Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Try Moero'i stock food.
Dr. Roe , dcntlit , Metrlam block.
A k merchants ( or premium ( stars.
Eggi two doz. , 2Sc. Bartct & Miller.
Photos Platlno or Arlsto. Shcrradcn.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam blk.
Adolph llcno Is enjoying a vacation nt Col-
fax Springs.
Mm. H. E. aylca and ton , Allen , haVb
gene to Mount Vlcasant on a visit.
Dan Farrcl tins pcno to Boston on business
and will rennln atxnit one month.
Prof. Wlnd orwill give Ilia second lecture
on phrenology at the Dohany theater to >
Mlw Farnsworlh nnd Mlw ? Sadie Farnsworth -
worth havp gone to Nebraska City to attend
e. house forty.
Mpsdamcs Cummlngs and Lalng have gent >
to Kansas City to attend their mother , who
U Korlounly III ,
J. W. Craig and family of Omaha have
taken "Tip tticlr residence In the Stlllman
house , at C07 Willow avenue.
Mm. W. a. Dlmmock I * visiting friends In
Chicago and will ale visit In Brookflcld and
Kansas City till about April 1.
Stephen Farnsworth IB In Hot Springs ,
Ark. , to Improve his health. Ho will also
vlfllt In Seattle before his return.
Mrs. Ocorge N. Bowcn and sister , Miss
Maude KnlKdt , have returned from a visit
In Mamhnlltown and Belle Plain.
Miss Turk of the Woman's Christian An-
Delation luepltal ban returned from Tabor
where she wan attending a patient.
Miss Frances McKlnley has recovered from
her lllncss and resumed her position a
teacher In the Iowa School for the Deaf.
< -on't you think It must be a pretty gooi
laundry that can please so many hundred
of customers ? Well that's the "Kaglc ,
724 Broadway.
The condition of Mrs. n. II. Harris , wh
was stricken with apoplexy Saturday cvrn
Ing , was reported to bo critical last nigh
with slight hopes of recovery.
Joe Prultt , George Lawrence end C. Arpc
three young men , got Into a fight c i Upper
Broadway laht night and were locked up o
the charge of disturbing ( he peace.
Mrs. M. Keating , who has been visiting be
daughters In thlfl city , has gone on a vis
to Kcokuk. She will also visit In St. Loul
and return here before she returns to ho
homo In Portland.
Tne Wednesday Hvcnlng Dancing clu
has adjourned during the season of Leu
An Invitation to the complimentary mcda
drill hop , which Is to bo given by the Omah
Guards on Monday , February 28 , has bee
accepted by some of the members.
Mlwcs Hoblnaon were most plcasantl
surprised Saturday ovenlng by a number o
frlendu from Omaha , who brought musician
and refreshments with them , and a mof
pleasant time was experienced. Dancing wu
enjoyed until a late hour.
A Chicago paper announced yeotcrday tha
John J. McManus , who Icet uls life In th
Maine castrophe , was punt chancellor of Non
parcll lodge No. 3C1 , Knights of Pythlns , I
Chicago , and at the last regular meeting o
the lodge appropriate resolutions wer
The residence of A. W. Wyman , 919 Slxt
avenue , wan entered by burglars last evcnln
while the members ot the family were absent
Some time was evidently spent In searchln
the place for valuablca. The only thing tha
% vas missed was a small amount of mooie
which Wjiran had left In a pocket of a pal
of pantaloons.
Justice Bradley of Silver Creek townshl
waw not Included In Judge Thornell's welt o
Injunction filled out by the attorney for ' .ti
Omaha National bank , and consequently h
has not hew Interfered with by the oincer
of the higher court. The contempt case
against Larlson and Attorney John Lund
have been set for hearing on March 10. *
No use talking nonsense In any advertise
merit. State only plain facts and be ready
to substantiate them. Send us your ne\
1 shirts for one year. If they are not In con
dltlon to wear at the end of that period w
will replace them by new enies , exactly ai
they were when new. The reliable Bluff
Uliy lautiury. ( wo re easy on cioiuce. ;
Last summer Edward Duquette lost a fine
now racliiR bicycle which was stolen frou
In front of his place of business. lie ha
never relaxed his efforts to secure a trace
of this wheel mid the thief who stole It
uml yesterday ho was reworded by flndliif
a clew that may lend to the recovery o
the blko and the arrest of the thief.
CoiiBTcosman A. L. Hoger has loformc :
Gcorgo Meyers of this city that as soon a
ho has been olllclally Informed of the
liiK vacancy In the Naval academy of An
apolls ho will appoint him to the place
Meyers Is the young man that waa appolntr.
to this place last year , but failed on accouu
of a slight physical defect that lian been re
moved since the examination.
H. J. Thorn , a picture peddler under Ide
Inllucnco of llciuor , attempted to force Ills
way Into the homo of Judge J. H. Ilcui
last evening. Mre. Reed telephoned to tha
police station and a couple of officers were
sent to the locality. Thorn had dleappearei
when they arrived , going over the hill In the
dlrcctlcn of Flrat street. The ofUcera fol
lowed and found him. Ho was very ugly
and it was necessary to UKO tholr clubs upon
him before they could Induce dim to submit
Earlier In the evening he wont into Han
eon'ti saloon and made an unprovoked attack
upon a man whom ho found in there , and wax
handled pretty roughly.
Want Housei to rent. Klnne ) , Baldwin blk
C. I ) . Vlava Co. , female remedy : consulta
tlou free. Ofllco hours , a to 12 and 2 to C
Health book furnlehed. 32C-327-3iS Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
All rlclurt' I'-ruiui'N ' Ilulf I'rlco.
Wo sold hundredfl of 1'ICTURE FRAMES
at HALF I'UICE last week. Uld you get
ono ? This la a rare opportunity tn get thai
picture framed at Just half the usual price.
