EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JTJiNE 1J ) , 187.1. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOBNIXG , PEBRtJAKY 27 , 1SS ! ) TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COLT JT1VE CENTS. on our Counters There's only room for one season's goods in "The Big Store"we never carry a dollar's worth over. The reign of winter stuffs is about over and the banner of "Spring ' 98" is appearing in everydo - | .i. . . . , , l . , l OT-TT-ffTTOn-u .w , „ . .i. , . , . . .m. . , , . . . . , i.i..ll. . . . .Mm.Mn.CT TO . part meat and handsome now recruits arc throng ing to her standards daily from the great mills , 1 Selling Butterick Patterns nt Reduced Prices "The Standards of Fashion" I factories and looms of the world Wo are ou'oring every inducement in winter goods to make room * - - - .v.- -.m rr.- * * * for [ \wm \ The power of price is the great Uayden argument and the bijjuest reductions of the year have bssn made , All winter goods broken or small lots , odds and ends are being closed out at a fraction of their real value Special bargain sales all through the house The beauty of the spring styles should attract every lady to visit here even if not ready to buy. Rsad these special inducements : Dress Monday's Grandest Clothing Department. Hardware , Stoves and Now allowing tlio largest anil most complete Block of dress goods ever Bargain Silk Sale Indications arc that It will not do to rush out spring clothes too soon. shown In tlio west. It la an Indisputable ( act tliat our stock or dress Winter Is still upon us and Is liable to be found lingering around In House Furnishing Dept. gsods Is larger than the combined stocks or tlio three largest houses west Wo now have hundreds and hundreds of the newest , brightest nnd the lap of spring. March is noted for Its 'blustery ' , chilly winds. Tlio ot Chicago. We have every grade , every shade ami every mixture prettiest styles ever shown by any concern anywhere , nil to bo placed wind follows you no matter what direction you go , so come In and buy Sale on sale Monday at prices ihlch no competition can meet. ' Special on a Carload of Granite Ware winter . , produced by the manufacturers of Europe and America. a suit nnd save a doctor's bill. Wo start you out In nn nil wool Coverts Henriettas \vi : AIM : i.K.vniaits OK HIGH CLASS .SIMC.S AT IO\VIST sult , at $2.flS , and In a bever overcoat or ulster nt $3.93. When you look Wo luivo just received si carload of Stool Grniilto Wnre direct , Whipcords , , I'lllCKS MO.MKVV'S S.Vl.r. IS I'UOOF. atthese two numbers remember they are the same class of goods we Tailor Suitings , Mohairs Series sold earlier In the season nt $0.00. At ? C.4S we ore unloading all our from thn factory , which will bo sold nt ono-lm'f of ro ulur prlcoh- PopHns. LonsUowns , Mixtures , 230 PIECES of WASHABLE SILK In ' light and medium shadIngs - 25c $10.00 and $12 suits. Many broken sized In these lots , but the man who Tlicso uro till regular llrst class goods. Wo warrant every piece Ings cost more to Import Mondays' Bargain Price buys one of them will swear by them and como back. Wo almost for to bo genuine , being branded by the largest umnufacturor In this liavadcrcs , Armurus , iMcrvos , SCO PIECES PLAIN INDIA SILK In nil the new greens , reds , 39c got to mention another lot of broken sizes , we are closing out $7.CO nnd IMn ids , Checks. blues and pinks , also black , special ( Monday's Bargain Price $3.00 suits at $1.75. At $5.00 you buy a $10.00 Kersey overcoat or ulster. line