0 THE OMAIIA DAILY MARCH G , 1898. I COUNCIL BLUFFS- SI1X011 MHNTIOX. Try Mocro'R stock food , Eeg lOc doz. Bartcl & Miller. Dr. Roc , dentist , Merrlam block. Auk merchants ( or premium Mara. I'liotos I'Jatlno or Arista. Sherratlen. Dr. Urowa , dentist , room 301. Mcrrlarn blk. For rent , pleasant milto of rooms , 221 Eouth Seventh street , with or without board. There promises to be a big rush at the special ulearauco sale o ! the Council UlufTs Co. Co.Mrs. . L ) . C. Rockwell and Mrs. A. R. Drlndftmald ! co\o on TutGilAy tor a ehort visit. Special sal of carpets nnil curtains opens Monday morning at the Council Bluffs Car pet Co. Thi ) ttqual EuffraKe club will meet with Mrs. BallcnKer , 721 Willow avtiiue , on Mon day cvijnlnfc. Thu fivans Unmlry Is the leader In flno work both for color and llnlsh. 620 Pearl itrcct. Phone 190. J. O. Wadsworth , who has been on an extensive business tour through the west la expected home this week. You can get some of the greatest bar- Rains of the season by attending the great clearance sale of the Council 'Blurts Carpet Co. AmonK thn many bargains to be had at our great clearance Bale 1s a parlor suit , cary chairs and reclining chair. These will po cheap for cash. Council Bluffs Carpel Co. Charles Wheeler , colored , has had hit Mhlto wife , Nellie , arrested on the charge ol adultery , naming William Washington , al G colored , as the other guilty party , 'Hearing was postponed In V'leu's rourt until Manila ) afternoon. Thn Women's Christian association will hereafter hold Its regular bualnes * meeting ! In the parlors of the Grand hotel. The meet Ing for this month will be at that place or Monday afternoon at 2:30. : Members take no tlce. Visitors welcome. A ch.inge of venue was taken yrslerda ; from the Office of Justice Vk'ii to that ol Justice Htirke by Jens Jensen , who was ac dined with nslstlng an officer. When tin case \\as propcrl ) stated In Burko'i : court I was dismissed by the aFd'stant ' county attor ney. ney.All All members of the local lodge of 1m proved Order of Hntl Men who dcilre to ac company the lodge on a visit to Omaha Iodp No. 2 on Monday evening are requested ti meet on the corner of Pearl street am liroidwiiy at 7:30 : Monday evening. A larg number of the members have accepted tin Invitation. At the meeting of the Woman's Chrlstlai association yesterday afternoon it was dc elded to accept the ofT r of Mlai Hrna Lor ton , the well known Nebraska City soprano and Mrs. Kick , con ti alto , to Ring In conccr here some time In April. Mlfe Norton am Mrs. Flsk are now In Europe and will sal for homo In a few days. The date of thcl appearance hcru has not been definite ! ; llxed , but It will bo some time In the carl ; part of the month. James Sa iirson and his wife , who 11e noa the corner of Glen avenue and 1'letco Hired were taken Into custody and locked up on tli charge of Intoxication and creating a dh turbance. The warrant had been procurei from the ofllco of a justice of the peace am nt the hearing yesterday afternoon Mrs Sampson was discharged. Her husband wa sentenced to the county Jail for a term o thirty days , but the sentence was suspends upon his premise not to offend again. Ono of the leading American critics li \\rltlng of Monroe and Hart In their nov successful comedy , "The Gay Matinee Girl,1 Bald : "Monroe , and Hart are Undoubtedly ou foiemost eccentric comedians , their excea Blvely droll and quiet humor ece-ns to per vadu the atmosphere ; they gain their point easily and naturally and U la , almost Impos slble to avoid a continuous broad grin whei they are on the etage. It Is true they ar Iho very life and soul of their clever comedj "Tho Gay Matinee Girl , " but they have no hesitated to eurround themselves with othe good actors , and their entire performance 1 most enjoyable. " They will bo at the Do hany theater on Thursday evening , Marc : 10. Want Houses to rent. Klnne , Daldwlo bit C < D. Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consults tlon free. Office hours , 9 to 12 .ind 2 to E Health Look furnished. 