Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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Omnhn , February 27 , 11 > S.
Tli ore arc
very many , ,
f |
good ll'i '
dn s goods
stores , but
AVlthln your reach , whose gathering Is
no direct as to Insure the lowest fair
price on the finer fabrics ,
N'ono can so surely guarantee the oxclu-
glvcncsH of any fabric drc s goods
AT $1.50 A YAUD 12 styles Trl-color
melange poplins , newly created weave
highest conception of color prcttlncus ,
45 Inch.
AT Jl.2-1 A YAUD U styles Now
Taffetas two-toned stuffs , In amalga ;
mated colorings , exclusively our own ;
very xtyltah , 43-Inch.
AT | 1.2i ! A YAUD 15 styles Two-toned
whipcord , the colors run brown ana
'black ' , new green and black , new blue
nd black , olive and black , etc. , 42-
AT $1.00 , $ l.r,0 AND $1.75 A YAUD 20
styles English coverts' pretty stuffs ,
clamed as one of the standard fabric. ? .
You will llko the quaint , rich effect ,
42 to 47-Inch.
AT 75C A YAUD 17 styles-CIoth-
finlshed coverts , slightly heavier than
the above coverts , all In all a beauti
ful new cloth , at a way down price , 41-
AT RriO A YAUD 39 styles Now erepo-
de-Chen'c. a now crepe weave In wool
Bluffs , In tone of two and three colors.
A dainty fabric , hut very serviceable ,
42-Inch i special value.
AT 85C A YAUD 30 colors New wool
poplins , moro dreiM goods elegance In
solid colors strange how much rare
ncauty can bo found In these new
plain materials. All colon and black ,
linings Skirt linings , silk fin
ish taffeta , 25-in. wide
at fie' , per yard.
Taffata , leather finish , 30 Inches wldo
at lOc a yard.
llorle Taffeta 30 Inches wide , at 12 c
per yard.
Nubian PercaMne , In both soft and brittle
finish , 30 inches wide , at 15o a yard.
Watered Pcplln ebony fast black , 3G
Inches wide , at 20c per yard.
Fancy stripe Percallnes , the popular
bklrt lining of the day. 30 Inches wldo ,
at I5c , 20c , 25c , and 30c per yard.
Opalescent Haye , This meets all the re
quirements of a silk lining , very fine ,
30 Inches wide , at 30c per yard.
McCaii'S These celebrated
Bazaar patterns have been
Patterns known for the past
thirty years as stan
dard models.
They are absolutely perfect fitting fash-
lovable , crtl-stlc and conmical. Iliey
have m snpcrlctr. , all lattcrns , lOc and I
15c MOB. !
Subserlptlrns taken for McCall's .Magazine
and other publication. ? .
Corsets Dr. AVnrner's A A A
short corset.
Made or a fine quality of coutclle , strip-
lied with isateen , boned wltfi corallne ,
two-sldo oteel trimmed with Hamburg
edge , black , white or gray , at ? 1.00
Tonii'.son's glove fitting Paris nhapc cor
net , made of the lliu\H quillty of eou-
telle , lace t'tnuncd top and bottom ,
two-side otcels , white , $1.E9 each.
Fine quality black ratecn , $1.50 each.
Domestics Heady made sheets
Plain , guaranteed torn and lrtied by
hand , 81x90 , at 50c and GOc , hemstitched
Cf > c c < i eh.
Pillow cases , plain , 45v3G , at 12'/4c and
15c. ! hemstitched 15e each.
Swiss curtain material , 38 Inches wida ,
at 15c , 17c , IBc and 20c per yard.
4i ! Inches , 25c and 15c per yard.
Svvtefl embroidered material for nasti cur
tains , 27 Inches wide , at lOc , 17c , 18c
and 2Ic per yaid.
30 Inchon at 30c. 40c and GOc per
A now lot of
extra fine
dark percale
wrappers ,
They are the kind which Is properly
made , now patterns , in'lce $1.50 each.
Dlack and white percale wiappcra , trim
med with plain black , extm well made ,
pvloo $1.35 rach.
Navy blue and black and white calico
wrappers , full width bklrts cud well
made , prlco $1.00 eacli ,
Another lot of our 20c checked and
striped white dimities at 13c per yard.
Ladies' We are head-
Underskirts quarters on
ladies' petticoats.
Wo show a la-go variety of styles In the
all wool moreen at $3.00 , $3.50 , $3.75 ,
$4.00 , $4.50.
Men's Shawkuit half
Furnishings hose , light , medi
um and heavy
In mottled grey , 23c a pair. '
Shawknlt half hose , unbleached sole with
black uppers , also solid black , 25c a
'Fast color , two threat Egyptian yarn ,
half hose In black , brown and mottled
grey , 15c a pair.
hose with
high spliced heel and toe. also
double sole.
Extra good quality , 25o pair.
Wo have a very gtJod line of ladles'
hose In black and also with mace soles ,
35s , 3 for $1.00.
There are yet a few children's black rib
bed fleeced hose left that wo are clos
ing out at lOc pair.
the possesslcn of a grievance na to their
flnmiclal Eolations on which all Irishmen
can unite. As for the army the govern
ment , has evaded a light by conceding the
bulk of what the reformers bavo demanded
siid by going oven further than they had ,
lUred to hope. In pledgee ) that now methods
ball bo Instituted Inside of the war olllcc.
