfMc : red fox. 53cfJl.TJ ; gray fox , 2.QJOo : w , ( timber ) , 25 J2.W ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , lCj > 3 wildcat , 10Q25c ; badger. & 940c ; sliver fox , | o ( 07J.OO. - _ St. Lonl General Market * . ST. LOUIS. March 11. FI/DUR-Lower ; pi ents. | 4.iOS4.S3 ; til-nights ; J4,3JS4.tO ; clear , fl (3 ( > 4.2--i : medium , M.EMJ3.7 : . . - WHEATLawer. . oltalng V4c below Sail day for July and HO lower . September , w , May unchanged : the cUrto was tame and eai spot , lower ; No. a , red. cash , elevator , 97V track , 97V4o ; MarchA97Wc ; May , JSVio nsk < July. S2' ' , o ; September , ' 76c ; No. 2 hard , ca ! 918J2C. < XRN Futures 'closed firm , with sellers May the same as Saturday's flnlth and VsU above the lowest price. Spot. lower ; No. J cai 37 o ; March. 27VJc- ; May , 27Hc asked ; July , 2S bid ; September , 294cr OATS Futures dull , ftrm : rixit lower ; No , cash , SGVio hid ; track , ' 27627V4c ; March. 2CV May. 2Cc bid ; July , 83c ; September , 23V4c ; I J white , 2 o. ' HYK-Lower , KVtf. KLAXHKKD Nominal , $1,15. TIMOTHY 3EEl-Prlme. lower , J2.83tf2.90 CORN MEAL Firm. Jl.50ffl.55. HRAN-Stendy ; east track , sacked. 58i359c. HAY-JDull for nil but choice timothy ; tin thy. J8.CO 10.50. nilTTER Steady ; creamery , 16ffMV4c ; dal DGlCo. KOOS Steady. (0. WIIISKY-Jl.JO. co-rro.v TIES 70c. , t I ead , fttartler , 3.55 askM. Spell nominal , J4.00. * " PROVISIONS Pork , lower : standard m < jobbing. t'J.SVU. Lard , quiet ; prime , J4.SS ; chol J4.93. llacon , boxed lots , extra short clc I3.C2ViO3.75 ; ribs. J3.7503.R7V4 : shorts , J3 S71 G.iX ) . Dry fait meats , boxed shoulders , J4.I 4.75 ; extra short clear. SS.UVKTo.Sj ; ribs , J5.1 6.37V4 : fiorts , JS.S7V5C5.CO. UBCBIPTS Flour. 2. 00 hbls. : wheat , 29 bu. : corn. 240,000 t-u. ; oats , 73.000 bu. SHIPMBNTH Klour. 4,000 hbls. ; wheat , 11 bu , ; corn , 240.C01 bu , ; oats , 29,000 bu. Liverpool * Market. LIVERPOOL. March 14. WHEAT S | steady : No. 3 red western , winter , 7s lid. CORN Spot , steady ; American mixed. „ n ! s 5Vid. Futures , steady ; March , 3s Sd ; May , 3Kd ; July , 3s 5.1. FI/UR-St. Louis fancy winter , steady : 10 HOI'S At London , Pacllio coast , llrm ; 1 S 6d. PROVISIONS Hf , Hrm : extra India mess. 9d ; prime mess , Us 9d. Pork , prime mess : w te" ' rm , r-'i SJ ; rrlme mess medium w * TO. 4&i M. Haras , short cut , steady , .t ] llAOOn , nrni. 31s ; short ' ribs , steady , 31s Ion ; clear middles , light and heavy , 29A M ; 1 clear middles , ' heavy , st ady. ) ; short cl backs , steady. tAs W ; clear bellies , steady , 33x shoulders , square , steady , ; 34s Id. Lard , pr wtstem. steady , fi * U. . CHHB8E American ( Incst white and cooi easy , 33 6.1. TALLOW Prlm city , firm. Ms. OILS Olton eod oil. Liverpool reflned , H" : ISs U. Turpentine spirits , firm , 23s fkl , Roi common , steady , 4s 3d. Imports of wheat Into- Liverpool for week : From Atlantic potf * . C7.00 quarters ; fi Pacific ports , none : /nun other ports. It quarters. Imports ofcorn Into Liverpool fi Atlantic ports for the week 81.000 quarters. VUlble ( iroln Supply. NEW YORK , March II. The statement of visible supply of erain In store and afloat i unlay. March 12 , as compiled/by the New \ Produce exchange. Is as follows : WHEAT-32.415.000 bu , ; decrease. 597.000 b CORN-42.612,000 tm.t Increase. 181.000 bu. OATS-12.te8.iCO bu. ; decrease. 318,000 bu. RYK-3. 409 , > ' > bu. ; derrtate , 167.WO bu. UAKI.RY-l.dO.OOO bu.j decrease , 241,000 b Toledn "Market. TOLKDO. March 14. WHBAT-Actlve. ea No. S cash and May , 37c . CXJHN Active , steady : No. 2 mixed. Sic. OATd-l > ul ! , steady ; No. mixed , 27c. RYE Dull : No. t rash. Sir. CIVE11S KED Active , 'lower ; prim * ci 13.03. _ Xew Urlrau * Market. NBW ORLEANS. March 14. HOQ PRODUC Very dull. Pork , standard mess. tlO. I rd. n-llned. tierce , 3r4c ; pure lard. &H Honed meats , dry salt shcuMeis. 5Hc ; 6V4c. llacon , clear rlli rides , 606 > ic. Ham : choice , sugar curwl , COFFEh Steady ; Rio. ordinary to fair , 7CR ii RICIquct ! | ordinary to good. 3fllVc. FI/Ot'R Steady ; extra fancy , JI.K5OI.70i pal 1 1 It AN Tie , HAY-1'rlme. J12.0-MJ12.GO : choice , CORN-No. 2 , sacked , western. 3c. llnltlmore Market. DAI.TIMORE , Msrch 14. Fl/JUR-Dull ; w crn superfine , S2.f-Mt3.20 ; western extra , J3 4i 4.10 : western family , J4.40fT4.70 : winter wnei patent , JI.Ufl5.10 ; rprlni ; wheat patent , } 3. 