THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAKCII 0 , 1898. SLUG AND ROB A STRANGE Eeyantb Hhhway Bobbery for the Openii Wcok of March , Y/M / Dm JUST BEFORE DAI Illutv from n IIIiHlwroii Veil * thr VI tlm nuil HIM PiickvlM Arc Coolly Illflril l the Hold-up No. 7 for the week occurred li night Just at dusk on Harney street , a shi distance wt st of Twentieth. The victim , w was a stranger In the city , was on hisv down town when ho met the notorious p cf highwaymen. They had abandoned th revolver In favor of a bludgeon and wltlu warning one of them etruck the travc on the head , Inflicting an ugly wound. wcc stunned by the blow and fell to I ground , whereupon the robbers went throu his pockets and secured his watch a pockctbook. When the stranger regained consclousn the men and his money were gone. Dl ( was streaming from the wound on his fo head and he was unfamiliar with the cl but ho made hia way cast on Harney etr In an effort to find the police station. As passed No. 3 engine house he met Flreir Livingston on the walk south of the hou The fireman asked what the trouble was c the Injured man gave an account of his i counter. He asked to bo directed to the llco station and said he was a stranger the city. Livingston pointed out the dlr tlon and the stranger , who seemed to bo fa and badly hurt , went on his way. The olllclals at the police station la stated that no one had made any report of ' allalr and that they had uo knowledge such an. occurrence. Ofllcersvero dlspatcl to the neighborhood , hut were unable to f any trace of the robbers or their vlct They Inquired at the engine house , but co not leurn the unfortunate man's name or whereabouts. It la presumed that his Inji prevented him reaching the station. PLAIN CLOTHKS MEN GO OUT. During the last week there have been BOI daring highway robberies In various pa of the city where the population Is del and numerous burglaries. The police partmcnt has thus far obtained not lightest clue to the Identity of the crli nals , and while they are groping about the dark thu lives and property are In Jc ordy. Chief Gallagher has Issued au or which he hopes will result In an Impro merit of the situation. He notified Capt Haze at the city jail to order eight of patrolmen on the day shift to report In c zcns' clothes to the chief of detectives a o'clock tonight for duty. They are to distributed over the city In the reside parts where It to believed the "reign crlmo" Is likely to continue. It is dlrec by the chief that this special detail si be continued until something Is accomplish The waylaying and shooting of Craig ; Quald by "the long and the short man" the crlmo that brought Chief Gallagher lecognlze that n reign of terror really d exist and that he must meet It by some. E tern not usual In the direction of the partmenf. The police have laid all of th highway robberies at the door ot "tho li and the short man , " who seem to conic 1 publicity In almost every city In the co try whenever It Is allllcted with a sea of highway crimes. Just which pair ot those numerous long and short men who doing crime on the streets ot the cltlea the country Omaha fs harboring at the pi ent time , cannot be Indicated. However , victims of the robbers all agree by tl descriptions that one of the hlghwaymei long of ataturo nnd the other la short. In splto of the gravity of ) he sltual Chief Galla&licr tries to make out that Cm Is having leas highway robberies , burgla and other crimes than any city ot Its po Ictlon in ( ho .vest. He excuses himself saying that crlmo strikes a city at alii regular neacona with the same rcgula almost as spring and fall come. To prev this tie thinks Impossible , but to cope v the conditions when they arise , he K there Is a certain successful way by quota police protection , which means larger and better organized force wfc court Injunctions do not Interfere with ca-oporatlo > u of all branches of the dcp incnt. The chief thinks he ought to have si more men to furnish the city with prc police protection. He saja there were duty leal night only twenty-four field rte to guard the beitn of the city , which cc twenty-four square miles of territory. otlor woids , each policeman's beat cnvc a square mlle where they were equally i tloncd out. out.CALL CALL FOR MORE MEN. "Anybody knows that a policeman's i tectlcn can amount to llttlo where he so much territory to cover , " raid Cl Gallagher , "end consequently It Is nov der that the department cannot successf cope with crime. Even with my full com ment of men I am handicapped , but leave ; absence and slcknceo constantly keep present force reduced , so that both day nlgtt shKM are always lacking In men. beats that some ot the patrolmen must cc are simply burdensome and very U Where a policeman should not bo expei to take care of more than five blocks Important beats , bo Is compelled by present condition of thing , ? to In some stances walk twenty-eight blocks In an h and pull up the box at either end of beat. Hut there Is no remedy for It ami tde department must struggle along In beat wny It can until It can get more m < A campaign against suspicious charac was begun yesterday afternoon and the t number of arrests up till midnight last nl numbered sixty-eight , a larger number one day than for months. The men v mostly secured from the card tables ot ond-ratu taloons. They have no vis means of support and have been living f i < omo unknown source during the win Thu police ofllclals think that some of tl know more than they Innocently slu bout recent Ill-doing In this city. i\trn rollcriiiriiii > olntri1. A special meeting of the Hoard of 1 nil Police commissioners was held yesei ! morning. The police protection ot the was considered and the resultant action the appointment of three special pollcen The appointees were Mcwrs. Hector , Li and Thomas. The men went on duty once. 