At the last moment some tory leaders
of the first rank have buen dragooned Into
taking part In the Londou county council
election nnd will make t'peechcs Identifying
thu government with the campilgn of the
moderate ? . But U remains a slipshod nnd
half-hearted campaign on the tory side , and
I fail to see how It can possibly succeed. On
almost every division then * are eminent lib
eral-unionists supporting progressive candi
dates , xvhereiB there U no hint of a olnsla
liberal helping the moderates anywhere.
Thcro Is , moreover , an Important section .of
the torlcn who publicly deplore tbo folly of
Lord Salln'jiiry'B attack on the council who
eay they will abstain from voting. Hero are
all thu materials to hand for a sweeping rad
ical triumph next Tuesday and tbo striking
gain of a parliamentary seat at Swlnton over
the strongest candidates the torlea over had
there cannot but have an affect on the result.
The tentton of public auspeimo at home as
to the conclusion of the experts In Havana
as to thu disaster to the Maine boa been
adequately depicted for the English public
by table , but It finds a very iiioilJHed re
flection hero , People have ceased to talk
much about the Ma'ne dtautcr and the city
In not oil nervous .about the prospects of war
between the United. States and Spain , 1
have enld oltrci that In the whole Cuban
business the English sympathies have been
profoundly anti-Spanish , though not very
pro-CubMi. At the prraent moment , when
the dislike of Franco Is the dominant note
In public feeling here , the understanding
that the French government baa been quietly
arranging Dnenclal hclp for Spain , would
naturally glva an extra antl-Spauluh twist
to tbo English temper.
English politicians of the opposition point
out to me , however , that at such a juncture ,
when 'KnglUu moral iupport Is ready to
rang * Itself unreservedly on tbo American
Ida. U in rattier * flly that the Canadians
Basement But it's a rnro
Dress Goods saving of money
for a lady who
picks a dreps pattern from
tllCHC lotSj
Silk and checks , 25c.
Three-toned Checks , 124c.
Cheviot mixtures , 19c.
Two-toned whipcord , 25c. '
Hnlf-wcol 'checks , 23c.
Novelty cliccks , 12 c.
New mixed sultlnga , 19c.
UIJMNANTS. All marked nt quick sell
ing prices ,
Do not
fail to see
our line
l of ladies'
bolts , in both plain and jew
The Jeweled belt is n most novel Idea.
It la made of leather , strong , durable
and well finished , and bears upon Its
surface n number of handsomely designed
signed Jeweled ornaments , at 50c , $1.25 ,
$1.50 nnd $2.00 each.
Plain leather belts at 2"c , 35c , COc , G5&
and $1.00 each.
Ladies' Our new suits are
Tajlor-Made just begining
Suits to arrive.
Hardly fast enough to suit our customers
who are waiting for them , but wo may
have Juct what you want. Corno In ,
Infant's long
slips , trimmed
with narrow
on neck
and sleeves ,
at 50 cents
Infants' long hklrts , made with Gertrude
walif , hemstitched , at 50c each.
Infants' short dresses , prettily made ,
trimmed with narrow embroidery , at
50c each.
Women's New and stylish
Wear fancy blouse fronts.
Made from the daintiest of materials In
all the soft colorings as well as black
and white. Made of chiffon and
Mouss > ollnc de Sole ; some are tucked
anil others trlmmeJ with a narrow
lace insertion.
Prices $2.25 , $2.50 , $2.75 and $3.00 each.
Underwear Just received ladies ,
fine Jersey ribbed
cotlon vests.
High neck and long sleeves , pllk finished
and a very nice quality , 25c each.
We .are
confident our
wash goods
are the
the market
Wo could guarantee every yarJ of the-m
If there was but one way of washing
H-jre arc some for a trial :
Fine Parkhlll Zephyr Ginghams at 12&c
per yard.
SO Inch wide fast colored Zephyr Ging
hams , 15c per yard.
32 Inches wide very fine Zephyr Ginghams
at ISc per yard.
32 Inches wide very fine corded novelty
ginghams at 20c per yard.
Flno Imported Zephyr Ginghams In the
new tufted effect at 35c per yard.
"Finest silk stripes Zephyr Gingham ,
beautiful styles la stripes and plaids
at 45c per jnrd.
Art We have just re-
Needlework ceived a pretty
new line of stamp
ed linen center pieces and new
materials for sofa pillow covers
Muslin covered pin cushion firms In all
elzes. Also satin covered pin cushion
linns In assorted shades.
should bo In a position to complain uf un
fair American combinations against their
railways. Very long nnd detailed state-
inon ta of this grievance have been cabled
and printed here. I have met nobody wno
understood It. But very many who are
afraid It will operate to abate the good will
with which the English have been disposed
to applaud our Cuban policy.
Henry Jnmca , after twenty-two years'
residence In London , has secured a beautiful
eld house at Ityo and henceforth will llvo
thcro , Although a modest enough house , It
lu ono of the most charming tliliiRu In even
district -and
that quaintly out-of-tho-world
enjoys the fortuitous distinction of having
sheltered both the second and third Georgcn
when they were overtaken hy sudden storms
on the coast -highway , though the accident
of birth separated their vlalts by fifty ]
years ,
Ilerlln Teelinleiil Hitch Sellout In for
C IT in nil StiiilentM J.V lo lie1.
BKIILIN , Feb. 2G , A decree was Issued
by tbo government on Thursday lost for
bidding the future attendance of foreigners
In the machinery and engineering depart
ment of the Berlin Technical High school ,
and It has caused much consternation among' ' |
the foreign born students lu Germany , as It
la believed to be the forerunner of others' ' I
excluding them from all similar Institutions. I
The liberal newspapers condemn the decree
and express the belief that other countries
will retaliate by a similar Illiberal policy.
