THE OMAITA DATTjY _ _ _ BEE _ * : f SUNDAY , FEHflUAHY 27 , 1898. PUTS ON ITS SOMBER ROBES Society Seeks Seclusion During the Forty Days of Lent. FULL CARD FOR FIRSTHALF OF LASF WEEK Anti WeiltiPNilnr SplIU tlic fSny Scn on In 'I'naln Hut I.llllc In Proft- pcct fur I Inext K MV Wccltn. The occurrence of Ach Wednesday , com- tnoiclng the forty dajn In which a consider able rortlon ot Omnlia society refrains from ttu plL-dfiurable nmonltlro ot social life , fpllt In twain the calendar of Omaha society dur ing the laet week. The week started out ns gaily an any that hag been recorded In Uie nnnilfl of Otnaba noclcty , but before It was half over It was all nhroudcd In the sombre robe of the Leilcn season. But before tbo flclt-lmi > oficd restraint of Ilia season was an- ( Tinned by the queen debutante of local so ciety and her eatollltca there were < is innny end as joyoim occasions as hove been crowded into three days recently. The l l poudre given by Miss Flora Web- ctcr to the members of Kic Cotllllcn club on Tuesday night easily takcM first place In the week's cvcn'fl. There was a rorrect Imita tion of the dresflond m.tmicni ot the colonists In general evidence , and the affair In itn every appointment carried out the spirit of Oic day we ' elebrated. The Ilaitnvan-Knox welding anil the reception tl-at followed were red-letter ovonls , mid gave further proit of the statement when llttlo Mr. Cup'.d strikes In a family bn Is riultc > ipt to 30 through the entire housidold. The Ire > - Stophcnsonveddlng wa < i a quieter affulr , but none the Ic.'i Interesting. It l fitting that the matrlago of a comely young woman nhotild noon follow her coronatlixi as the queen of a local social carnival. In uddltlcti to these affairs there \vrro a number of caid jxirtlca , a finv luncheons and a Ires number of tixift. Sevciul of the events were com mitted for sweet charity's sake , and served to enrich the exchequers of the respective organizations. As for the pleasures prospec tive , Ido calendar la almost barren of any thing that may bo considered noteworthy , und wo may as well rcccnollo ourselves to the monotonous quiet that will prevail for thlrty- BX | days yet to come. The spreading love of vaudeville among the fair members of Omaha society ha-j been made apparent within the last fortnight. It is doubtful If there has been any moro popu lar lead made In local society this season than when a versatile young woman gave a vaudeville performance In her family barn. Another hit was scored In the same line at a vaudeville show given for a deserving flower mission. Now that Lent has made Impossible the occurrence of such affairs participated In by Omaha society folk , they are numcroiiFly patronizing such vaudeville performancco ns are billed on the professional boards. While there has been nothing of noteworthy attractiveness at the high grade theater during the week. It has been noticed that a large number of Omaha society people enjoyed the songs and dances and other specialties offered at another play house. Indeed the usual patrons of the vaudeville were startled and alinocU stunned for a few evenings this week to see full-dress parties of the teal swagger set Invade the vaudeville hall. To be sure It Is perfectly proper , but the appearance of the society belles In decol- leto gowns and their attendant chappies In dici > s suits at the cheaper shows could not help but cause some consternation among those unused to such sights. It merely goes to show that Omaha society Is away In the van and those who would object to Its up-to- date customs might as well catch up with the procesalon first as last. nnli-rliiliiiiii-nlM of the AVpolc. The 'Ooffce Card club was entertained by Mra , Edward Rosewater on Thursday. The Scandinavian Klondike Social club nave a fancy masquerade ball last evening. Miss Neva Turner entertained a few friends pleasantly at dinner Tuesday even ing. ing.Mra. Mra. W. H. Koenlg entertained on Friday afternoon In honor ot 'Miss LEchulcnbcrg of St. Louis. Mrs. ( ieorgo P. Stebblns gave a very pleasant Informal neighborhood tea on Mon day afternoon. The Metropolitan club held a mast enJoyable - Joyablo social meeting at the club rooms Tuesday eveuilng. Mrs. Glllmore gave a. luncheon on Thurs day In honor of Miss Lc < iergan of Chicago and Miss Rulm of St. Louis. The J. M. C. club was elegantly entertained on Friday evening by Miss Shackleford at her home , 924 South Thirty-third street. Mrs. Sol Hopper entertained the members of the A-lm-mo club at a delightful luncheon on Thursday. Covers were laid for eight. Mr. and Mrs Prltchett entertained nine tables at slxty-thrco last Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Lynian , Mrs. Mor ris , Mr. McCord and Mr. Drake. The Young Ladles' Hebrew Dancing club gave Us first dancing party Wednesday even ing at Labor Temple for a charitable object. Aliout auo guests were present. The Royal Arcanum 'party held at the Metropolitan club Monday night was ono of the largest and most enjoyable of the series thus far given by this society. iMrs. Coffey of 2203 Douglas street enter tained on Thursday evening In honor of Mrs. L. M. Doctor of Red Oak , In. Mrs. Coffee was assisted by Miss Mamie Clapp. .Mrs. Robert Purvis entertained at luncheon on Thursday. Violets were used In decora tion , each guest receiving a bunch of the dainty blossoms. Covers were laid for eight. Mra. George W. Holdrogo entertained the Forest Hill Whist club on Tuesday after noon. Prizes were won by Mifsm Amy Bar ker and Fa > ctto Cole , and the consolation prize WOH awarded to Mrs. II. B. Palmer. In honor of Bishop and Mrs. Mlllspaugh o Kansas u mcst enjoyable reception was giCtn Monday evening nt Trinity parish house , the cathedral birthday party being merged In this pleasunt event. A delicious supper was served to the visitors. In honor ot her guest. Mlaa Bailey of Lin coln. Mrs. W. II. Wynian gave a very cn- joyablo advertisement party on the ufter- noou of the 22d. The llrst prize was car ried off by Mri. Bnlley , while the second prlzo was WCM by Mrs. Hoc ] , fflirs. C. II. Townsend , assisted by Mrs. L. A Welsh , entertained the Matinee'High ' Vivo club on Friday afternoon at her residence. 