PART III. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 17 TO 20. ESTABLISHED J.tliNE 10 , 1871. OiMAILA , SUNDAY MOBNING , TEBKUAUY 27 , 1808-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY mrM CENTS. TOMORROW THE GREATEST DAY AND THE GRANDEST BARGAIN ! STATE AND MONROE STREETS. Formerly Opposite tlie Palmer House THE CHOICEST AND BEST THE WHOLE STOCK--THE NEWEST STYLtS-THE PRETTIEST PATTE8NS--T rOF f THE CREAM IKE STOCK S6ih and Douglas / \TVT OAT 1 * ON SALE ON SALE MONDAY PROPRIETORS. $1,00 Dress Goods at 25c Yd $1,25 Dress Goods 39c Yard , All the finest Imported Silk nml Wool COO pieces strictly nil 'wool Tufted Serges for skirts nml rinlils. now the Intcst thing In striped cfTecta , two toned reps , fancy nnlsts. Also an dopant lot of silk and wool veloura nnd figured Mohair , In the latest mixtures , English Cheviots nml black ilg- tired llrllllantlnc. In lursc anil small designs - dcslglis-they s-old In Chicago up to $1.00 signs that sold in Chicago ti > t tl.U , so to yurd , KO nt 2Jc ynixl. morrow at 39c yiud. $1,50 $ Dross Goods at 49cYd $1,75 $ Dress Goods at 75c -IS-lnch Tomorrow will give you choice of the Your choice tomorrow of all theISlnch ! we line Imported French Sergei anil Ilenrl-ttas. finest and highest grade dress goods from In Murk anil nil rolore also a big quantity the New Yorji Dry Gootls Store stock. They of the famous "Cold Medal" figured black Include n largo line of handsome silk fig KooilH every yard In all guaranteed the latest by weaves tinmanufacturer. and styles , . ured Novelty Granite Cloths , Velours , reps , J\'so ' a Hue line of cob red Cnmclette Serges double iwnrp. silk finished Henriettas , Mo with small silk embroidered figures , very hairs , Jacquards ; also 48-Inch Gloria Silk suitable for fanrv waist ? , tea gowns nnd thnt sold In Chicago up to S1.75 yard , go in dressing sac-ks , fold In Chicago at $ l.uO. goat 73c yard. at 49o yard. this sale at 75c SILICS AT 25c Newest Colorings in Silks at 29c I * V All the elegant taffeta finish ? 1 J ipanese All the LMouspplino DC Sole and liberty Slll < s , ! il InvhcH w.dc. the newest shades , fillk , In black and all colors from the Chicago cerise , reds , new blue * , rose. Nile , burnt or.iuge , etc. , from the Chicago stock , go at cage stock , go at 2oc , worth 73c. 29c yard. SJECS2S3J $1.25 SILKS AT 4Sc High Grade Black Satin at G9c Yard , All this bltick brocathMl hllkw ami sntlns , All the flnciSt grade , nil silk black mtln Duehesse nnd 23 ] ) ieces of the new check Binnll and lar patterns , worth $ l.i5 ! , and plaid silks the latest -thing for fancy go atISe. . waists go at C3e yard. yd PATIENCE , T\LENT : AND TACT Three Qualifications Essential for Success on the Stage. PRACTICAL ADVICE FROM WM , H , CRANE fl'llo .Voted Coiiu-illilii Ti-llH JlMv < -il n nil Actor I. Urmvn frnin HlH Orvu < Cop > right. 1SOS , by 8. fl. Mcdure. ) "Were I not so sure that 1 can play the feeding lady parts In your pieces better than they nro now presented , " a young woman wrote me In Chicago , a week or two ago , "I would not offer you my services. I aVi living with a rcHocd family as cook , and should yon ! not agree s\lth me as to my dramatis abilities , they would bo glad to taku me back Into their ( service. " If I erred In declining to permit this lady io substitute Sliakespcaro for Uacon and CRKB , I hope she will at least Infuse Into her culinary career the same patience , energy , talent and tact which would ha\o been cs- cntlal to her success on tno mage. She Is ono of hundreds of her sex who honor meter tor I fed It to be an honor , by asking my advice abnut life on the Htago. Many a good cook Is rpollcsl to make a fcad actress , and the young men who persist In embark ing on the theatrical ecu after passing by the tannery or the ribbon coumer , won't jnliul , I am sure , If I (17 to point out to others just where they are apt to make uhlpwrcck. Thirty-flvo years of hard work in any profession ought to make a inan'a experience