Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1898, Image 1

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House Passes the Bill Providing for a
Kational Defense ,
Pcity Lines Are % Forgotten in lace of
Possible War.
Spirit of Intense Patriotism Prevails en
All Sides ,
Immediately Upon the I'IIHKIIKLof the
11111 It IN Hurried Over to the
, Semite mill Ht-ferred to
1'ropcr Committee.
WASHINGTON , March S. In a spirit of
patriotism , with eloquent words ringing In
their ears , every member of the house of
representatives today responded to the pres
ident's first call to meet the Spanish situa
tion by canting his vote for a bill placing
In President McKlnlcy's hand $50,000,000 to
be expended at his discretion for the national
defense. Party lines were swept away and
with a unanimous voice congress voted Its
confidence In the administration. Many
members who were paired with absent col
leagues took the responsibility of breaking
their pairs , on unprecedented thing In leg
islative annals , In order that they might go
on record In support of this vast appropria
tion to maintain the dignity and honor of
their country. Speaker Heed , who as the
presiding ofilcer seldom votes , only In case
of a tie , bad his name called and voted In
his capacity as a representative. The scene
of enthusiasm which greeted the announce
ment of the vote ayes , 311 ; nays , none has
seldom been paralleled In the house.
AH day long the galleries were jammed
with enthusiastic spectators applauding to
the echo the sterling patriotism of the words
of eloquence which were uttered by the mem
bers on the floor. All the speeches were
brief. Although four houra were allowed for
debate , so great was the pressure for time
that no onu member was given more than
five minutes and most of them had to con
tent themselves with a beggardly fraction o
a minute.
In all fifty-nine npceches were made. With
ono acclaim members from the north and tut
south , tlirt cast and the west , the Elates ant' '
the territories , battle-scarred veterans o
the union and the confederate armies , al
joined In proclaiming Ihclr support of the
country'u chief magistrate In the face o ! a
possible war. General Orcavenor Mid tha
If war did not como the $50,000,000 appropri
atcd by this bill would be wisely expended
If It only served to show the world that when
threatened from without the hearts of th
American people beat as one.
In the wliolo debate there was only a
slight discordant note , caused by the speech
of General Uhi ham ( Pcnn. ) , u gallant sol
dlor who served with distinction under Han
cock. He spoke too conservatively for th
arouuod temper of the house , and when h
Insisted that our relations with Spain wer
oa friendly as they had been for years many
of the members hissed him.
Whllo almost every member who spok
deprecated the possibility of war , a wid
divergence of opinion as to how close w
were to hostilities manifested Itself In th
debate. The general contention by the ma-
jorlty , among them the leaders on hot
gidcs , was that this appropriation , by preparing
paring for war , would prove the surest guar
anty of peace. Others Insisted that \va
alarms would loon bo heard and Mr. Man
(111. ( ) dolared that war actually existed 1
ell save name.
The speeches which attracted most at
tcntlon were those of Messrs. Cannon , Hen
dcreon and Dolllver on the' republican eld
and Mcssra Dalley and Suyers on the demo
crntlo aide.
On ths floor almost every member -we
in hli seat. On the facts of the lead
era on both sides win an air of Bter
resolution , Indicating their deep appreclatlo :
of the grim business upon which congros
and the country were entering , making thl
vast appropriation for possible war. As sooi
as the Journal had been read the speakc
rapped for order , and amid a deep sllcnc *
Chairman Cannon arose and presented aa
deficiency bill the measure approprlatln
$50,000,000 for the national defense. It In
eludes also several other Items , among whlc
are $100,000 for coal for naval vessels.
When the reading of the bill was conclude
with the Item of $50,000,000 for the nat'ona '
defense a spontaneous outburst of applause
went up from the members and the galleries.
Mr. Cannon and Mr. Sayere , the majority and
minority leaders of the appropriations com
mittee , then mutually proposed the agree
ment they had privately made before the
house met , for three hours general dcbato on
the bill , to bo followed by one hour's debate
under the live minute rule.
Mr. Barrett ( Miss. ) asked If opportunity
would bo allowed for aaiondment aud when
Mr. Cannon answered that he did not know ,
ho objected. His objection was greeted with
hlFses and laud cries of "vote ; vote. " Mr.
Barrett , yielding to the urgent appeals ot
republicans about him , withdrew his objec
tion. The agreement as to the time was
formally ratified.
After the confusion that had followed this
dramatic Incident had subsided. Mr. Cunnoii
took the floor to open debate on thu bill.
Ho spoke calmly and briefly , explaining that
the Items In the bill , save the last , were
ttrlctly deficiency Hems. Comlug to the all-
absorbing Item , he said that In the present
critical condition ot affairs the committee
had deemed It ; wlse to appropriate this num.
placing KB expenditures In the complete dis
cretion ot the president. Ho referred to the
fact that the committee "had been unani
\ mous en If * uctlon and had only changed
the wording of the bill he Introduced yes
terday by making the appropriation availa
ble until January 1 , 1SS9 , Instead of Juno
SO , 1S99.