Ileautlfy your liomco while you can do it at
BO little coat II. L. SMITH & CO. .
No. HG Main St.
Itoiiuty Sivlnillcm Sfiilenoril ,
J. J. Mclntoih , Thomas Jeffcraon and Ar
thur Grosvenor , the trio of swindlers who
lhavo ben ; operating all over western Iowa
and making their llv'cig and a good deal of
money for many years Importing wolf scalpa
irom thu west and collecting the Iowa boun
ty , will ho ( sentenced at Wkitcrfcct , Madlcxm
county , today. The three men pleaded guilty
4o the charge of ccraplracy acid swindling
when they were arraigned for trial an , !
throw thenitvlvcs upon the mercy of the
court. Mclntosh made a written confession
and gave It to the MadUon county sheriff ,
In which ho gave the full details of the
conspiracy and the extensive ewlndl.'ng op
erations ho and his friends have been en
gaged In. During the autumn months the
men collected over $ 1,000 from a dozen coun
ties lucstoni and northwestern Iowa. Gros.
venor and Jcffcreun are both Omaha men
niul Mclntash has lived lu this vicinity for
many years. Mclntoih hat told the officers
< hat Jefferson's real name Is Teller , and he
chargcx him with being the- chief cmaplra-
lor atid cmcelvor of the plans , that covered
nearly half of the state. It Is believed that
IMcIntosh will lie induced to give the name *
of tvvcral other men who are Implicated-In
the big deal aud who have been collecting
the scalps in Wyoming and Dakota Bad ship ,
ping them here. Mrs , Qrosvenor , who was
indicted with the gotig and arrrated In Oma-
Jia a few days ago , him not yet been tried
When arraigned nlio entered a plea of Inno
cence , at in probable that uho Mill not be
Dr. Lycm's
Tooth Powder
Used l > y people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
First Baptist Church Has About Made Up
Its Mind ,
III * Mrrtlngii Jtixt dixcd Were Very
nnil I'lpnxc the Coit-
mi .So tlmt Ilv Mny
lie llvtnlncil.
Yesterday wns the closing day of the spe
cial services that have been held In the
First Baptist church , conducted by Hcv. K.
Venting ot Donlion. lie preached two ser
mons and also gave an Illustrated talk to
children and young people In the afternoon.
Quito a number have been added to the
church flnco the meetings began and the
congregation Is w > well pleased with the
services of Ilev. 'Mr. Venting that the
church baa extended a call to him to act
as Its regular raster. In tha last few years
ho has been occupied In evangelistic work ,
but ho had acted in tha capacity ot regular
pastor previous to that time and there ar
good reasons to expect that , tha call will b
Ills sermon yesterday morning was on th
subject , "Thfco Links In a Golden Chain ,
Ills text was taken from Psalm xxvll , '
"One thing have I desired of the Lord , tha
will I seek after , that I may dwell In th
house of the Lord all the days of my lift
to behold the beauty ot the Lord and to In
quire In Ills temple. "
"Happiness Is the most desirable thing It
the world , " said the minister , "but ther
nrn many who seek after but do not obtat
It. Why do not all find happiness ? Becaus
flu Is in the world and hundreds and tlioti
sands of people arc blinded by It. Thcr
may bo a tinge of happiness In the picas
ures of sin , but < taic happiness is know
only to those who have learned to lov
Christ and enjoy , as ho desires , the bless
Ings of thlH world. I admit that there I
much pleasure to be gained by the thing
of this world , but where does It end ? Dark
ness Is all that can be expected and how ca
cnie bo truly happy with this prospec
ahead ?
"Some people conceive the Idea that the
can live perfect lives In this world , but m
own experience teaches me differently. Ther
Is a sort of supernatural light known b
the real Christian , and the nearer to Chris
he lives the brighter It shine ? , and his ow
Imperfections show plainer than ever be
fore. As little specks of dust appear 1
the pure sunlight , so shine the faults of
life of this world In the light of Christ.
"There are two desires In every bear
and by these desires the character can b
truly tested. Ho who , on being asked ho\
ho progresses In the Christian life , rcplle
that he Is advancing well and Is well satis
fled with his Christian experience , declare
very plainly that ho Is not progressing a
all and that he Is being satisfied with same
thing different from true Chrlstllness. H
who replies with tears and sobs that hi
life may bo some better than It was , but I
not what It should be , shows a sign of tru
progress , and wo can be sure that his ef
forts will not bo In vain.
"A right deslro Is the chief ttny ot every
ipereon's life. If the desire Is right and
strong enough , the life will be right. Al
other qualities are connected with this prin
clplo trait , and it Is this particular part o
our mind that we should be the most par
ticular In educating correctly. It shoulc
bo our chief aim in life to learn to desire
that which Is good and If we make It eo
we are sure to succeed. It Is the one thlnj
In our nature , that cannot be counterfeited
Wo may make our outer lives to deceive , bu
the true desire manifests Itself In a way
that cannot be covered up. A desire tha
Is given of God for the good and pure things
of life is sure to return to him In some form
and our lives are better for It.
"Effort Is essential to a healthy Christian
life , and It will bo manifested In proportion
with our desire. During the time of ou
revolutionary war there was an Intense de
slro for freedom and the accomplishments
were great and lasting. Columbus had a
great deslro to discover a new route to
Asia , and facing the death that threatened
him from his crew , ho pushed on across
the trackless waters until ho accompllshei
something , a. | arently what he desired. I
Is the Inner life , or desire , that promotes
outward effort , and the life with ono deslro
cannot bo denied Its purpose. God never
answers prayers that we can answer for our
selves , and we can answer most of them 1
wo very greatly desire the thing prayed for
and put forth the effort te obtain It. Go ,
helps him who helps himself , and will crown
his every effort with success.
