Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Try Mocre's itock food.
Eggs lOc dor. Bartcl & Miller.
Dr. Roe , dontlit , Merrlam block.
Atk nierchtnts ( or premium Btars.
Photos Platlno or Arlsto. Sherraden.
Dr. Drown , deotUt , room 301. Merrlim blk.
Mm. E. B. Sayles returned last evening
from a short visit in Mount Pleasant.
J. R. Lucas of the Sterling Manufacturing
company in In from a Nebraska trip.
Mrs. James Henry Mclntosh of Omaha was
calling on friends in this city yesterday.
Ml s 'Mabel Carter Is spending Oie Sunday
with her mother on High School avenue.
Several hundred Council Bluffs people
vloltcil the exposition grounds ycvterday.
For rent , pleasant suite of rooms , 221
Eouth Seventh street , with or without board.
The Mls-ca Ncff of Denver are the guests
of Mrs. I. V. Howard of 1104 Fourth avenue.
Council camp degree team will give a
ball at Woodman ball on Wednesday oven
Rev. T. W. Williams and Mrs. Williams
are rejoicing over the advent of a daughter ,
born yeatcrday.
The Evans laundry U the leader In fine
work both for color and finish. 520 Pearl
treet. Phone 290.
Karl Harris , nlty editor of the MUeourl
Valley Times , spent several hours in the
city on Saturday afternoon.
Dr. ' T. B. Lacy has been selected by the
faculty of the Crclghtan Medical college to
deliver the address on graduation day.
0. R. Voung , traveling auditor and Inspector
specter for the Postal Telegraph company ,
1 as been In the city for a couple of days
In the discharge ofhis duty.
The Jurors In the Dccrc , Wells & Co. case
were no tiearer a verdict than over at 11
o'clock last night , aHhough they were still
arguing and'occasionally balloting.
P. D. Wakcman and D. H. Hanmon of t
New York are spending a few day In the
city. They ore making a trip through the
west with a view of purchasing land.
Tom Monfort , brother of the young sailor
lost In the Malno disaster , will sing at the
benefit entertainment for the Christian Home
to bo given In Woodmen hall this evening.
Nearly every member of the local lodge
of Red Men has decided 'to accept the invita
tion to vlalt the lodge in Omaha this even
ing. The members will gather ut the corner
of Pearl street and Broadway at 7:30 : this
1. M. Treynor has returned from Washing
ton , confident that ho has succeeded In re
moving all Uiu obstacles that some of his
opponents attempted to put In his way to
block his confirmation ae postmaster at
Council Bluffs.
Paul Blegclmler was arrested yesterday
afternoon upon a complaint sworn to by
Conrad Dlstman , his brothcr-ln-law , who
chargctt him with threatening to commit a
public nuisance. The men are engaged In
family quarrels and one case In court has
already grown out of their disputes. They
live on Weat Broadway.
A hearty laugh will bo on tan at the Do-
hany theater nex't Thuroday evening , March
10 , when the latest hit , "Tho Gay Matinee
Girl , " will be seen with those universal fa
vorites , Monroe and Hart , as the stars. They
are comedians of high standing and the the
ater should be filled to Its greatest capacity.
Reserved seats can bo secured at Sellers'
drug store.
Secretary Judson , who has given more of
his tlmo to the work of pushing along vurl-
ouu public enterprises than almost any other
man In the city , was figuring up last evening -
ing how much ho has received from the as
sociations of which he has been secretary.
These number at least half a dozen and all
designed to advance general public Inter
ests , but he figures out that all of them dur
ing the last two years have paid him Just
$188. In addition 'to ' giving his services he
> has furnished offlco rent , telephone and
typewriter during all of this time.
V Want Houses to rent. Klnno , Baldwin blk.
- C. B. Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Offlco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished.
32C-327-3i8 Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
niucli Intercut IleliiK Felt In the Event
that Occur * Toiilmht.
Unusual Interest Is being felt In the Chris
tian borne benefit that will bo given this
ever ing In Woodmen hall under the auspices
of Palm Orovo , Woodmen Circle. The pro-
cram chows that some of the best talent
In the city has been secured , all taking par
gladly donating their services. The Wood
men women who have taken charge of it
have worked earnestly to make It the de
serving success that It promises to be.
Everything txmacctcd with the entertainment
and ttie bazar has been donated atul every
dollar realized will go to Increase the fit"
tccnth anniversary donations. The musi
cal and literary program which la to b&
given will bo as follows :
Piano selection M. D. Gallapfcer
Solo "Tho Swallows"
Mrs. M. Barrett , accompanied by Mies
Banjo Solo , C. A. Atklna
Accompanied by grand concert guitar ,
Woodward and McPhcrson.
Recitation Mrs. Brooks
"In the Gloaming
Harmonlce Male Quartet
Bolo Mr. F. Murph )
Dclsartc "Jeeus , Lover of My Soul'
MUses Edith Honey , Dora Mines. Nora
Bates , Hattlo and Bertha Worley ,
Accompanist , Miss Murphy ,
Danjorlne , "My Favorite Waltz"C.
C. A. Atkins
Solo. "Mable" Mlra Cora Hitchcock
Accompanist , MUs Leon * Bcnner.
Recitation , "Old Ace. " Miss Edith Thomas
Selection llarmwilco Male Quarto
Solo Mr. T. Mentor
Solo , "Ora Pro Kobla" A Horepoo
Clifford C. Hancock.
