I PART 1. I THE OMAHA NDAY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , MAlforf A _ J ! _ G , 1808 TWENTST-FOUIl PAGES. SINGLE COP\r FIVE CENTS. BAVARIA'S DEMAND Beota the Establishment of a Separate High Military Court. * ALL THE PEOPLE SAID TO FAVOR IT Serious Crisis Threatened in Case the Reform is Not Granted. VIEWS OF MINISTER VON GOSSLER Head of the War Portfolio Admits the Subject is Debatable. ' SENTIMENT SHARED BY ALL CLASSES I'conlc In tinlIlKlivxt Clr.-l.'M Snlil < Support ( liel'ro | > < i e < l Ill-form lilR l.nhor Striken In ( ie rm any. ( Cnpyrlnlit , 1 9 * , liy the Affoclntert Preen. ) BERLIN. March 5. In the Reichstag lh ! T.-cek , during the debate on the reform mil itary co.le , remarkable statements were made by Baron von Hertllng , the Bavarian centrist lender , and Count von Lerchen- feldt , the representative of the Bavarian government. Both asserted If Bavaria was not allowed Lo maintain a separate high and military court there was danger of a serious crisis. Boron von Hertllng added : ' 'The se aratU in have been much strength ened lately nd their sentiment will bo shared not only by the masses , but by the upper anJ even the highest circles. " The nilnlstci for war. General von Goshlei , admitted Unit Bavaria Insisted upon separate military courts and thought the subject \vta debatable which contention would be tup- ported by the feder.il and Imperial constitu tion. The Reichstag , like the HundMrath , supported Ila\arln's claims. / t , the recent ambassadorial dinner Em peror William had ft long conversation with Mr. White e i the subject of CapUln Mulmn's books. H ! majti'ty said he had read them all with great Interest ; ho had Induce. ! hln ministers to do tl a same , and expressed the opinion that tlio aiptaln had rendered a fjrcat cervlce to oil nations. He ndd'd thut ho had met Captain Mohan at Oiborne , but the pinpcror oxplalm-d he mw him for such a brief tlmu and wider .conditions so unfa vorable as to render conversation ImposElbl" , end ho ke-enly wlshej to meet the captain again , hoped ho would visit Germany , and nddcd that ho would appreciate It If Mr. Whlto would write Captain Mahin to that Effect , as the latter had Intrre'teil him gicatly as a man , apart from his books. A discussion Is proceeding between the emperor and the evangelical council ot Prus- tta rel'itlvo to the program and alma ot the trip to Pal stlno In October , the court mar shal fixing all the detail ? , which will be sub mitted y > the emperor before they are ddoptoJ. One of his majesty's me In objects b to determine authoritatively the exact elfcd of Golgotha , the temple of Jerusalem , the crucifixion , 'the Prctorlum and similar places. BIG STRIKES IN GERMANY. . There have been large strikes In a num ber of German cities. In Berlin 12,000 shoe makers have struck for a uniform scale ol wagca and It Is thought that the shocinaken elsewhere will Join. The cabinet mal.era ol Hamburg and Algona have struck for nine hours' work per day , and at Dresden S.OOO cigarette makew hove gone out on a strike , There are similar reports from Charlottcn- berg , Soraeu and oilier places , and big strikes are pending In the Rhenish mining district , At Baron von Stumm's request a detach ment of troopt' has been sent to the Saar dis trict to preserve order. At the dinner which the Imperial chan cellor , Prince Hlohenlohe , gave to the parlia mentary leaders the same evening ho askec the Bavarian representative what was the actual feeling and received the reply thai 'Bavaria ' for some time hail been decided ! ) Prusso-Phoeblc , tlio entire people aharliif this feel Ing. In spite of the opposition to Dr. Mlque am ! the whole government the Pruslan Die has amended the government bill for th ( relief ot the victims of the litleslan flooJ Increasing the appropriation from 5,000,001 marks to 10,000,000 marks. A number of wit ncisrs gave details of the distress existing Dr. Mlquel denied t"e urgenc } of the case but the houEO stuck to the amendment. Tin Sllcslan provincial chamber this week ap proprlated 1,000,000 marks for the Immedlati relief of the sufTercri. BMI'HROR WILLIAM AT IT AGAIN. Passages In Emperor William's speech a the swearing In of the raval reserves re ccntly , already cabled to the Associate Press and one Intimating the proximity o a naval war In which Germany would b < concerned , In which his majraty says "When the day eomcs when Germany wll have to show her power at sea I trust al ot you will bo ready to spill your blcod ai your forefathers did , " are much comraentei upon. The adlress was Impromptu and th Associated Prosn learns that Prince Hohen lone remonstrated with his majesty , polntln ; out of his utterances were calculate : ! t Eerloiuly disturb Germany's foreign relations The Prus. Ian government at last realize after a year's trial that the Boetz law Is a entire failure , -and It. Intends to relax , as , legislative modification Is at present Impos Bible , owing to the opposition of the tgrar lans. Statistic * Just published show that durln ; 1S97 under the now law the prices of cereal In Berlin Increased only 10 marks per ton it against 35 marks a ton at all ether grali centers of Europe. The United States embassy haa addre&u- another strong remctiBtranco to the Germai government , calling attention to the unfal methods adopted at many ot the rcvenu ktaltnru * , In regard to the Importation c American dried frulte , etc. The reports wer mainly from the