Thin , he pointed out , would give the ad
ministration funds orer the time of the prob
able adjournment of congress. "We have got
the money In the treasury to meet this ap
propriation It It Is expended , " he adled , "and
therefore there It not presented with this
proposition one to borrow money or to lu-
creaia taxation , to which almoit any nation
on earth would have been obliged to resort. "
( Tremendou * apprau e. )
The appropriation , he conceded , wan ex
traordinary , Ita object \VM to eaipowcr lit *
. * * ,
president In an orderly way to prepare for
contingencies. He Insisted that this appro
priation must not be construe. ! Into a threat.
Nothing was further from the minds ot those
who reported It. This appropriation was to
be placed In the hands of a wise and patriotic
executive to make proper preparations to
maintain the national honor , nothing more.
"It Is not a war appropriation , " said he em
phatically , "I say that In my Judgment ,
measuring my words , that It Is a peace
measure. The government of the United
States would not If It could trench on the
rights of any nation on earth. " ( Great ap
plause. )
Mr. Sayern of Texas , the ranking member
ot the minority , followed Mr. Cannon. His
first statement , to the effect that la the
presence of possible danger this appropria
tion hid met with the hearty and unani
mous endorsement of the appropriation com-
mtttco without regard to party , aroused the
house to enthusiasm.
He , too , declared that It could not be con
strue ; ! as a threat. It was simply a wise and
patriotic precaution , the arming of the ex
ecutive with power to maintain our dignity
after congress adjourned.
Mr. Sayers expressed confidence that the
money voted would bo wisely and econom
ically expended , and closed amid great ap-
plauto by saying that he for one would bo
found giving honest and sincere support to
the president In hLi efforts to support the
honor and dignity of the American nation.
Mr. Dackcry ( dem. , Mo. ) began by saying
hit thu hour for action had arrived , and
ho American people must face an Importaut
emergency In which no American could
alter. At such a time party lines should be
aid aside.
Mr. Livingston ( dem. , Ga. ) supported the
leasuro In a vigorous apecch. He said ho
ook this position because ho believed an
mcrgcncy exists , but he contended that If
ho administration had acted as It should
iavo done twelve months ago In declaring a
tate of belligerency the present occasion
or voting emergency money would have teen
Mr. Allen ( dem. , Miss. ) was next recog-
ized amid general expectancy. He did not
make a humorous speech , but .1 patriotic
ne. "I desire , " ho began , "to say for the
eoi > le I represent , and for the southern sec-
Ion , of the country , that there was never a
Imo when all were ao ready to glvo an ad
ministration all the money It may need to
reserve the honor , the dignity , and the ge'n-
ral welfare of the country , to eay nothing
f fair play and Justice. "
The people of the south , he continued ,
sk for nothing more. They are not Jingoes ,
] or extremists , but they are facing the
mergcncy calmly cad quietly , only asking
.hat the country's Institutions and traditions
may bo protected and respected. They do
not want to hurt anybody , and are not urg-
ng any rash act en , but they are ready to
loner any draft , whether for men or money ,
; o keep the flag afloat.
Mr. Mcllao ( dern. , Ark. ) followed in slnv
lar strain. He said the occasion was the
most Important that had confronted the pee
pie in the last halt century. If necessary
0 protect our. honor and dignity he was will
ng to kicrcBfio the appropriation to any ex
cot , for the flag which floated over the cap
.tal was his flag end the flog of his people
ind It must bo kept there.
Mr. Bell ( pop. , Colo. ) spoke earnestly for
ho bill. There jvere , ho sold , now no pop
ullsts , no republicans , and no democrats , bu
all were American citizens. Tbero was mIme
Imo to dwell upon what might have been
but It was enough to-know that the time ha
como when the government needed support
Mr. Norlhway ( rep. , O. ) declared that hi
did not consider the bill a war measure , bu
rather as ono calculated to preserve anr
secure peace. At the same time , he said , w
all know full well that there Is a spirit o
war abroad and our 'relations with othe
countries appear to render this step ncces
sary. He was pleased to see that the mem
bcrs were speaking not as partisans but a
patriots , bringing to hie mind the famllla
1 ncs :
Breathes there a man with soul so dead ,
Who to himself has never snld
"This Is my own my native land. "
Mr. Boutellc , chairman ot naval affair ,
committee , said that while no argument wa
ncccffiary on this measure ho desired to sa ;
that he had been Instructed by his com
mlttee to express the hearty endorsement o
that committee. His only regret , be aald , wa
that this appropriation was not allowed t
stand absolutely alone as a proclamation t
our country and to the world that congres ;
stood ready to vote millions to arm the ex.
ecutlvo to uphold the dignity of the flag.
Mr. Hopkins ( rep. , 111. ) , a'ter stating hi
great confluence In the president , expressc
the hope that there would be no war ,
Thirty-three years of peace , he said , ha
not obliterated the ravages of the civil war ,
Wo did not want Its horrors repeated. W
are too powerful to play the bully , too Chris
tlan to wantonly engage In war. Let us nebo
bo hysterical. Let us show the world tba
moderation and firmness are more tha
bustle and bravado ; that a wise conservatism
will do more than Jingoism to obtain th
Independence of Cuba.
Mr. Cooper ( dem. , Tex. ) , In a speech o
two minutes , recalled the eloquent word
"Millions for defense , but not a cent to
tribute. " Our co-ist was exposed , ho sale :
from Maine to the Rio Grande , and In th
face of war it was the duty of all , wlthou
regard to party , to support iny measure fo
the national defense. "Tho aspirations
my soul , " ho concluded , "are that war ma
bo avoided , but should It como I say to yo
In behalf of my bolove < l Texans that the
will rush to the nation's defense cheer
fully. "
Mr. Bland said that whileno debate was
essential 'to the passage of the bill it was
Important to show the country that the
American people , without distinction of
party , were ready to uphold the adminis
tration In the present crUls.