The conservative semi-official press , however ,
( apiilaudu the decree , and hopes It will ! M
followed by others of a more sweeping and
general characl r.
AVouiidiMl Detained nt ( Jiinraiitliio ,
KEY WEST. FJa. , Feb. 28. The wounded
sailors brought from 'Havana by the Bacbo
were left at the Quarantine station at Tor-
tugas. They will t y there about ten day * .
The Dacbe returns to Havana tomorrow and
prafrably will bring 'back ' live other * of the
Maine' * wounded. After undergoing the quar
antine surveillance ull the men will be
brought here.
Sonic ( car at fever U cxprceed by the uavy
New Passe
This means the
line of fancy f '
trimmings ,
which were a
little slow in
Thpy are all here now and Include such
beautiful creations as cnly high art
nnd skill could produce. We especially
denlro the dressmakers and all who arc
seeking something elegant for silk unJ
satin gowns to see this wsortrnont.
Here are dainty little One cut let yokes
on silk brusscls net and moussellne ,
Frunch goods , hand made. So many
of our custonuis ask for something of
thin kind , not elaborate , but very alee.
Wo have the exact thing. Other flno
Jet yokes are wrought with cut steel
Should you llko for your now evening
gow an exquisite net or chiffon hloueo ,
with finest of cut beads In Jet and steel ,
or with roil Henlton designs , or scrolls
done In the daintiest of colorings , with
here and there a touch of lace ?
Did you know that spanglea were to take
the load In all the c'-olcest trimmings ?
And have you seen tlio new aluminum
spangles Intermingled with Jet ?
Wo rdiall show you garnitures at $2.00 ,
$2.50. $2.75 , $3.00 , $3.SO. 13.75 , $4.00.
$4.50. $4.75 , $5.00 , $0.00. $7.00 , $8.00 ,
$9.00 , $10.00 , $12,50 and $14.00 each.
In by the yard there are
equally beautiful designs and colorings.
This line has been selected with the ut
most euro and comprises the cream of
all the choicest Paris novelties.
Wo wish to call special attention to
tliFse finer grades , as we feel that the
geode shown by us will meet a long
felt want.
Also bear In mind that we have as well
the less cxpenolve trimmings , Includ
ing these pretty little edges which
sell at 20i , 25c , E5c and fiOc a yard.
Inspection Invited.
TflWelS Just received one case
of fine H S huck
These are too late for our January linen
sale. These towels were bought to cut
a wide swath at 20c. But ( Monday's
prlco Is 15c each.
Handkerchief There is a fasci-
Linens nation about fine
handkerchief lin
en that is hard to resist. Our
stock is now complete.
3G Inch sheer fine handkerchief linen ,
3G Inch sheer flno handkerchief linen ,
30 Inch sheer flno handkerchief linen ,
30 Inch sheer fine handkerchief linen ,
S5c , $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50.
19 Inch sheer flno handkerchief llnon ,
$1.00 per yard.
45 Inch sheer gentleman's handkerchief
linen , Sue , $1.00 and $1.25 per yard.
White Just for Monday ,
Dimities we will put on sale
oltlclals hero among the survivors at Tortu-
gas , Loftus , Heffon and Walters , An qflicer
of the linclio said ! "Tho Spaniards In Havana
seem almost moro concerned than wo are
over tlio possibility of the Maine's destruc
tion proving to have'been due to an external
explosion. Havana , however. Is quiet and
there are no signs'of anti-American feeling , "
sunuIKK WiAiixnu ins
liiNlrui'ti'd Tin- > "Xut in Shout UnlcHM
IilvcttVi'ru In
WILKESDARRB , Pa. , Fob. 2G. All of the
Jurors In the case of Sheriff Martin and his
deputies , on trial for shooting strikers at
Lattlmor , were In. good health again today.
The prosecuting commltteo today Issued an
appeal for funds for the further prosecution
of the caso.
Superintendent Fred Zerby was put on the
stand for crc M-exainlnatlon. The only now
feature elicited was that he told of the In
structions given by Sheriff Martin to tbo dep.
utles not to shoot unices their live * Mere in
r Jfiivnl H ' ITV ' Henily.
QUINCY , III , , Feb. 20 , Lieutenant Jlore-
head , the commander of the Qulncy com
pany of uaval reserves , has received orders
to notify the members of the company to
hold themselves In readiness to report on
six hours notlco. There are eighty men In
the company and they say they arc ready
to respond to any call for * their grovlcce that
ntuy come. The orders came from Lieuten
ant Commander Porter of Mollne , the chief
of the battalion.
Iliinii- for AKIM ! 1'rloNlH ,
SAN DIEGO , Cal. , Feb. 20. The somewhat -
what mysterious movements of a ccntle-
m nn named M. Henri Kummelon , wild
to have a commission from the Vatican , has
excited u number of residents In tills city
the past day or two. M. ICmmncleii u said ;
to be clothed with authority to select a '
site for a home for ngetl and Invalid nrlesta !
of the Itoman Catholic church lu the United
States , ami his atatpm ut that there la a <
fund of $3,000,000 net apart for that purpose >
by the church make * the establishment ofi
such an Instl'.utlon of some moment.
MoKinley ArppnJciatcs Action of the
Pcuplo in Present Crisis.
