Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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fico the Light Breaking Through the Oloudi
at Last.
llnnuicrcil on lite JlnUcr ol
til-omul * , lint n Ki'tllciiient ot
( hut ( iiH-Atlon Is Kiirlj
Omaha Is now a full-fledged member of th (
Western league and the fans are happy
Inspired by the bright sunshine of tinIntil
tow days they arc already Imagining themselves /
selves seated In a shady corner of tlic grand'
Bland rooting for dear llfo and snrfcltlnf
themselves with the keen enjoyment on I )
appreciated after a couple of years of famine
Omaha has been without base ball lena
enough to dUcovcr that nothing can (111 ( Itf
place , and judging by the sentiment that If
In evidence on the slrceto every man whc
knows a foul tip fro.-n a packing house will
lie on hand when thu umplro once more call ;
time on the Omaha grounds.
Speaking of the grounds suggests the only
trouble that really bothers anyone now. II
Is a painful but strictly veracious ndtnls.
nlon Hint the management has every reason
for complaint on account of the manner In
which Its negotiations for n suitable location
for thu ball park have been met. In Omaha
to In every other largo city , It Is a very dif
ficult matter to secure grounds which nrc
laigo enough to ratlafy the public and are al
the same time accessible. The choice ol
location ; ) In necessarily limited , and In this
case It looks as though everyone who has
property that can bo utilized Is taking ad-
vantngo of the situation to tack on i price
that can ! ) c regarded as nothing ICFS than
an Imposition. It Is to be sincerely hoped
that when .Manager O'llrirn return" from
Kanaai City hu will find his task less dif
ficult than It appeared when he left.
It should not be forgotten that In bringing
thin franrhho to Omaha MOSMS. Sohuniai
and O'llileti have done the city a aubstantla
favor. Not thnt thej are comliiB hero for
their health. They corn because they ox
Ieot tj mike a profitable Investment. Hut
while they are making a little money will
their 'ball ' team , Omaha Is securing the ad
\antaifp of being one of a comparatively few
of the cities of Itn clars In which a llrst
class article of ball can ho counted am or , } ,
Its attractions. It cannot 'be dnulitod that i
mi , ccssful ball team Is a flrst-clcjs advef
tlacment for any city. Aside from that I
Is especially valuable to Onuha because this
city Is admittedly barren of pummer amuse
mcnts. The games that will be played hen
this cummer v. Ill till a great big hiatus It
tlio recreations of a largo proportion o
( Inaha people Jiid will undoubtedly const !
Into a materlr.1 attraction for hundreds o
others who will take advantage of chea ]
rates to CPIIO In from neighboring towna to
ECO their favorite game.
Whl'e It will probably be ( several davfl be
fore the locatl u of the Omaha grounds Ii
definitely announced , the present lndloitlc"ii
nrc tlat Mii > management will bo comyellc.
to select the Vlnton street site. The old
cirrus grounds arc entirely out of the qucs
thn and the University grounds are so tlei
ur In the Courts tint It seems to be lmpo. <
elblc to get a Batlsfactory lease. It h fltil
hoped that this ccnipllc-ithn may bo dis
posed of this week , for there Is no qucstlcti
but that the old grounds would bo mucl
inoro convenient and satisfactory than the
Viotoii street location. Unt un'.ew , this Ih
accomplished it once , It will be too late , us
tl'o reason will soon open , and action intis
bo taken at once In order to make the neces
sary Improvaments. l < a case ttie manage
ment should bo compelled to go to the south
tide , considerable grading \vlll bo necessary
and a number of the big trees must be
grubbed up before the diamond caci bo laid
out and the grand stand and bleachers con
structed. Asldo from the question of ac
cessibility the grounds arc admirably en ltd'
for the purpose. They are large enough for
any possible purpose , and will admit the
construction of as largo a grand stand as
ir.-iy be- desired without crowding on the
nc'.d. '
The action of the Western league In pro-
touting against the drafting rule of the Na
tional league Is amply Juntlfled , but It re
mains to be seen whether ttie members of
the bl ? league will be Bulllclently broad-
inlnded to appreciate the Justice of the propo
sltlcn. As long as the National league ar-
rogatcii to Itself the privilege of drafting
any plnjcr It wonts from the minor leagues
on thirty days' notice no club can command
the cervices "of Its playcni with certainty
The draft Is liable to como at the mast
critical porlpd for the smaller club , and Its
pert-ant winning chances may be praethally
dostrojod. It would bo better In the end fet
nil ccciccrned If the National league was de
barred from taking playcra before thu end
of the scaBon except with the consent of the
management from whom they are pur
chased. Any rule that operates to Injure
the game Injures every one connected with
It. It would undoubtedly bo very handy
for the big league clubs to bo able to
forage on the Eastern and Western leagues
when they pleased , but It Is to be apprc-
liended that In the end they could scarcely
profit by what must In many cases bo a
calamity to the smaller club.
Ono of the mcst striking features of the
bane ball situation1 at present Is the general
tendency on the part of players who did a
fair season's work last year to hang out for
exorbitant figures for this season. Nearly
all the big clubs are having moro or less
trouble In signing their players and ( several
of them have so far only succeeded In clos
ing contracts with half a dozen men each.
This trouble seems to bob up regularly every
few years , and. In Boveral cases , the man
agers have acceded to thn demands of the
players to an extent that has brought disas
ter to the ( tamo. It seems , however , that
the magnates have profited by their past ex
periences and there Is a general disposition
to stand pat all along the lino. As far as the
Western league Is concerned the position
of the managers In very tersely put by
J'resldent Johnson. IIo says : "No player In
OKI Western league will receive moro than
$200 a month unless ho bo the manager of u
team , In which Instance ho Is entitled to a
bonus. There Is an Iron-bound agreement
between the Kantern and Western leagues
not to pay a player more than fMO per
month , and that agreement cannot be broken.