Mr. Fitzgerald ( dem. , Mass. ) took occasion
to refer to the alleged utterance of a Catholic
priest some time ago , t the effect that the
sympathy and support of the Catholic church
would be with Spain , which was a Catholic
country. While , he eald , he did not believe
the priest had uttered ouch a sentiment , It
had -attracted wide attention nild as a Cath
olic he dc > ilrcd to repel It. If war came , the
people of ttiat faith , he declared , would ba
more willing to shed their blooj In defence
of tCiclr country than those who had va
liantly defended It In the war of 'be revolu
tion , the war o ! 1812 , the Mexican war auj
the civil wer.
Mr. McMUIln ( Jem. , Tenn. ) , while relter-
ntitiK his firm belief In the doctrine of the
strictest economy In public expenditures ,
ald he gave the bill his decrty support.
Mr , Wheeler ( dem. , Ala. ) alto enthusiasti
cally supported the bill , KB did Mr , Drlggs
( dem. , N. V. ) and Mr. Groevenor ( O. ) .
Mr. Grjttvrnor aroused the house ta cheers
( Continued oa FUtn Face- ) .
ConfTcting Stories About thi Dems Buying
War Ships.
Alleireil Fnctn Arc SIntcd In One nnr-
ter Onljto He Denied ln 'An
other Utieen Vleturla
UN Mediator.
( Copyright , UOS , by Tress rubllslilnpr Company. )
LONDON , March 8. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The story
of the reported purchase by Spanish agents
of two Biazlltan and one Chilian cruiser
was again prevalent today. I Inquired at
the Spanish naval commission' ? offlccs In
London , where I was solemnly assured that
there was not a word of truth In the state
ment. A denial In that quarter was to be
expected , however , as secrecy Is essential
to the fulfillment of the object that Spain
has In , vlcw. I saw later in the House of
Commons lob'jy the head of ono of the larg
est and best-known ship-building firms on
the Clyde , who said :
"I know positively that Spain Is hunting
not only for cruisers but for eight fast
steamships which ure to be converted Into
armored cruisers and fitted with quick-firing
guns. She has been on the lookout for some
weeks , but the difficulty was , of course ,
the money. No 'British shipbuilder would
permit her to remove any craft without pre
payment In full. I have also Just heard thut
her contemplated purchases , which have
been hanging fire for financial reasons , are
about completed , us the Spanish government
IMS made arrangements for a loan through
Fould's bank of Paris with a French syndi
cate. Sentiment as well as self-interest
prompts France to assist Spain against 'tho
United States and France Is the only Euro-
can country where Spain stands the ellght-
jst chance of obtaining help. "
The member of Parliament who made this
tatcment asked that his name should not
10 given , his firm having dealings with the
Spanish government. Ho added : "I con-
; lder that the United States will find Spain
a hard nut to crack. I. have had large cx-
lerlenco with Spanish sailors and regard
hem as first rate seamen. They are hardy ,
: ourageous and extremely clever navigators ,
but they are badly officered. Their country
is destitute of resources , whllo the resources
of the United States are practically limit-
ess. Your country Is bound to win In the
iong run , but It will be no rosewatcr affair
'or ' your navy. "
This opinion Is In startling contrast to that
expressed on the same subject by William
Mian , M. P. , of Gatcshcad , also a shipbuilder
and practical sailor , to your correspondent
est week.
( Another report current In the lobby was
that the United States government had
offered 90,000 for Captain McCalmont's
famous steam yacht Glralda. It steams
twenty knots , has a displacement of 1,480
tons and Is fitted under the requirements of
the British navy for use In time of war as
an unarmored cruiser. It has ten machine
guns. The Glralda Is at present at Algiers
and It Is stated that the offer of the United
States government Is conditional on Its being
handed over at Gibraltar within five days.
It Is obviously wanted as a dispatch boat , If
at all.
Another report was that Spain has pur
chased a cruiser from the Barrow Shipbuild
ing company and the correspondent there
Investigated the matter. The following re
ply has been received : "The manager of the
Barrow Shipbuilding company told me : 'We
are building only for the British government
and have no war ships available for sale to
Spain , nor have we had any Inquiries from
Spain lately. ' "
I hear that the queen this week expressed
the wish that the United States ambassador
should dine at Windsor and was much dis
appointed on learning that he was abroad.
Undoubtedly the queen's object , was to learn
the real facts concerning the relations be
twcen the United States and Spain and to
use her good offices to avert hostilities. Vic
toria must have been advised that war was
Imminent before contemplating such a step
and as a matter of fact the conviction In offi
cial quarters here Is that war cannot be pre
vented except by the concession of the In
dependence of Cuba , which Spain will never
grant except under the pressure of force.
