Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA J > AILY BEE : MONDAY , MARCH 7 , 1806.
P. Editor.
THIlllS 01' SUUSCrtllTION :
Dillr r\'f \ ( Wllhnut Hundnr ) , On Yfnr. . . . . . ! 00
Dally I Iff and HunJay , Ono Year. . , 8 00
RU Month W
Thre Months 2W
CJunday Urn , One V' r 100
Bnturday Her , One Ytar > 1 W
\Vcchlr Hee , One Venr Cl
Omaha : Th H" Ilulldlne.
Mouth Omflhi : Singer Illk , Cor. N ami Sllh flu.
Council lltiirtiii 10 I'enrl Hirect.
, ClilcjRD ( Jlllci-i G02 Cliarnlxrr of Commerc .
New York : Temple Court ,
Washington ; Ml Fourteenth Street.
All communications relating to news and edito
rial matter tliouM Ira HiMreted : To tne Udltor ,
iiU3iNiH3 Lirrins. : :
All liitilnei * Idler * anil remittances nhoulil t *
ildressnl to Tlie Ufa 1'ubllBlilni ? Company ,
Omaha. Draft * , checks , cjprem nnd potollloe
money onlcn to bo nude payable to the order of
the comtiany.
Tin : nr.n runufiiiiso COMPANY.
Etnte of Nebraska , Dousing county , s. !
( ! eor [ e II. Tzschiirk , lecrotary of The Utf van *
HihliiK company , IxMnR iluly aworn , jay * that thn
actual numlxT of full and complete copies of The
Dally. Mornlnir , ixenliin and Humlay Dec printed
during the month of 1'ebruary , 1WS , wa aa fol-
2 1 20.3V 2I.9TI ) 15 16 * . ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! ' . ! ! ! ! ! . . 2ic.ii ;
3 2 < > , Vtl K JlU > 2
4 20.7 u
" " " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *
! ! . ! ! ! ziioio . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . ZllTO
7 2ow. 21 21a
ft 21.014 2i 21,411
9 ZIJ.MZ n
10 20.SW 21 21,3
II 21,121 2' . 22.111
12 , 21,070 2H 2J.227
13 21.012 27 21.4S >
II M.W3 2J 22.33J
returned and unsold copies 9,320
Net total fales
Sworn to txToro me mid cub'crlbcd In my
protend- this l t day of March , I HIS.
1 Seal. ) N . ! ' 1-B1U
Notary 1'ubllc.
ralronlxe the merelmnts who ndvcrtHc
In The Ik-c. They nro live , up-to-dnte
business men.
Tlittlally war cry of tlio newsboys lu
Omnlm Is "all about the robbery. " In
this battlocry at least lliero is no fake.
ItcMiifinbor that the best and cheapest
way to forlnp rentable rooms to tlie at
tention of exposition visitor ? will be
through the want eolnnnis of The lee. !
Tlie IOIIR and the short of U Is simply
that Omaha's police force under Its pres
ent Imbecile and Inexperienced direction
Is little bettor than no police force at all.
It will require a second sljjht medium
io explain why those footpads should
take the trouble to masks. Such
precautions against the Omaha police
seem to be altogether unnecessary.
How many more citizens must 1 > n way
laid and shot before the people rise up
to protest analnst the bonus reform po
lice board that Is responsible for the
lawless condition of tlie city ?
The Pure Food congress Is added to the
list of national associations Hint will
hold meetings In Omaha during the ex
position season. There are still a few
more dates open for desirable conven
Assurance Is given by the weather bu
reau that there will bo no danger what
ever in this year's spring rise of the Mis
souri. Kven the llg ! Muddy seems to
appreciate the necessity of good behavior
while flowing past the site of the Trans-
Mississippi Imposition.
A high tribute was paid to the
elllcleney of the Agricultural depart
ment by congress In the passage of tin1
agricultural appropriation bill substan
tially as recommended by the sec
retary. The Agricultural department Is
engaged In sowing good seed.
If it is only vindication of his
course in accepting pieces of paper In
stead of casli In his settlement with
Hartley that Governor Ilolcomb wants ,
of course all que-stlon of popular prej
iitlleo against third terms and perpetual
otlice holding should be sunk Into ob
The list of standing popocratlc can
dldaten "favorably mentioned for gov
ernor" In the ofllelal state house organ ,
seems to have reached tlie stationary
state , having failed of increase for sev
eral weeks. Can It bo that the pop-
ourutle crop of political patriots Is suffer
ing from prosperity blight ?
An agricultural Journal has statistics
on which to base an estimate that the
farmers of the country have held back
to the present time about 27 per cent
of their wheat crop of last year. If this
Is correct , the rise In the price of wheat
cannot have been solely to the profit of
the wheat corner manipulators.
With city and county both relieved
from flouting debt by the Issue of fund
liitf bonds the duty of the authorities to
prevent a new accumulation of similar
obligations becomes more than ever Im
portant. The rule of no appropriation
beyond current revenue should be the
fundamental law of the local finances.
Ono of the grave questions now In
process of solution Is whether tlie charge
for telephoning between Omaha and
ICast Omaha Is an Interstate rati subject
to regulation by congress and the fed
eral authorities only. Unfortunately the
person who does the telephoning never
has notice when his voice crosses a state
Why not call a public meeting of people
ple who have been held up by highway
men or who have had their places of
business or residence rollwd [ or bur
glarized fur the purpose of forming an
organization to procure adequate polltv
protection for the city of Omaha ? II
would take one of the biggest halls In
the city to hold the crowd If every one
.eligible to membership under such n
call responded.
