THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , FEBRUARY 28 , 1808. WALL STREET IS UNEASY Oannot Look Upon Maine Incident with Equanimity , PUBLIC GENERALLY BECOM'.S QUIETED CUnrkrt Hit * a Hopeful IVnlnrc In ( lie Doimiml for .Svrurlllrft li > Ion- ilon' ' In I'nro ofVenk - / " * ncud Here. NOW yOHKr b. 27.-ncnry Clcn-'j hcml of flic f > aiil < lnirTiou of frcliry Gfens & Co , writes of the situation In Wall street : During the last week the Mnlne oxclte mcnt has tnkcn thorough posaef'ilon of Wnl ntrcet. Whllo among the public nt largi there lias been n gradinl n'jatcmcnt o foiling nnd n growing disposition to hops that Invcfctlgntlon may nhow the dlBnsttr to have arisen from nccldcnt , yet on the stoc ! exchange there has been each succeeding day more Inclination to apprehend an out tome that mav Imperil hnnnonloui relations with Rpnln , Thin paradox ndmlts of easy explanation. Among the habitues of Wai Rtretl there Is an element prone to sonsa tloiiB nnd to exaggeration of the significance nf exciting pvinto : ardent In their opinions quick. If not rnwi , In their conclusions i.lvfn to the highly RcaHoned contents o Home of the dally pipers and therefore prone to accept the warlike bias with which the unfolding this unfortunate In rldent la nerved up day lifter day. These operators , though restricted In their trans nctlonH , are somewhat Important In mini bor , and their sales hnvo an exnggerato < ( ffect upon the market ; they have their In fluencc on the opinion of the moment , nm Its effect IH demoralizing. Herein lies thf explanation of much or the effect of the Maine dluiHti-t upon It Is also to bo tnkcn Into account tin previously the market was predisposed to n reaction from other pauses Strong oper ators hud actively worked the market ii ) to a relatively high tange of prices Two weeks ago they Intl begun to realise their profits , and their silcs had been Interprclet by thu Inltl.itul as n warning of coming Fqu.ills When the news from H-ivani struck the imrkct It gave force to them , expectations of a corning break nnd wlthli n few days has prprlplt itcd a fall of 5 to ' points which otherwise would have been upread over n larger period , In all this trte room "bears" have taken an active hand selecting the weak spots , attacking stoj orders nnd adding fuel to the exeltempn by sensational rumors From the nature of the rise little effort has been made bv the "bull" side to arrest this drift of affairs It Is not bv any meins certain what the olllrl il Investigation Into the disaster to the 'Maine in ly develop So far as It has gone though nothing conclusive has been dis covered , yet such partial Information as 1 cli-incd tends nther to encourage feirs of trouble with Spiln than to nllny such ap prehensions Amid this uncertainty nobody cares to buy l.irgcly even at the greatlj reduced prices , for It hardly admits of a doubt that In the event of a threatening outcome of the Investigation , prices vvotilt go still lower. This Is u prudent attitude under the circumstances , nnd wo canno reeimmend buying nt present , except upon sharp drops and for short turns One hopeful feature , of the market has been the revival of the London derrnnd for HPcuritles , not less than SO.fKX ) shares having been t'iken during the week The. new1 * relating to China and Africa hns been dis tinctly favonblo The assurances given oil bj fie French government have dlmlnlshci the. nnnrehenslon of trouble with HngHnc over their competition for territory In In terior Africa , and Lord Salisbury's utter ances have had a like effect. In the presem rensltlve condition of her home politics Ii spems the last thing to be expected ol Fnnce Is that , for the more acquisition of law territory of doubtful value to her "he woull nish Into a war wltn one of the most powerful nations Moreover , French Jingo ism IB restricted to a eompiratlvely unml group of speculative , politicians , to whose IrfliiPtice with the government there Is a ready limit. The Chinese question seems to have reached a nolutlon which will preserve peace In the far east for at least some years to com" . Kngland has concluded a treaty with th Chinese emperor of far-reachlnp consc- qtii nrcs. In provides for a joint loan of 1C.KXCOO ) by Great Urlt.aln nnd Germany which Insures the Immediate return of Wei- Hal-Wei to Cilneso occupation nnd shuts out UusBla from the controlling Influence nt 1'ekln which It had hoped to cement through becoming the lender. England hni also secured the Immediate opening of nl the navigable waterways of China to the traders of all nations and the opening of two free ports two years hence. At the same time China pledges Itself not to dis pose of Its rights In any portion of tht great Ynng-Tse valley the chief region of rnlnn's resources to any foreign power. The effect of all thN Is to make thrce- fourthH of China free to the commerce of the world nnd to leave little room for the schemes of annexation which certain powers hnvo been attempting to realize. The per petuity of this settlement Is assured by the fart that It receives the moral support ol all tro eommcrclil and pacific nations , aiK1 by the further consideration that Germany appc-nrs to have transferred Its co-operation from Ilussla to Great Hrltaln. To finance , thn significance of thcaj events In Asia .ant A.'r'c.i ' Is that they relieve the old world of the great war dangers that have been Im pending nnd afford assurances of the world's comirerce l-olng conducted under pacific rnll"les The ominous China question and tlio Greco-Turkish question having In nuc- cetslon been disposed of there remains llltio now to obstruct the return of confidence In the llnanclal circles of Hurope. Tne open ing of China , with Us vast resources and Itj 4t 000/00 of people , to free Intercourse with the triulng nations must Immediately give n great impulse to International commerce and sl-ould confer large benefits