Gramophone Mi' . M. Wollman
A dozen brands of whiskey for all classes
In stock. City family orders solicited. Mai
orders from farmers and surrounding cities
carefully filled. Wo sell teer by the case
liquors and wines by the bottle , jug , keg :
and case. Pabst beer , ale and porter on
C3Q Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iowa ;
Hoffmayr'a fancy patent flour makes the
beet and most bread. Aik your grocer for It.
SplrltH Move Too Fre < iiicnUr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sampson were again locked
up last night on the old1 charge of Intoxica
tion and disturbing the peace. On Friday
night they were complained of by their '
neighbors living In 'tho vicinity of Glen ave
nue and Pierce street , but upon the plea
that they were only holding a spiritualistic
eronco , both being mediums , sentence waa
suspended. They moved their residence to
Droadway and Nlrrth street , and last nigh
were holding another seance that set the
iwholo neighborhood In an uproar , and again
called for police Interference. The spirits
that had possession of them undoubtedly
cnmo from a nearby saloon. H required two
policemen 'to control the woman , and It was
nrifeeeary to choke her to ehut off a flood
o ! the foulest language that could bo used.
At ft *
Unlit ! t t
* K rNt
Three Vacancies Exist Which Must Boon
Bo Filled ,
Captain Pryor Give * Ont the Order
( or Hie 1'nrtlelpntlon lir the
UutlKC Muht ( lUitrdi of
Council III u flii.
Interest In the prospect of being called
upon soon to fight the Spanish dons has
suffered somewhat In the greater personal
Interest felt by the members of the Iowa
mllltla In the election of several officers ,
Including a colonel and major In the Third
regiment and a major In the Fourth. Colonel
Swalm lias been appointed consul at Monte
video and 'Major ' M. H. Byers has been promoted
meted to the position of adjutant general of
the state , leaving two vacancies in the Third
regiment. In the Fourth regiment 'Major '
Uakcr's term has expired. The following
general orJer has been issued from the offlcp
of the adjutant general directing the elec
tion :
1. An election Is hereby
ordered to nil
vacancies In the Iowa National Guard fir :
' regiment , vice Swalm
tired.0 , re-
explrcif' Fourth rcEmcnt. | vice Baker , term
Jt. The said election will be held In com-
ianj armories on Monday , March 14. liOS ,
Jctwecn the hours of 6 and 9 o'clock p. m.
Company commanders will at once Issue
their onlers for the citation In accordance
with section 2,150 of the code ,
3. Olllcera of the field "ami staff and mem
bers of the rron-coimnlssloned staff , signal
department and hospital corps will cast
.heir ballots with companies
at their sta-
.lons. Men absent from their commands ,
! nilsslon , pr ° l'cr ' authority , will be Blven per-
to vote with companies at whose i
stations they are upon application to the
adjutant general.
1. The following
named officers will wi-
iierlntcml the elections and make returns
for _ regimental bands na follows :
Cole , Third regiment
Fourth regiment
5. Attention of all olllcera Is directed to
regulations governing elections ns set
foith In section 2.1SO of the code and par.
, ! , Gc"eraI Orders No. 21. 1SDC. and the
MI book must bear the signature of all
6. The term of service of the. following
mimed olllcer of the Iowa National Guard
having expired , ho Is honorably dis
charged from the service of the state , to
take effect February 3 , 1S3S :
Major Luther E. Uakcr , Fourth rtgl-
Uy command of Governor Shaw.
Adjutant General.
Yesterday Captain Pryor Issued the re
quired order for the participation In the
election by the Dodge Light guardfl.
For several months there has been a gooA
deal of earnest campaign work done In Ida
Third regiment for the election of Colonel
. Leper , who Is declared to be the choice of a
largo majority of the guards. Hla only oppo
nent Is lilcliard Gal nee of Greenfield. There
are several candidates for ir.yjor of this regi
ment and a number of combinations have
been fixed up. Ono of these , and the original
cne. provided for the election of Colonel
Leper and ttio promotion by election of Cap
tain Pryor of the guards to the pcsltlon of
major. Leper was then to appoint First Lieu
tenant Comptan regimental adjutant. This
would leave the company without officers and
tlio vacant places were to be filled at once
by the election of Ernest Cook captain and
two men selected from the ranks on the ba
sis of standing to nil the other positions.
ThU arrangement has been somewhat broken
by the appointment of Lieutenant Compton
as battalion adjutant , but so far as can bo
lentned the original program may be car
ried out. There are two other candidates for
major Captain Moore of Vllllsca and Cap
tain Miller of Medford. Ono thing Is assured
that the full vote of the company hero will
bo cast for Colonel Loper. In the Fourth ,
regiment there Is only ono candidate for the
major's commission , Captain W. A. Kirk ot
Sioux City. The Interest in these elections
Is very keen and this , added to the possi
bility of actual ecrvlco in the field has
caused the local company tn bo recruited to
Its full strength.
In connection with the Interest that Is be
ing felt In tbo Iowa militia now the , re
port of Colonel F. Cooltc , Inspector of
small , which has just been filed wild
the adjutant general , Is of unusual Impor
tance , showing , as , It , does , the extraordinary
efficiency of the Iowa National guard. The
report shows a very gratifying Improvement
In the efficiency of the Iowa troops as marks
men. The repcrt shows that there Is a total
of sixty-nine United States sharpshooters and
marksmen now in ( tie service and that un
der state rules there are 213 diarpshooters
and 343 marksmen , a very large gain over
last year.