326-327-3 8 Morrlar block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. $10,000.00 stock wilt be sold at auction , be ginning today , from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. a The Fair , 502 nroadway. Council lllufTH Clinrelies ) . The announcements of the religious eer\ Ices for today are as follows : Broadway Methodist Church , Rev. J. li Sc-nseney , Pastor Preaching at 10:30 : a. m , class meeting and Sunday school at 12 m. . Junior lecEue , 4 p. m. ; Epworth league , 6:3C : preaching , 7:30. First Congregational Church , Rev. J. VI Wilson , Pastor Regular communion serv Ices , with reception of new members an short sermon by the pastor , 10:30 : a. m. ; sut Jcct , "Possessing the Mind of Christ ; " gos pel praise service at 7:30 : p. m. , with shot ecrmon by the pnbtor. The new quartett and chorun choir will render the follow-In onthcirm ; "O Lord , How Manifold Are Th Works , " narnby ; "Fast Falls the Sun t Eventide , " Havens. Christian T.iber iacle. Corner of Scott an Mjtistcr Streets , S. M. Perkins , Pastor- Morning subject , "Relationship of Churti and Pastor. " Ttie evening sermon will b the thlcd of a series of sermons on the sub Jcct of conversion , entitled , "Conversion of Wicked Man. " Special music will be re ; : dered at both services. Pcco-nd Presbyterian Church , Corner c Nnrmcciy and Lcgan Streets , Rev. Ale IMthcrlaml , Pastor Morning subject , "Chrli tian Giving. " The Christian Endtavoc st cley will conduct the evening service. Tli subject for dlscusslco will be , "Tho Churc and the Christian Endeavor. " ritth Avenue Methodist Church. Rev. C P. Fry , Pastor Morning subject. "How W May Know God. " The evening service wl to especially adapted to railroad men. Tli subject of the discourse will be , ' Profit Shai Ing ; " Sunday cchool , 12 in. ; Junior legaue , p. m. ; Epworth league , 0:30 : p. m. St. John's English Lutheran Church. Rei George W. Snydtr , Pustor Rev. J. 1 Btough , Ph.D. , of Midland college , Atchlsoi Ktci. , will preach at the morning service o the subject , "Rewarded. " The pastor wl preach during the cvtalng service en U\ \ ubject. "Christ's Love. " The Christian Science society will hold II usual services , with reading from the blbl end Science and Health. Service begins c 10:45 : a. m. In room 402 , Sapp block. First Baptist Church , Corner Sixth Stre < end First Avctniiv-Prcachlng at 10:30 : a. n end 7:30 : p. in. by Rev. R. Venting , who b ( gltis his work as supply raster. Mornln subject , "Tho Bruised Reed and Smokln Flax. " Evening subject , "Signs of tli Times ; " bible sphool nt 12 m. ; Baptist Youn IVcplo's unlrn at C:30. : A hearty welcom to all. Hotter than Klondike. Persons with sma or largo capital wishing to make Invest merits that promise largo returns shoul address or call on L. W. Tulleye , Counc Bluffs. la. Big auction sale every day from 10 a. n to 10 p. m. at The Fair , 502 Broadway. J , A. B. cigar leads 'em all. i I Xf v I'ollet * llrclntrr. ' The old police register that has been 1 ervlco In the city jail since 1893 was e ; tuustcd yesterday and was replaced by a no one. The first entry on the clean brlgr pages was the name of Charles Shertnat vagrant who endeavored to force the res ! dents pf Oakland avenue to give him b ! breakfast on the previous morning agalni their wishes. Ho had been accommodate with free lodgings at the city jail dm Ing the night. Judge McGee sentenced hit to ten days In the city jail when h appeared In police court yesterday mornlni JTwo other vagrants , Albert Jerry and W , i lAibmore , were given tb Mm * d < Me el r < ( rnatorg POINTS ON ASPHALT PAVING Oity Engineer and Connciltmn Seek Some Expert Information. WILL PROFIT BY OMAHA'S ' EXPERIENCE Ho cT nler fllcn Informa tion of Vnluc nml Siiiiiilli-M CuiiK-H of Uiiuiliii'N .SiirulllcilllottK fur ( iiihliuice of ConiiulUcu. City Engineer Tostevln and Alderman Metcolf spent several hours In Omaha yes terday afternoon for the purpose of securing some Information conceititng asphalt pave ment to bo used lu connection with the aaphalt paving specifications that will be drawn up by the city engineer for that sort of paving In this city. A conference was held with City Engineer Roscwater , who put them In possession of all the Information attainable on thu subject , and furnished them with copies of the Omaha &peclfica- tlons. Mr. Rosowatcr Is of the opinion that the council need not expect o t < et any offers for asphalt paving as low as were made last > rtir $1.25 a square yard and believed that from $1.50 to J1.76 was about as low as good work could be figured on , and this on a base made of broken stone , and not concicte. The specifications will be modled on those of Omaha , und will probably be ready for the council at the meeting next week. Increased Interest Is being felt In the paUn ? campaign , and the opposition that was expected has so fur failed to materialize. On Fourth street only two of the residents ha/e announced their intention to oppose the order of the council. Three-fourths of thu property owners who have been consulted have expressed their willingness to bear the burden of slightly Increased taxes for the pleasuie of having their street again placed In condition to be utilized for driving. They recall the fact that when the cedar blocks were first laid the