'BOflington "Route Four Trains a Day To Chicago. Prom Omaha at 9:18 : a. m. , 5:05 : p. m 1:50 p. m. and 12:05 : midnight. Tak the 5:05 : or tbo 12:05. They re th be t cur beet TUB bist. They carr tlciplng , chair , dining and imokUi cam and lar.l you In Chicago lu won Serially quick time alter -wonderful ! comfortable trip. Uerthi and tickets at > OMAHA. J. . MKVNOkDS. FM * * A T. OMAHA HOSPITAL .AXXUAI , HF.I'OII Flnnneri * 'Arc ' * Shown to HP In Clo Condition. The Omaha Hospital And Deaconeta' Ho : association held lie annual meeting In t Young Men's ChrlntUn annotation parti last Tuciday , Itcv. J. D. Maxfleld prcntdll After Invocation by Hev. John McQuold of I First Methodist Eptacopal church the folio Ing reports were read and placed on flic Arnual Hoipltal Report Patlente admltl from Omaha and South Omaha , 1G7 ; from N braska , outside Omaha , 364 ; from Iowa , li from other states , 61 ; deaths , IB ; surgli cato ) . 293 ; eye and ear canes , 164' rnedl cased. 118 ; operations performed. 654 ; dro Ing done fov patients outside the bosplt 449 ; hours spent In nunilng outsldo the hi pltal by IIUMCB , 6,082 ; daje occupied by r patients , 6,946 ; days occupied by frco ] tlonts , 3,724. Visiting Deaconess' Report Calls ma 4,283 ; opportunities for reading bible , 4 pportunttlcs for prayer , 652 ; tlmc.i tauf Sunday Bchaol , 77 ; temperance mc'etlr leld , 30 ; children's meetings held , 69 ; cage ago prayer meetings , 50 ; evangelistic me ii pa. 370 ; special meetings attended , lours spent In miscellaneous work , 1 houni spent In nursing , 400 ; times lall on deaccoepa' work , 46 ; garments gh away , 311 ; articles of bedding , 10 ; trac mpera and magazines given away , 4,2 xkets of food given , 421 ; weeks assisted revival meetings , 25 , Treasurer's Report Cash on hand Ma ( I. 1898 , $397.76 ; cash received from ounces during jcar , $10,207.89 ; dlebursemei during the ) car , $9,352.71 ; net cosh g during the jear by payment of lndebtcii ! and Increase In cash , $2,013.33. After remarks made by ttevs. Daws Maxfle'.d and Luce the superintendent , M Allle I'frlmmcr , John Dole and others , I ass3clatlon proceeded to the election of tn eto with the follow'ng result : Charles 3oss. H , J. Iloss , Rov. C. N. Dawsoo , W. iiarford. John Dole , Ilev , 0. A. T ucc , C. ) eLamatro , Jonathan Mcllen and B. R. D , Condition of ClirlNtlnn Mlt'Nloii. ' The report of the Christian Help ralsa 'or ' February shows $125.70 received dur : ho month ; paid out for rent , $45 ; for Iat J38.77 ; bedstoada , $20 ; Improvements , $19. irlntlcig , $6.05 ; postage , $2. The weioclat ias given out 243 articles of clothing , twen eight palm of shoes and twenty-nine bask of food , while the penny lunch counter 1 served 7,684 dishes , or about 1,000 me ! The gifts have been , a clock , clothing , pe jutter. meat , ornngea , lemcos , etc. Am < ouv friends as donors this month appe The Damn Iron company , Davlca , Cowi : ron works , A. H. Snyder , II. H. Hublilem Urlau & Co. , Mr. ( Jlascott , friends at C loun. Mrs. Grair.e , J. 0. Johnson of MoJ : [ a. , H. J. Hughes , Mr. Evana , Wyatt & Omaha Coal. Coke & Llmo compeay , We crn soap company , Richardson Drug cc pany , HIakc , Bruce & Co. , with many o ers. The sowing nnd kitchen garden schc nre doing a good work anong the chlldr The association Is ready to ledge men joon ns the necessary bedding can be p cured. Now the association I * In need night Hhlrts , pillows , pillowslips , slu-i etc. - ( ircnt Iliuikriii1 | Stocks Of mackintoshes have been bought by Draaha Tent and 'Rubber ' company , 1311 K n am' street , at about one-third their act cost. These gcods arc now on sale. Tl consist of the latest spring styles.Ve ni tlon only a few prices : Ladles' all wool JUoston capo maclntc regular retail price $9.00 , our prlco $3.9 ! Ladles' all wool mackintoshes Klrkw style regular retail price $7,00 , our pi $2.93. Ladles' one cape coat regular retail pi . $5.00 , our price $2.25 , Men's capo mackintoshes , $1.75. Men's all wool covert cloth macklnte regular price $12.00 , our price $5 25 , These make a flue spring overcoat. Mackintoshes and waterproofs for girls , i boys , all styles and all prices. Como ce and get a geol selection , OMAHA TENT AND RUBDBR CO. . 