Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEF : .STN FEBRUARY 27 , 181)8. )
.MI.MHl .M
Try Metro's stock food.
Dr. Hoc , dentist , Merrlam block.
Auk merchants tor premium stars.
ERUS two doz. . 2Gc. nartcl A Miller.
Photos t'lfttlno or Arlsto. Sherradcn. _
Klnne , Klro Insurance , Baldwin block.
Ir Drown , dwillst , room 301. Merrlam blk.
Horn , to Mr. end Mrs. JetvlVuer. . a eon
H. H. Pugh of Carxon was In the city yes
Mm. II. Tlnlcy Is ficrloiisly ill will ) hrmt
John Trrnaml or Boone Is vIsltliiR friends
In the city.
C. CJreon of Lewis called on friends In the
city yesterday. .
W. K. Ilralnbrldge * oe In Silver City on
biinlncffl yesterday.
M. Kehcf of Silver City was In the city on
business yesterday.
Born , to Mr. nd Mrs. Arthur Knox of
Seventh avenue , a son.
Kenneth llaln and John Lees or Oakland
wore In the city yesterday.
T. A. Baldwin of Lemars was a business
guest In the city yesterday.
S. T. Davis of Malvcrn was amoni ; the
guestn In the city yesterday.
W. Dye and Frank Parks wcro buslncsn
vlRltors In tlio city yesterday.
Judge Thornell left for Sidney last even
ing to spend Sunday at home.
George Hoffman of Valley Junction called
In the city on business yesterday.
RitRcne Sullivan of tAivcnport Is In tCie
lty a.i a witness In the district court.
C. E. Turnhull has returned from a busl-
new trip to KansoB City end St. Louis.
Prof. Windsor , phrenologist , will Rive a
frco lecture at- the Dohany tomorrow nlKht-
Mrs. J. P. N'clBon and daughters of Orls-
weld were In the city shopping yesterday.
C. R Webb and I. M. Tingle , both of this
city , were married yesterday by Justice Vlen.
Senator J. L. Carney of Marshalltown IB
visiting his sister. Mm. T. S. Peck , at 720
Seventh avenue.
Kor the next few days will offer household
furniture , niurty new , at private calcs , cheap.
HO Illdse fitrcct.
The Ministerial association will meet Mon
day forenoon at 10:30 : In St. John's 'English '
Luthcinu church.
MlKH Kmnia Deltsch Is in Silver City , where
he will give an elocutionary entertainment
this evcnli.g In the opera house.
Don't you think It must be n pretty good
laundry that can please ftu many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's Ihe "Kagle , "
721 Broadway.
Ptotrnctc'J meetings nro still being held nt
the. Union mission on Klftcccith street and
Kk-.n avenue. The meetings have been In
progn-Mi for several weeks.
Y. P. Ucynolds , who has been holding the
position of night clerk at the Inmnn hotel ,
became violently Inbane last evening , and
was taken to the police station and locked
The police have a new black grip , which
was found yesterday In the alley In the rear
of John Baldwin's residence. It contained
a few soiled clothes and a bottle of carbolic
Mrs. M. W. Deem of Wakceney. Kan. , ar
rived list evening to be nt the bedside of her
husbmul , who underwent a serious surgical
nnnrntlnn fit MmVnnion' PhrisMnn Aftf-nnia-
tlon hospital a few days ago.
Judge Thornell yesterday granted a dl-
Torco to Mlnnlo V. McPeck. Mra. McPcck
proved that hr husband , Charles , lived with
her only one day following their marrKigo
nnd has since failed to provide for her.
A rig driven by W. II. Knepher was over
turned by a collision with a heavy coal
wagon yesterday morning nnd a quantity of
o > Biers In Knephcr's wagon was spilled In
the street. The rig was also damaged to the
extent of about $10.
Council Bluffs people will bo given < L mu l-
rnl tveat next Tuesday evening at Itie Congre
gational church. A line program has been
arranged by the Glee club , which will give
a concert on that date , under the auspices
of the Men's club.
A chorus choir Is being organized by the
Congregational church In which there will b *
thirteen voices. Mrs. Welch Is leading so
prano , Mrs. VanCourt leading alto , Mr. Hazel-
Ion of Omaha leading tenor and Mr. Hnvtc-
stock leading has.1 ; .
The ttreet commissioner has been engaBcd
In putting In n number of new cross walks
In accordance with the orders of the city
council. The walks are made of hard-
burned brick and laid according to the regular
paving Rpcdflcatlons.
Work on the bridge over Indian creek at
the eastern limits of the city has been com
menced. The new pile driver constructed by
the mechanics In the street commissioner'
department during the Idle time through the
winter Is being used.