Of the regiments the Fourth Is flrat ,
with 490 men , 7 ? per cent firing , 366 com-
plctlng the course and a merit of 67.2 a fine
stowing. The Third regiment follows with
433 men firing , 261 completing the course and
a merit of G4.1. The Second regiment had
394 men firing , 163 completed the course and
Its figure of merit is 36.2. Of all these
show a good Increase ovec last year. The
First regiment had 217 men firing. 84 com
pleting the course and a figure ot merit of
Seven companies have a flerure of merit of
over 100 , viz. : Company M , Fourth , 125.1 ;
Comreny E , Third regiment , Captain Mount ,
Shenandoah , 121.3 ; Company G , Fourth regi
ment. Captain Chantland , Fort Dodge , 116.4 ;
Company L , Third regiment. Captain Pryor ,
Coiir.cil Bluffs ; Company F , Fourth regiment ,
Captain Footer , Algona , 108.2 ; Company U ,
Thltd regiment. Captain Moore , Vllllsca ,
103.6 ; Company B , Second regiment. Captain
Dalzell , Davenport , 100.2. But five can-
panics reached the 100 mark last year.
I'leture Frame * Half Price.
Some people think there Is no truth In our
sale of picture frames at half price. But
do not forget that some of your friends never
bought such bargains In tils Hue. All this
week frames and pictures at half price.
II. L. SMITH & CO. , ,
45 Main street.
STItlKi : GAS.
Conic Upon n I.nrnc Flow While1 l'I > -
Inir Tliclr Trmle.
It Is now possible that the novelty of a
gas -well may be added to the already largo
list of attractions that Council iDluffs pos
sesses. Ad Fry and another workman are
at present engaged In digging a well for
A. T. 'Fltcklnger ' on a lot on Graham avenue
for which Mr. Fllcklnger is asent. Laut
Friday , while at a depth of ninety feet , Fry
struck a sharp point of rock which protruded
a few Inches Into the well , and upon his
breaking off this projection there was a
hissing sound and a rush of gas through
the rock , which proved to bo hollow. The
phenomenon was a new ono to Fry and he
at first supposed that he had hit upon an
underground chamber of air. In a few
minutes , however , he found that the atmos
phere of the well was becoming very suffocat
ing , and ho'was obliged to signal for his
companion to draw him to the surface. The
men had not struck water , and that being
their only aim , they Immediately set to
work to free the well from the gas , using
the means commonly employed by well
diggers In removing Impure air. Later In
the day Fry again ventured into the well
and Inserted a pipe Into the opening in the
rock anil 'by ' attaching other pieces to the
tlrst the pipe was extended to the surface.
This freed the bottom of the well from the
presence of any more gas and enabled the
workmen to proceed.
The gai U still escaping through the gas
pipe and emits a roaring sound. It comes
with the same velocity as when first dis
covered. At the time of the dlicovery the
ta Hie bottom ot the well wu ot a
very hard variety , known as "harJ pan , " A t
good well digger Is only able to go through
about three feet of this dirt In a day. On
Saturday the "hard pan" In the well e l-
dcnly came to an abrupt termination and
quick sand was struck. This sand Is a great
nourco of danger to the well digger and he
I * obliged to suspend himself with a rope a
part of tbo time to avoid sinking.
Better than Klondike. Persons with smaller
or large capital wishing to make Invest
ments that promise large returns should
address or call on L. W. Tulleje , Council
Bluffs , la.
Dr. Keller , osteopath , Beno block.
Service * nt Kilurotvoexl Union Clinrcli.
llev. T. W. Williams preached a very en
tertaining sermon at Edgewood balon church
yesterday afternoon. The special services
being held there will conclude with the
meeting this evening. Rev. J. W. Wilson
of the First Congregational church will
preach and delegations from a number of
the churches in this city will be present.
A general Invitation is extended to Council
'Bluffs ' people to attend the service this even-
Ing. Edgewood church Is non-sectarian and
Is sltuatel on the Shugart farm , formerly
known as Toft's enterprise farm , five mllca
cast of the city. The roads fro In good con
dition and the trip to the church Is a pleasant
moonlight drive.
Our half price sales consist of the fact
that In many Instances our prices , for first
class work and fine goods are only about
one-half what other houses charge for In
fcrtor goods and cheap work.
C. B. Paint , Oil and Glass Co.
Jury Still Out.
The Jury In the Deere , Wells & Co. damage -
ago suit spent the day yesterday In the ef
fort to reach a conclusion concerning the
origin ot the fire that destroyed the agri
cultural Implement warehouses on South
Main street. From all that could be learnci
It was but little nearer a conclusion last
evening than it was on the preceding even
When we frame a picture it always gives
satisfaction both In workmanship and price
That's what makes our art department the
proper place to visit when wanting anything
in that line.
