Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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is Strong and Woafc , but Closes or
Top of tbo Bulge
Odii-r Mnrlid-i 'ArcSlriniKir ' , Corn
Unlit nnil I'riit l"loii Knell
Clniinl n Mnlrrlnl
Ad MI nco.
CHICAGO. Mar-h 1. Wheat wna slrom
nml wenk by turns todny , but closed on tin
top of a bulge , Mny showing -TiP ndviinct
mid. July n Koln of Utfilftic. Support fron
the I.clter Interentg wits prominent nt times
lint there was plenty of Inlluentlai bill
IIPWH. Thu big snort Interest formed lasl
week Wfig r-vldenlly far from eliminated
Corn was Htiong nnd ndvnticpil % c. 0.1 U
also showi-d strength , closing % c higher
Piovlalons Moored small advances.
Although news from Liverpool was ills-
tlnctly disappointing , tin- opening In whcal
strong. July starting VfcfiSc higher nl
nnd May um-onnged to Me hlgliei
nt Jl.OIWfl.ori. Tin-re wn quite n good de
mand from shorts who lind not covered
yoHlcrdny , nnil tbo ilnm.iml from this ) sourct
vms sulllrlont to oven-omc any mitiiral
weakness of thn in.irkct. The fact thrtl
Liverpool bnd lost Its sllpht opening ad-
trading commenced here nml
vniH-e before
that receipts of wheat nt the l-.ngllsh inur-
lct durlns HIP l-i t six days were tip to the
jinnnal weekly rciiulivments had tin- effect
tit btlnglng out lltii-rnl offerings Hint lemin-
nirlly wiped out thiopinlnK advance hi-rp ,
nnd for a siort limp the market Hhowpi
wnkness. Afti-r July had decllni-d to SS-c
und .May to t. < Mi tbe di'inatid iiBnln be-
Hint prlei'S.iilviini'i-il. Sonic
< -ainc so HtrotiK
iinil otlu-r
Kupport was Rlvi-n by Loiter
iiromlnent Imll Inten-slB. nnd this brought
tinmuii - timid HlnirtB Into thr pit. In nil-
illtlm thpriW.IH i-ov-prlns of a line for St.
l.ouls houses. I'roappi-ta of u cold wave
following rnln litout.h thu wlntpr wheat
bi-lt bail Home Inllm-ni'e. On this bulBC
May KOI up to Sl.o'i and July to nov1 1 hi-n
the market rearti-d. A : oed ilonl of wln-at
Hhowlnir substantial prollls iamion Ihc
inarkel nnd piUvs ti-ndi'd Ilowi'w'l1r1ll ' ' "t
Him.lime. . May llnally Ki'ttlnR to JI.OH4 a' ' |
July to ! % - . A sli-ailli-r -i-llnK ik-vi-liipil ] ;
on the Atlanlli- port i-k-nraiii-es , l..i.-
whlrh winnflerwnrd
( rtl bu. , and ropmtn
denied or etiKiiKi-mi-nt of l.iK rar loud.s
of i-orn for . 'xpirt. No Impressloii was
made on prices. .iowi-vcr , li-iiilliii ? tibuut that
tlmo belns I'Xlr.-mt ly llmlleil. After 12
ii'i-lorU soiiu- activity was again manifested ,
llratlstrcpts' reporli-d the world's \ lsiblitie -
on-itHc at .ViKumi bu. This amount was
fully twice as much as Ihc trade expci-ted
iitld brought In a fresh lot i > f Iniylnu orders ,
and resulted In an In July to WV'
nnd Mny lo Jl.ifi. 1'i-lcen < inlckly leiicted.
the inaikot being lo-ided up with long
whi-at. but In tic last twenty minutes
trading the Loiter forces staled InUms go
ing with some lively bidding and prices
{ limbed In a hiiny. Ily closing time Mny
] iul : advanced to $ l.oV. . July lose to yl'ie ,
Init reacted Just al the close to IM' c.
Cnrn developed 11 giod deal ot slrcmilh
on smaller iradlng than of late. Opening
HtruiiR and blgli-r win whoal. prices eased
off some on the hmvy receipts , but such
good support developed thnl the market
advanced rapidly , most of the vain being
inalntaliHid Ibrongh the latiglriitlon * of
v teat. Heavy clearances hud much In-
llm-ncp. The liuvlng w.m general. M.iy
ranged from IS'iVi-TO'io ' to Me and closed --so
higher at M > ic.
This mnrUct for oats was dull and lltictu-
ntlons were conlrolled almost entlicly by
the course of corn. Offerings were mostly
taken by elevator people , probably against
piles of oats for exporl. May ranged from
( ; % ? to 2G'/C nnd closed about anc hip her at
i"roVls'lo'ns were weak during the mornIng -
Ing , but strong later. The market opened
lrong on the moderate hog .supply , but
continued heavy selling by a prominent
commission house caused prices to sag.
There was a great deal of selling. During
the latter part of the session a peed de-
mind sprang up. and near HIP close , when
wheat made Us bulge , buyimi heranio iiille |
liee and general. The market closed llrm
nt near outside llaures. May pork being
2 .c higher at $ PU2U. , May lard ll'io hlgner
iit"j : > .17'i ' and May ribs 7'-.c . higher at jri.a ) .
Kstlmated receipts for "Wednesday : Wheat ,
7ri cars : corn , CM cars ; oats , 223 cars ; hogs ,
37iV head.
l.uadlni ; futuies raiiRed as follows :
/rtlcl TropouTQlT. Tj niC Vi-sTy !
No. . ' ' . .
Citiili quotations were ns follows :
Pl Ol'Il I'nll ; winter itiitentH , JI.5-OJT5.00 ;
BtralKhts , Jl.SOfll.OO : ttprlnir Piii'diilii , ( ' 40i5 M ;
FprliiK patPlitB , $ l.7IHi'5.10 ; slrulBhtu , Jl.lOgil.CO ;
liitkors , J3.COJ/3.90.
\VlII3.\'r No. 2 pprlnir , M 79Jc ; No. 3 uprliiR ,
RSUSUo ; No. 2 roil , $1 oiMjtfl.OiiU.
I'OUN No. 2 , JitHiCl i-'i No. 2 yellow ,
OATS No. 2. 26140 ; No. 2 white , f. o. Ii. , 29if
OVt < ' ; No 3 white , f. o. It. , 2SQ29L- .
ItVU No. 2. r,0p.
llAltl.KY No. 2 , f. o I. . . 32V4fl > 39e.
ri.\XHir.l > No. 1. J1.21'/S : new , $1.23V4.
TI.MOTIIV SI-U-ID'-l'rlnie. { 2.90.
ntOVimONH I'eilt. ini-Hii , per libl. . JI0.33 ®
10 ID I inl. per I'H ' ) ! ! < ! < . , Jri.l0ff3.l2i4. Short rllia
n'ili-8 ' ( liiom- ) . { .1.201(325 : dry salteil tinuili | > ra
( li'iKeil ) . SI,758 > 5.M ; uliort c-U-ur Hkle.s ( lio.veil ) ,
{ .1 S0 < f r. 60.
WIIISKV niittlllfrs' llnlrtied eocxlR , per fill. .
{ 1 IX'/i.
SrOAIta Out lonf , { 0.01 ; imiuilntpil , | " 61.
On the 1-roilni'o rxclmiiRp tnilny Hie Initlor
innrket win Hint : t-reuiiii-i les , ilnlrlcs. It
{ * 18e. I'luenUli't | lit SJistJe. iimn : , Hun ; frmh ,
12c. IH'fn-.l ) | ioultry , ilnll ; tuikt-y.s. ttijllc ; ihlck-
eits , 7WSiiliukx ; , 7j.Se.
M\V VOUK ( ; IMII\I , \incr.T. .
Ituolatliiiin fur lln1)0 } on ( ienernl
Citnt iniitl 1 f It1 * . '
NI\V ! YOUU. Mari'li -Kl.Ottll 1 Uoreliild , 19-
72J lilils. ; pup > rl8. 10,07.1 bills. ; quiet nnd I iwor
' . ' , . , , . . ' , , -
tit iu-11 : Mlniu'solii piilorils , f..30fj : ; -lllilu < -
tHiln liitkorx' , { 1. 4oii 1. 1 ; H Inter BtrulKhtn.- I. WO
4.7S ; wlntor i-xlnm , H.i'OIi ' 1. 10 ; winter low ( ; raile ,
j.Wtf3-w. ltt > - Hour , Bt.-itily. J2.75ifJ.23. Hurl ; .
wheat Hour , iinlel , Jl.25tf ] SO.
III'I-KWIIIIAT HI ! iiy ni saiiisav- ,
( oilN.MK.\l uiili'l : yt'llnw ttCKleni. 70c.
IIVI'J SU'iiilv : No. 2 u.-Heni , & 9'tfiC9Uu.
IIAUU4VIHtll ; feiilliiK , 4ft- .
HAItl.DY JIAI/I' rirmventii ; n. r.2i4ff07c.
WIUJATHpilit | | , itS.750 : IMI ; i-xpnrli , 47,601 !
liti. ; , linn : N , > 2 rtsl. Jl.iiT'i. r. o. It allniti
In arrive. Opt i. urn OIUMMM ! i-nny and unelinnixJ ,
w.jlllni ; "If uit > ! eilioarlHlt ei)1 , | < > newn ; a rally on
doverliii : due i" fllnui' mipiktri fi-llnwiil. thu initr-
ki-t ruling dull mull item- tinelime , when n
npurt In i rn Hcan l plu-ru ntiiln and prln-it left
olt at the lep , ur l.dHc Itlvhrr than lait nlKht ;
Mo. S nil. Mitro'i. ll.e..U ! .t > ivt. rliw-tl Jl.03 ;
JlliV. II. 0 ' . el.ifHl | l.l > 4.
OO1IA' llivclpt * . IOU.S73 Im. ; pxitirm , 123.S3) )
hu ; iH > t. mronu , N < > 2 , 37Optiunii openi-d
tilnmly and H. > ni-nillv linn nil tins' , pariliuhirly
nt thn e1 < , i. , nh.'ii uelhe ( < .i\ei-lntr n oipmt ile-
niiltid and eleuruni-eii wits it fi-uluro ; Una I prlem
v > r ? t. < - iti'i liliilti-r : &li > . 3IMi"6've. ' eli.m-d r..e. '
O.V18 IteeelpU. UI.IW lul ; . Xkirtil | , ICI.Tai ! lit ! ;
Boot , quint ; No 2 , 31 c. Oillnnii | en > qul t , but
Btromfi'i1 with lite mhi-r mnrkt'ta , i-lojtlnit Uc net
lilirhcr : May i-l-wil at a- .
I'BKD Quiet : Iran. SOySJt o ; inldailni-g , SM :
rjiftcd , CHiWC.- .