upon the Linlttd States as a competitor for the trade of the celestial empire. Thcso are the m iv thlngH that underlie and sustain the Invest ment markets , and they betoken nn ulti mo lu advantage to American securities In respect to Cuba , symptoms are appear ing which are suggestive of possible amelio rations of the situation. W hear of Intima tions which seem hopeful of a possible solu tion of that terrible problem. The action ol the Cuban autonomy committed u few days ago bus attracted little attention , nnd yet It Is lilgialy Important nn a symptom nt least , If for nothing more. When u largo majority of that body of loyal citizens of Cuba asks for n further liberalization ol the autonomy , for n reduction of Cuba's portion of the war debt to JIOO.OOO.OOJ and for an extension of the committee by fifteen members to consist of Cuban pcnernls and leaders It means a policy of material con ciliation In quarters closely connected with the governing powers. Moreover , there npenis to be some reiiwon to suppose that the gpnnlsh government Is disposed to extend the liberties of the Cubans beyond what Is provided for under the existing autonomy , AK > It l given out that negotiations are pc-ndlng1 between Spain and our government looking to 11 bnHls of settlement that should flatlsfy the Cubans. It Is to be hoped that these Indefinite Indications point to some thing bettci coming. For the moment , how ever , the situation calls for a conservative caution In llnnnclal Interests. Thcro should be assurance of peace In the fact that It Is simply absurd for Sp.iln to think for even u moment of going to war with the Unltcil States. If they will only reflect and wclE'h In the scale the difference on one Hide and that on the other they would Certainly liesltnto before talcing such a rash flU'p. l't 113 mo wherein the difference "MiBlstB. Spain as a nation U on the wane. Ita condition IB virtually bankrupt. Its population numbers only 17,000,00 of people , Thu resources of the nation and of thu people are very limited Its credit Is equally no. It Is true It 'has ' a navy nt the present time probably equal to that of thla country , but owing to the lack of resources and credit of the government It cannot be rapidly or materially Increased. Any nation that goes to war with the United States must realize the fact that U would continue until one cldo or the otlu < r was exhausted , for the United Btnteu would never mmcmler to any rower on earth. Thla la the best showing that Spain can make. The United States has resources nnd credit almost without limit. It has ? 5,000.tto ( of people possessed of energy , remarkable iiraln power , methodical , level-headed , courageous , determined and with poucm of treat endurance a people that have shown tliemsclvex to be great In peace and grunt In war. Our own civil war demonstrated that fact , and nlt o that the people of the 'whole nation were uniformly brave. While our navy Is probably only fifth amongst nations nt thlH time , In the event of wur nnd before- Its termination we would Iwcoino n naval power. If necessary , equal to that of England ; as with the credit of the na tion , bucked by Individual help , It would be enabled to buy all the war vissels now be- Injr built for other notions as well ntt con- etrnct very larg-ely at home. Many vessels now In use for mercantile puriroaeti would l > o converted Into vessels of war also. If Klie president of the United States should call to arms tomorrow the number of people ple that would volunteer would bo so Im mense as to dazxle the world. Such In thla country l the love of country and the de- elro of the people to protect the honor of tlio nation , and It may bo said that there Ja ucurccly any limit to which they would not contribute In both money and muscle for that purpose. A wur with thla country ( would be on exhibition to tha world of the uparlorlty ot U > Ajncrlcau r , c * oa ca- loyalty lo country , pluck , force nn < J money resources , besides nn Inventive a nlus for the crcnllon of war-making utrnnlls that will surpass any other prctlon of the globe , AVAH T.IMC AM ) IXC U * IIUS1.NCSS. Money Unur nnil Ocncrnt Trnilo 1'lcU- Inur t'i llapldlj- . W. H. nobernon , speakln/j / of trade from the standpoint of n , O. Dun & Co.'n Mer cantile ngcncy , rays : "Notwithstanding the persistent talk of war , the money market and Undo conditions hero continue to Improve , nnd to far as my observation Roes from this point tno country generally Is not much Influenced by the pronpect of trouble with Hpaln. Stocks are , of course , made to fluctuate from day to day , nnd some hesitation U manifested In Inrpo transactions. There Is n feeling of confidence , however , wnloh leads AfQSTjW 6J < 'rfilly to cqncludn that 4 lit- tlo1mi h with Spain at this tlmo Ivourd not be very damaging to American Interests , since that monarchy Is generally bcllovJd to bo bankrupt and unequal lo a contest of arms with our nation. "The serenity of this community la not altogether unselfish , Blncn It goes without saying that If trouble should nrlsc the set- coast would bear the brunt of battle , wnl'o the Interior would be called upon for sub- rlstenco nnd supplies. "The week lias been busy with the en tertainment of visiting1 delegations , nnd reports carried back by these visitors and forwarded from all sections of the country prove conclusively that our exposition Is attracting more attention than any expo sition slncn the World's fair. Progress at the grounds la rapid and satisfactory. The coitracts for exhibits are about closed , nnd wo can now form a comprehensive Idea of Importance of the undertaking Omaha Ins Information from Washing- tor , points to the success of the movement for the Indian exhibit , nnd the exposition managers , with the assistance of the gov ernment will moKo this the drawing card , the most unique feature nnd probably the most cntertnlnlnn exhibition of the