> - EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. -/A ESTABLISHED JTKE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOKNING , 3IAKCJUG , 1808 TWENT5T-FOUH PAGES. SINGLE c'opr FIVE CENTS. OUT LIKE THESE INDICATE WHERE TO BUY The newest and best productions the markets afford are here at Hayden's in endless variety for early spring customers. You can compare our prices with any house in America and we'll win by the comparison , We'll set our stocks against the cornbined stocks of any three stores in the city offering without brag or bluster the most marvelous display ever made in the Transmississippi country. The satisfaction of selecting "Wo nre agents for the But- what you want from unlimited assortments of newest styles is yours if you buy at Hayden's ; and also Mail orders filled promptly. timiH terick Nolo naw Patterns patterns thu 1'ilco , and reductions publica- on the the satisfaction of knowing that you are paying an average of fully 25 per cent less than similar goods share Get your in the name big on bargains. our list and HAYDENs can be had outside of "The Big Store. " The power of spot cash buying was never more evident HAYDEN than in this page full of sterling values. s Silk Department. Special Inducements , A vast collection of finest silks the nobbiest styles of every leading manufacturer represented in our mammoth silk department If prices are of significance Monday will be the Banner Bargain Day , IWASHA'OLQ ' SILKS , In every now and leading sbade. 500 pieces to select from 25c Monday's banner bargain price les.3 than cost of manufacturing only PLAIN A'ND ' OHAN3B.VnLE SILKS , in ho'.Ci fllk and satin finish , bright , pretty 25c shoJcs , will make excellent-llnlnga , Monday's banner bargain price only. . . . rijAIN SILK , in extra fine ( juallty , In new reds , new greens , cerises , blues and 39c all other wanted shadlngs , 230 pieces , all go at Monday special price GRAND SPECIAL IN FANCY SILKS 373 pieces of finest Fancy Silks , in every color Imaginable , In stripe * , plaid * , brocades , checks. In fact everything that U shown In the newest of Silks , llsht silks , dark rllks , silks worth $1.00 , $1.23 , 69c $1.GO , all go in ono lot at Monday'a grand bargain price 40 pieces PLAIN BLACK JAIX\NR7E WASHABLE SILKS , the most serviceable 39c Silks made , Monday's special price CLACK GRENADINES , 14 inches wide , Calnty stripes , ( Monday's tpecial price. . . 98c LADIES' NEW Silk Waists and Blouses. Ladles' new Silk Waists , made ot heavy warp taffeta silk , In stripes , checks , 4.50 changeable and plain colors , very full trent , at . Ladles' Waists and Blouses , In tatln , black and colored , full front , with bias and straight tucks , perfect ( It gimrantrcd , at 5.98 Ladles' Waists , In handsome large plaids and solid colors , In silk or eatln , tucked back and front , all colorings , at 7.98 COO dozen ladles' new Shirt Waists , in ginghams , percales , madras and or gandie , pretty colorings all absolutely fast , at OOe , 73c , SSc 1.25 Flno Figured Brlllantlno Dress Skirts 98c Drcsa Skirts maJo of fine quality moh.ilr , double lined all through , at 1.75 Dress Skirts In plain sorges and brllllantlne , also black anJ colors , novelty goods , thoroughly well made , at 2.48 'All ' our fine Dress Sklrta at 3.39 Handsome Croa Grain and Satin Brocade Dress Skirts , new cut , perfect bang , at 4.98 Dress Skirts made ot fine figured sjllk ; also the new Bayadere stripe , lined with finest quality soft percallno at 7.50 Ladles' Dark Print Wrappers In turkey red and blue , at 59c Ladles' Percale Wrappers , separate wash lining , trimmed with braid , at 75c Ladles' extra heavy Percale Wrappers , wldo skirts , Hnlshed seams , trimmed with deep embroidery , worth $1.75 , at 1,25 Wash Dress Goods. Monday we will show a line of the finest domestic dimities made , Juat received and all particularly attractive at at15ca yard Scotch Ginghams In the swellest colors checks , plain and broken plaldj ; light and dark , all new , choice goods , at v 25c a yard We excel In the lines of organdies , Irish dimities , Scotch muslins , batistes , percales , etc. We never made such a satlcfactory showing as now. Monday's Special Sale. 80 places of dark and medium , color stand- That wo are Belling lots of Wash Goods la and prints ( not remnants ) at well known to every lady who has visited at3ic a yard thto Mammoth Department In 'tho ' last 15 COO yards ot Satin striped 35-inch German days. I Organdies in light ami dark grounds ; worth COc a yard , ealo price Anil why shouldn't we ? We have twice the amount ot space devoted to this line of 25ca yard dress utuffd and the popular verdict Is we 1,000 yards ot yard-wide percale fast col- ( ALWAYS have the CORRECT THINGS and ore at 1 ( PRICED alwaya In a manner to Insure big selling. 5ic a yard JttSt Opetied--A NEW LINE OF White Crochet Bed Spreads , Marseilles patterns , extra large size , on sale Monday first time at $1.00 each. There are a few more of those extra largo Spreads on which AVC had such a rush last Monday , at $1.35 each. Another case of those fine Marseilles Spreads , 11-4 size , at $2 00 each. If you are in need of While Bed Spreads see either of these three special bargains. Now line of Tapestry T.ible Covers 4-4 nt The largest nnd best selected stock of 49a t'a Oo ; C-l at T" c to J1.23 ; S-4 at (1.S9 to Outing- Flannel at Be Sc , nnd lOc ynrd If J2.GO ; 10-4 nt $2..rX ) tor J3.50. Also new de- In need of Comforts or Blankets go to elgiiB nnd Bprlng styles In Chenille Covers 4-4 nt 23e to 430 ; C-4 at TSc to $1.50 ; S-4 at headquarters. Wo carry the stock anil 11.59 to JPJ.23 ; 10-4 nt $2.23 to $3.50. make the prices. The Big Store leads them Wo have a largo stock of the Table Cov nil in Blankets , Comforts and Whlto Bed ers ( or you to select from. Examine. Spreads. We are Headquarters for K' t i Sheeting and Muslin. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY. K'I 4-4 Berkeley Cambric at 7 3-4o I Heady made Sheets , torn and Ironed 4-4 extra heavy LL Muslin at 3 ; Wo | _ largo s > izo _ 4-4 soft finish illeaoliod Muslin at. . 4Jc Ready to use Slips at Go I Look wood Sheeting ( bleached ) at. . 14ol LINENS. LINENS , Persian Damask , guaranteed colors , 25c German Sliver Jlleached at 49c yard. yard Celebrated Clyde Damask at 39c yard. Turkey Red Damask , guaranteed colors , Austrian Damask , two yards wide , at 18c yard. 47Hc ynrd. TurKey Damask , oil colon , at S7V4c Irish linen , full bleached Double Damask , yard. CD Inches wide , at 9c yard. yard.Heavy Scotch Damask at 27tfe yard. SPECIAL CRASH SALE. All Linen Crash , Gc yard. All Linen Crash , IS inches wide , at Sc. Glaus Toweling at M&c yard. Honey Comb Crash at 2'lc. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. Extra flno Nainsook , 12V4c yard. Stripe and Check Nainsook , 6Uc , and Pine nimltlea at lOc , 12Hc and ICc. ! 0c. Plquej at lie , 25o and 35e. 40-Inch Apron Lawn at 7V c. Victoria Lawn , lOr , 12\4c and IGc. Welts at SSc and 35c. Lappet Curtain Snlu , 36 Inches wide , at IniU Linens at 6 He , 8 Vie , lOc and 15c. . ri&la Salts at 20c. 25c and 35 c. ID-Inch black India Llneu at Dotted CurUla SwUt at 12 Vic. Monday's Millinery Sale. New and pretty display of early spring flowers now ready for our many customers at Hayden Bros. Usual low prices. Violets , geraniums , sweet pean , nasturtiums , pansles , hlstlcs , foliage and an endless variety rasces In all shades. Prior to our grand spiing opening we arc cs'ng out the balance of our winter trimmed i a Is and all winter millinery at your own I irlces. A rare opportunity to save money on In all shades. Jewelry ' Dept. | 00 gents' Stem Wind nnd Set Watches , varrantcd to keep good time , nlekcl lies. Stili Price 08 ; eneh. cuts' Gold Plated Watohcs , with \mcrican mndu movements , $2 OS. tidies' nnd Gents' Gold Filled Hunting 3uf.ii Watch , bouutlfully engraved , line ilgin or Wulthum movements , Sulo : 'rice S10.05. 