mrATTA TVATT/V ITC"R ! klDNDAV. ingmjuARY aa. SPECIAL NOTICES AitvcrilNetticnt * for Iliciie column * rrlll lie token tintll lit m. for the nnd until 8 p. i > tor the nnil Snntlny ctlHlonn. lnord , liy reiti - > i < liiK a num- licrvil clicolc , enti linte niimvor * nil- ( li-cam-il ( n n nuiiilicrril teller In cnrc Of The lice , Aim or no nililre cd trill delivered on presentation of tlie check onlr. Itni > , 1 J-lic n ord Hrnl lii erllon | Jo it word IhcrciiMtT. AotliliiK tnken for K-fin ( linn 2.o for the llrnt Inner * tlon. Thcftc ndvertlncnicutii limit > run cotiiieciitl > clr. \V.IVnnSITUATIO.NS. WANTIJI ) . A I-OB1TION AS COM.l.CTOU IXJIl ft rclUlilc tlrm , over 10 > ear experience. * p nK nnil write ntiKllxn nnd Orman , beat of city references. Addrcas l 61 , llee A * ' _ _ ' _ 1JY A I.AOY WHO MAS HAD 8 Y13A11B' KX- I Tlenc < ) In flro Innurancq ollleo work II s , llee. A-3M & \VANTiU. : A I'OHITION AH CI.P.IIK IN A reliable MiflneM lioune. ever ten yfiiri experi ence In nccounliij Mienk nml wrlto l.nglljn nml German. Aililrena- 3 , Hee. A 3116' K HI51.P. CANVA8SUI13 TO TAKB OtlDKUSi NHW I.INi : of work : no heavy Roodn to carry , salary or commmlaslon. C. K. Adnmi Co . 624 So. Hth St. 11 446 BAl.HSMAN FOn CIQAIIS. 112" A MONTH ANH xpen8i > ! old firm , experience unnece ary. In ducemi-nts to customers. C. a lllihop * Ca st. iMMtt. 11-447 AOINTS AND IIHANCII MANAonna. SALARY nnd eommlimlnn. Hunter Tnllorlwf & Shirt Co , Cincinnati , O. ll-SI493-Aprll ! \VISTI3IIN' : OIlAMOIMIONi : CO . COUNCIL lllurrn , In , wnnts Nebraska repre > > entuIIVM. reliable , energetic men. to make 25 weekly No peddling Wrlto qultk 11 MM MM MRSTO I.I3AUM luniiKR TitAnn- i.v\v will foon require apprentices to serve three Je.ira In plioi > or tlirt-e montliK In wcliooln , our illplnmnH Hie only ones rcrngnlzeil liy the ntnte , 2 U ) nun tnuglit Iniit > enr , positions or ioni- tlons KUnrnntieil. catalogue tnnlleil free Molfr Hjstem llarlwr Schools , Chlcngo or St I < inls T.V.NTi : , INTHU.innNT , I'nAtTICAI. . M11N nnd Jinen to organize. diru-tt nnd lead squads of cnnvnr erH for a &reat popular new sub- Hcrlptlon book of hlih diameter nnd estab lished rapid wilnblllty No enpltnl needed , only energy nnd determined purpose. 1'roflts large , nfsured nnd permanent Good woik for min isters An extraordinary Imslne-s opportunity. Address , statlni ; experience , if any , N. U. Thompson Publishing Co , bt Louis. Mo JJ JI41G 2S OVnrtNMHNT POSITIONS ; DON'T I'RHI'A for thu railway mall < ir otdir ilvlt senl ex- nmlmtlon without jeelnp our Illustrated Pata- lomin of Information , nenl free Columbian Concspondcnco college , Washington , I ) O II MSI I Ml * o AM MIN : WANTHD TO HAN- ille llnest line oils , Kreasinnd ppeclnltles In Hie market , permanent position Hie 1'olar Oil Co. Cleveland , O. 1I-M3IO g ' _ WANTKD , HXl'ttUIUNrnO SAI.n M13J mil lubrlcntlni ; oils , Krtase , compound and spcclitl- tloj , pxrlusl\elv. or as n slile line nalary or oommlsi'lon AddresB The Stoddnrd Oil ft I'om- pounil ai , Cl < 'vland. . O 1I-M3" 1 . riUST CI.\S3 drapery nnd curtnln salesman Apply at llos- Hlore II MI44 Ml , sAi.nsMr.N TO CARRY OUR line of rlothlnK at a nlde line for Nebraska. \Vo ha\e n method of leprcsentlmr some SCO rampleK with linmnite not oxeeedlnir from y to 30 puund ? . pnpuHr priced Roods , well mine nnd liv a lendlni ? house Addre with full pnrtlcnlnrs and references , Cincinnati , 1'n- qulrer pnstolllce X 11 n-M43i 5S _ _ "BALr.SMiN ON CIOAIIS , J100 1'IIR MONTH and eMien'es paid ; > carly c mtrnct to nuMIIni ; men lalle ) > llnis . I'nlladclphla , Pa Il-MWM * ni-'B > i vin 100 OlRt-S TDK AM > KINUS Of WORK , 1 TO $7 week. Canadian Offlc ° , ISZa-JJqiiBlif , C "US \VANTin , APPLICANTS TOR TRAINING Hchonl for muses. Apply atV C A hospital. Ninth nnd Sixth axemie , Council Uluffi" OIRI. TOR ( inNERAIj HOUSnWORK , tl.OO per week for competent Klrli no others need apply. MM llinmct fit. C M321 \VANTii ) SUCONO QlllL , AT CV5 FOPTII ; Slh street. C 330 2S \VORK I'OR IIS AT YOUR IIOMK , DAY OK eienlnir ; } 6 to J12 weekly ! no cnn\nfslnu or experience required , full piitlculars and work mailed on application Columblin Mfif. Co. 30J N . Cth St. , Philadelphia , 1'a. 10 MOItn Ij\DII 3 TO DO NBnm.KW'ORK AT home : call Immediately. Roors Zi nnd 33 Hir- ber bile. C M43C 2S FOR CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER city , { 3 tc J73 Fidelity , 1st floor N. Y Life. JIOUSI1S WAIJ ACC. IIIIOWN 1H/JCK. 10TH nnd DouKlns D 450 IARGU LIST. M'CAQUU. 10TI1 AND DODOK. iiousns , rr.ATS. GAHVIN IJROS. , icn PAR' D 13i JIOUSUS. J. II. SHI3RWOOD. N. Y. JIOUHHS IN AI.L PARTS OP Tlin CITY. Tl O. r li\U Company , 150J rnrnnrn D 453 nouais. nnNi\\'A & co. , N. JTH ST D 130 IIIMIS. PAXTON in it. D 1. > 3 TOR RINT. NINII ROOM HOUSR , CON- "nlent. modern , homellko. best resld-nco dls- rrlrt ; few minute * ' wallc from postotllce ; barn If dealred. Inquire BM N Y , Llfo bulMInu D-M31T W.Vf COTTAdn , MONTHLY PAYMI2NTS C04 Hee lIMc. D M551 IN RABT OMA1IV-SKVnil.U. IIUN'DIIRD ncrrs of Inn.I . editable lor ganlcn ami fnim pnrpofes Alno pevrrnl pirnsint cottngci , with city water nml convenient to car linn Inquire nt residence nf L f ) 1 tallies , Slut fit nnd ' /st / Ave , Kast Omalm. D 787 Monr.u.v s-nooM imicic C03 South ! Sth , (30 , . . mnilern S-rooni brick ii..o-Kai" - dwelling 1041 P.irfc Ave , (35 AiplyV. . 11 Mellile , lt Nat Hank bldg. n MJ80 NiTft'ALTKD. C-nNTHAI * HTKAM IIUAT ; bent conillttoni , 4 room Hat , Tlinn ] , i N. Mlh. D-M315 2S DP.TAflinD MODP.nN 1MIOOM , AWO 0-HOOM linuso ; kcjs at 2513 Cap. Avc , Tel. 073 II II Ili.liUim. n M 3 VIIOOM MonintN iiousn. K3 so sorii n MJM WANTnn , noon'i : < 7rAiiLR COUPLK TO taKn pnrt of n home with u travellnir man' wlfi > . Aildrefs II 5 , Ileo n MIS1 M JinURLE HOUSE , H ROOMS , WEI.I. ADAPTKD for In lining nnd Imrdlni ; : one to two blocks to four different car linn , Address H 10 , Ileo D-MI28 Ml ri'nNISIIED ' rOTTAOn CDNTTlALI.Y l7) . catod. It 10 , Hee. U M4W Ml * roil RKNT , Hl'LlJNIMn HOIISB AND 1IARN. with Inrsa mund ! cnnM-nlvntly locaiec ! . John W. Roblilns , Accnt , ISO ; Varna in Bt. D-M3S3 8 IIOOMS. roit HUNT. NIWLY ruiiNisunrj IIOOMS ; reoeonatilo price * , tltl Dodge. 13 M558 PUHNISIIKD nOOM8. 151S ROWAIID BT I-MWI MODERN SOUTH ROOMH. | ! 00 WEEK AND up. 614 N. Hill. E-M234-28 * ROOMS. 