Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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* -
> u senTry
Try Mocro' * stock food.
Dr. nee , dentist , Merrlam block.
Kggs , 3 doz. 25c. tlartel ft Miller.
A k merchants for premium stars.
Photos Platlno or Arlsto. Sherraden.
Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301. Mcrrlara blk.
James Harrington has returned from Kan-
tas City.
Hotel Inman dining room will bo opened
April I by W. II. Inraan.
Mra. O. D. PnttcTBon has returned from
fortnight's vUlt with relatives In Ia\cnport.
Mrs. I , . iA.Martin of DCS Molnes Is sit
ing her mother , Mre. K. J. Price , at 203
Grace street.
The Kvans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color and finish. 620 Pearl
street. Phone 290.
The regular monthly dance of muffs di
vision No. 27 , Uniform Hank , Knights of
Pythias , will occur In the boll this ovenlng.
Don't joii think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724
Council niuffs chapter. Daughters of the
American Revolution , will meet this after
noon at 2 o'clock with Miss Patterson , G04
South Sixth street.
M. J. Murphy , In advance of Augustus
Pltou'n "Cherry Pickers , " was In the city
yesterday arranging for the appearance of
his company at the Dohany Boon.
" "Kx-Deputy United States Marshal Richards
Is In the city denying the rumor that ho Is
to bo gl\en an appointment under the ad
ministration of Marshal Christiansen.
Miss Uitle I-jncbard has returned from
a Umgthy visit with friends In Fullortou ,
Nub. Mlsa Mumlo Mattdeson , who accom
panied titr , will retrain there permanently.
The National Letter Carriers' association
has adopted suitable resolutions concerning
the death of Ferdinand Meyers , the \ctcran
letter carrier who died suddenly a short time
ago Chris Wurst , the wealthy Page county
farmer who was picked up by a policeman
In the early dawn after an nil night's de
bauch , contributed $1K 80 of the $117 he had
on his person to the lty police fund.
All members of Council ccinp No. 11 ,
Woodmen of the World , are commanded ic
meet at Woodman hall Sunday morning ai
11 o'clock sharp , to go to Omaha to attend
the funeral of Sovereign Phj lctan W. O ,
Prof. S. S. Ilamll , who has been teaehlnp
classes In elocution In the High school anil
elfew here , ga\o a public recitation at the
Tlrst llaptUt church last oxenlng , amlstei'
by his daughter , Miss Minnie Ilamll. Ii
consisted of poetic and ShaUccperlan Imper
I. M. Trejnor rcccUcd a telegram from
Washington yesterday announcing hH con
firmation by the senate as postmaster of this
city. Ho Is rccolt Ing the congratulations ol
his friends over the termination of a blttci
fight that was waged against his nomination
and confirmation.
The Calhoun Opera company will appeal
bcforo a largo audience at the Dohany or
Thursdiy evening If the advance sale of tick ,
tts Is an Indication. The box olllco shccl
was again In great demand yesterday. Th (
company will present "Tho Grand Duchees , '
with flfty-fhe people In the cast.
While ntmcr and worry , the mcst unproflt
nblo condition known to man , arc In posses
sion of the mind both mental and physlcj
growth are suspended. Thoco dlstresslnf
conditions , If caused by your laundry work
can bo easily avoided by patronizing thi
reliable Bluff City Steam Laundry.
The gardeners and farmers were greatl ]
pleased yesterday with the snowstorm ani
the manner of termination. All of the fros
Is out of the ground and all of the wale :
from the melting snow was quickly soakei
up. They report the soil to be In an Ideall ;
perfect condition for the spring seeding am
The Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glas :
company has received a pert Ion of Its sprint
consignment of paints , conslctlng of sevcra
carloads of white lead , oils and mlxe <
paints. An Immense line of picture mould
ing and new goods for the art departmen
has also been received. The big establish
tnent In Masonic temple Is the headquarter
for all of thla kind of material.
Justice Vlcn yesterday went Into the conn
try for the purpose of performing the mar
rlago ceremony that will prevent C. Zastrov
from being prosecuted for seduction by Mis
Thlel. Zastrow was taken out of the count :
jail by the justice who had committed bin
pending a hearing and was taken In th
Justice's buggy to the homo of Miss Thlel.
Three men wcro added to the street clean
Ing force by Judge McGee at the conclusloi
of the morning session of the police cour
yesterday. They were a part of the dall ;
grist of vags and drunks. Two of them wcr
found to bo unfitted for the rough work o :
tha streets , and were not sent out. One ha
a broken arm and the other was wlthou
C. B. Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consults
lion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to !
Health book furnished. 326-327-3:8 Merrlar
Want Houses to rent. Klnne , Baldwin bit
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Dlntrlct Court Adjourn * .
The January term of the district com
reached Its end yesterday and was adjourne
by Judge Thornell. There will only bo
short Interval until the March term cor
vones. A largo number of entries were mad
In cases pending for the purpose of cleonln
up the docket.
Charles Edgcrton secured a divorce froi
his wife Nellie , by default. The ground ai
leged was desertion.
The case of the Campbell Printing Pres
company against W. C. Whitney , growln
out of the failure of the Globe Publlshln
company was settled by the press compan
agreeing that Us claim was second to th
landlord's writ of attachment.
The luotlon for a new trial In the case (
the administrator of the Wcad estate agalm
the .Manawa Railway company and Ri
celvcr Ulannan will be argued In vacotlo
by agreement and the judgment of the com
will bo entered as of the last day of the prci
cnt term.