in the business. PLAIDS flno quality. In all color combinations , none can 49c At $7.50 you can buy a line of $12.CO Australian wool beaver over Black Dress Goods show you sucfi pretty or so cheap Monday's Bargain Prlco coats and Irish frlzc ulsters. Black and blue clay worsted suits In CHANGEABLE TAFFETAS-ALL TIII3 RAGE Every pretty both sacks and frocks , single or double breasted , at $3.75 , $6.50 , $7.50 , Black novelty dress gools , worth M.GO yard our price $2.23 color effect , will quick at ( Monday's price. per ; go $ S.GO and $10.00. $2.00 mens pants at Me. $3.00 mens pants nt $1.75. Dlack novelties , 10 different patterns , worth $3.50 per yard ; our SATIN LIBERTY Very new , all silk , 24ln.wide. . In cerise , All children knee pants suits , winter weights , reduced to $1.25 , $1 95 price . $1. 93 scarlet , green and all new shades , worth $1.30 Monday's 98c and $2 93. This Includes all vcstee , junior middy and double breasted Black novelties sold by o her houses at $1.75 and $2.00j our Special Price > suits. COc boys knee pants at 25c. Boys long pants frnm GOc up. Boys We show nil the - BLACK GRENADINES In 41-ln. double . , n-w - price $1.00 98c ' long pants suits from $2.95 up. Gprlng clothing now on display. Special niack novelties , liic , 19c , 23c , 29c , 3flcI9c , 59c , C9c , 75c 79c to $1.00. width , pretty stripes Monday's Bargain Price values offered In spring overcoats. These are sold for fully % more by other houses BLACK BROCADE SATIN-ln extra good quality. In most up- LTiO pieces high grade novelty mixtures and tailor suitings at $1.00 , proved ' designs , worth $1.00 and $ l.ffi , all go on sale at Mon The 1'ollowing Prices Will Prevail $1.19 , $1.23 , $1.30 , $1.35. $1.48 , $1.98 and up to $3.00. Undoubtedly day's Bargain Price In the Hat Department the finest selection of high grndo goods ever shown In Omaha. PLAIN BLACK SATIN Firm , fine nnd ' beautifully finished , 2,000 pieces popular grade novelties ranging In price , 2uc , 29c , 35c , 39c , an exceedingly good value at Monday's Bargain Price \ Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday. No. S Ton KettleTvlll PLAIN BLACK TAFFETA-21-ln. wide , rustle , 4flc , G9c. C9c , 79c , S9c an 1 9Sc. Ho sure and see thU line. nt Monday's Bargain Price - - good special Children's taps and Tarn O'Shantcrs , worth 23c , at 15c oiituiMir tin , cMiiuier 2-imiH ColT o ' Covered 1,600 pieces cheap wool dress goods novelties from 12' c , 15c , 19c , 21c , BLACK GROS ORAIN DRESS SILK Full 24-ln. wliloC | Children's caps and Tom O'Shantcrs , worth COc , at 23c or liny iitlirr iiitiUv , 1'olN , IMc. n-iltiiii't . up to 23c. 'Wear guaranteed , $1.30 value our Monday Bargain Price only1" * Children's caps and Tom O'Shanters , worth 75c , nt 35c Illc ered Piillx , llc. ( Henriettas from 9c to $1.23. No samples of advertised sllkg cut or sent out of town. All mall or . iBoys and youths spring caps at 15c , worth 25c Serges from 2Hc lo $ l.fiO. der ? for silks sent ut once will be filled , and. if not satisfactory will iBoys nnd youths spring caps at 23c , worth ' COc We will liavo a special sale on different lines of dress goods every refund the money. The gigantic sale of men's good soft hats at the phcnomlnnl prices day this week. of COc , 75o and $100 White Bed Spreads. Our Stock of An elegant new line of Laces , Ribbons On Monday wo will- show you for the first time the largest White ' bens and Embroideries display at . each. A bargain at Ladies' Jackets and K Ill-end PniiM , ln-s ( tliliijv Hindi * on Chrochet $1.35. Spread , all new patterns , at $1.35 big Capes for roiiNtliiK incut , ( i.'unr , etc.If. . very low prices. At $2.00 we will show you a Marseilles Bed Spread that can't be Is vanishing under the pressure of the following duplicated In O.ualia. Ask to foe the $2.00 spread. Some Big liarguiiis in the Art Department. Besides these two special bargains you will find on sale White gresit price reductions. , Crochet Bed Spreads , 39c , 55c , G5c , 70c , 75c , S5c , 90c and $1.00 each , . $4.00 and $3.00 Jackets reduced to $1.93 a bargain. $7.00 and $8.00 cheviot jackets , reduced to $2.9S Wash Goods $10.50 silk-lined boucle and imported kersey jackets at $4.50 Ladles' capes of plain and rough materials , single or double style , Milk 1'unn , : iuiirt * , Organdies , Scotch Ginghams , Percales , Batistes , Etc. Tapestry and Chenille at NOIIIllIckN , llC , Ladles' tallor-mado fly fronts , reefer suits , lined throughout with taf- The new wash fabrics for spring of 1898 oto most all In and en rale , Table Covers. frta silk at $6.50 nnd differ In so many wayo from styles , etc. , of last season ttiat It Is . Ladles' Suits , In reefer and blazer styles , In plain colors and mix useless to attempt to describe the many tiew novelties. . Now line received the pa3t week. 'Wo are showing a handsome tures , at $4.50 We have a very select line of Scotch ginghams at , yard 23c line , now designs and new patterns , all sizes , all prices. rLadles' separate dress skirts , in fine figured brlllinntlno at 9Sc The new coTclcd checks In flno Scotch ginghams , yard 35c 1/adles' blouse , made flne ducheese satin , very full front , tucked , Fine Irish dlmlticd , very sheer , designs in largo or small work , at $4-98 lO-lueli l'l < > yard 23c in Flannel ' Kid AVnt.-r I'nll , I'lntcM , He Dept. Ladies' Gloves. Specials . French organdies lei the richest , daintiest effects we ever showed , . lO-fiinrt , nlll not yard , 20c to 39c 4led Wool Eiderdown ID scarce. Wo will have a new lot on ealo 500 dozen ladles' kid gloves , worth $1.00 to $2.00 , go on sale at COc runt , -tile. Flench Grenadines In the new effects , yard 35s nt 25c yard. Elegant line of new ginghams , neat little checks , stripes and plaids , Monday New line of Summer Skirt Patterns , only 25c each. yard Monday wo will sell 103 Died Comforts , 48c , , 75c , $1.00 , $1.23 , $1.50 , $1.75 acid $2.00 each. Early Styles in Millinery- Beat line of 6c Outing Flannel In Omaha. Fine Zephyr ginghams , yard Cc "Ramona" Flannels on sale at Haydcns' , lOc yard. Have you seen Flowers will lie the feature of the seneon. Most model fiats from SB-Inch dark percales , standard cloth , fast colors , yard S ! c - show flowers of them to need llttlo else. them ? If not , see them nt once. abroad on some so many as Extra heavy German Blue Calico , (32 ( Inches ) , yard 9c Straw Ticking on sale Monday , Gc yard. Hoses and violets lead nnd there is some fallowing of largo flowers , IMrk ilrem calico , standard make , fast colors , yard 3'/i'i IMI11 remntnts of Irish Lawn , 2l c yard. i but the dainty blossoms are most In favor. Delicate grasses , heather NO LIMIT ON THESE GOODS MONDAYS. Mill remnants of 30-Inch wide best Percale , Sc yard. blooms , lilacs .lilies of the valley , velvet pansies , almost every flower Out of town customers c n buy wash goodn by mall. ( Bargains In remnants of Outing Flannel , Shirtings , Flannels of every of nature Is accurately cop.cd. Berry effects are very good. You WE SEND SAMPLES 07 ALL GOODS , EXCEPT THOSE PRICED . find all the and