Scrrolnry Wllxou Sn > tlio .Adminis
tration C'nn < > IIi > - llcllcil Upon to
Act' Wlnoly In Any
WASHINGTON , Fob. 28. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Secretary of Agriculture Wilson said
to The Hee today that the prcsUont was
profoundly thankful nt the temper of Ameri
can people , ns shown during the last two
weeks , even though greatly wrought up by
the utterance of the sensational press. He
denied flatly thit there was any disagree
ment In the cabinet as to whether an In
demnity should be asked from Spain In the
event It was shown that the Mlano was ex
ploded from the outside. "The cabinet did
not discuss at Us Friday session any phase
of Indemnity , " said the secretary. "It was
not up for consideration. Should It be dis
closed that the Maine was 'wrecked by ex
ternal force 'then ' It will bo lime enough to
discuss what should be done to preserve our
national honor. I have uo more news about
the Malno than has the American people , It
flmvlug been ordered by Prcaldcnt McKlnley
that everything should bo made public ns
soon as received. The president was a sol
dier In the civil war and I believe that the
honor of the United States Is safe In his
keeping. "
Prof. Hanson of the Drooklngs Agrlcul <
turol college , South LMkota , returned yester
day from an extended visit to Siberia , Ilus-
sla nnd Turkestan , where he went In the In
terest of the Department of Agriculture ,
Hanson retutns with three oirloads of rare
and unusual seed Which Secretary Wilson
proposes sending out to the people of the
United States. Hansen rode 2,000 miles In
land and has had qulto as thrilling an cxpcrl-
once as his Norwegian1 colleague , Frldtjof
Colonel Georso R. Colton of David City
arrived In Washington lost night. His ap
pointment as national bank examiner , vice
Fred Howey , resigned , will bo made next
Monday by Comptroller Dawes. He will re
main in the city for a few days , familiar
izing himself with his duties. Spenklng of
the national guard of Nebraska , he said It
was In splendid condition and should Us serv
ices le ) needed It could take the field Inside
of twenty-four hours.
Superlntedent C. G. Pearse of tha Omaha
schools , arrived In the elty today from Chat
tanooga , where ho attended the session of
national superintendents. He conies to select
headquarters for the Nebraska teachers who
will attend the national education meeting
to bo held In Washington July. But this
Is not his only mission. Ho hopes to pre
vail upon Dr. W. T. Harris , commissioner
o education , to visit the Transmlsslsslppl
convention , to > bo 'hold nt Omaha late in
Juno , and In this he will have the help of
the whole Nebraska1 idolegatlon.
Senator Thurston. has been Interested In
ecuring relief for certain citizens In Banner
eounly who , having fenced public lands , were
notified to remove.tho fences by a special
agnnt of the land office. It appears that
these lands , -wCille , taken for farming pur
poses originally , have been gradually given
up to pasturage , and as gradually home
steaders have been growlcg larger as the
needs of the stockmen Increased. Repeated
failures of crop's taught these people that the
lands were Illy adapted for anything else but
gracing purposes and have been sd taken.
\ special agent of tfhp government , however ,
served notlco on ofrucrs to remove fences ,
and these facts being shown , Senator Thurs-
lon asitea ior , a guspDnslcn of tlie sentence ,
whjch Commissioner.Herrmann ordered to
day. The commissioner eays In ( Cie absence
of Individual complaints no further action
will be taken as It has been shown that no
attempt has been made by the parties mak
ing enclosures to prevent settlement by
homcvseekers or use of pastures by the gen
eral public.
Vice President Hobart laid before the senate -
ate today a memorial from the Omaha Re
tailers' association praying for the passage
of the Torrey bankruptcy law.
A hearing will be given by tfie ways and
means commltteo next week to the friends
of Port Arthur as a port of entry.
Assistant Secretary of War Melklejohn left
tonight for Fortress Monroe , to remain over
Sunday , with a view to securing a much
needed rest. Assistant Secretary Melklejohn
has been on duty at the War department
without Interruption over since his return
last fall from an Inspection tour of western
posts , and has been acting secretary of war
for the last ten weeks , during the continued
Illnws of Secretary Alger. The secretary Is
now rapidly Improving In health and spends
a few hours each day at his deflk. Secretary
Alger appreciates tlio capable and satisfac
tory manner In which Mr. Melklojohn has
met the increased responsibilities of his posi
tion. Mr. Molklejolm is accompanied by Hon.
P. M. Wetherald , who has been his guest In
Washington for the last throe weeks. Mr.
Wotherald was a member of the state senate
when the assistant secretary was lieutenant
governor of Nebraska , and for many years
an Intimate friendship has existed between
these two gentlemen. Owing to pressure of
departmental 'work ' , Mr. Melklejtfcn will re
turn to his desk Monday morning.
The secretary of the Interior today affirmed
the decision of the land commissioner In the
case of Isaac Dirk/ : against Joseph D , Gear
ing , involving lands In the Chamberlain , S.
D. , land district. Ho also affirmed the de
cision of the commissioner In the case of
A. LInder against Emmer Sayer , involving
a homestead entry In the Watcrtown ( S. D. )
land district.
The secretary of the Interior today ap
proved fee patent to the state of Wyoming
25COO acres of land In the Sundance land
district for the use of public buildings at
the capital.
Mls Lucy C. Mealy , klndcrgartncr at Fort
Peck Indian school , was today transferred to
Ifio ac and Fox school , Iowa ,
pnm.ixos OK I.KWJ.S AUK
AVooilfonl'M Ilnniiiii'lH to SpiinlHli Ofll-
olnlN OIT.-iiil Him.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 20. The house did
not complete the eorfllderatlm of the civil
sundry bill today , but Chairman Cfiauon held
the floor with It uuill adjournment , refusing
to yield to Mrv.BautelIo , the chairman of
the naval commit tea , who won anxious to
secure consldoratlrri for the bill of his com
mittee for the relief'of the victims and our-
vIvors of the Mainojdlsoster ,
About twenty pates of the sundry civil
hill was disposed of today. Many efforts
worn made by different members to Inject
river and harbor Items into the bill , three of
them being suc/rasfiil , amendments appro
priating $ uOO,000'1for/31eveland harbor , $200-
000 for WllmngtBnDel. ! . and Increasing the
appropriation for Hostca harbor from $100,000
to $250,000 , weryjadapted. As contracts for
these'works were authorized they were in
order under the rulre.
