Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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\7bcat Shows a Eull Tendency and Closes
Corn IM l.'lrni on Ilrnrwnl of Shipping
, ( > nln Clone Illulirr null
I'rovUlonii Arc
CHICAGO. March 8. Wheat developed
Into a bull market late In .the sea-ilon and
closed -Tic higher for July. Muy closed un
changed. Declines resulting from dullness
nnd Irearlsh statistical news were recovered
by buylriK by Letter nnd by houses which
have been heavy Hellers recently. Corn was
firm on tha renewal of shipping business
and advanced U < 8ttc. Oats closed ' , c hlgh <
Provisions were Irregular , pork losing T c
of Its previous value , whllo lard and ribs
showed no change.
A defined bullish sentiment was apparent
nt the opening In wheat. There was a drop
In coiifols. rellectlng the apprehensions ot
trouble between Kngland nnd Hussla , nnd
Llverpoal showed u substantial advance , re
porting also that receipts of wheat during
the last three days had been considerably
below requirements. There seemingly was
also less prospect of trouble between the
United S'ntes and Spain. Plenty of bonrlsn
stulUtlcal news was at hand , but the crowd
was too bullish on the European situation
to pay any attention to this at Hrst. With
u good demand from shorts , July op-nod
J,4c hlghunt &i > ) ic , and advanccil nt once
to t % e. May opened Wiic higher at
$1.0jU 1.05H. T.iu latter delivery , however ,
has almost ceased to cxcltu Interest. At
liUc for July offerings houatns heavier ,
that being "call" price. There wns free
celling against these privileges and also a
good deal of scattered realizing. This tc-
HUlted In a gradual decline In July to U0c.
The heavy receipts hero and In the north
west were Inllneiitlal In this decline. Minne
apolis * and Duluth reported artlvals of 5"J
cars , against S03 last week and 327 a year
nco. Chicago receipts were 133 cars , 73 of
which were of contract quality. Hesldes the
contract wheat from regular sources 51 cars
and 21,000 bu , were transferred from un
licensed houses. A long period of dullness
followed , with prlcen keeping1 within an ex
ceptionally narrow range. About this only
Incident waa thu support given May by
Ix-lter brokers at $1.01 , to which llguro that
delivery had declined. Thlw buying pic-
vented the market from getting below that
Hguro. Around the noon hour the market
began to show strength again. Had reports
as to the crop conditions In Missouri and
Illinois came In. The Atlantic port clear
ances amounted to 471,000 bu. liuylng of
July by a house which has been a heavy
seller lately became quite pronounced , and
as Loiter brokers were at the same time
supporting May and September , prices
slowly recovered. The advance also resulted
In a cons-ldenihla broadening of 'the trade
us shorts came Into thu market to protect
themselves. Predictions of a cold wave to
follow rain were Ignored early , but brought
In some outside buying' orders late In the
session. July advanced to 91Utfi91c ! { nml
left off tit yic. Muy closed at ll.UI-Ji and
September at S04c. !
Trade In corn was unimportant. The feelIng -
Ing was quite , steady all through the ses
sion , the revival In the shipping demand
balng the principal factor. Cable accept
ances were liberal , clearances being put al
CGU.OOO bu. Business was monopolized by
professionals. May ranged from SOVio tc
DOc and closed V&fiVia higher at 20c.
Oats were slow , within a very narrow
range. Trading , was almost altogether of r
scalping order. The feeling was firm , prin
cipally through sympathy wllh corn. May
ranged from 27c to iOMy8c and closed 'Ac
higher at 2Ci27c. (
Provisions were weak most of the time
There wan considerable liquidation through
commission houses early In the day , am :
this , with the decline In prices at the yards
caused general recessions , the weakness be.
Ing marked In pork. A IMtle buying neai
the close caused a better feeling , the mar
ket In a general was closing steady. May
pork closed T'/ic lower at $10.17 ( , 'May Ian
unchanged at $3.1214 and May ribs un
changed at $5.10.
Kstlmated receipts for Wednesday : Wheat
110 cars ; corn , 390 cars ; pats , 203 cars ; hogs
35.000 head.
Lending futures ranged as follows :
ArtlcieB.,1 Oi8ii. | | HUh. | Low. | ciogeTTvogt'y
March , 1 02i !
May. . . 1 O..H 1114 1 4 ( 1 04
July. . . aujiati DOM ni UOK
May. . . 30 HO
July. . . am 31H
Sei.t. . .
OalMay. . . . 20H 27
July. . .
May. . . Ill ' . ' .1 10 25 H ) 10 10 nwlio ao
July. . . It ) : l-W 10 3'JU 10 ir > . 10 HW 10 30
Mny. . . 5 I'JVi fi 10 r in 3 12 R 12V
July. . . 0 ' "Jf. 5 - J- 0 17H 0 20
ihtltlb *
May. . . 510 5 10 s os 5 10 D 10
July. . . fi 1.3 i o m fi 10 A IS 0 It )
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Dull : winter patents. fl.80TJ5.00
strnlgbts. SI.SMil.CO ; spring specials , IJ.3JiiJ.
Miring patent * , $1.753.IO ; linkers' , } 3.G043. ! .
WHEAT No. S spring. 9ias > 2ic ; No. 3 Fiirlnfi
S7ij'9S',4c ' : No. 2 red , * 1.02Vi.
CORN Nu. 2 , SS'ic.
OATS No. 2 , MVtfi f. o. b. ; No. 3 white.
RYK-No. 2. 49Uc.
1IARI.KY No. 2 , 3I043C.
j-i--o. , . . .
WHISKY UlftllU-ni' llntahod soods. poV Bal.
ll.H',4. '
IMIOVISIONS Me.ii pork , per bbl. . $10.1W
10.15. Iwird. per 100 Ibi. , $3.07Htf5.10. Short rib
Hides ( loose ) , tl.90ff3.23. Dry salted shouldei
( boxed ) , $ t75@ > .00. Bhort clear sides ( boxed ]
3. 2305. 43.
SW.ARS-Unchanced ; cut loaf. 116.01 ; sranu
lated. $ 'i.51.
TIMOTHY Ht-t-n rrimo , $2.93. $
On the Produce exchange today the buttc
market wn slcady ; creameries. 13fl94c ( ; dalrle :
11O17C. Cheese , quiet at SQS'.ic , Eggs , fresl
QuotutloiiH fur- the Itny 1111 Grnrrn
NEW YORK , March 8. PI/3UR Receipt * , ?
123 bbls. ; exports , 15,564 bbls ; dull and nom
nally easy : city mill patents , J3.S556.10 ; city ml
cleara , $3.M 5.75 ; Minnesota putents , $5.30ffi.6' '
Minnesota bakers , fl,40rl.GO ; winter itraluhh
f4.63 4.73 ; winter extras , $3,7iff4.10 ; winter lo
grades , $2.9073.M > . Rve Hour , steady : fancy. J2.I
02.23. liuckwbeat Hour , steady at $1.30tfl.5D.
11UCKWHKAT Klrm at 42c.
CORNMEA-I ! > ull ; yellow western. 7'V. '
RYE 1-Ukler ; No. 2 western , 6S < .ii/59c.
HARLKY Dull : fiHHllng. 4'k- ' .
1IARI.KY M.XI.T Steady ; western , 52i ! j 7c.
WHEAT Receipts. 152.625 bu. ; spot llrtii : N
C red , $1.C7T f. o. b. . tr > arrive ; No.
northern Duluth , $1.U ? f. o. h. to anlvi
option * opened firm on hlghi-r cables and Pit
ropean war news nnd after n midday declli
under realizing finally rallied and closed ' .HI7 ,
net higher ; late months were strong on predl
tlon.1 of n ci > ld wave west , follow IHK rain * e :
port Irwiulry was more active today ; Varc'
$ l.l ' , m71.i > Ci. ; dueled. Jl.WV May. 51.0)4
1.01 3-16 : closed , $1.00Ti ; July. 91 S-16flM 7-K.
closed. U2'c.
