10 THE OMAHA DAILY HHlia WEDtfESD/VY , MAHCH 2 , 1808. mm NOTICES Ailvrrll.ipmiMiM for MII-M- 'it1iiinn Trill IIItnliin niilll II" ' < " * " " FvrtihiK ii ml until * < I' " ' for " " niornliiK iinil Hiiiidii } i-ill'liiii" . Advortlirrn , by r 'iin tln n mini lirrril checli , run lime nit wri ml ilrcuxfil tu n iiumlii-rcil irtli'P I" < llrl of Tlir HIMAim i f nililrrmri iTlll IIP drllv.Ted on iircm-ndilliiii " ( IIICllCI'l , Mill } ' . HiitPH. I l-2c n mirtl flr l limertlon Jn ii wiml Ilipn-nftpr. ItotlilnMT luUci fur lean ( linn vrv fop HIP llr t Inner- Hon. Tlipvi * iiilvprtlneiiH-ntH nmut In run coiim-eiill vi-ly. \ \ Avnn srri yoFsn LVDV WANTS nxrinftNn- of fire N.J t ilry. Kll Inline } " St. A M ! WANTKD. MMI'LOYMr.Vr" , lerk < .i .illle- work ; grn.lunte rf , llaylcM co II-R. pe.ik ileimiin nnd Uncll-h : n-me expert ; CUMin ro ir > Mom. n.'t afaldt W'.fk' J.vll Ink" nnythlnR. K e me n linm-e ; IU t i fUU > . ref. r.-n. on Addre.n II 31 , ll'c. A-M " ' WAVI'HI ) MAt.r. HUM * . CANVASSiiH TO TAKB ORDP.RS : NKW LIN ? r.f W..IK. no heavy 1-oodii to ' " [ ! * nl fj o0,1 . . So. i"h . rnnimniKiili.n. C. P. AdnnuCo. fi. 11 116 H.'ur-'M : \N Vm ( noiYs IIM A MONTH AND CApin-M-K old nrm : experience unnecessary ; m rtiircm--Tii < to customers. C. C. lllshup & i o. . . . ' l'lL . Irf.uhi. _ _ _ _ _ ACKVT * AND"linANni MANAOKHS : SAI.AUV mil . , , imiil de.n. Hunter TnllorlnB & Whirl f , . . rinelnnntl. O. Mt8H-\print _ . Iti.ifl- . , IK . \vnnt * Nebrii.ka represe nl''do. ' . emriMlimen. . to miki ; IV- No p-ddlHm Write cpiM < - 11- - f.KAttS ' "nAtUlTjn TRADti : I AW MiTO : . Mill ' . . .m . require npprenilres t erve three > . n * in sl-npn or thrnn month * in m-hoids ; "in- ii.pl . m.s the nnly Mies reei united by I'1 | r ' i men tn noli t Hut yenr : pn ltl' < tier ' ( " n- II. , i' * tai.inliv-1 ; cntnliisue mailed free. Mol'T ! - . - ( in IMilicr PchuoN. rlllc" " . ' . ' .1. ' RriVI' ' \.M"NT l > nHITIONS : DON'T I'lllJI'MlI' . H\ll Kfrvl.'t. i x- I r ti" inlhMiy mull IT mlwr \ . Illuntrnlpd f'.iln- n iiinitlnn wltlKiut coclnff ( .vir | . . . "i .if Inrnrinntl'in ; ni-nl frw. I'nlnmhlnn Cm punilftifii follif ! ) * ! WiifhlnKton , ' . ' . ' . . . , \ \ \ \ lKlT"HAM5R.MHS. . IIKHT SAI.A11V. r.lMi r Mi-m Si . mom 3. " 'M.li ' _ . \V\VTII : > i'm"aT rI.ASS" : I.IRXI A N m l.nl.il. ailna Oil * . ( Ircnscs anil Kp rlnltlm 1 , > M linn < .n . the innilcot. Snlnry or mat - | . , iiiltnlilc : | Honiilne Co. , Clovcl niil , _ O I'll HO KNIIHAVINO ROl.H'ITOn WANTi : f M Ni'l.in-kn , will pay 'iiliiry und rnninils PI. , n lilll.T UnBrnvItiff Co. . f.C7 Wm-hlnKln Sir. i-hlciiun. ' * _ Iiri.IIII.M MKN TO TACK IT .1-n" . JIS " 11 n-pcUly : nK-ntly wnrk : rrnil I0it < I , MII , " ' . --iiiiipli1. "f. V.ninR Mc.llrlnp . f" . 5I N i-oinr i.ln St. . IMillnil.-lpliln , 1'a. H-M.VP 3' WXNI-MP. A IlLAl-KMIITH. HW S. 1ST11 _ T It M " 2 WAN'I'HII KH1I Mi U HUM' . ) nn : | ! ! . < roll AM. KIMirt OlWnllK ; S3 TO $7 x\ ( ! . I'nniiillnn Offl15 1 IJuindim. err ; ' , rou r.KNEHAi , norsnwoiiK. n.oo | i r wi.nK fur rnmpi'lcnt ulrl : no others UPC npplv 2 5i KinniPt St. f M3l \v\\Tin niiit. wn.i.ixn TO PAUK I.'OR . lill.hcn. Kmiiillp MIJ N' . JOlh. C MS2I 2 * \v\vTKn. nnu > rou OKNKII.M. IIOFSR w.nl ; Apply SH ? XIiiniliTunii St. P B'Jl-1 * I.AIMl'1 AND I'lItl.S TO 1 If 1 NKKDM : WO1U at li.inii' ' "all nxuns .12 ami sn. Ilnrkcr I > 1 < I'll C-M-.I7 2 KOIl HH.VT IIOltSRS. cnoici : imrsiis AND nvrrAuus AM , nvni city { . " . to $73. Kldollty. 1st ir N. Y. I.lfo. I ) MM1 ior'srsv. . \ i.iAnIUOVN : : ni civ. ICTI nnd IlonsliM U 4i ) AlTifi : T.IST. M'CAHUK. 13TI1 AND DODflK HorSKS. n.ATS. OAIIV1.V 11IIOS . IMS I-'AlfN D-IW liot'SKS j. ii siiKiiwoon. 423 N. v. MI.-K" 0 1. ) I imrsns IN AM. TAHTS or TIIIrtrv. . Tin- O. F DavH rninpnny , IMJ rurnani. f > < r.3 fiorsKs. IIIN'I\VA & co. , io N. ISTH ST O-4M iTm > Ki . STOIIHS. 1IE3IIS. I'AXTON III J POR 11KNT. N'INK ROOM IIOIJSK , TON' vnl.Mii in1 il rn , linrncltUo : bc t r " 0 ( ] nep dl trl ( f"w nilniitei * wnll : frntn postodlrp ; I..TI If dPiliril. Inquire 5 * " .N" V. 1.1 fo bllllillnT n M'I7 NKW rnTTAOK , MCNTlil.Y PAYMKNTS TO" ivp Ill.li ! . n SI531 iv TART OMAHA SKVRIMI , iis-iiiinD n ri > f of Intnl. mltalilo for ijnnlon and farn pnrpo'-o * Also several pleanatit cottngc" ! . with rlly witi > r and convonlont to car lino. Inqnlro nl roi llonpp ( of I. . S. Ilfilnr-f , 21st Ft nnt Locust Avc. , K.nst Omaha. . D 787 A % rr.noANT MOPKRN O-HOOM IIUICK ilwi-lllnir r. < M South 2Stlt , } 30 A" di'f'nt iinidcrn S-rooin lirlrlt dwplllnc. 1011 nrltv < * . r3. Apply \V. II. Molklp. 1st Vat. Hunk lildir PM'SO IKn MODKTIN 12-llOOM , AI.PO 9-ROOM h".ts. . ' . Ui-ya at 2oS Cap. Ave. Tel. 57.1 II II. R"l > l > n. 11 M(23 ( roit RUNT. siM.nNniP nor'aK"ANii"TiAiT.v with laniRrnundM : oonvi-nU'iitly loratin1 John \Y Rolihlns , AK < "it. 1SOJ l-'arnrnn SI. U M.-.S.1 8 MOVINT irorsniior.n noor = ; ANpl-iANos" Orn Van * RtoriBi-Co. , 151Hi K.irnam Ti'l l.r,5 D-.M521 w vtciiMi.\s. 7-R. noi'sr : , CITY WATKR. imdfl Kin s. 3r.lh. 7-r hoiiHc , tnodorn oxro furii.icn , Jin IK ) ( iarvln llroi , 1C13 r.irnnin. n-M.Vil 2 run ! ii\Ti'iut.Msiiii > IIODIIS. rou IIKST. NIOWI.Y KtntNisimu ROOMS ; rpa . .inld iirlcm. 2421 DndKii. K M.