2533 St. Mary's avenue. Mra , Rutherford wen drat prize , Mrs. Morse second and Mrs. Johnson the consolation prize , The sixth anniversary of Mu Sigma was hold on Thursday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs , B. W. Wood , 111 North Thirty- ninth street , A large number were present. Mrs. II. D. Ncely , president of the society , welcomed the gueuts. Miss Claude Foster played a beautiful piano solo , Mrs. A. 1' . Kly sang "Tell Mo Not In Mournful Num- beia" In her own charming manner , receiv ing a hearty enccre , to which nho responded with , "Welcome Pretty Primrose Flower. " The Itoyul Is the dlQhvit grade baking powder known. Actual tout * how It Qaei one- third furtbor than any other brand. Absolutely Pure HOYAL UKina pewom eo , , ntw YORK. A literary game followed , after which dainty refreshments were nerved , having for an ac companiment the sweetest music from a mandolin quartet. On Tucs l y evening Mrs. George Devcrcll was tendered a surprise party About thirty ot her friends took possession of her home. The occasion was Mrs. UevorclPn birth-day anniversary. She was the recipient ot some lovely presents. Dancing wa Indulged In until the wee uma * hours , when the guests departed , wishing the genial hoitets many happy returns. Mrs. W. K. White's geographical kcnslng- ton , given on Friday afternoon of last we-ek. was an Innovation which Is likely to find Imitators. Red was chiefly used In the dec orations. Mrs. G. W. Wattle * and Mrs. Crlttcndon of Fort Crook cut for first prlre. a decorated plate , the latter being success ful , and Mlsg Woodruff won the consolation prize , n globe. Mr. and vMrs. Harry Heffelflnger en tertained the Saturday Night Card club charmingly on last Saturday evening at the Albany. Fourteen lively games were played. .Mrs. Harry Kcllog and Mr. S. L. Kcllog were fortunate In winning the prizes. After refreshments the members were treated to some fine Instrumental music by Mrs. Wood and Mr. George Weaver. Dr. 0. S. Hoffman was given a surprise party on Thursday evening , the occasion being the anniversary of his birthday. Girds formed the principal pleasure of the even ing. The prizes were won by Messrs. Wil liam N. Babcock and David Young. Dr. Hoffman is still waiting to meet "the man with a beard at the corner drug store. " who called him out while his friends took pos- sefflton of the house. The South Side Whist club was entertained on Tuesday evening. A number of invita tions were sent to non-members and nine tables were tilled. Mrs. Drlacoll won the women's first prize , a silver table bell ; Mrs. Fred Hall took rtccond , a Im'.id-paln'.cd atom izer. Mr. Hall carried off the men's first prize , a silver button box ; Mr , Swan second , a pair of silver cuff buttons. At midnight an elaborate supper was served. Among the ploasccitest happenings ot Washington's birthday was the party given by Miss Elizabeth Allan Iti honor of the anniversary. About forty gucota were prca- cnt. The Invitations concluded with the request , "R. S. V. P. , by George , " which afforded opportunity for many bright and witty replies by way ot acceptances and rc- grcta. The rooms were appropriately decor ated ki the national colors , end the evening was made to pass most agreeably by means of games and music. A T test and clock puzzle was the novel iiianncr of entertaining the C. A. L. Ken sington club by Mis. J. D. Birmingham on Washington's birthday. The parlors were decorated with the national colors In honor of the day , palms and cut flowers being also conspicuous. Mrs. R J. Sackett won the T test prize , a handsome Dresden teapot , and Mrs. II. 0. Frederick the clock puz/.le u cut glass violet holder. During the Inter vals the guests were entertained with reci tations by Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Nelson and delightful music by Miss Susie Brady. ' Ono of the enjoyable high five parties of the season was given by Mrs. W. D. Townsend - send , assisted Iby Mrs. J. A. Epcncter , at the residence of the former , 2567 St. Mary's ave nue , on Tucrtday afternoon , the XIV M. D. High Five clirb being entertained. In honor of the day the parlors were beautifully dec orated with hundreds of mlnaturc American flags and with a number of silk regimental colors. The score cards were small glided hatchets , tied with red , white ; and blue rl'J- bons. The prizes were won by Mrs. Conrad of Grand Island and Mrs. Hurry Weller. The young friends of Adeline Uoohrlg tendered a pleasant .surprise party to lier on Friday evening. All of the parties met at the homo of ono of the young folks and adjourned to Miss Roehrlg's home. They took her completely by surprise , but she soon recovered herself Eufllclently to enter tain lur guests In a most pleasant