Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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A Gomnncd that Should Be Heeded No
Less by the Business Man
Our Annniil HOIINC ClrnnliiK
lli'Klnx Tomorrow Ue Shall Clour
j Out , Clone Out nml Sell IU--
tiirillcH of CON ! oralnc
A largo number of sample pianos left with
us by the manufacturers. Also pianos re
turned from agents.
Itaic opportunity for Intending purchasers
In planquluts
Spring tlmo will soon be here with all
its attendant responsibilities. To us It
tntans mush , tor at this tlmo of the > ear
K has long been our custom to put our
lock In order ; to clctso out odd stjles of
pianos pianos of our regular line droppeJ
Irom the catalogue pianos sent to us by
tarloiiH factoilea as eamplw with a view
of having us handle their Instruments , and
piano ? returned from rent customers , und
gents , etc.
IhU soil of stock , desirable In every
particular for anyone to buy , accumulates
durln ? the > ear to quite nn extent nnd It
is necessary , for lack of room , If nothing
cite , to close them out.
Thtsc sample planoa tent lis by the vari
ous factorlta arc brand new , and usually very
fine Instruments , and we do- not try to sell
them until wo Kiss. ! on the factories mak
ing some disposition of tncm. Then they
tell us to close them out lor them at any
reasonable price. This wo shall proceed
tu do
In our now and bcautltiil piano ware rooms
we are able lo display tills ttoclt to ad
vantage to our customers , We have ione ;
over the stock carefully and marked every
Instrument down to figures that will posi
tively Insure tlie sale of every Instrument
In ten days or less.
We shoa beautiful sample piano , four
Kct eight Inches high , roll fall , full swing
muslo rest , In English oak or mahogaii } ,
for only $17. > . Ito the regular $323 kind.
We ofltr at tills sale u fine Rosewood
cosed sample piano , four feet seven inched
hlth , with all muderii Improvements , wortli
ji7G , for $142.00.
Iwtnty dollars cash , $800 to $10000 per
month btiys any of these pianos.
Piano returned from rcni customer , fine
condition , for $110 Every Instrument In
this entire sale stock marked coircspond-
Ingly aj lav , as those mentioned , nml all
marked In plain figures
Several now sample organs at Ic a ' .ban
ocst to close out.
Used organs $10 to $25.
FJno Cabinet foi $42 , worth $ < " > .
The number of these special bargains Is
limited It will bo neces-ury to call eaily
to lecute them.
In addition to these we show the very
flnr ' . "Klmball , " "Knabu , " "Kranieh A :
iU.icIi" and "Mallet fc Davis" pinna * In nil
tin. various stylea and tlnUhoq. You have
piomlsod your wife , daughters or son a
plant ) or an oigan this year. This it. the
time for you to buy. Thin Is the time
to bectirc n bargain that you cannot dupll-
cata again Come Monday. Conic eail ) ,
too , for we knoi\ how theao things ti.ll
when trea : bai alrs lil > c these are offeicd ,
and they'll all go in a feu days.
Plcauj take notice that we alv.ajs have
what we advertise.
Wo never quote fictitious prices as stool
A. HOSl'D ,
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha.
Call or write.
We detilre to extend our heartfelt thanks
to our many friends , .o the Rev , A. J. Tui-
kle , t'le Butchers' association and Ladltf
of the Maccabees foi their klnclncis , their
hjmpatliy and lioral offerings In our late
bereavement , the death of our beloved wife ,
daughter and sister.
o. .v vr. iMI \ \ vit.isit n n
I'm' VII I'oliilN HiiNt unit South.
Leaves Omaha dally at 1:35 : p. m. , anlvcs
St Louis 715 a. in. , connecting In Union
Station with all lines. For rates , sleeping
car space and all Information call at office
No 1115 Farnam stteet , ( Paxtou Hotel
UIocl. ) or write Hairy E. Moores , Ticket
Agent , Omaha Neb.
GI11SON Mnry , Fob. 21. 1S0S. daughter of
Air and .Mrs James Gibson , aged 21 j ears
Funeral at 1 30 o'clock Suml.iy nfte'tnoon ,
1'eb. 27 , from her Into residence , 22.23
Charles stieet , to Laurel Hill cemeteiy
A D T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bug.
gage dellveied. 1302 DouclaB St. Tel. 177.
Tin : coi.oit.vuo SP
I''iiHlcHt Train ( o Deliver
Via the
Leaves Omaha at 11:55 : p. m ,
tiavlng buffet , smoking nnd llbraiy cais
Blccpor nn westbound train will be open to
tiavellng public at 0 p. in. , and persons
bound for Colorado points need not wait
until train leaves at midnight before re
tiring. For full Information call at city
ticket office , No. 1302 Farnam street.
_ _ _ _ _ . . .M
Itclnll tlereliimlN , Attention.
The Oiniha Business Men's afsoctatlcn will
bold n public meeting al the Commercial club
rooms , Sixteenth and Faiitam sticets , Moa-
day evening , February 28 , at 7:30 : o'clock.
All single line incntnints , their employes
and friends aio cordially Invited to attend ,
Good speukeia will be In attendance. Como
nml pass a plcisant and profitable evening.
By order of the executive committee ,
II. 0. BEATTY , Secretary.
' ii.i'rns M UTH.
Via I'nrl Arthur Itotitr.
The Kansas Cltj , Plttshurg & Gulf railroad
will sell i omul trip tickets any date , at one
faro ( plus $2) ) to all points on Its line , south
of Gentry , Ark.
