THE O3LAIIA DAILY 1JEE : SATURDAY , MAltCJI 12 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailv-rllnriiKMiti. ( or those column * tvlll In ? tnkcu until 1- in , fur the evonliiK mill until N l > . in. < r the inortiliiK it Similar edition * . AilvfrllniTM , li > - rrfiicnlltiK n. tinni- licrcil clifuk. run Imvc n wer nd tlri-HNi-il ( o n tiniutii-rcil Setter In euro of The 11 PIS Anmrrm an nildri-Hiicil it 111 hi' ilellviTi-il on presentation of ( lie clirok only. Hut on. 1 1-Sc woril m Inxcrlloni lt > a t\oril thcrcnftrr. Nnllilnpr taken far ICHH ( linn 2rc for Hie flr t ln cr tlon. 'I'llcmHclverlUi'iiifUlu iiiimt b * rnu pnnnprtttlvvljr. WAM'KII S1TUATIOXS. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS SEWIng - Ing by day In families. J 9. Um. A M76Q 13 * \VAXTI : n _ * < i A MS ii KM * . CANVA3SKR3 TO TAKB ORDERS ; NEW LI.NB of work ; no heavy icoodi to carry ; salary or commlrtlon. C. F. Adams Co. , 521 So. l1" BALi.HMAN FOR CIGARS. 1123 A MONTH AND expenses ; old nrm ; experience unnecessary : In duccrncnts tn cuilomers. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. tolils. U M AoTlNTTANrTriUANCII MANAOKRS ; HALAUY end commission. Hunter Tailoring & S.ilrt Co. . Cincinnati. O _ . ll-MiaS-Aprll W VrKSTRlfN aUAMOt'HOSK ' CO. , COI'NCIL Illurr * . In , wants Nebraska reprc'i-ntitlves , reliable , energetic men , to make 1i weeKlr. No ( mlilllng. Write quick. . B-M2 M22 _ ixrroTtr Txi'iiiiKNCKn CASK TAKER. forYoad wnrk. Kansas State Medical Institute. Knnsa City , Kan. R-MiU 14 * . MAOIC LANTERN AND STERB- opttcon lecturers and exhibitors to know 1'lctnre Machine In the the , OptlKrai > h Moving til-Hi on the market ami can ! > < attached to any manic lantern or nlereoiitlcon ; th" Kreatest entertainment feature ever Introduced ; prise of machine only 3' ; films for unlimited pic tures n each and up ; for full pirtlculars address - dress 8 nr . Roebuck & Co. , ChloiRo. III. R Mia3 13 * WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED FLORIST who speaks Ocrnian. Apply at II. llims. . . 1813 > I1-7M- - Vlnton St. JtELIAIILE MEN TO TACK t'P ADVERTRIS- Ins slmn ; 12.50 weekly ; steady _ work ; wnd lee fnr poslaue , samples , etr. Youni ; Meillclnc Co. . 24iU N. Colorado St. . Phlla. . Pa. H MS5 | 1. WANTf.D. TRAVELING SALESMEN TO CALL on the grocery tradn In thli nnd adjoining counties ; one having established trade or n grocery clerk preferred ; must give bond for HAL1WMEN NOW TRAVELING TO TAKE li-jt side line ; pells to all harnessmnkers on lilil : bliC money In It ; picket samples. Call on Haldwln. the tanner of noffmnn-Schnn- wrckcr Oik lAMitlHT Co. at Midland hotel. Fri day , Satunlay , Sunday " MSIM " ' WANTED. A GOOD"FURNITURE SALESMAN ; must be practical emliilmrr. Addrfss J 16 , 1IP0. R MiOO 12 * WANTED-SAI.ESMAN WITH EXPERIENCE In stoves and hardware ; must be competent with satisfactory reference * . J 20 , Ree Olllce. WE WANT EXPERIENCED OROANI/.ERSI TO tnki- charge of states ; gn-xl money guiranteod If ynii call produce business , Mystic legion. Omahn. H > I 31 21 AN ilf > NiKT : SOIIER. INDfrfTRIOUS MAN TO r preient iv houms with it capital of a iii.irter iiiilllon , tn thin uretlnn : l.irxe salary weekly ; P'isliliin plen nnt , pTinanent and pmtltable ; no ' rpnltal roiiulrcd. F"r fuithcr pirtlculara ad dress , wltli. stamp , Dept. 7. P. O. Hex H J , Philadelphia. Pa. 11-MS53 15' . XLLECTlHS AND SOLICITORS tn lra\cl' all expenfM advanced and big com mission. Apply eo. J. ' 'yKSlnjj lct orla \V NTKDFTRST C1.ASri , EXPERIENr'ED nlc'man ' In carpet department , lloston Store , Omahn. H-S53-13 \v \NTKD--\ rntsT CLASS. EXPERU-N'"ED : ril mui : In mrtaln and drapeiy ileinrtment. I'"iifon Store , Omaha. II V/J 13 V. F. WANT A TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR fall tr , di > to sell our special imki'.t of dry gfudc dlrfl to retailers on commission. Rex LCI , Philadelphia. Pa. R-M573 12 flM T' HOrfTMADE SELLING IT , ON merit , to all liorrcmenj big spring demand , rxcluslvo agency. Write R. Hunter Co. . R.i- clne. Wl * . UI-MSW 12 * unlays ; catalouup mailed free. Moler System Ilarhcr Schools , Chicago or St. Louis. 11 AlSfij 11 * WANTED , TRUSTWORTHY PERSONS TO travel ; talary. t7$0 and expenses ; rcferenc ; enclose self-addressed envelope. The Dominion Company , Chicago. H MSM 14 * XVAXTED FEMALE IIELI * . 100 C1UUS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ; 3 TO tT week. Canadian Olllce , 1572 Douglas. \VANTBD-f500D OIRL FOR OiNiRAL housework In small family. 3007 Pacific. C-S27-12 ON OR RKFOIin APRIL 1ST. A COMPKTKN cook ; no woslilnc ; references required. Mrs , W. J. Connell. 62i H. 21th. C S37 WANTKD. RNKUflKTIC WOMAN TO TRAVKL on xnlary to Bd nuents fnr superior line o roods. Corset & Shirt \Vorks , Ann Arhor , Mlrh. t- WANTKD. YOUNO LADY TO HOARD AND room ; Rood references ; object company. J 31 , , l eo. C MS71 IS * iTVANTKD , NRAT YOUNO GIRLS AS APPREN- tlces In millinery department. Apply J. L. Itrandela & Won a at lloston Store. C MSfS 1 } FOR CI10ICK HOUHKH & COTTAOKS ALL OVER city , J3 to J73. Fidelity , l t Hoer N. V. Life. D 153 _ I1OU8KS. WAIO.ACB , RROWN BLOCK , 16TI1 and Don slu . D 433 J.AIiat'J LIST. M'CAOUK , 13TH AND DODOK. D-V > 4 HOUSKH. FLATS ) . C1ARVIN BROS. , 1C13 FAR-M D 433 j. H. BIIIR\VOOD. 4.-J N , y. Lino. D 136 HOUSEilN ALL PARTS OF THH C'lTY. - O. F. Dnvlii Company , 1503 Farnam. D- 137 JIOUSKS. UKNKWA A CO. . 10 ? N. 15TH sT. D-133 .S , STORES. BKMIS , PAXTON Rr/3(1C. D-I3J FOR RUNT. NINK-imOM IIOUSH ; CON venlcnl. modern , homelike ; lijt rrnldvnrp dis trict ; few mlmileV walk from iiontolllce : b < rn It ilfslrcil. Inquire D0 N. Y. Life liulldlmr. D 4 CO NF.\V rOTPAOK , MONTHLY PA Y.M KNTS. Ml P.ce UldK. D M331 II-ROOM , AI. O a-ROcm house ; keys at 2343 Cap AVI' . Tel. 37.1. R. II , llnlilsnn. D M 3 JIOVINO HOI'FWIOLD flOOIVlNIPIANo Om. Van * StnraRC Co. , 1511H Farnnm. Tel. 1MJ. OPPORTUNITY FOR party to open nn exrliu lv ( > family hotel and np.irtment hon < fur railroad ami depot cm- pinyFj nn South lOlh street , Omnh I. within two jilock" nf the new Burlington nnd Union Pa- rlflu depots ; new uulMInK contain * : n In rue room * * ; n " rominodntlon- about 10" " ) persons ; will \fi\ra \ "for term to rf pinsl | > U > parly who has capital" ty turnlsh and con luct a flr. t-cans ! plac.II St.lire. . P-670 FOR Rt'NT. AND 7-ROOM FUVTr ! I''OR J1S TO n. > PT m' nth , l > rlcl < tiulMlne for rent on favoraht * term * during 'xposllloii : Rood I neil I on for lin. tfl or rooming house. I'nr pnrllcnluru son It. C. r.