C. B. Paint , Oil and Glass Co. , 'Masonic
J. A. B. cigar leads 'em all.
ItiinlncNH .Man DuiuirlH St
STORM LAKE , la. , March 6. ( Special. )
W. C. Tcrmohlen , who has been for sonv
tlmo engaged In the bakery and rcstauran
business here , left suddenly a few days ago
leaving a number of unsatisfied creditors
Ho was supposed 'to be doing a good bus !
ness. Before leaving he gave a bill of sail
to his father-in-law , J. G. Lundgrcn. As
soon as It became known he had left fo
good , attachments were filed by his father
for $1,000 ; Storm Lake Lumber and Machine
company , $41 ; Howell-Warfleld company
$5S.uO ; D. Glessen Tobacco company , $104.30
C. Shenkbcrg , $228.S6 ; William Lawther & .
Co. , $43.20 ; Palmer & Co. , $78 ; Fort
Grocery company , $100 ; Foci Bros. , $200
Thn building occupied was leased from Foe
Bros. , and the lease has 'ten and one-hal
years to run at $50 pc-r month.
TOTVII Will He Abandoned.
BURLINGTON , la. , March 6. ( Special. )
Chlshollm , a small town in Monroe 'County ,
Iowa , Is to soon have an experience 'that h'Js
come to many a gold and sliver mining boom
city in the west. In a short time It will
cease to bo any more than a memory. The
coal company which owns tlie ? town and
the mlnea which keep it up has notified the
men that the mines will be closed and the
place abandoned. Superintendent Phillips of
the company is expected hero to nettle up
matters and order the machinery and com
pany houses moved to other places. The
Postofflce department will bo notified of the
company's Intention to pull out and It will
order the office closed.
Rilltnr 'Acqnlttcil. ,
WEBSTER CITY , la. , March 6. ( Special. )
W. H. Hellen , editor of . ( ho Williams
Wasp , has been acquitted by a Jury here
after a trial for libel preferred by Fred
Barkhurst , editor of the Stanhope Mall. The
trouble grew out of harsh criticisms In a
political campaign last summer.
town 1'ronM Comment.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil : All of Oem
Horace Boles' financial plans raise the came
constitutional question as to whether his
constitution can stand so many and such
sudden changes.
Des Molnes Register : The number of ap
plicants for membership on the Board of
Control , It seems , has been exaggerated. But
there- are enough. But the fact that many
men asplro to such positions does not In the
least militate against a board ot that char
Sioux City Tribune : It Is said to bo a
[ act that whllo Adjutant General Dyers of
Iowa has received many offers of service
from men In the state who desire to go to
war , only two of the applications were from
men who are willing to serve In the ca
pacity of privates.
Des Molnes Capital : Senator Garst. for
the truvellngmcn , has introduced a bill re
quiring 1,000-mile books to be sold at the
flc't ' rate of $20. We bellovo they arc en
titled to ride on the railroads ot Iowa at
2 cents per mile , and If some bill can be
framed that will gtvo them that privilege
without putting the mileage Into the hands
of the scalpers such a bill ought to pass.
Sloix City Journa' : The atti'.tlon of the
critics of Sioux City , who affect to believe
that this is a wide open town chiefly on
sinful pleasure bent , Is invited to the fact
that besides carrying on a large volume of
rcrioua business , supporting more churches
per capita than Brooklyn , "tho city of
churches , " keeping open magnificent schools
for the oncoming generation , and other moral
and intellectual activities , Sioux City finds
tlmo to lead 230 books per day 'from the
public library.
of Hown. Clinrclim.
The contract for building the new Baptist
church at Iowa Falls will bo let March 15.
The Congregational church people at El
dorado will this spring erect a new par
Rev. C. H. White and his little child are
both confined at their home In Clarinda with
diphtheria In light form.
At Ackley , as the result of revival meetIngs -
Ings , about fifty members have been added
to the Methodist church.
Brooklyn young men have formed an asso
ciation similar In character to a Young
Men's Cbrlstlan association.
On account of poor health Rev. Case of
the Congregational church at Emmetsburg
hea tendered his resignation.
The Catholics of New Hampton will soon
build a church at a ccst ot $30,000 and It will
be one of the finest in northern Iowa.
The Young Men's Christian association at
Jefferson is 'only a year old ; but the local
newspapers are boasting of its good work.
W. A. Sunday is holding revival meetings
at Stuart with remarkable success. There
is no room for the crowds who seek to at
The pastor of the Methodist church at
Denison has just moved Into a new par
sonage , which has been built at a cost of
about $3.500.
The Iowa Central railroad has offered to
give $1,000 to the Young Men's Christian
association of Marshalltown for raising a
debt , provided a like amount la raised from
other sources.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
, ) * 91
r I
Board of Control Bill Mftfn Measure for
Consideration. ,
'i '
Outlook for Oninlia 'Exnonltlon ( Ap-
Iircinrlntlon Monmirb Scum * to He
Uood CoiiMtltntlonn } Amend
ment Will Cau c ( Trouble.
DBS MOINB3 , March 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Saturday , March 26 , Is the day now
commonly fixed as the close of the legisla
tive session. It need bo no occasion for
surprise If the board of control bill passes
both houses In the next five or six dajs.
When this la tlono the great task of the
session is accomplished. A few measures
on the calendars may bo expected to occa
sion considerable debate , but they arc few.
The appropriation bills have been cut to the
bono I and will go through In short order.
The Memorial hall appropriation aqj that
for the Omaha exposition will make vlg
orous contents and the result on both Is
uncertain. The paring of the amounts asked
by the etato institutions has greatly en
couraged the Omaha people and those who
want the Memorial ball cared for and It
looks as If Omaha might after all get a
respectable amount.
The pending constitutional amendment res
olutlons are likely to cause some trouble.
The eenato has thus far declined to pass
the Whelan resolution , and the house In re
tallatlors Is holding up the TltiH resolution.