manner. Different games were indulged In and light refreshments were served , after which Misses Laura Selborts and Mable Blddlck iccltel Douglas Bowie gave a good "rag" dance and Miss Mosely rendered a selection upon the piano. Mr. Nutc Mosely sang n couple of the late coon songs for the young folks. One of the mcst unique , as well as one of the most enjoyable , surprise parties of the season occurred at the resldecce of Mr. iHarry S. Weller , on Wlrt street , on Thursday evening. A number of friends of 'Mr. ' and Mrs. Weller dressed themselves In typical southern plantation style , burnt cork , plaid suits , and all the finery of the southern colored belles of the olden times was In evl lence. The make-up was complete in every detail and the parties , although prominent society people and well known throughout ihe city , could not have been rncognlzed by their best friends. The evenIng - Ing was spent very pleasantly In music and dancing and at a late hour the merry revelers left for their homes. One of the leading social events of the week in the northern part of the city was the surprise given to Mrs. J. W. Moore at her home , 281(5 ( Ohio street , on Thursday evening. It was the occasion of Mrs , .Moore's birthday anniversary. Her daughter. Miss Gertrude , assisted by the rest of the family , had prepared everything and tlic Invited guests made their appearance simultaneously , so the surprise was complete. The evening was spent In social Intercourse , mingled with vocal and Instrumental niualc. Special mention should be made of the vocal selections by Prof , and ( Mrs. Mort Parsons. The rendition of "Larboard Watch" and Home to Our Mountain" was excellent. After a light luncheon the guests departed for tnelr several homes , after the best wishes to Mra. Moore had been extended. The Visiting Nurses' association gave a birthday party and reception at the homo of Mra. Patterson , 3202 Woolworth avenue , on Tuesday. The attendance was good , The odlcord of the association , Mesdntnos Towne. Kllpatrlck acid Mis tea Mlllard and Kostc-rii , assisted Mrs. Patterson lei recelvltiR , Misses Hoagland , Helen Mlllard , Chandler and Shroeilcr afslsted Mrs. Nee In the dining room , \\hero delicious Take and punch were served. The spirit of generosity extended even to the musicians. Miss Dowen onng several of her sweetest songs with Mies Towno for ac companist. Miss Hoagland sang \vltli feel ing nnd expression. MUs Tdgiwrt's voice was now to many , but very clear and sweet. The Instrumental music of thn Sbaddiick children ia always acceptable. The young boy who could forego the glorious tumshlno for the entertainment of a houseful ( if women deserves praise. The money from the birth day bags as far as heard from amounted to ? HO nnd In the hands of careful mursei will do much toward relieving the suffering of the flick poor. The card party given by Sirs. Harry Nott on Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Hnlnes was one of the prettiest affairs of the week , Llko mcst of thp social events of that day. It did due homage to the father of his country , and the emblems , decorations and means of amusement were nrranged In n most attractive manner by the dainty fancy nnd charming originality of tho' hostess. Hunting was every whore about ; even the portieres were replaced by largo American Hags , some of.tho prizes were flags and tiny reproductions of "Old Olory , " mounted on hairpins , served as counters for games won. The garno was high five , but the customary points were augmented 1/y the addition of the eight spot , with n value of eight , which brought the total pceslblo value of n hand up to twenty-two a delicate reminder of the day of tlio month , "In honor of George , " as the hostess said. Mcsdamcs C. 1C. Squires. W. H. Kelly , Howard , Haldrlgn and Merrlam won prizes a portrait of Washington , a nllh Hag , a hatchet nnd a box of ban bans this last n delicacy of which O.V. . was known to be fond. Mlos May Hartlett assisted Mra , Nott In entertaining her guests , A most enjoyable oven Ing passed on Thursday by the friends of the Kountzo Memoilal church , who attended the entertain ment glvrn by the primary class of the Sunday tcliool. It was n children's night : as the himlrcds of happy , beaming llttlo faces that were scattered throughout the audlonco lioro witness , The visitors were receive1 nnd escorted to their seats by ono of the dozen llttlo ushers , who , realizing the' Importance of their pailtlm. were becomingly attired In the latest style evening dress stilts. These llttlo fellows , some of them only two hands high , paid more attention to their guests than have some of their elders on more auspicious occasions. Tom Thumb's wedding was the principal number on the program , and was participated In by a num ber of llttlo folk. The remainder of the l > roKnim wen rendered 'n plenum style. The recitations o ( 'Masters ' Koch and Owens called for three encores , to which the llttlo follows reapcmlcHl without embarrassment , After the 'Misses Maud Houston and R. Little entertained tb audlonco with their recitations thcro ws an rnjoynblc violin sol by Ml s Smith and n song by CMlM Oertrud Smith , The program was ended wit ! rnumlolln and guitar selections rendered by Mems. Treska , IIIIz and Uordwc 1. The 0. A. I . CCanl club was entertained a the home of Mr. and Mr . Wlth'cmt A Kins. M7 South Twenty-fourth vonttc , on Wednesday evening. The favors were woi by Mr , and Mr . Cobb. The next