Sis Million DnlliirM to He Expended nt
( Copyright , 1S98 , by Tress Tubllshlnu Company. )
LONDON , March 8. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Estimates for
the British navy for the ensuing year show
an appropriated balance of $6,000,000 for ex
penditure which will bo left to the discre
tion of the admiralty. This money can be
applied at the will of the government to pur
chase of war ships and It Is understood It Is
being held with that view In case of an
emergency. A high admiralty official speak
ing tonight on the paval resources of the
British empire In case ot war , said :
"If wo went to war tomorrow the firs !
thing we would do would be to lay an embargo
barge on every war ship being built In the
B'rltlsh ' yards whether on an order for
forelcn friendly Government or not. We
should subsequently compensate these gov
ernments for taking their ships , but wo
would take them , 'as the matter of charity
begins at home. There are at present forty-
three war ships of all kinds In course of con
struction In the British yards for foreign
governments , which would bo a valuable ad'
dltion to our reserve. "
It Is reported tonight that the possibility o :
trouble with France has been lessened by the
personal intervention 'Of Queen Victoria , who
Invited the French ambassador , Baron Cour-
cel , to Windsor Castle last night , though too
111 to preside at the state dinner. Tne queen
had a lengthy Interview with Courcel , point
ing out to him quite frankly If his govern
ment Insisted on encroaching on the British
sphere a West Africa war was Inevitable.
Courcel reiterated to the queen the assur
ances of his government that such encroach
ment. If It had taken place , was unauthor
ized. Nothing serUus Is the matter with
the queen , who suffered merely from elck
hcadccbe , and starts for the continent
Thursday morning. .
liy Crldlrr.
( Copyrlsht , 1S9S , by Tre IHiblUhlne Company. )
PARIS. March 8. ( New York World Co-
blegrun Special Telegram. ) Thomas W.
Crldler , assistant secretary of state and
cpcclal commissioner to the exhibition ,
authorises mo it state absolutely that there
IB no foundation for the allegation th t he
has authority to act for the United States
for the purchase of war ship * If needed.
GLASGOW , March 8. ( New York World
Cablegram Sreclal Telegram. ) There are
only two torpedo boats at Clydebank for
Spain and both are ready , Tbe Audu * ad 1
the Osado left for Ferral 'a fortnight ago.
Crewc arrived Saturday for < the PIuton and
Protpertna and both * go down the river to
morrow and will take oa ; 'ammunltlon and
storw at Grceuock. Thejfwlll proceed to
Fcrrol on Thursday. It shduld bo noted that
these six are really gunboats with torpedo
boat speed , not so fast but stronger and a
more powerful armament , ntrong , bandy ,
fast and very dangerous. Commanders' or-
dcrs areIndefinite. . *
CnitinientN . Gloomily nn itie Slump In.
( CopyrlRht , 1S9 ? , by Treis TubllMiIng Company. )
MADRID. March 8. New York Cablegram
Special Telegram. ) The whole.Madrld press
this morning comments gloomily on the
bourse scare wtilch many , Including friends
of the cabinet , attribute less to unfavorable
rumors concerning the relations with the
United States than to efforts ot native and
foreign speculators , ever en the alert to takc-n ;
advantage of the circumstances to depress
Spanish securities. The tone of most papers ,
however , Is pessimistic as cvc'i the minis
terial organ , El Liberal , concludes a long cr-
tide on the situation as follows : "Undoubt
edly our relations with the United States
may be adjusted for the time being to ihe
strict dictates ot prudence , but does the
government really believe this nation will
> e able , without suffering Irreparable dam
age , to bear for a few months mure this
anxious Indecision , this enervating unccr-
alnty ? "
Blanco , consulted by the government , tck-
grardcd that the conduct of Consul Leo had
> een steadily Irreproachable. The Spanish
charge d'affaires at Wo/jhldgton telegraphs : ,
'I have the satisfaction to communicate that
ho American government has abandoned
the Idea of sending two war vre els to Cuba
wild relief. Day told mo verbally today ,
asking It Inconvenient , that relief could bb
sent by the gunboat Fern , now anchored In
Havana harbor , I replied lei ( tie negative.
The governor general of Cuba has prohibited
landing relief free of duty In the ports of
Sagua and Matanzas , despite the note ot Feb.
ruory authorizing such Imports. I communi
cate this In order that the primary disposi
tion may be maintained. "
The government has wired Blanco to per
mit the Introduction ot relief free of duty at
the above ports. Chambers of commerce and
other corporations are rapidly sending re
ports embodying the opinion that the treaty
of commerce with the United States at the
request of the government majority Is favor
able on condition that coloulal tariffs main
tain protection at twenty lothirty per cent.
for Spanish Insular p'orte.
Curdliiiil Hiuiipolla. . Denies.
( Copyright , 1SSS. by Tress rnblUlilnR Company. )
MADRID , March 8. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Teingram. ) The minister -
tor ot foreign affairs today received from
the Spanish ambassador at Rome a telegram
stating that Cardinal Rampolla had re
quested him to Inform te Spanish , govern
ment that It was " "absolutely false that he
had granted an Interview la any American
correspondent. Theroj'isj.therefore no fou
datlon for the report published In a New
York newspaper. La , ' Epoca published an
article by an Important military critic. Colonel
nel of Engineers Alas , .on. the probabilities
ot war with the United Statea end the
course It would be likely to take.
'Audience ' IN Coimpleuoun for tliiv\o < a-
liU-H PreKout.