street was one of tfio most popular thoroughfares In the cltj- . The Influence was felt by all of the property owners. New residences were built ; old homes were brightened and modetnlzed ; lawns i < nd parking were given universal at tention , and the street was the pride of the residents. In rccint years , since the blocks have gone to pieces , driving for pleasure has ceased , and th > > street has been deserted ex cept by those compelled to go through It. The Influence has affected the houses , and much of the old brightness and beauty Is gone. The residents recall the old condition and are anxious to have It restored. Among the strong advocates Is Hen. D. C. Bloomer , who owns considerable property and Is anxious to have It Improved. There Is a strong sentiment In favor of asphalt , but the advocates of [ v.vlng are willing to have good brick If the other material cannot be se cured at reasonable prices. F. J. Day , a large property owner , \e \ strongly In favor of the early commence ment of the paving campaign. "I want to nee It beghi as ! > eon as the frost Is out ol the ground , and the contracts ran be let , " wlil ho , "but I want to see more asphalt laid than any other kind of pavement. The council can order paving on every street In the city where I have properly and I will not object. It Is only a question of tlmt when the mew pavements must be laid , and nothing can be gained by waiting even an other year. " Orrnt CK-nriuice Snlc. ( Monday morning the people of Council Bluffs and vicinity will have a chance to secure some great bargains In carpets , rugs , curtains , portieres , etc. This will be a chance of years , possibly , In getting real bargains as we are making this a great clearance sale and prices are literally cut to pieces. lAmong the special bargains for this sale will bo four ready made carpets , Aloquettcs anJ Brussels. These will go at a low cash price. We offer a fine parlor suit at such a low price It will amaze you. Our house baa an established reputation In western Iowa and the people know that when we advertise a special sale we will do just what we say. Don't miss this great bargain offering. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , Odd Fellows Templo. A dozen brands of whiskey for all classes In stock. City family orders solicited. Mall orders from farmers and surrounding cities carefully filled. We sell toeer by the case , liquors and wines by the bottle , Jug , keg and case. Pabst 'beer ' , ale and porter on draught. 535 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iowa. ar. WOLL.STEIN & co. Augusta Grove will give an Invitation dcnce March 17th at Woodman hall. In vitations can be secured from C. A. TIbblts Henry Qtto and W. 'B. Lackey. siicr.iL EVENTS or LAST WEEK , II. . 13. Clulr GlrlH 'Hc-pnrit ' on Hie Trln to l > liio lu. The L. r. E. club girls , Mlscs Stella Roycr , Veva LInkey , Erma Linkey , Mabe ) Cook , CJmce Hardman , Claudle Scott , Agnes Spies , Kittle Wurner , Sadie Grass , with 'M''ss ' Mae Dill as umpire and Mrs. A , B. Moore aa chapcrono , returned from Lincoln last nlglit , where they played a match game of basket ball with the team from the Unlveislty ol Nebraska. The score stood 7 to 15 In favor of the Lincoln ; ) . All of the Lincoln team were gymnasium girls. The visitors were royally entertained at the homes of Mesdames - dames Richards , Lambertson , Me.Murtry , Raymond , Welch , Bryan , Ogden ai.d Hall , After the game a banquet waa tendered the L. I. E. girls In the armory of tbe unlvcr- Mty. Chancellor MaoLean showed the girls over the university and explained the dif ferent derartments and a number of the girls are thinking of entcilng the Institution when they finish their course here. The girl- found the trip BO enjoyable that they alines I lo.st sight of the fact that they were the de feated ones. A pretty little surprise party on Friday evening made a pleasant social evening pos- slblo for the friends of Mrs. Hanson. The occasion was the anniversary of her blrtlj and the surprise was planned by a number of her friends. Suitable refreshments were serve J and the evening was passed pleasant ! ) lu playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. George Kellogg have de cided to remove from the city permanently and make their home In Lss Angeles , Cal , Mr. Kellogg has already gone there and Mrs Kellogg will follow In a short time. Mrs. W. J. Davenport attended a large party given by Mrs. J , J. Sullivan In Creator on Friday evening. A party of Council Bluffs society people accompanied her. The Monday Musical Club Choral held Its first meeting In the new quarters that have been provided In the Sunday school room ol the English