0 5.40 ; spring wheat straight , I5.C085.15 ; receipt 1S.430 bbls. ; exports , none. WHEAT Firmer ; sixit and month , gSUQWUi May , s H-95T < ( aj steamer. Na. 2 ted , 9lc bid ; n celpt ? , 17rx)7 ) bu. j exports , none ; southern wnci b > - sample , 9.WJC ; southern wheat on grad 4 4c. CORN Steady ; Fpot and monlh. 33 iB33T4 May. 3IV4 ? bid ; steamer mixed. SittftWHc ; r celpts. 262.013 bu. : exports , 115.TO ) bu. ; sorithei white corn , 33Uil34V > c ; southern yellow con OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , Siy Uc ! No. mixed , 32Q32Vie : receipts , 12.460 bu. ; export norc. RVB Easier ; No. 2 , nearby. 505'V4c ; No. wMtern , f.C4c ; receipts , 11,2 9 bu , ; exports , non HAY Firm : choice timothy. J12.MK 13.00. C-RAIN FRKIOHTS Quiet ; rates fair teady ; steam to Liverpool , per bu. , 3' d , Ma Cork , for cirders , per quarter , 3s CdSfSs 7V March ; 3s 4V4d , April. HUTTHR-Steidy ; fancy crcimery , 19R20 mltatlon , 17ISe ; fancy ladle , IVj ; good ladl Siffllc ; ftnre packed , 10T12c. ! EOOS Fresh , lOUc. CHI7BSK Steady : fanrj- New York , larc V4fl9Vic : fancy New York , medium , 9V4W10 fancy New York , small , lOUtMOVic. ICiinxnn City firalti anil I'riiVlHlnitH. KANSAS CITY , M irh ' - V'I < * n " M.n airly active and about i ' .idy : Ni. 1 hard , .Si KM ; No. 2 , KSViBSS'Jic ' : No. 3 , SlfrS Ho ; No. red , 93I9lc : No. 2 , 9Jc ! No. 3 , S-JB91C ! No. primS6VS7c ; No. 3. MilSSc. CORN Market active nnd about steady ! No. mixed. 26020''iC. OATS Market active and firm ; No. 2 , vhi ! No. 2 , , . , RYB Market firm : , „ „ „ HAY Market weaker ; choice timothy , JS.6Q 3.W ; choice prairie , J7.COB7.23. UUTTBH Market active ; country eonrc crenmery , 15018'ic ; dairy , 14B > 1 C. Baas-sc. CliiL-lniinll CINCINNATI , March II. l-'LOUH Firms fane l.3VI4.3J ! : family. J3.SD 4.10. WHEAT Steady : No. 2 red. 97V40. CORN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. SIVia. OATri Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 29o. RYE Steady : No. 2 , 54'.5c. PUOVIHIONS-Lnnl. easier , JI.80. Bulk meal easy , J3.M. llacon , cany. J3.S3. WHISKY Firm ; JI.20. I1UTTER Firm : Elgin cruamen' . ZlVio ; Ohl 130182 ! dairy , HCF12c. . . . . , , - , . , . . SITrtAR Bnsy : hard refined , J4.10a > j.So. KOOS Firmer ; 9c. _ CIII3BSE Steady ; good to prime Ohio III 9 < 39V4o. _ [ imln Ilecelntu at Principal Market ST. LOUIS , March 14. Receipts : Wheat , " CHICAGO , March II. Receipts : Wheat. 1 oat . 33S cars. Bstlinnt cars : corn. 234 cars ; Sr lots tomorrow : Wheat , 200 ; corn , 400 , i > a < 2lMINNKAPOLlS , March 14.-Recelpts : Whei S8KANSAS CITY , March 14.-Recelpt : Whe ; March ! 14.-Recclpts , Wheat , : Philadelphia Produce. PIIILADnLPHIA. Mareh 14.-11UTTER-U ohnnccd : fnncy western creamery. 2'V4c. ' iSocm Stcaay ; fresh nearby , Wic ; fresh wo < e hin K-Ston.ly : New York factory , f' ' fnncy , 8o ; full cream , fnlr to choli _ _ _ Detroit Market. 14.-WHRAT-No. 1 whll DI-rTROIT , March . - _ 93c : No. 2 red. cash and May , Sac. CORN No. U mixed. 52 * . OATS No. 2 white , :0o RYE No. Z. BltaC. _ _ Poorlii Mnrketn. PE6RIA. March 14. CORN Market teafl NOATS-Mn'rUet Irregular ; No. 3 white. 27@27' < nYK Market nrni ; No. 2. 50c. - Jl.3'.i- WHISKY High proof spU-lta. - STOCKS . \\n noxns. Stri-iiKtU of the Market 1 a Snrprl toTriulern. . NEW YORK , March 14. The stock and bo throuffhout today. Dlffere mat kots were strong to the rauso cf 111 opinions wore offered as nnil probably all had some truth Inhem. . TIthe was a aurpi'li'e to ma the excess of buoyancy professional traders , even to those who expi-ct ' exci-sal - natural rebound from Saturday's Eoino was evident. There was nothing , materially t the n ws of the day to change imlltlcal outlook , and that there were m hoderTo I securities io continued nervous- wh realize olferingn to In the large evident tha oponlng , but the i rise at met the shan' olterlnsa w these resulted from which uctlon wh Blotks those overcome , even moro than at the opening r ! l largest gains the Khowcd had be gSn to the 'highest ' , und those which rising In wme cni the opening ICM affected at . Prl prices. above the early hKli point advanced In London befc of AmerlcanH weru here. TWs wns more notable oDcnlnK the of the Span ? acute depression | ov Sment the 4s whlc * fell 2Vi P r cent nLond l nw c