Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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The Doom of Zimbabwe ,
lly II. lUHr.ll HAOGAltD.
( Continued from Page Eighteen )
towed by hundred ! of worshippers , had van
ished through the tortuous and narrow en
trance ot the temple , and Azlcl leaned back
o think.
Theru , armn ? the principal votaries of a
goddess , the wickedness of whoso worship
was a scandal and n liyword even In the
indent world , walked the woman to whom
ho felt go Mrangely drawn and with whom ,
If there were any truth In the visions of
Lsrachir nnd the mysterious warnings of his
own soul , his fate WES Intertwined. A nud-
< l"n revulsion filled his heart a he thought
of It. Shs was wise , nnd she siemcd beau
tiful nnd Innocent , but Iraachar was right ;
this ; ; lrl was the minister of an abominable
treedi nay , for aught ho knew , gho win
hcrrclf defiled with Its abominations , nnd
her ( vUidoni tout an evil gift from the evil
powers the served. Could he , n prince of
the royal blood of the- house of Israel and
of the out-lent Phnrachs of Khcm , desire to
have anything to do with such an one. he ,
a child of the chosen people , a worshipper of
the true and only Had ? Yesterday who hod
thrown a ipcll upon him , a spell ot 'black
magic , or the spell of her Imperial beauty ,
which It mattered not , but today ho was
the lord cf his own mind and would shako | j I
himself free of It and hrr. '
In the market place below the Levlto Iwa-
clinr had nlao witched the parsing of the
priests nnd prlrstcsscs of Kl and Haaltls.
"Tell me , Metem , " ho nt'ked ' of the Phoeni
cian who stood beside him , his head re- uncovered , "what mummery Is
this ? "
"It Is no mummery'worthy Issachnr , .but
n ceremony of pacrlllce , which Is to lie
offered In the temple yonder , for the re
covery from henrlckncas of the Lady Daaltls ,
the high prlratcpa. "
"Where , then , Is the offering ? I see
none , unler-i It be tlioao doves tint are tied
to the wrists of the women. "
"Nay , Imnclmr , " answered Mctom , smil
ing , darkly , "tho gods nric nobler blood than
ago and calling considered , Is alsw right and
proper. Then there is that black savage
Ithobnl , who wishes to win thn girl , nnd the
girl herself , who , utter the fashion of her
ecx , will probably piny them nil off ono
against the other. Well , so much the better
for me , for I shall ho a rlrlicr man even
than I am before the affair Is done with.
I have two hcen'a , and gold Is gold , whoever
bo the giver , " and , smiling craftily to him-
twit , ho paaied Into the paluco.
Suddenly Azlel , looking up from his
reverie , saw the Phoenician bowing before
him , cap In hand.
"May the prince liveforever. . " ho said ,
"yet If ho suffer melancholy to overcome
him thus , his life will be u sad one. "
"I was but thinking , Metem , " uwwcred
Azlel , with a start.
"Of the Lady Ellfsa , Prlmco ? Ah , I
giiensej It. She Is beautiful , is oho not , and
learned also , though mself , In a women , I
prefer the beauty without thelearning. . It Is
a pity now that ahe should chance to bo a
prlettte&s ot our worship , for that will not
please the holy latacbar , whom , I fear ,
prince , you llnd a stera guide for the feet
of youth. "
"Your butlnces , merchant , " broke In Azlcl ,
" 1 crave your pardon , prince , " answered
the PhoccilcUn , spreading out his hands In
deprecation. "I havu struck a good bargain
for my wares this morning , nml drank ulna
to seal It , therefore let me be forgiven If I
have spoken too freely In your pretence ,
jvriico. TliU In my tuainem : Yonder In thu
teiui > lo they cclcbruto a service which It Is
lawful for strangers to witness , and I
thought that , having heard something ot
our mjxterlM In the grove laat ulght , you
might wish to Lehold It. If that bo to , I
am como to guide you , "
Ariel's first Impulse was to refute to go ,
indeed , the words of dlimkisal were on hlii
111 * when another purpose entered hli mind ,
For thla once howould look upon tliesu
abomUiatlous uud lee the part that EJUna
played In ttu n , and thus bo cured forever
ot the longings that hid seized him.
"What In thi ceremony ? " ho asked.
"A sacrifice for the recovery of the Lady
Doaltls , who Is nick , prince. "
"And what la the sacrifice ? " asked Azlcl.
"A dove , as I am told , " WA the Indifferent
"I will come ulth you , Meten. "
"So bo It. prluce. Your retinue awaits you
t the gate- . "
At tde main entrnneo to the pat eAzlcl
found his guaid and other ee vants gathered
there to escort him. With them was Usachnr ,
whom he greeted , asking him If he know the
errand upon which they were bent.
"I do , prince. It Is to wltncua the abomina
tion ot a sacrifice of these heathens. "
"Will you , then , accompany mo there , Issa-
efmr ? "
"Where my lord ROC * , I go , " answered the
Levlto g nvely. "Moreover , prince , If you
have your reasons for wishing to see this
devil woishlp , I may have mine. "
Then they set out , Metem guiding them.
At the north gate of the temple , which was
not moro than a jnnl In width , the Phoeni
cian apoko to the guards on duty , who drew
tack to let tiicm pans. In slnglo flic , for
the paroagcs were too narrow to allow of
any other mefns ot progression , they
threaded the tortuous and mazy paths ot Uio
great building , between huge walls built o
ginnlto blocks laid without mortar , till a
length they reached a largo open spac
whore the ceremony had already begun. Al
most In the center of this place , which was
luved with blocks of granite , stood two con !