Lutheran church. The clul will hereafter hold all of Its sessions there The Council Bluffs Glee club , a new musical organization that has considerable promise of future fame , gave Its initial per formance on Thursday evening under tht auspices of the Men's club of the First Con- gregatlonal church. Mrs. Francis Murphy , who Is warmlj che.'lahed here by Innumerable friends vvhi still refer to her as Mrs. E. D. F. Fisher , li now making her home with her husband , tin great temperance advocate , In Plttsburg. Mr and Mrs. Murphy have traveled extensive ! ) since their marriage In this city , nearly nlru years ago , and after living awhile In Mon Una and Idaho tley removed to Indlanapolla frctn whence they removed quite recently tc their present home , Mlsti Grace Vovea of Sliver City was tbi guest during the week of the Ml&ics In nxn. on South First street. Mls. > Edith Ay era has returned from Logan where oho attended a party given by Rev E. E. Mack and wife. Mrs. S. C. Key has returned from an ex itended visit out of town. Mlra Woodrow returned to her home h Madison last evening after a chart visit wltt friends In this city. Dr. Bennett Windsor end wife of Chlcagt ore. expected to arrive In the city in a fe ? daje , end will hereafter make U their per mancnt dome. MrVlnd oc U the oaughte : of Dr. A. H. Carter. After their arrival Dr. Carter expcsta to make an extended trip In search of rest and rrcrcatlcn. Mlia Nettle Hunt has returned from an extended visit at Mobcrly , Mo. , and Olathc , Ken. Ken..Mrs. .Mrs. F. W. Voswlnklo and family arrived jreterday evening from Seattle and are at thu home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Phillips on llluff street. Mr , and Mrs. B. F , Dudley of St. Joseph. Mo , , who have been visiting the family of their nephew , W. H. Dudley , of 2305 Avenue A , have returned to their home. Mrs. W. C. James left last evening for a vUlt In Chloigo. Mrs. J. W. Kemp will leave this week for an extended visit In Wisconsin. Mrs. J. A. Patton and children left on Thursday for a two months' vlclt In lie south. Miss Emma Relter has returned from Sil ver City , vsherc she gave a successful musU cal recital. The Kuests of the Ogden had a costume party Saturday evening. Dancing waa en joyed and a Japanese supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler returned to their home In Red Oak Friday evening , after a two weeks' visit with Council Bluffs friends. Mrs. Victor E. Bender and little daughter have gone for a fortnight's visit with Mrs. Bender's parents at Galesburg , 111. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wyuian of 919 Sixth avenue returned yesterday from a visit at Indiana Mineral Springs , tad. Mrs. W. B. KlrkofT of South Eighth street Is visiting friends In Missouri Valley. Miss Kate Kuhn ot 1006 Avenue C Is vis iting Mrs. S. S. Elliott of Missouri Valley. Miss Blanch Garten of Lincoln , Neb. , Is the guest of Miss Beebe of Glen avenue. Mrs. E. A. Rfser ! is visiting friends In Lincoln , Neb. Mrs. Daniels of Belle Plalnc , la. , Is the guest of Miss Llllle Blue. Miss Lou Pegau of Omaha was In the city yesterday visiting friends. Miss Isabel Patterson has gone to Mlneola , where she will visit with Miss Flammant. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Dr. Keller , osteopath , Bcno block. When we frame a picture It always gives satisfaction both In workmanship and price. That's what makes our art department the proper place to visit when wanting anything In that line. C. B. Paint , Oil and Glass Co. , Masonic Temple. UMI'UIIIjICAX O.ltCUSKS AHE 11121,1) . l.nrK < * Atti'Miliiiici' nnil CniiNlilernlilc lll ( TH ( .MlllllfVNtCll. The republican caucuses la t night at tracted more Interest and attention than has been the case for many years. In all of the wards the attendance was to large that sev- eial hours were required to deposit and count the ballots. There were no particular fac tions , but the Interest was chiefly due to the desire of the republicans to take an Interest In the primaries and select a good set of del egates to the city convention. In the First , Second and Fifth wards the voters were required to nominate candidates for the council , and at the conclusion of the caucuses the two precincts in each ward met to name < ue next alderman. This doubled the crowds and made the contests somewhat long and Interesting. In the First ward , however , there was no fight. Within a few minutes after the voters got together Lewis Hammer uas nominated by acclama tion. In the Second ward the Joint caucus had a long and exciting contest , and the re sult was not declared until ncaily 11 o'clock. There were four candidates and several hun dred