00 quad1 uple plated Tea Sots , conhist- ng of foui1 pieces , buvai * , spooner cream * cr nnd tea pat , beautifully engraved and .jT-ild lined. Sale PrUe i.05 per set. gorb'12 dwt Knives ot- Forks $1.10 or bet of 0 piedes. Rogers' Al Ten Spoons ( iOc for 0. Rogers' Al Table Spoons SI.US for 0. Sterling Silver Novelties in endless va- iety elegant dressing combs , iiles , ) utfunhookseais , tooth brushes , etc. , etc. , lOc each positively wqrth 81.00. Ml of our Mo Files and Hooks go at 25c each. Nickel Alarm decks S5i. Eight day > nk , half hour strike nnd alarm. # 2.60. Enameled Iron Clocks , eatlied'-al gong , eight day , half hour strike , $3.05 egular value SO.OO. Hay dun Bros. * No Apology for heavy cuts wo make from now on Simply Pianos Must Move , Prices Ara So Low. Steinways , Fischers , Knzibes , Vose & Sons , Ivors & Pond , Emerson , etc. , all at a great reduction from former prices. Everything cut except the Chickering. Pianos as Low as $115.00. Furniture Specials. Our new lines of I3aby Carriages nre now in , at J3.S5 , $4.50 , $0.50 and $ S.CO. Fine larfio Bed Room Suit , serpentine front , at $15.C > 0. Other Suits at $ a.50. $12.0) , JH.S3. Cane Seat Chairs at C3c , 73c. 85c , $1.10. Iron Uc < la at J2.DO. J3.50 nml $4.23. Wool Top Mattresses nt $1.33 , $ UO , $1.73. For Monday only , Woven Wire Springs , $1.00. BIG Stationery Sale. Irish linen paper , 20c pound. Envelopes to match , lOc package. Commercial note paper , 15c ream. Envelopes , 3c and 5c package. Tablets at le , 3c , Cc and lOc. Mem. books at 3c and Sc. Playing card > 3 , Sc and 12c pack. 100 elegatitly engraved visiting cards , with plate , $1.00. Evaporated Fruits Peaches , Peara , Apricots , Plums or Black berries these are the prices for Monday : New Muecatel Raisins 3 > c and EC Valencia Raisins , only..64c ! , 7Vic and 8' c New California Prunes..3Vic , 5c and 6Vic New California Raisin Cured Prune * . . 7'/4c New Salt Lake Peaches , only 6V4c New California Peaches , only 7 0 New Lemon Cling Peaches , only 8V4c New Bartlett Pears , Monday 8'/sc New Apricots , 'Monday ' 8V4c New Seeded Raisins , In packages . . . . Hardware , Stoves and Howsefurnishing Department. SPECIAL MONDAY ALL DAY SALE. Did you know nails wire going up. Such Is the fact with every dealt' ' . In the land. Hut ours go down. Koto the prices : ,20-D nails on Monday , rer 100 | 1.75 10-D nalla on Monday , per 100 1.80 S-D nails on Monday , per 100 1.S5 Wood wash tub , on Monday 2Sc A gooi :0c wash board , on Mcnday. . . . 9c Heavy No. 8 tin copper bottom wash boiler . CDc Mrs. Potts' Irons , per set , Monday. . . . C2c Good large gvanlte dleh pan , Mcnday. . 29c Large No. S grant o teskettle. Monday. C9c Poultry netting , per 100 sijr. feet , Monday - day 37 > ,4c Hunting coop , n good oto , Monday. . . . $1.29 Well buckets , Monday . . ' 21c 25c folding lunch boxes , Monday" . . . . . lie BOc Japanned bread boxes , Monday. . 29c 35c No. 8 steel spider , Monday IPc COc gas stoves , Monday i. . . 19c lOc graters , Monday 3c Stoves ! "Stoves ! Just received , a carload of the celebrated MASON & DAVIS STEEL RANGES , the FINEST and. . HEST on EAHTH. Come nud get our prices. Wo sell them ao cheap as others sell the poorest range made. Wo have a good steel range , 4-hole , with water front and high shelf , for.