-.S6 rt nNi.siiin : ROOMS , IDIG HOWARD ST. K-M9I3 NioY STRIIT. n-276-Ml I.AH'IH KKOST AI.COV13 ROOM. I'RIVATK f.uilH. lull' ii'iuonnlili' . III not ml p diirlna i-x , , . biit.n 613 X. i3d St. i-SIOMl : TN I'RivATi' TAMII.Y , WITH ORvmi < r.'T Imniil I1"1' " ! I1 'dk-- ' . n-MWJ M.1 Till" INK.iKMATION 1I1JRI3AU , 13in r'ARNAXI. n-Miis MS * TWO I.-HIINT ROOMS ran GKNTI.KMKN m " , -RN sMii'TH ROOMS , } ; oo WI-I-K : : SNI Ml N 10th. li MB1 ! ! 7' M KMSHF.l ) IUKIMS ATVII IIOAItl ) . Tlir l lltlAM. : KIRST-fl.AHS 1'AMII.V HO. Id 2 lh i.r.d llndmBit. . l'--m inVl'-'Mll . 1'AIU.ORS r.N SI'ITK , SMAM.loR 1 4 ti'"l board. Tliu Runt' , 2020 lliun.'y. . 1'M973 i't.t i\NT PI5MNT ROOMS. STUA lTlTr\TTi : > ; Hr-i . l - " < l > .uiil. 19W Cupltul uvc. ! 27l-ni5 \M t I. rritNIHIIHD UOOSlH. AM. MCiDKUN : I , ' i. nl of city ; with orlthuut kunrd 221. . II , . , , 1 1--M3W M4- MI i | . \SS ROL1JI AND HOARD. 1712 U. . - J'-303 .Vll r i i : M 1 1 : D looMS WJTII javun sos D in F-MV22 S llvv.Ml ! 1.ARO1J J'll'i.VT ' ROOMS. WITH 1 , , ! i l.'l. llri'H.U N. iMh. I' M.r,31 i- i'oir iti\'i' : rM''rii\isiiin : ROOMS. 6 I M-i KM.-IIHD rllAMIinitrt 1'OR IIill'HK- I. , in in .Hid wife , ' .vuti-r In ki | > ' ! n > u : m.'sl ii. v > - ( . pipe. 319 N 17th (1-129 \ NM-'I IIMSHKIi SOl'TII ROOM SriTARM ! fir ! viht hi'iinoki't'iiln } ; ; iduiK'la. 2215 U.'U.ird . tl M.I.'l Ml" FO1 II I Nl'1 ! liNIHUUD ROOMS I'XJJl llul'HI'J- kt'iiniiK or iKUidlni ; . 22Uo l''uin.un Si. l M2 I''OU HK > T S'l'OltliS AMI 1-OU Rl'.NT. IN T1U3 llii : lll'IU > INtl : Una lutuo I'onuT ruuin , 2d lloor , > vltli vault nnd pmuu * utlltu' water , etc , O"i. i.i. ; . > ti > it MOIII , M lloor. JulJed Into two r > n i > > I'.itttUin ' ; wilier , etc. Quo luiu'IIHT loom , id Hour , with vault , Wul'l 'l- Oiio fiuni i divided liy partition , 3d lloor , Onti , MI r i in with Miult. 3d Hour. One larui ! r , .ni. : td tloor. with p.irlllnn | dlvldlnK It Ir.to die > urzc room and two tnidlk'r prUutu r-jfin. jt , r ete. T u lu.- . ; . 'i."iiiid . Moor rooina , fnuitlnR lith St. , wit i vuuit. fievoiul mi..ill . rooniu on 4ti. tloor. with viiultt. AU thf e i tuiiH are lieuted with teatn. t'lcctrlo llKhtu tuppllfd with lir t-cl B j.niltor . ierv-e. . Kluviitori ) run duy und all night , tulldlns trl-tiy hreiiro-if Apply to t > U | > erlmeiuliil , Kooiu Ivi J.eu buliainir. 1-1M POII iiivr-sToiii : . i AMI OI-TI ( iVinttmled.I . 1 onoi'ND fllfK l ! -f > Inillllntr. w t i . li lu nd Junltnr wrvlo * . Apply lo up < rln l nd nt. ll" ( > l.ulldlnE. 1 197 KOU nnNT-Tiiri i-sToriv imirir RVJII.DIN * nt Of rarnani Ht Thl' hullrtlnc lm n flrfproo ronrnt Im mfnt. wnlfp of. nil llcxiM ; gnn. flc Apply > t the offlfp of The life. 1 910 \ mvr.VMT.IJ. . AUKNTS , wi ; IIAVINIVIST : : : , MOST IIAIMI tnoiey-tnnklnic pr- tally known : f\\f \ \ In trad1 only. Union Spcclnltj IM. . 11 IJ'il'y. N # ; Yolk .I JI'tlt "iiNliV PnilKCCT V.U'OR RATH. " ORllAT p-t 'oi"i | on fiirth. llvnlcnlillnth ( MlilnM < "f > . J-M.VW Z No-Kilo , Tnn - WAX'I'KH TO IIP.VT. WANTID. : MY MAY i. RV A IMSIIIAHM- : tenant , n modern S ti I0-room hou e. wit' ' some Rrnund. Ilan ec'tn park nelijlibotliood pre. feirel. Other lo.-itloni mn-ldered. Addte s ( ftnllnt ; location and r nlnl. II 0 , Ree WAN'Tih"Vo RKNT. 4 OR ii I ritn . rontrnlly Im-nlcil , hv vnunR ronnle. No children. Stnlo prhe. II IS , Ilec K M..1S I STOMACH. I'ACiriC STOIIAOB AND WAUHHOUSK CO. , POS-910 Jonc ; cetieiul ftornuo and forwftrdlns. M-160 O.M. VAN & sToii.vai : , isnu KARN'.M. TKI. iv.s M-I8I WAM'HII ' 'I'll llt'V. i \visir TO I'HRcirAsi : Tin : ; .irrrnnfl K , W , O from PoJa Mint cum : utate your prlw. "Ithor singly or for nil. K 49. ISpc N 49 % Ml "MA It A SAvTNcTs DANK An-OfNTS I'l'R- chafed. Ol > o amount and prli'O tn It 51 , Rf" . N-M4I ! M2 U'ANTHD , TO llt'Y T\V ( IOOD tlon-tKfl siiltahli- for furniture WJB in , cheap for cash. 1'foplo'i rurnlturi' ' .i . It 37 , Itee. N MW > 2 oil s u.iI'T STKIII. HOTIM. RAN(1K' < nil all klndi. chrnp. 1J07 I'ain.uii. O Ml'14 M12 run .HIII < ; _ IIOIISI.S. . WACOVS , KTC. FARM HORSKS KOU PAI.R. AITI.Y \riPIO i\pii-i < Co. , Omaha , Neh. I1 M2il M2 IIORSKS , I.ANDAt'S , IIUAR.SMS. KAMII.Y cm rIaKt'rt. liUKSli1.1 * . P"l' * and lnulo haincws , work harm-on etc. , al I'al.icc Htulih-o , 17th and D.IV.'llpnlt Sts. _ 1'.Mil fl roil SAI.H.MI.SCII.I.AM : < MIS. KINK \VI1ITK SAWDUST l-'OU KI.OOUS , KTC. : coarsn- for Ice , at S3. 00 per cold. Tel. 4VS. ; ' 01 DiitiRtuH. tj 4S2 1IOUSI3 C'MPI'IN'5 MArillNHS. KNIVIIS AND repairs , nil standard makes , on hum ] ; fiilnd- ln razors' , fhears , clippers ; prompt Beivlc" . A. I. . IJndeland. Q-MS7S rillC'KE.V. IIOO AND I.AWN KHXCnS : AM , wire ; la test. Wire Works , llth and I''irm > y. Q--9S9 ri'llK I'UY.MOI'TH ROCK KOOS KOU SKT- llr.BS ; COc ; roosters , Jl.0. 9J2 Nottli 20th.Q9SS Q-9SS " 500 1'R. OP IIUKPAIX ) linilNS , TOMSUKD. Adtej.M O. R. Noirls , Judith , .Mont. .Mont.QM2IG Q-M2IG M3 SKKP SWEKT T'OTATORS. JI.51 1'RU 1II1I. . Thcodorn AVIIIIamj. 17th and Military Ave. , Omaha , Neh. Q--M2SI ! May7 * .imtKRY IIOUSTRIN AND AI.DnitNY KUKSII milch COWH. Inqulro nt Thompsun and Dunlop , l'"iuniim unil 40th St. Q-.M413 M2 KOU TIlOROfP.IIDRKD RKC.ISTICRl : ! ! llolsteln cow ; lint' mill IT ; aNo sotn. ' thoniuirh- hred white Rramah and Itrown I."filnin chlclc- ciia. 42d nnd Hamilton , Walnut Hill. Q-M"C2 5 C.OOD SKCOND HAND ORGAN : ItHASON- ahle. 3M H. 20th , Cotnor U , South Omnti.i. Q 523 * \IHVOYA.