"The purpose of the psalmist , as shown by
the text , was one of the grandest possible
for human to attain to dwell In the houae
of God End behold his beauty. Through
faith wo see the beauty of God , and wo can
feel his presence. God gives beauty and wo
can see It on every side. How we arc drawr
to the beauties of nature. The birds singing ,
thu flowers blooming , the brooks wparkllnf
In the sunlight and the grand , majestic
sweep of the mighty rivers , all fill us with
m awe and inspiration Indescribable. God's
light , love and presence as" manifested In tbo
world ore exquisitely beautiful. When wo
behold man , by sin dragged to the depths ol
degradation and shame , restored to an hon
est , upright life by his grace , we gee God-
given beauty In a grander form. His grace
can beautify the best of our lives , and none
are so distorted and 111 Khapcn by sin but thai
they can bo restored by him. Let it bo the
purpose of our lives to acquire the highest
[ iegreo of godly beauty In our lives. May it
bo the deulro of every heart to dwell In the
liauao of the Lord , to behold lilt beauty and
to inquire in bis temple. "
Hoffmayr'fl fancy patent flour makes the
jest and most bread. Ask your grocer for It ,
SAM : nxouuii TO icxtTw ins FIX.
V. 1' . IloynoldN 1'rcxi'MlH n Snil CIINO to
/OlllllllHMloill'rX. .
V. P , Reynolds was taken before the
Board of Commissioners for the Insane yes
terday afternoon for examination. Ho has
been serving for some time In the capacity
of night clerk at the Inmnn hotel and be
came suddenly and violently Insane on Sat
urday night. Ho was somewhat quieter
when taken before the commissioners , but
It was evhlent after a short Inquiry that
his mental condition was rerloiw. None of
the witnesses could tell much about the
unfortunate man. Ho has only been at the
litTtel a short time , and came to the city aa
the representative of a Kentucky whisky
firm. After being hero a short time ho be
gan to ne'glect his business and finally ap
plied for the position of night clerk at the
liotel , There -were Intervals while ho was
jeforo the commissioners when he appeared
: o bo somewhat rational. At these moments
he evinced the strongest disinclination to
reveal his real Identity , and would only say
hat he had always been the source of
worry and sorrow to his friends. Ho dc-
: larcd that he had a good mother and waa
laertlly glad now that ho was going to bo
sent to a hopltal where ho could brace up
and bo a mart again. Ho declared that Hey-
lolds was not his r.amo and refused to tell
what It wag , or where till homo It. During
ho little time he has been In Council Bluffs
10 has lived very quietly and has not been
trlnklne. 116 told the commUnloners that
hu had been inrano all of hli life , and had
always been anything but a gentleman. Ho
: < about 28 years old. A letter was found in
lU pocket from a slater who lives In
'uyelte , Mo. References were made In the
ctter to big old homo In Kentucky. He wag
vlthout money. He will be kept at Clarlndu
vhllo an effort li being made to locate big
rlends und the expenses will bo charged
up to the Kentucky county where bin homo
s located ,
Qlee club concert given by Men'e club at
Congregational church Thursday evening.
YuiiUK ! ( ioln - Home.
A telegram wuu received last urc-olng from
Valter J. L e , father of the youngster who
ua away from hi * home la Chicago and
was taken In charge by the police on Satur
day night , The father ordered the police to
lend the boy liome. Enough was added to
the mall Amount of money the boy hud to
pay for a halt fare ticket and he was put
aboard a Chicago train lait night. The
youngster distributes ! his artillery among
the officers at the jail as gifts to express
his tlMnkfulncra for the kindly manner In
which he was treated. He was given the
freedom ot the city building and patrol
houro and made himself thoroughly at homo
and comfortable.
My Sire \o. I ) .
The Jeweler will occupy No. 9 North Main
street hereafter. Owing to poor health must
quit close confinement. All patrons and
friends con sco him at No , 9 Wed DM Jay nnd
Saturday. A. A. Hart.
For rent , fi and 10 acre tracts tor garden
ing , within two miles of postofflce ! low rent.
K. H. Shoifc & Co. , Baldwin block.
A eplcndld chance to make largo profile
on a nall Investment of money. Will bear
Investigation. Write or call on L. W. Tul-
leys. Council Bluffs , la.
Dr. Roller , osteopath , Bcno block.
llnlf Price Snlcn.
Are not In it with our sales whcrp the prices
are not more than half that In many other
stores In the picture framing line. Another
thing to consider Is the superior work you get
done at our store. If you want your pic
tures trained or you want anything In the
picture line cotne and look through our art
department. C. B. Paint , Oil and Glass Co. ,
Masonic block ,
A \ < MV Iiocntloii.
The hardware and furniture store of Peter
son & Schoenlng will remove In a few daya
from their present location , 615 and 517
South Main St. , to 20S , 210 , 212 and 214 , South
Main St. , In the Mcrrlam block. They will
occupy four largo storerooms and In their
new location will carry one of the most
complete lines ot hardware and furniture-
bo found In the city.
AfTrny lit Clirrokpp.
CHEROKEE , la. , Feb. 27. ( Special Tele
gram. ) While engaged In a Sunday after
noon game ot poker In a dive on Boiler avo-
11110 the dive keeper , H. Q. Penney , and
Oscar Durkco engaged in a quararcl. Dur-
kee left the room and threatened to have
Penney arrested. Thinking that the room
would bo raided the other players also left.