The gentlemen who have their own money
Invested In these two minor leagues do not
Intend to give all the profits to the ball
players. I'ant experience has shown that wo
Annual Bnloa ooo BOXOB
moll as Vflml and Pain In tlio Btomach ,
UlddlnoHa , yiilncgfl uftor nu-alH , Hrnd-
nchc. Dizziness , Drowsiness. Flushlnga
ot Ilout , Jjoaa of Appotito. CoBtlvoni'hS ,
Blotches on tlio Bkln , Cold Chlllx , Dis
turbed Bleep. frightful Dreams nnd nil
Nervous anil Trembling BonsntlonB ,
IN TWENTY MINUTE& Every sufferer
will noUnouloilKO thorn to bo
IiiiiilAM'S : : : IUI.1,8 , tnknn nsdlroct-
ed , wllluulckly imtoro I'oinalcs to com-
plolo health. They promptly luinovo
obstructions or Imwilnrltli'H of thu ny.s
torn nuil euro Mrlt llvmlui'lio. Fora
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And Into Iha
efauy I'utcnt MtMlIrliio in tliu World *
itto. ut oil Drujj Stores ,
cannot afford to pay fancy fialnrles. When
& man can moke $200 per month for rtvo
or 'X months he is not doing poorly. That j
Is all a player Is worth to our clubs. When
lie develops and his services are worth
more than our limit , ho It ready for the
National league , where bigger salaries are
paid. The players will have to drop In line
and accept our terms or quit the game. The
Western and Haetcrn leagues are the two
principal minor leagues In the country. A
player who will not accept our salary limit
must either play for Iras In some ether minor
league * , If ho Is allowed to play at all , or quit.
That la the whole thing In u nutshell. "
Alex Whltehlll has decided that ho would
like to appear In an Omaha uniform again.
He Is studying medicine , hut ho writes the
sporting editor of The Bco that nothing noth
ing uould suit him better than to drop
anatomy for the season ard play ball Ho
asserts that ho V.MS not In condition last year ,
and that If ho can get another chance he Is
In first-class shape to do satisfactory work.
Alex pitched a number of excellent games
when ho was with Omaha , but his great
wcakncsi uroppiid out as soon as he failed to
re-echo gilt-edged tupport. Ills letter hag
been turned over In Manager O'llrien , who
m'ght ' do a great deal worse than to give the
"Deacon" a cliancu.
niitiiiuiiii DUN ! .
The Milwaukee team still has nearly flft >
men on Us daltnrd list. .
Washington wants Pitcher Cnrscy of St.
Louis , but Hurst wants htm too and he will
'Brookhn ' Is tald to have offered one of Us
pltchort ) $900 ton the reason. And still they
talk about Greater New York.
With the departure o Anson Jimmy Hynn
1 the ouly member of the ISSfl champion
team still wearing the Chicago uniform.
Frank J. Leonard , who once played an
cngascmcnt It ] Omaha , has been signed to
manage life Augusta club of the Southern
Cincinnati IB trying to trade off Dusty Mil
ler. The management Is evidently taking
Judicial notlco of the approach of the beer
The Chicago fans are much agitated over
the question whether Decker or Kverltl will
bo selected to fill the old man's place on the
first bag. .
Comlskoy asserts that when his team llnee
up for ttie'flcnsonthere will be eight men
on the diamond every day who cxin hit above
I he . ' 300 notch' . * " '
It is. .claltnud that five ot the National
league clubs are In line In opposition to ttie
bunt hit. In another year they ought to be
able to inuiUcr a majority.
Pitcher Perry of Milwaukee refuses to
sign at the $ ' . ' 00 limit. It Is evident that
the "Adonis" has not thoroughly mastered
tlm lesson ? of the last tow years.
Tim Hurst Is alleged to be- willing to bet
that the Urowns will finish better than
twelfth this' year. There Is said to be some
question whether this is an even proposi
tion or not.
TUe fichemc for a Kansas league has fallcci
through on account of lack or Interest.
V.'lchlta is Btill enthusiastic , however , and
it Is proposed to put In an Independent team
with the view of awakening a more extensive
rntlnicat by another year.
The Indianapolis management has selected
a very sensible way to discipline > i player.
Sockalexls haa been signed at ? 50 a month
less than fie received last year , with a dis-
.Inet understanding that strict sobriety will
scenic him the difference ot the end ot the
sou on.
The St. Joe fans are happy again. After
hanging on the fagged edge of expectancy
ill winter they have an assuied prospect of
retaining their franchise and It Is asserted
that there Is more local Interest in the game
than ever before. The engagement of Duck
Ebrlght as manager Is generally commended.
T > io llockford papers are rather severe In
thclc criticisms of President Iltckcy on ac
count of the transfer of the Rockford fran-
ohtec to Hock Island. That city has nothing
to complain of , as If ono club was allowed
to violate the rules of the league with Im
punity the league might as well go out of
business. As a matter of fact the decided
action that was taken in this case Is likely
to have a salutary effect on the other mem
bers of the league.
Pete Browning has come out with his an-
sumi statement that he has not touched a
drop of liquor for three months and is fit to
play the game of his life. Fortunately most
of the newspapers that make a specialty of
b.-u'o ball news have the announcement
stereotyped and the old plate will be dug
out and run without unnecessary expense
for composition. It may safely be assumed
that the Gladiator has a bigger stock of
shattered resolutions on hand than any other
player In the league.
Cornell Will Koiv Ynli Over ( lie IIlN-
Icirir TlminrH COHTHC.
It Is more than gratifying to learn that the
difficulties that have stood In the way of a
meeting of the crack eastern college cicws
have been finally overcome , and the races
for this year definitely arranged. Cornell
will row Harvard and Yale In a triangular
race June 23 or 21 , at New London , and will
also row Pennsylvania and Columbia , either
at Saratoga or Poughkeepslo July 21.