\TS. . DR. A. WIIRRI.RU , 1'AUMIST AND AST"O'V nir-T , n un ! . CrelKhton hlk. -J1199 M19 * . MAHS\i ; : , IIATIIS , KTO. MADAMK SMITH , IIS N. 15TH ST. . STKAM n n I alcohol baths. T M49iJ MC MMR. 11RISSON OF PARIS. CHIROPODIST , medicated baths and massage. 107 N. 12th St. T 517 Ml * llii : : IIIJII.DIKCI SANITARIUM ; maspacc. Swedish movements , electric treat ment an'l medical baths : Rraduatcd masseii'o for ladles. Dr. C.V. . MalmiUlbt. | M r , rooms 109-110 Ilcc Rulldlnc. T-.MSS3 M12 I.M'HA KI-MFON. f'ROt'NHK RI.OrK. 119 N. ICth , room 13 , upst ls l ; hath and mapsaRe. T-M4I7 M5- MRH. DR. I.KON. KMCTRIC : irAss.xoR RATH pirlors ; restful nnd curative. 417 S lllli , up stairs. T M4' 7 MC' MMH. AMP.S. MASSAOK AND 1SATIIS 1C23'4 ' Howard hlicct. T 5I49SMC * IM3JISO\AI , . VIAVI KOR IJTKRINn TROIJRI.RS. 340-R lildf ; physician consultailon or hu.ilth book 'r.M > U 161 CMIANK : . . PRKPSIID AND RI ; . palled ; dav or nlchl ; dress suits fir hr ! Pantoi'lum , N. K. Cor. llth and Rirnnm , Vol. PCI. ir-f.jj . r : . SEcrmn Tirn ONLY UN- olijectlonalde method to avoid cxces lvc pa- rentape. We. LIlerrler , president Institute of Human Culture , Minneapolis , Minn * ' Mi"7Mc " * _ IN ORDKR TO INTP.ODT n OI'R XKW HAIR- dresser. MFS | Hl.ini.iic fnthcart. and lier per fect method we will Rive a free ma sKf : ! * with everv fac steam for the next two weeks At r. M. Pchadell & Co. U MCS3 MchS I.ADinS , IIAVR YOI'R HAIR DRKS KD 1JK- fonifolns downtown at the lmlnli. > s ln ; : parlors of Mine. O IMvne. J.10.1 I.eavonv. ' irth t. ; tel. UKS : artNtle inniilciirhnr. hupertlit..ii' . < hair and facial blemishes removed with ele trlciiy : . < trlotly private. tT-sij"i Mil * IIOHsr.S CMPPKD. SHORT N'OTH'H : ONLY ele.'trlc ollpjiors In city. Tel. CC. Mfi'orma. ' , Hitinley , 14tH & Howard. r 53. ) MRS AIVOCHR S100RR. TIIR PATRRRSS. HAS moved , and those deshlfi- , her fervii'e : ile. call or address 1712 S Kith st. 1' M",41 , ' . PO WHOM IT MAY CONi'KRN : AKTRU TIMS diilp 1 will only be ip > p.insllili > f > r IdlN roi tracleil by myself personally. R It Holt TI ir.IKi I * TO 1,0 AX UK A I , I-JSTA'l'R. MONRY TO LOAN AT LOW RATHS. THK O. P. Davis Co. , 1503 Karnam St. W 406 Lo7 > ToN YMr'HOVnD ft UNLMPROVKD CITY propcity. W. Karnnm Smith & Co. . 1320 Kur'in. \V-4CS MONIIY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA reai estalu. Ilrennan-Ixjvo Co. , 219 S , Iflth. W-470 PKRCKNT MONRY ON NRII. pTllMS & OMA- l.u property.V. . II. Molkle. 1st Nafl Hank llldB. ' PlTlt i-RNT CITY AND KARM LOANS. ( liirvln llrofl. . 1C13 Karium St. W-M957 WANTHP. CIIO1CR KARM AND CITY LOANS. It , C. I'eliT * & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Hank 111 , IB. W173 _ VNTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. I. , ; mill-It money at low ratv for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , caslera Kebr.iska. \V-157 " iTPlTlTcKNT MONKY. RHMIS , PAXTON Hlk. \V-4C9 WANTID. COS HIM : . \V 237 ON IMPROYRD RI3AI. RS- I. uu In Oniulm , Coun-ll lllufft \ S.iuth . Omnha. I'uicy & Thomas , EOi Klr t Nat'l Hank. Oinalii. \TU1\Y lUTI'S O NKARMS & n city property. H. \Veitenleld , 313 lul N'l Ilk. W-75. % MS hXXWoo RPKCIA1. Kt'ND TO UAN ON llrst-ciass Improvi'd Omnlin propertv. or for building purpo > e > . Fidelity Trust company. MOMJV TO I.OA\CII.\Tni.S. JIO TO 110,000 TO LOAN ON lOt'SKHOLD KITRNITURi : AND I'lANOS , HORSKS , WAOONS AND C'ARRIAORS. \VAHIHOUSI : : RiriipTs : , irrc. . at lowe't rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Illuffi. Cn removal of ROO.U . ; uttlctly conlldentlal ; you can pay the loun oft ut any nmo or In any aiuouiita. OMAHA MORTOAOR LOAN CO. . 3C < South ICth St. III-3 OLDRST , LAROKST AND ONLY INCuR. POUATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-173 rt.VAXOI II , . .IPK INSl'RANrn piiLirill.s IIOIMHT KOI cu h. RKhaid Ilurzft'ld. 171 Ui.SjlU .Si . i-hi oago Wl K2S * IONKV I/\\'KD : ON UKR INSPHANC'K POI , lelrn or Imucht. U I * . Van Nortnun Xllnnr- ttppolU , Minn. M777 Muhlt * 111 IMSn TO ilKT INHI OUT OK RlJjMNKS1 ? CO TU J J Ulbto : , ill Klrnt Nnl'l Rnnk. Y-4T8 MOST I.1I1KRAI. l RoYvvSITToN TO oiTT INTi mtf. clean manufacturing buslne.- " . profit Mriro. builnf o t bll lied. only S.W ) nrrAn l l. Hoi. . Y-M2SI M2 I.IVi : STOi'K ( ' (1MMISSION KIRM. HOVTI Omahn , wiinti mnn with lar p cnpltnl for p-ut rift ; bn inpM thomushly rnil > II he > 1. ii > fn oncea nr l-clmi . lloic 415. Omnha. Y Mtfi SAM : . mMPi.r.TR nitp STUCK \VITI lircMTiptinn cn e snd llrst clnw so-syrup il fountnln. Pine loi-ntlon. J. .T , ( Jlb on , 514 Kir ! Ndtlonnl Imhk. Y \ < K KOU WALL . MONOPOLY : RXCLPSIVP. iinnr In indue. httKlncM tor t.W * ! . You can Mep I Inreipnyltig biislne < n In pastern Nebrn'kii Sm.ill expense , no opposition , puariltitf-ed ; In vrstlKiitloii neil Ited. Address II 30. Omnh Ili'f. Y M31S s MANPPACTrRINO CO. DRrflRI MANAOR1 for branch i.llh-f . ; pnntrcl nale of peclnlty Ii universal demand. $ l,8f 5 pnsh required \V will cnrrj' nccoiinl' of dealers * od | throiiKhou the stnte. fliinrantfe salary. In fact form n1 pqullnMn rrntract with Kood pirty. O. f. SI CHIr , L'nlon Tiust lltdR. , St. l.ouls. Mo. Y-M".3I 3 * roil S.XLH HP VI , KM'.VTH. KOPNTZK PLACi : 11AROAINS , J2.600. $3 7.VI T ( JO.MO. J. J. alljn. 