mectlns o the club will be on March 9 at the- horn of Mr. and Mrs. Sackctt. The Cotillion club brouRht 1o a rloso It very successful pre-Lenton swson on Tues day evening with a bal poudre given by Mia I Klor.i Webster at Morand's hall. It was a really brilliant affair , and from the ntimbc ' of colonial ccsliimes that were worn on would have thought tliat the spirit of ' 7 \UTO very much alive In these fin dc slecl days Nearly all the young dancers had pow dered tholr hnlr mid resurrected or built coa tumcR that helped to remind ono of "th times that tried men's souls. " The hall wa prettily decorated with plants and the red i white and blue. The cotillion was adrnlra i bly led by Mr. Arthur J. Coolcy , and many ; of the figures were novel and amusing. Thcj i Inrludod some that called for more or les athletic foals upon the part of the youn , men , ono of which sent the- beaux throng ! hoops before they could claim dances with their favorites. M n niH'iitM of 1'iMiplr. Mr. Charles W. Hull Is ( spending a week In Chicago , Mrs. S. K. Whcrrltt of St. Louh returned home Wednesday. Mrs. K. I'orter of Glasgow , Ky. , Is visiting her sou , G. C. I'orter. Mr. J. II. Anderson of Glcnwood , la. , I visiting friends In the city. Miss Catharine Quick of New York Is th guest of Mrs. W. S. Howcll. Ml&a Hlslo Is'oyes Is recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Miss Xelllo Wakeley Is visiting at he brother's homo In St. Louis. Mrs. Arthur Mctz Is expected homo from Davenport , la. , during the \\cp.h. Mrs. J. N. Cornish , who has been very seriously 111 , Is alowly convalescing. Miss Margaret Cook Is entertaining a be Guest Miss Smith of Elmlra , N. Y. Mr. Hermann MuentcfcrlnB returned Sat urday from a short trip to Europe. Mis. C. P. Ncedham left Tuesday for a month's visit with friends hi Texas , for a sojourn of a few weeks , but has no decided on his location after that time. Mr. Robert Tarleton will soon remove fron Omaha. Ho will go from here to Colorado Mr. J. C. Shrlever has returned from , a trip tCjrough Colorado , greatly Improved 'n health. Miss Ursula King of Little Palls , X. Y. , I the gurst cf Mlas Uennctt , Sll South Twenty seventh street. Miss Stephcnson and Miss Hammond , who have been guests of Miss Grace Allen , wen * cast on Thursday. Miss McKcll , who has been the guest o Mrs. Howard n. Smith , goes to visit Mrs AVarJ Burgess this week. Mrs. n. A. Bliss has gone to New York. Mrs. ' H. M. Post has gone to Detroit , Mich , to attend the wedding of her son. Mr. Fred A. Nash and Miss Adeline Nash returned to Omaha yesterday afternoon after a delightful trip of six weeks In Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dletz. arc enjoying a pleasant sojourn In the Bahama Islands. When last heard from they were at St. Tho.naq and from there wore going to Nas sau. sau.Miss Miss Winifred Kcan has returned from Iowa , bringing 'back ' with her Miss Mullen , who has been quite 111. Miss 'Mullen ' Is much Improved In health and la now at the home of Mr. William J. Broatch. Miss Latus of Helena , Mont. , who has been the guest of Miss Ella Reynolds for some tlmi ? , will leave tomorrow for the cast. After spending several weeks In Now York and Boston MSS : Latus will sail for Europe where eho will remain during the summer. Dr. Frederick Teal' ' returned on Frldaj from Chicago , where he addiessed the stu dents of the five leading homeopathic col leges on the subject of the exposition , with especial reference- the convention of the Amerlcfin Institute of Homeopathy to be held hero In June. AVoililliiKrs mill KiipriiK'OiiicMti. The engagement la announced of Mies Evelyn May FItchett to Mr. Clayton Allen Pratt. The wedding ia to take place in tlic near future. Mr. and Mcs. Charles Balbach have sen * out Invltntlctis to the wedding or their ( -'auditor , Einrr.a Clothllde , to Mr. Fred Henry Suydam , which Is to take place at Kouritze Memorial chiircd at 4 o'clock In the afternoon of Thursday , March 3. The quiet marriage of Mlsj Mlldrtd Stcp'n- enson , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stephencon , to Mr. Elinor J. Irey on Monday evening at 5 o'clock wes qulto a iui ; ! > il-o to all but the Intimate friends of .lie bride und groom. The ceremony took place at the homo of the bride's parent : : , 1)02 ! ) Cass st"-pct , and was performed by llev. John Williams , rector of St. Barnabas' Protestant church. A reception followed , after wCilch Mr. and Mrs. Irsy left for an eastern c-nd southern trip. Mlsi opuonson Is 'well and favorably known In Omaoa , bolng the daugh ter of ono of tv.o ploneafamilies. . In the recent Ice cariivil she lieU the pavilion of Queen Polaris. Mr. Iroy Is cjmiectej with the omco of ci'y troa.suri'r and Is a brother rf ex-Cour.-y i'roisurcr Irey. A pretty hcrno wedding took pla o on Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Park at Waterloo , Neb. , the occasion being the marriage of their daughter , Myrtle , to Mr G. Arthur Harris. The parlors were tastefully decorated in roses \nd carnations. The marriage ceremony took place under an nrch of roses and mnllax and was performed by Hev. Steve J. Corey of Lincoln. The bride lojkcd beautiful In a costume of French broadcloth , new blue trimmed In cream applique. She carried La France roses. The woddlng supper was served lmmeditely after the ceremony , covers being raid for thirty. The guests from abroad were : Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris Beatrice , Neb. , father and mother of groom ; Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Tetcr , Omaha ; Mr. A. 11. IVcltfiam , Omaln ; Mls Ethyl Thcuias , Coun cil Blulfc , and M vi. M. S. Moll. Shoiiandoali , la , Many beautiful and costly gifts were received. A wedding that Interested a largo number of Omaha us because of the prominence of the families represented was of Mis. ? Flor ence Knox , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S , Knox , to Mr. Frederick Hnrtinan on Tues day evening at the homo of the brldo'n par ents , 1029 Georgia avenue. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by Rev. Thomas J. Mackay , rector of All Saints' ProtesMn * l.'plsfopal church , In Ibo presence or the Im mediate families and a fo\v Intimate fiiomla. Miss Elizabeth Parrotto was the maid of Iruor , and the In'itK'EWfllds wore : MUsou Martha Blair Stone and Louise Mel'h'rson of Omaha and Sara Masingalo of St. I.oute. Two llttlo ribbon hearers , the Mlas.'s Doris and Ella Wood , added greatly to the attiac- tUencES of the scene. The Broom vas sup ported by Dr. Wllcox of this city ail bust man. The bride was handsomely gowned In heavy white satin , with a short veil of white tulle ornamented wild a whlto bow and an attractive aigrette. She carried a largo bunch of llllca-of-tho-vclley. The maid cf honor and the hrldesmaUd all miked lovely 'O gowna of whlto organdie nrce w'jltu taf fetas with short vollH of v/hlto tulle odnrned with'white bawa and alrttes , similar to thnse worn by the bride. The nviUU carried handsome bunches of narelsJUfl. Between the hours of 8 and 11 a I.irjo reception wt.s held. Supper was served In ( tie filling room , which was prettily deccoued IT green and whlto for the occasion. Mr. and Mru. Hartman left for an extended southern trip Met nvrn'ng. They will be at home to thcl.- friends utter .March 1 at 1029 Goer h aveouo. With tinTliiirxlnii ItlllcH. Mr. Walden Braiich was unanimously elected to the ranks of associate membership at < i recent company meeting. Considering that ono officer and ten pri vates tire ou furlough , the attendance at drills of late ban been excellent. In response to a general drmaod , It his been decided to Issue an elaborately engraved and Illustrated booklet. It U now In course of preparation , The rapid advancement Hint U being ac quired In military science among the mem bers composing the non-comml&sloncd olllcwi' school U gratifying to the olllcere and mn alike. 1(30 Thurston RltkM take pleasure In wel coming the advent of Omaha's iiow-boni military wmr-rry ; iho Welotor Zmmvcs , ant wish them every laudable siicfoss In ill of their undertaking * and hope that they may live long and prosper. Tlio latest addition to the Thurston nlfltfs' art collection l iiTUrge photograph of Mme. Clco do Merode ( iflPsrli , a gift to the com pany frnn Georie\Mooser. This picture wa-j Awarded first prize at the rc.-cnt New York Camera club exhibit. Captain Cher jrfrf the Iowa National Guord. stationed at Iowa City. la. , was n recent visitor , 5.Ucjitemint Colonel Coltcu of David City. NeS. * * llca at the armory Mst week , and wan pleased to find the patriotic spirit of the Rifles' at a l.lgh tension. The dellghttnl dnnclng | > arty given by Hie Thurston Rlflea aV'tho ' armory exi TliUMday evening was one of the events of the wccl ; The attendance at the dance won not oo larg as might bo expected , yet a feature of th occasion was the" appearance of several now f.icm among t.e ! duncers. A program o twenty numbers was donred and at the cm all the guests expressed themselves as hav Ins enjoyed n mast delightful evening. Oitiiiliu < itinri1x , Corporal Conant has resumed charge of th second squadron. The company has glorious prospects of per pcttial "fair weather" with the advent o Mathlcson Into the ranks. The Galling detachment , under tire abl direction of Captain Mulford and Guntic McCague , U rapidly returning to its old-Urn form. The drill Is an interesting one. The usual medal drill and competition wll take place on Monday. Invitations have bcci sent the Thurston Rifles and Wobstc 55ouavcs. All other friends of the companj are cordially Invited. In viewof the slight possibility of th Omaha Guards making a pleasure trip t Cuba at no distant date , applications fo membership have been filed by Wllllan Free. Herbert Osborne , J. P. Shirley , J. A Uhule and William Newton. Tyler Belt and Steve Day , two ex-member of the company , paid the boys a visit on Monday night. Belt and Day were among the first to join the Omaha Guards , and hav watched the steady development of the com pany with no llttlo Interest and pride. At a recent meeting of the company , E D. Chadwlck , Hugh Packard and John C Mathlcson were elected to membership. Al though they are without previous military experience , they have shown themselves to b soldiers , of whom the guards can be justly proud. Sergeant Wood of the Omaha Guards hai established a record for himself , In point o attendance , that In all probability Is wlthou equal In the entire state mllltla. Prom the day of his enlistment , over three years ago until the present time , lie.lias attended 20o consecutive drills , thus having a percentage of 100 for his entire enlistment. IMflixiirrN III 1'roNiiCM't. The first meeting of the Forest Hill Whist club after lent will bo held at the homo of Mrs. Doherty on. April 13 , OMAHA SUI1UIII1.S. Fort Croolc. Corporal Zvrernoman Is spending his fur lough in Mason City , la. Lieutenant Patten has returned