The houJo natmied consideration of
the sundry civil bill today Im
mediately after reading ot the Jour-
cal , the pendlrar amendment being that
of Mr. Tongue ( rep. . Ore. ) to appropriate
$150,000 for Yaqnlfi'a'Ibay ' , Oregon ,
Mr , Dockery ( dem , , .Mo. ) vigorously opposed
the amendment , which , ho said , would make
thp government liable for an expenditure of
over a million dotlam nn a project that was
an engineering liuqiMalbillty. Tbo amend
ment was lost 30 to 7.
An amendment appropriating $300 for the
harbor of Cleveland O. , offered by Mr. Bur
ton ( rep. , 0. ) wan adopted ,
Mr. Lewis ( dem. , Wash. ) created a sensa
tion by offering the following resolution as
an amendment :
Uesolvvd. That congress disapproves of
Minister Woodford tPiiderlng n banquet to
the Spanish cabinet In behalf of the United
States , and cxpretCli'B the Benne Unit the
relations between SIM In nnd the United >
BtiiteH should , until the Inquiry us to th
cause of the Malnu disaster bo determined ,
remain only In the formal end ollldil rhar-
nrter ilcmandud by the ) neeOj of the respec
tive natlonH.
Mr. Lewis was prorfMliiK to remark upon
the "ghoulUh spectacle" of Minister Wood-
ford banqueting the Spanish cabinet uhllo
the country Mas mourume the loaa of 2 0
liravo sailor * who ncre the victims of Span-
lull hate , when Mr. Cannon Interposed a
point of order against the amendment nd
\MM ptomptly suWalned by the chair.
Mr. Lewis attempted to debate the point
of order , saying the amendment was cer
tainly pertinent to the paragraph under con-
sldeiatlon , which happcneil to rcltte to na
tional cemeteries. "I nm opposed. " he said ,
"to our people burying their deail while our
olllrlal representative abroad Is feasting
their murderers. " At this point Mr. Lewis
was cut off ,
The house at 5:20 : p. m. adjourned until
Monday ,
\vuii snow A SMUM.IIS.
lloecltiU Ar -
I'lion tin i\icii | < lltiircH.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 26. The monthly
tieasury statement to bo Issued next Tues
day will show a small surplus for the month
of February. The customs receipts for the
month up to today amount to $14,430,715. a
gain over the same period last year of over
$3,250,000 , The receipts from Interna
revenue show an Increase of about $504,000
The excess of expenditures over receipts
for the first year of the present administra
tion , exclusive of Pacific railroad payments
will bo about $24,000,000 , as compared with n
deficit of about $47,000,000 for the first yca.r
of the last administration.
It Is expected by the treasury officials
tbat the receipts from customs for March
will show a material Increase over any pre
vious month during the year , nnd as there
will he small Interest payments duo It Is be
lieved that the surplus for .March will ag
gregate $5,000,000.
Mr. ThiirMon Oppose * the Scatliiff or
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2G. During the
greater part of the senate's session toJay the
right of He.iry W..Corbott to a seat from
the state of Oregon was under discussion.
Mr. Thurston of Nebraska , In an extended
speech , opposed the admission of Mr. Cor-
bett , while Messrs. Foraker , Kyle and Mantle
supported Mr. Corbett's claim. The vote en
the case , It boa been agreed , will be taken
next Monday at 3 p. m.
The pension calendar was cleared by the
pidaage of seven private pension bills. A
few' bills of a general character were also
XIMVM for tin * Army.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 20. ( Speml Tele
gram. ) Second Lieutomint Gieorso P. Ilalt-
zell , Fifth infantry , has been rol'iereJ from
duty with ttio Twelfth Infantry and will join
his company. Captain John S. Bishop , Thir
teenth Infantry , has been relieved frcm du y
at Fort Niagara , N. Y : , and ordered to thla
city to await retirement. A new army ex
amining board , with Colonel Charles K.
Greenleaf , assistant surgeon general , as
president , has been ordered to meet at San
Francisco. Major William C. Shanler , sur
geon , upon expiration of his present sick
leave , hag been ordered before the board for
First Lieutenant J. Franklin Bell , Seventh
cavalry , has been detailed ns acting Judge
advocate of the Department of Columbia , te-
llevlng Captain Edwin F. Glenn , Twenty-
fifth Infantry , who will report for duty In
Captain Henry F. Kendall , Eighth cavalry ,
will report to the governor of Oregon at
Salem , Ore. , for te'mporary duty with the
National Guard of that state.
Leaves of absence : Captain Lloyd S. Mc-
Cccmlck , Seventh cavalry , one monta ; Major
Henry J. Nowlou , Seventh cavalry , two
1'crtnliiliiK : to I'oitofllo * ) ) .