The former proposes giving each county a
member of the lower house and the latter
proposes a system of biennial elections for
the state. The practically assured passage
of the board of control bill gUcs now strength
to the Whelan resolution , fcr the friends
of the two measures are In the main of the
same group of members In both houses. The
opponents to the board of control bill have
been In the main responsible for the opposi
tion to theWhelan measure and with the
back of that obstructlotvtry policy broken li
the board of control fight It looks as If there
would bo a good chance for the \Vhelaci
m ears u re. The Tltua resolution for ai
amendment to the constitution , lias not come
out of committee and Is unlikely to do so
except with an unfavorable report. It pro
poses to allow juries to consist of less than
twelve men and to permit flvc-felxtlu ? of the
members of a Jury to return a verdict. The
lawyers eeem generally opposed to It.
CJIft to lotvit
ORINNELL , lal , March C. ( Special. )
Mrs. Carrlo A. Rand has again shown her
love for Iowa college by a donation of $1,000
Two hundred and fifty dollars arc for pro
viding a suitable case for old and valuable
books ; $250 for books for the department o
applied Christianity ; the remaining $300 for
the several other departments , according to
their most urgent needs , as shall be deter
mined by a literary comlnlltce , with the ad
dition of President Gates and Prof. Herron
The gift and the uses to which It shall bo
put are entirely the suggestion of Mrs. Hand
I'll ( ill Accident lit HurlliiKton.
BURLINGTON , la. , M'trqli C. ( Special. )
Lieutenant Frank Kalke > bf 'tho United
States army , stationed .Mount Pleasant
as military Instructor a { the Iowa Wcsleyan
college , was killed here" yesterday. He at
tempted to get on a moving train , missed his
footing and was dragged ' under the cars
where ho received fatal Injuries. Ho was
about 30 years old and leaves a wlfo ant !
two children.
Triumph of lo vu flutter
Iowa butter and the Iowa Dairy school of
the Iowa Agrlcultural" * cllege at Ames
have added another .laurel , ' Iff" their victories
says the Marshalltown Times-Republican ,
At tbo National Dairy convention held In
Topeka , Kan. , last week the butter from this
school captured the second , fourth and fifth
prizes In a competition of 500 tubs , coming
from all the dairy states of the union , from
Maine to California , and its prize tub scored
higher in flavor than any other butter or
exhibition. Flavor is universally considered
to be the most Important quality of good
butter and the mcst difficult > to obtain. This
achievement , following the first prize and
sweepstakes premium won by the Iowa Dairy
school butter In the largest state conven
tion last fall , places the school in excellent
standing , particularly as it Is the only
school In the United States that has ever
won any prize in a prominent dairy contest.
Mr. Jerry Sexton , one of the college em
ployes , recently sent a tub of this butter tea
a friend In Vlcksburg , Mlsa. , and the Vlcku
burg Dalrly Herald , in commenting on Its
excellence , said It was the best butter ever
eateu In Vlcksburg. The reputation of the
Iowa Dairy school for the excellence of Its
product has already attracted wide atten
tion and Is commanding a liberal premium
on Us largo output of product , which al
certain seasons of the year reaches 1,000
pounds per day. The students In attendance
are no longer confined to Iowa , but come
from an area of ten or a dozen Plates , one
graduates are filling responsible positions In
every dairy state In the union. The manu
facture of none but the highest grade dairy
products in every butter and cheese factory
In the state would net the dairymen of Iowa
$1,000,000 more money annually than Is real
Izer under present conditions. This Is rap
Idly being accomplished by the graduates o
the Iowa Dairy school.
Cincinnati Woman Claim * Honor
Heretofore ( Hveii to IMUMVlllnril. .
CINCINNATI , March 6. The Enquirer to
day published the following :
Many persons have 'been speaking ct Mis
Frances Wlllard as the founder of the Na
tlonal Woman's Christian Temperance
union. The founder of the Natlona
Woman's Christian Temperance union re
sides in this city. Mrs. McClellan Drowi
was Instrumental In calling the first con
volition Inaugurating the movement In Co
lumbus In February , 1874 , and In Augus
Mr. N. .T. Smith , founder of the Omalii
Itescuo Homo , a philanthropist am
worker amuii the poor , had suffered fo
years with an advanced case of lun > ,
trouble. Evt'ry one will rejoice at his
recovery , lie writes : "I had lung chill
and n slight hemorrhage of the lung *
and was threatened with consumption
My mother and two sisters having diet
with consumption , I exacted the .same
fate , but ! tried Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
and two 2.eent boxes have entirely
cured me of my cough and soreness of
luugs. That tired , sleepy and drowsy
feeling Is all gone and my appetite Is
now good. Praise the Lord for the help
It has given me. I would also add it
lias completely cured mo of catarrh of
long standing. " Dr. Kay's Lung Halm
does not have an equMl for any kind of
cough , cold , lagrippxi cvJu > arsenei'H or
pneumonia ; It Is soldfcjny"druggists at 10
and li.ri cents. Send yc ir-JKldress for free
samples of remedies rtMiFn US-page book
with BO excellent recipe 'and many val
uable prescriptions for , * nearly all dis
eases. Address Dr. D.'J. Kay Medical
Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Drive Wells
Pumps and windmills the Myers Pump la
the best I handle It Pump repairing done
promptly Satisfaction guaranteed.