The alacrity with which Cornell accepted
the New 'London ' course after having
positively refused to row without the as
surance of another race , makes It look as
though Yale has consented to give Cornell a
chance to retrieve lost honors next year If
the race In June results favorably for the
blues. The delegates at the conference would
not admit this , but It Is assumed on all sides
that such'Is tlio case. One of the delegates
said after the conference that the two
universities are on friendly terms , and he
saw no reason why Yae ) would not accom
modate "Cornell next year If asked to do so.
It was also said that this year's race at
Now London Is In a measure a test as to
whether -tho course is vvldo enough In
places for three erews , If the course should
prove to bo unfavorable , and another race
between Yale , Cornell and Harvard U
arranged , It will be rowed on some other
Cornell Is most active In the proposed
American Henley race , which It Is hoped
will become an annual event. Dr. Louis
L Seanun , president of the Cornell club
of New York , last week announced the
establishment of a trophy which Is to bo an
open challenge , permanently , for all Ameri
can college er.ows. The cup , which Is to
typify the American college championship ,
was exhibited at the recent Cornell banquet
In .Now Yoik , although It Is not quite
finished , and the deed of gift to the Cornell
University Athletic association was read. It
! > rovdes ! that the association shall "hold the
cup for ono year , or until the formation of
an Intercollegiate or American Henley HewIng -
Ing association , If such association shall bo
rormi'd within ono year , and upon the forma
tion of such association shall transfer such
cup In trust to such association or the
stewards thereof , " The 'Varsity Challenge
sup Is said to bo the largest and finest
trophy ever offered for competition In an
iquatio event. It Is of sclld silver , stands
.hlrty-ano Inches high and weighs about 220
ounces. The style is Ixnils XV , and spaces '
are left for panels to allow of special decora- ]
lion. Dr. Seaman , the donor , was |
graduated from Cornell In the class of 1S71 ! .
md has always been on enthusiast In row-
tig matters and other athletics. He la a '
practicing physician In the metropolis.
Harvard's row'ig coaches are to have a
r.3w $8.000 launch. It will be presented by
Frank Thompson , president of the Pennsyl
vania railroad. The Cram pa of Philadelphia
will build the new launch , which Is to bo
about fifty feet In length , It will bo built
with the special view of adaptability to the
equlreroccts of the Charles river and la to
jo capable of making a speed of aevcnteoi
< aots an hour. Mr. Thomson , the donor , is
particularly Interested Ui Harvard , for Iho
reason that his two sons , Frank Graham
Thomson and Clar'.to Thornton , uru utudenta
of the university ,
K. Sullivan , secretary of ( ho Ama
rur Athletic union , recently eald that he
mil hiard of the propti'ltlon ' to change the
name of the foot ball rules committee to that
of the "Intercollegiate Foot Hall union , " the
absolute jurisdiction over the popular grld-
ron be'iig given ( o the latter ,
"U le an excellent Idea , " eald Sulllvca ,
'for ' Intercollegiate- ball today la 5 > ruc-
Ically ungoveroed. If the foot ball union
or association coulJ be formed from the
ompetent members of the rulea committee ,
t ould b * tin Mjr , mattes U > out only
'continue- Jurisdiction over the pl r ! * R rulw ,
but al o to aMumo control over the otrlct
enforcement of thu amateur rule. If any
member ot ono of the big college teams
t'hould bo accused of professionalism , thta
governing body should bo In a position to
properly Investigate such a charge and wouli
alto receive the power to act. In CMC o ! it
dliptitc over the arrangement of a game
or sone : technical decision of an official , the
union could act as arbiter an1 probably give
complete eallifactlcn , too. It would also
govern college players who arc members ol
athletic club teams and could greatly aid the
American Athletic union In purifying the
* port The six members of the rules com
mute * are representative college foot ball
experto , and they ehauld be empowered to
take complete central ot the came In all Its
details. "
After Ependlng an afternoon and evening
In debate at Drown university , Providence ,
11. I. , thei Intercollegiate athletic conference
adjourned , having dene nothing but decide
to refer the following questions to a BUb-
commlttce.tilch shall report at another
mectlnf , ' !
Should games be played on college grounds
nlone ?
What methods should be employed to
avoid excessive Rate receipts ?
Under whnt conditions should scholarship
be given to athletes' . '
Should players on summer nines bo eligi
ble to college teams ?
Siould professional conches bo employed ?
Should members of the graduate schools
be considered ns eligible for college teams'
Should the conference ndopt a set of
general eligibility rules ?
Ouclit responsibility for athletic manage
ment bo placed on athletic committees ?
Harvard , Princeton , Columbia , Pennsyl
vania , Cornell , Dartmouth nnd Urown were
all represented. Yale did mot participate Ii
the deliberations at all.
On Tiles-lay morning delegates from the
University ot Nebraska , Doane , Wcslcyai
and 'Hastings ' met at Lincoln to foim the
State Athletic association. These presen
were : Jones of Hastings , Carver fron
Weslcyan , Heed from Doane and Prof. Hast
ings and iJIoore from the University of Ne
braskn. A constitution was adopted , sub
Jcct to the approval of the athletic associa
tions of each Institution. Heretofore the as
soclatlon has had no real existence , and I
will now be put on a firm basis. It was
agreed that the limuguial meeting of the
association be held on May 11 at Lincoln am
the election of officers will occur on the
o\enlng of that date. The meeting was
eharacti rlzed by perfect harmony In rcgan
lo all business to bo carried out and the out
look Is bright for a real live state athletic
F. M. Hall ot Butte , 'Mont. , has been
decided on as head coach for next fall's
'varsity foot ball team nt the University of
MIchlgin. Hall Is an old Princeton player
and served as guard on the Michigan eleven
of ' 95 , which nearly defeated Harvard. He
was one of the best field athletes Michigan
ever had , and won the western intercollegiate
shot-put and hammer-throw In ' 03. Hall wll
coach the linemen , net as head coach , ant :
some ono else will be engaged to look after
the backs.
A graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania , George H. Frazler , ' & ' , has
established a prbe worth $100 to be given
annually to that member of the foot ball ,
bise ball , track team or of the crew , who
attains the highest standing In scholarship.
It Is quite probable that a team of
athletes composed of the first and second
men In the next annual meet of the Inter
collegiate Athletic association will go to
London In the summer to meet the' cream ot
the athletes at Cambridge and Oxford ,
Yale , Harvard and Princeton have signed
articles of agreement for the first Intercol
legiate whist tournament ever held In
America. It will begin In New Haven In
April , and thei rules of the American Whist
congress will govern. Each college rep
resentative will be selected by a competitive
A. A. Stagg of the University of Chicago
expects to make the Intercollegiate ana
Interscholastlc meet at Chicago on March 5
the biggest event of the year excepting only
the Intercollegiate outdoor meet In June.
Every college and preparatory school Invited
to participate has definitely responded ex
cept the University of Michigan. The details
of the big contest are almost all completed.
The principals of the high schools and
academies sending teams to compete have
been asked to be the patrons of the event.
Mr. Stngg .has arranged to have a row of
boxes entirely around the arena. In the
center will be a largo box for distinguished
guests. The high school and academies will
compote In the afternoon and the colleges
In the evening. The finals in the relay , tht >
tug-of-war , the 300-yard run and the wrest
ling match will bo carried over Into the even-
Ing. In the tug-of-war for "prep" schools
the teams are limited to five men to weigh
not over 750 pounds. They are to pull stand
ing for three minutes on a reslned floor
without cleats or spikes.
Griinil A in cr I i-ii it Hu ndlcil ] ) I'romlNCN
1 < > Hia lluforil Hrcnlicr.
'For ' the next month the Grand American
Handicap of the Interstate Association at
Long Branch , N. J. , will absorb the bulk of
Interest In trap shooting circles. This is
the big event of the year for the cracks and
this year It Is promised that the tournament
will eclipse all of Its predecessors. Last
year the event brought together 'the ' biggest
crowd of fhooters that ever congregated at
the traps and It Is expected that the record
will again bo broken next month. The
tournament Is scheduled for March 22 , 23
and 24 and . ( ho big handicap , which has al
ways been the distinctive feature of the
tournament , occurs on the second day. This
Is a twenty-flvo-blrd race , with $1,600 guar
anteed and all surplus added. It costs $25
and the price of the birds to enter this
big race , atid-as fully 150 entries are ex
pected It Is apparent that the men who can
win places will not have their work for
nothing. The first gun will get | 600 and
the sterling silver trophy , while the second
and third guns will win $500 and $100 , re
spectively. All the money In the purse In
excess of these amounts will bo divided In
accordance with the number of entries re
ceived. Frank Parmalee will probably be
the only Omaha man who will enter In 'the '
big event. Ho will enter In all the main
events of the tournament and his previous
record Is sufficient to Indicate that ho will
bo la on the money.
Flunk Parmaleo and 0. W. Loomls.havo
returned from Hot Springy , where they made
an excellent showing. Parmalee was one of
the Iho who tied for first money In the big
event , the Arkansas Traveler handicap , and
Loomls got In on second money. The handl-
cappcrfi showed what they thought of Par-
imtlec'a shooting ability by placing him at
thn thlrtv-two vnrd illno In this event along
with Jack FannlnB , the San Francisco crack.
Of the other llrst money men U. U. Fulford
of Utlca , N. Y. . and H. McMurchy of Syra
cuse , N. Y. , were placed at thirty-one jards
and H Trimble of Cincinnati thirty yards.
Loomlij chut at twenty-nine yards. Iiudt.
Gilbert , Helkcs , Elliott nnd fully twenty
moro of the best shots In the country were
also entered.
Loomls did Komo of the best shooting dur- j
Ing the tournament and It was a pretty tight'
race between the two Onuha men for all-
around honors , On the second day Looniis
killed Ills twenty-five rtralght In tlio twenty-
live target event , making It a tie with Charley -
ley Hudd for first money and ho got awuy
with only one tnUs In several other events.
Parmaleo says that ho doubts If there was
arother place In the United States where
the nowo of the wrecking of the Maine
aroused eo much excitement as In Hot
3prlngj. The town does not receive up-to-
Jato telegraph diaputches , and the news
ivaa a couple of days old by the time It
sot there. Then U ulincst ecllp > d Interest
In the shooting , and the meager bulletins
that were available were literally besieged ,
Quito a number of ducks have been re
ported along the Platte , and the local
sportsmen arc beginning to get their guns
slcanrd up and shells loaded ready for the
: ampaign , It IP a trifle early yet to ex
pect any satisfactory sport , however , and no
expeditions have ctarted up to date.
That proposed race between Fred Gilbert
md Captain J , L. llrcv.'er U beginning to ac-
lulro some of the features of a pugilistic
alklng affray. It U only fair to eay that
ho redoubtable captain Is doing roost of
-hi bluffing , however , and U Is apparent
that ho would much rather talk than shoot.
Three of the leading.clllttns of Spirit Lake ,
Including the "president of ono ot the banks ,
came out a week ago with the statement
that they would buck Gilbert against Brcnor
for nvc 100 bird races for any part ot $2,500
and let him choose his own shooting
grounds. Uut In the face of this Brewer
has the nerve to write a signed letter to the
American IFIeld , In which he refers to Gil
bert as a "Jackrabblt shooter , " declares that
ho hasn't the nerve to come cast to meet
him and talks largely of the big money that
his backers are so anxious to put up that
they can't sleep nights. If Brewer Is so
anxious to win a wad of Iowa money ho evi
dently has the opportunity before him , but
his ridicule Is unsportsmanlike and decidedly
suggestive of a lack of confidence In his own
It Is announced that the Missouri state
shoot , which occurs May 1C to 22 , will be
the biggest tournament ever given by the
state association. The most Interesting
feature will be the final race for the Kansas
City Star cup. This has been won by Fred
Gilbert of Spirit Lake , la. ; Sim Cllovcr ot
Hochcster , N. Y . and J. 13. Hlley and J. A.