nnd showci an e Paris Belling , on cent In Paris. The wurse cllno of 1T4 per U ndS has been looked to as a true tlieso > l between relation * diolomatlc Hnr nf the and Spain. This dlscrepan United States favorably up n"ght that capital looks mean Industrial condltlo nt nnanclal and exwU the of the danger States In spite the United In linanr-l the e that ncu might mean war. or It detracts fn government distress of the of Us Spanish bonds In Bi.lte of the chan the value of tn be lost sight It Is not to jf neace dec-1 In local market Uniretl bonds In the S ati In nth U In the face of the strength i > er oent stiffening iecSritlcl. poMlble that the . It Is have accounted for tl rate may the ovement money : Certain It Is that there was a ve which h covering of short contracts left open over Sunday on the ! > ellr > f th smc new and relations "W with ' ap.iin. & me 'nr ! Scsa In our sustained to the close. 'It i of Driccs was Sr So1on p'a'rS'-rd ' Hn"n the relative steadiness of the ® , ? , . | | , | . fneU1C1alnedWtr ! SS. S po fn M ! ' L" f , rv & rf ror ' HHrvSu-'S.Ast ' ? . bf withdrawn from the market tomorrorr n r Su'St ' ? f nras srpaci aM an ncm"c stock * n re from 2 to ever : per er result of the day s trading , l rlc hither ns a with stoc ! In sympathy of railroad bonds row of the .lei but th niijustmonts nnd Un ings Pacific was new In the 4a. Atchlson Total sales , $2. M.OOO. Unit ' * r cent lower bid , bonds were 4 l > tHiM cept the 4s" registered , nnd the U , which were v ClThiTlKvenlnK Post's London financial cab Brim Americans continue unsettled and fev , : - Induenco today be chief Ue-presslns Ish. the demoralized by Paris , where the Iwurse was Spanish necurltlM and the coullise aj fall in slump In New York nttrnel tlon. The severe attention of buyers here and prices opcr the the New York parity. A. furtl P4 above took place with considerable I Improvement lulntlal buylnc for Oermany. but the close w dull In the street , Knlllrs. which have been d last few days on Paris conditions , clos panicky the on the murder of Joel. th. exlstlnp he llarnato nrothcrs. Indications of a c ( the of of dear money still exist. A lai tlnuanco "mount of Bold was bought for New York rtav The question of a rlso In the uanK EnVland rate on Thursday Is much dlscuised. of I FollowlnB rn the closlne quotations leading stocks on the New York market today The total sale , of Blocks today were 43t share * . Including Atchlson preferred , 10. : ChesapeakB fc Ohio , S.VM : Erie preferred. 2 , ' IXHilsville fi Nashtllle , 9.1UO ; kUnlMw. M. . Uo'.roriolltaa , ( .800 ; Reading preferred , 1.1 Missouri Paclflc , 4.SOO ; MUgjuri , Kansas Te a-i preferred. J,4yt New York Central , 13,57i Northern Pnclflc , 6,71 ; Northern Pacific pn 'erred. B.fW ; Rock Island. 11,009 ; Ht. Paul. fiO..W 1'nlon Pnrlflc. C.SO ; Tobacco. 9f | > ) ; People (1n. . ll.DH ; General Klectrlc , 3.10S ; Sugar , 67 , < Western I'nlon , 4,131. \t-iv York Money .Mnrkrt. NK\V YORK , Maroh 14. MON15Y ON CALL If/3 per cent. 1'RIMi : MKRCANTlLr : PAPKR-tVj SW PI cent. STHRL1NO KXCHANOE Market rather weil with actual bUKlnemt In bankers' bills at J4.82 O4.f4 for demand nnd JI.80T5W4 SI for sixty dnyi po.ited rntt-K. l. : if4.S3 nnd IS.U4. . J14 ; con mcrclnl 1.111s. J4.SO. IIAR HlLVHIl MKXIfiN IX1LLAIIS 44fcc. GOVERNMENT MONDsS Market weak : new 4 retf , nnd cou | n. Ill ; 4s , re * . . 110 ; coupon , II 28 , reg. , 99H ; &i , reg. and ccmpon , 111 ; Putin Cs of ' 9J , 103. 'I ' ' _ Clo ln gumptions on bon'ls were s follows : Flnnticlnl , Xoti- . an1SS1WtaJ7h 14-C1S'Vln . * .n5.Mt | b HALTIMORE. March 14. ClcarlnRS , J2.4I4.9 balances , J42 .C58. / 1 > NEW YORK , March U.t-Clcarlnss. JS1,934,9 balanced , JG.091,936. 5 : balances , $ l.C77,3COc- , MBMI'HIS. March 14. CJeaHnRS. 371CS2 ; b ances , JC3.873. New YorK' | cxbhanue selllnff $1.50 premium. ' ; " ' CINCINNATI. March -gffr3rlnBi , t2,6il,4 Money , 2ViJ per cent. . 'NoW York txchani OITfiOc discount. TI NEW ORLEANS , March 34. ClcarirtBa , l,62 665. New York exclmnRe. Uink par ; commi clal , $1 per $1,000 discount , ,1 ST. I OUIS. March H fCloarlnKS. $3.I73.S balances , } G35t93. Money , , C$8 per cent : Nc York exchange , li c dlitcoUnt bid , par naked , OMAHA.March 14. The 'bank ' clearings ted ; were Jl,016,415.30. Balance * ' were J105.1SO. In 1S97 the clenrlnc * were ? Sfil.31.CT nnd t balances were $73.3l8.1iIncrease . In clearln for the day , $155,102.63. CHIOAao. Moroh 14-ClearlnBS. ? 