Julius Lange. has completed all arrange
ments' for going to Mobile , Ala. , wtioro his
father , the deputy revenue collector , Iws ac
quired title to a large tract of valuable fruit
land. Mr. Lange will start south this week ,
nnd will devote himself hereafter to fruit cul
Gergo Bishop , ' one of the hoys who has
been serving n stcitcnce In Jail for lighting ,
wna returned to the custody of Manager Le
mon of the Christian home and he lis found
a hotno for him at a dlatanco of about 300
miles from here. The other boy , Anderson ,
Is ntlll In jail.
Judge McGco yesterday settled the dlfll-
culty between the old soldlera , Dalton and
Bennett , who got Into n light over the Cuban
situation. Each wan fined $10 and coats , and
Kaylor , Iho young man who -became Involve !
in the dldlculty , was required to pay $15.70.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Belt , died yesterday.
The ofllcers of the local Sunday School
union are arranging for a meeting to bo held
on the evening of March 15. Dr. J. M , Wll-
eon will glvo a lecture on the "Word of
God. " The program will ho Interspersed
with good music and blackboard work by
local talent. The place of meeting and pro
gram will appear later.
Mrs. It. II. Harris , ono of the oldest resi
dents In the city , was Htrlckun with apoplexy
plexy last evening while visiting at the real ,
denco of some friends on Kaat I'Icrco street.
It was ncccffiary to take her to her home
on the corner of South Klrst street and Plerco
street In thn patrol wagon , Physlcans have
hut faint hopes of her recovery ,
The will or the lain George Canning (1.1 ( *
been filed for probate. Edward Canning , son
of DID deceased , Is made solo executor. The
entire estate Is bequeathed to the widow
during her lifetime and after her death thp
homestead In this city goes to a daughter ,
Kate , and the balance of tliu estate Is to be
distributed among the other children.
Harry Martell's "Tho South Before the
War" will bo the attraction tonight at
Dohany'fi theater. Tim opening scene Intro
duces the entire ! company , with Interesting
episodes of plantation Hfo before the war.
Thu steamboat landing , the camp mecMng
and the raka walk , together wlth > the plcku-
ninny band , are rome of the Interesting
ect'iH'B Introduced.
The funeral of V , W. Voswlnklo will not be
hold until Wednesday afternoon. Thu delay
Is occasioned by the dnilro of Mm. Voa-
wlnklo to attend the funeral. Shu lisa been
making her homo -in Seattle- with a couplu of
brothers slnco her husband'a allllctlon made
it iieccscary tn commit him to the hospital
at Clarliula. The remains were brought up
front Clarinda yesterday uiU hayo been cm-
Ixilmcvl ,
"Wunt I loner a to rent , Klnne , Baldwin blk.
0. n. Vlava Co. , fomalu remedy : consulta
tion free. Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 ind 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 326-327-3 > 'S Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
$10,000.00 Block will bo sold at auction , be-
binning today , from 10 a. in. to 10 p , m , at
The Kolr , COS Broadway.
The Bwatmon Music Co. has opened a sheet
rmmlc department , Mr. Charlea Adolph , for
many yuar In the employ of Mueller Music
Co. , la In charge. The collection of sheet
nuulc , both vocal tmil Instrumental , is quite
complete. The p tronagu of musical pcoplo
Is respectfully solicited.
Hoffiuayr'a fancy patent flour make * th
aua incut bread. Aik your grocer tor tt. ,
Expert Testimony Taken in the Big
Damage Suit ,
irroimlpr tt'olali niul Prof. S . }
Olvc Ti-xtliimn ; CnncrrnltiK " 'e
Ilrrcxi1- ( lint Illow ( lieIuy
WnrrluiUNc llui'iioil ,
Judge Thornell nnd the attorneys who are
conducting the Dccrc , Wells & Co. damage
suit against the 'Milwaukee Hallway com
pany kept the judicial mill grinding at a
lively rate yesterday , and although cour
adjourned at 5 o'clock a multitude of wlt-
rus.ics had been examined , The testimony
Is along the same lines followed In the prc
vlous trial , nnd this enables the attorneys
to push rapidly the examination ot wit
nesses. The Insurance companies that arc
backing the prosecution have retained S. B
Wadiworth and he Is In the case looking
after thn Interests of several of the com
The testimony yesterday referred alto
gether to thu direction ot the wind , am
during the day the court and Jury were
troatfJ to several learned disquisitions 01
meteorological matters. L. A. Welsh , loca
forecast olllccr from Omaha , was on the stain
during the forenoon and exhibited the gov
ernment charts and records showing the
direction of the wind during the afternoon
and the day of December 13. He Is also a
witness for the defense and testified at the
former trial.