$21.93 Can soil you a 6-hole ra'age , with res ervoir and largo 20-inch oven , for. . 12.93 A too No. 8 8iu2'o cook stove for. . . . 7.95 2 burner gasoline atove , boat made. . . . 2.39 . . ; Carpets You will socn have to take up that old carpet and put down something new. With new goods arriving every day , and the Im mense stock on hand.Vwe'-are better prepared than ever to meet every "ffisto and purse. Best all wool Ingraln-carpets at'Ejc ya'fd. " All wool art squares , ' In all sizes. SO-ln. Smyrna rugs at $1.GO. Curtains and Shades In this are an endless variety of the new est curtain goods. 40-tn. sash muslin , 12 ! c. Humcd muslin curtains ; OOc pair. All other styles at very lowest prices. COO dczcn go on Kale 'Monday. ' They are a good opaque cloth , mounted on spring rollers and In good line ot colors. 7-foot long at 2oc. , i- . 6-foot long at 20c. Wall Paper Our prices on wall pan.cr are lower than all others. The styles and colorings the beat. Clearing out present papers , rem nants , etc. , to make room for several cara of goods soon to arrlvo.j Whlto blanks go nt 4 < T and Cc. Nine-Inch border , .IVio yard ; 18-Inch bor- bcrs , 3c and 4c. Gilts at Cc , 7',4c. Sc , 3c , lOc and 12c , with 9 and IS Inch borders. _ Heavy enamel finish In all the very latest styles and colors at ICc , ; IT'/ic , 20c and 25c. Jugralns at lOc , 12J c. 15o and 20c. ROOM MOULDIN03 'AND PAINTS. 1 % oak , pine , cherry , 2c foot. IVi fancy colored glltsrat 3V c and 4c. 2-In. fancy colored gilts at 4'c and Cc. Best ready mixed paints , $1 gallon. -Carriage black anil , vermllllon , " ,4-plnts , 2Cc ; pints , 40c. Blcyclo enamel In a'll'uptodate colors , U-plnt. 20cj varnish wood stalna at low prices. > China Departttjent 150-candIo power niikle-plated lamps , with shade , center drat .Juuo burner ; regular price , $2.60 , our prlec , < K49. All kinds and slits , decorated lamp globes , from 59c up. ' - , 1 Success water niters. , filters water as clear as crystal ; 5-gAllon sze ! , 10-gallon I capacity I. . . , $3,95 Gallon milk crocks.v..r 3c Wash bowl and pltchcra , 24c each. lOc and ICc bowls.J.--\ , . . . Cc and 7c Krult saucers . . . .7. . . . . . . 2 e All odita and ends In decorated plates. . 5c Cut tumblers and engraved goblets..3c and Cc White granite cups and Queers le each Doll baby cabs.,1. . . , . . . , , 19c Lowest ; j 'i Drug Prices. Cutlcura Ilesolvent . ; . < 70c Syrup ot Pigs at . . . . < > i 32c Caatoria at . 22c Warner's Safe Cure \ . . - 80c Scott's Bmulelon of Cod ? Liver Oil G6c Palne's Celery CompoWd at G5c Cutlcura Soap at . .i. . . , 15 ( Woodbury's Soap 15 < Talcum Powder at 7V4' ' Thompson's Reef , Iron and Wine at. . . 23 < Pure Food Department READ THESE PUICD3 CAREFULLY. A PEW PLAIN FACTS AND FIGURES. Any Brand of Laundry Soap 10 bars. . . . 25c Santa Clans Soap , 10 bars 25c Silk Soap , 10 bars 23c Domestic Soap , 10 bars , . . , 25c All Brands or Laundry Soaps , 10 bars. . 25c White Rusulan , White Paris , lloo Cake , etc 2V4c .Thero Is a great war going on between the largo soap manufacturers. Soap Is lower than It has been for live years. If the war continues soap will go much lower In a very abort time. Rally lllcusom Teas , per can 5c Lima Beans , per can tic String Beans , pep can Cc Whlto Wax Beans , per can Be 3-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes , worth 12V4o S'4c 3-pound cans Choice Tomaloca , worth lOc , each " -lie lied Kldnoy Beam' , largo cans Cc Caked Bcanr ( Boston ) Cc 3pound cans Golden Pumpkin or Squash 7' c 3-pound cans very fine pumpkin , only Cc 3-pound cans California Fruits , really worth 18c per can , put up for table use , only 12Vic Butter and Eggs. Fresh country roll butter..12&C , lllc , ICc Country tub