In the case of the Acme Harvester core
pany against J. M. llrlJal judgment was ret
dcred for the plaintiff.
A dozen brands of whisky for all class <
In stock. Parody orders delivered In clt'
prompt shipping to adjacent towns aii
farmers. Liquors , wines , Pabst beer , Be
ley's ole and porter by the glass , bottle , ju
keg or case. 635 Broadway. Council Bluff
la. 'Phono 148. M. Wollstcln & Co.
Hoiil IXute TrmiNfrrM.
The following : transfers nro reported froi
the title and loan olllce of J. W. Squire , 1 <
Pearl street :
C. IX Dlllln and wife , L. , to Albert
It Sarchet. ne'i 16 , cH se'i nnd nw i
se4 ? , 3 acrca In rw < 4 neU 15 and west
7 acres swft sett 10-77-44 , w. d $9 , &
ttobeit Ingrain nnd wife to A. U In-
Krnm , ee'i 13-74-42 , w. d 8,9
Pavld & McKee and wife to Laura
Mlnnlck. lot 1. Auditor's subdivision
of outlet 1 , Carson , w. d 1
Three transfers , total { 1S.C
Mnrrlitur l.lct-inei.
Marrlntre licenses have been Issued to tl
following persons :
Name and Residence. Ag
John Zastrnwr , Underwood
\Vlbbeke Thlel , Treynor
Iloy U Duquette , Council Bluffs
Minnie Cozad , Council Bluffs
For Infant * and Children.
Blunder on Fait of Officials Lets a Bad Mao
Get Away ,
Trnnk dinner , CniiKlit ITIll ! I'luntlci
Under HU Arm , Sent Out to
Work on tliv Slrvvtii u
a ViiRriuit.
It was not discovered until yesterday tha
Frank Casner , a vagrant picked up by OIllcci
Martin and sentenced to the chain ganc
until 1m had done enough street cleaning
ttork to approximate a fine of $15 , was f
burglar. The discovery was not made , however -
over , until Casner had thrown down hi :
shovel and won a foot rate with the ofllcci
In charge of the gang. The Incident occurred -
curred shortly after the street cleaning
crowd had been put lo work on Broadway
Carncr Is a large , husky young man am
was shifty enough lo take advantage of the
first opportunity to drop his shovel and ml :
himself up with a number of vehicles In hli
vicinity nnd get a good start before lib
Intention to quit work was made apparen
by his ncllons. When last seen ho wai
going In the direction of Omaha.
The proprietor of Iho Dmmctt house ap >
pcared at the station yesterday uftcrnooi
for the purpose of taking a look al Casnci
and examining Mme clothing he was curry
Ing under his arm when found by the offlco :
at 3 o'clock In the morning. The clothing
was promptly Identified as the property o
J. D. McDonald of Palrbury , Neb. , a lire-
man on the Ro-'k Island railway. McDonah
was asleep In liU' ' room when the thief en'
tered and stole his vttit and trousers am
all 'that ' they contained. He was making
good his escape when he ran Inlo Olllcei
Martin's arms He was unable to give an ;
reasonable excuse for his presence abroac
at thai hour and became ellll more an objcc
of suspicion when ho declared that tin
clothes ho was carrying had been given bin
by some .stranger with a request to taki
care of them unlll called for. On the wa ]
to the stallon the man endeavored to dro ]
several articles and was prevented. Whei
arraigned there was no charge placec
against him but simple vagrancy , but i
note was left for the city Jailer asking ti
have him held for furlher Investigation. Thi
note was overlooked and Iho man was sen
on Ihe streets and look advanlago of tin
firsl opportunlly lo escape. 'McDonald yea
tcrday filed an Information In Justice Vlen'i
couit charging Casner with burglary.
Better lhan Klondike. Persons with smal
or large capital wishing to make Invest
ments lhat promise largo returns shouh
address or call on L. W. Tullcys , Councl
Bluffs , la.
Dr. Roller , osteopath , Beno block.
ArraiitfciiirntM for tlie Pcntl
School Klfi-llon.
The Beard of Education held a specla
meeting last night for Ihe purpose of com
pletlng the arrangements for the school elec
tlon next Monday. After some discussion 1
was decided that the number of tickets t
bo printed should bo limited to 22,600 , 10,00
each for the democrats and republicans an
2,500 for the populists , provided they hold
convention In tlmo and nominate a tlckcl
It Is understood that the populists will hav
a convcnllon on Saturday evening and poe
slbly nominate a full clly ticket. The Judge
and clerks of election were selected for th
various voting distrlcls , a member of th
board required by law to serve as one of th
Judges In each precinct. The election officers
names follow :
First district : Judges-Jacob Sims , reput
'lean ' ; n. T. 'Bryant ' , republican ; Charlc
Mntthnl , domocral. Clerks Ilalph WI
Horns , republican ; R. N. Whlttlesey. demc
Second district : Judges J. C. Robertsor
repub'iean ; C. S. Hubburd , republican ; f
T. Whittlosey , democrat. Clerks M. 1
Ay res , republican ; A. W. Casarty , derm
Third district : Judges William Moon
democrat ; B. Terwllligcr. democrat ; L , I
Joseph , republican. Clerks George H
Hughes , democrat ; D. E. Stuart , repul
Fourth dlstrlcl : Judges-Dell O. Morgai
republican ; Fro.l Palmer , republican ; S
Callaghan , democrat. Clerk = Fred Hoaf
landi , republican ; AV. W. Cones , democrn
Fifth district : Judce i W. H. Thomu
democrat ; J. N. Wolff , democrat ; M. I
Moomavv , repub'lcan. dork * C. C. Grave ,
democrat : N. A. Crawford , re-publican.