611 Klrst Nat. llnnk Tddg RR-47S JIOtrsKS , LOTS , KAR.MS , LANDS. I.OANS also lire Insurance Hcmls , Pnxton blkIIB4S9 IIB-4S9 -R. MOPRUN rOTTAOR. 11AST KRONT choice location. 2C2 N. 4ilth ; ehpip : en y terms IIP. SW-MIl KOLLOWINO PRSULuTu'i'irOPI lTY : IlOSI nelot rortier , iii.xt.Vi . ft. , In So. Omaha , pnvod lluslness Int. p lxiso feet. Improved. South Omnha Mre < 't pivcd. Tract (21 lot/o. noth Kt. Tta-t ( SO lot mill Kt. For particulars apply 1012 Karnnm St. NK\V. MODI3RN 5-ROOM 'COTTA(5K. ( I.ARiil Int. $500 cnsh. lialanco to suit. Address < 1 T. Hoe. UKV'l'il KINR IRRinATKD LANDS WITH WATKI rlRlit on in years' time at C per rent ; n rhnnci of n lifetime ; write for book dewrllilm : land In connection with this we do n ceneral tea ' "late and loan bus.Vy.nnlm . ; De\elopmen Co . H12I Capitol A\e. , Omahii. L. L. .lohnson AKont. RR-.MIll MS * KOR SAM23 : ACRRS LAND Ni3AU rLOH en. e ; all cultivate , ! ; fffi fruit tiees ; ea v tnrm The 11 , K. Davis Co. RK MM u KllIIIT IjOTS IN SAPNDRHS . < : HIMRUAPOII' addition tit ( Cm cash ; tun him Us fimn pn- . street and motor ; on K'ade. ' A. P , Tukpy. citj ' ' " 'I- ' Ri : Mils" SIIORTIIAM ) AXn TVIMJIVIMTIXO. AT OMAHA RUS. COM.RfJK. ICTH & DOUGLAS 137 s' SCHOOL THI : ONLY ONR i > Omaha ivher court icporteis are teacheia , 4HJ-40 ? lice HldB. -H < IIKLLH KINI.RV. SI2 N. Y. I.1KR. 7" I Mli A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OK SIIORTUAXn and typewriting , 717 N. Y Life , offers the fol. lowliiR advi-ntacos : Individual Instrm tlons hy f.xperlenced teachers and "klllfnl slenoKraphers ; up-to-date melhods ; latest textbooks ; touch sys tem of typewriting If preferred : promliinn that keep up an Inteicst : participation in actual work , for which students receive cash pay ment" . In some eases amounting to more than ttiltl > n ; money refunded for unexplrod time. It student * are not Bitlsned : free trial week. Interested parties Invited to visit the school and Ffft Its facilities , methods , work of Its btudents nnd class of students In attendance , OMAIIA SHORTHAND COLLROR. IIOYP'S theater. M"M ( M24 * LOST. ORANflK. A NIP WHITK Ll'nLIN SHRPARP don. .1. M. Thurstun. 2102 Kainam. I/ist-301 LOST. AN OLP , HRD POCK RTP.OOK. CON- talnln chlhl's rlntf and valu.ilde p-ipi r ; tlndPr will letuni same to 1IR S. 13th St. and tret le- ward. l.ost : .2S-1 RAY MARR. 7 YRAUS OLD. WRIOIIT l.00 Call Milton Roger's Son. or 3213 Gold St . John L. Miller. Reward. Lost-M"4l 2- OOLD SPRCTACLRS. PLKASR RRTl'RN AND leei-lvc lewaid. C. I ) . Hutchlnson. 1K21 1'ar- nam. Iy t M."il"i I IIOTKLS KOU IlKXT. H'TLDINC. SPITAHLR TOR IIOTRL : 30 rnoms nnd lar e store ro-un ; centrnl location. Henila , P.L\ton Illlc. eco nit inc. IXiriSYII.LR IIRICK CO. . III ) TRADK ; tel n2 " 10 M2' . I' VIVMIIiniCIillS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONRY. 418 X ICTH TO non now. WANTRI ) TO RORROW Jl.BOO , 3 TO 3 YKARS on choice In-lde. well rented property at 7 nor cent spinl-unnunl ; no commission. AdCroii K 17. Ree. M. S. WALKIN. 2111 CUSIINC TKL. 1331. -493. KXPOSITIOV riio.\TARi-s rou IIHXT. C.ROI'ND I.RASRS KHONT1NO EXPOSITION. Hcmlo , Pailon nil ; . 973 STIJXOtJItAPIIKItS. WR SOLICIT AND FI'RNISH POSITIONS KOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone. 12S4 491. I MI M > VMI-\T : CITY RMPIX1YMRNT HPUfiAi ; , III ? KARNA.M street. HOOIIIH 2 and 3. Tel. 1101. 49 TVPHWIIITHIIS. I'YPKWRiTKRs I'-OR RINT ; 4.w PKR MONTH The Snilth-l'rlmler Typewriter Co. 1B25 Kar nam St. ; telephone , 12SI ! a9 iiiinss I DHUKSMAKINK. PA.MILIIW 2301 DAVKNI'ORT 277-MSS' : \ \OTICIS9. . MlOPOSATyS FOIl IHTI.I.S-U. S. INDIAN iLTvIre , 1'lno HldKO Agpiiry , I'lno UldKo. J. . , I'Vliruury 11. 1S9S. St-alcit pro- " ? iils , indorsiMi " 1'rop'snla ' for Hulls" mil nildn > ssril to tlio umli rsilRiipil tit 1'Ino lldBo , Hhannon county. S IX. will bo ro- ! i'lvi > d at this ascm-y tindl 1 o'cloclc p. in. if Sntunlny , March 12th , 1KIS , for funilsliliiK mil di-llvi-rliiK at IhH ntfi-m-y not liiii-r than 'liy ; 1 , ISMS , uno hnmli-cil il 0) ) luills , full I .nilH. i-llnllli- n-Blatry ; I'lilli'il AIIKUH ° r h'l'oforil pn-fi'iToil ; not II-BH than two nor nero than four ye.irs old ; fn-o from li'otn- ' hi'S HtralKht and "inootli ; to wi-lKh not P S than l.o-n ) potnulB citi-h anil to aviT.iKO lot less than I.IOO pnundH. I5lilili > ra will Into rlottrly In their lilda tlu > jiroposed irlm of r-ach animal. All nnlm.ils offi-rcil or dollvery umli-r any c-cwtrifl will lie snli- c-et lo n rlsld Inspection. The rljfht Is ro- t'rvpil to reject any and nil bids , or any mrt of any bid. If dpnniail for the best In- Croats of the KovornniPiit. Cortlllod rlipcks -linoli bid must bo acpompanlod by a oertl- li-d clu-i'U or draft tipiin some United States kposltory or Kolvcnt nntloiml bank In the 'Iclnlty of the rosldi'iico of Ilio blddiT. made > ayabk > to the order of tlif C'onimlssloiKM1 if Indian Affairs , for at least live pi-r cent f thi. iiinount of the. proposal , which check ir draft nUll bo fo f"ltod to the Tutted itaten In C.IFP any bidder or bidders rt'celv- nt ; an award sliall fall t. > promptly cxi'cuto , contract with Rood and Millie-lent Btiri'tli" . ithorwlso to bo returned to the bidder , HIiH ccomp.Tnlod by cash In lieu of a certllU-d h.'Ck will not bo considered. Kor any ad- lltlonal Information ajiplv to Major W. U. ! lnj > ji. Acting U S. Indliin AKCIU. architect , WashlnKlon , IX P. , 1/Vb- imry i4. IVJS. Sealed proposaN will be r > - elveil at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. in on ho 9th day of March , 1 9\ and opened Im- iindlately thereafter , for all the labor .ml materials tcquired to p'aco ' In po'Hion < orn- leto a to.ver clock und bell for the P S 'onrt House , fust'im House and l'uoill. ! . . 