Dr. Ilytle-Peabody took an oath ns po
lice commissioner not to consider politic. )
In the appointment or promotion of olll-
cers of the pollco or tire departments
Dr. .Tekyll-l'eubody has , however , asked
the populist club of Douglas county to
make up the list of populists who should
bo named as his quota of thu police ap
pointments. That Is about us near as
Dr. 1'eabody Is able to come toward
realizing the sncredness of his sworu ob
litatlou an a public otllcer.
Ant : THKV i
In these degenerate days of mercenary
onriinllsrn it Is not uncommon tor con
scienceless publishers to prostltuto the
editorial columns of their papers to mold
public opinion against the public Inter
ests. In.some Instances this work of
undermining the fabric of good govern
ment Is done by Inspiration , In others
iho venal shoot soils Its editorial space
outright to the paid attorneys of parties
who seel ; to subvert justice and public
One of the most conspicuous examples
of such degradation of the press Is fur
nished by n recent editorial In the Lin
coln Journal , "which undertakes to jus-
.Ify the outrageous verdict recently
rendered against the state In Its suit to
recover on the Dnrtley bond. In order
to confuse the popular mind as to the
ssues Involved In that suit a ferocious
onslaught Is made upon the bank
through which Hartley negotiated the
? 1SO,000 sinking fund warrant and the
attorney g-encral Is arraigned for not
first pushing civil action against the
bank and prosecuting its olllccrs crimi
nally Instead of seeking to make Inno
cent sureties bear the loss. The lan
guage used Is this : "The suit resulted
In a verdict for the defense because the
jury declined to be parties to the rob
bing of innocent men for the exonera
tion of the guilty ones and he ( the at
torney general ) is indignant because the
judge did not Invade the jury box and
deprive the defense of their constitu
tional guairanty. "
The Uec has no political affinity to
tlie attorney general and no financial re
lations with the bank that cashed the
sinking fund warrant. It has , however ,
labored under the Impression that the
Hartley bond suit was brought not to
test the guilt or Innocence of the bonds
men , but to enforce the responsibility
which they voluntarily assumed to safe
guard tlie state against loss by Hart
ley's dishonesty.
Some of these bondsmen are entitled
to public sympathy and some ace not.
Some of them doubtless signed this bond
as a matter of friendship , but most of
thorn signed it because they were part
ners of Hartley In his illegal farming
of public funds. When they signed his
bond they knew that he was not only
under a cloud , but that he could not
settle lu cash , Inasmuch as they them
selves had borrowed the cash and
placed It out of their reach. It Is no
use to mince matters. If Hartley suf
fers more than his accomplices it Is
their luck , duo to the leniency of the
prosecuting authorities.
Knowing that Hartley was feloniously
misappropriating state money these
bondsmen still went his security to help
him repeat his cirlmcs , because they were
sure to profit by it. Had they boon in
nocent victims they would have appre
ciated their responsibility and would
have seen to It that the state treasurer
pursued the straight path laid out by
the law. If they had been innocent vic
tims of Hartley they would not have
rushed to his rescue to save him from
thu penitentiary.
It will not do for these bondsmen to
play the ostrich and Imagine that Un
people are blind to facts to which they
want to shut their eyes nor will they
gain anything by annexing newspapers
as mouthpieces of their lawyers.
Spain may provoke war with the
United States. The Sagasta govern
ment undoubtedly Is anxious to avoid
a conflict , but there are strong In
fluences working upon It which It can
not wholly disregard and which may
force It into a position that our govern
ment would be compelled to resent.
There Is a great deal of jingo sentiment
In Spain and it Is all the thuo pressing
Itself upon the attention of the govern
ment and agitating among the people.
Some of the Spanish newspapers are
virulent and vindictive to the last de
gree , while Weylerlsm , which means
relentless hatred of this country , has
a numerous following.
The reported desire of the Spanish
government that Consul General Lee be
recalled from Havana , If true , Is a con
cession to that spirit which would not
hesitate to provoke war. Kver since
the Do Lome Incident a portion of the
Spanish newspapers have been assail
ing General Lee , charging that In his
olllclal capacity lie has shown hostility
to the Spanish and favor to the In
surgents. It was alleged at one time
that correspondence had been discov
ered which compromised the consul
general , but nothing was produced. Now
It Is said by a Madrid paper that
enough evidence has been accumulated
against Lee to warrant his recall. Of
course there Is nothing In this , which Is
probably inspired by the followers of
Wcyler , whose dlsllko General Lee In
curred by liU zealous and persistent
work In behalf of American citizens In
There Is more dancer that Spain will
do something to provoke war than that
our government will take any action
that might bring on a conflict.
In August last , the first month under
the Dingley tariff law , the receipts were
? , ST,701 ! . There has been a steady
monthly Increase , tlie receipts for I-Yb-
ruary amounting to $ iri,0IOSO ( ! , being
In excess of the expenditures for that
month , Ueferrlng to this increase In tlie
revenue , tlie Sprlnglleld Republican ,
which Is not friendly to the present
tariff , remarks that It Is certainly In line
with the expectations and hopes of Mr.