voters and three ballots were required to make the choice. The candidates were Chris Straub , F. E. Sellers , C. S. Hubbard and J. D. Johnson. Johnson finally won out. In the Fifth ward there was also a strong fight with eight candidates In the field , but A. Mitchell went Into the caucus with all of the voters from his precinct working for him and succeeded In getting a majority on the last ballot. His strongest competitor was Dell G. Morgan. Mitchell Is section foreman on the Rock Island and Is said to be a strong man. The net result of the caucuses cannot be forecasted to a certainty. A majority of the delegates from the First and Second wards are favorable to the nomination of H. J. Chambers or C. 0. Wheeler for city attorney and a number of them are pledged to N. M. Puscy for superior judge. All are about at sea so far as the candidate for mayor Is concerned. Following are the lists ot dele gates : First Ward First precinct , L. G. Scott , W. C. Dickey , C. A. 'Morgan , E. D. Fuller , F. A. Grout ; second precinct , A. N. Lund , T. J. Shugart , W. S. Balrd. E. E. Belknap , W. A. Groneweg , E. H. Olendorfer. Second Ward First precinct , J. C. Baker , G. M. Gould , J. B. Sweet , E. H. Lougee , J. P. Williams , Nat Shepard , J. W. Blanchard ; second precinct , M. B. Ayrcs , W. S. Wilklns , Andy Lorrenson , D. L. Ross , J. B. Fulton. Third Ward First precinct , J. M. Mat thews , Ohio Knox , E. E. Hart , E. N. Wal ters , P. C. De Vol , T. D. Metcalf ; second precinct , William Arnd , H. M. Brown , W. J. Sneathen , C. B. Altchlson , F. G. Webb. Fourth Ward First precinct , N. P. Dodge , L. Everett , J.M. . Galvln , F. H. Hoon , G. S. Wright , 0. E. Mayne. Fifth Ward First precinct , James Hoon , Ed Canning , E. S. Allen , C. Konlgmacher , John Sklnkle. William Klns'ell , Albert Cole , Charles Shields ; second precjnct'T. A. Brewlck , J. C. Miller , Peter Jacobson , Lars Hauten , F. M. Philips. Sixth Ward First precinct , L. M. Shubert , John N. Harden , S. Dobson , J. W. Clatter- buck , John Nelson , John Epperson. Our half price sales consist of the fact that In many Instances our prices , for first class work and fine goods are only about one-half what other houses charge for In ferior goods and cheap work. C. B. Paint , Oil and Glass Co. OASES IJf TUB niSTIUCT COURT. Suit Given to the Jury , AVIilch I * Xow Deliberating. The concluding arguments were made In the case of Deere , Wells & Co. against the Milwaukee yesterday forenoon and the case was ready for the jury at 12:30. : Judge Tbornell's Instructions were exhaustive , cov ering all of the points Involved In the con flicting controversy. In the belief that the jury would be able to arrive at a conclu sion Judge Thornell did not return to his home In Sidney as has been his custom at the close of the week. 'No ' word was re ceived from the Jury until about 6 o'clock snd then the notification was to the effect that the Jurors were hungry and wartol an extra good supper to carry them through what promised to bo an all night cam paign. After the big damage case was gotten out of the way yesterday Judge Thornell turned his attention to thei criminal cases and pro vided for taking them up on Monday after one other small civil case has been disposed of. A partial assignment of the criminal calendar was made : On Monday the gamb-- llng cases against James Mlthen , James Mooney , James Collier and William Rodgers are set for trial. On Tuesday the case of William Barnes , charged with hog steal ing and Fred Duncan charged with seduction will be heard. The assignment for Wednes day la the case against William D. Graham , Indicted for 'bigamy. ' The assignment also provides for several city cases which have been appealed from the police court Two of these are the af fairs of William Burke and John Bell , who appealed from the judgment of the lower court convicted them of Intoxication and another Is that of W. W. Cox , the Omaha detective who got Into trouble with a motor conductor and was fined la police court for disturbing the peace. Ella Clark , the colored woman who was anested at the Instance of William ( Madi son of Craig , Mo. , upon the charge of having stolen his pocketbook containing $100 an < 1 his return ticket , entered a plea of guilty and by agreement with the county attorney was sentenced to nine months In the peniten tiary. Original notices have been served In a suit brought by George W. Klngsnorth of Sioux City agalust J. M. Campbell ot this city , to recover a claim of about $5,000. Kings- north , Campbell , Frank ( Hunter , Cook , Phil- brook and others a number of years ago started a jag cure In Sioux City that was alleged by Its promoters to be a good