Durkee soon returned and found the door
to the dive locked. He called to Penney
to let him In , but Penney refused , where
upon Durkee smashed the door down nnd
went In. Penney ordered him out , at the
same time slapping him In the face , so Dur
kee says. Durkco clinched Penney by the
throat and shoved him against the wall ,
Penney was unable to free himself and
drawing a revolver shot Durkee under the
left ear , the ball coming > out beneath the
left eye. Immediately after the shooting
Penney gave himself up. The physicians
say Durkeo will recover
DBS MOINES , la. , Feb. 27. ( Special. )
George M. Christian , who becomes United
States marshal tomorrow , has about com
pleted the organization of bis staff of depu
ties. Mr. Hedrlck of Ottumwa will bo ofllco
deputy , John McCormack will bo field dep
uty at Keokuk , Mr. Willis of Perry field
deputy In this city , McNaught of Clinton
field deputy In the western division. Del-
mage of Lorlmcr a deputy in the south part
of tbo district , and a Mount Pleasant man
deputy in the east division.
N at llmvnrilcii.
HAWARDKN , In. , Feb. 27. ( Special. ) D.
A. Wood's barber shop was burglarized last
night. The party entered by prying open
the back door. Tools nnd goods to the
amount of about $30 were secured. No ar
rests have been made and only slight clews
have yet been obtained.
lown X < ivx | > iiiicrM niul Tlivlr "Unlirr .
The Sac City Democrat has been sold
again. This tlmo Mr. Ward of Audubon
gets It.
Frank P. Clarkson , city editor of the Des
Molnes Register , Is the father of a daughter
about a week old , his first born.
The Indlanola Herald has a subscriber ,
W. H. H. Hursh , who has taken the paper
without a break since 1870 twenty-eight
J. W. Sherman last week eold his one-
half Interest in the Osceola Democrat back
to J. H. Richards , of whom ho purchased it
six years ago.
Lawrence J. Anderson , editor of the Oska-
loosa Journal , is announced as a candidate
for the congressional nomination in the
Sixth district.
G cor go W. McAdam has sold hl9 one-third
Interest In the Mount Pleasant Journal to
H. L. Roth after thirty years' connection
with the Journal.
Gcorgo E. Roberts , the new director of the
mint , is writing homo to the Fort Dodge
Messenger a number of interesting articles
on life In the capital.
Editor Brewstor of the ) Creston Advertiser
looked over the plant of tbo Council Bluffs
Globe with a view of buying at the receiv
ers' sale , but concluded not to Invest.
P. A. Smith , editor of the Scranton Jour
nal , a member of the Iowa legislature , was
elected president of the Upper DCS Molnes
Editorial association. The next meeting will
bo at Iowa City.
Harrington , the man who assaulted Editor
Bock of the Ida Grove Era , served out his
$10 fine in jail nijd was immediately ar
rested and sent U > jail on another charge
in default of $100 bail ho could not secure.
The editor of the Des Molnes Capital
hired on artist in the service of another
newspaper of the city to make a cartoon
holding up a rival editor to scorn and ho
made It so ecvcro that a few days later the
Capital apologized to the length ot a half
column , f
XeliniHUu XC-\VH X
Enough etock has been subscribed to build
a creamery and cheese factory at Ponca.
A brlckard Is one ot the new Industries
that will bo started la Ravcuna this sea
The Business Men's Fraternity has made
a proposition to the people of Norfolk to
build an opera house which Is being looked
upon with favor.
The six-Inch howitzer tins been turned over
to Captain Patrick H. Ruddy of the North
Platte light artillery , and the weapon has
been housed on the premises ot the captain.
Tbo Lincoln county jail Is at present with
out a criminal prisoner. The only occupants
ace old "Jimmy" and Tan McGraw , the later -
: er being Incurably demented and the latter
in a somewhat similar condition.
Ex-Govennor Crounso of Fort Calboun has
lust returued from Florida. Ills orange
orchard , which was greatly damaged by the
Vcezo several years ago , has como out and
.tils season brought In very satisfactory re
turns ,
Large hunting parties , composed of neigh
boring stockmen , are making life an unccr-
aln quality for the gray wolves over on the
'iorth ' Platte river In Kimball county , . The
animals have been doing much damage in
hat part of the country this winter. '
The Industrious hens of Furnas county
contribute $2,000 per week to the wealth of
the county , 03 Is shown by tbo shipment of
bv the merchants of Arnnnhnw.
lolbrook , Cambridge , Edison , Oxford , Slam-
ord , Beaver City , Hcndley and AVlleonvllle ,
Wllllmn Fritz , former treasurer of Madl-
scti county , 1 reported to have struck It
Ich up In Klondike. A claim owned by him'
elf and five others is yielding $1,000 to the
on of dirt , and they have teen ) offered by
Now York capltalUta $1,000,000 cold cash
for It.
The dedication of the Episcopal church at
> rd was solemnized last Sunday. Blehop
Graves was llio officiating clergyman and the
pretty service was gone through with In a
icautlful and Impressive style. This chapel
a a very neat edifice , especially on the In-
erlor , and Is a credit to all concerned and
a an ornament to the city.
1'oinillnt OlllfliiU in a Quarrel.
BOISE , Idaho , Feb. 27. ( Special , ) There
B a eerlous dispute between Attorney Gtn-
ral McFarlaikl and Secretary of State
jowla. When the case brought by the
udltor agatnnt Mr , Lewis was before the
ourt the lecrutary amended his answer In
uch a manner as to state It waa upon the
dvlce of the attorney general that he bad
etalaed the money received for transcrtb-
ng the laws and Journals. Tbo attorney
encral boa teen away.
iC' '
Heart Disease Claims-tljo Well Known
Newspaper IVibljsher ,
I'lirrlinnpM tlir ItcewrA When It llnil
I.lttle SIniulliiK niul Han Mrulc
it One of "lci.i I.o
in : tcrn JuuViinl * .
PHILADELPHIA , > Feh,27. William M.