1311 Karnam S _ Culm , Him all uml theXiirth Pol The Men's club of the Hanacom Park B. church have arranged for a series lectures to bo given In the church on th three Interesting subjects : The lectures i be given by Edward P. Fitch rnd llluslra by magnificent colored steroptlcoa vie March 11 the nubje-ct will be Hawaii , wit series of Illustrations , showing types of people , scenery In the Islands nnd of mi places of Interest , Including tbe leper c tlement and the grand volcano of Kllai In eruption The second lecture will March 18 , the subject Cuba and Its strug for Independence. The devastation of t beautiful Island can scarcely be apprccla until one has an opportunity of scelag 111 tratlons which vividly portray the exist state of things. The last lecture will bo given March subject Nansen's trip to the north p Many were disappointed that Nanscci fal to keep hia dates In Omaha , but will r have the opportunity of seeing the orlgl photograprs which he took In the polar gton. Course tickets are 50 cents , which ' Insure a good attendance. Single adit 25 cents. Samuel Burns holds his annual turn ! sale for ten davs : 50 toz. formerly 4c , In this sale 2c. .50 do/ , formerly 6c , In this sale 3c. 60 doz. formerly 7c , In this sale 4c. 50 doz. formerly lOc. In this sale 5c. 50 doz. real cut tumblers lOc. A fircnt Trnlu for theatrical people tad traveling me the Burlington's "Chicago Special. " Leaves Omaha. . ' . . 12:05 : midnight Arrives Chicago. . 2:15 : p. m. same day Sleeping , dining , chair and smoking ci Only 41 % hour * , Omaha 'to New York. Berths and tickets it 1502 Farnam stri l-'ulr for the Tiirtivrrflii. The young women of the Omaha Turnvci have been busily engaged for some time arranging for the fair to bo given the w of March 6 to 13 fcr the benefit of their 0 man school gymnasium. The spacious I of the Turners will bo quite transformei ; I an old-time "Jahrmarkt. " Useful and fa ai Holes and the wares of different natl will be on sale and the booths will bo di rated and the attendants costumed accc Ingly. There will bo n gypsy tent wit ! real gypsy fortune teller , a popular vol contest and a number of attractions of Midway order. The "Old Curiosity Shop' a marvel and would make Dickens stare cause II a run m a twinge of envy. Then tl will be an old-fashioned "Qast-stubo" an Japanese room , In which refreshments bo served by "Wiener Mndel" and U Japanese maids respectively. The conn tee lias prepared a program for the cntert incut of the visitors for each evening there will always be gcod music. Sum the opening night , will be devoted to thi rlcals and a line German comedy will presented. Monday evening will be wh men's night and a program especially In cstlng to them has been arranged and members of the League of American Wh men , as well as of the different wheel cl' ' have been Invited to attend. On Tuea night the actives of the Omaha Turnve ; will give an exhibition of athletic prow Wednesday has been designated as "Qen night" and Invitations have been extcnde alt the German societies and organlzatl The program will be appropriate to the caslon and the Orpheus Singing society contribute several numbers. On Thurs night the South Sldo and Bohemian Tun will give exhibition * of calisthenics and g nagtica. Friday night haa been act apart the children and the little ones will not i entertain , but be entertained , as the bea ful doll booth , the fish pond and -count other things will be a source of dcllgh them. This will close the fair proper , Saturday evening there ls to bo a hop for busy workers and their friends. A , I. Root , artistic book binder. 1609 Hon Mystic flour , wholesale 1014 N. 16th Have you tried Mj tlo flour ? You like It when YOU do. \V > l tiT The IWcbster Xouavea have establh their nrmory In the Crounse block at teenth and Capitol avenue and are worl hard to get Into proper shape. Sample forms have arrived and at their next a decision -will be made as to the style color of uniform. The following tou ; have been promoted : John a. Kuhn , ti flrst sergeantiJoim L. Gideon , to be aec ergeant : B. F. Rutherford , third ttr Bd P , / . TfMWMt VWlMlMtttt § rg ( NOCKS OUT SLOT MACHINE 'udge Gordon Gives Ihsm a Final Co1 Plexus Punch , UNDER CLASSIFICATION OF LOTTERI An ? 'Mn eh I no Which nHalln Artlcl of Unequal Value In Prohibited by the Mtntutc * of \fltriiikiu Police Judge Gordon delivered a broads t the ntckel-ln-the-slot machlnn ycsterd Ed Pctcrton and Charles Nordeibcrg < rled In police court for "carrying on A 1 cry and game of chance. " The lottery a game of chance we a nothing else than ' operating of a slot machine. The defci ants admitted that they operated the devl but contended that , by reason of giving clgarctto each time whether or not i player secured "Jacks up or better , " tl > laccd themselves beyond the pale of statute relating to lotteries. It way she by the evidence that at Unite the play n depositing htn nickel , lecclvcd onlj cigarette and at other tlmei checks g < n trade for from 15 cents to $6. It v upon the fact that merchandise of eo value was always ulven that the defense led for acquittal. In an extended optn fudge Gordon found that there was proba cauac to believe the defendants guilty i cmanded 'them to the district court ilal In bonds of $500 each. In passing upon the eyldonce Judge G don quoted numerous accepted author ! ) on what constituted a lottery. From volu xlll , American Encyclopedia ot Law , he cl the following : "A lottery Is a sort of gam contract by which for a valuable connlde Ion one may by favor obtain a prize o : value eupcrkr to the amount ot value that which he risks. " "Tho word lottery embraces the eleme ot procuring through lot or chance by nvestment of money or something of va Bomo greater amount of money or thlrg value. " ( United S.ates against Wallla 492. ) "A lottery Is the distribution of prl and blanks by lot or