WASHINGTON , March 8. The .audience
which crowed the National theater at the
woman's concert given this evening for the
benefit of the families of the men who lost
their lives In the Maine disaster was In every
way the most notable body ever assembled
In a Washington theater. The president and
Mrs. McKlnley occupied seats In tha box ol
Secretary and Mrs. Long , while the secre
tary and Mrs. Sherman , the postmaster gen
eral and Mrs. Gary , the' family of the secre
tary of war. Secretary Gige , Congressman
Boutelle , with almost the entire body ol
Washington society and thousands of sym
pathetic residents of the capltol , Including
sixty sailors from the navy yard , who filled
one entire row of reserved seats In the gal ?
The concert was under 'the ' direction of the
relief association , which -Is hcadcxl by Mrs
Long , wife of the secretary , and composed
of Mrs. Long , Mrs. Crownlnshleld , < Mrs.
O'Ncll , Mrs. Bradford , Mrs. Matthews , 'Mrs.
Highborn , Mrs. .Stewart , Mrs. Heywood ,
Mr * . Van Reypen , Mrs. Lcmley , Mrs * Clover
and -Miss Beecham. The large theater was
artistically draped In flags , the silk banner
over .the door used by the president being
the largest and handsomest owned by the
government. The long program closed with
"Tho Star Spangled 'Banner ' , " the audience
rising and Joining In the chorus.
Twenty officers of the army , navy and
marine corps , each In full uniform , acted an
ushers , while prominent yot'ag women ol
the navy and army families epld programs
and small flags , which were waved vigor
ously by the eager purchasers during the
singing of "The Star Spangled Banner. "
A largo crowd1 colleqtcd In front ot the
theater Just be f eve the close ot the perform
ance and pressed forward to await the ap-
pearaace of the prealddit. He left the houao
before the audience. The presUent'a ap
pearance at the doorway , with Mrs. McKln
ley on lib arm , was the algnal for an out
burst of cheering , waving' of handkerchiefs
and hand-clapping. Both the president tml
Mre. McKialcy seemed pleased and smiled
as they acknowledged 'it with a slight la
cllnatlon of the head. .Another and a louder
cheer was given ad the president's carriage
was driven awa'y.
l IN Uvlnnr Iluilt fur a Soutl
A in t-r it-ail Hfpulillo.
WASHINGTON , 'Marchi 8.- Charles R
Flint of New York called at the Navy de
partment today and talked ] with the ofll
cers regarding a new torpedo boat which he
hao had under contract ; to build for one o
the South 'American countries. This boa
could bo turned over to the governmen
within ninety days should , lt be found de
sliable. It Is designed , to 'mako forty-two
land miles an hour. U will bo fitted with
two -engines of 1,200 horse power , and Is ti
have twin screws. Whllp b did not mak
a formal offer of the YCE > e' ' to 'he depart
ment ho will sell If the boat la desired.
Mu"vf nieiiH nt Uci-uu Ven rl , lliirch
At New Yark-Arrlved-KaLwr WHhelm
Dtr Grouse , frpnf Bremen : Cevlc. fror
Liverpool ; Ethiopia , from Glasgow ; Ken
slngton , from Antwerp. .
At Nnples-Salled-Patrla , for New York
At LlverpooI-Balled-JFavonla , for Bos
At Gibraltar Saieu > Norro nnla , for New
At Delaware Breakwater Passed up
_ Pennland , from Liverpool.
i At Movllle Arrived Furu * * lk , from New
York , for Olugow.
America's Official Representatire and the
Demand for His Recall ,
All. HP Known of tlic Mnlter InVlint
11(1 Ijcnrn * from ( lip llnvnmi 1'a-
licrn CnllM the Turn ua
( Copyright , 1 ? ! > S. by Vttfs tulill hlnir Company. )
HAVANA ( via Key West ) , March 8. ( New
York World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
I am fortunately able to definitely state the
exact position of General Lee In respect to
real Spanish attacks upon his official conduct
and alleged Spanish demands for his recall.
Lee knows nothing officially about the de
mand for his recall. What he gathers from
the scanty and often contradictory cable
notices In the local press constitutes his
sole Information on that subject. Not a
word hps been received from the ( State de
partment on the subject up to the present
hour , and Lee considers an actual Spanish
official demand for his recall pure Imagina
tion , as the cable notices here made Sagasta
deny having sent such a message. Local
papers also quote IMcKlnley as being satis
fied with General Lee , as Indeed ho must
bo It ho has not changed from the original
opinion ho expressed to mo last year. "Wo
are well satisfied with General Lee , and wo
hope he will be satisfied with the support
this administration will always give 'him. ' "
As would any experienced military man ,
whoso duty It is to fully Inform his govern
ment , General Lee has noted some thlrga
decidedly not favorable to Spain's course ot
war and has sometimes thus Informed the
State department. This has been pai'tlcu-
arly so regarding Spain's offer of alleged
autonomy , which now even Its own orlg-
nators regard as a farce and so state. Lee's
lews on this question were only confldeu-
lally expressed to the State department , but
omehow they leaked to the Havana gov
ernment's ears. The Spanish legation at
\Vashington \ had been doing ; good work and
.he result was the absolutely ally official
exchange of correspondence between General
L.CO ariJ the- palace as to the American con
sul general's views and their bearing upon
his official acceptlblltty to Spain.