'tllldliiK ' at Omaha , Nebraska. In mvur lar. . . 'Ith the ilrawhiKS and Kpecille.itlons , i ujil. > f Which mav be had at this olllce or lh. Illce of the Sin , " rnt. ! mlsnt at Omaha , N. - iraslt i. Thi rl ht Is icservrd to rijict any T all bids nnd to walvo any defect or In- nrmallty In any bid should It bu deemed In he Interest of Hie Koveniment to do 8" 'rnpor'uU must l < e enclosed In etivlup. s. euled and marlu'd "Proposals for Tuw-r ' 1 . 'k and 11.11 for the P. S r > urt llou f , 'ustom Hoilae nnd P ih'olllci' . iin | ilia N > - raska. " mid ad Jre s.-d . t > tit.Sup. . rMninn irchiu-Ct. 1' Ii , 21. 23 , > . 2 M2 , NOTICMS. PNITK. \TKS ClIU'ftT POt'HT. KOH the Hl 'n of Npliffukn-Oliver Amos. Sscond , i-t nl vx. Ptilon Paclllr llnllway Company ct nl ; ppnlral Trust Company of New Vork vs. SI. .losoph & OrnnJ Inland Ilnllroail t'ompnny pt ul. ITpoti remllnft thii petltlotin of HIP Kunsns City Omnha Hnlhvay company. Kilns f. Henodlct , the .Contral Trust Ontiijiiny ot Now York , Krcdprlrk P. lllcolt nnd others for n llnal rttpmcnl | of the .iivoiint of the receiver * and a dlslrlbutlon of the funds and procofds of the property of the V3t. .lo pph & Grand Island Hnllro.id company In their bands In these CUSPS. It Is hereby ordered that all persons who have or claim any Interest In or llpn upon any of such Cutntg or property as creditors of the said receivers nr as creditors of such railroad company or In any other way Illn vcillled statementr of the natures , dates of ai'crunl and nmonnts of their respective claims with William 1 > . Cornish , special master , at Omnha , In HIP state of Nebraska , on or before the llrst day of May , A. IX 1S9S , and that It any of them fall to do so they and each of them so falling shall be barred from sharing In the benefits of the distribution of the moneys and proceeds of the property of the said railroad company that now are or hereafter shall lie In the hands of said recelvera In these cases. Any party to these suits and any party who Illes his claim In accordance with thlt order may Hie an answer to tit. ' claim of any other party herenmter with H.ild master within thlity days after May 1 , 1SOS , and may contest the > same. All claims itffalnat or ttpnn these funds are referred to said special master , who will hear them and report the amounts Justly owing thereon and the order In which they arc lawfully entitled to payment. Tills order shall be published fitthwllh once In each week for four successive weeks In the Omaha Hee , which Is pub- llshed In the city of Omaha , Nebraska , and In the Independent , which \t \ published In the city of St. Joseph. Missouri. Let a copy of this order be served within thirty days from this date upon the re ceivers of the St. Joseph .t drnml Island llallroad company , upon the Pnlon Pacific Hull way company , tipm the Central Trust company of New York , upon the St. Joseph & ( Jrand Island llallroad company and upon the Kansas City & Omaha Hallway company. ICaeh of these parlies may file answers to either of the petitions on w.ilch this order is based on or before the 1st day of February. 1SW. and the petllimers may reply thereto on or before February 20. 'ISPS. All the questions presented by the petitions und answers net hereby dis posed of are ref'Tred lo said special muster. WAI/n-311 11. SANUOUN , Circuit Judire. December .1. ISO' . K O-lfi-IH. M 2. .Morn. roSTOKl'lCH .NOTICH. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested us changes may occur at any time. ) Forclun mulls for the w.-eU ending March .1. 1VK , will close ( PHOMFTLY 111 all cases ) at the general post olllce as fol lows : PAIICKLS POST MAILS close otic hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below , TriiiisAUlliilliMalli. . WKDNKSDAY At 7 n. in. ( supplementary ! l a. m. ) for KPUOIM- : , per s. s. Paris * , via Southampton ; nt fl n. in. ( supplementary 100 : u. m. ) for KPUOPH , per s. s. Or- ninnlc * , via Qnecnstown ; at 10 a. in. for HKI.liH'M direct , per s. s. Noordlund. via Antwerp ( Ivlters must bo directed "per Noordlnnd" ) . SATP1UXAY At 7 a. in. for FUANCIC. S\YITXHHI.AND. ITALY , SPAIN. POHT- IT AI. . TITIlKHY. ICCrYPT nnd HIUTISH INDIA , per s. s. La Hre'sgnvia Havre ( letters for other parts of Furnpe must be directed "per In llretagnc" ) , at S a. in. for NKTMKKLANn.S dln-ct. pels. . s. Rot terdam , via Hotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Ilotteidam" ) ; at S n. in. for OKNOA , per s. .s. Sanle ( letters must be directed "per Saale" ) ; .it a. in. ( supple mentary 10.0 : u. in. ) for ICrUOPIO , per s. s. Pmbrla , vln Qneenstown ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Thlngvalla ( letters must be directed "per Thing- valla" ) . PRINTED MATTRll. RTO.