G. D. Sweczy , professor of meteorology In
the University of Nebraska at Lincoln , was
on the stand for some time and gave a
technical but Interesting dissertation on the
subject of wind and weather. He explained
the accepted scientific theory as to the
causes producing winds nnd gave a lengthy
description of the vagaries or the breeze In
this locality. He declared that the windier
the day the more uncertain It was as to the
course ot the winds. The wind never blows
steadily nnd harJ rrom any positive direc
tion. Strong winds come In gusts and these
gusts will be found keeping the weather
vanes on the highest steeples dancing around
to keep In line with the current. The
winds might come In a general direction for
several hours at a time , but the great air
waves would be found coming from points
varying several degrees from this general
direction. Ho explained that this Is due to
the topography or the country and declare !
that largo buildings had a corresponding
modifying Influence. The testimony of bctsi
of the weather experts was to the clfecl
that on the afternoon In question the wind
uns blowing from the south southeast and
might have varied a few points cither way
during numerous Intervals.
A score of witnesses , who were chiefly
citizens living In that portion of the city
lying east of the site of the llro and many
blocks north , testified that they were obliged
to light to protect their property from the
embers that arose from the burning build
ings and uero carried by the wind In some
nstances n mile and' ' a half. One witness
: cstllled that the blazing embers fell as far
east as the High school cut. Two witnesses ,
Frlsby and Reed , gave some material testl-
nony concerning the origin of the fire. They
wore In the vicinity at 6:30 : , and while Heed
was talking to Frlsby his attention was at-
ractcd by seeing a woman passing along
he street In front of the Wler-Shugart wari -
louse ston and peer Into the windows. He
saw a nickering light shining through the
window and made an Investigation. When
ie looked Into-the window ho saw the floor
of the warehouse was afire at a point about
flvo feet from the wall on the Main street
side and about eighty-three feet from the
south end of the structure. The fire ap-
learcd' ' to bo breaking through the floor. He
; &vo the alarm at once , but within a few
minutes the Shugart building was a masi
of flames outside and Inside.
/The prosecution has about 100 witnesses to
examine. Judge Thornell left for his home
n Sidney Immediately nrter the adjournment
of court fqr the purpose of spending the
Sabbath with his family.
\niatiMir Mlnxtrrln Help Out n. Church
Other A ( In Irs.
The Pickaninny minstrels given at Cham
bers' hall last Monday night under the aus-
) lces of the women of St. Paul's church
irovcd a success from all points of view.
Jharacterlstlo old negro melodies , with top-
cal and popular songs bubbling from the
throats of twenty-six "burnt cork" young
men and "missuses" kept the large au-
llenco In good humor and occasionally
warmed them up to vociferous applause.
iVhen the curtain rose disclosing a setil-
clrclo or black damsels backed by the black
Vpollos , all smiling with that happy and
rrcslstlbly contagious negro smile that not
only stretches from ear to ear but envelope
ho audience , the applauding was deafening.
The C. C , of C. C. girls Imitated men's full
evening dress as nearly ap possible and still
emitted the feminine skirt. They wcro ver-
tablo'studles In black and white. The glrlo
twirled the tambourines and the boys ma-
ilpulated the bones In a manner that would
mvo made the real thing wonder. Some or
ho local kids were exceedingly clever. Arter
ho program the floor was cleared and the
iiidlcnco joined the actors In a merry dance ,
fho Ice cream nnd candy table , In charge of
the young women , proved an exceedingly
sweet feature of the entertainment and was
veil patronized.
The Council Bluffs chapter. Daughters or
ho American Revolution , observed Wash-
ngton's birthday by giving a reception to
ncmbers of the society in Omaha and Coun-
ill Bluffs at the residence of .Mrs. Drayton
V. Bushnell , the chapter secretary , In-
ttaticns wcro Issued to 120 women of rovo-
utlonary ancestry and the occasion , both In
ts patriotic and social aspects , was n per-
cct success. Mrs. Drayton W. Bushnell ,
Mlra Isabelle Patterson , Mrs. W. A. Maurcr
and Miss Carolyn Bowman , attired In hand-
omo costumes or the lashlon of 1776 , with
aps and 'kerchiefs of white lace or muslin ,
received the guests In the north parlor ,
where a portrait of Gcorgo Washington woa
draped with n silk Hag. The guest of honor
wcs Mrs. Ostrander , the daughter or a sol-
ller of the American Revolution and a rcsl-
lent of Council Bluffs. The house had been
beautifully decorated with flags , palms nnd
lowers for the occasion and Miss lAnna
IMS , vice president of the chapter , pre
sented each arriving guest with a tiny
American Hag , tied with blue and white rib
bon , the society's colois , as a souvenir. The
dining room decorations wcro rod , while the
young women of the chapter assisting about
the rosin were attired In gowns of blue and
white , The uhlu was lighted by candles In
old silver candlesticks , with red shades and
th lloral centerpiece was of red carnations.
The refreshments , consisting or cherry leu
and other dainties , were served by the
Misses Klla Wlrt , Helen Baldwin and Cora
HarJ. Mrs. Patterson served the cream and
Mtu. Harl poured the coffee.