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Postmasters appointed : Nebraska
Jacob M. Sawyer , Cuba. Berk county , vice
A. M. Brlnckerhoff , removed ; William 0.
Loiig , Milton , Gosper county , vice McDon
nell , resigned ; Matthew Wesley. Mooreflold ,
Frontier county , vice E. E. Harwick re- '
moved. Iowa S. S. Stowe , Gabrill , Scott
Iliilly TriMimiry Statement.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 26. Today's state
ment of the treasury shows : Available cash
balances , $223,804,250 ; gold reserve , $1C7,47C-
Uopreeaten SiMixntloiiM , lint In Still
AVUIIiifr to Klulit.
Hero orf the contents of two telegrams
exchanged yesterday :
NEW VOrtK , Feb. 2C. Oenera ] Charles F.
Mamlerson , Omaha : Will you kindly tele
graph the World at our expense 100 words
or more your feeling over the critical situa
tion resulting from Mnlne disaster. Kindly
state what course you deem advisable , pro
vided our war ship was destroyed by treach
ery through outside agency and whether , In
case of trouble , you stand ready to light
for the old flag. THIS WORLD.
OMAHA , eb. 20. The World , New York.
N. Y , : I respond to your telegram that'lf
full , thorough Investigation shows destruc
tion of Maine was caused by Spanlsn treach
ery or culpable Spanish carelessness , wo
should demand full Indemnity and ample
apology. If both are not glv 2n , wnr IB In
evitable , however much to be deplored.
Preliminary Investigation should be thor
ough nnd dispassionate and the llndlnps of
fact should be Incontrovertible. Newspaper
sensationalism , with display type , exagger
ated telegrams anil red lire , particularly
censurable at this crisis. The president
should not be hindered by unfair criticism ,
but upheld by every patriot. There can bo
no party lines In this emergency. If war
comes , my services can be commanded and
had by and for the great republic.
CnliaiiH IiiMlmt There Were. Mini'N.
NEW YORK , Fob. 20. At the headquar
ters of the Cuban junta 'n this city the matter -
tor of alleged existence of mines In the
harbor of 'Havana ' was the subject of free
discussion. In support of the allegations
that such mines were laid , flics of local
papers of November , 189G , were produced In
which It was asserted that one shipment of
six tons of dynamite was > ma'o ' from this
port and that the steamer Cludad , which
sailed about the 19th of the month named ,
refused to take passengers because It
carried a large consignment of dynamite for
General Weyler. It was also alleged In the
newspaper Illea shown that about the same
time a St. Louis concern was to make a
tender of ten tons of dynamite for Immediate
shipment to Cuba.
i..v niAMi'uixi : nm\ics \ SHIFT.
IIHnir I'nnlilc ' in I'rocceil it Nrml * n
Mfe Crew for \ l- < ni ! < T ,
NK\V YORK , Feb. 2C. The Holland-
American line steamer Rotterdam from Rot
terdam. , nrlived at quarantine tonight with
Third Officer George t'nsworth and nine sea
men of the overdue French liner La Cham
pagne , who were picked up from A life beaten
on Thursday , February 21 , Ui latitude IJl :
north , longitude 57 west.
The men , when taken aboard the Rotter
dam , were In a helpless condition , having
been In the ship's lifeboat for nli days and
nights , The men ncro all more or less
frostbitten , Unsworth said the La Cham
pagne broke Its tall end shaft on Thursday ,
February 17 , at G p. in. , In latitude 4N:27 : ,
longitude G1.B2. The steamer beingIn a
helpless condition , Cnpfaln Polrot anchored.
The stcamrr was on the edge of the New
foundland banks , and there being a pos
sibility of the steamer not being picked up
In Its position. Captain Polrot decided t
send a lifeboat In search of assistance.
On the morning of February IS the life
boat , being fully provisioned. Unsworth an
his crew of nine men left the ship In th
hope of Intercepting some passing steamer
The weather proved tempestuous , with In
tense cold A sharp lookout was kept to
passing steamers , but none were seen. Th
boat's crow kept to their oars , and for six
days worked with might and main , bu
owing to the cold nnd exposure became wcl
nigh exhausted.
On February 24 , at 1 p. m. , the Rottcrdan
bore down and stood by , and with no little
difficulty rescued all hands ,
La Champagne experienced strong head
winds up to February 17 , when the tall-em
shaft gave way. When the accident oc
ciirred , the best of order ptcvnlled. The
steamer was perfectly tight and not making
any water. The passengers , on being In
formed of the accident to the machinery
were perfectly calm and the best of order
La Champagne carried 301 passengers
forty-eight being cabin , fifty-three secom
cabin , 203 steerage , and a crow of 175.
Arelihlxliop In-Ill nil SIIJ-H the Ailmln-
iHtratlon TnUen the Itliihl Stand.
Nfi-W YORK , Fob 2(1. ( Archbishop Ireland
who Is In this city , said In an Interview to
day on the Spanish question :
I have fully 'considered everything that I
have i .pen lu the papers , and while at Wnph
Irgton I talked to the otllclnls of the gov
ernment , and in my opinion nothing has yet
come to light that In my judgment calls for
a rupture between the United States nm
Certainly If guilt Is brought to the door of
Spain full retributive. Justice 'should be the
order of the day. Liberal Indemnity , apolo
gies and full repiratlou ought to be preferable -
able to the legislators than that course
which would1 entail the countryMtv the con
sequences of war.
The attitude oC the ( administration Is
worthy of this grout nation. Scares and
rumori of war do not miovc It. It a.-.valts
the necessity of 'war ' , meanwhile making
ready. Mr. McKlnley will not rush the
country Into a needless conflict. Should the
lionor of the country tjemund that Mr. Jlc-
Klnley sign the proc'nmatlon of war , he will
do it with the sumii love for peace , the same
trust In .the God of'our nation that charac
terized Abraham Lincoln nearly forty years
ago.The Catholic church OK umesI ntf attitude
of any kind. It has not 'been called upon
ho scene. The fact thnt Spain Is a Catholic
intlon mutters nothing. The question is
not ono of icllglon. If'there Is a question nt
ill It In of national and International right ,
ind nothing else.