15SO HARNEY 8T11EKT. E-HS-MP LARflE FRONT ALCOVK ROOM , PRIVATE family , rate reasonable , will not ralte durlnir exposition , 813 N. t3d Bt. E-310 Ml IjTl'RIVATE TAMILY , WITH OR WITHOUT board , 1 I5 Dodcro. F I'LKASANT ROOM. NICELY 1'URNISHED. e\ery con enUnc ; best location , near HUh school. Address G 58. care lce. K-M3 ! S' rt'RNISHED OR UNrURNISIIKO ROOMS 19 Cnllfornla. E-M41I Ml * THH INrORMATION ntlRBAU , 1S1 I'ARNAM , E-MIIS Mt * FRONT ROOMS KO GENTLEMBN. 41 N. Ulh 61. 12-M31I ( ItOOMS AND 11OAHIJ , THK MKIIIUAM. FIH8T-CLAS3 FAMILY HOtel - tel , ZSth nl Dodi * Bts. 1IANDSOMH PARIAHS UN SUITE , SMAIJJ-il looms , g oJ board. Tb Ro , N Ilnmcy. IT-M87J 1UH IS AM ) IIOVIII ) . ( C'ontlnuexl. ) LAROK SOUTH ROOM. WITH nOAHD. UM T MJK 2S * ELKOANT TRONT ROOMS. STEAM HEATEDj nrst clftM Ixitril 1505 Capitol nve V 271-nH * FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH GOOD board KM DoURla.1. F MJM 2S * PLEASANT ROOM ll N Mlh St F-M329 K' WELL rt'RNISHED ROOMS , ALL MODERN , but part of city ; with or without board. 221 Howard. F MJM M4 * HANDSOME LAROI5 TRONT ROOM , WITH board ! referenecs , 20t N 18th. F-M314 2i pT'RNISIinD ROOMS WITH HOARD 2015 DouKlns. F-M317 2S * FOU HUNT UXFtmWSIIUn ItOOMS. C UNFURNISHED CHAMI1KR8 FOR HOt'SE- keeplns , man nnd wife : water In kitchen , steel sink. wflMe pipe 319 N 17th G 129 UNFURNISHED SOUTH ROOM HUITARLE for light housekeeping ; closets , 2215 Howard G-M32I M4- tTNrtTRNISHED ROOMH FOR HOt'SU- keeping or bonrdlntt. 2M3 1'ornnm St 0-.M4M M2 1 < * 4 > H ItlO.NT STORKS AM ) FOR RENT. IN THIJ I1EE IlUILOINO ! Ona InrRO corner room , 2d Ouor , Alth Miult anil prlxnto otncc , water , eta One In PRO front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two looms by partition , water , etc. One large corner room , 2d lloor , with vault , water , etc. Ono front room , divided by partition , 3d floor. Ono corner room , wl'h vnult , 3d flour. Ono largo room. 3d lloor. with partition dividing It Into one large room and two smaller private rooms ; water , etc. Two larsc ground lloor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Severn ! small rooms on 4tll floor , with \nults. All these rooms are heated with steam , electric Ikhts. supplied with first-class Janitor service. Elevators run day nnd all night , : building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room l l nee building. I 1M FOR RENT , DESK ROOM tN GROUND FI/3OR oince , Ileo building , water steim heat , electric Hunt nnd J-inltor service. Apply to Superin tendent. IJee bulldlnc. 1-107 TOR RENT. ONE-STORY TRAME WAREhouse - house , IJurllnRton trackage. F. L TyjotMs , 10th anl rarnnm Sts I M9G7 3 roil RENT THE 4-STORY RiUCIC RUILDINO at OK rarnam St. This building has n llreproof cement basement ; water 0,1 nil floors ; gas. etc. Applv nt the ofllcp of The nee WANTED , I1Y MAY 1. WY A DE3IRA11I.E tenant , n modern 8 to I0-room home , v\lt'i some ground , llanscom park nolghborhood pre ferred Other locitlons considered Address , stating location and rental , H C , liee KM31C M-l * STOii.van. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 003-310 Jones , general storage and forwarding. M 4 CO OM. VAN & STORAOE. 1311V4 TARN'M. TEL 13r M 4C1 WAATUI1 TO IIUY. I WISH TO PURCHASE THE LETTERS K. W , O from Sodn. Mint gum. state your price , either slnnly or for nil E 45. Hee X 493 Ml OMAHA SAVINGS RANIC ACCOUNTS PURchased - chased Give amount nnd price to H 21 , llee. N Ml 12 MS * FOH SLK FUIl.MTUHE. SECOND-HAND STEEL HOTEL RANGES OF nil kinds , cheap 1S07 rarnam O M914 M12 KOll S \ LiHOHSMSVAOO.NJ ) , 12TC. FARM HORSES FOR SALE. APPLY PACIFIC Express Co. , Omaha , Neb. 1' M2S1 M2 FOR FINE WHITE SAWDUST FOR FLOORS , ETC. ! coarse for Ice , nt J3.00 per cord. TCI , 4S 901 DougltB. < 2 4i : HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs all standard makes , on hand ; grindIng - Ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt service. A. L Undeland. Q M870 CHICKEN. HOG AND LAWN FENCES : ALL wire ; Is lest. Wire Works , llth and Hflrney. Q -959 PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGOS TOR SET- tlrgs ; COc , roosters , Jl/H ) . 933 North SOthQ9SS Q-9SS 000 PR OF I1UFFALQ HORNS. POLISHED. Adrcss G R. Norrts , Judith , Mont Q-M21G M3 * SEED SWEET POTATOES. Jl 50 PER HDL Theodore Wllllanu , 07th and Military Avc , Omilm , Neb Q M2JO May7 * GOOD CXV TOR SALE. CALL HIS PIERCE St , John Swogteek. Q 342 26 * JERSEY HOLSTEIN AND ALDERNY I'RESH mlUh cons Inquire nt Thompson and Dunlop , rarnam and 40th St. Q-M413 Mi FOR SALE. THOIIOUOHRIIEI ) REOISTERED Holsteln cow , llnu milker : also tonio tliornueli- bred v\hlto llramah and Ilrown -Klmrn chlck- eni. 4M and Hamilton , Walnut Hill Q-M102 5 * NEW I'IANOS- . $153. $1S3 , THIS WEEK AT Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 2H So. 18th. 18ih und Q M440 Ml MISCELLANEOUS. DESK ROOM IN REST LOCATED OFFICE IN city. Address II 9 , Ileo R-M429 Ml * AM'S. DIt A WHEELER. I'ALMIhT AND ASTROI , ogir. room 9 , Crclghton blk. S Ml ! > 3 Ml * DR A WHEELER , PALMIST AND AST---O' , oger , Ifflin II , Crelgliton bllv S-M133 MIS' \ss.vnn , IIATIIS , we. MADAME SMITH , 118 N. 15TII ST. STEAM anl nlcohol batlw T M190 MG 11 ME. I1RISSON OP PARIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths and massage , 107 N. 12th St. T 037 Ml * HEE IH'ILDINO RANITARIUM : SCIENTIFIC massage , Swedish movements , electric treatment - ment nn I medical buth , grndunliMl masseuse for ladles Dr. C. W. Mnlmqulst , MIT , rooms 109-110 llee llulldlng. T MISS M12 LAURA ELLISON , CROl'NSE RLOCIC , 110 N , ICth. room 13 , upstairs , bath nnd massage T-M447 M5 * MR.1 DR , LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH pirlors , restful and curative , 417 S llth , up stairs T-.MI07 MC MME. AMES. MASSAG13 AND 11A1I1S. 1023) ) , Howard stnet. T M4D8MC * VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROURLEa 346-8 HEE lildg , phiulcluii coiuultatlon 01 health book Ireo U 103 CIXJTIIES CI.EANEU TRESSED AND REpaired - paired : day ur night ; dress suits far hire. Pantorluni , N , K. Cor. 14th and Fnrnam. Tel , 5 3. U 4iij ANY PERSON IN DOUGLAS , WASHINGTON or Sarpy countlen who has any claim noralnit mo will please call nt Weirs plaie r ar South Oma-hn. where I can bo found until March 1 , 1858 Johr. .Xath , U-583 IVb S * MARRIED PEOPLE. SECURE THE ONLY TIN- objectlonablo method to avoid exrtstlve pa rentage , Me. tIlerrler , preildent Intitule of Human Culture , Minneapolis , Minn. U--MJ37 MchS * IN ORDER TO INTnODIICE OUR NEW HAIR , dresser , Mlis lllaniho Calhcart , and her per fect method we will give a free massnga with very face steam for the next two wel . At r. II Schadell & Co U-MCSJ MchS LADIES HAVE YOUR HAIR DRESSED RE- furn going downtown at thn halrdres ln ? parlorn of Mine , G. Pa > ne , 2J03 Leaventrjrth t. : tcl 1S : oitlstlc mnnicurlrm , superlluoui hair nml facial blemishes removed with elec tricity , strictly private. IJ-M799 Mil * w. H CHARLTON. SEND ADDRESS OR CALL nt olllee for very Important Information for your confederation. Jackion , Hlgxlns & Co. , South Omaha , U M30 IIOMl S WANTITO , TWO HOMELESS drcn for adoption ; girl 9 jcars nf ago and a beautiful girl tmhy. Inquire of A , V , ' . Clrk , 604 S 18th Strw-l. I1 J41 18 * SIOMY TO LOAN HIAL KSTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT l/JW RATE3. THR O. T. Davit Co. . 