Onu of tlio mcfit enjoyable parties of the
week was a surprise given on Wednesday
cven'ng ' to Captain Autry and Mrs. Aut-y
ut their home , 1819 West Broadway. The
affair was successfully planned and exe-
cutrd , and the surprise was complete , Cards ,
iamc8 ; , vocal and Instrumental music were
some of the means employed for the enter
tainment of the guests. Soles and duets by
Miss Bergman and Mra. Show-alter and In
strumental muelc by MUscs HergmBii , Maude
Ford , .Nellie Show-alter and Mr , Showalter
wore especially enjoyed , Refreshments were
served. The surprise party was composed of
a ocoro or more of the friends and Intimate
acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs , Autry.
Mr. K. tt. CummlnEs and bride , who was
Mies Anna Dcacom , of Sioux City , are the
guests of W. L. Karrlngton of Lincoln
Mrs. C. W. Fester , who has been visiting
bur daughter at Karly , la , , has returned
.Mrs. A. J. Topping and daughter. Helen ,
ol HO Ridge street , will leave in a few da > s
for Spokane , where they will make their
homo in the future.
Tlio laet cotillion given by the club that
has provided so many pleasant social event ;
drew together a brilliant crowd of eocletj
folks on Tuesday evening. The ball was In
every way one of the most enjoyable thai
hen been given by the club during the sea
son , nnd there were heard many expressions
of regret that It wcs to be the last of the
season. The club will probably be revived
after the Lenten season la over.
The boys of Mrs. George P. Snnford's Sun
day school class celebrated Washington' ;
birthday at the home of their teacher on
Grant street Tuesday afternoon. After the
playing of games and the singing of patriotic
songs refreshments were served and the
boys listened to Washington stories read by
Mrs. Sonford.
Miss Letson has returned from Cedar
Rapids , where she has been vloltlng the last
two weeks.
L\llss Bessie Bcno Is able to be out , after
an Illness of two weeks.
Mrs. J. B. Gray of Sidney , la. , Is visiting
her brother , R. T. 'Montfort , for a few days.
Mis. Gray Is the mother-in-law or Judge
Mrs. M. B. Ayres has returned rrom a busi
ness trip through Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Scott and son or Lin
coln are tn the city visiting Air. and Mra ,
10. A. Rlsscr.
Mrs. L. C. Smith Is visiting Mrs. G. B.
Smith of Missouri Valley.
Miss Helen Sprlnk leaves today for Chi
cago.Miss Anna 'Madden ' ts visiting friends In
Miss May Nellson went to OI en wood on
Ftlday to spend yesterday nnd today.
Miss Mablc licnncr Is visiting friends In
Oakland , Neb.
Miss 'Ethyl Thomas' returned on Friday
from Waterloo , Neb. , where she attended
the weeding ot her cousin , ' .Miss Parks , to
Dr. Harris.
Mrs. John Converse , who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. J. M. Matthews , all winter ,
returned to her home In Hancock yesterday.
Mrs. J. A. Gohllnghorst and family have
returned from a three weeks' visit with
friends In Fremont county ,
Mrs. W. J. Davenport und son have re
turned from a visit with friends In Crcston.
Mrs. P. J. Montgomery spent last week In
Missouri Valley at the homo of her son.
Mrs. Kato Scott , accompanied by her
mother , Mrs. Gcorgo Swartz , has rcturnei
rrom a visit with her parents In Silver City
Mrs. E. Perkins of Mleaourl Valley I
visiting friends In the city.
' .Mrs. L. C. Hunter ot BImwood , III. , I
visiting her niece. . .Mrs. R. N. Whlttlesey.
Mrs. E. P. Nichols of 1G04 Third avenue
has returned from a ten days' visit In Kan
tas City.
Mrs. George F. Wright has returned fron
Dubtiquc , where she has been vlfilting he
Mrs. R. W. Bock of Grand Island Is mak
ing a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs
William Richardson.
Miss Montgomery , Miss Moore , T. D
Metcnlt , George H. Mayne nnd Fred Empkli
attended the cotillion given Tuesday evenIng -
Ing by Mlao Webster of Omaha.
Miss Sarah Ireland of Nebraska City , who
has been the guest of Miss Corlnne Albright
left last Sunday for her home.
Miss Cora E. Woodbury Is in Burlington
visiting her brother , Dr. E. P. Woodbury
Before retturnlng she will vltlt friends In
DCS Molncs for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. McLyman of Walnut
are In the city visiting their son , Deputy
Sheriff Charlie McLyman.
Miss Schoentgen anil Mies Caroline
Scboentgen returned homo from Qulcicy , 111.
where they attended a house party given by
Mrs. Dr. Hatch.
'Mf. ' and Mrs. Rowland after a short stay
in Omaha have returned to Mr. D. C.