Slngcrly died suddenlyat lijs residence , 1701
Locust street , this afternoon. Heart ills-
ease was the Immediate cause of death ,
( Mr. Slngcrly had been suffcrlnR for about
ten days from a cold , and had remained at
home since last "Wednesday , although his
Indisposition was In no way serious. While
sitting In his bedroom smoking a cigar ho
was seized with a violent fit of coughing ,
and Immediately afterwards fell over dead.
In the room at the time were Mr. SltiEerly's
granddaughter , Miss 'Mabel ' Gingerly Mere
dith , and two servants , Ills son-in-law ,
James S. McCartney , had left a few mo
ments before the sudden end came , leaving
Mr. Slngcrly apparently in good health ,
apart from his slight cold.
The phjslclans say they had frequently
cautioned Mr. Slngcrly that his heart was
weak as a result of excessive smoking , and
ot late his custom was to take a "dry
smoke. " Today , however , his cigar was
lighted , and It Is thought that the smoke
brought on the coughing spoil , the severity
of which ruptured n vessel of the heart.
Mr. Slngerly leaves a daughter , Mrs. B.
Slngcrly Ualch , who Is nt present touring
William iM. Slngerly was 'proprietor of the
Record Publishing company , president of the
Chestnut Street National bank and the
Chestnut Street Savings Fund and Trust
company , which recently collapsed , mvJ
president of the 'Slngerly ' 1'ulp and Paper
mill , file was a member of the Kalrmount
park commission , and until lately the treas
urer and a trustee ot the Philadelphia Com
mercial museum.
He was born In this city on December 27 ,
1832 , and with the exception of a brief period
In his early manhood , when ho conducted a
commission business In Chicago , has lived
hero ever filnce. Ilia father , Jcecph Stngerly.
was one of the originators of the street rail
way system of Philadelphia , and William re
turned hero to assume management of the
Qermantown Passenger Rslhvay company. In
1877 ho bought the Ilecord , then a com
paratively feeble Journal , and brought It to
Its present standard of excellence.
In 1SS7 , upon the retirement of Governor
Pattlson from office , Mr. Slngerly took an
active part In establishing the CUcatnut
Street National bank , of which the ex-gov
ernor became the Aral president. Upon Me
Pattlson being called for a second time to
the governorship of Pennsylvania , Mr
Shigorly succeeded him as president of tbt
bank , and also became president of the Chest
nut Street Trust and Savings Fund company.
In seeking relaxation from the cares w
business , Mr. Slngcrly had for many years
taken a keeu Interest .In farming and ntock-
raising. Ills herds of Holstcln cattle at his
largo farm at Gwynodd , In Montgomery
county , were ft mous for years , and he was
also owner of the Elkton stock farm , near
Elkton , Cecil county.
Mr. Slngerly was always an active demo
crat. In 1894 he was mnanimoiu'ly ' made the
democratic candidate 'for ' governor of Penn
sylvania and entered -with great energy Into
the canvass , speaking > ln nearly every county
In the state. In all ho made over seventy
speeches In upholding the cause of democ
racy. The natural republican majority of
Pennsylvania was tooi great to be overcome ,
however , and his competitor , General Hast
ings , carried off the prlzo. .
During the last national campaign ho sup
ported the Palmer and Duckncr ticket , mak
ing a number of speeches In Its behalf In
Pennsylvania , Delaware and Maryland and
organizing a local association In aid of the
movement. Ho also took an .active part In
forming the Pennsylvania Bankers' asso
Financial mlsforluno overtook Mr. Sln
gerly during the last few months ot his life ,
when on December 23 last the Chestnut
Street National bank and Trust company
were compelled to close their doors. Messrs.
Earlo and Cook were made assignees of the
trust company and managers of a plan lookIng -
Ing to the liquidation of the affairs of both
institutions. Mr. Slngerly promptly turned
over to them every personal asset ho pos
sessed , including his Interest In the Ilecord.
Slnco then a receiver has been oppolntd
for the bank and the affairs of It and the
trust company are in process ot settlement.
IPoot iFriMlerlelt TemiyNoii.
LONDON , Feb. 27. Frederick Tennyson ,
the poet , eldest brother of the late poet
laureate , Lord Alfred Tennyson , died yes
terday. Frederick Tennyson , who was edu
cated at Eton and Trinity college , Cam
bridge , early developed o gift for verso , and
In 1S28 won Sir William Browne's medal for
a Crock ode In tbo Sapphic metre on the
subject of Egypt. In his early years ho trav
eled extensively In the Ionian Islands and
In Sicily and he lived for sorao time In Flor
ence and Plza. From 1859 to 1895 his homo
was In the Island of Jersey , but for the last
two years he had frequently sojourned at
Kensington , London. Among hie best known
publications are "Days and Hours , " "Daphne
and Other Poems , " "Tho Isles of Greece
( Sappho and Alcaous ) , " and "Poems of the
Day and Year. "
Ilobnrt IlriiHh.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Feb. 27. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Hobart Drush , ono of the 'brat known
and respected citizens of Sounders county
and senior member of the firm of Brush
Bros. , drugglfcts , of Ashland , died at his
homo In this city at 7 o'clock this morning
from nervous prostration , caused by over
work , aged 68 years. Mr. Brush was born
In Buffalo , N. Y. He came to Nebraska
from Wisconsin in 1804 and has been ono
of the moot prominent citizens In this sec
tion of the state. When SaunJers county
was organized In 18G6 he was elected the
first county clerk. He was a brother of
Marcus Brush , well known all over Nebraska
In 'tbo ' 60s. Ho leaves two sons , three
daughters and two brothers , L. R. Brush
of Ashland and Eugene Brush of Omaha.
I'rfxlilcnt of HtiitHxuiifr Vort'lu.