D. Leyshatn ,
122 Main Struct , Council Bluffs
SUIIKTV IKI.VnS I.owt-xt Illttri.
All surety bonds executed at my olllco.
JAS. X. OASAUV , Jll. ,
M la Street. . . Council Illu * .
allowing ftho went to Chnutnuqua assembly
with a full plan ot organization , which
ho had Incorporated by a committee from
arlous states prevent at that assembly. Ily
rer correspondence the flr , t convention was
ailed at Cleveland In November , 1ST4. where
MliM Wlllard first entered the work and
was made secretary of thd convention , Mrs.
Irown at that tlmo declined the notulna-
lon for the presidency.
Mre. Anna Wlttonmcyer of Philadelphia
was president for five years precedliiR Mis *
Vlllard's euccpMlon to the presidency In
S79. Mrs. Drown was , ill 1ST I , the right
worthy vlco templar of ttio Good Templars ,
vhlch have a constituency of 800,000 paying
members. Mrs. Drown stilt holds the copy-
'Ight of the original plan of work of the
Voman's Christian Tempcrutico union , dated
fanuary 12 , 1S75 , and bearing Iho slgnatuio
of Librarian Spofford and the I'dlclil seal.
Mrs. Ilrown formerly rraldcd at Alliance ,
and later at Plttsbtirg.
nn.vrii UKCOIIII.
Inventor of Carpenter 1'rojeetllcv
READING , Pa. , March 6. James H. Car
penter , Inventor of the Carpenter projectile ,
died here tonight of pneumonia , aged 51
years. Ho wns born In New York , entered
the naval academy and served with distinc
tion In the navy during the civil war. In
18S9 he established the Carpenter steel
works here and became general manager.
The company has filled large government
contracts for projectiles. Mr. Carpenttr ? re
tired as manager a year ago , and since then
has made experiments In steel Improve
ments In New York. Ho was an authority
on matters connected with Iron and stee
and has written on scientific subjects.
C a. I'eternon.
BANCROFT , Neb. , March 6. ( Special. )
C. O. Peterson , one of the oldest and mos
respected citizens of this section of ( lie
state , died In this city an the 4th lust , o
appendicitis. The deceased was ono of the
pioneers of Nebraska , having settled on a
homestead In Cum Ing county In the early
70s. funeral services ) were held today fron
the Methodist Episcopal church.
Hurry Luvell.
HERMAN , Neb. , March C. ( Special. )
Harry Lovell died yesterday In Herman o
consumption. His home was at Sioux City
The deceased was for some years connectci
with the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha railroad and married a Henna
young woman less than a year ago. Th
remains will bo 'taken ' to Sioux City Monda
for Interment.
Prominent HtillronilMini. .
NEW YORK , March 6. Hugh J. Jewctt
the famous railroad financier and for many
years receiver and president of the Eric
died today at the Hotel Uonatr , Augusta , Ga
Mr . HOMO. I * . Ilolioiit.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 6. ( Special. )
Mre. Hcsa I > . llcbout , wlfo of W. L. Debout
a 'Durllngton ' engineer , died toJay , aged 2
years , after a week'n Illness , of pneumonia.
Inane O. Sliepitnnl.
PHILADELPHIA , March C. Isaac C. Shcp
pard , one of the mce > t prominent citizens o
this city , died today , after a lingering 111
ness. Ho was 71 years of age.
Children and adults tortured by burns
scalds , injuries , eczema or skin diseases ma ;
sccuro instant relief by using DeWltfs
Witch Huzcl Salve. H Is the great plk
Ilnrn HiiriiH.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 6. ( Special. )
A barn belonging to Mrs. John McCarthy , In
Wyoming precinct , was burned yesterday
with Its contents , consisting of about 1,50 (
bushels of grain , a quantity of hay , harnes
and farming Implements. The loss Is abou
$2,000 ; partially insured. Tbo origin of the
fire Is unknown.
Arnold's Dromo Celery cures headaches.
lOc , 25c and COc. All druggists.
Fair 'Day with Variable Wlncln , Ile-
ciimlnir SmitlmeNterly.
WASHINGTON , March C. Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska , Missouri , Kansas and Iowa
Fair ; variable winds , becoming southwest
For South Dakota Pair ; southwesterly
For Wyoming Fair ; variable winds.
House Will Take Up and Posh the Senate
Measure This Week ,
Oiiponltlon tn thp l'roio cil Incrrnao
UUni | Mir nnd Thrre In Little
Doubt of 1'nt orutilc
WASHINGTON , March 6. H Is probable
that both the bill for the relief of 4ho sur-
vlvore and the victims of the Malno disas
ter and the Bcrwto bill creating two addi
tional regiments of artillery with \\hlch to
man the coast defenses wilt pass the hou c
this week. The former bill was held up
until It could bo Investigated , as It was
said that the special bill for the relict of
the survivors and the victims of the Samoan -
moan wreck In 18SS led to some scandal.
That bill was loosely drawn and It has been
asserted some advantage of its provisions
were taken. The present bill has been care
fully drawn and Is now wtlsfactory to Mr.
Cannon , chairman of the committee on ap
Practically all opposition to the artillery
bill has now disappeared In the house. The
leaders were , It is said , In favor of delaying
action on it to allay public alarm , which
might hnvo been Intensified had It been
rushed through the house as it was through
'tho ' senate.