cnl towers , ttio larger of which nieasure (
thl ty feet and the nmallcr about half tha
height. These towers , also built of block
of ntonewere , as Mctem Informed them
flncred to and emblematical of the gods o
Kl and Daaltls. In front of them wns
platform surmounted by a stone altnr , am
between them , built in n pit In the ground
burned a great furnace of wood. All th
center of the enclosure was occupied bj
irlifts and prle-stesscd , whllo without thl
sacred ' .Ing stood the masses of spectators
among whom' Azlcl nnd his following wer
given place , thoiif.d some of the more plan
murmured audibly at the admission of tlics
When they entered , the companies o
prlcwts and priestesses were finishing n
prayer , the serktcnrra of which they chnntci
alternately with Btratige effect. la part I
"I1 SBD THE SWOUD OF Tim TllUB GOD AND IT KLAIIKS ABOVH THIS C1T\V of the doves. The offering Is within ,
and It la the liiauborn child of a prleatess
of DanltlK. '
"O , Qed of heaven ! " said Jasachnr. lifting
up his eyes , "how long will you suffer that
this murderous and accursed race nhould
defllo the face of the earth ? "
"Softly , friend , " broke in Mctcm. "I have
read your scriptures , and Is It not set out in
them that your forefather A'brnham was com
manded to'offer up his flrat-bora luisuch a
sacrifice ? "
"Dlasphcmo not , " answered the Jew. "Ho
was commanded , Indeed , tint his heart might
bu proved , 'but ' his hand was stayed. The
Oed whom I woishlp delights not lu the
blood of children. "
Hero Issaclmr broke off , suddenly , recog
nizing the i/ady Kllssa among the white-
rol/bod priestesses. Watching her , he noted
her glance at the window of Azlel's cham
ber , and saw , what she could not see , that
the prince wjii seated at It. "Tho daughter
of Satan upreads her nets , " ho muttered be
tween bis teeth. Then a thought struck
him , and ho added uloud , "Say , Mctem , Is
U permitted to strangers to witness the
rites In yonder temple ? "
"Surely , " answered the- Phoenician , "that
It , If they guard their tongues aiii do noth
7 ing to offend. "
"Them I dcalro to see them , Metem , nnd
eo doubtlcvM does the I'rlncc Azlel. There
fore , If It Is your will , do me the service
to enter his elinmhor in the palace where ho
Is sitting end hid him to n great czremony
that goes forward In the tcnvple. And ,
Metem , if ho ceka what that ceremony Is , I
charge you , say only that a dove Is to be
r , yiced. I will wait for you at the gate of
tun rumple , but tell him not ( lint I sent you
on this errnnd. Metem , you love gain. He-
member that If you humor mo hi this and
other nmttoM which may arise , doVig my
bidding faithfully. I have the treasury of
Solomon to draw upon. "
"No 111 paymaster , " replied Metem , cheer
fully. "Certainly I will obey you In all
things , holy Ins.ielmr , ns the king com
manded mo yonder In Jerusalem. "
"Now , " ho rcllccteil to hlmeelf , 03 ho wont
upon his mesinKO , "I oee how the bird Illcs.
The I'rlnce Azlel Is In love with the Lady
Ivllssa , or far upon the road to it , au It
his ago It Is right and proper that ho nhoitld
bo. The holy iMachar , c the other liaml ,
Is minded that hla charge will havu naught
t. ) do with a prlestecs of Daaltls. as. his
was formal ind In part an Improvised sup-
plltatlon to the protecting gods to restore
health to that woman or hlglf priestess who
i was known as Lady Hanltls. The prayer
i curled , a beautiful girl advanced to an open
space In front of the altar , anl with a sud
den movement threw off her white robe , re
vealinc hersalf to the spectators In n many-
colored garmint of gauze through which her
fair fleish Rleamed.
uur uincK nair was nnorneil wltn n coronet
of scarlet flowers , and hung loose about her
Her feet and arms were naked , and In each
hand she held a knlfo of bronze. Verj
slowly she began to dance , her painted lips
parted as though to speak , and her eyes
. brightened with pigments , turned up to
llca en. Dy degrees her movements grow more
rapid , till at length , ns she whirled round
her long black luilr streamed out stralghl
upon the air , nnd the crown ot ( lowers looked
like a scarlet .ring. Suddenly the bronze
knlfo in her right hand flashed , and a spol
of red appeared over her left breast ; then
the 1-nlfe In the left hand flashed , and an
other spot nppeared over the right breast ,
ami nt each stroke 'tho multitude cried
"Ah ! " as with one voice , and then wore
Now the maddoMd dancer , ceasing her
whirlings , leaped high Itito the air. clashing
the hnlvw above her head and crying ,
. "Hear me , heur mo , HaaltUi ! " Again she
leaped , and this tlmo the answer that cnmo
from her llp was spoken In another voice ,
which said , "I am here. What eek you ? "
A third time ehe leaped , replying In her
own voice , "Health for thy servant who Is
side , " Then came the araiwer in the second
\olce , " 1 hear you , but I see no @ .icrllce. ! "
"What sacrifice wouldst thou , 0 , queen ?
A dove ? "
"Nay. "
"What then , queen ? "
"One only. The first-born child of a
woman. "
As this commriid , which they supposed tote
to divine- and from above , lamed from the
IIYi | of the gushed nud bleeding oracle , the
multitude shouted aloud , while the girl her-
soU , utterly exhausted , fell to the earth
Now n prlcit of 121 who was named the
Shadld. none older. Indeed , than the lius-
bnnd of her who lay sick , sprang upon the
platform and cried-
"Tho goddrss has spoken Jjy the mouth
of her oracle. She nho Is the mother of nil
uemnmis ono lire out of the many one tins
given , that the Lady ItniltU , who Is her
priestcw upon earth , may bo recovered of
her sickness. Say , who will lay down a life
for the honor ot the goddess and that her
regent In this land mny bo-saved alive ? "
Now for all this scone had 'been ' care
fully prepared i woman stepped forward ,
wearing the robe of n prieatfas , who boru
In her arms a drugged nnd sleeping child.
"I , father , " she cried , lu a shrill , hard
voice , though her lips trembled no t < he
spoke. "Lot the goddess take this child , the
first fruit of my 'body ' , that our mother
Ilnnltls may bo cured of her sickness and
that I. her daughter , may bo blessed by the
goddess , and , through me , all wo who
worship her. " And wlio held out the llttlo
victim Inward him.