1505 rarnam St W 4W LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly. W. rurnam Bmlth & Co. . 1520 Far-m. W 4H oNEY TO IjOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. IJrtDDin-Lov * Co. . M S. ICth. W 470 | PER CENT MONEY ON NEH , 7tRMS & Oil A. ha property. W. UMulklo. . lii -gt'l IliiX liltg. W-MI74 I PER CENT CITY AND . ARM WANS , atrvla liroi. , lll > Farnur ( 5U W- MO5IJV TO I.OA.\HPA1 KSTATE. ( Continued ) ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. SIS N. Y , L.j quick mon y lit tow rsti for choice farm lands In lonra , northern Missouri , e lern Nebriiska W-487 PKR CENT MONEY. BEMIS , 1'AXTON Rlk. 1500 7/5AN WANTKD. C03 REE. MONEY IVDANED ON IMPROVED HEAL ES- tat In Omahi. Council llluffs A. South Omaha. Pusey A Thoma * . . 03 First Nat'l Dank. Omnha. WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOAN'S. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. 8 , Nat'l Hank lllds. . AT LOW RATES O NFARMS & IMPROVED city property. H. A. Wtjtcrilcld. SIS 1st N'l Ilk W 753 MS 1100.00000 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON fln t-cla i Improved Omaha . .property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust company. W--4J1 MO.M3Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. 110 TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HOnSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council RlufTs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; jnu can pay the loan off at any time or In any amounts OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3M South 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-475 IIUSI.MSS CII.IXCRS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF RUS1NESS GO TO J. J. Glbsor , . Oil First Nat'l Ilink. Y 48 MOST L1RERAL PROPOSITION TO GET INTO safe , cleanj manufacturing business , profits large , business established ; only > 2OOA needed G 61 , llee. Y M2S1 M ! LOT AND STOIIE RUILDINO IN LESTER , Lvon count ) , Iowa , for farm land C. L Ringer. S52 So , 23d St. , Omaha. Y M32S 25 * LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM. SOUTH Omahi , wnnn man with large capital for pirt- tier ; I > u lntM thoroughly established , refer ences ilrst-clasi. Ilex 413 , Omaha Y M32J FOR SALE , A GENERAL STORE , DO1NO A good cash builnvfw. tine location , stock ntvmt ? 3OX ) , n rare chance to rngngo In business In n , live town Address Hot BOO , Dentlwouil , S D Y-5332S * WANTED. A SILENT PARTNER : ONE WHO will furnish capital for a iellnble > pirty to open drug store , can glvo very best refercnw * Ad- drcii H 21 , llee Y M131 Ml * FOU SALE. COMPLETE DRUG STOCK WITH preoerlptlon cne ami flrst class 20-syrup soda fountain Pine location. J J. aib on , 014 First National bank. Y 100 GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES ON 2ITH iidjacent exposition grounds. Good locitlon , established trudo. About $1,000 complete. H 18 , Hoc Y M4I2 2S * YOUNG MAN OP I3XTENDED 11USINESS EX- perleme , now engaged with one of t.ic largest nnnufncturlng establlphmcnts In cll > In c\- ecutlve capncltj , desiring change , would con sider bu lness connection with some respon sible llrm , might puicliaie Interest In estab lished business where experience nnd hard work would receive recognition , II 19 , nee. Y M49I 28 * von EVCH vr : . EXCHANGE 12 CCN ) STOCK" OP DRUGS FOR clear SO-ncre farm In eastern Nebin"ka ; f3.W)0 ) hotel for good , clear farm. J4 10 Ml sourl farm well Improved for Neb farm. G-car-old Spin- Lsh Jack , a good breeder , price J2"-0 cash List jour property with D. J. Perry , Exeter , Neb H-M443 2S * Ton SALE REAL ESTATE. KOUNTZB PLACE UARGAINS. $2.000 $1 7M TO JO.oOO. J. J. Gibson , 511 PIrtt Nat. Dank Bldg. RE-47S 122 EDO FOR 3-STORY 11RICK RUII.DING , 41 feet frontage , neir 14th nnd Douglas Sts J2.WO for In.proved property on Conilng eireet , near 25th street. J. N , Frcnzer. Opp. P. O RU-4S3 HOUSES. J.OTS. FARMS. LANDS LOANS , also fire Insurance IJemla , Paxton blkRE4SO RE-4SO II PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT , 2-STOBY brick business building , price $3,500. Address E 1 , Dee. RE-4RI 7-R MODERN COTTAGE. EAST FRONT , choice location. 3C2 N 40th ; cheap ; oncy terms. RE-609-MU FOLLOWING DESIRAI1LE PROPERTY : RUSI- neas lot corner. COxlV ) ft . In So Omaha , paved Ruslncfs lot , GOxlSO feet. Improved , South Omaha , street pivcd. Tract f24 lots ) . 35th St. Tract (20 lots ) SOth St. lor particulars apply 1013 rarnam St. St.RE RE 9C1 NEW , MODERN C.-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot , $500 cash , balince. to nuit. Address O 01. Ree RE-V103 CHOICI3 OP EIGHT LOTS IN SAUNDERS & Illmeb-uigh's addition at > 7o < cash : two blocks from pivcd street and motor : on grade. A. P Tuluy. City hall RE-M11S FINE IRRIGATED L\NDS WITH WATER right on 10 sears' time nt 6 per cent : n. elnncej of a lifetime : wrltt > for book iIosKriiihuinn.i ! In connection with this wo do n general real state and loan bus Warning Devel ipinent Co , 1CS4 Capitol Avc , Omaha L L Julin'on , Agent IIIJ-MIH M3 * 7-ROOM HOUSE TO MOVE OPP w. II. Gates , CIS N Y. Life. rhone , 1201 9 RE-209-2S SIIOHTIIVM ) A.-\D TYPEWKITING. AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGLAS IS7 I10YLES' SCHOOL THE ONLY ONE IN Omaha vvhtro court icportcrs ore teachers. 403-407 Ileo lildg -MSs RELLE FINLEY. S12 N Y LTFE. 7" ! Ml ! A C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OP SHORTHAND and t > pew riling , 717 N. Y Life , offers the foU lowing advantagesIndl"'diiil Instructions by experienced teachers and si Illful stenographers , up-to-date methods latest textbooks : touch s > stem - tem of t > pew riling If preferred , premiums that keep up an Interest : partlclpitlon In actual work , for which students receive cash pa > - ments. In some coses amounting in more than tuition ; money refunded for unqxplred tlm.e If students are not satisfied : free trill week. Interested parties Invited to visit the school and fCf Its facilities methods , work of Its students and class of students In attendance. CS9- OMMIA SHORTHAND COLLEGE ROYD'S theater M300 Mil * FVA\CI\L. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES HOUfJHT FOR cash Richard Herzfcld , 171 I.iSallo KI rhl- cage C01 P2 MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE POL- Icles oe hnught. L. P. Van Norman , Mlnne- appolls Minn M777 Mclilt * I1RICIC. IX5UISVILLK HRICK CO , IVO TRADE , tel 192. 340 M23 * PAWMIUOICEUS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. ICTH. -48 ? \VAXTEDTO HORIIOW. WANTED TO RORROW $1,600 , 3 TO S YEARsT on choice Inside , well rented property at 7 per cent semi-annual ; no commission. Address F 17. IJee. M5U Fim.VITUUE PACKED. U. S WALKIN. 2111 CUMINO. TEL. UJ1 , EXPOSITION niOXTAOES FOU HI3NT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION , Htinln , Paiton lllk. yn WE SOUCIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Btenographtrs tree. The Smith-Premier Typewriter - writer Co. Telephone. 1S m , EMPLOV3IE.NT OFFJCR. CITY EMPLOYMENT RUREAU , 1117 FARNAM street. Rooms 2 and 3. Tel. 1101. 490 Tri'mvnirnns. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT J4.00 PER MONTH. Th Smlth-Prlmler Typewriter Co , . JCJ Fur- tuii ) St.i telephone. Hill IIOT12L3 FOR HUNT. .UUILDING 8U1TAULE FOR HOTEL ; 3D rooms and lartr * store room ; central location. Uemls. 1'a.xton lllk. nco DRKSS MAICIN'G , DIIE33MAKJNQ. FAMIUEU , UM DAVENPORT rnopoSALs rnn m'M.s-u. s INDIAN Service , J'lno Hldga ABonpy. Pine llldRC , S , I > . Kobrunry QUA 1 < SS. Soilctl vro- pcsnls. Indorsed "ProposaN for DulU" nnil ndrtrr-wtd to tlio ( inOcrslpncrt nt 1'lno IlldBe. Shannon county , S. D. , will bo re- celvpil nt thli nprncvimtll T o'clock p. m of Saturday , Mnreli W V lss3or funt ! hlnB and iiellvrrltiff at thli nScnoy not liter than May 1 , im. ono hrtriftrotl 000) bttlM , full lilocxK ollglblo to rotilflry. Polled AnRtis or Hereford preferred ; not less tlmn two nor more than four jeafa old ; free from b'cm- I'hes BtrnlRht and smooth ; to welsh not lei * , than 1,0 i oun < l8 ouch nnd lo nvcrnso not les1 * than 1,100. npumH HUUlprs will state clcnrly In thijrlIds the proposci l > rlro of each animal. 'VII ' nnlmtN iltcrod for delivery tindt-r any contract will bo sub ject to a rlKld Inipocllon. The right Is re served to reject nny nnd nil bids , or nn > part of any bid , If Oee.mstl for the bo l In- tere- t < ( of the Kovernmcti' CertlllPd Chrclcs F.ich blJ mtt t bo accompnnlod by a certi fied check or drift upon sonto Unllcd States depositors or soHrnt national bank In the \Iclnlty of the icaldi-ncc of I ho bidder , nindo payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for nt least llvo per cent of the amount of the proposal , which checker or draft nvlll bo fo foiled to the United Statoa In ca p nny bidder or bidders receiv ing an award shall fall to promptly cxeouto n contract nlth ( rood nnd Milllclent suretKvi otherwise to bo returned to the bidder , Hld | accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified chock will not bo considered For anv ad ditional Information apply to Mnjor W. H. Clapp , Acting U S. Indian Agent. _ nnrAnTMfiNT , OKFIPH sii- Pfrvsnff architect , Washington , n. C. . Feb ruary 14. 1S9S Scaled proposals will bo re ceived at this ) ollicc until 2 o'clock p. in. on the Oth day of March. UOT. anil opened 1m- moillately thereafter , for all the labor nnd tratcrlats lequlred to place In poMtlon com plete a tonvcr clock and bell for the U. S. Court House , Custom House and 1'ostomci bulldlnu t Omaha , Nebraska. In accordance with the drawing nnd svpcclllc.itlons , copies of which may be had nt this ollleo or the olllcii of the Superintendent at Omaha , Ne braska. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bldi and to v\alvo any defect or In formality In nny bid should It be deemed In the Interest of the Rovcrnment to do so. Proposals must bo enclosed In envelopes , sealed and marked "Proposals lor Tower Clock and Hell for the V. 3. Court House , Custom House and Postolllco , Omaha , Ne braska. " and addressed to the Supervising Architect. r IS , 21. 23 , 25 , 23 M2 LECVLNOTICES. . U.MTEI1 STVTE ! . OP AMERICA , DlMtrlpt \olirnslfii. . Ily virtue of authority \ested In me by law , It Is hereby ordered that a special term of the United States district court for the district of Nebraska be held at Omaha In the said district of Nebraska ( that bcluK a place where according to law a regular term of slid court Is held ) , nt the t'nlted States coutt loom In said Omaha , nt 11 o'clock n. m , on Monday , the 14th day of March , A. U. 1SOS , for the transaction of such business as may then bo brought he- fore said court ; and notice of the holding of such special term bo nnd the same hereby Is given. Dated this Hth div of February. A. D. 1SOS. \VM H. Ml'NGnn , United States District Judge. I'MTEII STATES ( IP AMERICA , iiKliO > Judicial Circuit , UlHtrlct of .Vi'linisltll. DyIrtue of authority vested In me by law , It Is hereby that a special term of the United States giicult court for the district of Nebraska bo held at Omaha , In the said dlsUic-f of iNolirask.i ( that being a place vvhero aceoidlnjj to law a regular term of said couit Is held ) , at the United Statoa court room In .said Omaha , at 11 o'clock a. m. , on Mjonday , the Hth day of March , A. D. 1S9S , jfor. , the transaction of such business as may tjien bo brought be fore s.ild court ; am ) notice of the holding of special term ibeund the same hereby Is gl\on. ( Dated tills Bth rt.w [ of February , A. D. 1S9S. WAL.TEH n SANHOUN , United Staler Circuit Judco. MEETING. NOTICn TO $ TOCKHOL.bnRS. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meotlng of the Btockhqlders of The Ueo Publishing company iv111 uo held at the com pany's olllee , corner Seventeenth and Far- nam streets. In the city of Omaha , Neb , on. Monday , Maich 7 , IMS , at 4 o'clock p. in. IJy order of the president. O. C. TZSCHUCK , Secrotai y. MECTING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the olllee of said company In Lincoln , Nebraska , at 11 o'clock a. m. , on the flrst Wednesday in March , 1S03 , being the second day of the month , , Uy order of the Board of Directors. R. O. PHILLIPS , Secretary. Lincoln. Nob. , Jan ,11 , 1535. JSldllltm NOTICE TO CO.VTH ICTOR9. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Traiibpoitation and Agricultural Implement Building on the Exposition grounds , vvlll bo received until 11 a. in. Tuesday , March 1 , lb9S. Plnns and specifications can be seen at the department olllee , corner 13th nnd Spen cer stiects , or beta will be furnished bid ders at cost. F. P , KIRKENUALU Mgr. Grrls and Ulilg , Dept , , Transmlsslsslppl and International Expo sition. Fcb -M&EtoMl RAILROADS. "HKJIONT. Ct.KlIOtlN AND Mlfcfourl Vnllt-y Hallway Oen- eml Olllcea. United States Na- tlonnl Hank llulldln ? , Southwest - west Corner Twelfth nnd Par- nam Sticets 'llcket Olllee , HOI Sheet. Teli phone CGI. Depot , PU- tecnth ana Webster Strfets. Telephone 145S. Leave. Airlve. Hlaclc Hills Dcidwood i and Hot Spilnca , , . 3.00 pm 5,00 pm > omln . Caspar and Dourlas . . . 3.00pm BMpm : jiHiini , Yor1 * , David Clt > , Superior , Geneva , Uxctcr and Scwaid . . . 3.00 pm C.OO pin Norfolk , West Point nnd Fremont 7tO : nm 10:23-am : Lincoln , vyahoo and Picmnnt 7:50 : nm 10.2S nm Fremont Local 7-50 nm Dally , Dally except Sunday , Sunday only , Dally except Saturday , except Mimilu/ , CHICAGO i NORTHWESTERN Hallway City Ticket Olllee , 1401 Parnam Street. Telephone CC1 Depot , Tunh and Maon StrceU. Uclephona US. Leuv Arrive Chicago Fpc- , .clnl , , 7.00 nm 11:53 : pm MUsojrl Volley , Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis , . . . . , 5:40 : nra 10:45 : pm Mlxfcoiirl Valley. Sioux O'ty . J ojpm Dennlson , Carroll , Wall I.akifiom llnmdvvuy , Council Illulta . , M.00 ) am 8:45 : am Express , Dea , Molnev. Miirshalitown , Codnr IlapliU , riilcaco * 10:30 : nm as pm Atlintla Fl > cr , Chicago < and East . „ < p 4:13 : nm 4:3Jpm : Fant Mull , Chicago to Omaha . . ' " 3:10 : pm Mle > ourl Valley , Slour City , St. Paul Mlnne , , ; . npollii Limited . 4-35 pm ' 1:50 : em crtKO H | clal C 45 pm ' SMnm : Dally exeoto - Sunday - CHlCAOtV BT. I'AUL. MINNE. upolls { & Omaha Itallua ) Ocneral Olllces. Ncbrafka D | . vldoh Flftfenth and Webiler Htreets. , City Ticket Orilce. _ 1401 Fantnm Street. Telephone 1(1 Depot. Fifteenth 8nil"\VcU ter Sireeu. Tel ephone 1158. I " ' Sioux City Accommoda , 8:50 : ait : 8M : pni Sioux City Accommoda. 9.M am 8:20 : pm lllalr , EmeriKjn Sioux * ' City , 1'oncu. Ilartlngl " ton and niooinrtfld. . , ' ' 1:00 pm 11:55 : am Sioux City , ManUato , St , Paul , Minneapolis , . S.S ? pm 8:2i : ) am Emer on I'atsengtr . , . 6:10 : pm 8(5 ; am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only Tli 1 1 train itopa at etatloni Florence to SD'jth Illalr. Incluelvc , Bundaya only ; on week iay ) , South liliir only. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILroad - road Ocneral Olllc i. Unltud Slatesi National Hank Ilulld. Intf. H. w. Corner Twelfth and Fflrnam Str eH. Tlckt Offlco. YT T 3 ? " . . . . . l"1 Farnaui Struct. Tiilephon * 5C1. Depot. Ulh and Webster 8U. Teleplien * 4S , ' " * " ' ArTlve Bloux Cltv. Mankato , > M'nnaP0'l ' ' > * , Wily ? ' 5S5pm 8:20 : am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD < 3 neral Olllcts and Ticket 0.111 * . Merchant * National llank DulldliiK. KH Farnam Street. Telephone 104. Depot , FlrUtntU and AV Utor Btrtets. Tel pbgn 1113 * . TTTTI- , Leave. Arrive. Kania and N bra ka Uml d . . . . , 1:03 : pro * 12U : ptn Un4 City ind Bt. Lqul Kiurtw . . . . . . . . > 40 pm t.00 am Njbr k4 Local 1:30 : pm 84i ; um * Dally , M Dally except Sun < lay. R \1LUOVHS. River Rullroail "Th IlurllnK ten Route" O ner l Otnce * . > W Corner 7 nth nd Faronn 8tre ts. Ticket omce. ISO Fnrnam Street Telephone 250 Depot , Tenth and MMOI Streets , Trlephcn * 128. Leive. 128.Arrive Lincoln , Hnntlnita nnd McCook 3:33 : am t:13 : am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah , Caliromln , lllnck Hills , Montana nnt ruget Sound 4:13 : prn 4:03 : pm Lincoln I cal . . . . 7 o ) nm 7'40 pm Lincoln Fast Mnll . . . . . y&l nni 11:40 : urn Denver , Colorido , Utah , California and Pusct Pound . . . . 11-53 pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. HURHNHTON ft Hulncy Rxllrnail"The llurl Ingtoti Route' Ticket Olllee 1502 Knraam Street Telephon 210 Depn , Tenth nnd Masoi Street * . Telephone I2S , Arrive 7 iS nm Cliicnco Express 9:4 : * 4:15 : pn 7 U nm 6 10 pm 2 V pin ' 11 50 pm KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEl'l Council RlulTs llnllrond- The llurllngton Rnutc"- Tlcket Ofllce , 1MJ IMrnan Street , Telephone 230. Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone * 128. Lenvc. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex. . . 9:05 : am 6:41 : pn Kansas City Night Kx. . * 10.00 pm :30 : un -1 Dally. UNION PACIFIC--THI : ovin- lima Iloute. " General Ofllci'9. N. 12. Corner Ninth nnd Parnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllee , 1" 02 Farnam Street , Telephone 316. Depot , Tcntli and Mason Streets. Telephone. 113. Leave. Arrive "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lnke , western points , . . . SiO : am 4:43 : pn The Colorado Special. for Denver nnd all Colorado points 11:53 : pm 7:00 : nm Fast mail train for Salt Lnkc. Pncino coast and all western points 4:33 : pm 7:00 : nm Lincoln , Dc.ilrlco nnd Stromsburtf Expre s . . 5:00 : pm 12.20 pm Fremont , Columbus , land nml Kearney . . . . 4W : pra Grand IsUnil Express * * i 00 pir > 12 20 pm Dally. Hallj except Sunda - . Council Illuffs Local Leaves. 6:11 : n m ; 6-5 ( n. m.s " 40 n. in. , 8 40 n. in. , 10-30 n. m. , 2-13 P. in. ; 4 " . " > p m , 553 p. in. : S.2i ) p. m. : W 03 p m. Airlvcs , C M n m , 7.20 n. m . d.33 n. m . 11 30 n. m , 1 10 p. m.j 0.40 p. in. : 6.30 p. 111. 9 05 p. m , 10 43 p. m CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PnUlla Rnllroad "Tho Greal Rock Itlind Route" City Ticket Ollicc , .11:3 Funnin Street. Telephone 428. Depot , Tenth mil Mason Streets. TuUphono 123. Leave. Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul VestlbuliMl Express . . 4.10 pm 1 43 pm Lincoln , Colorado bp'gs , Puucblo , Dem er und west . * l'5- 4:23 : pm Chicago. Ves Molnis & Rock Island . 1 00 pin 8:15 : am AtHntlo Exprcrs , for Dei llolncs nnd east ern points . . 7.20 nm S CO pm Llncnln , Palrbury nnd Uellevllle B:4pm : U 40 am Dilly Dalli ciccot Sundns. CHICAGO MIMVAUKED & ST Paul Itnlluay Clt > 'llcket Ofllcc , liH Farnam Sheet Telephone 284 Dcput , Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Tcle- tiliono 123. _ . . , - Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 3i3 : pm 8.03 am Omaha nnd Chicago Ex 11:00 : nm 1:50 : cm Dally. RAILROAD-TICKET Piirmm strict Tele- Depot. Tenth nnd Stri.cta. Tilcpono 12S. Loive. Arrive. St. I ul8 "Cannon Ball" Espies ? 