valuable to his fellows. There need bo no suggestion of vanity In telling eomo of them where they may do good. The only thing I am vain of Is hard work. TUB ai'AlMOIl OP THE STAGE. "Hard work , " to ambitious cars , may Bound harsh. The glamor of the stage thero's no use making fun of It , for It cxlstcj draws toward the ftago door BO many women who want lo exploit their vanity , BO many men who covet ready repu tation and big salaries , that I Komctlmes think there are actually more aspirants for honors lu thUs profession than In any other-- especially than In those , such as law and medicine , wliero the laws require thorough and systematic preparation. Now , young man , or young woman , I'm not going to preach to you. I get a good deal of fun out of life , even If I am a "lectio fclt" past HO and play under my own hair and my own name. Uut I will tell you , my young friends , the hard work that , according to my theory , Is necessary to success on the stagu 110 matter how well equipped you are by nature and education. iNaturu did very little for mo. I am the tint of my family on the stage , and I got from my father , who was a mechanic up In Connecticut , very little except the abllljy to rwork and the determination to stick to It. Ills name was Crane , and when , as a boy , I made up my mlna that I wanted to bo an octor I decided that I would still bu a Crane , I've never had a stage name. So I started lu with no capital , no fine clothes , no special education and no In fluence. I didn't even have an opportunity , but I thought ono would coma If I walled lone enough , WORKING FOR NOTHINa A WEEK. I had been with the Ilolman Opera com pany a good many years at nothing a week , and I mean It. when my tint opportunity came. It was In Wltunnporl. I'a. , In 1SG3. I > wai sitting lu ttio rtrut entrance watching tha itaso , M I hid watched It night lu ana night out , studying every bit of business , every change of costume , thinking which role I should llko to play best , when the stage manager told me Den Holman was 111. The opera was 'ISonnambula , " an English ver sion , and young Ilolman had been singing Allessio , the basso , a good comedy part. "I can do it , " I eaid , without n moment's hesitation. They all looked at mo In aston ishment , omo in amusement. "O , pshaw , " said the elder Holirun , "you'd have to bo rehearsed and you'd have to learn the music. We've got to tmvo somebody now. " "Well , I can do It now , " I answered. "I don't want any rehearsal and I know the music. " and kept right on trying to Isarn every part In every piece In tlielr repertory , studying until toward morning. Instead of skylarking after the performance was o\er. Out all the time I realized that I would never make a musician. I didn't know the notes. I wanted to be an actor. So I left the Holmans and wont to Crowe's theater and played there In legitimate comedy. I didn't get but $20 a week , but I was satis fied. I was learning scmieUilntr all the time and I was sitting up until U o'clock plenty of mornings studying tbo old English comedies , putting Ice on my eyes to keep 'em cpen and pegging away at my hook so I could be per fect at rehearsals next day. WILLIAM U. CHANRGKITINa HEADY TO GOON IN "VJHGINIA COUHT.3HIIV That wan true , too. 1 had learned every part lu the piece eltting there In the first entrance matching the company. And I got every laugh , and never mUsed a word or a note. The next night Hen Holman was cast for Ciupar In "Der Krelachutz , " the hcuvleat ba&ao part I know of. I < ig It right through , and the next night sing Devlltlioof. Den heard what was going on , and he madu an effort and catnu to the theater to take his own part , but the cxsrticci killed him. He died not long afterward. His Illness gave mo my opportunity , I was with the Holmana for seven years , and when I wasa't at the theater I was wltb Uiom At their lodging , I never leli 'cm , Selling From fhe the u New York Dry Goods Go's Store ALL the children's