CURN RptvlplH , W.675 bu. ; eiiKirts , 167.2II bu
rpot linn ; No. 2. 3711C. Options opened steai
with wheat and advancing ruled tlrm all day <
decreasing receipts , expai ta and better cable
closed ijc net higher : Miiy. JtHifJjo ; cloied. 33
July. MWiStV ; clost il , 30c ,
OATS Receipts , 70.SOO bu. ; export" . S.775 hr
* l t quiet ; No , i. 31ic. Opliona dull but steai
with cam. closing ie net higher ; May close
KBin-QtilPt : : bran , SOflSJiic ; middlings , 80
rye feed. G2ViVf.Se. .
HAY Quiet ; chipping , 30035c ; good to cholc
HOI'S Klrm : state , common to choice. H
rnn > . j c ; 1S > cmp. 7 l > c ; IKrt crop , 17O19
I'aeltlo coi > t , 1S95 crup , 4f6c ; 1SS5 crop 8 it 210
JSU7 cn-ii. UHtJc.
HIDEH Klrm : Oalveston. ISc ; Texas , dry. i ;
California. HV , lS'c.
LKATIIKR Klrm ; hemlock sole , MUpSOc.
WOOL-Dull ; ilei-co , nHUa'io : Teias. US
ROVISIONS-lleef. steady ; family , fll.2 :
11.73 ; extm mera. $ .S.OO S.6i ) ; beef hann. IJ2.5'
M.OO ; packet. $ W.o fll.O' > . Cut meats , quit
nlckled lollies , l-\.7i 7. < : pickle , ! slxtuldei
f'M4O4.73' pickled bams. $7.7flS.O. . > . I rd. eas
weitern ntpained , J5.37' , : May. $3. 5 ; relln <
quiet. Pork , dull : me < . $10 S.W10 73 : abort cle ;
| ti.7SiI12.60 ; family , $11.60 < U12.Ui ) . Tallow , stea.1
Oll t Petroleum , nominal. llosln. tteai !
strained commop to gooil , tl.40OI.4S. Turpenth
firm at 37c , IVttonseeil oil , quiet ; prime croc
31V : prime yellow , 23c.
ItlCK-KIrm ; fair to extra. 4SO lie ;
MOI.ASSES-KIrm : New Orleans , open kttt
porvl to cfcolee. J * 7Jc.
MITTAIiS Tlu general condition * In the me
market were without Important change ted !
At the cloa the metal exchange reported i
Iron warrant * unchanged with $6 n hid un.l ft
sked ; luku itiujH-r strnmr wlhS $11 bin bid a
ii.00 uskrd ; tin unrbanxed with $14 25 bid n
$14. r , asked ; rpeltor unchanged with tl.23 I
Van. I $1.30 nked , nnd lead unchmged ttllli K
UM and $ J.i7V4 aiked. Th * Arm Hxlnc th * i
Ulnpf price for mlncrt and ( metiers quote * trad
At M.Ci.
IlUTTKn RecHnti. § .114 pkg * . ; steady ; went-
frn creamery , i ; acj ) Elelnt , ZOcj factory , ll
CT I KnflE Receipts , 4.4IS pknn. ; qul tj tUlit
rklmx , Glj'.Ur ' : unrt ultlin.i , 4W3io ; full fklms ,
EOaa-Stpndy ; tnle nnd Pennsylvania , II31
western , lie ; southern
Cnnillllnn of Trnilp nnd Qnodtllonn on
Stnil < > niirt 1'n ii < ! > - Produce.
uaas-aood nxk. sgsuo.
IlUTTKn Common to fair , 9OUo ; separator
creamery , JOc ; gathered crenmory , ISfJltc.
VEAI-Cholce fat , SO to 120 Its. , quoted at
8IJ30 ; largo ami cnarse. 6 7c.
LIVE rolU.TUY Chickens , S'.iflCc ; old roost-
en" , So ; ducks , Co.
( JAM- ! : Mallard * , $1.00173.23 teal tl.MfM.73
.pnt. * * t J\et I rn. r * . . . . . . . . , . _ ! . . . _ _ . . , ! n. . , , * , m ;
hay ; light - - bales tell 'the beat { "only top' grades
bring top prices.
CELURY Hood stock , large , 4'.1 ' ; small ,
ONIONS-Per bu. , tU001. .
IIEANS-Hand'plckcd navy , per bu. . lt.ZSftl.30.
SWEET POTATOES Kuniui , 10-pcck bbls. ,
CAIItlAOE-Oood stock , p r Ib. , Uic.
POTATOES Home grown , COH33c ; Colorado
Blo--k. "Oc.
STRAWIlERRlES-Per 24-qt. cnte. . . . .
A PPLIJrl Winter stock , $ J.OOf3.50 | ; Calllornla
lielletleur , boxes , ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxes , $1.73 : Orvson , boxes , $1.23.
f HANIIERRIES Fancy Jeri-ey , per bbl. . $10.00.
ORAPES-MaliKH * . : flOWG.W.
ORANOES California na\eis , $3.7303.00 ; fancy
seedlings. $2.50choice , $ J.23.
LEMONS California , fancy , $3.00 ; choice , $173 ;
fancy Messina , $ .1.00J1.M.
R.VNANAS Choice"large stock , per bunch , $3.00
02.20 ; medldtim slued bunches , $1.73 2.00.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , large size , ig > 13ci
small , lie ; ilrazlls , per Ib. , 9fluc ; English wal
nut * , per Ib , , fancy soft thell. lOtJUc ; standards ,
MrJf t filberts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecan * , pallshed ,
medium , 6R7e ; extra large , Stc : large hickory
nuts , $1.0011.10 per bu. : email , $1.255 " . 33 per bu. ;
cocoatiuls , per 1-0 , $1.00 ; peanuts , raw , 3Jj3' c ;
roaHled , Gftiic.
FIC1S Imported , fancy. 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes.
lOc ; ' 5-cro n , 44-Ib. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
WSJo'per box ; California , KMb. box. tt.W.
MONEY Choice while , IZa ; Colorado amber , 10
KRAUT-Per bbl. , $3.50 : half bbl. . $2.23.
MAPLE SVRUP-Flve-gal. can. , each. $2.71 ;
Bal cans , pule , per doz. , $1200 ; half-gal , cans ,
; i5.2j ; quart cans , $3.60.
DATES Hallowee , V ) to 70-lb. boxes , CVJc ;
Salr. 5c ; F.ird. 9-lb. boxes , sic.
CIDER-Per half bbl. . J.1.00 : bbl. , $3.00.
DRESSED IIEEF Oood native steers , C'in ;
good futcquarters steers , 6Wc ; good hindquarters
steers , i'/ao ; western steers , RV4c : fancy heifers ,
6Uc ; good heifers , 6c ; good forequarters heifers ,
3c ; gnod hindquarters heifers , 6c ; good cows ,
3 > 4c ; fair cows. O'iuj cow lorcquarters , 4V4c ; cow
hindquarters. 7' ' c.
11EEF CUTS Hanging tendctl.ilns. 44c ! ; rllis.
No. 1. lie ; ribs , No. 2 , 8c ; ribs. No. 3 , C'ir ;
rounds , No. 1. 7Uo ; rounds , No. 2. fi'ic ;
rounds , No. 3 , G'Jc ' ; trimmings , 4'/ic ' ; beef shanks ,
3c ; brains , per doz. , 33cj sweetbreads , per Ib. ,
12c ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per II. . . . 40c ; kidneys ,
per doz. , 33c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib. . 2ic ! ;
hearts , per II. . . 2'Sc ' : tongues , per Ib. , lie ; cnlf
livers ) , each , 35c ; calves , whole carcass or sides ,
9c ; cnlf liead and feet , scalded , per set , 73i * ;
tenderloins , fresh , ISc ; tenderloins , frozen , 15c ;
boneless strips , fresh , 9 > , { c ; boneless Btrlps , frozen ,
! lc ; strip loins , fresh , 7'irc ' ; strip loins , frozen , C'.ic ' ;
rolli. boneless , 3'io ; rolls , spencer cpta , Oc ; nlr-
loln butts , boneless , 9e ; shoulder clods , boneless ,
CVJc ; rump butts , boneless , 69ic ; Iso. 1 chucks , Oc |
No , 2 chucks , 4Vjc : No. o chucfcs , is : Irmrlen
chucks , 5o ; cow plates , 3ijc ; steer plates , 4c ;
flank steak , "c ; loins. No. 1 , 13Hc ; loins , No. 2 ,
lOHc ; lulns , No. 3 , SV o : short loins , inarkel
atyle. 2o nlwve loins ; short loins , hotel style , 4 (
nl > ov loins ; cow loin , cnjs , So ; steer loin , ends ,
MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c per Ib. ; lambs ,
8c ; sheep , 7c ; market racks , long , 9c ; hole
rdcks , short , lie ; loins , < lc ; caddies , 9c ; legs ,
Vu ; liimb legs , 10c ; breasts nnd stews , 3\ic \ ;
tongneM. each , 3c ; forequarters , 51-c.