For rates , advertising matter nnd all Information
mation , call at "Port Arthur Route" office.
No , 1415 Farnam street , ( Pnxton Hotsl
Block ) or write , Har j E Moores , Passenger
ami Ticket Agent. Omaha , Neb.
Blank books Have thorn made by A , I.
Hoot , printer and binder , icni Howard
A I. Hoot , arMstlc book binder. 1609 Howard
A Midnight
Train for
neglnnlng Sunday , March 8th , the
ChIc KO Special will leave Omaha at
12:05 : midnight , reaching Chicago at
2 1C p , m , and making close connec-
Urns In that city with afternoon tralni
for all eastern points.
Only 41 H boure , Omaha to New York.
ticket Office ,
J , B. RBYNOLDS. P. - A r ,
A II run itr r Ono Aiiprnrit In Omnliit
K\ fry Dnj- ,
The fakir , Ilko the poor , Is alwaya with
us , but nl some tlmw ho Is more numerous
than nt other times. Ho la the forerunner
and the companion of fairs , expositions atxl
special happenings. A great many perrons
who never have and never will make an
hoiicflt living have as keen a sense of the
pleasure of attending these great occasions
as other people , but not having the money ,
they cast about for some scheme by the aid
of which they can fleece the nubile out of
their expenses whilst attending ihe e ex pail-
tlocs llcRgliig will not do , for they would
ho arrested ; highway robbery Is open lo the
eamc objection , but n living they must have.
The list of fake advertising schemes Is stud
ied and a scheme chosen , not on account
of its merllo. but because the parties think
they can work It , and clear up the most
LjiU star , through the efforts of the ad
vertising men , the newspapers and the mer
chants of Omaha , that king of all fake
fichcnics , the State Kalr Bulletin , got Its
quietus , arid ratny other equally nefarious
enterprises of this Ultvl were laid low and
abandoned for lack of support. lut ! this
> ear the ovcs of every fakir In the country
are turned on Omaha ns the harvest field.
Within a week the writer has received two
propositions to help push a fake which Its
protnotets declare Is a dead "cinch , " stating
that It will jleld a profit of $5,000 between
the 15th of March cad the 15th of April next.
These gentlemen from the wst cor.ldcntly
expect to have the merchants of Omaha
contribute- them for the privilege of plac
ing their advcrt'slng In a special directory
for the coming exposition , Just think of the
margin must bo In this great fake ,
which would vlcld at the rate of 560,000 cold
cash lor Ita promoteis In cue. year. This is
better then Klondike gold inlying stock at
1 cent n share.
Parties are now at work In Omilm upon a
similar dlicctory of rooms and boaitllng
houses They offer to direct exposition visi
tors to thevw roons and lodging houses for
10 per cent of the gross revenue' from the
parties lucatcJ. Then the proprietor la to
take and pay for an advertisement In the
directory ; the amount charged for the space
varied according to the number ot looms
the advuitlser has for rent. For Instance ,
Mrs A. , with ten rooms , pays $23 for a half
page In the directory , whl'dt Mra. I ) . , with
live rooms , only paja ? 12 50 for the same
space In the director ) . The pajme tb for
thcso advertisements nro made f > o much
dovi and the balance when the dliectory
1 < dellveied. The real advantages of this
scheme to the schemer will appear when It
i.i remembered that most hotels are renteil
on the basis of 10 per cent of the grOv
lecslptb The bchemci .11 this ease not onlj
pets an evtortlonnto price for his space In
'ho proposed directory , but aclually collects
rent on the hotel or lodging house Into the
bargain. Ii i other woids the propiletor not
culy pa > s for his advertising , but pajs the
fakir a O3cond rent on his premises , for the
lulvllcge. A want ad In any ot the dally
pajcis would bring a tliousrndfoM greater
retuiijg at one-tenth the COM
Tnls is Just one ot a store of schemes
which an- being epm.g on private citizens
end merchants by fnltlu from outside ot
Omaha Thej offer no return for mosey paid
them Thej ciever have-anJ never will con-
tilbute a cunt to the support of our city or
Its cltbfiK' Good morpy l& being lost in
these worse than u&elecs schemes. The time
ji J patience of our nicichants are bein ?
ttcia out. and real opportunities for proflta
ble adveitlsing being lost ThU mattei of
advertising is a reco uU < Hl pait of modem
biiilncsii methods , and should r ° cclve care
ful consideration from every business men
\ merchant can 'o more afford to place his
announcement in a fake sheet directory or
riogram than he can afford to house his
buolnc. .s in a hen eoop cud then expect up-
to-date d'iscicet bujers to pationlze him
A medium to be of value miiit reach jour
clusj ot customers. It must reach a Mill !
eletjt number ot them nnd must have sulll-
clent prestige and the confidence of the
< i ople necettary to Influence them to heed
jour announcement. This no transient fake
scheme ean have. A score ° f busjue meii
und merchants have thanKed me for mj
former communlcatlccis In these columns on
the fake advertising schemer , and have
stated that not a dollar of their mcmey will
assist the fakir In the future. It Is doubtful
whether any newspaper would get less ad-
vcrtlsror If the woodh were ten times , fuller
of fal.e schemers than they are now. Thej
are not the ones who suffer It Is the mer-
ihant who pationUes the fake who paja the
fiddler mid dances to the tune which the
fakir plajs. It Is n sort of nlckle-ici-the-slot
game , In which the man with the nickel Is
never allowed to win.
Have you tried Mjstlc flour ? You will
like It when > ou do
ruimlrv McrelmiitH Take Vilv nn
of Itciluocil Itnllrmul Itnli-H.