11. Elliott of Kansas City. The cup will be
In competition again In the usual Jl.OOO
guaranty shoot and then all the men who
have won It will meet In a contest that will
decide the final ownership of the trophy.
The Fort Dodge , la. , marksmen have or-
ganbed a club which Is known as the Wall-
konsa Shooting club. It begins existence
with twenty members nnd excellent pros
i'ji.\'i-ri.n TTp TIIU rum LISTS.
To in fit I n KHull OllVrcil for KI < 7Nlin-
iii mi * mill Corlirtt.
It would seem that the offer made by ono
Joe Harvey and hh associates for a fight
between Fltzsimtnons and Corbett would bo
a tempting ball for these rivals. They have
offered a purse of J50.000 for the men to
meet In a finish fight In July next some
where In the west. No answer has been re
ceived from Urady , Corbott's manager , but
no difficulty h anticipated from that end , In
view of the pompadour's anxiety to get at
the red-headed champion once more. Fltz-
simmons has not been located. He Is sup-
rosed to be playing one-night stands In Mich
igan and Wisconsin. The offer Is said to be
made In good faith. It Is based on business
principles , saj-s Harvey , and the secret of It
Is the vcrlscopu pictures ,
Even if this fight bhould be arranged , It
Icoks very probable that It could not be
pulled off In San Francisco. Things pugi
listic out there do not bear the brightest
hue. The grand Jury has tackled the mat
ter and In Its report says : "The honorable
district attorney states thnt these so-called
boxing matches are simply disguised prize
fights , squarely within the prohibition of the
penal code ; and ns they are , per se , Illegal ,
you cannot by ordinance legalize that whlcl
is Intrinsically illegal and Is forbidden by
the penal code of the state. "
From this It is to be judged that the sports
may have some difficulty In pulling oft
matches until the flurry passes. It Is be
lieved , however , that the authorities wll
not Interfere with the contests this sprint ,
that are to bo fought under licenses Issucc
before the grand Jury tackled the matter.
It seems not at all Improbable that "Kid1
McCoy and Crcedon will come together again
If enough mcney Is In sight. Homer Selby
"Kid" .McCoy's . brother , had a talk with
Colonel John D. Hopkins last week , relative
to the match for the main go at the opening
of the now athlotlc club in New Orleans , in
which Hopkins and "Parson" Davlcs are In
terested. Creedon wants to meet the "Kid1
at 168 pounds , which Is perfectly agreeable
to Solby , provided the purse be made large
enough. Jle tcld the colonel the other day
that when he was ready to make the match
to sign the articles , sand them on to him , atu
McCoy would be at the ringside.
The bout In Chicago last Monday between
Deb Armstrong and ' "Yank" Kcaney , who Is
travelling on his llkenea ? to Pompadour Jim
Is eald to have been a delightful slap , bang
whack affair. There , was not a particle ol
flciene liii it from the minute that the boul
stalled until Kenney dropped asleep. Whetted
by this creditable victory , Armstrong has
announced his intention of going further east
with the Intention of tackling Maher If he
ecu make a match.
George Lavlgraa , the champion lightweight
of the world , and Jack Daly of Wilmington ,
Del. , an aspirant for the title , have beer
matched to box twenty rounds at Cleveland
en March 17. The Cleveland club has put
up a purse ot $1,500 , $1,000 to go to the
winner. The boxcra areto weigh In at 137
pounds at G p. m.
Glmit Turk Looking After Glory mill
CIiuiuiilaiiHlilp I ! ono I'M
A Turk has come over to this country for
the special and only purpose of throwing any
American who thinks he is anything of a
wrestler. His name Is Yousouf Ismalllolo ,
and ho Is said to bo as great a terror as his
name. He Is hero to meet everybody , but
Is particularly anxious to meet Lewis and
Hoeber. Ho Is ready to struggle for any-
sized purse , but insists that his .challenge
must be accepted speedily , as he Is due in
Constantinople in three months. He wrestles
In the Graeco-Homan stylo.
Strange as It may seem , the disciple of
Mahomet Is not after gold , but wants glory ,
pure and simple , In order to gain the greater
favor of the sultan. Ho Is born of a family
of wrestlers , and has a record himself. He
threw everybody In Turkey , and then ex
tended his conquests to the rest of Europe ,
securing the title of champion of that coun
try. Ho wants to bo champion of the world ,
liowevor , and as the Individual bearing that
distinction lives In this country , the Turk
canio after him. The wrestler is said to bo
a Hercules. Ho stands 0 feet 2 Inches In his
stocking ftct and weighs at present SCO
pounds , but trains down to 220 pounds. His
chest measurement is 48 Inches , and Its ex
pansion Is five Inches. His neck Is 19 %
Inches In circumference , his bleeps IG'.b , his
forearm U % , his wrist 0 % , his thigh 20 ,
ils calf 17 and his ankle 9 % , Antonio Plerrl ,
"tho Terrible Greek , " once world's chum-
plo , says ho Is the toughest men ho ever
went up against.
Three sprinters who are running a close
race for the amateur championship of
America Wefers , Hush and 55lnn are
matcfied to meet tomorrow in a forty-yaid
dash at the annual Indoct- athletic carnival
of the Boston College Athletic association.
There Is much doubt In the minds of the
sporting public which lo the best of 'ho trio.
Wefers seemed to have claim to "he place
until he wcs last year beaten out in two
races by the Iowa boy. At the New Jersey
Mhletlc association games U was the nlrnost
inlversal opinion that Klnn beat na'.ti , al-
hough he was given but third place. If
the three enter , the race will practically de
cide the question.
Frank C.Tve and Schaefcr , the present
mlder of the title of the elghtcen-liKh balk
Ino billiard clMiiiplanuhlp , have agreed to
contest for the tltlo In Chicago on April 2.