Rblne district. Several cat toad * were stopped at Kaldenklrcncn seven weeks ago on the plea that an examlnatlo wai neccceary , but the examination has m j-et been made. Largg quantities ot drle fruits have been similarly refused admli lion Into Bonn since February 10 , The o ! flclali of the erubauy point out that sue methods are contrary to the wording and t the aplrlt of the llundesrsth decree , wblc drain only with ( reah fruits , and they dc mend redreai. Tha staff of tbe Unlli-d States embassy o Wednesday attended a charity performanc ai the Nenea thcaUr under the ratronag cf the nmpreas. The performers all belon to the hlgliemt court circles and each ot th cmtKUules occupied a box , for which fal Uloua mlc t were paid. . Mf. KtfcM ttetorooa ana Mr. Vatrjc Campbell , with their EnglU'h-spcaklng ' com pany , presented "Hamlet" at the Royal opera on Thursday and were welcomed by the brilliant audience of Berllners , Including members of the royal -family and diplomats. SL'IIMAItl.VK ' MINKS SO 1,1) TO SI'.UX. Story To lit liy n I. n ml on Klcetrlonl LONDON , March G. According to the statement of & man whose cards describe him as bclrti ; an electrical engineer , whose name cannot be disclosed , but has been for warded to Washington , there were so'.d to Fnanlsh officers In London several years ago a large number ot mines , eight or ten ot which were placed In Havana harbor. He cays they were made In a special way and had a peculiarly constructed cable , which he contends he con positively Identify It the mallest piece U produced. Some of the mines , the man continues , were fixed so hey could be fired from a fort and two ot hem had bulbs arranged so that they would xplmle on a vivael coming In ecu ) tact with hem. But the alleged electrical engineer ( Us that heloes not believe the bulbs rould be used In water as shallow as that of lavana lia nor. He exhibited the plans of no of these mines , which , he pointed out , A as the most likely to produce the effect escribed as causing the ureck of the Maine. t was numbered " 2" and was constructed : o contain 500 pounds of gim cotton. This s the story told by the man , who gives mo the Impression that he has been sergeant if engineers or has held some similar posl- lon. He was apparently thoroughly Informed electrical matters and submcvlnc mines. The man who made the foregoing statements is an Englishman and he says he Is willing o go to the United States as a witness. Ficirrs A num. . Dueof the ItCHiiltM of the Late 7olit Ti-Inl. PARIS , March G. Colonel Plcquart , who is dls3lp'l-ed for giving testimony favorable : o the case of M. Zola at the recent trial of : ho author , fought a duel with swords to < Ja > n the riding school of the military school with Colonel Henry , who , In the course o ! his testimony against M. Zola , denounced Plcquart as a liar. Colonel Henry was wounded In the wrist and arm. Colonel Henr > luccceded Colonel Plcquart as chief of the : ecrct service of the war office. At the first encounter Colctiel Henry was slightly scratched on the forearm and at the same moment his blade appeared to touch Co'.onel PIcquart's neck. Senator Dane , Colo- niPIcquart's \ second , then Intervened , bu his principal was shown not to have been touched and an cncouuter .at close quarters followed. Colonel Henry was eventually wounded 6n the- elbow and the duel was brought to an end. After Colonel Hcnry'd wornd had been dressed he went home where General Dolideffre was awaiting him Officers acted as seconds for the two duelists and Colonel Henry's wound woe dressed by a civilian. UHSHJXATIOX 01. ' AUSTRIAN CAIIIM2T Onilieror Ki-juieU .loseiili Tnkcit Vti-im ( o Komi ne v One. VIENNA , 'March 5. The members of th c Austrian cabinet today tendered their resig nations , which wevo accepted by Emperor Francis Joseph. His majesty appointed his privy councilor , Count von Thun Hohenstim , prime minister , and entrusted to htm the task of forming a new cabinet , pending the organization of which the rctlrltig ministry will conduct the currency buslncen. fjelone- Sweep nn Afrleiui Inland. MOZAMBIQUE , March G. Advices Just re ceived here from the Island of Mayottl , Comoro ere group , says ( Mayottl was swept by a cyclone during the night of February 2. The government buildings were partly de stroyed and largo numbers of people were killed or Injurol.Many of the sufferers were left without any shelter and are now suffering from famine. Mayottl Is one of the Comoro Islands , forming , with some ad jacent Islets , a French colony. The area of the Island Is 137 square miles. The na tives are 'Mohommedans of mixed African , Arab and Malagasy stock. The population of the inland Is about 11,000. Xluror Fore-en Stnrt lo the Front. BRASS , West Coast of Africa , March 5. The Royal Niger company's forces left Lokoja yesterday for Sokota to owlst the sultan o ! Sokola to drive the French out of his terri tory should the French forces refuse to re- cross the Niger river. LIVERPOOL. March G. Major Lugard , the conimander-'In-chlcf of the Royal Niger com pany's forces , accompanied by other officers , lolled today- for Rio des Forcados , Uppei Guinea. HOIIOI-H for lll imirek. BERLIN , March 5. Emperor William or March 25 , the sixtieth anniversary of th < entry of Prince Bismarck Into the army , wll confer upcn the former chancellor a slgiu distinction. Dr. Sehwenlrger , the prlnce'i physician , has fccblilden nalsj demonstM- lions or public opeaklng at