Beyond action on these two measures the
house program this week , so far as Is now
anticipated , Is entirely peaceful and has no
reference to possible foreign complications
Tomorrow is District of Columbia day , am1
Friday , by special order , has been set aside
for the consideration of the Bowman ac'
claims bills.
The Thorp-Dppa contested election case
will occupy two , poselbly three , days , am'
sucli tlmo as remains will probably bo cotr
suuieil In the consideration of the postolllcc
appropriation bill , which Is expected to be
ready by Wednesday.
Any unlocked for development In the
Spanish situation might change the program.
The Hcnato will In all probability begin
the week with the consideration of the bill
making appropriations for the District of
Columbia , and when this Is completed will
take up the conference report on the legis
lative , exesutlvo and Judlcl-U appropriation
bill , which ha been agreed upon and will
bo made to the senate tomorrow.
U la considered quite probable the
district bill will consume two or three days ,
or even more. One or more of the ques
tions In this bill which may arouse debate
Is the action of the senate committee on ap
propriations In striking out the Item In the
bill as It came from the house limiting tele
phone charges in the district. There will be
an effort to restore 'this provision. The cen
sus bill , the Methodist book agent bill and
Senator Pettlgrew's bill donating 5 per cent
of the proceeds of 'the sales of public lands
to the various states In which the lands are
located will contend for right of way when
there are no appropriation bills to receive
attention , and It la as yet uncertain which
of them will bo first taken up.
All of these may be antagonized by the
annexation treaty , but the plans of the for
eign relations committee with reference to
the treaty are so far too Indefinite to per
mit any prediction as to what it will do.
There are three little things which do
moro work than any other three little things
created they are the ant , the bee ami
DoWltt's Little Early Risers , the last being
the famous little pills for stomach and liver
troubles. .
For I'riiiluvi-rH mill Shipper * .
WASHINGTON , March C. ( Special. ) The
Interstate Commerce commission has Issued
for public information a book showing all
existing national , state and local commercial
organizations and all national , state and lo
cal agricultural associations , and the vari
ous railway associations , their locations and
the names of the president , secretaries and
commissioners. A list confined to commercial
organizations was Issued by tbo commission
about three years ago , which , though by no
mcira complete , speedily came to bo In great
demand as a mailing list and for reference
purposes in all parts of the country. In com
pliance with many requests the present re
vised and extended list has been prepared.
The new list embraces about 3,500 boards
of trade and other commercial societies ,
about 4,000 agricultural associations and ap
proximately 300 railway organizations.
Two ways
to use up clothes rubbing them on a
washboard , and washing them with
harmful things. Unless you want to
waste money , don't do either. Use
Pearline. Use Pearline rightly ,
and there's no washboard needed.
No rubbing to speak of. No
wear. No hard work. As for the
safety and utter harmlessness of
! , _ . Pearline , let its twenty years of un
interrupted and constantly-growing success talk. Anything
that hurts or weakens the clothes couldn't be used , year in
and year out , by millions of careful women. KS
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell yon.
Beware "this is as good as" or "the fame as Pearline. " IT'S
FALSE Pcarlino is never peddled ; if your erocer send *
un mion. bhostm / it luk , JAMES New York
OUR YOUNG SlllllllltS
Are courageous and .ill seem willing to fight for the honor of
their country , and they would look nice in bright , new uni
forms. All this war talk may blow over , but the little sol
diers to fight our battles in years to come should not be over
looked. They will look nice in their bright , new spring
suits , and we have something in that line to please everyone.
Our spring consignment of
Children's Suits ,
Children's Waists ,
' Suits
Boys' ,
and youths' wearing apparel of all kinds has just arrived and
has been placed on sale. We invite you to call and inspect
our line of goods. You are sure to be satisfied , as no other
house in the west has a better line of clothing.
18 and 20 Main St. nnd 17 and 19 Pearl St.
br our full tn tniMit of Turkish L' i ules
furtLOO. MrM Lowes. D r I * " * * , erre I Eruptions cured . br TorUtk . I
iHytihlUs Can. ntrcr fstli.
orUrxlatrouhl Uurod
* u perfect ss TOU
cverwera. Wft Bke luMlclocc I Cull treatment wllft g un-
< our own
. I , , . . I
.n4jroucuirel MKettUrwll. W ltn * Ue lifcOtti Ulo UloMst.M.
written iruumaM * with full cur * . Bluet * I HAHN'S PHARMACY.
. .
lloi.ilMby m U.lltnrs _ I'mmiiCT. I llthand yt
The Word * of I''rlcmU Are Urutilna
nn l llrllnlitr.
It Is eny for jvoople to talk nbout them-
solved , and stnte wtmt they tnny have done ,
but It la fur bolter < o hnvo oilier iifoplo
nipak for you. The words which follow arn
the fr.uik exirc * lens of people who kno > . i
of what they vnk.
Ilov. Win. W. Whitney , of t.lnllthgo , N.
Y. , says : "I Inivo lifdi nilllctM > more or le. *
for Klx yearn IMst with malaria , ague. huv
hail pneumonia three tlmrs nml hnvc bociv
troubled r.Uth bronclilcnl nml cntarrhnS
trouble of the throat Two yours ngo 1 hart !
the grip , which ran Into catnrrhnl pncti-
nionla. Whllo In this rotulltlon I Iwgan
taking something of which I Imd heard )
much , nml nin rrjolccil to say tint I hnvo
bcon prnrtle.tlly eurod by the use of Duffy
pure mult whiskey.