-neiman pteamen Balling on Tuesdays talie Prtt.te.l . Mutter , etc. for CSeimanyj and Spei'laliy Addressed Pnntet Matter , etc . for other parts of RurrpcAmur' lean and White Star steanifrs on Wednesdays ( ierman steamerson , rhur.Jays , nnd Cnnard Krencl : and Cierman Btoamers rin Saturdays taU Printed Mattel , ett1. . for ail i-ountrU-s tor whlc' they aic nd\crtlfCd to curvy mad. After t'.ie eOins | | or .he "iipplemenlary Trans Atlantic MalN named above , additional fupple mentniy malls aie opened on the piers of thi Amerh-an. RjRllsh , Krcnch and German .steam crs. and leniiin ouou until v\l-n ! Tun Minute of the hour of taitmij or steamer. Malls for Smith nnd Cciilrul Amerlci \Ve-t llulli-- , , i-if. WKDNKSDAY-At 2M a. in. for POUT AN. TON1O. per steamer from Philadelphia at S n. m. for UBHMriXA. per s. s. Trlnl did ; at I p. in. for Ct'HA. per s. s. Concho , via Havana ; at 1 p. m. ( Kuppleinent.iry IiO : : p. in. ) for CAPE HAITI. KT. DO- MIN150 and TURKS ISLAND , per s. a. Cherokee. TIirilSDAY At 11 a. m. for JAMAICA per s. H. Ard.inrose ( letters for Hellze Plierlo Cortez. and Guatemala must be dl iccted "per Ardanro-ie" ) . FIMDAY-At " 7 p. m. for NASSAU , N. P. per H. s. Miami , from Miami. Kin. SATfHDAY-At V.M a. m. for HUA'/IL. . per s. s. Wordsworth , via Pernambiit-o , lia'hla and Hlo Janeiro ( letters for Nortl Hra/.ll and La Plata countries must be ill reeled "per Wordsworth" ) ; at 10 a. in ( supplementary 10-0 ! a. m ) for FOH'TN'I ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA am CAUTHAOENA , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costa Itica must be directed "rer Altai" ) at 10 a. m. ( supplementaiy ] 00 : a. m. ) for POUT All PIUNCE and I'KTIT CIOAVE , per M. H. Alps ; at 100 : : ! a. in. for CA.M- PECHE. CHIAPAS. TAI1ASCO and YP- CATAN , per s. s. Yumiirl ( letli rs fur other parts o Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Yumiirl" ) ; at I0"i : ) a. tn. for HAITI , per s. s. Prlns Wlllem V ( li-l- ters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad. Ilrltlsh and Dutch ( luhna must be dl reeled "per Prills Wlllem V" ) : at 1 p. m. for NOKTH UIIAZIU per a. s. Paraens- . via Para. Marnnhiim and Cear.i ; at so : : ; p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per ste'imer from North Sydney ; at So : : : p. m. lor ST. PIEHUE-.MIQl'ELON ' , pt r steamer from Halifax. SUNDAY Al " 7 p. in. for NASSAU , N , P. , per s. H. Miami , from Miami , Flu. Malls for Newfoundland , liy rail lo Halifax and theive liy pteamer , rinse nt t.ils iiiller iially at $ :3ii : p m. M.illn for .Miquoi m. ny rail to llos- ton and the ire liy nearner , "loi-e ut this olllce d.illy . nt 8:30 : p. in. Malla for C'unii close at thla olllce dally at 7fO : a. m 'or fnrwiinllnK liy Bteinieli- ; . ; ! ' . ' . 'ir lMiiiiii&r * aim Thurwlays ) from Port Tampa. Kiu. Mall for Mexico City , overland unless specially nddresred 'or despatch liy steamer , ilopc ut this offlee dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Jif-Klxlcira mall closes ut C:0'J : ' p. m. previous day. TriiiiN-PnullIc Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) New X.i'iiliind , Haxvuil and Fiji Islands , jier a. s. Aorangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after February ISth und tip to March ltd at ii:80 : p. in. Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. H. Doric ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to Mumi ; ( ( - t f. .r. . , . n , . jli.s | : ! fntw , | | . per s. s. Auslnilla ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to March fith at fiSO : p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per H. s. Taeoma ( from Tacotnn ) , clo.ie here dally up to March "illh at fi:3) : ) p. m. Malls for Australia ( except I'IOHP for U'est AIIH- tralla ) . which are forwarded via Europe. New /.eland. Htitvall , Kill and Samoali Islands , per H. s. Mo.ma ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to Mnrca "ISth at 7 a. m. , 11 a. m. and C0 : p. in. ( or on arrival at Nmv YorU of H. s. Campania , with Itrltlsh mallH for Australia ; . MnlU for China and Japan ( specially nddrcxsed only ) , jier H. s. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) close here dally up to March 21st at C:30 : p. in. Malls for the .Society Islands , per ship Tropic lllrl ( from San FranclKco ) . close hurc dally up to .March 2.ilh at 0:3) : p. in. rransPaclfliin.illa are forwarded to port of mil- IIIK J l y nnd Ihe hedule of eloslnj ; } t ar- ramed on the presumption of their unlnter- tupted ovilund traiK.lt. * * Rcgl ti.'rt-d mall cli e.4 at r p m. prevl'iuu day. COflNELIUS VAN POTT. Pni-tniastcr i'ostoillce Nuw YorU , N. Y. , February 23. 1S3X. R AILIHIADS. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Oem-ial Olllcea and Ticket OdU-e. Merchanu National Haul ; llulldliu. 1J3) Karnam Street Teli-phunc 101. Depot , Klrti'emh and Wtbsti-r Street * . Telephone 1IM. Leave. \ILUO\DP. . fRKMONT. KLKUORN' AND Ml ourl V lley Rnllwuy ( Jen. ernl Oill'v- ' . l/nltrd flatc Na tional Rnrk Rulldliift , S. . > uth- went Cnriicr Twi-lfth nnd Vnr- - nani Street ! Ticket Olllce , 1401 Knrnam Stleft. THeplume Sfd. Depot. Fif teenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone HA J'IXC' ' " * c- Illafk Itlllf. Peadwood / nnd llni sptlnm . . . . 