During the last week a consldeiablc num
ber of country merchants from the territory
Including Iowa , north Missouri , South Da
kota , northern Kansas , Nebraska , Coloiado ,
Utah and Wyoming have been In the city
bujlng their spiing stocks of goods. Job-
bert , particularly those dealing In diy goods ,
have been busy In looking after these cus
The merchants have been attracted by
special excursion rates of one and one-third
faro for the round trip from all points In
the tenltory mentioned which comes within
the Jurisdiction of the Western Passenger
association. There tickets were placed on
s lo from February 10 to 25 and are good
returning between February 2T and March
5 , both Inclusive. The excursion tales were
secured by the Merchants' 'butcau ' of the
Commercial club.
While a considerable number ot country
merchants were here , a greater numbci are
expected at the second meeting next month
between March 26 and April 1 , The same
i educed rates will then be In effect. The
dates named will bo pUccd between the
dates named , and will bo goo.l returning be
tween March 30 and April 9 A greatei
cioud l expected then because the present
tlmo Is considered a little top early for the
country merchant i to stock iip.
CIVIL snuvioi : I\AMIV\TIO\S.
Dadfnr lliihllliK' (111SprliiKT ( TUN < H
HIIN Nut Yft Ili'fii | . ' | \IM | .
There Is some doubt when the rprlng
civil service examinations for positions In
the prfltofflce , Internal revenue and customs
departments will take place. Miss Coflln ,
secretary of the loiol board , has written to
Wellington regarding the date , but has re
ceived an answer that It has not vet been
fUcd by the civil service commission. Ac-
cot ding to the recent Instructions sent out ,
however , the examinations will bo held some
tlmo between March 15 and April 25.
A considerable number of applications of
poisons who deslio to take the examinations
have been filed with Secretary Coflln. Not
very many more can be filed , slnco they
must all bo handed to the secretary by
next Tuesday , All applications that are
presented for filing after that day will be
thrown out ,
Will ti-r It HUM Off with Money ,
The police hnvo been iiskecl to arrest John
Touhcy , n waller who has been vvoiklm , ' In
a rest.iuiant at the corner of Fourteenth
street nnd Capital avenue. Ho Is charged
with robbing Rveiett Lltz. another waiter In
.tho eating house , of 15. Lltz nlso carries
n route fern newspaperand yesterday morn ,
ing ho collected the money from Ills sub-
scrlberB. At noon while doing duty at the
restaurant Lltz produced the money and
Touhcy asked to bo permitted to handle It.
Lltz turned It over to him , whereupon
Touhey ran through the kitchen Into the-
alluy In the rear of the restaurant nnd dis
.NoIt-it from flu * C'ourlN ,
Mn . Funny O'LInn , one of Nebraska1 ! * female -
male lawyer * , appeared before Judge Faw.
cett In the case of torticiiian aeulnt Qlllls-
ple , she representing the defendant to resist
t if illmnlHHul of the uutlori. Bho had flled a
Mipi'm'cltius bond , but luid made name ml -
tr.ko In u name of one of the sluneis. JuJge
r.iwrrtt took thu motion to dUniins under
W. J..CJulr lias been appointed receiver
for the llqucr linn of Frlck & Herbcrtz and
Henry Farmer hus Uvcn appointed to exam
ine thu book * and accounts. This Is the
llrm the infinbora of which could not agree
UD to the conduct of iliu buslncsu und usked
the court to , take a. hand ,
Pipes on the Grounds Are Finally Tilled
with Fluid.
UIincultlcH In the \Vny of MnUltiR n
Connect Inn Overcome nml ( lie
I'reMNtirc Turnril on at ,
The water mains on the exposition grounds
are now ccrnected with the mains of the
Omaha Water company and the buildings on
the grounds are protected against danger
from fire. The connection was made and
water turned CM shortly before midnight Fri
day night. A delay of over twenty-four hours
WOB caused by the conditions which were
found to exist when work was started , The
frost had penetrated the ground to n connld-
crablc depth , causing great difficulty In ex
cavating the trench , nnd It was found that
there was no val\c In the exposition mains
near where the connection was to be made ,
eo that It wns necessary to allow the water
to run Into the excavation and then pump
It out before the work could proceed. These
dimcultica wcro surmounted , however , and
the water was turned cii.
The next step will be to make connections
with the bluff tract. Tills portion of the
grounds linn been supplied through an Inch
pipe with water for construction purposes ,
but a complete sjstcm of large mains was
laid Borne time ago the full length of tVs
tract and connection will be made with this
sjstem at Sixteenth and Plnckney streets.
\Vork was started on this connection as soon
aa the water was turned Into the main
court , and there will be no cessation until
the connection Is completed. It Is expected
that this work will bo finished some time
Monday. The other connections w 111 be made
as fast as possible and by the end of the
coming week It Is thought the entire expo
sition s > stcm will bo connected on all stdis
with the wa'er ' company's mains , giving a
complete circulating s > stcm.
oui : < so.v HKVDV TO TAICH PYIIT.
State CoiiinilsMlnnotlely nt Work
on Imposition Mutton * .
That Oregon will have a fine exhibit at the
exposition Is now assured. An active com
mission , composed of prominent business men
and capitalists , has been appointed by Gov
ernor Lord , and will bo organized for busi
ness at an early day. It nas been estimated
that $20,000 will be lequlred to make an ex
hibit , and the go\ernor states that he has no
doubt but that this amount may be easily
raised as a loan , the subscribers to be reim
bursed by the legislature at its nc\t faes-
This Information comes to the Department
of Publicity and Piomotlon from Special
Agent C. E. Llowelljn. who has been In the
state for a week arcuulng the public-spirited
cltl/ens and state officers to the Importance
of ha\lng their state represented.