The Shadld stretched out his arms to
take It , but he never did take It , for at
that moment appeared upon the platform the
till white-bearded figure of Isaachar , clad lu
his rrlcatly robes.
"Hold ! " ho cried In a voice of thunder
ami with Hashing eyes , "and touch not tha
Innocent child. Sxjwn | of Satan , would yo
do murder to appease the devils whom yo
worship. Well shall they repiy yo , Oh !
mine eyes are open and I see , " he went on ,
shaking hla thlnj arms above his head In a
prophetic frenzy. " 1 see the sword of the
true ( led , and It llamcs above this city
ot Idolaters and abominations , I ace this place
of sacrifice , and I tell you Itiat before the
moon U yotuig again It shall run red with
thu blood ot Idol worshippers and of you ,
women of the groves , The heathen la nt
your gate * , yo followers of demons , nnd my
Qed sends them as he fiends the
locusts or the north wind to devour -
vour your gran , to sweep you
away like the dust of the desert , Cry then
upon HI and Daaltls , nnd let Kl and Ilaaltb
save you If they can. Doom Is upon you ;
Azrael , angel of death , writes his name
upon your foreheads , every ono of you ,
giving your city to the ow | , your boiles
to the Jackals , and your EOUU to Satan "
Thus far the prlesti and the spectators had
to Iwachar' * denunciations In bo
wllderpil amazement , not tinmUrd with fear
nut now with n roar of wrath they Awoke
nnd fluddenly he nas dragged from the plat
form by a score of bandi nnd struck sense
less with many blons . Indeed he wouli
then nnJ there have been torn to pieces hai
not a guard of soldiers , knowing that h
was Sakon's guest and In the train of the
Prlneo Azlcl , snatched him from the mad
den eel multitude niul ban ) him swiftly to a
place of safety without the luclosure. While
the tumult was at Its height a Phoenician
who had arrived I'.i the temple breathless
with haste , might ha\o been seen to plucl
Metem by the sleeve.
"What Is It ? " Metem nsked , for the man
was his servant.
"This , the Lady Daaltls Is dead. I watchcc
as you bade mo , and , as she had promlsei
to do , her woman waved the napkin fron
the casement ot the tower whore she lies. '
"Do any know of this ? "
"None. "
"Then say no word of It , " nnd Motem hur
ried off In scnrch ot Azlcl.
Presently hofound him In company with
his guards pecking for Issachar.
"Have no fear , prince , " ho said , "ho Is
safe- enough , for the soldiers have borne the
fool away. Pnrdon mo that I should speak
thus of a holy man , but ho has put all our
lives In danger. "
"I lo not pnrdon you. " answered Azliil
hotly , "and I hMior Issachar for his net am
words. Let us boqono from this accursct
place whither you entrapped me. "
Uefore Metem could answer n voice cried
"Close the doors ot this sanctuary , so tha
none can P.ISH In or go out , and let the
Kicrlflco be offered. "
"Listen , prince , " snld Mctem. "You nuts
stay hero until the ceremony Is done. "
"Then I tell you. Phoenician. " nnswere <
Azlel. "that c-atfier than suffer that Innoccn
child to bo butchered before my eyes I wll
cut my way to It with my guards and ICSCUL
It nllvc. "
"To leave yourself dead In place of It , " an
swered Metem , sarcastically. "Hut see , n
woman dcelrcfi to spcnk with you , " nnd ho
pointed to n girl In the robe of a priestess
whoso face was hidden with n veil , and who
In the tumult n ul confusion , had worked
her way to Azlcl.
"IVince , " whispered the veiled form , "I nm
Ellsw. Tor your life's sake keep still nnd
silent , or you will bo slain , for your words
have been overheard. "
"Away with you , woman , " nnswcred Azlcl
"Wbnt tiavo I to do with a girl ot the groves
and a murderees of children. "
She winced at his bitter words , but an
swered quietly :
"Then on your own head bo your blood ,
prince , which I have risked much to keep
unshed. Hut before you dlo learn that I
knew nothing of this foul sacrifice , and that
gladly would I give my own life to save that
of yonder child. "
"Save It and I will believe you , " answered
the prince , turntng from her.
HlL-ai slipped away , for she saw that the
prleatesscs were refounlng their ranks , nnd
that she must not tarry. When she had genoa
a Tew yards a hand caught her by the olccvo.
and the voice of Metem. who had overheard
all this talk , whispered In her car :
"Lady , vlmt will you give me If 1 show you
a way to save tCio life of the child , nnd with
It that of the prince , and at the hamo time
to make him think well of you again. "
"All my jewels and oinuments of gold aud
they are many , " she answered eagerly.
"Good ; H la a bargain. Now listen. The
Lady Danltls Is dead ; a few minutes slnco
she died , and none hero know It save my
self , nor ccti they learn It , for the gates
arc shut. Do you be , therefore , Inspired ot
the g-o's end bay so , for then the sacrifice
must cease , seeing that she for whom It waste
to be offered Is dead. Do you understand ? "
"I understand , " she answered , "and though
the blasphemy bring on mo the vengeance
of Uaaltls , yet I will dare It. Tear not ,
> our lay shall be good , " nnd she presssd
forward to her place , keeping the veil
wrapped about her head till she reached it
unobserved , for In the gcoeTal confusion uonu
bad nothod her inovcencnts.
So soon as the nolso of touting and angry
voices had died away , nnd the spectators
were di'lven back outside the sacred circle ,
the priest upon the platform cried :
"Now that the Jew iblasphemcr Is gene , let
the sacrifice bo offered , as is decreed. "
"Yea , let the sacrifice ibo offered , " n-
sworod the multitude , nnd once moro the
woman with the sleeping child stepped for
ward , iliut before the priest could take It
anrthor figure approached him , that of the
Lady Hlltsa , with arms outstretched and eyes
"Hold , 0 priest , " she said "for the goddess
Inspires mo and I 'have a message from the
gocMess. "
"Draw near , daughter , and speak It In the
cars of men. "
So Ellssa climbed upon the platform , am :
standing upon It , still with outstretched
linnria nml itntnrnrvl fnnp. fihn snlil ill a clear
voice :
"The goddess refuses the sacrifice , for she
has taken to liorself her for -whom If was to
have been offered the Lady 15331113 % dead. "
At this tidings a groan wont up from the
people ivartly of grief for the loss of a spiri
tual dignity who was popular , and tartly of
disappointment because now the sacrifice
could not bo offered , for the Phoenicians
loved these horrible and public spectaclea ,
which were not , however , of common occur
rence among them.