-tcrs & Co. , U. S. N.illnnm Hunk lll.lir. D--MS17 13 TOU tKNT tosiRcn is ; Ifl-nxvn liouf. all ino-r-m i-onvonUnoeM , 030 N. X"th , 13.1 p r mnnt'h , Omahn I ian * Trti t rn , , > th nnd D.iiiKiai. D-MR n OR ft iTNT. S-'STORY'A'ND HASKMKNT IIRICK hotel ImlMlnir. Z * > r < v > m > : rent. (40 per month : ami very low rent , therefore wn will only cnnnMrr' tenant who ran make n gotxl Omahl IxJ.ui & Tiu t Co. . ir.ili nn , | D-MSM 13 FOR RENT NiNn-nooM IIOUSK , ITM SOUTH Tfnlh : ' . .Vft' : city wati-r ; cnn.1 repair ; key erond door north. W. K Felhy , 531 Ronnl nf D 833 1 * FOH nr.XT ruiiM ! < iiin UOOMS. THK INI-'ORMATION BURKAU , 131 } FARNAM. K-M418 Ml * _ ROOMS. M HARNRY ST. K-M5DO II * J N PRIVATE T FAMILY , WITH OR WITHOUT board. Do lg . n-Mcs n _ MODKRN COUTH ROOMS. ItCO W1IKK AND up. M4 N. 1'th. E-M4314 _ * KICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS , nil IXHifir.AH. n-M77 tr NICK ROOMS HOUSEKfJEPINO. 111 ! FOl'TH tb. K-M7M I " I I POIt RK.VT IM HMSIIKI ) UOOMS. ( Continued. ) 1-OR RKNT-NICKLY FI'RNIHHKD ROOM ; 5 minutes' wnIK from 13t and DauKlas. Address J. ! S , cure Bee. E-SiS-17 Ft'RNISIIKD IIOO.M.1 ; ALL CONVKNIKNCKS. NI2AR 21TH AND FARNAM. LAROi : , PLKAS- nt frtnt room newly furnished ; strain hat , etc. 211 rto. tllh Ht. -Msat l 13 * Fllt.M.HIIii > IIOO.MM A.XO IIOAItl ) . TUB MUllltlAM , FIRST-CLASB FAMILY HOtel - tel , 23th and Dodge tits , F-4S2 HAND30MK I'AIHjOllS.KN SU1TK , SMALLiR rooms , ifood board. The Rose , 20S9 Harney. i F M97J FIRST-CUVSd ROOM AND BOARD. 1722 Dodge. F-MJ Mil * KLONDIKE HOTEU S. E. COR 1DT1I AND \Velnler St . ; steam licat rooms $1.CO per wek and up. F MCS2 UTOPIAi IT ! ! DAVKNPORTl TRANSIHNTS nccommodated. F 613 A4 * WKLL Ft'RNISIIKD , ALL MODKRN : IfiST part city ; with or without board. 2213 llownn' . F-.M759 15- LAROI : ROOM suiTARLn FOR TWO. 0:2 3. 20th St. ' . F-MS03 13 * FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2015 Douglas. F MKO H FIRHT-CLASH BOARD AND FINK LAROK room for the summer ; modern homo comforts ; references. 1802 Illnnoy St. F MS70 13 * ILIOANT : FRONT ROOMS , STKAM-IIBATRD : llrst-class board. UW Capltol Ave. F MS73 II * FOR RKNT , PLHASANT FRONT ROOM. CON- venlent to Klieely Station and Hnnscom park line ; board If desired. 134S tio. Uth.FMS70 F-MS70 U FOR ItK.NT STOHKS AMI ( ) I'1'MCF.S. FOR RKNT-IN THK 11EE RUILDINO : Ono largo corner room , 2d lloor , with vault and private office , water , etc. One large front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc. One large corner room , ? d lloor , with vault , water , etc. One front- room , divided by partition , 3d floor. Ono corner room , with vault , 3d lloor. One largo room , 3d lloor , with partition dividing It Into one large room and two smaller private roams ; water , etc. Two targe ground lloor rooms , fronting 17t' > St. . with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. All these rooms are heated with steam , electric lights , supplied with llrst-class Janitor oervlce. Klevators run day nnd all night ; building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent. Room 104 , Ili-e building. I 19S FOR HUNT DltfK ROOM IN OROUND FLOOR nlTlci > , llee building ; water , Btram hont , electric light and Janitor rervlce. Apply to Superin tendent , Hep building. 1-137 FOR RKNT THK 4-STORY BRICK UUILDINO at 918 Fnrnam Ht. Thl building has n llreproof cement basement ; wnter on all floors ; gas , etc. Apply at the office of Th < > Ree. 1 ! > 10 IN OOOD II ETA 11 , I/CATION , Jltf A MONTH. Apply J 3. Bee. 1 719 12 * WANTED. A RENTS TO SELL MURAT HAL-'s ( . .rent Cuba Hook ; nil about Cuba , .Spain and war ; great excitement ; everyone buys It ; one agent cold 87 In one day ; an other made 113 In one hour ; WO pases ; magnifi cent Illustration * , photographs , etc. ; low price1 ; wo guiiantep the most liberal terms ; freight paid ; 20 days' credit ; outfit free ; send 6 2-cent stampu to pay postage. The Bible House , 311 Dearborn street , Chicago. -M740 13 * WANTRD , AGENTS , MALE OR FEMALE , everywhere to sell the Transmls'sHslppI Expo sition puzzle ; the greatest of all puzzles ; amuses the old an well as young ; Just out ; will pell t fight ; big money to agents ; semi 23a for sample and particulars ( no stitmp.s. ) Address Smith & Dreyfoos , solo agent * nnd patentees , hex 653 , Fremont , Nel > . .1 M.SOS 13 * AOKNT.S WANTED FOR "THn REAPTrFI'L Life nf Frances M. Wlllard , " compiled by her secretary , Anna A. Gordon ; Introduction by Lady Henry Somerset ; only otllclnl edition : authorized nnd endorsed by the \V. C. T. tr. of Amerlc.i ; beautifully Illustrated ; only 12.00. Address Waverly Publishing Company. Like- sMo IlldR. , Chicago , III. .I-MS74 12 * AGENTS MAKINU J40 TO JSO A : greatest agents' seller ever Invented ; both can vassing nnd general agents needed ; full par ticulars by mall. Monroe Mfg. Co. , X 1C , La Crosse , Win. J MSC9 13 * AYANT"ID. FISCAL'AOENTS IN THIS AND other leading cities ; representative men with x , . < od references address Warrlngton Mining and Mfn. Co. , t < K Globe Rldg. , St. Paul , Minn. J-MS66 14 * WASTED TO HKXT. WANTED. TO RENT , RY APRIL 1 , 10 OR. 12 room modern house , with barn ; In vicinity of llanscom park preferred. 1312 S 27th street. K M728 14 STORAGE : . PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , MS-310 Jones ; general storage and forwarding M-4C3 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1511V4 FARN'M. TEL 1S39 M-464 WASTED TO HUY. WANTED. TO BUY GOOD WORK HORSE. IN- qulre 1107 Harney. N M777 12 * I WANT TO BUY TEN TO EIGHTY ACRES just outside of the city limits of Omaha ; would like/ ground already set In fruit ; I wunl your very beat price and will pay all cash. Owners.dlrect to J 13. II- . N-793 11 WANTED , GOOD 'HORSE ' AND FRESH COW. A. 1 > . Tukey , City Hall. N-MS72 13 FOR SALE F SECOND-HAND STEKL HOTEL RANGES OF all kinds , cheap. 19)7 Farnam. O M9H M13 FOR SALF.-MISCKLL.VXIiOUS. FINE WHITE SAWDUST FOR FLOORS , ETC. ; course for Ice , ut J3.00 per cord. Tel , 438. 