Frledrlchsrulu on the oecasUti of Bismarck's blrlftdny , Aprl 1 , owing to tbe statesman's precarious otat < of health. llitrej Inn Work on Ceriium Shlpx , BERLIN. March G. The budget commit tee of the Reichstag has adopted the proposal that the new vessels of the German navj shall bo finished In'slx Instead of seven years Admiral von Tlrpltz. secretary of the Im perial navy , said Its adoption would result li considerable military and political advan tages. I.oiiii Will He KloiKeil , In Kuroiie. LONDON , March 5. Commenting on th < rumor that a Japanese loon of 1GO,000,00 ( yen will be raised In the United State : through cx-Mlnlstor Dun , the Globe , thlt Rtterroon says It may be regarded as a cer tainty that when the loan Is definite'dec'dci upon , It will be floated In Europe. llnlKitrln lteiiie | > .ln an K\IIIIIHIIIII | CONSTANTINOPLE , Marcii 5. The Bui garlan agent here has asked the Turkish gov ernment for explanations regarding the al n Icgc-d movements of Turkish troops towan r the Bulgarian frontier. It Is reported tha Macedonian and Bulgarian bands crossed thi ' ' Macedonian frontier yesterday. Crown I'rlneeoi .MiuliVor e. il VIENNA , March 5. The condition of tin Crown Prlnccfs Stephanie took a markei > t change for the worse last night. A phu'cai ! , and a priest were at the bedside all night She received the lost sacraments of th . church , and has been visited by Empero Francis Joseph , Mfiiraunini CounreiiK Ailjourim. MANAGUA , Nicaragua ( via Galvcston ] Maixti S. Tbe Nicaragua ! ! congress todn : adjourned until August , 1S99. Prcsldcn Zelaya gave the members of the house banquet at the palace. Miner * Ciinulit lu lluruliiRMine. . DRESLAU , Prussia , March B. A' fir 10 started In the Saturn and Soznowlce mill hero today. Twenty dead bodies have a far been recovered. There are more in Ib burning mine. ENGLAND IS WITH US Better Element Expresses Cordial Sympathy with the United States. PRESIDENT M'KiNLlY HIGHLY PRAISED Us Diplomatic Course Goes Far Toward Influencing Fnblio Opinion , RECOGNITION OF BELLIGERENCY EXPECTED : "irm Conviction that Americans Will Interfere in Cuban Trouble. CARLISTS PROMDTING A PASTORAL LETTER ) eelnratloii of n Catholic Illnhnn In Sim I li Mmle 'Mileh < lf nil a I1U- tlnct Help to Their CIIUHC. ( Copyright , U ! > 3 , by the Associated Presic. ) LONDON , March 6. Now that time and opportunity for reflection have been allowed ) y a temporary cessation of the patriotic and bellicose statements , which since * the wreck of the Maine have been the chief feature of tlie special cable dispatches from .he ' United Statcfl , Englishmen are beginning to realize the depth o ! the pro-Cuban feeling n the United States , with which the thought ful element hero cordially sympathize , al though they believe the Maine Inquiry will absolve Spain from complicity , ln the dis aster. An expression almost amounting to conviction prevails that public opinion will compel the government of the United States to acknowledge the Cubans as belligerents and Ititervene between Spain and Cuba. The patience of the people of the United States tends to confirm the belief here that the government Is preparing to catlsfy the coun try's aspiration when the auspicious mo ment arrives. Everyone In this country acknowledges the dignity and self-possession with which the cabinet of President , McKln- ley has been handling this most difficult affair and this attitude of the United States government has had a great affect in In fluencing opinion on this side. Americans cxprces themselves as being much gratified at the friendly attlUile which the British government has evinced toward the United States. By advice of the British government shipbuilders and dealers In munitions of war here In.ilst practically upon cash payments In the case 'Of all or ders booked by Spain. It aeerr.s that the Spaniah embassy , when bargaining with tlie shipbuilding and other firms , Indirectly sug gested that Great Britain sympathized with Spain. This coming to the ears "of the Brit ish government , the latter lost no time In putting the firrcs which are In the habit ot doing government work on their guard. Another rumor that has decidedly pleased the Americans was that the govern ment haa succeeded In obtaining complete plans of the principal Spanish harbors and their defenses. In Ehort , both Americans and Englishmen have about concluded that tha present calm has been brought about by President McKlnley In order to allow the completion of preparations for defense and for possible Initiative action and few people hero will bo socrv- when a decision Is reached and the long-standing tension Is ended. STOCK OPERATORS CAUTIOUS. Operators on the stock exchange are In clined to leave American securities alone until the crisis Is tcttled. They burned their fingers during the last week , the net re sult being that London loft considerably to New York , and , although ctiere Is no doubt as to the final outcome , It is feared the struggle wlli cause the trade of the United States to suffer severely. Hence the London purchases at present are not likely to be appreciable. An exemplification of the feel- lii ( , ' here Is .contained in a long article pub lished by the Statist. After complimenting President McKlnlt-y , whose powers are por- liap- greater than 'those of any European sovereign , upon having xhlblted admirable firmness of character and Independence of judgment , the Statist points out that , "how ever