] : \lMOSI < 7x 11 LOTS OUT SIX LIV12S.
Fntnl RoxuM * Attend 11 Severe I'lrc In
DETROIT , OUch. . Feb. 20. A special to
ho Free Press from Kalamazoo , 'Mich. ' , says :
Flro broke out in the Hall chemical works
at 10 o'clock tonight and after burning half
an hour two tei rifle explosions blew the
whole top of the building off , burying fire
men and spectators beneath the falling
walls and dobrls.
Tlio Killed are : I
V. II. M'HUGH , fireman. '
JA'MES ' , fireman. ' j
GEORGE HOLLIDAY , fireman. |
CHARLES WHITING , fireman. i
JOHN HASTINGS , fireman.
WILLIAM WAO-ER. fireman.
L. L. Halllway , druggist. Is badly Injured
and will probably die. At least a score of
people are injured. Loss to the chemical
company , $20,000 ; box factory , $2,500.
About Twenty Other * Are Injured In
the ColllHlon.
CHICAGO , 'Feb. ' CC. A 'bus filled with
pleasure-seekers was struck by a Grand
Trunk passenger train at the Western ave
nue crossing , south of Blue Island , In the
southwestern part of the city , at 9 o'clock
tonight. Seven of the number were killed and
none of the occupants of the vehicle es
caped without Injury , about twenty bolng
badly hurt.
The dead are :
MARY R1ETZ , 17 years old ,
JENNIE WILLBTTB , 18 years old.
SOPHIA VAN BUREN , 15 years old.
LOUIS SAUERJBIER , 14 years old , son of
the driver.
FRED PE'LY , 20 years old.
3IovemeiitH of Oeenii VennelN , Kelt. UO.
At Now York Sailed Massachusetts , for
London ; Campania , for Liverpool ; Fuerst
Ulumarck , for Hamburg ; UmB , for Nnples ;
Amsterdam , for Rotterdam ; Prussia , for
Hamburg ; Funiessla , for Glasgow. Arrived
Rotterdam , from Rotterdam ; Umbrlu ,
from Liverpool ; Parli , from Southampton ,
At Southampton Sailed St. Paul , for
Now York.
At Liverpool Sailed Cevlc , for New
York ; Lueanln , for Now York. Arrived
liovlc. from New Yoik.
At Glasgow Arrived Siberian , from Phil
At QueeiiHtown Sailed Penlnnd , for Plill- Arrived Atrurlti , fiorn New York.
At Havre-Sailed LugnseoBiie , for Now
At Bremen Sailed Welmcr , for New
l 'Hamburg-Salled-Phoenlela. for New
At Naples Arrived California , from Now
At St. Michaels Sailed Peninsular , for
New York.
Decide to Go After Tholr Shara of tbo
Klondike Tnffio.
ST MV Unto Will < ! Inln KfTeet frnn
.Mlinunrl HUer 1'iilnfn mi Mnreli
( I , AeeimlliiH ; to Present
CHICAGO , Feb. 2C. At the meeting of
general passenger agents of the wextern
roads hero today to devise ways of conduct-
leig the transcontinental rate war the trawi-
nilssourl roads gave notice that hi ginning
March 6 they would put Into effect , to North
Paclflo coast points from the Missouri river
gatewaja , the same rates ns are- now In
effect via St. Paul. For parties of three or
over they will make a Hat rato. Ou single
tickets they will charge full farts , giving tlio
vasaengcr a rebate for $20 payable on reach
ing destination.
This view disposer of the quostlcri of meet
ing the cuts through the Missouri gatowaja.
A committee was nt once appointed to prepare -
pare a plan of nctlcii for the roads east of
the MlRsouil river to pursue. The leport
of this committee will be consldelcd Mon
The moet'ng ' today declined to take any
action on a proposition coming from tha
Canadian Pacific road , through ,1 truak 1 no
commltteo , for a settlement of themattem
In dispute. In effect this proposition WKH
that all rates are to be restored March U ,
and be maintained pending the riault of a
conference to be held Maich 17. The
Northern nnd Northern Pacific roads would
not consent to entertain the jiroposltloi because -
cause It Involved a frrsh recognition of Ca
nadian Pacific differentiate and restored to
the Canadian Pacific all the advantages It
possessed on that po'nt prior to the rate
war. The other roads would take no action ,
on the subject until they heard from their
castcrm ally , the Grand Trunk. They recoiu.
mended the trunk line committee to submit
the proposition to that road for nn uxm-ta-
slon of opkilon en the subject , nnjhen It
Is heard from the western roads II1 then
bo In a position to take action la the matter.
KeeilltiH : I" Triiiiilt Order Initiate *
( III- People mi IIii * IVIMV.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. .Feb. 2C , The Star
says : The railroads In the Transmlssouri and
Southwestern freight bureaus have saved
notlco that ou April 1 the privilege of feedIng -
Ing cattle In transit to this market \\I11 bo
cut oft In the stoto of Kansas. Shippers are
up In arms over the notlco and arc com
bining every Influence to prevent the iiill-
roads from putting the obnoxious order Into
effect. The contemplated move of the rail
roads Is a more serious menace to shippers
; han the wiping out of the carload rates ou
live stock shipments.