90 : Douglas , Q 463 HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES. KNIVES AND repairs , all standard makes , cm hand ; grind ing razors , shear * , clippers ; prompt service. A. U UnJelar.d. Q-MS76 PURE PLYMOUTH ROCh. KGOS FOR 8ET- ttiiEii ; Me ; rooturs , ll.CU. 932 North 26th. 26th.Q9SS Q-9SS SEID SWK'ET'POTATOES. ' . $1.50 PER nnu 'Iheolore Williams , 57th and Military Ave. , Oiniiha , Neb. Q MiSU May7 * NOAH PERRY. .IORI1ER AND WHOLESALE dealer 111 newer plpo and fltonewnre. 44J7 Dodge sired. Omah.i Neb. Telephone K40. ( J M3CT A2 * CHlT'KKN , 110(1 ( AND LAWN FENClw ! ALL wlro ; Is best. Wire Works , 14th and Harnor. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE REST DAIRIES IN thn city. Genuine bargain. Inquire J. I Kemp Feed Co. , 27th and J avenwoi th. th.QMM9 Q-MM9 FOR HALE. AROUT 40.000 2ND HAND ST. Uiuls nr brlrk and 35,000 building hrlck , also li'illers. engine and brick machinery. Vi'm J \VeUhans , City Hall. 'Phone 2J7. Q M677 FOR SALE-ONB OF THE REST DAIRIES IN the city. Genuine bargain. Inquire J. I. Kemp Fred Co. . 2ltli and Leavcnworth Q-M39 FOR SALE. SMALL Glto'cERY. J3flO IN STOCK , doing a tine cash business ; beat location In Omaha , J 5 , Ree. Q 723 13 * FOR SALE. THE ELEGANT HAR FIXTURES nf Palmer home saloon. " L. C. Brown , Grand Island , Neb. Q M7 0 A3 * KINK FAMILY HORSE. HARNESS AND TWO- rented surrey at a bargain. Address J 12. Bee. Q-7SS 13 FOR SALE TEN HEAD FINE. FRESH IOWA milk cown and springers at Jester's yard , 23th and Hurt Streets , Omaha. Q $33 IS * CHOICE WHITE LE'GHORN cockERiisT oii sale ; a bargain. 412'J Grant St. Q-MVC2 12 * tl.OOO.W OF I'OLICE WARRANTS FOR SALE facv value. Call lloff , 213 S. 16th , or telephone . Q-M8n 12 * . CIA1HVOYASTS. DR. A. WHEELE' : . PALMIST AND AST"P-V ojer , room 9. Crelghton U'W. S-M190 M19 * MAGNETIC UUBRIN03 & FORTUNE TELLIng - Ing vlalrvnyunts , alio mind reading. Mme. Iong. IS Cumlng. H 759 13 * MASSAGK , IIATIIS , ETC. MME. SMITH. US N. 15TH ST. , STEAM AND alcohol baths. T MIJ3 14 * 11EE BUILDING SANITARIUM ; SCIENTIFIC massage , sSnedlih movement ! , electilc treat ment und medical baths ; graduated masaeure for ladles. Dr. C. W. Malmqul l. Mgr. . rooms 1CO-110 Ree liull.llntr. T-MMi Mli LAt'RA ELLISON , CHOUNSE HtJOCK. 119 N , ICth , worn 13 , upstair * : bath and manage. * KCTTlTC-MASSACIR IIATII parlorsrestfulainl ruratlve. 417 si. llth , up- > ttlr > . ' ' T Mill U * MME. AMP.S. MASBAQU AND BATHS 123U II > ward trc t , T-MTU 14 * M I'r'.HSO\AL. VIAVI FOR t'TERINE TROtJHI.ES. 3I-S REE Bldg ; phyrlclan contulta'.Ion or health book free. IJ 4C6 l"\VISH TO CORRESPOND WITH SOME GOOD lady of marriageable age. T. F. Mnrrlr'py , IlloomfleM , Knox county , Neb. t' MS1I l'i * CLOTHEiT CLEANED PRESSED A ND HE- palreil ; day or night ; dress sullit for hire. Pantorlnin. N , E. Cor , Hth and "nrnatn. Tel. 963. U-467 HORSES CLIPPED , SHORT NOTICE : ONLY electric clippers In city. Tel. CG. McCormac & Raunlry. Itlh & Howard. U 53i ) TIDIES. HAVE YOUR HAIR DRESSED BE- fern going downtown at the hnlnlrrfulng parlors of Mme. O. Payne , 23nj Lenxenworth ft. : tel. 1 < M ; nrtlstto manicuring , superfluous hair and facial blemlthes removed with elec tricity ; strictly private. U MS47 All * NICE LOOKING MAN , RESPECTARLE 11USI- nej , No. 1 references , wishes acquaintance with gowl looking lady of means ; object , matri mony when both are suited , J 27 , Bee. U-834 13 * F MATRIMONIALLY INCLINED WRITE your wnnls ; strictly confidential. AddrcM Cor respondents' Directory Co. , Marshall , MUVi. tj SISiS 13 3IO.\HY TO LOAX IIK.VI , I3STATK. MONEY TO LOAN AT UOVf RATES. THK O , F. Davis Co. , 1103 Farnam St. V > ' 4M LOAN ON 1MPROYED A UNIMPROVED CITY propcrlV. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farm. W 4C9 MONEY TO LOAN1 ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Drcnnnn-Lovc Co. , 219 3. leth. \S' 470 5 > 4 PER CKNT MONEY. BEMI3. PAXTON Rlk. . \V 171. 0 1'EH CENT MONEY ON NED. FARMS & OMAha - ha property.V. . U. Melkle , 1st Nnfl Honk Bldg. C I'EK CENT CITY AND FARM. LOANS. Garvln Ilros. , IMS Farnam St. W M472 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY lAANS. It. C. liters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Dante BUI * , MONEY LOANED ON MPROVED HEAL ES- tale In Omaha , Council Bluff * ft South Omaha. W. II. Thomas. 5u3 First Nat'l Hank , Omaha , W 475. JIOO.OOO.OO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first-class Improved Omahn property , or for bulldlnp purposes. Fidelity Trust company ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm land ? In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W-473 FOR SALE. JI.OOO MORTGAGE , PROPERTY wort'a $3,000. renting $30 per month. I"V ) mortmise , property worth $1,000 , renting { 6.00 per month. 1300 mortKage , property worth $1,200 , rents $8.00 per month. eorKe G. Wallace , 312 J. J , Brown Block. W 796 12 PRIVATE MONEY. WEAD , 16TH & DOUOLAB. \V StIO A-9 MOM3V TO I.OA.V CHATTELS. IO TO J10.IXH ) TO IXAN ON IIOrSKHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORHEH. WAOONS AND CARRIA11E3 , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC. , at lowest rates In Omaha. South Omaha and Council niuff * . No removal of Roods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay thu loan off at any tlmu or In nny amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 308 ftnutli Kth St. TTIE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED I/JAN COMPA.NY IN OMAHA.X47S X47S IIIJSI.\KSS CIIAXOHS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF 1117SINES3 GO TO J. J. OltHon , 511 First Nat'l Hank. Y 479 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM. SOUTH Omaha , wants man with large capital for part ner ; business Ihoroushly established ; refer ences first-class. Ilex 415 , Omaha. Y M322 J. I. WATT. HUILDER AND GENERAL .TOR- bltiB. 2415 Emmet ctn-et. Y M557 A2 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT p.irty to open an exclusive family hotel nnd apartment house fbr rallroail and depot em ployes on South 10th street , Omaha , wltSln two blocks of the new llurllngton and Union Pa- cldo depots , new building contains & 0 largo rooms ; accommodations for about 1 JO persons ; will lease for term to responsible party who his capital to furnish and conduct u lirst-class place. II 54. llee. Y 670 THH HEST HOTEL FOR MAKING MONEY during the exposition ; new furniture ; full now. Apply , with spot cash , to C. II. Smith. The Saratoga , 2Uh and Ames. -Y M7b7 13 PRINTING CO. DOING EXTENSIVE 11US- InfflB wants partner with business ability nd IJ.OOO cash. J. J. Gibson , 614 First Nat. Hank llldg. Y M713 IS FIRST-CLASS URICK MANUFACTURING plant for one-half actual value. Address Com merclal National Rank. Fremont , Neb Y M783 22 GOOD OIL ROUTE FOR SALE ; GOOD REA- soii for selling. Addresa J C , llee. Y M810 14 * PARTNER. WITH H.MO TO INVEST. SECURE paying business ; must have pond references nnd be willing to apply himself ; young mun from Iowa preferred. Address , giving refer , ences , J 22 , Ree. Y MS4J 13 * FOR SALE , 'LARGEST STOCK , REST LO cated end oldest established Jewelry business In Omaha ; low rent ; must be nold at once ; am going to Alaska. S. Jonnren. 