strong the president may be , he has finally to obey the will of the people. " Continuing the Slatlst says : "It would be the gravest mistake to suppose that because the lingoes , who have discredited themselves by reckless charges which they were unable to substantiate , have failed to move the presi dent , public sympathy for the Cubans , which Is very real and very widespread , will also fall. " Commenting upon the financial' - pect of the situation the Statist pays : "The withdrawal of gold for New York at this season Is noteworthy and gathers therefrom corroboratloh of the belief that most ot the recent speculation In American securities * conducted by the United States was financed by the New York bankd , hence the latter are now In a position to part with much money to the agricultural districts without calling In loans. " Continuing the Statist t ji"Another : clrcumsance : has powerfully contributed to the ( .trlugency. If there should bo war the expenditure .would be upon an enormous scale > ind the government will have to borrow. Immense sums to meet this enormous expenditure. It would not bo surprising , therefore. If the banks are ( alt- Ini ; precautions and are increasing their holdings of gold. " THINKS' BOTH EXPECT WAR. The Spectator believes that both Washlng- 1 ton and Madrid expect war without desiring 1 It , "that both ar.e arming as rapidly as they | can , and that both arc cogitating upon pos sible alliances , Spain with Franco and Ruesla and America with Japan , which wants the Philippine Islandu and can double the Amer ican fleft at a few hours' no tice If Russia permitted. " The Spec- tutor continues ; "Great efforts are being made on both sides to be In time by President McKlnley because the arsenals are not full , and by Premier Sagasta because he must elect a moral , obedient Parliament , The French foreign office , dreading a finan cial crash in Paris , Is suggesting mediation , but It will In the end make a mistake In threatening a people who at heart believe there Is nothing strong In Europe except Great Britain. " The consul general ot Spain Is responsible for < i curious advertisement which has ap peared In the London newspapers calling upon Spanish deserters and fugitives w7ic have not yet drawn lots for cervlce to come to the consulate and ocqalnt thfinsehra with u royal decree of pardon which co-acerm them. Thus far there has been no responre , The pastoral letter ot Cardinal Caicarajus , bishop of Vellalld , ha > aided another tangei to the long list threatening Spain by glvlna such a doom to Curllits und no student ol Spanish history would be surprised were or outbreak to occur shortly In the northerc provlncei. Tbe text ol tbl letter ( bow. _ that It practically amount * t a manifesto In favor of legUlmlaa- ' th'ij idle remedy for the manifold evils InfBpiln , CARLISTS PROMOTOJQ T B PASTORAL. The Carlisle are urjlnpr the manifesto tor all It Is worth , declaring It'to be one of the blackest , yet mort truthfu and painful , paintings of Spain flnder .he present re- gency. t The Correo , organ"pf th i Curllsts , calls the pastoral letter " n outburst from a sol dier's heat suffering from 'the miseries of the fatherland and indignant at the Insults offered to the Spanish nag , from the heart ot an apostle filled with love for our brave soldiers , the victims1 ot treachery , " and sayi : "Tho prelate clearly points out that the Carlisle tire the only party with the neces sary cohesive strength and faith to carry on the glorious tradition * ot Spain. " Even the liberal Imparclal stoutly com mends tbo cardinal's action. The seml-consternatloh which was created at the time ot Prince Henry's visit , when the German war chips , Deutschland and Geflon , suddenly loomed out of the fog with out having previously been signaled , bos aroused the authorities to a sense ot taking additional precautions , and they arc now ordering quick-fire guns and searchlights. At the entrance of Portsmouth harbor there will be a light powerful enough to sweep Splthcad and guns will be BO placed that ships entering must pats under their muz zles. The admiralty haa also ordered the prompt delivery of ten twelve-inch guns and twenty-four six-Inch quick-firing guns ot a new pattern , the special features of which are their breech mechanism and a new ap- aiatus for worl.lng their primers. The new ; uns work wholly automatically and at their rials they gave the greatest satisfaction , ho round taking only elx and a halt seconds and eight rounds being fired In fifty-six seconds ends , they having a striking power of 5,374 'oot tons , against 3,241 attainable by the present guns. The officials here claim these are the best re-suits obtained by any naval power. TOe result of the London county council elections has been to Inflict on the marqul.1 of Salisbury's government the heaviest blow t has yet sustained. The whole cabinet descended Into the arena and the unionist caucus pulled the parly ulrfs. John Burnt1 ' scented Dclllads , " otherwise the "Primrose Dames" Invaded the elum.s like a swarm ol ocunts , but Louden cepudfated the attempt to Interfere In Its municipal concerns. Lord Roccbery's admirable Interventions on thu woman's part has led to the revival of the report ttiat he desires the liberal leadership. Sir William Harcourt's period of probation has been unsatisfactory , and many ot tilt Iberals arsvilllng to she'lve him. Now that Lord Kcsubery has emerged from seclusion , it Is hoped he will again take up the reins. ITS SERIOUSNESS OVERRATED. After reflection and collating the stories do Saturday Review concludes that the seriousness of the attack op King George ol Greece has been overrated. Indeed , It In sinuated that the whole uffalr was engineered with the Idea of agitating a revulsion ol feeling In favor of the fiyna.sty. The Satur day Review comparesthtj Jtoown power ol the Gras rifle bullets , .rt blo of plercloj eighteen Inches of sulld oak , with the sllghl [ lent In the metal , lamp ( Aid trie email marten on the woodwork where tbo bullets struck the carriage , notes that-lhe horses had sev' ccal slight abrasions and''that the tiarnes : cut , and concludes with congratulating the king that the horsDi did not bait , "li which event there might liave been some danger. " ' If the Tien Tsin correspondent of the Dally Mall was well Informed In saying Japan has addressed aaote to Russia de manding continued occupation of Port Ar thur , It must lead , taken In conjunction wltt the activity of the refortlficatlon of We ! Hal Wei. to a recrudescence of a certainty worry and alarm which kept the two hemi spheres on tenterhooks at Chrtitmaa time. As the Associated Press pointed out or Januaary 22 , the diplomats have alwayi dreaded that Japan wouIrlftakR isolated ac tion In defense cf Corean neutrality. Tc this trouble which seama , to be brewing i > attributable the continued dispatch of Rus- situ , French and British reinforcements tc the east. Evidently Japan Is preparing 'foi the struggle with Rutslai which mu < U conn some day and which wilt'be the fiercer tu < longer It 1 * delayed. A serious misfortune lias occurred to tin Cambridge university crew. C. M. Steele the "light blue" stroke , has had a suddec attack of gaatrlc Influenza. COUIIT AT WUItlC AT'HAVAXA AGA1.V SliirtN In Mltli Ilt-jiriiiK Iteiiorlfi o U orlc < > f Illvei-K. HAVANA , March B. The Mangrove , will the United States naval court oP Inquk-y 01 board , arrived here before noon , and th board at once held a ewsloh. Ensign Powell son was examined concerning t io week o the divers , over 'which ho ha.i supervision and his examination wa ? continued after th recess. Captain Sampson , the president of thi court , said ho was v.iry sorry , but It wai Imps&ilblc to tell the correspondent any par of the testimony or the conclusions reached Furtheihe ald hedxid BO Idea how loni the ccurt would rcmilu ( pore , adding thane no orders had been 'jecelrcd for the cour to go to Washington at the clceo of Its ses slons here. t i , Three bodies uero rpcojored today fron the wreck of tfio Malne 1 'One of them wa Identified r.s that of Robert'Vlilte ' , a met , attendant , and fnottui ; Isl supposed to b " that of a man named Stewart. With the re mains woe found a fife handkerchief havlni on It the letter "RTtie third body I supposed to be that ot an 'dllcr , as the cloth Ing was saturated wfih p'll/j / The CKst fiurveyfste/sofie ? Bache Is ex reeled here today , and will return wild fou bodies , Tvhlih bave'been fOuml since lid las trip from Key West. Senator Proctor vlslfe4"the hr&pltals to day , and Kits evening le : will take a boa lo Sagua de la Grande , .returning by ral In time to take the next ( Wednesday ) steamo fcr home. ' The court of Inquiry at 'the afternoon set felon continued the examination of Enslg Powelson , at the conclusion of which an ail journment was taken. The SpinUh divers wt're down for severe hours today. They make dally reports t Captain Peral of the Spanish court ot In qulry. The Bache arrived this morning. Jt wl take to Key Wrat the bodlr * of these reco\ eicd from 'the wieck. The boat on which Senator Proctor ha planned to go to Sagua la Grande this even Ing did not leave , but Mr , Proctor , accomp ; nlcd by Miss Barton , John K. Ellwell and Di Egan , will go to Sagua early" tomorrow b train. The executive committee of the autonomL party will publish a manifesto In two papei tomorrow , setting forth ( he lnt otloo of tb ' party U rtUUoa t U Mala * lectloa . CRUISER NOT SOLD Iruzil Does Not Part with Its New Fighting Machine. APTAIN OF THE VESSEL GIVES DENIAL [ is Government Has No Intention of Selling. 'ROPOSES ' TO KEEP CRUISER AMAZONAS leport Concerning Now Chilian Vessel Also Groundless. * O'HIGGINS ' SAID NOT TO BE FOR SALE Spain Mtsmt ( io KUewliere If It Want * to iMorennF KMnvnl lArnin- meiit liy 1'iirehnjtliiii Copyright , 1S9S , by 1'rccs PubllsliInK Company. ) LONDON. March E. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Brazil an cruiser Amazonas , which was reported old to Spain , arrived at Gravescnd from Tync today. I went on board this evening 0 ascertain from 'the captain whether there vas any foundation for the report already lenlcd by tlie Armstrongs. Captain Santos received me most courteously and said In reply to my question : "There Is not a word of truth In the story. The Ilraztllan govern- nent has no Intention of polling this ship. Wo thall remain hero for ten days to com- ) leto our outfit and then sail for Cherbourg 'or further stores and thence direct to Bra zll. The same story la afloat respecting the Chilian cru'scr ' O'HIgglns , but the Chilian rcpreoentatlvos at Tyne Informed me It Is iqually groundless. You can _ deny the re port concerning the Amazoiiat- my au thority. " \MTIIKU CHUISKK AT HAVA.VA. Minlraiitc liiilnil -Ai > | iPiirM mill IN Heartily UVleoimMl , ( Cop > rlKht. U9S , l > y Press I'ulillslilnR Company. ) HAVAX'A. March