The polling places selected In the votln
dlrtrlcts were as follows :
First dlstrlcl. consisting of First ward nr
Knno outside : Wheeler & Hereld's office.
Second dlstrlcl , Second -ward : No.
Nrrlh Main slreel.
Third1 district , consisting of Third w.n
nnd llrst precinct of Fourth ward : Terwl
llger's barn. Main Ptreet.
Fourth dlstrlcl. consisting of FIflh wai
nnd second precinct of Fourlh : Counl
building , corner FIflh avenue nnd Twclfl
Fifth dlslrlct , Sixth -ward : No. 2020 Broai
way. >
Chairman Spruit of the teachers' con
mil too reported lhat Miss Bull had te ;
dered her resignation as ono of the tcacl
era on Friday evening and had left fi
Cleveland on the following day to take
position In Iho city schools there , and th
her place had be i filled by promoting Ml
Vandercook. TLo report was approved.
The letter of Superintendent Hlsey notlf
Ing the board that be would not be a cam ]
date for re-elecllon wag submitted by M
Spruit , who stated that Mr. Hlsey bad I
formed him of his election In another cl
and at his request Prof. Hleey prepared tl
letler that was published. Prof. Hisey e :
p'alned that ho had given the letter to tl
prcfa for Iho reason lhat he Ihoughl 11 ai
vlsablo to have the fact as widely advc
tUed as possible that there would be
vacancy hero KO as lo enable the board
have plenty of material to select froi
otherwise the letter -would not have be
published until It had been nubmttlcd lo 11
board. Mr. Sims of ttio teachers' commltt
presented Iho names of a number of a
pllcanta who bad filed written applicatlor.
Among Iho candidates where letters he su
milted were W. O. Robinson , superintend ! !
principal of Iho borough schools at Athet
Pa , ; Prof. 0. W. Ellis , Stale Normal Tral
Ing school , Peru , Neb ; A. B. Warner , eupe
Inlendenl of schools at Missouri Valley , ai
Mlse Julia Kennedy , a graduate of the Sta
Normal School of Illinois , and formerly cl
superintendent of the Seattle schools. Ml
Kennedy Is a friend of Mrs. W. W. Lung <
All of the applications were received a
placed on file.
Some tlmo was spent In discussing t
forthcomluK annual report of the board , a
It was decided to hold another special mei
Ing on Wednesday evening for the pu
pose of getting together tbo compone
parta of Ibo report and arranging for
Immediate publlcat'on. '
Democratic Town Meeting.
A' raeellng of the Pottawallamle Derc
crallo club has been called for this evenii
at Marcus' hall. In the absence of a dal
democratic organ the democrats are obllg
to revive the good old fashioned method
arriving at conclusions and discussing pu
He matters In the lown meeting. The
meetings are becoming very popular , and t
democrats have real sociable times at t
galherlngs. The meeting tonight will
called to order at 8 o'clock , and the manage
expect a large attendance.
War FerlliiJT In < he Kant.
A. Whltelaw of the Boston store has i
turned from a three weeks' business ti
In the east. The greater part of the lit
as tpent In ( New York. He says that I
fforU of Ui "yellow" newspaper * to ru
wer wcctnrwr
his country Into a war with Spain have not
ad the effect In .New . York that has been
otlced In the west. One day one of the
apcra Issued an extra edition tvery hour In
he day. filled with the most sensational
tuff , alleged lo be news and which were
ulckly shown by subsequent events to be
akrs. This disgusted Iho people and a
Irong reacllon set In. He declared , how-
ver , thai Ihe general Impression among Ihc
merchants whom ho met In Ihe big whole-
ale houses Is that war will follow the pres-
nt agitation , He said Ihc people of New
'ork appear lo have bul small Ideas of Iho
nlense patriotism and power of the west-
rn elates , and seemed to think thai If war
omes Ihe New England states vvlll bo called
upon to furnish all of the eoldlers and
I'lnn of Hit * In\v nnil Order I.enunc IK
llearlll } niKlorxi'd.
"If Iho Livv and Order league will do atone
ono of Us members promised In The Bee
ycslcrday , and place a live , walchful man
n each one of the elecllon preclncls next
Monday , when the school election occura ,
hey will find employment that will bo the
most useful and confer the grcatcnt bencfll
upon Iho community of anything they have
over done In their lives , " ald an Interested
cltlrcn yesterday. "If they can .succeed IK
jetting hold of a few * of the vote buy ere
and vote sellers and make the promised ex
ample of them , It will have a deterrent In-
flucnco on the regular city campaign lhal
vvlll save the candidates many thousands ol
lollars at the city election on March 28
The school board election will bo held undei
.ho election laws , which for some strange
reanon the Icgle'ature has not seen fit tc
hange , and all of the opportunities foi
bclbciy that could bo desired are given. The
Ickets are simply small pieces of paper , am' '
ho vote-buyer can , if he wants , take the
vote-seller by the ear and lead him up tc
the ballot box and watch him put In the
Ickct bo Is paid to vote. Ono thing shoulO
not bo overlooked In securing evidence Ic
convict the law has been so changed that II
nakcs the brlbc-glver and the brlbe-lakei
equally guilty , and the man purchased can
not bo made lo lesllfy against his purchasei
without Incriminating hlmeelf. The agentr
of the league , however , will not lack chancef
o secure positive evidence , fee If It Is gen.
orally known thai Ihero Is a real desire Ic
secure convincing proof there will be found
abum'ance of men ready to furnish II , am !
will take enough Interest In sustaining the
purity of the ballot box to seek the evidence
iccessary. Every good citizen In Councl !