20G North ICth street. Y M843 13 * FOlt UXCIIATVRE. 2 LOTS AND 3 SMALL HOUSES. OMAHA. rental , 112 per month , for residence property In good country town/ Good farm , N. E. Nebraska , for hardware , 120 acres , fine Harm , 9 mile * N. W. Omaha , for 240 to 320 acres In eactern Nebraska or west ern Iowa , George G. Wallace , 312 J , J. Rrown Tllock. 2-758 IJ FOR TRADE. ELEGANT HOME ON PARK avenue for farm In eastern Nebraska or west ern Iowa. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 10th street. Z-MS42 17 FOR SALE OR TRADE , TINNERS' TOOL3 and machines , very complete set. most of them nenrly new ; will give or take dlfferenei' . If any , on n trade. C. L. Colby , Modale , Harrison county. Iowa. / MB30 12 KOIl HAI.K KKAL ESTATE. KRONTZB PLACE RAROAINS , JJ.C-W. J3.750 TO S8.500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat. Dank Uldg. RE4Si > HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS , LANDS , I.OAN3 , also fire Insurance , Jlernla , Paxton blk.RC4R3 RC-4R3 FOLI/1WINO DESIRARLE PROPERTY : HUSI- ness lot corner , MxlM ft , , In So. Omaha , imvd. Ruslni'ss lot , COxlSO feet. Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (21 lots ) , 36th St. , Tract (20 ( lots ) 3dth St. For particulars apply 1013 Farnam St. JlK-Mt NEW , MODERN S-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot , (500 cash , balance to milt. Addrrns O 3i. Ree. RU M103 FOR SALE. LARGE LOT , 6.1x133. WITH TWO cottage * , near 12th nnd Center St , will go cheap If sold this week. F. D. Wead. ICtli and Douglas. RE-5S3 12 FOR SALE. 5-ROOM HOUSE ; LOT 51xlCT ; RIG barn ; large cellar ; all In best condition ; shade trees ; splendid water ; near school ; 4 blocks from street car ; imlncumbered ; price J8CO ; easy terms ; must sell ; owner going on farm. Inquire 4317 Poppleton avenue. RE M837 12 * FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE ON GOOD paved street : only Jl.SO ) ; easy terms. Hrcnnan- Love Co. , SIS South I6th street. RE M8U 17 FOR SALE , NINE-ROOM. TWO.STORY FRAME house , modern , east front , fins bam. In vicinity of Hamcom park. J 21 , Ree. RE MF3 > II SNAPS-43XM FEET ON 1STH NEAR DODGE street , suitable for 2 brick houses , price J2.700- ( .0x132 fMt with brick house , N. E. corner JOth and Cumlnir streets , price tS.tX'o. J. Frenier , opp. old P. O. RE 1I5J4 FINB IRRIGATED LANDS WITH WATER right on 10 years' time at 6 per cent : a chance of n lifetime ; write for book describing land ; In connection with this we do a general real estate and loan bus. Wyoming Development Co. , 1624 Capitol Ave. ; Omaha. U L. Johnson , agent. Rlv Mm MS7 * UNENCUMBERED MODERN OMAHA RESI- ilenco for sale or trade for Improved Iowa farm. Address H Jl , Ree. RE 752-A1 * MAKB MB AN OFFER ON TWO LOTS IN Walnut Hill addition. Oscar Groshell. Sal : Lake. Utah. RE M7G8 14 * it ACRES ON NORTH OMAHA ROIM.EVARD. IJ.Srt ) . J. J , Glhron , 514 First National Rank Tlldg. RE-M7H3 IS UUILDINO FOR SALE. RIDS WILlHF UE- felved by thw unilerslenM until noon of Murcli lpi for the purchase of the two-story stonanil flat building. No. Sl' > ftiulll 17th street. Rulld- Ing to he removed. Term * ca h. 'M > light in revenTi ! to relfcl nnv or nil bids. JOHN W. RORDINS , 18 Farnam Ptrw- . HE M77S II LOTS NEAR J8TH AND DODGE AND DOt'G- la > . IVW.CO 30x127 necr 77th and Patrick. iro.Oo. Finn Inta near "M\ and Anie , | r.rO 00. Four nrrcs In Florence , cheap , > 45' > .00 , Renol property , netting t to 10 ner rant , Jl.000.00 30 cre . lint outsldo city. $ J. < x .Oft. Of II. " W > * l n. . - ii J. J , llrown Ulock. . RB-7J7 11 REST vituiT KAR"M ? N"A tj. IOWA * i ACRW. 3 nilU'n C.1. Ulufi'n. J .ii . Iiiipriiirmfnts rrwt price aakrd. J. J. OlUi n , Ml Flr t Nxi Hk. Uldr. * - ' ' HK-M7 U KOIl SAM * IIHA1. KST.VTK. ( Continued. ) 'IV1MIOOM COTTAOK , HATH AND CIXWCT. near exposition , IIJO. Five-room cotlaife , Wth St. Roulevard , Jl. ( ) . Easy terms. F , D. Wead. ICth nnd Diniglas. HK 129-12 1.200 FIRST MORTGAGE FOR t300 FOR SALE , si-cured upon Improved business property on Hantcom Park cur line. \ bargain , 7-room liouse , CO-foot lot , U block from car line , only ISO ) . 0-room house for nle , fronting on Hanscjm Park ; full slied lotj mMern convenience * . 11. C. Petersi & Co. , U. 3. National Rank Rid * . HE-M819 U SALE. 133 ACIU-itf RICH ROTTOM LAND In Iowa , opiiosltp South Omaha ; 32 riv.i under cultivation , most'br balance hc.ivy tlmbertdand woi > iled ; $1S nnvncna ; big bargnln. F. M linker. 107 Dfnrllfpjri ft. ' . Chicago. RE-MS73 I ! * siioHTii.vxiisn TYPKWniTi-ins. \ . C. VAN SANTAS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typewrltlngt'.717jN. Y. Ufe , offers the fol lowing advantaRT * * : ftdlvldusl Instructions by experienced teacjb rs Apd skillful stenographers ; up-to-datr methtMH ; , 'tpuch system of typewrit ing If preferredrpacljclpatlon In actual work , for which studenti tie\\c \ jiay ; monthly pay- menta. ; , , } 745 VT OMAHA HUS/ikxHEGE / , ICTH & DOUGU\S OMAHA SHOnfj'jAtfft COLLnOE. TIOYD'8 theater. „ -M301) M24 SHORT-HAND , Ul'-TO-DATE , TAUGHT BY court reporters. i ; Jloyes' ) School , 403-5-7 , IVe nidg. . . o I 431- 1MKH.S KOIl 1IEXT. 'ARM FOR RENT ONE MILE SOUTH OF Armour's packing house , 73 acres In cultiva tion , ! 0 acres In pasture. H. L > . Martin. So. Omahn. MS04' 12 FI.VAXCIAt , . L.IFE INSURANCE POLICIES fOUOHT FOR rash. Richard Herzfetd , 171 LoSalle SI. . Chi cago. * E01 F2S * MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE POL- Icles or bought. L. P. Van Norman , Minne apolis. Minn. -M777 MM4 AUCTION. SALE OF CONSIGNMENT HOUSEHOLD goods Wfdnesday ami Saturday. 10 n. m. and 2 p. m. " 10-12 N. 16th St. Neb. Furniture Co. M755 AS IIICYCI.KS. OR Jl YOU CAN GET YOUR WHEEL CLEANed - ed and adjusted. Om Bicycle Co' ' . Phone 1C65. CM A4 PACKED. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMINQ. TEL. 1331. E.XPOSITIOX PHOXTAGES KOIl HEXT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION , llemls. Paxton Illk , 4S3 MUSIC. PETEhSEN'S MUSIC SCHOOL : PIANO , VIO- lln , mandolin , gultur , zltlier ; German method , C13 Sheely block ; terms reasonable. 558 Apt * WAXTBO TO I101UIOW. COO TO l.COO DOLLARS INSIDE IMPROVED property ; will pay 7 per cent , 3 to 5 years. Address J 10 , Ree. M756 13 * STEXOfill.VPHEHS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone. 12S4. 400 KMPI.OYMEXT OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT ItUREAU. 1417 FARNAM street. Rooms 2 and 3. Tel. 14i)4. ) 4'J2 ' TVPHWITBKS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $4.00 PER MONTH The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C25 Fnr- nam St. ; telephone , 12S4. 491 niir.ssMAicixr. . DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 1504 DAVENPORT ' fl" 277 M2 * HOTL'S hon UEXT. BUILDING. SUITADUE FOR HOTEL ; 30 rooms nnd larges.tar room ; central location. Remls , Paxton HIU. / ' 900 UllIUCK. . - ' LOUISVILLE BRICK CO. . B'D TRADB ; tel. 492 , . " " 340 M23- PAWNimOKEUS. H. MAROWITK LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16TH " -186 GOVEHJOIEXT XOTICE. CHIRP QUAimiJlMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Neb. , Marclr 12. 1S93. Scaled pro posals , In trlpllcftte.wiu be received here until 2 o'clock p.m. . . 'Slprll 12 , 1S9S , anil then opened for furnlshlnfe1 Wood , Coal and Char coal required In Department of the 1'lutte during llscal year commenclnpr July 1 , 1808. U. S.reserves , right to reject or accept anyor all proposals , or any pnrt thereof. Informa tion furnished on application here , or to post and depot quartermasters where supplies are needed. Envelopes containing proposals will bo endorsed "Proponals for Fuel for , " and addressed SAM. R. JONES , Q. M , 'PUBLIC ' HALK XOTICE. PUBLIC SAL.I3. Th undersigned will offer at public auc tion an Saturday. March 12th , 1S3S , at 1 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the Court House In Cadiz , Ohio" , the following real es tate belonging to the estate of Arthur P. McNutt , deceased , to-wlt : Lot 9. In block 3 , Hillside addition No. 2 , In the city of Omaha , Nebraska. For further Information and terms apply to or address , I. C. MOORIi. Admr. , Cadiz , Ohio. POSTOFKICi : XOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending March 12. 1S3S. will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general post otllce as fal- IOWH : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than ciosln ; time shown below. Trantt-Atliiutlc JiuIU. SATURDAY At S n. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Lucanla * . via Queenstown ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. . Ob- dam , vlt Rotterdam ( letters must be ili- reoted 'Iper Obdnm" ) ; nt 8 n. m. for GE NOA , per s. s. Werra ( letters must be di rected "per Werru" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "per Ethiopia" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for Germany , and Specially Addre .ied Printed Matter , etc , far other parts of Kurr.pc. Amer ican and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamers an Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for all countries tor which they are advertised to cany mali. , After the doting 01' ths Supplementary Tram- Atlantic Mails named , above , additional eupplj- mentary malls aru open * ] or. the piers of the American. English , French and German'Steam- eri , and remain open until within Ten Minute * of the hour of sailing ot steamer. Matin for Sonlh anil Central America , Went IiulitEtc. . SATURDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA , per s. s. Trinidad ; at 10 a. m. ( xuriple- mantary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVANILLA nnd GREYTOWN. per . s. Adirondack ( let ters for Costa Rca ( must be directed "per Adirondack" ) ; nt 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10no : a. m. ) for HAITI nnd SANTA MAR THA , roer s. . Holstcln ; nt 10:30 : n. m. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per H. * t City of Washington ( lettera for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must lie ( llrected "per City of Washington" ) : nt 1230 ' ; p. m. ( supplement ary 1 p. m. ) fpr 'ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. , sj Pretoria ( letters for Grenada , TrtnldaJ * nd Tobngo must be. directed " .per Pretoria" ) ; at S:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , , per steamer from North Sydney. ' ' ' SUNDAY At " 7 r . ni. for NASSAU , N. P. , per s. H. Miami , from Miami , Fla. Malls for Newfoundland , by rill to Halifax nnd thence by close t til : nine' dally at : W n m. Malls fat Viquelor.r tor rail to Beaten - ton and the : re by > l amrr. eoi aVJIiU oK < > .dally at t3Q p. nv .Vs'l ' fur Cub * , plom at thin office dally nt 7o : u , m. for . .forwarding by utetrerr * ; allnr ! 4tbm aran < r TtHr a < ii ) from Part Tampa , fia. Mallj , for31e co'ClN ( , P08TOKFICE XOTICK. ( Contlnuril. ) overland , unle's specially mldresned for dispatch by steamtr. close nt thla office dally at 2:30 : a. m. nnd 2:30 : , "Registered mall ctoici at 600 ; p. m > previous d > r. Trniii-I'nulllo M I la. Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , per . s. Doric ( from San Frnnclxco ) , close hero rtally ut to March 0 at :30 : p. m. Mulls for Hawaii , per P. . Xenlnndla ( from San Francisco ) , oloao here , dally tip to March C at G:30 : p. m. Mails for China and Japan , per s. . Tacomn ( from Tacoma ) , close here dally up to March * * fi nt C:30 : p. m. Mails for Australia ( except these for West Australia ) , which nro forwarded via Eu rope , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan - moan Islands , per s. s. Moana tfrom San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to March 18 at 7 a. m. , 11 a. tn. nnd 6.TO : p. tn. { oren on arrival at N w York of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia ) . Malls for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) > per s. s. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to March 21 nt 5:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to March 2T > nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except - copt West Australia ) , New Zealand , Ha waii and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Mlowera ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after .March "IS and up to March 31 at 6:30 : p. m. Trans-PacldR malls ore forwarded to port of sail ing dally and II' ? nchedulc. of closing la ar ranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted ov rand ! transit. Registered mall close nt B p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofnce. New York , N. Y. , March 4 , 1S9S. IIAIMIOAIIS. CURL1NOTON A MISSOURI River Railroad "The Hurling , ton Route" General Offices. N. W. Cornir Tenth and Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket Olllce. 15M Fnrnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth and Meson Streets. Telephone 125. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook 8:33 : nm 9:23 : am Lincoln , Denver , Cole rado. Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana an 1 Puget Sound. . . . . . 4SJ : pm 4:05 : pm Lincoln Local 7:9) pra 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall. . . . . . 2:53 : pm 11:40 : am Denver. Colorado , Utah. California and I'uget Sound 11V : pm 11:53 : pm Sound ' 11:55 : nm Dally. * Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH & Council Bluffs Railroad Burlington "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam Route Street. Telephone 23A Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . 9:03 : am 6:4b : pm City Night Ux. . 10:00 : pm 5:30 : am CHIOAGO , HURLINGTON & yoncy Rallroail "The Burl- I'.Ston Route" Ticket Onico , 16A Farnam Street. Telephone Vu' . Depot , Tenth and Mason * Siteets. Telephonu 128. Ix.iave. Arrive. 5:03 : pra 7:55 : am ClilcPKO Express * 9:4 : * am 4:15 : pm Chicago & St. Louis Ex 7:13 : p-n 7:53 : am Pacific Junction Local. . " 11:30 : ara 5:10 : pm Fast Mall 2:50 : pm Chicago Special * 12:05 : am 11:50 : pm DallV. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MINNE- iipolls & Omaha Railway General Older * , Nelrnifcku Di vision , Fifteenth und Webster Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Furmim Street. Telephone Ml. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele phone 113 $ . Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. . 8:30 : am 8:20 : pin Sioux City Accommoda. . 9:30 : am 8:20 pm Illalr. Emerson , Sioux City , Poncn , IlnrlliiK- ton und Illoomileld. . . . 1:00 : pm " 11:33 am Sli.ux City , Mnnkuto , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . * . " :5"i : pm S : ! ) am Kmeron Passencer 5:10 : pm S:45 : am Dally. Dally exci-pt Sunday , Sunday only. This train clop * at stations Florence to South Blair , lnclu lve , Sundays only ; on week days , South lilalr only. OHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - ern Hallway City Ticket Of- Ilce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone 501. Depot , Tenth ami Mason Streets. Telephone 12i. Leave. Arrive. l.i > light Chicago Spe cial 7:0) : am * 11:63 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis 5:40 : am IO:43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm Dennlson. Carroll , Wall Lake , from Uroadway , Council RlulTs 9:00 am 8:13 : am Eastern Express , Des Molnes , Marshnlltown , Cedar Rapids , Chicago. * 10:30 : am 1:35 : pin Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East 4:15 : pm 4:35 : pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha * 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley. Sioux City , St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited 4:35 : pm * 8:50 : am Omaha-Chicago Special , . C:43 : pm 8:50 : am ' Dally , Dally cx.iept Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN AND Missouri Valley Hallway Gen. eral Offices , United States Na tional Hank Ilulldlng , South west Corner Twelfth and Fur. nnm Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 561. Depot , Fif teenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood and Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Caspar and Douglas 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Hastings , York. Unvld City. Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward. . . . 3:00 pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk , . West Point and Fremont * 7:50 : am 10:25 am Llncaln , Wahoo and Fremont 7:50 : am * * 10.2"am Fremont Local 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. * * Dally except Saturday. * Dally except Monday . SIOUX CITS & .PAC1FIC RAIL , road General Ofllcei. United States National Hank Build ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , _ . , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone HI , Eepot , 15th nnd Webster Sts. Telephone 4'it o , - . . . , , lave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato - St. Paul , Mlnnapolls. 5:55 : pm 8:20 : am UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER. land Route" General OfHces , N. E. Corner Ninth uncl Farnam Streets. City Ticket OOlce. 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 310. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. "Tho Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt Lake , western points 8aO : am 4:45 : pm The Colorado Special , for Denver and all Colorado points n:53 : pm 7:00 : am Fast mall train for Salt I i ke. Pacific cosst and all western , point * 4:33pm : T.OO am Lincoln. Beatrice and Str'.msburs . : Express . . 5:00 : pm 12:20 pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Is. land and Kearney 4:3.1 : PM Grand Island Express. . " 3:00 : pn > " 12:20 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Coi-ncll Bluffs Local-Loaves. < l4/l ; a. m. ; :50 : a , m. ; 7:40 : a. in , ; 8:40 : n in ; 10:30 : n m ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. ; M:05 : p. m. Arrhes. C:20 : a. rn. : 7:20 : a. in. ; 8:33 : n. m ; 11:30 : n. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p rn ; 1:03 : p. in , ; 10M3 p. m. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Greit Rock Island Rome" City Ticket Olllce , 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot , Tenth and Maton Streets. Telephone 123. _ _ _ . Leave. Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul Vcittbuled Exprens . . 