Bloomer's residence in this city , which will
hereafter bo their homo.
A Council Bluffs woman saved $82.42 In
thirteen months almply by keeping pennies
given her In change. Anyone can eavc money
nnd get better meat by calling at the Blue
Front market opened by Klnkead & Pugn , 136
llrcadway. Telephone 382.
Glee club concert given by Men's club at
Congregational church Thursday evening.
For rent , G and 10 cere tracts for garden
ing , within two miles of postofilce ; low rent.1
E. H. Sheafe & Co. , Baldwin block.
Olio Councilman I.OokN Koriinnl to u
I/lvrly CiiiiiitiilK" .
"The city council will this season have a
greater number of petitions 'presented from
citizens desiring to have their streets paved
or repaved than ever before In the history
of the city , " remarked a member of the
council yesterday. "I have been making a
rip over town for the purposeof ascertaln-
ng the condition of the street pavcuionts.
n many places the condition Is simply ap
palling. The frost is beginning to go out
of the ground and the streets covered with
old cedar blocks a'rc almoet Impassable.
Vlten all of the frost Is gone the bottom will
drop out and driving will be almost out of
he question. Driving for pleasure has long
Inco ceased on many of these streets , which
are built up with the finest and most costly
residences In the city , but In a few weeks
aAout all other kinds of truffle will cease.
This condition will certainly create a de
mand for now pavements that will be
tronger than any plea for econo'my or cry
of hard times , and the council will bo asked
o order new paving. Time has overcome
ono objection to taking up the old blocks.
The promise was inade when the wooden
lavements were laid that they wouU last for
en years. There- are very few streets In
own where a longer period has not elapsed
Ince the pavement was laid , and the promise
or the contractors and the city has been
more than fulfilled. There nro over eleven
nlles of this kind of paving In the city , and
t Is fair to presume that a portion of the
Itlzcns who live along the untidy streets
vlll ask the city for new pavements. It is
alFo certain that these requests wUJ bo
; rnnted In most Instances. The rule adopted
> y the council that no pavement shall be
rdored until a majority or the taxpayers In-
crestcd have signed the petition asking for
tAvill be observed , but under the rulings of
lie supreme court the city has absolute
) owcr to order the work done oven if all or
ho property owners oppose It. It may be
hat this power will be used on some of tlio
treats where the old paving has become
uch a nulsanco that it can bo no longer
"Brick paving Is the thing and we are
atUfied that the best quality of brick pave
ment can be laid this year at the lowest
> rico ever paid for such work In Council
Huffs or any other western city. We have
offers from reliable contractors to guarantee
he < beat quality of material and work at a
prlco that Is In the neighborhood of $1 a
quaro yar J.
"Taking out of consideration all desire to
mvo neat and tidy streets for the expos- !
Ion year , the question of public health will
Iguro In the matter this season. Miles of
otten wooden paving soaked with sewage
annot but he dangerous breeding grounder
or disease. I have been assured by jnoni-
icrs of the local medical society that the
oclcty will soon take up the matter for con-
Ideratton and join in the crusade for better
i.ivlng. The work can now bo done with-
ut Increasing the city's general J'ebt ' , for
11 of the Intersections arc now charged up
o the abutting property. Under the new
aw tro city docs not even guarantee- the
> ayment of the coat , hut agrees to act merely
s tht < collector of the special taxes and
lay over the amounts collected to the con-
ractors. This Is not as advantageous to
he contractor as the old law that made the
Ity responsible , 'hut there are plenty or con-
ractors ready to do the work at the lowest
trices and tnko the chances or securing
irompt payment. I think the paving cam-
talgn will open In a few weeks. "
My SUi NIL ! .
The Jeweler will occupy No , 9 North Main
trect hereafter. Owing to poor health must
tult close confinement. All patron. } and
rlends can cee him nt No. 9 Wednesday cud
Saturday. A. A. Hart.
Picture Framed Half I'l'lre.
All frames and pictures just half their
ormcr prlco Not a frame or picture re-
erved , All go nt half price. A raio oppor-
unity to beautify your homes.
H. L. SMITH & CO. .
45 Main street.
Miss Grabbu will leave thU week for CM.
ago In the intercut of tbo Parisian millinery
Artlflen of liieiiriioriiUiiu.
The Omaha wul Council Bluffs Railway
nd Bridge company fllccl an amendment tote
to articles of Incorporation yesterday for
the purpose of complying with the rcqulre-
55 = :
lJc ,
\Voliavcniadoilmtiennahouseliokl-vvorddimngtliolwoycarswol ivobocMi in business in this city ,
We s'tat'ted ' in on a business basis and we have tiie confideneG of the merchants of the city. Do not bo imposed
on by jlnitntors , who cannot Jiow you the goods you arc to receive. We have a STORE OF OUU OWN , in
which we exhibit our full line of PREMIUMS , given in exchange for STAMPS.