4:30 : pm 11SO : nm Dally. OMAHA A = faT. LOUIS RAILROAD P2SI Omaha. Ktnsas City i East- em Railroad "The I'nrt Arthur ARTHUR Route" Ticket Otllcc , 1415 Fnrnam RP"TE. Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Maeon Streets. Tele- phuno 12S. L ave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Dall Express * 4:1" : pm * 11:10 nm Qulnc.- Express * 5.40 am 9.50 pm * Dally. U.MVIIRMTV OK Milll&IC : V M > Tii . A class In Hebrew , consisting or flvo mcm- beis , has begun work. The Oratorical association holds Its local contest March 11. The Intcrcstato contest Is May C. The seniors In law heard Commisslccior Irvlno of the supreme court lecture on. . the thcino "Ban.aqe9" Wednesday , Prof. J. W. Crabtrco Is reprcscntlnc ; the university at the Association of Superin tendents at Chattanooga this \\cek. Alfred J. McClatchio , an alumnus of the university , has junt Ibeen elected piofcs-ior of agriculture and horticulture at the Unl vorslty of Arizona , The fitst class In astronomy practice under I'rof. S\\czey Is mahlni ; a scries of rarcfnl observations and calculations to de termine tlio exact latitude of Lincoln. Petitions have 'been ' circulated amonp ; tlio students this week , both for anil against the annexation of Hivvall. The ono against annexation nas headed by Prof. Caldwell , Prof , Howard Caldwell of Iho department of history intncds to puisuo his worlc upon the "Llfo of Henry Clay" at Harvard this summer. The volume , when completed , will bo published by the University asso ciation of Chicago. Chancellor MacLean delivered the annual address at the commencement of the Lin coln Iuslm'88 ) college Friday night pf last \eclc , upon the tlicmo , "Industrial Devclop- ncnt of Our Country" It was a strong analytical and hopeful review of the growth of American Industry , the revolution effected > y machinery and the present 'piohlom ' of raking man the master of the machine. In stead of the machine master over man. The 1'nlverslty delegates to the Students' Volunteer convention at Cleveland started ast iMomlny. They are C J. Allen , H , A. Tucltor , J II. noose , "W. J. Robertson , W IcHen , Misses Walvoid , IVnahlson and Lulu luirous Thn evangelistic and social ro- orm spirit In the university has never been sa strong as at present. Mission and inil- erslty extension work Is actively carried on by student bands In various parts of the city , and genuine disposition Hhoun to make ho university a leader In social and moral efoims , as well as In educational progress , The University of Nebraska exhibit at the 'rausmlislaslppi 'Exposition ' will occupy a space of 1,920 feet. It vvlll icpresent the vork of twenty-two departments , Including agriculture , horticulture , dairying , the sugar chool , skilled caipontry , blacksmithlng , oleclrlc engineering , assaying and mamirac- urlng processes , physical experiments , veather 'bureau ' , animal husbandry , veterin ary science , art unJ music , besides the regular academic , literary and law courses. The university exhibit In Itself will ton a miniature representation of Nebraska energy and Industry And vvlll emphasize the calling Idea of Nebraska university work hat it Is a school for workers , not one noroly of literary polish , Them are three llttlo things vv.ilch no wore work than any other throe little thlngn cre ated they are the ant , the bco and DeWltt's Ittlo Early IllocrB , the last bolng thr famous Ittlo pills for stomach and Mver troubles. OMAHA MEDICAL AND Surgical Instiiufe ARE OLD SPECIALISTS In the treatment of all CIiroDic , Nervous and Private Diseases , nnd \VBAKNHSSRS HEM and DlbOUDIJIIH OH fflbll Catarrh , all DUeuei ot th < NOM. T.iroat , CbetV. Btomuch , Uvr , liluod. bkln unit Kidney PU- ecie , Ix > t Manhood , Hydrbctle , VcrUocelt , Oonorrheii , Ole te , Byphlllt , Stricture , 1'lltt , Fib ula and Ileetil Ulcern Diabetes IlrlrhtV pli- > cured. Call on or uddroii nlth aUrap ( ot "r Uook Hud New Uotnodi. Trrntmont by JIull , Cniiaullutliui free , Omalia Medical and Snrglcal Institute c ' Ante Room E chocs | Department Coinmiiidcr Thonns J. MA- jora of the Nebraska department of the Orand Army of the Republic hn listicd his general order No. 2 , In which he announces his olHclal staff , which U us follow s : James I ) . OORO , Franklin , ns < ls < nnt adjutant gen eral ; LCD Hi/tcllo / , Omnha , Judge advocate ; Smith T. CfUJwell , Kdgnr , muptcrlng of ficer ; A. M. Vamlerbllt , Shelby , chief of star. . The following alilrs-dp-eamp nro also an nounced : John Sklrvlns , 0'Nolll ' ; U. C. Hums , Scrlbncr ; A. W. Taylor , Wayne ; II. C. Mntraii , Norfolk ; C. a. Klther. Ne braska City ; Hnnlt Wcrt , Auburn ; J. S. Robbing. Wallace ; J. 11. Conway , York ; J. W. Laffcrty. Wlsuer ; Daniel Cook , Curtis ; A. H. Townacnd , Strattoti ; George 1' . Dean , Hrand Island ; II , H. Woods , Solittjlcr ; Ira Graves , Cnllavvay , The fact that many members of posts have been suspended for nonpavment ot dues on account of the past hard timed Is rrspon- alllc for Instructions to posts to adjust ns far as pcn.Mblo the matter of such dues In order to got the members back In the ranks. Dy action of the la t national encampment suspended members can bo reinstated by the payment of nny amount of back dues not exceeding ono jear'H dues , the amount to bo determined by each post. The orders direct every post commander to appoint at onto a recruiting eommlttco to get suspended mem bers back. Attention Is also called to the fact that thn laws will penult the consolidation of peats In cltlca or towns vvhero the Interests of the order will bo thus better served , 111) ) 111 llljjlllllllilvr.l. The second castle In Lincoln was org mired last Wednesday evening , ttndor the name cf Holcomb ccMtlo. Tlio govemw's name hcaila the chatter. The olllccrs are : A W. If'cott , 1' . I. P. ; Thomns S. Allen , I. P ; Ponton Marot , C. C ; 13. M Cofltii , W. 13. : Uh.irlts 13 Davis. S. ; John 1) ) . Wilght , T ; AV. T. Trump. W. : John T. Field. S3. : Hroirv IlHm. H : J. W Jordcn , G. ; V. H. Stono.f. \ . \V C , Krank IJhlredgo , S. W. C. ; OOCKRO Hefilcy , C. of S. ; J. II. Abbstt. C. of A ; 1L Mary. R P. C. ; W. I ) Much S P. r1 , 13. II. . nholl , T. 1' . C ; II. A. lloljoke , M. II. L'veiett and H O. Faulkner , P , 13. During the last week castles hive