B. New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The first : lass armored cruiser Almlrante O.iucmlo , 1 sister ship to the Vlzcaya , arrived here oJay. Chartered boats filled with loyaltitfl shouting and firing bombs and their bands of music playing met the cruiser and es corted It Into the harbor where the water iyaa covered with small craft gaily decor ated and the wharves were packed with people. As the Almlrante Oqiiendo entered ho Vlzcaya dressed ship and saluted. Morro and Cabanas saluted , too. A proper re sponse was made by the Almlrante which dropped anchor near the Vlzcaya and the remains of the United States battleship Elaine. Honore Lalne was arrested last night and s again In the dreary Cabanas prison , where lie has alrea-ly spent fourteen slow months. Lalne Is a French citizen , He was Im prisoned first on a charge of 'being ' a rebel cader. Life was guaranteed him from the first by the French minister of foreign af- falrs , but the trial dragged for more than a year , ending finally In acquittal. While- the divers were working at the Maine today one of them git afoul of a cal cium phosphite torch attached to a life buoy and broke the attachment , with the result that the fiamrs generated on the contact of ! he chemicals with the salt water. The flamrti under water frightened the divers , who signalled to be hauled up. When brought to the surface they made loud cries to have > : ho armor taken off. and refused to go down again. They said the flames made them think of an outbreak of the Infernal regions. They were fearful that an explosion might follow when the flames floated to the nurfacc of the water. One wrecking tug captain put the hose on them In an attempt to extinguish the flames. Morgan , an American diver , rec ognizing the exit of gas and shouted reas- eurance to 'the men working on the wrecking tug. SYLVB3TEU SCOVEL. irvvr. AX KYK o.vVAII SHIPS. Hulled Stale * May Piirelmm1 a Few nn KM Own Acoiint. NEW YORK , March G. A report to the Herald from Washington fays : Fully realiz ing the Importance of preparations for any emergency , the president has directed the Navy department to open negotiations lookIng - Ing to the purchase abroad of war ships. This fact Is now for the first time made public. It probably would not have trans pired at this Juncture but for the excite ment caused by the statement published that the government had purchased or was nego tiating for war ships being built by the Elswylck company of England for Brazil and for other ships under construction. With a view of obtaining the fact > our correspondent called upon a high official of the administra tion and obtained an olllclal admission made for the first time that while the president docs not anticipate war. he recognizes that there la a possibility of hostilities growing out of the Cuban problem and the Maine dis aster , and that he proposes to be prepared for It. There has been ample evidence of this In the preparations patent to ever } body which have been In progress for some time , but there has been no olllclal admission to this effect until now. Eight men-of-war are practically for sale to the United States. The president has given consideration to the advisability of placing an option on them. The Navy de partment has been carefully watching the construction abroid through the eyes of Its naval attaches at London , Paris , St. Peters burg , Berlin. Vienna and Home. Through those naval attaches and from the shipbuild ers themselves the secretary of the navy hcfi learned that he can now purchase two snull sized battleships , two armored cruis ers and four torpedo boats , all at a com paratively low price. The builders have promised that they can deliver the vessels to agents of this government at this time , complete In every respect , and all that will be necessary for the government to do will to lo order the necessary details of officers and men to any port desired. The bittlesblp and armored cruiser * have been built by English and German firms for governments .which arc new unable to pay for them , aUo that this government would have no difficulty In obtaining the vessels by simply putting down the necessary amount of cah. The four torpedo baitj iavo beea offered by the ThornycroU Shipbuilding company , whose boil * a : ieot.-tlx3 i > y cxper0 ! to bo among the best In t.W Vtrld. While your corro .ior.Jcnt was unable to learn the names of the ships which have been offered to this government , there 1 reason to believe that esong them are three powerful ship * under coMtructloa at the THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forccait for N br fki Kalrj Variable Winds. 1 , llavnrls Drnmndi Nepitrnto Court * . KMRlund Hide * with Uncle Sum. lirailllnn Crulior U Not Sold , 1'olltlrnl PrUoncr * to do Free. S. United State * on the Alert , 3 , Looking for ltrt o Hull around * . Nehninkn New ! , 4. I.nst Week In Onmlm'ft Soelul Whirl. 0. I'riiteetliiR Kiponlllon AKulimt Fire. Hoyn' und Olrln' ItnllilhiK * ' " KntrrnrUc of n I.ornl I'romotlon for t.uteim 0. Council lllufTs I.oenl SI 7. lun-u I.CKl lntlvn I'roce/ ( Street Cur Motoriiien 8. Another llolduti In On' Slot Mnelilnei Knockr Two Iluil Men I-nnded , 10. In the Oonmln ofV < / 11. t'oiiiinerelrtl und 18. IMItorlnl mill C'omini 13. KuOiliiR OiimhVs N ( Need * of the Flra l 1'elioes of the Antef 14. In the AiiiiMvnirut < i Munlcal Itevlctr of the Week. 17. Cniinda itnil the Ciiniidliinn. 