chance In which sir mms UTS' ventured for the chance of obtu ng a large value In money or other pr crty. " ( Destys , Criminal Law. ) OPINIONS OF COUHTS. Judge Gordon , after citing authorities length , quoted from the opinions rendc by the supreme courts of the aeveral stai He cited from volume XLVIII American ; ports , showing that In a cr. e where a in : hant issued tickets to his customers titling them to a guess as to the number beans lu a glats globe , the one making best guess to receive a prize , ho had b convicted ot carrying on a lottery. Ho cl from 39 Amerlcin Reports (532 ( Missou an Instance where the Kansas City Tlr save with each subscription a ticket fo : pilzo drawing , the subscriber having \aluo received Independent of the prize , wl the supreme court of Mlssiourl held Ml ford , proprietor oC the Times , gulity of p meting and carrying on a lottery and ga ot chance. In 97 MBSS. , page 583 , and in 32 New J sey 393 , the supreme courts rcspectlvi iccordlng to Judge Gordon's citations , h that the proprietors of a public exhlbltl who gave their pjtrors tickets for a pi drawing were guilty of carrying on a lottc After speaking on the authorities Jui 3ordon said : "The evidence In the case bar Is that by putting r. cents into the vice ( slot machine ) , the person so doing ti obtain In trade merchandise ranging III va from one ) half ot I cent to SO. In the 11 , of all the authorities and undisputed cvidc before mo It seems to ma .that the de\ ( slot machine ) , considering the manner which It is operated. Is clearly and unqu tlonably a lottery and as such comes wit the scope of that section of the criminal c of Nebraska which pertains to letter es i garnet * ot chance. It Is the element of cha entering Into the transaction which del mines whether or not It la a lottery , it I lows that any machine or device by wh patrons may receive unequal returns to decided -by lot Is a lottery or gambling vice within the meaning of the law. " Quito an aggregation of gambler * , eluding nuuy of the slot-machine typq , ga ered at the court room to hear the dccis and when the court rendered It th.e dele ants on trial were not the only Indlvldu who felt the sting ot disappointment. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. About fifty prominent business men ; tesldents of this city .have signed a call a mass meeting to bo held at Plvonka'o h Twenty-fourth and L. streets , on Mom evening , March 14 , for the purpose of ta Ing over public echopl mattery and If p slblo devising some means whereby the m > agcment of the schools m y be entirely moved from political surroundings and fluenrcs. This call , which was circulated y terday , was signed by the following p sons : Claude L. Tulbot , P. A. Cressey , Jc Flynn , Janioj O. Martin , L. C. Qlbsdn , S. King , E. J. Seykora , P. J. Btter , Irv P. Johnson and others. It Is understoodthat , at the meeting to held Monday night an efCort will he m. . to select only well known buslneea men take the places of the four members ot Board of Education , whose terms will plro this year. While the signers of t call do not wish to cast any" reflection on ability or honeaty of any one , It appeart be the consensus of opinion that less pi tlca should bo displayed In the selection members than there has been lieretofi With a strictly nonpartlsan board It Is a that the schools will be managed a gr deal better and that much good will res from mich a condition of affairs. XepiltMl IniiirnvomviilH DIxniH.iril At Friday night's meeting of the E Sldo Improvement club a letter from the Hclals of the Omaha Street Hallway compi legurillng the proposed extension of the 1 down Thirteenth street was read. The cc munlcatlon stated that a committee had vcstlRvitedthe claims of the Eastslders , would soon bo ready to make a report. T Information was very pleasing to a la number of the members , and especlaly to those who contemplate building houaet that locality this spring. Resolutions ask that Thirteenth street , from J street to J sourl avenue , bo repaired , were adopted the attention of tbo council will tie ca to a number of other streets In bad cor Mon. Mon.Tho The gas company will bo asked to ext Its malnu down Missouri avenue and the i Idents in this locality will take upthe n ter ot planting trees. A committee was pointed to ascertain the cost of 500 sh tree ? . It was reported that , J street f Twentieth to Twenty-lhlrd street la li dangerous condition and the city council be urged to make the needed repairs at 01 HflKibllran Club OHlcrrn. Friday night the Third Ward Hepubll club met at Evans * hall , Twenty-eighth R streets , and elected officers for the suing year. Q. D. Sherwood Is president C. Bowley. vice president ; Prank Mai secretary , and P. Evans , treasurer. A this bualocta had been disposed of speci were made by E. C. Line , A. H. Murd John Frledt and Councilman Patrick Tral Considerable enthusiasm wa raanlfeet U 1s predicted that the club will do a g deal of good la spreading the principle : republicanism throughout tbe ward prlng. MdKlc C'll > - ( ioxulii. Wollstcln & Co.'s " 310" whisky IB the t James Dyrns. Fortieth and T streets , ports the birth of a son. A son waa born yesterday to Rev. ( Mrs. Irving P. Johnson. 