11AV Dull ; ultlinilns , S'CSSc ; good to choice.
llOl-rf-Pleady ; Btatp. eommon to chnli-o , 1S01
oi-i-P. IfliVKM ; ei-np. 7ffa. ' ; 11.97 crop. J7 T19o :
1'acinu "omt. IM er"p. 4 < jCiIS93 : crop , Sfflft1
1197 crop. 17W1-J. ' : l.iiiidim , UcOit.OO.
IIIIUW Stpady : cjulvonlon , JSi1 ; Tcxnn , Jry '
ici California. n Wl. o.
LKATIIIlll-l'Inn ; liprolwk OP. |
1'HOVlSJO.VS-llecf. ' nnil : family , $11 25C11.75-
m , JW ( .W ; lin.luinm , i2J.SOOU.04-
jlO.onni On. Cut ini-itn. nuk't ; plrkli-d
H.71tfT' ' . plfklml nhitul.len. JI75-
ham > . fT.7riljt.oo. l r.1. ijulut ; noluni
IS.Btreiln ; - > l. qul t I'.irk. w--tlt ;
HriA.n : ) i"rt eleur. | l't ' 73 jii w. turn-
Ily. I1I.6WI8.00. Tallow , uleady. eliy. 3V nttin-
try. KC uv
OH S Iwi'uleuni , firm Itmln , ateady ; trilnod ,
miiiaton to S < > M\ \ , | l. < i/l.4V ) Turpontlnt , linn
3-OWV. r , > ttun < l. qul < ( nnd ttvady : prlmu
rmdp , njfjir ; itrlinn i-tvilf , ( i > l > mllU liio
IGHr ; prlmiuinntir > i-ll.iw , ; 3R2alio ; ort sum-
nvr > elli > w. WiJI' hulti-r oil. JOij'iv , nrline
\vlni'r Vfllow S''i.Ni '
illi'i : Mt.Md > . lur'i.i tutu. 4 , rftV. Japan.
I'1 ' ' ' ' . ' '
M' \SSIN i | KM MI Nen Ori , m . .iiwn ketlli-
f . -I L. . -ll . ? ! ,
MI'TXI i I'lj. i 11 u in in * * v\ - f - l , wl'tl
II 7i ) t'ld and 16 74 aaKtl. Inko oipin-t itnnir
w -I. . tlltt Mil Ami III OA fufc > > 1. tin firm will
ti ( . ' 1.1 , i-i. | n .M auk. il. niM-iii-r tinrl-.niiK'-i
null H in I Id nti I 14 It m-hi-,1 : lend wan tcportf ,
n-i dull xrltft no clnnijf In < | u . 'nil. TIP. H.,0 t > l.
nnd n ' ' ' nki'i | . Tlif llrrr imnn the w-tillnt
priii- for minrri mid imillci oiiotM | pjd ( i
llt"I"flR-tl' ; < ' - Hii , ? .1IS fkin : firm ; < - t n
etvnmcry , l.vsj.'uv. liluinn , au c , fnrtnry , II *
IK Ur > eppt | < . 1,115 pHr . ; nulcl nm
y ; e > i > pl in1 > r , ' * < : Oi-t > ! r , * flsitr ; llnh
. OflC' c. part fklin * . Ifr.i'jc' ' ; full tkltns
KOf > H U < vt > ipt , , ) pk s. i tlrm , t tin
rlcilliie , stnte nnd l'nn ylvanla , H'.ic ; western
14ci touthi-rn , linm.i' .
o M A n A 7 .vf : TiTiT JA u ici : TS.
Conilltlon of Trnile nnil ( Inolnt loit-i or
vliiilo | nnil I'nni'jrriiiliH'c - .
j : . -nnnj stork , nun'-
llt'TTKIl Comtnon to fnlr , SSttp ; ? cparalo ;
rronni ry. 20c ; Rathcrod creaniory , IHflCo.
VilChnlce : rut. fO to 1 Ibs. , quoted ft
t ! > c ; liriti- and coarnc , 6B7c.
I'HKS.snD rol'L-TUY-ChlckPhd , CCJfi tur
Ifeyn , RfilOc ; KPrs - , "ffSc ; ducks , 7ilS.\
l.IVB I'OUI.TIIY ' Chlckciie , Cc ; old roosters
"c ; iluckH , Cc.
ilAMi : Hmnll rnbhltR , per iloz. , Tic ; Inrgo
II. K : rqulrrpln , DOKOOc ,
IMUKDNS t.lxc , 75c , plKTOin not wnntfil
1 t i iiNml. > : ,3'i ; tnMlnnd , J.V'X ) ; lowland ,
11.50 ; rye Rtraw , It. M ; oolnr makes the prlco or
hay ; Unlit b.tles fell the best ; only top grades
bring tup pMccs.
stoek. per Hi. . 1V4C.
frown , COOSSc ; Coloradt
sto--l- , 70o.
A l-I'l.MM Winter atocli. I3.e0fi3.r,0 ; rnlirnrnln
Itollolleiir. lKixt > , J1..V ) : Colnrnilo .Tonathans ,
bl , ° ' - ! ' ' " : Ojp nn. IKIXM. { 1 23.
rHANlinnilinSVUconsln Hell nml llngle ,
ti..ViT(7.7.Vl9 ( ; < -'on ln tlcll nnd Clicrry , JCOfl.
aUAI'I-Mi-MnliiRiiil , ' "I iXXiC.OO.
OIlAN'OlW-i'nllf.irnla nnxuli , { 2.75f3.00 : fancj
EpedllnRf , J2.50rlmlcc , j.25 ,
I.IIMiiNS-o.tllfnrnln , fiinoy. 13.00 : rhole < . I2.7S ,
llANANAS-Cliiilep , | arKo stock , BIT btlnch , | 2 ( K
fJ23 | ; niiHllduin sized btinrlip , li.7382.01) .
NITR : Altnnniln , per Ih. . hirsc s-lzs. 12S13C ]
Biniil' ' . llu : ilvazll-i , per ll > , Ofiluc ' ; Kiicllsh will-
nut. " , per Ib. , fnnry soft Hholl.'iOflllc ; Btandnrd.- ,
BJIU' ' , Illlicrts , 4per Ib. , 10c ; ppcnim p illiht-d ,
inedliini. S i7c ; extra lnrip. SiftOe ; iurKe hkknry
ituti ) , II | , cr bn.j smill , Jl.iVtil.3J p r bu. ;
iL'ujnul ! . iier leg ji.oo , ppanul" , taw. SSjJlsi- ;
n-n'ti-d , 6Uti',4c.
l.'KJH Iinpoiled. fancy , ,1-crown , 14-11) . hoxeH ,
10c ; 3-crottti , 41-lb. bu.xen , ICc ; 2-lb. boxes , 2 :
| 23o ptr box ; CnllfornU , 10-lb. box. ll.W.
IIONIJY C'liok-o white. 12c ; Colorado atitbor , 1C
KltAUT l-er bid. . J3.M ; half bbl. . 12.53.
.MAIIJ.SVltii ; ; > _ nvc-gal. can. , each. $2.75 :
R-II. cans , pure , per doi. , $1 ! WO ; hnlf-gal. cans ,
jo.2i ; iiunrl r.uu , JJ.W.
OATHS Uiilloure , r.O to 70-lb. boxes , 5\fec \ ;
Hair , .V ; l-'atd , S-lb. boxes , Sc.
CllJKIt I'cr half bbl. . MOO ; bbl. , J5.00.
DItl-SHir : : > Hii-i---iood : native steers , fv c
Komi foniiuailers steers , u'sc ; good blndiiuarter !
Htccr-i. ti c ; western Bteein , fiijc. fiiney ln-lfo-n ,
G'ic ' , good In-irciH , Oc : good fott'iUirters | heifers ,
no ; good blnd'iuartom heifers , ? i ; peed COWR
"ilic ; fair uo\v , 5V e ; cow lorequarters , 4i3c ; cow
hliul'ltiarterrf. 7Vic.
HKKI- ' OUTS Hanging tenderloins , 4' ' c : libs ,
No. 1. lie : ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; rib * , No. 3 , 0 i4.c ; No ,
i , Oic , rounds. No. 1. 7(4c ( ; roundn. No. 2 s c- ,
rouinl.-i. No. : | , ti'4c ; trimmings , 4'ic ; beef bhaiiks ,
: ic ; brains , per do33c ; swrotbrcads , per Ib. ,
12'ie : sweetbreads ( calve * ) , p'-r Ib. , 4ic ; kidneys ,
per do ! ! . , toe ; ox tails , each , 3n ; liven. Per Ib . 2'.c ;
hearts , per Ib. , 2ic : tongue * , per lb. , llcnil ;
liven" each.rc ! ; valves , whole carcans or sides ,
He ; calf lii-iiil and fi-et , scalded , per set. 7 >
tenderloins , fie-ih. ISc ; ti-ndeiloins , frozen , l.ic ;
boneless Rtrlp * . fresh , lOc ; boneless utrlps. frozen
Oc : strip I > lns , rrenli. Sc : strip lopis , frozen , CHc ;
rollji , bonelcsM , Oc ; rolli * , spencer cuts , Uc ; Hli-
loln butts , boneless. Sc ; Hliouliler duds , bon < -le. iit ,
C'ie ; lump butts , Uinplovt , Mlc : No. 1 chucks. . " , -
No. 2 chucks , 4'ic ' ; No. a r.M : : ' ! : s. te ; ij.ii-i1c- ! <
chticUM. l\ic ; cow plates , Slie ; steer plates , 4c
Hank sleak. 6Hc ; loins , No. 1. lS' ' .c : loins , No. 2
I'l'iie ' ; lilim , No. 3 , S'-ic ' ; wlmrt loins , inarkel
Ktyli2c nl ive loins ; shott loins , hotel stjle , 4i
nliove loins ; cow loin , epjs , Sc ; steer loin , ends ,
Mt'TTON I-'ancy lambs , Oc per Ib. ; lambs.
fa : sb ep , 7c ; tnarket nicks , long. He ; hotel
iacliuliort. . lie : loins Oc ; n-iddles , S'i > c ; leRC.
R'.jC ; lamb legs , S'ic ' ; breasts and stews , 3'/tc ' ;
tongues , eiich , : ic ; forctuarters , r.i e.
I'OHIC-1 tressed piss. 5i4c per Ib. ; diosscii
IIORH , ric ; tenderbiins , 13c ; loins , sboit , ficj
| i > ll(5 , fie ; spare libs. He ; hlltll nausitKe butts ,
3lie : Huston butts , B > ; c ; shouldeis , roiiKb , tc ;
shouldcis , hklnneil. 5Ve ; trlniminKS. 4'Jc ' ; leal
lard , not rendered , .1i c ; hi-ads. cleaned. Ic ;
snonti and ears. .Ic ; nockboncs. 2c. cheek ,
4o ; neck l uies , 2c ; pigs' tall" . Sc. plucks , each ,
rc ; chltteilliiKii. Sc ; nocks. 4c : heaim. per doz. ,
S."ie ; stomanlis , each , 3c : tongues , each. 7c ; kid-
in-ys , per doz. , lee ; brains , pt-r doz. , iff jiius1
feet , per do3"c ; llvem , each , 3c ; IIOK rinds ,
fe ; blade 1 > ones , Cc.
ltlOis : No. 1 srecn hides. 7l4c ; No. 2 creeu
hide. ' , tik-c ; No. 1 salted hides. : ic ; No 2 green
Halted hides. Sc ; No. 1 M-.ti calf. S to 12 Ibs. , ! 0" ;
No. 2 veal calf. 12 to IS Ibs . Sc.