"It Is a lie , " cried a voice , "but now Uie
Lady Itaaltis was living. "
"Lettlio gates too opened and send to see
whether or no I He , " said Ellssa , quietly.
Then for awhile there was silence while a
prles'J wont upon the errand. At length ho
waa seen returning. Pushing his way through
the crowd , ho climbed upon , .the platform
and said :
'The daughter of ( ? akon speaks truth ; but
now is the Lady IHnaltls dead. "
Kllasa sighed In relief , for had her tidings
been false she could scarcely have hoped to
escape tlio fury of the crowd.
"Aye , " she , "sho Is dead , as I told
you , and because of your sin is she dead ,
who would have offered human sacrifice In
public lU'iilnHt the custom of the city and
without the ommonil of the goddess. "
Then In sullen silence .tho priests and
priestesses reformed their precession and de
parted from t'ho ' sanctuary , whence they were
followed by the spectators , the moat of them
In no good mood , for they had been balked
of the promised spectacle.
( To bo Continued. )
A now bllllnrd cue , recessed nt the butt ,
with a Bcrow-threatled rod mounted In the
clumber parallel to the cue to hold a weight
which can be turned baekwatd or forward to
balance the cue ,
A handy basket for carrying farm produce
has a canvas strip attached to the top with u
leathering string at Us outer cd o to draw
it together and prevent the spilling or theft
of the contents of the basket.
In n newly designed dental cuspidor a hol-
ow arm Is attached to a atamlarxl with
tubes Insldo for fresh and waste water to
liuli the cuspidor , the arm being jointed
and pivoted MO on to turn In any direction.
An Australian has patented a new system
of gearing In which an endless celled spring
works over grooved pulleys to transmit
tower fiom ono shaft to another , the ppilng
icing also used to replace the rhaln on bluy-
Women's hats can be suspended fiom a
lall without danger of slipping off by a now
lovlcc , comprising n wire clamp fiot Insldo
ho hat , with a spring to hold It In a closed
> osltiDii , one end being pulled outward to at-
ach It to the nail.
A recently patented attachment for blcycls
lundtti bars consists of two plates to he at-
ached to the upper side of the bar on oppo
site sides of the head , with receasea In tha
upper side in which the fingers are placed
when the rider situ upright.
Dlcycles can bo safely shipped loose In anew
now car , which has a series of racks tsus-
londed from the roof , with sliding hooka to
support the wheels as they are hung up , thu
racks holding the wheels high enough a
hat other baggage can bo stored below.
In a recently patented bed for Invalids the
mattress Is formed of a oerles of separate
ompartmonts , which can lie Inflated sepa.-
ately or simultaneously to the desired lianl-
ietH , thus permitting the raising or lowering
of any section to fit tbo patlent'u body.
Stair treads In shops , street cats and omul-
luscs are being fitted with electrical adver
ting devices , sprint ; contact pines doing
> laccd on each tread to complete a circuit
vhen stepped on and turn the light on a
ransparont nlgn eot lu tbo ilsc-w ot the
tcps ,
American champagnes are met driving nut
ha Imported article At the head of the
1st U Ccok's Imperial.
> > > >
It will bo cheaper to ridea wheel than
walk this year. Prices are rapidly approaching
preaching the bargain counter level , and the
season Id yet young.
Wheel men nnd women who put up good
hard ccntuilca for mounts during the past
three years may now recall , with a feeling
of goneness In the poeketbook , the emphatic
assurances of the dealers that the so-called
high grade wheels could not bo made nnd
marketed for less than J100 even. Indeed ,
considerable Indignation nml printer's Ink
were emitted In an effort to repel the In
sinuation that manufacturers were looting
the public. It was a cruel , baseless charge ,
In their opinion , "a monstrous fable , " they
declared , concoctcil by persons unacquainted
with the costly Intricacies of the business.
Quito true. The multitude of wheel buyers
did not take Into account the vast sums
paid racing teams to popularize makes , nor
the money blown In promoting cycle and
other shows , nnd in supporting a small
army of traveling agents.
The beginning of the end canio last sum
mer. A glutted market and decreased de
mand brought the centuries down to $75 and
$ CO. As the season were away , manufac
turers realized that the era of excessive
prices hail gene forever ; that the business
must bo stripped of extravagances and
placed on n foundation of moderate profits.
As a consequence , cycle shows were dis
pensed with , commissions cut In two , guaran
teed reduced from a year to sixty days , and
the Installment system of sales practically
dispensed with ,
The result of this revolution In the bnsl-
ncas Is a revolution In prices. The high
grades which cost ? 100 In 1893-1 ! and $73
last year are now listed for $30 nnd $60.
Catalogues of standard makers received by
The Heo list chain gear wheels nt from $60
for first class to $33 for second class. Chain-
less wheels nro Invariably listed at $123. It
is safe to say that $00 will be the top price
for chain wheels. It was agreed some weeks
ago that $60 and $73 would bo the ruling
price , but the Spuldlngs have cut the prlco
to $50 and other dealers will be obliged to
follow. Where prices will land when the
t'cason grows warmer Is a question for
prophets. It will be strange , Indeed , If the
new chalnless wheels do not ttmiblo below
the century mark.