Dingley and the administration "and if
the February rate can be maintained the
law will have proved Its success as a
reveuuo measure. " Wo think It safe to
predict that if war does not come to dis
turb commercial conditions and check
the advance of the country toward pros
perity the February rate of receipts will
not only bo maintained , but In all prob
ability Increased. This ought to bo the
case- during the ensuing three or four
months. If this should bo realized the
deficit for the current fiscal year will
bo comparatively sin-all , while a. con
tinuance of the current rate'of receipts
through the next fiscal year , beginning
with July , would give a surplus , pro-
vlded , of course , that expenditures are
not materially Increased. A war would
necessarily overturn all calculations ,
but If peace Is maintained there Is every
rcnsoB to bollcro that within the next
Biz or eight months the revenue of the
government will overtake the expendi
tures and may somowliat exceed them.
The expectation of the supporters of
the present tariff law that It would
provo to bo adequate as a revenue
measure Is being fulfilled and the re
alization of the assurance given the
country by Mr. Dingley and other re
publican leaders In this respect Is com
ing sooner than they looked for. There
Is no longer a doubt that with peace
and judicious economy In expenditures
the end of deficits Is not far off and the
government will again bo placed In a
position to reduce tlie public debt pos
sibly to pay off , during the present ad
ministration , an amount of that debt
equal to the Increase under the preced
ing administration. At the same time
the law Is vindicating the policy It
stands for In promoting Industrial
activity and making a better market for
labor. On the whole It Is working most
Within the past week seven highway
robberies have taken place on the streets
of Omaha. The last victim of the foot
pads was not merely held up but
wounded by a pistol shot flrcd by his
assailants. These highway roblrcrles are
only Incidental to the general reign of
lawlessness caused by the notorious In-
etllclcncy of the local police force.
This Inefficiency Is not to bo excused
on the ground of Insufficient police ap
propriations , shortage of force or lack
of authority. Tlie police board has
ample means and ample powe.r to or
ganize and maintain a. first-class police
department It Is out of question ,
however , to organlz-o an efficient and
reliable police force without starting
with a competent and experienced officer
as chief to direct and discipline his sub
ordinates. Doubling the force , or , for
that matter , quadrupling it In numbers
will not assure better police protection
than we now have. Demoralization
would permeate a larger force just as
much so long as the police commissioners
continue to pursue a policy that runs
counter not only to their sworn duty and
the plain letter of the law but also to
ordinary business methods and the les
sons taught by experience.
There Is no possibility of creating an
efficient commander of a police force
out of a man who has not had a day's
training In police service. The reor
ganization of the police which Is de
manded by the citizens as a matter of
self-protection must start at the top If It
is to produce results. There Is no time
for further experimenting. Something
must be done and that speedily to put
an end to the reign of terror and out
lawry from which this city Is suffering
because of the utter Incompcteucy of its
police government.
In a recent address at Harvard ex-
Secretary Olncy said there Is no doubt
with what nations the United States
should co-operate. England , he de
clared , our most formidable rival , Is
our most natural friend. There is such
a thing ns patriotism for race as well
as for country. "Nothing less can be
expected from the community of Inter-
eats of Great Britain and tlie United
States , " said Mr. OIney , "than that both
shall use their great Influence , not only
for their common advancement , but for
the betterment of the whole human
race. " These remarks of the ex-sec
retary of state did not have special ref
erence to existing conditions , but bad
in contemplation the permanent co
operation of the English-speaking na
tions , yet It has a timely application In
connection with the question as to what
position Great Britain would take In
the event of war between the United
States and Spain.
There can bo no doubt , ns we have
heretofore said , that In the present Junc
ture Intelligent British sentiment i : ;
friendly to the United States and that
If war should come this country could
safely count upon the earnest moral
support of the British government and
consideration of self-In
people. Kvery -
terest , to say nothing of the patriotism
for race a sentiment not to be regarded
as trivial dictates n friendly attitude
toward the United States In n conflict
that might be forced upon It by Spain.
The vast financial and commercial in
terests between England and this coun
try constitute a bond of friendship that
no external Influence can break which
can only bo broken by a quarrel be
tween these two nations that can be
settled lu no other way than by the
There Is nothing surprising , therefore ,
In the reports regarding the friendly
attitude of the British government and
people. No one who has considered the
matter thoughtfully and without prej
udice could have expected anything
different. Englishmen do not like our
tariff policy and they from time to time
manifest distrust of our securities. In
the conteht for trade they show no more
consideration for Americans than for
any other people with whom they com"
Into rivalry. Hut In a war between th >
United States and Spain the sympathy
of Great Britain would be with us. Mr.
OIney Is right in the opinion that Eng
land Is our most natural friend.
The result of the recent primary elec
tion for the nomination of a city repub
lican ticket In Des Molnes was an em
phatic Indorsement of thu principle of
municipal control of public utilities. Un
less the voters change their minds or
It Is discovered that tiio recent election
did not fairly Indicate the will of the
people , the capital city of Iowa will In
due time acquire ownership of the
waterworks , works , street railways
and many other Institutions. It Is plain despite all arguments against pub
lic ownership and operation of such
public utilities It Is becoming moro pop
ular every year , even though experi
ments thus far made are not conclusive
as to Its results.
At the recent annual Tuskegeo negro
conference It was pithily stated that
whllo the whites of the north should
realize that a great burden rests upon
them lu uplifting the colored people , the
southern whites should feel that a greater
burden rests upon them and the negro
should feel that the greatest burden of
alt rests uponhimself. It was happily
brought outat , this conference that all
these clossdl Mpprcclnto tlio responsi
bility moutlqiMHkaud through the agen
cies of the schools and colleges for col
ored people , ; Uio , uplifting ; process Is
going steadily ! 'forward despite nil dls-
couragcmonto' * i
The proposal bf the Italian govern
ment to the Chambar of Deputies
with regard' 19 regulation of emi
gration , though without precedent ,
has some foatuivs that ought to com
mend It to the Italian legislators. It Is
proposed thai ? a bureau be formed to
co-opcrnto wUu similar bureaus in other
countries to furnish reliable Information
to Italians who contemplate removal to
some other couutry and Incidentally to
forbid tlie departure from Italy of any
person who Is likely to be turned back
on reaching his destination. The oper
ation of such n bureau would be of real
service to the Italians.