thing. Several suits have already grown out of the combination , In one of which Frank Hunter sued to recover J5.000 bo had 'been ' Induced to Invest In U , Klngaworth now brings suit Campbell ( or the purpose ol break- * * * * * r& r * Hce , March t , ' 11 t PREMIUM STAMPS. i\ I I ; 71 ) I I 1 / I Wejhave made that term a household word during the two years we have been in business in this city. I I We s ir ed in on a business basis and we have the confidence of the merchants of the city. Do not be imposed I I I on bybimitators , who caiinot show you the goods you are to receive. We have a STOKE OF OUR OWN , in I which we exhibit our full line of PREMIUMS , given in exchange for STAMPS. I I Tliese ore tlie Stores where PREMIUM STAMPS are given. Buy here , collect Premium I I I Stamps and secure handsome premiums FREE- Art Studio. Hurry Schmidt , 400 Broadway. ( Stamps given only when cash deposit Is mail ? . ) Art .Veedle Work. McsdamcB Stork & Crisp. 311 Broadway. iintiy CnrrlniccM. S. S. Keller. 311. 313 , 315 IJroailway. linker- . C. Wldmater , S2S Broadway. IlmijoH , KultnrM , MniuliilltiH. Etc. Bcoirlcus | Music House , 325 Broadway. Hie ? elf * . J. T. Flndley , 3,17 Broadway. Cole & Colo. 41 Main Street. Council muffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway. Illfji'li' StuiilrlcN mill llepiilrN. Council Bluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway. llookn mill Stationery. D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Olvo stamps when Hiked for afthe time Roods are bought and paid for , except on school booka. ) IIOOlK 1111)1 SIlOI'K. S. A. ricrco & Co. , 100 Main Street. China nml GliiNmtnre. M. Wollmnn , 409 Broadway. Cutil nnil Wooil. R. H. Williams , 150 Broadway. Dr. I . E. Roe. room 322 Merrlam Block. Dr. A. O. Mudge , 319 Broadway. DliimonilN , M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. PriiKH nml DriiUTKlNiM1 SiinilrloM. Dell O Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway. Merrlam H'ock Pharmacy , cor. Main Street and Willow Avenue. Brown & Wesner. f.17 .Main Street. Morpnn & Co. , 140 Broadway. L. Mansenberff , CTO Broadway. I > j c Work. Schoedsack'.a Twin City Dye Works , cor. Avenue A and Twenty-sixth street. Flour nml Feed. J./C. / Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth Street. Charles Krlngel , Broadway and Oak. Street. A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue P. R. J. Hancock , COS NorthvSth Street. Furniture. S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 313 Broadw iy. Grille Work. S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 313 Broadway. ( rnccrlci. Bartcl & Miller , 100 West Broadway. Phone 3.9. John Olsc-n , 739 Broadway. C. A. Lacy , 3S1 Harriott Street. J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth Street. Hanson & Myrtue , 3.M Broadway. Evans & Kissel. i"l2 Broadway. A. W. Barrett. ! H2 Avenue F. R. J. Hancock , C03 North ! Sth Street. Charles KrliiRul , nroad-v.iv and Oik. llnrilunru. Cole & Cole , 41 Mnln Street. Charles SAnlpc , 340 'Uroadntiy. lliirni'HN nnil Saddlery. Walters Bros. , 148 Broadway. M. Wollman. 409 Broadway. I. a u nil rj- . Eagle Laundry Co. , 721 Broadway. and Honlton. ) llesdamcs Stork. & Crisp , 311 'Broadway. Meat MarkelN. J. II. Pace , 73S Broadway. C. H. Huber & Bro. , 112 na t Broadway. C. O. D Market. C H. Orvls , Prop. , K7 ! Broadway. Welker Meat Co. . 221 South Main St. A. W. Barrett ; 912 Avenue V. Mcrelimit Tailoring. Simon Johnson & Co. , 343 Broadway. Millinery. Miss L. A. Wollman. 339 Broadway. MlrrurM. S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 313 Br > i Iway. Muilcul Mcri'lmnilUf. Bourlclus Aluslc House , 323 Broadway. \CTIN mill Periodicals. D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Glvo stampn when asked for at the time goods are bought and paid for , except on school books. ) Omaha Dally Bee , 10 Pearl Street. Optical CooilM. < M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. ( Eyes < estcd free. ) I > liot Krnililc AVork. Harry Schmidt , 406 Broadway. > ( Stamps given only when cash deposit Is made. ) Bear iii mind that it costs you nothing to ct our Premiums. The Premium Stamps , get them FREE. Our office is always opcti rind Jrou are corditilly invited to call and brills your friends. If you have been overlooked in the distribution of our Stamp Hooks , kindly notify us and we will take pleasure in supplying you. They arc free to all. Yours very respectfully , c The Co-Operative Premium Association , - GLAIR E. TURNBULL , MANAGER. One-Half Cent 01R YOUNG SOLDIERS with every 10-cent purchase. That's what our premium checks are , and you can get anything you want for them , from a tin trumpet to aa organ or a piano , providing you get enough checks. Our PREMIUM cbecke are worth the cash , and OUR MEATS are the best and as cheap as any place In the city. Try the Blue front Market , 136 W. Broadway , 'Phone ' , 382. DflHANY THEATRE , D . .O\E J.MOIIT. . MONROE & HART. In the Latest and Most Successful Three- Act Comedy. 