SIIl-i-r : : I-II.TB Green salted , each , 15 7"ic ;
ii--en ; salted shearings ( short \vooled early
iikliiH ) , each , 13c ; dry hhcarliiKs ( short wooled
early fklns ) , No. 1 each. Sc ; diy flint Knn .iF
and Ni-braskii butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight , IfJJc : dry Mint , Kansas and Nebraska
nun rain wool pelt.s. per Ib. . actual weight , 3t ?
4c : dry Hint C'uloriulo butcher pelts , per Ib ,
actual welKltt , 4fi3c ; dry Hint roloiado niurr.iln
wool twits. IMT Ib. , nclual w-lRbt. STflc.
TAM.OW. IJHIK1iT : : ( " . Tallow. No. 1 , 3ft
3'ic ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rotiRli tallow , HJc ; white
Hivum2Vi 2\c ; yellow and brown un-nsc , lf.i ! (
l-'I'HR-Iti-ir ( black or brown ) , $3.0'KJ2u.OO ' ;
otter , fl.3D S i : mink , l.VJiWc ; beaver. jLOiK..C ft , ) ;
i.kutik , 15c. 2. > c , 30c ; 3c. 5c , 7craccoon'
ir.ffSOc : red fox. 23c5I$1.23 ; fray fox , M00c ; wolf
( timber ) . 2.'ic ( } 2.M , wolf ( prairie coyote ) . l < ; l0c ;
wildcat , 10Jf23e ; badger , GIHtfc ; slUer fox. fiO.IXJ
SI. l.ouls Ceiicrnl llni-l.Tis ,
ST. 1,01'IS. Mnrcb I. KI.Orit-rirm , In ym-
patlty with wheat ; patents , $4.7rf/4 9 , ) ; straights
J4.M1ll.ricIiMr. . ) ; . I4.00W4S3 ; medium. 13 573
WIlKAT-IllBlier. cloMnu "iffl'ie for May an.l
lo for July above yejlerday. July opened lie
better , declined Hc. advance , ] n4c , fell hack \c
and late advanced Ic , closlmr with buyers
within 1-1 ftof the tojx Spit , llrm : No. 2 ted
c.-isli , elevator. HSc ! ; : track. HxJiflSUc ; March
JVMay , tl.'VHi ; July. S3c bid.
tVMIN l-'utiires moderately active , followed
wheat and clmljit at the top und V above yes-
tt-rday. Spot ( Irm ; No y cash. 27c ; March , 27c ;
May. 27Vc : July , 20c bid.
OATS-l-'utures , dull and practically unchanged ,
with the exception of July , which clo.-v , ! 1 ,0 ,
Itlglii-r tlian yesterday ; fpot. oany ; No. 3 cash ,
eli-vator. Mr ; tracli , 27liiff27i4e ; March , 2f.Sc ' ;
Mny.r(2 'je ' bid ; July. 23jc bid ; No. 2 while.
IlYl" : Steady , IJitP ,
TI.MMOTIIV SlIUll Prime. t2.COf3.00.
( OUNMK AI < Firm : il.60QI.6ri ,
IIIIAN- Dull ami easier ; sacked east track , Me.
HAY l-'lini fur timothy at | 7.00I0.50 ; pralile ,
steady nt I7..100S.(10. (
Ill'TTKIt Higher : cieainery , ISSSle ; d'llry ' , ftjj
If- .
r.nOS-Uiwer : lOJJe ,
\VI1IHKY-I1 20.
MITS : | U-ud , lower , 13.KV , . Spelter , nom
inal. J3 (0. ( i
I'UOVIHION.S 1'ork. steady , standard mesj ,
jobbing , 110 ro. l.ard , Heady , .prime . Meiim ,
f I ' . > . " ; I'bolce. tSD' n. llaeon , boxed lnl . extra
tbort eli-ir. IS C2'i.rf.K7'n ( ; ribs , IT , S7'isrn 1214 ;
Hliorli' . Hi "lift ) : : , Dry salt meats , boxed hhoiild-
erx. $1 " .W.'i f i ; i-\liti nliott elear , | 5.23fJ'3.r.O ; ribs ,
| -i7'.si. : , ( " . " ; bi its. 1,1 roi ! | 5 79.
IlKri-III'TS-l-'lotir , 7.UOO bblH : wheat , iroo , )
bu : nun. in ; MO bu ; natc. 37. HH ) bu.
FIII.I'MiNTS-l-'lour , 6.WII bbUlieat ; , 91,000
bu. ; irn , 121 , OiKl bu ; oats , I3.000 bu.
U'enre ( oiiiiiil i > liiii ( 'iililpliny.
r > MAir.OIM'IfH. . Miuch l.-Tlie opening of
the wheat market this morning uas priictleally
unclfatik'Pd on cable advices that the 1/lverpool
quntatlons were unebatiKed and a sllKllt beurUh
fci-Hiik' . vaii i'i | by dl'taniiolntinent ' nt this news ,
cauiiUii ! some. m"lllimbut at this juncture the
"clluuo" look hold , giving the market a turn
and causltiR ihortg tr > cover , whleh iruliiiilly :
wolkfd th. ) mai-ki-d Itlulier until May wheat had
readied as blKlt MB il il.M.j and July as li It'll as
' . | , - , at ulilch llt'uri' It was atuady , but latur
declined sllubtly and closed strong at tl.03 fur
M ty and Ul > Hc bid for July.
Thp tendettry if wheat seems to bp upward
and with tincoiidiiff in.n ccnres we are most
certain In In Mitivb. we can advise no one
to sell thin \\beat "liort at the present time.
Porn "iiered about ' , c higher this mornlne and
after working around Hoe , Gradually climbed up
ward and leached the high point at the clime.
This advance we believe. wa caused by shot Is ,
Who cover.I extennlvely , and tbo largo exports
nf Hits cereal during the last three diiyi An
other bullUb feature of corn Is the larifo aerease
of spring wheat \\lilcli will be cown during thn
eomlng > pilni ; and the large acreage of winter
whedt that Is n < w In , which will reduce the
coin acmiKo durlni ; the rnniln year to an un
usually 1"W point ,
\Vi > cannot a.lvlne nnytliln ? but to buy this
corn on any break for cooil prollts on n long
Slay corn closed at 50V- bid and July nt 3lTi > ' .
Oats wan strong and sd\anct > d Se fur Dtp Mny
and July optlont , cloning at S0 ? c for May and
IV ) for July.
1C n n MI H Pit.rnln mill I'mvlxliniN.
active , steady ; No. 1 hard. WfJOO.No. . J , Mun
n > \ e : No. 3. S3fi87c : No. 3 red. We ; No. 3. SJtf
'Jlc ; No 2 i-rlliK. | S51 c ; No. 3 , St'jC.
I'OIINAeilto , steady to ! 4o higher ! Ko. 2
muni. r..MSS io.
OATS- Steady : No. 5 whlti1. ! flg-27c.
KYI'I'lrin : No. 2. 45CICe.
HAY I-'Irm ehiilco timothy , IS.G009.00 ; choice
prairie ! 75 | 7 ft )
lirTTIJlt-Kinn : creamery , higher , 15CW4c ;
dalrv. Ijiiju- .
lliltlrtuttady ; receipt * heavy , demand liberal :
frH li 101-
IIIN'I'IIIVni al. 70.SM Im. : i-orn , IQ3.WO bu ;
, vlll. : IT.llllO bu.
fillll'MBNTS-Wheat. 3I.SI10 bu. : corn , 77JOO
bu. ; .Mts , 13.i ) bu
llrnil lrei-l ' VUlltli- III leini-il t.
NI1VY YOUK Maroh -Simla ! calile nnd
! . | . ! - II IMI , lien to Itnid * ! reets' . eoxermg tbe.
prin. Ipil polnm f accumuUtl',11 ' , In , II , u , . th , .
a\\\ , \ \ M. . si't'i | | . . < ln i s.itiirdiv an c .nijiarcd
il M the ii. ting S.itui tux
Will \T-fi.tted 8iHt.ii h'lj ' an'i In eitut . ,1 ,
HK * untiims de rei-f 1 7'fl'W ' > > , INI IB
an > .vi for and In Kuropf. drrrca > r. l.SOO.O'V ) buth-
fl , ttnrlJ's supply , total der ie , J.tK.CK
roilN tJnltMl Stiitcs xM CunndA , rait c
Ilft-ky mmintnlns , lncrf.i p , ( hJ.dfl bushelt.
( IATS t'nlte.l . stnte.i * nj Conndu , pnst r
It' , , ky mountains , InctrnKI4l , ( " ) biisht-U ,
Amone tbe more Important reductions , nt g\v \
by llrndstreets not ri-i , rted In the nlDrliil vmbl
Jtatetnent. were the de.-ren ej of 33i.0 > ) bushel
M Manitoba nnd NorthweMem Ontario storag
points , < non , ) at Nnrthwe ti.rn Ititerln
Hevntotd. sn , * rt bushels at Mlnneap dn privnt
elevHtors. 47 , ' i < t bu 4iels nt OtlcaKo prl\ate Pit
vnlnrs and It.OiiO btuhel" at Ixiulsvllle. Th
iwire Important Increases not otherwise rf-porte
nr tbn Kitlns of IM.OO , ) bushels nt New Urlenn
nnd 7J'R ) bu he1s nl l'le\eland.
Wool MnrKt-tN.
tlOSTON , March -Tbe 1 wool market here rf
nwilns quiet nml thp tone Is n little easier. Th
rtenlers rpcnril the outlook n stronir nnd ther
Is no nttempt to force prices. Territory won !
Vero slow and about the only weakness nf th
vltfrip market is shown In the prices for tbl
class , \\hll Rood parcels of line medium nn
fltm li-rrllory wool | 9 jet nt 50 cents , nnd lot
of UIPSO wools can be purchase. ! for 47 rents o
nny liirgp lines. I-'IPTP wools are not meetln
with much demand , but the market maintain
n nrm tone.