3:00 : pm 8:00 : pm Wyoming , OaJ n nnd l > oiiirliii > . " 3:0 : rm . SCO pm IInnliiq . York , DnvM City. Superior. Geneva , Hitter and Sewnrd. . . . 3CO : rm 5W : pm Norfolk , We t Ivinl nnd rremnnt . 7M am "IOKnm : I.lnroln , Wnioo ! nnd I-'rommit . TiSO nm < > IOt : am Krctnnnl Loenl 7W mil Dally. Dally exempt Sunday , Sunday only. T'ally except Saturday. " Dally ' " ' - except rillPAaO A NOUTH\Vi:3TKnS' Railway- City Tleltct Olllco , Hill Knninm Street. Telephone HOI Depot. Tenth nnd Mason StrctiK. Telephone 12S. I e.ive , Arrive l i > llML , llll. IIRO ppe- . . " 'it ' . 7:00 : nm I1U : rm Mltjo-Jil VaMey. sioux City. St. 1-auI nnd Mlnnenpollii . * CIO : nm 10:45 : pm Mlnao.irl Valley. Sioux i"-t.v . 7:40nm : J.03 pm Dennlon , Carroll.Vnli Lake , friim nit.ndway . , Council Illnrr * . 5:00 : ntn 8:13 : am Kn tern Kxpre , D s MoltiC ! ) . Mar'halitovvn , Celar ftntilds ciilrnito 10:30 : nm 4 85 pm Atlnntlo riyir , ChlenKO and Kn t . . . . . . . . . . . MUSpm 4:3J pin I n t Mall , OlileiiRo to omnha . 3:10 : Dm Missouri Vnll.-y. . Sl.nu Cliy , St. Paul Mlnne- ai.dl. | Llmli.-d . ' 1ST : pm Sl : > nm OmniifliliniM SH.-hil. | n.fipiu Sjj ; ntn Dally. " Dally excent Sunday. i'IIir\flO. ST. PAUL. MI.VNB. npolls Si _ pmnlm Rnlhvny 1,01 . . . . . ephono U33. Leave. Arrive. siou\ City Aecomm nla , S:50 : am " 8o : pm Slonx City Aecoinmoda. 9W : am SSO : pm lilalr. Ilmersoii Slcuix City I'l-nea. IlartltiR- top and lU.inmileld. . . . 1:00 : pm ' 11:33 am Slonx city. Miinttnin. St. Paul. Mlnii.ip.illt . . . . " " SB.1 : pm SM : nm nmerMin Pii encer . . . o-'iim : " Sl. : > nm D.illy. " D.illv cvept Sunday. Sunday o.dy Thin train st-.p * at Ftatlnn.i Klorencu tr Si-ith Hlalr liu-hi-lvc , Sundays only ; on n-cclt Jays. South lll-nr nnly. -.SlOrX CITY , t PACIl-'lC RAIlT mad ( leneral Olllces , United Stutei National Hank llulld- Inu , S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Kirn i in Streets. Ticket Oillea - . , . IH'I ' I-'urniim Street. Teiephonu D01. Dep.n. . lth , and \ VeustiiKts. . Tvlephuii.- , , , , Leave. Arrive. „ Slmix Clly. Manhato , St. Paul. Mlnnapnlls. Sr,5 : pm S:20 : nm Dallv. r.tlRLlNOTON K. MISSOURI River Railroad "The Hurllim'- Burlington ten Route" ( Jenernl Olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth snd Kiiinnin Stieets. Ticket " Otllee , 1502 Route Karnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Btieets. Telephone US. UNION P..CIKIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General Olllces. JJ. K. Corner Ninth nnd Karnam Streets. I'lty Ticket Olllce , 1302 Karnam Street. Telephone 31ti. : Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephonu 12S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Uike , western points . SliO nm 4:13 : pm liio Colorado Special. for Denver and all Colorado points . 11:53 : pm 7:00 : am lraBt mall train for Salt Kike , I'ni-illo coast and all uestern polnti . 4:33 : pm 7:00 : am [ .livoln. Reatrlco and Stromsbur Ivxprcts . . ' 5:00 : pin 12:20 : pm i'remont , Columbu- * , Norfolk. flrnnd Is land and Kearney 4T : " PM Iraii.l . iKlnnd I'xpress. . " 3CO : tm " 12:20 : nm Dally. Dally except Similar. Council Rluffs I ocal Leaves. dV : > n. in. ; li:50 : i. m. ; 7ID : a m ; S0 : ! a m ; 10:30 : n m ; 2-13 ! i. m. ; 4,3 p. m. ; 35.1 p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. ; l :03 : ! > . m. Arrives C 20 a. in. : 7:20 : n. m. ; :33 : a. n , ; 11:30 : a. m. . " , 10 p m. ; G:40 : p n : ; 6:30 : p m i.3 p. m , 10 43 p in CIlICAno. ROCK ISLAND & 1'iu-iilc Railroad " "The Oreit Uoek Inland Route" City Tit ltt Olllce. KM Karnam Rttei't. T.-lephnne I2S. Depot , Tenth and .Mason Simula. Tolt-phone 123. Leave. Arrive. und St. Paul Vitlbulcd UMir.- . . 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pm .Incoln. Colorado Kp'na , Puuehlii , Denver and west 1-53 pm 4:23 : pm 'hluiK'l. ' Des Molnes & Ruck Island VW ; pm 8:15 : nm .tlantlu Kxprefu , for DCS Moliu-s nnd east ern points 7:20 : am S:30 : pm .Incrdn , Kalrhury and llellevllle 5:43 pin 10:40 : am IJally Dally uxccut Sunday , TH IT "OLD ( MUin lltCKMT. " A llcrolienii l i l VtinIN n or Clillilboiiil. "Where IRIIOMIIPP I. Miss , 'tis Mly lo lie wise. " These words. Mys the MlntiPKpoll Trilmnp , pcriillnrly apply to a nn-dc-sleclo pcet , who. reMlllr.R his childhood , nnd throw- IIIK upon It the fpiirchllghl of rcernl knowl- e.lKe , nlinnsl falls Into convulsions nt the memory ot The old oaken bucket that IIUIIK In HIP well. And yet , ho onro tiunffed with Innocent delight the wnlcrs of this "tnoscovercil bucket" without the least stipplrlon of thu microbes nnd foul dlscnse-Kcnns , thu ftiiiRl , nlgcu nnd nitrates which lurked In thu sparklliiK bcvprafic that lie v otild not ( liun Imvo exchftimpil for a "lull blushing goblet Illlpd with the iiertnr that Jupiter slpet. " This fatal knowlrdgo has conio to our poet ns well as to the rest of us , through the analytical rcsojri-hcH of modern science. The contrast between those old days of c.tilleless Ignorance and the present days ol certain but vexatious Information , Induced our lat ter day liard to write n parody on Words worth's once popular KOIIK , or rather n re vised version of that out-of-dato