Wo notice In one of the loading pop
ulist organs of this state an advertise
ment which reads : "Newspaper for
sale a thrifty populist paper In county
seat town for sale or will sell part Interest
terest to first class newspaper man who
Is a printer This Is a chance for n
rustler with a little money. " Think of
Itl A thrifty populist paper ! A chance
for a rustler to make money ! Was It
not our populist congressman from the
Sixth Nebraska district who only the
other day proclaimed upon the floor of
the house : "Hepubllcans may cry pros
perity , but there Is no prosperity" ?
Why all this fuss among the railroad
magnates about the Identity of "tlio next
appointed member of the Interstate Commerce -
merco commission ? To be sure the po
sition pays well , but according to the
commission's own report , Its members
are powerless to accomplish anything
for the public good. If the commission
has been bound and gagged by the de
cisions of the courts the new commis
sioner can neither hurt the railroads nor
help the people.
If the purpose of the men who tried
to assassinate King George was to ren
der him unpopular they misjudged the
temper of the Greeks. The king ap
peals to be a hundred times more pop
ular today than before he dodged the
bullets of a band of bad marksmen.
Still not many monarchs care to seek
popularity that way.
Still Thuy Are -\ot Happy.
Itullanapolls Xc\\s.
An Imtnenao volume of business la being
tlctio by the country , aud etlll the sllvcrltcs
are not happy. i
Too l.nle.
The German paper which warm Its rcadern
not to yusli the asrarian warfare against
the United States , lest they stimulate the
bcot sugar Induatry , . In this country , la wise ,
but It speaks too Into. The Indications are
that the production .of beet eugar In America
will bo very largely developed durJag the
coming fceason.
( ilvc MKxliui * i.ViuitliL-r Slilii.
Cincinnati Tillnine.
Captain Slg-iboe of the Malno la a typical
American naval , coinmandcr , cool , resource
ful , self-possessed qtid level-heaJed. By hla
conduct on that , te rlVle night In Havana
harbor , and b hls/words and actlccs'slnco
the catastrophe Tn which hovna the central
figure , he has endeared himself to the Amer
ican people. He should have another ahlp ,
bigger and better even than the Maine.
Will Ml HI Of till * Kill KIT.
New York Mall anil Express.
Should the German emperor go ahead and
execute hU threat 'to exclude American stu
dents from the technical schools of the em-
plro It will simply mean that ho dreads the
competition of American brains as seriously
as ho does tno competition of American
fruit and other proJucts. If the touchy mon
arch had his way ho would stamp the brand
"Mado In Germany" upon the genius of the
WunttMl n Silver SlntlHtlclnn.
Ixmlsvlllc Courier-Journal.
air. Bryan ought to "look a llttlo out" for
the Nebraska Bureau of Industrial Statistics.
The bureau has sent out a statement showing
that during the last six months o 1897 'there
were filed C.G73farm mortgages , aggregat
ing $5,576,733. and there wcro releassd 8,233 ,
aggregating $7,557,392. City mortgages were
filed to the number of 2,252 , aggregating $1.-
890,830 , and 3,909 , aggregating $4,215,918 ,
wcro released. Hero la the damning evidence
that the Nebraskans are paying their debts
In the face of the gold standard. The bureau
needs a better silver statistician.
GronliiK Ami nw 'Family ' Tree .
Cleveland 1'laln Dealer.
There seems to be considerable Interest
of late In genealogical matters. Societies
have been and are being formed , the pur-
peso of whoso organization Is to trace an
cestry , especially with the view of finding
proof of descent from superior sources.
Surely this la a harmless pastime , and it
is a question It'll doea not have its good
features. The perron who can become eat-
Isfled in hU own mind that the blood of
eminent personages flows in his veins is
apt to feel that he Is of pretty good ma
terial , and is moro or less influenced to
conduct himself well. But it Is likely ttiat
a careful Investigation of the records of all
ono's anccatora who tocoine numerous It
the line be traced far 'back enough would
disclose facts to humble & 3 well as to ex
alt , and that ono person would have llttlo
moro to bo proud o ! than any other.
X MV Ynrk'M IMuii for Pri'ncrvliiK
.Mountain Timber.
1 hllmlelphla Inquirer ,
That the sentiment In favor of the preser-
\atou ! of existing forests and tbo replant
ing of denuded lamia with timber la rapidly
growing has of late had a number of prac
tical illustrations. A short time ago the
-itats of New York decided to purchase
"O.UTO acres ot.lynd In the Adirondack
ic lo i for a fore'st .reserve , the work of ro-
ec.iubiiUon to bp/carrieJ on gradually. Uur-
lus the last year )259,000 acres of forest
; ! aid wcro purcLflsed and a bill which has
Just besa passed by the legislature prom
ises to bo an additional factor In the es
tablishment of a.prQlectlve forestry system.