About six weeks ago Congosto , cither
'rom ' the source mentioned or froin the
\merlcan newspapers quoting ru alleged re
port of Lee to the department , saw fit to
write a note to Lee , wishing to know If It
was true that Lee's views did not prognosti
cate glowing victory for the extensive au-
enemy reforms lately In process of em-
ilantatlon In Cuba.
In Itself this query won a grave bread
of. diplomatic etiquette. A government offi
cial's reports to his superiors ore supposed
o be sacred. However , Congosto seemed to
think that had Leo nucli Ideas , especially thai
the present autcnomtc government is noi
desired by either Spaniards or Cubans , am
that not fitting -the wl.ihes of any element
It can hardly ever become adopted by all
his position In tho' eyes of Spain would be
decidedly "persona non grata. " He plainly
threatened Lee with a Spanish demand for
lita recall If ho did not rescind such per
nicious Idean. Lee trailed and grasped Con-
gosto's "bull" by the horns. He answem
that should an official document be Inscribed
containing the mentioned reasons for his re
call and should It then be signed by al
officials ot Havana and Madrid that he
( Lee ) would then take great pleasure In
afllxlng to the document his own signature
and would forward It , thus completed , to tht
government of the United States. Imme
dlatcly Congosto subsided and the Incident
became closed.
General Leo considers that another sore
spot with the new autonomlcal secretaries
may be Slgsbec's alleged oversight In not
having called In turn upon each of the men
though he had already completely and ex
actly fulfilled the naval regulations and his
Instructions In calling officially upon Genera
Parrado and Spanish Admiral Manterola.
Before any visits were made General Leo
wrote to Congosto and the general secretary
asking at what time and upon whom should
Slgsbee call In obeying his Instructions to
officially visit the supreme power In the
Island of Its representatives. Congosto
answered In writing , naming General Par
rado , then acting governor general In Blan-
co's absence , as the proper person. Slgsbco
thereupon called upon Parrado In duo and
proper form and upon Manterola as well.
But the autonomtcal cabinet , whose power
lies chiefly In Its title , did not like It and
Congosto Inveigled General Lee and Captain
Slgsbee Into an Informal call at cabinet head
quarters in the palace after an official visit
upon Blanco.
The autonomlcal secretaries were quickly
gathered together and every effort waa made
to glvo an official tinge to a strictly acci
dental visit. Captain Sigsbee , of course ,
said ho would be glad to receive the gentle
men personally aboard the Maine. They
went en manse and proposed an * absolutely
unexpected toast of official significance. Slga-
bco rose to the occasion and returned their
personal ecntlnunts without ono word of
reference to cither government or autonomy.
A type-written report cif his answer made at
once thereafter shows this , although the
Havana press quoted him as dvlnklug to the
success of Cuban autonomy. The cabinet of
secretaries did not like that , either. And
Lee , as the man ot most prominent position ,
has been covertly attacked ever since the oc
currence of the three episodes mentioned.
As regards the charges of communicating
with the Insurgents , General Leo dubs them
as absolutely false. Ho has not followed Do
Lome's methods ; has not written letters on
Cuban affairs even ID respciise to queries of
Important legislators , nor oven mentioned
political matters In lettero to his family.
Outelde ot sending an agent In an attempt
to nave Colonel Ruiz's life , as authorized by
Blnico , Lee has sent no word to the field.
As to receiving "presendados" and cap
tured rebels la the consulate , Lee considers
U his duty to send all porelble Information
from .both cldes to Washington , and receives
all callers at the consulate during bis regu
lar office hours. General Lee and Consul
Barker , Juit resigned , have always been good
friends. Spanish attempts 'to Insinuate to
the contrary notwithstanding. 'Barker was
not dissatisfied with the tardy receipt of
American food at Sagua , for ho understandi
the situation. Lee hopci that If Barker per
sists In resigning , which course foe has per
sonally advised Barker against , some good
strong roan may to sent to take the vacant
position. Lee admire * Barker's fearlessness
in the discharge of difficult and delicate
coniula'r duties , Americana have net yet
Wenthtr Forecast for
Snow ; Colder ; North Wlnd > .
Pa ire.
1. Congrem I'msoi Cmmon' * Hill ,
Spulu'8 Humored I'lirrhniie of War 8htp ,
1'imltloii Tukrn by Cumuli
Unto Set fur Kiin | ltton Inhibits.
2. Meeting uf the Nobrnnkn CnmnilMlnn ,
Union 1'iicluVn Liberal Subscription.
3. Nrbniskn Invent * III School Securities.
Clirnp lUtes to the I'aclllc Const.
4. Killtorlnl nitil Comment ,
5. War Feeling In Quieting Down ,
0. Council HltilT * lo n I Matter * .
Inwn I.egUltttlrc
7 , ( leuernl Now * of the Kurt her V
Urology of the Yukon Country. .
8. Comnierrlnl Cluli'ft Monthly
I'rorooilliiKR of the City Couti
Future at tlio Iloef Market.
O. Kcvlcnm of Keoent 1'iitillciitloj
Local Comments on the. Cull.
r < | iiillr.laff : the Co t of 1'uvlj
1 1 , Commercial ami Financial
1'J. "Sammy the Totulioy. "
I.mtcn Sewing llimkcU.
been advised by their consul general to
leave Havana.
Congceto said today that the corre
spondents were to be expelled "with the
authorization of General Lee , " whatever that
may mean.