Huffs Is heartily pleased wllh Ihe bugges-
Ion , and I believe much good will reeull
rom II. "
The candidates , who have the greatent per
sonal and. financial Interest In the matter
ia\o about all announced their wllllngnes. '
to ofslst In the movement to protect the baV
lot boxes.
I'lctiire Friiiiiex.
Wo lave picture frames that will sull
anyone. All kinds to select fiom and we
vvlll fiamo your plclurca at moderale prices
Wo employ Iho most skilled workmen Ir
our house , and we take pains to please out
patrons. Our art department will well re-
jay you to visit It and eee the newest things
; ut in that line. We can satisfy you Ir
these goofis beyond doubt , and only ask youi
r = pectlon to bear us out In this assertion
When yo i want anylblng In Ihe art lln <
call at tha utoro of the Council Bluffs Paint
Oil and Glass Co , Mar.onlc block.
TenehtTM' Certmc-nten.
County Superintendent II. W. Sawyer has
Issued a circular to the teachers of the county
describing among other Ihlngs Iho difference
between a first and second-class certificate
as modified and changed by Ihe recent schco
laws that have gone Into effect. The clrcu-
lar declares a first-class certificate to be-onc
embracing orthography , reading , writing
arithmetic , geography , grammar , Unltet
States history , physiology and hygiene , d | .
dactlcs clemenlary civics , elementary alge
bra , elements of physics , and elementary
economics. A second-class certlflcale cm
braces orthography , reading , writing , arlth
mctlc , geography , grammar , United Statei
history , physiology and hygiene , and theory
and practice. The question of the numbei
and kind of certificates to be Issued Is now
In the hands of a committee appointed bj
the Stale Teachers' association , and will b <
rcporled on next month.
Many Want III e > ' Place.
There will be no lack of candidates for the
position of superintendent of the city schools
Since the announcement has been made thai
Prof. HUey will not bo a candidate for re.
election the members of the Board of Edu
cation have received a large number of ap
plications. Many of them have come fron
men who have gained considerable ) dtstlnc
llo'n In educational work , and some are fron
among the best known educators In tin
counlry. The elecllon. will not occur untl
July , and It Is expected that the number o
applications will be largely Increased befori
that time arrives , and the board will havi
plenty of good material to select from.
Porter Aftiilnut Cnrlnon.
The trial of the case of Porter , agalns
Carlson has been In progress In the su
pcrlor court for the last two days. Th
suit Is to recover $3,000 damages from ai
assault which Porter claims was made upoi
him by Carlson , growing out of an electloi
difficulty. Porter Is assessor at Neola , am
Carlson Is his neighbor. The assault oc
curred last wln'er , and In the affray Porte
was slashed with a knife , which be claim
was In the bands of Carlson. Several othe
men were implicated , among whom wer
Carlson's brothers.
nncklen'n Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cut !
Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fevc
Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chllblalm
Ccrr.s and all Skin Eruptions , and positive !
cures Piles , or no pay required. It Is guai
ojiteed to glvo perfect satla'actlon or ( none
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sal
by Kuhn & Co.
llenntlfnl Picture * OSc.
Today we offer ono dozen choice frame
pictures for OSc. They are beauties an
worthy of your consideration. In the meat
time , for a short tlmo only , you con get
frame for Just one-half their former prlci
loviti I'olltlcnl Note * .
A movement In opposition to the renomlnc
tlon of Robert E. Cousins for congress wa
started In Marshall county , but did not far
It Is said there are six candidates fc
the democratic nomination for cangressma
In the Second Iowa district , with three c
four more hinted at.
The only contest In the republican clt
convention at DCS Molnes was over the car
dldato for market master , which was flnall
captured by the colored delegation.
A Chicago newspaper concludes that tti
Iowa delegation In congress will bo rcnom
nated this year , with the exception of th
members from the First , Fourth , Ninth an
Eleventh ,
Captain B. J. Hartshorn of Emmetsbui
la an active candidate for state audlto
Since the withdrawal of Homer Miller <
Eagle Drove ho expects tbo support of nortl
west Iowa.
The notlco I ? published that at the ne :
election the voters of Dubuque will pai
upon the question of whether the city tha
purchase the water works system from tl
company now owning It ,
An Intimation has gene out that U
Board of Control will be made up as fo
Ions. In case the bill passes : Colonel Roc
of Ml. Vernon. W. A. McIIi-nry of Denlsc
and Pension Agent Charles II. Robinson.
Edwin R. 'Meek ' , who has Just'been at
pointed United Slates district Judge I
Texas , Is a son-in-law of R. P. Clarlcson i
the Des Molnes Register and his candldac
for the position was supported by the low
delegation In congress.
The Sioux City Tribune rays that fc'ei
ator A. C. Hobart of Cherokee , who hi
been mentioned as a candidate for the r <
publican nomination for congress in tt
Eleventh district , Is making an actlvo cai
vass and la developing considerable t'trengt
Your wife's folks back enet are Intereati
In the Exposition , Send them The Week
Bee for a year for 65 cenU.
enators Finally Oaltn Down on Board of
Control-Bill ,
'rnnticclM Arc Xoir'Fn ornlile for an
UnrljKrfeiiieiit on Till *
eJLWt Inn of
the Wnj.