The 'bill ' provides , that Cornell uulvcni-ty !
shall take In trjust , 23,000 acres of timber
land In the Adirondack uot already in
cluded in the state forest pmserve. The
state will maktr zn annual appropriation
of not less than. $25,000 to assist the univer
sity In making a practical test of btato
forestry and applying scientific principles to
the removal ot largo trees and the substitu
tion of sapllngsr-eo that there will bo a
continual product of timber without the tract
beliu ; denuded. _ _ It Is 'believed that within
ten years from now the enterprise will be
feelf-austalulng aud so soon , as this has been
demonstrated the system can bo applied to
the entire Adirondack Park.
It is proposed to appropriate $500,000 this
year to bo expended In ( Adirondack pur-
chanes. The land which haj already been
secured was purchased for a' llttlo less than
$4 an acre and the expense ot
looking after the whoio 30,000 acres was
only $18,000. To check the destruction of
forests Is an excellent thing to do , but it
U not all that Is needed. The planting of
denuded lands and ot tracts ot land that
are not available for cultivation Is another
step In the right direction. It Is possible
that each state could so Join forestry to
the educational system of the commonwealth
that our water supplies \\otild not fall and
our cllmatlo conditions would not 'be sub
ject to such quick and remarkable change * .
NRtltlASKA C.tMP.Unff OF 1808.
Blair Pilot ( rep. ) : It the republican * make
no mUtake In their nomination * thl year
they need have no fears of the result on
the state ticket.
KJsar Post ( rep. ) : The natno of Judge
Itayward ti being advanccrl by the republican
press all over the state In connection with
the olHco ot governor. It there Is A better ,
cleaner man la the state ot Nebraska we
don't know where bo Is. Ho Is a man ot
commanding ability , too , and would make
a governor ot whom everybody might well
be proud ,
'North Platte Tribune ( rep. ) : James Whitehead -
head of 'Broken 'Bow ' to being prominently
mentioned as the republican candidate for
governor this fall. If the republicans of
the cast part of the state will again concede
the Sixth district the gubernatorial candi
date It Is generally believed that Mr. Whitehead -
head will bo the man. HIo Is able , clean and
a hard fighter.
Columb'us Telegram ( dem. ) : If the popu
list leaders wish to do the wise and graceful
thing they will concede the candldatu for
governor to the democrats and have no more
fuss about It. > Let them do this and the
election of the entire fusion ticket will bo
assured at the coming election. The legis
lature will > be overwhelmingly fusion , assur
ing Senator Allen's ro-clcctlon to the United
States senate , and Governor Holconvb will
make an excellent candidate for supreme
Judge when the time comes.
Exeter Democrat ( rep. ) : The new post-
ofllco building at Omaha was opened Thurs
day with ceremonies 'befitting ' the occasion.
Just wait until Congressman Stark has poat-
otllco buildings erected In each county seat
town In his district and we'll all have a time
then. iBut como to think of It , wo haven't
heard anything about 'Mr. ' Stark or his build
ings , either one , lately. Can It be that some
body told him what a grave error ho made
In commencing to boom his campaign for a
second term before ho was started on his
first , and that he's gene Into seclusion to
wait until the storm blows over ?
Schuyler Quill ( pop. ) : Senator Allen comes
up for rc-elcctlon to the United States Ron-
ate this year and the fact that a legislature
Is to ba elected which will select his cue- '
crissor makes the legislative officer moro
of. Impcrtamco. Allen will probably be the
choice of both populists and democrats for a
re-election and wo venture to predict that
ho will succeed himself. Senator Allen nan
made a very good record In the upper house
of congress and undoubtedly should go back ,
yet the Quill has some criticisms to make
on his public record. To begin \\lth , he haa
taken too much of a hand In our local state
politics and has dabbled too much Into small
affair * politically for a great man more
of the ward politician order. His \\ork In
congress is good In main , yet ho voted
for the sugar bounty In violation of both
pupullat and democratic ideas. The Oxnard
Sugar company la located In his county , at
Norfolk , and mo doubt that Influenced him ,
yet It was not consistent with his political
lines. As a populist ho ha. ? shown moro
democratic symptoms than are hardly such a.j
to brand him as a rock-ribbed partisan. As
chnlman of the national populist conven
tion , when , Bryan telegraphed that he would
I'jot accept of a nomination for president
unless Sewall wan also endorsed for vice
president , Allen etuck that telegram Into
his pocket and did not communicate the
contents to the convention , which was en
titled to It. That was more the net of a
politician than a statesman. However , Allen
haa made a very good senator and even
If we do not endorse all ho has done polit
ically , yet are not opposed to his return to
the ficnato.
Auburn Post : There are many of
the republican papers over the state that
are discussing the advisability of the
state convention nominating a candidate
for United States senator. There are
many of them In fUvor of the plan , es
pecially for this year , for the reason that
there are at least a dozen candidates that
are spoken of for the place and If eleven or
them are taken from , the race before the
campaign begins the success ot the repub
lican ticket Is weakened Just that much.
There are J. L. Webster , lave ) Mercer and
J. C. Cowln of Omaha , O. M. Lambertson ,
ex-Llcutcnant Governor H. E. Mocre and
Allen W. Field of Lincoln , Jack MacColl of
Lexington , A. E. Cady of St. Paul , K. J.
Halner of Aurora , Judge Klncald of O'Neill.