Sir. John K. Ch.T'e. Amehury , Mnss. ,
say * : "For POMIP six yonrs past my wlfo hu :
boon sufteilng Trom nervous tiro.'trntlon.
For yonrs she \\n : troubled with Insomnia
.ml . nothing roconvmemloil by thfi mosl
mlnent iphyslclnns would Induce sleop.
Jndor the ndvlce of jihyslclun nlie rcoe-ntly
rlod Duffy's malt -wh'skoy ' In * mall nuantl-
Ion and with the most : satisfactory results.
A'hllo Mrs. Cluisn Iws always boon staunch.
n her toinporanco principles and consistent
n practice , she. has no he ltatlon In rccom
mending to Invalids who ncul a gentle
tlmulant , Duffy's pure milt whl key. "
K. C. Avlla , of the Hrooklyn association
'or Improving the condition of the poor.
inys : "I have used Duffy's malt -whiskey
'or the past two years , having suffered from
evcrc headaches and neivous ( prostration.
. have boon very much relieved by the us
of the whisker amV 'have ' Rained nearly
seventeen pounds In weight. "
The ubovo st.itctncnts speak for them *
G.W.Pang.eM.D. ;
Kcutler of IJlHonHCH or tucii and
PROPRIltTOU 01' Till }
World's llorbiil Iliicninry ] of Mcillcliw
I cniti-Catarrh : of Hrnd , Throat mid
Lungs , PlM'iiM'H of l/o nnd liar , 1'ltn nnd
Apoplexy , Ik-art , I.lver nnd Kidney Diseases ,
Dliibotex , llrlKht'H Disease , St. Vitus Dnnee.
lUioiiniiitlsin , Scrofula , Dinpsy cured without
hipping , TIIIICI Worm * reimnctl , all chioula
Nervous anil Privnto Diseases.
LOST R > All H U U D uVlddle'iiHCd men.
CVnilll 1C Only PhyFlclnii who can
SYrtlfiLldi properly CHI oH VI'III MS
without destroying teeth and bones. No mer
cuiy or poison mineral used.
The only 1'hyslclnn who can tell what alll
you without iigkiniru question ,
These at n distance send for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. 2 lor women.
All correspondence strictly confidential ,
Mcdlclno sent by express.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
605 HromUuiy , COUNCIL liMIFFS , IA
tgTBond 3-ccnt BtHinu for retilr.
Need repairing. I can do this to satis
faction. All kinds of repairing done
reasonable. Fine line of pumps tor sale.
J , B. SWEET ,
Attortiey-at-Law and
Notary Public.
. .O.M : MfiiiT. .
In the Latest and Most Successful Three *
Act Comedy.
10 Real Actrerscs 10 4 Real Actors 4
7 Great Comedians 7 22 In All 22
Prices Sic , JOc and 75c ; boxes , $1.00. Scats
now on sale.
Fen SALI : or
" "
Attorney-at-Law ,
18 Pearl Street , Council llluffi , la.
20 ncres of splendid land , partly Improved , I
miles from rinttamouth , 3 mllen fioni I'acino
Junction ; J10U caih , balance In 10 annual pay
An 85-acre Improved farm , with G acre * of ttm-
tier , 8 mile * mat of Uunla | > , .GV& mllca north *
wcrt ot Harllnit , In the best part of Shelby
county , la. : Ktxxl nclKliborhood , ' , i of a mile
from a KUM school houve , 2 ROJ.Iveils , rprlng
In the pasture , small home und lmpro\enu < nln ;
about to ncres In cultivation , balance In pas
ture ; pretcnt price , 3J per acre ; > i will b *
taken In Council IIIuffB or Omaha Improve
property , or Kill take part of the purcl.aia
money In Rood work horses , or In cuttle ; 10
years' tlma clven on the balance In annual
This property Is for rent for. season or ISM
at a reasonable rental.
Qood farms for rent for season of IE08 anil ISO *
to revponslble parties at aery reasonable
rental. Improved farms for rale In 1'ottawat-
tnmlo county , la , , ut a reasonable price , part
cash , balance on lone time In annual pay *
ments. - -
Apply to
Attorncy-at-Lair ,
It Pearl Street , Council ItlurfB , Is. |
Unds for nalt or rent. l > y A Ken. w Pearl
Mills Co. , Iowa , 20 acres In cultivation , bal
ance In tlmt r and pasture ; a bargain If ( old
soon. Adilreis X 12 , Uee Olllce , Council
muffs , Iowa.
township , Kooil terms ; SO acres under cultiva
tion ; some fruit ; 6 acres of pasture ; Z'i ' mile *
from city limits ; splendid chance for homo
with small capital. Addrcts Joteph Evans ,
poitofllce , Council muffs.
pled by I'eterion & Schooiilng , Kouth Main St. ,
April lit. Apply to J , J. Drawn , 2IC 7th St.
place to work out of school lours. Take care
of hone or help In ofllre , AddreM U , lit *
oflK * .
PIJHI : IIHAMAII iaos : , u > C-KNTS A scr
tlnir. A. II. Howe , Council Illuffs.
ourl river Iwltom land , 24 mil routh of
Council muffs. Address Hen Muiks , Council
Inttructioni. Albln Iluitcr , ftudu
VIOLIN 131 Uroidwax. Qcrroin metbaA
of Drcidtn ConMrvatorr *