DCS MOINES , March 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Oil was poured on Ibe troubled
waters In the senate this morning and the
ndlcatlons are brighter than ever for < l.e
mmedlato and substantial progress on the
> oardof control bill. After a week of debate
hu ways and means committee was again
sustained today by the defeat of the Lewis
amendment. The vote had hardly been an
nounced when Chairman Funk of the ways
and means committee took the floor and an
nounced that ho wished to present a sub
stitute. Ho explained that the pro\llon for
a statutory confirmation committee had
called forth > ery harsh criticism. It had
> een alleged there was political Intrigue con
nected with 't. ' For the committee he wished
to say that It should not be taken as Indi
cting luck of confidence In the gtncrnor ,
> ut merely In keeping with the conservathe
spirit of the bill. Howo\er , despite the fact
that the committee had been sustained sev
eral times by handsome majorities , and was
unalterably of the opinion the pro\lslon
vns wliv , It had , In the Interests of har
mony , decided to offer an amendment. The
amendment ( lorn away with the statutory
committee and provides for the appointment
of a committee of five without motion. The
amendment Is entirely aceptable to the op-
> osltlon and Its presentation has already lu
ll touted the legislative machinery not a
The senate met In the afternoon nnd made
good progtccs. The bitterness of last week
iis entirely disappeared , the olive blanch
las been extended and there Is reason to be-
Icie the bill will bo ready for the house
by the middle or latter part of nett week.
The house republicans caucused this aft
ernoon relative to action on the manufac-
urlng bill now before the lower chamber.
The matter was discussed quietly at
considerable length , but no action
was taken. The general sentiment
of the caucus was the party should
not attempt to bind members on the
measure. It Is believed there Is no demander
or additional legislation along this line and
hat It would be exceptionally bad politics
o become InvoheJ In the matter.
\o Hcnxon for I'urllior Drlny of Ex-
lion ! t Ion Appropriation.
Ucs Molnes Leader.
Before the close of the present week the
towa legislature should determine what
amount , If any , Is to bo expended for the
proper representation of Iowa at the great
expoJltlon whoso gates are to swing open at
Omaha on Juno 1. Further delay Is not
only needless , but fatal. But a little more
than two mcntha romdln during which tc
erect a building and carry on the work o (
gathering the exhibits , and every day ol
postponement means cither additional ex
pense or a less rejunii for the money ex
pended. The Tmnsmlsslsslppl Exposition lane
no longer In an experimental stage. It Is
an assuted success The beautiful buildIngs -
Ings , which rival In their sumptuousncss
those at Jackson park It ) 1S93 , are approachIng -
Ing completion. It Is now certain that the
exposition will bo the largest ever held In
the western hemisphere with the exception
of-the Columbian on : . iFUo more states arc
to be represented than at the centennial ex
position at Philadelphia In 1S7G , and many
more than that at the New Orleans , Atlanta
or Nashville expositions. Every state west
of the Mississippi , with the exception ol
Iowa , Is already actively gathering Its ex
hibit , and In several to the cast plans are
at an advanced stage of completion. The
following table shows the amounts to be
expended by various states and constitute
a showing that should certainly remove any
lingering remnant of doubt In the minds ol
the legislature as to whatIowa should do :
Nebraska $100.000 ! Idaho 20,001
Colorado 60,000 Wyoming 24 Om
Minnesota 60.000 Utah 20. < XX
Missouri DO.OOO Oregon 20,001
Illinois 47,000 Washington . . . 20.001
Kansas SO.OOO Montana SO.OOi
California 30,000 Wisconsin 30OQi
In many of these states representation 1 ;
not by elate appropriation , but funds ralscc
by commercial bodies , counties , cities am
private subscription. The amounts given
however , represent the amounts that will b (
spent In the name of the state for state
In Iowa It te too late , even If It wen
thought desirable , to ralce any conslderabli
sum of money by private subscription , am
It Is universally recognized that If the leg Is
lature does not act the state will bo un
represented or have only such represcntatloi
aa can bo made by private exhibitors am
with the $10,000 preliminary appropriation
Iowa of all elates , doubtless even more thai
Nebraska , will benefit by the exposition
The visitors to the exposition from the eas
will bo obliged to journey across the entln
stale and will see such an exhibit as m
other state at the exposition can present
It will hardly do to have this first agreeabli
Impression shattered by discovering tha
Iowa Is either so mean In spirit or too pee
In purse as not to bo present at the expo
sltlon In the garb presented by other states
Thousands of visitors from Iowa will vial
the exposition during the summer , In th <
aggregate up In the hundreds of thourande
and 4o there visitors It will bo a source o
more than regret to eee a few mildewed op
plea and frayed stalks of corn as the enl ;
exhibition of Iowa's magnificent resources
Whatever may bo thought now , It la cerlali
that next summer failure to make an adequate
quato appropriation will be the most un
popular act of the present legislature.
Ilrvlinl Ser lcr nt Perry.
PERRY , la. . March 11. ( Special. ) Fo
the purpose of holding union revival serv
Icca the Proteslant people of Perry hav
collected about $1.000. With this sum the
have ccectad a largo wooden strucluro whlc
Ihey call the Temple , and hevo engaged Rev
W. Sunday na leader and F. E. Oliver a
( fiolster. These meetings wllloontlnu \
three weeks.
Comloloil of Uliel.