This is a full list of the Oregon commis
sion J. C , Hacolttne , Portland , etiitc sena
tor ; C. C. BeeKman , Jacksonville , banker ;
Henry R. Dosch , Portland , president State
Horticultural society ; J. K Datchclder , Port
land , president etreet railway company ; R.
1) . Inman , Portland , banker ; J. A. Wright ,
Sparta , merchant ; J. Henry Longmald ,
Ucurno , mine owner ; J. G. nay , Iloseburg ,
contractor and mining ; Philip Metschan ,
S.ilem , state treasurer ; E. P. McCormack ,
Salem , banker ; II. II. Miller , Grant's ' Pass ,
president Agricultural college ; n. F. Alley ,
Baker City ( newspaper man ; J. 0 Han-
tliorn , Astoria , salmon packer ; George G.
Cans , Salem.
A mass meeting of all Interested persons
and ot the newly appointed commission has
been called to be held In Portland March 4 ,
at which time the commission will he or
ganized and the general plan of operations
decided on The state has already a fine
exhibit of fruit , grasses , grains and minerals
and this will be used as a mucleus for a flue
exhibit. The salmon packers arc reported
bj .Mr. LIcwelljn to bo very enthusiastic In
the mattei and are beginning active opera
tions to Install a Hue exhibit showing the
extent of the salmon Industry of Oregon.
A meeting of business men was held In
Portland February 22 , at which Mr.
Llowell > n presented the exposition In al :
Its bearings end It was the concensus of
opinion of those present that at least 4,000
feet of space will be required to properly
picsnnt the many resources of Oregon.
Special Agent Llewellyn Is now In Wash
ington endeavoring to hove the governor
appoint a commission and provllo for state
participation In the exposition , Washington
Is the last state to remain , totally Inactive.
\ VTIO.VVI. I'TiFnTiTrvs"Tom
I'lmi for n Grcnl ( JnlliiTlntc Snliinlttrd
to Imposition Aiitliorllli-H.
P. A. Wood of Cedar Uaplils , la. , president
of the National Firemen's association , and
E. I. Alderman o Marlon , la. , vice president
of the same organization for Iowa , are In the
city for the purpose of making arrangements
with the ejiposltlon management for a na
tional tournament of flremen to be held In
Omaha some time during the- Utter part
of the summer.
"There has been no national tournament
ot firemen In the United States blnce the
tournament held In Chicago In 1S7S , " said
President Wood to a Bee representative.
'At that celebration there were 17,000 flre
men In line In the parade , ami It is evident
: rom that that it Is no small affair. I bc-
IIovo If a tournament is held In Omaha and
T fair amount Is offered In prlcs that fully
75,000 people will be brought here as a
result of the tournament alone. "
Messrs. Wood and Alderman called on
President Wattles and presented the matter
to him nnd also visited the exposition
grounds with a view of determining whether
a suitable place could be found there , They
were well pleat'i'd with the opportunities of
fered by the north tract of the exposition
giounds and said this could be made to
answer very well for the many tests of skill
and efficiency which go to malicup the fire
men's tournament.
President Wattles agreed to lay the matter
before the executive committee.
VIsltorH from ( lit * \ \OI-HIM ( Will Ilu
hlio\\n IY : | > ON | | | < > II lli'iintli'H ,
A party of forty-two people , composed of
newspaper men and their wives , will arrlvo
In Omaha via the Union Pacific at 1 30 p.
tn. today nnd will visit the exposition
grounds under the escort of a special com
mittee appointed by the exposition manage
ment for that purpose. The party has been
making a tour of the west under the auspices
of the Minneapolis Journal and has been as
'ar south as Mexico ,
The delegation will bo met at the Tenth
street depot by the special committee nnd
will be taken to the exposition grounds on
special street cars. After Inspecting the
grounds the entire party will return down
tonn and will visit The 'Hoc ' building and
other points of Interest about town , return
ing to the ( Webster street depot In time to
joard the train on the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha road which leaves at
i.55 p. m.
There ate a number of women In the
party , and President Wattles has a&ked Mrs.
Harford , president of the Woman's club , to
appoint a committee of six members of the
club to be at the depot and assist In enter
taining the visitors. In addition to this the
president has appointed the following com
mittee to meet the party and act as escort :
William Leverett and Victor E. llcnder ,
Council muffs ; George W. Mnlngcr , M. C.
I'etura , M. S , Hartlett , 'E. Uosewater , W. II.
Hoberbon , Ucorge A. Joslyn , 11.V , Camp
bell , I , W. Carpenter , C. U. Thompson , G ,
M. Hitchcock , It. L. Metcalfe. S. K. Xeb'e ,
Clement Chase , J. C. Uarnard , F. A. Ken
nedy. H. F. Mclntosh , G. A. Linden. Fred
A. Schnahc. M , G , I'erklns , W. V , Morse ,
John HcHlcky , W. G. SJiriver , Miss Mary
[ 'alrbrothcr.
The follow lug la a complete list of the
party of visitor * ; Mlmieaota W. A. Aiuler-
fcoo and wife , Springfield ; C. Aberle , Alex
andria ; Dr. H , J , Uoyd , Alexandria ; C. W.