PORK Dressed pigs , S'.Jc p- > - Ib. : dressed
hogs , 5UC ; tenderloins , 15c : loins , short , Clic ;
long , Cc ; spare ribs. fKham sausage butts
5c : llo'ton butts , fHic ; shuuldcrs , rough , 6c ;
shoiilderH. skinned. S'.Jc ; trimmings , 4Uc ; lea
lard , not rendered , nffcc : heads , cleaned , 4n
snoutH and enrs , 3cj iwchbnnra , 2c ; check meat
4c ; neck l nes , 2c ; picV taUs , 3c ; plucks ,
5c ; chitterlings , 5c ; nocks. 4c : hearts , per doz.
! 5c ; stumanhs , each , 3c ; tongues , ench , 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , ptr doz. , 15c ; pigs
feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3c ; hos rlnda
So ; blade bones , Gc.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 71/0 ; No. 2 green
hides , 6Ho ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c : No. 2 green
salted hldiis , 8c ; No. 1 vtt t calf , S to 12 Ibs lOc
No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 15$73c
green salted shearings ( short wooled earl' '
bklns ) , each , 13c ; dry shearings ( short woolei
early skins ) . No. 1 ench , 5c ; dry Hint Kansa
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , nctua
weight , 4if3cf diy flint , Kansas and Nvhraski
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , octual welcht , SI
4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib
actual weight , 4ff3c ; dry flint Colorado murrali
wool pells , per Ib. , actualW"lght _ , 3tf4c.
TAW/\V , OIIEASB , KTC.-Tallow , No. 1 , 3j
3' ' , c ; tallow. No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , l'Jc ; white
li greasoi , 2V4 2T4c ; yellow and brown grease , 1'
" '
IJ J I ( timber ) , 2ic4 ! > tZ.oO ; " nralfle""coyote"Vce'30c' ( ) ' '
tyr Oo' ' 1025c ! Ladscr' Bff40o ; sliver fox. $30.0
.St. I.oulN Griicrnl .tlnrkot * .
ST. LOUIS. March 8. FLOUR-UnchnngeJ
' " ' * ' " 'mights. ' $ . * .
P S..V4-7"8-90' ! $1.454.50 ; clears
$4.ftW4.2r ) > : medium , $3.5i > T3.75. |
WHHAT Higher , closing i,5c for May nnd li
for July nnd September above yesterday : Jul >
oppnml ! 5c higher , mild off > ic. ndvnnceil ? , c nnr
close , ! with sellers nt the top ; spot , higher : No
2 red cash , elevator. Die ; track , DHUjtOO'&c '
March , SWUc : May , ll.OHi ; July. S6c ; No. 2 h'a'n
cash , 91jil2p.
CORN Futures strong and fractlonnlly hliTher
sjrnt hlnlier ; No. 2 cafh , 27Hc ; Matx-h , 27Vtc
May. 2He ; July , 28T4if29c.
OATS Futures dull and stcadv : No. 2 cnsh
27c : track , 2ZH 2Sc : March , 27c ; Mav. 27Vii27c |
July. 2lo bid ; No. 2 white. 23K ? 20c.
RYE Lower at 49c.
FIjAXSEED Nominally nt $1.12.
TIMOTHY SEED-Prime. > 2 Wtl3.V > .
CORN'MICAIj Firm nt $ l. ! ai.5'i.
RRAN Strong with a letter Inquiry ; snckei
east Irarlc. MVic nnd salable at Gj this side.
1'VY Dull ; prairie , $6.00OS.OO : timothy ,
" ilUTTER - Easy ; creamery , 1002015C ; dairy , flf "
I , EOOS Finn at 8V4c.
ixyrro.v TII 700.
MtTAI.f I euil. lower Bt J3.60 asked. Spelter
dull nt $3.95.
PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; standard megs. Job
blni. , $10.25. I/ml , nominal ; prime steam , fl. !
choice , $3.02'4. llacon ( Imxed lots ) , extra shor
clear. $3.fi2Viil'3.75 ; rlba. $3.87I.4S6.0J : shorts , J1. "
fii.12's. ; ' Dry salt meats ( l ixedl , shoulders. JI.5
0 ff .75 ; extra short ol < ir. $3.a3g-3.374 ; ribs , $5.37'
Q-3..M ) ; shorts. $3.505 } > 3.B2i4.
RECEIPTS Flour. 10.000 bbls. : wheat , 15,00
bu. : corn , ICfl.O'V ) bit. ; oats , (11.000 ( bu.
SIMPMUNTS-Flour. 6W ( l.l.N. . wheat , l ! . f
bu. ; corn , IK,00) ) ) bu. ; oals l'i)00 ' ) bu ,
llnltliiioriMnrkrt. .
RALT1MORE , March S. FLOUR Dull ; wes
C. ern. $ J,70 2.FO ; weftern extra. $3.b5ff4,10 ; wes
em family , $4.4f4,70 ; winter whent intent , $11
i | C10 ; spring wheit patent , $5.2995.40 : eprln
wheat straights , $3.Of(3.10 ) ; receipts , 1I.3SS bbls
exports. 21,733 bblH.
WHEAT Dull : tpot nnd month , 09siciit.'l
May , fl.004ni.00yt ; steamer. No. 2 red. S.V.Ji
P5Vvc ; receipts. 31,401 bu. ; export ! . 17C.M2 bu
svitbern wheat by sample. UCciTfl.OOH ; souther
wheat on grade , D.V.icOfl.COU.
CORN-FIrm ; EIMII and monti. : 33i I31'4 <
Mav. 340 bid ; steamer mixed. 33Vin33'io ; receipt
2S. | ' S bu. : exports. 51,428 bu. : southern wbli
corn , 33& 3l4c ! ; southern yellow corn , 33U
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , western. 34ifrS3. ! .
Nu. 2 mixed western , 3i32c ; receipt * , 5,4
Lu. : expert ? , none ,
UYB Htpnily ; No. 2 nearby , 55 < , ic ; No , ! wes
ern , M\Jc : receipts , ( .sen 1m. ; exiwrt * . none.
HAY Steady ; cbMrp timothy , $12.60 13.00.
ORAIN KREIOHTS rinn. but Inacllv
steam to Liverpool , per bu. . Slid , May : Cor
for orders , per quarter , 3s 6d3 < < 7(5d ( , Marcl
3i 4'Vd. April.
IllUTKR Quiet ; fancy creamery , 21c ; fan <
Imltntlnn , UtflJo : fancy ladle , 15c ; Rood ladl
13ffl4c : More packtd. 1W1S ? .
KOOrt Qulot : fresh , Iliifll2e.
CHKBHB Steady : fancy New York , large. S
C-Si-e - : fancy New York , medium , 9iS10c ; fan <
New York , small , 10V4c.
IlviTU | > nl > lnrki't ,
LIVERPOOL. March 8. WHEAT-Spst. dul
No. 1 re < l northern , tprlng. s Id.
CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed. No.
we.'tern. Si 4id. Futures , quiet ; March , 3s 4 %
May , 3 * 3'id ; July , 3s 2 ; d.
Importa of wheat Intn 'I .Iverpiol for the wee
from Atlantic ports , 24.50 > quarters : from P
cine ports. 5S,0 ! quarters ; from other port
S3.000 quarters.