to duty from a month's leave In the cast. The Ilev. n.'ll. Fitzgerald arrived at the post Wednesday and has moved Into quar ters No. 1 , which have been assigned to him. Thursday Lieutenant and IMrs. Hall gave n reception to Lieutenant and Mrs. Lewis , who have just returned from their wedding trip. We understand that there are to be a number of entertainments In their honor the coming week. The regular 'Friday ' evening concert toy the Twenty-second ( infantry orchestra ren- dcicd beautiful selections to a crowded house. Fully / QO people must hnvc lieen piesent , Uellev eJaiUl the neighborhood form ing a largo percentage of the audience. Mrs. Byrne , jvlfc pf First SergeantJ > atrlc c Byrne , died last Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Numerous'-and beautiful floral trib utes were placed mi the casket by friends. The funeral took lilaco Satuidny afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains were Interred in the" post cemetery/ / the Ilev. Father Fitz gerald , U. S. A. , offlciattng. Captain and iMrs. F. B. Jones have re turned from Detroit , Mich. , where they were called by the sudden and unexpected death of Major Francis Clarke , U. 15. A. Major Clarke was for twenty-five years an olllcor of Iho Twenty-second United ( States Infantry. Resolutions of sympathy und regret were passed by the regiment and forwarded to the bereaved widow. The enlisted men gave a masquerade Wednesday evening. A largo crowd was In attendance , many having come from O'maha ' to join In the festivities. The costumes were very tasty. The woman personating a deck of cards was probably the best on the lloor. The "Yellow Kid" took the floor -by storm and kept all In an anxious state of expec tancy every mouu-nt as to his next move. Mrs. J. P. Anderson has been very sick ' for the last week. , A. Holdrego of Rlvorton , Neb. , was In the city a few days this week visiting relatives. Mr. Thomas and Sam Miller of Smart- villo. Neb. , are In the'city vh'itlng relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kane of Omaha were visit ing with the family of Dr. Tracy one day this week. Rev. Mr. Savage of the People's church of Omaha filled the pulpit of the Presby terian church Thursday night. Mr. Chapman , who has been vloltlng rela- : lves hero for a couple of months' returned to his home at Persia , la. , Monday. J. T. Reams , who has been visiting his daughter , Mrs. W. A. Wilson , for some : lme , returned to his homo at Franklin , N'cb. , Monday. Miss Leathy King and Miss Moss of Omaha weio in town visiting friends and elatlvos Tuesday and attending the Wood- nen circle social , 'Mrs. Elllo A. Humphrey of Tckamah , Neb. , visited with friends hero Wednesday. Sim was on her way to Huron , Ind. , where she nakcH her future home. Tim social and necktie ball given by the Woodmen circle at the city hall Tuesday light , the L'2d , was well attended. Re- ri'shments were served. O. A. Cowles has purchased the old pool mil at Fort Omaha and will have It moved o Florence and put on Main street , where m will lit up a photograph gallery. The recent cold spell hardened up the Ice on the reservoirs and Friday the Arctic Ice company cut ice off one rowsrvolr and put t in the house. It lacks , about one-fourth of having its house full and It IB not Jlkely hat It will bo able to cut any moro from ho reservoirs. , ' , lll'llKIIII. Dr. C. Gee Woo of'Omaha made a pleasure rip to Benson mi fhursday of last week. .Mr. . and Mrs. Harvey J. Grove retuined mm a two weeTts' ' visit with friends and cljtlvcs In Ashlarfu , There will 'be ' preaching at the Methodist : r > lBcopa ! church'this evening by the paator , tov. Mr. Dross , at 'SVclock. The ofllclal uo4rd"of the ( Methodist Epls- opal church hpld | ts quarterly conference teetlng at the jcliMrch Thursday night. Washington's > birthday was observed In ha public schwJls.iehaklng It a holiday. In he evening thj"S.'nrtJiwcsteni ) Social club ave a grand bajljj 4 < i tlB | town hall. The Ladles' AUl'society ' unet at the homo f Mra. James i.U 'Howard ' last Wednesday , 'hey will give.1 A1 social entertainment and upper at the ttityn hall next Tuesday eveii- ng , March 1. To UVliMimt' i'onii'll'H I'rcMlilcn * . A ncore of alumni of Cornell university net In the parlorp of the. Commerulul Nu- loiml bank lust evening to muko prellm- naiy iirniMKemunU fur a reception and din er to t > o pivoii to Jacob ( luuld Suhurman , irenhlem of the university. In this city at emu date between March 20 and 25. It van.the. weiiHe of the. meeting that President ohurman should bo Invited to deliver a ubllo address on one evening and uliouli ) bo ntertulned nt a dinner by the C'ornelllnns i Omutia und vicinity on the following evcn- ng , and that u \l It fthould be niuilo to he University of NchniHkii at Lincoln. Alficd Mtlluitl wus ehOBt-ii chairman of the eiurul committee. The following uub-com- nlttees were appointed : Invitation , Arthur ' . Waheley. Frank Irvine , Churleu C. Hoso- vater and Wllll.un . A. Carter ; dinner , 'liurira 1 * Saunders , Thomas S , C'lurk and hurles S. Young ; entertainment , Alfred tlllurd , John W. Iiattln and J. II. Van music. H. I. OUnnctt. Another meeting of the nlumhl will be held nt the Commercial National lank on Saturday ovrnliKc next. XRAHhY ItMVnV TO ( Jt ) TO 1'HKSS , IlllU'lift In .SCMIII tn MnlvO If * AIMHMI rum-p. The woe of the promoters of The Hatchet seem to be about over and It seonifl to bo assured that the paper will make Itn ap