CLAniNDA , la. . Murch 11. ( Special. ) Th
Jury In the case of ) C. S. Kecnan , charge
with libel , returned a verdict of guilty. Th
case grew out of a printed letter , which wa
liberally distributed ! at the different votln
Mr. Goo. W. Ilprvoy , editor or tli
Oinnlia Weekly WorliMIernlil , one o
the largest papers West of Chicago , hit
been restored to health after years o
lutenso sufferlnu.j JIo states that h
suffered Intensely with stomach troubl
and tried Unco of the best physician
In the state , but Uicy failed to giro liln
relief , and ho had .made ai > raiiKuiu < > ut
to KO to Chicago tp be treated when h
chanced to get a package of Dr. Kay'
Renovator , lie used 3 pi.ckagos and 1
Is now eight months since ho com
menced using It , and he now hah in
symptoms whatever of his old trouble
Wo know that Dr. Kay's Itcuovnto
never has had nu equal for stomaci
trouble constipation. Hvor or kldno ;
diseases , or any derangement of th
glandular system. If you aie hick fror
any cause , send your address and symj
toms and our Physician will glvo frc
advice nnd free samples of rinnedlo
needed , nnd a free OS-page book will
50 excellent loclpes nnd many valuahl
prescriptions for neatly all disease *
It Is sold by ell druggists , Ji.'mits and $1
Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co
Omaha , Neb.
precincts In the county at the last Novem
ber election , making grave accusations
against Mr. Dealer , who Is county superin
tendent of schools , and also as to It's con
duct In ofilce. No name was signed to Iho
document , but upon being accused of being
the author of It Kcenan admitted the fact
that he wrote It and alleged that ho could
substantiate every charge made. Mr. Kecnan
Is an attorney.
nt MlNROiirl Vnllcr.
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , March 11. ( Spe
cial. ) At the republican caucus last evening
ttio following ticket was nominated : Coun-
cllmen Plrst ward , J. B. Lyocs ; Second
ward , E. T. Qlddlngs ; Third ward , H. H.
risher ; assessor , T. C. Huff.
The democratic Laminations are as follows :
Counellmcn Flmt ward , S. S. Elliott ; Sec-
cod ward , II. N. Warren ; Third ward , M
O'Ccirnor ; afatrsor , W. II. Fensler.
llcnd-ii to lrrttli li > nix Slcpion.
DUBUQUE , la. , March 11. During a fight
last night between John Earlc and his step
sons , Charles Qtedmond , aged 15 , and Wil
liam Redmond , aged 19 , the old man wan co
terribly beaten thai ho died loday. The
boys escaped.
Io a 1'rpNi Comment.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil : Iowa's poirl
bullon faclorles answer Iho old tjuesllon of
"bullon , bulton. "
Clinton Age : The defcal by a unanimous
vote In the house of the 2-ccnt passenger bill
means much for low a.
Dee iMolnca Capital : Thirty thousand dollars
lars would be about the right sum for the
state to give to the Omaha exposition.
Keokuk Goto Clly : The two diseases most
prevalent In Keokuk Just now are the war
fever and the grip. Some of our citizens arc
having bolh al the game lime.
Iowa Clly Republican : One of Iho queer
Ihlngs In Iowa polities Is Ihe brag of Iho
Muscatlno Bryonlstlc city council that It lies
succeeded In refunding the city debt with
gold bonds.
Burlington Hawkeye : The bitterness
which some of the supporters of the board
of control bill are developing may well cutiso
conservative citizens to hesitate In their
support of the measure. If It has as many
Infirmlllej as Us advocates It had better be
dumped on the scrap heap.
Res Molnes Register : Iowa has received
another foreign appolnlmenl , lhat of secrc-
lary of Ihc legallon nl Sanllago , Chill. H.
J. Lenderlnk of Orange City Is Iho fortunate
recipient. Ttut gives Iowa Ivvo secretaries )
of legations In South America , T. C. Uuwaon
being stationed at Rio Janeiro.
Sioux City Tribune : Sioux City has not
thought of selling or otherwise disposing of
Its water works. It Just iwants them well
managed. It has good works , good water ,
low rates , and a more extended and satis
factory service lhan It could get from any
private ownership. It simply wants Ihe best
management possible for H lo have.
DCS Molncs News : Senalor Healy's greal
speech In support of his bill for a board of
control will be remembered as one of the
greatest forensic efforts In the annals of
Iowa. Speaking tram a full mind as well
r.s a full heart he threw off ttio Icslauatlona
an 1 questionings of his critics as the VelloNV-
stone gejser throws off the mud you may
launch against It. Healy's speech ensured
the pafjsage of tlio bill.
Montezuma Republican : When Fred White
was In congress ho made \lgoroiw light on
the United Stales ja\y. He oppored appro-
pclallng any maiey for the conslructlon cf
war fchlps and mndo a speech against Ihc
whole business. 7hls effort was published
as a campaign doumenl and was largely clr-
culaled In every Quaker eelllcment In the
district. Mr. Lacey took Irene with him that
fall and tbovved the need of a better naval
equipment. Present condlllona prove Ihc
wlajom of Mr. Lacey's poslllon.
DCS Molncs Register : Sonic of Iho news
papers arc always complaining because the
laws of Iowa do not properly protect editors
and publishers from libel suits , yet It Is
probable that more editors begin Jlbel suite
In the stale. In proportion lo number , than
any other class of citizens ! As long as that
condition obtains It will be useless for the
newspaper men of the state to ask the legis
lature to enact "a properly guarded libel
law. "
Waterloo Reporter : The amount of de
posits In the two national banks of Osage
Is $434,136.45 , nearly half a million dollars.
That Is a good showing for a town of 2,500
Inhabitants , but It Is a good town , with
a thrifty class of dtlzens and surrounded
by a good farming community. In 1896 then
were only seventeen populist votes In the
county In a total poll of about 3,600 , and
taking the two statements togclher It shows
sound conditions both financially and
Town , nt the Exposition.