'Mica iMaud Sugart ha * returned homo a a short visit with relatives. The 9-year-old ion of Mr.'and Mn. C Howard fell from a tree yr terd y a ) noon and torok * one of hl leii bet 4 * } t It Is stated that th * lad fell a distance fifteen feet. Services wilt b ilh ld a uaiial at Clements minion -thlm evening. The young non otoMr. and Mrs. W. Cheek Is very , slcknwlth a feVer. Captain F. J , Ettcr Is being tnlkeJ of the republicans for-'city treasurer. Furniture ! FutnUuic ! W. G. Sloane Company , Twenty-nrtb and N etreetn. Officer John Rlthes Is receiving a v ! from hia brother oti Oxford Junction , U B. H. Howlnnd Lumber 6 Coal Co. Ofl 438 N. 24th St. , botwetn M & N Sts. Tel , iRev. I. P. Johnson will preach at Episcopal church at'11 o'clock this mornl Mrs. Albert Huron has gone to Harris Sioux county , after'her mother who Is delicate health. Twenty-nine blrthd have been reported the clerk's office during February , fourti fooyn and fifteen girls. Tuesday evening Hcv. Irving Johnson lecture at the church on "The Contlau of the Episcopal church. " iRev. P. M. Slsson will speak at the Yoi 'Men's ' Christian association this aftcrni on the "Unbreakable Dank. " The roof Is being placed on the big Armi beef house and work on the power build adjoining Is progressing rapidly. -Mr. Uamucl Fitzgerald of Valparteo , N < s the gucat of iMr. and Mrs. C. H. Thor son , Twenty-fourth and J streets. 'Henry ' 'Michael has announced himself a candidate for member of the 'Hoard. Education on the democratic ticket. The Albright Gun club will hold anot shoot this aaernoon. D. Morrell Is presld of the club and G. W. Davis , captain. The Knights and Ladles of Security \ neet on Wednesday evening to elect fleers and transact other Important busln < 'Mo ' services will be held at the Fl 'rcsbytcrlan church either morning or ev < ng today on account of the Illness of Wheeler. On account of the serious Illness of irpsldent no meeting of the Second W Improvement club has been held for couple of weeks. iMra. J. A. Carter and daughter who hi jeen the gui-sts of iMr. and Mrs. W. Holland for a week left for their home > ! ncoln last evening. It has been decided by the democn city central committee to hold the prlmai on Friday March 18th and the convent on the < 3ay following. 'Miss ' Mattle ITmlth , daughter of Mr. i Mrs. Henry Smith. Twenty-sixth and streets , gave a birthday party FrUay nl which waa greatly enjoyed by those prest And now Sam Christie Is being urged : he young republicans to make the r 'or city treasurer , but 'Sam ' says he Is mak too much money celling coal to dabble politics. A mass meeting or Germans will be li this afternoon at Plvaika's hall , Twen fourth and L. streets. Good speakers b iromlsed to attend , and an Interesting m < Ing Is anticipated. Frank Robertson , who was run over b Union Pacific train In the yards Friday cv Ing , Is resting easily at the hospital , and case no complications arise he will reco\ Tfio patient is under the care of Dr. Abci who h dolni ? all that can be done to j the unfortuuto man through. The woman's auxiliary of the Young Me Christian atfjo-clatlon will give an euterta ment end picture sale on Tuesday even at the association parlors. The program ; OWE : Duet , Miss Myrtle Kcefer and Chai ! I. Keefor ; eelectlon , Messes. Roboi Daniels , Baker and Rczclle ; rending , Iccted , Prof. Gllton of Omaha ; oolo "In cation , " Miss Jean Boyd Mullen ; piano s : C. H. Kcefer. On Friday evening- " . E. Wllcox ent tallied ttio membora of the Drive Wtilst c at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. Holmes , For the highest scores Mrs. Holi : ana Mr , J. G. Martin carried off the hon ; while Mr. Holmes and Miss Nellie Wa were auardeu the consolation prizes. Af the games dcllcloua refreshments w served. Mrs. Jatnen , G. Mtotln andM Tanner will entertaln'the club on the even of March 16. Nels Johnson , who , was arrested a few d < ago for circulating a subscription list , questing aid for a fictitious person , was y : cctlay afternoon sentenced to thirty days the county Jail on a steady diet of bri and wctcr , , It was found that It would impossible to hold Johnson for a felony , : he amount obtained from each person w small. U Is understood that he- will rcarrested as cocn as he Is released i tried on another count. 1'lif II. IlniilCoiuiuiiiy. . The new store of the H. Hardy compa 1519 and 1S21 Douglas St. , was thrown ot .o ' public Inspection last evening and fr 7 until 11 o'clock was thronged with vlsltc who were entertained with music. Thi were many expressions of admiration of I new quarters of this enterprising hou which has a deservedly firm hold upon t 'avor and confidence of the people of Oma There Is every reason to believe that I popularity long enjoyed by the H. Hai company will be very much Increased their new location. 'A Mlilnliclit Train for ClilcnKO. The Chicago Special , tbe Burlington's n Denver-Chicago flyer. Leaves Omaha 12:05 : mltolght Arrives Peorla..11:33 : a. m. same day Arrives Chicago..2:15 p. m. same day Only late train out of Omaha for Chlca Connects with fast afternoon trains fr Chicago and Peoria to all points east. Oi 11 % hours , Omaha to New York the fast time there is , Berths and tickets at 1D02 Farnam strc Cnnl of ThuiikH. To the mtny friends of our dearly beloi mother-Paulino Htlntze , and of the Jam In general , we desire to express our m alnere thanks for their kind attention i tokens of friendship in our recent berea mccit. Respectfully , GEORGE E. HEINTZE AND FAMILY CHARLES E. HEINTZE , ALBERT M. HEINTZE AND FAMILY HUGO R. HEINTZE. 