1H. Sporting ; Iteilew of th Week , 111. AIIIOIIR the WhlrrliiRVlieels. . KU. DiiiiRerH of llherH * Oevnpntlon. Miinufiirturc of HlR < lun . SI. "l.lttlo Itrit Mun of HID Tullerleit. " ay. Slin of tlieodlue 111 Mnreh , "Kendurccftil Tom IIhim. " 2i. : Itecent I'lijnloldcleiil IllneovcrleH. Sample Itt-partoo In CoiiKrmH. IloHtruetlon of the IVai'eii'Hlier. lit. "Ellsmi , " hy II. Kldor Teniiioriitiire nt Omaha : Hour. I ) < 'K\ Hour. DCK. Vulcan works , Stettin , Germany , for the Chinese government. These three ships are of 8,000 tons displacement , contracted to moke 19.G knots and will be able to carry not less than 1,000 tons of coil In their bunktrs. There Is also reason to believe that In case of trouble this government could purchase from Japan the Kasagl and the Chliwa , which are near completion at Phil adelphia and the Union Iron Works. The official with whom jour correspondent talked had no doubt that Japan would be willing to aid the United States by selling thn war ships before the commencement of war. O11IMOXS OX iVAIl SITUATION. Spain Iln * Xot Applied for Loan to the ItodiM-hlldn. ( Copyrl lit , Ifi'JS. liy I'rcbs 1'ubll.s'iilntr Company , ) LONDON , March 5. ( New Ycok World Ca- blegrom Special Telegram. ) I Inquired to day at Rottis'ciiild's , New Court street , Swlthcns lane , whether there was any truth l ttftri'lstattiment-:4lmUbo | SpsnUh govern ment had applied to their firm for a loan of $40,000,000 , and received the following written reply from the head of the houoiii "Thfro 1 no truth whatever In the rcporl that ( he Spanish government das applied tt Messrs. Rothschild for a loan of 8,000,000. ( Signed ) N.VUHREM NEWCOURT. " Lord Edmond FItzmaurlce , member of Par liament and tinder secretary of foreign af fairs In the former liberal government , brother of the marquesfl of Lansdowne , pres ent unionist minister for war , states hla view on the question of possible European Intervention In the event of war between the United States and Spain : "Iam Inclined to think that any Interfer ence by European power Is Impcobable , France , I know , foas been specially pointed to , but It has been a toleraWy 'well settled opinion In Franco that a Spanhti alliance , whether perronal or political , InvarlaMy b'lngij misfortune to France. It I remem ber rightly the celebrated French historian M. Mlgnet , once wrote a very convincing essay on this point , and since Mlgnct's Unit tlicro have been two memorable Instance ! yet further to strengthen his position. Agalr it has been said that Germany , In considera tion of the acquisition of territory on the Moorltu coast , might Interfere , but Kiln If rather fanciful. Even admitting that to bi so years ago , Germany may have had an am bition In that direction , I do not think the ) would want to Interfere there now , mud less risk complications with the Unltci States fcT so small a comparative advan tage. " _ CO.VFlini SAMS OK SHU'S TO SPAIN , Deal for Another OneSnlil to Hi I'rnollonlly Completed. LONDON , March G. Further Inquiries made on the subject confirm the special ca bio yesterday ot the sale ot tbo two cruis ers which the Armstrongs have been buildIng - Ing for Brazil , to Spain. The Inquiries further show that a representative of thi Chilian government has been negotiating with a representative of the Spanish gov- - cinmcnt for the sale ot the battleship O'HIg gins , built for Chill , and It Is believed i deal la practically completed whereby thl ; splendid war ship patues Into Spain's posses sion. It U known that the Chilian repre sentatlve made a definite offer to Spain re cently but the price was considered tot high and Spain made a counter offer. i < I now undei stood that the have come ti terms. The ships which Spain secured In Franci are two heavily armored coast defense vessels sols which Brazil ordered for service w the river Platta , which have been bulldlii ) at the La Seync works at Havre , The state mcnt made In Washington that tbe Ama zouis , one of the vessels Spain hag pur chased from Brazil , had already left thi country for Brazil , Is Incorrect. It is stll at the Armstrong works. In I.eeitnril InliimlN , ( Copyright , 1S91 , liy l'rtr I'ublUlilnB Company. KINGSTON , Jamaica , March G. ( Nev York World Cablegram Special Telegram. Earthquakes have again visited the Lee wxird Inland" . They were quite severe an did the greatest damage on the Island An tldua and at St. Kltts. No loss of life ha as yet been reported. MovenientH of ( lei-ail VrxxeN ) , .Milred r At Southampton Arrived Fuel st lilt marck , from New Yerk for Hamburg1. At Liverpool Bailed Ktrurla , from Nei York ; Taurle , from New York. At Naples Arrived Fuldu , from Ne < New York. At Hamburg Sailed Pennsylvania , fo New York. At Antwerp Sailed Weaternlanil , fe | Yotk. I At Havre Sailed La Normandlc. for Nt York. I At Nil * ' York-Arrlved-St , Paul , frci Southampton. I At Phlladelplila-Salled-UdKcnIand , f ( Liverpool. SIX WILL GO FREE Irish Political Prisoners About to B Beloas.d. DATE IS SET FOR SOME TIME IN JUNE Now Lying in Jail Convicted of Uynnraitft ALL ARE IN BAD PHYSICAL CONDITION HOIU.O Secretary Mv.st Give a Medical Ocri.ficato. MORE UNHAPPY \TRIMONIAL RELATIONS UllUc nil it llnolicNN of York Art * He * * l > ere < l ( o Hint1 Dlxam-oeil Altiilu -iooil Slor > - Ahout HuUe of lev < in lilre. ( CVp > rlKlil , IM1 ? , l > y 1'rtss I'uljllsliliif ; Cotmmny. ) LONDON. March E. ( New York World Ca blcsram Special Telegram. ) The six re maining Irliih