Australian Wools hold firm , but ( he demand I
rpilPt ,
Ohio nnd Pennsylvania flei'-p.s , X and nlmve
! 7 20 ! XX nnd nlmve. JOffJtc ; Helnlne. SrKtfflle
No. 1 comblnK. antfJtc ; No. ? combltiK. anffJlc
Mlchlwn , Wltrnnrln , rlc.-Mlchlcan. 2lcNo
MlchlKnn combltti' , 2-J'i No. 1 Illinois
Me ; No. 2 MlehlRan , 2SH20C ; No. 2 Illinois comb
Ing. 2V ; X New York. New llnmpslilrp and Vet
tni'iit. 2S T2t < - ; No. l New York , New Hampsblr
nnd Vermont , 27c : nel.ilne Michigan , it (
\ nwnshcd iimUnm. Krnliirky and Itnllnna nuar
ter-blond rnmblnK , 23c ; Kentucky and India
thiPP-quaripr-bl-iod combltiff , 23ff24c ; Ml sour
ijunrtpr-blnod combine. 221i3c ; Mlssour
tliree-plRiith'-ldood combine23fl2lc ; lirali
romblng. 2le ; Inkp and ( Seorgln , 23. '
Texas wools. rprttiK medium , twelv
months , IMIV-C ; K-nured price , 43f49c
m-rlng Hne. twelve mnnths. isgie ! ) ; woure.1 price
Me. Territory wo < ds Xlonlaita tlnp medlutn am
line , ir.W1 c ; scoured. 47fiW ; stnples. 52ri53c
ftah , Wynmlmr , etc. , ntte medium and line , i.vr
17e ; scoured , 47ifJ4ii' ! ; staple , ; 0f752c. Austratbu
Wools. s"oufpd basis combing , superllne , 701f72c
good , 65 csc , avctage , C206.V ; Queensl.ind comb
Ing. C.V.
ItllKlliKiriMnrl -t.
IIAIVriMOItK. March I. I'l/H'H Dull ; we-t
ptn puppriltip , { ! . < ; on32n ; we-tern extra , fj.25
4.10 ; eslrrn family , Jl.lOif/1.70 ; winter wbca
patent , II ) ; spring wient patent , J" > .2 fl.4H ( !
Fitting wheat strnlKlit. { 3.tXtf3.ll ) ) ; receipts , 1022
bis. ; expoits , 113 bids.
WHKAT-Stondy ; fpot nnd ninnlh , $ I.OH'fi
l.Wi ! May , 11.00 ; ptenmer No. 2 ted , OVJfi'iVi.c
receipts , 1.1.731 bu. j exinrts , 36,001 bn. ; southeti
whpat. by sample. ! > 7cffl.ol > , i : sotitliern wheat
on grade , M'ieiifl' * ; .
( VltN Firm ; sp'ot and mnnth. S.I 'iTS.Tie '
He inter mixed , 311i31ic ; receliits , 110,707 bu.
evpctts. r ,3ii ! ) bn. ; Fotithern white and yellow
corn. 3.Hifi3lic. !
OATH Stonily ; No. 2 white , smTOe ; No. i
inlveil , : ! 2f(32Ui'i ( receipts , 27,300 bu. ; cxpjrts ,
Hurt' .
HYK Steadier ; No. 2 nearby , 65'sc : No. !
weftern. r.Cijc ; sales ; receipts , 11,763 bu. ; ex.
hurts , nnne.
HAY Sliady ; choice timothy , } 12 " .VjTn 00.
OltAlN l-llMinilTS-Steady , with" better feel
Inn ; steam to Liverpool , per bushel , { ,1 M , AptII
i'oik for orders , per quarter , 3c fid.
III'TTKH l-'lim ; fancy creamery. 2PTl2Je ; fan-cj
Imltntlon , 17ii1K < . ; fancy ladle , 13c ; good ladle ,
niillc' , store packed , lOiRi c.
UOtJS ( Jlilct ; fiosh , ISc.
rilKIISK-Steady ; f.imy New York , 6 , large ,
0 lirllc ! : fancy New Yolk. 37 , medium , lOSJlO'ic
fancy New York , 23 , loijiiiioijc.
l.lvi-ritool - > lliflet.
I.IVnitl'OOU March \VI1BAT No. 1 red
nortliern. spring , dull at 6s 2d.
f'OltN Spot , American mixed , new. nulet at
SH fiiail. Kulun-s , l.'ebriniry , nominal ; March ,
< | tilet nt 4s 4'ml.
HOPS At Ixjiulitn , l-aelllc eoaot , linn nt H
15s1 ; C5 3 .
I'ltoVISlONS Iteef. llr-n ; extm India mess.
r ji ! ; jirlme mess. V * Cd. I'ork , firm : prim.-
mi'ss. western. 51 3d ; prime mess , im-illum we t-
PHI. IS il. Hams , short cut. II to in Ibs. . "ii .v
at 3.1 * dl. Utcnn , dull nt 31 M ; short rlKs , sleiuly
-it 31s fid ; long clear middles , light , dull ; eleai
middles , dull : heavy. 30s : clear b-ick . dull i-.i
. " . ' ; clear bellies , dull nt 33s fd ; slu'iiliis ! , sipicirc ,
ilull at 25s 6d. l.'ird , prime \\eatern , dull ul
27:1 : 3d.
( 'I1HIS4I ; American , tlnest ul.ltc nttj colored ,
ilull at low.
TAMjOU'-l'rlmn city , linn at 10s.
OILS I'nttonseed , l.lverpivd rellncd. 13s 6,1
Tuipi'iitlno spliUs , llrm atU Od. 1to lu , com
mon , Bteady at 4s 6d.
Cllii-liiiintl Market.
CINCINNATI , March. 1. KI.OI'Il Kalrly ac
tive ; fancy. Sl.l5ffl.60 : family. { 3.60fTI.U.
\VII13AT l-'lnner : No. 2 ted. ! l7Q-9Sc.
1-oitN Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 31 Jc.
OATS-Hull : No. 2 lllKed , 27lin2Sc.
IlYi : Klrni : No. 2. 53c.
ritnVlSlo.NSI.ud. . Steady at { 300. Hulk
mi-its. easy at { 5.15. llacon , steady at tC.OO.
\VlllSICY-Kli-nt at { 1.20.
lll'TTEIt riim and blcher ; fancy nigln
eru.iinery , 22e ; Ohio. UijISc ; dairy , llT12e.
nr.CrS ijiilt-i at 10V- .
SI'OAn Steady ; hard reHned. SI.229S.97.
rill-P- i : Klrm and blgber ; good to prime
Ohio Hat , yjiIHie.
lii-itlit lliM-i-lilM | ill I-riiii-liuil AIiirl-es (
jnNNKAI'OI.IS. March 1. UecelpU : Wlu-al ,
L'tin cars.
CHK'AflO. March 1. ItecelptsVbeit : , US case ;
corn , 1.014 cars ; oats , 421 cars. Intimated car
lots tomorrow : Wheat , 73 ; corn , fiOO : o-its , 223.
ST , I.Ol'lH , JInrcli 1. llfcelpts : Wbcat , 20
eiitM KANSAS PITY. Miirrh 1. Hecelpts : Wheat.
133 nir- , .
IM'I.I'TIt. ' March 1.-Itecelpts : Wheat , 10 :
'I'oli-ilo Miii-li-t.
TOLEDO. March 1 WHKAT Higher and mm ;
No. 2 rahli , ll.W. May , ! (94c. (
COIlN-Hlglier and llrm : No. 2 mixed. 31'ic.
OATS-Qnlet ; No. 2 mixed , cash and May. 27c.
HYE Hull and unchanged : No. 2aslt ,
l'IOVI-ilSniil : Active ; prime cash , (1.0Idd. .
DIL North Lima , UV. south Lima and Indiana.
Delriilt 1lni-li..N.
DI-yritOIT. Marcb 1 WHUAT-No. 1 white ,
! i7'-.i ' ( : No 3 nil. ti c ; May. OSc
COItN No. 2 mlxeil , 3 > .
OATS-NO. 2 white , so c.
'llYi-No. ' : 2 , S2UC.
IVnrln 1Iiirl < i-ts.
rnoIlIA , Marcli 1. TOIIN Finn : No. 2. 2SVe
OATS Steady ; No. 2 , 2 < ! c : No. 3 while , 27 #
27' e.
WHISKY Maiket steady ; blgh proof , Jl.19'5.
Snn I.'I-IIIII-IM-O Win-ill llni-lii-l.
SANI.HAXPISPO. . March 1 WHEAT Steady ;
December. $1 31i ( , ; May. II )0' ) ; .
HAltLKY Steady ; December. Me ; Mny , | 1.W.
I'lillnil1 ! pit hi I * r it tin i-1 * .
rilIU\DI-L1'IUA. : Mamli 1. lit'TTEIl-rirni ;
fancv western creamerv , 21c.
KOPiK Sliiidy lunl eaKler ; fresh nearby nnl (
westent , lie.
Itepni-l fioinVIIMIMUOII | | ( llnsli-ns ( In-
-liorlt lo Cnvi-i-liiK' .
NHW YOItK. Man-It 1 Tin- stock maiket look
in mi wi-ll ilenneil chnnnter until ifter
he publication of the st-tt.Miii'nt attrl.ut-il | to the
secretary of lli na.vy that the element of Span-
Hit olllclul responsibility for the Maine explosion
night IKeimsldeii l In eliminated from th < ?
situation. This was In the lust 'i ' mef 'he - -
Hli.n nnd tbe wliol , fhort li lenvt nppnronliy
tiwliril in cover the short llns that It has
ml nut In the luHl few ibivs on the developments
followliiK Maine dlmsler. There bad IHI-I
oovi-rlnir of fliorlo early In Iho day In ti-n'lnn-
in 'f j'PsleiMay'H movement , but a little later
tlier sliurt H lllim developed on the tlu-irv tint
bo market would certainly Hag ajniln nrt r ( he
argi- short Interest hi.l ; lM > en covore.1. The mar-
iPt li.i/l npp.ti-ently SWIIIIB to a Ktambitlll and
was drifting mlher aimlessly , wllbnut yielding ,
when n buying movement net In on the | nng
statement , nnd the trading took on nil the np-
,1-arance of a runnwnv bull nnrket Some or
be advances weti > violent , Metropulllnn Ktr. t
tnlhvnv IK-IIIK purheil up In 1MH. . a nut rise of
IS points. This slock cloxml nl I'd. Mnnhntinn ,
Sugar and New York i-enti-al were nlmi con-
pIciii'tH In tbe movemnnt. the former showing
an extreme nd\'tncc of s points and the bitter
two rising 3 per ! > t each. Then- was Ian ? , , biiv-
ln nlKo of thn graimers. nnd Itoek Island mso
over S p dnts over last nk-ht'fl level The ivltoli-
lji | felt HIM upward tnnvemi'fll to a v rv untie. . .
able ext -nl , aril this late bulge added to th"
\ery mibstan'lnl ndvuiiee nlrndv achieved makes
n Hhou-ing nf wry Wrlklng m > ( gnln niiiulnir
from 1 to I i lntn In the general lint , nnd ahovn
Hint In except I , ii | panes. HUN Ing for I mdcn
helped UKetnnglh In Iho early dealings. Th.-m
wan nnin rwoverjIn Spiuilsh Hecurltlen In I/in-
ilon am ! Ihl * ( vented to restore eonlldnnce In
tnma > .xt nt over the relations between fituln
mid the I'nlted fitutes. The remnnptlim of buy
ing for Iir < l , > n account Is In the f.-u-n of a < * MI-
tlnu'il lianlenlng Htock matkel. The Imiulrv for
gold for Amorlian accmint In I/imlnn nnd I'nt-ls
appeal-Hi to I- sllll very ! < en , but no further
engagements of i il , | for Imitort weiv annout < cel
tmlay and the i-ale for ulerllng exchange bnrdem-d
n fni..tliin but U still at the p-ld Import point.