pearance early this week. The photographs of the youngsters which are to occupy niche * ) In the cover dcdlgti , as well as the e that are to bo scattered through the pages of the paper , have all been received and are now In the hands of the photo-engraver. The cuts will be finished In a few days and the paper wilt be Issued Immediately there after. The cover 'of The Hatchet will be a very artistic looking affair. U will be Ivory white , of heavy enamelled paper , and the first page will be ornamented by a dcalRti which has been pronounced by conivolssc-nra as a work of art. This design U the work of rn Omaha boy , Clark Poncll , son of the late A. C. Powell. In It are twenty spaces which will bo tilled with the faces of children. These little plctutes wilt be half-tone cuts made from photographs. The children whose pic tures thus appear are of all ages Up to 10 years. The name of ono of these llttlo ones may not be atnounccd , an a surprise lias been arranged on the parents acid It has been kept a secret , The others are these Son of Rev. T. J , Mackay , gratidson of Rev. P. A. Warfleld , son of P. P. Klrkendall , son of J. U , Berry , granJion of P. P. Pord ol Philadelphia , daughter of W. S. Wllcox , daughter of W. R. Jnckscn , state superlntcd- cnt of schools , L'mcoln ; daughter of K. C. Price , daughter of C. M. Wilholm , eon of C. D. Woodworth , daughter of P. T. Buck ley of Stromsburg. daughter of Arthur Bran- dels , daughter of Mr. Martin of South Omaha , daughter of Mrs. W. O. Mitchell of Corning , la. , daughter of W. S. Rector , daughter of Cation Doherty , twins of Michael Murphy of South Omaha , daughter of H. G. Sirclght. In the center of the cover design will be a large open space In which will appear a pic ture of the young ! > on of Dr. J. E. Sum mers , jr. A slight hint has been given heretofore re garding the contents of the paper , but the general make-up has reached a point where It Is possible to glvo a table of contents that Is reasonably complete. On the title page will appear .a portrait of Katherlne Orchard Kuhn and James Whit- comb Rllcy's poem , "lialbyhood , " In orna mental type. Mrs. Elta Mathcson contrib utes a story entitled , "A Sleepy Tlmo Epi sode , " which occupies page 2. A cut of the Girls' and Boys' building on page 3 U accompanied a descriptive iioem by Will M. Maupln , telling the experience of a party of school children from West Point , who visit the exposition under the guidance of their teachers , Page 1 Is devoted to editorial ar ticles and on this page will also appear the names of the ten associate editors and the ten assistant business managers. The edi torials are nearly all 'by ' children. A High school pupil who does not sign his or her name , discusses "Tho Advantages of Mili tary Training In Schools. " Perry Wheeler of South Omaha writes about "Postal Sav ings Banks. " "Women and the Exposition , " forms the subject of an editorial by Mrs. A. Hardy of Beatrice. Louise McPlierson of Omaha discusses "The Mt Vernon Ladles' Association , " and Clara M. Hervey of Omaha tells about "Military Drill for Girls , " from the standpoint of a member of company Z , of the Omaha High school. Other shorter articles have no signatures. Page 5 Is de voted to cuts of the exposition buildings and descriptive matter. Page fi is filled by a special story contribute ; ! by Mrs. Ella W. Peattlo , entitled. "Locust Blossoms. " Page 7 Is devoted to the Omaha High school and contains short stories , sketches , essays , skits , etc. , mcst of which are not signed "by their authors. The only names on this page are those of Camilla Gsantner , M. P. Ittner , Robert Prltclmrd and lena Barnhart. Page S contains cuts nf AkSaBen floats and de scriptive matter and an ode entitled , "Trans- mlsslsslppl Girls' and Boys' Ode , " written by T. J. Kelly. It is the Intention to have every school which visits the exposition sing this ode as a part of the program. Pages 9 to 12 , Inclusive , contain short stories by children from all parts of the state , whose names have already 'been ' published. Page 13 Is devoted to an Interesting account of Llnnto Haguewood , nn Iowa girl , who has been called the "Helen Kellar of the West. " She. has been deaf , dumb and'blind ' from her birth and her teacher tells how she was taught to communicate with those around her. Page 14 contains "A Thrilling Story of How Two Nebraska Boys Caught a Live Bald Eagle. " written by Mrs. T. L. Klmball , and a poem , "Helen's Babies , " by Mls > s E. A. St. John of Council Bluffs. Page 15 Is de voted to "Bright Sayings of Real Children. " Page 10 couUlns a story iby Margaret Hitch cock , entitled , "A Llttlo Revolutionary Maid , " and a largo cut of a famous painting , "Tho' Boy Columbus at Genoa , " Page 17 describes the experiences of missionaries In Africa and contains a cut showing two llt tlo Africans who are supported oy mission work. "How a Metropolitan Newspaper Is Published" is the subject of a bright and Intelligent descriptive article 'by ' little Ruth Shlnrock of the Kellom school , who describes her encounter with a newspaper reporter on the streets of Omaha and her visit to The Bee ofllco , where she was shown through all the departments of the paper. She de scribes what she saw In a manner which shows conslder.ible ability In that line. Page I ! ) contains a number of articles relating to liousohold economics and cooking recipes and the remaining pages are devoted to advertising. CHKAT ACTIVITY DOWX IX