Importa of corn Into Liverpool for the wee
from Atlantic ports , were C7.300 quarters.
03 PROVISIONS Ileef , extra Indli , K ! V1 , Per
1C- prime mo , tine weitcrn , Sis 3d. Hams , du
ic ; 31s 6,1. nacon. long clear , 40 to S' . Ibs. . 29s ; t-ho
clear back . 16 to 18 Ibs. . < s Cd : long clear , 2
OT. L < ird , prime western , 27 5d. Tallow , prlr
llUTTEU-Klnetl United States. Sta ; goo
CHEESE American , finest white and coljre
OILS Turpentine , spirits , 23s 9d. Rosin , coi
mon , 4s 3d. Petroleum , refined , 5 > id ,
S ! nrmUtrt-e4' VUlldr Stnlriiieut.
ir. NEW YORK. March * . Special table nd IP !
li. graphic dltpiitches to Itnidntreet's. covering t principal points of accumulation , Indl'-ate ' t
ne. following changes In available supplies li
Saturday aa compared with the previous Satu
day :
WHEAT t'nlted State * and Canada , east
Rocky mountains , decrease. 1.5I2.0TO bu , ; atln
IP. fur und In Europe , decrease. SrtO.MO bu. ; work
supply , total dertvase. ? ,413.000 bu .
to ! CORN'-Unlteit Slate * and Canada , east
Rocky mountains. Increase. 31.0i bu.
OATS United State * and Canada , east
Rocky mountains , decrease. 511.000 bu .
AmonR the more. Important reductions ,
iml given by llradntrpet's , not reported In the 01
bl.1 . clal vlilhle supply statPment , were the decrea ,
LW of 4U.O < X ) bu. at Manitoba and Northweste ,
Ontario storage point * . 45,041) bu. , at northwr
rrn Interior flovntnrn , M.OTO ba. at Milwaukee
private element and lO.OOO bu. at Cleveland.
The more Important lncnni s nut oth rwl *
nporlpd are the pains nt 101,000 bu. at New
Orleans and 62.VOO bu , at Clilcaco prlrat * ele-
Knninn Cltj.ruin nml
steady , ncthc ; Nn. i hard. 90Vi < * : No. 2 , 85'SO '
cc : No. 3. 85 < UJSc : No , 1 red. 93c ; No. 2. 9l' ' n
No , 3 , t < c ; No , Z fprlnR. WfiSSc ; No. 3 ,
OORN-U'i higher , active ; No. : mixed. iSU
OATS Slorf ; No. 2 white ! 27c.
RYK-Steady No. 2 , 4Bc. best , very firm ! low
grades neKlected but steady.
IIUTTKR UnchanRnl creamery. 15CH4o !
dairy. 14H16C.
inns : stendr to firm : * t.
RKl'CIPTS Wheat. 31 , 100 bu.5 com , 12.MO bu. ;
oats. 11,0 > bu ,
SHII'MKNTS Wheat , 4Sf ) i ) bu , ; corn. 107,100
bu. ; oat , 13.W-0 bu
ritii'ltiiiull Mnrkpt.
CINCINNATI. March S. I'l/DUR-Dull ; fancy.
$ : family , I3.SOSI.10.
WHIJAT Knsyj No. 2 red. 97c.
CORN-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed , 31',4c. '
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 2Sc.
RYl nrm ; Nn. J , 6lc.
PROVlSIONS-Uird , steady nt $ : . . ( . Bulk
meatx , steady nt $3.10. llacon , quiet nt $5,90 ,
WHISKY Klrm nt $1.M.
IlL'TTER Klrm nnd lower : Hlgln creamery ,
! l'4c ' ; Ohio , 13JT18C ; dairy , HKlIc.
SI1OAR Quiet hard refined , I.22r3.57.
ljr ni I < iwer nt ! k\
CHEESE Steady ; poor to prlmu Ohio flat , 9
( irnln HPPPIH | nt I'rliirlpnl Mnrkptw ,
ST. I/3UIS , March S. Receipts : Wheat , fl
CIUCAno , March 8-Rccelpts : Wheat , 133
cars ; corn , < ! 7i ) cars : oats , 810 cars. Kstlmnted
tomorrow : Wheat , 110 cars ; corn , 390 carat oats ,
MINNHAPOUS , JIarch S. Receipts : Wheat ,
KANSAS CITY. March S.-Recelpts ; Wheat , 52
DUI.UTH , March S. Receipts : Wheat , 191 cnrs.
TOMDO , March S. WHUAT Higher nnd
firm : No. 2 , cash , M'lc ; May , 99c.
CORN Active nnd steady : No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS Dull nnd steady ; .No. 2 mixed , cash and
Mav , 27 > ,4c.
HYM-Hlchcr ; No. 2 , cash , 51',4c.
CI/VKRSEI3D Active nnd steady ; prime , cash
nnd March , $1.07 bid.
Oily Ixiwcr ; North I.lma , 69c ; South I.hna nnd
Indiana , 61c.
Plilliiilrlpliln Proilnrp.
nilljADEIjPHIA. March S. DUTTHR Steady ;
fancy western creamer ) ' , 21c.
nooa Uij.'hanged ; fresh nearby and western ,
CIinKSn-Stendy ; New York factory , full
cream , fancy , Sjc ; full cream , fair to choice ,
PEOIHA , March S. CORN-Ploiv , steady ; Nn.
2 , : v < ic.
OATS Slow ; No. 3 white , nominal ; No. 3
white. 27W27V5C.
UYK Quiet , nominal : No. 2 , 49ff30c ,
WHISKY Steady at $1.H.
notrolt MurkPt.
nnTROIT. March S.-WHICAT-No. 1 white.
M'4c ; No. 2 reil , cash nnd May , 97T c.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 32c.
OATS-NO , 2 white , MC.
RYU No. 2. 52VJC.
Sim FrnnplniMi WhiMit Mnrkpt.
SAN rilANCISCO. March R. WHEAT Firm ;
December. $1.33 * , ; May , $1.40i.
HARVEY Quiet : December , 97-Hc ; May , $1.07-i.
Mnrkrt Itcrnrcrx on Spnln'n More
Pcm-rful i.\ttl < ii < 1c.
NEW YORK , March 8. The tone of the stock
market was much Improved today ns compared
with that of yesterday , the ground for the
greater confidence In values being the apparent
desire of the Spanish government to deprecate
any Idea that It deslri-d a rupture with the
United States on Its own Initiative or that It
fought to Irritate the United States government
Into assuming the offensive. The effect of this
waa defined In n shalp recovery of Spanish 4s
Iwth In London nnd Paris. Americans also were
much steadier on the foreign exchanges , but
there was nothing In. the eaily quotations from
there to give n foretaste of the harp advances
nt the opening here. The market was quite ag
gressively urong during the whole of the earlier
part of the day , but It Is questionable whether
this was due to any large amount of buying for
new accounts. That the short Interest was
largely Increased yesterday was easily to be
seen und shrewd professional manipulators were
able to discern this morning that the market
was In an oversold condition. The better out
look In the relations between Spain und the
United States made.thc shorts nervous nnd there
was something of a ncranilile to recover nt the
open4ng. The rl ? was defUned to uncover bear
margins nnd the keen demand at the advance
Indicated the measure successful. It did not re
quire much to renew liquidation and the close
waa almost at last night's point. Covering by
belated shorts caused n light stiffening In the
final dealings. Outside of the professional ma
nipulation there was little doing In the market.
Same buying was retried for London nnd
Washington account. The continued movement
of gold , the easier tone of money , yesterday's
flurry being apparently ended , a numhor of divi
dend announcements nnd the statement that no
bond Iseue would be made necessary by the
proposed appropriation of $30,000 , < MM for national
defense , were all factors toward the confident
views on the situation. Operations , nevertheless ,
were pursued with conservatism. Except in n
few specialties changes were confined to frac
tions. Changes In northwestern railway Btockt
were further conspicuously strong In spite ol
the continuance of the transcontinental rate
war. Plttxl.urir , Cincinnati , Chicago St ,
Loula stocks were weak , the common losing !
points and the preferred 2i.