The condition * In ISie local money market lmv >
bee.-ine soniewbal more -tMed. . the Interior ib--
mands fur eunvncy IHnir nomewhat lewt ea 'T
Tim announcement bv the Irejitury that nu fur
ther withdrawals will IK- made for the present of
government de | > o li-i In New York lianks nf
I'nlon I'aclHe paymentH nlw-i nldei ! thl result
The bond murket wits wimewlmt tteilve t. lay
ami prlcea were higher nil around. Total H-ilea.
1.1.91 Oft ) . I'tilled Stales new 4i. registered ,
nbieil n tiN-overv f.f H4 per rent nnd Is. eou-
pon. of H per cent , nnd the 2.1 d.x-llitPil u per
c.'nt.The ivpnlmr : I'.wfn I/indon Hnanclal ( vilde-
grnm flays : The stock mtrkeW hi-ro were gen-
erallv o.ulet tulnv. but ther * was a revival of
nwiMilatlrv nctlvlly In Amerlcnns nnd In Ornnd
Trunk. Americans wen- largely Imught nnd the
clo > \\-nii nftir thn bost. A rumored arrange
ment of thn Cana,11.111 J'aelflc rate nr wn not
enntlrmi-il ( Jrnnd Trunk was Km > 1 nn tbe montlily
statement Thn other markets were featureless.
Otild It quili l nt 77s 10id ami In strong > 'o-
tnnnd. but tlilipiit Informed Mill Incline to the
liollef that Iho New York drain of gold from
liem will not b. large A few eattli-a will l tve
the Hank of Kmrliind tmlay The lank lias
rained tlie bin-Ing price In flermnn and Jipnties
coin to 70ii 4' | , | Th.-re In n large nm.uint '
Jap-met * von In thnurknt. . liut II l > n.t likely
B-uii the lutnk will siH-ure It iis outsidHrs ! , ' - ! a't
M for eiprt I , , Hit'nltii ! S'.ites M , n-v rn-s
urn rising Ther- ere n- > Iid runvira fp"in < r > l
. lire.Iti Iii lli . .f a i .sstblH . In.-n-tM-d Imp-.rt
In Mir fu'utv , .n sihcr Tbe Hank "f I'nirbind
ntuln lent largely to th * market todny I lenrn
I In ( food ( flinrlM * thnt Most nf lh rnon y ml * *
by the Chlnr loan In U.'flln will I * -tnlttf
| rapidly to J indon. Anlitirntlon * of this rnun *
| iodnT'11 rl. In Herlln xeh afi . Th P.iM
t > nir c wn dull , rxcipt for Hio Unto * mul I )
i Vffru mines , which er attimp
I following ore the elo ! nc quotation * of th
I foiling ttock on the Nty York mnthet today !
I Atohlvni fMiHawaTiaiTTfotirco. 31S
I ilopfd 2sHSltl'.A | Om 73
1ialtltnor A Ohio. . - | . do PM IBO
Canada Pacific S4U.SI.V. M. A M 132
Canada'outnorn . Ml | 3j I'acltlc 181
Central t'arine ' . -'VSO. Hallway -v
Cho.s. AOato 2141ilo pfd SflV
Chicago A Alton . . . l a ( iToxns.t Paelfie. .
. . . . . . . _ _
niMf < * ! „ * 31
O..H.AQ UiiJunlMclilc
' ' ' . l . n. Alt I'V
cic. e'.A'st. ti !
ilopfd ! * ' 00 iifil . lim
Dul. , v Hudson. 1104Vhcel. . it I. . E . ' ? <
Del. h. A W . . . l.vj WltwI.A L. K. JM PH
Hen. A KloU. . . 1' ' ' 'Adatim r.\ . 07
do pfd 4lAtnirleflii | Kx . 1'JJ
Krle ( new ) H' tlnllnl Slr.loiEx. . . 43
Krlolstpfd. . . . . . . 3i,4 ! 1V 1 1U Fnnro Kx. . . . MS
Kl. Wayne 1(10 ( | A. Cot. Oil . 1P4
nrnpfd lilt I do pM . 7:1 :
HiM-ktnr Vallnr. . . . iU { Am. splnti . HM . . . 102 ? ( Am. HpIrltapM . 1HH
Mike Krlti .t W Ifi't ' Am. Tonni-i-u . PDH
ilopfd . 7l ) ' ilo iifit . Il
l..ikpShor , > . mm IVoph-'a ua % . HIM
LouiiivlUo & N.iili SJHiCons. tt.ts . I Ml
Manhattan I < . 1"S iConi. U.ihlnr'o . 17S
Met. SI. Uv 1.11 .I'ol. ! ' . A Iron . UtHi
Mlrhlir.iii | ilo ntd . 7K
Minn. A SI. I , . VH ' ( .on. Eli-cmc . HI
ilotfitpM . Ml llHnol StiM'l . 411
Mo.l'.icltlc . 2Sli LaClodu tui .
Mobile X Ohio . . . . l3' ! ! Ii-ail 3'JVI
Mo K A T no . . . . ! . . . . . . . .
Mo.K. A T i > fii..Y. 37' ' < S'al. Un. 011 I'l
Oregon Imp. Co 27H
do pt.l . US ll'-lelllcMall . ! !
X..T. . Ul'4 ll'ifiltnan Pal
N. Y.Coiitral . 11.1 Silver Ocrtlllcaln. * . .
N. Y. Clil. A St. I , . . 1 UK Stand. Hop. . ? AT. . . . 4'1 '
ilulst pfd . IIH SiiB.-ir . 12iHl
ilo''ilpM . : U4 no iiM . lllhi
Norfolk * Wuilor.i II T. 0. A iron . sm
No. Amnr.Oo . ii'f U. H. I.o-illit-r .
No. I'nulllc . am1 ilo pM . 0
dopfil . H't't'U. ' A. UublK-r : . 1
Ontario.V W ISJii do nftl . IV
OnIt. . A Nav 41) ) \\Vslorn Union. . . .
On > . Short Ltiiu iHfc N'nrHiwi-Hleni . 1'JHii
Plttsbun ; 111 ! ) tloofil . I7. >
Ho.-idnn ; I'lH Klo ( West . S.I
Hock Island HSU do ufi !
S. I..AS. V 7 Clilc.iso-Oi-oal VV. .
S. h. > V S.V
St. I'anl IIJU do ptd 10
ilo | ) fil Ueaillng 1st pfU. . . . ISMi
Total sales of stocks today , 427,3'0 rhnn-x. In.
ohnlliig C.2W Atchlson pn-fetn-O. 1.223 t'hesa.
peake & Ohio , Si.r,3.i ! I'hli-auo , HurlltiRton , < !
Ijulncy , r..Mt Ixiulsvllle & Nasli\llle , , in.u.
Meltopolllan , 3.7U3 Hawaiian , . ' .I'.M HeadltiK pre-
firreil. 4,371 Mlssmrl I'acllkPiCr.i ( New Yorl <
I'cntral. 11.140 Notthern l-a III'1S.H5) ' Northern
IMclIIc preferred. 4.C20 Hock Island , S.1.H20 St ,
1-atil , S.I'M ' fnlon l-acllle. 5.1i Union I'aclllc ,
Denver ,1 ( iiilf. I.'OO Tohao. . ll.02-i ) 1'eople's Oas ,
3. ! : , ii ronsolldated ( las. 1,89 ilem-iol l-7le trie ,
S.t20 ! ) ; Suuar , Tenncsfi'c , t Iron , 4,331
V/iif-iM Union.
Xi'tv Vorlf Miinoy IIiirlic
NM\V YOltK. Mnuh 1.-MON1IV O.V
Nntnlnally I'-jSrJ'-i ' per cent.
I'llIMi : MKllCAXTIl.i : r.VI'nn'a per
tlST11HMX UXPHAXOn-Stcndy. with nptual
lH5lnes , In ImnkiiV Mils at fl.Mfi l. 4 % f r de-
iiMtul , and Jl.M'iSil.siij ' for sixty days ; posted
lates. SI.S2 < vif4.3is , and JI.S081.V > ; ronmivrcla !
inlll" , Jl.Slii. .
snviit :
I1OVKHXMKNT HiNI > S-Klrm : new 1 . reg. .
12:114 : : coupon , lil'i ; 4s. lew. , 110 ; coupon112 ;
2s. 1)9j ) of , leg. and coupon , lll'a ; 1'iulllc Cs of
M. 103.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U.S.nowli.i--j I''lVi.V.J. 0. rn HI1J4
IT. s. now l-j eon 1'JOn'W. ' cj. tj > las
II.S.-IH.IV ; ; iu N.C. 11 nit
U.S. II.IM'.IU lI'JVllXo. I'.l-lltC 1 H. IIS
U. S.'s. . r- tl.i So. P.inltio : N ll'i
U.S. 5s.i-.iir lI'J'-j ' No. 1'icltla 4H . . . tl'l '
U.S..1.10111 U'J' ' < N. V. 0 . "LSt. I Is. .10.1
District. ! . ilVt US N' . , VV. . Us l- > . - |
Alii..class V N.V.r : > nols
A1a..ulissll : . 10 IN.V. . lio. 'IH 1I7 !
Ala.-l IKS' ) HID DI-J. N iv.lsts 11 IS.