exposi tion War would probably cut off some of the foreign exhibits , and to that extent would Interfere with the success of our enterprise , but If we should be deprived entirely of n foreign department the showIng - Ing of American resources and the novcl- tlc.s which war cannot Interfere with would draw the crowds nnd Insure us n great sue- pfkuq "The progress upon the II & M. depot Is "iilllclently rapid tn make It certain this structure will be completed before the open ing of the gates , but our terminal facilities will be sadly overtaxed bv the crowds who must be handled from the ( list of Juno to the first of November , nnd It gops almost without saying that the experience of the railroad compmlrs during the coming sum mer will demonstrate to nil ot them the necessity of at least ono other largo passen ger depot. "Speaking of exposition matters again. It Is proper to say that vpry general satisfac tion has been expressed over the concen tration of the construction authorities un der one head nnd tlio high standing of the superintendent In this com munity makes his selection gratifying to all friends of hnrmonv nnd efficiency in the evpisltlnn man igemcnt. "An Increase ot II per cent In the clear ings vvhleh places Omaha ahead of Mil waukee , Iluffalo and St Paul In the clear ings for the week Is one mote Indication of the Improved situation. "At South Omaha the week's showing In cattle hogH nnd sheep Is n trllle short of last week , but there Is no occasion for com plaint at the yards or the packing houses , nnd the season's hop pack continues to maintain Its lead over last year. "At this agency the general upbuilding of trafilc Is shown In the Increased number of reports demanded , and the general solv ent condition of the country merchants Is shown by complaln'a from the collection agencies of comparatively little business I think It Is generally agreed that credits In Nebraska have never been so peed nnd lame ducks' are fewer than ever before In the history of this Jobbing center. Lo cally the Increase Is largely made up ol restaurants , saloons , refreshment stands nnd clgnr stores , but there are other new line ; coming In from week to week. One gooc' manufacturing concern , recently burned out at an Interior town , has fixed Itself In quarters on Farnam street. "It Is always grntlfvlnR to mo to preach the gospel of bope. and to assure your read ers tha' the promises of prosperity are wel grounded. The crop conditions could nol be better. The local Improvements are positive and nppaient. the atmosphere nt all the banks Is clear , nnd confidence In every pirt of this community nnd state Is stronger than at any time since 1652 It takes no prophet to predict that 1808 will be a banner year for Omaha and Nebraska. " CONDITION' OP XU\V YOIIIC RANKS Itciiorn fop the Week More Encour- nRlnic Than Rxpt'Pled. NEW YORK , Feb. 27. The Financier says : The statement of the associated banks of New York City for the week ending February 20 Is not as disappointing In Its uhowlngs as had been anticipated. The events of the week made It plain that heavy decreases were Inevitable , nnd yet as a re sult of all the changes the banks have re duced their surplus cash only J2.729.123 , an amount barely as large as current engage ments of gold from Europe. The actual loss In specie and legal tenders was $7.418- 400 , but this was partially offset by an Increase of $2,332,700 In specie , making the net loss for the. week r > , OC5,700. The specie apparently went Into half a dozen of the larger banks. It Is Interesting to note that of the entire cash reserve of the New York banks al least 58 per cunt Is held tn the form ol specie. Tno loss In cash was brought about by the heavy Hhlpments to the Interior , and payments Into the treasury , but the full extent of the former Is not shown In the statement. While the larger part of the money now being withdrawn from New York Is doubt less In response to Increased demands due to better trade conditions some of it re flects the unsettled state of mind prevail ing with regard to the future. Hut the New York banks generally lose n portion of their excess balances at this season of the year. In 1807 between the latter part of February and the end of March the reserve fell off $11,000.000. The loss during February this year bus been J12,7DOCOO. Tne reserve , however , Is now about one-half of what It was twelve months ago , so that the loss affects the market rather more acutely. Still , the sensitiveness of the situ ation and our strong position lus regards International balances are well shown In the fact that even the sllcht increase In rates last week have started gold Imports. A continued firm m.irlcet will only empha size this factor. For the nisment the de moralization of the stock mniket , the heavy liquidation and realizations have contracted the loan item. There Is nothing , however. Indicating tnat money Is going to be ex cessively , even should complications arise. A study of thu last week's operations Illustrates psrfectly the direction in which relief can be looked for. In other words , our money loaned abroad can bo made In stantly available. I.omloin MOIIC > MiirUcl. LONDON , Feb. 27 In the abwnco of gov ernment disbursements , last wt-ek'8 money market lacked supplies , and rates wore well maintained. The American demand for gold Is not said lo bo heavy The conclusion of the Chinese loan , honever. IB bound lo cause a certain stringency In the market , although but a Binall pioportlon Is likely to leave the country , MIICO both China nnd Japan owe larpo sums here. The htork exchange had an uncomfortable week , owing to the collapse In Amu lean railways , scaring the weak bulls. Many defaulters were expected , but this hns been nveilcd apparently , although assistance had to be offered In some casrs. Wall street advices were mainly lesponslble for tlio condition of the market here , which on Thursday closely rccembled a panic. A forced realization by the weak bulls , how ever , cleared the nlr. nnd the feeling since has been distinctly Improved , Huyers are now waiting to take advantage of the tlunip , nnd any news of the Spanish Imbroglio would undoubtedly 1mvo a prompt effect In London. The only railroad shares that snowed an Increase were lirlo and LaUe Shore & .Mlemgun Houinorn. tue UCI.TI IBC Include Union Pacific preferred , which fell 4V points ; Norfolk & Western preferred , which fell 21 points ; Phllnuelphla & Head ing firsts. Northern Pacific preferred. New York Central , Louisville & Nashville , Mlr - sourl , Kani-as & Texas seconds , which fell i points each : Atchlsun. Topeka & Santa adjustment , 24 ! points ; Union Pacific. 