Honda showed stiength In sympathy wit *
stocks , but resisted the late weakness In the
market , except Kansas Pacific consols , wlilo ! '
lost all the early advance , amounting to nearly
2 points. Total sales , $3,123,000. United States
4s , registered , were down 2Vi nnd United States
4s , coupon , were \ - ' lower bid todny.
The EveningPost's London financial cablegram
says : The market * opened steady today on tht
closing of the Consul General Lee Incident , bul
roon Rave way on further heavy forced liquida
tion , prior to the settlement , ami on the new :
of the queen's slight Indisposition. Contois a' '
one time were quoted nt HO ? ; . There wan t
general reaction nt the close. The differences ti
be met at the settlements nr very heavy , how
ever , and oyaslon anxiety. Mining contangoes a
the" * close today were the same as nt the las
settlement. The tone of the market la fiat. Then
was good buying of Americans this nftcrnaon
I am told in the best quarters that the Issui
of the Chinese loan ! will not be delayed , barrlni
rerlous political developments , which are not ex
peeled. It will probably be issued on Saturdsj
or. early next week. Today's sales of eagles b ]
the llark of England surprised the money mar
ket , which was very linn. The Mnlt raised tlv
buying prlc of French nnd Gerrmn coin ti
Following are the closing quotations of th <
leading stocks on the New York market today
KnrelKii Klitimrlnl.
" * INnON , March I. Oold U quoted at nuen
. . Ayren today at lGO.t9. The amount of bulll
HI. rune Into the Hank of England on balance t
, , , day wan 29.000. Oold to the amount of 50. <
_ . waa withdrawn from the Ilink of England ted ,
ttor shipment to the United titatei. Spanish
on UIP Stock rxchtnirnvlay clo § d at 67 % ,
amlnst MVt. tha clotlne prlcA yriterday.
J'AHia , March S , Thrjw iptr c nt rentts , 104f
SSo for the aoxxjuntj excWnce on London , r.f
: no for checks. Spanish 4 * Improved today on
the tKiurie , l lng quol l at 711-16 , ngnlrurt
57 15-3S , the closing'ot yestefdsy. The opening
was weak In responx ) .to unfavorable I < ondon
advices , but prices recovered on n calmer view
being taken of the political situation ,
encouraged by the small rrmjorlly In Chamber
of Deputlf * on the rc rgnnliatlon ot the stock
brokerage lystem.
\p r York Monrr Mnrkct.
NEW YORK , March > * MOXiV ON CAI.I -
2Viti3 per cent.
" '
"ST'ERI.INO EXCHANOi-Hteady. wllh nctunl
bu lnes-i In Imnktrs' blUs.AL tl.S-Hi fur demand
and 4.smW4.SI4 for sixty nys ; ported rates.
JI.S2' nnd $4.S3 < 4 ; .commercial bills. $4.S.Vi . )
H4.81 , ' * '
OOVBRXMENT HONUS-\Vp k ; new 4 , rcg.
and coupon , IK : 4 > . reg1094 : coupnn. 111 ;
2s. MH ; fis , teg. and coupon. 111 ; I'aclfic C <
of ' 99. 1034.
Cloilnc quotations on teen a a wtre ai followt !
FJnnnrlAlotox. .
O.Maroh 8. Clenrfnss , $ IB,19 ,4M. New
York exchange , lOo discount. I'osted rates , $4.8.
and { 4.S3j. ! Stocks quiet and ( Inner. Alley U
C114 ; Diamond Match , 137 bid , 13S asked ; Jxikf
street U IS ; Illfcult preferred , 78 ; North Chi-
exchange _ . . _ . _
NEW ORLEANS .March 8. Clearings. I2.4C4. .
Oi2. New York exctianse bank , par ; commer
cial. $1 per $1,000 discount.
MEMPHIS. March 8. ClearlnBB , $443.819 ; balances
ancos , $93,952. New York exchange > cllne | $1.6 <
NEW YORK , March 8.-Clenrlns , J130.K4.993
balances. J8.4K.749.
11OSTON. March 8.-Clearlngs , $ :0,478,1SI ; bil
nnce , $2,320.233.
1'IIIL.AUKU'HIA. March 8. Clearings , $13 ,
162,030 ; balances , J2)2,190 ! )
HAt/riMOIiB. March S.-Clearlngs. $2,8S9S3
balance ? . $3i,13S.
OMAHA. March 8. The bank clearings wen
JODI.S73.J2 ; balances. H7.3S4.61. The clearines r
year ago were $ UO.G$4.42 : balances , JC9.S33.C1
The Increnfe waa $3(4 ( , 1SS W.
CINCINNATI , March 8. Clearings. J1.S23.KO
Money , 2H06 per cent , New York exchange , 60i
discount ,
Aiiirrlcnii Seuurlli * lit London.
I/ONDON. March 8. The market for America !
securities fluctuated nomfcwhat after a stead ;
opcnlnt ? . then Improved on bears' covering ; close ,
steady , with the demand light.
Wool .Markets.
I1O3TON. March 8. The tone of the wool mar
ket here continues to be quiet , but the niarke
In Keneral Is steady. The sales of tcrrltor ;
wools are slow , but there 1 no sUn of weak
nesj In prices. The demand for lleece wools con
tlnued to tome extent nm\ the Keneral rnnRe o
quotations U not nuterially different. There I
n Uroni ; tone for Australian wools , but the ije
mam ! ! moderate. Follo\vliiK are quotations fo
the leading descriptions :
Ohio and 1'ennsjlvanla fleeces , X ami above
272Sc | ; XX. S9c ; XX ttnd nbove. COgSlc ; lie
lalne , rc-ijiilc : No. 1 coniLlntr. 30031c ; No.
cviiblnB , 30W31C. Michigan. Wisconsin , etc.
MIchlKan , 2lc ; No. 1 MIchlRtin coniblnu , 2ac
No. 1 llllnolx combiner. 23c ; N'o. 2 Mlchleai
combing , SJ Jjac ; No. 2 Illinois tombln * . 22Dc
New York , New Hnmi hln > anil Vermont , 235
24c : No , l New York , New Hampshire and Vcr
mont , 27c ; delaine , Mlchlgnn , 2Se. tlnwasbei
medium Kentucky and Indiana quarter-blooi
comblni ; . Kc ; Kentucky and Indiana three
eighths-blood combine , 23fie ; Missouri ciuarter
blood comblnB , 22frt5e ; MUrourl three-elKbthf
blued combine , 23f24c : braid combiner , 2lc ; lak
anil ( JejrKla , 2Jc. Territory wools ; Montnn
line medium nnd line , IGfllSc ; scoured , 47fi0c
ctaple , 62j33cUtah. ; . Wyoming , etc. . flno me
ilium ami line , 15fJ17o ; Bcounvl , 47 ? ! Sej stapK
Wfi32c. Tsxas woole : Sprlrs medium , 1
montlv , " , ICBHc : s.coured , 43ii4 > c : eprliiK fine , i
months , ISfflSe ; fcoured. 60s. Austrnlla
scoured Ixifls , comblnir nuperline. 70fl)72e ) ; ROOI )
-'JfiSo ; average , C2QC3c ; Queensland combine
Oil MurkftH.
Oil. CITY , P.i. , March 8. Credit balancei
60c ; rertlHcatea opened wth | fales of cash o
nt R2Vto ; lowest. 7Sc ; hlKhest. ESK-c ; do ed , cas
offered , " 9Jc ; raler , 7-(0 bbU , ; n'RuIar. 40.IK
bb'H. cash ; total. M.uO ) bbls. ; shipments , 77,9 ; > ; runs. ct.Kl bbls. "
CHAHI.KSTON. S. C. . March . OUR Tui
pentlne. market tlnn , S3 4c. Hosln. tlrm , ur
SAVANNAH , Oa. . March S.M IUS-Splrlt tui
pentlne , market , firm ; rules , & ) caslis at 39 :
closed with fa ! < M of 87. casks at 33c , I'.o lr
quiet : quotations unchaneilj
Spirits turpentine , quiet ! 3l'it33c. Hoiln , Urn
ll.2Jfil.33 , Crude turpfnitne , nothing doln ;
prices unclnnse-l. Tar.Jl-ni ; , $1.10.