The match IB for 600 points. Tlio match wcs
lot arranged without difficulty , cu the two
stacks are not on the very best of terms ,
lull after a somewhat heated conference all
obstacles were removed.
Theru Is qultu a sentiment developing
aniwiig billiard cracks to reduce the dumber
of points for a game on the new eighteen-
Iiich balk Hue from COO to COO. The tourna
ments and contests which have recently nker
place have been too long to cult the rpcc-
tp.torn and have been found to becrv wear
ing upon the players. There Is inch a feelIng -
Ing over the matter that It Is considered not
at all unlikely that the charapionthlp rules
will be changed ,
Siesklowlcz' Lyglan plant In "Qua Vadlo"
seemed to bs notno better than the guy who
tried to emulate hta bull-tciirlng feat below
the Rio Grande absut a week ago. The
asplrcnt after glory lies the cleralc name
of Homolus , He le an Italian strong inui.
For four lioura a bull dallied with him , and
at tbo end of that time the Imitator of thu
Lyglan was ready to cry n ough , with noth
ing worse than brumes and an fevered
thumb. After the- battle UomoUiu nald ho
wanteJ to try again , and Intimated that ho
had thrown ec-veral bulls out on bis farm ,
They were probably of a somewhat gentler
breed than the one that Urout totted or even
than the ci.e he went
The problems published last week , by 0
Q. DeFronco ot Lincoln , were evolve < l iron
a parent problem published some tlmn ARO
In the Literary Digest. The RCttliiR ot the
original problem was : lllack , K < * i Q H Si
white , K on 1C eq. , Q on K Kt G , 13 on K 7.
The thre-0-movp solution to this was ; White ,
K to K 2 , followed by Q to Q 2 and tlio mate
ot Q to Q 3 or to Q Kt 4. In epcaktag ot the
original position Mr. DpFranco says : "It
seems to me that there could not be a com-
pastlon more prolific ot possible new problems
using the king IP , key-mover. As given ,
with K to K 2 ns the key-move. It will be
seen that therr are &evrti other squares on
which the white king could have been placed ,
and from which ho could reach K 2. This
would make eight different problems , all Imv-
'tig K to K 2 as the key-move , without
changing any of the three remaining pieces.
But white kfcg on Q 3 , K 3. or K B 3 K a
bad position and vitiates the problem , be
cause from these squares K 4 can be reached ,
an ! K to K 4 Is equally as good a key-mo\o
as 1C to 1C 2. But five good positions are
still left for the white king. Now , the bl-ihop
docs equally aa goo.l service whether placed
on Q 6 , 1C 7 , or 1C 1) S ; hence , for every
good position for the whltu king there nr < ?
thrco for the bishop , or fifteen distinct
combinations of the two , the white queen
and black king remaining the same In each
Instance , ns does also the key-move. In
other words , fifteen problems , all different ,
can bo made each having 1C to 1C 2 for
"Let us now transpose the pieces 'north
and south , " that Is , pieces on the < blaclt side
are placed on a corresponding square on
the white side ; thus : Black. 1C on Q H 4 ;
White , 1C on 1C 8 , Q on Q Kt 4 , B on K 2.
Here the key-move Is 1C to K 7 , and there are
fifteen combinations In placing thu white
king and bishop.
"Now , change 'cast and west : ' 'Black , K on
1C U 4 ; White , 1C on Q S , Q on Q Kt 4 , U on
Q 2 , with 1C to Q 7 , as the key-move. As
before , there nrc fifteen combinations In
placing the white king and bishop. Another
'north and south' change gives : Black , 1C
on 1C H 5 ; White. 1C on Q sq , Q on Q Kt
5 , iB on Q 7 , with 1C to Q 2 , for key-move ,
and , as before , fifteen combinations on white
king and bishop ,
"Another 'cast nnd west' transposition
would bring all the pieces back to their
original setting , as our changes have been
a full halt turn each time. So , let us from
tills last position glvo the pieces a quarter
turn around to the right : lllack , 1C on 1C
sq ; White , 1C on 1C H 4 , Q on Q 2 , 'II ' on Q
Kt 4 ; 1C to 1C Kt 4 Is the key-move. Again
there are fifteen combinations In placing the
white king and bishop.
"Transposing 'cast and west * we have :
Black , 1C on Q sq ; White , 1C on Q H 4 , Q on
1C 2. B on K Kt 4. Key-move , 1C to Q Kt
4. Fifteen moro combinations In placing the
white king and bishop. Now , 'north and
south : ' lllack , 1C on Q S ; White , 1C on Q
II G , Q on 1C 7 , B on 1C Kt B , Key-move , 1C
to Q Kt 5. And 'cast and west : ' Black , 1C
on 1C S ; White , 1C on K R 5 , Q on Q 7 , B
on Q Kt 5. Key , 1C to K Kt u.
"Thus far we have discovered eight differ
ent key moves , with a total passible number
of different problems amounting to 120 , any
one of which is constructed with the four
pieces above mentioned. Each of the 120
problems has but one of the eight key moves
already discovered and but two variations IP
mating. "
Mr. De France obtained the problems pub
lished last week by shifting the
position two squares north , first running the
bishop to Q 6. Thus the king would atlll hold
the key move 1C to 1C 4 , but the point was
overlooked at the time that another key
move of Q to Q Kt 2 would be opened up.
Several perfectly correct solutions have been
received , tased on this opening move.
Problem No. II From the London Times ,
white to play and mate in two moves.
. aSS3i
? SS3i s . ,
1 K * & P
' i fisA' P
Problems Nos. 12 and 13 , to which solu
tions are given above , were done by H. S.
Hoo\er , Papllllon ; Dorr H. Carroll , Gothen
burg , and Leo Edwards , Lincoln.
CrlcUolcTs TnI ; 111 oil I.lfo.