1 .055.0 New York exctmnire , 3Sc discount. Posted rntc 4.3 and $4.85. Stocks tod.iy showed an li proved tone with Wall street : tradlns UR ! Alley L. 50V4 : Diamond Match , 134 : Dlscult , coi mon , 21 , Jj Illscult , preferred , 77 : Lnkc Street 12 : North OilciiBo , 215 ; Strawboard. 26V Chicago. . 93. i 'Foreign ' 'Flnnnolnl. ' IXJNDON. Mnrrh 14. The amount of bull ! Keno Into the Hank of Ennland toilay was 10 000. American ragles amounting to 203.000 w < withdrawn from the Ilank of England ted * Gold IK quoted nt Uuenos Ajres today at 1C3.40 HDRL1N. March 14. International securlt on the bourse today were unfavorably afferl by advtoea fmm western stock exchanR American securities and Canadian I'aclllc toc were well supported above New York's parli Hank eharea were strong In anticipation loans. PARIS. March It. Although business In I bourne opened better today , the Incessant c cllno In Hpanlxh 4s weakened securities around. There were rumors cf a forced * > The opening was 54 5-1C. but soon dropped W,4. At noon , the price declined to 53U a closed at that flfrure , ExchanKe on London , 2o for checks. Three per cent rentes , 1031 for the account. American Securities in London. LONDON. March 14.-Tho market for Amc can securities fluctuated aomowh.it after a stea opening , and then Improved and closed 11 with a moderate demand. Wool 'Market. nOSTON. Mareh 14. Following are the quo tlons for the leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania Heeces , X nnd abe 27 28c ; XX. We ; XX and above. S0 31c : i lalne. J031c ; No. 1 combing. 30fl3lc ; No. combine. 30ft31c. Michigan , Wisconsin , et Michigan. 24o ; No. 1 Michigan combing. 2 No. 1 Illinois combing , 29c ; No. Z Mlchle combing , SSyWo ; No. : Illinois combing , 2Sft2 New York , N w Hampshire and Vermont , ! S4c ; No. 1 New York , New Hampshire and V mont , 27c : delaine , Michigan. 28c. Unwasl medium Kentucky and Indiana quarter-hit combing , 2So ; Kentucky and Indiana thr eighths-blood combing. 23Sr4c ; Missouri quart blood combing , 22 :3c ; Missouri three-clght blood combing , U@24c : braid combing , 21c ; li and Georgia , S3c. Territory wools ; Monte flno medium and tine , 10 < 3l c ; scoured , 47ijl staple , t2Q53c ; Utah. Wyoming , etc. , fine n ilium and fine , 15R17c ; scoured , 47@4Sc ; tur D0fl52c. Txas wools : Spring medium , months , leftlSc : scoured. 43U45c : spring nne. months. lSN9c ; scoured , COc. Auntrall pcoured basis , combiner superfine. 70Q720 ; goi C.6Sc ; average , 620600 ; Queensland combli Xe v York Dr > - GoodM Market. NEW YORK , March 14. The dry goods marl was ctulet today. The demand for all grades staple cotton Is quiet. Hleached goods at tl hands are without feature. The prices quoi show no signs of a speedy advance , nnd sell are none too anxious to sell goods , llrnwn c tonn are quiet In request , the character of i demand differing In no degree from that wh has hitherto prevailed. Coarse colored cotu are quiet In all grades and without featu Print cloths show unchanged conditions , sales of vxtras were reported Jtxlay. California DrleoV Fruit * . NEW YORK. March 'ATITORNIA Dili FRUITS Steady ; cvaporntad apples , common. So ; prime wire Ira" . 8V e8Hetwoo.l dried , prl : 8'4O8o ; choice , Wtfc ; fancy. 9H910c. Prun StteSc. Apricots , royal , t , C7c ; Moor Park. OlOc. Peaches , unpeelnl , uu ft ; peeled , 12O16 < SnKar Market. NEW YORK , March H.-HUOAH-Riw. stea fair roflnlntJHc ; centrlfngnl. S6 test. 4Vic ; fined , steady ; mould A , % c ; standard A , ivinfectlonerc' A , Go ; cut Iwf. 5Hc ; crush BSic ; powdered. & S-lCc ; eood , granulated , 5 ! cubes , SS-lCc. NEW ORLEANS. UarrnSUaARQnl nitn kettle. S eilic : renlrlfuiftl. gonulat i-H-lSc : whites. 4H" Vjc ; ytllows , 4O4Kc : i nn.1t. . : H8J-li-16c , Molasaai , Ictrong ; centrlfui Oil Jlark 4 > . OIL CITY. March 14. Credit bnlanres. ' certificate * , opcnrd sales , TWc. regular ; hlsf Ales of co li. TTI'iC. t Ilie close. Therp i one sal * of S.Vn b.irrrls. J-juh. t 77Hc. Tl v\lf * . IS.naj barrels ; shipments. 117.SW burp run * . M.1K barrel * . , . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKE1 Week Opens with Plenty Cattle and Vcr Few Hogs on Halo. CATTLE SLOW AND MUCH UNSETTLEI 'rice * llmiRc from Stemlr * 1 Con In Lower on HI-OWN 1 Start ( tut with a Decline. SOUTH OMAHA , March II. Receipts fc ho days Indk-ateu were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ilor' larch 14 2.1SS 1.C.1) 4.8M larch 12 2.10S 4,532 790 ' . tarch 11 2,4X2 B.9I2 1.905 larch 10 2,312 4,697 10,207 larch 9 2.SOI B.Z.'il 6,576 ' . tarch S 2,929 6,609 7.S09 larch 7 3,200 3,17ii 3,584 'lurch ' 5 1,137 6.437 1,270 I March 4 1,823 G.5I5 6,245 March 3 1,6J2 CM9 3,763 March 2 1 , 94 5,349 4,833 Inrch 1 2,779 7,800 4.230 -ebruary 23 1,834 4,541 4,051 'ebrunry 2fi 9(0 ( C.273 3 612 J'ctiruury 23 1,222 5,696 4,040 February 24 1,582 4,934 6,743 I The uniclal number of curs of stoc brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOBS. Slice ] C. . M. & St. I > . lly 2 Mo. I'iic. Uy 2 Inlon P.xclllc system 10 7 : ' . . K. & M. V. 11. U 11 4 S. C. & lHy G C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. lly 21 1 . & M. II. R. 11 25 8 C. C. & St. J 1 C. , U. I. & I' , lly. , east 1 Total receipts 91 21 The disposition of the day's receipts wr as follows , each buyer purchasing the nun > er of head Indicated : lluycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Shec ) m.iha Packing Co 26 5. H. Hammond Co 2SS 472 Swift and Company 416 G14 : udahy Packing Co 422 672 1. Ueeker and DeRan lot Vansant & Co 26 f. L , . Carey 5. . . . -.obman & Rothschilds . . fl "lenton & Underwood . . 5.1 rebbs & Co 92 . . . Ivlngston & Shalcr 13J Swift , from country -I. Hamilton 1S2 Meyers . - . 137 Other buyers us Total 2 112 V75S ll CATTLE The week opened with 2,1 lead of cattle received , as against 3,200 01 week ago and 1,834 two weeks ago. Aboi a quarter of the cattle on sale consisted < cow stutt and the balance almost entire of cattle that had had more or less coi and that were shipped In for beef. Tl market , aw a whole , was slow and It wi rather late before a clearance was effecte and still the trade was In pretty go < shape. BEEF STEERS Large receipts and ewer market at Chicago constituted tl chief bear features of the day's trade at were In the main responsible for whatev weakness may have been developed at th joint. The buyers seemed to want tl good cattle and the offerings of such as a pcared pleasing In their eyes sold qul readily at about last week's prices. Oi Dunch of choice heavy cattle , special me tlon of which Is made in another coltim sold up to $3.10 , being the best cattle ai the best price of the year. Other duslrab lots brought $4.GOiJ.70. ) A very largo pr portion of the cattle , however , consisted common to medium stuff and It was < that class that the weakness was mo noticeable. The betwixt and between ca tie , those that were neither good beef n good feeders , were generally 10c lower. J noted last week , the country has stoppi buying half-fat cattle for feeders and wl the competition from that source cut c packers are not disposed to pay such st prices. The truth Is that the half-fat ai unfinished cattle have been selling high In proportion than choice beeves by reasi of the country demand for feeders. BUTCHERS' STOCIC-Something II twenty loads out of a total of ninety the yards were cows and heifers. T average quality was reasonably good , b nothing very extra. As to the market , t demand was good and desirable stuff so readily nt last week's prices with coi mon and thin kinds easier. The moveme was fairly active and the most of the off * Ings changed hands early. STOCK CATTLE There was a fair she Ing in tlie yards In the way of stock ctitt The feeling on that kind of cattle w steady and offerings met with quick take : One bunch sold up to J5.CO and there w quite a string at J4.75ff4.90. In the way feeders there was not much to offer , e ceptlng half-fat Bluff , and as noted abe the country Is nat so anxious for that kli us It was a short while ago. Represent tlve sales ; as against 3,17 a week ago and 4.SI1 on Monil two weeks ago. In spite of the light run the reported hrf In hog values at other points waa sulllclent send the market down fully EC. The market v rather slow nnd ilroggy jit the decline , I still an early clearance was effected. - T h hogn sold all the way from J3.63 to U. with the big string nt JJ , > . ua asalrwt JJ 7i Saturday. Tno week opens with the market 1214c lov than ft week ago. 7 > ,4o lower than two wo. ago nnd ISo lower than a month ago. Kep sentatlve sales : * numt > er of sheep reported In yards wa large , 4.HG head , es against It84 Monday of last week. As a matter of fact , hi ever , the most of the i-heep came In Sunday , i were only halted for feed , so that there w only five cars actually un rale. The market muttons was strong and the four loads offe stld reudlly. the ewea briniinr 11.00 and wethers 14.25. Hh ep turn * y that there li good dt-mand ( or feeding iherp and time uyers looking- for half-fat Muff , which the end out to nearby feed yards to hoilnlshei teprrscntatlve salea : No. Ar. Pr. < n western exve < . , , . , , . . . . , , , , . . . . .105 JI Oi ) 44 westnrn wethers ,113 4 tl U native stock lambs 68 4 CO ClllU.UiO 1,1 VK STOCK MA11KK1 ilottnrp "Weak , with n Decline I1 Pi-lee * . CHICAGO. March 14. There was the iisua larso Monday supply of cattle today ami trail was less animated than usual. There were m enough matured beeves lo ailmlt of wenknesi but steers that were undesirable In quality wet In Iftrso mippljr ntul ruled weaker lo lOo lowoi Sales were on a basis of t3.SMT4.00 for th pool est dressed Iwef fleers up to J3.2Sti3.C5 fc strictly choice to extra fine beeves , .vlth Hi hulk of the mien nt 54.33t.'i . Sales of fceJIn cnttlo were- mostly nt J4.00ifl.eo. wllh prim feeders rrlllnK as lilKh ns JI.75. Cnl\e sold 1 J6.001J6.63 for the l > elter craJes. Prices of hops were weak from Ihp Ptnrt. wit oale.s a nickel lower. The hulk of the hogs sol at J3.8W3.92i4 , tha commonest Hint fetching J3.G while iirlnn- heavy brought J4.00. I itp naif were nt a decline of fie from thiw made early. Iximlm comprised Hie gn-at bulk of the oltei lns , nnd were rather slow'of sale at an avenis dnclliM of loo. Common to prime lambs move off at J4.25fr340 , heavyweight * selllnR to poori ndvnntnKP thnn fat , handy llfihtwelnbl * . YMI lines sold at J4.Wff3.Oi ) , nnd sheep \\ero wnnte nt J3.00473.tO for the poorest lo Jl.50tf4.fi3 for 111 best , Te < l western * pellliiK thlolly ill Jl.0) ) l. & > Choice shepp were MrotiKer nnd sold acllvcl ] Colorado Inmh * sold Inrsely nt J5.30ff3.4i > . Receipts-Cattle , 1,000 head ; boss , 23,009 hca < sheep , 25,000 head. St. Ionli. Live Stock. ST. 1/HHS. March 14. CATTLK llrcelpt 2,304 head , Including 1,4 < > 1 bend Texnn * ; phl | ments , 400 head ; market ptendy ; fnlr lo fane native shipping nnd export steers , J4.M1T3 r. < bulk of pale * . S4.7MK.3n ; droned beef nr butcher steer * . JI.OOifS.lS : bulk of pales , J4.30 JI.OO ; steern under 1.000 Ibs. , S3.nOttl.Ci4 : bulk i pales , 1I.OOB4.SO : slockers nnd feeders , J3 00 4.70 ; bulk of unless Jt.4.va4.r,0cciwn : nnd helfrr J2.40ir4.no ; bulk of ooww. J2.755J3.M ; Texas nr Indian PteerH , jri''lTI.CO ; bulk of pules , J3.73 4.S4 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.OOff3.S3. lions Receipt * , 4.4W head : shipment * , l.T bend ; nmikot barely steady to n shad , > lowe yorkers. J3.753.83 ; packer. " , J3.80ff3.90 ; butcher ; SHEEP Receipts , 500 head ! shipment ! ' . nnn , market steady ; native muttons , SI.Odii4.Ii ainba. J300f5.W. Xew York Live Stork. NEW YOR1C. Mnrch II. REHVES-Recclpt 3,876 head ; dull ; Rood entile steady : minim nnd medium fleers a shade lower ; liilli nl cows 15W2."c lower : oxen nnd MaR , J2,73ffl.4 bulls , J3.004I3.60 : fat bulls , J3.W. Cables qin American steers lower nt VHSMIoiid , ilresn welitht ; live sheep , unchnnKCd ; refrlRerntor hep 8fS id per pound , llxporls today , none ; tome row , FOe head cnttlo , 1,019 head sheep nnd 2D qunrlers. CA'LVKS ' Receipts , 1.7C3 head ; active nr steiuly ; ve.ils. J5.OTiJ7.r.O. SHEEP AND LAMltS Receipts. (1.721 ( hen , tlrmer ; Inmbs , 10Jrl3c hlKhorf sheep , J3.73jf4l choice , J500 ; limbs. S.'i.nOOG.lO ; on deck , J6.2 clipped Inmb.i , J4.OflJT7.PO. HOOi Receipts. 105rxl ) hend : active nnd 10 15c hUher ; nuotntlons , J4.1W.30. Kininn * City Live Stork. KANSAS CITY , Mnrch 14. CATTLV-R celpts , 2.SOO hend nntlvos , 1,000 hend soulheri market ptondy to lc ( lower ; common to tfu Iretwed beef steers , J3.805i3.iri ; choice. jr > .20i.4 weslern cattle , fairly ncllvc ; pome 1,000-lb. t'ol rndo feeders pohl nl 81.93 ; Arlr.onn cowp , 1 C inllvo cows nnd helfera , strong ; prices , J2.60 4.60 ; Texas nnd Indian cnltle. rc to ' 10 * Imvc atenrn , J3.ROJJ4 35 ; choice heifers , J3.S08I.3 bullJ2.751fl.CO. , . lions Receipts , 4,201 hend : market Cfll lower : hulk of pales , t3.KVr3.FO [ ; henvlca in > acker ! ' . J3.fi. ff3.PO ; medium find mixed , J3.C , " fO : Ilirhls. J3.6rfl3.r. : plRS. J3.23n3.f,3. S1IEE1' Receipt ! " , nr > 00 head ; sheep , nctlv stonily to lOo lower ; wcatcrn muttons. J3.8 ! 