1T4 points ; Chicago , Milwaukee A : St. Paul and Illinois Central , which fell l'/j points each , and Atcblson , Topeka & Santa Fo preferred nnd Krlu general , which fell 1V4 lolnts eacb . Canadian Pacific , and Grand Trunk shares bad nn average fall of Hi points , nnd In South American railroad a ; hcro was a treneral decrease , The foreign market closed higher , after an Irregular weck. Chinese securities rose on the news hut the Inland ports would bo opened. Chilians recovered 1 point. Spanish aecurl- lea , on the other hand , showed a net do- cre-uso of fovcn-clghths of 1 point. Kngllali rnllvva > 8 have risen gene rally. Among the miscellaneous securities the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank shares liavu risen to 45 on securing tialf the Chinese loan , nnd Ilua- alan petroleum shares have reached 21. In lew of the reported profits of BSO.OOO In our months. Mnuelu-nter Textile1'nbrlr * MANCHESTKIl , Feb. 27. The market last nonth was dull , but ever alnce has been active and advancing In nil directions. iany of tte waoufacturen are unable to take new business nt less than live month ahead , nnd there nrc numerous Instance where goods nro selling nt the same prlc nn last year , with milling-cotton nt 4 pence and yarns very firm. Tht-re la A good trnd for homo use nnd export. The chief custom era of the week have bctn India , China Japan and South America. The liomo trnd U rallying a little , nnd yarns are generally one-eighth of 1 pence dearer. There wn much business left over from Friday. Ger many reports n fair business done nt a slight advance. The French market wn quiet , yarns being1 slow nnd the prices un changed , CHICAGO ail.VI.V AMI IMIOVISIO.NS Fcntnre * of ( lie Tr ml luff nnd ClonliiR I'rloc * on nturilny. CHICAGO , Feb. 2Il was a weak tiny In wheat. July nt ono time was off IHc nm May 2c. Closing prices showed a cent elc clTno In uoth tptlonsl it was a narrow market , nnd the weakness was due more to lack of support than to the news which however , favored lower prices. Other mar kets were barely steady nt slight declines corn nnd oats closing Uc lower each am provisions declining 2'frfflEc , pork being th weakest thing on the list. For ft few moments after the start wheat compared with the weakness It devolopec later , was fairly steady. July started ' 4 lower to Uo higher , at from WHc to Wc nnd May Ho lower nt $1 03. Lclter's broker appeared to have some supporting orders Ii July nt the start , and for this reason that month showed steadiness until May weakened badly. Then July followed. Trnd Ing In May was very light. There were n goad many moro selling1 orders than th limited demand could tnke care of , th result being n decline to J1.02. A reaction to J1.02JI followed , then the market brok again , and worse than before. May thl time going to $101'4. The continued In creasing production of contract wheat by th mixers apparently affected May. Forty three cars of No. 1 northern were reportci out of private houses today , nnd twenty-tw cars from regular sources. Most of th routine news favored sellers. World's ship ments of 77,000,000 bu , were looked for nex vvee-k. Liverpool was from Ud to % d lower nnd crop reports from California nnd India especially from the latter country , were verj favorable. The day's clearances from At Inntlo ports' ' were equal to 322000 bu. North west receipts were light at 109 cars , ngolns 212 last week nnd 230 n > ear ago. Chicago receipts amounted to S3 cars. The weuknes which developed In May was soon rellectei In July. There was a good selling out by people who have been "tailing" on the cam pilui. , and who had become discouraged bj thj recent downward turn to the market nnd prices , In spite of the Letter support declined steadily. At SS'ic for July the mar hot hesitated for a time. A pe-rlod of dull nebs bml narrow fluctuations set In , bu about half an hour from the close the m r kct developed fresh weakness under re luwed selling of small lines , July getting down to fsc , nnd May , which had In the me Ultimo I allied to $102 , declined to $1.01'6 Shortly before the close Letter's broker again pave the market some support , this time1 in Muy the buying of a line of nbou 100.00J bu. being sulllclcnt to cause a rally In that option to ? l.fl % which was the closing price. This rally also lnfluence ( July t ) a limited extent , stopping the sell Ing pressure , and starting a little covering under which the price got back to 8SlM SSc , where It closed. Corn was well held , despite the weakncs of wheat. There were plenty of selling orders dors , but offerings were well taken , scvcra of the larger holders Increasing their lines and prices did not drop much A good cas ! demand wan n factor In steadying the mar ket. May ranged from 2'i ifi297fcc to ISSM' c and closed ( fco lower at 29V4C. The feeling In corn was reflected In oatf and prices suffered but little. Some weak ness was shown at the opening , but there were plenty of buying orders nt the sllgh decline. Trading as a whole was limited Cash demand was reported fair. May ranged from 2CHc to 2o(02Cc ( , and closed ' 4o lower nt 2tc. ! A large trade was done In provisions Se-lllng. especially of pork , was heavy. The m.irket at first was well supported and evei advanced for a time , but the effect of the heavy liquidation was ultimately felt. Sell Ing was mostly by commission houses A the close May pork was loc lower at $1033 May lard , 23 lower nt $ o.l7' and May ribs , 5c lower at JTiO'H. Hstlmated receipts for Monday : Wheat 63 cars ; corn , MX ) cars ; oats , 403 cars ; hogs 31.COO head. L iulliiR futures ranged na follows : Articles. Open. | High. I Low. I Close. I Yesfy W Cent- May. , . 