Des Molnes Capital : Friends of the bll
to approprlale money for on exhibit of lowt
producls at the Omaha exposition were elate <
today over their success In securing fron :
the committee on appropriations a recom
mendation for $30,000. They expressed nt
( cars as lo the bill giving that amount pasa
Ing tuo house , but were not so sure as to ll <
success In the senate. However , Ihey dk
not believe that the amount would bo re
duced more than $5,000 End expressed th <
hope tual it would not be cut a single cent
Des Molnes Leader : The house cornmltle <
on f pproprlatlons haa recommended a $30,001
appropriation for the representation of low.
at the Transmlsslaslppl fair. A sum largo :
than this would have been better and woul <
bo money well spent , but doubtless the com
mlttce , In view of the present o.ndltlon o
the state's finances , thought It could go m
farlher. According to report , the commltlei
was not particularly friendly to an approprla
tlon , but as they grew more familiar will
Ihe subject Its members siw that < he stati
could not afford to ctay away that to sla ;
nvvay would be the most expensive kind of
an approprla lira lhat could bo made. On
the final ballot In the committee the vole
hi favor of the appropriation stood H to 4.
Dubuqtie Telegraph : Yielding to the gen
eral desire that Ion a products and resources
shnll bo fully represented and advertised at
the Transn'IssUclppI ' Exposition lo be held In
OcuAba Ihe coming summer , the house com
mittee ha < s recommended an appropriation
of $ RO,000 for Ifio purpose. Of the appropria
tion of $13,000 made by the last legislature
bul $3,000 has been expended and Ihcreforc
If Iho proposed appropriation Is made the
total sum available will bo $37,000. With
the exception of that held In Chicago lo
commemccatlon of the discovery of the con-
llncnl , the Omaha exposition will be Iho
grcatesl over witnessed west of the lakes.
It vvlll cttrnct Ion ana by housnmls and tens
of thousands , aaid as the o wilt require not
onlv a sUlo headquarlcrs , bul for Ihe honor
of their commonwealth and Ihc gratification
of tlclr pride they will wlfh lo see Iho Iowa
display surpass any and all others , II Is right
thai In making the approprlatbn Itie legis
lature should bo generous. If more Is re
quired the people will not begrudge , but
cordially ccict1on the aprroprlatlon of n
larpw amount.
nj. > mv\s VOH \ vusrnitvirriMiiNS. .
Snr > lorn of Intt 'Wnr llpinriiilioriMl
liv Ihc nonrrnl Cot rriiiiu-nt.
WASHINGTON. March 11. ( Special ) -
Pensions have been Issued ns follow :
Isuc of rebrunry 21 :
Nebrnsla : Original Alfred C. Honlind
Ailnnm , $3 Orlqiml widow , elc. Mlnori of
Hdvvln C. Bilrd. Palmer , $14.
Iowa : Charles V. Toulke ,
CarllHle , Jt to $12 Restoration rcid Increase
Sairuel 1' . aionn , Jnmlson. $8 to $12 lie-
ncnal Jovl Klckcl. Dei Molncs , $ C. In-
rrefl e Icoberl a.immell , Vllllsci Jfi lo $10
Original widow , c'c. Sirnh M. IHrd. Win-
terset. fS ; Martha IX Andrus. Council IVurfs ,
* S ; Suslii r. Purvis , Cumberland , $12 ! M.iry
M Neff. Mt. Sterling , $ i > ; Jtnry A. Noycs
Keokuk , JS Original reissue Margaret
Gomich , Montezuma , $12.
North Dakota : Increase Lucius A. Lln-
co'n , Wnhpelon. Jfi to JS Orlulml widow ,
etc. Barbara H. Gamble , Targo , J12.
Colorndo : Original James D. Nah. . Cen-
tervllle , $0 ; Harvey G. Uennlston , Denver ,
$ *
Issun of February 23 :
Nebraska : Original Simucl Walker , Gib
bon , $ S : Hobert W. Hume Indlnnoln. $12 ;
Divld S. Condron , South Omaha JS ; John
S Howard , tleul. Hoca , $12 ; Henrv Mc-
CoinT ? , Onnha. $ S ; Simeon T Lockhnrt ,
JunliUi , W Additional-Alfred II. Bell In-
dtanola. $4 lo $ G Reissue George Suage ,
Aln vvorth , $12. Origin il i.vMovv , etc Minors
of John S Howard Iloca. $14 Origin il reIssue -
Issue Lot-nda Vnn Loon , Sterling , $12.
Iowa : Original Perry C. Tutlle. Creston ,
$12 Additional Thomas Williamson , Audubon -
bon , $ . ! lo $0 ; Thomas II. Pester. Ollutnvvn ,
$ S to $10 ; MUhevv 1. Simple. Dakota City ,
$ fi to JS. Increase Isa.ic Wright , Vlnton ,
$ ( ! to $ S Reissue Adelberl J. Weeks , Cor-
rectlonvtlle , $10 Original wldw.v , ate
Elizabeth Wlllett. Uudct , $12 ; Christiana
Henry , Marshnlltovvn. $ S.
MOIIIM for Mitlm > 'M Vlotlmn.
PHILADELPHIA , March ll.-Over $ ,000
was realized for the fund for the wounded
survivors nnd the families of those killed
on the battleship Maine by a monster theat
rical m Ulnee Klven this afternoon lit the
Academy of Music.