1.35 ; fnlr supply of we lorn lambs , J4 80 3.20 , LonUvlllf Llvo Stouk. LOUISVILLE , Mnrch It.-CATTLR Mark dull nn < l fully 10Iirm lower ; exlra ijooil expo > te ri > . Jt.n04t4.6Ci ; cholcp butcher steers. J4.1J 4.30 ; fnlr to KOod butcher steeors. J.1.Criit4 15 ; coi mon to medium butchnr steers.41.40OT C ; chol helferp. J3.I1OW4,13 ; fair to choice butcher row J2.nOfi3.C5 ; medium to Rood feeders , JS.CTvTrI.IS. HOOS Receipts , 0.000 hond : t r > . M.lifl ; m dlnm , * 3. 1ir3.90 ( ; llRht nhlppers , J3.40dl3.70 ; pl J2.HiO3.40. SHEEP AND LAMI1S Market steady nndi clmnKfd ; peed to extra phlnplnir phcep , J3.t ( 3,75 : fair lo coed pheep , J3./10'5t3.23 ' : common modlum. J2.0Af2.0 ( ! ; ; extra phlpplnir lambs , JI.7J .OO : fallto irood lambs. 84.2394,73 ; \ < < "l Uutchci J4.00S4.CO ; fnlr to Rood butchers , J1.riOOTI.00. Knot lluffnlo I.lvi * Stork. HAST IltJPFALO. N. Y. . Mnrch 14.-CATTI Dull nnrt slow ; fat shlnpinK steers. 84.0 < > ft4 1 fnt smooth steers , Jt.40ig-4.tO ; cnnrso and lOUKl 81.75 4.25 : IlKht sleers , Jl.10ffl.25 ; choice r heifers , J4.2riiT4.50 ; mixed bulclicrs , J4.50G3. ( DI ! butchers' cows , J3.30 3.90. , IOW Good to choice yorkers , Jl.l'ifrl.i yorKero , Jl.10-ff4.15 ; mixed packer irradcs , J4.ll 4.17 ; henvv hogs , J4 15 4.3i ) ; roushs , J3.U33.I pica , J3.OOfl3.SO. LAMIIS-Cholcp to exlra , S1.Ddita.nO : fnlr Rood. J5.C3W5.SO ; culls , Jj.O'W..CO ; yearllnRS , JI HIIHKP Oholoo to teloctcd wethers , j.f : t.05 ; culls , J3.2Jg4.15. Intllniinpolln Live Slock. INDIANAPOLIS. March 14. CATTLE-11 celpts , light ; shlpm nts , none ; market modi ntely active ; Rood to prime steers , J4.90O5.25 ; li to medium steers. J4.COiJ4.SO ; common tD KO Btocke.rM , J1.COff3.75. lIOOS-Recelpts , COO head ; shipments , liRl market quiet nnd lower ; Koodi to choice inedlu and heavy , J3.90a4.01 ; mixed and heavy , J3.s : 3.90 ; cnmmoii lights , J3.7503.EO. SHEEP Receipt ? , llRht : shlpmentP. nor market ac-tlvo ; Rood to choice Inmbs , Jj.2o@i.l common to medium lambs , J3,75iQ5.00 ! ; cDimn sheep , J2.2503.00. Stock In Slulit. Record of receipts of live slock nt the fc principal markets for Mnrch 14 : Cattle. HORS. She ; " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 25.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . 281000 . Kansas Clly 3.800 4,204 B.j .2.304 4.400 ! St. Louis . _ Totals 27.288'38.2W 33 , ! Cincinnati Llvo Stock. _ CINCINNATI , March 14. IIOQS Weak ; J3.2 4.00. CATTLE Steady ; J2.C/ffll.75. SHEEP Dull ; J2.75B4.W. LAMltS-Dull ; J4.OTR < i.75. Coffee Mnrkot * . NF3\V YORK , March 14.-COFPEE-pptlc opened IrreRUlar at unchanced nrlces to 5 poll lower under barely steady European cnh ! < heavy Urazlllan receipts , smnll United Stm wnerhoupo dellverl . lack of support , weak w market and bear hnmmerlnirs ; ruled quiet wl downward tendencj'- Closed quiet , with prl ( unchanRed to K nolnt net lower. SnlM. 7. bOKS. Includlntt May. J5 20 ; July. . . . . ; H teniber. 'i.45ff5.ri4 : December. Ji.63 ; Januni J5.70. Spot coffee. Rio- , weak ; No. 7 Involco. n No. 7 johblne , evte. Mild , steady ; Cordova , SflCc. Total warehousn dt-llverles from I United Slntw , 7.5C2bairs. . IncludlnR 6,3'JS Ixi from New York ; New York Block today , 072. baps : United States stock. 793,233 haus : all < for the United States , 293,000 biira : total vlell for the United States. 1.M.281 Inss , ottali 782,413 hnes la t year. SANTOS , Mnrch 14.-OOFFKK-Q.ul > t : RC nveraije Sinlo , 8.50 rel' . Receipts , 13,000 bai HAMHURO , March 14.-COPFKK-Opcnpa pfR. lower. At 2:30 : p. m. UOV4 Pff- ( net ln\v hniUO 18DB JANEIRO , March 11. COFI'Rl tola. ExchnnRi- ! ) .J Steady ; -N" . 7 Rio. K.030 receipts , 12,000 bars : cleared for the Ilnll States , 4.0i IKIRS ; clenrod for Europe , l.WJ ba ; "TIA'VRB' . Mn.rrh' 14. COFFEE Closed < if I lower ; sales , 17,000 bags. Sun Vrnnrlnoo Wlieiit Mnrket. ? AN FRANCISOO. Mnrrh 14. WHHA' Steady : December. J1.J3H : May. tl.40'4. HARLEY-iSleady ; December , Si ic ; Mi 11.08 % . There are three lltllo things which more work than any other throe Ilttlo thlr created they are the ant , the hoc a DeWltt's Little Early Hlsers , the last nel the famous Ilttlo pills for stomach anil Hi TELEPHONE 13S3. H. R. PENNEY & CO. HO Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Ni GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOM Bnncb Offlce. 