These nre tine Stores where PREMIUM STAMPS are given. Buy hero , collect Premium
Stamps and secure handsome premiums FREE ,
Art Studio. Oroeerlen , 1'nlnlK , OIU niul ninnft.
llnrry Schmidt , < ( K5 Hroailwny. ( Stamps Bartel & Miller , 100 West Broadway. Dell O. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway.
given only when cash deposit Is made. ) Phone 35D. Merrlam Block Pharmacy , Cor. Main
John Olson , 739 Broadway. Street nnd Willow Avenue ,
Art Arrilli * Work. C. A. l.acy , 3S1 Harrison Street. Brown , & Wemior , 017 Main Street.
Mesdnmes Stork & Crisp. 3H Broadway. J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
HullCnrrliiicuN , Street. . ' 1'liiiion niul OfKrniiH ,
1 > . Lewis. 400 North Eighth Street.
S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , SIS Drorxdway. Hnnsen K. Myrtuo , 330 Broadway. Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Mala
linker- . 13vntin * Kissel. 612 Broadway. street.
C. Wldmalcr , S2S Broadway. A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue P. llniini M i ti 111 I n K'
llinijOM , Outturn , 'MitiiilolliiN ' , 12 p. R. J. Hancock , GOT. North ! Sth Street. J. n. Long31 Main Street.
Charles , Broadway * and O.ik.
Mueller ( I'lnno nnd Organ Co. , 103 South Krlngel SenliiKT .Mneliliiex.
Mnln Street. i HnrilM arc. J. T. PI nil ley , 337 Broadway.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street.
J. T. Flndlcy , .137 Broadway. Cluirlea S\nlne , 310'Broadnny. Sheet MiiNle.
Mueller Piano and Organ Co. 103 Main
Cole & Cole. 41 Main Street. lliirnenN mill .Sutltllrry. Street. | ,
Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway. .
Shoo *
D. W. Bushncll. 22 Stain street. ( Cllvo .
S. A. Plerco & Co. . H > 0 Main Street.
stamps when asked for at the time Roods M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
arc bought and paid for , except on school SlRIIN.
books. ) liiiumlry. J. B. Long , 31 Main Street. ,
. Co. 72-1 Broadway.
Eagle. Laundry , -
lloo < H mill Slioi-H. .Sllver nre.
S. A. Plerco & Co. , 100 Main Street. lii ee , M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
( BattengherK Honlton. )
China mill < ! ln n nre. nnd S tn in pi n .
' vr.
Mcsdames Stork. & Crisp , 3)1 ) 'Broadway.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. Ment MurkrlN. Mcsdamen Stork & CrNp , 311 Broadway.
Coal mill Wooil. * SteveN mill lliuiKeM.
J. H. Pace 73S . .
, Bro.uhvay.
R. II. Williams , 1DO Broadway. Cole Cole 41 Main Street.
C. H. Hither & Bro. , 112 East Broadway. ,
! ) < MltlH < ry. C. O. D Market. C H. Orvls , Prop. , M7 Charles Swalnc , 340 Bro.ldway.
Dr. 1j. E. Hoc , room 322 Merrlam Block , Broadway. SIlkN.
Dr. A. O. Miidgc , 319 Bro.ldway. Welker Meat Co. , 221 South Main St. ( Ilcmlnway and Bralnerd it Armstrong. )
DIlllllOIKlH. A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue R Musdame.t Stork & Crisp , 311 Bro id way.
Til , Wollman , 409 Broadway. Merchant Tailoring. Til 11 or ! HIT.
DIMIKN mill DriiKKlNtN' Siniilrli-s. Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway. Simon Johnson & Co. , S13 Brondway ,
Deli O Morgan Co. . 742 Broadway. .Millinery. ' 1'liiwiiri * . i
Merrlam Block Pharmacy , cor. Main Allsa L. A. Wollman , 339 Broadway. Cole ft Cole , 41 Main Street.
Street and Willow Avenue. .Mirror * . Charles Swalne.140 ' Broadway.
Brown & Wcsner , 617 .Main Street. S. . Keller , 311 , 313. Sir. Ilr n Iway. John Ol on , 7.19 Broadway.
CMorpnn & Co. , 140 Broadway. " H. 'J. Hancock , OOJ North Slh Street.
tt Jj. Massenberg , C30 Broadway. "Musical .McroliaiiiUsi- . Turf CiioilN.
Mueller'Piano ' and Organ Co. , 10J South
II Worlc. Walters Bros. IIS .
ye iM.Un , Street. , Broadway.
Schoedsnck's Twin City Dyb Works , cor. Xi'tvN mill I'erloillcnlH. I'lilmlNtery.
Avenue A and Twenty-sixth street.
D.V. . Bushnell , 22 .Main street. ( Glvo S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 3H Broadway.