1IUIIM.TO. \ 11OUTI- : . Cot Union t Montanii nnil 1'ncl \ortlnvc li-ri > polulH On and after Sunday , March 6tb. LOWEST EVER KNOWN to Helena. Uutte , Spokane , Seattle , Tacoma , Portland. Call or write. Ticket Office 1502 Farnam St. 3. D. Reynolds-City Pttncngcr Agent. "TIIK OOLIIItvUJO SPECIAL. " Kuxtevt Ti'nln ( o Denver Via the UNIOX PACIFIC. Leaves Oirixh * at 11:55 p. m. ONLY TRAIN'QMAHA TO DENVER having buffet , smoking and library c ; Sleeper on westbound train will bo open traveling public ati 9 p. m. , and pere bound for Colorado points need cot v until train leaves iat midnight before tiring , For full llnformatlca call at i ticket office. No. 1S02 Farnam street. THI : ncwivrv M.VUKKT. INSTRUMENTS-pIaced on record Siluri Slarch 5 , isttS : WARRANTY DEEDS. South Orrflhn Land Co. to A. L. Sutton - ton , lot 7 , block 147 , South Omaha , . $ Same to Frederic' , ; Stalling , lots 1 and 2 , block 10U , same Marx Stuhr and u4fe to M. A. lioett- Rer , inv1 , ; 15-10-12 i Thomas Glllesple to Bridget Lenagh , lota 12 and 13 , block 2 , liurllnstoii Center W. H. Anderson nnd wife to A. I. Gil- Us und , H lot yP.uilsen'H add. . . . . C. A , EiiRstrom und wife to Omnhu Savings bank , lot 7 , block "I. " Lowe's add Charles Do Holt to W. T. Denny , V4 lot 23 , Nelson's ndd QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Lee GIfforcl ta R. R. Osgood , lot S , block 92 , Omaha , DEEDS. Sheriff to E. C. Miller , lot 20 , b'oek 0. llrown park , . . , , , . . , Same to J. W. Wllhenpoon , lots 13 and 19 , block 9 , saino Sajne to R. F. CummlriKt. lot 10 and nVa lota a and 11. Oak Knoll Same to E. 8. Lorejoy , lot 3 and s'i lot 2 , Crescent park , BARBER LANDS HIS TWO ME ! Believes They Are South Dakota Postoffic Bobbers , ALLEN AND LYMAN PLACED BEHIND BAR Will He ChnrRciI with ItrpnkliiR Int the I'oHtoinpe , nt Cnltnwn ? , Thin Slntc One Mnn May lime n 'Hfcortl. Yesterday afternoon Deputy United State Marshal Barber brought In a ma who Is believed to have been th partner of U. A. Holmes , arrcstc In this city about a month ago charged wit the robbery of the postotnce at Tyndall , S. D on the night of January 31. The man , wh gives the name of J. H. Allen , Is charge with breaking Into the poatofflce at Callawa last Tuesday night In company with Jco Lj man , who was also brought to the city. Th two men arc In the county Jail for eafe kcet Ing. Ing.The The attempt to rob the postofflce at Calla way was not very successful. The burglar gained admittance Into the office and sue ceeded In drilling a hole In the top of th safe , but did not get It open. Some stamp and a small sum of money was all that wa stolen. H was at once suspected that th crlmo was committed by a couple of tramp who had been hanging about the town an the Callaway officials started In pursuit c them. The suspected parties were appre hendcd near Drok'cn Bow. They were th two men who were brought to the city yes terday. The prisoners wore Immediately turne over to the United States authorities. The were taken to Grand Island , where they wer given a hearing before United States Com mlssloner Bode. Sufficient evidence was ad duccd to warrant holding them to the feden grand jury and they were consequently boun over. They will be held In jail here unti the grand jury Is called at the May term c the federal court In this city. THEY HAVE A RECORD. Interest centers In one of the two crlm Inals the ono who gave the name of Allei Ho Is supposed .to bo none other than Me Dcrmott , a noted eafe blower of Chicago. I ho proves to bo the man , then he was th partner of Holmes In the Tyndall postofflc robbery. Chief of Police Gallagher has Idcn tided him as McDermott and so has Office Jim Malonc ot Lincoln. The question will b settled In a few days , as McDermott Is know- to the penitentiary officials at Lincoln , as th criminal served a term there for safe blow Ing.Tho The Tyndall postofllce robbery was a lu cratlve one for the crooks , as It netted thcr about $700 In stamps and money. The bur glars were traced by their foot tracks In th snow for many miles out of town and befor the tracks were lost a description of the mei was secured from people who had seen them The men were traced to this city. On February ruary 8 ono of them wns located at 116 North Sixteenth street and was arrested. H gave the name of n. D. Holmes. None of th stolen stamps were found In his pobsesslon hut ho had considerable money. Since thci Holmes has been taken to Dakota for trial CHARGED WITH OTHER CRIMES. At the time Holmco was arrested It \\a\ \ believed that his partner waa here with bin and some time was spent in shadowing hln In the hope of getting the other man. Thc&i attempts were unsuccessful. From the de scriptions that wore obtained , however , it 1 believed that the partner waa the man Allen who was brought to the city yesterday. I Is thought that he left the city shortly aftc : his arrival with Holmes and that he pro ceeded at once to continue his crlmlna work In towns In this state. The Callaway postofflcc robbery Is not thi only crime that Is charged against the twi men. It 'Is believed that they also crackec the safe In the B. & M. depot at Graftot about two weeks ago and a safe