E. C. Adams of Superior , and last , but by
110 means least , Judge M. L. Hayward of
Nebraska City , any one of whom would bo
more of an honor to Nebraska tdnn the man
who Ciopes to bo re-elected by the next IcgU-
lature. It will take a hard fight and loyal work
en the part of the republicans if tdey elect n
majority ot thh next legislature , but If each
of the above named men and their friends
go into the campaign with the determination
of electing every republican possible In
their section ot the state , there Is hope a good working republican majority
may bo elected next fall. Then after election
let each < candldi > to abide loyally by the de
cision of the caucus. Each man will go into
the campaign with hopca that ho may be
the successful caucus nominee and ho will
work hard for the success of the party.
Again , the fire of tbo opposition is
scattered over a dozen or more candidates ,
whllo tr tlio convention nominates them the
opposition will concentrate Its forces to defeat -
feat Itio one , which is much easier than an
unknown quantity. There Is no one who will
work as hard for the success of the party
If he has been disappointed at the beginning
of the campaign as ho will If ho hopes that
ttio other fellow will bo disappointed at ltd
Mr. Flvecoats lives in Anderson county and
Mr. Fewrlose in Cowley county , Kansas.
The Chlcatawbut club of Boston has de
clared for war. Boston should restrict the
club's ration of beans.
In about 10,000 years , the forecasters say ,
the North Polo will bo at or about this local
ity : Perhaps Nanscn will think better ot us
Spain has an area of 197.070 square miles ,
7C.GSO square miles less than tbo state of
Texas. Her population is between seventeen
and eighteen million.
When Ima Hellpapper asked an Oklahoma
court for permission to tone down her name
his honor readily granted the request , adding
gallantly that the name 'by which she would
in future be known , Ima Helper , was from
all appearances entirely appropriate.
War in Cuba means prosperity to the Flor
ida cattle trade , particularly since the Span
ish authorities have removed the duty on
llvo stock shipped to tho' Island. Previous
to that order the shipments were about five
hundred a week ; slnco then they have doub
led and arc Increasing , and would soon cx-
Imuho the Florida supply If It were not re
inforced by Importations from Texas.
Picsldcnt Samuel Spencer of the Southern
railway , likes big men with queer names.
His general passenger agent Is W , A. Turk ,
a 30l-pounder. ) His traffic manager Is J , M.
Gulp. His eastern passenger agent In New
York Is Alexander S. Thweatt. The assistant
to the president Is Sol Haas. Hobbs Li aud
itor. Hawn his assistant. The superintend
ent of bridges and buildings is Mr. Lum.
The purchasing agent Is Mr. MInetree. Mr.
Weld la the general storekeeper.
In the person of William Uash of EHza-
beth , N. J. , la to bo found the greatest Jingo
In a land where they are by no moans
scarce. Mr. Ilnsh U n chicken fancier und
among his collection are fifteen black Span
ish fowls. Ever slnco the Malno disaster
ho has been urging the destruction of Spain
and a few days ago his rage became so In
tense that , arming himself with a knife , he
went forth and chopped the unoffending
fowls' head , * off and throw their bodies In
the Elizabeth river.
All kinds of Inventions and suggestions
for warlike use are coming Into the War
and Navy departments in these days. A
genius who undoubtedly regards himself as
brilliant writes to the Navy department
suggesting that the government build a
man-of-war which shall bo painted like a
merchantman , to the end that when a for
eign cruiser caerlcssly runs alongside the
supposed easy prlzo the latter shall sud
denly open concealed ports and blow tbo
enemy out of the water.
The Philadelphia Uecord anounces that
the death of Us editor , William M. Slngcrly ,
will 'inako no change in the future policy
and management of the paper , Ono of the
last aots of Mr. Slngorly's lifo was to bring
about such a reorganization of the owner
ship of the Record ax would divert all the
profits of the publication to cqultabla dis
tribution among the creditors ot the bank
with which Mr. gingerly was Identified. The
personnel ot the Ilecord'a atatf will remain
BAHTI.KY junr KOT roi'iii.ui.
Ord Quiz ! The verdict of Iho Hartley Jury
on * of tbo wont outrages over perpetrated
upon Justice and upon a long miftcrlng pee
ple. There was no expectation of such a
result ; an explanation of It can only bo
based upon ono theory and that would not
bo very complimentary to the honesty of
these twelve peers.
Tecumsch Chieftain : The trial of the case
wherein the elate sought to hold the Bart-
ley bondsmen for the ahortago In the atato
treasurer's ollleo was concluded last week.
After being out fltty-ono hours the Jury
brought In a verdict In favor of the bonds
men , much < o the surprise of 1I parties
concerned. Thcro Is no use talking , the
ways of a Jury are among the most peculiar
phenomena of earth.
York Times : An Otnah.i Jury has decided
that Hartley's bondsmen arc not responsible
on the bond on account of Governor Hoi-
comb's neglect of duty. Nobody will blame
the bondsmen particularly for trying to got
out from under an obligation that would
probably ruin everyone of them who Is re-
sponMblo now , but a good many will blame
the governor for his lazy , easy-going way of
doing bui'lncss ' that allowt'd them to eacape
Lincoln Post : The Jury In the State
against the Hartley bondsmen has at last ro-
turnrcl ltd verdict. That verdict says that
the bondsmen are not liable for the amount
stolen by the republican ex-state treasurer.
The reports tell us that the Jurymen were
with one exception Jobless men. who very
readily affirmed , when on examination as to
their qualifications to terve as Jurors , that
the largeness of the amount sought to bo
recovered would not Influence their verdict.
There may bo several theories as to how
the largcnefs of the amount to be recovered
did influence their verdict. The case will
bo promptly appealed to the supreme court ,
where It remains to bo seen whether the
.program pursued in the Eugene Moore case
Is to be repeated.