Dabeock , Kasota ; Mrs. L. L. Ilradbury ,
Springfield ; W. W. Illackman , Springfield ;
MUo Urundage , J. F. Ie Lalttro and wife ,
Mrs , It. 6 , Dean , J. F , Evaiis cud wife , L. 8.
Gillette and wife , Mre. John Gluck , Misses
LIztle , Carrie and Don * Oluck , W. D. Oed
'dard , Guy Merrill , MnC , A. E. Merrill , N. J
Nelson , L. T. Sowle , A. W. Warnock nnd
wife , Minneapolis : Dr. J. H. Carson , Miss
Edith 8. Cariton oJF. ? B. Day. Duluth ; C
P. Fenstcrmachcr. Brecklnrldgo ; Fred
Grelner und wife , CJiaska ; n. H. Hjscr ,
Brecklnrldge ; W. Kbch , Now Ulm ; Theodore
Kobarsch , New Ulm { B. Lowell , Stlllwatcr
J. S. McLaln and wife , Minneapolis ; M. Mul
len and wlfo and Mica Mullen , New Ulm ; J
Meglns , Duluthj C. J. McCollom and wife
Hallock ; n. Relft and wife , St. Paul
A. Roberts and wife ; Springfield ; J , n.
Schmidt. Springfield ; A , L. Sackett , St. Peter ;
A. P. T. Suffcl and wife , Hallock ; A. E.
Sawyer nnd wife and Mlsa Fannie L. Sanver ,
Farlboult ; II. Walker , Alexandria.
Other elatesS. . Bailey , Wonewac , Wls. :
W. L. Btiijamln , Aehton , la. ; Dr , J. Graeslck
and wife and Miss GrasJlck , Uucksteo. N. D. ;
A. Gantslc , St. Thomas. N. D. ; J. L. Hall ,
Volga , S. D. ; J. Knight and wlfo , Indian
apolis , IixJ. ; L. L. Lnstutter , Iroquols , S , D. ;
T. F. Marshall nnd wife. Oakes , N. D ; W.
W. Hejleck , Graf ton , N. D. ; J. W. Smith ,
Grand Forks , N. D.j P. C. Woydcrt. Loula-
town , Mont. ; C. E. Wolfomkn , Wwiowac ,
Motitnnn'H Crent I'rrinrn | < lnnn.
The Montana mining exhibit Is growing at
a rapid rate and the preparations which are
being mode by that state for participation
In the exposition are being greatly enlarged.
The Department of Exhibits has been notified
that. In addition to the 2,000 feet already reserved -
served by this state-On the Mines and Mining
building , 600 feet more will bo required In
order to properly Install the magnificent ex
hibit which Is being collected. Vice Pres
ident Sutherlln reports that matters arc In
a very promising condition eo far as making
am exhibit Is concerned and he promises a
showing In minerals and all other lines to
bo represented that will reflect great credit
on the etato and also on the exposition.
In addition to Ita other exhibits the otato
will erect a state building at n ccst ot $12,000.
Plans have been made for thle building and
the contract for the construction of the
building has been let to Leo Bonet , the well
known builder and staff contractor. He will
commence work at once and eajs that the
Montana building will bo a beauty.
H ceo nt Aiiill | > ' ' > tln -i for Space.
Among the applications for spate which
have been received by the Department of
Exhibits during the last tew days are the
following : IJyron Weston Paper company of
Dulton , Mass , eighty feet ; Keystone Manu
facturing company , Sterling. 111. , farm ma
chinery , COO feet ; American Electric Ve
hicle company , Chicago , 225 feet ; Home Em
broidery Machine company , Kansas City , 150
feet ; White Sewing Machine company , GOO
feet , this space to be occupied by the $15,000
booth upctl by this firm at the Biussels ex
position ; Standard Filter company , Omaha ,
forty feet ; M. A. Wllumsen , Murray , Utah ,
automatic coupler ; D. M. Sechler Carriage
ihmiiiny of Mollnc , III. , 100 feet ; S. O.
Campbell , East Peru , la. , gate banners In
operation , 200 feet ; S. J Morgan. Chicago ,
garment cutting In operation , sKty feet ;
Hlplcy Hardware company , Grafton , 111 ,
stock food cooker , 130 feet ; Nebraska Seed
company. Omana , COO feet In addition to
amount heretofore icscrved.
inn-can DOCK
The Bureau of Public Comfort of the ex-
pcoltlon held a meeting at noon , but did
nothing ot any moment. The tlmo was
spent In discussing some of the details of
the work Which the bureau has In hand.
AotON of ( lie i\iosllloii. |
Manager Babcock of the Transportation de
partment Is confined to his home by lllnces
A donation of $1,000 from the Kitchen
Brcs. ' Hotel company was received at ex
position headquarters as the lateot acquisi
tion to the assets of the exposition.
Special Commissioner It. W. lllchanlson Is
In Frankfort , Ky , in the Interest of the ex
position , indeavorlng to arouse more interest
in the exposition among the people of that
IliiIlilliiKHSelcotcil from Whlcli the
CoiiiiiilkNloiicr linyCliooNC One.
The announcement in The Bee that Con
gressman Mwcer had succeeded In Inducing
Commissioner of Indian Affalni Jones to ad
vance the date of opening -the Indian supply
depot In this city from June 1 to May 1 If
existing conditions do not change was reud
with considerable satisfaction by the racm-
bets of the Commercial club. That bodj
has been especially vigorous in backing up
Congressman Metcer in the matter.