The Cycling West accepts ns sincere the
expressed intention of the League of Amer
ican Wheelmen assembly to abandon race
control after this year , nnd hauls down Its
opposition ling. Sterling Elliott expressed
like confidence , In the Uullctln , Intimating
that the league cannot' ' honorably continue
In "control of a sport nnd at the same time
keep up the Idea that we- were not a sporting
organization. " The basis for this confidence
Is the reference of the subject to a commit
ted with Instructions to report to the next
assembly. Hut there is no present danger
that the league will turn 'race control over
to any other organization. A number of lu-
lorvlons with prominent le'ague meu printed
in the New York Suntshoft' a determination
to continue the pre-senf system. Their argu
ment is in substaneo as follows : "Tho
League of American Wheelmen , It Is true ,
can get along without Identification with
the racjng Interests-but It in an Indisputable
Tact that racing cannot got on without the
League of American Wheelmen. In nn or-
ganlzattcn like the ialtor It is natural that
: hero should exist differences of opinion rela
tive to the control of racing. Without a
doubt there Is nn element In the organlza-
ttlon that never patronizes races , but before
the ofllcers of the League of American Wheel
men take any steps to abandon Its contiol
over that depattmcnt the sentiments of the
majority of its members should be consid
ered. The anti-racing men suggest that an
organization should be formed to take up
the racing management. This Is Impractical.
The League of American Wheelmen Is now
the governing body over cycling , and Just
at soon as the League of American Wheel
men withdraws from racing , trouble Is going
to result. "
Will u. Pitney of New Yorlc , an ex-member
of the racing board , la discussing the ques
tion said :
"I am decidedly opposed to the suggestion ,
that the league give up its control over rac
ing. I can sea no need of such a step , and
the obstacles that will confront the racing
men when such a move Is made , If It ever is ,
will bo numerous. The constitution of the
Icaguo recognizes racing and Its members
loin under that classification. It Is tmpossl-
slo to determine where the objection In the
League of American Wheelmen controlling
racing lies. That department Is self-sup
porting and Interferes with no other Inter
ests In the league. I am confident that the
League of American Wheelmen will never
aee Its way clear to divorce itself from rac
ing. "
The English blcyclo owner Is In grea't ' dla-
tross. The railroads charge more for trans
porting hia machine than they do for lib
nvii fare , and it has been decided that ho
iau no right , If ho lives In a flat , to take
ils wheel upstairs with him and may bo
irovcntcd if the landlord or any other ten-
nnt protests. Furthermoic , It has lately
been ruled that the landlord Is under no
obligation to provide a place for the wheeler
or to liiburo Us hafoty It he does. The bl
cycle has now Its rights on tha road as n
smie.i. it siill remains' to conquer a domi
cile. It Is absurd to expect the poor man
\nu can L-ireiy Keep up with his own rent
to hlro a stable for his wheel us well.
Farewell , clanging , discordant blcyclo
gongs ! Welcome , sweet , melodious bicycle
hlmes ! For chimes It Is to bo If the happy
example set by a blcyclo club of Detroit ,
Mich. , la to bo followed. The plan Is
Imply this : Kvory blcyclo bell shall In
onu harmonize with a certain note , Enough
bells of different tones in a company will
nako It an easy matter for their owners to
un .hi- scales , play the chords and in fact
cnder any of the popular airs of the day
vlth a little Intelligent practice.
An Important decision was rendered re-
ently by the solicitor of thu treasury. The
ollcctor at Cleveland admitted to frco entry
s a household effect , under the provisions
f paragraph C04 of the- act of July 24 , 1SU7 ,
bicycle 'brought ' by a person coming into
ils dlnlrlct from Canada. Tlio machine
ad been In use for soma time , which led to
lie collector decision , but to make sure of
ils position that olllclal ankeil for the np-
iroval of the Treasury department. The I
pinion of the solicitor , which Is too lengthy
o reproduce heie , after reviewing preiodenta ,
fctatos :
"In the provision respecting 'household ef
fects' of persona or families there ' nn evi
dent Intention of Including articles which
pertain to a person us a householder , or to a
family as n household , which have bcca used
abroad not less than a year , an4 not In
tended for others or for sale. A carriage
Is peculiarly a family household article. It
contributes , In a largo degree , to the health ,
convenience , comfort and welfHro of the
housuhoUer or o ftho family. The same , I
think , may bo said of a bicycle. "
A most allur'r.g scheme to the wheelman
1.3 the plan to throw a grand highway across
the continent , which , although not a now
Uca , has been recently revived by General
Hey Stone of the Ilitrcau of Itoad Inquiry.
Thu states through which It would pas.j
pad the gicicral government are to bear the
expense , which would ultimately bo repaid
from the benefits of such a concourse.
Joining the great highway at nearly right
angles on either seaboard , according to the
suggestion , would bo another grand road.
Tie ) route on the Atlantic coast would be
the old 1'cut road. On the Pacific coast
-It has bren suggested that It tacludo CTIJ
of the olcJoU roado In America , the Camlna
Heal , which wab the royal thoroughfare of
the Spanish , Joining the Catholic inliaiona
alorg the umt
I ( explii atlon of bis propeijIMon , Oerral
St tie 88)4 "Stippn.'o tr < ai pr icrty wro
la bo cusod < \\ika n lens term of pay
ment , In Installments rurnlng up to ten
fifteen , or twenty years , and eupposo the
property actually adjoining the road were
to bo nsscsseJ $2 an acre , for Instance , nnd
the next half mlle back n little less , nnd so
on , but nluftjs giving the party owning the
property the privilege of selling out hid
land at a valuation If ho did not cliooso
to pay the assessment , and of buying back
agaU by paying the Interest If he found
he had made n mistake. The governnfeu
could well afford to make that liberal propo
sltlon , and It would result In nearly all the
present property owners getting the actua
benefit of the Increase of the value of their
property and paying the assessment entirely
out of such Increase of value. "
Legglns , overgaltors and high top cycling
boots for women will scarcely bo used this
season , according 1o the eastern dealers it
thwo articles , who say that the tcado In
theco lines has fallen oft gretitly , and very
few * now styles have boon produced for Uio
coming scaso.i. The whcclwoincn found leg-
gins too warm and clumsy nnd the high top
boots wrinkled nnd seldom fitted well. Go !
stockings worn with slices of about the usua
height have becu substituted.