CHICAGO , Feb.27.JCharJes A. Thleman ,
grand president of the Arbeltcr Stotszung
vereln ( Worklngnien's iMutual Aid society ) ,
dropped dca-J on the platform of the lodge
hall today. He had just finished the work
of Installing officers. Moro than 300 per
sons were In the rooni.i Thleman advanced
to the 'front ' of the platform In concluding
his address , and as tht > last words were an
nounced ho pitched forward > d'cad. ' Several
women fainted and a. panic was narrowly
averted. Thleman wab 62 years old and well
known among German , \farklnsmen ,
FJIII : inccoiiu.
Hotel IlitriiM.
CLEVELAND , 0. , Tel ) , 27. The New Eng
land hotel , on Water' gtr et , was gutted by
fire thIB evening , ami ibo'ut a dozen guests
had narrow escapes , from < H-atli , though no-
tody was hurt. The flro started from a
gasoline- explosion , and It quickly spread to
all parts of the thretF-Stbry brick structure.
Tbo guests all were taken out through windows
dews < by the firemen. LOBB , $20,000.
Colornilo Town S'rorrlieil ,
DENVER , Feb. 27. A special to the
Rocky Mountain News .from . Cortcz , Colo. ,
says : The entire business portion ot this
town was destroyed today by a flre which
originated In Illackmoro's hotel. The loss
cannot bo estimated at thU time , but It Is
thought the loss on the buildings will bo In
the neighborhood of (20,000 and the damage
to stock will exceed that amount ,
Jfew Mexico AVnnln u Xetr Jitcljte.
SANTA FE. N. M. , Feb. 27. ( Special. ) A
strong petition lias gone to Washington from
Chavro , Eddy and Lincoln counties urging
ccagretu to pass Delegate Ferguson's bill ,
creating a sixth judicial district in New
Mexico nd providing for the appointment
by the president ot a ninth member of the
territorial supreme court. At present that
Bcctlon Is Judicially looked after by JuJgc
II , H. Hamilton , WUFGC headquarters are At
Socorro , nearly 400 mllce distant , and It Is
claimed that the crcatlm ot the row dis
trict would cause a decided eftv'tig to the
government In the matter of mileage aid
fee * ot court officers , jurors and wltncwes ,
besides proving ot much greater conven
ience to the citizens of southeastern Now
llltt t.K.VOl K tMlilVTS TOOAY.
Will Cnmiilotr Dotnltn for TliU Vcnfn
Cli n tuition R lit it On mm.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 27. Most of the magnates
who are expected to attcnj the annual meet
ing of the National league , which convene. ;
tomorrow at the Southern hotel , arp here ,
and the rest will arrive on tomorrow's early
President N. E. Young and tils son , Robert
II. Young , clerk of the national board , came
In tonight. The following league cities are
represented by their presidents Hoattn , A
H. Soden ; Hrooklyn , C. II. Ebbetts ; Washing
ton , George W. Wagner ; Philadelphia , A. J
Roach ; Chicago , James A. Hart ; Cincinnati ,
John T. Brush ; St. Louis. I ) , S. Muckcnfuaa
President Hanlon of Ilaltlniore , President
P. DoIIaas Robinson of Cleveland , President
H. C. Pulllan of Louisville and President W
H. Watklns of Plttuburg will bo here tomor
row. New York will not bo represented by
President Andrew Freedman , who has given
his nroxy to A. II. Sodcn of Beaton.
It Is the opinion of several ot the mem
bers that the bus I noes will keep the confcr-
< ncc In session for several das , and possibly
longer. The schedule , the drafting of uew
rules , especially abolishing rondy ball , the
appointment of a new chief of umpires and
the naming of a new staff of umpires are
a few of the Important matters that will
come up and be disposed ot during the pres
ent SCEi loM.
It Is expected that the rules abolish. ' * g
rowdy bait will cause a Img cad heated de
bate , and may lengthen the session. The
principal opponent of the proposed rule black
listing players for rowdy ball ploying is
Prcaldcnt Robinson of Cleveland , Ho has
been quoted as eay'ng that the magnates
r.cid not the players , were responsible for
rowdyism on the ball field. In a recent In
terview ho Is reported to have said :
iFor years we linvc'encournKttl plnyer.i to
adopt rough tactic * In our eagerness to win
Kiinies. OnO club bcfrnn It anil other * were
forced to follow. The lining by umpires ,
wns'but ' n .sham , as the club owners ii.ild
the lines. Now , after we have raised tlioo
players In this way , some of the leagui
magnates propose tliat , In order to weun
them lor their bait ImbltH , we give unijilre *
the pciAer to linve them blacklisted for a
violation of the now regulation ? . This Is
entirely unjust. The club owner should
share the punishment , because he Is moie
guilty than the plnyor.
I shall take the stand nt St. Louts that
for the llrst offense a player be 'suspended
thirty days without pay. That Is a severe
punishment for him , unil he would not CHIC
to take a chance 'on losing- another thirty
days' pay. At the same time It Is a punish
ment fort the owner , who loses the services
of a valuable player for thirty days.
1 believe that the rule placing1 so much
power In the umpires' hands Is extremely
ilnnRurous. They lire , Just as apt to 'go olt
the handle as a player ana vent their spite
on the players they do not like.
It lj also said to be President Robinson's
Intention to present a resolution requiring
each club president to sign a bond agreeing
to forfeit $5,000 If one ot his players Is
guilty of using foul language on iho ball
Ned Hanlon of Baltimore will be as
ardent a champion for the blacklist rule as
Robinson is an opponent.