immense lot of best quality muslin ONE ' fine Muslin drawers with reinforced Chemise , handsomely em seams and cluster of tucks. broidered and lace trimmed Also children's drill under med , go at 19c each , der waists , all sizes , go worth 50c. at lOc each. a with yoke bands , handsomely tucked , others embroidery and lace trimmed , in plain and um brella styles , all go at lie , 19c , 25c , 39c and 49c worth up to § 1.00 pair. r 500 made of the very finest quality of Muslin and Freiich Cambric , very handsome embroidery and lace rallied , all go at 49c , C9c and 9Sc worth up to $1.25. Worth double 785 LADIES' NIGHT Including pome of the latest styles and' niosfi elaborate embroidery and lace trimmed , at 29c , 39c , 49c , G9c and 98c worth up to § 2.00. Worth up to "c. " . Two Dollars. Not much "glamor" about that , eh ; WATCIU.NO FOB AN Ol'I'OHTUNITY , I was taking every chance that came my way and waiting for more. I was studying all the comedy parts In the range of old English comedy with the hope and on the. chance that I might om < day have an op portunity to play them , I remember kurn- Ing letter perfect tevrn parto In a single piece for I couldn't tell which one of them 1 might get a chance at aorao day , YJio youii men who want to "go on the Etat'f > " nowadays da they fancy such a pros- peel ? How many -weeks are tbey willing to work at nothing -week with no part ? How many years are they willing to study , on a small salary , with only expectations ? Why , a short time ago a young man In my company objected to understudying thrco or four parts. J reasoned with him and at last I got mad , thinking ofmy own experience , and I said to him : ' - "My young ; friend , the past week I was with the Hooley Comedy company I played nlno parttj In four nights. " That settled It. When I made up my mind to give up comic opera and to devote my life to com edy I realized that I w-is giving up a good deal of cash In hand for th sake of possible recompense. I was looking ahead to a prco. pcct of excellence and deliberately throwing over an offer to have my name printed In big letters aa flrxt comedian of the Alice Dates company with pirttthatwould dlvldo honaru fairly with her. Wlml Is more , I waa giving up $126 a week fora ) salary of just $ C5 per week , tut * little hnbro than half oa much. ' j NOT LUCK , DUT AMBITION AND WOIUC. A good many young njtiiiwould take that extra JCO and Immediate'popular favor. Hut I think It paid me not tu < jo It. I was am bitious , ; and I > un moro | irublious ! now , to day , than I was then , /jlndjafter I was mar ried my wife wan more ambitious for mo than 1 waa for m > siir. > Ambition ? I should say1 eo. I fear de terioration In nvy own workj | n my company , i. my productions , nt miit-li now as ever In mv life. Why ? Ilccaiuci I am pioud of what I lnivo achieved by work , sheer honest work , work that bps ncvi.'r flagged and that will not as long aa I am ijctlng , I am do termlned people shan ! ) say I "got It by luck. " It woo wcrk and ambition. "Crane's luck , " aald Joe Jefferson not Icrig ago when , somebody spoke of me In that cccnoctlon , ' 'Crane's luck ! Nornciuo ; it's ' Crane's work. " And that's just the rcjuon why I am not ashamed to speak of It. I hcvo never to my knowledge said "I can play that part just as well aa So an > 1 So. " Hut I have alwai played every part just ai well , juat as Imrd , as I po'albly could ncid let the result take euro of lleelf. And what's more , I am just 03 afraid of failure today aa I ever was In my life , Just as taper to guard agalnet It. That's all. my young frktida. Once started on the stage , dont' Kr.crldce a poealblo lutuio for prcient cash , Unn't try to star Just because - cause you hr.vo inado a hit. Don't think about "the glr.mor of the stage. " Don't expect anybody to make "the opportunity of your life" ready to your band. Study , study , study an > 4 wait your chuuce. Whether you should ttart or not depends largely on how anxious you are to ' # ork. L > tat' you th'iJk eo ? WILLJAM II. CHANB. QUEER MESSAGES BY 'PHONE ' Some Peculiar Things Done by the Long Distance Wires. CHICAGO OPERA HEARD IN NEW YORK WfHlornorM AVIio I'ny Hound SuiriH ( n Talk loVIviH or .SwccdicurlM ijiKKS I'nlil to Hour u Jlllllj'H C'OO. "Considering the fact that millions of miles or wk'o and half the states of the coun try are Included In our telephone system , and that wo have something llko 250,000 < wb- ecrlbers , It Isn't Btraogo that oome peculiar things happen over the long distance lines , " said the telephone man , na he leaned back In his chair after connecting Omaha and Now York just to show how easy It Is to talk across 1,000 miles. "Tho other day the papers printed a story of how a bank president In Minneapolis pre sided over n meeting of directors lei Lowell , Mass. , " ho went on. "That waa correct enough , but It wasn't such an unusual thing as one might Infer from reading the account. ! of It. It has become quite tbo regular thing for rallroa-J and bank directors who can't get to the regular place of meeting to bo connected wild the meeting place by wire ; by the use of a large transmitter ho IK able to l.ear everything that goes on nnd to take part In the proceedings almost as well us though ho wcro on the epot. I know , too , that the ( Itjtauco 'phono has been used to clcro some of the largest commercial trans actions that have taken place In this coun try during the five years. "The of the long distance telephone for ci'eat business affairs seems natural enough , for the high charges are trivial compared with the Intem-ts Involrcj. Hut anybody who hadn't had a chance to learn from being Intho buslnais would be aston ished at some of the messages that go over the wires and for which the senders pay good round sums In Hie way of toll.'i. I sup pose the rcMson for this In that the telephone la still comparatively new to most people ; they look upon It with ! > ame.thlng of wend c and they like to experiment with It to nee If It will do all that Is claimed for It. "Hero , for Instance. Is a case that wo had laflt night and which Is one of a kind that we get six dayo In every week. A Cin cinnati man ccmo on to New York on bu.ilnctH. H < ] lud evidently Just left his train when de came to the 'phone and called up hia Ohio house. There evidently wann t any pcrtlcular reason fjr It. except his dcalre to talk with lit * family. One after another the mother and five children came to the 'phone aiid exchanged a tow sentence. . ) with the head of the house. In such long dis tance wtrkfirro the charfeg are high , U IB customary for the operator to notify the user of the wire at the end of each live minutes of the time , so that there won't be any confusion about the cost at the end. In tils case the converoatKa kept dragging out and the night manager , who Uad the wire , notified the man every live minutes , each time being inn with the rcpty , 'I'll take five mlnutm more.1 7de Cincinnati man waw de termined that every one of his family should hoar hU voice and ho didn't coi'e hovt much It coat. Last of all the baby was brought to tbo transmitter , a youngiter who could juit Hip "Hello , I'apa , " and then the man settled bis bill ( or J103 without a murmur , 10,000 pieces of STANDARD WINDSOR DRESS PRINTS , the So quality , full pieces , at 3Ac yard An immense lot of Cotton Plaid Dress Goods worth lOc yard , go at 2 Jo J5G inch Indigo Blue PRINTS the lOc kind , at Co yard. . . . Navy Blue and Light Colored Striped Dress Ducks the 12At' kind , in long mill remnants , ( jo at tic yard Best grade plain colored Ghambray Gingham at 3Ac yard , worth 15c All widths of Bleached Sheeting 8-4 , 9-4 and 10-4 , tlic Piquet quality , worth up to 28cydat FRUIT OF THE LOOM MUSLIN , Each piece marked "Fruit of the Loom , " on sale all day long at 5c yard doubtless feeling well repaid In ha\int listened to his baby's coo across that dis tance. SIZS OP THE CHANGE. "Of course that's an extreme case In the