IiidliiniiiollM | * * Slock.
celplH , 4) ) head ; shlinnents , IlKht : market enl
fairly active nnd there waa not a much strenrl
In prices as at the clnao of last wwk ; Bood I
prime teers , $4.W03.21t fftlr to medium tivr
JI.60T4.fiO : common to ( too < l xtockeni , $3.00f 3.7
HOGS Ilecelpts , 5,5flO" bead : shipments , 2.V (
head ; market steady , biil closed 5o lower tha
a * , cpenlnx ; P .l to choice medium and henvj
$1.90a4.0iV , ; mixed and heivy , $3.8Vf.a. ! > , ) ; Bor
to n'lolco llghta , $3.fOff 4.00 ; 'common Hulus. J3.W
fHBKr-RpcelpU. lltrht : shipments , noni
oo m rk Ji _ oulet : ranted I ! . 2" for common sherp 1
l5.23iS3.33 for choice lambs :
Jt. . \ IT York. llyy Stoc-k.
NEW YOIIK. March 8. UKBVES-nece'pt '
W6 head ; no trading. European cubles quo
American uteern ot lOVtidlc , rtrened weigh
Amerlcin she n t li > tlllic and refrigerator be
at EOS c per Ib. Nu export * .
CAIjVIM Hecelnts. 73 head ; steady nnd t
sold : veals. $3.nOfiS.OO. .
SliniM' AND UAMIiR Rectlpu , 830 head ; sic
anil draL'dni ; at Iwirrly rteady prices ; ghee
$ ] . .V > Q.7S : lambs. | 3.60C.o.
he HOd.S-Itevelptt. 3,491 head ; slow and lowe
NEW YORK. March 8.-HUCSAR-ltaw. stead
fair refining , 34.1(3 IMCc ; centrlfueal , US tei
4UW1 3-lCc : retinal , cteady ; mould A , 6U
standard A. 6Ttc ; confectioners' A. 6'c ; cut to :
6 > ic ; crufhed , 6- ; p.jwder ij , S 7-lCo ; good Kra
ul'teil. 6'Jc ' : cube * . 6Ho. .
NEW ORLEANS. March . -TCOAn-Quli
open kettle. i 4tf3' c ; i-cntiltuKu. . granulutt
4 ll-ie 4\c : whites , 4Mi4Vt ? : yellows , 4ftt' ' , !
seconds , S ? , 3 15-lCo. Molaites , stronf ; centrll
Bal. 50140.
wo Fabric * .
ay MANCHESTER , Mar-h 8.-riotb qulot. wl
a moJerata Inquiry , Yarn * firm , but quiet ,
Oattle Owners Hare the Long End of the
Local Market.
KvrrtlilttK Srlln HrRnrillm * of Qnnl-
Hnt SlrniiK' 1'rlocn UOK * Suffer
a ScJ-llnok and Sell Klve
Centu l.orrcr.
SOUTH OMAHA , March S.-Uccclpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hor's.
March S 2,939 GW9 7S'Vj ' 3
March 7 3.200 3,170 3.5S4 4
March 5 1.1J7 B. 7 1.270 64
March 4 1,823 6,345 G.245 43
March 3 1.CJ2 f.,599 3,7i 2
March 2 l9t 6,319 4.S33 5
March 1 2,779 7,800 4,230 3
February 2S 1,834 4,541 4,051
February .20 910 B.275 3 612
February 2j 1,223 5,696 4,040 43
February 24 1.SS2 4.934 6.74J B3
February 93 3.S31 8.402 D.02J 42
February 22 3.7S3 P.234 7,929
February 21 l.fBj 2,375 3,226
February 19 309 3,934 1,459
February 18 i.syS 6.S43 E.403
February 17 2.299 7,926 7,534
The official number of cars of stock
brought Iti today by each road was :
ttIe.IIog 8hccP.irrt.
C. . M. & St. P. ;
O. & St. I , . Ily. . . . . . . . . 4
Missouri 1'aclllc Ily. . 3 2
Union I'nclllc System 21 22 5 1
C. & N. W. Uy 1
a'cViW. * . ? f .5 "
C. , St. ! > . . .M. & o. Ily 22 . .
" . .Vk Viy ! ! : : : : : : B
K. O. & St. J 4
C. , II. I. & I' . , cast. . . . .
O. , 11. I. & P. . west. . .
Total receipts 127 02 3(5 ( 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated ;
Suy < irs > , . . Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
P.1'1'1,1 ' ' 'nckl'lB Co 143 G2-S G23
O. H. Hammond Co 205 1,448
Swift and Company 723 1,427 769
Clidahy Packing Co 717 1,505 1.590
H. Hecker nnd Ucgan. . . . 1R3
Vunsant & Co 102
J. I * Carey 27
tollman & Rothschilds. . 82 . . . . ! . "
Krcbbs & Co 123
Livingston & Sclmlcr. . . . 53 . . . . " "
bwlft , from country 22 56 739
C. P. & p. Co. . Neb. City . .r 5S3 . „
Meyer.s S3
Other buyers 300 . . . ' . 1S\ \ {
Left over 1W 1 > ly ) 'm
Tota'3 ' 2,905 0 707
i- i o „ . , , ; - - clltt'o ' receipts num-
t . . - head , ns against ,1,200 yesterday
.imi . .n9 n week ago. Not only IV\.IH there
! i falllnir off in numbers aa compared with
XJi-f ) ? J/ but J10 ! Itinllty as < t > ll showed
t01" ' " " ? " ' The scarcity of good cattle
would , under
ordinary circumstances , tend
to make buyers indifferent and the market
slow , but the demand was so active today
that everything sold regardless of quality ,
strong"S badl The Kellcral market
was strong
BKKISTKERS A Rood share of the 128
loans of cattle here consisted of beef steers ,
nut In tl-o whole
number there wns not a
sltmlo choice load , and few that could be
called Rood. Innot. . the best cattle In. the
> arils were only good enough to bring $1.70 ,
tncro being no loads In the yards to compare
with the | l.7o4.30 cattle here yesterday ,
ihe mon of the offerings were either hall
fat , or else coarse , heavy , and rough cat
tle , the very kind that buyers least desire ,
noted above , however , the demand was
good , both prickers and shippers being In the
field 'with ' liberal orders , and the offerings
changed hands rapidly , so that an early
clearance was effected. Good , strong nrlces
were paid for everything.
HUTCH BUS' BTOCK-Somethlng like
twenty loads of cows nnd heifers were on
sale , but the demand was good , nnd there
were none too many to flit the requirements
of buyers. As was the case with corn-fe < :
bcevivi. the market wns active nnd stronf
and It/ did not take long to clear the pens
The quality was nothing extra , nnd buyen
"ncro reporting their purchases o costlnf
more than yesterday , taking Into consider
atlon quality.
STOCK CATTI.K-The offerings of stoc *
ers and feeders were very small , as hai
been the case for several days back. Suet
cattle as m-ere available sold readily and a
way up 'prices. ' The fact is there are no
enough .stock cattlu coming to this market
Ihe demand for such cattle Is very good li
trlbutory .territory . , and It would bo an eosj
mutter to dispose of a great many mon
than are coming. Light stock cattle brlni
. the best prices. , but tha demand Is good fo ;
cattle weighing even as high ns 900 Ibs
One dealer remarked toJay that ho couli
place 1.000 head of good 900-lb. steers If the ]
were to be had. Representative sales :
HOGS Today' * receipts of liog footeil
C,6u9 , as ak'ulnrt 3.176 jentenlay nnd 7.iOO
wot-k HRO. in other words It wn a moden
run for a Tuetulay.
iverythlnK ; wan B < Hln t th rrllerx. In t
lint place tli war talk and Hie uncrrtatr
Ith Kurroundlni ; the burlnoui tltuatlon of the nf
future makes everyone cautious und tha ;
market ti ncoortlrwrtr wo k. Thit In turn r -
net * apon th * market ( or lire hoc * anU nnr Itttl *
clrcamitanc * Ilk * liberal receipt * la aumclent
to break ralo * . Thli ruarkat l > not nlcn In
this respect , but thty ar * ( II In th * som boat.