bun organized at Geneva and liol Clcul. A radio of Lady HWihmlers was crmnlrcJ at II'Tft- itiga and another is to be shortly Instituted at Geneva. Of P > lllllM. Members of the order cite as at > Indication of the return of good times that last week the lodge at Hcllevup was icinstatcd. It Busprndcd operatiora a few jeans ago on accouit of the hard tlmrs The ceremony waj attended by a number of members from this city. Ti ( angle Io3ge appears to have ImblbJd now life since Korest lodge was Joined with It. Renv\pd interpst Is being cxhlhltcl by Its nictnl CM Tne coming month Is to be n limy rrir- according to the following schedule March 3 , work In the third degree ; Mnich 10 , hhh n\e partj ; Much 17. dance ; Marc'i 24 , work In the eecc'id rank ; March 31 , work in the third rank Nebraska lodge , No 1 , conferred the third rank last Monlay and tomorrow night will work the second rank. Fraternal I nliiii of Vnirrlon. A lodge of forty members was Instituted last week at Fremont with the following ofllcers : J. B. Brooks , F. M. ; W. O. Mercer - cer , J. ; Mrs 1311erbrook , T. ; iMrs T Hall. M. ; C. H. Schaeffer , S. ; George n HuntIngton - Ington , T ; M. Hasmusscn , P. ; B Haven , G. ; J. A. Ptntt , H. B. Crusby , S. ; G. Lang- hoop , G. ; John Mclntosh , S. ; L. N. Ander sen , P. At its last meeting Banner ledge lUtenrd < o an address by George W. Hervey on "Ag riculture Its Relations to Nebraska and Omaha. " Mrs. Thcroso Meigcs also s > .in "Out on the Deep " M'oiMlnu'ii Clri-li- . Omaha grove , No 1 , la to hold nn Imnort- tnt meeting on next Wednesday ovtrilng rnd all members are urged to attend. An Intei- cstlng progiaui has been arranged for the evening. The circle li already making anangcmonts for a masauerudo ball to bo given on March 23. Of tllC' UlM'OJllMTH. Lady Holllster lUve , No. 21 , gave lts > scc- cnd entertainment Monday evening at Wolff'n hall. Llko Its predecessors It was n success socially and financially. Sovcial now tents are In progress through the state and the outlook the coming yc > ir is far hotter than last year. Omaha council. No.115 , Knlghta and tidies of Security , will elect olficeis on j > Jon- day , March 7. Garfleld circle , Ladles of the Gunl Army of the Republic , will glvo a pronuuiado am- cert on Wednesday ovccilng In Myr'Io holl. ClINlfllllH ClIMCH Ill'C'lllCll. The general appraisers of goods past'In , ? through the custom liouoo have made sev eral decisions lately which , until patted UIMJII by the secretary of the tieanury , will hold good But whllo there Is stability In that quarter , no 35.stem failing la strength cnn bo properly sustained without Iho aid of Hostotter'ii Stomach Bitters , a genial tonic and remedy for malaria , rheumatism , dy - lopsla , constipation and bllloudnn. } . "HILITVIIV IIATTIIRS. The o'd stoiy of Captain Harry Wilght , troop K , Ninth cavalry , and his Indian lialters was revived iJst week during a visit to Omaha of nn olllccr of that rrgl- mcnt Thi > story IB a good one , even If It Is old , iind as Captain Wright Is nt preient Htatloiicd at Tort Duchcsno. Utah , lie cannot retaliate If the jam is told again. Along In the Jajs when Chinf Victoria was hold ing forth In Arizona and Ncn Mexico , Wright waa a lieutenant , an ! Lieutenant Colonel Michael Cooney of the Sev enth cavalry was a captain and ut Urn time of thu Incident waj the tanking ollleci. Besides having the reputation of bolng a first-class Boldlir , Captain Coouey also hid , und ttlll hut ) for : hat mattci , a broguu. Lieutenant Wllght lad been given contiol of ten Indlnn scouts to ho used In trailing Victoria and his band across the trackless deserts and over the mrrcn mountains Ono ufternoui when Jilngs were getting pretty Interesting Cap- aln Cooney sent for Lieutenant Wright nnd said to him"Mlsthor Wrolght , vo will ilazo de-lalo six of jer grasy Injuns fer ; uanl duty tonolght. Wo nade a man on Ui * other soldo av th' herd. " "Hut my man know nothing about guard luty , " protested the lieutenant. "They wrro ciillsteil ua Hcoutu and trailers. I lave a commuiilratlon from division ) iojd- juartcrs In which their duties am upeclll- callj stated " "Von are not serving at division hld- liiartors Jiow , Mr. Wrolght , " said the cap tain , 'an' ju'll pla/u make thu de-luo ] atcliyotir earlli'st ronvaynolnc-e. " LliMitenant Wright still Insisted that hla men were ncouta aii'I ' trailers mid rould only comprehend tlioso duties , "Thrallers , IB It ? " growled the captain. 'Mr Wrolght , ye will plazo roino wld me" Then , drldrcssliii ; hid orderly , Capthn Coonoy directed him to procure "a couple of tint pins and mi ave. " The procrsslon of thrco marched to the place where the captain wtntod Wright's men to dr duly and then Coonoy sold to liU orderly : "Brown , Jhrolvo a tint pin In thfre ( Indl- piling ) , nnd now ( walking to A point about 100 fort awny ) dbrnlvu tlio other wan lii'or I'bul'l' do. Now , Mr WroUhl , vvnn of your nln vvlll thralll friim thUh pin till that iln , and whin he glta till that pin lin'll 1'ralll bnrlc ngln. Thin vrhln he has hrallcd hick-.vardn and forward ! ) fur twu lours ho'll bo rplivcit by another av yc-r llrty gm y tliraller > . " U li ntatctl that the War department ha oltPtcd Its vlene In rcKar < l to the rcspon- Iblllty of olllvcrb for tlio | QI of } 20'J,75 rein u package Intended for the troops < it "ort lli * ' ( i , Ti'XB4 , In Thu Ileo of taut week mention 'H' > > made of the fart that Major Iliillls , p x-'opartncnt : , and Major Wanner , KlUh cavalry , would euch be compallod to make good to the government Iho full amount of the shortage. The nhorUco flrpt Investigated by thft Inoprclor Rftipral nnd Inter bj board of Ituiitlry Appoint * . especially for the purpofv Doth flndln failed to fix the roiponnlblllly and the as- * ltn t * ecrotary of war derldt-d that both oftlcotn should retun < to the government the amount of the missing package This de cision has lion been revised and the $20375 vvlll bo made good by the two majors men tioned and Lieutenant Parker of the rifth cavalry , each olllccr pajlng his proportion of Iho loss Pajnu'ter General Stnntcci pro- twlecl agnlnsa holdltiR Major illiillls respon sible for nny part of the loss and In so dplns pointed out the defects In the present B > S tern of plying Inops. The acting secretary of war did not the s.tmo view ot tlu matter nnd decided to hold the three olllccra It Is reported that the Ru ? < lan ment has ordered 10,000 rlllos of the latest