President Young , who Is occupying Hit
room at the Southern hotel made historic
by Mark Hanna as his headquarters during
the republican national convention here In
1S90 , briefly outlined the work of the meet
ing. Ho said :
The board of 'arbitration will meet tomor
row morning nnd dispose of a large number
of minor matters 'coming' before It. The
regular meeting- the National league will
convene Monday evening- 8 o'clock , and
the llrst matter of Importance coming before -
fore it for action after the routine business
win ue inc playing sciiwiuie. inc IHVGUIIR
as usual will he held behind closed doors
and the proceedings will bo given out after
Following the schedule , the question of
now rules , the naming- the now chief of
umpires nnd bis assistants for the coming
season nnd the selection ofl a successor to
the late Charles H. Byrne , of Brooklyn on
the boanl of arbitration will be In order.
John T. 'Brush will present before the
meeting a proposition that the league aclop
some sort of a testimonial for Charles H
Byrne. Ho declined to say what this would
To Sell Kiioolis' Home * .
HAUT1NGTON , Neb. . Feb. 27.-Specla (
Telegram. ) 2. M. Balrd of this place has
been selected as auctioneer for the sale of
the Kneebs horses , to bo sold March 10 at
the Woodlawn Park race track In Sioux
City. This Is considered ono of the largest
horse sales In the west , and some of the
animals to bo sold liave made old "Bob"
Kneebs famous the world over as a horse
Onyx HvilH of Arizona.
PHOENIX , Ariz , , Feb. 27. ( Special. ) The
Santa Fe , Prcscott & Phoenix Railroad com
puny has asked for bids for construction of
an extension of the line into the Big Bug
oynx district. The extension will be forty
miles In length , running from Prcscott to the
center of the Big Bug mining district. Tills
district Is very rich 'n all kinds of minerals ,
being especially noted for the hundreda cf
acres of oynx beds that are In It. This build
ing material has not gained much of a repu
tation throughout the country owing to the
fact that the wagon charges to get It out BO
Increase the price of It that It could not
compete with the other oynx In the market.
I'rolinltllKIrn of u Kulr luy tvltli
Vnrlnltlt * AVliulM.
WASHINGTON , 'iFcb. 27 Forecast for
Monday : I
For Nebraska Fair ; variable winds.
For Iowa and South Dakota Fair ; warmer
In eastern portions ; variable winds.
For Missouri Fair ; in armor In eastern
portion ; aiorth westerly winds , becomln
variable. >
For Kansas Generally fair ; variable
For Wyoming- Threatening weather ; east
to southeast wlnda
I.ornl lleconl.
OMAHA , Feb. 27. Omnhii reoord of tem
perature and rainfall compared with ths
corresponding day of the last three years ;
1S3S. 1S97. 1800. 1S93.
Maximum temperature. . . . 49 34 44 (13
Minimum temperature 28 2 19 as
Average temperature. . . . . 38 18 32 60
llalnfall 00 .00 .00 .OS
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omulia for this Uiy ; and since March
1. 1897 :
Normal for the day 23
Excess for the day 10
Accumulated excess since March 1 722
Normal rainfall for the day ( flinch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Deficiency since 'March ' 1 10.57 Inchon
Excess correp'K period 1KOG 6.011nchea
Deficiency corrcsp'u period 1S05. . 11.89 Inches
Total rainfall since'.March ' 1 21,09 Inches
Hi-uurtH from Stiitliiim lit H V. in.
Omnlm. clear
North Platte. clear . . . .
Halt Idke City , cloudy K
fhoenne , part cloudy
Rapid City , clear . . . . . . .
Huron , clear
Chicago , cloudy
WIHUUm , clear . ,
Ht , 'IxinlD , clear
Kt , 1'aul , nnowlriK
l > arnport , snowing- , . . ,
Ililena , cloudy
KUIIMH City , clear
Havre , part cloudy . . . .
Illmiarck , clear
Qjlveslon , part cloudy . .
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L > . A. WELSH. I CR | Korecstt Official ,
called Qraln-O. It li a delicious , appetlzlnr ,
nourlihlnir foixl drink to take the place of coffee.
Kohl by all erocerv and liked by all who have
utttl It became when properly prepared It tattes
like the Uncut coffee but Is fret- from all Its
Injurious properties Oruln-O Ud dlifedlon snd
ttreiiKthenii tne nervts. U Is not a stimulant
but a health builder , end children , as well as
adults , csn drink It with great benefit. Coits
about as much an codec. U und Ko
Slashing at shadows
those misguidcGl women who won't }
use Pearlinc because " it must hurt
the clothes. " If Pearlinc hurt
cither hands or clothes , don't )
you suppose that the women ,
who use it would be saying1 so ?
The very case of its washing
keeps many from using1 Pearl- ]
ine , They've been brought up
to believe that easy washing1 is
dangerous. So it is , often. That is a risk you run with new ;
and untried things. But Pearline , the first and original
washing-compound , is as well-known as soap , and known ,
and proved to be equally harmless.
at $1.50 each
The Cosmopolitan Incandescent Burner
lias no equal. It rjivcs 6' } candle pow
" * er at half the cost for gas used by the
'tr ' * Uv . . , common burner.
We put them up complete for one
Mfty , Mantels for Welsbach and all
kinds of burners at reduced prices ,
* ; < - . , x Heating , Plumbing and Lighting.
202 Mm" > 203 Pearf Street
J. C. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary DI/OOD
I'OISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated at home for same
price unfl r same guaranty. If you prefer
to come here wo will contract to pay rail
road faro and hotel bills , and uo chores
U we tall to cure.
taken mercury. Iodide potnih and ptllt
hnve aches and pains , Mucous l > atch 3 In
mouth. Sore Throat , I'lraploa , Copper Col.
orcu Spots , Ulccra on any part of the
body , Hair or Eyebrows falling out. It Is
this Secondary
We Guarantee to Cure
TVe solicit the mrst obstinate cues anil
challenge the world for a cnie we cannot
cure. This dliease hu always bsdled the
skill of the moit eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our unconditional
guaranty , Absolute proofs sent aealej
on application , 100 page book lent frtr.