Ono of the worst features of the cutting
off of the live stock feeding privileges by the
rallronds Is that It does not apply to tlio
state of Nebraska. Omaha has enjoyed the
benefits of Hie feeding privilege In common
with Kansas City , and according to the ac
tion of the railroads Is to enjoy the privilege
exclusively for the future. The movement
s calculated to benefit Oinalm .IB a llvo
stock market at tlio expense of Kansas City.
Shippers will send fattened cattle to that
narkct instead of to Kansas City If the rall-
oads concede the feuding in trcmrlt prlvl-
ege. It Is practically a rate discrimination
against this market , and the railroad com-
iiissloners of Kansas and the courts will un
doubtedly be appealed to to prevent It from
going Into effect.
The railroads defend their action on the
ground that the feeding privilege has boon
greatly abused and has icsulted In vicious
iractlces In the way of celling expense bills.
t Is alleged that shippers who were not en-
Itled to the rate thought the expense bills
nnd thus were enabled to ship cattle Into
Kansas City nt the rate of $10 a car.
I'romotloiiN on Southern I'nellle.
SAN FRANCISCO , Fen. 26. Vice Presi
dent Stubbs of the Southern Pacific com
pany has Issued a circular of notification to
the effect that President C. 7' . Himtlngton
has approved his recommendations for pro
motion and that the now oHleer.H would enter
upon their duties on March 1 as follows :
William Sproulo , to be freight and trafilo
manager , vice Smnrr , deceased ; A. I ) . Shepard -
ard , to bo general freight agent , vlca
Sproule , promoted ; S. W. Luce , to bo aaalst-
ant general freight and passenger agent at
Los Angeles , vice Shepard , promoted , and
S. N. Bostwlck and S. A. Panklna , to bo as
sistant general freight agents In this city.
'llemphlx ' A Clinrleisloii llonil .Sold.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Feb 26 Tlio .Memphis
& Charleston railway , extending southeast
from this city to Stevenson , Ala. , a distance
of 200 miles , was sold at public outcry at
noon today. The -30111116111 ( Railway con-
pony bought the property at the upset pilro
of $2,500,000 , there being no other bidders. tl
The sale was made necessary because or
default In payment of Interest on the road's
bonded debt. The Memphis & Charleston lint
Jjcen In the hands of iccclvers for many
I'llxtlllHIIIll S 111 p 1111' II tM ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 26. Eastbouild freight
shipments for the week ondliig February 2t
amounted to 122,077 tons , osatost 123,390 for
the week previous and 81,50) ) last year ,
divided among the ( llffeient roads i follow. . :
Fort Wayne , 18,489 tans ; Michigan Ccntial ,
12,698 ; Wnbash , 7.731 ; Laku Shoic , U.IHO ;
Panhandle , 11,36B ; Baltimore & Ohio , fi,2'7 ! ;
Grand Trunk , 15,557 ; Nickel Plate , 15,839 ;
Erie , 13,858 ; "Big Four. " 2,740.
VeleriniH licliliKt llenity.
SAN FRANCISf'O , Feb. 2fi.-\Varrcn potft ,
Grand Army of the Republic , im.s ic < | iic' . ted
Governor Iluilil to to memlicM llfty
rlllc * , canteen" nnd hiiviTnackh. Tim vetei-
ans oxprcHi their dt" iu > to liecome un
customed to the military tuctli-H now In
vogtlo ) that In caseof wir with
they will be ready to ( jo to tinfront. .
If tliora were no other menus of provIng Icine , would nliiiniltintly establish llhs bottles of Hood' Sauaparllla and nevwal
bo > ca of HooJ'H I'lllfl She roguliiuil Imr
Ing the Kroiit Ulootl-piirlchuif , ' power of fact. Hood's .Saiwipnrllii is 'iirU ' what weight and la now enjoying the beat of
Ildoil'H Haranpurllln , the rat.'fttl tcntl- such people need , but-au-su it makes rldi , lieallfi. Her digestion Is good and nfio cm
inoi.liils from thousand- ! vt < > iii : , tired P'lit , nourishing blood. eat almost r.tiythlng nho wishes. She U 43
d womeu , torturuil with hi-iid-
IIIONTON. OHIO. "My mother was aua.
Ject to sick headache and Indigestion forever
over a year. She wan nimble to stand up
for any length of time and was obliged to
Btay In a dark room , oa nlie could not bear
the light. She had no appetite \\lutevor end
her stomach juas BO weak she could not re.
tain what food HIO ! did cat. She also tiad
pa I no in her head. She
that she beoaino."but a shadow of heraolf ,
Prwrlptloij failed to do her any good , and
( lie remedies she tried weakened hur uo much
that she discontinued their use , a.'id die Io t
all faith In medlclncfi , One day I mad of a
lady almllarly aflllctcd who was cured by
Hood'g Sarsaparilla. It sounded o truldful
that 1 persuaded mother to try this medicine , yearn old and icys uh < > focls an wpll a wun
she Iml finished the first bottle there fihe 1C , Hcod'ii
Indigestion and weak nerves , who Before was anapdifllA made , \
was an Improvement In her condition. She cnmplMe cuie and Hood'/i medlclmvi always
have fiiiinti conipK'ie rest uviUoii to iu longer threw uj her food and her head have a pla < o In our household. " MISS MAHV
mnltli and vljor by ihu iisi nf Hits nml- ache as not no severe. She took In all four MASCAHIK.
Is America's Cireatest .Medicine becausu It acompllshcs wonderful cnr' when all otlmr medicines full. Ii
bold by all di-UKglsts. $1 ; jilx for $5. Prepared ouly by 0. I. Hood & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mans ,