The club members , however , do not see
that thcie Is anything left for them to do
that has not already been done. The club
Is icady to furnish a suitable building an
eoon as the government Is ready to accept It
This building has been formally tendered
rent fieo by 'he city authorities. Nothing
remains to bo done except for the govecn-
ment to accept the offer , examine the build
ing to see If It Is suitable and occupy It.
Secretary Utt of the club says thai neither
ho nor the club could do anything In the
matter of selecting the' ' building. They
might rent one which the government offi
cials would not deem suitable for the pur
poses for which It Is to be used. Secretary
Utt has a half dozen bulld'nga on the string
and Is only waiting for the government to
examine them and oelect the most suitable
one In case Commissioner Jones himself
comes to the city to make the selection , as
is intimated In the dispatch. It is proposed
to send a committee to Chicago to meet him
aad escort htm to Omaha.
The club has made efforts to have bids for
Indian supplies opened In this city even before -
fore the opening of the depot , but Is not very
sanguine of success In this direction. It Is
not considered that the department on Indian
affairs would care to purchase goods In this
city before a place was obtained tor storln. ?
them. However , Secretaiy Utt hue written
to Congressman Mercer regarding thb and a
day or so ago received en answer to the
effect that the congressman would make an
effort to have bJs ! opened hero for the pur-
chahe of equipment and honacs for the Sioux
United Milieu \Horne Will Attlt fern
n ItfxtruliiliiK Order.
United States District Attorney Sawyer
an3 Assistant Hush are determined to take
active steps In the prosecution of the suit
of the United States against the South
Omaha Live Stock exchange Just as soon
as the special term of the federal court
convenes I'l this city the middle of next
A&a'stant ' Attorney Rush said yester
day that nn application would be made
verbally to Judge MUnger to Isaue the tern-
poiary Injunction against the further opera
tion of the exchange * on the grounds that It
exists in violation t > f the Shei man anti-trust
law. The evidence that wan given In be
half of the government before Kxamlncr-
In-Clmncery Hatltn Is deemed sufficient
basis for the application. This evidence Is
now transcribed ,
The live fitcck exchange did not have an
Innings before the master-ln-chancery and
Its attorneys will not say If they will ask
for such n hearing ; In fact the counsel
\\lll give no Intimation of the course they
Intend to pursue In the case.
KlUlioriinllcTllIoiiM' .Not .SillIt'll for
.lull TurpoNCH.
The examination of the Elkhcrn Valley
house by the special jail committee of city
officials discloses the fact that It will coat
upwards of fIJOO to put the building In ehape
for occupancy. A number of the partitions
would have to bo moved , and the plumbing
would require a thorough overhauling. There
Is also e-nslderablo objection to the loca
tion on account of Its proximity to the Dodge
school. City Engineer Hosowatcr has re
ceived another proposal , the nature of which
he will not disclose until the committee hag
another meeting.
A permit has been Issued to the Krug
Brewing company to build a tuo-gtory and
babement brick building at 9M-18 North Sixteenth -
teenth street. The proposed structure will
bo 00x60 feet , and will cost { 6,000. It will
bo occupied by a saloon anil atorerooma ,
The permit for the proponed alterations and
repairs on the Heltmau building , at Thir
teenth and Farnam ttreeti , has been Issued
to the Northwestem Mutual Life Insurance
comp&ny. The coat U estimated at { 1,000 , i
roMtinnntcr Will Mnlte n. Change In
the Dpllvcrj- > tcm.
An entirely different eyntom of distrib
uting < ho carriers' moll on Sunday will be
Inaugurated today. Formerly cny one
wanting mall on Sunday merely gave Ms
number In and this was called out , making
A great confusion as well as letting malt out
In A very haphazard way. From now on
persons desiring their mall will call at the
superintendent's office any tlmo after 11
o'clock Sunday morning and an order will bo
given them for their mall. These orders
will bo numbered and the holders of them
will bo waited on In order of their number
when the office opens at noon. When the
superintendent l&sucs an order he will take
the name and address of the person to whom
the order Is Issued and this slip Is taken to
the distributing room , where the person's
mall lo collected and labeled with his mini-
bercd slip. When the office opens all the
mall packages that have been ordered will
bo so arranged that they can bo handed
without delay when the order Is presented.
The pcatal authorities fllo all orders for
mall , so they have something to show for
mall that they let out. By this system ho
postmaster hopes to distribute the Sunday
mall In much loss time than formerly , as
well as with less confusion and risk.
Workmen Hurt nt tlio IturlliiRton
Depot ( SettliiK Alonir .Moi-1- .
All of the workmen who were Injured nt
the Burllngtcti depot Friday afternoon by
the falling ot a "gin-polo" with a trura of
structural Iron which was being raised to
the root will got well. Gus Larimer , who
was thought to have received internal In-
juilcs , was reported at the Clarkson Memo
rial hospital this aftcrnocti as having pnased
a comfortable night. He Is out ot danger
now and It is thought that he will be able
to leave the hospital within a week.
Charles Murray and E. J. Cooper are able
to walk about , although their Injuries appear
to bo more painful now than they were last
night. The right leg of W. Wllcox , which
was broken ' 11 two places , kcepa him con
fined at St. Joseph's hospital stid It will be
several weeks before ho will be able to get
about. John Carroll's Injuries are painful ,
but not serious.
LOCAL ] iunviTiis ,
Frank Folder was fined $10 and costs
In police court for assaulting Frank Calla-
llm of 1122 Jackson street , a boy 9 years
of age.