lyric. The last stnnru of this now version U .is fol- lous : Oh ! had I but re.illznd In tlmoto avoid them , The 'danger Hint lurked In thai pestllunt draught , I'd hive tested for organic germs nnd de stroyed them With poiasslo pcrinangannlo uro 1 nad tiualfcd ; Or , perchance , I'd have boiled It , nnd after ward strulniMl It ThrouKb lllteM ot charcoal nnd gravel combined ; Or , after distilling- , condensed ami re gained It In polaulo form , with Its ? tilth left behind. How little 1 knew of the dread typhoid fever Which lurked In the. i.Mtler 1 ventured to ilrink ; Hut Hluce I've become n. devoted believer In teachings of science , 1 uliuddet lo think ; And , now , fnr removed from the scenes 1 m describing' , The story for wnrnlni ; to other" I tell As memory reverts .to my youthful Imbibing- , And I gaff nt the thought of that horrible. well , And the old o i'i ' > iic'.ai't. the fungus grown liuck l : In l -i ; . . , n.-k"t . that hung In the \ \ - V simti : ; \ ( ; iri.r.Ai : \ s iKnuil Mntliiu llci'iiiiy n l.nruo 1'oi-tlitii of HN 'I'liuc. "Ior live months of the year the Siberian man of fashion lives In the open air , either nt Ihe mining camp or In the hunting Held , " says Thomas 0. Allen , jr. , In the Ladles' Ilonm Journal. "Ilo Is nn curly bird under all circumstances , and Invariably rises be tween 7 and S o'clock , although he may havu but a couple of hours' rest. Nearly every meal Is BUccccdcd liy a nap. However , dressIng - Ing operations do not tnke very long , for when he retires the Siberian only divans himself of hs ! coat and boots. Shirts are un known In Siberia , nnd In many houses beds , also. The samovar Is set on the dining room table at S a. m. , together with eggs , black and white bread , sardines , jam anil cakes , etc. lireakfnat Is eaten , and washed down by live or six glasses of tea stirred up with sugar , cream and sometimes jam. At 1 o'clock dinner Is served , and at u In the alternoun another small meal , much like that of the morning , Is taken. A meat supper follows at II o'clock. " We are anxious to do a ilttio good In thla world and can think of no plcananter or bet ter way to do It than by commending One Minute Cough Cure as a proventatlve of pneu monia , consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. CKIMD'S COItMOIt FOR lOI.OPlCUS. \ii\-t-l Itcfuurc- for RmiiMMiy CoiiplvH InVisliliii < oii. There Is a room , or rather a little alcove , In the city hall , Washington , which has been dedicated to Cupid , and In It hundreds of marriage have been solemnized. It has been set apart fen this purpose for n | number of years h.v common consent of the court house ollicl il.s. This alcove IH not sur rounded by the most romantic or agreeable surrounding- * , says the Washington I'o.-il , as It looks out upon the corridor and Is directly opposite the entrance to criminal court No. 2 , In which s = ome of the famous trials of Washington have taken place. Neither Is the room romantic In appearance , as It has a threadbaie old carpet on the lloor aiii ) "ill-rounded on three sides by the musty-looking Inlln of the city hall" . It has a "poor box" hanging at the railing , which prevents Intruders fiom crowding the hrld.il parties. A window looks out upon the grounds surrounding the old buildings , and this about complete the room. Years ago mimeludy of a superstitious [ urn of mind covered an old hors < shoe with tinfoil and placed It .g-.ilu-'t one of the win- low panes. That some of the marriages thai h.ive been contracted there have not iroven happy Is accounted for by the fnet hat the horseshoe- turned upside down ind the KOKI\ \ luck has all run out of It. ' Cven now the hor.--i-shoo rests In Its place , I , Mefully tnriiMieil. but still said to he a . ilismati of good fortune to 'those ' who are r.arrled within the space over .which lls ; enll preside. No record of the marriages performed In his space has ever been preserved. c\c"pt 11 the licenses issued lin the clerk's olllce , ml It Is safe to say that as many people 'RAILROADS. WA11ASII RAILROAD TICKIJT iillli-f. 1113 rnrnam Street. Telephone - phone 322. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Stieets. Telcpone 123. Arrive. I. I/iuls "Cannon Hall" Kxpn-M ' 4:30 pm ' 11:30 : nm Ti.iili- . CIIICAOO , MILWALJKKB & ST. Paul Hallway City TMiet Olllee. I .VI Farn.im Slieet. Telephone 2S4. Depot , Tenth , iiiul MM son Stieets. Telephone - phone 123. 123.Lenve. . Arrive. Limited Kx. . . . 3i3 pin * S:03 : nm imali.i and Chicago Ix ! ' 11:00 : am 1:10 : pin beMi we ide.i Mii-ro n n4ihlii innny of the chul-cliPM of the olty , Thlm pluen In A gn-.xl report for runnwny couplen from ths VlrRlnlis nnd MiryliiM. After tha rtina -A ays have oblnlm-d n llcpn and exprer * the \\lih tobe ( nuirrled nt once , the ixttond- Minn .it HIP clerk's olllce alwayrt ask them to slep over lo the llttln alco\e nnd th nearest minister N sent for. The cli-rki nrt > anxlotii to ( i tibll h n record for the llttl * place , and ne\cr overlook an opportunity t * luivo u ceremony perfornipd. ritKvcuiiioi : s \TS. 1'iviii Scinps. Act I. Act VI. A ri.v is TIII : MUSICAL oi.vnii-.vr. One of the dU > aUvamaHCi of pcrfo rwuig at a country o Iii the waop tuiaoii ( just Iii the nio t Important aage , too ) .