It Is reported that Clara Barton has dis
charged several agents for the distribution
of concentrado food for dishonestly. They
sold canned goads to grocery store keepers.
Miss Barton Is doing nobly and Is seeing that
every pound of ( American charity goes to
suffering ones. She Is ably seconded by
practical assistants now.
The government buoy la all ready for the
Montgomery. The Fern , which was there , ,
has been moved out to make way for the
Alfonso XIL Now the three Spanish war
ships are close together.
The full typewritten text of Slgsbec's an
swer to the toast of the autonomlcal cabinet
upon their visit to the Maine was as follows :
"I have the honor , on behalf of myself and
the ofllcero of the Maine , to reciprocate the
very friendly sentiments which you have just
expressed. H Is my wish and effort In my
posit I en to do all within my power to con.
tlnuo the friendly relations so long existent
between Spain and the United States. I beg
to express my admiration for the high pur
pose of your honorable body and assure yon
that the officers of the Maine welcome you
on boai-d In both your official and private
cliaractcm. "
This speech tlio autonomlstlc cabinet
thought was an American greeting to the
new autonomy , it was so called. . In tlio local
The board of Inquiry had a secret meeting
today. It Is not known what'1C was about.
Four witnesses were questioned. Carpenter
Helm , an Important witness , was held forever
over an hour. He Is said to have known
the Maine's hull better than any one else
aboard. Naval Constructor Hoover was also
closely questioned. There Is an Impression
In naval circles that the Maine question will
probably bo referred to an International
board for Investigation. Some members of
the American board say they are sorry the
first Investigation was not so made. Con
tradictory reports are certainly to be ex
pected from the two commissions now at
CiMiiiunnder of tin.11 ill lie Full of Sorrow
row fur the : UlNnnter.
NORWALK , O. , March 8. Captain P. M.
Smith of this city , commander ot the Hrnry
Chlsholm ot the Bradley fleet , and Captain
C. D. Slgsbee of the war chip Malno , arc
warm personal friends. Yesterday Mrs. Cap
tain Smith roelvcd the following Interesting
letter from Captain Slgsbeo in response to
ono written him after the disaster to the
Maine :
HAVANA , iFeb. 2S. My Dear Mrs. Smith :
Your kind and comforting letter conveying
sympathy from yourself and Captain Smith
ciimo today and nceJ It be said -was heartily
welcomed ? The sa' of the great disas
ter continues lor mo ! n tha reseptlon of
great numbers of heari'jroke.i appeals from
bereaved friends of the Maine's crew. I
have no time to think of my own troubles ;
in fact , they are light by compirlson with
those of others. Tint the Amcrlsa'i people
think I huvo done my duty U more sustain
ing than I ran oypren.
I would gladly send von i phoiofjr.iph tf
rrysolf , Jiut I have had none taktn for aliout
twelve years. ThoHJ that have appeared In
the newspapers oanio from I kno.v not
where. I will see If I can get you a photo
graph of the wreck. Some good ones have
been reproduced In 'the papers.
I am at present aboard the Fern , a small
dlppatch vessel. The Malnu lies , only a few
yards off , a distorted and iwlldly disordered
wreck , with n number of the hodlts e > f Its
gallant dead down In the debris awaiting
recovery , which In laboriously illfllc.ilt. How
very sail and shocking It all I ? .
I would take p.easure In .writing n long
letter to you and my good friend , the cap
tain , but I am hard prcssol with corre
spondence. With my kindest rrs.\rds to
both of you and cordial dunks for your
letter , I remain always , yours very hln-
cercly , C. D. . SIGSUI3B.
ininolH .Mllltla llendy.
SPRINGFIELD , III. , March 8. Adjutant
General Hei o of the Illinois National Guard
said today : "Wo arc but waiting for the
'boots and saddles , ' to board the cars for the
east. Inside ot twelve hours the greatest
portion of the 7,000 men and officers ot the
Illinois National Guard could be en route to
Now York for embarkation for Cuba. " The
general stated that 4,000 latest pattern forty-
fivo-callbcr Springfield rifles had just been
received at the Illinois elate arsenal from
Brooklyn navy yard , ready for Instant use.
Transfer * ( lie Ammunition.
BOSTON , March 8. AII the modern am
munition In . .the. United States magazine In
Chelsea , about twenty-six temp , has been
put aboard to government lug Nina. That
vessel will take the ammunition 4o the
Brooklyn navy yard , whence It will be'trans-
ferrcd to Key West. It Is. not known at the
magazine ; what ship Is to finally recelvo the
ammunition , but It Is reported that It will
go aboard the Cincinnati.
Will Iienve with KhiKN
NEW YORK , March S , A copyrighted
cablegram to the 'Evening World today from
George Dronson Rea , at Havana , nays ; "Gen
eral Lee said last night to mo : 'If Spain
winlies to declare any or all ot us persona
neil grata. It la her privilege to do to , but If
we must leave town , we will Icavu with the
American flig flying and a bracg band at the
bead of the proccoilou. " '
May 25 Cates Oloso Against Reception of
Exposition Exhibits.
Very Few Eicoptions if Any Will Be Made
to the Rule.
Action Taken that the Qrcat Show May
Open on Timo.
iidlentloiin Fitvornlilr for tlio EMHIM-
tloii lleltiK Oiem > d Promptly ou
Time Niiitcrliitcitdeiil * In
f llnlldltiK * .