Flour mill Fro l ,
etitmiH when asked for at the time goodi Wnll I'mier.
J./C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth are bought and paid for , except on school J. B. Long , 31 Main Street.
Street. books. )
Charles Krlngel , Broadway and Oak. \e\\NiniierH. | WntolieN mill CloekH.
Street. Omaha . M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Dally Bee , 10 Pe.irl Street.
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue P. U'Ira I'll riiiiKh ICIKIr. 1.
n. J. Hancock , COo N'orth-Sth Street. Oiillenl noiiilH. .
01. Wollman 409 . Brown & Wesner , ( H7 Main Street. .
. , Broadway. ( Eyes Jested
Fur 11 ( ii re.
free. ) \VlM.ll.
< S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , SI. . Broa.lw IV. IMioloKriiplilH Work. C. A. Lacy , 3S1 Harrison Street.
Grille Work. II. II. Williams , ISO Broadway.
Harry Schmidt. 40G Broadway. ' ( Stamps A. W. Barrett , ! )12 ) Avenue P
S. Sr Keller , 311 , 313 , S13 Hro.iaw.iv. given only when cash deposit Is made. ) 11. J. Hancock , G03 North Sth Street.
.Hem-in mind tliat it costs you nothing to get our Premiums. The Premium Stamps get them FItEB. Otir office is always
open and you are cordially invited to call and bring your friends. If yon have been overlooked in the distribution of our Stamp
13ooks , kindly notify us and we will take pleasure in supplying you. They arc free to all. Yours very respectfully ,
; . The Co-Operative Premium Association ,
We are not talking nonsense.
We will duplicate any offer
made by any other laundry ,
in regard to being easy on
goods. We guarantee goods
laundered by us to last longer
by our process than by any
other. We call these plain
S. F. HENRY. Proprietor.
Drive Wells
Pumps and windmills the Myers Pump Is
the beat I handle It Pump repairing done
promptly Satisfaction guaranteed.
D. Leysham ,
1 ' 22 Mnin Street , Council Bluffs
Five nlghtH , commcncInK Sat. Feb. 20 ,
Anil lay off htniiliiy iilKlit for "SOUTH
The world's most eminent phrenologist.
Consultations and examinations nt Grand
Harry Murlcll' * poutliern Production
The South' Before fhe War
G j-vuoi'ii : so.
Three ( .core sweull * ! ' voices In a crund spelling
clioruH. Bcnratlonal realistic ycpnery ami plan-
atlon cct'ncs niitl-iu U"U'i. Parade at noon.
1'rlccs 7Jc , We , , ss.nil ( 23c ; IJOXCB , Jl.OO.
Scuta now on f' f , , , , t \
ments of the npw.Vrdlnanco which makca It
lecotsary for dfip-Jidlf of the directors to
bo residents cinJ fii't eiiH of Council muffs.
The amendment aj adopted ut a meeting
icld on the preiilout day , and declares that
'the corporate pilnurs of the company shall
> o vested In a hbaM'of directors contlntltig
or not less than sfcven nor more than four-
een. did not lt4Hhiui , three of which Blmll
bo citizens of Calmd ! ! Illuffa.1
Articles of lnc < wi > pvjitioni wcro filed yeoter-
lay by the CofnyiPiUltan Collecting company
of Council niutffrjjfflie articles wcro signed
> y Almon C. QufpK , , and declare that the
ullnret ) or the company shall bo that of a
general collecting pml commercial agency.
A splendid chance to rr.alco large profile
on a unoll investment of money. Will bear
nveatlgatlcn. Wrlto or call on L , W. Tul-
cys , Council Bluffs , la. .
llnlf I'rluc Snlc-N ,
Are not In It with our sales where the prices !
are not inoro than half that In many other
tores In the picture ffamlng line , Another1
hlng to consider Is the uuperlor work you get
lone at our store , If you want jour pic- '
ufoi iramed or you < mt anything In Iho
ilcturo line ccmo cod look throu&h our urt
Icpartmcnt. U. 0. Paint , Oil and Olass Co , ,
Masonic block.
Or , Heller , osteopath , Reno block.
Mr > lmm" WIIH DniM nril.
A telegram was received yesterday from
. M , Treynor , who la In Waahlngton , an-
( CoatlnuoJ on Seventh Page. )
This Means Business.
Moore's Stock Food Co. , will pay $5.00 ahead
for any bunch of shoats that die with worms or
cholera after being fed on Moore's Stock Food
according to directions for six months. AVill pay
live cents a pound live weight for any bunch of
chickens that die with cholera or roup if being fed
on Moore's Champion Poultry Food. Will
pay ten cents each for every louse or mite found in
poultry house after treating it to a coat of Moore's
Death to Lice and Mites. Moore's Stock Food
will put your wild steers on their feed and they will
gain from two to four pounds a day. Write for
prices and statements.