Addren COOK RUMEDY CO. . 1401
Maioulo Temple , Chicago , III.
-ce OK ij
Searles & Searles
Qnnrantee to cnro upcoillly nnd rmlU
I niVATB dl en e o * Men und -women ,
BEXUALIAT. cured for life ,
NUht Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy
arocelo , Verlcocele. Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph
ilis , Btrlcturo. Piles. Fistula nnd Rectal
Uloirs , Diabetes. Brlght's Dlseaso cured.
Consultation Free.
f sire and G@e&cedat !
by new method without pain or cutting ,
Gallon or address wltn stamp. Treatment
by mall.
Is sold under posit iyo Written fiunrnntce ,
hynuthoriznd ngontn only , tn euro Weak Memory ,
DizzinoBU. Wakofulnosfl , Fits , Jlrotorin , Qiilcb.
nsss , Nielil Ijoeees , Kvil Dreams , Icicle of Conll.
denco , Kervuuanoes , Jjnuelludo , ul I Drains , Vouth.
ful Errors , or Ezceeaiva Uro of Tuuaccii , Oinura ,
nr Liqaor , which Irada to Misery , ( /oneiimiitlcn ,
Insanity und Death. At stora or by mall , $1 a
box ; six for (5 ; with written auuriuiteo to
euro or refund money. Hauiplu I > ncU-
OBO , contnlnlne live tlnyar treatment\riUi full
iostructious , & cents. Ono lamploonly Bold to
oachporeon. Atutoroorbyruuil.
t "nod Label Special
Extra Strength.
For Impotonoy , Losa ol
I'owor , I < est Manhood ,
Htorility or DarronpouBA i
t \ u hoi ; uiz for IS , witl ; J
.written uuarnutorSi-
- _ nr.rtocuroln30uajB , Atetore/fJi. , ,
SBFOREorbymnll. API
Myvm Dillon Urnn Co , .S , K , Corner
lUth u IK ! Knriiiiiu Sin. , OiuaJiutib. .
Keep your friends posted
About the Exposition
By sending them
The Daily or Sunday Bee.
Have your clothes neatly cleaned , pressed
and repaired , ready for spring. Suits miidu
to order. First class work and low prices !
: : : : iirynut St. , < > i > i > . city
Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Wm. Welch. Bluffi 'phone , 11IS ; Omaha ,
'phone , "SO. UATKS LOW. For carrlnRO or
express WUROII , call nt No. S North Alain
street or above telephones.
Wines & Liquors
Wholesale ) Agent
Anlieiiscr-Diiscli Beer ,
fill ) Main St. ,
J , B , SWEET ,
Attorney-at-Law and
Notary Public.
StllKTY IIO.VDS I.cmvNt HntCN.
All surety bonds executed at my ofllce.
JAS. \ . CA.s.vny , .m. ,
2.'in .Main Street , . Council III n IT * .
JO Pcnrl Street , Council IllufTi ) , la ,
20 ncrea of rplcndld lain ] , partly Improved , f
nillc from I'lattrnitnitli , 3 mlk'H fiom 1'uclllo
Junction ; (100 cuiih , tulancu lu 10 annual i > ay >
An SB-acre Improved farm , with 5 acres of tim
ber , li inIIi'ii rant of Dunlap , 6V4 miles north-
vejt of r.nrllni , ' . In the bent purt of Shell/ )
county , la. ; K" < 1 neighborhood , > , l ot u inihi
from u co l fcchool house , 2 Rood wcll , tprlnir
In the pasture , email houpc and Improvements :
about CO iicrrs In cultivation , balance In pas
ture ; prcicnt price , (33 p < r acre , li will betaken
taken III Council lllulTn or Omuha Improvcil
property , or will take part of the purchaeo
innncy In h'ooil worl < homes , or In cattlu ; 10
years' tlmu ulven on the balance In annual
payment. ) .
This property In for rent for season of l 0t
at a reasonable rental.
Qooil farms for rent for fca on.of 1858 nnd 1S3J
to ri'Dponiillile parties nt n very rea > unable
rental , linpnunl farms for ale In I'otlawat-
tamlo county , la. , nt a reasonable price , part
cnnh , balance on loner time In annual puy-
ments. ,
Apply to
Attorncy-at-Iviw ,
1C Pearl Blrcct , Council Uluffi , la , <
land * for tale or rent. Day ft lieu , S4 1'eurl
tr et.
Mills Co. I emu , 0 nrrcs In cultivation , bal
ance In tlmliir anil pasture ; a Imrculn If olil
goon. AilJren X 12 , lito Ofllce. Council
llluffn , luwa.
tva WILL iiuv A noon Hrx-nooM HOUHIJ
anil full lot ; payment * euxy. Ilouien for Hale ;
JIO down and JIO per monthJolintton ( & Kerr ,
Ml llioadwny. |
to\vnthl | > , KOOI ] tcinu , 20 ncres under culllvu-
tlon ; some fruit ; e iicren of pasture , 214 mile *
from city limits ; spltmllil chance for homo
with Bi.iall co pi la I. Aildrcus Jotc-ph Krans.
IMiitolIlce , Council IlturT * .
pled by I'Hfrfon & Hchoerilnir , 8-ulh Slain Ht. ,
April Itt. Apply to J , J. Ilrown , 250 7th St.
St.L !
IIICIMI for tale cheap at Cl llroadway , Itoom
for Ire cream parlor.
roil HAW : , rituiT AND coNKixrnoNKnr
nlor ! be t location In city ! good chance to
make money duringexpotltlon ; | ] SOCK > cairi
buy * It AilditH.Lock . Ilex 23 , Council Illuffn.
Instruction ! . Albln Hutter , itudln
VIOLIN til Ilroadway , llennsn method'
ot Drtodtn Conservatory.