Fourteen cars of refined lead passotl
through the local customs port jesterday foi
export to Hnglcud. The metal Is scat by the
cnielting worKs.
City Treasurer Edwards has sent $12-
G4G 25 to New Yolk to meet the bonded
obligations which matine March 1. Those
consist of $8,000 In logn-ttre bond coupons
and $4C1G,25 In short-time coupons.
The receipts of ore at the smelter have
been veij light recently. Most of the ore
received here comes from the vicinity of
Vancouver and other northern mines , and
continuous storms In that region have pre
vented shipments.
Hlg Anderson and Alfons AVessbrock , boys
about 12 years of age , were tiled In police
court on a charge of indecent conduct.
Judge Gordon reserved his decision and
gave the bo > s one month's time to show
that they Intend to reform their wajs In
the neighborhood where they resJo. !
Police Judge Gordon dismissed the capo
against Mrs. A. Van Valkcnburg In which
she was charged with being accessory after
the fact to her husband's stealing $80 and
some Jewelry from Miss Sadie Lehmer. The
court held that the law did not lequlre a
wife to Inform agalnbt her husband , even
If he told her he had committed a crloie.
City Prosecutor Miller has served notice
upon PoIlcci'Jurlge Gordon that the police
men who were prosecuting Conbtable Frank
D. McGinn Is on a charge of drunkenness and
discharging firearms within the city lim
its , have consented to withdraw their com
plaint , nnd consequently when the case conus
up for trial Monday morning he will ask to
have It dismissed.
To readers of North Nebraska He'ources
nnd others seeking homes : The Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley II. U. will sell
liomc seekers' tickets at one fare plus $2 00
for the lound trip on March 1st and 15th , to
joints on their line in Nebraska where the
tare la $3.00 or more.
Louis ZclxlierK ; .
Members of the Omaha Brauer Unter-
stut7ungs Vcreln are hereby notified to ap
pear In body at the meeting ball Sunday ,
Feb. 27 , 1 p. m. , for the burial of our de
ceased member , Louis Zeisberg. Friends In
vited. GEORGE RIEDMAN , Secy.
To Omaba and the TransmUsissippi and
International Exposition ,
I'Iclnrlnl nml Descriptive Infornm-
tluii of the Grcnt Sliotv mill the
CIt of Oiunlin. Comblnvil
lit One Hook.
In response to the great demand ( or Illus
trations nnd descriptive matter relating to the
exposition , wo have Issued the flrat edition ot
the Ofllclnl Ouldo Hook to Omaha and the Ex
position. Tills In the omclal and only guldo
book authorized by the exposition company.
The book contains fifty full-page halftone
Illustrations , which thoroughly cover the
representative scenes of the city with birds-
c > olews , etc. , mada from original photo
graphs and drawings. The exposition views
ara exceptionally fine the meet of them
made from drawings prepared especially for
the purpose. The descriptive matter gives
all the Information obtainable at the present
tlmo concerning the exposition and In a con
densed and attractive form gives a clear Idea
of the many strong features which this expo
sition will present. The descrlptho write-up
of the city Is the most comprehensive over
ftttomnted nhil vnvolf * Ihnrnnelilv hnth thfi
business and social phases of Omaha life.
i\ now map of the city drawn and engraved
especially for the purpose Is Inserted. This
map IB up to date nnd shows all the streets
street railway lines , rnUremia , parks and
boulevards In distinguishing colors.
It Is just what jou want to send to distant
friends to give them a clear Idea of the mag
nitude of the exposition and the attractive
features of the town In which you live.
Price , paper , 25c. , flexible leather , $1.00 ,
For sale at all newsstands or will bo sent
prepaid by the publishers on receipt of the
inniu.smiicmtv n\ci usiov
Tin 'MlNRotirl ' I'm-Hlo HnllvMiy.
Low rates to points south and southwest ,
Tuesday , March 1. For further Information
call at company's ofllces , Thirteenth and 1'ar-
nam , or depot , Fifteenth and Webster
A. O F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
Mjstlc flour , wholesale 10H N. 10th St
Pro peetlve drug purchaser may rest ns-
suied that when \M > alveitl o diugs patent
modlclnoi or nnv other article , tlmt WU
hnvo the poods in Ol'll stock Try us und
see. "Middle of Hlock "
2 packages of Soda Mint for Cc
( We have nil this winning lottos. )
2-quirt warranted Hot \Vittr Hag SOc
S.'ic 1'neker's Tir Soip ] | r
2oc Menncn's Talcum Powder lit
2"ic Laxative Itiomo Quinine Hu
2 boxes Menthol Cough 'Drop1- ! for Tic
lOo Fiog In Throit Bo
$1.1)0 ) Mine. Ynlo'n Almond Blossom Cream GOo
Jl 00 Mine. Yale's Hair Tonic Wo
JOc Mnu1 Yale' " > Tnce Powder Me
SCic Woodbinjlaclal So ip lie
Impelled Iliinvndl Water He
Jl 2. > Flcmlntf's Puro'Malt Whlbky SOu
2'e Klrlt's Juvenile Soip lOc
$1 CO Wine of Cardul Cc !
Jl 00 TlintidN lixu do Quinine cOe
roe Pond's i\lnct Hie
2" e Itallentlne's Uheumatlsin Curt- ! -
3jc Castorl.i 22c
iOc Stuart's Dv"-popsa ! Tnb'ets > TJr
SI 00 Plcre-o's Golden Midleal Uhcovciy fe
$100 Plnklnm's Compound Ifc
r/to Lnblacho Face Powder . . . . Hlc-
Quart Bottles Pure California I'rrt . . . SOc
Write or call for cat J j un.