IC.VXSS. . Sunflower Slalc to Hi * Ili-pri-sciid-cl nt ( lie K\i > < > slfIon. Exposition matters have been In a rather insatlsfactory condition In Kansas lately , nit the situation Is becoming more favorable and present Indications are that the state vlll bo well represented a't the great fair , although the time remaining for active work s rather short. Several weeks ago Governor Lecdy held a onfercnce with several railway reprcsenta- Ives In Kansas and proposed that a fund ot 30,000 bo raised that the state might par- Iclpato at the exposition His suggestion vas that the five railroads In the state liould each subscribe $3,000 and he would hen undertake to raise the other $15,000 mong the people ot the state. The .Atchl- on , Topcka & Santa Fe , the St. Louis & Jan Francisco and the Missouri Pacific greed to contribute $3,000 each an-J the IJIIKAKS UP "If It's a Cold Til It c "Seventy-seven. " If It is La Grlppo-It's a Cold. Take "Savonty-seven , " If It Is Influenza-It'fi a Cold , Take "SovB'ity-seven , " If your Throat la sure It'3 .1 Cold , Take "Sevcnty-S'jvcn. " If you Cough-It's .1 Cold. | Take "Seventy-seven. " If you have Catarrh It's a Cold. Take "Soventy-Heven , " If your Chtst hurte It's a ( loll. TaUo "Seventy-seven. " If It Is Bronchltls-lt' * a Cold. Take "Seventy-seven. " At druRuUta or rnt prepaid on receipt of nice , 23c , We. or 1 CO. Auk fur Jr Hiinn > hrf > V Hpeclflc Manual of ull ) l < euei > at your I'ru-glMj or Mailed Tree. jV MeJUIno Company , Ntw York. general offlcprg of th Hock Island and the llurllngton roads wore naked to do likewise. The Burlington hod already subscribed and paid $30.000 to the exposition and thn Qlock Island had lubucrlhcd and paK ) $25,000 , and both therefore declined to enter the Kansas pool , Before tills decision on the part ot the List named roads had 'been made known , the governor appointed n commission of mwi In different parts of the state , but the commis sion never 'held a meeting nor did any busi ness. The replies of the Burlington nni Rock Island knocked things Into a cocked hat , and there the matter rested until last we k , when another meeting was held with the railroad representatives and the first three roads named agreed to raise $15,000 between them It the people of Kansas would raise a like amount. The governor once moro took up the matter and announces that he will appoint n new commission at once and will push the matter with all possible speed. To show new tailored gowns both j.icket and blouse effects now Ideas oC popular matcrlnls the skirts , as well us the Jackets , being man-tailored guarantees perfect lif ting. Wo have them nt $10 , better grades of coin so at the $12..0 , $16.50 and $20.00 marks. 1510 fRKIfHTnV I rmton ft tlUliHilllUtl Til. 1531. O. U. Woodward , Amusement Director. TODAY 2:15 : TONIOHT 8:00 : WOODWARD STOCK COMPANY , Presenting McKim RANKIN'i * 5 ACT PLAY KPKC'lAl.TIKS ! A. Gardner , GciienbocK's oicnesifa , wesson gwoiieis , oniefloiiirose , Thtlfulny SILVIIH KINO. Next Kcck-HTTUIl LO I > I'MINTLIiltOY. ' I TAXTOX & iirn f. Tel. THURSDAY , FRIDAY , MARCH 3-4 , "ls ' n.o'lS . .ScK . * 1 A STRANGER IN NEW YORK. Lin cost , best und most Micrmsfut miislrnt fjireliil piitoriitliiiniMit In llu' I'oimtrv. PHKT.S- IOHI'Illoor tl.OO ; ll.ilcnny 7.V , : > 0o , Prlri'H iM'dutM'iI ill Moriim ! ' * Si-liiHil fur rt-Mt of SCIIMUII lit I lie niliilt clnxfl. l.i'NMiiiH Tui'oilny anil l''rhliii ; , S II. 111. 1" ll-1IIIIN , tlllllfN , If . " > | UCIItlc llll'lt $ < ! . IUKill IHM > . THE MILLARD 13th iiiul Douglas Sts. , Oiualia. CUNTHAU.Y LOC'ATUU. AJIKIUCAN AM ) HI IIOI'HAX 1'IiAN- . .1. i : . M ' . IMvl'.I , .V SO.V. PiMipN. HOTEL BARKER COR. 13TII AND JONES ST. . OMAHA. HATKS ijii.r.oM > ! < i.oo IMU : HAV , Electric cnrs illrect to rxpotltlon grounds. FHANK. HAltlvUH , I'nshlcr . . . .SAM UAUMAN. Chief Clerk. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE 4 PERFORMANCES I'axton & llurgcss , Mgrs " ' " Monday" "February English Opera at Popular Prices , 123 EE . . .MONDAY UVKM.NO The Operaiio Event of the Season , E2E TU15SDAY I5V12NINQ EXIESHS5 WUDNKSDAY MATINKB CO.-50 t" 'Bohemian GirS" Direct from II Big Weeks in Denver , . KHDNHSDAY I3VI-MNO | 6 Prices-25c , 50o , 75c and $1,00 $ > ' f PAXTON & BURGESS , Two Sights 'S Managers. niul Telephone 1919. Matinee SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT MB. RICHARD NSFI Presenting TUESDAY EVE. and WEDNESDAY MATINEE his latest- success , THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE. WEDNESDAY EVENING , only time his great crc-ation , BARON CIIKVRIAL in A PARISIAN ROMANCE. Seats on sale at 0 promptly FRIDAY. Prices $1,50. $1.00. 7fic , ( JOc. i il ii 1 ; . iO. j4i ' iiJiiiitiJiA . il ; < w i . 11. il'i - ' III il. il. .If * * it1 . " it. " , | T7 1 MRS. J. See our New Line of ? 45 ? T t Handsome novelties in colored silkpat terns , fast Tj i& ? Tj * colorri , umbrella rufiln , corded or plain , J'rom 81.25 up. Tj * See the brown linen skirts , umbrella ruflle , Aviih Tj" live cords , price $ l.f)0. ) H" Umbrella style in linen colors , JIB low as-l-l l > - JT | ] Jlack sateens and summer moreen 7fjc up. ' { Very handsome colored moreens and alpacas in ! j * spring shades pretty as silk skirts and wears throe ! } T times as long prices J'rom $4.25 to $5.00. Does better work and goes further than any other ONE CONVINCES. ' Annual Subscriptions to Standard Magazines arc Offered as Prizes for Saving ihe Wrappers ; Explanation on Each Wrapper.