Schuyler Quill : The verdict of the Jury
in the case of the Hartley bcvidamen U a
travesty on Justice and a pretty fair cri
terion as to what may bo e.\i > ectod from
many of the average juries. This editor has
said It before ami' now repeats It , that Jus
tice would be move often meted out In cases
ot this kind were the decision left to the
Judge alone. What do's the average Jury
man know about the points of law discussed
rcul brought up In cases like this ? Abso
lutely nothing. Ho can often bo more n-
fluenced by the eloquent plea of tlio attor
ney than facts presented' ' and renders hla
verdict accordingly. It Is high tlmo a
change were made somewhere. There should
bo no Jury at all three-fourths .should
decide on a verdict.
Plattsmouth Journal- The Jury in the case
of the state against the bondsmen' ' of Joseph
S. Hartley has returned a verdict In favor
of the defendants and the people will prob
ably lc o the money which the ex-stato
treasurer has been convicted of stealing and
which these bcmrtamen bound themfielvefl to
pay In case a oontlnscncy such as the pres
ent should arise. To people at a distance ,
who have merely read the history of the case
and the testimony ns published In the Omaha
papers , there can bo but one explanation
to this verdict , and that I * that the jury
was bought. Tl Is Is of course a harsh
charge to make nnd the Jounnal metely
gives It as Its opinion , there being no other
rational theory whereby such a verdict can
be accounted for. The evidence In the case
nnd the Instructions of the- court all went
to show that tlieae defendants were rcflpotial-
blo to the state and It Is said that when
the decision of the Jury was announced
Judge Powell , who tried the case , was ut
terly dumbfounded.
Fremont Herald : The trial of the bonds
men of ex-Stale Treasurer Hartley , which
has been continued for several weeks at
Omaha , has finally resulted tin the bringing
In of a verdict by the jury that the bonds
men were not liable for the $555,71)0.70 )
claimed as the shortage durln ; his second
term. The reault Is pronounced a great sur
prise by all who have heard or read the
testimony , Judge Powell , who presided over
the trial , expressing himself : "It la re
markable : It M very strange. " There ap
pears to have been llttlo question as to the
Jury giving a verdict agatast the bondsmen
for at least part of the shortage , though
of course there was the probability that
It would be upset by the supreme Court , as
In the Moore case. But that a Jury of tax
payers knowing that the money was stolen
and eo confessed and that the bonds were
glvor < to insure It from being stolen should
decide that the bond was dot liable for the
shortage. Is moro than wo can understand.
The bondsmen for the first term have cer
tainly Just as good a defense and under
such circumstances Is would bo an outrage
to keep Bartley 1m Jail any longer. If he
wasn't "short" he- has committed no crime
and If the bond Isn't called upon to pay It , It
Is evident that there was no shortage.
Hastings Record : Attorney General Smyth
has completed his grand Job of mismanage
ment by allowing Bartley's bondsmen to es
cape all responsibility , and this tlmo he
cannot lay the blame at the door of a re
publican court , as the trial was by Jury.
Twelve men sworn to do their duty find that
the bondsmen of 'Bartley do not owe the
state of Nebraska a cent. Why don't they ?
Because that same llttlo Insignificant , un
tutored attorney who allowed Gene Moore
to go free didn't have sense enough to flg-
uro out how much money Bartley received
ao state treasurer , deduct from It what he
turned over to his successor and go Into the
district court of Lancaster county and ask
for the balance. Smth know that Bartley
was Dhort In hla accounts ; so did everyone
else , but ho , didn't have the least Idea what
to do to get even. Thcro was no compli
cated question involved at all ; just a simple
action against tbo bondsmen would have
Dufflced , but , no , Smyth mixed the whole
matter up until the Jury didn't have the
least Idea what ho wanted done , and , In
fact , ho didn't seem to have moro than half
an Idea himself. There Is no recourse un
less the supreme court can discover error ,
which It probably cannot. The whole trouble
is that Bartley's bondsmen had good counsel
and the state ot Nebraska had none at all.
Blair Pilot : The decision of the Jury In
the Bartley bond case at Omaha seems to
have been aa rank as any jury decision ever
put on record. Judge Powell's Instructions
to the jury stated that the bond was a valid
ono and It left nothing for the jury to debut
but to fix the amount of the shortage. Their
decision evidently said there was no shortage -
ago found. A new case will undoubtedly be
placed on the docket and a jury obtained
that will render a decision on the basli of
law as laid down before them by the judge.
There Is llttlo doubt In the minds of these
interested In the case but that the decision
was based upon the grounds that the bulk
ot the shorUfto occurred before the second
bond of Dartlor WM tinned and 4tiat GOT-
crnor Ilolcomb know of this shortage and
had not made a public mention ot U and let
bondsmen sign the bond believing at the
tlmo that the accountn In the treasurer' *
Dfllca were straight. The mc i Is a bad one ,
but had Governor Itolcomb refused to allow
Hartley to commence rcrvlng bis tecond term
until ho straightened matters relative to his
first term the shortage * would have been
much ICM and ten to ono the jury would
have compelled the bondsmen to make the
thortago goo/1 to the state. If the jury Imi
rendered Its decision on the grounds of Hoi-
comb's part Ir the matter It Is a xcvero rebuke -
buko to the governor , but A mighty eostljr
ono for the taxpayers of the state.
Now York Mall nnd Hxprcsi ; Western
monopolist ! ) are now organizing n. colors. il
hay trust. The men behind It are ns jet
unknown nnd it l a wlso hay trust that
knoua Ita own fodder.