$ ! iGim = ! iS t'cGcnnel ' ! ! Drag Go
Are the neatest In the wet Id
and that Is why
lias become so popular.
were quick to tee Its
points , heat nnd cleanliness.
Telophnno 127. 1605 FARNAM
" \Ve opened liore with a New Spring stock of High-
Grade Men's shoes no odds and ends no odd si/es no
broken lines no old styles : but the latest of styles and
best of leathers. It isn't how cheap a shoe we can sell
you for § 3.50 , but how good. Shoes you have always
paid $5.00 and § 6.00 for
Your Choice
of any Shoe
205 South Fifteenth Street ,
S g
" We're 1
Getting Ready
To open up our new store , 1519 and 1521 §
5 *
Douglas Street.
With more room , better light and increased fa
cilities , we'll be in a position to nerve you right.
Watch for Our Opening.
Removing to
1519 and 1521 Douglas Street
& Swobodn , florists Hit rnrnam St ,
'Phono 1501. Palms , cut flowers and floral
Mrstlc flour , wholesale * 1014 N , ICIh St. i
Discounts and Time
Bomo of these pets may think we've a
rich undo or nn mini that owns n Klondike
gold mine. Well , wo haven't. Hut If wo
had wo wouldn't buy a car load of Hun-
yadl Water nt one time. Hut If we did vveM
pay for It ten days after vvo received It nnd
pet our discount. That's our vvny of doing
business. Wo nsk no I line from anybody.
Tlmro nro some who do.
Colgate's Violet Water , 70a
Caolimcro tlniuet Ponp , , ioo
Poml MlCifBin na
rinnud'B Kau ile Quinine Mo nml Ma
Knllcntlne'a HcniPdlPK . . . . , , 14o
rjrnmkl Pile Curp joe
Stimrt's Dnptprln Tnblctn J\j ! anJ TOo
r lnc > 'i i > tcr > compound tfa
llooil's biirrnparllln , fie
Pierce' * ' Knvorltc I'V'c crliiVlon" . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . " " ! ! ! ! ! ! fro
! > > dln I'lnldmiii'R Coinpouml , r'M '
Vine Kolnfrn j < 0
MnltPd Milk sse , 7ie ami J3 !
2 IincUnpo * Srxln. Mint aunt la
Alleock'B PHstor qa
Carter's Ltvfr Pllla io
lOth nml Chlontro SU.
The Boston Store's '
Gooil llroki'ii LolTee 7
Hoehu a 11 it , ln > n , Iirokeii .100
Iti-Biilar a o Hlii m
Ciolilen Itlo . ir.o
Moohu III end , 'Mo
\ < > , 1 .lava anil Moehn
Tea Mf < lnus , per imeUiiKe . Ulo
V Kiioil I neoliirril Japnn Ten . . .
Slililrrlt'K .IIIIMIII , very Hiu > 'lso
ItCKllliir ( lOc Sun Hrlcil .liiiuui. . . , : i.1
1-4 iimuitl iiiU'l.niAi1 1'i'i'IKT , onlj . , fit )
Tr > ( lie llosloii linking Pointer. , 2" a
Selling GoodSSioes Cheap
\Yo boll onls such pemiN us will Rlvo sitlsfnc * V.
tlon. Ivuver lo\\eilnn iUiillly | tt > meet price.
2 MO For n ladles' silk vesting- top vlcl
* ? O kid lace ? I ! CO snoe tun and bliick
lew toes kid tops u'l plzca.
For a ludlcs' line Dongola Kid-
lace and button W 00 Bloc new toes
all sizes.
,75 For a ladles' tine kid , Inco and but
, ton $123 shoe all sUes.
oooooooooo o 6-
Denial Parlors
Painless Extrnrtlon 2."e
Gold Alloy rulings $1,00
Gold Fillings $1.00 up
Bridge Teeth } u 00
Gold Crown tr 00
Good Set Teeth J3 00
Hest Set Teeth $7.tO
All work strictly warranted.
New York Dental Co. ,
Dlt. OLP.MMnU , Mgr ,
tOth and Douglas Sts. Over Cftrt-
i wrlelit'b Shoe Store.
Sundays , a to 1 n m. Lady attend-
i dant.
Di < ] You Know We
Cany Wire Cable in Stock
Wo Do.
All Si/.OH , Suitable for
Clothes Lines to Elevators.
AFO ! Clips and Thimbles
For Wire Hope.
Call or
Write for JiHC'ounts.
Jas. Merion & $ ) ! GJ
ifii njdtfo st.
A lOc Smoke for 5c
Tliat'H whnt you ut when you
The 5c Jersey
DccntiEo It Foils ( or only 5o Don't tlilnlc
you'ro gottlnj , ' it poor cltpur. II'H u olgur
luiril to bent and Ifvo can got you to
buy one we'll huvo a now uuutornor.
Paxton Block ugar Store-
JACOII JAhlCALriC , I'ropr.
in. D
Stricture eii
8oou cured In
iio Jeur.
Dr , Cortcr'n OUAI.V hOLVIJWT Ilouglo will
ilgi' , OlKent uiiil fcrexr run ie I'rediral
HTIlKTt.'Iti ; In U. < luyn. Hough * dlnolvp In
thrru liGum , curing Hlille > ou lrtCurie | > : Uet
nil KnlurtiC'i I'rottute Valuutte trcatliv free.
BT. JAWh * Atrn'tt , U t > t. K ,