One hundred and tweiity-throo people It
the United Slates rode S3I.17S miles on bi
cycles In 1S97. This Is more than thlrty-
three times the distance1 around the world
Certificates were recently lesued to all mem
bers of the Century Head Club of America
who had ridden 5,000 miles or over in 1S97
Seventy-two of these "certificates were nppllei
for nml the total mileage reported wns n
little over 700,000. Illinois leads the other
states with 171,739 miles , closely followed b >
Michigan with 12C.I92 ; New York. 50,497
Pennsylvania , 09,602 ; Colorado , 57,714 ; Mary
land , 60,903 ; California , -IS.33J ; with Now
Jersey , Indiana , District of Columbia , WIs-
coinln , Kentucky , Massachusetts , Ohio , Min
nesota , Iowa , Louisiana , Arkansas , Florida ,
Tennessee and Nebraska following in the
order named.
Gear cases bid fair to bo used to some
extent this season by riders of wheels
equipped with chains , If the announcements
ot the catalogues are to bo accepted as prob.
able Indications of the drift of things. At
all events , tde makers offer to equip their
wheels with gear cases for a proper consider
ation , If purchasers ask for them. The c-scs
appear to bo light and well constructed , but
It icmalns to bo seen whether they will bo
popular with a laige number of wheelmen.
If they work well they may do away with
the need of chain guards on women's wheels.
The pneumatic tire undoubtedly made
cycling what It Is today , but notwithstanding
the ease of rUIng now as cunpaied wltli the
solid tire days , Inventors ace aiming at ft
further reduction In the vibration which Is
felt by the rider. One novel Idea with this
object is the- spring frame , manufactured by
u Dublin firm. A bell-crank lever Is lilted
In combination with n spring between the
back forks and the top. tube In which the
saddle pillar Is fixed. Tlio effect of the
rider's weight bearing downward when an
obstacle la met dcprccses the center of the
bell-crank and stretches the sprlcig , thus
casing the shock. There Is of course n cor
responding hinge In the lower part of the
rear of the frame and also In the front forks ,
Jimmy Mlclincl'.i Ili-rnk fur
Honors Surprises tli < - C 11:114- .
Daufbtlces the sensational event of the
week in cycle racing circles Is the deter
mination of Jimmy Michael to go Into the
Jockey business. It looks very much as It
the big head was guiding the little Welsh
man In his new venture , for ho Is passing
up a sure $10,000 a year for the other
branch of the racing game. That there is
bomo sense left in him , however. Is Indi
cated by tlio fact that ho will continue his
training .for the .blko track in case that ho
does not take to the horses.
The rarebit will follow the Dwyer sta
bles. Ho has not signed any papers , nor
will ho bo put under contract until ho
shows that ho can do something. It Is
said that Ho was lirst Inclined to go Into
the horse game as a result of a conversation
had some time ago -with Mike Dwyer. Jn
the course of his remarks Dwyer laugh
ingly suggested that the llttlo crack ought
to try jockeying. He meant It as a Joke ,
"but Michael took1 It In earnest.
There Is no doubt , however , that the
Welshman has 'been ' considering the move
for so no time , ns a result of the rumors
that the great Jockeys earn $50,000 an
nually. Ho has exhibited some little
jealousy of Ted Sloano , while the latter
waa making his mark across the water. He
appeared especially envious of the swath
Slaane was cutting na a swell and had , In
fact , made up his mind to go over and show
the Lunnuners that he could shine as loudly
as the jockey. Sloane's return to this coun
try , however , nipped the plan In the bud.
Michael has ridden noises a. great deal ,
but has never been on a race horse. He
will tip the scales at ninety-eight , stripped.
Thr > ro Is quite nn aggregation of cycling
stars wintering at tbc training camp at
Hollealr , Fla. . among them being Taylore ,
Dr. Hrov.'n , Karl Kascr , Gardiner and Lehr.
These Is some talk of mntclilug ilJr. ' 13rovn
and the German In a racp soon. Tayloro
has been forced to give up training for a
while , on Ing to his knee being affected still
from his fall at Philadelphia last winter.
He may have to lay off two or three months
on account of the accident. As scon ns lie-
trains two or three dajs his knee goes back
on him niu he can hardly wnlk.
A little race meet was pulled off last
Tuesday at this training camp which seemed
to show the superiority of the foreign riders
In both the mile open and the half mile
handicap Jean Gougaltz of Franco won. In
the former ho and Brown hud a hot fight.
Gougaltz was pocketed , and extricated him
self only at the head of the stretch. Ho
won by a foot from Hrown. The tlmo was
2:20. : The fight in the half mile handicap
was between Charles Wells , the California
glniit , and Goimaltz. The latter was again
pin in u pui.-i.ui , uui - > uu uy iwo incncs in
the last desperate jump.
For the first time nt a race meet In this
country the Australian pursuit race was
tried. Six men btnrteJ , being placed at
equally distant points around the track :
llulfdtettcr , the Florida champion ; Lambcr-
Jack cf France. Arthur Gardiner , Miller , the
six-day race hero ; Nat Duller and Kaser ,
the Swiss champion. K'acli man ns caught
was compelled to drop out , the decision be
ing given to the man who caught all tlio field ,
The riders finished In the order In which
they are named. Kaser overhauling fllutler
after a pursuit of live and one-half miles.
The National Cjcle Track association la
Incubating n scheme which. If carried out ,
will bo ono of the most gigantic ufTalns that
has been propceed since cycle racing became -
came a sport. A largo number of 'way up
riders are to be put under contract for the
entire sonion and they will follow a nehed-
ula of the tracks of the atsochtlm lejl- ! < ; >
riding on other tiucks which nro not 'in
cluded In that I Mt. The rldera and their
trainers will receive n stated salary aa well
as expenses , but In return half the winning.- )
ot thu riders will go to the track associa
tion , while they nro privileged to retain the
other half in addition to their salary. It Is
eald that the nuci to bo elgncd are Tom
Llr/on and Eddie McDuffeo for the middle
distance ; Tom Cooper for the abort oprlntu ,
as 1'Mdlo Ilald has refused to enter the com
bination ; Clint Coulter , the holder of the
unpaccd mile record , for that clavs of work ,
tad Harry Klkcs , the fast Saratoga lad , for
race.j from fifty to 100 miles beliluj the big
machines. To earry tliU project through
some $24,000 will be required and that num
Is to be autvjcrlhed by the tracks of.tlio
a-iooclatlon which caret to take atocl ; In the
new scheme.