"May 25 the gates of the exposition will bo >
wnl against the reception ot exdlblts ami
any exhibitor not having his material on
ho grounds nt that tlmo will bo shut out.
Itic time between that date and June 1 will
le utilized in making ready for the opening ;
if the gates and the Transmls.ilsslppl und In-
cniatlonal Kxposltlon will be opened on time
and every exhibit will be In readiness for
de Inspection of visitors. " Thun tpolto H.
B. Hardt , superintendent ot the Exhibits do-
psrtment of the exposition , and ho showed
a pile of printed notices to this effect which
are being sent to all exhibitors us an hi-
itlve for them to govern themselves ac
"It may work a hardship on nome cxtilblt-
rs to bo compelled to comply with this rule , "
continued Mr. Hardt , "but It cannot bo
avoided If the exposition Is to bo opened on
Imc. "
"It ban been announced that this exposition
ivlll bo opened en Juno 1 and Manager Brucft
Issued positive Instructions that all cx-
ilblts must be In place at that time. Nothing-
l be left undo'ne to bring 'about this result
and it can bo announced wild certainty that
here will bo no delay so far as ( tie Exhibits
department Is concerned. Thcro will prob
ably be n few exhibitors who will he un
avoidably delayed for ncnie good reasons mil
these will bo admitted to the grounds nftec
Juno 10 , but between May 25 and Jumc 10
no exhibits will bo received. There will bra
some exhibits which cannot bo made icady
as early as the opening day , ortjiccl-tlly In
horticulture and agriculture , and these will
bo received alter Juno 10 , but .it the tlmo < ? C
the opening thcco will beno contusion , such
as Is scon at nearly .all expositions , caused
by exhibitors and their asalsUuitii rusting
about getting thole exhibits limtalled. Thcro
will bo no packing .cascn scattered about la
the aisles and no noUef of preparation.
Western push and enterprise will how to Ui
world that It 1.3 possible to open a rreat ex
position promptly ca tlmo with evorythluft
ready. "
May 1 the floor In each exhibit building
will bo marked to show tha space assigned
to each 'exhibitor , and on that date every
exhibitor will bo required to commence get
ting his exhibit In shape. Each building will
bo placed In charge of the superintendent of
the department In which the building belongs
and this superintendent will he required to
see that the rules of the department are
complied with. Tha office ot Manager Bruce
will bo removed to the grounds on that data
and will bo established In the Manufactures
building , and all operations of Installation
will bo directed from that point.
The Manufactures building will bo under
the direction of Superintendent Hardt , who
will look after the Installation of exhibit *
In that building. Superintendent F. W. Tay
lor will bo In charge of the Agriculture and
Horticulture buildings , Secretory Ford of the
Woman's Board of Managers will have charge
of the Liberal Arts building , Dr. David T.
Day , the mining commissioner , will be la
charge of the Mines building ; Art Director
A. H. Grlfllthfl will have charge ot the _ Art
building , Prof. H. B. Owens will bo In charge
of the Electricity and Machinery building' .
Superintendent D. H. Elliott will take charge
of tha Installation of exhibits In the Trans
portation and Agricultural Implement buildIng -
Ing , J. B. Dlnsmoro will have charge of the
Dairy building and E. Whltcomb will be in ,
charge of the Apiary building. All will bo
under the general direction of Manager
Bruce , who will take up his headquarters oa
the ground and will devote nearly all of bli
tlmo to this work.
The allotment of space In the several ex
hibit buildings Is virtually completed. Every
building Is entirely filled and additional
room cm only bo made by reducing the
amount allotted to exhibitors already un
signed. Thcro , are very few cases In which
this can bo done , as nearly all of the ex
hibitors make their preparations to fill a cer
tain apace and cannot change their designs
without great expense and loss of time. For
this reason the department Is encouraging
the erection of buildings by certain dcslrablo
classes of exhibitors and the Indications aio
that thcro will ho no spot ot ground left
unoccupied when the gates are opened.
Several Important .Matter * Cumc 110
fur C'liiiNlderiilliin.
WASHINGTON , March 8-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) The government Omaha Exposition
board met today and all members were
present. The question of transportation was
considered and propositions of the railroads
laid before the boatd. Very reasonable rates
were offered , amounting to about one-halt
rate for round trip on freight ; the passenger
rate the same. It was reported by each de
partment that exhibits were In an advance/ !
state and all -would probably be ready for
shipment April 15 , and all ready for In
stallation not later than May 15. The com
mittee on decorations goes ( May 1 , Immedi
ately thereafter to begin decorating the hall.
The board recommended that the doors at
each end ot the bullllng ho widened to ten
feet , both for the purpose of receiving ex
hibits and to make It easier and safer for
the handling of largn crowds. The front door
Is to be widened to twelve feet and the two
small side doors eliminated , the three being
thictwn Into one. iMIchae ! was appointed a
committee of ono to copter with the Nu-
'branka congressional dfh'gatlon and others
to secure the balance ot the Tennessee un
expended fund , amounting to several thou
sand dollars , for the use of Omaha. ThU
was thought to be proper because of the
transfer of $12,000 from the exhibit fund
, and applied to thn building , leaving a sliort-
of the exhibit fund desirable that should
to made uu. Tbu proposition U lo iu UM