1038 N Si. . Ltacolc. Nob. O. C. CHRISTIE. K. J. BTRHET , President. Vice Preside Ciifislie-SW Cominission Ci Capital , f.0,000.00. I'nllr I'nld. Ill llnnril of Triule lliillilluu. STOCKM. UltAI.N A.\U PUOV181OXS JAMES E BOYD & CO. . Telephone 103 ! ) . Omalr.i , Nt COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS mid STOC I BOARD OP THADB. DlreM wire * to Chicago and New York , Correspondents ! John A. W mn * Ca BUY CORN Corn iind Cotton r the cheapest eomnr tteu In the world today and believe Ihote v follow the above advise will make Mir mon All orders tilled In Chicago over our prlv ! Wlre ; through correspondent , K , O. Lei & Co. Your orders respectfully solicited. Write for Information , V. C. ItOLLINOKr til Board of Trade , Ora.iha , N WHEN TRAVELIN0 Read The Bee HERE IS WEERE YOU WILL FIND IT III THE PRINCIPAL CITIES- ATLANTA , GA , Klniltnll House Sew * Stnnd. BILLINGS , MONT. J. O. Snorrr. , | BOSTON. Pnlillo Library. Vendorac Hotel. BUFFALO. Ueneiee Hotel New * Stnnd. BUTTE Cltr News ) Depot , Cor. Mnln nd Dread * wny. CHEYEiNNE. IS. A. Loftnn , UlUVe t 101k at. Cheyenne Club. CHICAGO. Anilltnrlum llotrl wn Stand. Auditorium Annex XO T Stand , [ Ircnt Norlliorii llotrl Menu Stand. I'alnirr Ilium * Ne Stand. PoitoOloc NLMTB Stnttd , No. 217 Dear * burn Street. An.ooliitod Advcrtlner'a Club , 1'almw * Home. CLEVELAND. \VFdilpll Ilonnc. The llollrndiMi. Commerolnl Trnvclcp * ' A ooinio % Blnionlo Tomplc. COLORADO"SPRINGS llrlieoc llron. . No. ! IU South Tejon St. I'rlntern' Homo. CAMBRIDGE , MASS Harvard Unlvprnltr Mhrnry. DENVER. llrotrn Hotel .Nown Stand. Hamilton & Kviulrlok , DOO-O12 lT h it. MuLiiilii , 1'ltt A Co. , SUB Sixteenth SI. Prntt Mercniitllc Co. . 1517 Larimer St. flip Stationer Co , , l.Tlh and I.uwrcuu * Wlndior Hotel N MV Stand. DES M OINES. 91 on on Jiirolm , llouk Inland Depot. V. M. O. A. HrmlliiK Hoom. FORT SMTTH , ARK. M. S , A. llendlnir Hoom. HOT SPRINGS S. D Kinll Haraen * . HOT SPmNGS , ARK , O. 1C Wcnvcr < t Co. HELENA. \V. A. Moore , Ulh nvoiuic nnd JIulii Nt. Helena I'uhllu I.llirnrj- . KANSAS CITY. Houcrt Held , 1OUU Mofiee nt. Contcn Houm- \i-\vm Stnnd. V. M. C. A. HeadliiK Hoom , 810 Wymi- dottu ( . UUvourl Itcniilillrnii Club , DOS HiUII more Ave. I'llhlic l.llirnr > - . cr Cl nr Co. , Dili iiml Walnut ltc 1 * . O. LINCOLN. Frank II. Woodland , Frank IIu Tell ClK'iir Co. , 1OUO U St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Cuarlcn A. ailllir.o. . U Strand. MINNEAPOLIS. I'nMlo Library. Wc.t Hotel NCTTH Stand. NEW YORK Cooper Union Library. Fifth Avenue Hotel Mem Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel neadlnii Iloonu Uroomc Street Library. llollund Hou u HeadlnK Itoom. UoHniuii Huaic. Imperial Hotrl New * Stand. llechanleii' & Trader * ' Free Library * No. 18 Kant Sixteenth Street. Pros Club , 12O Naimaa St. Wcctmtniter Hotel Iteadlnir Room. Wlndnor Ilntal Itendlua Hoom. V. M. C. A. , it3d dtreet and 4th AVCOB * , OClDEN. W. WcMi , 24U5 WaHhlnvton Ave. VIcCartuey & Co. , :1UU : 23th 9t. PARISTRANCE ; Itstv York Herald Heading Itoom , 4ft Ave. do 1'Oiieru. 'POCATELLO ' V. C. Ilocdcr , Went Center > t. PORTLAND , ORE , W. E. Jane * , 201 Alder St. Portland Hotel \ w Stand. PHILADELPHIA , Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Public Library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. ' SALT LAKE CITY. L. F. lluiniucl , Lyceum /Theater. Salt Lake NcrfB Co. il'ubllu Library. SEATTLE. p. O. Oynton , PiiHtollloo 1\ow Deuott A 'T."Lundberis. SIOUX CITY. OnrreUmin Hotel Nem Btauii. Monduuilu Hotel Ken * Btauii. Hotel Vendumu New * Stand. Public Library. SPOKANE. John W. Urahatu , 7 H-T25 Illversld * Avciiue. Avciiue.ST. . JOSEPH Urnudow'n New * Sluud , 721 Kdiuaua treit. ST. PAUL. MINN. Proi > Club. WliMlsor Hotel. ST. LOUIS. * E. J. Jrtt , KOO Olive nt. PlNuterx' llulnlC > T Ktnnd , Public Library , III ! Locust St. WASHINGTON , D. C WlllimPn Hotel > > Stand. ArllUKton Hotel. CouKTinlonul Library. UlKB * Ho one. AKrlnulturnl Deiinrliuent LlbritrT * Treamiry llfi'urtiiient Llbrnry. llritublleuuiil'l. . Committee Hennta UrudliiK ; HOOIH. YANKTON frank Well. , Jr.