1 01 1 02 July. . . 80HOK 88H 88 Corn- May. . . 29M July. . 30M0M 301 Sept. . UH-32 32H Onts May. . . 2SJ4-20 2G ZOH July. . . Fork- May. . . 1042U 10 86 10 30 10 35 10 00 July. . . 10 SO 10 02X ID 35 10 40 10 SS Lard- May. . . 6 20 C 25 5 17H 0 20 July. . . 5 27M 0 8'JM 5 25 6 30 Sb'tlllbn May. . . S12K n is BOTh , 6 07W C 12H July fl 20 5 22K G IB B 15 0 20 Cash quotations were as follcms : I'LOUU-'Dull : winter patents , J4 SOffl CO MrnlghtH. S43CKJ4M ; Fprlng specials , K 10fi3 50 Hprlns patenlx , * 1 70Q5 10 ; straight * , $4 404 | CO b ikers , 13 C0g3 90. WH12AT No i pprlntr , 80S810 ; No. 3 spring , 8240 : No 2 red , Jl Ol&l 02'J. ( JOHN No 2 , 2b'ic ; No i yellow , 28'e. OATS No. 2 , 234c ; No. 3 white , 27i4l2SVic. IlYE No. 2. 454c. HAHMY NO. 2 , t. o. b. , 324 ? oc. rLAXSCno No 1 , J122 ; new , } 1 2C. TIMOTHY SiiD Prime , J2 SO I'lUMSIONS Mess pork , per bbl , J10 30j10 35 Lard , per 1 ) Iba , J5 17'4 Short rlbi fides ( loose ) , J500B525 Hry f-alled shoulders ( boxed ) , J4 71fG CO , short clear eldes ( boxed ) , Jri 25if5 43 WHISKY Distillers' finished goods per sal. , $1 18'4. ' MJQAnS Cut loaf , JC01 ; granulated , J3 51. No 2. OMAHA UI.MUAI. MARKCTS , ComlKloii nf Trnilo nnil CluntntlniiN on Stuplc mill Fancy I'roilitcv. nciOS-Qood Mock. llCllMc. HUTTI2II Common to fair , Sffllc ; separator creamr > % 20o ; gathered creamery , ISJJICc. VIIAIi-Cholce fat , SO In 120 Ibs , quoted at Sfi'Jc ; larKu and coarse. C87c ninh8nn PODLTHY chickens , c c ; tur- kejH , 810o : Kecfe , 7 Sc ; ducks , 7C8e. 1.1 VK 1 OUI TllY Chickens , Co , old roosters , 3c , ducks , f > e. (1ASI1J ( * < niall rabbits , per doz , 75c ; large , J1.23 , i-qulrrelf , SOSiBOc. I'lOHONS I.l\e , 75c , dead pigeons not wanted. " \ - ' | ' M ' .0 , midland , IS O , lowland , II fO ; ryp straw , > 4 M ; color makm the price on hay , light bales Fell the best , only top grades brlns top prices , CIJM3IIY flood stock , Urce , 40s ; email , ONIONS-I'ir bu , Jl lOftl 25 11KANS Hand-picked navj , psr bu , 11230130. 8WKKT 1'OrATOUS ICansui , 10-peck bbla. , - ( o CAIIHAnn Good stock , per Ib . rOTATOIJS Homo grown , Ma53c , Colorado sto'k , "Oc. FRUITS AITMW Winter stock , $3 0083 50 ; California llellrflrur , boxes , Jl r > 0 ; Cnlnrndo Jonathans , boxen , Jl 7ii Oregon , boxes , Jl 25. CRANIIURHlnS Wisconsin Hell and Ilugle , J7Wa775. Wisconsin Hell and Cherry , JC 00. aitAI'lN-MaliiKas. JlOOftCOO Titoi'ioAi , rnuiTs OUANQIW California na\els , J2 75(83 ( 00 , fancy seedllncs. 12 30 choice , J2 25. MIMONS eillfornla , fancy. J3 00 , choice , J2 75 IIANANA8 Cholie , larxc stock , per bunch , K.OO C. 25 ; medldum sized bunches , Jl.TSC OO , MISCCU.ANiOU8. : NUTS Almondf , per Ib , large sire. 12O13c ; small. He. Hrazlls , per Ib , 9Q10c ; Knglltliul - nutu , per Ib , fancy soft nhell lOSllc , standards , SS ? e , Illbcrts , per Ib , 10c. pecans pollnhed , medium , 6f7c , extra lar e , 8j3c , large hickory nulD , Jl OOtil 10 per bu ; mall , Jl U61 ij per bu , , totoanuts. per I'O , J4 00 , peanuts , raw , UBoVic ; roasted , Cai'ic. ' riOS Imported , fancy. S-cro n , 14-lb. boxes , lOo ; 5-croun , 44-lb baxcs , 13c , 2-lb boxes , 22 tailo per box , California , 10-lb IKJX Jl 00 1IONI3V Choice w.iitc , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10 KIIAUT Per bbl , JJ M. half bbl , J2 23 , MAl'I.i : HYHUI'-rUe-Kal can , each. J2.7B ; K3l can/ , pure , per do , | 12 00 ; half-gal , cans , JOiS ; iiuart cam. fl CO lATi.H : llallouee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , C'iCj Balr. 6c ; Kurd , t-ib , boxes , tks. ClDtW-1'cr lialf bbl. JJ 00 ; bbl , , J500. Cliipliiiuill Miirkot. CINCINNATI. 1'eb. -Fl/JUK-ralrly ncthc ; fancy. J443 4CO : family , J3 C0 4 10. WHEAT Nominal ; No , 2 jed , ST'jC. CO1IN Uasler , No , : mixed , 31'ac. OATS ia ler ; No 2 mixed , 2 c , HYB Firm ; No. 2 , Mo. VHOVIHION8-lJ rd , quiet at 3 00. Bulk ineats , essy at J5 13. llacon , steady at JCW. WH1S1CY Finn ut Jl.IO. 1IUTTK11 Dull : Klein creamery , 21Uo ; Ohio , UitlSc ; dairy. 10illc. lie. 1'XHlrt-Qulet at BUQAH bteady ; hard refined. J4 097. . C'lliisi : : : rirm and higher , good to prime Ohio nat , _ I'eoriu. MnrUet * . PF.OniA , Teb , -COIlN-Kaiy , lower ; No. t , OATS Aclhe ; No 2 white , 2Siic. , HYM-FInn ; No. 2. We. WHISKY No quotation. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Dsaal Saturday -Ban rinds the Usual Conditions/Prevailing. CATTLE GO AT ABOUT STEADY PRICES 1C I /'I Dealers TnUc ( he S-cnnty Offering * nt ( Jodd rinnri-'fnritl 13ml ( lie Iln > - > - _ Gnlii " * Slightly , SOUTH OMAHA ! Feb. 2C. Itcccipts for the days lndlcatco''ifcre ' : Ca'lt'le. Hoes. Sheep. Hor's. February 26 flIO 5,2.5 3 C12 February 25 1,222 C.C-H ! 4,010 43 February U 1.5S2 4,934 0,743 63 February 23 3.S31 8,402 6,027 42 February 22. , 37S3 9,254 7,929 February 21 1,698 2,373 3,228 February is 309 3,934 1,459 February IS l.fUS G.S43 G.402 February 17 2,299 7,920 7,534 February 16 2,632 0,890 0,649 February 14 2,437 8,739 4.S13 February 12 851 3W 3IS February 11 1,620 S.R5S 1,411 February 10 1.405 6,206 1.932 * Receipts for the week with comparisons : Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Week ending February ? G..12S57 36016 30,877 Week ending February 19. . 13,457 37,131 29,734 Week ending February 12. . 12,023 29,450 19,912 Week ending February 5. . . 