Moore's Stock Food Co.
Two and a Half
Cents a Roll
That's what a beautiful gold pattern wall paper
will cost yon if you buy of us.
If yon intend to paper your rooms , paint
your house , either exterior or interior , consult
us first you will make money by doing so , and
have your job done in an artistic manner.
Miller's Wall Paper Store ,
108 South Main Street ,
For xteum bollerw furnaces , etc.
This t > rate la belni ; largely used In
packing houses , bruwerlt-x , mills ,
Htenm heating plants , or any place
where steam bollern uru hi-lntr used.
They uro the most economical , tlur-
able unil t-lllclent Hhuklng mate
made and will save fuel.Vrltu for
circulars describing tfrntcH , Klvlng
fuller Information , to thn
Rose Patent Grate Go.
Council KliiUs , Iowa
"Only tlio Iloat" Wlncg ,
and Cigars nerved to our custo-
mers. Oyster.i nnd Short Orders nt
moderate prices. Open day nnd
418 Broadway
De Haven's
Drug Store
"B the place to purchase your Sprinp
Medicinoalilood Purillers Nerve and
Strengthening Tonics Liver and Kid
ney Remedies.
Need repairing. I can do this to atlx-
fuL'tlon , All kinds or repairing dona
reasonable. Kino linn of pumps ( or Mulu.
Attorney-at-Law and
Notary Public.
All surety bonds executed nt my olllce.
SSW Main Sln > t > < Council muff * .
Toil TUADU or
, 10 I'carl Street , Council IlltiflB , la.
:0 : ncro of splendid Intul , partly Improvcil , t
mill's from I'laltumoutli , 3 mlli-a fioni Pad no
Junction ; | 100 c.ifli , balance In 10 annual nay-
An S5-ncro Improved farm , with 6 ncrpo of tim
ber , 8 miles rust of liinlu | > , f..i ' mllcH north.
wel of KurllnK. In the lic t part of filtolby
county , In. ; BOOI ! nelKliliurhoml , ' ,4 of a mlle
from u Kol school lioune , 2 oed nHn | , tntlne
In the paBture , Finnll lioutc and Itnprmrmcnls-
about 10 ncrcH In cultluitlon , Imluniu In ims-
ture ; preterit price , J33 per acre ; i' , will to
taken In Council lllulTK 01 Omaha Imminicl
propelty , or will talte part of tlie jiurclmmi
money In KOOI ! work IIOIPCK , or In cattle ; 10
ycarHtlmu Kl\cn on the balance In mutual
jmynK'nta ,
Tills property In tor rent for ecaion of 1691
ut u icuBonablo rental.
Oocwl farms for rent for keacon of IMS anil 1SOO
to rc i mKllilo purlieu at u very moonuulii
rental. Improved fnrniH for FallIn I'otluwat *
tnmlv county , la. , at u reaconalilo price , part
caxh , balance on lone time In iinnual nay.
ments. , - ,
Apply U
Id Pcnrl Hlrec-i. Council Illuffe , la.
Undo for ule or reni. Day & lieu , Ji I'earl
BA.WJl < 0-Af' ' " : IMI'IIOVUI )
9.1,1 . KAHM IN
. , , , ,
Mill * Co. . Iowa. 20irres In cultivation ,
unco In tlrnljer anil pasture ; a ! > artuln If nold
' X IZt 1)CO ) ° "lcc' Coum"
ISM wiu. nuv A noon Rrx-itooM
anil full lot : pu > menu nmy. HOUKH for rale ;
Ml iTo'-'dw" ' ' "ir " " " " " ljoh"tun & Kur ,
20 Acnis : oi' KM ; LAND IN CIAUNIU
tovui lill > . K < x l linns ; W acre , under tullUu-
Pled iiy I'cKrnm & jirliwnlinf. South Main HI ,
April Ibt. Apply tr. J. J , llrown , 2JO 7th 81
IIIMJJ for tule CK.III ut Clii llroadnuy. Jlocnj
for lc mum parlor.
from Omaha. Will Ir.ltt12.DOO In I3U > ) In k-oo4
city propi-ity im part payment , half Ihn ImU
anco ca h. Johiulon & Keir. Council llluftH ,
only J375 , ISO iluwn , ljlaiire monthly , ficven.
room hou e. tMt , | | uo down , l.alunce monthly ,
Also IIOUMM for rent Johnnton ti Ki rr
lore , U-ut lofiiilon III city , oo < l chance la
muko money ilqrliiK mpiwUlori , J3 W ca t
lAiyn It AiliIriM I.k Ilo 2J , Council Illuff * .
InMriicfloni. Albln Iluittr , tudlo
VIOLIN lit Ilroadwgy. Ocrrnan mclbo4
ut Urtudtu Conwtrvaterf *