Tills mornln * the liberal receipts and the re
ported break In other market * caused the market
to open to lower. It was at no time very active
and the close was slow nt a decline of HflOo.
The hugs sold at UTiHTJ.W , ai sxalnst M.S00
n.M yestenlay , but the srent l.ulk or nit the
tiuga sold at 13.75. Yesterday the tic end of
the strlnn was at IS.MifJ.Kii ,
While the close was very drossy owlnc to
the reluctance of seller * to make the concession
demanded practically cverythln wa dlspofed
of before the close , lleprcsenlallvc sales :
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. 8h. IT.
3 ! ! 7 . . . J 71 75 H 40 S 71H
M 2 * ) . . . a 7H4 M .TS 80 S 71H
ft ) 113 80 8 71' { U SI ! . . . I 7:4
60 3J7 240 3 7H , 51 lil > S 'S'l
67 IS ! 3714 H S" W 3 72H
4S. 6 . . . 3 7314 M. . J71 ff > S 7iU
0) y,4 W S 75 M 1 80 373
77 Mrt 80 3 7 t KJ 60 J }
IS 3fW 80 J75 W ! M . . S
B2 211 40 S75 60 $0 3 7S
f,0 Z9J 40 3 7S 15 1S1 . . 375
1 3S SO 375
97 113 40 375 19 12 * . . . 5 73
10 )4 ) . . . 375 13 &V ) . . . S 75
76 177 80 3 TO 12 ! 19 . . . *
15 807 . . . 373 f > 32 . . . S 75
74 EH 80 3 75 M. . Kl 40 S 75
65 304 40 375 70 tt . . . 375
C5 2 > 4 . . . 375 29 277 . . . 375
63 210 ID ) 375 77 311 . . . 375
61 23 40 375 6 : ! I7 . . . 3 75
72 sa 8) 375 3rt 211 . . . 3 7S
( , < > IIS SO 3 75 13 lill . . . 3 "
10 22S 80 S 75 f.S I . . . 375
75 2W . . . 375 HI 177 1W 371
63 ! 80 3 75 60 > ' ) 240 .1 71
6,1 27 40 375 M 870 . . . S 7i
SO 1M . . . 375 91 117 ICO 373-
S3 K4 120 3 7T. m in I . . . S 75
Mi 340 80 375 Si ) TO 'M 575
SS 201 . . . 3 7T. C < 210 . . . 37' .
43 325 . . . 375 k7 1 ! < 3 . . . 375
C5 277 210 375 J.Vi 2' . . . 375
13 2Y > . . . 37" ft ) 5V P ) 371
f,7 205 . . . 575 0 3)3 . . . 3
72 2.VS . . . 3 77IJ 72 241 SO 3
55 217 W 3774 17 512 . . .
fS. , . ! 221 40 3774 W ! l SO 3 . .
S 2ol 40 3774 IS 1M . . . 3 7V'H
JU 2U ) . . . 3 SO 72 275 . . . 3 SO
50 175 . . . 3 SO 15 2li ! . . . .1 'i '
73 22 . . . 3 SO 31 2:0 . . . 3 JO
74 230 40 3 80 72 2J2 . . . 3 SO
71 2I . . . 3 SO f 2..2 . . . 3 < 24
S3 319 . . . 385 81 41 > - . SJ 3 }
1 130 . . . 200 8 2'l . . . 373
1 20 . . . 370 B 234 . . . 375
4 340 . . . 370 4 212 . . . 371
5 312 . . . 370 C ° > n . . . 375
1 430 . . . 370 5 . . . 37.i
B 3 . . . 370 S 1SI 40 37.1
( I . . . .27 < . . . 375 * 6 233 . . . 375
fi 27 * . . . 375 3 210 . . . 375
4 2C7 . . . S75 S ? v ) . . . 375
3 200 . . . 380 5 2' ' . . . 3 SO
HIIKI'P There were more sheep than either
cattle or hoi ? In the yards today , In. fact It
was the largest run of sheep since Telirunrj
22. Of the thirty-six load * of sheep and lambs
In the yards , llflecn load * were feeders am'
wcr6 consigned through without l-clnr offere ,
for sale. Of the balance n con'Iderable ninn )
were feeders so that the actual orterltiKS uf mut
tons were llRht. The demand was quite active
for desirable mutton sheep and vnlue steady
The lamb market , however , was weak , ow np
Inipely to the rather ordinary quality of the
dfterliiBS. llepresentatlvc sales :
Nn. Av. 1 r. _
17S'western cwcs 117 Jjj 93
15 culls J * JJ ?
* 3 Sj
" 9 western wethers >
r,23 lamh' > , feeders - J Ji
310 western wethers jj < - '
64 Mexican wethers Jj J ; '
2O1 Mexican yearlings J' ' !
2JS Mexican lambs J J J"
26D Mexican lambs 71 600
I'rli-on for Iliid"r - Wi-nk mill Ilule
IV i Cento I.IMVIT.
CHICAGO , March 8. Traile In cattle was of
the usual Tuesday diameter , ruling steady for
the general run of cattle , while ooil fat l > ecvi's
were once more . ' rce and stroiiR , with quick
sale ? . Tin- greater part of the beef steeis polj
nt tl.354T3.13 , few uolivd below It 10 or above
13.33. Extra choice cuttle were very pcard' . Mis
souri fed nnd Texas cattle sold at $ i.00ifl.40.
There was a fair trnlllc Im atockera and feeders.
Hales beliiK laruely nt II.OW4.CO , nnd quick sales
were made of the best offerlnKK. Kat rows nnd
heifers sold well nnd bulls were Fteiidy. Calves
were In liberal supply nnd prices were ma-
terlnlly lower , with ft slack demand. llest
Blades brousht $5.75iIi.W ( ( ) .
In hogs prices were weak from the start nnd
the weakness increased as the day advanced ,
price * ruling from 5o to lOo lower. Sale were
largely at tJ.SOffl3.iO ! , with a few < -arly sales of
prime heavy at $1.03 04.03. nnd tin.eommnnesl
old fetching $3.70 late In the day. Mint of the
days' business wn nt a decline of fully lClth | ) , ?
bcsniOBS selling at the clew at $3.9' , . The bes
IlKht welKhts broufiht $3.93 nnd common Hunt
end Inferior heavy sold for $3.70
Trade In sheep nnd lambs todny was fair >
active. Common to choice llock of sheep Eold (
at $3.Mfl.DO , fed westerns sellliiB nmlnly nt
. few sheep Rolnff below $3. , 5. 1 .lero
I4SOSN.50. d trade In yearllnj Hlieep at 14.600
waH a Bm
r.WI and lambs were In demand at | 4.25 o.W for I
Inferior to nrline. ale liclnB clilenjnbove $ j.CO.
HKCBII'TS-C'attlc , 3,000 head ; hogs , .il.OOO II
head ; ehcep , 13,000 II I
St. I.oillH Ilv < - Hloek.
ST. I/JtTIS. March g.-OATTI.K-UPOPIpt , 3.-
! KI ) head. Includliw 2.0W Texan * ; shlpm nl . 4M I
head ; market uleiuly to nhnde utroimer : Bn-
. .rally wllh Texas Go ; fair to ' ey m-
tlvo hl | > plnK ami export steera. $1 , SOW. , . 50. li Ik
of snloi ! t-f e"i j < 1.30 : . drwsed Ix-ef and butcher . I
Btec ? , $ .W5.10 : bulk nf nl . M.J5 4. ; ) ;
under I ? K ) pounds. | J.W I.M ; bu k .of sales $ I.W
Jfl.13 ; stockers nnd feeders. J3.MN.7.Milk : of
nnd lielfr . . * * ' .
rales' , J3.C.ViH.4i ) ; cows I
Texi and Indian steis. $ S.W4.CO : Inilk of
i.OV.ja 'l. '
salpa. J3.7D84.W ; cows and heifers.