combinations at llaydcns' . ' description , at prices to sell them quick. can new styles FOR ONE DAY'S BUSINESS. Odd palra of Blanketo at reduced prices to close. The most Important early Etylcu in hats are the English turbans not CooUlii ; ; I'll * , rrlllt Spanish turbans , with their large roll , wide sweeping brimmed walkIng - brt-iilf or riiMt , - ! < . cover , IMe. Ing hats or with narrow ro'.l , and new style short back sailors. All \Ve tor are Headquarters Book Values. of them here , of course. ' and Muslin Big . ] Wo are cleaning out tills season's goods at any price you wish to This Cobler's Outfit Sheeting 100 Bound Books by best authors , only 25c. pay for them. Cloth Bound 'Books ' on Monday , ISc. , 1 Stand 3 Lasts 1 Knife ' t , , , 4-4 L L tnualin , Cc qual'ty , Monday 3c ! ) -4 bleached wheeling. 13c quality , .Monday 123 i- Paper "Quo Vadls Covered , " fine Books. Illustrated Cc. edition , 59e. China Department. 1 ITaininer , 3 Awls and Handles I 4-4 soft finish bleached m islin , Cc quality , Monday 4ic Chicago Record Cook Book G9c. , 4-4 soft finish cambric , 12' c quality , Monday S'ic New Illuminated Art Bibles , 52 illustrations , only $4.98. Cnrlcad of the celebrated Success water filter from $3.93 up. dles , 1 paper Heel Nails , 1 ' . . . All sizes Imported beer stekis Cc Sole Nails all 'Bibles nt COc. 75c , $1.00 , $1.50. > paper Linens Commercial Note Paper , ICc per ream. Self-eealiiiK lunch box jars lOc Envelopes , 3c , Be , lOc , 15c package. Individual bean pots 3V c put up in nice box. . . Turkey red damask , guaranteed colors nt 18c , Tablets , 3c , 5c , lOc , 15c. Gallon milk crocks 3c Full bleached damask 17' c . Cups acd saucers , eacd Ic 5c. Qulro Paper and package of Envelopes for Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. The celebrated Clyde d&nia&k 39c All tlzo decorated plates 5r . . . SHvpr blenched German table damask nt 49c Caku fltands , 15c and 20o Scotch damask , two yards wide , Monday 4Dc Furniture Sale. ' ICc e id 20c bowte , Cc and T 7c Full size No. 8 Cooking Stove $7-95 25 dozen double catln damask napkins , C-S size , ucclli $3.00 dozen. Special . Ocds nod ends in crystal butter dishes , spoon holders , sugar , etc. Monday $1.75 < etc.5c Best Gasoline Stove made 2.39 Several carloads of flno furniture Just received now on display. An excellent chance to secure Just what you want in this line at lowest , Ilor. o rndlsb and musnrd pots 2c Gasoline Oven White Goods Department iprlccs. A great asortmcnt of pictures In all styles of frames and' ' different Decorated I nil , butter Ic 1.29 subjects. Sauce dlslirs , crystal , each 2c 40-Inch whlto aprcn lawn 7lie ferent Fine Steel Eange with water front and Dccurtite-1 fruit bowls 29c India Stools , all colors $1 85 40-Inch blac'c India linen ' 7'c - Check and stripe Nalniook at GVifl , S'XiC and lOc / Couches at $7.00 , $8.85 nnd 9 75 Decorated China sauce dishes 3 : Liigli shelf 21.95 Suits at $11.50. $12.50 , $14.00 and $14,85 Soap fil ops 2o 36-Inch Lappet curtain Swiss at 12V c , decorated lamps with glebe and shade to match $1.C5 28-inch India Linen at C'/tc Hackers at $1.25 , $1.50 and 1 7C $3,50 vase , / Cano seat chairs , 75c and 85c Iron beds at $2.50 , $4.25 and 4 SO Pure Food Department Sale in Towels and Crash Special Mattresses at $1.35 , $1.50 and 175 Fish. Fish. Fish. Read These Prices Carefully. All linen crash at Cc Big Carpet Sales. A Few Plain Facts and Glass Towelling , red nn 1 blue check , 18 incties wide , at 4" At the Transtnississippi Headquarters , Figures. Extra good quality cotton crash at 2Wc . If you want to save money look at our stock. An unlimited number Snow Whlto Boneless Codfish 4V&C Any Brand of Laundry Soap 10 Bars 25o CO dozen fringed towota , flno border , slzo 24x50 , worth 15 : , Monday itic j of styles to select from. Norway Herring , Monday only 3V c Santa Claus Soap , 10 Bars 25c Extra largo bath towels , woven selvage , worth 15c , Monday 10 : ; Tapestry brussels carpet per yard 49c Middle chunks best Codfish IHic Silk Soap , 10 Bars 25o Sanford's best brussels carpets C5c Family While Fish only 31&C Domestic Soap , 10 Bars j > Co Union Ingrains others ask 40c our price 3Gc No. 1 White Fish , largo fancy catch 8He All I ) ran da of Laundry Soaps , 10 Barn 25e Some extra good values in all wool at C5c Mackerel. 3' and. 6c Whlto Russian , White Paris , Hoe Cake , etc 2 > Ac Jewelry Dept 4-4 reversible brussels , handsome designs 75c Round BUoro Mackerel , OVjc and 8' ' c There is a great war going on between the largo toap manufac Mackerel fine lOc turers. Soap is lower than It has been for five years. If the war ' An Excellent Curtain Irish , very SPECIAL SALE ON ROGERS' KNIVES AND FORKS. Chance. ' Norway Afackerel ( fat and white ) , only 12lo continues fioap will go much lower 'n a very short time. Rogers' 12 dwt. knives or forks , for set of C $1.10 Grand special sale curtains and "draperies. Every novelty now shown , 'Wo carry a full line of all kinds of Smoked Fish and Lenten goods Early Blossom Peon , per can Cc 'Rogers' Al teaspoons , each lOc Rufllcd muslin curtains , per pair : 90c ai very low prices , Lima Beans , per can Cc Rocere' Al tablespoons , each 20c Handsome brussels net curtains , now , per pair $4 00 Sofdloss Naval Oranges , per dozen 12' , c String Hear.fi , per can Bo Rogers' nickel silver teaspoons , each CO-lnch Nottingham curtains , per i > alr 98o Halovtccn Dates , per pound , only Co Whlto Wax Beans , per can Cc Rcgeis' nickel silver tahlespocus , car-li lOc Embroidered Swiss , per yard 10c N w Turkish Figs , per pound , only 9'c 3-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes , worth J2' , c 8c < Elegant gold filled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 20 40-inch , imported sash curtains , muslin , per yard 12V4c Visit our Flair Department this'week for bargains , 3-pound cans Cholco Tomatoes , worth lOc , each 7c years , with line Elgin or Waltham movement $10.95 New summer cretonne per yard 12'XC Red Kidney Beans , largo can Cc Gents' line \\altliani watches In sllvcrlne cases , , $3.43 These ure the Prices at the Baked Becns ( Boston ) fia Ladles' and goats' gold ptated hunting case watched , stem wind and Wall Paper , Paints and Brushes. 3-pound cans Golden Pumpkin or Squash 7jc net. American made movement $2.03 Your room papered with remnants of high grade goods worth $3.00 Big Cracker Department. 3-pound cans very flno Pumpkin , cnly Co Ilundredu of sterling silver articles at about ccio-lmlf regular pi ices. to $5.00 a room , at COc to $2.50 ; put up In bundles of side border and Newport flakes lie 3-pound caiw California Fruits , really worth 18c , per can , put up All ttio very la . ? t novelties In belts , rings , bracelets , ct.aliiR , tuurms , celling for all sized rooms. i Shredded wlialo wheat lie for table use. only , 12lie ruff links , brooclis.f , elicit pins , studs , balr ornamrtila , gold pens , etc. , Whlto blanks at 3jc , 4c EC llromncr's lunch lOc Peaches , Pears , Apricots , I'luma or Blackberries , tlicfio prices are * t hilf other s'.oro