A In. Ciirroucy. . . .1011 Oi-j.Nav. 4s lU'i '
Alchmun Is IIJ O. S. > ' . iH. t. r I-JJ
AtchHoita-il. Is. . . . Ill O. S. Ii , n. t. r ' . ) . ) ! <
CanaiiaS i.'uds. . . | ( ) . linn. Ists. t. r. . . . 1II )
C. A N. 1t. . f. . 'M. < | O. I up . "n. t. i- . " ! )
r.A I ) , . 'm . . . . ll.'i , P.teluc ( it of 'i)7. ) . .10JH
( MI.11) ; . I'ni. ' . Uaidln. H f-l
D.A. It. O. l.sls . II. ll.\Vi t lin . . . . S- '
D.AU. (3. ( Is ill St. I. . A I. M. fji. ! < R'.l '
Kast Iin. . Ists . . L.- , st. L.AS. ; p.trji.'i. ' us
Krlett 1-1. 13 7. iSt. P/Conols : 141
K W A . 1 t. r. 714 St. I'-O.A i > . lit ! . . l-.MSi
' ' ' ll'4 ( ' St. 1 * . O. A I' . : 11(1 (
r . if. .is. Ai'liv' . . 1011 ISoiithern Uv. . " 11. . . . ! ' _ " <
( J. H..VS. A. lids. . " rt. K. k'F. tl-t : '
H.\T.Oi-iit..rM. . . . Tonu.iiL-w sutU : . . is
II. AT. 0. r.ou Us. Tux. I'.ic. I. ( J.UtilOliS
bnva (5. Ists. . . . liimiTX. I'.IIt ! , - . -J.M. . : ! l
1C 1' . dm. , t. r . . . . 10.1 , U , l > . , lHfi l-J7i
K. R I HIS. t. r , 1.IU'U. ( ' P..1) . Al > . IHU. . eMI (
La. NuwCjn. U . . lOi IWab. Ist.'i4 HI7M
I. . A N. Un ! - . . . . KS' ' iWali.'its 7l'n ) '
Missouri il-i 11)11 ) I WuitSIiorj U . .i.U.l'4 '
M. K. .V P. ' _ ' ! < ti-J Vn. CtatiirlPH iil
M. 1C. AT. U S-t'l ' V.i. t 4
N. Y. C. IHIS 1111- ! . .
Illislilll .StucU
BOSTON , M.irMi L-t-iil ) I aas. 2-Jf3 per cent ;
time loans. 31t I per cenl. 'lo ins prlue s for
stocks , bonds and mining shares :
ATTTVs" ! _
Aniurlcau . r.Ml 'AtchlHon nl.l
Ani.Sin.Mr ufd . . . 1 IU I Ai' hi-ou IH HI )
liav state ( ias C.-neral Idea. .is. . 'll- '
IIOHtOIl A AID l IV. \Vn. ( : "iit Us " -
IloHlou A M.liun. . . in > I Alluimz Mint t : Uj 'JM
C. . Ii.\i 0 AtlJiitlc : it :
l-'llcbouri' 1)11 ) Ilostuu .V M.i ifi.u 1S-JM
Mexie.iu ( Mntr.ll. . "i Ilutto.t Ilmtcn. . . .
N. V .V N. B Oil ( Jaluinut 'c Hdol i. . S3-J
OIU Colon-- HID 1II > 1
U.S. t , ! ! ll. iFr.iimlin l.'i
Union I'.tclui ! Ill ' " 41
\Vi-HiKmt riiliOultiV : | ! ll'J
West Knd Dtd 10:1 : Taiiiar.ieK i * i-
\V. Kleu -J4 , Huston I , ( iil )
W Kb-c. pfil 5' ' Wolverines 12 !
Kit. Kluu. in HI. ) ll'.irruli
Sun l''rMiiclseo > llniliK ( Imitations.
SAN KUANi'Irfro. Mnuh 1. The onicial clfisln--
quotutluns on mining slocks today \\crc us fol.
lows :
Silver liars , Mpxlrnn ilollirs , .
ilniftH , alKlit , 2Uc ; ilrafu. tclerfrupli , J2',3 ?
Nc\v Viiel. IIInliiKIliiol" I IIIIIM.
NK\V YrillK. Jlnreh 1 Thu followlns nru the
lunliiR nilnliiK iniutalliinx :
l.llltllllll Sloi-k ( lUllllldllllN.
LONHON. M.uch ] . | p. m.-L'loalng :
IIAIl SlLViil-null at 235-101 per ounce.
MONI-3Y-2i-f ( i per cent.
Tbu rate of discount In the open market for
shoit bills , 2i per cent ; for three munilm' bills ,
J7j per cent.
I'l nn in-ill I \ iilh. .
OMAHA. _ Mnrch l.-i'L-arlngii , { 51)3,131.50 ) ; bnl-
ClllfAHi ) . March I. Clearings , JIO.SOl.'tTO ;
S'ew York excbuiiBe , JV : discount ; posted rnU'x.
TI.HS'i ' and tl > 8. Mto. ks strong nnd In uouil
lemand. Dlimond Mutt-h , 111 ; l.-ike Slree L
11 * , ; Illi-cult prcforretl. 014 ; North < -.I-UBO | , SSI-
Ulratt board , 'ji ; Wufthlcaiio ( , W , .
ST. UI'IS. Muu-ii 1. t.'ledrlliKii , J5r,29fi0 , , bill-
ineeg , Jkia.WJ. Muney , HS | per cent : New
Yurk exchange. 7.1c dlx-ount bid , O-'c ' discount
NEW YOItK. March J. Plearlnss , 1131,133-
CiM ; buliinccs , | 0.rll.S77.
I10STON. Mnieh I. inearlns * ! J3,775,5I3 ; hJl-
Nl-w : 011LKA.NH. Marpli 1. Pleating * , J3.0SI , .
oil. New York exchange , bunk par ; conimor-
lal. tl per tl.i l illseoUQl.
MKMI'HIX. Match I - earlngH. (311,9 ! ) ) ; bal-
atices , JPW.40I. Ntw Yurk ftclmngu elllnK lit
\ 'M pti-mlum.
rilll.AiilM.I'lIIA , March -Clearings. . JIO-
8H.4.V ! . Iwlamps , H.tCd.KiS
CINCINNATI , MatH-li 1 Clearing" , I2.1M.SOO
Muney , 2'.j5/tl ' per cent ; Now York exchange , ( Wlf
Tic illivounl.
IIAI TIMOIll ! . March -Pleating * , I3SJSI3 | ;
I'lil'elun Kliiiinrllll.
I < ONI > ON , Match 1 American eagle" . 'Cc.
did ; bar gold , 77s 10 1. Uoli | IH quoted at
lueiuis Ajres today at 17D..V ) ; I < ltbon , OH ;
lomo , 105.17. The bum of 23,000 In American
uacluti wua dmwn from the Hank of 1-Jngluna
o < ! a > . Culcuttu llntved rjul , SCs Cd ,
I'AIIIS , Slarch I. Tlirx-v per cent rentes , J04f
S'jo ' for ih ctu-ounl. Excliungo on Ixindon , 25f
o fur checks On the Ixigrji- today .Sininlnh 41
cloM-d at 691'wSl. They > kmotl yenti-rday at
a U-3J. 1'rli'en were llrm thruuchuut the day
on the bourse , but cloved heavy on realizations.
I'ho i mfry In SpanUh 4 < wan duu to the i-x-
iDetutlxns that culimrlew will | , reval | In
c-gurd to thu lorn uf the Maine.
ltiitLIN : , March l.-Prlevi opened weak on
bu boumo today , owing to y , U-nlii > 'n uniutln-
f.11 lory nens , but afUT nr.l rtuveied. < . Amerl-
att trcurltles and Canadian i'ltclllcs wcra llrm
on puri hukt-ii.
Viiierli-iin Si-i-urltli-w In dilution.
I/iNlioN. Mjn-h 1 Tin- market for American
. urli I , a Hduin , I at the opi-nlng und rcinulneJ
teuJ > all d.iy The i I , -lng tone Via bu , > jnt
mil ttn d.trund in , < 1. r.itn I'atiu llun II.K 111 unj ,
ii in. ] Trunk w iiiitl-1 iv.j-e HI m--r t lu > jn thu
nm , | jf tlm rule w > r Smni | li ,4 , wlilcl )
K " J yiurJuy at Jji. , > lonrj t djy ut tlHj .
Light Run of Cattle , but Plenty of Hog !
and Slicepi
Dei I ruble ( 'rndcs In ( iooil Drniniul
but Common .Virl-t Arc \VonU nnil
ln net- Hints ( iitln n
SOUTIt OMAHA , March l.-nocelpts fol
the days Indlcatea were :
Cattle. HORS. Shppp. Hor's ,
March 1 2,779 7soo . | ,2 ) i
Total receipts . . . ,12J 111 19 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Inilk-utcd :
1'tiyers. Cnttle. HORS. Shcpp.
Omaha Packing Co SI OM 10S
( i. H. Hammond Co | o , " > 1.491 " 11
S lft and Company 6CO 2,017 1.293
Cudahy Packing ro Cd 1,001 JOO
P. O. Armour , ' 'ilcago. . 2.VJ
U. Mocker and IH-sun. . . . 00
Vansant & Co M
.1. Ij. Carey ro
l obman .t llotlischllils. . ISO
W. I. Stephens M . . . .
Krebbs .t Co 72 , . , '
Livingston \ - Schnler. . . . 53 : : .
Hammond , fiom 1C. C 391 . . . .
Hammond , from country -Jii
Meyers 71 ' " "
I. . K. Husz n , „ , .
C. P. & P. Co. . Neb. City . . . . 1,27 : .
North P. * P. Co SOI
Other buyers 2.V ) . . . . GIG
Totals " , s-l 7,599 3.S40
CATTM-3 For a Tucv"day. the ifcolptH of
cattle \\eio rather lluht , only 121 cars being
reported In. as against 17o cars a weeW ago
and UM two weeks ago. It was , however ,
qulto a liberal run , especially as the quality
of the c.ittle was not such as lo Induce frco
Inlying , lirod cattle of whatever kind were
about steady.
HUHP STKHUS-The offerings ot fnt cat
tle were large , but there were very few
among the number on sale that could be.
classed as good. The great bulk of all the
cattle consisted of medium grades , with a
good many common and half-fat steers
h.iidly good enough to be classed as killers.
There was nothing lo compare , In point of
iiu.illty , with the liest cattle here yesterday.
The best on sale were only good enough to
bring $1.00. while the great bulk fold at
Jl.00gi.30. The market on desirable hinds
wm ic i.'onnbly active and Just about stuady.
The me Mum and eomtiion kinds were slow
and weak to liV lower. The morning was
well advanced before a clearance was ef-
Hl'TiMIKIlS' STOCK While the receipts
of cattle were much larger than yesterday ,
almost double , the offerings of eo\s and
heifers were no greater than yesterday.
The demand for that class of cattle was
very good on the part of local packers and
the market In coiife-qticnce. was reasonably
active , so much so ithiit the pens were
cleared quite early in the day. The prices
paid were just about the same as pre-
vail.vl on yesterday's market , values being
practically unchanged.
STOHIC CATTUC-There were a few
bunches of calves and light stock cattle , but
the supply was far from large. At the same
time speculators and regular yard operators
all w.inlcii cattle. FO that the market was
strong. Quite .1 good many half-fat cattle
shipped for beef were sold for feeders. Upp-
rrseiuntlvc sales :
I1OQ8 Today's led-lpU nf hogs Hero tatlii-r
iIlFaupolntlnt ; to liuyi-m and limy li Intelfi-rt-d
lo miiiie extent with their plane. Ycplerd.iy
everyone v. an linking fur u urea I UK run and
huyi-m wer * very in Icpt-mlem with the iMdi-nt
Idea that lie a uould be plentiful und mil !
c-licuin-r today.