butter , 12'c. lie Dairy butter ICe Creamery butter ICc Scrorator creamery butter ISe 20c West I'olnt , Waterloo and Elgin separator creamccy butter in bricks received frcoh every morning. Our creamery butter wo guarantee to eult tdo most fastidious taste. Kegs , strictly fresh , per dozen lOc It Will l ny You to Visit the Cracker Department Our crackers and cakes arc alwaya the freshest and brst. A large assortment of fancy goods to packages. A full line ot nattlp Creek sanitarium health foods. Read these prices for Monday : A. 13. C. soda or oyster crackers Co A. n. C. ginger snaps.- Tc r/rconcr's I/inch lUo Newport F'cikcs lie Shredded whole wheat lie Graham crackaa end oatmeal crackers. . lOc 1'rolyels at lie ; fine mixed cookies at. . . . lOe Transmississippi Cheese Dept Don't fall to attend this great Gale of cheese. Cream chcote , only lOc Wisconsin full cream cliccte He. ' Herkimer Co. full cream 12'c ' Ohio Swlsa checfic 12'ic Finest Imported Swiss 30c Young American IS' ti Sage cheese , Herkimer Co ICc Edam 85c Pineapple C5c Cumembcrt 20c Fancy gloss Jars , Club House 2S ( . Llmbcrger 12 b Fancy brick cheese 12V4c Neufchatel , only > 3'/&c ' Sap Sago 5c Having just received a caiload lot , In it wo flnd every kind ot cheese made , which we put on sale Monday at prices unheard or before. Cut Prices on Meats for Monday No. 1 sugar cured picnic hams , Monday Dc Pickled Tripe 4o Prime cornel bi of 4c Pickled pig pork G'X-c No. I sugar cured hams SUc Best bologna saucago Gc Summer rsausigc , IlrannschwerEcr 12V c Gocd salt pork 4c Pickled pigs' feet 4c All potted goods 4c 3-pot < nd palls best kettle rendered lard. . 2U C-pound rails best kettle rendered lard. . 32c AT THE TUANSMISSISSIPPt HEAD- QUAnTERS. Fish ! Fish ! Fish ! At the Tratistnississippi Headquarters , Snow whlto boneless codfish 4V& ( Norway herring , Monday only. . . . 3Vfe < Middle chunks belt codfish 9Vic Family white flsb only 3V& < No. 1 whlto fish , largo fancy catch 8'/i < Mackerel , 3V&c and Gi Round shore mackerel , CV4c and % Fresh mackerel , very fine lOi Norway mackerel ( fat and white ) , only.2V& < Wo carry a full line of all kinds of emokei flsb and Lenten goods at very low prices. Seedless naval oranges , per dozen 12V4i Haloween dates , per pound , only 5 New Turkish figs , per pound , only. . . . . . 9'/&i VUlt our fish department this week to bargains. HAYDEN BROS. The Leading Dress Goods Stock in the West. We find we have twice as many spring dress goods as wo have room to display them. To reduce our slock wo will place , in the center dress goods aisle 1,000 pieces of spring dress goods , every yard manufactured for spring ' 08 , at the following ridiculously low prices. Wool henriettas , all colors and black , worth 15c at 9c yard. One half wool novelty mixtures , sold at 19c , in this'salo at 12ic yard. Beautiful mohair figured , all colors and black , worth 25c at 15c. Splendid line of half wool novelties , sold elsewhere at 25c in this sale only I9c. Shepard plaidscliecka and all kinds of mixtures , sold by other houses at yOc , in this sale only 21c. POPULAR GRADE FANCIES. Jacquard fancies , in all colors , no blacks , the 40c grade , on sale at 25c. All wool mixtures made lo sell at 45c , on sale at 29c. Wo will sell a few cases of novelty mixtures that are sold everywhere at 59 , lKc ) , 79c and up to $1 , in this sale at ,3ic ) , 49c , 59c ; ind G9c. We Excel in Black Dress Goods Two styles of Imported novelties sold In town at ft..1) . J.J.OO , $ > t.uO ; our prlcu In this Suitings. sulo only $ U'S. ' Kvcrythlng" In tailor ' suitings 'from 30o to Wo c.ury n complete flock of the cele- $2.00 ynrd. iirntnl IMIwtley's bl.