prices. i 0-Inch borders , IHc : and 18-Inch borders per yard 3c and 4c 6oda crackers Cc for Monday. All gooJa guaranteed as represented. ' Ollts , worth lOc to 15c , go at Oc , 7c and lOc ; with 0 and 18 inch Q)4ter crackers , Cu borders. Graham crackers' . " . lOc Evaporated Fruits Heavy enamel finish gilts In dark blues , greens , reds and terra Oatmeal crackers lOc New Muscatel ! Raisins . end 5o 3V Experiments In buying a piano are costly , But why experiment at c borders at ICc with 9 and 18 inch , 17Vic . Ginger 7c cotta up. snaps ' Ilalslnfl . . . ' oil ? ' Valencia , only . .G'XsC , 7 Vic and 8 ! c Ingrains at lOo and 12"Ac 1'rctzels lie Now California I'runen . , . . ' . . . . . . 'i'/ic ' , Co and fit4o We sell / the English tapestries at COo to $1,25 per toll. Flno mixed cookies lOc New California Raisin Cured Prunes . Chickering , Steinway Room Mouldings. Special Prices in the Meat Department. Now Salt Lake Peachro , only . GV&c ' Now California Peaches , only . 7to ' and Fischer Pianos. l'/j inch oak , pine and cherry , per foot 2c No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams S'.ic Now Lemon Cling reaches , only . ' . . S'/io IV , Inch fancy colorel gilts , 3c , 3He and 4c .Pickled Trlpo and Pigs Feet 4c Now liartlett Pears , Monday . You cannot find any of the obovo three beet planoa In the world anywhere - 2 Inch fancy colored , 4',4c , Go and > . . Co Choice Corned Beef 4c Now Apricots , Monday . where else in Omalia , nut our prices are lowtr than you will find Beat ready mixed paints , per gallon , fi 00 CotUgo Harofl , bonolecs S'/tc ' Now Seeded Halslns , In packages . anywhere clso on earth , Plek'led Pork Cc Emerson pianos , In fancy case , $175 , $185 and $205. No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams , picnic Cc Voso & Sons pianos In fancy raso at $195. ' Beet German Summer Sauaaga 12l c Butter and Eggs Smith & Barnes pianos at $195 to $350. in Men's Furnishings. Frankfort Sausage 7'c Twenty-one other different nukes , 6-pound pall bcc- Kettle Rendered Lard 32o Choice Country Roll Butter . , . So , lOc , 12 HO NEW PIANOS FOR RENT. 1,000 dozen men's shirts- Cooked I'resied Coined Beef , ollccd DC Very Btst Country Itoll Butter . . . . 14c Bought from a manufacturer at a very low price , will go on solo Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacrn 9c Country Butter , In tubs . . . Sc , lOc 12'/jc ' Saturday ; your choice of this lot for 29c each ; shirts worth up to $2.50 Bologna Liver Sausage and Head Cheese Cc Dairy llultcr , very flne . Itu Drug Dept. Prices each. Good Salt I'ork 4c Creamery Butter . ICc , ISo . Separator Creamery ( ( none better made ) . . . 20o Wo have madu arrangemcnt to bandlc cno of the bctt makes of Cutlcura resolvent ' , 70c Separator Creamery Butter made. We receive It frceh every morning Warner's Lydla Plnkliam's safe compound , , 70c direct from the creamery , BO you can always depend upon getting ' cure SOc nice frcsli , sweet butter ot the Tranaml sUalppl Hcadijuartcra. Miles' Remedies t < , C5c Ayer'p b lr vigor 68c Omalm's Favorite Cheese Dept. Beef , Iron and wlno 25e HAYDEN . JVoodbury'a ftclal soap , cike IBc Full Cream Cbeceo . . . . . lOc Cullcufi Wap . ' , I5c Herklmer Co. Full Cream . . . . 12'/jO Packers' tar eoap 'f.V. * . . . ' 13c Kaocy Llmburgcr . , . . . . < . . . . . 12V&Q 7H white rose glycerine. . , , , , , 13c Neufchatel Cheese . . . . . 3 > , ? c Bring your prescriptions hero to bo filled and nave money. We have all kinds of cheeseIn Block at lowcet porslblc prices ,