Tliu inotnini ; repre'entatlvoii of local packers
ituruM nut lilddltiK eunli-r prlcen , hut with only
HI londH In alK-it fdlerB uetc. HOW ! to pait with
their holdlnuH. \ little later the uirhul of
lll.ciul tlilppInK "file-in linn cd llilnm up v-ry
inuicrlully and the niatKet noun went 1un-k to
yrnterday'i ) nvitli , at which point thn IIOUH cliuiiKi-d
lutiKli1. In otlu-r wi.rdB the market UH a whole
wa > - juxt aluiut fctendy with y tcr < l y.
Th" ptlccti paid ninpi'd from { 3.75 to 1343. the
nine im yemetday. There were , liownvt-r , fewer
Imijti today al (37.1 and | ) and more ut I3.771 *
( him yeHterday.
The nvtinmof nil the acs ! wn a fraction
lilsher than > e terday , 7l4e luwrr than out- week
UK" und lOc lower Hum two weeks nlfo.
Everything mild early and the muikct cluiuj
trong. Iteprencntailro oitlva :
No. Av 8h. IT. No. Av. Bli. IT.
70 231 . . . | 377i ! 67 311 1CO | 3 7714
5S 26.1 . . . 3 77W 70 237 160 3 77'J '
7 SMJ 80 3 77 CO 237 SO 377' ' ,
3S 2CI . . . 377 ! | t" ) 233 to a 77'i '
. . . ! 03 . . . 8 7Mi S3 ! IS 120 3 7714
C5 i'&l 12371(4 ( I ! 210 . . . 3 77'A '
CO 58S 4-J 3 77 < 4 63 330 200 377' '
ra 257 130 37714 H S31 . . . 377V ?
"il Ill . . . 87714 53 226 4) 3774
73 16- . . . 3771 } J63 303 49 37714
73 30J 40 3771-5 0 > ! " ' 3 "Ii
(3 311 . . . 37714 43 : I3 . . . 377'
IS SM . . . 37714 60 154 FO 3 77'3 '
73 168 . . . 37715 B3 218 . . . 3 77' ,
61 SM 377V4 13 3U ! 160 3 77U
60 309 210 any ! 71 ; 40 377
S ! S&3 . . . 377Vj tS 3H 1 ? ) 3M
73 MO SO 3 SO 73 216 . . . 380
M 281 . . . 3 SO 76 210 . . . 380
71 219 . . . 3W 71 ? 07 . . . 3 RO
IH . . . 3 kf ) 33 2ll . . . 3 SO
7 . . . 'M kO 3 kO 11 I'.S . . 3 l > 0
M . . . . V31 . 3 80 II . . . . 177 40 : i SO
71 . J79 80 3 M " . . . fit 40 3 HO
h. : 8M M 3 SO ' ' . . 107 . 3 HO
i 3' ' 110 S 0 Ol . . . . 237 l > 3 SO
(7 421 . . . 3 6J 74 m < 0 3 fcO i
r . sn . . . tro et . ? . rw STJ
15 . .WH . . . S 75 I" . . . . HI > . 3 ? : ,
. J ! . . . S 75 . t" . . . 3 ? J
. M7 . . . 7S M . 271 . . . 375
73 . Ml . . . J 7 $ M . 2M HI S 75
S'l ' . 3S ! . . . 875 4) . SW S * 3 7
5J . ! K4 . . . S 76 15 . KS . . . H \
in . W . . . s 75 TO . MI no j ; - .
J . Kt IM 375 4 < ! . ! . . . 375
Si . 276 1 3 K , KS . J4S IN 375
M . 240 M 3 7S fd . S IM S77'i '
. 2W IM S 77H So . JH . . 3771- -
JO . S10 4 377 < V fit . 2'.7 . . . 3 77 >
If. . 2S1 . . . 3 77 > t 12 . 2.M . . . S "l.
M . i'S $ i ) S 77H W . 3-.0 . . J 77V
IS . 0 . . . S7J < J 72 . 2.12 . . . 377'
* 7 . 147 40 3 7flj M . St7 50 3 T. < >
91 . J 10) ) 3 77H i . 2\i . . . 3 77 ,
f.l . ! 70 4) 3 7U 7"i . 2ni . . . 3771
57 . J47 JO S 77U 79 . 2JI . . 3771
71 . sn itvt J77ti 7 ? . 2:1 v s 7rv
cr. . 421 . . . .1 7ii ! ci . srj : iii .1 TM
SI . 513 40 SS *
3 . 350 . . . 3 70 2 . 17i > . ' . 3 - ,
6 . SS" . . . 370 1 . J.10 . . . ,1 6S
4 . MO . . . S 70 3 . tni . . . ,1 C7t <
2 . 0 . . . 3 M 2 . 4M . . . 3 BTii
7 . 2U to a 7S4 s . J.v . . . aro'
9 . 23i5 . . . 3 SO 2 . 2T- > . . . 370
5 . SiO . . . 38 ° ) 7 . 4' . < . . . 370
c . * . . . . 3 JO s . : iv . . . 3 : -i ,
4 . 2 < . . . 3 SO 7 . JCi . . . S 75
1 . M . . . S SO 7 . . . . .ISO
3 . sin . . . 3 so n . . . . 27 . . . s ,
8HKKPThere were ttlneleen cnr In the jnr.b
loilay , pretty equally divided tH-inpi-n nhe.-ii aihl
lAntbiV AtlVlrtit fmni other matkcit crc n little -
tlo ileptetsliig fo Hint the grm-tai temlencj nl
vnlurs wn oniler. Heritable mutton sbcei. cn
pcrhnp-t. nbmil Ho.nty , but the feeling \MI I - -i-i
on other klml * . l.nmb1fli - al-o n little lonet
nml lite inalKrt not very nrilw- The tmttkct oti
InmbM linn tipcn weak for mine iln ) * pa t In nil
Ihc mnrkcts of the country owing ni < pttrenil > in
p rt tj tht- heavy rivelpls. H , | .i-e i ntatlvr
SM wc-itern ewes . . . inn $3 ! >
211 wenleni wetliers . im 4 r
fi western ewes . ins : i < '
4 1 wenternewo. < . . , , . p.s . : t v
1 wentetn wether . i ii 4 iii
2i > mil * . 97 : i ii
S5 c. tern < . ( K 3 M
ini western lambs . M . r
3 culls . ' . .13'v
1 cull . yn 3 i *
2 culls . | , r , an ,
2' ypnrllnR > i , tnlveil . ! > 7 4 "i
2.,0 tt.uive l.tmln . t7 ; 4 Pi
OllU'VtJO 1.IVH T'lTu'lv \HKiri' ,
Ti'iitlr III CntdiN Ciiiiil. tilth Illull
I'fll-l'H SlIHllllllt-ll ,
CIUPAOO. Mnrclt -Trade In latlle was
fairly good , Monday's loriJtv ad\an-c , bi-lnr well
fiistnlncil. The tango of piliei as r.-markably
wide , n few \cry common cattle going for J ! X5 ,
whl'lD as high ns J.V7i i5. > .5 was paid for K.MIIP
i-xtr.i line mi-em. The bulk of the onvrltm *
went around $4 LMrr , 20 : wi'Slctn fi-d attic MI ! . |
latgely at } 1.5051 4 ! ' 0 ; bulls Mild mostly at * . ' 75
df3.CS , nnd canning cows unit chb-ily , tt J : ' ' " 'Hf '
3. UO , the mippl > being llchl. rahrrn - 'ma
terially liwer , choli-e selling at } i > .viiii : 7 ,
Ttadc In hogs- was nvllviat nn mhancc of
2'417.'io on Monday's closing tlgutc ! < . lloi. n-ld
nt f3.SOifl.07't ' f r common to pilinc tola. , blclly
lit ! . ' . < 0il4.05 , light welgbts rclllni ; the u.n-s ; . and
choice and fat medium el hts the be t I'IKI
s dd largely nt JS.CUIf.l..1" . lew going In-low
, Mt' : .
Tiudo 111 llecp nm > lambs \\a-t n , tuc nt jc -
lerday's tlgtncs. sltcep s.-lllnn at $ : t J..ii.l , ' ' f.i- ,
Uio pootest up to 11 I'O for be-l I'I I ue-tiern- ,
comprlhlng the- great bulk of the .niri lnu .uul
Mdllng cbli-lly nl f l.ll''ii I ' ' ' ' Vi.nllni- \\ctc ac-
ttiat f4 r.oni.M. and lambs M > U i'-l ' > at } l M
{ | . " > . ' , ii , shorn Hocks felling al t4IO'i , | : : . .
UitiUTSrnttli4,110 head , IIOKS li'iM ! ;
head ; sheep , 17t-0 head.
lonli > vlll < - lliMm - ! . .
I/iriSVll I.U , Ky. , March 1. - \TTI.i : lle-
celtils , light : nnrket steady to Htm , prb i-s un-
changi.I. Quotations follow : i\lia : in , , ,1 , i.\irt | ,
Htct-is , 1,3.,0 Ibs. an. ! up. f)5i ) > iit7 < i , light --hip
ping steers , 1,2 < In l.irn : ! bs , Jl i' , ul : , .i. i holn-
butcher Hteers , Jl o"1 ! l.fl. , ( air to uo , d luiti her
ptcets , J-l.-Vii i | 00 ; common to medium bnhi r
Hci'l-S. S.OOUM.ull ; l-llo ) H bllti b , r he If. I" , f. 'Till '
4 it" ; fair to good butcher hesfi t , 5 ! - ' .11 1 " , " . i . in-
moil to nredlum butcher helfcm , { . . ' , 1 15. , hole.-
butcher cons , $3 fiOJf3.75 ; fair to c . 1 lunch. ;
i-nwH , t2.7.iii3.25 ; uommoii liutdn-r cowJ2 .ivf
J.C5 ; cnnni-rs , J1.755i2.25 ; . holcc Ji--lcrs , , $1 imit
4.25 ; medium to goihl feedciN , $ .1 5i'i'u I ' * 0. i onim.'ti '
feedil-H , M.iMji : ! . - . ! . - . ; bulls , gi-ml to extra. } HW
: : r,0 : bulH , common to tui-illnm. $ - ' ' . ' . ' /it'l til , thin.
rough steers , poor cows and scalawags , il i"'i1 ,
L' 25 : choice cahes , ? 5.25Ti5.50 ( ; common calve" .
. " . .
IIOIIS Hecelpts. 2.2011 head : best In ivy lings.
II. ( VI ; medium. Jswmjil.tW ; light -.lilipers. | $3 C'ii1
3.S5 ; pl s. | 2.75F3.I'J ( ) .