'THE GIY MATINEE GIRL11 10 Real Actresses 10 4 Real Actors 4 7 Great Comedians 7 22 In All 22 AX UP-TO-DI.VTE HIGH-CL/ASS / ATTIIACTION' . Prices 2oc , GOc and 7Sc ; boxes , $1.09. Scats now on sale. PAKM LOANS FIRE : INSURANCE Sim 1ST Y llO.VDS I.ovveMt lintel. All surety bonds executed at my office. JAS , N. CASADV , JR. , J3O Slain Street Council Bluff * . Ing the will of the late 'Mrs. Campbell , who left all of her property In such a shape that It could not be touched > by her husband's creditors. The petition In the suit will be filed In a few days. Democratic City Convention. The call was Issued yesterday for the democratic city convention to select the can didates for the school board and' the various city offices which are to bo filled this spring. The democrats have decided to hold but one convention and niaka all of the nominations at one sitting. The ponventlon will be held In the south room of the county court house on Wednesday afternoon , March 9. Cau cuses In each precnct | will be held Tuesday evening , March 8 , a lSTo'clock , at the follow ing places : j , . , 1L Flret Ward Flr L precinct , Wheeler & Herald ; Second prccjn.e ± . Wtieeler & Herald. Second Ward First Tpreclnct. City bulld- Ini ? : Second preclrffcft , . City building. Third Ward FlW ? 'precinct , at Creston house ; Second preHnetr engine house No. 1. Fourth Ward H1ist i precinct. superior court room at court Ijojuse ; Second precinct , Smith hall. , . Fifth Ward FlrM1 precinct , at the county building , Fifth avemnd and Twelfth stitct ; Second precinct , ' 1'hlrtcenth street and Six teenth avenue nt < , vn' Sixth Ward FlrM' precinct. Twenty-third and nroadway ; Second precinct. Fifth and Locust street at 7 ojqlqck. Kach precinct wU ) elect one committeeman to servo for the coming year. In the First , Secbml'and ' Fifth wards , after the selection of tWP'ol'legates and commlt- teemen , the SeconH'nrtclnct will meet with the First to nomlrfatd'a. candidate for alder * ' " " man. Picture Krnnlrk Iliilf I'rlrc. Some people think there Is no truth In our sale of picture frames at half price. But do not forget that some of your friends never bought such bargains In tbls line. All this week frames and picture * at halt price. H. L. SMITH & CO. , , 45 Main street. ? otullN < M Confer. The middle-of-the-road populists held a meeting last night for the purpose of or ganizing for the city campaign and prepar ing for the ( ticket that will be presented. This la the second conference held recently. Last night thera was Just thirteen present. A. M. Hutchlneon was made chairman , and after the preliminary work was over an hour was spent In the reading and d'scuedlon ot a long platform that covered a dozen type written pages. The platform demanded sev eral things tn the way of .state legislation { Continued on Seventb Page. ) Are courageous and all seem willing to fight for the honor of their country , and they would look nice in bright , new uni forms. All this war talk may blow over , but the little sol diers to fight our battles in years to come should not be over looked. They will look nice in their bright , new spring suits , and we have something in that line to please everyone. Our spring consignment of Children's Suits , Children's Waists , Boys' Suits , and youths' wearing apparel of all kinds has just arrived and has been placed on sale. We invite you to call and inspect our line of goods. You are sure to be satisfied , as no other house in the west has a better line of clothing. METCALF BROS. , 18 and 20 Main St. and 17 and 19 Pearl St. flSK IN THE SEA Yes plenty of 'em , but you will confess that there are not so many in the Bea , lakes and livers as there were after looking at the great .display of the finny tribe at Sullivan's Store. There are fishes of all kind , pike , trout. bass , pickerel , salmon and almost any kind you can think of. Then the' shell fish , -lobster , oyster etc. , are as line as you have ever seen. Sullivan leads all others in the fish busi ness. During Lent , you will always find what you want not only in fish , but in the grocery line at the old popular stand. 343 Broadway. FINE SIMMER DRINK. SCilLITZ 311V ffcEFE BEER The limt In < ! < world. Deliv ered In any | i rt of Uie elt > - . Teleiihone HOI ) . Moll order * filled. I LINDER & FILTER , 1OUI HHOAinVAV. J , B , SWEET , Attorttey-at-Law and Notary Public , 309 DENO BLOCK , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , I'ntnffl , Olln nnil Pell G. Morfrmi & Co. , "W HromUviiy. Mori lam lllock rimrinucy , Cor. Mam Street nml Willow Avenun. Brawn & Wcsncr. 