Base ball Is not the only sport that will
afford pleasure cud excitement to the dev
otees of athletics in Omaha during the com
ing summer. From the unpublished pros
pectus of the Omaha Cricket club it Is learned
that the last week of July will see ono ot
the liveliest cricket tournaments In Omaha
that has been held in the western country
for several seasons.
During the latter part of July the crack
cricket teams of Chicago , St. Paul , Denver
and Winnipeg will come to Omaha. The
grounds at old Fort Omaha have teen secured
for the tournament and before the match
games are played some hard work will bo
put on them to properly prepare them for
the contestants. It Is probable that there
will be four days of actual playing. Each ot
the five teamo will play every older team
In the tournament. The grounds at Fort
Omaha are sutllclently largo to allow two
games to bo played at the same time , co that
four teams- will bo engaged In play si
multaneously. It Is estimated that the tourna
ment here will attract not less than 200
ricketera from various parts of the
and the games should bo witnessed by largo
numbers of ( spectators.
Although the visiting teams , especially
thco from the north , are renowned for their
strength , ( tie Omaha club expects to win a
number of the match games nnd to occupy
a high place at the conclusion of the tourna
ment. The Omaha team will bo much
stronger during tht- coming season than ever
before , and , though It lias won miny Im
portant victories In the past. It reasonably
liopcs to win mcc-o during the summer of
1SOS than durhig any previous r.rason oince
[ he organization ol the club. TCcro will be
considerable new material on the team this
sutMiiei. The mcst lit portant acquisition u >
that of Mr. Bates , formerly of the Winnipeg
club. Ho enjoys a great reputation iis a
lowler and has ccnslderable skill ns a batter
He Is said to bo the best cricket bowlec i'l
; he west todiy and his prcoence will greatly
Bfroiiztlipn the local team.
The Omaha club la In splendid condition
cr ilie summer season. There are o\er forty
ncmbcro now enrolled. A captain will bo
elected at the regular meeting of the club In
March , for President Laurie will hsue
to cal' ' within a few days.
\VhtNt Xoli'H ,
A question which still remains unsettled
n whist circles Is the propriety of private
ccnvcntloM. One faction contends that any-
hlng Is fair that can bo done with the card.1
and that no explanations are due to anyone.
They believe that any team is justified In
nventlng and UH'CIR systems of slnas ! up
o the point of moving about In chairs or
nak'tig signs with the flr/jors. This theory
s presented by Charles Estelstyn of the
Iuson club la a letter which Is going the
curds of whist literature. He uajs that
vhrn Yale and Harvard meet In foot ball
rey never feel called upon to explain the
meanings of their dlfferer. ' signals. He adds
hat Capta'a Hlskey never asked Captain
Treachard the mean i.g of "A , II , C. 48 , 02 ,
1 , " nor would one team have thought of
nakng the request that a typewritten copy
f the elgnais should be dellu-red a week
joforo the meeting. Mr. Esaelulyn a.ika why
litre sh'ould to any different rule In nlilat.
.e says that If A and B can devise a better
et of elgnalo then 0 cr.d I ) , or are nuccis. > -
ful In uncovering that of their opponent' , It
shows the excellence of their Invention and
the qulcknebd of their discernment and ! a
allowable < n that oczorat.
The argument is given on the contrary
that when private uleaaUi are used In whht
the natural movement of the cards can no
longer be followed , and leads are made
which are not In accordance with any estab
lished principles of play. It is believed to
bo the only fair course that Inferences
should bo open to the whole table and should
bo based cm the natural course of play.
Ttio following problem , from tlio Now
es to All
15,000 , Packages to be Given to All Who Apply-Jolin A , Smith and Ills
Remarkable Rheumatism Cure ,
Cured Himself First , Then His Friends and Neighbors and Now Proposes to *
Cure the World ,
On the theory that "seeing Is 'believing"
John A. Smith of Milwaukee wants every
one to first try his remedy for the cure of
rheumatism , at his cxpctse. To that end , ho
proposes to distribute 15,000 frce sample
packages to all persons sending him their
name and address. Mr. Smith had for yeain
suffcied all the agony and torture ot rheu
matism , tried all the icmedles known , and
yet utterly failed to find lellcf.
At times ho was 'so helplcE.3 that he had
to take morphine and after considerable doc
toring with leading phyflclaus , who were
unable to help him he gave up In despair.
Ho ibcgan studying Into the causes of rheu
matism and after much experimenting ami
icpoated failure , he finally found a remedy
wliloh cured him in a few days. The result
was so beneficial ta his entire system and
was such a glorious escape from the clutches
of rheumatism that he called hip new found
remedy Gloria Tonic. Thobc of his friends ,
relatives and neighbors who were subject to
rheumatism wcro next cured and Mr. Smith
concluded ho would offer his remedy to the
world. But he found the task a difficult one.
Nearly everybody had tried a hundred or
moro remedies , Just as he did , nnd they
couldn't be made to ibelleve 'there was such
a thing as a cure for rheumatism. But an
old gentleman In Seguln , Tex. , Mr. Bertram ,
wrote him saying If Mr. Smith would send
him a sample he would try It , but as he
had suffered froty-onp years an dwastcd a
fortune on advertised romeOJes ho wouldn't
buy anything moro until he know it was
worth something. The sample was sent and
the result was astonishing. He was com
pletely cured. This pave 'Air. Smith a now
Idea and ever since that time he has been
sending free sample packages of Gloria Tonic
to all who may apply. It cured II. Bucholz ,
70 years old , of Noi'boine , Mo. , after suffer
ing twenty-five years. In Heglna , N. W.
Tor. , Anton Hcng ( rt was laid up nlno years.
A sample of Gloria Tonic was the firat re
lief ho over got and thrco Tioxes entirely
cured him. Tliompi * Callaban of Harvard ,
111. , stiffciod continuously fDur years and was
cured by Mr. Smith's remarkable remedy.