In a Unlct Pacific depot at another town. They wll be charged with the Callaway robbery , how evor. as the federal authorities believe tha they have a good csse against them. Semi $9 worth ot stamps was found upon Lyman which ore supposed to be a portion ot thi spoils. Nothing was found on Allen's person It la thought that Lyman was simply hi' tool and that he consequently Induced thi latter to carry the stamps. Yesterday-James Brown and H. W. Brown two colored men , were brought to this cltj by United States Deputy Marshal Palmer U answer to the charge of selling liquor with' out a license at Fort Robinson , The met hadf a hearing .before United States Com mlssloner O'Keefe. W. C. Newman of Ashton , who was ar rested as a suspicious character by the Soutl Omaha authorities , was turned over to Unltcc States Deputy Marshal Allan last night. Hi la charged , with sending unmallable matte , through themolls. . The letters upon whlcl the charge Is based were sent to the prls oner.'a former fiancee , who Is living now It South Omaha , to he'r parents and to the mat who Is now keeping company with her. The ; reflect on the young woman's character Newman 'will bo given a hearing befce'i United Stated Commissioner Anderson o ; Monday. Blank books. Have them made by A. I Root , printer and binder , 160C Howard. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES , There arc many articles In dally ue In ever ; houtclioltl which arc often purchatcd nt grocer ; and dry Roods stores , which could be obtained of u at prices as low , nmlot a much belt ? quality. This proposition IB a reasonable on < nd one which we can easily prove , If you wll Klvi > us a trial on these partlsular goods. Wi enumerate below bomc of hhe articles to wlilcl we refer , with tha | > rlcc we charge for them : Vint bottles Houeehold Ammonia , strong. , . . C Quart bottles Household Ammonia , Mronii..lO. Tint bottles UiuiiJrj- Bluing ( will not streak clothes ) 1 Pirn bottles Distilled Witch Hnzel ( Hain- amells ) , 25 Smaller bottles DUtllled Witch Hazel ( Ham- amells ) 15 linking Boda ( Klcarbonate , pure ) per lb. . . . 10 Coloring for cakes and confections ( vegeta ble ; ) red , \ellow unrt green I5c nnd 20 Kl.AVOKIXf ; UXTUACTS Irfmon , Vnnllla , WlnterKreen , Hatpberry , Stiawberry , per bottle If.c and 23 Cream of Tarter ( pur.per ) oz. , 5oj per lb. , 50 rowdered Ilurax ( pure ) , per ll > 13 Waslilnjc fiortft ( Sal Snd > ) , per lb I All Prices quoted for Spot Cns > h Only. ShermanSMcDonnell DrugGc Between the Old nnd New Postolllces. . 1513 DODGE ST. MIDDLE OF ULOCIC. OMAHA. NEB. Goods Never Old at Our Store As they mov fast. MHS. SCIItttlMA.V VISITS OMA1I.1 llrirmpin n Sorli'ty , the 1'nrpone a Which In Ilrnvvotcncrw Mrs. 17. If , Schorman of Philadelphia , th traveling representative of the Jewish Put llcatlon Society of America , Is In the clt for a few days. On Friday and Saturda evenings ehc was In attendance at th Temple Israel bazaar. While here she wll visit the homo of every Jewish family I the city. She Is a young woman ot markc culture and Is fascinating In her manner. To a iBce reporter she said : "First o all you must umleratnnJ that my visit her U not for business reaRnnj , but for bencvo lent motives. The objects of the soclet I represent arc wholly benevolent , the mal purpose being to place the best works o rellRlon , history and philosophy In Jowls homes and among such Gentiles as may dc sire them , for a number of attorneys an other professional men not Jews have ou translations In tholr libraries. " The Jewish Publication society was or ganlzcd some ten years n o for the pui pose of .securing In English translation ! works bearing upon Judaism , ancient an modern , and of encouraging the making c books didactic , philosophical and historic. ! with Judaism as the point of view. The air of the organization Is purely benevolent an educational. The funds for Its support ar derived largely from wealthier members c the Jewish faith In the eastern cities. . nominal membership fee Is charged to n members for which they receive In retur all the works Issued by the society. Then works exceed much In value each year th membership paid. The society has now ovc 5,000 members which. It Is expected to lc crease to 10,000. The propaganda which the Jewish Publl cation society Is making In the direction c a Jewish literature has met with remarkabl success. Mrs. Schcrman who has been wit the society four years , U confident that ultl mately the works will go Into nearly ever Jewish home In America. A large numbc of non-Jews who are Interested In the his tory of this wonderful people , are rcgula members of the society. Mm. H. 11. lavles has vctunned from Ne\ York City .with a very complete line of fin millinery and hair goods aval can be founi at her new location , 1511 Douglas street. * - - n BV M A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag gase delivered. 1S02 Douglas St. Tel. 177. Smith's Gloria Tense S7c Ozomulvlon k 7 ; K'lliuu's ' Otiosity Pills 11.1 I'rninilil 1'lle Cure 3iv Ktuart's Uytpcpala Tablets 23 H. S. S 75 Laxative Ilrnmo Quinine 10 WlUl.ims1 1'lnk I'lll" ; 33 Kilmer's Swamp Hoot 75 lllrney'H Catarrh I'owiler SJ MnltCil Milk SSu , 75c nnd | 3.0 Cutlcura Soap 15. . Juvenile- io < IMcker's Tar Heap li 4711 Snn | ) 12. Colgate's Cashmere lloquet 161 Klectrlc Hitters > ; 40. Warner's Kafc Cure SO Wine of rnrilul 64 I-yilla IMnkham'fl Compound CO. . 