\i'k goods at one-third Everything In novelties nnd mixtures at Icsi thnn any other liuuxe. from lijo up to $ "i.OJ yaul. We have over 200 styles of black woods. Mall orders tilled rip IOIIK as above Roods ld by other liotisos from $1.CO to Jl.uO ; our last. Samples sent if you wtutc Just what Is Iirlco In this sale from S9c to 79e. wanted. Boys' and Children's Department Examine the clothing worn by the children of Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs and you will find Hayden Bros' label on seven suits out of every ten. While this proves that we sell the bulk of the children's clothing in Oma ha , it also proves we were the first house in Omaha to sell a nobby , fancy child's suit with out a fancy price attached to it. Nobody knows this better than the mothers of this entire community. This spring we show the Largest and most com plete line ohoys' and children's clothing in ; America. This may seem strong language but : we except no house or no city. Five large tables are devoted to children's suits alone and these are only a sample of the 10,000 suits in our stock room. At : 95c we sell you a suit the equal of any $ J.50 suit ever sold in. Omaha. At $1.25 we will match any $2.00 suit in the west. . Our $1.50 and $1.75 suits surpass anything you ever bought : at $2.5Q. At $2.50 , $2.75 and $2.95 , we defy any house in. America to show a line the equal in finish , making quality and. styles. These are knee pant suits , ages 3 to J6 years , made in. Vestee , Juniors and double breasted suits. Boys' Long Pant Suits , Every boy from 14 to 20 years old should visit this department before buying a. suit. Hero you can find the VERY CUEAAI of production. Cheviots , cnssl- ncres , plain and fancy worsteds , we have in the very latest stvlos and designs. iDommencing nt * 't.75 wo lead yen by easy btages through the different weaves of /abricf , showing you the best finished , bet.t tailored nnd nobbiest patterns over Been in Omaha at $ o , $0 , $0.50. $7.50 up to $11.50 , where wo stop and introduce you to the nobbiest Milt over sold at that price. We will back up every word , and syllable of this ad by proJiulir the goods on demand. Our Specialties in Men's Spring Hats. Our .r)0c luit for imm is a mixed fur , silk trimmed , leather- Bweatband , makes a good every day hat for any man , in rail road or Fedora styles. Our 7f > c hat is all fur , silk trimmed , a good Bweatband , some silk lined , in all styles. Our ยง 1 hat stands without , equal , containing fine fur felt , silk bindings , full leather sweatband , lined or unlined , in all the new and staple styles , for spring ; also stiff hats. An elegant line of stift hats for $1.25 , for which hatters , get $2.00. Special Values in Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings. 1,000 dozen men's Duo White Unlaundered Shirts , made up with all the latest and newest Improvements , 4-ply all linen bosom and 4-ply neckband. In all sizes from 14 to 17 % , made to sell at 75cMonday' * price. . . 100 dozen Men's and Do > s Suspenders worth ISc , at GOO dozen men's fine New Neckwear , String and Bind Bows , In all the latest patterns , north COc , at Five cases men's Sox , In black and tan and fancy itrlpw , the regular 25c qual ity , at three tor Men's Working Shirts In dark and light colors. In madras cloth , percale and cheviot , worth 60c and 75e , at , , The largest line of men's line Colored and White Shirts ever shown In Ms-4 t country at 29c , 45c , 73c and , . J " Men's at and llojs' Sweaters , In black , blue , maroon and green Or1 GOO dozen ladles' fast black nnd tan full seamlrsi Hose special value , only per pair . . . . lOc 1,000 dozen chililrpn'o fet > t black Illcycle Hose , doublet knee anJ heel and toe , north 25c , at , tQO dozen ladles' lluilln Drawers- worth 25c , p lr , 122c.