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln. Colorado p'g& . Puueblo , Denver und west 1:53 pm 4:25 : pm Chicago. Des Molnca & Rock Island 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantio Exprcrs , for Des Molnes und east ern point * t " 7:20 : am 8:50 : pm Lincoln. Fair bury and Bellrvllio 5:45 : pm 10:40 : am Dally Dally exceot Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST Paul Railway City 'Ticket OHIce. Ii04 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone - phone 128. Chicago LJTmted Ex. . . . ! : iVm w'arn ' Omaha and Chicago Ex * U:00 : are 1:50 : pm OMAHA & ST. IX3UIS RAILROAD P22 ! -Omaha , Kan'is city & Eastern - ARTHUR ern Railroad " "The Port Artiiur Jtoute"-Tlcket Office. 1416 Parnani Street. Telephont , 322. Deoot Tenth and Mason Streets. pnuna Ltave. Arrive. St. Cannon Ball Express 4:35 : pm 11:30 : am Qulncy Dally. Erpreu 5:49 : air. JiSO pm WABASH RAILROAD-TICKET 0 < ; ' " " I'"urnan > Street. TelB. hl5n ' D'PntTenth - - ' - Tenth and . Mat"n Klrircta. Telcnane 128. . . . lar . Arrive. St. Iyul "Catmon B IP Exprest , , , . . . . 4JO : pm ! 1:30 : am IKieiLiJiUlllWSiei BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. I " _ Ural 1 1 rSl TfSlTSl'rSTrallraii'rHi'rall'rajll ' Moat women would think they had reached tlio highest eum of human good when they had taken unto themselves a maid. Hut Miss Ij. 1) ) . Freeman , a young American women , now staying at tlio Cambridge hotel In New York City , will have none of her. Instead she has brought to thlc country with her a man servant , whom she calls a courier- valet , and who IB part of her establishment In Parle , where she makes her home. The young fellow Is a sturdy German boy , and Is learning to speak English , and a being who can do more things than a Juggler , and has moro of the virtues of service than any article In the advertising placards of tlio elevated train , "How did I come to have a man Instead of the time-honored maid ? " said Miss Free man. "That Is easy enough { old ho Is a bolter scrvant'-mcn make better servants In the duties that this one has to meet than the best maids that ever wcro born. Why ? FRONT AND BACK OP WASH SHIRT WAIST FROM HARPER'S BAZAR In direct contrast to the French wast. ! row being wo'ii across the water Is a aow utility shirt waist , ono of tlio tailor models , with smaller sleeves than last year , embodying one of the beat New York iityUs , especially suitable for ritrlped glnghama and percales. The fullness of the trout Is gathered or pleated Into a nmall spuco at both neck and waist line. The back has a ullcht fullness under tlio pointed yoke. The neck Is f.nlshed for wearing plain collars f.iid cravat ] In tailor style. The shirt sleovo. with few gathers at the top and wrist , has a bread , straight tuff. Tne appropriate finish of this waist Is a Jaunty leather bslt. The proper cut of the waist can bo obtained from the eut patteir.s furnished by Harpcr'd Uazar , where It appears. Quantity of material required three and a quarter yards of thlrty-two-lnch cotton gnoJa. Well , they or , rather , he can buy my tickets , run my errands , announce my carriage at receptions , and see me to anil from the theater at night. No maid could do all this. " Miss Freeman eald she preferred to do up her own hair , so didn't miss a maid on that account. "That boy can do anything ever heard of , " she continued ; "black my boats , and buttom them , If necessary. Ho runs thirty ei rands a day sometimes. Does wonders for me , and he begged me to bring him along to sco America. In Warsaw , Poland , In Franco and in England they have valets , and It Is such a common thing that no ono ever pays any attention to it , and no ono ever comments on It. " Our American queens and daughters of crowns and barons may be glad to learn a Parisian method of advertising nobility. In stead of the old baskets and vases ot flowers , autocratic mlstrctieea now adorn their tables with heraldic crowns. Thus , a baron's board can bo decorated with a coronet of lilacs ar ranged in bunches , variegated with golden- hearted dasles. A handsome count's coronet can bo constructed out of violets and roses. It should have for the base a circlet of violets , whoso stalks are epread out over a silken dolly. The ducal coronet Is particularly fine. It Is composed of buds of tea roses , to which arc added bright-red roses to give brilliancy. The coronet is surrounded with rose-bush branches of various kinds , with their thorns and blossoms left on. Hand somest of all Is the closed crown. It Is usually very largo and made of orchids. It ls placed by itself on a vermilion epcrgnc , all the rest of the table being bare of flowers , An exchange suggests that leather bed side slippers can very easily bo made at home. The leather U of any color that Is desired , and It Is often a very gay one , and Is mounted over the toe of a lamb's wool insole. A bit of fur finishes the edge , and thus Is evolved a comfortable toe slipper. A comparatively amall piece of thu akin makes two ur three pairs and the t > .xpen c of both money and effort Is very ti'Illltig. A woman who has carefully studied the effects ot light at her dlnnem Haya that un shaded candles In high old-fashioned candel abra that branch out in inony directions arc , absolutely the perfection of light for a table , and arc , too , a most becoming llE.CH to the face.i of the guests gathered around It. The- candelabra should bo tall enough to carry the lights falfly high. The pretty cacidle ehadt ; * so much in uae arc decorative to the furnishings of the table , but thvy prevent the most effective and becoming light. Some lute-eating statistics recently pub lished should bo emphasized by tlio mother or every young man In the land to her son. They are from the general freight agent ot a large rallrojcl , who wyo that ho will In the future employ no young man who smokcw cigarettes , end that he Intends to get rid of all now In hUi department who smoke them. "Eighty-five per cent , " he saj > , "of the mistakes ir.ado In Ifie office by 200 clerks are traceable to the tlilrty-two who use clgaiettcs. " It is told In Kansas City that a woman of an excursion party , which was booked for one and one-halt hours' tnp there , de layed the departure of the excursion train an hour and ten minutes- and caused the disarrangement of the schedule of the Santa Fe railroad from Kansas City to Albuquerque , all because she stopped at a dry goods bargain counter. "I am very much troubled. " said John i S. WUo of Virginia to a Washington I'ost > reporter , as ho walked across the rotunda I of the capltol the other afternoon. I "I attended a session of the Daughters I of the Revolution , " continued Mr. Wise , "and ono of the ladles who made an ad dress had the several sheets which con- . tallied her remarks carefully pinned to gether. As she proceeded with her speech I eho would detach a sheet and put the pin , IIAII.IIOADS. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Olllces and Ticket Odlce. Merchants National Hank Bulldlnc. 1224 Farnam Ktiret. PAOlflE , Telephone 101. Depot , Fifteenth en.I WeUUr Htrevlf. Ttlcplionj * pAl'AT , ' 141K. , _ _ _ , - Leave. Arrive. K nia and Ntbriuka Llmlud I':33 : pm ICansat City and ST. I uU Express . . . . . . . . :30 : pra CM ; am N br k I cal . . . . . . . . M 4:30 : pm 9:13 : urn Dally. * Dally x xrpt Sunday. In her mouth. Then she would detach an * 'other sheet nnd put another pin In tier mouth , Slu * kept this up for several min utes , nnd yet she continued talking all the time. I want to know what became of these pins. She certainly did not swallow them , and she did not remove them from her mouth , The thlnR wa a mystery to mo nt the time , and it Is a mystery ynt. " An English paper says the other day , when ( Jueen Victoria was aeatcd In her drawing room , with several of her house hold In attendance , the lamp placed closn beside her began to smoke. To the horror and astonishment of the company the queen promptly raised her august hand and turned down the Maine. "Your majesty'said the lady In waiting , In awestruck tones , "why dIJ you trouble to do that yourself ? " "He- cause , " said the queen , "If I had called out , 'this lamp Is amoUIng ! ' ono of you ladles would have said to the equerry , 'Seel the lamp Is smoking ! ' nnd the equerry wont" havu called out to the nearest scrvai * Were ! the queen's lamp Is smoking ! ' nn that servant would have called to a fool- man to attend to It , and all the time the lamp would have gone on srhoklng ; so I preferred to turn It down myself. " A woman's club in Denver Is taking 111033. tires to abolish the uncovered police pntroj wagon und the chain gang. A committee has been appointed to confer with the municipal authorities In order that slepa may be taken to a reform In these two matters. The rea sons urged by the women are , that unaccusod outsiders , who h-ivo been witnesses to aomo street disturbance , are often obliged to ride to the station In the patrol wagon , and are thereby subjected to a most unpleas ant experience. In the case of the chain gang , the point Ls made that it Is not wise that children and ygunt ; persons should see these painful sights. It may bo added that a. short tlmo ago , In an elevated car In thla city , the spectacle of eight lads chained to gether was seen , A little girl , who chanced to be a passenger on thu car , was so affected by the sight that aho did not recover from It for several weeks. A blissful train of events has led up to thft wedding , and they wont oft on a southern tour to spend the honeymoon. A week agot says the New York Commerclal-Advcrt'jer , they returned , and nn old friend of tlio , . , . bride dropped In to see her ono mora'njt ' , expectlns to find her radiant.\yjth.happlncsa. She was unpa 'rl'Bauu she looked pensive , not to eay b-'ed. I "Hail a buau-tl-ful time , I suppose , " sail t the friend. j "Oh , yes , " answerer ] the bride. "Hut be < tween you and me , Tcss , It Isn't very In teresting to travel around with a-a-com- paratlvo fetrtuger , and wherever we went I kept thinking of that awful address the minister made , with that line from the psalnia that begliv ) , 'Abundance of peace < > long as the moon endureth , Do you uuppcji ) ho meant honeymoon ? " A llttlo less than two years ago a rich grain merchant of Odessa died , leaving a for tune of 4,000,000 rubles ta his threu daugh ters , under 'peculiar conditions. They were only to Inherit the money on condition that they became servants , washerwomen or farmworkers for eighteen months. The tlmo has just passed , anil the young women have come Into their fortune. Two of them were chambermaids , and the third n girl of all work. In-Odessa houses. They did net have much trouble In securing situations. In the course of their servitude the two younger daughters received each more than COO pro posals ot marriage , and thu eldest 150. They declined all. and now assert that they will continue to live In slnglc-blcssedness. A delightful story , which la respectfully recommended by the New York Times to Miss Wllklns * vivifying touch , comes from Connecticut , und Is the result ot a forage In that ( iromblng place for antiques. In a vll- lago home was found a lady u'iio displayed with pride her beautiful collection. Ono of ltd cherished pleci's van a very old two-han dled silver cup , which tlio exhibitor ex plained belonged to an ancestor. "I havu of- ferrcd 4100 fcr U , but I can not buy It , " she naUl , "so I rent It to have a look at It. It costs mo $10 a year , but Is a never-ccaalnc satisfaction. " Hurh dovotlon to onu's hobby should really go Into n book. Thn spring cycling costumes , according tea a New York paper , are far prettier than these worn last year. Clear , dark shades aroused used more than the fawn and dust-colored grays and taim , and the result ID very plcao- Ing. Only an extremely well-cut and well- mndn tailor suit of light colored cloth look trim and appropriate , whllo the dark blues , blacks and greens ara almost always neat and natty looking , and show less signs of wear after an entire season than the paler ooatnmcu very often do after n month's wcrv- Icis Princess Mary of Ilolicnlohe , who hits recently - cently died , was a moat remarkable woman. She was enormously wealthy , poisse scd an Imposing presence and wan an ardent sports woman. Despite her KS years , lie killed two bears In the forest ofWrkl .a few months ago. The princess was passionately fond of art and munln , especially the com positions of Wagner , Mr * . Tyndall , the widow of Prof. Tyndall , has MCH to the llrltlsh royal initltiitlon a sum of nQQO.vhlch iba statfa hrf husband Ucalrcd : btT , at nuch tlmo M tihould to convenUnt to litrnelf. tn prtiient aa "O expression of bU Attachment to the In stitution.