SIiriiAND : 1.A1IHS Hecelpts. light ; market
steady on choice grades ; dull on inmtuou. un
changed : good to extra shipping shci-p. J3 5iW ,
3.75fair lo good sheep , J3. ( if3 25 ; common to
medium , fJ.O.iffS.r.O ; extra shipping lamb.s. $4 7r , i >
501) ) ; fair to good lambs , | i. " < 4 75. beta butchers ,
J.00fj4.50 ! ; fair to goikl butclict.- ' , . 1i I. CO.
St. I. mils llvi > Slni-li.
ST. I/lt'IS. March 1 - CATTMHecelpls. : . r,7W )
liead. Including 1,500 Texans ; shipments. 2ivi head ;
market steady ; fair to fancy native ship ; , Ing and
export steers , J4.WIi5.W : ; bulk of ule . $1 fiojf
5.15 ; dressed beef and butcher steers. } l 25foS in ,
bulk of sales. } 4.40ft4.M ) ; steels under l.noi )
pounds , f3.SOifT4.-IO ; bulk of sales , $3 iirifr | o ,
stockers and feeders , fit fHfi4.IU ) ) ; bulk of sales ,
JJ iOilLM ; vows and belfeis , $2 Owtf4 ' " ; bulk of
< -ows. J2 25i 3 > 5 : Texas and Indliiii stei-rs. J.I r' , < < f
4 35 ; bulk of sales , } 3.srifl30 | ; cows and heifers ,
} : Mfrj M.
HOiiS llecolpls , 10.10) ) bend ; shlpim-nts. 1.2'W ; maiket steady to rc lower , yorki-rs. } ; sB >
4.00 ; packers. M.SOf | . ( ; liutcheis. $3 'Mfi I.HI.
.Sll I Jnr Hecelpts , 1,30i ) bead ; MilpmeniM , none ;
market sti-ady ; natlvi- muttons , 51 O' ' i(4 50 ; bimbs ,
} 5.0ii5.50. , )
ICniisns ( ' ! < > I.lviSloi'k llnrli < > < .
KANSAS PITY. March 1. CATTI.KHcclpls. .
S.m rt natives ; C0 > ) soutliein ; aitivc , 10 to 15c
higlier ; common dressed b''ef , SLO-lft I 41 ; fancy
exporters J5.255T5 57Hehtcrn ; belfers , 1.105
puunds average , } t.2. ' > ; natives sold up to J4 | i ;
southern orrciltiRM limited und t-uld quli kly at
strong prices.
HOdS Itecelpts , 20.fOO head ; market active.
5KTIOC lower ; pigs steady to fc higher ; bulk of
sales , } 3 luffS.Vi ; top. JI.05 ; hem | iand packers ,
$3 70f | 1. 1-5 ; medium. J3.C5 * to 3.05 ; lights , J.I " , . " ,7f
3.71 ; pigs. Jt25 : l.1tt. '
KIII-II ! ! ' Hecelpts , ; iri ) bead ; miilt'ins steady ;
Iambs , f.ftlOc lower than InM week : wefH-rn
i-lii-i-p , M. 1)I40 ) ; wc-bli-ni yeaillngs , II.C5 ; l.imbs ,
_ _
InilliiiiniioIlN l.lviStiiiK" .
INIHANAl'OI.IS. March 1 l-ATTI.i : Hecelpts ,
7.10 head : phlpments. Sifl head , nniiket modcr-
ntely active ; good to pi line sti-crs , $1 sr/u. * il ,
fair to medium steers , | 450frl75 ; coiiinion to
good ftockerB , ? 3.COIii : 75.
HoiiH Hecelpts.5.5fii ) bead ; shlptnents. 2.roi
head ; ninrket fnlily iwlUi- and 11 good clear
ance was made ; good to choice medium and
heavy , f4 N > 1i 1.0.1 ; mixed nnd heavy. } 3 ! i mi ;
common lights , } 3 90fia 11.1.
HIIKIir Hcceipts. 1.10 head ; hhlpments , fair ;
mtirki-t in ie acti\i- at steady quotation- " |
to tboleiIambi' . } 5 r nri5 l-.l ; common to medium
lambs , (3.75ft 4 75 ; common t > hecp , $2 25'.1 ( < M.
\V v Vnrlc l.lviSliiiU. .
NI1\V VOUK. Mill I'll I. lKKVIW--Hpi-el ! | > ls. MC
head : maiket llrm ; cables unchanged , shipments
toda ? ? 700 catlle , 1.010 shei p and 2 , MO quarters
of beef ; tomorrow. 3.R20 quarters I'.thcn , ie-
celpts. 33 bead : nominal ; pour lo goixlcals
quoted ill J4 .lOfl1 ? f,0.
iSIIMni' AND UAMItS-H'-clptH. ' TM lien ! , very
firm : good sheep , tl.ffl ; exports , .125 head ; lamb-i ,
| 5 Rlfifl 37'Xi ' for fair to prime.
lions Hecelpts , 3.SS > i bead ; ( Inn for good
medium weights ; steady for others ; quotations ,
tl. 2561. M. _
Cliii'liiiintl llv < > SliirU.
fllNC'INNATI , March l.-IIOCJS-Knsy nt | 3 21ff
1.07j. ' .
{ ATTI.I3 Htrady al f2 r.0 l 75.
tmil-i-i'-Hleady : at J2.7,1 il73.
hAMUS Steady at tl OflS-1 SO.
Slni-lc In
Hecord of receipts of live slock at the four
principal iiiarketn for March 1 :
Cattle. HOB" . Sheen
Omaha . 2.773 7. WO 4.210
i-hlcngo . 1. " ' Ze.'O" " ) I"1" "
Kiinxai flty . K.m * : i r.nn
Kt , Louis . & ,7iiO , IO.ICO 1,11)0 )
Totals . 20.179 01,700 2iio-
( "iilirornln lrli-il l-'i-nllx.
Niw : Vnillf. March -r.\l.ll-Mlt.\'IA Iiltlii : >
KliriTH- nly ; i-vnpoiiiti-d iippb-i sii.i.l'
ivimmon. r.Ji7 ic ; prlni" wintt.iy , S'j , . " " 'I
di-led. prime , > , c ; i4mlc.k iii't , . f.nn v. ' ' ' . . ' '
10o ; priini-fl , Sfikc ; apricots. KOMI' ' . ' , ' < i7' . . , ; M , n-
I'm I : , 'Jli Hi- : IHMII-III-H. impI , I .1 , MI i- ,
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
1 1O Uonrd of Trndo I31dj. { , Omaha , Neb
Hi-unch Idlcp iOSR N Si Lincolr. N < > t )
I'rc-kldent. Vice I'teiililr-nt
Ciifislie-Slfeet Commissioo Cos
cniUni , tf'ii , nun. no. | , 'uiir I'niii
III Iliuiril of Ti-inln Iliillillnu.
01,1) COI.ONV III II.1)1 Mi , ( IllCt
Mc-inbui'H Chicago Hoard of Truilo Him u l > 6 *
Grain , Provisions anil N' . Y. stocks
Orders CiiHh nnd l-'uiuro Delivery Holiiitij
Ulillllill Ollli-e , HOIIIII I , V , V. Life HIilK
. . . .Tlitine Hill. . . .
KliOVI ) J. CA > II'Hii.I. . .UiiiiiiKi-r.
"lafrlES E-ljOYD CO ,
'I'ulupliouu 1030. Oinnliii , Nc' )
IHAII ) ( ) 01' TKADIi
Dlrft ultx-H tu I hituL'o und New York ,
.maemii. Joliu Aarrui & Co.
Author of "She , "
"King Solomon's Mines , "
Etc. , Etc. ,
Has Completed Another
Story Entitled
The hero of the story Is n
son of KliiK Solomon on nu ex
pedition to the Golden Oplilr of
the IMblo.
A Bomnnca of Pro-IZistorio
Africa , Daringly
Imnginntlva nnd TTnll
of Thrilling Action.
This story tw un publication In
As a Serlnl , In Ten Instalments ,
February lit.
( With llhisiiriit'.oiis. )
c g - . . _ _ . & %
lu this Btory Mr. Hnggnnl inaltoa
a DO\V domonotratlon of Iliaon -
dorlul power In the flolil of pnro
rorannco. Ilo once more holdly
lifts the curtain that hldca the fftto
of nations dcnd and htirlid In the
ngp of which no record remain * ,
except In the silent mien of tbotr
Zlmboe , n Inland trading olty
that nourished In the heart of
Africa 8,000 years ago , and peopled
by the Phoenicians , la the eceno of
the story. To this city cornea
Prlcico Azlcl , n grandson of King
Solomon , accompanied by Isaachar ,
a prloot of Israel , cad Mirtem , *
Phoenician trailer , who hrlngi *
caravan of morchandlBO.
In Kllcaa , daughter of Sakon , king
of Zlmboo , the prinro niccte Ills
fate. King Ithobal , lord of many
legions of Bavdgo warriors , IB al
ready a aultor for her hscid. Ilo
HUOS la true barbarian fashion ,
ceelts to carry her off by force , and
it ) foiled In the attempt by Prince
Azlcl. The story unfoldi ) ltt > of !
around the feud between the Prluco
of Israel and the savage King Itbo-
bal. Kllesa lion iilvrci her heart
to Azlul , and loatlia tbo barbarian
monarch. Inaachur , the priest , In
determined that no prince of the
house of David ulmll wed a heat lion
maiden , wboso people worship Baal.
Au a result of his Intrlguru , Ullusa
la clcctad the high prlcstcsn of
This lUes an Impuiuiablo religious
gulf between her and Azlol. Their
p-iHslonato lovn secko to surmount
all barriers. Mean tlmo , Itholrtl
drawn liifi huge army of savageB
roun l the fated city , and demand
ing ICllsH.i In marrlago , proparrn
to destroy U If ho l.s refused. How
Kllssa vlolatro her oith an high
prleslt'ss and prepares to Ily with
Azlel ; how thi > y are both dhrovorcd
and throatoned' with death by the
prlcstn of Ilaal ; how , to nave paoh
other , flho , by hnr right ao tlio hlxh
prlestre.i of Ilnal , namcH him her
htuiband , whllp ho rnuounciH Ills
faith mil offers Incense to Ilaal ;
how Itlinbal'H horde of Bavagcii
storms the walla of the city , and
both Azlcl and Kllem fall Into hl/i
power ; anil how , at last , Azle ! c.s-
capm with his llfo by Ello.a'H
feltrncd etibmlsslon to Ithobal , she
In turn csrapInK Ithobal by klllliiK
urrself , In nil told in Mr. Haggard's
most fjocInatlnB inarner.
Thn awful ceremonies In the temple -
plo of Ilaal. tlm wolrd rlten In thn
sacred Krovfrn of J5lmboo. and the
barbarouri t/atllo Kcor. - of that far-
off tlmo. are described with all the
author's marvelous wraith of Imag
inative resource.
It 1 a story that will surely rnnk
as ono of tbo great worka of llctloa
of 1893.
Iii the
Watch for It !
Read It !