017 Main Street. Morgan Co. , HO Uroailwuy. 1'liiiiiiM mill Orunnx. Hourlcltis Munlc Hou c , 32.1 Uro.uhvay. I ton in WoulillllK. J. U. Long , 31 M.iln Street. .SIM\IIT Miielilnex. J. T. Fliulley , 337 Hroail\vny. SlitM't Mimic. rsourlcltis Music House , 323 Dromluay. SllOI-K. S. A. riercc & Co. . 100 Main Street. J. n. Long , 31 Main Street. Mlvcmnrr. M. Wollman , 401 Hio.ulway. Me.sclames Stork & Crisp , sn Bro.iilway. SION nnil Cole & Cole. 41 Mnln Street. Charles Swalne , 340 'Ilro.iilwny. .SHUN. ( Ilomlnwny and Bralnerd , ? Arm-'tronc ; . ) Mesilame-i Stork & Crisp , sn nro.ulw.iy. , . Simon Johnson & Co. , ii3 ! Broadway. Tlnwnre. Cole. & Cole , 41 Main Street. Charles Swalne , 10 llroailway. John Ol = on. "TO Uroailway. II. 'J. Hancock. GOT North 8th Street. Turf ( 'ooilM. Walters Bros. , 14S Hro.ulwny. t < | > lmlKtcr > . S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , an IUo.ulw.iy. Wall I'lim-r. J. B. Ionff , 31 Main Street. \Viitolicx nml CltivliM , M. Wollman , 409 nroadway. AV Irani Co null IMIxIr. Brown & Wesner , 617 Mnln Street. Wniitl. C. A. I-aey. TS1 Harrison Street. n. II. Williams. r,0 Broadway. A. W. Uairctt , H12 Avenue V U. J. Hancock , C05 Xorth Sth SGHEDULE EXPRESS between Council Bluffs and Omaha Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call or Wm. Welch. Dlulfa 'phone , 128 ; Omaha phone , 7SO , UATKS LOW. For carriage 01 express wagon , call at > No. 8 North Malr street or above telephones. L. ROSBNFBLU. Wines ft Liquon Wholesale Agent Anbeuscr-liuscb Beer , 510 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD HORSE SHOEIM& AND GOOD BLACKSMITH WORK IS" WHAT YOU PAY FOR WHEN YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN THAT LINE. WHY NOT GET TUB BUST ? IT DOESN'T COST ANY MORE. INTER FERING , FORGING AND QUAUTWa CRACKS ARE MY SPECIALTIES. A.VU THIS MEANS DO DISEASED HUOP3. COME TO THE NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP , 19 BRYANT STREET , OPPO SITE ( CITY BUILDING. C. C. CARPENTER , PROPRIETOR. CLEAN UP. Have your clothes neatly cleaned , pressed and repaired , ready for spring. Suits made to order. First class work and low prices. J. C. JENSEN , lilt Ilr > nnt St. , Omi , City llulltlln . WWW\4 SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS' von SALC or FOK TRADC or nENT by _ LCONAIID KVnilCTT , Attornej-at-I iw , 16 Pearl Street , Council muffs , la. 20 ncres of splendid InnJ , partly Improved , t miles from 1'lattsmnuth , 3 miles fiom 1'aclflo Junction ; S100 taeh , balance In 10 umiual pay ments. An 85-acre Improved farm , vtlth 5 ncres of tim ber , 8 miles last of Uunlap , Mi rnilva north- yc t of nurlltiR , In the bent part of Shelby county. In. : ROOI ! neighborhood , ' , j of a mile from a B" * ! school house , 2 ROOI ! wells , pprlne In the pasture , fmull home nnil Improvements ; about 10 ncrcti In culthutlon , balance In pas ture ; present price , J3J per acre ; VI will be taken In Council lllurfa or Omaha Imprmul property , or " 111 take part of the imrchaxu money In Rood work horeo , or In cattle ; 10 > curs' time given on the balance In annual payments. This property In far rent for season of ISM at a reasonable rental. Good farms for rent for eeaton of 1S08 and 1S90 to responsible parties nt aery reasonable rental , Improved farms for rale In 1'ottawut- tamle county , In. , nt a reasonable price , part cash , balance on long time In annual pay- mints. Apply to tio.s'AUD IVIUETT , Attorncy.ut-li.iw , 10 I'earl Street , Council Ulurre , la. DWELLINGS. 1'HOIT. . 'A II to AND Unds for tul or rent. Day * lien , U I'earl lre l. _ _ rou HAM : , 40-Actti : IMPHOVKD KAIIM IN Mills Co. , Iowa. 20 ocres In cultivation , bal- once In tlmn r und pasture ; a bargain If sold 3on. Addreti X li. Ike OMIte , Council lllufft , luwu , c ACUIS : OP I-INIJ LAND IN . township. Knot ! term * ; ZO acres under cultlvn- tlon ; some fruit ; C ncres of posture ; 2 > 4 mllea from city llnilln ; uplendld clmnce for homo ulth small capital. Ailclrces Jorepli postofllce. Council Illiirfs. I-OIl HKNT Till : TWO BTOIinH. NOW OCCIN pled by I'cterron & Hchoenlnif. South Main St. , April 1st. Apply to J , J. lirown , ZJO 7th St. St.tf tf WANTED. IIY A HOY 16 YKAH8 OI.D. A. place to work out of school hours. Take en fa o' horse or help In olllce. Address O , lie * I'UUE IWAMAH IXIOS. M CKNT8 A fiRT- tlnic. A , II. Howe , Council IlluffH. Instructions. Albln nuster. studi. VIOLIN 8JI liroidwiy. Ocrman mttb < > 4 i el DtMiltn ConMrv tor i 1