slzo of the charge , hut In other respects It Isn't an unusual thing , especially with west erners. It seems to me that about ono In every ten men , whether they come from Chicago cage or some little cross roads town , rush off to the telephone the first thing when they etrlko Xew York , nnd call up the wife or sweetheart whom they liavo left behind nt home. To the outsider their little home gos sip or sweet nothings don't beem to amount to much , hut I dare say it makes life pleasanter - anter for those who nru Interested , so nobody elBe can object to It. "I remember a case more peculiar than that of the Cincinnati man that happened whllo I was manager In the Chicago ex change. A man In the city had a fox ter rier of which he was very proud , while the dog was as completely devoted to him. Ho had to go to some place In Michigan on bus iness which kept him away for several days. I.AH soon as ho had gone the dog began to Buf fer from a sovcro attack of loneliness. Ho wouldn't cat , and lay about moping until the man'fi wife was afraid the terrier would dlo before his master's return. Ono night the man went Into the station of the town where ho v/as stopping and said that ho wanted to talk to his dog. So connection was made with his hoiibo and the receiver was placed to the terrier's ear. Instantly ho recognised his master's voice and began to frolic about and b&rk at a great rate. Two or three times after that the Chicago man repeated the performance and ho didn't mind the $10 or | 12 that It cost him In the least. WOX IIY TKI-KI'llONE. "Tlicro hnvo been various fiction etorlc& written which Involved proposals by tele phone , but I know of at least ono Instance ) In which nucli a thin ? actually occurred. The joune nian wo.BO pleased that when H was over ho told me all about It. He had been courting a girl ! n > an Ohio town , the name of which It Isci't necessary to give hero , and quarreled with her for panic fool ish reaped and had como , Intending to gall for Europe. Ho hod been thinking the matter over on the way , decided that he had been a fool , and when * lu- heard that an other fellow was after the girl inado up hla mind lo heroic measures. Fo ho oent a moraago to the girl in king her to como to the telephone , but not glvlnx hla name. When ho came lo the office to keep the up- palntroccit ho wa the most nervous fellow I over Haw , and I'll bet tint no man was ever more agitated In the actual prcsmco of lib charmer. Hut ho managed to get through the hiirtlncss somehow , and the result was BO aatlsfactory that the first thing ho wanted to know when , ho came out of the booth was how soon ho could get a train hack to the welt. "We have a good many queer orders to fill , and they are hecoin'og more numerous as the telephone comcn Into more general uae. Uist fall on opera einger had nego tiations undc-r way with some New York mrnagcra , They didn't want to engage her , however , without first hearing her voice. Slio was alnglng In Chicago at the tlmo and couldn't leave. The < difficulty was adjusted by telepho"o. The manageni came to rny ofllco , the woman sang before a big trann- mlttcr i Chicago and her tones wore heard with perfect clearness here In New York. The tent was BO satisfactory that une was engaged cci the tpot. "The newspapers printed accounts of our reproduction of Niagara's roar at the elec trical expedition and of the bounds of the grrat couod money parrdo In Chicago last year , and , an I eay , ouch orders are becom ing moro numerous. IN KAVOIl WITH POLITICIANS , "Ono class of men with whom the long distance telci'liono U In high fa\or are the politicians. Perhaps It IB because they prefer to trunk to spoken words rather than written onta , oveu wherg tUuo la not a Immense Bargains in Ready-Made Sheets and Pillow Slips Full Size Pillow Slips He ins tit died Pillow Slips ul Immansc llarjain in inM M\ \ FULL SIZE ATe o Fruit of the Loom Muslin Sheets full si/o shoots , .it. . Special Bargains in India Linoii 3(5 ( inch and 40 inch widths , full pieces , no remnants , at at15c 15c I9c IMMENSE BAR&AIN All the balance of our stock of Swansdowu Wrapper Flannel Sold as high as 19c a yard to close out will go tomorrow consideration ; perhaps It Is becausn of the facilities which the telephone gives for keeping in constant touch with events that are occuilng at distant places , hut certain It is Hint the politicians are among our most liberal patrnna. During the last presidential campaign Major McKlnlcy kept constantly In touch with the republican htnlqimrtcru both In New York and Chicago by means of the telephone , nnd he. received the ( list olllclal notice of his election In that way. When Important bills are under consideration In Albany the telephone wires cannectlng that city with certain officcu In New York are f.opt hot most of the time. The .1)lg ex.- changcs keep close watch of the tariff legislation and financial dlscurolons In con gress In the same way. President McKln- loy , by the way , Is the first chief magistrate to muko regular use of the telephone In the Whlto House for communicating with lila caiblnot ofllcera and congressional advisors. When he wants to speak to them , Instead of bending for them , as his predecessors did , ho stepa to the 'phono with a 'Hello , Gary ! ' or 'Is tint you , Gage ? ' and thereby saves a lot of time. "Sonio little tlmo ago some citizens or Montclalr , N. J. , anxious for Home now for.ii of entertainment , hit npjn what they called a 'telephone symposium. ' They ar ranged for special quick ccnncctlonB and then listened to short speeches , songs nnd jokcu from a dozen different parts of th country. Tlicro was a regular tlmo schedule and the range of cntcrtJlnment extended all the way from Cuynhoga Falls , O. , to DOS- ton. It was voted a great success , and iihown the poeslullltlcs In one of thn , as yet , un developed fields of tclephono usu. " run OLD TMIKIIS , John P. Allaire , who was ono of the party civ Fulton's first steamboat , died In Haiti- more Friday at the ago of 83 years. William Rarle Cooke of I'orlnmouth , It. I. , who haa Just celebrated his lOIat birthday , Is cald to bo the old cat Methodist and oldest I'reo Mason In New England. Thomas Ilobbp , now living In North Hamp ton. Vt. , at the ageof 02 , In ono of the few pereciu who saw Marrjuli il I/ifayetto lay the cornerstone of Dunltcr Hill monument Juno 17 , 1825. On Heiirll : Ilism's 70tli birthday , which will occur on March 20 , a complete German edition of hU works will be published at Ilerlin , In n noolnmiM , under the editorship of Dr. Julius Kilos. The Michigan chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution linn just presented gold spoon * to two real duaghtcra of revolutionary soldier. ! , Mrs. Harriet Kcltoi , aged 85 , and Mr . Do Wolf Toll , aged 100. General John A. Illraham , a member of the Thirty-eighth congrrm uud president of the court which tried Mrs. Burratt for con spiracy against the life of Abraham Lincoln , la now 82 years old and utmost penniless. Mr . Salllo Bhlver of Ocorgla baa 235 llv- liiij children , grandchildren n ] great-grand children. She has ueveaty-flvo descendants dead , making a to'al of 310. She vUHu each of the survivors every two jears and the event In al\va > H duly celebrated. A cor/.emporary of N'apolecn , against whom ho fought In several battles , hat ) just dltil In the IluJufulva Comltat , In Hungary. The old man's name was Alexander Kublnyl and ho had reached the remarkable age of 114 years. Among other engaKcmmU at which ho was present wen the atrnggle at Lclpilc , In 1813. Charles L. Tiffany , the fainouj Now York jeweler , has puscd liki SGth birthday. On arrlv'ng at the store lr > Ihu niornliiK ho found hlB ( look banked with flowers , from one bunch of which hung a cord bearing tlnte words , "Hearty congratulation * anil bf t wIshcH from the. 'bujw , ' " mcaaltiK the employes. Among them li CharUa T. Cook , who boa been with Mr , Tiffany for over IHty , years.