11,094 30,200 23,094 The ofllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. ny 2 O. & St. U lly 2 Missouri 1'nclllo Hy 3 4 Union Pacific System 18 IB 9 C. & N. W. Hy 1 .1 F. , 13. & M. V. U. U. U 1 21 2 C. . St. P. , M. & O. lly. . . 19 6 . . U. & M. U. 11. 11 1 . 15 3 C. , n. & Q. lly . . 1C. C. & St. J , 3 C. , 11. 1. & P. lly. , 13 2 C. . II. I. & P. lly. , W 1 Total receipts 41 73 14 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnhn Packing Co 4 . . . . 123 The G. H. Hammond Co. . OS 1,033 . . . . Swift nnd Company Ctt l.tOG 1,662 The Cudahy Packing Co. . 100 1,330 690 H. Decker nnd Degan . . . . 23 ,1 llothschlkls . . . 15 Krebbs & Co 53 Hammond , from 1C. C 629 . . . . Meyer 197 Chicago P. Co. , Neb. City. . . . 570 Other bujcis 27 . . . . 1,391 Leftover W 230 20J Totals 614 5,338 4,066 CATTljU Omnha Tind more cattle than both Kansas Clt > and Chicago combined nnd still there were not enough nero to make a market. Of those reported In there were borne that wore not on sale so that the offerings were extremely light. IJeef Steers The few loads of fat cattle met with ready sale nt nominally steady prices nnd the pens were cleared nnd the j.irds deserted at nn eai ly hour. No choice cattle were offered so that there was noth ing to put a top on the market , but as high as $440 was pild for some heavy cattle rather on the coarslsh order and $1 45 for lighter weights. Hutchers' Stock Only nbout a half dozen loids of co\vs and heifers were offered for bale and thsy soon found their way Into the hands of local'lslllers. The prices pild did not show any hiateilal change as com pared with jesterday's tccord. Stock Cattle A-4 usual on a Saturday the volume of business doing In the feeder dUlbioii was very limited. There was not much demand and few cattle on sale so fiat the trade was devoid of any InterestIng - Ing features. The Week The week opened under quite favorable conditions as regards the market on beef cattle , In fact so favorable that values were In most cases 5fflOc higher than the close of the previous week. The ad vantage of sellers , however , proved to bo only temporary nnd op Tuesday , when the arrivals were larger , a shading of values occurred , especially In case of the common and medium grades. Still larger receipts and most unfavorable- advices from other belling points occasioned still further shrink age la values on "Wednesday , which proved to be the low day of the week. On Thurs day and Friday values reacted and the week closed with values fully as good as at the opening and a little better than at the close ot the previous week. An export demand hns sprung1 Into ex istence during the past week and Armour has a buyer here who has been given liberal orders. Unfortunately the kind of cattle wanted have been scarce , A very con siderable proportion of the receipts nt this point Is made up of half fat steers , many of them so wanting In finish that the feed ers are buying them to be taken back Into the country to be again placed on feed. Only well finished cattle are wanted for export and such as were to be had met with ready sale the past week at current prices. Tile country bought quite freely of stock cattle and feeders. The supply of feeders consisted almost entirely of warmed up cattle that were shipped In for beeves , and though the Influence of the break In beeves was felt In easier prices for such the country was a good buyer all the week. Stock cattle weighing 500 to 600 pounds are In the best demand and good cattle of such weights meet with ready taken * at seemingly very strong prices. As high as Jl SO was paid for some near the close of the week , which will give an Idea of the strength of the market. HOGS IJeht receipts and a fnlr shipping < le- mand , combined ultli liberal orders In hands of lociil buyers , gi\e tellers come little ad vantage this morning and the result wan a stronger market. Hhippern started the ball by bidding 13 SO for good loads , and as local packers had to ha\o hogs the had to follow suit. The trade Boon resohed Itrelf Into a 13 SO market , the great bulk of all the hlgs selling nt that price. The extreme range was J3 75 , paid for pome heavy packing hogs , up to 1310 , paid for choice butcher weights. Yesterday the highest price paid nan 13 65. and almost half of the hogs here sold nt 53 7533 7714. The average of all the Bales today was 2c higher than > esterday. While a reasonably early clearance was ef fected , the market was not particularly active , as salesmen were , many of them , asking stronger prices than bu > ers were willing to pn > , and toward the elate the trade was strongly In clined toward dullness THi : WEEK Tlie paM week opened with hogs Felling at the highest point of the > ear. In fact at the hlBiie t point toue.ied elncc the month of September , when the average price on some da > s went slightly abo\e J4 Values , however , went off IDc on Tuejwlay. while an additional Co waa lost nn Wednesday. On Thursday there wan a slight reaction , amounting to about 2'c , but the downward movement of values was returned on rrlday With the close of the week values are 12V4o lower than the opening , JOc lower than the close of the previous ucek , but lOo higher than a month ago The demand for hogs vvus good all the week , and It was no trouble fop sellers In unload at current prices on most da > s. 811 ini' There were more sheep and fewer lambs In the > ards today , and the offerings being of different kinds and grades were better calcu lated for the making of a goad market Yes terday the offerings were all lambs , and the ; uoportlon of sheep wax too small all the week. Tne demand today seemed to bo quite brisk , and the market was reasonably nitlve , so that the bulk of the stuff on sale changed hands In good season The prices paid vveie about the same as prevailed on jesterday's market. CHICAGO iJlVE HTOCIC M.lHICnT. Gt-iiL'rul Diillnvxrf til AH Ijliirtt tilth Prices CHICAGO , lYh M There wag the Situnlay small supply of cattle , Most of Uie offering ! ! were of fully medium Rrade , Bale * In all cases vvero at > eslerda > 's range of prices. The market at present I * In raWier poor comll Ion and largo receipts are not looked for next w eek Jtecelptd of hog * wVre 'sht ' hut there wn no mpia\ement In prices. On the contrary l' ' ht velirhtii and light mUfd ; declined on nn average 2H < ? , prlIIKI assorted JlgUt hogs selling at 13 Duff CO lliifH hold at flt extreme range of S3 S'KS ' > 07H. chlelly at J3S3altv , and pigs went largely nt C04i3 M. . Most of the receipts , cf snoop and lambs were consigned dlrict to loei ( slaughtering concerns anU thera were not ui < > Ugli offerings for tale to cut any Important figure , fohrep sold at J3 000 M for the poorest up la tl 04271 CO for choice locks , not many K U < V under 14 , and yriHInc shtep brought J ) OJffl 7"i , Lamb * cold at J4 M i CO and goats brought J41XW4 W HccilptH Cattle , 303i liyad ; hog * , 15,000 hea.d. Imp , 2,000 lic-ad. I.niiUvllle Mve Snck. ( IXUIRVIM.H. Ky , Feb. 28 CATTI-n He- lUlcher steer * . II 23414 M ; fair to good butcher leers , t3.WJ4 CO ; common to medium butcher teen , 13 WHO3 SO ; choice butcher heifers , J3.03Q > CO , fair to good buloSer heifers. 13 2SS3 W ; com- non to medium butcher heifers , j : 7303 15 ; choice mtclier cows. 53 MO 3.78 ; fair to coed butcher owe , J27&323 : common butcher cows , t ! Kit W ; fanners , (1.736 : 25 ; choice feeders , | 4 ooe 25 ; medium to good feeders , 13 ( # 94 00 ; common eedem , 110003 22 ; bulls , Rood to extra. 13 000 W ; bulls , common to medium , t ! 2133 00 ; thin , rough bteer * , poor COWH and scalawags , tl K4t 23 ; choice calves , (5 Z3G5 & 0j common cahea , 4 004J5 00. 1IOQB Ilecelpt * . 1,000 head : best heavy bog * , 4 05 ; medium. ( } 91 ; light shippers , | 3 6103 t > S ; ilK * . IZ.'Ott3 CO. AMD ( UAMUS ntcclpts , light ; market JOBBERS FIND OK OMAHA. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Lininger & Mefcalf Co. VWOI.FSALIS DKAI.F.K8 IN Agricultural Implcmcn ts liugglcs and CnrrinRcs. Cor.Oth and Vaclflo Sts n in , Orendorff \ & Martin Go Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wacom and nugElo - Cor. 8th and Jone * . ART GOODS Hospe Picture Moldings. Mirrors , Frames , Backlnc and ArtUtif Material * BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , n merican Hand 1 V Sewed Shoe Co M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear WES1E11N AGENTS FOn The Joseph Bauigau Rubber Co. Rubbers and Mackintoshes. 1107 Howard St. , OMAHA Boots , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms 1102-1104-1106 Harney Strut. i. Lindssy , WHOLESALE RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Ofllce and Salesroom U19-21-U Howard Bt. BAGS Remis Omaha Bag Co " Importers aud Manufacturers BAGS 614-16-18 South nth Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. F arreBl & Co. , SYRUPS , Mclassea , Sorghum , etc. Preserves and Jellies. Also tin cans and Japanned ware , CHICORY The American I Chicory Go. Growers nnd manufacturers of all forms of Chicory Omaha.-Fremont-0'NeIl. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE H , Bliss , Importer and Jobber Crockery. China , Glassware , Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan * dellers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 FAHNAJI ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery and Supplies. Bailers , Bnglneo , Keeil Cookers , Wood Pul. leys. Shafting , Bcltlns , llutttr Pack- uses of all Hinds. S07-D09 Jonc3 Bt. - - - - - - steady on choice grades , dull on common ; un changed ; good to extra shipping sheep , JJWJj ) 3 75 , fair to good cheep , 13 VUj3 JI ; common to medium , J..Wi2 M , txtra thlpplns lambs , J4 76S > 3 00 ; fair to good lambs , J4 KjM 75 , beet butchers , J400Q460 , fair to good butchers , J3 MW4.0J , St. I.fllllN I , IVI ! SOCU. ( ST. LOUIS , Teb M. CATTI.B Ilecclpts , 200 head ; shliimentn , 200 head , market steady , fair to fancy native shipping and export slens , J4 40 < j > 335 , bulk of sales , J ( < W/5 / 15 , dressed beef and butcher steers , J41M2300 ; bulk of sales , tl 200 4 M ; steers undir l.uoo Ibs , J3 & 0@4 40. l.ullt of Kalea , Jl Ou 415 , stockera and fetnlLra , J300WIW , bulk of sales , J3 75Q4 25 , cows and heifers , Jl 15ff 475 ; bulk /if cows. J275fi3 40 , Texan anil Indian stein ) , J33Hf42o , bulk of sales , J3 70(34 ( 00 , cows and hulfcrs , JJ 30Q3 00 HOOH Hecelpls. 3,700 head ; shipments , 2,200 head ; market steady ; yorkirs. $3M4IUO | , pack- era. J3 Wl 05 , butchers , USOffllO 8HKI2P Hecelpts , 400 Iliad : tlilp-nenls , none ; market strong ! native muttons , Jl 00 4 CO , Inmbr , J3 OOQ5 V ) . ICiuiNiiM C'lty I.Ht ! Stuclr. KANBAS CITY. I'eli 26-CATTLK-Ilecelpts , 3W head The only freti'i cattle on sale wen- nix loads In the southern division , which tola readily at steady prices. . . . . , . . , HOOS Hecelpls , 8.100 head ; market nrtUe , steady ; bulk of sales , J3 75fi3 'JO ; top , JI.W4 , beaxKs and packers , J383W402H ; medium , ts 80 O400 ; lights , J3Mfl3S > ) ; P'SS ' , 13 23 3 33 ; light hoira In lance sujiply. . . . . . HHKKI' Receipts , COO head ; muttons , lOc to 15c hlRher than a week ugu. rjuolablu J3 C0tf4 M , cistern fid welhera , J4.15&433 ; lambs , < juiit , | 4 WS5 50. \IMV York Llvo Ntoolr. NIJW YOIIK. Teb. ! G.-l : iVUS-Ilecelpts , 9M head ; no trading ; exports ) , i > 55 head and 4,051 qlCALVcS-H etirtii , 4 ! head ; steady at JO WO gW for ordinary to prime \eals. SHKKl1 ANP I , A Mas-Receipts , C7J headj steady ; prime be p , J5 00 ; prime lambs , JC 00. H00a-Hectlpt , 4.904 head ; weak ftl Jl 100 t40. Himt HurTalo Lire Stock. HABT HUFKALO , N. V. . Teb -CATTLI > - Bteady ; choice tlulihed export iteers , DRY GOODS. H. E , Smith & Go. Importer * unil Jabber * ot Dry Goodst Furnishing Goods AND N'OTIONS. DRUGS. 'ichardson ' Drug Co. 902-906 Jackson St. T. O. mCHARDSON , Prcsl. 