At Indian Foul , WIs. , Frederlcke Arnold ,
aged Cn , Buffered twelve years. Nothing
ever relieved her until she tried Gloria Tonic.
She was cured completely. At PHtriiurg ,
Ind. , a druggist was cured after thlrty-thrco
years suffering. John Carston of Bclton ,
Tex. , had planned to give his wife a trip to
Geimany , but she was taken with an attack
of rheumatism and the trip abandoned. But
she tried a sample of Gloria Tonic , got sonio
more , was cured nnd went to Europe re
joicing. She Is n firm ticllevcr In Gloria
Tonic. Mrs. Persohn of Amsterdam , N. Y. ,
believes Providence directed her to Mr.
Smith's remedy. She Was nearly Insane from
the Intense suffering from rheumatic palno
and was entirely cured. Thoiviands of other
Instances could ibo related where this magi
cal remedy has cuied rheumatism. In cone
your druggist does not have It , It's well
worth anybody's time to send their name and
address to Mr. Smith and ho will send a
trial package of Gloria Tonle ateolii'tely ' free
of charge. If you have n friend , or acquaint
ance , a neighbor or relative suffering from
rheumatism send for a trial package and
give It a test. Jt Is a remarkable remedy
and there is no question but what It will
cure any case of rheumatism no matter how
severe 'Or of liow long standing. Send your
name and address to John A. Smith , 212
Sunimerfield Church Building , Milwaukee ,
The regular package , pi Ice $1.00 , can be ribtalned of the following Omaha drugglsto :
Kuhn & Co. , 124 S. 15th St. ; Sherman & McConnel Drug Co. , 1G13 Dodge St. ; Myers-
Dillon Drug Co. , 1523 Farnami St.
Remember the free sample can bo obtained only by writing to Mr. Smith.
firat in Improvement ! ) .
- * > -
fioncot '
and aK
fiigb Grade f
< Oritc for "
"Cypcwritcr i.
Our JVcw
tf Hrf
tf free.
f ft
9 Durable /Machine / JVIade.
Cbc Smith Premier Cypcwritcr Co ,
Syracuse , rv. \ , , Cl. B.
Branch Oflice , ! 7Lh and Farnam Sts. Omaha
York Sun , Is worthy of atlrnllon. Hearts
are Uuinpn , north lo lead and with his part
ner , south , to win all nix points :
11.-10. 1.
C. 10.
D.-A. 30.
H.-9. H.-S.
D. K , J 7. N. e.-ic. J
S.-Q , 10. W. E. n.-u , 8.
C.-A , Q.
S.-J , 9.
mid \imivcrx ,
AHAPAHOK , Neb. , Fcb , 23. To the SportIng -
Ing Kdltar of The 'Bee ' : How many Kuula
weru on board thu .Maine when she entered
the Havana harbor ? Hubscrllcr.
Ails. According to the official statement
cf the Navy department there were 355 olil-
ccia and men all told an thu ship.
PHI3MONT , Neb. , Feb. 21. To the Sport
ing Editor of The lice : 1 , Who was the
first acting president of the United .States ?
2 , Nationally speaking , what people are
Americans ? 3. Where did the first president
act officially ? J. G. Blessing ,
( Ajis. 1. George Wsfchington was the flrflt
president of the United Elates , acting or
otherwise , The federal constitution was
adopted In September. 17&7. by a congress
cf which Washington was president. During
that same and the following year this con- I
Btltutlon was ratified by the dlfferenl state * I
and during that period they had no common
head , Tm > United Staled , au a government , |
was not Inaugurated until March 4. nonl- ; '
nally , but really not until Aj.r.l C 17S9 , at )
which time Waihlnxton assumed ttiu tltlo of |
president for the flirn time by vote of tbu
electoral college , 2. The term American is !
by custom becoming confined to residents '
of the United States. 3. Philadelphia. I
OMAHA , Feb. 25. To the Sporting Kdltor
Of Tlio 'iicoi What la meant by tbo tread < mj
a bicycle ? For Instance , they say the trcal
is flvo Inches. A Subscriber.
Alls. The tread of a blcyclo Is Iho length
of the axlu connecting thu crank nhafto to
which HID pedals are attached. A B-lnch
tread means that this length is five. Inches.
EHKM1Y. Neb. , Feb. 21. To the Sporting
, Kdltor of Thu Bee : In playing pitch deca
! high , low , etc. , go out , or the bidder ? Wll-
I bur Donaldson.
I Aim , High , low. Jack , fame ,
f BLACK HILLS , S. I ) . , Fob' . 16 , To the
Kdltor of The Dee : In whist , does low or
high deal , and Is the ace low or high ?
After the dealer BhulIlcB thu cards can the
one to his right do more than simply cut
them , or can ho nhufllo them If ho sees lit
before ho cut * ? Sob ,
Ans , Low deals , and ace Is low.
FUKMONT , Neb. , Feb. 21. To the Kdltor
of The Uco : What foreign nation is credited
with making the beal but lor ? J. G. Bless
lAjis , Denmark. -
CHBTH. Neb. . Fell , 18 , To the Spoiling
Edllor of Thn Bee : 1'loaco state In your
Sunday Uco the weight of the heaviest steer
or cow , elk and moose known , A. Dredle.
Ans. Thcto are no records of ( he beasts.
IIUIIHl'llOltl fjflllM.
The nn l0iit Greeks believed that Iho
Penates wcro thu gods who attended to tno .w
welfare and prosperity of ihei family. They C
weru wontnlppcd as household gods In every
home , Thu household god of today Id Dr.
King's Ne-w Discovery. For tunsuiniitlon ,
coughs , colds and for all affections of Throat ,
Chest and Lungs It In Invaluable. It haa
been Irled for a quarter of o century and la
guaranteed to euro , or money returned. Nn
household should be without this good angel ,
It Is pleasant to take and a uife and sura
remedy for old and young. Free trial boN
tics at Kubn & Oo.'a druit store ,
size We and U.OQ.