Tom Kck , the veteran cycling manager ,
! i2 smiicwi at wrought up the Paris rye-llnx
worl 1 nlth the announcement that ho Intends
to take a team of star i to Franco
U' 3 year making a circuit of tin tracks of
that cu-i.'ry. One of thu name * ho mu > -
Stearns Chainless Bicycles
Stearns and
Wolf American
STEARNS ROAD WHEEL - . - $50.00.
10 Per Cent OH For Cash.
1898 GENDH.ON . . - $50.0O ,
10 Per Gout Oft For Cnah.
An oloffnnt wheel , with tnntorlnl niul workinnnMtln in Its construc
tion Christy saddle choice of tires unit other equipments , with bearings that
o.vc6l nnv other wheel on the innrkot.Vo hiivosolil thorn for four yotira iiml now
have 1,600 of thorn In Omnhn niul uro sellinp now ones every day.
$25.00 Alliance for $19-00
This Is n peed , practical well finished wheel nml pnuraiitoi-d.
For 81,00 wo will pot your wheel and clean thn bearings and adjust it for you.
Second-Hand Wheels from $5,00 to $16.00.
Wo are agents for the Eldridpo nml Standard Sewing Machines. Alao soil
parts and repairs for any machine in the market.
Phone , 1663 , Cor. 15th and Hnmcy.
' 07 Mottol
Remember , this is a special offer for cash. You cannot buy
a better wheel than the Sterling or PCCI'ICSS. These
wheels are strictly high grade.
OTHER NEW WHEELS , $25 , $33 , $38.
10th niul lul. T tlcydcn
Chicago Sts , Icy Al i linger.
low ? Is that of Klfior , whom ho thlnka Is
the fastest man In America , nnd whom ho
wants to match against the French Morln.
lo says holll nlso have Haiti and Mortcna ,
jut from tlio way things look at prcaont ho
3 talking through his bonnet ubout the
WliNprrlims of ( he Wlii'rl.
Now that the Associated Cycling clubs of
Omaha has elected Its ofllcers for the enmi-
ng year and the dlfferciat committees have
nil been appointed , local wheelmen look for
the body to eettlo down to good hard work
at ouce. It la pretty generally known among
the rac'ng men of the city that the mcmheru
of the club's now racing board are favorable ,
almost to the man , of hold'ng an amateur
road race on Decoration day nnd local en
thusiasts may rcasonnbly expect to tee the
renewal of what has been considered since
1833 until last year the opening event of the
nld-wcstern racing scnscin. Last year the
race was abandoned on account of the poor
condition ) of tlio Dodge street courdO and in
view of the fact that there was no other
Icslrable course available a series of track
races were held Instead. These did not
jrovo the succor anticipated end It lo hardly
> rohablo that the clubs will ever promote
such an affair agnloi. It is quite true that
the Dodge street course fs not la
the best of condition at 'tho ' prct > -
cnt time , but a half day's work
of a couple of men would put It in Its old-
time shape. Some of the members of
the racing board favor the Florence Cycle
i > ath course , but there are many moio ob
jections to this than there are to the Dodge
atreot. In the first place , the Florence
course is too short , and again it Is level and
a race upon It would be nothing more than
a sis or elght'-MilIo , track lace Instead of n
road race. On the Dodge street course u
rider must be a good hill climber , good
upon the level and able to pedal down hill
with lightning rapidity , or , In other words ,
must bo a tlrst-class all-around road rider
n order to win. Another thing favoring
: hU course is the fact that there la a record
established upon It which all racing men
who could compete In the road race would
naturally 'bo ' anxious to lower , this would
add a certain amount of Interest to thu
ovcnt that would bo lacking If It were held
elsewhere. It Is hoped that at tholr next
meeting the clubs will decide definitely upon
.his matter In order to give Its prlzo com-
nlttces plenty of tlmo to secure a more
ibcral prlzo list than has been offered lu
this city before for such a race.
John S. Prince Is expected to nrrlvo In
this city from St. Louis the first part of next
vcelc. He will begin worlc upon bis bicycle
rack and athletic field project Immediately
ipon hU arrival.
Just at the present tlmo this city lins a
good prospect of at least three good blcyclo
racks for the coming season. The man
agers of the new Western league baw ball
earn are the latest people to talk of bulld-
ng a bicycle track. One of thcso gptitlo-
nen Informed Chief Conaul D. J. O'llrlun
of the league that if grounds large enough
ottlil ho secured ho would build n first-class
tlcyclo track around the base hall field , and
vbllo the Omabii team was playing away
rom home he would put on pro-
esaional and amateur blcyclo races. With
his track In view add the ones which Jack
'rlnco and the East Omaha Htrcot Hallway
ornpany talk of building thlo city should
ot want for hlcyclo tracks during iS'JS.
The pleasant weather of the last wc k has
cmoved all the remaining traces of winter
rom the streets and wheels are beginning
o appear upon them In countless mini-
> ers again after onu of the least favorabto
Inlnra for blcvclo rldlmr In this eltv
mt has been known since wheeling became
lopular hero. There have sacrccly been two
ecks during the entire winter that weio
leasant enough to permit cycling and the
ithualasta all wear happy looks upon their
aces slnco they have been able to take a
) ln upon their "bikes" once more. So far
lero are very few ' 98 models to bo seen
mong the largo number of wheelmen who
frequent the streets "ially nml but one or two
chnlnlcss mcdols have miido their appearance.