0. V. WCLLEIi , V. Treat. T he Mercer Chemical Go. 31'fr * Standard I'luirmctpeittlaal 1'ropara * ( Ion * . bneeiul Formulae Vrrjiaietl to Order. SentlforiMlo0it8. . Hboratorr. 1UJ Howard Bt , Omahs. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stati\ \ "Queen Hep" Speclalttei , Clgaro , Wines and BrnnJIti , Corner 10th * nd Hurncy street * . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. W esfern Electrical Company Electrical Supplies , Kloctilc Mining Hi'lls nnd Oas Lighting O \V JOHNSTON , Mgr. 1510 Howard St. Supply Co WHOLESALE AND HCTAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES UM Famara 81 , FRUIT-PRODUCE. ' 5 WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. S TV. Corner irth and Howard Sts. Members of the National LeaRue of Commit- Blon Merchants of the United States. FURNITURE & Sion ® I - t > WHOLESALE Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Farnvm Btreot. GROCERIES. M cCord-Brady Co. ' V NIIIIIIIMJJJUJ 13th nnd Lcavcuvvorth St Staple and Fancy Groceries It * AND COFFEE ROASTERS , Etc. eyer & Raapke , ' WHOLESALE FINE GROCERIES Tea * . Bp'ces ' , Tobacco ancV Clear * . 140J-1407 Ilorney Screil and Paxfon Saltagher Co 1 IMPOIlTEnS. GAS COFFEE ROASTERS A.V0 J011UINQ GROCERS. Telephone 182. HARNESS-SADDLERY J * I ! Haney & Go. Sl'frt HARNESS , HADnLl'N AND COIZAUB Jobbers of Leather , fiaMlery tlanlietim , Rte * Wo solicit your orders 1310 Howard St. HARDWARE. Peeler & Wilhelmy Co Wholesale Hardware , Omaha. f ee-Clark Andreesen Hardware Co Wholesale Hardware. Dlcjclea and aborting GooJa. 1310-31-28 Uaf DCatrejjt. . good lo choice fat shlpi'ltuf , | 4 K1H TS ; choice to smooth fat htlfem , 14 MJi'l M ) , fair lo mixed butcher Mock , J33"fi3W , COMB , J3 [ ,033 , 90 ; com mon cowu , I2.10GS lo HOGS Yorkers , good to choice , } l nfll 20 , roUKhn , common to choice , | 3 C5Q3 75 , I'lc" , com mon tn chotco , J504W , LAMIIH-Cliolce lo extra , J5 Mill S3 , culls to common , } 5 3006 40 hllUin'-C'hoIco tolcct d welhcm , (4 ( KQl to , culls to common , S3 Wt ) 30. InilliiiiiiliiillH IU < - Hlorlc. INDIANAPOLIS , Pel ) . 26-CATTM-QulH and steady , ulcers , II OOftS.2J ; liUtcheiV , J.J.500C.M , ccelpta , 100 head , shipments none HOOK Moderately lutHo ut 130001.10 ; rc- reculptr , K i head , HhlimmiU , none 8IIKHP Market rather dull , lambs , JOfflCo lower ; K od to choice lainlm , H DOfrS 33 , common lo medium larnbe , (3.7(31.73 , coed to choice sheep , t3.UjT4.23 , Cliii'Jiuint ! ! . ! > < Mork. CINCINNATI , Teh. 2fl. 1IOOH ActUo ot 1340 04 10. CATTLiJ- Steady at I ! M 4 73. HHKUl'-Btrong at | i 7Sg4 7S. SliM-lc In Record of rccclpm of Ihe Block nt the four principal mark tin fur February G : < ' title. HOR Bheep Omaha . 040 6 CT 3,612 ChlcujfO . SOU 15,000 J/A ) Kaniuui Clly . SO ) g.loo ( (0 ( St. Loultt . 200 8.700 4"U ToUila . . . 1.740 K.075 "T'iTi Griiln Rfct'liilH nt 1'rliidiial .tliirkN ( , bT. I/1U1H , IVb 20 Uccolpla : Wheat , S4 tarn MINNKAl'OWB , Feb. 1C KeceljiU ; Whtat , ICC earn CHICAGO , Feb. 26 Hccclpta today : Wheat. 83 cars ; com. 123 cars ; oat * , 331 cars Kstlmated Monday ; hcat , CO cars ; corn , 104 cars ; oats , 403 cars. DUMlTIf , I > b V Hecelpts : Wheat , 24 cars. KANHAB CITY , * eb. Z . Uti lit | ; Wheat , 203 cars. _ KiiiimiN City ( j nil u nnil l'roKIIIIH. | | . KANSAS CITY , FrtiWIIKATHlow. . 1U0 lowtr ; No. 1 lioril , U jt9c ; No , : , ti Gk'jc ; No. 8 , LIQUORS. Walter Moise & Co LIUORS. Proprlttora of AMERICAN O1QAR AND \VA1UJ CO. ! 4-iC boulh 14th St. tier's Eagie i _ - . East India Bitters Oola n Sheaf Pure R > anfl Dourbon % Vhlik r. Willow Springs Distillery. H r & Co. , 1111 Harney Street. Wholesale Liquor Merchants 1001 Furntim StrcoU Wholesale Liquors and Cigars , 1118 Sttojt- WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. a Uth Otrtat LUMBER WHOLESALE DUMBER . , . 814 South 14th St. PLANING MILL , Mnnufacturera of doors , sash , blinds , ofllce , store mil Ftluon llxtinc . Estlmitca furnished on an > kind of nil Iork I Tel 1"9. Mill 58th nnd Davenport Sts OILS-PAINTS Paint Co. MANUPACTUKEUS Air Floated Mineral Paint And Paints of All Kind * . Putty , Eto. 1015 and 101T Jonta Bt S J. A. Moffct , 1st Vice Tres L J. Drake , Gen Met . . UJJO . o , Turpentine , Axle Grease , Etc. Omaha Branch and Agencies , John IJ Ruth Mgr. PAPER-WOODENWARE. Oirpenfer Paper Co. Printing Paper , Wrapping Paper , Stationery * Corner Utts and Iloward itfitta. STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES. rane-Churdail ! Co. 1014-1016 Douglas Street. " 9 Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam , Oai n3 Water Supplies of All Kinds. [ \nited States w Supply Co . . . rfo8-irro Harnev St. Steam Pumps , Engines nnd Dollem , Plua , Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing Material , lieltlne , Hose , Etc. TYPE FOUNDRIES . G raat Western Tjfpe Foundry Btiperlor Copper Mixed Typ Is th * but ea til * mrrket. ELECTUOTYPB FOUNDnT. 1114 Howard B treat. 1'JM. H. R. PENNEY & CO. , 11O Board of Trade Blclg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Branch Offlre. 1038 K St Lincoln. Nob. Weare Commission Co 01,1) COLONY HUHDIMi , CHIUMOO. Members Chicago Iloird of 'I'r.ulo sluco 1SG3. Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Stocks. Orders Cush and Future Delivery Hollultcd. Oimilui Olllur , Ilouiii 1. .V. V. l.lfc lllillf , . . . .M'hoiio 1)111. . , . n.OVI ) J. OAJIl'ljr.I , ! , . MnniiKcr. JAMES E. BOYD & CO , , Tclcphonu l)3i ( ) ) . Onmlui , Nub COMMISSION , GRAIN , 1'KOVISIONS and STOCKS IIOAIM ) 01' TUADI ! . Direct wires to Chicago und Now York. Corrcipondentst John A./Wurrin A Co. No. 1 red , S3c , No. 2 , I00 toi No. S , e. No 2 ijirliik" , SljiSSc , Nn ] , hO'JMc COUN UOlio lower , viry slow , No , 2 mlitd , OATH Irregularly lower , slow , No. 2 white , ItVU-FIrm ; No. 2 , 4Co. HAY-Actlte ; choice timothy , choice prlarte , JC.73O700 , II UTI 13 It Firm , supply lnade < iuate ; crouuury , lUNfcc ; dairy , IZtjKc. KQUtt Wtuker on lica\y receipts ; Uo.