IMttern nnd fi.OPO.OOO rounds of amtnunltlon from the Wlnchwter Arms company of New Haven , Conn. The War department has received from the JlrltlMi atnbassidor prrmUslon for American troops to crcvss llrlllsh territory from. Alaska. The troopu acting as an rs- eorl for the relief vxpedltlon vvlll go dov\u Iho Yukon to Daw ran City nnd will outer American terrltorj near the mouth of Porly Mile creek The troops will bo governed by the R.inio regulations and be given the same privileges ! ns are extended by this country lo Canadian mounted police while operating In our territory. I > illstmonts made In the army during the month of January were ns follows Uy general - oral recruiting service , city stations , white. foot , 2J-I ; mounted , US. colored , foot. 10 ; mounted , 15 ; total , , .I7. Smtlnns nt posts , white , foot , 391 ; mounted , lot ! ; colored , foot , 23 ; mounted.18 ; Indian scouts , 13 ; total , f > S The total number of enlistments by the general recruiting eorvlco was 1)3,1 ) , and by the spocltl recruiting horvlco 21 , In nil 357. The Department of California Is to have a signal detachment Hlmllnr to that In thu Departments of the Colorado and Te\.ij. Lieutenant Krank Green will have charge of the ir en ntvl will prob.iblj iu emble them at the Pro3idio The } will bo made cxperti ri signal telegraphy n d the constt notion anl operation of Hold telegraph line' . The en item - tem has , It la claimed , worked no well 'u ' the Departments ot the Colorado and Ti\as that tlio signal olllcera are anxious to o\- tcad U to all departments of tlio nrmj. Color. " ! W. A. nidcrkln. chief comml arj , Department of the MLuouil , has been 01- drtod to examination for retirement. Colonel nidorkln he. ; been < ; i poor health for about a jear and has contimplutcj ictlrement lor several months paot. The Aimy and Navj Krglator sajs"Ono of the pleasant lii-ldpnta of the recent vlnit or Phnplaln C. C Plcrcu at Sn Cntloj , Arl- yonaas the biipthin of Susni'no , the dnughtir of thi > acting Indian agent. First Lieutenant Sulgwlck Rice of tlic Bevi li eavalrj , nnd Mia. Itlce' . Lleutcaiint S R II Tomklfo became ono of the ajici so a litho \ the evtciing all of the olttcon and guc.Uh , , u the stib-pcMt vvero unleitalncd at dltinir by Liculo-.ant nud Mu. Rice In cclcbutlui of the event " Chaplain Batenifii of the army doiilc.s the slorit.s leccitlj printed to the effect that 0,10 of his daughters had married uci IniiUii. lie ta > s " 1 have no datmhtcr in Militant as atated. I have four children , all ui.der the age of fourtei-n jiars , and they nio ah at Uio home of their paronla at Port Silcr- nun , Idaho. " Private Charles S Hclalor , Iroap I , Klghth cavalry , Port Mendo , S. ' ! ) . , has been or- deied to Hot Sptlngs , Ark. , for medical ticatmcnt. Private Moffet nice , tiop 1C , Ninth c-iv- alrj- , was tiled by a geneial court-martial nt Poit Robinson last week for being abannt without leave , and has been sentenced to haul labor for four months a-il lo forfeit $10 cf his paj. Prhato Charles Meyer , con pany 13 , Ulghth Infantry , has been found guilty by a cjurl- mart'al of conduct prejudicial to road crd r and military -helpline , and aontcncod to for feit ? 10 of his pay. The general coiirt-mnttlal cn'ivcncJ fit Port I ) A Russell. Wynmlng , las bten dlssolvd by orders of Diigadli-r Gcncial Copplngci , co'nmaiidlng the Department of tlio Platto. First Lieutenant Alexander W. Pcriy , Ninth cavalry , nldc-de-camp to Clt-neril Cop- plngrr , has gone on a 'incnth'b ' leave. Recruit Clay CasKoy , mounlnil servlcU. . S. A . has been found isulltj of dcacttloii by a court-martial at Fort ttloado , i3. D , , md dishonorably discharged from the servli.- , forfplting nil pay and allowances. In view of the peculiar circumstances Hiiri-ounJIng the case , General Copplngor rc'iilltPd ihn sentence nnd ordered C'asKey to ho luslgi d to duty with troop n , iSlghth cavalry Private Hiai les 13. Wilson , company B , nighth Infantry , was found gullly of larce iv Liy a general ( oiirt-martlal last v.eck anil ienteiic-ed to dishonorable discharge , forfeitIng - Ing all pay and allownncre and otic yeui g conllnomont nt hard labor. 'Ihh sentence lias been appioved by the lovloHlng nti- tliority and Fort Logan , Coloiado , drslgtmtt I it the place for the uxcciitlou of so much of the bcntcnte as relates to hard labor Private Thomas F. McVay , company 11 , nighth Infant ! y , 1ms been found guilty by n gcncuil court-martial of conduct perjiidl- clal to gcod order and military discipline , and sentenced to dhlionoriblo discharge , conflnpn'i'iit nt harJ labor for thrco moiitlm mil forfeltuie of all pay and nllotvanciB This sentence has been approvid nn 1 will be executed at Fort I ) A. Husaell Wjoniug. TO ci'in ' : ctii , i iHM ; n\v Take Laxatho Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All diugglsts refund tlio money If It fallw to cuiu. 25c. The Ecnuino has L II. Q. on each tablet. , fi. AMUSEMENTS. Mc-Kco Ilaukln'8 tbilllliiK inelu llama , "Tho Runaway Wife , " was jmt on jester. day iby tlui U'oidv/ard company at thn Crelghton for hulf a week's run Two per formances wtio given to laifjo ami pleased audiences. All the purta wcru olllclently taken and a eordlul reception was given to the now Ingenue * , Qucanlu Mantroio , who has decided ability and made u pro nounced hit. She la curtain to become ono of the popular fuvorltou of Iho company , The specialties Include C'birloB A. Gardner. tlui well known German dialect comedian : Buby Lowl , a very dovi-r child who will bo Neon hero all next week In "Llltlo Lo'd ' Putintluroy , " Wesson and Walters , n comedy sketch team , anil Gcllcubvck'u Banjo clttO , which gave UH usual p od performances and contributed Juigcly totho plejuuro of the audldiccH , The Boston Lyrlo compiny , which op-ns an engagement of four performaii"i.s at Ilojd'u tonight , bring * the highest com- mc'iidatlon from cities \vliero It has brim KCDii and heard It Includes Clara I/anc , Adelaide ) Norwood , llattle Belle Mild , Mat- tin Arnold , Laura Rudonlll , J K .Mil my , Rlchlo Ling , I3dgai Temple , W. II. Clarke and Mlltsn Aborn , all Well nnd favorably known "Marltana" will ho sung tonight , and "II Trovatoro , " "Tho Bohemian Gill" and "The C'hlincM of Noruwndy. " Popular priceM will prnvall. Vt-Niii-l 4 li'iirx fur vliiNl.n , TACO.MA , Wash. , j'eb. 27Tho sleamor Hout'n ' ( 'out eleaitil for with tlility- ilvo iMHSDiigprH , 'JM ( OHM of froluht and hordes from Tucoma.