Ilecord : "Is your wife Interested
In nil this wnr tnlk ? "
"IntcrcstJd ? She went down cellar today
ntul threw out eleven Jara of Spanish
pickles. "
. Detroit Journal : 'Member of the Firm
Your last cmplnyor Inform. * mo that you
wore not very faithful.
Stenographer ( hysterically ) 'Tla false ! f
never ao much us thought of any other
ChlciKO Post : They were discussing the
"What's hla business ? Politics ? " nskcd
ono."No ; tlint'g Ills recreation. I Kiiesa you
never saw n meeting of the council , did
you ? " returned tlio other.
Washington Star : . "Why Is this season
called Lent ? " Inquired the Chinese om-
"It H a time , " replied the court phllnso-
liner , "when people are suppose-d to give up
something. Will you observe It ? "
' "Certnluly. Thu Japanese collector will
bo around after bla Indemnity tomorrow. "
Chicago Tribune : "Illchnrd , " asked tlio
toaclior , "what was the messngv General
Snorlilan sent to General Early before thU
battle took place ? "
"lie said , " replied the MK boy with tlm
bad eye , " 'Go , Uirly. and avoid the rush. ' "
And merely for fits she kept him In after
school and ate his apples und tnlkud af-
fectlonutcly to him.
Chicago Post : Lucy George la very much
annoyed. Mr. Hudson , who liai always been
his most Intlnmto friend , never consratu-
lated him on our engagement.
Slay Mr. Hudson has the tc-putatlon of
being an extremely conscientious .man.
Detroit Frco 'Press ' " "
: "Whatl" shouted the
stern parent , "not mau-y my daughter ?
Why , sir , you have s.U with your arm about
her hour after hour. "
"Yes , that win to keep her from singing. "
Indianapolis Journal : "I deceived myself
when I married him. "
"Poor girl ! You thought you loved him. "
"No , no , no. not that. I thought Cousin
i Iabel loved him. but now , alasl I
that she did not. "
Tears Illled her eyes , and her eyes n\ero
rather large , too.
Cleveland Leader : "I suppose , " snM a
pessimistic young man , "that you would
never speak to me again If I wore to kiss
Vou. "
"O , George , " replied the adored one. who
had no use for pessimism Just then , "why
don't you got over the habit of always looU-
Ing at the dark side of things ? "
Pltt.sburg Chronicle : "Hello , Spinins , I
thought you had gone to the Klondike , "
tald nngKH.
"I did Intend to , but I've changed my
mind. "
"Did your wife object to your going ? "
"Not at all. I thought she seemed too
willing , and so I decided to remain a *
home. "
Minneapolis Journal.
Doc nixby of Nebrasky blew Into town last
nlpht ,
And all the fellows gathered round to * " ?
the cheerful sight ;
For the doctor wears n countenance as
sMny as his hat
And works a vein ot humor fully as brl.tht
as that.
Dee buys his own tobacco , and his book ,
"Driftwood. " you know ,
Has sold out two editions , which shows its
not so slow ,
For when the doctor turns him loose an !
writes the best ho can
The push just has heart failure a-Iaughlnv
at the man.
nttsburs Dispatch.
This world la such a bubble. donono-TV ,
1'ull of twlals and ot twoubles , Uoncher-
know ;
You como to earth to cwy ,
You gwow oldah and you sigh ,
Oldah still , and then you die , donchcrknowv
And It's all a howwld mix , donchorknow.
Business , love nnd politics , donchorknow :
F.ifhlong , follies , cliques nnd sets ,
'Clubs and nawtlea , slsh. wepwitta.
Stwugglcs Htwlfe- and clguwettcs , doncher-
Hiislticas ? Aw ! That's twade , donchcrknow.
Something lost or something made , doncher-
You twouble and you mope.
And you hang your highest' hope
On perhaps the pwlce of soap , donchcr-
Politics ? Just a lawk , rtoncherknow.
Just u nightmare In the dawlc , donchcrknow.
You perrplre day and night
And aftaw all the light.
Why pehaps the wrong iman'a wight ,
Love ? Aw ! yes ; you meet a. elrl. donchcr
And get In such a whirl , doneherknow , ,
Cot down upon the lloah ,
To adoah and to Imploah ,
And It's all a howwld. .boah , doncherknow.
Fashion ? Aw ! that's dwess. doncherknow ,
Thn cause of much dlstwes.s. doncherknow ,
To determine what to weah.
When 'to ' go and likewise where.
And how to pawt your halh , doncherknow.
And thcro'3 iwcally nothing' in U , doncher.
For you live for Just a minute , donchcr
know ,
And when you'vo eaten , read and felt ,
Heard nnd seen and said and xmelt.
Why all the cards aw dealt , doncherknow.
You have ono consciousness , doncherknow ,
One Htomach , and that's small , donchcr
know ;
You can only wcah ono tie.
And ono glass In your eye ,
And ono cotllu when you die , doncherknow.
"Time as he QFOWS old teaches many lessons. " Aeschylus.
And one of the most valuable lessons that old Father Time
teaches is , that it doesn't pay to buy what is called "cheap" cloth
ing , We have found that it doesn't pay to make it. All well-
dressed men want as good as they can afford in the matter o
apparel , and it is our aim to help them to afford the best by mak
ing it at the lowest price for which good clothing can be made.
If the clothing that we make is better than the usual sorts
it is because we take pains with it and won't cheapen it for til
sake of an extra profit.
.8.JV. Cor.jath and uouglam