Both the method ana results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects , prepared only from the most
heal thy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug-
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
Has been teasing for a shirt for some time ,
Of course he wants one all the other boys
have them. Why not get him one ? They
don't cost much fifty cents to a dollar will dc
it. We have all kinds just received them ,
Shirts with collars attached shirts withou
any collars shirts with stiff bosom shirts
with soft bosom shirts that are colored
shirts that are plain white shirts that have
white body and colored bosom all kinds o
shirts. And then for the real small boy wt
have a waist that looks just like a shirt stif
bosom , separate cuffs and to be worn with
white collar. The only thing that makes it loot
like a waist is the patent belt attachment.
Metcalf Bros. ,
18 AND 20 MAIN ST. 17 AND 19 PEARL hT.
HoVii * Stricken In1 Chnrcli 11 Strlk
Inir I.PIIKOII To Thine Who \c lro4
TlmHy WnrnlnRn.
A learned judge was taken suddenly ilex
In church , December B , 1897 , In the city of M
Brooklyn. Four dn ) later , In plto of th *
best medical aid , he died. The doctors said -A
the judge had kidney dl co o and had lived
a surprisingly long time , everything con
sidered ,
A man or woman may Hvo along for ycara
with Incompetent kidneys only to collapifl
os suddenly as a house of cards when th
baby'B hand knocks It oxer. The early In
dications of Urlght's disease are sometime *
xery slight headaches , dull | > aln , depressed
feelings , lack of energy all these Indlcata
the drat stages of Urlght's disease and yet
few people think they mean on > thing serious
until , often , It Is too late.
There has never been but one dlscoxety
known to the world and the medical pro
fession for checking llrlght'a disease In It *
beginning or curing It after It has pro
gressed. That dlscoxcry , which Is eo papular
In Europe , America and throughout the
world la Warner's Safe Cure.
If the learned judge , who was stricken
In chinch , had realized 5 ears before the
secret power that wan undermining bin life ,
he might ha\e counteracted It and llu > d tea
a green old age.
IJut he did not know I
And libs ! there are thousands or people
today who are upon the WAIUC dangerous road
and who do not realize It.
Oncfl Hciit
with every 10-ccnt purchase. That's what
our premium checks arc , and you can got
anything yoj want for them , from a tla
trumpet to an organ or a piano , providing
you get enough checks. Our PREMIUM
checks are worth the cash and OUR MKAT3
arc the best and as cheap as any pace ! la
the city. Try the
Blue Front Market ,
IHO W. Hroadway , 'Phone , 382.
Runs between Council Ulurfs and Omaha.
Now In effect. Tor prompt delivery , call on
Wm. Welch. Bluffs 'phone , 12S ; Omaha
'phone , 7SO. BATES LOW. Tor carriage or
express wagon , call nt No. S North Main
street or above telephones.
Have your clothes neatly cleaned , pressed
and repaired , ready for spring. Suits made
to order. First clats work and low prices.
2t ! llr > niit St. , Oun City Ilulldliiff ,
The Cnlhoun Opera Co. *
Presenting the beautiful Optra ,
GorRcoua costumes , maRnlflcent chains Prices ,
tl , ? Ec , Me , K < c. Scuts now nn mile.
J , B , SWEET ,
Attorney-at-Law and
Notary Public.
if Aim LOs _ rinE ixsuacc _
SURIVTY IIOVDS Kcmcut Itntc * .
All surety bonda executed nt my omco.
J.AS. \ . CAS VIV , Jit. ,
att : Mn I n Street Council niufl .
roii HCNT
16 I'cnrl Street.
tCo < X > per month 18 I'enrl street , store room.
NO 00 pep month 4 I'earl street , next to Pere-
Koy'a clKnr store.
J2S 00 per month Cherry Hill , 10-room house an *
1 acre , fruit and garden ,
11500 per month 1011 Ilroailnay , store room.
18 00 per month 1323 Pleasant street , tlx-rooia
16 00 per month-US UlUge street , larse six-room )
$000 per month Aenua 11 & 15th street , two
| 5 CO per month ZUt tt , near llroadway , thre
rooms ,
| ( 00 per month 815 Aenuc II , three-room
houto. ,
131 acres fenceil bottom land : will build ne\r
houte and barn fur reEponftlble tenant ; f2 yt
per acre.
107 acres routheatt ofVoo < lhtne > , llarrleoa
county ; food Improvements ; J2 W.
JO-ncro farm near Council HlufTa , (120 00 peg
C-ncre garden tract , cl e In , } 100 00 per year.
Good fnrmH for tu\o \ or truilo cheap , win take
farm" , city propert or lite nock In part
pj - nu Write for llsta or apply to
LKONAHD Kvcnirrr ,
Our Id 1'esrl Btreet.
U\VELLINQS. Knurr. . ' . nu AND QAKUCN
land * for salt or rent. t > y A lltcs. ft I'ctrl
pled by retcjton & Hchornlnif. houlh Main St.
April 1st. Apply to J. J. Ilrown , MO 7th
tin * . A , II. Iloue , Council Illuffi.
rou SALn on TitAnn. ninic nmo STAL-
lion. C19 Main et , Co. Illufrs , la.
Initructlons. Albln Huiter , studio
VIOLIN 333 llroadway. Herman method
of Dresden Conservatory.
5c-CharIes Sumner Cigar-5c
Miulc for Trnile . COUNCIL
Who Auiirvulnte n. Good Smoke , John G. Woodward & Co.
Uculcm bui i > Ilvd by , BLUFFS , IOWA ,