political prisoners lying la English jails convicted ot dynamite onent * > c3 will be released In Juno. This exclusive lu- formation was given to me yesterday > by nu Irish nationalist mc.nber tspi'uklng on the au thority of the cabinet minister. The periodic icvlew of sentences In ihu casa of the-so ueu takes place In June and their pliyiilc.il omlltton Is such that they must be releaued in a medical certificate of Homo Secretary tldley. Personally the most humane mau vlll bo quite ready to give effect to such a ncdlcal recommendation. Rumors are again very prevalent at the English court circles of unhappy nilatlims ,1'twcen the duke and duchess ot York. Tlio duchess left for the continent this week for a six months' tour , while the duke haa gene o Scotland for fishing. According to po.solp ri the best Informed quartern their dllfcr- nco iiroijo from Incompatibility of temper , not from any disposition on the part of tha luke to pursue wandering dies. Their latest llfUKrccmcnt is reported to have arisen In elatliii to the provision required to be inado 'or ' the duchess' father , tie ilulco of Toclr , vlio was left heavily cmlxirniMed and a chronic Invalid. The duke of York refuses .o provide money to pay his debts as re quested , thinking the duke ot Westminster , a multl-mllllonalie , should do EO In recognition of the social prestige obtained by-marrying ils daughter to the son ot England's 'uture ' queen. Unlcra a settlement Is soon made the personal effects uf the duku and the Into duchess of Tech must be auctioned , a humiliating prospect which Is canting keen sorrow to the duchess of York , who , It U generally remarked , has recently lost all her natural brightness of demeanor and wears an aspect ot sorrow and depression. The prince and princess of Wales have done the'lr ' utmost to restore harmonious relations , hut ho duke of York's sullen and obstinate dis position has rendered their efforts so fak * abortive. On one occasion the duke of Devonshire yawned wearily In the middle of one of hli own speeches and explained afterwards quite unaffectedly that ho "couldn't help It ; It was so frightfully dull. " He has held the British record for phlegm. * This week he was beaten at his own best In that respect. On Tuesday 10 was to Introduce a bill In the House of Lords providing for the establishment ot a new university for London. All the educa tional authorities among his fellow peeni came down to hear his speech. There was a full attendance. The duko's private secre tory brought In his papcie , but the duke never turned up and the house had to rise without hearing his speech. Jt appears he went to the Turf club after lunch and fell asleep In the reading room , never waking until an hour atter he was due at the House of Lords. The duke haa been unmercifully chaffed over the Incident and Lord Rosebcrry asked him whether It wouldn't be better In the future to arrange the session of > the House of Lords so as not to interfere with he duke's afternoon slrsta. SI'AIV DKMAM1K l.KK'fi H 1C CAM- DrvlnroN Hint He SliitMN Favor to < he ( Cojiyrl&ht , IfOS , by 1'iosi Putilhhlnp Company. ) MADRID , March B. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) El Imracclal calls upon tlie government to show that It Is In touch with public opinion In Spain and Havana bydealing energetically with tiio case of Consul General Leo , considering that Itio Spanish authorities In Cuba have- ac cumulated ample evidence to prove that the conduct of Leo has been systematically hos tile to Spanish rule and openly favorable to the Insurgents. Imparclal saya the Ameri can government could not possibly refuse to recall Leo If the case were iicoperly put before the State department , End directly the Spanish Parliament meets the matter will lie dlecubncd by the Independent opposition deputies. Other papers idow the same anltnus against Lee. El Liberal publishes a telegram from Havana stating that tlio Cuban Insular cabinet decided to publish only on Marcii 25 the * decree fixing the date of elections to the Insular Parliament April 27. The same telegram ttates that the Cuban authorities have discovered Important contra band Jewelry , made under the cover of cants alleged to contain relief provisions ecnt from the United States for the distressed In habitants of Cuba. ARTHUR K. HOUdHTON. WASiii\iT < > \ ( ; oviit\Mi.vr : is FIHM. Decline * to Ilecnll fienernl I.eu nt Sjuiln'H > < eiiie l. MADRID , March 8. Senor Gullon , Spanish minister of foreign affairs , recently Inti mated to United States Minister Wood ford that the Spanish government desired the re call from Havana ot Consul General Leo and that tlie American war ships that have been designated to convoy suppllrn to Cuba. for the relief of the suffcrera there should be replaced by merchant vessels In order to deprive the orelstarce suit to the recon- ccntrados ot on official character. Minister Woodford cabled the requerls to the Wash ington government , which replied , refusing to recall General Lee In the present circum stance * or to countermand the crdtrs for ttio dispatch of the war veiiela , making tbo rep. n-irntatlcn tdat the war vw.ielo are not fighting clilH. llcnril of TiHT | rmler VTl er. NORFOLK Va. , March 5 , Nothing hafc been heard hero of Hie tug Underwriter , which left for Havana towing the derrick Chief The note reason for tear for It It the fan that It must Ivave encountered to * terrible gale Thursday nt bt am * XlM * _ vv - 1