HOnS-UecolplH. 7 , < rtO brad ; shipments. fOO
head : market steady to 6c lower : /ker , $3.6fr8i
3.S3 ; packers , $3.SO 3. ! > 0 : butclipm. W.90 l.0n. I
HICKKI * Hecelpls. 1,000 lienrt ; phlpmrnts , nonp ;
market steady ; native muttons , SUKPI. ) < iO ; lambs ,
$ r.004T3.W. I
in City I.tviStork Mnrkct.
7 80) natives : 300 swithern : mnrke.t quiet curly , I
cirwlnis active nnd ntwiily : "IiiWce IW-PVPH "P to
$3.33 : common , nrnunil 14.00bulk. . I4.SW..IB ;
cows nnd heifers. J2.50S4.40 : atockers and tertrrr.
$3.W5.W ; Kouthern cattle" were Inrnrty TVxjj
Jteern of fair to ( food iiuallty , steady ut $3.9" ? I
4'nOOS-I > celptii. 12.100 head : market extmiiMlv
Blow largely lOo lower ; bulk of SOM. J..6p
1.83 ; liravle * nnd parkora. " .SOflJ.M : medium nnd I
mixed , | 3.73ff3. 0 ; llKlits , 3.C093.SO ; pl rsi , 30ff
3 CO
COSIIHIT IlPceliits , 3.100 hend : heep Mronir :
weatern'fed muttons , J3.C3t l.37'/i : Inmbs , Inforlnr I
Colorado. M.TSIJS.SO ; first Colorado uprlnff laniln
of sentran , $3.00 per cwt.
LnnUvlllf Live Stoi-lt.
IJOUISVIMJ- : . March 8.-CATTI > R-Market
dull nnd fully lOIfl.V : lower : cxtrn KW1 export
slperfl. J4.30H.I.65 ; choice butcher Ftpprs. JI.W
430- fair to Rood butcher Bteern. $3.iOW4.1.ioni : -
mon to in diiini liutrlirr stecrH. $ J.40jn. < r. ! eliolco
hBlferM , t1.9OW4.13 ; fnlr to rholci ! lyutcli r iviws ,
J2 tiOWJ.Crr. medium t" n 1 fecdcrn , $3. vn4 1. . .
HOttS-IleePlplH , 1.400 hend : topn. . : me
dium. " . 3.83O3.Wi ) IlKht. shipper * . $1.W 3.73 ; plI ! .
S1IKB1' AND IjAMDS MnrkPt steady nml I nn-
iilianped ; BOOI ! to extra shlim'nz ' sheep ; $1. . < V
3.73 : fair to rood s'K-ep. IS.OJffJ.2common : In
medium. $2.WJ.2.r,0 : extra shlmilnR Inmbs. ll. < ff
5.0) : fair to rood la-nbs , M.S' 4.73 : . > " ' ' ' | r'l- '
era' , $1.034.60 ; fair to good butcherW.WII ( " > .
KilMt llulYiilo l.lvo SlorU ,
KAST Ill'l'TALO , N. Y. . March H.-OATTIK-
Diill and slow ; fat ulilpplnR steern , $ I.Oa4.i. ) > ;
fat smooth steers , $4.40 r4.0 ; coarse and rouBlr" .
.7fi 4.tV. IlKht stcer . $ l.mil4.2. . ; cliolPP.fat .
hclferc. $4,25n4.f.O ; mixed liulchers. JI.5CHf > j.OO :
good butchers' cows , $1.60f3. 0.
HOOS Oood to cholcs yorkers. $ l.l.fl ( > l.i : I'sht '
yorkers. $4.13ff4.17 : mixed parUeiV crades , 51.17
4.20i medium welKhts. $4.:0ff4.23 : heavy hoc ,
$4,20-84.23 : roiiKh , Jl.COff3.73 ; stBB . $2.90S3.10 ;
-V1liorce to extra. $1.fO < 73.70 ; fair to
Rood. $ l.40iJ3.r,0 ; yenrllnEs , $4.73f3.10. |
SUKHl' Choice to selected wethers , tl.tfift
4.73 ; mixed sheep. $1.3031.60ulls. ; . $3.15R3.M.
rliirlnniill Mv
CINCINNATI , March 8. IIOO3 Dull at $ J.308 >
'cATTI.I. flenily Bt I2..rifl l.73.
SIIIOUP null nt J3.CCO4.73.
JjAMllS Weak nt $ I.W(5.S3. (
Stix-lc In .
Record of receipts of llvo stock nt the four
principal market , for
. . .
7.FOO 12,100 3,100
= 7-869
B 10.VI.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldp. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Offlc . 1C38 N St. . Lincoln. Neb.
Trcildent. Vice Preildent
Christie-Street Commission Cos
Capital , SO,000.00. Fullr I'nld ,
111 llnnrd of Tradit llullillnir.
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
, 'ty BOAltD OP TRAUB.
Dlre't wires to Cnlcago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warrtp * Co.
A New
Haggard ,
Author of "Sho , "
"King : Solomon's Mince , "
Etc. , Etc. ,
Has Completed Another
Story Entitled
The hero of the story Is n grnud-
son of King Solomon on an ex
pedition to the Golden Oithlr of
the Bible.
A Romnnco of Pro-Historic
Africa , Daringly
Imaginntlvo nnd Vull
of Thrilling Action.
This story began publication In
As a Serial , In Ten Instalments ,
February 13.
( With Illustrations. )
la this etory Mr. Haggard makes
a cow demonstration of his won
derful power In the field of pure
romance. He once more boldly
lifts tha curtain that hide * the fate
of nations dead and burltd In the
agea of which no record remain * ,
except In the silent rut no of their
Zlraboe , an Inland trading city
ttiat flourished In tbo heart of
Africa 8,000 years ago , and peopled
by the Phoenicians , la the econo of
the Btory. To this city cornea
Prtaco Azlel , a grandaon of King * '
Solomon , accompanied by Isaacbar ,
a priest of terocl , and Metem ,
Phoenician trader , who brings a
canvan of merchandise.
In Elista , daughter of Sakon , king
of Zlmboo , the princemecta bis
fate. King Ithobal , lord of many
legions of sav ge warriors , la al
ready a suitor for her hand. He
eues la true barbarian fashion ,
eeeks to carry her off by force , and
la tolled ID the attempt by Prince
Ariel. The etory unfolda Itself
around ihe feud between the Prince
of lerael and the eavage King Itho
bal. Ellcsa baa given ber heart
to Azlel , and loitha the barbarian
monarch. Isaachar , < tbo prieat , la
determined that no prince of the
house of David ( hall wed a heathen
maiden , whoso people worship Baal.
Aa a result of his Intrigues , Ellssa
is elected the high prlcatcsa of
This fixes on ImpaMJble religious
gulf between her and Azlel. Their
passionate love secka to eurmouat
all barriers. Meantime , Itliobil
draws hla huge army of Ravages
around the fated city , and demandIng -
Ing Ell sea In marriage , prepares
to destroy It If ho la refused. How
Elista violate * her oith aa high
priestess and prepares to fly with
Azlel ; how they are both discovered
and threatened with death by the
prleste of Baal ; liow , to save each
other , she , by her right act the high
prlcstcaa of Baal , names him her
husband , while ho renounce * bis
faith ind offers Incenee to Baal ;
how Ithobal's horde of savages
storms the walls of the city , and
both Azlel and KIlEoa ( all Into hte
power ; and how , at last , Azlel ea-
capca with his life by Elleoa'a
feigned submission to Ithobal , she
In turn escaping Ithobal by killing
herself , Is all told In Mr , Haggard's
mcxit fascinating manner.
The awful ceremonies In the tem
ple of Baal , the weird rites In the
sacred groven of Zlmboe. and the
barbarous battle scenes of that far-
off time , are described with all the
author's marvelous wealth of Imag-
Inatlve resource.
It la a story that will surely rank
as one of the great work * ot fiction
of 1893.
In the
Watch for It !
Read It !