All of the retail dealers report trade good ,
however , and the Indications are that t.ri
blcyclo business will he unusually good this
If. C. Oadko , one of the popular locil
professional racing men , received his IS'JS
racing machine last week. 'Ilo ' Is tlm first
of Omaha's fast men to get a 1838 racing
machine. Ho expects to commence training
for the season's racing as teen as the ucathor
will penult.
Ed T. Hoyden , manager of the Omaha
nicyclo company , hns just completed hi *
blcyclo check . stand on the corner of
Twentieth and Mm mot HlrcotB. Wheels can
bo checked there any tlmo.
i\ mm.vii JMUJSTIIV.
The window glass factories of Anderson ,
Ind. , are now turning out 080.000 lioxci per
month , which Is 140,000 more per month than
over before.
The Toronto city council has resolved that
no alien , and particularly no citizen of the
United States , shall hereafter bo employed
on clvlo work In that city.
The total number of locomotives built In
the United States In 1S97. saya the Manufac
turers' Gazette , Is placed at 1.251 , of which
3SG , almost 33 per rent , were for export.
AH an evidence of the progress now being
inado by the Japanese It U stated that all
parts of railway cars are madu by native
workmen , oxreptlng only the wheels , whlMi
are Imported .
Secretary of Agriculture Wllsou ay tlicro
Searles & Searles
Gtinrnitluo < > cure Hpecillly nml ra H
cully all M2HVOUS. C11IIOX1O A.M
IMUVATH .llM.-nsuM of MPII mid women.
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nlsht Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy
Arocelc , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph-
1113 , Stricture , Piles , Fistula nnd Itectal
Ulojrs. Diabetes. Brlght's DIseauK cured.
Consultation Free-
Sf riof lire and nt
i by new method without pain or cutting.
Gallon or address with sUmp. Treatment
by mall.
Snsi if ufe
In the treatment of all
Chronic , Nervous nnd Private Disease ,
nnU DISODIHiHH ( ) ! '
Catnrrli , all Diseases of the Ncio , T.iroit , Chett
Btomuch , Uver , illood , hliln and Kidney l > u !
caiicd , Loet MnnhooJ , Hytlrocolc , Vrrlcocele ,
Qonorrliun , Olcute , Syphilis , Stricture , nits , Fis
tula olid Itectal Ulcers Diabetes nrlirnt'n Il -
I ease cured. Call on or acldnca wltli ttamp lot
Free Hooli and New Method * .
Treatment liy .Hull , Connlll Ilitloti free ,
Omaba Medical anil Surgical Institute
Jloom S. 117 H North icth St. Omaha. NuU
Chi * hauler * ' * KnjlUh Diamond Jlrnnri *
Orlflrml nnd Only iienulnr.
n rc. aln i rrllalrlg , L DII k , ' . \
llruitelll t.-r nitrkciltrt l.naliUa / > >
nion.l Bran I In ICnt ml UuU nci.lo\\ : ! J )
boin. f.lel llliUrurlU in V.r
'noollil > r. I'tfuitJinatrautfiilttltu * V
llonian t fmifarhm * AI llrudjthli , or Mid . ] A.
In pnitii fur ii&rlfoulnri , tratlmnnUIi nnl
"Itpllcf fur l.nillf * , " in letter. l r r'ltira
Mull. In.OUO Ti'itlraorUU AMI * fai'ir ,
11 bi trrClicin'viil Uu. . M itlt * tHniiiirfl
UfruciliU. t'lIll.AIIA. f.U
iNin uunc pnct vniinoci iuuiati.r )
U lllg U fur ununturat
dUcuargoi , Inllatuiuuilim * .
Irrltitloui or ulcrrtlloni
dt inunuuf niriutrtn * ! .
I'nialm , un < l iioi otirlO'
( , ' r.t r | '
? ' ! ' '
\ > T ( IptOH , crrpnlit , t
II.IU. at i baUUi , ! : . ( .
( lircal' * unl u ri-iuu
are ton bed migar fuetorlca In operation In
| this country , nnd ten moro under contract.
! diu has no duuut of the profits of thu Indus
try to the American farmer aa well aa manu
fireat Britain and der colonies , which
have hitherto had almost a monopoly of the
Pornlan market for shirtings and nhcptlnas ,
are bulng left behind by Itu ki , whoso Hlnp-
inentH Into Pccg'u me gaining us steadily us
the llrltlsh manufacturers nro loaing.
It seems probable that the plan to htil ! < 1
a mill to supply cotton yarn to several
woolen inlllH In the smith will bo carried out ,
A two-story mill , 110x500 feel , may bo built
nnd equipped with 10,000 uplndlea at flrat.
John A. and W. A. Campbell of Chattanooga ,
Tenn. , nro Interested.
The 'Mill ' iMen'H club of Chicago Is com
posed of 150 contractors who employ only
union carpenters. Tint contractors who are
shut out of thu no-called combine have
joined with 1,800 nonunion carpenters and
organized to light thu club and unionist *
during the season now opening. It promises
a very pretty fight.
The production of borax In tlm United
Stated was 18,000,000 pounds In 1SU7 , aa
agalciNt 15 , 08,011 pounds In ISilC. As here
tofore , this was produced entirely In thu
ntate of California end Nevada. A lor o
part of the output was converted Into boraclo
The Union Light nud Power company ,
wlilid lua micceeded to all tlm rlghtu of thu
Salt Lake and Ogden ( Ins and Kloctrlo Light
comiauy , U furnishing manufactured gas to
all consume at DO cents per 1,000 cubb
feet , which Is said to bu Ic&s than the actual
cent of production.
Tliero aru half u ilozcti large woolen inlll.i
In Oregon , gulcm mills manufacture fccrgcx ,
chuvIulM , tweeda , wurntcdu and clothii of nil
kinds , bealuea line hlankuU , Thu Klondlko
oxrllcmcnt on the western coast U of aurh
a iiaturo that all the wcolen mlllH are run
ning night and day. and they could sell throt
times us much iu tholr present output.