1 Irico'o doMen Medical Ultcoicry 62 Vine Kotafra 7o < Kennedy's Medical DUcoxcry $1.1 , liecchum's IMlls 19 Cascarettn _ 1 ? Itrcmo Seltzer IP I/mr'ppo ' Cough Syrup 19 KliiK's New Discovery S9 < I'alne's Celery Compound C.V 2-quart Hot Water llottlea 4V 2-quart Fountain SjrliiKt'a 39 Family Silnie. 50 COT PRICK DRUtiGIST KIlli anil Cliloncrn Six. $3.50 IT'S VERY EASY-- to be well dressed , if you are willing to pay the price. 3C Now , as to shoes you must pay at least $5.00 to get a shoe that will wear well and look dressy , unless you buy MEN'S REGENT $3.50 SHOES. The only kind you can get for $3.50 that will wear well and look well. The Regent shoes are regular S5.00 shoes in quality. That's why. X IN CALfc KANGAROO. CORDOVAN. ENAMEL. , VIC1 KID. LATEST TANS AND PATENT LEATHER. ( The Regent Shoe Co. ! 205 S. 15th St. , Omaha , Neb. < Boston Store MONDAY Special Perfume Sale All our 25o I'crfumcH KO Monday , per ounce 9c ic liottle.s of Perfumes Ilk Lie bottles of IVrfumu , 7' < lOe bottles of Perfumu 3',4 < 100 boxes Face Powder , worth lOc , 15e , Me , 2Jc and up to aOc DC 1,000 boxes Tooth Powdur , worth 2Jc , KO at Cc Duvla Menthol Cough Drops , 3 pnck- agcH for 5c 1,000 boxes Pills , 50 different kinds , KO at 7. . , , Cc Boston Store Drug Depi OMAHA , NEU. uVmViWifu to ins alt Great re- ity Opening Sale China 5S7 We want to make a 275 stir in our China Depart 5 ment. This week yon can 20) buy your choice of twelve 440 styles ( Italics , incjuding pitcher , cake plates , pallid dishep , trays , etc. , etc. , all 403 in handeome decorations. Usual price ,000 $1.00 each , Opening Sale Price 1 , HO 1 0\V NeW IOCati ° n' ' S ,600 920 I ( jr 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street s .500 % MWMMMMWOTMWWAWWWMWMMW X MV Shoe Store. One of the Intent addition * -to the busi ness world of Omnha l the Mowe-Talmax * Shoo Co. at 1515 Douglas street. The front ht been newly painted 'In ' dark green , trim med In gold and the entire store remodeled and furnished In the latent style ot fixtures. The firm with Mr. George U .Howe. Mr. "W. I. . Howe ot Lawrence , Kansas , and Mr. E. in. Talmage one of the veterans ot the shoo business In Omaha , as secretary and manager Is a new one and the stock ot shoes Is all that the market has to offer In new and up to date footwaer. air. Tal mage has been In the shoo business In Omaha for fifteen years and his many friends will to pleased to sec him at the head of this now enterprise. Mr. George H. Qll- llsplo who has worked with the shoo trade of Douglas street for nine years has ac cepted a position with the new firm. Mr. Talmage says , "The TalmageJHowe Shoe Co. have como to Omaha to stay and It Intends to carry nothing but first class goods at popular prices. Doing as we do a strictly cash business we nre easily able to sell at from 10 to 20 per cent , less than If we dlj business on credit , " UNION 'PACIFIC ONLY DIRECT ROUTE To Pacific Coast. STARTLING RATES To ( Montana , Pacific Coast and ALASKA POINTS. For full Information call at City Ticket Oince. 1302 Farnam St Hess & Swcboda , florists 1411 Farnatn St. 'Phono 1601. Palms , cut flowere and floral designs. Mystic flour , whole-sale 1014 N. IGth St. HAYDEN BROS Selling Good Shoes Cheap We don't sell cheap Shoes but first qual ity Shoes nt low prlcoH In fuel the best Shoes-Ill the town for the money. 1 \Vc want the boj and ulrls to come Moil- day and be MtU-diwith a pair of our "STEEL SHOD" SHOES , THE BEST WKAKINO SHOES KNOWN' . "Llttlo Men's Stet-1 S'Tod" OreRon Kid Lace Shoes , plzes S to U > . , $1.45 for . Mines' "Steel Shod" Oregon Kid $1.75 Lace Show , Hlzos 11 to 2. for . UO\M "Steel Shoil" Satin Calf Luce. $1,95 Shoe" , sizes 2' , & to G'/t , for , SELLING GOOD SHOES CHEAP. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALASKA May oatlsfy yam\crnvln } for gold but it's a poor plnco t > ( jo to for cigars. We can satisfy your tnulo for cigars if you'll sraoko our FIVE CENT JERSEY \Vo know It , for it pk-asos nitiu inon out of ten. It's nuulo to plouso the most fastidious BinnKnr. Onn trlnl will con vince you that it's the cigar you want. Paxfon Block Cigar Store. 16th an J FARNAM. JACOIUASKALElv , I'roprlo , Reumatic Liniment Composed of seven ingredients , contains no poi.son , Endorsed by ull loading i > hyniclans , A euro for bruibus , sprains &c. Dr. Grossman. Dr. CulTman. Dr. Rusowiitcr. references : Dr. Neville. Dr. Moore. Dr. Calbort. Dr. Loyd. Manufactured by Robt. Priess , For Sttlo by till Dr No war with Spain But the blggetit kind of n light with the "combine1 , elculurn wlio arc trying to aub- btitnto b > { Mirf SHERIDAN COAL A F lor the ce-p.niue urticlo. * 9t SPLCIAL SAILING iejttlo lo St. Michaels Snliirtlii ) ' , April i : , ISDN Seattle to Si , Michael ! ) , Clir ( nclud. 1 Ton of Freight Free. $113 HpeclHl arranuenHTitu lor larne hlpment , launches , machinery , etr. Full particulars. IIOSTO.V it .UMMKA THS 'O. 1M .IIIIIU-N < , SrnllliVnnli. . Nowhere Else In Omaha can you find Hiicli a variety of tlio newest , up-to-date , TOOLS For CarpentciB , MachlnUts. Brick- layers. Moulders nnd Paper Hangcn. as wo curry iti Hock wo liavo ovorytliliiK you need nntl nt prkcH well , you'll Buy they arc not too J s , Morton ft Son Co. 1011 Dodge St.